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FI) ct sesrion

IIeld at Xic4imond, Va , May 2, 1864, to June 14, 1864.


HrM at Riclimond,



Soveiiiber 7, 1864, to Alarch 18, 7865.


,V'ECOSI) ('OSG/1lCS~'$ F I R S T ,Vh,SXIOX, MA Y 2, 18G4, T O JTJXE 14, 1864.

'lhc fir5t session of the Second Congress commenced this day, c

fonnnhly to the (:onstitution and laws of the Confederate States, a
the Senate assembled at the city of Richmond.



2, 1864.


Robert Jrmison, jr.

.... . . . . . . .

... . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . .
. ~.

Augustus 13. Maxwell.


Benjamin JL. Hill.

... . . . . . . . . .

IIenry C. Burnett.

T. ,J. Semmes.
Edward Sparrow.

. . . .........

A. G. Brown.

_ .. . . . . . . . .

\lTaldo P. Johnson.


.. . . . . . . . .

. . . . . .




(:liarlca 13. &!itchel.



\Villiani 7'. Dortch

dames L. Orr.

Landon C. I-Iaynes
(histaws A. Hem

W.S. Oldham.

Louis T. Wigfall.

Allen T. (laperton.
R. 31. T. Hunter.


[Xay 2,1864.

The Hon. R. 34. T. Hunter, President of the Senate pro tenipre,

resumed the chair.
N r . Dortch presented the credentials of the Hon. William A. Graham, elected a Senator by the general assembly of the State of North
Cmolina for tlie term of six years, from and after the 17th day of
February, A. 1). 1864; which were read, and the oath prescribed by
the Constitution having been administered to Mr. Graham, he took
his scat in the Senate.
Mr. demison presented the credentials of the Hon. Richard W.
Wi~lker,elected a Senat,or hy the general assemhly of the State of
Alabarna for the termof sixyears, from and after the 17th day of Fcbruarg, 1864; which werr read, and the oath prescribed by the Constitutiorl having been administered to Mr. Walker, he took his seat in
thc Scnate.
Mr. I3ron~nprescnted the credentials of the Hon. John W.@. Watson,
clccted :L Scn:itor by thc, general assembly of the State of Mississippi
for tho term of bix years, froin and after tlie 17th day of February,
W 4 ; which were mid, and the oath prescribed by t h e Constitution
Iiavirig bcon adniinistered to Ms. Watson, he took his seat in the Senate.
Thcl Ilon. Jarncs X.Halws, from the State of Florida, whose credentials wvre presented at the last sewion, attended; and the oath prescrilwd h v tbc Coriatitution having been adininibtered to Mr. Baker,
lie took his seat in the Sctmtc.
lhe Ilon. Robert IT. r J ~ ~ h n ~from
o n , t,hr State of Arkansas, whose
credentials were presented at the last sesbion, attended; and the oath
prcwribed by t h c Constitution having been administered to Mi-. Johnson, he took his seat i n the Senate.
T h e Ion. William E. Simms, from the State of Kentucky, whose
cwdentials were presented t i t the last scssion, attended; and the cjath
pscscribed by the Constitution having been administered t o Mr. Siimiis,
hc took his seat in t h e Senate.
On niotioii I>yhh. Orr,
T h e Senate proceeded to the election of a President pro kinpore; and
T h e IIon. 11. M. T. Hunter was tliilp elected.
On niotion by Mr. Orr,
Thc Senate proceeded to the election of a Secretnry; and on counting tlie ballots, it appeared that ?James 13. Nash was dulF elected.
MI-. N:ish attended; and the preecribed oaths were administered to
l i i n i by the President pro tempore.
,211.. Henry suhmitted the following resolution; which was considered
a n d agreed to:
Itesolced, That Lafayette I. Fitzhugh tw appointed Sergeant-at-Arms of t h e Senate,
and that James Page be appointed Doorkeeper of the Senate and John Wadsworth,
As&tant Doorkeeper.

Mr. Eitsshugh, Nr. Page, and Mr. Wadsworth severally attended;

and the prescribcd oaths were administered to them severally by the
President pro ternpore.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordem?, lhet the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
that a quorani of the Senate has assembled, and that the Senate have
elected the Ion. R. &I. T. Hunter, a Senator from the State of Virginia, President pro tempore, and James H. Nash, Secretary, and are
now ready to proceed to business.
On motion by Mr, Orr,


118,) 2 1864 ]

O d p i w l , That the daily hour of meeting of the Senate be 12 OCIOC~

mitil otlierwise ordered.
A 1iicss:ige from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
dent: I am directed to inform the Senate that a quorum of the 1
t i r e s has assemhled; that Thomas S. Bocock, one of the Rep

frorii the State of Virginia, has been chosen Speaker, and Albert H.
Georgia, Clerk; and that the House is ready to proceed to business.
The Iloube of Itepresentatives have passed a resolution for the appoi
coinniittee, jointly with such committee as may be appointed 011 the
Senate, to wait on t h e President of the Confederate States and inform
qnornni of rach House is assembled, and that Congress is ready to
niunicatioii he inay be pleased to make; and have appointed Mr.
31r. R i x s of Virginia, and Mr. Gilmer of North Carolina the conlmi

Nr. Johnson of Arkansas submitted the following resolu

wx5 considered and agreed to:
RwZwd, That a committee be appointed, jointly with t h e committee appointed
on tlic part of the House of Representatives, to wait on the Jresident of the Confederate States and inform him that a quorum of each House has assembled, and that
Congrew is ready to receive any coinmunication he inay be pleased to make.
O i ~ Z e ~ e dThat
the committee be appointed by the Presidcnt pro
tcmpore; and
MY. Johnson of Arkansas, Mr, Semmes, and Mr. Brown were
:tp poi n ted .
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas submitted the following resolution; which
was considered and agreed to:

Resolved, That the Senate nill, a t half past twelve oclock to-morrow, proceed to
the appointment of the standing committees of the Senate.

Mi,. Johnson of Arlransas, from the committee appointed on the

part of tho Senntr, jointly with the committee appointed on the part
of tlie Ilouse of Iteprestntstires, to wait on the President of the Confederate States and inform him that a quorum of each House has
asscmhlcd, and that Congress is ready to receive any cominunication he
may IE plens(~c1t o make, reported that they had performed the duty
assigrird them, and that tlie President re lied that he would immediately iiialte a communication to the two ouses of Congress.
On motion hy Mr. Orr,
Oi*dmed, That t h e Senate will, to-morrow and thereafter during the
present session, meet in thc chamber of the Virginia senate.
The following message was received froiii the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. .Harrison, his Secretary:

To the ,;eiitrtr a)id EIousr of Representatives 0s t?te Cmtfederate 8ates qf hierica:

You are assembled nncler cirrumstanres of deep interest to your country, am1 it is
fortunate that coming, aA you do, newly elected by the people and familiar with the
condition of the various localities, you will be the better able to devise measures
adaptcd to meet the w m t s of the public service without imposing nnnecessary burtlieur 011 tlie citkeri. The brief period which lias elapsed since the bast ailjourriirient
o t Congress has not afforded sufficient opportunity to test the eficacy of the most
irnportant laws theu enarted, nor ha\ e the evelib occurring in the interval been such
as nraterially t o change the htate of the country.
The unjust war commenced against u+ in violation of the rights of the States, and
in usurpation of po\ver not delegated to the Government of the United States, is still
characterizrd by the barbarism with which i t has heretofore been conducted by the
enemy. aged men, helpless M omen and children appeal in vain to the humanity
which should be inspired by their condition for immunity from arrest, incarceration,
or banishment from their homes. Plunder and devastation of the property of noncombatantp, destrnction of prikate dwellings and even of edifices dcvoted to the wor-hip of God, expeditions organized for the sole purpose of sacking Cities, ronsigning
them to the flames, killing the unarined inhabitants, and inflicting horrible outrages


arld children, are some of the constantly recurring atrocities of theinvader.

It call notreasoilably be pretended that such acts conduce to any end which their
antllors tiare a ~ ~ before
o ~ v the civilized world, and sooner or later Christendoll1 luust
rnek out to them t h e condemnation which such .brutality deservex. The suffering

oil \I olxlen

thus ruthlesslji ixlflicted upon tlie people of t h e invaded districts has sewed but to
illustrate their patriotism. Entire unanimity and zeal for their countrys cause have
beell preenliilently conspicuous among those whose sacrifices h a r e been greatest. So,
ti,(, d r ~ l l ywhich has borne the trials and dangers of t h e mar; which has been subjected to privations and disappointnients (tests of rnanly fortitude far more severe
thart t h e brief fatigues and perils of actual combat), has been the center of cheerfulness arld hope. Pro111the camp comes t h e voice of the soldier patriots Invoking
each who is at home, in t h e sphere he best may fill, to devote his whole energies to
the stlpport of a cause, in t h e succeFs of 15 hich their confidence h a s never faltered.
They, the veterans d iiiany a hard-fought field, tender to their country, without
lintit of tinie, a servire of pricvlcss value to us, one which posterity will hold in grateful reiiiombraiice.
In consitlering t h e state o f the country, tlie reflectioii is naturally suggested that
this is the Thircl Congress of the Confederate States of America. The Provisional
Gorerunlent wis formed, its Congress held four sessions, lived its appointed term,
and pawed away. The Permanent Government was then organized, its different
departments c~tablished,a Congress elected which also held four sessions, served its
full coiistitotioiial term, a n d expired. You, thc Second Congrese under t h e Permanent Cioi~eriiitlent,are iiow assenibled at the time and place appointcd by law for
commencing yuur sespion. All these events have passed into history, notwithstanding the threat of o w prompt subjugation, made three years ago, by a people that
presume to aiscrt a title to govern States, T! hose separate and independent sorereignfy WRL. rccoguizecl by treaty Tvith France and Great Nritain in the last century
I niiqiwdioncvl for nearly t1irc.e generations. P e t these very Go\ ernrgard o f tlnty antl treaty obligations I\ hirh bind thrm to rerognize, as
Virginia and othcr Confederate States, persist in cotintenanring b y
moral influence, if not i n aiding by unfair and partial action, the claiiii set up by the
of a ior~igngorerninent, to exercise despotic sway over the Stat- thus
recognized iind treat the invasion of them by their former limited and special agent
as though it w i the
~ attempt
of a sovereign to suppress a rebellion against lawful
authority. lingc~nerousadvantage has been taken of our present condition, and our
r i g t h have hcen violated, our vessels of war detained i n ports to lvhich they liad
been invited by proclamations of neutrality, and in one iitstabce our flag also insulted
where the sacred right oP asylnni was supposed to be secure; lvhile one of these Governments has cxontenteditself with simp1y deprecating, by deferential representations,
the concluct of our enemy i n the constantly recurring instances of his contemptuous
disregard of neutral rights arid flagrant violations of public law. 1 t may be t h a t for(ligii go\w-iinlcnts, like our enemies, have mistaken our desire for peace unreservedly
t l for evitlence of exhaustion and have thence inferred the probability of
11 the d o r t to subjugate or exterminate the millions of human beings who
Statcs prefer any fate to submission to their savage assaila~its. I see no
prospect of an early change in the course heretofore pursued by these Gorernnients;
but when this delusion shall have been dispelled, and when our independence, by
the valor and fortitude of our people, shall hare been 15011 against all t h e hostile
infheiices oouibincd against us, and can no lollger be ignored by o ~ e foes
r ~ or professed neutrals, this war will h a w left with ids proud heinories a record of lrlany
wrongs which it may not niisbecome us to forgive, some for which we may not properly forbear from tlemanding redrew. In the meantime it is enough for 11s to kno\\
that! every avciiiie of negotiation is closed against 11s; t h a t our enel>lyis making
renewed antl strentious efforts for our destruction, and that thc Pole resource for us
as a people se(nrein the justice of our cause, and holding our liberties t o be 11iore
precious than all other earthly possessions, is t o combine and apply every arailable
element of poj+cr for their defense and preservation.




lbbl ]

jnst beeii resuiiied by the enemy, but as tliey give no assurance of intent to carry out
tht, rai tel, au intcri uption of thcl exchange may recur at any moment.
T l i e rtl1)ort$ c ~ fthe Departin
Iierexith sabniitted, are reierreil to for full inforiiiatioi~in relation to the nia
appertaining to each. There are two of them 011

iuode of p l o ~ i d i n gior t h e public wants which ~ o i i l dentail sacrifices so great as a

fresh iswe of Treasnry note?, and I trust that you will conciir in the propriety of
of those iiow in circulation.
id dispatched to tlie trans-Mississippi States, and
he execution of thc laws enacted to obviate delays
rid other 1kicutivtAIkpartiiients in those States, but
ascertain tlie resrilts
qiillit.i~iittiiiir' Iias iiot (
111 i c ~ l a t i u i ito the riiost iiiiportaiit of all subjccts at the present time-the efficiency
of our aiiiiirr 111 tlic. lield-it ibgiatifyiiig to absiire you that. (tie discipliiie and indtructiori of the ti oopr liave kept pace 11 ith the iiiiproveinent in material arid equipment.
I to congratulate ourselves on the results of the legislation oii this
tlic increased adininistrAtive eiiergy in the clifferelit bureaus of the
War I)el,iirtiimit, ant1 iiiay not riiircasonably iiidulge nuticipations of cominensnrate
in progress, and it is hoped the will be valuable in
requiring details ant1 detac$iuents from active



clatroni cwntaiiietl in the report of tlie Secretary of War,

ly invitc4 to thow i n which legislation i q wggested on the

of thc general officer9 in the Provisional Aniiy, ant1 a proper

i~ieriqatioiiof ttic clifffcreiit grades.
i n aicl of iiiralitl officers who have resigned in conseqneace
cwiitrat~tetl\z hilr 111 sen ice.
liiiriit o k the, law \thicli tleprivrs officers iii thc field of the privilege of
liiirchaiiiig I atioiis, an(\ thus adds to thtlir cinbarrassnient, instead of conferring the
I)rnt+it iiiteiidrcl
igani/atioik of the gcneral statf of the Army, in relation to u tiicli a special
q 111 shoi tly 1)e addressed to you, containing the reaboiis whicli c,oJnpelkd
thhottl iiry xpproval ot a bill passed by your predecessors a t too late a period
o f the session to allow tiiiie lor returning it for h e i r reconsideration.
T h e rirwwity for a n increnie in the allowaiice now iiiqde for the transportation of
offiters ti avc~liiigunder oi tlers.
Tile iiiotle of iiiovicting officers for the execution of the conscript 1an.s.
The I I I W I I ~ of secuxiiig greater dispatch and more regular administiation of justice
in c~unrmingnlicl dkpoqiiig oi the records of cayes reported froin the courts-martial
.y courts iri the Army.
lit c.vc1its of the war are highly creditable to our troops, cxhibiting energy
and \igil'iii( conibinctl 11it11 the Iiabitnal gallantry which they hare taught us to
e x p ( 1 011 all occdsioiis \Vc have h e n cheered by important arid valuable suc(b



LXay 3, 11164

i n Florida, iiorthc,rn Mississippi, western Tennessee and Kentucky, western

c;rittv 11 Kortli Curoliii:r, reflecting the highest honor on t h e skill arid
t-f, ok o ~ colniiiaiitlers,
and on t h e incomparable soldiers nhorn i t is their
privilege t o Ieacl. il naval attack on Mobile was so successfully repulsed a t the
outer worhu tliat thc attempt was abandoned, and the nine months' siege of Charleston has liccii practically suspentlcd, ltaving t h a t noble city and it8 fortresses itnperish&le i;lonuIilents to tlie pkill and fortitude of its defender?. The armies i n norihern
(;corgin and i n northern Virginia still oppose 1% ith urichakeri front a, forniidable
lnrriet' to tlic progress of the invader; and our general&, arrnies, and people are
ariiiiintcd b y cheerfnl confidence.
Let us then, while resolute in devoting all our energies to securing tho realization of the briglit aus1)ices ~ i h i c hencourage us, not forget that our humble and
most grateful thanhs arc clue t o Ililn, without whose guidance and protecting a r e
all h u m a n efiot't.i are of iii) a\ ail, ancl to whom interposition are due the manifold
P< .uitlx which \\ c haye been cheered.
i t l i r ~ and


HIc.n\roxn, 3 h y 2, j s f q
r ,

I hc Iticwagc a s rend.
O , v k ~ w d ,Thnt it lic upon tho table and he printed.
'I'lic Prcsitlrnt pi.0 tcmpore laid beforc the Senate the reports of the
Sccrctnry of W:LY,
thc Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of the
Kavy, the I'ostiria~tcr-Cfrii~~~xl,
and the Attorney-General.
On motion by MY.Om,
O ~ t 7 w c ~ 7'I'httt
they lie upon tile table.
On motion by All,. IIayntls,
Thc Senate ndjourncd.
r ,


1 1

h I A Y 8,



PuiwtLnt to tlic resolution of yestcrday, t h e Senate proceeded, by

h i l l o ~ to
, t l t ~appointnicmt of the standing corriiniltew providrd for by
tlic thirty-lirst, rulc of thr Scnatc., and the following c~mirnitteeswere
A Conimittrc on Forci 611 Ileliitions, consistiiig of Xr. Orr (chairinan), Mi-. JYigfall, MI.. Cnpeitoii,
Mr.Johnson of Mishowi, and Mr.
011 Finance, consisting of Mi-. Barnmcll (cliairman),
Mr. Semmes, and Mr. cJeiiii50~i.
) n CIoi~n~iei~cc~,
cwnsistirig of MY.Oldham (chairman),
Mnxwell, Mr. Elaynes, and Mr. \I'alker.
il Coinn:ittee on Military Aflaiix and Militia, consisting of Mr.
s p ~ ~ r r o(c~lixi~~rna~i),
M r . \\'jqEall, Mr. Bamett, Mr. Henry, and MY.
Jollii soil of Ai.liai1sas.
A Committee 011 Nnval Aihirs, consisting of Mr. Brown (chairman),
Mr. lStLIiPr, MY.S i i i i i i i h , Mr. Graham, and Mr. tJohnsori of (korgia.
A Coilunittee on the Judiciary, consisting of Mr. Hill (chairman),
Mr. l h y n w , Mr. Wallwr, Mi.. ]Vatson, and Mr.Semmes.
A Committee on Indiwii Affairs, consisting of Mr. Johnson of Arlransas (chairman), AIr. Johnson of Missouri, Mr. Oldham, Nr. Maxwell,
and Mr. Caperton.
A C'ommittce o i l Post-Oflicw and Post-Roads, consisting of Mr.
Mitchel (chairman), MY.Jernison, M r . Baker, Mr. Haynes, and M r .
A Committee on Public Lands, consisting of 12r. Baker (chairman),
Mr. I-lenry, and Mr. Johnson of Arkansas.

h Coinmitteo 011 Patents arid Patent Office, consisting of Mr. Maxwell

(chairman), Mr. Hill. and Xr. Haynes.
A Cornniittee on Claims, consisting of Mr. Burnett (chairman
I h k f ~ r and
Mr. Johnson of Missouri.
,4Coiiiniittcc on Territories, consisting of Mr. Wigfall (chair
Xlr. Mitchel, and Mr. Barnwell.
A Committee on Accounts, consisting of Mr. Ctiperton (chair
Mr. I h r t c h , and 1\11.. IS*
. imms.
A Coniiiiittec on Printing, consisting of Mr. Watson (chair
MY.O n , and hlr. Tapes.
A Conmiittcc on Engrossment and Enrollment, consisting of Mr.
Ilortc~h(clmirman), Mr. Caperton. and Mr. Maxwell.
On irtotion by M r . Orr,
Oldoiacld, That the Secretary cause :L list cf tho standing committees
to be printed for the uye of the GenatP.
On niotion by Mr. Orr,
d,That t h c report of the Secretary of the Navy he referred
:ornniittee on lava1 Affairs; that the rcport of the Secretary
of the Trcnsnry be referred to the Committee on Finance; that the
wport of the Secretary of Wttr be referred to the Comniittee on Military Affairs; that the re ort of the Iostmaster-GeneYd1 be referred to
the Coninlittee on Post- a c e s and Post-Roads, arid that the report of
thc Attorney-General be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
On niotion 1)s M r . O r r , and by unanimous consent,
O ~ d ~ ~ ~Tehi a?t , 200 additional copies of the Presidents message be
yriiited f o r the w e of the Senate.
On inotion hy Mr. O n ,
h i t so n i u c l ~of thc Presidents messago as relates to forrig11 aHair6 be referi-ed to the Chnmittee on Yoreign Relations; that
h o much :IS r.c:iiites to thc finanws be ibefcrred t o the Coninlittee on
Finiuic.c; tllitt so ntuch as relates t o military affairs he refe~redto the
Conimittc)c on Militaiy Affairs, and that so niwh as relates to naval
aifaii-s be rcfcrrcd t o the Coniriiittec on N a v d Affairs.
On niotion thy M r . Sparrow,
The Senate adjourned.

