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Electronic Ordering System to Select

Siladitya Sen 1, Arindam Mukherjee 2, Sourav Ghose 3,
Shuvamoy Bindai 4, Sourav Samanta 5
1 Dept of ECE (Faculty), Heritage Inst. Of Technology, Kolkata, WB, India
2,3,4,5 Dept of ECE Communication (Student), Heritage Inst. Of Technology, Kolkata, WB, India.
Now a day it is very time consuming to go for
a restaurant. People are so busy that they have no
time to wait in the restaurant. The touchscreen
based ordering system is one of the solutions to
avoid this tremendous problem. In the traditional
system, customers have to wait for the waiter to
come and after getting the menu card from him he
has to wait once again for the waiter to place the
order. So we have developed this system by name
Electronics menu ordering system using
arduino . Here we are using Arduino uno, touch
screen, LCD display and an RF module (433
MHz). Advance touch-screen based menu
ordering system allows the user or customer to
select any items by their own choice which are in
the touchscreen menu & that order will be
transferred to the cash counter as well as chef
department for further processing and that
ordered item will be given to that customer. This
whole process can be accomplished without any
waiter and thus put an end to the days of waiting.
We shall provide each table with a user-friendly
touchscreen based order unit , which can be used
to browse through the menu. The menu items,
their cost and information shall be displayed on
the touch screen. The selected item will be
displayed at the kitchen segment.
Keywords: Touchscreen,
display, RF, Restaurant



Now a days customers have to wait for a
long time to get the ordered dish especially in

Electronics Ordering System to Select Services

the rush hours .But in todays busy world

customers have no time to wait .So we have
proposed an electronics ordering system which
saves a huge amount of time of every people in
this world. Traditionally the waiter takes the
order from the customer and then places the
order to the kitchen and then the billing is
done. The amount is sent to the cash counter
with the help of waiter. So this total traditional
system is waiter dependent.
To eradicate this problem we want to develop a
self-service automated system. Our endeavor is
to shift the restaurant system from waiter
dependent to server dependent. In todays
world, advancement in technology leads to the
need of consumers demands & to serve the
people for giving the best services as soon as
possible. So a user-friendly touchscreen based
unit is fixed in every table of a restaurant,
which can be used to browse through the menu.
The menu items, their cost and information
shall be displayed on the touch screen. The
selected item will be displayed at the chef
department also.[1]
The proposed system enhances the customer
satisfaction, reduces the operation cost and
increases sales and profits by facilitating easy
use of credit card or debit card or master card
in the traditional fast food restaurant. Smart
card reader can also be standard in the present
touchscreen kiosk, so enabling the application
of smart card technology in all the restaurants.

1. Totally wireless device: It is a
wireless device. We have used a
simple RF module, so that by
encryption and decryption the data
can be sent without any distortion
or noise.
2. No more waiting for waiter: We
want to shift the restaurant
business from waiter dependent to
sever dependent. This automated
electronics system will efficiently
put an end to the days of waiting.

The metalized contacts of the x layer is

present along the y- direction and thus between
these two metal contacts resistance is measured
along x-axis. Similarly metalized contacts of
the y layer is present along the x- direction
and thus between these two metal contacts
resistance is measured along y-axis. When the
touchscreen is touched with sufficient pressure,
the top plate (polyester film) makes contact
with the bottom plate. At the point of contact,
the bottom layer effectively divides the top
layer into two resistors in series. This will
effectively complete the circuit. By proper
biasing each plate can function as a voltage
divider where the output voltage represents the
rectangular coordinate of the point of contact.

3. User friendly operation: In the

transmitter section there is a
touchscreen which is very handy in
todays era of digitalization. In the
receiver section there is an LCD so
that the chef department can easily
see the placed order in a very short
4. Cost effectiveness: The total cost
of this electronics system is easily
affordable for all the restaurant
Fig 1



RF module (433MHz):

A 4 wire resistive touchscreen is a sensor

consisting of two thin transparent electrically
resistive plates, ideally of uniform resistivity,
normally separated by the insulating spacers.
Normally it is built using two layers of the
conductive material Indium Tin Oxide (ITO)
separated by a small air gap. Bottom layer is
generally on glass and the top on a flexible
material, often plastic.[2]

An RF module (Radio Frequency module) is

usually a small electronic device to transmit or
receive radio signals between two devices
wirelessly. In embedded systems, it is often
desirable to communicate with another device
wirelessly. For many applications the medium
of choice is RF since it does not require line of
sight (LOS). An RF transmitter module is a
small PCB sub-assembly which has the

Electronics Ordering System to Select Services

capability to transmit a radio wave and

modulate that wave to carry data. Transmitter
modules are placed alongside a micro
controller unit which will provide data to the
transmitter module so that it can be transmitted.
An RF receiver module receives the modulated
RF signal, and demodulates it to get the sent
data. There are two types of RF receiver
modules: super heterodyne receivers and superregenerative receivers.[4]
Range in open space(Standard Conditions) :
100 Meters
RX Receiver Frequency : 433 MHz
RX Typical Sensitivity : 105 Dbm
RX Supply Current : 3.5 mA
RX IF Frequency : 1MHz
Low Power Consumption
Easy For Application
RX Operating Voltage : 5V
TX Frequency Range : 433.92 MHz
TX Supply Voltage : 3V ~ 6V
TX Out Put Power : 4 ~ 12 Dbm

KB occupied by the bootloader). It also has 2

KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which
can be read and written with the EEPROM

The HD44780U is a dot-matrix liquid crystal
display which can be configured to drive a dotmatrix liquid crystal display under the control
of a 4 or 8-bit microprocessor. A single
HD44780U can display up to one or two 8character lines. The low power supply (2.7V to
5.5V) of the HD44780U is suitable for any
portable battery-driven product requiring low
power dissipation. It supports low power
operation and consumes very low power. It has
a wide range of liquid crystal display driver
power. It also has an automatic reset circuit that
initializes the controller or driver after power
on. Moreover, it also has an internal oscillator
with external resistors.

