Having Considered Further Rising Prospects of A Fascist Religious Ideology Ethnic Cleansing and

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Draft Resolution 1.

Signatories: Afghanistan, Argentina, Belgium, Chad, Egypt, France, Georgia, Hungary,
Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Mexico, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Saudi
Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Syria, Thailand, UAE, USA, Venezuela, Yemen
Accepting the definition of terrorism as any violent act(s) that are intended to create fear and
terror that are perpetrated for a religious, political or ideological goal and deliberately targeting
the general populace,
Further accepts the definition of chemical weapons being ammunition that uses chemicals
formulated to inflict death or harm on human beings which can be applied to any toxic chemicals
or its precursor that can cause deaths, injury, incapacitation or sensory irritation through its
chemical reaction,
Reaffirming the national integrity, sovereignty and security of the Republic of Iraq and Syrian
Arab Republic,
Alarmed by the failure of the enforcement of states machinery in the Republic of Iraq and
Syrian Arab Republic to counter the radical advance and invasion by the Islamic State of Iraq
and Syria (ISIS) and its affiliated Al-Nusra Front,
Having considered further rising prospects of a fascist religious ideology ethnic cleansing and
the obliteration of humanitarian values, the spread of these groups poses to these states and the
entire region,
Fully aware of the numerous war crimes and criminal activities that have been carried out by the
ISIS and its affiliated Al-Nusra Front including mass murders, extortions and kidnapping of the
slocal civilians, deeply disturbed by the use of young children as soldiers and the mass rapes of
women carriedout terrorist out by the terrorists of the ISIS and its affiliated Al-Nusra Front,
Deeply concerned over the use of social media and other resources of internet by the ISIS for
inciting and calling the civilian population from all around the world to join their violent
extremist organization and to carry out other terrorist activities in other states,
Deeply concerned also of the weak border security that has resulted in sufficient number of
militants infiltrating into Iraq through Syria to join insurgents fighting the US led forces and
Iraqi troops as a result US has blamed Syria for not taking sufficient steps to counter the rising

Bearing in mind that the rapid proliferation of weapons has resulted from ISISs popularity and
strong influence which was rather sudden and unprecedented further resulting in human right
violations, killings, executed with arms illegally smuggled,
Confident that ISIS is being largely funded by illicit trades, criminal activities such as
kidnapping, taking into account the allegations on some regional authorities to have allegedly
funded ISIS,
Realizing the lack of social and economic developments and poor life standards prevailing in
Iraq and Syria which led them to become the perfect ground of emergence of such organization,
Having considered that without the unification of all the Iraqis and various Syrians with those
tribes who are willing to negotiate, a long-lasting solution to the threats imposed by the ISIS and
its affiliated Al-Nusra Front could not be reached unless the Iraqi and Syrian leadership are ready
to take steps that will unite their countries for the their national interest, seeking the international
as well as regional communities to assist Iraq and possibly Syria in this regards,
Recognizing that ISIS exploits social media as propaganda tool to broadcast its brutal exploits
and has now expanded its operations into cyber warfare,
Reaffirming the role of United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) in the
reconciliation of the various factions of the Iraqi society with the government and to bolster the
governments efforts in the upbringing of the oppressed Iraqis on social and economic levels,
Deeply regretting the beheadings of the foreign hostages by the ISIS, Bearing in mind the violent
expansion plans of ISIS which signifies the ISIS and its affiliations as a global threat to the
peace, security and integrity of all the states,
Expecting a feasible solution to be carried out by the concerned UN bodies to tackle with this
extremist ideological terrorist organization which is a common global threat to all the states,
1. Calls upon the Iraqi as well as Syrian administration to hold negotiations with the minority
a) The government should offer concessions such as government representation to a
certain extent,
b) All kinds of hate speech against other sects to be banned and challenged because
incorrect interpretation of Islam is a root cause of instability in the Middle East, and
we propose the following methods:
Regulating religious sermons in centers by setting up a toll free help line
populous can call if they have heard the hate speeches,


Publishing pamphlets and posters condemning the incorrect practices of

Islamic State;

2. Requests the United Nations affiliated cyber security organization, the International
Multilateral partnership against cyber threats (IMPACT):
a) It will locate the positions of the personnel responsible for the propaganda by using
counter messaging campaigns, which will employ a diverse set of media including
the press, television, radio and social media including non mainstream platforms
such as social media and literature;
3. Further calls upon states to take such measures as may be necessary with an available
means by:
a) Ensuring that the birth, travel and identity documents they issue are of such quality
that cannot easily be misused and cannot readably be falsified for unlawfully
replicated, altered or issued,
b) Te ensure the integrity and security of travel or identity documents they issue and to
prevent their unlawful issuance, creation and use;
4. Urges the International and specifically, the Middle East community to comply with the
following integrated strategy as a countering and capacity building measure to degrade and
defeat ISIS and advance stability in the region by:
a) Managing the western coalition created to defeat ISIS and stabilize the region through
regional cooperation involving creating an ISIS-focused intelligence cell in the region
and establish a multi-agency and multinational ISIS threat finance cell to target the
economic base of ISIS, areas including taxation, illicit economies such as oil
smuggling and extortion, and external support mainly from individuals from gulf
states, which can be funded and operated by the allies of the conflict region and the
major stakeholders in that region, such as the EU and NATO members,
b) Coordinate security assistance to national actors fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq:
i. Carry out surgical air drone strikes, focused unmanned bombings and robust
investigations afterwards to interpret the0 level of collateral damage and provide for
that through the financial cell mentioned above,
ii. Convince Syria and Iraq to collaborate their ground forces with the coalition air
surveillance so that accurate attacks can be carried out minimizing loss of human life
and infrastructure,
iii. Efficient intelligence agencies like of the EU can work with the ones present in the
conflict region to report movement of ISIS and troops and plan better strategies to
combat the ISIS effect prevailing in the Middle East,
iv. Funding of the coalition is being and will be carried out in the future by USA,
Belgium, Jordan, Turkey, Australia, Denmark and further countries bound to the

