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Tutorial Preparation Assignment 01

Mohamad Aqil
Chapter Summary
MIS seems to be the most important course in business school in 2013.This is mainly
because of Moorees law. According to this law the number of transistors per square
inch on an integrated chip increase twice every year and also the price decreases. Due
to this law the cost of data communication and data storage is zero. Therefore MIS
could be use in business as professionals are able to evaluate, measure and execute
information technology
To have job security marketable skills is needed and also the nerve to use the skills.
MIS will help you learn non-routine skills
1.Abstract reasoning: the skill to create and alter models. For example the 5
component of the information system, which is hardware, software data procedures
and people
2.System thinking: is the link between inputs and output for a model system parts.
3.Collabaration: -Together develops beneficial ideas and plans.
-Provide and receive critical feedback for effective association
4.Ability to experiment: -Making the safest and the most rational analysis and not
investing too all the idea available.
-Picturing potential product and the solution that could fit
best to the problem
What is Management Information System(MIS)?
- Development of the computer-based system and the use of information to provide
effectiveness and efficiency to fulfill business objectives.
System ? A set of component that interacts for certain purposes .For example inputprocess and storage.
Information System (IS) A set of component that interacts for the
The 5 component framework is hardware (computer/storage disk/keyboard), software
(word) , data(sentences), procedures(method to start program) and people. These 5
components are symmetrical. People and hardware are the one who take actions.
Software is the instruction for hardware and procedure is the instruction for people.
The data lies the middle which acts as a connector between the computer side and the
human side.
The most significant component is you (people). You need to know with information
so that money and time is not wasted. Basic IQ is fix but not the quality of your
thinking. The computer in your brain are fix but you can still improve the way your
brain work and programmed.

Tutorial Preparation Assignment 01

Mohamad Aqil
Low-tech and High-tech information systems choices need to be determine from the
quantity of work being passing from people to computer. For example the customer
support information system. For very low tech is when the system only have a file of
the email addresses an and email program. For high tech is when the system keep tract
of the equipment customers and other complex stuff.
What is information?
Information could be best define as the knowledge that is obtain from fact and
What makes some information better than others?
-The accuracy of the information will determine the importance of the information.
The information is not false and has full data. Accuracy is important as managers
should rely on the result of IS. Bad reputation in the organization will automatically
develop if the system gives inaccurate information.
-The next one is timely. Information that is develop at a suitable time and it is planned
for its use. The information obtain need to be at the correct time because information
that is obtain late will be useless to the business. Timeliness will be the ability that
you need to have when you get involve in the growth of information system. You have
to give the most relevant and propriety timeliness. For example you are employed in
marketing and you need to gain a way to get new online ad programs. Not only you
want the information system convey your ads over the Internet, enables you to
determine how often customers go to the ads by clicking.
-What makes the information better than other information is because some
information is more to the point or it could be said as the most relevant. For instance a
manager of a company need information that is based on the data to a level of job that
is approximately around your level. The most relevant information is likely to be the
average wage information in the division/department.
4.Just barely sufficient
-The information should be just enough not too much but sufficient it occasion. In
these days, there are too many information and we need to be smart to choose only the
necessary information because the time is also limited
5.Worth its cost
-The information need to be as valuable as it price so that it is worth the cost. The cost
takes accounts of all the maintenance system, time and processing of the information.
The distinction between information technology and information system
The information system (IS) consist of 5 components: hardware, software, data,
procedure and people while Information technology (IT) are allude to products,
method, inventions and standards that are used to produce information. Information
technology is the one that keep development of the information system going. IT
could be purchased but not IS. You can always but IT which is the hardware, database

Tutorial Preparation Assignment 01

Mohamad Aqil
and all but for IS you need training task, employees resistance to change and
capability of workers to adapt to new system. Therefore IS could not be bought.

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