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Narrative Text

Disebutkan bahwa A narrative text is an imaginative story to entertain people

(teks narasi adalah cerita imaginatif yang bertujuan menghibur orang).
sebuah narrative text adalah teks yang berisi sebuah cerita baik tertulis ataupun tidak tertulis dan
terdapat rangkaian peristiwa yang saling terhubung.
Jika melihat pada kamus bahasa Inggris, secara harfiah narrative bermakna (1) a spoken or
written account of connected events; a story. (2) the narrated part of a literary work, as distinct
from dialogue. (3) the practice or art of narration.
(Narrative bermakna : 1. sebuah cerita baik terucap atau tertulis tentang peristiwa-peristiwa yang
berhubungan. 2. bagian yang diceritakan dalam sebuah karya sastra, berbeda dengan dialog. 3.
Praktik atau seni bercerita)

Generic Structure dari Narrative Text:

Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of the story are
introduced.(berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita (siapa atau apa, kapan
dan dimana)
Complication : Where the problems in the story developed. (Permasalahan muncul / mulai
terjadi dan berkembang)
Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved. Masalah selesai, --- secara baik "happy
ending" ataupun buruk "bad ending".

Grammar Used dalam Narrative Text

Grammar (tata bahasa) yang sering muncul dalam membuat narrative text adalah:
Menggunakan tenses "Past", baik simple, past perfect, past continuous, past perfect continuous,
atau bisa saja past future continuous. (aturan ini bukan aturan wajib yang mutlak harus dipenuhi
kok. Tidak percaya, tanyakan pada guru bahasa Inggris sobat)

Contoh Narrative Text :

Sincere Will Get a Great Return

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Auretto, all people lived peacefully there.
One of them was Charlita, the kings daughter who was assumed as the most beautiful and
kindest Princess of Auretto.
One day, Charlita looked blue. Because of that her father got confused. Whats the
matter my beautiful daughter? Why are you so sad? asked King Fernando. Charlita was just
silent. She did not say anything.
Then, King Fernando decided to make a competition to cheer Charlita again. After that,
the palace representative announce: I will make a competition. The aim is to make my daughter,
Princess Charlita to be happy and laugh again. Everyone who can do it, will get a prize. It will be
held tomorrow when the sun rises. Sign: King Fernando.
The following morning, everybody came to the palace, tried to give their best
performance. They seemed happy and laugh, but not for Princess Charlita. She was just silent
and still looked sad.
King Fernando started to give up. No one amused his daughter. Then, there came a young
handsome man. Excuse me King Fernando. I would like to join your competition. But, would
you mind if I took Princess Charlita for a walk? said the young man gently. As long as you
make my daughter be happy again, it will totally alright. said King Fernando. The young
handsome man took Princess Charlita for a walk in a beautiful blue lake with a green forest
around it. Princess Charlita smiled and looked happy after that. Every body looked happy, too. I
know why are you so my beautiful daughter. Now, I promise I will environment green. I regret
for always destroying it. Finally, the environment around the kingdom became so beautiful and
green, full of plants. Then, the young handsome man got a prize from the king. I will marry you
off my daughter. said him. That is the prize I promise for you. Thanks for keeping our
environment well. Thanks for making my daughter happy again.

Recount text
Recount text adalah jenis teks yang digunakan untuk menceritakan pengalaman, peristiwaperistiwa yang sudah terjadi pada masa lampau, pengalaman berlibur, sejarah, atau sejarah hidup
seseorang. Recount text juga digunakan untuk menceritakan pengalaman seseorang yang lucu.
Jadi, tujuan komunikatif teks recount adalah to tell the past event.
Karena digunakan untuk menceritakan the past event, recount text menggunakan simple past
tense. The simple past tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menceritakan
kejadian yang sudah lewat.

