Fahimul Islam

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Fahimul Islam

fahimsoftdev@gmail.com | (214) 2818723

Current Role
Senior Java/J2EE Developer at Date Western Union, ENGLEWOOD, CO
Englewood, CO | Relocate? Yes | Green Card Holder
Desired Role: Senior Java/J2EE Developer
Previous Role(s):
Sr. Java Consultant, Broadridge Financial Sol
J2EE Developer, National Small Industries Corp. Ltd
Experience: 8
Acitivity Date: 09/07/2016

J2EE .............. 7 | 2016
Database .............. 7 | 2016
Java .............. 6 | 2016
JDK .............. 5 | 2016
SunOS .............. 5 | 2016
Hibernate .............. 4 | 2016
Spring .............. 4 | 2016
IOC .............. 4 | 2016
JNDI .............. 4 | 2012
Apache Maven .............. 4 | 2016
JSP .............. 4 | 2016
Eclipse .............. 4 | 2016
Design patterns .............. 4 | 2016
SOAP .............. 4 | 2016
Web services .............. 4 | 2016
Ajax .............. 4 | 2016
MVC .............. 4 | 2016
Framework .............. 4 | 2016
JavaScript .............. 4 | 2016
jQuery .............. 4 | 2016

Work Preferences
Relocate: Yes
Preferred Location:
Authorization: Green Card Holder
Telecommute: No
Travel: %
Hourly Rate: 0

Salary: 0
Tax Terms: Contract - Corp-to-Corp, Contract to Hire - Corp-to-Corp
Security Clearance: No
Third Party: No

Fahimul Islam
214-281-8723 |
Professional summary
JAVA: 7 PLUS years of Programming experience in Java 2.0/1.1/1.0, JDK 2.0/1.4/1.3/1.2, J2EE 2.0/1.1,
J2ME, IBM Websphere 6.0/5.0/4.0/3.5/3.0, IBM, Struts framework, JSP, EJB 3.0/2.0/1.1 (Entity, Session
Beans and Message Beans), Servlets, Struts, JDBC, JNDI, JSF, Hibernate, JMS, JavaScript, AJAX, Web
Services, Mule ESB, AWS, XML, Swing, Applets, AWT, JDBC/ODBC,DHTML, DB2 UDB, C++, C,
PostgresSQL, Unix, CGI/PERL, Shell Scripting, Rational Rose 2000A, Rational XDE modeler, IBM Visual
Age 4.0, Visual InterDev 6.0, JBuilder 5.x, Visual Source Safe 6.0, Hibernate 2.0
J2EE: 7 years of Proficient experience in developing applications using J2EE Design Patterns like
creational, structural and behavioral design patterns (MVC Architecture, Singleton, Factory, Faade,
Service Locator etc). J2EE Enterprise Application architecture using UML (Unified Modeling Language),
IBM Rational Rose and MS Visio and J2EE technologies (JSP, Servlet and EJB), with Design Patterns
and open source frameworks like Struts and Hibernate
SDLC: 7 years of software development experience in object oriented programming, design and
development of Multi-Tier distributed, Enterprise applications using Java and J2EE technologies with
Software Development Life Cycle.
Web & Application Servers: 7 yearsof extensive experience in Programming, Deploying, Configuring,
Fine-tuning and Administering Application & Web Servers such as WSDL, SOAP, IBM Websphere
6.0/5.1.1/5.0.1/4.0/3.5/3.0, IBM Websphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD) 5.0/4.0, Eclipse IDE
3.0, WSAD/RAD 6.0 and Web Logic Workshop 8.1, BEA Weblogic 8.1/7.0.2/6.1, Apache Tomcat Web
Server 5.0.25, Apache HTTP Server, iPlanet Web Server 6.0, JBuilder, JBoss 3.2.3 & Java Web Server
Messaging:Strong EAI background using IBMMQ Series 5.3.1/5.2, MQSI 1.x/2.x, JMS for integrating
Legacy Enterprise Applications, Experience in build tools ANT and MAVEN
XML: Strong XML experience using XML 1.0, XSL, XSLT, DTD Schema & SAX/DOM, XSL, HTML,
DHTML, CSS, XSD, XMLSpy, XSLT, XML Beans, Castor and JavaScript. Experienced in parsing (DOM
and SAX) XML using JAXP API.
Architecture: Proficient in the design, development and implementation of Model-View-Controller (MVC)
using Struts 1.x Frameworks, Design Patterns and DAOs, J2EE Architecture, SDLC, Software
Engineering, Design Patterns, Object Modeling, Data Modeling, Project Management, UML, RUP
Methodologies in Rational Rose.

