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Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol

Draft decision ] /CMP.5

[Til o!lfc ren'e o.fth~ Parli . serving as tIp 111 etint: of III Parlie to the KyofU Pr fOe t,

Recalling its deci~ion II MP.I,

R c gni-in8 that Annex I Parti s should continue to lake the lead in mbatino climate

Welcollles prograehi ved by til Ad Hoc Working Group on FUl1her Comm.itments for
Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol on it" work pUI"uant to decision 1/ MP.I.

Ackno\\'ted illg th report· of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitment' for
Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Pr tocol fr mit. . 'ssions to date and the result of the w rk of this
group pursuanl to deci. ion IICMP.I,

I. Agrees that:

(a) Further commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol shall
[principally] take the form of [quantified emission limitation and reduction
objectives][quantified economy-wide emis ion reduction objectives];

(b) Annex I Parties shall individually or jointly implement their [quantified emission
limitation and reduction objective Hquantified economy-wide emission reduction
objectives] with a view to reducing their aggregate anthropogenic carbon dioxide
equivalent emissions of greenhollse gase~ by at least [XI per cent below 1990 [or Y
per cent below 2005] levels by [2017][2020] [and by [75-85] [at least 80-95] [more
than 95] per cent below 1990 levels by 2050];

(c) Emissions trading and the project-based mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol
should continue to be available to Annex I Parties as means to mcettheir emission
reduction targ 'ts and will be improved [in accordanc with decision Xl MP.5
(decision on emissions trading and Ihe proj' I hased m ('honisms)l;

(d) Measures to limit Or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to enhance
removals resulting from anthropogenic land u Iand-u e change and fore try

(LULUCF) activities should continue to be available to Annex J Parties as means to

reach their em.ission reduction targets lin accordance with decision XlCMP.5
(decision 0/1 LULUCFJ];

(e) That the aggregate carbon dioxide (C02) quivalent treatment of GHGs provided for
in Article 3 of the Kyoto Protocol (also known a the '"basket approach ) should
continue to apply;

2. Wetcom s information on [quantified emission limitation and reduction objectives] Lquantified

economy-wide emission reduction objectiv J provided by Annex I Partie and compiled in the
appendix to this decision;
3. Requesl the Ad Ho Working Group on Further Commitm nt· for Anne' I Parti' under the
Kyoto Protocol:

(n) To continue it work and report the re, ults of its work pursuant to decision I1CMP.1
as s on as po ibl and no lat r than at the onference of the Parti er in a the
Meeting of th Panics to the Kyoto Protocol at its 6[1". n ensuring coherence
with miti ation commitments of develop d counlry Pal1i under the Convention:

(b) To idenrify m an. for Parli . t r port on the nvironm nLal, e n mic and s cial
c n,equen e, including pillovereffect, ftool', poli:cie . m asures and
methodologi s available to Annex I Panie' and to identify way' to minimize these
n equc-n [tcking inl con ider"tion d isi n -I MP.5 on ideration f
information on potentiaJ environm mal conomi and . 'jal con.. u nees.
including spi II-over effecl • of lools polici ',m ur~"j;

(c) To a,. the implications of the carry-over of a icrncd amount units n!h cale of
emj ion reductions to be achieved by Annex I Partie in aggregate. a part of its
work pursuant to decision II MP. I.
Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention

Draft decision lICP.15

[The C01~fere,.,ce of th Parties,

PllrSIIII/f to the Bali Action Plan (deci 'ion I/CP.13l, and r cognizing Ih ne d ~ rlong-t I'm

coop rative a tion to enable the full, effective and sustain d impl mentation of Ihe nvention now, up
10 and bey nd 012,

Gil; I d by the ultimal obj cliv of lhe onv ntion, a' slaled in Articl 2

R calling the principl"-, provisions illld commilm nl' set forth in rip onvcntiol1, in parti ular
Ihe provisions of Article' 3 and 4,

