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1.1 Statement of the Problem
Deforestation is the clearing of trees, transforming a forest into cleared land. It is an
important issue that causes trees to be cut down to provide more land. It affects oxygen and
carbon levels around the world and it is causing trees to be cut down every year around the forest
and more.
1.2 Current State of the Technology
Deforestation and its solutions is being implemented to resolve the life-threatening effects on
wildlife includes the following; Bringing an end to the cutting down of trees in protected areas
such as wildlife national parks or reserves, Restriction of human interventions and activities on
particular areas where threatened or endangered wildlife species are inhabiting within its borders
and also the conservation of some plants and tree species. Over the last century majority of forest
areas around the globe had been greatly compromised, leaving the green cover down to an alltime low of about 30 percent. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO), an estimated 18 million acres of forests are lost each year
1.3 Objectives
To awaken the public of how devastating the effect of deforestation is. Also to make the
people be aware of the fragile existence of our forests and its major role to the lives of its
inhabitants. Most especially to those that is unaware, like the younger generations.

1.3.1 General Objectives

To develop a mobile application for the young generation that will provide them knwoledge
about deforestation.
1.3.2 Specific Objectives

To create 2D models of the characters, terrain and other objects of the 2D modeling
using a modeling software primarily Adobe Photoshop in particular an application that

employs 2D graphics that applies vertices, simulation, texture and quality.

To create an application that is entirely based on tapping, that is to touch the screen of
a smartphone.
To develop an application that has a main character

that can interact with its environment.

To design an application that is visually illustrated as a forest or environment for the

user to relate with.

To create an application that can be playable by all children and is user friendly.
To create an application that is can educate its users and promote awareness.
To create need to create certain and specified tools to perfectly integrate the
graphics, texture and sound such as map editor, graphic engine and sound engine by the
of Lua and Corona SDK

1.3.2 Scope and Limitations


The mobile application is available to all people especially to those that belong to
the younger generation since it is free. The game revolves around a certain animal and
it only has one useable life; if ever the player makes a mistake, the creatures life is
then used up and the game resets. The game also has some background music for the
user to enjoy while playing and it also has no time limit to accomplish its goal.

Since the game is only based on a single animal, it is automatically considered to

be not be able to play multiple players at a time. The players life is intentionally limited
to 1 because we intend it to be more focused on reality; a being only has one precious
life. And it doesnt have any power ups.
The application only works on android devices and not on other IOS like
Windows. The game can only be played on a minimum android version; either android
version 4.0 or higher.

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