WEDSE!SDAY, MAY 4, 1864.


Mr. Johnson of Arkansas wbmitted the following resolution for

considemtion :
R e t d le t l ( t h e / I O I W of
and tht. Speaker of the
sine die, on Af(Jllday,th

), That the President Of the Senate

es adjourn their respective Rouses,
irrstant, at twelve or1oc.k iireridian.

Mr. Hill prcscrited the memorial of officers of Andersons higadc,

praying a change in the lam granting rations t o officers of the Army;
which mas referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. SpdrIOW presentrd the meniorial of bfessrs. Wedderhurn &
Alfriend, proprietors of the Southern Literary Messengel, [)raping
exemption from ruilitary service; which was referred to the Committee on llilitai-y Afiairs.
Nr. Sparrow (by leave) introduced





A bill (S. 1)to provide and organize a general staff for service in
thc field, to serve during the war;
read the first and second times and referred to the C h i '
mittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Brown (by leave) introduced
A bill (8. 2) for the establishment and equalization of the grades of
officers of the Navy, and for other purposes;
\jrllicll was read tho first and second times and referred to the Committco on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Dortch (hy leave) introduced
il joint resolution (S. 1)of thanks to Major-General Hoke and Commander*Coolie and the o6cers and men under their command for the
brilliant victory over the enemy at Plymouth, N. C.;.
which ~ v a sread the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Wbolc; and no amendment, b i n g proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
073dered, That i t be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read t h e third time.
Besolvpcl, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O r c l m d , That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Graham submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
i?rso7ved, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to inquire into the expetliency of amending the act to tax, fund, and limit t h e currency, pmsed at t h e last
session of Congrwq, so as to provide t h a t bonds of the Confederate States to be received
by any State i n purquancbe of the twelfth section of said act shall be coupgn bonds,
and exempt froin taxation, and that all Confederate notes of any of t h e old issues
held by any State on t h e first day of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, may, a t
the option of such State, be exchanged for such bonds, or for Treasury notes of the
new issue; and further, t h a t all just demands of any State against the Confederate
Government accruing but unpaid, prior to t h e said first day of April, shall he paid
in Treasury notes of t h e new issue provided for by said act.

Mr. Orr (by l e a ~ e introduced

A bill (S. 3) to authorize officers of the Army and Navy to purchase
ratio I)Y ;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Coinniittee on Militai*yhflairs.
Mr. Orr prescnted I h e petition of employees and detailed men in the
Quartermaster's and other departments at Columbia, S. C., praying
additional coinpensation; which was referred to the Committee on
Mr. C)rr s r r h i t t d thc following resolution; which was corisidered
and agreed to:
RcsoZved, That the Committee on Printing be instructed to inquir
causes of delay in cxcoiting the printing of t h e lams passed b \ the
gress and other puhlic printing ordered by t h e Senate during'the labt Col~gress,and
what, if any, order is necessary to secure its execution.

Mr. Caperton presented the petition of the gorernor, treas

u .d i. t o r of public accounts of the State of Virginia, praying
y be made for the redemption of the Confedera
notes held by the State of Virginia on the first day
ch was referred to the Committee on Finance.
(by leave) introduced



h joint resolution (S. 8) of thanks to General Finegan and the 0%cer:, and inen of his command;
it1 Coinwhich was read the first and second times and considered
rriittec of thewhole; and no ainendment being proposed, it was reported
to the Senate.
OnJcred, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
Ihc said resolution was read the third time.
A?ewlced, That i t p:tss, arid that the title thereof ho as nforcsaid.
Oi*dc.r.c.d,That the Secretary request the concnrrencc of the &use
of Rtprcsciitatives thcreiii.
31 r. .John\on of Arkansas (by leave) introduced
A hill (S. 1)to provide nieans of transit across the Mississippi liiver
f o r iiwnihers of Congress residing west of said r i w r in going to alid
rvturning from tlie Confederate States Congress;
I\ liicli w:i\ read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Mi1itm-y iZtfairs.
0 1 1 iiiotioii hy M u 1Iil1,
Tlie Senate adjourned.
THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1864.

The Hon. Robert 77;. Barnwell, from the State of South Carolina,
A in e h sap frorri thP llouse of Eepresentatives, hy Air. Ualton:

lit. 110we of Representative3 ha\ e passed the folloit ing resolution;

ue+t the concurrence ot the Senate:
That l h c Dooikecpcr I > e directed to furiiish to the pioper officer of the
ntion in tliat body, ropies of :dl bills nntl other pa1)w~printed for
use, and that the Scnato be requested to adopt R like rule as to the
the tire of the Senate.

The Hciiatc procctedecl to consider the resolution qubmittcd J esterday

1)y Mr. ,Johnbon of Arkansas, fixing a day for the adjournment of

Congress; and
On motion by Mr.Hill,
Oidered, That i t be referred to the Coinrriittee on the Judiciary.
1111.. Sparrow suhinitted the following resolution; which was conhidered and ngreed to:
Xesohed, That t h e Comniittce on Finance be instructed to inquircFir& Into the propriety of so amending the first section of thc act elititled An
act to levy additiorial taxes for the common defense and support of tkic (+ovrrnrrieIit,
appro] ed February seventeenth, eighteen huntlred and sixtj -foul, tliat the T alue of
thp proprrt) rpecifietl in caid section shall be estimated at the time of aisessment,
like other ])iopeltv taxed by Faid act.
Pecontl. Thnt, should the committee clieapprove this change, they then inquire
into the expediency of modifying the said fir&section ot the said act so that in cstimating thil x a h c of tlie prodii( tions paid as tithe+, the vanie 4iall be estimated
awordiiig to the value thereof in t h e year cightecn hundred and sixty.

Mr. Brown (by leare) introduced

d hill (S. 5) to protect Senators and Representatives i n Congress
from annoyance when traveling in the Confederate Stateh;
which as read the first and secoid times and considered as in Corninittcc of the TThole; and
On nlotion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend the hill hy striking out
a p i n s t , line 12, and inserting . withont,



[May 5,1864.

It was determined in the negative.

furtlie? :bmend~nentbeing proposed, the bill rras reported to the

Ordmed, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was rcad the third time and the title was arnended.
d , That it pass, and that the title thereof be An act to
provide passports for Senators arid Eepresentatives in Congress when
traveling in the Confederate States.
OT&.red, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Itepresentativcs therein.
Mr. Johnson of Missouri (by leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 3) of thanks to Missouri officers and soldiers
in tlic Confederate service east of t h e Mississippi -River;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Comof the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was
rel)ortetl LO tlit: Serrate.
Otdw~d,That i t be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read tlie third time.
IZf.solperr, That it p s s , and thwt, the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O d ~ m t ? That
tbo Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Repwsentatives therein.
A h . Johnson of Missouri (by leave) introduced
A hill (S. 6) for the rc1ic.f of States holding Confederate securities;
which wiis read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on 1
3 inance.
hlr. Dortch (by Jtlavt:) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 4) for the relief of John D. Southerland;
which was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Barnwell presented the meniorial of officers of the First Army
Corps, praying a change in the law granting rations: to oEcers of the
Army; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Orr (by Icave) introduced
R bill (S. 7) to amend an act entitled An act to provide for the
p a p e n t of the interest on the removal and subsistence fund due the
Cherokee Indians in North Carolina, so as to authorize the Secretary
of War to pay the interest in cash or provisions;
which was read the firsst and second times and referred to the Conimittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Orr submitted the following resolution; which was considered
tind agreed to:
R c ~ wThat
~ , the Committee 011 Military Affairs be instructed to inquire and
report wliat, if any, legislation is necessary to vacate t h e commis
field, and staff officers who have no commands or diities to perform

hfr. Orr submitted tlie followiiig resolution; which w

and agreed to:
Rrsolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inqnire and
report upon the expedienry of reducing the cavalry force no\\ i n the ser\ ic
Confederate States, i n consequence of t h e scarcity of forage.

itted the following resolution; which was c

enty-eight copies of the acts and resolutions of the Pr
es, with the table of contents, be bound in pamphlet fornl by
and furnished by him to the Senate for t h e use of its members,


Nay 5 , 1664 ]


tlrousanil copies ortlered to be printed 111 the act of mventeenth of

a i l . csighteeii hiiridrcd arid sixty-trvo, with an index for wch copy; t(t be fnri to the S m a t e as moil RS printrd

o r i t OI tlicl it1rt.e

MI.. 1-Ienr.y (by leave) iiitroducwt

A joint resolution (S. 5) of tharilis to hlaj. ( h i . S. 13. Forrest and
his oficclrr and soldiers;
w1iic.h n7as i w d tlic f i r b t mid second tiiiwh mid considered ~ L Sin C o n u i i ( tw 01 the CThulc; arid
On motion by 3lr. Burnett, tliat the resolution be rcfcrred to the
Coirmittec on Nilitary Affairs,
After dchate,
On niotion hy Sh.. Hill,
Ortlewd, That tlic lurthoi. c*orisiclcl.atiotithcrcof I w yohtponetl until
Thc Iresident pro tcmpore laid bcfore the Senatt. tlic yctition of R
convention of hanks of Virginia and Sorth Carolina, praxing :I rcduction of tlie tax imposed on h i k s hy the act o f Fcb1~~1:11~y
17, 186.1;
which was rtferwtl to tl-ic (ontiiiiltcv 011 Firimce.
JIr. ITalker suhnitted the following resolution; which was considcred R l l d :LgrCPd to:
R t s o l ? d,
~ That tlie (oinmitter on Finance he iiist
rlirnry of 80 ainencliiig the a r t to tax, lurid, and liiiti
transfers 11y tlelivei y of tlic four ptr rent crrtificntrs a
sliall be wfRcierit to crrahle the Iioltl~ito tise thc sa

Mr. JYalker suhmittpd th r following i~ wd n tio n; which was consid~rtd

and itgreed to:
lliat the (oiiririittcv on Firranre l)o irihtrri

qnire into the espe-

>twt!iat all atrraiz of interest 11

htwiiig Trc~a~ury
Iiotes ot the
, eighteen lrantlrecl anti sixty-four, and
&all be paid i n Trtwmr) iiotes of tlie i i ~ mihsue.

On motion b y Mr. ,Jeniison,

O?~cZewci, That Green T. IFill have lenvc to withdraw his pctition
and papers.
M u . Semmes, froni the Committec on Finance, r c p r t c d
A bill (S. 8 ) t o appropriate rnoiicy for the p:~jm(~it
of cert:iin p h t iiig clone b y the ;iutfiorily of Corigre?5s;
which ma& read the first and second timcs and considerod :LSi n Coininittee of theTlhole; and no amendment beiiig propo~ecl,i t was reported
to tlie Senate.
Oi*&c.l.ed, That it be engrossed and read :L third tirno.
The said bill was read the third tinic.
Bexolued, That it pass, and that the title thereof be ~LL,aforesaid.
OrdemcZ, That the, Secretary request the ( ~ o i i c u r r ~ of
the House
of Represcnttttires therein.
On riiotiou by Blr. Semmes,
O)rcieercd, That the repoi-tof thc Secretary of the rreasury, together
with the accompanying documents, be printed for the use of the Senate.
0 1 1 motion by Mr. Hill,
Ordeered, That the report of the Attorney-Grncral he printcd for the
use of the Senate.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
O d e w d , That the report of the Secretary of
hprinted f o r
the use of the Senate.

by Mr. X i t c h d ,
(jrtJered, 'rhat tile report of the Postmaster-(hwral he priI1tc(l for
the U ~ C
of the Senate.
The followil1g nlesiapc mas received fronl the f ' r c d c n t of th(' confederate States, by &. 13. N. Harrison. his Secretary:
0 1 1 motion

Rrcrrvo\it, lftry 4, 18G.

To tlte Sencite mid House qf IZepresmtativ88:
I liere\\ it11 tyans111it a conlrniinication froin the Secretxy of tlw y a \ ~ y ,:m(1 in\ ite
your attention to his request for a n early consideration of it.

Thc message was read.

O&red, 'rhat it be refcrrmt to the Coiriiirittee on Xaval Affairs.
Thc following iiiesvage was reccivrd f i ~ mthe
Yrthiclent of t h e Corrfedrrate States, by Mr. 13. N. Ilarrison, his Secretltrj:
o\n, I-\ , .lff/3J .i,
I b th(JSoiritP t r d FIozcse of IZ
I tlprc.\j itti transInit for your consideration two cornniunication+ ~ O J I tI l r r Secretary
ctf ttlc Treasury, subtuitting estimates of ntlditional approprlationi rrriuircfl for ilie
SIllJport of the Government.

The message was read.

0 1 8 t k ?&,
'I'hstt it he r e f c r r d to the ('ornmitteo o n Finance.
On notion hy RIr. SprroTt',
The Senate ucsolvcd into csec*utivchefibion.
The doors lxwing been opened,
On motion by Air. ,Johnson of Ar$nnsab,
The Scnatc adjourned.

The lollowing messages wert: i*cceived froin the President of the

Confederate States, by J4r. 13. K. Harrison, 11



YOtlie Scimk

of 11ie Confederate Stcites:

Agreeably to the recominendatioii of the Secretary of War, 1nominate F 31. Green,
of Mississippi, to be colonel of the Eleventh Mississippi Regiment.

IZichmouti, 3fciig 4 , f864.

h P A H T M E A T , CONFEDERkl'E SrATEs 05' dHE RI('

SIR:T hare the honor to recommend the nomination of F. 31 Green, of IIississippi, to be colonel of the Eleventh Mississippi Regiment, to rank fro111 Yehruary 19,

1 am, bir, respectfully, your obedient sen ant,

To H i n Excdlmc~yJ

Secreirrry c?f War.

To the ,('Piante of tht. Confederate Bnfes qf Amerzca:

The action of t h e Senate on the noriiiiiationd for field officers of the Eleyenth
Pl'risfiissippi Regiment, which occnrred on t h e e>e of your adjournment at t h e laat
SePsio11, nafl not communicated to me till after the adjunrnnlent. 1 \\-as
the nomination of Colonel Green for your reconsicteratiou (his rejectioxl
to have been based on an error), and h a r e kept the \I l ~ o l esubject open
t h e present session, when you could be iriformecl of the fwQ.
the Senate is in the following nor&.

oZc(11, That the nomination of F. Ict. Green, to be c.olonel of the Eleventh
i p p i Itq$twnt, be rejected, for the reason that in the opiniorl of the Senate
1,ou ry is the senior and ranking officer.
If tlitl Srnatr had at the same time suspended its action on the other nominations
thtJrr could have been no difficwlty in awaiting its present session for a settlenlent of
thr legal rights of the officers of this regiment, which fan not bc affected by the
action of the Executive or t h e Senate, or of both colrlhined, inasnluch as they

wted I)y act of Congress, which has the constitutional Imwer to determine the r
iii the service. Bat, probably not perceiving in t h e press of hnsi
a t the close of the session what would be the result of its action if carried into eff
the Senate confirmed the mininations of the lieutenant-colonel and major, t
subordinatin:: to t\\ o of his juniors the senior captain of the regirnent, TI ho had been
niiie months,
in coiiin~andof it, to the entire satisfaction of his mperiors, for n ~ o r than
and \I 110 Ii:ttl 1)ec.n atljud.ged to be the senior captain, after a11 e x a n h a t i o n of the
iiglits 01 t h c b different claimantr for Peniority, a t t h e War 1)epartInmt.

of promotion

.e nionths, Captain J , o ~ ; r y~v1.a~

Cnptairi Gieen.
Sr(ont1. 17ntlci t l i c art S o . 30G C J ~Provisional ConpreFs ( I lth I>ecsember,7861)
(>aptail1( ~ r w i i company
r e r n h t e d fot tlle nar, and he n d b raelecteti (?@,air1 under
tlic pin\isions ol tlie fonrth section; and by the terms of the act KO. 397 of 1 B t l ~Febr i i q v , 1S62 (\rhicli iiiay have been overlooked hy the fienate), his conunission under
this reelection took date from his former commission, so that he is a captain of the
J r a r 1861.
Third. On 16th April, 1862, the conscript law was passed a t tho firqt session of the
nanent Congrcas, and b y its first section all companies whose original ternr of
ire. 11 as for twel\ P niontlis xrre allou ed the privilege of reorganizing and electing
oltic e l & , I\ Iio ~ l i n l l
c~oinini-siond t>y the Irriident Iint Congress did not
c.utciit1 t n the oftitws thns reelc~ctcdthe piivililpe of back dates to their coinmissions,
XI I o i l l t 4 1 1 ~ 7f l i p frnvi+maI
Congress to t h r w w110 \~oluntarily
inty aiid fiirloiigh 1 ~ ~ s .
)f tlic, l.:ltx\ t.nth Reginitlnt volnnttwetl r e d i
ie ant1 Captain I ~ r a n k l i n I b~ c ot1ic.r. Tho
v consc*ription. Captain Franklin i.1 no loiip
17nrlcrthe lanc: aq tliq stand on the statate book, Captain Gr(wii
thtb onl\ 011C in tlic rcgiriimt that bears date in 1861. Thr, rc~iriaiiii
bc~ingall undcr tlirx conscript act of 1862, arc ncccssarily su1)Pequrlitto its passage.
It is tlne to candor to obseive that t h c conclusion rcached by the Senate i n i t s
)Intion that Val)taiii Lowry \\as tlie srnior captain is in conformity Kith a ::en1 order issued b y the IYar Uepartinent on the Ytli Jnlv,
(Ciriicral Orders, No.
lint iiiaiiy coinplaints navlng hern made apmi
c effects 01 this order,
1 , par. 4).
rder \\as niodificd on
the hole subject I\ as carefully investigated by nir, and t
the 5th March, 1863, by General Orders, Xo. 24, paraginl
When, therefore, i n
thc folloning Jlay, the question of seniority hetv-een Captains Green and 1,owry \I as
preaenteci to me for tlpcision, the question of law \lapi no longtr opcii, and nntliinp
remained bnt t o ascertain the facts, which were fourid to be ill accordencr ith tlre
foregoing liar1alive.
I no\\ lc+pectfullj senti again to tlir Saiatc the nomination of Cnptain Green to
the unite for 11 hich it has n o t been mggested hc is incoinpetcnt, \\hich he held for
l I ~ a l l liionth?.
arid to \\ hich, according to iny best jnclgincwt, h(t has rights \wted in
Elin1 1)y the la\\ . I aiii confident the Senatc wonld ncwr h ~ r consented
to prfjiidice those right< if they had been in full possession of the facts.

~ I J

, IZiclmrond,


4,I M 4

I hc Inessage\ were read.

O,y-<r(t/. Ihat they t)c referred to the Coiiiinittcc on Militsry Aflaiis.



The following message was received from the President of the Confedcrate States. by 1111.. R. N. IIarrkon, his Secretary:

Ric.ftmolid, ,w<cy4, 1864.