A(so r;ecalling the spe ial nalional circum tan e. f Parlies under oin the pro ess of tr n ilion
to 3 market economy, a stat d in Article 4 para raph 6 of rhe Con ention and reI vanl decisi n' by lhe
onf r nee f the Partie', and of Partie who e pecial circumst,mee' are recogni d by d .cLi ns of th
Conferenc of th Parlies,'uch a' deci ion 26/CP,7,

A knOll (edging Ihe important and ongoing role of the Kyoto Protocol ilil contribtlting to rh
ullimate objective of the Convention,

Halling considered Ihe work of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Lon -I 1'111 Cooperative Action
under lhe Conv ntion pursuant to paragraph 2 of deci ion I/CP.l3,

Reaffirming rhe political commitment :lIld renewing the global partnership 10 combal c1imare
change and to addres existing deficiencies in the implem ntation of the Convention.

Notil/g resolution 1014 of the United Nations Human RighL Council on human rights and climate
change, which recognize that human beings are al the centre, of concern for ustainable d velopm nt.
and rhe importance of respecting MOlher Earrh, its e o'ystems and all its nalural beings,

Mil/djul thaI the adverse effects of climate change have a range of direct and indirecI
implicarions for rhe full enjoyment of human righls, including living well, and that the IT cts of climale
change will be felt mOsl acutely by those parts of rhe popularion lhat are already vulnerable owin' 1.0
yourh, gender, age or disability,

R coglli::.ing the right of all narion· to survival and that sustainable development and po erty
eradication ar the first and overriding priorities of developing country Partie,

Also recogl/hllg the important role of food production sysrems in mitigation and adaplation

Further,. ogni::.ing that a broad range of stakeholders needs to be engaged on global, regional,
national and local levels, be they governmental, including ~ubnational and local government, private
business or civil society, including the youth and persons with disability, and that gender equality and the
effective participation of women and indigenous peoples are important for effective action on all aspects
of climate change,
Deeply ollcerlled aboulthe finding" of the Fourth Asse ment Report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change that the climalcystem is warming as a consequence of human acrivity,

Re ogni::illg rhat adverse effects cue already evident and widespread, particularly in vulnerable
regions of the world, and that a delay in prompt and sufficient global emission reductions will lead tQ
significant additional cost for both mitigation and adaptation, constrain opportunitie to achieve lower
stabilization levels and incr a e the risk of large-scale, abll.lpt and in-ev rsible impacts and breaches of
critical climate thresholds,

A.ljirlllins therefore Ihe need for deep culs in global greenhou. e gas emissions and early and
uroent undertaking. Lo accelerate and en han e the implementation of the onvention by all Partie. 011
the basis of equity and in accordance with their common but differentiated reo ponsibilities and re pective

Acknmr/edging thatlhe largest hare of historicaJ and current global emi sion of gr~cnhousc
oases has originated in developed countries and that owing to this historical responsibility, develop d
country Parties must take the lead in combating climate change and the adverse eff ct thereof [by
adopting ambitiou quantified, legally-binding, conomy-wid dome-tic emi. ion reduction
commitments or actions, and by providing, adequate financial, technological and capacity-building
SUPP01'l to developing country Partie ),

COl/tl/lllillS that policies and mcas'll!"

to respond to climale change shall be imp! mcnted in such
a way as to minimize adverse effects on other Parties, especially developing country Parties,

Acklloll'led >il/g further that developing country Partie-' are aLready contributin cr and will continue
to contribute to a global mitigation effort in accordance with the. provisions of the Convention and could
enhance their mitigation actions depending on the provision of means of implementation by developed
country Pal1ies,

Reali<,ill8 that addressing climate change requires a paradigm shift towards building a low-
emission society that offers substantial opportunities and ensures continued high growth and sustainable
development, based on innovative technologies and more sustainable production and consumption. while
ensuring a just transition of the. workforc that creates decent work and quality jobs

