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172 ements oF POWER STEN ANALYSS ‘bas impedance matrix Zs. Performing the indicated matrix mol yields calle ‘ipl ¥; ¥% ie 1 2668] 3830 — 0.3508 4039 — 02824 ‘000 02971} and so the node voltages are = LaLtn — 0.2668 = 1.436 /- 10.71" per Vy, = 13830 03808 = 1.427 £1424" per un Vy 14059 ~ 0.2824 1.434 £1136 per unit Vy, = 14009 — j02971 = 1432 £1197 per unit feoaae om wo. 28 ion Parr sone ‘A useful method of matrix manipulation, called partitioning, consists in recognit~ ihg various parts of a matrix as submaltices which are treated as singe elements iBB Voiying the usual rules of multiplication and addition, For instance, assume A. where ‘To show the steps in m: assume that A is to be postmultiplied by anot serwonx CALCULATIONS 173 where 0.3) With partitioning as indicated, (ay ‘where the submatrices are , u- | ‘Then the pro 5) (716) ‘The product is final Addition of tke subr IEC is composed of the submatrices M and NY so (any ‘comparison with Eq, (7.16)shows M=DH+ES NeFH+ Gs If we wish to find only the submatrix N, partitioning shows that Not afte] + = ayibis + dyabar + dssbsy (720) ‘The matrices to be m tices to be multiplied must be compatible originally, Each vertical i line between columns r and r++ 1 of the fis drawn columns the ofboth. An example that apis 1¢ end of the next Seeaeaee 174 sxesenes OF POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS 74 NODE ELIMINATION BY MATRIX ALGEBRA [Nodes may be eliminated by matrix manipulation of the standard node equa BN However, only those nodes at which current does not enter or Teave the network can be eliminated. "The standard node equations in matrix T= You “where Land V are column matrices and Ypq is a symmetrical square matrix. Column matrices must be so arranged that elements associated with nodes jon are expressed as ‘associated with nodes 10 be ‘The admittance matrix i partitioned so that elements nodes to be efiminated are Separated from the other ele- wees orzontal and vertical lines. When partitioned according to these fer wae a an erm a) Va eae hae 2 isthe submatrix composed of the currents entering the nodes to be ‘and Vis the submatrix composed of the voltages ofthese nodes, OF is zero, for the nodes could not be eliminated other- K are those identified only equal to the number of nodes to ‘Sinposed of only those mutual admittances common to a node to be retained land to one to be eliminated, Performing the multiplication indicated in Eq, (7.22) gives 1 =KV,+ Ly 023) md [aL'V, + MV ie) Since all elements of Ty ae zero, subtracting LTV, from both sides of Ba. (7.24) nd multiplying both sides by the inverse of M (denoted by M~) yields =MULV,= Vx (725) ‘This expression for Vx substituted in Bq. (7.23) gives 1, =KV,-LM"L'V, 7.26) which is a node equation having the admittance matrix Yuu = R= LMLT (727) NETWORK CALCULATIONS 175, This admitance matic enables ws bles ust construct the cet withthe un ‘nodes eliminated, as we shall see in the following example. he wanted temoved from the just described, find the equivalent circuit with these Shae find the complex power transferred int er steed itor ov of he nevork at and 2. Also find the voitage at node 1. ework at noses 1 partitioned for elimina- 30) ve [f |- 00 330 ur) ~ | ad 80 150 j80 ~/180 et [tbo sa ~ foone 0406 : “Tisi| -j.0 -j145]~ [wows pore wars [49 J50]|o0914 90%6) [40 25 [2s js0] joous jao75 [js0_js0 __ [49264 40736) 40736 3.4268] Vou 2K EMinr = [98 29) _png-upr 00 -jg3]~ MY v= [eae 40736) "=| ja0736 88736 Examination of matrix shows us thatthe admitance bet ‘Temaining buses | and 2 is —j4.0736, the reciprocal of ie pers impedance between these buses. The admit ance Sean and the reference bus is a oe 4.8736 — (—}4.0736) = —j0800 per unit ‘The resulting circuit is shown 7.5a. When the current sources converted to thei equivalent emf sources te ‘unit, is that of Fig, 7.5. Then the currer ee eee i 15-1249 5+ 125 + 02455) ~ 77455) = 03278 ~ 0.1093 = 0.3455 £18.44 per unit ig. 73 without the sure at nde 3 (a withthe equivalent current ours Figure 75 Ci Hy final voltage sours at odes | an aoa () Power out of source ais 1.5/0® x 0.3455 [8.44° = 0.492 + 0.164 per unit [And power into source b is 15 £3687 « 0.3455 18.44" = 0.492 ~ [0.164 per unit [Note that the reactive voltamperes in the cicuit equal (03455)? 