To the 8encite of ilie Cwlfedernte !States:

.igreeably to the recommendation ot the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, reepectively.
Richmond, M Q 3,~ 1864
SIR: I h a r e the honor to reconmled t h e following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of A4~nerica:

Geoige B. Ilodge, 3 f Kentuck?, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

(2. A. IIenrS, of Tcnncsscc, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
\V. D. Pickett, of Tennesber, to take rank from >larch 10, 1864.
F. R. Lubbock, of Texas, to take rank froin Fel.,ruary 19, 1861.
Charles S. Venablc, of South Carolina, to take rank trorn Fchrnary 25, 1864.
Charles nlarshall, of Maryland, to take rank froin Fchruarv 25, 1863.
J. P. Johnson, of Arkansas, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
Sainuel TI'. Rlelton, of South Carolina, to take rank from February 18, 186-1.
William 11. Palmer, of Virginia, to take rank froni February 19, 1864

Henry Ewing, of Tennessee, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
Tholnas W.Kewton, of Missouri, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
Thomas I. Hays, of Kentuckr, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
*\\rillis1'. Jones, of Virginia, t; take rank from February 19, 1864.
1,. Masters, of Virginia, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
John Blair Hoge, of Virginia, to take rank from April 22, 1864.
John W.Riely, of Virginia, to take rank from February 18, 1864.
W. N. Starke, of Louisiana, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

S. 1. Ruchanan, of Kentucky, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
Charles 8.Morgan, of Virginia, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
John T. Bcarden, of Arkansas, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
William Wren, of T,ouisiana, to take rank froin March 9, 1864.
L. D. De Sanssurc, of South Carolina, to take rank from Fehruary 19, 1864.
Frederick Kash, jr., of North Carolina, to take rank from February 20, 1864.
T. H. Heiston, of Kentucky, to taltc rank from February 19, 1864.
H. H. Rein, of Louisiana, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
C. R. K.Badfarcl, of Virginia, t o take rank from February 19,
William Palfrey, of Louisiana, to take rank from February 19,
William I. I-Iarman, of Virginia, to take rank from February
S. P. Duncan, of Louisiana, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
Jos. C. II~skell.of South Carolina, to take rank froin February 29, 1864.
G. St. L. Grenfell, of England, to take rank from >larch 15, 1864.
"Richard Walke, of Virginia, to take rank from 3Iarch 28, 1864
h W. Duncan, of Missouri, to take rank from April 9, 1864
Parrish, of Alabama, to take rank froni April 16, 1864
aln, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excellency JEFFERSON

PrPrrsitJrnt, rtc.

fiecretary of War.

31%) 7. lhB4



r ,

L hc message was read.

O N ~ ( , ~ P CThat
Z , it be to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Ihc following message w;ts rereived from the President of the Confeclt.r.ste Stater, by 341.. 3. N. Harrison, his Secretary:


Richmond, Xay 3, 1864.

T i (he 6Cr.ntrt~qf f h r Coi~,frd~rrctc

.\gi reably to t t i r recommentfntion of the Secretary of War, T nominate the officers
on thc ac c&ipanying libt to the Tank affixed to their names, respectively.

SI) I ]


R i c A m ~ d Ma?/
2, 1864.
I lia\-e tlic iionor to rrc.onmiend tlie following nominations for appointment
i n thc Pro\ isional irniy of tlie Contederate States of America:


Litlilt. (?en.15. Kirby Smith, of Floiitla, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

Brig. (+en W.13. Sate, of Tennessee, to take rank froin February 23, 3864.
k g . Gen. Robert F. Hoke, of North Carolina, to take rank from April 20, 1864.
Brig. G m . \V. H. F. Lee, of Virginia, to take rank from April 23, 1864.


Col. A. T Hawthorn, of Arkansas, to takr ,ank from Febrnary 18, 1864.

C711 n I\ ~ \ l l r r i , of Al;tt)ani:t, to take rank from February 26, 1864.
(111 I< C . T \ Icr, of Ienn(~-see,
to take rank from February 23, 1864.
Pol. 11 I:. (irunbury, of Texas, to take. r m k from February 29, 1861.
1. (. \V. Sears, of ;\I
)i, to idre rank from A1atc.h 1, 1864.
1. W.F. Tucker, of
ppi, to tdke rank from Mnrcli 1, 1864.
1. liirliarti I,. lnjie,
nia, t o t;rke raiik from 3Iart*li 1, 1864.
1. Alphens 13aker, of A41ahania,t
Ice rank froiii March 5, 1861.
to take raiik froni March 5, 1864.
Col. Daiiiel 11. Reynolds, of Arkan
(01 J n o 13. Clark, jr., of Ninmiri
take iank from March 8, 1864.
Col. .Jarlies Cheinut, 01 South Carolina, to take rank from April 23, 1864.

Thoinn.i J. Blackniorc, of Aikansxs, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

Roh(xr t I,. liobb, of Virginia, to take rank fioiii 1;rhruary 19, 1864
John \V. Jones, of Tirginia, to take rank from February 19, 1864
IV. 1%.
Chambliss, of Virginiz, to take rank froin Fehruary 19, 18(i4
R. 1. I\Tilliaiiis, of lientnck\, to t a k e rank f m m Fehriiary 19, 18M.
1 1 . 11. I,anr, of Teua.;, to take rank from Febrnary 19, 1864.
.John 11 Martin, of IIissi~sippi,to take rank from Fehruary 19, 1864.

a, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

o take rank from February 26, 1864.
inewee, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
(;eorQi. A Tarillau., of South Carolina, to take rank froin February 19, 1864.
I V i I l i m i 1. ilearing, of Georgia, to take rank froin February 19, 1864.
f)ouglns 11. Cooper, of JIiwissippi, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
isiana, to take rank froni March 9, 7864.
George \V. Stafford, of
E. \V. Tettus, jr., of Mi sippi, to take rank froin February 19, 1864.
William T. Makon, of liiginia, to take rank froni March 79, 1864.
k . l*lonrnoj, jr., of Texas, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
C: C. \\ hiting, ot Virginia, to take rank from February 25, 1864.
Uixori I:. Hall, of Alahamn, to t a k e rank from March 8, 1864.
William H. Harris, of Jlississippi, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
It. J. Manning, of , to take rank frorri April 7, 1864.
Williain J . Stenart, of Marylan(1, to take rank from April 7, 1864.
J. H Jlartin, of Teiinessec., to take rank from March 1, 1864.
Charles T. Iollard, of Alabama, to take rank from April 78, 1864.



pray 5, i w .

George W. Bra?? n, of Kentucky, to take rank from April 16, 1864.

PI. C. Armstrong, cif Gwrgh, t o take rank from April 20, 1864.
I a111, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
8ecretury of War.
Ta His Exrellency JEFFERSOU
President, etc.

Thc mcssagc, was wad.

~,*tlei.c.d,Tliat it be referred to the Committee on ~ i l i t a r yAffairb.
The following iiicssag-es were received from the President of the
Confederate States, by Mr. R. N. Narrison, his Secretary:
R r c ~ n o ~ VA.,
u , Jfccy 3, 1864.
To the Beenate qf the Cm~feclerafc
Agreeably to the rrcommendation of the Secretary of t h e Kavy, I hereby nominate
the persons named upon the annexed list to t h e oftices desigiiatetl.

J ) E > I < A ~81'alr~;S
0 1 A>IE:KlcA,

Richmond, 3fay 3, 1864.

SIR:I have the honor t o rt~roiiiniendthe follov ing nominations for appointment
in the Kary for. the war, i1ndt.r Art No. 331 of Provisional Congress, approved
llerernber 24, 1861:
-1ssictniit \ i i J y m i J s .for the i m r .

James G. Thomas, ot Kortli Caioliiia, JYalter E;. Bonduianl, of Mississippi; James

E. ~ l t ~ r l eolr ,Arkansas: Frederirli Peck, of Alabama; Hugh ti. T'aidey, ot Alabama;
,Jolin iS. Duffel, of 1,oiiisiana; James Cr. Boxley, of Georgia, and ISdmund Goldsborough, of Mar\lantl; all to rank from the 28th clay of April, 1864.
I a m , Irspt'c'tfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of the Navy.

The message was read.

Orderrd, That it he referred to the Commit
To Ilie Seriuk 04flrr Chiqfe&rcit
Agreeably to the recorm me
nate thc persons named upon the an

on TVad Affairs.

Llfuy5, I86.f.

cretary of the Xavy, I hereby nomito the offices designated.


To the PRESTI)
SIR: I ha\ e the honor to reconrme~idlhe folloning noininations for appointment
in thc Narine Corps.

Second iieutmants.
Henry 1. l\IcCune, of Missouri, vice Second Lient. James Thurston, promoted,
to rank from the 14th day of March, 1864.
Edward Crenshaw, of Alabama, hicth Srcontl Lieut. F. 11. Cameron, prornoted, to
rank from the l l t h da) of April, 1864.
I am, respertfully, your obedient servant.
Srcretccry of the Xacy.

The message with read.

Ordered, That it he referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
M r . Brown presented a communication froni TIT. B. Lowry in relation to his appointment as colonel of the Eleventh Xibsissippi Regiment; which was referred to the Conirnittee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Tho Senate resolved into open legislative bession.



?lay 6, 1864 ]

01~CX sI.:sHIOS.

Mr. Caperton presented the petition of Elim Maury, praying the

coritiniiatioii of a. pension to which she was entitled under the Governiiictit o f the Iynited Statrs: which \vats referred to the Committee on
MI,. C:tpertoii siibrriittcd the followiiig resolution; which was cons i d c i d and :~greetlt 0 :
tlic. Coiiiinittcc on linance be instructed to inquire aiid rpport what
any, rhoultl Iic made to the atst to levy atlditiond taxes for the
antl Lnpport of tlie (:o\~erninrnt, approved Bebrnary seventeenth,

( I :tritl sixty-four, in relation to the ta?ues imposed nn the property

ant1 stock oi r ~ i l i o a dcoiii1miie.i.

Mr. Caperton subniitt rd the following rcwlution: whieli was coilsidered rid :Lgrecd to:
011 linance be ineti iicted to inquire iuto the expediig froin iinport dutie iiiachiiiery, aiid materials for
inring t h e cxistiiig T LII i i n d bloc~kaclcb y railroad

lieooli rtl, 111,tt t h e Conini

ency (JI
esriiipting and re1
rtpairiiig tlir miiie, iiiipor

Mr. Hill presented t h c x inemorid of the hanking institutions of the

city of Sx.t-anttah, ($:I.,
Uaying a ntodification of the present t ~ law;
which w:w rc+rrpd to t ie Coinr
MY. Iluriiett, f l o n i the Conin1
whom was referred
ihc joint rcsoliition (S.4) for
i t I). Southerland,
IT po r tcc 1 it w i t 11 011 t :it 1 i n t l t I ic I I t .
r 4 d , a + i u Cotiimittec~o f tlic \;\holc~, to the cont i rc.-,olutioti; : ~ t i dno : i i i i c n d i n c v i t beiiig piwposed,


d aiid read :I third tinlo.

rhe said rcholution was read thr. third tirnt..
On tlic question,
Shall the rcholutioti now pass?
-. .
- - . -- - - - 18
It was drtcrniincd i n tlw afIiriiiiLtive, Tens..
Nays .....
On inotion by XIr. thrnett,
The y c i ~ s:mtI nays beitig dcsirrd hy one-fifth of the Scnators prescnt,
Thoso who votcd i n tlit. af6rmatiro are,
s. 12,t~licr,13im~weI1,Hromn, h r n e t k , Capertoti, Dortch, ( i IXynw, Hill, Iluiiter, tJ(~~nison,
,Johnson of ,4rkarisas, Johnson
of Missouri, Rlaxwell, Alitchcl, Oldhain, Orr, mid Wigfall.
So it was
8 c s o / i * e d , That this rc~olutionp s s , arid t h t tlic titlo Ihrrcof he as


That the Secretary i ~ q u r s t h e twntwrwiice of the lloiisc
of lhpresentiitivcs thcrciu.
Xlr. Jolinson of Missouri submitted the following resolution; which
\vus considered find agi*cedto:
Kesollrd, That thc Secretary of tlic Senate tranmlit to thc Clerk of the TIouse of
Ztrpreeentati\w, for ciistribution iii ilir IIouse, one tiuntlretl and tnt.rity copleg of
r\-ery hill, resolution, antl rcport, iirinted for the use of the Scnatc, resolut i m u adopted or reportv iiiade 111 execwtive session.



[Nay 6,1864.

Ordeed, That the Secretary inforin the Kouse of !depresentatives

A lnessage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
IF?. President: T h e H o u w of Representatives have passed joint resolutions of the
following titles; in which they request t h e concurrence of t h e Senate:
H. R. 1. Joint rcsiolutian of thanks to t h e Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth regiments of Sorth Carolina troops; and
H. It. 2. Joint resolution of thanks tn the Texas Brigade in the Army of Korthern

The Senate resurned, as in Committec of the Whole, the consideratidn of the joint resolution (S. 5) of thanks to Maj. Gen. X. B. Forrest)
and his oflicers and soldiers; arid
On the question to agree to the motion submitted by Mr. Burnett,
on ycsterday, that it be referred to the Conmiittee on iMilitary
It was determined i n the affirmative.
So it was
Or&*ed, That the resolution lw referred to the Committee on
Military AfTairb.
MY. Johnson of Arkansas, agreeably to previous notice, submitted
the follo-wiog rcsolution; which was considercti a n d stgreed to:
Reholwd, That t h e following iulc bt. adopted and iiu~nbrrcilthe fiftyfirst rule of
the Senate, to nit:
A l l joint rc,solutions giving the tlinnlrr of Congress to o s c e r s or mldiers ot t h e
Army or Kax y of the Confederate States shall, 011 their recond reading, be referred
to smile one of t h e Htaiidiiig coiumittees of the Senate, urile~sothern IPP ordered by
a majorit>. o f t h Senate.

MY. Wigfall submitted the following resoln tions for consideration:

Resolved, That t h e Congress of the Confederate States has t h e undoubted right,

during invasion or rebellion, and when tlie public safety requires it, to suspend t h e
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, and that while so suspended it is not conipetent for any Confederate judge to discharge from custody any person held under
or by virtue of the authority of the Confederate States.
Resohed, That the State courts, being established by State authority, can i n no
inanner be affectedb y Confederate legislation, and that therefore an act of t h e Confederate Congress suspending the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus does not
apply t o them, and i n nowise prevents their cxercisiiig such jurisdiction, 01- issuing
such writs, as by tlie laws of their States they are allowed to exerciseor issue.
ResoZaPd, That the State and Confederate governinents are separate, dir-tinct, and
coordinate governinents; t h a t each has its legislative, executive, and judicial drpdrtments, and is a perfect government in itself; and that therefore neither can intarfere, in any manner, with the legislative, executive, or judicial action of the other;
and that the courts of neither can inquire into the legality or illegality of t h e arrests
of persons in custody under or by the authority of the other, or afford such persons
any relief.
Resolved, That the Constitution of t h e Confederate States is, as to the States and
between them, a compact; and that each has, as in all cases of compacts between
sovereigns, a perfect right to declare its true intent and meaning; and that the citizens of each State are bound by such decision.
Resolred, That as to the citizens of each State, the Constitution of the Confederate
States, having been ordained and established by the same authority m their State
constitution, is equally supreme and binding over them as their Stateconstitution is;
and that the Government established by it, to the extent of its delegated powers,
of which the State only is the judge, is as fully empowered to act for the111 as their
State Government; arid that when it does so act, their State governtilent, having
110 supremacy over the Confederate Government, can not releme them froln their
obligation to obey.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolutions; and

On motion by Mr. Wigfall,

>lay 9, 1864.1



a d , That the fiirtlicr considrration thereof be postponed to

and niade the special order for ,liIorlday next at 1 o'clock, and that
tlicv he printed.
61iriiotiuri by Mr. Semmes,
Orc?eL.r.ed,That when the Seriate adjourn i t be to Monclay next.
On motion by Mr. Eilill,
O / > ( Z e w d ?That the Hon. Edward Sparrow have leave of absence from
the sessions of the Senate until Wednesday next.
Mr. ,I cmison (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 9) for the rclicf of Green T. Hill;
which was read the first and secoiid times and refrrred to the Committee on li'inancc.
On riiotioii by M r . ,Ternison,
O r d m x L , 'L'hat the Ion. ,John W. C. TVRtson have leave of absence
from the sessions of t h c ScinLte until Tuesday next.
'rho joint resolutions (11. K. 1 and FI. B. 2 ) received this day froiii
the I-lorise of ~~eprc4ctit:ttivc~
I'or concurrence ~vcrcseverally read the
first arid seckoricl times and rek rred to the Coiimiittee on Military
A fai 1.5.
O n iiiotion by Nr, Maxwcll,
The Senate djourned.

MONDAY, MAY 9, 1864.


>IT. Mitclicl (hy lenvc) introduced

h bill (S. 10) to i
d illlv State i n coniiuunic.ating with and preparing
iwordb of its troops;
and secwntl tiuiw mid rcferred to the Commit-

MY.Mitc*licl(by leitve) introduced

A bill (S. 11) to extend the franking privilegc;
which was iend the first aiid secorid tiiiies titid rcferred to the Comaiittec on Post-Otfices a n d Post-Roads.
TT'BS coiiMr. Watson submit,tcd the following r c ~ l u t ~ i o r iwhich
.;idrrcd and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire into the
expediency o f further legislation with a view to the prevention ant1 punishment of
illegal impressments, and :tlso for the purpose of making lust compeii~ationto citizens from whom private Ixopertp has been illegally taken for the public ube without

Thc Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions submitted

by M y . Mrigfall on thc 6th instant relative to the suspension of the
privilege of thc writ of habeas corpus; arid
0 1 1 motion bF Mr. lhtynes,
That thc further consideration thereof be postponed until '
On motion by Air. Oldlii~in,
The Senate adjourned.



TUF,SI)RP, MAY 10, 1864.


11 message froiu t h e IIouse of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

have passed a bill (H. It. 67) to continue i l l force and nillend the provisio~isof an act approved January 30,l s(%increasing t h e coinpensation of certain officers and employees in the civil and legislative
tleprtiiieiitu in Iticlimond; i i i which they request t h e concurrence of the Senate.
d l f ~ . .h w h k Thc House of Kepresentatives

Rfr. Sprrow pIvxentetl tho rnemoi.ia1 of Earnest Lagtide dL CO.,

roprictors of The Age, a tnonthly periodicnl published in Bicriuiond,
Fa., przsing e st ~~npt iofroni
military service; which WBY referred to
the Coniinittcc on Military Afiairri.
1\11..(;ixhniri subniittcd the following resolution; which was considc>I*c.dand agrecd to:

rtct to proviclc for thc payment o f tlie interest on the removal and sn1)-

sistenm fund due the Cherokee Indians in North Cf~i~olina,

so as to
:iiithorize the Sccrctary of War to pay the intmwt i n cash or provisions, and that it be ivfcrred to the Committee on Indian Affihs.
MY.Sp~i *r owf roni
tho Coininittee 011 Military Affairs, to whoni \ w r e
rcfei*rt?dt,he following joint resolutions:
11. It. 1. Joint resolution of thanks to the Thirty-fourth nnd Thirtyeiglit,h regiments of North Ctwolina troops; a r i d
ti. It. 2. Joint resolution of thanks to the Texas Ih.ig:.ntlc in the of Northern Virginia;
reportot1 tltcni ~ c v ~ r a l l without
The Senat H proceeded, RS i n Cotnmittce of the Wholc, to the consideration of the joint i*csolutior:s (1. It. 1 and 11. 13,. 2) l a d mentioned.
and 1 1 0 ~micnclnic~it
bring proposed, they were severally
the SPnate.
O d w d , Ihst tjliey pass to a third reading.
iwolutio n s wcre severally reRd the third time.
, Thttt they pus.
O&wd, ChatJthc Secretary inforin the House of Representatives
thereo 1.
A h . I~IQWII,froin the Committee on Naval ABairs, to whom was
refel-red t i niehsag(: of the Ircsident of the Confederate States on the
suhject, reported
A bill (S. 12) to authorize the withdrawal from the Treasury of
money contrihtccl to h i l d an ironclnd gunboat by ladies of the State
of South Carolina, and deposited thercin;


10,I m . ]





Mr. Rill, from thc Committee on the ,Jndiciary, reported

A joint resolution (S. 6) to authorize the removal of the public arcliivps ~ i ~ofi lthe Kstcutire Dcpartmcnts of th e Government; which
was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed upon thc
Air. Ilill, froiu the Committee on the ,Judiciaq-, reported
A bill (S. I(;) to fix the time for thc asseinbling of the Congress a t
its next rcgular session, and to authorize the Iresident to convene the
Congress at any $ace other then the scat of government;
whic~h\vas read t B first anclkccond times arid considered as in Cornniittccx of the Whole.
On iiiotion by Air. OIT, to fill tho blank iri thc first scction witli
I1.Ioiid:~-y,tlic sewrilli di~y
o f Norwil)er,
O i i iiiotio~iby Air. Johuson of Xlissoni.i, that the bill lie upon the
dct ci~iiiaedin the iwgatiw.
cpcstion to t i g r c ~to t h e aiucrrdment proposed 1)y Mr. Orr,
It wah detcriiiiiied in tlic nfiii*iiiati\v.
The })ill luring been furt licr nnicndcd, wa: 1.eportec2 to the Senate
t~iiclt hc, :tiiicndiucnts itcrc coucurrcd in.
d,That tlic bill 1 ) cyposscd
: L I read
a third time.
id bill wis react thc tliiid tirnc.
, aiicl that the t i t h thereof he as aforesaid.
hc. Hccrctary request the concurrence of the I-Loixse


ges w t w received from the President of the Con*, 13. N. IIarrison, his Secrc

7;) l h c S(wii(, (!f t/w ( owfeerlercct~Sttr

Richmond, Mrxy 6 , 1864.

i1greeal)ly to the recoininendation of the Secretary of jlar, T noininate Col. Stand

Watie, of Iiitlian Tcrritorv, to
brigadier-general in the Provisional Army of the
Confetierate States, to cotiiiuand Iridiati Brigade.

