Wasatch Wind Proposal For City of Monticello 2004

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WASATCH WIND Proposal for Monticello City Wind Resource Project Greg Martin City of Monticello June 8, 2004 From Tracy Livingston General Manager Wasatch Wind, LLC Heber City, UT Dear Mr Martin, The following quote reflects installation of up to 4 wind resource towers for a period of one year to evaluate the feasibility of development of a Wind Farm in the Monticello area. The quote includes the consideration that Wasatch Wind, LLC has exclusive right to all wind resource data for a period not to exceed three years from date of tower erection. During this period, Wasatch Wind LLC may elect to develop any or all sites or waive this right and the City of Monticello would then have co-rights with the landowner for use of the data, Prices reflect each tower installation: 60m wind resource tower lease with 3 sets of anemometers $8700 for wind shear determination Tower Installation $4000 Tower Dismantle (required only for sites determined unfeasible) $2000 Data Evaluation Nc —— Quote expires on Aug 9, 2004 14,700 Payment terms: Payment on installation and dismantle, } Tlook forward to hearing from you. x 4 _o Sincerely, é bo 5%, % Tracy Livingston Development Manager Wasatch Wind, LLC. Wasatch Wind, LLC # 357 W 910 S Suite A ® Heber City, UT 84032 « 435-657-2580 office « 801-280-4188 "Email: infn/Avuncatshvvind mam WASATCH WIND Proposal for Monticello City Wind Resource Project Greg Martin City of Monticello June 8, 2004 From Tracy Livingston General Manager Wasatch Wind, LLC Heber City, UT Dear Mr Martin, The following quote reflects installation of up to 4 wind resource towers for a period of one year to evaluate the feasibility of development of a Wind Farm in the Monticello area. ‘The quote includes the consideration that Wasatch Wind, LLC has exclusive right to all wind resource data for a period not to exceed three years from date of tower erection. During this period, Wasatch Wind LLC may elect to develop any or al sites or waive this right and the City of Monticello would then have co-rights with the landowner for use of the data, Prices reflect each tower installation: 60m wind resource tower lease with 3 sets of anemometers $8700 for wind shear determination Tower Installation $4000 Tower Dismantle (required only for sites determined unfeasible) $2000 Data Evaluation NIC Quote expires on Aug 9, 2004 Payment terms: Payment on installation and dismantle. look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Tracy Livingston Development Manager Wasatch Wind, LLC. Wasatch Wind, LLC # 357 W 910 S, Suite A # Heber City, UT 84032 # 435-657-2550 office # 801-280-4188 he 9004 favored | City of Monticella 17 North 100 East + P. 0. Box 457 + Monticelo, Utah 84535 + Phone (495) 567-2271 + Fax (436) 587-2272 FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX ** FAX To: Ann WEY) Fax Number: Hide tip. §0)~ 524-7140 f From: Greg Martin Date: 5/2/06 Subject: ACH Form Pages: Ze $$ Notes: ACH VENDORIMISCELLANEOUS PAYMENT ‘ome no. 1510-0056 ENROLLMENT FORM Eapiraton Date 988095 ‘This form is used for Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments with an addendum record that contains payment- related information processed through the Vendor Express Program. Recipients of these payments should bring this information to the attention of their financial institution when presenting this form for completion PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT ‘The following Information is provided to comply with the Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-879). All infor- ‘mation collected on this form is