2.7455 = 0328 = 0.164 + 0.164 ‘Te voige node 10 ~ 2903278 — 1083) = 1368 ~ 410 per unit the single cout ofthis example note eimination could have ten tne Sie lomatons and Wy woking wi series a0 paral “Tis parting method sa geal metod stampa sates, Howe: fo ci Tee eee M ose vers mast bs found ation of a large num wv be lace. o averting a matrix is avoided by elim Laid ‘be eliminated must be the high ing one node a tie, and the I numbered element NETWORK CALCUEATIONS 177 ‘the reduced (n — 1) x (n — 1) matrix will be, according to Eq. (7.27), [ YN ] [he You Ney and when the indicated mani ment in row k and column j Each clement in the original matrix K must be modified. When Eq. (7.28) is ‘compared to Eq. (7.30) we can see how to proceed. We multiply the element in the last column and the same row as the element being modified by the el in the last row and the same column as the element being modified. We then divide this product by Yq and from the element being ‘modified. The following example illustrates the simple procedure, Example 74 Perform the node elimination of Example 73 by fist removin node 4 and then by removing node 3. * * Souumiow As in Example 73, the orginal gate now partoned for re- moval of one node is * 2 [-P8 00 fo: jso 00 -83 si js0 You=| jx0 @® ~n45 L iso = 80 To modify the element /25 in row 3, column 2 subtract from it the product of the elements enclosed by rectangles and divided by the element in the lower right corner. We find the modifed element 8.0 xj %. = p25 -Fo Ps Sjiko = 47222 the new element in row 1, column 1 is §50 xj50 7180 ha = - 8 ~ = -8aut 178 exeeNTs OF POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS ‘Other elements are found in the same manner to yield =All — {1.3889 (j6.2222) Xs -| fisees yoo 947222 | Jen 722 —/109488} Reducing the above mati to rermove node 3 yields % [-)48736 (4.0736) ea | 40736 — A876 which is identical to the matrix found by the matrix-partitioning method Wihere two nodes were removed at the same time. D Dace 2? 15 THE BUS ADMITTANCE AND IMPEDANCE MATRICES ce matrix Ye and called the In Example 7.2, we inverted the bus admittanc By definition resultant matrix the bus impedance matrix Zu Zines = Vout (731) and for a network of three independent nodes (732) Since Ysa is symmetrical around the principal diagonal, Zy must be symmeti= cal in the same manner. “The impedance clement point impedance of the nodes, led driving- the transfer 4 Zs. 0n the principal diagonal are te ff diagonal elements ae c Impedances of the nodes. “tba admittance matrix need not be determined in order to obtain Zo, and in another section ofthis chapter we shall see how Z4, may bef directly. ant and very useful in making fault to understand the physical significance fof the various impedances th the at a particular looking ‘tdmittances, We can easily do so by ode equations expressed as rhode. For instance, staring with the 1 1=%.¥ wwe have at node 2 ofthe three independent nodes n= YaYt Yat Yass NETWORK CALCULATIONS 179, ® ® 1 Vand a eda to 220 by ho tnd catenin a aod the =| cance of parila node coud be st ould be measured by shoring 10 the rere ode ad then fog ea of ent awe teases obvi equa Sener steer nodes 1 and othe reerence node I-admittance at node 2 is ened (738) adding all the admittance procedure up to now. Figure 7.6 also serves to illust to illustrate mutual admittance. tion obtained by expending Ea 55 idmittance. At node 1 the equa- he iectly connected fo (736) from which we see that Al Velriersao ‘Thus the mutual admittance tual admittance is measured by shorting all nodes except node 2 to i. (73) the reference node and oie a = sho a Fi 7 At node I othe voltage V,-The negate ofthe caren leasing ed since 1, is defined as the admittance isthe negative ofthe admittance dicely conneciea bowen allan mite th sega of te amitance diay cmmcedbenen of the node admittances in order to ses of the bus impedance matrix. lying both sides of the equation by Va Zul (738) and we must remember when deal ‘ when dealing with Zs, that V and Tare col of the node voltages and the currents entering the nodes fom satent sourens fom current sources,

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