The Gnat - Stephan Belchef

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The Gnat - A Message from Stephan Belchef

[Photo from Jake Bajai - Favourite Vehicles on Flickr]

I have just lost a few hours on the web when I found your site and the story about
Flannan Isles and then the story about the Gnat.
I live in Christchurch, New Zealand and I used to have a Gnat when I was a lad. Also
my Uncle used to be the manager of the local factory that produced Gnats. I always
thought that the Gnat was a local idea something made in Christchurch only, now I
am going to do some more research into the subject.
The Gnat is long gone but still have the rear wheels and the front wheel, mine was
powered by a Villars engine that had a three speed gear box? Plus you could put the
Gnat into reverse by stopping the engine and turning the starter key to the left. I was
told this changed the power to the engine thus putting it into reverse.
My Uncle said the engine was used in invalid cars? I believe what killed the Gnat off
was the first three wheel all-terrain bikes, Honda etc that came in the 1970s.
My family have a bach/crib at a sea side place called Birdlings Flat, Banks
Peninsular. It is a beach/bight that is 90 miles long and as a number of small rivers
and two large rivers that flow out to the sea crossing it. I used to go miles down this
beach, beachcombing the beach and surrounding area is all shingle and alluvial.
The story mentions Aimers McLean of Galshiels who made the Gnat and someone
who wants to set up Gnat in Galshiels as a monument? I don't mind you forwarding
my e-mail address and name to them. My surname comes from Macedonian; my
Mum comes from Derbyshire and her Dads family came from the Borders. Its a
bloody small world especially when someone writes about Gnats.

Thank you
Stephan Belchef

[Photograph of The Gnat on the Flannans - courtesy of Richard Evans]

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