required under the provisions of 31 U.S.C. 3322 and 31 CFR 210. This information will be used by the Treasury Department to transmit payment data, by electronic means to vendor's financial institution Failure to provide the requested information may delay ot prevent the receipt of payments through the Automated Clearing House Payment System. ‘AGENCY INFORMATION fnaewey oENT res ——[RoeNEY COEATION TOUT TATE ENF STRAT | Loco. Dom Derr PAYEE/COMPANY INFORMATION Te OF Noes LS "PD Box 4S Woerenceue, br _ 84535 TREAT Brame aes, S221 FINANGIAL INSTITUTION INFORMATION [eae pel Zaage Yon'k 7 ww lafech UT 84585 7 — aca ORT Baie Dick Pisano | tht» G87 2285 ‘DEPOSITOR ACCOUNT TITLE: Che of Mundicelo ee re Bfcnecnine Dlsavines Deockwox HBS GBT -2a95 | Reser AGENCY COPY Instructions for Completing SF 3881 Form 1. Agency Information Section — Federal agency prints or types the name and address of the Federal program agency originating the vendor/miscellaneous. payment, agency identifier, agency location code, contact person name and telephone number of the agency. Aso, the appropriate box for ACH format is checked. 2. Payee/Company Information Section — Payee prints or types the name of the payee/company ‘and address that will receive ACH vendor/miscellaneous payments, social security or taxpayer ID number, and contact person name and telephone number of the payee/company. Payee also verifies depositor account number, account title, and type of account entered by your financial institution in the Financial Institution information Section. 4. Financial institution Information Section — Financial institution prints or types the name land address of the payee/company’s financial institution who will receive the ACH payment, ‘ACH coordinator name and telephone number, nine-digit routing transit number, depositor (payeetcompany) account title and account number. Also, the box for type of account is checked, land the signature, tile, and telephone number of the appropriate financial institution official ‘are included. Burden Estimate Statement ‘The estimated average burden associated with this collection of information.. is 15 minutes per re- spondent or recordkeeper, depending on individual circumstances. Comments concerning the accuracy of this burden estimate and suggestions for reducing this burden should be directed to the Financial Management Service, Facilities Management Division, Property and Supply Branch, Room B-101, 3700 East West Highway, Hyattsville, MD 20782 and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (1510-0056), Washington, DC 20503 INVOICE INVOIGE NUMBER CARHART FEED & SEED, INC. INVOICE DATE 256000 P.0. BOX 55 SALESPERSON NO. 09.21.06 DOVE CREEK, CO 81924 DUE DATE Zi DISCOUNT BATE "10.01.06 6303 ).67722233 “PAE _ 0921-08 & ee POND TO a ha, - Timé) 3433 PM MONCEO CITY OF MONTICELLO P.0. BOX 457 MONTICELLO, UT 84535 ¥ TEMNUWSER | BeSeReTION 5 [coresion 06-000-015 CATTLE PANELS 51.90 Set, eae ie Hae |oar dees suBTOTAL | SALES TAX. | INVOICE TOTAL 51.90 51.90 51.90 inva INVOICE NUMBER InvoIce DATE, IGE P.O. BOX 55 eee: 09.19.06 DOVE CREEK, CO 81324 pee anes 2 (303) 677-2233 PAGE 09.19.06 MONC8O : 7 TEM NUMBER [sc NSN : Hele] 10414908 : / € Cee / — sueroral | SALES TAK | INVOGE TOTAL [AMOUNT PAI” | -BALANGE | CHANGE DUE” 551.88 551.88 551.88 | a eames SN ee ets Aer er 2) «| 6 al ial eel SETVEST SIOSOUTHSUTEA reser ur Soe SL nd See mse HSS [GR Da OCP ops “sens a] ie [ae Tekan Dasa ‘BH HERS OE. Cingid wees amo 2576 O86 CBS Congd seers neo 0a Receipt No: 103867 ep, 2008 ‘SAN JUAN COUNTY MSC REVENUE-COUNTY GRANT-WND 0000 Tea 500.00 cneck (ork Nor 39853 atl Appi: Change Tendered 0 (2708106 036m WN TREASURER mmspaaenan 