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Lesson Plan in Mathematics Grade 7

At the end of the lesson the students are able to:
1. Explain the use of scientific notation.
2. Convert the large numbers into scientific notation and vice versa.
3. Develop cooperation in the activities.
A. TOPIC: Significant digit and scientific notation.
B. SUB-TOPIC: Writing a numbers in scientific notation and vice versa.
C. REFERENCE: Grade seven learners material (QUARTER 1and 2)

Teachers Activity
A. Preliminary Activity
1. Prayer
Class, please stand up and let
us pray.
2. Greetings
Good morning class!
You may take your seat.
3. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent from the
Im glad that you are all here
4. Checking of Assignment
Did I give you an assignment last

B. Developmental Activity
1. Activity
a) Motivation
Before we start our discussion, lets
have a group game. I will group you into
I have here a random list of top 12 most
populated countries in the world. Each
member will in the blackboard and writes
the population of each country from the
largest to the smallest.
The first group, who will finish, will have
Is there any question?

Learners Activity

In the name of the Father Amen

Good morning maam!
Thank you.
None maam.

No maam

Okay, please work as a team.

Group 1 won lets clap our hands.

2. Analysis
Based on our activity, what
difficulties did you encounter in writing
the numbers of population?
Thats right!
Is there any difficulties?
Very good.
The answers are correct.
Youre a good observer.
There is a way how to shorten a very
large numbers. And it is called.

When writing a very large or a very small

numbers, scientist, mathematicians, and
engineers, often use scientific notation
to express those quantities.
Look at the umbers you wrote on the

Maam it has many zeroes to write.

Maam it is time consuming and
occupies so much space on the

board. You said it has so many numbers

to write.

We have notes here when writing

numbers in scientific notation.
1. Ensure that you have only one digit
to the left of the decimal point.
2. A move of the decimal to the front
introduces x101
3. a move of the decimal one place to
the back introduces x10-1 .

We have an example here 000.000

The right side of the point is the back
and the left side of the point is the front.
If I move the one point to the back one
place it will become x10-1 and if I move
again the point two places to the back it
will become x10-3.
If were going to move the point to the
front, the opposite happens.
Now lets have an example: Convert
the ff. Into scientific notation.
1.) 198, 000, 000
It has a decimal point in the last digit,
lets apply the notes above. We will
move the decimal point eight places to
the front and it will become
2.) 1,400,000, 000
We will move the point nine places to
the front and it will become
Do you get it class?
Now lets have another example
3.) 0.000035
It is an example of a very small number.

Yes maam!

Let us also use the notes above. We will

move the decimal point five places to
the back and we have

Yes maam.

Is it clear?
Now let us try the vice versa, from
scientific notation into decimal notation.
We have an example.
1.) 5.37x106
2.) 2.65x103
3.) 7.07x10-6
Anyone who can write this into decimal

(Selected students will answer on

the board)
1.) 5,370, 000
3.) 0.00000707

Very good class! You have written it

3. Abstraction
In your own words, what can you say
about scientific notation?
Very good!
Scientific notation is like shorthand
writing for a very large or very small
Wring very large or very small numbers
can be time consuming or tiring. Right?
Note that as many zeroes as the
numbers of place as the number of
places moved by the decimal point. The
numbers of zeroes are indicated as the
exponent of 10.
Example 0.00054= 5.4x10-4
We move there 4 places to the back.
Is it clear?
4.) Application
Now try these examples on the board.
Write the ff. Numbers into scientific
1.)18, 500
2.) 123, 000, 0000

Maam scientific notation is used to

represent a decimal number, so we
can write large numbers using fewer

Yes maam.

(expected answers)

2.) 1.23x108
5.) 6,510

3.) 0.00000036
4.) 0.000000509
5.) 6.51x103
6.) 4.07x105
7.) 8.99x108
8.) 6.001x10-9
9.) 2.1x10-9

6.) 407, 000

7.) 899,000, 000
8.) 0.000006001
9.) 0.0000000021
10.) 5.006x101

b) Evaluation
Get 1 2 sheet of paper.
Convert the ff. Into scientific notation or
into decimal notation.
1.) 3, 500, 000, 000
2.) 2, 002,000, 000
3.) 703, 000, 000, 000, 000
5.) 6.9x107
6.) 4.005x10-9
7.) 7.7x10-14
8.) 470, 000
9.) 9.06x115
10.) 0.0000000000000101
9.) 2.1x10-15
Okay, class are you done?
Okay let us check your quiz. Please
write your answers on the board.

(Checked the answers on the board)

Okay. Pass your papers forward.
C) Assignment
Express the number in each statement
below in scientific notation:
1. Diameter of a tiny particle is
0.0000002 inch.

Yes maam.
(students writes their answers on
the board)
2.) 2.002x109
3.) 7.03x1014
4.) 8.7x10-6
5.) 69, 500,000
6.) 0.000000004005
7.) 0.000000000000077
8.) 4.7x105
9.) 9, 060, 000,000, 000, 000
10.) 1.01x1014

2. The atom weigh approximately

0.000000000000000000166 gram
3. The distance from Venus to the sun is
approximately 108, 000, 000 km.
Convert into decimal notation.
4.) 4.0005x10-7
5.) 9.23x1011

Goodbye maam!

Thats all for today.

Good bye class!


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