Jv \ I t


1 Iiarc tht. lionor to recoinmend thenomination of Col. St
to be brigadier-geeueral in the Provisional Army of 11
21, to ( * t ) i i i i i i i i i i d 1 ndian Brigade, to take rank from date of confirmation.
n , *ir, Irspectfnlly, your obedient wrvant,
Secretnry of War.
To tiis I < ~ ~ l l e 3 i tJBYEERSOW
President, cdc.

lhe Senate proceeded to consider said nomination; and

Ee.dwd, That the Senate advise and consent to his appointmentj,
agreeably to the noniiiiutioii of the Preuident.

May 10, 1864.1



Exmum->: Dw.iimii:w, CONFEDERATE

Richmovid, N a y 7 , 1864.

ilb the Sentrtr of tlie Confederate Nates:

Agreeabll to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the ofkern

on the accompanying list to the rank aflfised to their iiaiiies, respectively.


Hzcliinoiad, May 6 , 18G4.

SIR: I have thc honor to recoininend the folio\\ ing. rioiiiinations for appointment
in the Provisional Airny uf the Confederate States ot America:

S 3) I,ws crrtdry division

Cnl .Tanier Ihelan, of Mississippi, presiding judge; Col. T. >I.Jones, of Alabama,
; Col. \Vincheuter Hall, of Loui&na, nieniber: Capt. Austin Pollard, of
?pi, juclge-atl\,oc.ate;to take rank from April 6, l M 4 .

Col. lhniel U. Wright,

bet ; Capt. .I. fir. ficrugg:r,
d labamn.

Col. T,. I-.IValker, of Alabama, presiding judge; Col. W.F. Dowd, of illississippi,
member; Col. ,John Cheqtt,r, of Tennessee, member; (:apt. John F. lloiise, of Teniiesec, jndqe-advocate; to takc r:tnk froni April G , 1864.

. I). Graliani, of Texas, foi (tiit) ah judgc of court, Ifolmrr Corps, Transpi nepartnicrrt, \ice (01. 1. \V. f ;ray, ctrcliiicd, to rank from FtJbrnary 19,
l,ouiu h d i , of I,onisiana, for diity as lndge of court, Trans-Mi
vic c coloiic~lIlodge, tblectetl to Congre,is, to rank irom Xarch 9
(01 \V 3. Saunders, of Mississippi, for duty as judge of conrt, 1Ioods Corps,
A r m y ol Tennessee, vice Col. J. B. Sale, rwignrd, to rank froni April 22, 1864.
,711 clgr-tr dvoccltr.

Capt. 0. Zi. Dawson, of Georgia, for duty as judge-advocate of court, I<wllsCorp?,

iirniy oi Norther11 Virginia, \we Capt. D. A. Wilson, promoted, to rank froni April
12, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
8ccretnriy qf T?iir.
To IIis Excellency JE
Presideill, etr..

Thc message was mad.

07&red, That it be referred to the Committee on lv1ilitm-y Affairs.

Richmond, Jfay 9, 1864.

To flu>Smata of the Confederate St(itt(CtP8:

Agreeably to t h e rerommentlation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectlvely.

No. ti.]


Hichmoiad, Mrq 5 , 1x64.

SIR: 1hare tlie honor to recommend t h e following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

IBER 16, 1862.

21. 1862,


J. W. Jlnllett, bf Alabania, to lake rank from Febriiary 19, 1864.
Thoinas 2.Bayne, of l,ouieiana, to take rank froin February 19, 1864.
William Allan, of Virginia, to take rank froin March 28, 1864.

James Hardiiig, jr., of _ _ , to take rank from April 13, 1864


P. Tncker, of Missouri, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

9. IT. Pope, of Georgia, to take lank fioiii February 19, 1864.
J. ( T . ILeyuol(18, of Ciecjipia, to take r n n k fiom February 19, 1864.
Daniel \V. tjul)lt,tt, of Jex,i.r, to takc rank froni February 19, 1864.
R. W.Aiideinon, of North (xoliua,to take rank from Febriiary 25, 18G4.
C . 1. Estill, of Virgiiiiii, to t ~ ranlr
k ~from February 25, 1864.
Jolin 11. Perry, of North (~m.oliiia,to tnkc rank froni February 25, 1864.
F. W. Dawson, of 2ngland, to take rank froin $pril 2, 1864.

First lieutenants.

kYfYwzd linttenants.

L. K. Sparrow, of Virginia, to take rank from February 23, 1864.

W. A. Etlwards, of Missouri, to take rank from March 23, 1864.
1 mi, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretmy o j Mur.
To I l k 1Srcellenc:y J I

Thc messago was read.

Owletw, That it bc referred to the Committee on Militsr
Richmond, Mail 7 , 1864.


To thr *)%naif of the Confederate Mutes:

Agreeably to tlie reconimendation of the Secretary of the Navy, I hereby nominate
t h e person named upon the accompanying list to the office designated.


RIsy 11, 1X64.1




fticltmond, Jfay 4, 1864.

SIR. I h a r e the honor to reconinlend the follouing noniination for appointment in
the S a v y .
15st ctcrnf p!ymrrstw.

1,rri >I. Tucker, of I<, to rank from the 18th tlaj of N o v c i u l w , 1863.
I mi, respectfully, o u ~obedicnt servant,
6. 12. MALLORY,
Secretcrry qf the A h i y .

The n i e w q c TW.: wad.

a d , Lhut it l w referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
1411.. Graham, front the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom were
r*cfm-edthe nominwtions of James G. rI?honins,\Valter E. Bondurant,
,J>niies E. h h ~ l e r Yrederiek
Peck, Hugh S. Paisley, ,John ti. Duffel,
,Janies (3. Boxlep, Edinund Goldsborough, to be assistant surgeons
for the war, reported, with tlie reconiuiendation that all of said nominations be confirrned.
The Senate proceedtd to consider said rcport; and in con(-urrenco
thrrcmith, it waq
Rmd?*cd,That the Senate advise and consent t o their appointment,
agreeahly to the noniiriation of the President.
On motion by Nr. Orr,
The Senate resolved into open legislative vassion.

\;\;%X),\rESDdY,NAY1I, 1864.


N r . Wigfall (by lcave) introduced t h n following bills; n-hich were

sercrallg. read thc first arid second times and relerrcld t o thr Coininittee
o n Mi1it:iry AfTaii.<:
S. 17. ,I hill to provide rations for the offiicws of the Armj- during
tlic war: and
S. 18. A hill to repeal {tn sct ontitlcd A n act to providt R stat! and
clerical f o r m for any gencral who niay be assigned I)y the President to
duty at the scat of governnient.
A h . Caperton buhniitted the following rewlution; which was considered and agrded to:

, That

the Committee on Finance he instrneted to inquire into the expe-

aiiieii~liiigttie tax law of the srvmtcenth Februarj, eighteen hundred

low, a< to piovidr that no one shall be liable to the penalty therein proit fLilnre to tleli~ei hi5 tithe in kind when the articles taxed were the
prodncti of the, ycctr eighteen hundrecl and sixty-three.

dieriq ot


Mr. Rurnctt, froin the (:onrmittee on Military Affairs, t o whom was

referred the i)iII (S. 4) t o provide nieans of transit acros6 the Mississippi
Rivvr f o r riieniberh of C o n g 1 . c ~residing
west of mid river in going to
and rrturning from the Confederate States Congress, reported-it with
an amerdment.
The Senate proceeded, a \ in Committee of the Whole to the consideration of the said bill; and thc reported arnendrnenk having been
agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the arnendrrient was
aoiicurred in.



[May 11,1&4.

Or.d07*cd, That thc bill be engrossed and reed a third time.

The said bill was read the third time.
R ~ s o h a d ,That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid,
Odered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatiws therein.
Mr. Burnett, from the Committee on Claims, to whom mas referred
the inemorid of Capt. E. B. Vaughsn, submitted an adverse report.
The Senate proceeded to consider the said report; and i n coneurrenee therewith,
Besolved, That the rayer of the memorialist be rejected.
The Senate resume the consideration of the resolutions submitted
by M r . Wigfall on the 6th irihtant relative to the suspension of the
pi.ivilege o t the writ, of habeas corpus; and
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
O t d ~ ~ / w'rhat
i , they lie upon the table.
Tho Senate rcsnmed the consideration of the resolution submitted
hy 311.. Johnson of A4rltansas on the 4th instant, fixing a day for the
:~ljoiirnnientof the present session of Congress; and
On motion 11)- Mr. O n ,
wd, T h a t i t he transferred to the Secret Legislative Calendar.
0 1 1 iriotioii by 1141.. Orr,
T h c Hrnate 1 ~ h 0 1rd
\ iuto sccret legislative session.
' T h o doors hx\ ing hcen opened,
On rnotion 1)s Jlr. Oldhtliii,
O t ~ / I m d That
the IIon. Landon C. Haynes and the Hon. Gustavus
A . 1 I t ~ n have
i ~ ~ IPXYC of absence from the sessions of the Senate until
T\7etlne&y, the 25th imtarit.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
'I'hc Senate adjourned.

The Senate resunicd the consideration of the resolution suhmitted

by $11.. Johnson of Arkansas 011 the 4th instant, fixing a day for the
:tdjonrtiuicnt of tlic present session of Congress.
After dcbatc,
On motion by M r . Graham, that the resolution lie upon the table,
I t ah tleteritiincd in the negative.
On thc question to agree to the nniendtiient reported from the (,'omtnittcc 011 thc tJudic.iiwy; to wit:
Strike out the wordq "sixteenth day of Ma)7, instant,"
I t was determitied it, the affirmative.
On motion h y Jlr. Seinmes, to fill the blank in the resdlrxtion w
" sixth dikv of tJnne nest,"
It was deterriiincd in the negative.
0 1 1 iiiotion hy XIY. Caperton, that t h o resolution lie on the table,
I t \FRS dcteimincd i n the negative.
On ieotioii 11.v 111.. Burnett,
Orclc.rc.cZ, That the resolution be transferred to the Open Legislative
On motion 14p MI..
Wigfall, that the vote on passing the bill (8.16)
to fix the time for the assembling of the Congress at its next regular
session, and to authorize the I'reuident to convene the Congress a t any
place other than the seat of government, be reconsidered,

31il)- 11,ld61.]


I t was dctcrrnined iii thc iicgntivr, ye - haye-. .._ _
. _ _ _ _
_ _ 13
OIIiriotioii hy hlr. Wigfall,
1he yeas and nays being clcsirrd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Tliose who voted in the afliriii:iti\ e are,
13akcr, Burnett, Hunter, Johnson of hlissouri, Sernrnes,
r ,

r ,

I hose who voted i r i thr negative arc,

Alcssrs. 13:trnwcll, Cnyerton, I)ortcb, Gmhaiii, Hill, cJciiiison, ?Johnson o f A rkaiisns, Alaxwell, Olclhani, Orr, S1)arrow. Walker, arid
So t I i v Sclliite
0 1 1 iiiotion 1))

rcftiscd to reooiixider the vote.

hlr. Sptirrow,
lli(~ Scn,tto r ~ s ocd
l ~into cxccutiv


pssiiig haid bill.



On niotion by Mr. Johnson of Arl~ansas,

T h e Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Caperton presented the petition of S. Bassett French, praying
that certain cotton and stock contributed for the erection of an equestrian statue of Gen. T. J. Jaclisori be re1r:wd iroin taxation arid
export duties; which was referred to the Coirirnittee on Finance.
Mr. Ramwvcll, from the Corrmittcc on Finance, to whoni was
referiwl the bill (IT, lt. 67) to coiitinuo in force and arerid the provisions of an act approved January 3O,Iri(ilc, increasing the conipensation of certain officers and employccs in the civil and legislat2ive
departruents in Bichmond, reported it without aincnclment.
The Senate proceeded, fts in Cloiiimi
of tho VIThole, to the consideration of the s:iid bill; and
On riiotioii by Mr. ,JohnYon, of Miswuri, to :miend the bill by insevti n g the following pi-ovixo:
tliic: art u n l cw thev

P w ~ t d c t l , rliat 110 1)erson rliall I W c,ntitlcd t o t l w 1)

make a11 affitlai it that t1ir.y l~al-rn o other ineans 01 w l

I t was detet~iiiiicdin t h o iiegali\ c.

No amendinent hiiig rnatlc, the bill was rcportccl to the Sonato.
Or.rre)wf,Ihat i t pass to a third reading..
lhe said hill was read the third time.
&volrwi, That it pass.
Onrdt?r&, That the Secretary inform tho House of Representatives
The Senate rrsuiiied tlic. con~idermtiono f the rcisolnt ion whiiiittcd
by Mr. Johnson of Rrlittnsas o n the 4th inst:tnt, iixing a (lay Ior the
adjoiirninent o f tho prescnt mssion o f Congress; and
On motion hy MY.Btirnett,
O~&c.,wi,That it lie iipon thc t:thlc.
motion by Mr. Burnett,
Lho Senate resolved into swret Icgislutivt: h w~ m,. n .
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. IIili,
The Senate adjourned.


e from the House of lteprcsenttltives, by Mr. Dalt

The EJuosc of Represcntatiles hair passed the followirig rwolution,
rcynwt tlic crjrirurreiicc of the Senate.
Rcsolid, That a joint coiniiiitte? of the trio IIouse, be appoint
duty it shall bc l o collect intelligence from every reliable ~ ~ i r( c ~ ,
touching any rnovcnicwt of the enctriy threatening a f o ~ i b l eintt,irnp
erations of Congrcw, ant1 to c*oiiccrtmid report rcasoniihlc i i i e a w r w for avoiding a.
sutprise that ivonld involve an interi-egnuiii i n that drpartiiient of the (;ovcrnment,
x rontinuency greatly to be deprecated for considerations csonnerted with
the p u d c safety and interest.

The Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution; and

On motion by Mr. Graham, t o amend thc rcsolution hy inserting
after iLBesolwecl, the words (the Smate conczwriizq),

May 1.3, IR6l ]



It was deterrnincd in the atfirmativc.

0 1 1 motion l)y Mr. Graharri, to atriend the resolution by adding
thereto the following:
K e ~ o l v c d ,That tlie coinnnittc~cconsist of t h e e meinhers on t h e part of the Senate
on tlic part of the I I o u ~ cof Rcpreucntatires,


determined in the affirrnativc.
The resolution a- :mended was then agreed to.
O ~ c b ~ e L1i:tt
d , the Secretwy request the concurrence of the House
of Iiepresent:tti\-cs in the ~~irieiidiiieiits.
On motion 1)s A h . Crahttin,
O ~ c i e i w J ,lli:it tlie coinniittec on the part of thc Senate to ckollect
intelligrnce couching any movement of tho cilerriy threatening a forcible inkrriipliori of tlict delibemtions of Congre , and to concert and
report rmsonable iiicasurcs for aroiding a snrpi 1: that would in\-olve
a 1 1 interregiium i n tliat departtiiciit of the Uovernnient, be appointed
by the lrcsident pro tcmporc; and
hlr. Graham, MY.12arnn.el1, a i i d 311.. I h w n were appointed.
Mr. Graliain and 1\11.. 13;trnwcll wcrc, on iriotions scverally made by
thcni, excused froni serving on s t i d coininittee; and Nr. Orr and Mr.
Sciiinies werc :tppointccl i n their st esd.
Mr. Scniinc>swas, on his motion, excused from serving on the conimittee; and Mr. Capcrton appointed in his stead.
On motion by Alp. 13arnwel1,
T h e Senate resolred into open legislative session.
The Senttte h v i r i g :igxin r c w l \ c.d into secret legislative session,
O n iiiotion hy 31r. Uui*,t1i:it tlie vote on agreeing to the resolution of the Iloiihe of 1~el~iecrit:ttivcs
pro\ iding for tlie appointment of
a joint coniniittcc of the two 1Ioiises to collcct intclligence touching
:tny movement of the cntitiy thrcatcning a foreihlc interruption of thc,
delihcrations of Congrew, mid t o concc3i.t :ind report, i.e:isonahle
measures for avoiding a burprise that would involve an interregnum
in that de mrtnicnt of the Govcrnment, be reconsidercd,
It was
in thc negative.
On motion by Mr. I3urriett,
The Senate resolved into open log islatire session.


FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1864.


AIr. Walker submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the President of the Confederate States be requested to inform the
Senate what steps, if any, hare been taken i n execution of the act to enable the
Presideut of the Confederate States to provide t h e means of military transportation
b y t h e construction of a railroad between Blue Mountain, in the State of Alabama,
and Rome, in the State of Georgia, approied October second, eighteen hundred and
sixty-two; and what progress, if any, has been nrade toward the completion of said
railroad; and that he be further requested to coniinuuicate to the Senate copies of any
contracts made in pursuance of said act, and what, if any, portion of the amount
appropriated by said act has been issued and applied as therein provided.
c J-VOL 4-04-3



[ m t y 13. 1864.

j j r . ~ y : ~ ,iuj>mittcd
1 k ~ ~ t11c folloring resolutions: which were considered and agrccd to:

l<esolrt t f , 'rtl:~tlilt. Colllmittre 0 1 1 3lilibnry Affair:: be instriictetl to inquire into the

e~p'dicllc)- of f i n thet ltyi&tioii 1%ith the vie15 to wcuie the returii to their proper
c o r l L m ~ot
fronl the, infantry who have enlisted and are iiuw wrying in

ructed to inquire into t h e expedishall be permitted to per r e i n the

such period the? shall t)e assigned
by those who hare s e n ed a &mi-

rcsolution of the legislnture of the State of

it act of the Congress of thc ConfedIcge of the writ of hiibcas corpus;
which was wait.
O d c ~ w d?'hat
it lie on the tziblc and be printed,
solution of the legislatiire o f thc State of
I11.0jv11 prcscntcd
c of tt law rclicving the citizens of certain
ippi, :l\]<iilgtlio 1'
property l w bccn dc;.troyed 1117 raids of
s of t h t State w
thc public. cncniy from the payment of thc L:LX in kind; which was read.
O r t k i ~ t l , 'l'lint it lie on t h c table and be printed.
RIr. 13rowir prcbcntetl :L rcsolution of' the Icgixlature of the State of
:ige of' :i law reducing the ad vrtlorcin tax of
5 1wr ciwt tqm' property :tnd crcdits to 24 1)er cetit, mil l o extcnd the
tinrc of 1 1 1 pnyiiicnt
of s d tascb to thc 1st of Sowmber, 1564, instead
of tlrc 1st of Jutic, 1864; which was read.
O i ~ J o ~ ( trI'h:~t
it lie on tho table and be priritcd.
A nicsutigc f*rornthe JIoiise of Representdives, by Mr. Dalton :
PIrsirlrwt: Tlic TIoutse of ILep

ti bills of thr. ioll01\ ing

in 11 Iiic.11 they request the ('0
1. 11. 8. AII act to altithoriw the judge of t h e district rourt for tlie northern
district of Gwrgia to rliange tlie place of holding said court, and
>I. It. 68. An act to exempt railroad coukpanies froill the payrnciit of certain

A n d they hnve passed joint re+olntions of the Senate of the follon-ing tltles:
iediitiori of thanks to Jlajor-(+ent3ralfiolre xiid (>oinluantlm Cooke
a n d tlie ofliccre :ind iiien iiiidt'r their coriiniaud for the b r i l l i a ~ tTrictory over the
cllc'n~yat Vlvnlonth, s.c.; :1nd
S. 2. .Joini re~olutionof thanks to ~ ~ e n e r aFi~lcptn
anti tlle officer3 arld 1ile11of
his c*oiiiniand.
The Spcxker o f tlie House of Keprcsentatircs having +ipncd an cmrolled bill, 1am
diredetl to I r i n g it to the Senate for thc cignatnre of their President.
1.; 1. .Joint

N r . Wigfall (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 19) in reference to staff officers and prescribing their
which WRS read the first and second tiule;. wlrd referred to the Committcc on Military Affairh.
RIr. Oldltani (by leave) introduc1~1
A hill (S. 20) to cst.a,hlish a brew of foreign supplies;
which wah 1.c;td the first nncl second times and referred to tlle Commitiee on Comwerce.
fill.. Ctip"'.ton submittrcl the following resolution; which as considered mid agreed to:
Resolved, That the Conirnittee on Xilitary Affairs he instnlcted to inqulre into the
expediency of SO amending the act crcating the office of ensign in the d r m y of the
Confederate States, approved February sex enteenth, eighteen hundred and bixtyfour, as Lo authorize the appointment of w c h officer to battalions of infantry.