033851, ~ san guax county see a a PO BOX 817 atenee *) MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 \ DATE 98/29/2008 MOUNT + 550.99 “Gitvot Montiel. * alin: Greg Martin PO Box 457. “Morticello, UT 64535 0338S ai" 2400005h 5&6 hObbK | TREASURER /woSitzttt G22 ess | VeNoOR: 55800 Cy of Monto Check tsve Dae: ooAABRBOL | INVOICE NUMBER DESCRIPTION NET AMOUNT | ouza2008 14265 Wind drernetsr Study 500.00 Anemometer TOTAL "500.00 a CARHART FEED & SEED, INC. BOX 98 CITY OF MOMTECELLO P.O. BOX 45 MONTICELLO, MT Bass! REOK TERRY SO57 — OPP. OF. 2F.O6 Tr N6OOO — OF.Z1,.08 10.01.05 In fore 30 BO To 5° 603.78 0.00 a6 to ° By 00 30 10.02.06 MONCRO sSi.ee Sot.ee 51.90 B4.90 To 4ne 6.00 QUNTS DUE BY LOTH OF THE MONTH, ...THANKE FOR YOUR BUSINESS... 603.78 120 and Over 6.00 ANDERSON & ANDERSON, P.C. 's PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 81 EAST FIRST SOUTH P.O. BOX 215 | MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535-0275 | ROBERT ANDERSON PHONE (435) 587-2028 DDANIEL @. ANDERSON FAX 495) 587-2228 March 20, 2006 United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Re: Wind Resource Assessment Feasibility Study Dear USDA: As counsel for the City of Monticello, San Juan County, Utah, this letter provides the following information: 1. The City of Monticello is a duly organized and recognized public body. 2. The City of Monticello has the legal authority to operate and maintain the wind resource assessment for wind feasibility study, the project application to which this opinion letter is attached. Very truly yours, ANDERSON & ANDERSON, P. By. Daniel G.“Anderson, President DGA‘ca USDALTR United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development Salt Lake Gly, Uian September 14, 2005 Greg Martin Monticello City P.O. Box 457 Monticello, UT 84535 Dear Mr. Martin: We regret to inform you that your Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) request and your Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG) were not selected for funding during this fiscal year. They were not selected for funding due to a large number of competitive RBEG and RBOG requests received nationwide for the limited amount of RBEG and RBOG funds available from the National Office Reserve. Your requests will again be considered for funding during the next fiscal year, which begins October 1, 2005, and ends September 30, 2006. Please note however, that projects selected for funding from the first funding cycle in fiscal year 2006 will likely not be announced until March of 2006. We look forward to working with you to successfully fund your projects. Sincerely, a od C Business & Cooperative Programs Director USDA-Rural Development 125 South State St, #4311, Salt Lake City, UT 84138, Phone (801) 524-4028, Fax (1) 524-4408, Cormmited to the future of eval communities LUSDA Is an Equal Opportunity Lender, Provider, and Employer. To fle complaint of dscrimination wite USDA, Director, ‘Office of Chil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington DC 20250-8410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) oF (202) 720-6982 (TDD). USDA me 22. United States Dopartment of Agriculture Rural Development ‘Salt Lake City, Utah October 6, 2004 Greg Martin City of Monticello P.O. Box 457 Monticello, UT 84535 ‘Dear Mr. Martin: We regret to inform you that your Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG) and your Rural Business Opportunity Grant (RBOG) requests were not selected for funding during 2004 fiscal year. They were not selected for funding due to a large number of competitive RBEG & RBOG requests received nationwide for the limited amount of funds available from the National