c) Enable reliable and capable partners in the region like Turkey and Jordan to take the
fight directly to ISIS by continued safe sending of funds, troops for training and arms
under extreme caution by western allies and furthermore, enhance law enforcement
and intelligence fusion efforts to identify and counter ISIS and other terrorist fighters
holding Western passports built in coordination with the International Criminal Police
Organization, INTERPOL;

5. Draws the attention of the international community to collaborate with the concerned
governments and with the aid of the neighboring countries supplied with aid by the west:
a) Establish a check post every 2.1 miles so that there could be strict check of the
exchange that takes place near borders and doesn't go unreported,
b) Have a link to the data base on national level so that security personnel know whose
coming and thus reducing trafficking problems,
c) Put up electric barbed fences to maintain a standard level of security at all times;
6. Further emphasizes on the strengthening of weak borders that have led to proliferation of
weapons that get into the hands of brutal NSAs such as ISIS, and to further tackle the issue
we propose:
a) Sharing of information between different intelligences to combat advanced new
methods of proliferation of weaponry and illicit arms trafficking,
b) Educating and spreading social awareness through different means to tackle the
wealthy private individuals who fund the ISIS;
7. Approves the attempt by the Iraqi government to limit the impact of ISISs social media
campaign which includes blocking Facebook, Twitter and other platforms, and encourages
the Iraqi and Syrian governments to accept professional assistance in controlling network
traffic and tracking down servers from neighboring and other foreign allies as a counter
measure to reduce ISISs influence on the internet and start ceasing its recruitment;

Recommends the creation of a body called IMMA (ISIS Media Monitoring Agency) which
will be expected to follow the framework of combating ISIS propaganda on these very
social media sites through which this group attains the support of Muslim youth by
a) This body will be funded by cooperation willing Middle East States like Saudi
b) Professional assistance to track down where the flow of suspicious messages is being
sent will be provided by the EU,
c) The body will work in collaboration with other intelligence agencies present in the

9. Calls upon all states to :

a) Educate the youth with the help of social campaigns to eradicate all further potential
heading towards the ISIS,
b) The program would be conducted by UNESCO and willing countries from the
international community that face an outflow of Jihadists,
c) Urging parents to keep an eye on their childrens activity on the internet and consider
any changes in the childs behavior,
d) A hotline to be developed, particularly for young people who have been persuade by
the organization and carrying out campaigns for people to contact the authorities if
they come to know of a persons interest in joining the Jihad,
e) Use experience of victims that fled the control of ISIS to educate young people about
the organization misleading regarding a better way of life,
f) Provide for the security of these social campaigns through the collaborated air and
ground forces presented above;
10. Deplores the financial support of ISIS by any state or individual and recommends to carry
out investigations with the help of INTERPOL, and furthermore:
a) Countries like Australia and Sweden to help the governments create jobs in public
b) Encourages INTERPOL to particularly focus on curbing and tracing the funding of
ISIS and if any NGO or individual is found to be supporting or working with ISIS
then the country in which that particular or individual is present should be requested
to blacklist those organizations and present the individual in the court of justice of
the country,
c) Control the cheap oil supply of ISIS which acts as their main source of income by
investing in countries not having extracting means and give consent to allied nations
t o start trade with it like Chad,
d) Assure that the tax and monetary collectives given by the civilians safely reaches the
government by careful searching of tax collection offices and where the transfers are
sent to by the patrolling units of the country;
11. Accepts that the problem cannot be targeted without concurrently tackling the effects illicit
arms trade has on introducing security threats which is why we propose:
a) The creation of buffer zones around the following areas:
i. The Turkish, Jordan and Lebanese border they share with the conflict region with
the aid of western allies,
ii. Southern Syria and Northern Iraq where claims of attacks are deemed to be
highest and the establishment of buffer zone be carried out after heavy aerial strikes
with minimal damage,
iii. Plan to search for neighboring states affected by spillover terrorism and consider
safe zones over there,
b) Underground channels should be taken into account and extensive search operations
should take place under the funding of the numerous developed nations allied with

the coalition to make sure no arms are being smuggled to ISIS through these
c) The international intelligence agencies should collaborate and work to find out who
is providing arms to ISIS and that particular state/NSA would be held accountable in
the international court of justice and if needed, sanctions would also be placed after
careful investigation and consideration to disallow further dealings with the terrorist
12. Recommends rapid response capacity and monitoring to the international community by:
a) Strengthening a nationwide and multi-sectoral early warning system in both regions,
b) Scale up preparedness by integrating greater flexibility into existing agreements with
partners, and in order to better emerging needs, establish contingency stock
arrangements, and consider contributions to existing emergency response funds;
13. Decides to remain actively seized on the matter.

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