Generic Structure dari Recount Text :

Orientation tells who was involved, what happened, where the events took place, and
when it happened. ("Orientation" menceritakan siapa saja yang terlibat dalam cerita, apa
yang terjadi, di mana tempat peristiwa terjadi, dan kapan terjadi peristiwanya)

Events tell what happened and in what sequence. ("Event" menceritakan apa yang terjadi
(lagi) dan menceritakan urutan ceritanya)

Reorientation consists of optional-closure of events/ending. ("Reorientation" berisi

penutup cerita / akhir cerita)


My Holiday in Bali

When I was 2nd grade of senior high school, my friends and I went to
Bali. We were there for three days. I had many impressive experiences
during the vacation.
First day, we visited Sanur Beach in the morning. We saw the beautiful
sunrise together. It was a great scenery. Then, we checked in to the hotel.
After prepared our selves, we went to Tanah Lot. We met so many other
tourists there. They were not only domestic but also foreign tourists.
Second day, we enjoyed the day on Tanjung Benoa beach. We played
so many water sports such as banana boat, jetsky, speedboat etc. We also
went to Penyu island to see many unique animals. They were turtles,
snakes, and sea birds. We were very happy. In the afternoon, we went to
Kuta Beach to see the amazing sunset and enjoyed the beautiful wave.
The last day, we spent our time in Sangeh. We could enjoy the green
and shady forest. There were so many monkies. They were so tame but
sometimes they could be naughty. We could make a close interaction with
them. After that, we went to Sukowati market for shopping. That was my
lovely time. I bought some Bali T-Shirt and souvenirs.
In the evening, we had to check out from the hotel. We went back
home bringing so many amazing memories of Bali.

Spoof Text
Disebutkan dalam Cambridge Advance Learner's Dictionary Online, ada dua makna spoof.
Pertama, sebagai kata benda, spoof bermakna, "a funny and silly piece of writing, music, theatre,
etc. that copies the style of an original work". Sedang kedua, spoof sebagai kata kerja, bermakna,
"to try to make someone believe in something that is not true, as a joke."
Dari kedua arti spoof di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengertian spoof text adalah sebuah teks
yang berisi tentang humor meski sebagian teksnya sudah dimodifikasi dari aslinya.


Generic Structure (Susunan umum) dalam spoof text adalah :
Orientation, berisi pengenalan tokoh, latar, setting dll.
Events, berisi peristiwa atau kejadian
Twist, ending cerita (akhir cerita yang dianggap lucu, kadang tidak terduga)
Generic Structure (Susunan umum) dalam spoof text adalah :
1. Orientation, berisi pengenalan tokoh, latar, setting dll.
2. Events, berisi peristiwa atau kejadian
3. Twist, ending cerita (akhir cerita yang dianggap lucu, kadang tidak
Joe's Mother got angry because her son got a low mark on English test.
"Why did you get such a low mark on that test?" Asked mother angrily.
Asked by his angry mother, Joe just kept silent and went out.
A few moment, Joe came back home and met his mother again. His mother
asked the same question.
Joe answered steadily, "Because of absence."
"You mean you were absent on the day of the test?" Mother wondered.
Joe replied, "No, but the kid who sits next to me was."

Report Text
Report text sering juga dikenal dengan sebutan informational report. Report, dalam Concise
Oxford Dictionary Edisi 10, diartikan sebagai 1) an account given of a matter after investigation
or consideration. 2) a piece of information about an event or situation. Jika disimpulkan, secara
bahasa report text adalah teks yang berfungsi untuk memberikan informasi tentang suatu
peristiwa atau situasi, setelah diadakannya investigasi dan melalui berbagai pertimbangan.
Generic Structure Report Text:

General Clasification; Pernyataan umum yang menerangkan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan
Description: tells what the phenomenon under discussion ; in terms of parts, qualities, habits or
behaviors; Pada bagian ini biasanya memberikan gambaran fenomena-fenomena yang terjadi;
baik bagian-bagiannya, sifat-sifatnya, kebiasaannya, ataupun tingkah lakunya. Intinya adalah
penjabaran dari klasifikasi yang disajikan dengan ilmiah.

Tujuan Report Text:

Its social purpose is presenting information about something. They generally describe an entire
class of things, whether natural or made: mammals, the planets, rocks, plants, countries of
region, culture, transportation, and so on.
Jika disimpulkan, tujuan report text adalah untuk menyampaikan informasi hasil pengamatan dan
analisa yang sistematis. Informasi yang dijelaskan dalam report text biasanya bersifat umum,
baik itu alamiah ataupun buata seperti binatang mamalia, planet, bebatuan, tumbuh-tumbuhan,
negara bagian, budaya, transportasi, dan lain sebagainya.

