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Like nature, Jesus works without fuss or difficulty.

He scatters profusely His gracious deeds of

mercy without any thought of the praise of men. While on the way to raise the dead daughter
of Jairus, virtue flows out of Him and revives this drooping, trusting spirit. What an inspiration
this episode would be to Jairus. This week, lets review the story of this blessed woman.

Tuesday Disease
Mark 5:25
She had an issue of blood twelve years. Her very life was slowly ebbing away, the life is in the blood. In this
condition she was, weak, unclean, and miserable. Such are the effects of sin. The love of sin is a cancer in the
soul. No mere external application can touch it, the wisdom of man has never yet found a remedy for it. She
has been twelve years in the process of dying. We must die to live. Sin is an ebbing disease that can kill
quickly or painfully slow.
1. What is your issue? ____________________________________________________________________
Wednesday Effort
Mark 5:26
She had spent all that she had. She knew that she was diseased, and was willing to give, and did give, her all
that she might secure deliverance from her misery. There is hope for a soul when it comes to this. No
shamming or scheming, no pretense of being good enough, no self-justification. She was earnest enough, but
she had gone to the wrong sources. Her cure was not to be purchased, she was spending her money for that
which was not bread (Isaiah 55:1-2).
1. Can you purchase your cure from man? YES NO _______________________________________
Thursday Failure
Mark 5:26
Nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. Worse than ever, and all her means gone. She is now without
hope as far as her own resources are concerned. Her physicians were all of no value, neither Dr. False-peace,
Dr. Good-enough, nor Dr. Do-better can touch the sore of sin. The prodigal son did not earn the best robe. The
thirst can only grow worse when water is sought at broken cisterns. Consider your source or fail.
1. Have your source been verified by Jehovah? YES NO ___________________________________
2. Will you search for a divine one soon? YES NO _______________________________________
Friday Faith
Mark 5:28
She said, If I may but touch His clothes, I shall be made whole . She had evidently heard of Jesus, and
believed what she had heard. Faith comes by hearing. Her faith was simple, yet, oh so great. She is poor, has
nothing to give, she expects no medicine from Him, yet she believes that a touch of the fringe of His garment will
bring instant salvation. Jesus was to her the source and center of almighty fullness. Weak faith may touch a
great Savior. Believe and thou shall saved (Acts 16:31).
1. To what degree do you believe? __________________________________________________________
2. How much have you heard and believe? ____________________________________________________
Saturday Victory
Mark 5:29
Straightway she felt that she was healed. According to your faith, so shall it be unto you. She did not say, If I
touch I shall be healed, and sit still, hoping to have another chance some future day. Her faith brought her into
personal contact with the Lord. The faith that does not do this is not faith! Her cure, through faith was sudden,
complete, and consciously enjoyed.
1. What will YOU do with your faith? ________________________________________________________
3. Do you always anticipate instant healing? YES NO _____________________________________

Sunday Confession
Mark 5:33
She came and told Him all the truth . Jesus question was, Who touched My clothes, was designed to bring
her to a public acknowledgment of the blessing received. He would not have her go away with the
uncomfortable feeling that she had stolen the cure, or with the unconsciousness that it was the gift of God. This
healing virtue went forth in answer to her faith and according to His will. She had believed with the heart, now
she must confess with the mouth. We may be healed by the touch of trust, but we are strengthened in our
trust by confession with the lips. Whosoever is ashamed of Me and My Word, of him will I be ashamed.
1. Ready, set, confess! ____________________________________________________________________
Monday Assurance
Mark 5:34
Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace . She would not have had this comforting word had she
not made open confession. She was saved by faith, and assured by His word. If she had gone away without this
promise she might have been in constant dread of the terrible disease returning; but now she not only feels well,
but she has His word for it that she has been made whole of her plague. There are many who lack the joy of
salvation because they do not in their lives confess Christ before men.
1. Assurance comes from faith and courage. Do you have it? YES NO ________________________

This question is not fair, but it will be fun. Was Sunday school developed for the
church or for the community?
Answer: Sunday school was created by Robert Raikes, Jr in an effort to teach manners and academics to
children who worked all week and were off on Sunday. It began in the community and was later adopted by the
Responses: R. Simms TX J. Simpson MO O. Omorodion MO R. Milan KS B. Thomas MO M.
Arrington KS J. Jefferson TX M. Thompson KS
What are Jannes and Jambres noted for? (2 Timothy)

Prayer List
The world and the age, within which we live, demands that we pray fervently and regularly.
God is still on the throne and He still answers prayer. Join with me, daily, as I pray for the
ills of our nation and our age. We can/must make a difference!!
Are YOU registered to VOTE?????
America pray that our country returns to her first love, God!
Ralph Cobbins (KCKS) recovering from surgery
Irene Beard (KCKS) pray for healing.
Randall Pulley Pray for his recovery as he undergoes treatment for cancer.
(FtW) Sis. Randles husband has been missing for about three weeks. Pray for a positive
outcome as she struggles with this situation.
(Mphs) Ari is my granddaughter and has had a less than normal life. She is bright and I
ask that you pray with me that God will assist me and others to fill in the gaps in her life so she can
become the productive young lady I know she can be. It wont be easy so I need your help!
Praise Reports:

I will be in Revival in Kansas City, KS (Greater Faith MBC) Sept. 21-23

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