Office Reserve. ‘Your requests will again be considered for funding during the next fiscal year, which began October 1, 2004, and ends September 30, 2005. Please note however, that projects selected for funding from the first funding cycle in fiscal year 2005 will likely not be ‘announced until March of 2005. ‘We look forward to working with you to successfully fund your projects. Sincerely, Richard Cartig Business & Cooperative Pr USDA-Rural Development 425 South State St, #4311, Salt Lake City, UT 84138, Phone (801) 624-4020, Fax (801) 624-4408 Commit tthe ture rl communes ural Developments an Equal Opportunity Lender, Provider, and Employer. Complaints of ciscriminaion should be sent 10 USDA, Director, Office of Cail Rights, Washington, D. C. 20250-9410 SOUTHEASTERN UTAH ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. 575 South Cabo Ave. PO, Daswer 106 Price, Ui 84501 (495) 657-5444 FAX 1495) 697-448, Drew Sirvenud Chaasuw Williaw D. Howell Brcurve Dieecror Federal Action State Action x Approved (x)Yes ( )No Other (indicate) Applicant Address: City of Monticetio P.O, Box 457 Monticello, UT 84535 Phone Number: _Greg Martin 435-587-2271 Title/Project Description __ Wind Energy Feasibility Study - Funds from Rural Development - Rural Business Enterprise program will be used to hire a consultant who will conduct a wind energy feasibility study in the Monticello area to determine if there is sufficient resource to develop a large scale turbine project. [ ]No Comment [ ] See comment below Comments: _ Approved on 6/10/04 at SEUAOG Executive Board Meeting. feed 6/10/04 SEUALG DATE, ‘Anes Agency om Aci + Sul Business Development Cewtee + Business cubariow + Commiry DeslopnitPlawing + Comunity Seevices + Econovsc Developvent Hrrrp:/imww.seualg.dstut.us . firstiniallastname @seualg.dstut.us Printable Report - Account History Page 1 of 17 Account History Welcome: TRENT SCHAFER Role: Company Administrator Active Group: Group 1 Dato Printed: 09-28-07 at 07:25 AM PDT ‘Account: 046-0800014 -Am« $2,081.00 634.31 Balance Detail - Begining Day Balances aé of 09202007 fvalable Balance Account History - All History - . a Ds Descriptions OS (09/28/3007 MEMO POST INVESTMENT INTEREST PAYMENT ‘$19.92 (Pending) 09/28/2007 MERCHANT SERVICE MERCH DEP 070926 548024030027 5112124 (Pending) 09/28/2007 MERCHE-SOLUTIONS MERCH DEP 070927 000490300041, $143.00+ (Pending) 09/28/2007 RD TREAS 310 MISC PAY 092807 876000250122 §2,880.00+ (Pending) 09/28/2007 DEPOSITED CHECK $410.25 (Pending) 09/28/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP CREDIT $228,448.52+ 09/27/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP DEBIT $228,448.52. 09/27/2007 CHECK # 28827 ‘$35.00 09/27/2007 CHECK # 28850 $40.00 09/27/2007 CHEGK # 28864 $118.00 09/27/2007 CHECK # 23874 $209.00 09/27/2007 CHECK # 28829, $269.22 09/27/2007 CHECK # 28836, $1,241.85 09/27/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP INTEREST PAYMENT, ‘520.22 08/2712007 11 TREAS 310 MISC PAY 092707 876000250124011 RMT*IV"432021, 361.70+ 3101036151 8760025012401 0912712007 11 TREAS 310 MISC PAY 092707 876000250124011 RMT"IV"187701 365.10 3101036151 876000250124011 091271200711 TREAS 310 MISC PAY 092707 876000250124011 RMT*IV"14101\, $88.85+ 3101036151 8760025012401 091271200714 TREAS 310 MISC PAY 092707 876000250124011 RMT*IV*B0101\, $104.00 3101036151 8760025012401 09/27'2007 11 TREAS 310 MISC PAY 092707 876000250124011 RMT*IV*67601\, $107,654 3101036151 8760025012401 0912712007 MERCHANT SERVICE MERCH DEP 070925 548024030027114 $218,234 MONTICELLO CITY CORP 1841010148 548024030027114 9/27/2007 DEPOSIT $1,783.07+ 09/27/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP CREDIT $228,412.74 09/26/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP DEBIT $228,412.77 09/26/2007 | CHECK # 28451 $18.25 09/26/2007 CHECK # 28842 $18.95 (09/26/2007 © CHECK # 28846 $758.70 09/26/2007 | CHECK # 28807 $3,087.51 (09/26/2007 CHECK # 28815 $3,138,60 09/26/2007 CHECK # 28808 8,299.98 09/26/2007 CASHED CHECK # 28908, $209.00 09/26/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP INTEREST PAYMENT $20.67+ 09/26/2007 DEPOSIT $6,690.30+ 09/26/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP CREDIT 9238,114.60+ 09/2/2007 STAGECOACH SWEEP DEBIT $238,114.60 09/25/2007 | CHECK # 26877 '357.00 09/25/2007 | CHECK # 28555 $100.00 09/25/2007 CHECK # 28797 $160.00 Printable Report - Account History Page 4 of 11 09/21/2008 MERCHANT SERVICE MERCH DEP 060919 5480240300271 14 $336.45+ MONTICELLO CiTY CORP 1841010148 548024030027114 09/21/2008 RD TREAS 310 MISC PAY 092106 676000250122004 $23,900.00+ RMT*SY"876000250""""""*CITY OF MONTICELLO \REF*L3101036151 876000250122004 09/21/2008 RETURN ITEM CHARGE - PAPER MN 060921 $58.50 09/20/2008 CHECK # 26667 $1,041.98 09/20/2008 CHECK # 26601 ‘$51.00 (09/20/2008. CHECK #26731, $3,978.02 09/20/2008 CHECK # 26732 ‘$30.00 09/20/2008 CHECK #26740 $49,870.00 09/20/2008 CHECK #26741 $31,962.00 09/20/2008 CHECK # 26743 $929.68 (09/20/2008 CHECK #26757 $224.36 09/20/2008 CHECK # 26760 $570.71 (09/20/2008 CHECK #26767 $72.03, (09/20/2008 CHECK #26773 $991.98 09/20/2008 DEPOSIT $8,127.33+ 09/19/2008 CHECK # 26688 $9,330.78 09/19/2008 CHECK # 26690 $270.39 (09/19/2008 CHECK #26705 $280,137.58 09/19/2008 GHEGK # 26738 $114.36 09/19/2008 CHECK #26744 $6,944.62 09/19/2008 CHECK #26770 ‘$40.63, 09/19/2008 CHECK #26774 $925.84 (09/19/2008 CHECK #26778 $647.00 09/19/2008 CHECK # 26782 $339.00 09/19/2008 DEPOSIT $36,282.90+ 09/19/2008 EPA TREAS 310 MISC PAY 091906 876000250680112 RMT*IV-EFTH# $154,72.67+ 80091 REQUEST# 4***""AP33LAS VEGAS3101035151 8760002506801 12 (09/19/2008 IRS USATAXPYMT 091906 220666200838249 MONTICELLO CITY $5,194.17 CORPOR 3387702000 220866200838249 (09/18/2008 11 TREAS 310 MISC PAY 091806 876000250124011 RMT*IV"67601\ sti8.84+ 3101036151 876000250124011 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26692 $28,611.90 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26720 $153.32 09/18/2008 CHECK #26729 $324.06 09/18/2008 CHECK #26745 $1,793.13 09/18/2008 CHECK #26746 $0.13 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26749 $1,187.81 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26750 $356.13 09/18/2008 CHECK #26751 $332.98 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26753, $585.90 09/18/2008 CHECK #26754 $1,500.00 09/18/2008 CHECK # 28755, $625.85 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26756 $580.44 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26758 $119.37 09/18/2008 CHECK #26761 $300.14 09/18/2008 CHECK #26763 $516.80 09/18/2008 CHECK #26764 $331.89 09/18/2008 CHECK #26769 $1,187.83 09/18/2006 CHECK # 26775 $1,074.74 09/18/2008 CHECK # 2876 $1,251.96 09/18/2008 CHECK # 2877 $019.17 09/18/2008 CHECK # 26779 $1,425.37 09/18/2008 CHECK # 28780 1,067.84 (09/18/2008 CHECK # 28781 $915.90 09/18/2006 DEPOSIT $4,745.32+ 09/18/2006 RDEV TREAS 310 FEDPREAUTH 091806 876000250122004 31,362.00 REF*LD°52-019-0876000250-01*RURAL DEV PROG LOAN- 3101036909 876000250122004 09/15/2008 CHECK # 26621 $389.64 09/15/2008 CHECK # 28622 $1,089.90 09/15/2008 CHECK # 26624 $637.10 09/15/2008 CHECK # 2683, $1,095.95 09/15/2008 CHECK # 28687 $720.00 09/15/2008 CHECK # 28689 $2,764.70 hitps://wellsoffice.wellsfargo.com/bam/AccountHistoryPrint/index,jsp?AccountHistoryFi... 10/16/2006

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