Keterangan :
General nouns, maksudnya adalah, suatu benda (baik itu hidup atau mati) yang bersifat umum.
Coba bandingkan : Hunting dogs >< My dog. Hunting dogs bersifat umum; sedangkan my dog
bersifat khusus.
Relating verbs, dalam grammar disebut juga dengan linking verbs. Seperti to be [is, am, are:
present], seem, look, taste dan lain sebagainya.
Timeless present tense adalah salah satu penanda waktu dalam simple present seperti "often,
usually, always" dan lain-lain.

Technical terms, maksudnya adalah istilah-istilah yang meliputi teks report tersebut. Misalnya
tentang "music" maka, istilah-istilah musik harus ada.

Contoh :

Thanks giving Day

Thanks giving or Thanks giving Day is a celebration of harvest, thankfulness
for peace, and the attempt of Native Americans. It is usually celebrated in late
In the past, Thanks giving was celebrated for their rich harvest in New
England. In North America, however, it was originally held to thank God for their
survival in the new land which was not easy for them. However, in Canada, it had
been celebrated as in New England. Thanksgiving now is celebrated in United
States of America and in Canada. Thanksgiving festivals are held every fourth
Thursday of November in the U.S and on the second Monday of October in
Canada. It is usually celebrated in four to five days in the North America and for
three days in Canada.
It is celebrated through families and friends gathering to eat and give good
luck. Turkey is the main dish in the thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving parades are
also usually held. In Thanksgiving homes are decorated with wreaths, fresh and
dried flowers. Lamps are lighted to brighten the environment. Tables are decorated
with best china and antique silver dishes to mark the occasion.

Anecdote (cerita lucu)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose)
Menceritakan kejadian/peristiwa lucu berdasarkan khayalan atau
peristiwa nyata yang bertujuan menghibur.
Struktur Teks (Text Structure)

Koda (prubahan yang terjadi pada tokoh dan pelajaran yang dapat
dipetik dari cerita)

Ciri kebahasaan menggunakan:

Seruan/kata seru, pertanyaan retorik dan kata-kata seperti Listen to
this! And do you know what? Its awful, isnt it? dsb
Action verbs, misalnya go, write, dsb.
Conjuctions yang berhubungan dengan waktu, seperti then,
afterwards, dsb.
Contoh :
Blessing Behind Tragedy
There was a black family in Scotland years ago. They were Clark family with nine
children. They had a dream to go to America. The family worked and saved. They were making
plan to travel with their children to America. It had taken several years but finally they had saved
enough money. They had gotten passport. They had booked seats for the whole family member
in a new liner to America.
The entire family was full of anticipation and excitement with their new life in America.
However few days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor
sewed up the boy. Because of the possibility of getting rabies, there were being quarantined for
long days. They were in quarantine when the departure time came. The family dreams were
dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they had planned.
The father was full of disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the ship leaved
without him and his family. He shed tears of disappointment. He cursed both his son and God for
the misfortune.
Five days latter, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty Titanic,
had shank. It took hundreds of passenger and crew with it. Titanic which had been called the
unsinkable ship had sunk. It was unbelievable but it was.

The Clak family should have been on that ship, but because of the bitten son by a dog, they were
left behind. When the father heard the news, he hugged the son and thanked him for saving the
family. He thanked God for saving their lives. It was a blessing behind a tragedy.

Descriptive Text
Descriptive text bermakna teks yang menjelaskan tentang pengalaman yang
berhubungan dengan pancaindera, seperti apa bentuknya, suaranya,
rasanya. Kebanyakan teks deskriptif memang tentang pengalaman visual,
tapi nyatanya pengalaman selain dari indera penglihatanpun bisa digunakan
dalam descriptive text.
Descriptive text adalah, "...... is a text which says what a person or a thing is
like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or
thing." [teks yang menjelaskan gambaran seseorang atau benda. Tujuannya
adalah mengambarkan atau mengungkapkan orang, tempat atau benda
Descriptive text ini adalah teks yang menjelaskan tentang seperti apakah
orang atau suatu benda dideskripsikan, baik bentuknya, sifat-sifatnya,
jumlahnya dan lain-lain. Tujuan (purpose) dari descriptive text pun jelas,
yaitu untuk menjelaskan, menggambarkan atau mengungkapkan seseorang
atau suatu benda.