[Affirming our firm resolve to adopt one or more legal instruments under til Convention
pursuant to decisions taken al COP 13 and COP 15 as soon as possible amd no later Ihan COP 16.1

[Decide to adopt this political accord to become operationaJ immediately, I

A shared vision for long-term cooperative action I

Agr es that

1. The shared vision for long-term cooperative action, including a long-term global goal for
emission reductions shall guide and enhance the full, effective and sustained implementation of the
Convention in order to achieve its objective as sel out in its Article 2. It integrates the building blocks of
the BaJi Action Plan and addresses mitigation, adaptation, technology development and transfer,
financing and capacity-building in a balanced and comprehensive manner; in panicular, it give equal
weight to action on adaptation and mitigation;

? A long-term aspirational and ambitious global goal for emission reductions. as part of the
shared vision for long-term cooperative action, should be based on the best available scientific
knowledge and supported by medium-term goals for emission reductions, taking into account historical
responsibilities and an equitable share in the atmospheric space;


I Titles are included solely to assist the reader.

(a Part ies shall cooper:Ite to avoid dangerous climate change, in k eping with the ultimate
objective of the Convention, recognizing [the broad scientific view] that the increase in
global average temperature above pI' -industrial levels ought not to exceed [2 C] [I S'C]
[IOC][prec ded by 21. paradigm for equal access to the global atmospheric resource l;

(b) [Parties should collectively reduce global emission by at least [SOl [85] [95] per cent
from 1990 levels by 2050 and should ensure that global emission continu to decline

(c) [Developed country Parties as a group should reduc their gre nhou e gas em.issions by
[[75-85] [at least 80-95] [more than 95] per cent from 1990 levels hy 2050] [more than
100 per cent from 1990 levels by 2040];]

3. [Parties should cooperate in achieving the peaking of global and AaiiOtliH emissions [as
soon il, PO' 'ibl ] [in 2015] [in 20201. recognizing that the time frame for peaking will be longer in
d veloping country Partie and bearing in mind that social and economic dev lopmenr and poverty
eradication are the first and overriding priorities of developing country Parties and that low-emission
dey lopment i, indiispen tlble to Sllstainable development; ]

4. [Predictable. sustainable, adequate and new and additional finance should be provided
for adaptation, mitigation, technology and capacity-building. International public finance should enable
and reflect enhanced action by dev loping countri s and be sub tanlially increased over time [with a
view to reaching the order of [x] billion dollars by 2020;] To he c,l8Ben:Io'e8: (1 hmg {cml t;AlJ!jAl'
.fil/(w em g,. ]
5. [PartIes will ensure that measures underLaken to combat climate change, including
unilateral ones, should not constitule a means of arbitrary unjustifiable or a disguised restriction on trade,
through the effective application of Article 3.5 of the Convention in accordance with Decision -fep.IS
(Enhanced national/international action on mitigation of climate change: economic and social
con guences of response measures)] Te ,~e e.'(1hm·8wd: fHe~lisiell ell :r€uJe me8SNres (refercnce Ie AN. 3,
pW'Cls'rflph 5 ef :he C'flW.'C//:iAII);]

6. (Consistent with the provisions of the Convention, the Conference of the Parties shall
periodically review the overall progress towards the achievement of the ultimate objective of rhe
Convention, and the adequacy of the long-term global goal for emis~ion reductions and the commitments
and action. on mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer and capacity-
building. The review should take into account:

(a) The best available scientific knowledg , including the assessment report of the IPCC as
well as relevant technical, social and economic information;

(b) Ob.erved impacts of climate change, especially impacts on particularly vulnerable

developing countries;

(c) The need to prevent and minimize negalive impacts of climate change aDd response

(d) An assessment of the overall aggregated effect or the steps taken by the Parties in order
to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention and the shared vision;]

