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Tuesday 13th September, 2016.

Dear Parents and Carers,

Walton-le-Dale ECO Club
We are planning to hold an after-school ECO Club for children who have an
interest in all things green and dont mind getting their hands dirty!
The club will take place on Thursdays from 3:10 4:00pm in my Year 5
classroom, beginning on Thursday 22nd September. We will be working on
things designed to make our school an even greener place, including spending
time outside improving an aspect of our outdoor environment, and promoting
all things Eco in school! Our first project is to clear the veggie beds, getting
them ready for replanting.
If your child would be interested in becoming a member of the Eco Club,
please complete and return the reply slip below to school by Friday 16th
September. In the event of there being more children wishing to join than
places available, then a draw will be made from each classs replies to ensure
fairness in representation.
Yours sincerely,

Mr. Sherwin.

Walton-le-Dale Eco Club Thursdays 3:10 4:10pm

I give permission for my child ________________________ of __________
class to be considered for Eco Club.
Signed: _______________________________
Print name: ___________________________
Relationship to child: ____________________

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