Generic Structure dalam Descriptive Text

Identification : berisi tentang identifikasi hal / seorang yang akan
Description : berisi tentang penjelasan / penggambaran tentang hal /
seseorang dengan menyebutkan beberapa sifatnya.
Contoh :

Orange, the popular fruit which is easy to find and relatively cheap, in
fact contain much nutrition, which is good for our health. The fruit has widely
been known as not only vitamin and mineral-rich fruit but also containing
essential substances, which cannot be produced by human body. As a matter
of fact, those substances are necessary since they are used in the process of
the growth and development of human body.
The non-nutrition compounds in orange can minimize the risk of some
dreadful diseases, such as cardiovascular, cancer, and eyes problems.
Unfortunately, for many years people see the fruit only as the source of
vitamin C while actually it also produces carbohydrate, potassium, calcium,
thiamin, niacin, vitamin B, phosphor, magnesium, riboflavin, another natural
chemical compounds.

Consuming orange is also suggested for those who have diet

programme since there are only 60-80 calories in one fruit. Therefore, by
having this fruit in daily menu, someone can reduce his or her weight.

Explanation Text
Explanation text adalah sebuah teks yang berisi tentang proses-proses yang berhubungan
dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, soisal, ilmu pengetahuan, budaya dan lainnya. Sebuah
Explanation text biasanya berasal dari pertanyaan penulis terkait why dan how terhadap suatu
fenomena yang ada.
Tujuan Komunikatif Explanation Text: untuk menerangkan proses-proses yang terjadi
dalam pembentukan atau kegiatan yang terkait dengan fenomena-fenomena alam, sosial, ilmu
pengetahuan, budaya, dan lainnya yang bertujuan menjelaskan.

Generic Structur Explanation Text:

1. A general statement
Dalam general statement berisi tentang penjelasan umum tentang fenomena yang akan
dibahas, bisa berupa pengenalan fenomena tersebut atau penjelasannya.
2. A squenced of explanation
A squenced of explanation berisi tentang penjelasan proses mengapa fenomena tersebut
bisa terjadi atau tercipta. A squenced of explanation berupa jawaban dari pertanyaan
why dan how penulis ketika membuat sebuah Explanation text. Dalam squenced of
explanation bisa terdiri lebih dari satu paragrap.
3. Closing
Sebenarnya closing itu tidak tercantum dalam generic structure dari Explanation text,
tetapi kebanyakan orang beranggapan bahwa paragrap terakhir dari sebuah
Explanation text adalah closing, padahal itu merupakan bagian dari squenced of
explantaion yang berisi tentang langkah akhir yang dijelaskan pada bagian squenced of

Language features Explanation Text

Dalam sebuah explanation text, terdapat ciri-ciri kebahasaan seperti di bawah ini, yaitu:
Menggunakan simpel present tense
Mengguankan abstract noun (kata benda yang nampak)
Mengguanakan Passive voice
Menggunakan Action verbs

Contoh :

Making Paper from Woodchips

General statement : Woodchipping is a process used to obtain pulp and

paper products from forest trees. The woodchipping process begins when
the trees are cut down in a selected area of the forest called a coupe.
Squence of explanation : Next the tops and branches of the trees are cut
out and then the logs are taken to the mill. At the mill the bark of the logs is
removed and the logs are taken to a chipper which cuts them into small
pieces called woodchips. The woodchips are then screened to remove dirt
and other impurities. At this stage they are either exported in this form or
changed into pulp by chemicals and heat. The pulp is then bleached and the
water content is removed.
Closing : Finally the pulp is rolled out to make paper.