7. Based on the review, the Conference of the Parties shall take appropriate action;

8. [Fut1her modalities of this review shall be determined by the Conference of the Parties.
The first review shall start no later than 2014 and be concluded no later than 2016. Subsequent reviews
shall be conducted every four years;]
Enhanced action on adaptation and its associated means of implementation

Agree rhal

9. Adaptation to the adver effec of climate change [and/or I th impact f the

implementation re pan' mea ur s] i a hallenge faced by all Partie. and that enhanced aeti nand
nnternalional 0 p ration n adaptati n i urgently required to nabl and up ortth implem ntalion of
adaptation actions ~Iimed at reducing vulnerability alld building r ilien e in d v I pillg oUlltry P 11ies,
especially in th lhal are p rticularl vuln rableL.e p ially lea t developed countn . 'mall i. land
d velopin o Stal sand countrie in Afrie affe t~d by drought. de crtification and flo d ].

De ides
10. To tablish pursuant to decision -fCP.IS ( ~nhanced acti n on adaptation):

(a) The Copenhagen Adaptation [framework] [Programme];

(bl [An] [A] [Adaplation oIl1nliuec] [Subsidiary Body on Adaptati n] rAd isory B d)' on
Adaprati Il];

(c [An International Mechani IJ1 to addr .: I s and damage)'

(dl rArranO'emcnt for reporting and a e

e) [An international adaptation centre and regional ce.ntr ;]

(f) rA process for least developed coumrie Parties is to be tablished to f rmulate and
implement nationaJ adaptati n plans that build upon th experience of the nationall
adaplation programme of action as a m ans of idenrif ing medium and long-term
adaptation needs and de eloping strategie al/ld programme> to addre·· those needs];

Agrees 111m

II. Developed country Parties hall provide adequate predictable and sustainable financial
re.ources, technology and capacity-building to support the implementation of adaptation action in
developing country Parties:

Enhanced action on mitigation and its associated means of implementation

Nationallyappropriat mitigation commitments or action by developed country Parties

{Agr es thar

12. Pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs I and 2, of th Con ention d veloped c untry Partie
sRaU undertake. individually or jointly, legiHly siRsiRg nationally appropriate mitigation commitlll nt or
actions, rincludingJ[expre sed as] quantified economy-wide emi 'sion reduction objective' reflected in
appendi . 1 with a view to reducing the collective greenhou ega emi ions of developed count.ry Parti s
by [at lea 't 25--401 lin the order of 30J [40] [45][49][ 'I per cent from [1990] [or Z0051 I vels by

13. Developed country Parties shall prepar low-emi ion plans for long-term emi sian
reductions 0 as to contribut to the achiev menl of the objective t au! in paragraph _ abov ;

14. The efforrs of developed country Partie, to reduce their greenhollse a' emission' shull
be comparable in [legal form. magnitude of] effort [and provisions for measuring reportin a and
verification and shall take into a count tn
ir national circumstance and historical r pan ibilitie I;

15. D. lop d country Parti 'quantified conomy-wide emi ion reduction obj ctive shall
be formulat d as a p rcentag reduction in gr nhou. gas emi.jons [for th peri d] [from 2013 to
20201 [ ar 2020], compa d to 1990 or another ba e ear [adopt d und r the onv ntion];

I. [For fRose Anne,x I Parlies Ihal are Pi:lrlies to IRe Kyolo Prolocol, IRe ql:lillllified
e€,oRomy wide en'lission rSdtlctiol1 objectives shaH se Ihose aesl'lted for tAS second cOfFllHitment periOEi
l:H'Ider rhe K)'olo Prolocol inscribed in AnneK B of lhe Kyoto ProteGeI as amenEied and al!io lisled in
af3~endi)( 110 this deeision; for olher ARne" I Parties the agreed qUHnlified em:ission redl:lClioA
ol3jeetive!j !ihall be Ihose Iisled iA appendix I 10 Ihis deei:iioA];

