Edf 4430 Critical Task 2

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Stephanie Suarez

EDF 4430: Measurement for Teachers

Performance Assessment and Reflection

The following is a Performance Assessment on Measurement for 2nd Grade.

Included is the actual task with the worksheet students will be turning in, as well as an
analytical rubric for assessing student understanding. At the end, the reflection of the
standards and objectives that align with the Performance Assessment are found.

Name: _____________________
Date: ______________

We have been having so much fun learning and discussing about the different units of
measurement and how they are used! We will be working on a new task with a time frame of
three days. This task is worth 20 points. For this task you will:

1. Measure four different items in which include using a ruler, yardstick, meter stick, and
measuring tape that could be found around the classroom.
2. You need to estimate the lengths of those items including using the units such as inches,
feet, yards, centimeters, and meters.

3. You will then draw the item, label the item used, label the estimated lengths with
appropriate units, write 2-3 sentences to why you chose each of the tools and units of
measurement, and write a different tool that can be used with a sentence explaining why.

Materials Needed


Four different items around the classroom (your choice)

Meter stick
Measuring tape
Color Pencils for coloring picture (optional)



Length with



Math book

1 foot. And
2 inches.

I used a ruler to
measure a book
because (2-3



Meter stick

Measuring Tape

My Check List:
__ I measured four different items in which include using a ruler, yardstick, meter stick, and
measuring tape. (4 points)
__ I drew each item. (2 points)
__ I label the items I used. (2 points)
__ I estimated the lengths and used the appropriate units of measurement of each item. (4
__ I explained why I chose the tool of measurement with the item I chose in 2 to 3 sentences.
(4 points)
__ I included a different measuring tool that can be used besides the ones listed and provided
a justification. (4 points)

Analytic Rubric

Name: _________________
Date: ___________

Content Criteria

Measurement of

Did not measure

Measured only one

Measured only two

Measured only

Measured fo

any items using a

ruler, yardstick,

item using either a

ruler, yardstick,

items using two

different tools such

three items using

three different

different ite
which includ

meter stick, and

measuring tape.

meter stick, or
measuring tape.

as a ruler,
yardstick, meter

tools such as a
ruler, yardstick,

a ruler, yard
meter stick,

stick, or measuring

meter stick, or
measuring tape.

measuring ta

Measurement with

Student did not

estimate any

Student estimated
only one

Student estimated
only two

Student estimated
only three

After measu
the four ite

measurement and
did not use

measurement and
placed the correct

measurements and
placed the correct

measurements and
placed the correct

student labe
each estima

any/correct units.


units of each.

units of each.

the correct

each item.
Explanation of tools
and units used

Identification of
different tool and

Labeling and Drawing

of items

Student did not

Students only

Student only

Student only

Wrote 2-3

explain in any form

why they chose

explanation for one

explanation for two

explanation for

explaining w

each of the tools

and units of

tool used.

tools used.

three tools used.

chose each o
tools and un

measurement for
any items.
Student did not
provide any example

Student only
provided one

Student only
provided two

Student only
provided three

four items.
Student pro
one example

and explanation of a
different tool that

example with
explanation of a

example with
explanation of a

example with
explanation of a

different to

can be used in
comparison to the

different tool that

can be used in

different tool that

can be used in

different tool that

can be used in

comparison t
first one the

first one they used

for each item.

comparison to the
first one they used

comparison to the
first one they used

comparison to the
first one they used

with an expl
for all items

Student did not

for the item.

Student only

for each item.

Student only

for each item.

Student only

Student dre

provide any drawing

or label of items

provided one
drawing with its

provided two
drawings with its

provided three
drawings with its

labeled all fo





Performance Assessment Reflection

For this performance assessment the standards that I used are the following:
MAFS.2.MD.1.1 Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch, foot, centimeter, or
meter by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and
measuring tapes.
MAFS.2.MD.1.2 Describe the inverse relationship between the size of a unit and number
of units needed to measure a given object. Example: Suppose the perimeter of a room is
lined with one-foot rulers. Now, suppose we want to line it with yardsticks instead of
rulers. Will we need more or fewer yardsticks than rulers to do the job? Explain your
MAFS.2.MD.1.3 Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and

The objectives I will be measuring in this performance assessment are the following:
SWBAT measure four different items in the classroom by choosing the appropriate tool
of measurement such as a ruler, yardstick, meter stick, and measuring tape.
SWBAT describe the relationships among inches and a foot, foots to a yard, etc. by
describing which unit of measurement would be needed more or less to measure specific
items in the classroom.
SWBAT estimate the lengths of five different objects around the school using different
units of measurement such as inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and meters.

Performance Assessment Explanation

Based on the following standards and objectives, the performance assessment is the following:
After learning and discussing on the different units of measurement and how they are
used, students will perform a task in which they will measure four different items found around
the classroom in which include using a ruler, yardstick, meter stick, and measuring tape. Students

will also need to estimate the lengths of those items including using the units such as inches, feet,
yards, centimeters, and meters. Students will draw the item, label the tool used, label the
estimated lengths with appropriate units, and write 2-3 sentences to why they chose each of the
tools and units of measurement. In addition, students will also identify a different tool that could
be used along with a one sentence justification to why they chose the different tool in
relationship to the first tool used. Students will fill out the chart provided and as well check of a
self-check list of the tasks completed. The task will be done in a time frame of three days and
will be worth a total of 20 points. Along with this task I will assess their understanding by
performing and completing an analytical rubric for each student. By students turning in their
work it will allow me to measure their understanding and comprehension on the objectives and
standards on this product assessment based on measurement.

Alignment to Standards and Objectives

This performance assessment align to the standards and objectives because students will
be on their own measuring around the classroom objects they choose would best go with the
appropriate measuring tool such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tape as
standard MAFS.2.MD.1.1 mentions. Students will also be estimating and using the appropriate
units of measuring for the items they choose which will include the use of inches, feet, yards,
centimeters, and meters. This task aligns with standard MAFS.2.MD.1.3. Last but not least
students will be justifying the inverse relationship between the size of a unit and number of units
needed to measure a given object as standard MAFS.2.MD.1.2 mentions by giving an example of
a different tool that can be used to measure in comparison to the first tool.
Measurement is an important unit to cover in lessons because is something that students
will use on their daily lives. For this reason I will use the previous standards and objectives for
this performance assessment. This will allow students to know how to measure using appropriate
tools and units of measurements as well as know the difference between each of them. Based on
the analytical rubric and the criterions being measured I will be able to identify if students are
cognitively thinking and explaining the relationship between units of measurement. I will also be
analyzing if students are estimating the lengths of the four objects using the correct units of
measurement such as inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and meters correctly. This will allow me to
seek students conceptual knowledge of the task.

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