Procedure Text
Procedure (prosedur)
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose)
Memberi petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian



Struktur Teks (Text Structure)

Tujuan Kegiatan
Ciri kebahasaan menggunakan:
Pola kalimat imperative, misalnya Cut, Dont mix, dsb.
Action verbs, misalnya turn, put, dont mix, dsb.
Connectives untuk mengurutkan kegiatan, misalnya then, while, dsb.
Adverbials untuk menyatakan rinci waktu, tempat, cara yang akurat,
misalnya for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top, dsb.
Contoh teks Procedure


How to Make a Cheese Omelet


1 egg, 50 g cheese. 1 cup milk, 3 table spoons
cooking oil, a pinch of salt and pepper
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese grater, bowl,
1. Crack an egg into a bowl.
2. Whisk the egg with a fork until it is smooth.
3. Add milk and whisk well.
4. Grate the cheese into the bowl and stir.
5. Heat the oil in a frying pan.


6. Pour the mixture into the frying pan

7. Turn the omelet with a spatula when it
8. Cook both sides
9. Place on a plate; season with salt and pepper.
10.Eat while warm.

News Item Text

News Item Text adalah teks yang memberikan informasi tentang
kejadian / peristiwa harian. Peristiwa harian ini dianggap pantas
dijadikan berita atau [bisa dibilang] penting
Generic Structure of News Item

Main Events : Kejadian utama yang pantas dijadikan berita.

Elaboration : Penjelasan mengenai latar belakang adanya peristiwa tersebut; orang-orang yang
terlibat dalam peristiwa tersebut; tempat peristiwa terjadi; dan lain-lain..
Resource of Information [Source] : Sumber berita; komentar para saksi; pendapat para ahli;
dan lain-lain.

Ciri-Ciri News Item :

dominan menggunakan saying verbs,

banyak menggunakan adverb of time, adverb of place, adverb of
Sering menggunakan action verbs,

Catatan :
Action verb adalah kata kerja yang menunjukan aktifitas.
Saying verb seperti "diberitakan, dikatakan, dikutip, mengatakan,
memberitakan, mengutip".
Adverb baca : Jenis Adverb
Contoh News Item:

Town Contaminated
Moscow- A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another soviet nuclesr catastrophe,
which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

Yelena Vazrshaskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a
nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotova-22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobly disaster, spread radioactive fallout over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union.
Residents war told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had
been a thermal and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to
remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrery.
A board of investigation was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet

Analytical Exposition
Analytical Exposition adalah teks yang menguraikan ide penulis tentang fenomena
sekitarnya. Fungsi sosial adalah untuk meyakinkan pembaca bahwa ide adalah hal
yang penting.
Tujuan Komunikatif Teks (Communicative Purpose) :
Memaparkan dan mempengaruhi audience (pendengar/pembaca) bahwa ada masalah yang
tentunya perlu mendapat perhatian.
Struktur Teks (Text Structure):
-Pernyataan pendapat/ Thesis statement (tujuan memperkenalkan topik)
-Argumen terdiri dari point yang dikemukakan dan elaborasi
-Penguatan pernyataan/conclusion
Ciri kebahasaan menggunakan:
-General nouns, misal car, pollution, leaded petrol car, dsb.
-Abstrac nouns, misalnya policy, government , dsb.
-Relating verbs, misalnya It is important, dsb.
-Action verbs misalnya, She must save, dsb.
-Thinking verbs, misalnya Many people believe, dsb.
-Modal verbs, misalnya We must preserve, dsb.
-Modal adverbs, misalnya certainly, dsb.
-Connectives, misalnya firstly, secondly, dsb.
-Bahas evaluatif, misalnya important, valuable, dsb.
-Kalimat pasif (passive voice)
Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition


Air pollution is one of the harmful substances that

causes demage to the environment, human healt,
and quality of life. It makes people sick like
having breathing problems and cancer.



Pollutants also come from other sources. For

instance, decomposing garbage in landfills and
solid waste disposal sites emits methane gas and
many product give off VOCs
Unlike pollutants from human activity however,
natural pollutanta tend to remain in the atmosphere
for a short time and do not lead to permanent
atmosphere change.

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