Databases: Experienced with RDBMS implementation and development using Oracle 8/8i/9i/10g,
PL/SQL, SQL Server 2000 and DB2.
Oracle Java SE 7 Programmer
Oracle Java EE Web Component Developer
Brain Bench Spring 2.5
Brain Bench Hibernate 3.0
Server Scripting
Client Scripting
Java Frameworks
Database Tools
Version Control
Build Tools
Continuous Integration
XML Tools
XML Technologies
Webservice Tools
White box Testing
Black box Testing
Application Servers
Web Servers
UML Tools
ORM Frameworks
Defect Tracking
Batch Jobs
HTML Editors

Windows 2000/NT/ XP/Vista and Sun Solaris 2.8/2.9, UNIX

JDK 1.5, 1.6, 1.7,1.8, C, C++
JSP1.2,2.1, JSP-EL, JSTL, Custom Tags
JQuery 1.8,1.9, JQueryUI, Dojo, ExtJS, AngularJS, JavaScript, CSS2, CSS3,
HTML4, HTML5, NodeJS, Bootstrap
Struts 1.2, Struts 2.1, Spring MVC,DI, AOP, JSF 1.1, JSF 2.1, GWT, Vaadin
Toad for Oracle, Toad for MySQL, Toad for DB2, Toad for MS-SQL, ERWin,
Altova Database Spy, MySQL Workbench,
DB2, MS-SQL Server, HSQLDB, PostgresSQL, MySQL
Tortoise SVN, Rational Clearcase, Accurev, GitHub, CVS
Eclipse 3.0, 3.1, MyEclipse 4.1, IntelliJ, Netbeans, JBuilder 2007, JDeveloper.
ANT 1.7,1.8,1.9, Maven, Gradle
Jenkins, Hudson
Altova XML Spy 2005,2008
SoapUI 4.0,5.1, TcpMon
Axis 1.0,2.1, JWSDP2.1, Sun Metro, Sun Jersey, Apache XFire, Apache CXF
Junit 3, Junit 4, DBUnit, JUnitPerf, HttpUnit, LoadTest, TimedTest, Selenium,
Fitnesse, EasyMock, Power Mock
JMeter, LoadUI, LoadRunner, HP Quality Center, WinRunner,
Weblogic 8.1, 10.0, Websphere 6.1, JBoss 4.0, Glassfish 4.0
Tomcat 5.0,6.0,7.1, Joans
Altova UML Model, Rational Enterprise, MS Visio
Hibernate 3.0,3.1,4.1, TopLink, OpenJPA, iBatis
JIRA, Bugzilla, Rational ClearQuest
Agile (XP, Scrum), Rational Unified Process(RUP), Waterfall, Kanban
iReports, JReports
Quartz Scheduler, Cron, Spring Batch
MS-Frontpage 2003, Adobe Dreamweaver, Coffee Cup HTML
Velocity, Freemarker

Search APIs

Solr, Lucene

Date Western Union, ENGLEWOOD, CO May 2014 Present
Senior Java/J2EE Developer
WU-Money Transfer Application: Development, Support and Maintenance of Western Union Production
Website for 14 New Framework Countries (US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Spain, Netherlands, France,
Germany, Etc.). Includes Money Transfer flows like Money in Minutes, Mobile Money Transfer, Direct to
Bank, Quick Collect, Bill Pay and Money Transfer Status
Roles & Responsibilities:
Collaborated with the Business Analysis team and Project Architect to analyze the requirements and
implemented the functionality usingspring 4.0, Hibernate 2.0 for persistence and SpringMVCfor frontend development.
Created & maintained the configuration of the Spring Frameworks IoC container.
Created CSS Layouts from wireframes.
Converted ANT scripts to Maven.
Deploy application to AWS and monitored the load balancing of different EC2 instances
Implemented continuousintegration using Oracle Hudson.
Wrote unit tests using Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology.
Implemented business validations with custom valuators.
Integrated Navigation capabilities into the pages.
Used JavaScript for Client Side manipulation in JSP pages.
Extensively used Hibernate Query Language (HQL) for data retrieval from the Oracle 10g database and
process the data in the business methods.
Used Hibernate annotations to map java objects to the database.
Applied Hibernate Validator constraints for data checks.
Implemented Hibernate and Spring's DAO layer together offer a high performance, productive approach
to persist Plain Old JavaObjects (POJOs).
Web services were built using Spring and CXF operating within Mule ESB; offering
both REST and SOAP interfaces.

