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CASA Group K

S. No.



6/4/2016 Who can be guardian for minor.

6/4/2016 Minimum period for keeping fixed deposit

define the relationship between a banker and

customer in the following cases a)deposit in the bank
6/4/2016 Minimum
for opening
a RD account
b)loan from
bank c)locker
7/4/2016 e)hypothecation f)collection of cheques

Why we do not issue chequebook to Yuva account

7/4/2016 holder

8/4/2016 how does money control exercised by RBI

The base rates for lending of banks are impacted by

8/4/2016 RBI by changing
8/4/2016 diff b/w pledge ,hypothecation and mortgage

8/4/2016 Diff bw IT rent excemption 1013A and 80GG

8/4/2016 diff bw demand deposit n time deposit

10/4/2016 What is Garnishee Orders?
11/4/2016 which was the first mutual fund started in India

Negotiable instruments Act deals with how many

12/4/2016 kinds of instruments? Name them
13/04/2016 What do u mean by endorsement of cheque? How many kind of endorsem

Abbreviation:1- CAMELS 2- SPNS 3- SWIFT 4- CAR 5-BCBS



1.What is mean by surrender value of an lic policy? against lic policy is an easily realisable
asset.why? we can creat the charge over the lic policy?

What is mean by Usance?

2 Define Probate
3 What does the word promissory note mean?
What is Retail banking?


Products included in retail deposit products

What is wholesale banking

NEFT transactions are settled daily in batches. At

present how many batches are there in a day?


Name the Indian statute or act which is applicable for

How many parties involved in type of promissory
note ; bill of exchange and cheque transactions



What is preferential shares

Nomination term is applicable for---- ac including---- not
Acts n section for nomination.


Safe deposits vault mode of operation jointly for thi

What is Resolution?
Which are method used for working capital sanctioned


Who can open NRE AC



What is traveller's cheque?


What is letter of credit?

Define Green shoe option.
What are derivatives n types of derivatives?
What is FIMMDA?


Is lei, a type of charge. If No, then what is it?


What's the difference between a bank guarantee and

a letter of credit?
What are the securities.
What is difference between a fixed income security and


What are callable securities

What is forward contract

How to Maintain Safe Distance from Income Tax


Do you want to keep an Arms Length Distance from

the Income Tax Department?
Under copra who can file a complaint?

CASA Group Knowledge Question Data

a)Natural guardian b)Testamentary guardian appointed as per will of the minor father c)legal

7 days

rupeesis debtor and customer creditor b)creditor and debtor c)lessor and lessee d)agent and
principal e)hypothecatee and hypothecator f)agent and principal

As minor cannot enter into a contract so we avoid issuing chequebook to them

cash reserves n liquid reserve ratio

pledge:movable ,possesion of the security remians with lender(pledgee) Ex:gold loan,Adv against
NSC hypothecation:movable,possesion of the security remains with the borrower ex:car/vehicle
rate ag
n bank
and debtors mortgage:immovable,possesion of the security usually remains with
the borrower

1013 A for those receiving HRA in salary and it has no ceiling limit 80GG is for those who dont hav
HRA in salary but it has ceiling of 10k in BOM

Demand deposit:*payable on demand*low interest rates or no interest*include

current,saving,overdue deposit n unclaimed deposit*interest is paid on quaterly basis in SB accoun
Time deposit *repaid after expiry of the deposit period*high interest rates which vary according to
TD from
7 days
120 months
with creditor
or without
It's an *order
of the
by a period
the funds
belonging to a
judgement debtor in the hand of his debtors ,including a bank ,who z called Garnishee ,advising no
to release the money until directed by the court to do so.

3 kinds,namely Promissory notes, bill of exchange and cheque

? How many kind of endorsements r there?Name them.
1- CAMELS - Capital Adequacy ,Asset Quality , Management , Earnings, Liquidity & Systems
2- SPNS - Shared Payment Network Systems
3- SWIFT - The society of worldwide Inter -bank Financial Telecommunications
4- CAR -Capital Adequacy Ratio
5-BCBS - Basel Committee for Bank Supervision

1.the value of life insurance policy which the insurer pays the insured if the policy is given up or
2.its value can be easily realised by the banker on the death of the customer.the formalities
required to be undertaken by the banker are few and not difficult to fulfil.
3.a charge over the lic policy in favour of banker may be created in any of the following two ways. assignment.the insurer assigns the policy in favour of the banker. equitable mortgage.the policy is deposited with the banker with a letter containing the
mortgagors promise to assign it to the banker at the latter's request.this method is not favoured by
the banker because of certain drawbacks namely the banker can't realise the amount of policy
without discharge by the assured.

The length of time allowed for the payment of a bill of exchange.

2 Define Probate
Ans - The review or testing of a will before a court of law to ensure that the will is authentic.
3 What does the word promissory note mean?
Ans- A promise by the drawer of the note to pay a certain sum of money on certain date to the
Retail bankingalso known as Consumer Bankingis the provision of services by abankto individual

Saving bank account

Recurring deposit account
Current deposit account
Term deposit account
Zero balance account for salaried class people
No frills account for common man
Senior citizen deposit account, etc
Wholesale bankingis the provision of services bybanksto organizations such asMortgage Brokers,

12 batches

For Banks lien act applicable is Indian contract act 1872 .There are two types of lien I.e general lie
n particular lien.
Two Parties involved in promissory note.for bill of exchange n cheque there r three parties involve
I.e.drawer drawee n payee

Shares on which a specific dividend is paid before any dividends are paid to equity shareholders,an
which takes precedence over equity in the event of a liquidation . Preferential shareholders don't
enjoy any of the voting rights of equity shareholders.