May 13, 3664 ]


A h . Caperton having announced to the Senate that the funeral of

Gen. ,J. 13. B. Stuart would take place in this vity, this evening, a t
5 oclock, from St. qJ:~iiicqChurch,
311,. Orr auhniittccl tlic following resolntion; which mas considered

agrocd to:

I<eso7icd, That tlic Sciiatc will, ati a Imtly, at,tenci t h r fnncral of General J. F. B.
Stuai t this afternoon at lirc oc~1oc.k.

Mr. 13arnrvcl1, froni the Chnniittee on Finmce, reported

A 1)ill (S. 2L) to aincnd :m iict entitled An act to reduce the currcncy iind to xuthorizc :L n ( w issue of notes and honds, approved
first and second tiinex and ordeyed to be placed
CalciidltLr xnd printed.
J I r . \\T:ttbon, front the Coniinittee on Printing, who were instructed
1))- :I ~.c.solntionof thc Scnatc to inqnirc, :inn report the causes of delay
in cxecuting tho printing o f the In\rs p s s e d hy the Provisional Conother pnhlic printing ordered by the Scimtc during the larjt
snbinittt~da report, (So. I), accompnnied hy :t bill (S. 22) to
c prompt printing of the laws of the Confederate States;
15 Iiich W:LS i*e:td t h firbt :tad second times and c.onsiderd as j n Coinniittcc of the Wliolc; and no aiiiendnient being proposed, it was
reported to the S~~ntLto.
O r d e w d , lhat it 1)c c n p ~ b ~ eand
c l read a third time.
The haid bill w i s 1 ~ ~ 1t lti tl s tltird time.
Z h d w d , Ihat it i):~\h,mid t h t the title tlicreof bc :is aforesaid.
i z i (1, 1It:it tlic S ; , a - ( h r yrqiteht tlic concurrence of the IIonsc
( v i i t i i t i i (\ tlivrciii.
rho hills i w c i \ ctl thi\ daj- fro111 tlic Iloiisc of I3eprescnt:ttivcs for
c o n c i ~ r r e n\
~ ~ sci-cr:dIy iwtd t>ltclirst, and swond t i i n c h ; ant1
Iltnt thc Jill nuiiibcretl 8 be ~ ~ ~ f c r to
r c the
t l Committee on
r~ and that the hill nuin1)ered 68 bc rcfcrrcct to t h e Cominittee on Finmtce.
On niotiori 1 ) MY.
T h e Senate resolved into secret legislativc session.
Ilie doors having heen o p i c d ,
Mi-. Dortch, from the conimittcc, reported that they had examined
and f o l d truly enrolled
A hill (1.K. 67) to continue in force and amend the provisions of tin
act approved Ja nuw y 30, 1864, increasing the compensation of certajn
officers and eniplopccs i n the civil and legislative departments in
The President pr o tempore having signed the enrolled bill l a d
reported to ha1 c been examined, i t was delivered to the Secretary of
the Senate and hy hirii forthwith presontecl to the President of the
Confederatc States for his approval.
On inotion by Mi.. Johnson of Arkansas,
Ordmd, That tho Senate take a recess until half past 4 oclock
p. m., unless sooner convened by the President pro tempore.
1 1 ~ 1 0 ntlic



On motion by Nr. Johnson o f Arkansas,

The Senate adjourned.



A$r. Johnson of Missouri presented a communication from Tho

C. Reynolds, govcrnor of the State of Missouri, in rclation to t
existing in the representation of that State in the Confederate
States Scnate; which was read.
O ~ c l m c l ,That it he referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
printed in confidence for the use of the Senate.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Xr. Dalton:
MI-. President: The House of Representatives agree to the amendment4 of the Senate to the rePohition of the House providing for the appointment of a joint committee
of the t v o Ilouscs to collect intelligrnce touching a n y movementof t h e enemy threatening &: forcible intrrruption of tlie deliberations of Congress, and to concert and
report rcasonahle measures for avoiding a surprise that would involve a n interregnum
in that department of the GoTrernment; and have appointed Messrs.. Chambers of
Mississippi, Lyon of Alabama, and Montague of Virginia the committee on their

Mr. Mitdicl submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolred, That the Committee on Naval Affairs be instructed to inquire what numher of war vessels have been constructed, or partially constructed, or p u t i n commission on tlie James Hirer for the drftwe of Richmond; where said vessels are; what
is their (witlition and capacity for going iiita action; i f they are ready to meet the
Y~SPVIS of tlic enemy in battle, arid if not why; if they haveheen delayed i n descending the rirer, a i d if h o from xvhat cause; and finally when i t may he expected that
they will kw reatly to attack or receive a n attack from the vessels of the enemy.

On niotioii by Mr. Sei~iines,

The Senate rcsolved into open legjslative session.

SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1864.


Mr. Mitchel ( b ~ 7 leave) introduced thc following bills; which were

scvei-ally m i d the tirst and second times and referred to the Committee
on Mi1itar.y Affairs:
S. 23. A bill to provide for the appointment of additional military
storekeepers in thc Provisional Army of the Confederate States; and
H. 24. A bill to authorize the appointment of additional o6cers of
artillery for ordnance duties.
Mr. Sctnmes (by leave) introduced
A bill (S.2s) for tho relief of the widow and heirs o
(3cn. Leroy A. Stafford, of the Confederate States A
which 51:~srcad the first and second times and consi
mittee of thc Whole; and no amendment bein
reported to the Senate.
I , That it be en rossed and read a third
The said bill was read t e third time.
Besoboed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
CI~rJo?wl,That t h e Secretary request thc concurrence of the House
of Reprcsentatives the rein.
Mr. Graham (by leave) introduced the following bills; which were
severally read the first and second times and referred to the Committee
on Finance:
S. 26. A bill declaratory of the meaning of the second section of


Mny 14, 1864.1


act to reduce the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes and
bonds, approved FehrLiary 17, 1864: and
8. 27. A bill to anicnd tlic act to lcvy additional taxes for the comixion defense arid support of the Guvernnient.
MY.Sparrow, f~.oiiithc Coznniittce on Militaiy Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 28) to a i n ~ n dan act entitled An act creating the office of
eiirigri in the Army of tlit. Coi1fcdcr:ttc State\;
which was read the tirst and second tiincs and considered as in Cornrriittee of tlie W h o l ~ ;a d no aiiicridiiierit~ being pmposed, i t was
reported t o the Scnatr.
O l ~ k i ~ Tlmt
d , it, he engrossed and read a third time.
Tlic s k i d bill was re:d t h c third time.
B 2 ~ s o l r ~ c /That
i t pass, and that the title thereof 1)e a? aforesaid.
O / ~ k ~ c tTliat
l , the Sic~retaqreqiicst the concurrence of the IIousc,
of Rtpms(~ntatives
M v . Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referrccl t h e bill (11. R. 8 ) t o nuthorize the judge of the district (.ourt
for the nortlicrn district of (korgia to change the pl:~ccof liolding
stiitl conit, rcpoitctl it with the recommendation that it oiight not to

cmiiniittec, also submitted a report (No. 2 )

use of Eeprescntativx, by hlr. Dalton:

eprcsentatires hare passed IL joiiit redntioii ( I f . R. 3)
of :L spcvkd committee of tlrci Itiiintc a n t 1 Ifowe of
of iiiil)rc.FiYniriits; in w1iic.h they request the coii,mr-

Tlic joint reiolution (11. l<. 3) I n b t mentioned v a s read the first

:~ndsccoiid tiincs : m i m f c n w l to tlw Coirnnittcc on thc: ,I Lidici:iry.

On motion 1)s A h . Ihunc

The Senate rc~solrcdinto
Clic tloorr liaring bctw opcntd,
RI 1. ,J oliii i on of *4rkan bas t I I )in it t ed th c f ollox i i 16reyo1t iti on ; which
\ m s coniitltJrec1hy niiaiiiinons consent and agreed to:
R e d etl, Ihat tliv tliirtv-fii st rule of t h e Senate b e amc~iidrtl1)y adding thereto the
follov iiig.
Ly ( w i n i i i i t t w on thr rulcr of the Ptliiatc, to consist of three nirwil>er~ Rut in this
iwtance t lie Jr~sitlent 1x0 tcmrpore of ttw Scmatci shall select aiid appoint said coiniiiittee lor tlie period of the prwent (ongirss, m y rule to the contrary notwithstanding.

On motion by Mr. Om,

The Senate reqolrcd into secret legislntivc seision.
r l
l l i c door\ having been o p n e d .
Mr. ,Johnion of Missouri (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 29) to i.eyral the naturalization laws;
~ l l i c hwas reail the firbt :~ndsecond times atid referred lo the Committee on the ,Judicittry.
On motion by Sh. Sparrow,
The Scnatc tuljourncd.


A message from the Houso of Representatives, b j Mr.

~ Dalton:
J f r . Preszdent: Thc House of Representatives have passed the hill of the Senate
(S. 16) t o fix the tiiiie for t h e assembling of the Congress at its next regular session,



and to authorize t h e President to convene the Cpngress at any place other

seat of government, with a n amendment; in whlch they request the conc
the Senate.

The Senate proceeded to consider Lhe amendment of the House of

lie resentatives to the bill (S. 16) last mentioned; and
$esolved, That they eoncur therein.
O ~ d w e d ,That the Secretary inform the House of Representativ
On inoLion by Mr. O n , the vote on agreeing to the motion, su
iiiitted on yesterday, to rint the coinmunicatlon from Thomas C.
Iteynolds, governor of t e State of Missouri, in relation to the
-iracancy existing in the representation of that State in the Confederate States Senate, T V : ~reconsidcred.
The Scnato proceeded to consider the said motion; which was
anmided and agreed to as follows:
O i d u e d , That 50 copies of the communication from Thomas C.
l2cynolds, governor of the State of Missouri, i n relation to the vacancy
existing in the representation of that State in the Conl'ederate States
Senate, hc printed in confidence for the use of the Senate.
'rhe Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the considcriitiou of t h e joint, resolution (S. 6) to authorize the removal of
the public archives nnd of t h o Executive Departments of the Government; a n d no siiiendiiieiit being propostbd, it mas reported to the
CJtdewd, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
'I'lrtt s:tid I-rsolution w x s read the third time.
_(2esolvetJ, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Otdwed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Itcpreseiittltives therein.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
O~dered,That when the Senate adjourn to-day it bc to meet a t 12
o'clock on Monday next, unless sooner convened by the President
pro temporc.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.


The following messages mere received from the President of the

Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Stxretaq :

Agreeal)ly to the recoininendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers

on the accoinpanping list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Bichnzorid, i&ry 16, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Ariiiy of the Confederate States of America:

Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor, of Louisiana. to be lieutenant-genera1 in the Provisional
Army of the Confederate States of America, to rank from April 8, 1864.

\In). 14, 1864.1



Richmond, May 7, 186.4.
SIR: 1have t h e honor to recommend tlie followiug nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:






A. L. Kives, of Virginia, to take rank from March 17, 1864.

John J. Clarke, of Virginia, t o take rank from March 17, 1864.
Jolin A. Williams? pf Texas, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
LT. Jleriwethcr, ot renllessce, to take rmk from March 17, 1864.

Cieorge B. Pickett, of Kentncky, to take rank from March 17, 18G4.

(:onway It. Ion:trd, of TTirginb,to take rank from March 17, 1864.
Killiani 17. li'octer, o f Tcmnessre, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
Samuel Iz, Jolinston, of Virginia, to take rank from March 17, 1864.


F. Y. Dabncy, of Mississippi, to Lzke rank horn March 17, 1864.

IIenry C. Forc*e,of AlI;tbania, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
1). (4. Cainpbell, of Ak~bamrt,to take rank from March 17, 1864.
Itenry J. Rogers, of Minnesota, to take rank frotn March 17, 1864.
\V. I). Stoart, of North Carolina, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
W.1;. B ~ i i d ~of~ rMaryland,
to take rank from March 17, 1864.
a. W. Smith, of Virginia, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
( i . 11. flazlehurst, of (;eorgia, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
U. &I. Randolph, of North Carolina, to take rank from April 2, 1864.
17. Gardner, of Alabama, to take rank from April 2, 1864.

I,. A . Dacte, of Virginia, to take rank from March 17, 1864.

U. K. llrnciermn, of Virginia, to take rank Eroni March 17, 1864.
1%. 1%. (irant, of (ieorgia, to take raiik from Xlarcli 17, 1864.

Second liedenants.
13. J. White, of South Carolina, t o take rank from March 17, 1864.
11. &I.(iraves, of JJarylantl, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
John C. Gilmrr, of North Carolina, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
W. I<. Park, of Virginia, to Lake rank from Pilarch 17, 1864.
F. IVI. Hall, of South Carolina, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
M. M. Farrow, of South Carolina, to take rank from April 2, 1864.
M. S. Elliott, of South Carolina, to take rank from April 2, 1864.
Charles McCalley, of Texas, to take rank from April 2, 1864.

May 14, 1SG4 ]


J. N. Turner, of North Carolina, to take rank from April 2, 1864.

G. 1. Rrowne, of Georgia, to take rank from April 2, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Seevetary of TVur.
To 111slkrellency JEIWIEHSON


Thc mcssagc NZMrend.

Ordcmed, That it be r ~ f c r r e dt u the Coininittee oil Military Affairs.

dgrecahly to tho icc~oii~nieridatiort

of tlie Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on tlie accoiiipanying liit to tlie lank aflixecl to their iiameo, respectively:

li5ciiinond, -Wly 7 , 1864.
SIK: 1 liavr t h e honor to reconiuiencl tlie follov iiig noniinations for appointment
in the lro\ isional Army of tlie Coniederate Statc>sof Anieric.a:

Yo. 10.1

J V A R Dh2P.i IWMESl, CoSPI.:Ili~ltATE ~ T A T J 3 SOF

J. H. Sale, of hiissisPipl)i, for dnty as military scrrctary to Gen. B. Bragg, to rank

from Alarcli 16, 186.4.

Aids-dp-ccrnip, iiiajors qf cavalry.

To~vsonE l k , of Louisiana, for dnty as aid-dc-camp to Grn. R. Rragg; Francis S.

ParIicr, of Sonth Carolina, for tlitt! R S aid-tle-cmnp to Gen. 1-1. Bragg; to rank froin
Pcbiiiary 2,5, 1864.
I :im,iir, r c y w t f u l l y , your o1)c~ilic~nt
,Secrrtar?/ of lirar.
To Tliq l h c t ~ l l r i i cy JI

Thc messagc, \vas rcacl.

O d e m l , l h t it be w l r ~ r ~1 o~t dhc Couimittee on Military Affairs.
Ewwr T i \ E DI.P\iz~vi:xrr, IGchmond, M ( i ! y 11, 186j.
the ,Sir7ante qf the C t n f r t l e m t c St~te.9:
-Agreritl)ly to tlie rrcoiiiiiienclatioii of tlit. Secretary of War, I noniinate the ofti
oii the ac.coiiipan> irig lkt to the rank aflixed to their iiaiiie~,respectively.
No 11.1
t T R *r,\TES 01
Rkhrnond, M ( i y 8,1864.
SIR. I have t h e honor to recoiniinciid t h r following noniinations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confcderatc Statcs of Aiiiicrica:


Lieut. Col. S. E. Baker, of Mississippi, to be colonel Sixteenth Mississippi Regiment, vice Coloiiel Pose), I)romotctl, to rank from December 20, 1862.
Lieut. Col. I). N. hloody, of Missifsippi, to be colonel Twenty-first Mississippi
Regiineiit, 7 ire Colonel Bmntluil, resigiied, to rank f i on1 October 28, 186%
Lieut. Col. 1. Brent, of 3lississippi, to be colonel Thirty-eighth Mississippi Regiment, \,ice Colonel Adams, resigned, to rank from September 24, 3862.
Lieut. Col. S. 11. \\alkup, of Korth Carolina, to be colonel Forty-eighth North
Carolina ltegimeiit, 1 ice Colonel IIill, died, to rank from December 4,1863.
Lieut. Cjof. W. L. Raunders, of Korth Carolina, to bc colonel Forty-sixth North
(arolina Regiment, vice Coloncl IIall, resigned, to rank froin December 31, 1863.
Lieut. Col. Jamcs S. Gliolston, of Georgia, to he colonel Sixteenth Georgia Regiment, yice Colonel Bryan, promoted, to rank from November 29, 1863.



. Lieut. Col. C . C. Sanders, of Georgia, to be colonel Twenty-fourth Georgi

nient, vice Colonel McMilIan, resigned, to rank from January 9, 1864.
Lient. Col. C. K. Fontaine, of Virginia, to be colonel Fifty-seventh Virgini
inent, Trice Colonel hlagruder, died, t o rank from July 5, 1863.
1,ient. Col. d a n ~ W.
s Moss, of Kentucky, to be colonel Second Kentucky R
merit, vice Colonel Johnston, resigned, t o rank from October 19, 1863.
Lieut. Col. lu. IV. Jones. of Texas, t o be colonel Puinth Texas Cavalry Regiment,
vice Colonel Townes, resigned, to rank from March 30, 1863.
Lieut. Col. W. L. Eakin, of Tennessee, to be colonel Fifty-ninth Tennessee Regiment, vice Colonel Cooke, resigned, to rank from March 19, 1863.
Lieut. Col. S. I<.McSpadden, of Alabama, to be colonel Nineteenth Alabama Regiment, vice Colonel Wheeler, promoted, to rank from October 30, 1862.
Lient. Col. William A. S t o w , of North Carolina, t o be colonel Sixteenth North
Caroliiia liegiment, rice Col. J. 8.McElro resigned, to rank from December 8,1863. .
Lieut. Col. C. W. McCreary, of South &rolina, to be colonel First South Carolina
Regiment, vice Colonel Hamilton, resigned, to rank from January 4, 1864.
Lieut. Col. E. Capers, of South Carolina, to be colonel Twenty-fourth South Carolina Reginient, vice Colonel Stevens, promoted, to rank from January 20, 1864.
Lieut. Col. Thomas N. iidaire, of Mississippi, to be colonel Fourth Mississippi Reginieiit, vivc Colonel Layton, resigned, t o rank from July 16, 1863.
Lieut. Col. ivI. Magevnry, of Tennessee, to be colonel One hundred and fifty-fourth
Tennessee 12egiment, vice Colonel Fit!gerald, died, to rank from August 30, 1862.
Lient. Col. R. 1. PllcKelvaine, of &fissi&ppi, to be colonel Tnenty-four th Mississippi Regiment, \ice Colonel Dowd, resigned, to rank froin January 19, 1864.
Licut. Col. T. J. Ilsrdin, of Mississippi, to be colonel Nineteenth Mississippi Regiment, vice Colonel EIarris, promoted, to rank froin January 20, 1864.
Lieut. Col. T. B. J,aniar, of Florida, t o be colonel Fifth Florida Regiment, vice
Colonc.1 IIateley, resigned, to rank from July 6, 1863.
Lieut. Col. J. C. Phillips, of Virginia, to be colonel Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry
Keginrent, vicc Colonel Chainbliss, promoted, to rank from December 19, 1863.
Lieut Col If. S. hJcLemore, of Tennessee, to be colonel Fourth Tennessee Regiment, vic*clColonel Stwrnes, died, to rank froin February 25, 1864.
Lieut. Col. fV. L. J . Lowranre, of North Carolina, to be colonel Thirty-fourth North
Carolina Reginleiit, vice Colonel Riddiek, died, to rank froin February 10, 1863.
Licut. Col. J. R. Williams, of Mississippi, to be colonel Forty-first Jfississippi
Regiment, vice Colonel Hcarn, resigned, to rank from March I, 1S64.
Lieut. Col. Jos. Armstrong, of Georgia, t o be colonel Eighteenth Georgia Regiment, vice Colonel Ruff, killed, to rank from January 6, 1864.
Lieut. Col. M. B. Harris, of Mississippi, t o be colonel Twelfth Mississippi Iiegiment, vice Colonel Taylor, dropped, to rank from March 19, 1864.
Lient. Uol. A . A. Lowther, of Alabama, to be colonel Fifteenth Alabama Regiment,
vice Colonel Cantey, promoted, to rank from April 28, 1863.
Lieut. Coi. W. 1,. 1,. Ilowen, of Florida, to be colonel Fourth Flori
vice Colonel Hunt, killed, to rank from September 2, 1862.
Lient. Col. IC. Warfield, of Arkansas, to be colonel Second Arkan
vice Colonel Govan, promoted, to rank from December 29, 1863.
Lieut. Col. C. C. Blaclrnall, of North Carolina, to be colonel Twenty-thi
Carolina Reginicnt, vice Colonel Johnston, promoted, to rank from September 1,1863
afaj. B. S.Profitt, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-ninth North
Carolina Regiment, vice Ixutenant-Colonel Creasman, promoted, to rarik from March
16, 1S63.