Agrees that

17. [Developed cQuntry Parties shall achieve their quantified economy-wid mi sian
reduction objective [primarily] through domestic efforts·]

18. [The role or land use, land-use chang and forestry in meeting quantified econoilly-wide
emission reduction objectives shall be in accordance with guidelines to be adopted by the Confer nee of
the Partie ;]

19. Nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions by developed country Parties

shall be mea ured reported and verified in accordance with existing and any further guidelines adopted
by the Conference of Parties, [taking inlO account the relevant provisions under the Kyoto ProtocoljlaJld
shall ensure that accounting of such targ ts is rigorous, robust and transparent);

20. [Principles. modalities. rules and guidelines to promote compliance with_by developed
country Partie' 'hall be developed];]

Nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties

[Option I:

A 'rees that

21. [[Pursuant to Article 4, paragraphs 1 and 7, of the Convention,] Qg veloping country

Parties sJ:taH [under]take. nationally appropriate mjtigation a tions, nab! d and support d by financ ,
technology and capacity-building and [may undertake] autonomous mitigation action., together aimed at
achieving a [substantial] [meaningful] deviation in emissions [in the order of 15-30 per cent by 2020]
relative to those emissions that would occur in the absence of enhanced mitigation, and prepare low-
emission development plans, recognizing that the extent of enhanced mitigation by the e countries
depends on the level of availabl"upport;

Option 1: Takes nllte of

• X is equal 10 lhe sum of reduclions by Partics

77 Information on enhanced mitigation actions by developin.) unlry Partie, as contained
in 311pendix n to thL decision'
[Option 2: Agrees 'hal

?2bis D v loping country P,u·ties impl ment, a reflected in appendix ti, aUlOnomous
mitigation actions as well as nationally appropriate mitigation action t be implemented al taking into
account international suppon; I

[Option 3: Agrees thai

ntcr D "eloping country Parties that ha e hosen to comll1unicat actions for Ii. ting in
appendix n r olve to implement them]


23. To establish a mechanism pursuant LO decision -fep.15 ([Mechanism LO R cord

Mitigation Action and Facilitate Matchin of Support]):

(a) To record naLionally appropriate mitigation actions. support'd and enabled by finance
and technology [and autonomou. miti ation actions][in a registryl[in a national

(b) To fa ilitate the matching of support provided through the financialmechani 111 and from
bilateral and multilaLeral sources, with nationally appropriate mjti ation actions for which
supporl is sought;

(e) [To ensure measurement, reporting and verification of nationally appropriate mitigation
actions, supPQl1ed and enabled by finance" technology and capacity building and of the:
finance, technology. and capacity building provided to supporLthose actions];

Agrees that

[23 bis. 0 veloping country Parties will, every 2 years, conununicat information on nationally
appropriate mitigation actions reflected in appendix II in accordance with Article 12 of the Convention);

24. National communications, inch:ldiAg greenhouse gas il1'ie"lltorie~.;, shall be prepared by

developing country Parties and submitted to the Conference of the Parties very [X] years, and
gTeenhouse gas inventories shall be prepa.red and subrnitled every [VI years, with llcxibility for the least
developed countrie and 'mall island developing State, in accordance with revised guidelines 10 b
adopted by the Conference of the Parties;

25. Information on [planned and implement'ed] rnitigation actions of de.veloping country

Parties, supported and enabled by finance, technology, and capacity building [and the re ults of national-
level verification of autonomous mitigation actions by developing countries] shall be provided through
national conununications [covering mitigation potential and the overall framework for climate policyl
and shall be [as 'essed at the national level] [can idered in a [review][consultative.l proc " under the
Conwntion], in accordance with guideline to be adop~ed by the Conference of the Panics;]