Defining and developing of message flows in Syndication Server using Mule(ESB provider) to manipulate,
enrich or route the data from one business unit to another
Build SOAP Web Services based on AWS (Amazon Web Services).
Wrote declarative transactions using spring framework for transaction management at service layer.
Implemented JQuery UI Theme roller to implement theming for the client.
Used AngularJS to implement client side filtering & sorting.
Used NodeJS for continuous client side deployment.
Performed Hibernate performance tuning for Oracle database.
Used Java Excel API (JExcelApi) to generate spreadsheets in Excel.
Performed refactoring of the code for better performance.
Performed activities like team co-ordination and code review.
Provided troubleshooting for applications in production to achieve a better performance. Responsible
for maintenance and enhancements to the application doing code changes and bug fixes, which included
debugging Java code. Fixed performance issues, out of memory issues, minimized network trips by using
proper design patterns. Optimized SQL queries causing performance problems.
Used JConsole and JProfiler to monitor the application performance issues.
Used Subversion for source control management.
Environment:JDK 1.7, Spring 3.1(DI, MVC, Spring Integration, AOP), Hibernate 4.0, JAX-RS
WebServices, JAX-WS WebServices, Apache CXF, JQuery 1.9, JQueryUI, AJAX, AWS, UML, MS Visio,
JSTL, Oracle 11g, WebLogic 12.1, Eclipse 4.2, Junit, XMLSPY, SOAPUI 5.1, Log4j, Maven 3.1, Mule
ESB, Accurev, PMD, Bootstrap, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, Toad, Maven, Hudson, TcpMon, Sun Jersey,
Junit 4.1, Power mock, Selenium, JIRA, Rally, Free marker, Apache POI, Quartz Scheduler, TcpMon,
JConsole, JProfiler, Subversion, NodeJS, JExcel
Broadridge Financial Sol, EDGEWOOD, NY Nov 2012 Apr 2014
Sr. Java Consultant
Transaction Service Bus (TSB): TSB is a rules based middleware brokerage product which will process
the transactions that the incoming messages from clients and sends to different kind of settlements
systems and it will give the acknowledge to clients about trading status.TSB will handles the account
open and account amend processes for trading partners by selecting the parsers, adding the rules to
incoming message and constructing a new message which are understandable by counter parties. TSB
also handles the message serialization, account processing status management, election management
and cash management
Roles & Responsibilities:

Involved in Full Cycle of Software Development from Analysis through Design, Development, Integration
and testing phases.
Designed and developed the system using Spring MVC and SOAP based web services to integrate
multiple applications.
Integrated SOAP based web services into the web application to enable payments and claims through
mobile apps
Expertise in distributed, secure and scalable application development using J2EE technologies
like Servlets, JSP, Struts, Spring Core, Spring MVC, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Service
Development (Using SOAP and REST) and Hibernate.
Implemented the soap based web service and ensured the 100% availability of the system
Conducted reviews with the technical architects and ensured code quality standards are met in the project
Performed continuous Jenkins Build integration and deployments to the various environments and
aligned the release implementations.
Worked with business analyst and business partners to provide solutions and derived the digitized
Implemented state-specific business logic in Java code using spring configurations.
Reviewed code and developed Junit test cases for all complex business scenarios and ensured 100%
code coverage
Involved in the upgrade process of Spring 2.0 to Spring 3.0 and Hibernate 2.x to Hibernate 3.0 to take
advantage of new Spring and Hibernate features.
Implemented different types of Spring controllers as per application requirements, DAO and service layer
components usingspring/Hibernate API and Spring/Hibernate annotations. Extensively used Hibernate
Extensively used Spring IOC, configured Application Context files and performed database object
mapping using Hibernate annotations.
Developed client request validations and processing using JavaScript and HTML.
Troubleshooting of high volume and transaction and connection pool related issues in production and
refactored code to fix the issues.
Used SVN version control tool.
Used Jasper Reports as a reporting tool.
Deployed applications on Web logic Application Server and performed required configuration changes.
Involved in multiple high priority releases with aggressive deadlines.