Maj. W. D. La F. Craig, of Texas, to be lieutenant-colonel Tenth Texas Cavalry

Regirrient, vice Lielitenant-Colonel Earp, promoted, to rank from March 20, 1863.
&!fa$A. M. Fe!tus, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Mississippi
Regiment, vice Lleutmant-Colonel Baker, promoted, to rank from December 20, 1882.
Maj. C. Sykes, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-third Mississippi Regiment, vice Lieutonalit-Colonel Harrison, promoted, to rank from Kovenlber 9, 1862.
Rfaj. G. A. C. Holt, of Kentucky, to be lieutenant-colonel Third Kentucky Regimeiit, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Bowman, resigned, to rank from August 30, 1863.
&Iaj. J. N. Chandler, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-fourth Georgia
Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel McXillan, resigned, to rank fro111 Jatluary 5,1864.
Maj. W. W. Wier, of XIissiesippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-seventh Miusissippi Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Patton, resigned, to rank from January 2

Xap 14, 1864.1


3Paj. W.L. Xeirn, of Mississippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-eighth Mississip@

Rcgiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Brent, promoted, to rank from September 24,1862.
Maj. A. A. Hill, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-eighth North
Carolina Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Walkup, promoted, to rank from
December 4, 1863.
Maj. il. C. McAlister, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Fort
Sorth Carolina Regiment, vice Lieuteaant-Colonel Saunders, promoted, to m
Decemher 31, 1863.
Naj. John Siins, of Mississippi, to he lieutenant-colonel Twenty-first Alissi
Regiment, x ice Jdeutt.nitnt-CoIoiie1 Moody, promoted, to rank from October
Maj. J. IIamilton, of Georgia, to be lieutellant-colonel Phillips Legion, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Harclay, rcsigiicd, to lank fioni December 31, 1863.
Maj. J. 1. FitzGeraltl, of Virginia, to be lientenant-colonel Twenty-third Tirginia
Reginiciit, yicae I,icuteii:tiit-Coloriel Walton, killed, to rank from November 27, 1863.
Ncij 11. 1. C l a u 101 d, of, to be lieutenant-colonrl 11)eiitp-eiglith Georgia
Repimwt, T ice I,ir.ntriiaiit-Coloiicl C h , resigned, to r a n k from Jartuary 20, 1864.
i l h j . I,. 11. P~irdue,of i\Iissi+ippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Rerenth 3lississippi
Battalion, x ice I~ieuteiiaiit-ColonelIlobcer, transferrctl, to rank from Janiiar 2, 1863.
3 l a j 1.: (; K e l ~ y of
, XiG+ppi, to be lieutenant-~olonel Fortv-fourt; Mississippi l<egiiricnt, I ice J~icutenant-Colon~~l
Thomp~on,killed, to rank hom September
20, 1863.
ox 11, of Teimessee, to be lieutenatit-colo~iel Fifty-ninth Tennessee
I dc~iitt~iiai~t-Color\el
Rakin, proinoted, to rank from March 19, 1863.
IPS, of (icoryia, to I)e Iie~~t~iiaiit-c~oloiicl
Sixteenth tieorgia Regiment,
Colonel Gliolqton, proniot~tl,to rank from November 29, 1862.
Naj. 11. 1. Shooter, of Solitti Carolina, to he liPiitenaiit-coloii~lFirst South Carolina Heginlent, yice Lieutenant-Coloiiel NcCreary, promoted, to rank from January
4, 1864.
Naj. W.I,. Ilaritlson, of North Carolina, to be lieuteiiaiit-coloiiel Seventh North
Carolina Regiment, vice.
low1 IIill, killed, to rank from Mag 3, 1863.
j. TV. 31. iirnoltl, ol
e licuteni~rit-co101ieI
Sixth Grorgia Regiment,
l , l ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ l l ~ l l l t - ~ ~ ~ l ~ ~Onerl,
l l ~ ~ to
l rank from January 20, 1864.
~ruteiiant-coloilclTwenty-filth Georgia Repii i i n , proniotc~~l,
to rank from Sovcmbcr 16,
p p , to 1~ 1ic.nttnant-coloiicl Kineternth 1v1
iient, ic.e J,icutc%i
lie1 Ifarclin, proinotctl, to rank fro111 J:in
Georgia, to be lientenant-colonel Forty-srventh Georgia
t-Coloiiel Conc, resigned, to rank from August 30, 18G3.
t l i <aroIiiia, to bc Ijcntmailt-c.oloiie1 Twenty-fourth South
Carolinn Regiiucnt, I ice Lieutenant-Colorirl Capers, promoted, to rank troni January
20, 1864
Maj. ,I J. Uloud, of Kortli Carolina, to be lieiitc~nai~t-c~olonel
Sixteenth North
C~rulinallcginient, vice Jieiitcnant-Colonel Lee, resigned, to rank from January 27,


. J. \V. Carter, of Georgia, to be licuteiiant-colonel Foi ty-fiftli Georgia R q i iiient, T i(1c I,ieutenant-Coloiic~l(;rice, rcsipnetl, to rank from hIarch 17, 1864.
ltaj. I:. F. Littk, of Sorth Cwolina, t o bc licutcnant-colonel Fifty-sccond Sorth
Carolina Ileginient, r ice Lieutenant-Colonel Richardson, killed, to rank from July
3, lSG3
hlaj .T C Franciq, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirtieth Alabania F g i inpiit, viw 1 ,ieutenant-Colonel Patterson, resimcd, to rank from January 28, 1864.
Maj. (+. R. Kinihrongh, of Alabama, to bc i?eute~iant-colonelNineteenth Alabama

Rc~iment,yice Lieutenant-Colonel >lrSpdden, promoted, to rank from October 30,

Naj. I,. HodpF;, of hlissksippi, to lie lieutenant-colonel Forty-first Xissispippi
Reginlent, \ice Lieutenant-Colonel IVilIiams, promoted, to rank from March I,1864.
Xaj. 13 31. illorrison, of Virginia, to be lieuteIlalit-colonel Fifteenth Virginia Regiment, vice 1,ieuteIiant-Coloiicl Tucker, died, to rank from Jaiinary 24, 1863.
Naj. F. E I-.Stafford, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-first Tennepsee
Regiment, x ice Lieutenant-Colonel fludson, died, to rank from November 20, 1862.
Maj. F. 54. Ford, oE Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Eighteenth Georgia Regiment, rice Lieutenant-Colonel Stewart, reyigned, to rank froni March 25, 1864.
Maj. I. 13. Feagin, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifteenth Alabama Regir n ~ n t vice
Lientenant-Colonel Trentlin, resigned, t o rank from April 28, 1863.
BIaj. J . 8. Brooks, of Irorth Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twentieth North



Carolina Regiment, vice Lientenant-Colonel Slough, resigned, to rank from

ber 2, 1863.
Maj. J. T. Jordall, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-ninth Georgia
ment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Pate, resigned, to rank from Februar
&laj. \Villiain H. Hamsey, of Virginia, to he lieutenant-colonel F i
ginin Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Fontaine, promoted, to ran
&faj. It7. W. Randolph, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Second
ulellt, yicc Licutcnant-Colonci Colston, killed, to rank from April 2

Cnpt. E. C. Councill, of Mississippi, to be inajor Sixteenth Mississippi Regiment,
vice Major Feltus, promoted, to rank fro111 December 20,
C:ipt. T. J. Borden, of Mis&sippi, to be niajor Sixth
ippi Regiment, vice
Major Stevens, resigned, to lank from December 17, 18G3.
Capt. J. J. May, of Alabama, to be major Sixteenth Alahama Regiment, vice Major
Texas Cavalry Regiment,
ghth Virginia Regiment,

Capt. .J. 0. Banks, of hIississippi, to he niajor Forty-third Mississippi Regiment,

vire hlajor Sykes, proinoted, to.rai?k froin Xovember 9, 1862.
Capt. H. C . RZcChy;,of Xliisi-.ippi, to he major Thirty-eighth Mississippi Regiment,
ice Major Krirn, proinoteil, to rank from Scyteinber 21,1862.
Capt. J . &I. Crou, of A l a l ~ t n i a to he major Ninth Alabama Regiment, vice Major
Willixnis, prourotc~l,to mnk froin Septrniher 11, 1863.
Capt. G. hl. Craw lord, of Teiincwx?, to be major Forty-fourth Tmnesw? Reginicnt, vice Jiajor I<\\ in, iliccl, to Tank froni January 7 , 1863.
son, of \'irginia, to be major Twenty-third Virginia Regiment,
promoted, to rank froin Noveinber 27, 1863.
of Gwrgia, to be major Fifty-first Georgia Regiment, vice Major
ank from July 2, 1863.
Capt. J. B. ICennedy, of Jliwissippi, to be major Twenty-seventh Xississippi Regiinent, vice Major McLciiiore, killed, to rank from October 5, 1863.
Capt. J). R. ficruggs,. of , to be major Second Virginia Battalion, Troops
Loral Dixfmse, \ice illa]or IValler, transfcrred, to rank froin March 10, 1864.
Capt. C. 13. Johnston, of Alabaitia, to he niajor Twenty-first Alabama Regiment,
vice hfajor Williams, promoted, to rank from April 30, 1863.
Capt. T. M. Atkins, of Teniiesx,e, to be major Forty-ninth Tennessee Regiment,
vice Major ('ortlirig, protnu(td, lo rank froiii October 7, 1863.
Capt. <?.W.IJIov ers, of North (~arolina,to be major Thirty-eighth North Carolina
Itcgiiricsnt, vice Major filcTJauchliii, resignrd, lo rank froni February 16, 18
('apt. J. 11. Skelton, of ( h r g i a , to be major Sixtcrntli Georgia Regi

May 16,1864.l


Capt. L. A. J. Williams, of Georgia, to be niajor Thirty-fifth Georgia Regiment,

\,ice Major Groves, resigned, t o rank from December 21, 1863.
Capt. N. McK. McScill, of North Carolina, to be iiiajor Forty-sixth North Carolina Regiment, vice Major RIciZliPtcr, pronioted, to rank from December 21, l8G3.
Capt. J. S. Cone, of Georgia, to he major Forty-seventh Georgia Regiment, vice
Maj J. G. Cone, resigned, to rank fmni August 30, 1863.
Capt. ill. Burke, of AIissouri, to I)c major First Missouri Regiment, vice
Ikiffy, dropped, to rank froiii Rlarch 30, 1864.
Chpt E Erson, of Sorth Carolina, to 1st. niajor Fifty-second North Carolina
merit, vice Major Richardson, killetl, to wnlr froni July 3, 1863.

Capt. I,. Ball, of Blissispippi, to be major Forty-first Mississippi Regiment, vice

Major IIodgey promoted, to rmk froiii March I, 1864.
Ca ,t 11. C. Oates, of Alabania, to he major Fifteenth Alabama lieginient, Trice
b!Iajor baniel, rerigned, to mnk from April 28, 1863.
Cnpt. l
Bomar, of Georgia, to he inajor Thirty-eiglith Georgia Regiment, vice
3lajor Parr, -esigned, to rank from July 2, 1863.
Capt. C. 11. Stewart, of Yirginia, to be inajor Second Virginia liegiment, vice
illajor NOOIV,
appoiritctl absistant adjutant-g~ieral,to rank from April 21, 18G4.
C q t . D. P. Heckman, of Virginia, to be major Fifty-beventh Virginia Itegiment,
vice Major ltarnsey, promoted, to rank from July 5, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of ?Var.
To Iiici l ~ x c ~ ~ l l Je I~ i c ~ , ~

The inessagc W R S m d .
Orcleyed, That it he r d r r r c d t o tlrc Coinniittee on Military Affairs.
O n motion I s y 311.. Spriww,
The Senate resolved into open legislative sebsion.



16, 1864.


The President pro teiiipore announced, iu conformity with the

thirty-first rule of the Scnatc, the appointment of the following standing comiriittcc:
A coininittee on the rules of the Senate, consisting of Mr, 0 r r
*(chairinan), Mr. Joltrisori of Arliaiisas, arid Mr. Semmes.
A message froin the IIousc? of Representtttives, by Mr. Dalton:
Mr, President: The House of Kcprcwxtatives hare passed bills of the following
titles; in which thcp reqiwst the c-oncnrrcnce of the Senate:
1. R. 2. A n act to provide for the redeniptioil of the old issue of Treasury notes
held by certain Indian tribes; and
H. R. 92. An act to amend the act approved February 17, 1864, entitled An act
to allow commissioned officers of the Arniy rations and the privilege of purchming
clothing from the Quartermasters Department.
The Speaker of the House of Itepresentntives having signed sundry enrolled joint
resolutions, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the signature of their



On motion by Mr. Srjarrow,

Orr.&r.ed, That the Committee

on Military Affairs be disc

from the further consideration of so much of the report of
tary of War as relates to Indian Affairs, together with the report o
the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and that they be leferred to th
Committee on fndian Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Orr.deer&, That the Committee on Military Affairs be disc
from the further consideration of so much of the report of the
tary of War as recommends that a rate exceeding one-tenth
meat, wheat, rice, and the products of the sugar cane raised in the
(:onfederate States, should be assessed and collected in kind, and that
it be referred to the Committee on Finance.
On motion by A h . Sparrow,
That the Comniittec, on Military Affairs be discharged
fro111 thc f u ~ t h c consider:ttion
of a resoltltion inquiring into the cxpediency of further legisltxtion with a view of securing the return to
thcir proper coirimarids of deserters from the infantry who have enlisted
arid a1.c now wrving in tho cavalry, rtc.
On motion by 3Ir. 1Rarnwell,
O I Y ? ~ I T~ h/ , L ~ h Couiniittcc
on Finance be discharged from the
furthcr coilhidcration of the bill (B. 9) for the relief of Green T. Hill,
and th:tt it t)c i d e i ~ c dto t,lic Comn~itteeon CJeims.
Mr. \lntson, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was
refcrrcd the joint rcsolutjon (13. I<. 3) providing for the appointment
of L; s1)ccial committee of tlic Senate and House of Representatives on
thc subject of imyrcssmenta, reported it without amendmeiit.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said resolution; and
On motion by Mr. Orr, to amend thc rcsoIutiort by striking out the
I t was deterniincd in the affirmative.
The resolution having lxxn further amended, wa
Resolved (the Senafe c o n c u r m g ) , That a special committee be
iiretnbers on the part of the EIouse and three members on the part
whoin all bills, resolutions, and memorials hereafter or already introduced in either
House on t h e subject of impressment shall be referrerl.

O~dered,Ihxt thc Secretary request the concurrence of the House

of lteprescntaitives in the amendments.

On motion by Mr. Watson,

O r d m d , That the Coniniittee on the Judiciary be disch
the further consideration o f a resolution inquiring into the
of further legislation with a view to the prevention and u
illegnl impresbments, etc., and that it be referred to t e
mittee on Impressments.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
That the Committee on Military Affairs he discharge
from the further consideration of so much of the report of the Secretary of War as relates to the proper mode of assessing the
sup lies for the Army which may be impressed, and that it be
to tFle Joint Committee on Impressments.
The bills received this day from the House of Represent
ce were severally read the first and second times; a


I I n r 16, 1861 1


Ordered, That Ihe bill nuiiibercd 2 be referred to the Conimittt.,e o n

Indian Atfairs and the bill numbertd $12 to the Committee on Military
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to
sideration of the bill (s. 21) t o amend an act entitled An act t
the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes and
ap roved 17th February, 3364.
motion by Mr. cJemison, to amend the bill by inserting af
said, section 2, line 10,the words fonr per cent,
It w a q dctcrrnincd in the nffirniativc.
On motion 1)y Mr. lfill, to amend the bill by striking out the words
"three do1Inl.s of old issues, i n the eighth line of the third section,
arid inserting in lieu thereof the words of Treasury notes of the old
It was dctcrniincd in tlic affirmative.
O n iriotion by MY. I3arnwel1, to aincnd the hill 1))- inserting at the
end of thc third section the following proviso:


Pro, itlcti, That oil antl after the first t h y of January, eighteen huiidred and s
f i w , tlic authority to inake the csclianges rrieiitioned in this section shall cease and

It was clcterinined in the affirmative.

On motion by MI.. Simms, to amend the hill 1,y striking out the
fourth section, as follows:
Sm-.4. That any holder of four per cent bontls or certificates issned under the first

t h e act bf v hich this is :in a i n t ~ ~ d n i ~niay

w t exchange his hond or ccrtificciit unt:ixahlc ttond, c;nc.h as is described i n t h e section n e x t
I W ratp pro\-idcd thertin :IS to ol(l issues; that is to say, a t the
uiitasable I)oiidu for tlirec dollars of bonds or certificates issued
under said first section,


It jva.; dctcyrnincd in the lipg:rti\-<l,


-( hays

_ _ 10

. _
. -.
._ - _ - _

On motion b ~ Air.
The yeas and nays being desired by onc-fifth of thc Senators present,
Those who voted in thc affirmatil e are,
Messrs. Dortch, Hill, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri,
illitchel, Oldham, Orr, Siinins, and Wigfall.
Those who voted i n the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Brown, GIYL~RIII,
IIunter, ,Ternison, Maxwell, Sparrow, Walker, and Watson.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell, from the Coninlittee on Finance, to
amend the hill by inserting the following independent section:
Scc. 5. That the bonds antl certificates iiientioned in the seconcl section of the act
to \\hicfi this i s an amendment s!iall be recei\able in payment of all Government
dnes which shall have accrued prior to the first day of January, eighteen hundred
and sixty-fire, except export and import duties,

It mas determined in the affirmative.

On motion by Nr. Walker, to amend the bill by inserting a t the end
of the fifth section the words and for purposes of payment herein
authorized shall he transferable by delivery,
It vas determined in the aftirniatire.
An amendment having been proposed t o the hill by Mr. Graham,
After debate,
On niotion by J4r. Hill,
&&red, That the f u rth er consideration of the bill be postpo11ed



until to-morrow, and that the Secretary cause it to be printed, by contract or otherwise .
Mr. Dortch, from thc committee, reported that they had examined
alld found truly enrolled joint resolutions of the following titles:
S. I. Joint rcrolution of thanks to Major-General Hoke and Commander Cookc, and the officers and men under their command for the
brillimt victory over the enemy at Plymouth, N. C. ;
S, 2. Joint resolution of thanks to General Flnegan and the officers
and men of his command;
13. 11. 1. Joint resolution of thanks to the Thirty-fourth and Thirtyeighth regiments of North Carolina troops; and
11.13. 2. Joint resolution of thanks to theTexas Brigade in the Army
of Northern Virginia.
The President pro tcnipore having signed the enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have been examined, they were delivered to the
Secrctary of the Senatc and by him forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate States for his approval.
On motion by Mr. S p ~ r r o w ,
Thc Senate resolved into executive session.
Tho doors having heen opened,
On niotion by Mr. Mitchel,
The Senate adjournccl.

A incssi~grfroin the 1Iouse of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

MY.Pwsident: The IIouse of Representatives have passed the joint resolution of
the Senate ( 8 . 8 ) to authorize the reinoral of the public. archive and of the Executive

1)epartmeiits of the Government.

On motion hy Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,

Tho Senate resolved into open legislative session.