26. NatioRall)' appropriate mjtigatioR actions supported b)' finance, technology and capaciry
buildiRg, &hall be subject to measurement, reporting and verification in accordance with guidelines to be
adopted by the Conference of the Parties;
7. Developin a country Partie ·hould. in accordance with the provisions contained in
decision -ICP. J 5 (REDD-plu 2), contribute to mitigation actions in the forest sector by undcJ1aking the
following acti vities:

(a) Reducing emissions from deforestation;

(b) Reducing emissions from forest degradation:

IC J Con rv:ltion of fore t carbon 'to k ;

(d) Sustainable management of fore 't;

e) Enhanc m 111 of fore t carbon stock

:!8. Enabling activitie' carried out by d v loping country Parti • such a preparation and
elaboration of low-emission dey lopment plans, prepara~ion of national ormnunicalions anJ gr nhollS
ga inventories, and planning and elaboration of nationally appropriate mitigation actions. and related
capacity-building, shall be supported on the ba -is of the a reed full c sts:

'29. Developed country Parties shall provide new and additional financial resourc ,
technology and institutional capacity-building support for nationally appropriate m.itigation actions on
the basis of agreed full incremental costs, in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 3. 5 and 7, and Article
II. para!Traph S, of th onventionJ

[Option 2: AllerAatives sl:Iggested by Parties]

Other aspect of mitigalion


30. To [establish] lprovide for] a forum to consider actions to address the impact of the
implcmenlation of respon 'e measures on Parties referred to in Article 4, paragraphs 8, of the Convention,
in accordance wilh guidance to be agreed by the Conference of the Parties, pursuant to decision -ICP.lS
(Response measures);

31. To pursue various approaches, including opportunities to use markets. to enhance the
cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, in accordance with decision -ICP, 15 (Various
Approache 'J;

Agre s that

32. [To be elaborated: policy approacAes and A1easure~; to limit and redl:ICe greeRhoU/ie gas
emission.; from aviation and marine el:lRker fuels][As a mailer of urgency. the limitation and reduction of
emissions of greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol from aviation and marine bunker
fuels hould be puulcd working through the International Civil Aviation Organization and the
International Maritime Organization, respectively. [taking into account the principles and provisions of
the Convention,l [a.: applicablellwithout distortion of competition and carbon leakage,l

(a) [To et mid-term and long-tenn global goal for mitigation of greenhou ega ml '$Ions
from aviation and marine bunker fuels to be achieved through the application of their
policy approaches and measures [of X per cent and Y per cent. respectively, below
XXXX levtds by 20XX]l

o In Ihis lex!. "REDO-Plus" refers to "policy approaches and posilive incentives011 i, sues relaling to reducing
emission. from deforestation and forest degradalion in developimg countries; and Ihe mIt of conservalion,
sustainable management of fore IS and enhancement of foreSl carboll stocks in developing countrie ,".

3, Partie: should undertak , eloral approaches and sector-sp cific action to nhan lhe
implementation of Arti Ie 4 paraGraph I c. in agriculture pursuant to decision -f P.IS (Agriculture;

Enhanced action on the provision of financial resources and investment

Agre's rhelt
34. The financial rn chanLm under Articl II of theonventi n ,hall be furth r
operalionaliz'd to ensure full and effective implementation nf the onvention in particular ommitmcnts
contained in Artiel 4. paragraph 3,4, 5, 8 and 9, and in the context of Article 4, paragraph 7;

35. Scaled up, new and additional. predictable and adequate fundinq shall be provideclto
developin country Parti s in a ordanc with Article 4, parao-raphs 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9 of the Cony ntion,
to nab-Ie and suppon enhanced action on miti<ration, including REDD-plu adaptation, technology
development and transfer and capacity-buildin r , for enhanced implementation of the Convention [after

36. The main source of funding through the financial mechanism shall be new and additional
financial resource' provided by developed country Partie;

37. Pri vate-sector financing and other innovative ources of fund ing 'hall supplement the
provision of public financial resources'