ENVORINMENT:JDK 1.7, Spring 3.1(DI, MVC, Tran Management, Integration, AOP), Hibernate 4.0, JAXRS WebServices, JAX-WS WebServices, Apache CXF, JQuery 1.9, JQueryUI, AJAX, UML, MS Visio,
JSTL, Oracle 11g, WebLogic 12.1, Eclipse 4.2, Junit, XMLSPY, SOAPUI 5.1, Log4j, Maven 3.1, Accurev,
PMD, Bootstrap, AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, Toad, Maven, Hudson, TcpMon, Sun Jersey, Junit 4.1,
Powermock, Selenium, JIRA, Rally, Freemarker, Apache POI, Quartz Scheduler, TcpMon
AIRTEL BANGLADESH, DHAKA, BANGLADESH Jan 2011 Nov 2012 Sr. Java Developer
IT Management System(ITMS) and Inventory Management System(IMS): ITMS is an IT issue logger
system maintained and designed for managing ticket for IT support, monitoring, tracking, generate
management report and managing resource to ensure smooth IT support. ITSM maintains all incoming IT
support request and record the log of progress done by assigned person by maintaining user access
control, marking progress status, pending issue listing and IT activity log entry. Design, implement and
maintain IMS an Inventory Management System; capable to maintain requisition entry, commercial
approval, audit department approval, monitor stock condition, purchase order generation and produce
management report.
Performed Requirements Gathering, Design, Development, using SPRING framework, JavaScript,
AJAX, JQuery and NodeJS.
Developed technical design documents and high-level architecture design.
Used front end design technologies like JSP, HTML, JavaScript and CSS to enhance the functionality of
the application.
Designed and implemented functionality using technologies such as Multithreading, Exception
Handling, Collection APIs to implement various features and enhancements.
Involved in Unit, Integration and System Test and maintain application.
Developed Components for retrieval, population and updating of data from/to Oracle database
using JDBC.
Implemented the Model View Control (MVC) design pattern with JSP, Servlets, and JavaBeans to
control the flow of the application in the Presentation/Web tier.
Involved in all phases of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
Worked with JAXB, XML Schema for exporting data into XML format and importing data from XML format
to database.
Implemented mailing service using Java Mail.
Developed programs to manipulate the data and perform CRUD operations on request to the database
Developed the application using Spring IOC to communicate with the persistence layer.
EJB's were used for the implementation and development of application components and to incorporate
the business logic.

Co-ordinated with team using GIT repository to modify or update the code.
Performed code build and deployment using MAVEN.
Developed the application using Eclipse IDE tool and deployed it on WebSphere Application Server.
Involved in Production Support and Maintenance of the application.
ENVIRONMENT:Java, J2EE,Spring, Eclipse, SOAP, Web Services, Tiles framework, Hibernate, Service
Locater Pattern, JSP, JNDI,Java Mail, SVN, Servlets, HTML, CSS, XML ,GIT, EJB Session beans, JDBC,
Oracle 9i,JavaScript, JMS, Web Sphere Application Server, Maven, UNIX.
National Small Industries Corp. Ltd., DhakA, Bangladesh Aug 2008 Dec 2010
J2EE Developer
Design and Implementation of IDSM using LDAP: The objective of this project is to centralize the NSIC
organization's employee information, group access and authentication information. In order to accomplish
this, we need to design the Schema and Directory Information Tree (DIT) of the organization to populate
the initial database. Other is to implement Internet Directory Service Client (IDSM) to access and manage
the Directory Information.
Designed and developed prototype of the whole model according to client specifications.
Feasible study was being conducted on the problem which is the entire System and Analysis and Design
Designed Object, Dynamic and Functional Models which are part of OMT model.
Developed low-level and high-level design.
Implemented Internet Directory Service Client (IDSM) to access and manage the Directory Information.
Designed and developed custom user controls for a plug and play kind of implementation.
Apart from basic testing specification testing and performance time testing were also performed.
ENVORINMENT: JDK 1.2 , JSSE , JNDI, JFC, Swing, Sun/Netscape Alliance iPlanet Directory Server 2.1
(LDAP Server), Sun/Netscape Alliance iPlanet Directory SDK 2.1, Windows 2000 Advanced Server,
Windows 2000 Professional.
Bachelors in Computer Sciences and Engineering

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