Mr. Sparrow, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

were referred (on thc loth instant) the nominations of J. W. Mallett,
Thornas I,. Ihyne, William Rllan, to be lieutenant-colonels: James
Harding: jr., to be major; ?John 8. Tucker, A. F. Pope, J. G.
Iteynol 5, Daniel W. Sublett,, R. W. Anderson, C. P. Estill, John M.
Perry, F. W. Dawson, to be captai
C. D. Fiuhburne, G. F. Bason,T. B.
,J. L. Scales, to be first lieutena
Edwards, to he second iieutenant,s,
the rccomnicmdation that all of said
The Sonate proceeded to conside
thevew ith, it was
Besolwed, That the Senate advis
agreeably to the nornination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the nomination of D. 1f. Reynolds (under the act of October
13,1862, to increase and regulate the appointment of general officers
in the Provisional Army), to be brigadier-general, reported, with the
recommendation that said nomination be confirmed.

May 17, 1864.1

The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence

therewith, it was
Besotved, That the Senate :idvise tind consent to his appointmen
agreeably t o the noinination of the Presidcnt.
Mr. Sparrow, from t h e Coniinittec on Military Affairs, to who
referred (on the 14th instant) the nominations of A. L. Rives,
colonel; John J. Clarke, Jo h n A. Williams, and ill.Meriwether
be lieutennnt-colonels; George B. Pickett, Conway 12. TTomrcl,
P. Foster, and Sanincl 13. eTohiiston,to be majors; F. Y, Dnbnel ,
C. Force. D. (,?. C:iiiipbell, IIenry J . Rogers, W. D. Stuart,
Uendcr, J. \Y. Sniith, 0. 1% Hazlehurst, C. >I. Randolph, and F.
Gardncr, to I)(: captains; 11. A. Dade, D. E. Henderson, M. B. Grant,
P. (1. Johnson, J . ill. Freret, E. A. Ford, 11. 13. Cozzens, T. I-t. Price,
jr., .J. 31. F a i ~ ~ l ~ a n13.
k s L.
, Blackford, 3. 11. 11. Sniith, J . M. Couper,
11. W. Ciirrie, Georgc B. McRec, and James A. Corry, to be first lieutenants; E. J. White, 11. M. Urt~vcs,John C. Gilmer, VIT. K. Park,
.!I 14. IIall, 31. N. Farrow, M. S. Elliott, Ch:irles McCalley, J. N.
Turner, and G. 11. Rrownc, lo be second licutcnaiits, of engineers,
reported, with the recommendation that a11 of said nominations be confi rlned.
The Senate proceeded l o consider said report ; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Kesotved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreenhly to the nomination of the President.
M r . Sparrow, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the noinin:~lionof Xaj. Gen. Richard Thylor, to be lieutenantgencml in the Provisional Army of the Confedewte States, reported,
with thc rcwxnmendution tliat said noniinntion be confirmed.
The Senxtc proceeded to considcr said report ; and in conciirrtxicc
thercwith, it w r s
fitsolcvd, That Ihc Senate :idvise ttnd consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of tho resident.
Mr. Sparrow sitbniitted thr, following resolution ; which was considered and agreed to:
Rrsolsetl, That the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to inquire whether
the nominations ot officers scnt by the I-resident to the last or any previous session
of the Senate, arid which rnay have been continued or postponed by order of the
Senate to this session of the Senate, arc still before the Senate for its action.
niotion by B1r. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1864.


A lnessage from the House o l Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

President: The House of Representatives have passed the bill of the Senate
(S. 5 ) to provide passports for Senators and Representatives in Congress when
traveling in the Confederate States, Ivith amendments; in which they request the
concurrence of the Senate.
h d tlley have passed the hill of the Senate (8. 25) for the relief of the widow
and heim of the late Brig. Gen. Leroy A. Stafford, of the Confederate States Army.





The Senate uesumed the consideration of the resolution submitted

by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas on the 4th instant, fixing a day for the
adjournment of the present session of Congress; and having been
further amended, it was agreed to as follows:
Re8olred (the House of Representatiz!es concuikng), That the President of the Senate
and the Speaker of t h e House of Representatives adjourn their respectire Houses,
sine die, 011 Tuesday, the thirty-first day of May, instant, at twelve oclock meridian.

Ordeed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House

of Represea tatives i n the resolution.
Mr. Baker (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 30) to amend an act to impose regulations upon the
foreign conimerce of the Confederate States to provide for the public
defense, approved February 6, 1864;
which was read the first and second times and referrcd to the Committee on Commerce.
X r . Seiumes, froi:: the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
tho bill (13. 1%.68) to exempt railroad companies from the payment of
certain duties, reported it with an amendmcnt.
The Senate proccedcd, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and the reported amendment having been
agreed to, the hill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was
toncurred in.
O)&v*cd, That the aniendtncnt be engrossed and the bill read a third
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
Besolued, That it pass with an amendment.
Owhmd, That t h e Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives i n the amendment.
Mr. Oldham, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 20) to establish a bureau of foreign supplies,
reported it with an amendment.
On motion by Mr. Graham,
0?demd, That the bill and amendment be printed, by contract or
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affnirs, submitted
the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
~ ~ P s O h lby~ dthe Smaic qf the Confederate Atales of Anzericcc, That the President he
respectfully rcquested to inform the Senate whether the order, No. 48, issued from the
Adjutant and Inspector Generals Office,in the city of Richmond, on t h c clcventh day
of -July, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, relative to t h e termination of the appointInentcr of general officers and officers of the general staff in t h e Provis
ever been revoked, if any officers have ever been dismissed the servi
if any, what officers, and when they were so dismissed.

Mu. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, r

A Fill (S. 31) to promote the efficiency of the cavalry of the Provisional Army, and to punish lawlessness and irregularities of any
portions thereof;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Walker,
Ordered, That the further confiideration thereof be postponed &ti1
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported

lpdg 17, l h 6 j ]


A bill (X. 32) to authorize the appointment of general officers qith

temporary rank arid coiimarid, arid to define and limit the power of
assigning oficcrs to commands;
which as read the first and second tinies :md ordered to be placed upon
thc Calendar and printed.
A h . Sparrow, from thc Committee on Military Affairs, submit
o n ; which was considered and agreed tv:

Confederate States, by Mr.

1 Joint resolution of thaiilis to Xajor-(hieral IIokr and Comiriander Cooke

eiienij at Ilyinoiitli, X. C ; :tnd

S.2. ,Joint resolution of thanks to (;enera1 Fincgan and the oflivers and nlen of
his coinniaiid.

That the Sccmtxry inform tho House of Reprcsentatives
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of thc bill (S.21) to amend an act erititled An act to reduce thc
currcncy arid to authorize R new issnc of notcs aiid bonds, approved
17th FCbrluLry, 1864.
On motion 1)sNr. Glatiam, to amend tlic hill h j striking
oat of the
ond section the wordh
siicli amonnt RS thc .aid State is entitled to rlaiiri in Treasury notes of
ne, an(\ the othor half i n enid six per cent bonds, or, a t the option of the
npon bonds, papililt, in twenty years, n i t h interwt at the rate of four per
cent per annuni, payable lidf >early; the said four per cent bonds not to be taxahle
either upon principal or interest; aiid this provision shall extend to any portion of
the ainoiint \\ Iiic~hsnrh State niay 1 ) entitled
to claim,

and inwrtiiig in licu thereof the words

~ i i r l amonnt
us bait1 State m:ty be c.ntitlcc1 to i n Treas~irynotesof


new issue,

It was dctcrmined in thc negative.

An aiiiendiiient having txen proposed l)g Mr. Hill,
After debate,
O n motion by Rfr. IIill,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors haring been opened,
On motion by MY.Walker,
The Senate adjourned.

The following message was receiwd from the President of the Confcdcratt States, by Nr. B. K. Harrison, his Secretarj :
Rtckmond, 2&fc~y
17, IS@.


To the Senate of the Confedcrate States

Agreeably to the reconiriientistion of the Secretary of War, I nominate William J.
Cave, of Pirginia, to bc first lieutenant and aid-de-camp in the Prcwisional Army of
the Confederate States of America

Richmond, >lay 16, 1864
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the nomination of William J. Cave, of
ginia, to be aid-tie-camp, with t h e rank, etc., of first lieutenant i n t h e Provisional
z \ r ~ of
~ ~tile
y Confederate States of America, for duty with Brig. Gen. J. L. Kemp
to rank fro111 May 16, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of


To His 1':xc.ellency JEFFERWN DAVIS,

L'resident, elc.

The message was read.

O&e?wZ, That it be referred to t2ie Committee on Military Affairs,
34r. Uill, froin the Conimittee on the Judiciary, to whom wasreferred
the message of the President of the Confederate States of the 4th
irishint i n relation to the conflicting claims of F. 31. Green and W. R.
Lowry for promotion in the Eleventh Regiment of Mississippi Volunteers, xubrriittod a report (No. 1)accompanied by the following resolutions:
fic.solced, That F. M. Green a t the time of the nominations for field officers of the
Eleventh Xissipsippi ltepiment to t h e Senate at its last session wa9 by law the senior
niid ranking olficer of said regiment.
1 2 ~ ~ ~ o Z ~ e t l j 1 ~ That
r ~ 1 1 e a~ ~copy
of the report of t h e Judiciary Committee on the
executive message of the fourth May, tlighteen hundred and sixty-four, accompanyh1. Green as rolonel of the Eleventh Nississippi Regiment,
resolutions, lie transmitted to the President and to F. M.

Thc Sciiatc proceeded to consider the report of the Conimittee on

thc ,Judiciary on the conflicting claims of F. M. Green and W. B.
Loivry for promotion in the Eleventh Begiment of Mississippi Volunteers; and
On motion by Mr. Orr, that the report bc recommitted to the Committcc on the dudiciary with instructions to embody in their report
t h e general orders of the Rdjutm t and lnspector General regnlatjng xomotions under the act of the 15th of April, 1862, in the decisions
of t ie case by the Adjutant and Inspectoy General and Sec
War, and the opinion of the Attorney-General i n the case
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Walker,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1864.


A message from the House of Representatives, by MY. Dalton:

The I-Iousc of Itepresentatives have passed joint resolutions of the
in which they request the concurrence of the Senate:
H. K.4. Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest and the officers
and inen oi his command for their campaign i n Missiwippi, west Tennessee, and
Kentacky; and
H. R. 5. Joint resolution authorizing the auditing of accounts of inerribers for pay
and mileage.
And they have passed a bill and joint resolntion of the Senate of t h e following
S. 11. An act to extend the franking privilege; and



8.3. Joint resolution of thanks to Missouri officers and soldiers in the Confederate
service east of t h e 3Iisswippi Eirer.
The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of Representatives
that on t h e 13th instant he approved and signed an act (11. B. 67) to continue in
forw and anmid tlie provisions of an act approved January 30, 1864, increasing t h e
compensation of certain officers and einplogees in thy civil and legislative departments at Richniond.
Ant1 that on the 17th instant lie a p p o\ed and signed the following joint reso
b to tlic Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth regi
H. 1%.2. .Joint rcsolutiori of tlianks to the Texas Brigade in the Army of Xorthern

Ah.. 13arnwell inbiiiitted thr following resolution; which was considcrcd slid agrccd to:
I Z e d i e t l , That tlie Secretary (!f the Senate l w antliorizecl to employ, until the close
o f t h e prwent scsion, s i r h c~lc~rical
forw as will enable liini to keep u p the business
of the senate.

Jlr. ,Johnson of Arkansas, from the Cornmittlee on Indian Affairs,

to whoin was referred tlie bill (S. 7) to amend an act entitled "An act
to provide f or the paynient of tlie interest on the reniovnl and subsistence fund due the Cherokee Indians in North Carolina," so as to

authorize the Secretary of W:ir to pay the interest in cash or provisions, reported i t without amendment.
The Senate procecdcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill ; :tnd n o amendment being proposed, it was
lc~yortcclto the sc~natc.
U d t red, That it be cnposscd aiid read a third time.
'l'hc said bill \+as cad the third tiiiie.
B e s o l d , Tliat it pas\i. m d that the title thcrcof be as aforesaid.
0 d c, Th:Lt thcl Sicci*etargrcqiieit the concurrc'nce of the House
of Itepresentatii cs thercin.
On niotion by Air. ,Johnson of Arliansas,
O d ~ ~ wThat
l , thc (?oirimittcc011 Indian Affairs loc discharged from
tiic further considei*utionof that portion of the report of thc Swretary
of \Yay relatilig to Iiidiaii Affairs and the report of the Cornniissioiier
of Indian ,4tfnirs.
The joint, wsolutions reccirrd this day from the IIoiise of Representatives f o r concurrence wcre sercrally i ~ a dthe first and second
times; and
O P C Z ~ That
~ ~ L ~the
, resolution nuinhercd 4 be refcrrecl t o the Coinmittce on Military Affairs and the rcsolntion iinml)ered 5 to thc Corninittee on Finance.
The Senate pi*ocecded t o considcr t,hc aniendments of thc House of
Representatives to the bill (S. .5) to proridc pxspoi'ts for Senators and
Representatives in Congress when traveling in the Confederate States;
Resolued, 'I'hat they concur therein.
Oydered, That the Secretary inform the Ilonse of Iteprcsentatives
The Senate resurnecl, as in Committee of the Whole, the coneidersttiori of the hill (6. 21) to amend an act entitled "An act to reduce the
currency and t o authorize a new issue of notes and bonds," approved
17th February, 1364.



[May 18,l

On lnotioii by Mr. IIill, to amend the bill by striking- o u t the secon

section, as follows:
SEC.2. Instead of the six per cent bonds authorized to be issued to t h e States under
the tnelfth section of the said act, t h e Secretary of t h e Treasury is authorized to
issue to any State which may desire the same, one-half of such amount as the said
State is entitled t o claim in Treasury notes of t h e new issue, and t h e other half in
Faid pix pcr cent bond?, or, at the option of the State, i n coupon bonds, payabie in
twenty years, with interest a t the rate of four per cent per annum, payable half
yearly; the miti four per cent bonds not to be taxable either upon principal or interest; and this provision shall extend to any portion of the amount which such State
may be entitled to claim,

I t was determined in the negative.

On motion by Mr. Oldham, to amcnd the bill by inserting the following indepeudcnt section:


That in order to confine the amount of circulation within t h e limits aforesaid, tlie Secretary of the Treasury, in anticipation of t h e necessity of an issue of
Treasury notes to meet thc disbursements required by law to be made, is hereby
anthorized and required to give notice, by publication i n at least three newspapers
publislicd in each State, to the holders of any particular outstanding issue of Treasury notes, or particular denomination of such issue, to present and file t h e same
within forty days after date of said publication in each State, with t h e Treasurer or
soine depositary, to be funded in six per cent bonds, which shall be issued in the
bame nianiier aiid shall contain tlir same pledges and guarantees as the bonds authorized to be ismecl b y t h e ~ i x t lsection
of tlie act to which this is an amendment; and
all iiotes of such issne or denoiiiiiiation which &hallnot be presented and filed within
the tinie specified in such notice shall cease to be current and shall not be receivable by the Ooverninent in payment of taxes or other public dues, but shall only be
fundable in fonr pcr ceiit bonds, to be issued in accordance with the provisions of the
first Pectioii of the act to nliich this is a n amendment,

It W H S dctermined i n the negative.

On inotion 1.y Mr. Oldham, to amend the bill b y inserting the follo wing independent section :
SEC.-. That all Treasury notes which shall be issued after the passage of this
act sliall be fnndable and receivable in payment of taxes only at their specie value
a t the time the ?:tine shall be presented for funding or payment, which condition
shall be inserted i n t h e iace of t h e note. The specie value from time to time shall
be ascertainod under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the


It was determined in the negative.

On motion by Mr. Walker, to reconsider th e vote on agreeing to the
following aniendinent, viz:
Insert at the end of the fifth section the following: and for pnrposes of payment herein authorized shall be transferable by delivery,
It was determined in the afirmative.
The Senate proceeded to consider the said amendment; and
On niotion by Mr. Walker, to amend the same by strikin
after the mord and and inserting:
transfcr by delircry of said Iiontls and certificates shall be sufficierit
holder to nfie the same i n payment of said Government du

It was determined in the affirmative.

The amcndment as amended was then agreed to.
No further aniendinent being made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
thdeivd, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Besolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.

&lay 18,1864 ]


Or&&& That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House

of Representatives therein.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S.31) to proiiiote the efficiencv of the cavalry of the
Prorisioiial Army, and to punish lawlessness and irregularities of an
portions thereof; and having been amended on the motion of Mr.
it was i.eported t o tlic Senate and thc amendment was concurred
O&?etZ, Tlint the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was wad the third time.
&soZvet/, That it p s s , and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O t d x d , That the Secretitrjr request the concurrence of the House
o f Rrprc.rnt:iti\.c.s thrrcin.
A nieswgc froin the IIouse of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
Jfr. Pr&dP)i1. The I Ioiirc~ o f J&y-wesentatires have aprcect to the ainerrdmerlts of
thc 8c.nate to the Ireolrrtion ot the House providing for the appoiiitmr~ntof a specinl
ect of impressments.
f the Senate fixing a (lay for the ndjoarn-

Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, from the Cotiimittee on Indian Affairs,

to wliotn \\as refciwxl the bill (H. B. 2) to provide f o r the redemption of the old issue of Trcasury notes held by certain Indian tribes,
reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and no tmiendment being proposed, it WRS
reported to the S e n a h .
, That it pass to :t third wading.
U / ~ h , t l That
the S r c i ~ t w yinfomi the IIouse of fteprescntatives
A h . Walker prcscnted tlic iiieinoikl of IVellington Goddiii, praying
an increme of the rent paid by tlie Chvcrnnit~ntf o r certain buildings
owned by liiiii
now in the occupancy of the Post-Office Department; which \vah referred to tlie Committee on Claims.
311.. Johnson of Missouri (by leave) introducd
A Lill (S. 33) to regulate the compensation and mileage of inembers
of Congres:, for thc present session;
which TVRS read the first and second times and referred to the COII~niittee on Finance.
On motion by M y . Semmes,
The Senate resolved into secret logihlatir-e session.
The doors having been opened,
The following message was received froni the Presidcnt of the Confederate States, by Mr. K. A . Ilttrrison, his Secretary :
Klvaxot\D, VA., Mcly 18,1864.
To the Senate and llouse of Representalitea:
I hercwith transmit for vour consideration a communication from the Secretary of
the Treasury, submitting a n estimate of an additional appropriatioii required for the
support of t h e Governnicnt.

The message was read.

Ordeprd, That i t be referred to tlie Conilllittee on Finance.



The following message mas received from the President of the Confederate States, by Alr. 13. K. Harrison, his Secretary:
Va., May 18,186.4.
To the Senate m d HOUSP
o j IZeprescritatlves:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Attorney(irnerd, snltxnitting estiiiiates of additional appropriations required for the support
of the Goremineiit.

The message read.

O ~ d i - 7 4That it ho referred to the Committee
On motion by hlr. Caperton,
The Senate adjourned.