38, [[Developed country Parti J[AII Parties, except lea t developed countries,] shall
provide [, beginning in 2013] pFO,,'ide resol:lrces based OR aR[asse ed] [iRdic8ti ...e] G€ale of cORtributioR!.j
to be adoptee b)' the CORfereAce of Parries] [and based on an indicative as e sm nr][gradually increasing)
[financial contributions enabling and reflecting increase' in mitigation actions and adaptation efforts by
developing countrie .] [In order to increase predictability and scale the Parties shall regularly a ess
contributions against indicators of fairne s ba ed on GOP and emission level' taking into account the
level of development. On this basis international public finance should [be substantially increased over
time) [reach the order of Ix'i billion usa in 2013, increasing to the order of [y) billion in 20201];

38bis. [The conference of the Parties shall adopt provisions and arrangements for how
int rnational auctioning and cap-arid-trade systems could be and international some of funding for
climate change actions in developing countries:]

38ter. [For mitigation purposes the funds shall develop different incentive mechani,m to
encourage ambitious actions in all developing countries according to their own priorities and
circum tan . funding should primarily be delivered through results-bas d m\,;chanism']


39. A lFinance Board] of the financial mechanism shall be established under the guidance of
and be accQuntable to the Conference of the Partie to undertake [overview][over. ight], facilitative and
ve-rification functions. pursuant to decision -fCP.IS (Finance);

40. That a Climate [Facility] rFund] ['hall be][is] established as an operating entity of the
financial mechanism of the Convention to support projects, programm , policies and other activities
related to mitigation. including REDD-plus, adaptation. capacity building, technology development and
Agr s rhaf

41. The Conference of the Pani s shall adopl pro isions to mca-ure_ r pon and v rify the
WppOl1 provided for enhanced action by developing country Partie"

Take.l· /lor' of

42. [Individual pled es by developed country Parties to provide new and additional
I .ourc '. nmount ing to [ X J for th period 20 I 0 - 2012, a contain d in app ndix III to enabl and
support enhanced action on mitigation includinO" REDD-plus, ada[Jlation. tt;chn logy d velopmenl and
tran'fer, and capacity buildin o , in d . el ping C luntry Partie :]

Enhanced action on development and transfcr of technology

De 'ides

43. To e-tablish aT chnology Mechani "m fJursuam to decision -/ P.I (Technolc o ) 10

accelerate t >chnology development and transf'r in 'llp(!>ort of a ~tion on adaptation and mitigation that
will be guided by a coulltry-driv n approach and be based on national cirCull1SlanC sand prioriti 'So
onsisting or:

(a) A Technology xeclltive COl11millee in ac ordance with terms of r ~ r nc to be adopted

by th onference of the Parties;

(b) A Climate Technology entre and Network to SUppOlt and accelerate lhe diffusion of
nvironmentally sound technologies for mitigation and adaptation to developing country
Parties through the provision uf lechnical assistance and training;

Enhanced action on capacit ·building

Agr e rhar

44. Financial support shall be provided for capacity-building actions pursuant to decision
-lep.IS (Capacity-building)~

Furlllcl' negotiations

45. Ere he elr:du'J/"{;Ii'cd: Ar:'{;//I~e!llems Ellul .'ime/inesferflo'rlhc/· work Ie gil'e effect Fe .'he
previsions o/Ihis draft ll'.'(I.! [The Partie decide to continue negotiation pursuant to decisions taken at
copn and COPIS, with a view to adopting one or mar legal instrum nts under the Convention a' soon
as possible and no later than OP16;1
45 bis. [The Partie decide to reconvene the AWG-LCA to negotiate one or more legal
instruments under the Convention);


lro be ·/aboraredJ
I. Nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or :Jctions by de el.oped country Partie -

II. Nationally appropriate mitigation actions by develo[Jing COUnlry Parti s

Ill. Pledges by developed country Panics to provide new and additional fimll1cial re ources for the
period 20 10 - 2012]]

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