Nomination term is applicable for individuals including NRI AND MINOR NOT FOR NON INDIVIDUAL
NOMINATION CAME IN FORCE BY NOTIFICATION DT 29/3/1985as per section 45Z A to45Z F of the ba
jointly operated safe deposits max 2 nominees accepted

An official document representing an action on the part of the board of directors of a corporation.Fo
1)- turnover method-: manufacturing concern up to Rs 5crores and others up to 2 crores(fund base
Benchmark for WC current ratio - min 1.25 : 1.
NRI & PIO can open NRE ac

PIO -: A foreign person is deemed to be Indian origin if. ** He/she at any time held an Indian
** He/she or either his/her parents or any of his/her grandparents was citizen of India.
He /she is spouse of PIO/Indian citizen.
** citizens of Bangladesh and Pakistan do not qualify a

Cheque issued by a financial institution which functions as cash but is protected against loss or the

Aletter of creditis a document, typically from abank (Issuing Bank), assuring that a seller
(Beneficiary) will receivepaymentup to the amount of the letter of credit, as long as certain
documentary delivery conditions have been met. In the event that the buyer (Applicant) is unable
make payment on the purchase, the Beneficiary may make a demand for payment on the bank. Th
bank will examine the Beneficiary's demand and if it complies with the terms of the letter of credit,
will honor the demand.
The letter of credit states what documents the Beneficiary must present, what information they
must contain, and the place and date it expires. Beneficiaries who sell goods and utilize a letter of
credit as the method of payment have the assurance of the issuing bank that if they present the
documents stated in the letter of credit, the issuing bank will honor their demand for payment.

They are often used in international transactions to ensure that payment will be received where the
buyer and seller may not know each other and are operating in different countries. In this case the
seller is exposed to a number of risks such ascredit risk, andlegal riskcaused by the distance,
differing laws and difficulty in knowing each party personally. A letter of credit provides the seller
with a guarantee that they will get paid as long as certain documentary delivery conditions have
been met
Option of alloting shares in excess of announced number in offer document is called green shoe op
Derivative securities are those whose value depends upon the value of another assets (underlying
FIMMADA stands for The Fixed income money market and derivatives association of India ; volunta
Lei is not a charge. It's a RIGHT OF RETENTION

A bank guarantee and a letter of credit are similar in many ways but they're two different things.
Letters of credit ensure that a transaction proceeds as planned, while bank guarantees reduce the
loss if the transaction doesn't go.

Major difference between a LC and a BG is that the issuing bank does not wait for a default from th
buyer unlike BG where a formal request is made by the supplier to this effect. In this sense, a BG is
more risky for the supplier as he has to wait till the bank clears his dues. Bank is liable to pay in th
case of a BG in case of a default by the buyer whereas an LC is a direct responsibility of the issuing
bank. BG is therefore called a second line of defense while LC guarantees timely payments for the
supplier. LC is more of an obligation on the part of the issuing bank that has to transfer the funds
once criterion mentioned in the contract are fulfilled. LC is thus more for ensuring timely and corre
Securities are financial instruments that represent creditor relationship with corporation or gover
Holders of fixed income securities are creditors of the issuer not owners. Equity represent a share
Callable securities are those which called by issuer at predetermined time by repaying holder of
security a certain amount which is fixed under the terms of security

Forward contract is contract to trade in particular asset which may b another security at particular

On the basis of this AIR, the department shortlists their targets and further sends them a notice.
What do you mean by a Annual Information Report.
Annual Information Return (AIR) of high value financial transactions is required to be furnished
under section 285 BA of the Income-tax Act, 1961 by specified persons in respect of specified
transactions registered or recorded by them during the financial year.
Who provides the high value transaction information to prepare the AIR.

Mutual Fund Companies
Companies Issuing Bonds/ Debentures
Companies issuing shares
Credit Card Companies
Sub- registrar offices on real estate deals.

How can I trace my High Value Transactions reported under AIR.

The assesse can trace his/ her high value transactions reported under AIR, in their 26AS Report
under AIR section. Any transaction of the assesse which has been categorized as a High Value
Transaction, will be reflected therein.

In the end, one last question which everyone might have. How to avoid receiving a notice from the
IT department.
The most important step is to file your Income Tax returns on time and file them correctly.
Always re-check your Tax Credit with the 26AS statement.
Disclose all your Taxable as well as Exempt income under the right head.

1). A customer individually or jointly.

Any voluntary consumer organization. 3) centr
Packing credit is nothing but a pre shipment finance given to exporters with a law interest rate to b


Referred By
Shaniwar Peth


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Shaniwar Peth



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Bhusari colony

Ankita Priya

Bhusari colony

Ankita Priya

Bhusari colony


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Ankita Priya

Bhusari colony

Ankita Priya

Bhusari colony


Shaniwar Peth

Ankita Priya
Ankita Priya

Bhusari colony
Bhusari colony

Ankita Priya
Ankita Priya

Bhusari colony
Bhusari colony


Shaniwar Peth

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar

Ankita Priya Bhusari colony

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
f the banking regulation act1949

Ankita Priya Bhusari colony

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Ankita Priya Bhusari colony

Ankita Priya Bhusari colony

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Ankita Priya

Bhusari colony

Ankita Priya Bhusari colony

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Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar

Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar
Shaila GaikwadShivaginagar

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