The Uno is a microcontroller board based on
the ATmega-328p. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as
PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
quartz crystal, a USB connection, a power jack,
an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains
microcontroller; simply connect it to a
computer with a USB cable or power it with a
AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The
main features of AVR microcontrollers are
having inbuilt ADC, PWM and different kinds
of serial interface such as USART, SPI etc.
This unit is the heart of the complete system. It
will monitor & control all the peripheral
devices or components connected to this unit.
The code is written in Embedded C. this unit
requires 5V DC supply for its operation.
ATmega328 has 32 KB flash memory (with 0.5

Electronics Ordering System to Select Services

Fig 2 LCD(16 x 2)

Each table of restaurants are equipped with the
touchscreen based digital menu ordering
system which is powered by AVR
microcontroller. A touch screen is a display that
can detect the presence and location of a touch
within the display area. This system consists of
Transmitter & Receiver Section as shown in
the figure.

Fig. 3 Transmitter section

Fig. 4 Receiver section

The transmitter unit consist of Arduino uno R 3

(Atmega 328p), touch screen sensor and
transmitter of ASK RF module(433 MHz)
which is available on customer table. The
receiver unit consists of Arduino and 16x2
characters LCD display which is employed at
kitchen and managers desk in the restaurants.
The customer will scroll the menu screen and
can order his food or drink just by touching on
the touchscreen. After confirming the order
placed by the customer, the buzzer in the
kitchen will buzz for a second. Customer can
order multiple plates of any item at once by
successively touching the same item. When a
customer touches a touchscreen, the arduino
uno detects the point where the customer
touches. Then the Arduino uno can sense the
particular order. This order is sent wirelessly to
the kitchen segment so that the chef department
can easily see the order along with the quantity
and respective table no. on the LCD screen. In
this case what the Arduino senses, is first
converted to character and then converted to
the ASCII value of that respective characters.
These characters are sent by the transmitter of
the ASK RF module. Then these characters are
wirelessly sent to the receiver of the RF
module. Then the antenna of the receiver
section easily catch these ASCII values. After
converting these values into the strings the
Arduino sends these strings to the LCD screen,
so that the order can be easily seen by the
kitchen department. This order is sent

wirelessly to the cash counter also so that the

cashier also see the order along with the
quantity and respective table no. So the total
system is waiter independent.

Electronics Ordering System to Select Services


TESTING OF THE PROJECT; Clockwise from top left

corner (i)No menu item is selected, (ii)French Fries is
selected from menu (iii) LCD showing Frenchfries, (iv)Polao
is selected twice.

The design system provides a low cost,
convenient and easy to use system for order
placement in restaurants. Now a days due to
advancement of technology, people are familiar
with touch screen interface. It is easily
accessible by all the users to navigate by
simply touching the display screen. In the
traditional system the waiter had to remember
the order placed by the particular customer. So
the chances of error was very high in that
system. But by using this system the assistant
chef cooperates more efficiently with the
customers and the probability of errors is
reduced very rapidly since this system itself is
totally server dependent. Apart from this, the
updating of menu and its prices can be done
easily. If a special item is cooked on some
special days, that item can be automatically
sent to the server, so that maximum customers
can avail that dish. If some items become
unavailable for some time, that items will be
deleted automatically from the server and the
items become unavailable in the electronics
menu for that particular amount of time. The
menu list can be extended according to the
requirement by implementing large memory
size of microcontroller depending upon the
family and ROM size of the processor. Today
people of all ages are familiar with advanced
technology. So the touch screen has been used
as an interface for its simplicity, ease of access
and fast response. Customers can enjoy their
meals with pleasure and satisfaction.

If a customer is completely unaware or
partially aware of a dish, he will get menu
description in which every related information
about that recipe will be displayed on the
digital screen, so that he can easily decide

Electronics Ordering System to Select Services

whether to order that unknown dish or not. It

will make this automated system more and
more user friendly. In rush hour, if the
restaurant is packed totally with the customers
then instead of one kitchen assistant chef two
kitchen assistant chef will take the
responsibility to serve the food to the
customers. Customers can know the current
status of their ordered items by pressing a
query button on the touch screen device. After
accomplishing all of these, this automated
system will become more user friendly.

[1] Dr. Shaik Meeravali, K.Sudhakar, M.Swath
Design of the Restaurant Self-Ordering System
Based on Zigbee Technology. (Using ARM
cortex microcontroller and color GLCD).
International Journal of Engineering Research
& Technology (IJERT) Vol. 2
Issue 9, September 2013
[2] Neal Brenner, Shawn Sullivan, William
Goh 4-Wire and 8-Wire Resistive TouchScreen Controller Using the MSP430, Texas
Instruments, SLAA384A- February 2008Revised November 2010
[3] Touchscreens: A Pressing Technology,
Timothy Hoye( and Joseph
Kozak ( University of
[4] RF MODULE Data Sheet
http:// rob kits .download/datasheets/RXD1.pdf
[5] Arduino datasheet

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