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Question 1: What will happen if standard units were not used in daily life?


International System of Units or System International (SI) is an

improved metric system adopted by the Eleventh General Conference of

Weights and Measures in 1960. It is the universal measuring system (SI) used
in all areas of science throughout the world. The entire SI system of
measurement is constructed from seven base units, each of which represents a
single physical quantity. Like earlier versions of the metric system, the SI
units can be designated as decimal fractions or multiples by the use of
appropriate prefixes.
Here are some SI units:

1. The SI unit of length is the meter or meter.

2. The SI unit of mass is the kilogram.
3. The SI unit of time is the second.
4. The SI unit of temperature is the kelvin.
5. Ampere is the fundamental unit of electric current in the SI.
6. The SI unit of quantity or amount of substance is the mole.

If we didnt use SI units, it will be difficult to do many things such as

counting etc.

Question 2.What is human made of?

The human body is generally made up of a head, neck, torso, the two arms
and the two legs. Up to 60 percent of the human body is made up of water,
the brain is composed of about 70 percent water and the lungs are almost 90
percent water.

The human body is made of water, fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and
minerals. 60% of body weight is water; 20% fat (slightly lower for men), and
20% is a combination of protein.
The human body is made up of several cells and tissues that form each area.
The body contains organs, blood, and other materials to support life in each
person's body.
The six main elements that are present in the body are: 1) 65% Oxygen 2)
18% Carbon 3) 10% Hydrogen 4) 3% Nitrogen 5) 1.5% Calcium and 6) 1%
Humans are considered to be complex organisms as the numerous organ
systems present in it work simultaneously and help the human body work. The
complexity of the body lies in the simultaneous working of the organ systems.

Question 3. How this model applies the concept of float and sink?
Similar to boats and ships, submarines use the concept of up thrust to sink or
float. Up thrust is created by water that is pushed out of the way (displaced)
by an object. Submarines change their weights depending on whether they
wish to dive under the water or rise to the surface. If a submarine is about
to dive, its weight is increased by pumping water into large tanks. When the
weight of the submarine is greater than the up thrust it creates by displacing
water, it begins to sink. The more water that is pumped into the tanks, the
heavier the submarine, and the faster it sinks. When the submarine has
reached the required depth, some of the water is pumped out of these tanks
to decrease its weight. When the up thrust and weight are equal, the
submarine will neither rise nor sink. It will remain at that depth. If the
submarine is to surface, more water is pumped from the tanks so that the up
thrust is now greater than the weight.

Question 4. What are the following familiar objects? How can you describe
them if you didn't know what they were?
People describe objects in many ways using sizes, shapes, colour and textures.
A property describes how an object looks, feels, or acts.
Properties of all objects.
Objects take up space.
All objects take up space. Your computer is taking up space on the desk. You
are taking up space on the chair.
Object has mass.
Mass is how much there is of an object. Mass is related to how much
something weighs. Mass and weight are two different things. The unit for
mass is a gram. A nickel has the mass of about one gram. Objects that take
up space and have mass are called matter. Everything around you is made up
of matter. Chocolate cake is made up of matter. You are made of matter
Physical properties- The measurement of mass and other
characteristics that can be seen without changing how that object looks are
its physical properties. When you look at oranges, you know that they are
oranges because of their color, shape, and smell. Mass, color, shape, volume,
and density are some physical properties. The answers to the question about
the present are physical properties.
Density is an important physical property. Density is
the mass of a substance per unit volume. Volume is the amount of space an
object occupies.
Chemical properties- These are properties that can only be
observed by changing the identity of the substance. A piece of paper burns
and turns to a black substance. After the flame goes out you can no longer
burn the new substance. The chemical properties have been changed.
States of matter:

Properties describe matter. A block of wood, milk and air all have properties.
All the material on earth is in three states-solid, liquid, and gas. The "state"
of the matter refers to the group of matter with the same properties. In
other words, you group the objects together according to their properties.
Gases which can be stored as liquids under pressure in this way are
propane and butane (sold under trade names such as Calor Gas and Camping
Gas), sulphur dioxide and ammonia and many others. (The very special case of
carbon dioxide is discussed later.)

Question 5. This diagram below shows a factory releasing chemical wastes into
a river:

Factories, while producing industry and food for human consumption, contribute
to the pollution of the environment.

The waste that results from factory production often ends up in the soil
and aquifer and subsequently in streams and rivers. Waste also contaminates
the air, contributing to smog, poor air quality and acid rain. Waste can also
originate from farms -- thousands of animals kept in small confines produce a
vast amount of waste, which enters the surrounding soil and water supply
Water Contamination
Common substances that end up in lakes, streams and rivers
include mercury, asbestos and petrochemicals. Plants and animals that live in
waters near factories ingest these substances, possibly leading to mutations or
death. In addition, power plants raise the temperature of surrounding bodies
of water. This temperature change increases the amount of oxygen in the
water and kills many species that are not adapted to higher temperatures.
Whenever products are produced in factories, byproducts are also created.
Harmful byproducts that are released into the air include carbon monoxide and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which damage the ozone layer. Sulfur gases
released into the air can cause acid rain, which damages crops and
contaminates water supplies.
Soil Pollution
Construction projects and large mining operations
discharge cement and solvents into the ground of the work

site. Plastic

products are often left behind and can become poisonous to animals and plants
that live and grow in the surrounding areas.
Effects On Humans and Animals
The food chain is often
contaminated, starting with contaminated water, which is ingested by small
animals that are then eaten by larger animals. This is commonly exhibited in
fish, which can become poisonous for human consumption when caught in
contaminated bodies of water.
Use compact fluorescent light bulbs:

It is true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much longer and
they can save energy and in the long term your electricity bill would be

You have tons of clothes or things you want to get rid of. If they are still
usable, give them to someone who needs them. You may also choose to give
them to associations. These associations may sell them and collect a little
money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also contribute
to a good cause.
Turn off your devices:
When you do not use a house device, turn it off. For example, if you don't
watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave a room (even if you
intend to return.) It's an easy habit to take up which will help you save a lot
of money
Walk or cycle:
Driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. If you want to use your car,
ask yourself the following question: do I really need my car? Walk or use your
bike if the journey is a short one.

Follow the recommended dose of detergent to wash your clothes or dishes.
Leaky faucets:

Watch leaky faucets, which can cause a significant increase in the water bill.
An average of 120 liters of water can be wasted due to a dripping faucet.
Think of recovering rainwater. This water can be used for different purposes.
This list is far from being exhaustive but in addition to saving the
environment, all these tips will help you save money.

How do human do to prevent the environment from kinds of pollution?


Government should improve the law (punishment) to the people who

polluted the environment.


Factory should have proper chemical waste management system such as

waste water proper treatment plant to protect our environment.

Question 6.

In the context of physical sciences, several forms of energy have

been defined. These include[need quotation to verify]:
Radiant, that of electromagnetic radiation
Nuclear, that of binding nucleons to form the atomic nucleus
Ionization, that of binding an electron to its atom or molecule
Intrinsic, the rest energy equivalent to an object's rest mass
Heat is just that amount of thermal energy being transferred (in
a given process) due to temperature differences.
Mechanical work is just that amount of energy being transferred (in a given
process) due to an applied force.
How we can use energy efficiently?
Set your thermostat between 78 and 80 degrees during warm months. During
colder months, a thermostat setting of between 68 to 70 degrees is
recommended. For every degree that you raise or lower your thermostat, you
save 7 to 10 percent on heating or cooling costs.

Use a programmable thermostat to manage your daily heating and cooling

needs. Try a free CPS Energy Savers Smart Thermostat.
A home energy management system can save you up to 10% on
heating and cooling costs by helping you keep tabs on your HVAC, electric hot
water heater and/or pool pump. Try CPS Energys free Home Manager.
Try ceiling or portable fans to circulate air and make a room feel cooler.
Turn off the television, fan and lights or lamps when you leave a
Buy CFLs or LEDs to replace less-efficient incandescent bulbs.
Purchase energy-efficient appliances and products. Check
the Energy Guide label and look for the ENERGY STAR logo when purchasing
these items. Take advantage of our home efficiency rebates!
Turn off or unplug electronic devices, such as
computers, power tools, cell phone chargers, digital cameras, and MP3s, when
they are not being used.
Reduce your use of hot water take short showers, use cold water to
wash clothes, etc.
Try natural gas instead -- Gas water heaters, dryers, and cooktops are more
energy efficient than their electric counterparts. Consider a Natural Gas
Perform a home energy audit, through CPS Energy Savers, to reduce common
Heating and Cooling Tips
Minor changes in your habits can result in major savings on your monthly bill.

Water Heating Tips

Think conservation when using hot water in your daily routine and save energy
as well.

Appliances and Home Electronics Tips

Be wise with many of today's modern conveniences.

Lighting Tips

Perhaps the easiest and more effective home improvement you can make.
The importance of conserving energy
A first reason for conserving energy is that we use energy that often comes
from the burning of fossil fuels. Industry, transport and the generation of
electricity largely use fossil fuels. When these fuels are burned they release
carbon dioxide that has been sequestered away for millions of years. This
extra CO2 is adding to the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and
contributing to an enhanced greenhouse effect. This is causing the planet to
warm up dangerously.
Another reason for conserving energy is to save oil. We are often reliant on
other countries for oil. If we can find other renewable sources of energy,
then we can keep the oil for other uses, like plastics. Soon we will run out of
oil and the oil prices will increase as we dig deeper and farther.

Energy conservation is a hot topic nowadays. It is known that the temperature

of the earth is rising every year. This is due to the fact that CO2 is
emmissed into the atmosphere. Also heat is emmissed into the atmosphere.

Being that heat is a form of energy, one can easily see why we should
conserve our energy.

Nowadays researchers are working on sustainability. This means that

processes are changed to reduce heat emmission and make use heat more
effective. This means that part of the heat can be reused, which is an
another benefit for heat conservation.

The downside of heat conversation is an economical one. It costs more money

to make more sustainable processes and to have less heat emmission. This is
why the sustainability process is going slowly and our earth temperature is still

The world is running out of coal and oil. After these 2 resources become
scarce nuclear energy can still be used.
Nuclear Power plants produce much more energy with much less than Fossil
Fuels, which produce less and cost more.

Well operated nuclear power plants don't cause pollution, unlike the burning of
Fossil fuels.


Nuclear energy is extremely dangerous. 2 nations, Russia and the United

States have nuclear weapons that can kill every person on the face of Earth.

What if there was a nuclear war, or if Terrorists got them...we'd be in


Accidents in Nuclear power plants may occur. This is caused by a radiation or

hydrogen leak, which will explode the entire factory like a bomb and the area
around it.

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