Mr. Brown, Plwu tlie Committee on Naval Affairs, who were

instructed h y :L iwolutioii of the Senate to inquire what number of
war' vessels huvc, been construt d, or partially constructed, or put in
conimissioii on the James ltivsr for tho defense of Richmond; where
said vessels are; wliat is their condition and capacity for going into
iiction, etc., piwented sundry letters from the Secretary of the Navy
and others in relation to the subject; which were read.
On niotion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive scssion.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

were referred (on the 14th instant) the nominations of S. E. Baker,
D. N . Moody, P. Brent, X. 11. Walkup, W. L. Saunders, James Y.
Gholston, C. C. Sanders, C. It. Fontaine, James W. MOSS, D. W.
tJones, W. L. Etlkin, S. I<. McSpdden, William A . Stowe, C. W.
McCreary, E:. Capers. Thomas N. Adaire, M. Magevney, R. Y.McKelvainc, T. ,J. Ilardin, T. B. Lamar, J. C. Phillips, MT. S. McLemore,
W. 1,. J . Lowranco, J. 13. Williams, Jos. Arnistrong, M. B. H
A. A. Lowther, 'w. L.L. I3owen, 13. Warfield, C.C. Blaeknall,
colonels; i3. S. Protlitt, W. D. La I?. Craig, A. M. Feltus, C!. Sykes,
0.A. C. Holt, J . N. Chandler, TIr. W. Wier, W. L. Keirn, A. A. Hill,
A. C. MoAlister, J o h n Sims, cJ. I-Iamilt,on, *T. P. Bitzgerald, W. P.
Crawford, L. 13. Pardue, R. G. Kelsey, ?J. P. Brown, 13. E. Stiles,
W. P. Shootor, N'. L. D:~vidson,Mr. M. Arnold, W. H. Wylly, 12. W.
Phipps, 11.' S. Phillips, .J. S. Jones, A. J. Cloud, J . W. Carter, B. F.
Little, J. C. Francis, G. It. IGnbrou h, L. I-lodges, E. M. Morrison,
F. E. P. Stafford, F. NI. Ford, I.
Feagin, J . S. Brooks, J. T.
Jordan, William 11. Iianisey, W . W. Randolph, to be lieutenautcolonels; E. C. Councill, T. J . Borden, J . J. May, H. I).E. Redwine,
Tliilson Faris, J . 0. Banks, 1Z. C. McCay, J. M. Crow, G. M. Crawford, A. J. Xichardson, ,James Dickey, J . B. Kennedy, I). E. Scruggs,
C. B. *Johnston, T. hl. Atkins, (f. W. Flowers, J . 11. Skelton, T. P.
Alston, W.1%.IWz Gerald, d o h R. Kennard, W. N..Jones, S. d. C .
Dunlop, A. W. Smith, D. F. Hill, W. ILL Hadden, M. D. Bennett,
W. T. Bteele, L. A. J. Williams, N. McK. McWoill, J. S. Cone, M.
Burke, E. Erson, W. D. Conyers, J . T. Huff, S. G. Jamison, T. H.
Patterson, C. K. Massey, L. Ball, W. C. Oates, T. 11. Bomar, C. H.


May 18,1864.:


Stewart, D. P. Heckman, to be majors, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations bc confirmcd.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their nppointmen
agreeably t o thc iioiiiinatioii 01 the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from tho Committee on Military Affairs, to who
was referred (on tho 17th instant) the nomination of William ,J. Cave,
of Virginia, to he first lieutenant and aid -de-camp i n the Provisional
Army of tlic Confcclcratc States of America, reported, with the recominendation that said nuinination 1)e confirmed.
Thc Senate proceeded to coasider said report; and in concurrence
thcrewith, it was
R e s o l . z ~ d ,That the Senate advise and conseiit to his appointment,
ation of thc Zresiden t.
ge was received from the President of the Con. 13. h. Harrison, his Secretary:
fedrratc States,

AXEIW 1, l:xI.:cwrn-icT)i.:PAwr.vmw,
I W i i t i o i i d , May 18, 18Ci4.

To ihe , h a t e of /lie Corvkdercite ,We.?:

Agreeably to thr, 1 ecoiriiiic.iida(ioriof the Secretary of the Treasury, I lierebynoininate the persons named upoii the aiiiiexed list to the offices designated.


itfay 14, 1864.

Evcclleiicy thtl I I ~ ~ E Y T .
lit: I rcc*oiirinc~iitl
tlrc Iroiiriiintioil of the f o l l o ~
irig persons, to be commissioner of
sressiririit and collection of taxes,

Joseph Dan lope, State collector for South Carolina.

I). N. Keniicily, State collretor for TennePsee.
C>. J . I>urhatii, State cbollector for Texas.
T. U. Green, State collector for I-irgiuia.
I{. 11. I,ushcr, State collwtor for Louisiana.
Very respectfully,
Acreticry qf Treusury.

l h e message was read.

O r t l m d , Ihat it lie rcferrcd to thc Committcc on Finance.
The following iiiessuge wab received from the Yrcsident o f the Confederate States, by Mr. B. K. Harrison, his Secretary:

Ricltnaond, Hay 18, 1864.

qf t i l e Conjetlerate States:
Agreeably to the reeoimirenc~atiouof the Secretary of the Treasury, I hereby noininate W. \V. Crump, of Virginia, to be Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
DCP~RTXICST,Richmond, illay 14, 1864.
Hir Excellency the PRESIDEXT.
Srrt. I recoilirneiicl the nomination of W. TI. C r u ~ n po,f the State of Virgiriia, to be
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
Very respectfully,

70 the


The message was read.
Ordered, That it bc referred to the Committee on Finance.
The iolloming message was received froin the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary :
VA., &fay 18, 1864.

To the Senate of the Colafederate stated:

hgreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of State, I hereb nominate
P. N. J-ynch, to be special commissioner of the Confederate States to t z e Statea of
the Church.


IZich?nond, May 17, 1864.

SIR: The Right Rev. P. 8,.Lynch, of South Carolina, having heen appointed on
t h e 4th day of April last, cioring a recess of the Senate, special commissioner of the
Confederate States to the States of t h e Church, under the. act of Congress apprnved
20th August, 1861, I have now the honor to recommend his nomination to t h e Senate
for confirination as special commissioner aforesaid.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Xecretury of Stute.

The iiiessagc was read.

0 7 d e 7 4 That it be referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the report of the Committee 011 the Judiciary on the conflicting claims of F. M. Green and
W. B. Lowry for promotion in the Eleventh Regiment Mississippi
Volunteers ; mid
The question being- on agreeing to the motion submitted by Mr. Orr
on yesterday, to recommit the report to the Committee on the Judiciary
with instructions to embody in their report the general orders of the
Adjutant and Inspector General regulating promotions under the act
of thc 15th April, 1862, in the decisions of the case by the Adjutant
and Inspector General and Secretary of War, and the opinion of the
Attorney-General in the case of Major Bass,
Mr. Orr (by leave) withdrew the said motion.
The Senate proceeded to consider thc rcsolutions submitted on yesterday by Mr. Hill, from the Cornmittee on the 9udiciary)
the conflicting clairiis of 3. 34. Green and W. B. Lowry f
in the Eleventh Regiment Mississippi Volunteers.
Aftcr debate,
0 1 1 inotion by Mr. Johnson of Missouri,
Ordep*ed)That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Thc Senate resolved i n t o open legislative session.

TTXURSDAY, MAY 19, 1864.


A message from the House of Representatives, hy Mr. Dalton:

MY. President: The House of Representatives have passed a bill and joint resolution
of t h e following titlcs; in which they request the co~icurrenceof the Senate:
H. R. 30. An act to authorize t h e appointment of coixiruissaries for regiments of
t resolution requiring the Department of Justice to f
of the two Houses with printed copies of t h e acts of


M a ) 19, 1804.1

The Siieaker of the fIouse of Hepreseiitatires having signed t w o enrolled bills, I

to bring them to the Senate for the signature of their President.

a111 directed

Mr. Barnvell, from the Committcc on Finance, to whoin was referred

the joint rcsolution (H. B. 5) authorizing the auditing of accounts of
nicinbers for pay and riiilcage, reported it without amendment.
i n Coiimittee of tho Whole, to the con
The Senate proccc
sideration of the said
tion; and no amcndmen t being proposed,
it was reported to thc
O d w d , That it 11
The said rcsoliition w i q i.c:td t,hc third time.

retary inforin the House of Representatives

Nr. 13ariiwell, froin the Comniittee 011 Finance, to whom was referred
the bill (S. 3 3 ) to rcgul:itc thc coinpensation arid mileage of members
of Congress for tlie present seshion, rcportcd i t without amendment.
The Srnste procecdod, as i u Conimittec of tlie Wholc, to the eonsideration of the said bill; and no amendment being proposcd, it was
reported to tlie Scnate.
That it be cngrossed and read a third time.
hill w m read thc third time.
, IhaL it pass, aiid that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
That the Secretary request the concurrence o f the House
of llepresentatives therein.
On motion by A h . I3arnmcl1,
ode,^?, That the Cominittcc on Firiancc be discharged from the
Snrther consideration of thc bill (S. 26) declaratory of the memiiig of
tion of :in :let to r e t l i m the currency and to authorize
IlOtC., : u d I)OIIClh. :Lp1,10
F(\blnary 17, 1864.
A nicssagc f ~ o i ntlic llousc of liepr
I t a t i w s , by Mr. Dalton:
u / e ? i / : Cnder thc proribions oi a joint resolution providing for the appointinrnt oi a ~ . l c c coinniittw
ot ttic tu o Honses on the stibject of impressmentu, the
eerntatiws ha\ c appointed, ae the coiiiiiiittee on their part, Mr. Bald8 , 3Ir. Cliaiiibers of i\lipsissippi, Nr. Chilton of Alabama, Mr. Hartia, and Mr. Ilanly of Arkaiisas.

AIr. Sparrow, from tlie Connnittce 011 Military Affairs, to whom

was referred the joint rcsolution (El.13. 4 ) of thanks to Maj. Gen.
N. B. Forrest and the officers and men of his command for tlicir
campaign i n Mississippi, west Tennessec, aiid Kentucky, reported it
am en dnient ,
The Senate proceedcd, as in Coniniittee of. the Whole, tjo the consideration of the said resolution; and no ~niendnicnkbeing proposed,
it mas reported to the Senate.
OTdwed, That it pass to a tliird reading.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Baolvcd, That it pass.
OI&I&, That the Secretary inforin tho House of Representatives
On motion by &IT. Sparrow,
O&ered, That the Coininittee on Military Affairs be dischslrged from
the further consideration of the following siibjects:
S. 5. Joint resolution of thank3 to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest a d his
officers and soldiers;
Tv it h 011t

S. 19. h bill in reference to staff officers and prescribing their
duties; and
A resolution inquiring into the expediency of reducing the cavalry
force now in the service of the Confederate States, in consequence of
the scarcity of fo~ngc.
A h . Spwrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, submit,ted
t;hc following resolution; w1iic.h was considered and agreed to:
T\rhereas inforination in relation to our military and nar*.l forces and as to the
relative strength of different parts of our lines and defenses hare a t times been published in some of the public newspapers of the Confederacy; and
Whereas such irifornmtion so published (and which is believed in most cases to
ha\ e been &JIK inadrertently and thoughtlessly and without any evil intention) iS
thought to hare htwi at times drtrimental to our cause aiid of advantage to the
enemy; and
Whereafi it is believcd that the public hiterest requires that such publications
should bc prc\Jented for the rnttlre.
Re,$Ol?~d,That tlic Cuiiiniittce on t h e Judiciarj be iristructed to illquire if any legislation is necessary to piewilt hereafter the publication of such infoririation in
regard to army and I I ~ yJ inorrrncnts and thc iiiilitary defenses as may disclose to
the enciiiy any facts wliic~lihe niay i i y c to our injury.

X r . Sparrow, from tlic Committee on Military Affairs, reported

A bill (F. 34) Lo provide for the comlwnsntion of noncommissioned
oiscers, soldi(i-s, sailors, and nirtrincs on detailed service;
which T V read
the first xncl hccoiid timcs and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it be eiwrossed aiid read a third time.
The said bill was read &e third time.
Besolwd, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Or.cZer.ec7, That the Secretary I-equcst the concurrence of the House
of ftcprescntatives therein.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Conimitteo on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (S. 10) to aid any State i n communicating with
niid preparing records of its troops, reported it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coinniittee of the R hole, to the consideration of the said bill; and the reported amendment having been
agreed to, the hill W:LS reported to the Senate and the amendment
was conciirred in.
Ordewd, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time and the title WLS :mended.
Besohed, That it pass, and that the title thcrrof be At1 act to
airleiid an act entitled An act to aid any State in communicating with
and perfecting records concorning its troops, approved sixleenth February, eighteen hixnctred and sixty-four.
Omhr.ed, That the Sccrctary request the concurrence of the House
of Itepresen tatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Brown,
Or.cI~?*ed,That thc Conirnittce on Naval Affairs be discharged from
the further conside~-ationof the petition of Eliza Maury.
Mr. Doxtch, from the committee, reported that they bad exantined
and found truly enrolled bills o f the following titles:
S. 12. An act to authorize the withdrawal from the Treasury of
money contributed to build an ironclad gunboat by ladies of the State
of South Carolina, and de vsited therein; and
8. 25. An act for the reyief of the widow and heirs of the la
Gen. Leroy A. Stafford, of the Confederate States Army.

May 19, 1864 1


The President having signed the cnrolled bills last reported to

been examined, they mere delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and
by him forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate States
for his approval.
The hill (3. R. 30) t o authorize thc appointment of commiss
regiments of cavalry was r e d the first and second times and
to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The joint resolution (11. 1Z. 6) requiring the Department of Jus
to furnish the stmding comniittees of thc, two Houses with printed
copies of the acts of Congress WRS scad the first and second times and
oonsidercd :is in Coininittee of the Whole; and no aiucndment beicg
propo~ccl,it \\ a h rcportcd to the Senate.
O ~ d e w J 'rhat
it pass to n third rmding.
TIE stid rcsolution as read the third time,.
A?exolced, That i t pass.
Ord7cred, That the Sccretwy inform the House of Rcpresentative~
Tho Senate proceeded, RH in Comniittec of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 32) to authorizc thc nppointtnent of general officers with temporary rank and cornmalid, and to define and limit the
power of assigning. officers to coniniands.
On motion by MY.Bemines, to ttnicnd the bill by striking out of the
second section the words "so long as, in the opinion of the President,
their services may h~ 11
It was dotcrrnincd in tho :Lffirmativc.
On niotion b y X r . Sciiinies, t o :iniend the bill by inserting after
longer," scction 2, line 5, thc words "imlcss sooner removed by the
It TVW t l t ~ t c ~ n i i nind tlir affirmativc.
An anir~ndii~ciit
hxvi ng I x x n p r o p o d 1)y3Ir. Sparrow, under instructioris from the Coiiiniittee on Military h-ft'airs,
Bftcr dt~bate,
On motion t)y Jlr. Sparrow,
C ) / d e i * d , That the further consideration of tlie bill be postponed
until to-inorrom.
Mr. Wigfall (by leare) introduced
A bill (S. 35) concerning agents of the Press Association of the Confederate States; which was read the first atid second times and referred
to the Committee on Military M a i m .
The President pro tcinpore laid before tlic Senate a communicakion
from VITillianiSmith, governor 01 the State of Virginia, transmitting a
rcJsolution of the general assembly of that State, asserting the jurisdiction and sorcrcignty of the State of Virginia over her ancient boundaries; which n7as read.
Oydered, That it lie on the table and be printed.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors having hrrn opened,
On motion by Mr. Graham,
The Senate adjourned.



[May ZO, 1864.


Mr. Barnwell, from the Corninittee on Financc, to whom was referred

. Crump, of Virginia, to be
on yesterday the nomination of W. I
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, reported, with therecom
that said nomination be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Besolved, That the Senate advise and consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President,
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom were referred
(on yesterday) the nominatiQns of Thompson Allan as commissioner of
taxes; A. LZ. Greenwood, State collector for Arkansas; Abram Martin,
State collector for A41abania;liobert H. Gamble, State collector for
Florida; E. G. Cabiness, State collector for Georgia; G. F. Neill, State
collector for Mississippi; W. K. Lane, State collector for North Carolina; Joseph Dan Pope, State collector for South Carolina; 6. J.
Lhirhant, State collector for Texas; T. C. Green, State collector for
Virginia, reported, with tho reconimcndation that all of said nominations be contirnicd.
The Senate proceeded to consider said r q o r t ; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
Beso?wd, That the Senate advise and conbent to their appointment,
agrceahly to the noniinatiori of the President.
Thc Ycnate resumed the consideration of the resolutions submitted
by 311,.Hill (on the 17th instant), from the Comniitteeon the Judiciary,
on the confiicting claims of F. M. Green and 11'. 13. Lowry for promotion in the Eleveiith Ltegiment Mississippi Volunteers; and
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Walker,
Ordemd, That the further consideration thereof bc poskponed until
On motion by Mr. Burnett,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1864.


Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was

referred the bill (11.1%.
30) to authorize the appointment of commimaries for regiments of cavalry, rcported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to t h
sideration of the said bill; and no amendment being proposed, it was
reported t o the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Rcsohcd, That it pass.
O~dered,That the Secretary inform the House of Reprcsen
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 36) to provide for thc impressment of the railroad iron,
equipments, and rolling stock of railroads when the same shall become

May 20,lRM ]



necessary for the public defense, and to make further provisions for
the efficient transportation of troops and rnilitary supplies;
which mas read the first :~ndsecond times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calenclar and printed.
A h . Sparro\v, from the Conimittcc on bIilitary Affairb, to whom
were referred the memorials of Exrnest Lagarde & Co. and Wedderburn & Alfriend, reportrd
A joint resolution (S. 7 ) in regird to the exemption of editors and
ciiiployees of ncwspnycrr;; which was read the tirst and second times
and considel-cct :IS in Coriimittcc of the \Thole; and no anicndmcnt
bring proposcd, it was reported to the Senate.
O t d t t ~ d ,That it be engrossed and rend a third tinic.
lhc said wsolution WLS read the third time.
12e.~oLi,wl, lhitt i t pa+ and that the title thereof 1)cits aforesaid.
O t d ~ r d T1i:tt
thc Secretary rcquest the c*oncnrrence of the House
of Iicpresent:iti\-cs tliercin.
Tlic Senr~lci;rocccdcd, a h i n Coinmittcc of the Wliolc, to the consideration of tho bill (S. 13) t o oxtcnd to tho Navy and Marine Corps the
provisions of the third section of an act to organize forces to scr~ie
during the war, approved Fchruary 17, 1864; and no amendment
being proposed, i t was rcportcd to the Son:~te.
O d ~ r r d That
it hc cngi-oqsed and read R third time.
The said hill wvas read the third tinic.
Resolved, That it PMS, and that thc titlc thercof be as aforesaid.
0 7 ~ 7 m d ,Shat tlic Sccret:~ryrcquest the concurrence of the House
of Xcpi.csciit:itivcs therein.
Shc Svnatc pi-ocwdcti. 215 i i i Coniniittec of tho Whole, to the considerntion of the 1)ill \S. 15) to aidhoi*ixctlic p y n i c n t of tho aciu:tl and
neccs\ary expcnwh of n:x\ a1 offiwn whilc t rai (>lingt ~ i i d orders;
( ~
On niotjoii 1)y Nr. Spai*i~)iv,
Ortlwcd, That the further con4ttcration thereof I)(% postponed until
Monduy I l P X t .
age from thc lrcsidcnt of t h e Confcdcrate Slates, by Mr.
1% N . IIarrison, his Secretnrj-:
~ i c i r i i o \ t )\
,a , Jrfly 19, 1 ~ i 4
T i the ,%iialc ri nrl Uouae of R r p i ~ ~ s e l z ires:
I liercwitli t r a i i p t n i t for >our information a c.omiiinnicatioii from the Secretary of
IVw, covering a copy of the regorb of General Bragg and his srtbordinatr commanders of the battle of Cliickamauga.

T h e message was read.

That it be referred t o the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion hg Mr. 13nrnett,
(/,&,.cd, Th:tt t h c Coiiiinittce on C1:~ims be discharged from the
f urther corlsideration of tlic inelnorial of Wellington Qoddin.
iGIr. Burnett, from tho Committee on Claims. to whom ~ 7 a referred
the bill (S.9) for the relief of Green T. Hill, reported i t without
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the. consideration of the said hill; and htlriiig been aniendetl on the motion of
Mr. Senmes, it was reported to the Senate and the amendment was
concurved in.
Orde?vd, That the hill he engrossed and ]*cada third time.
The said bill was read the third time.



Rmolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof he as af

Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Burnett submitted the following resolution; which was co
ered bay unanimous consent and agreed to:
Resolwd, That t h e thirty-first rule of the Senate be amended by adding t
the following:
iicommittee on public buildings, to consist of three members.

On motion by Mr. Burnett,

Ordered, That thc colrimittee be appointed by the President
tempore; and
Mr. Baker, Mi.. Simms, and Mr. Walker were appointed.
A niessage from the H O I I Sof~ Bepresentatives, by Mr. Dalton:
illj.. Presideelit: The House of Representatives have agreed to the amendments of
the Senate to the bill (13. R. 68) to exempt railroad companies from the payment
of certain duties.
Arid they have passed a bill (H. R.52) to amend an act of this C o n g r w entitled
iln act to provide for holding elrction+ uf Representatives in t h e Congress of the
Confedcrate States in the State of Tennessee; i n which they request t h e concurrence of the Senate.

The bill (1-1. R. 52) last mentioned was read t h e first and second
times and referred t o the Committee on the Judiciary.
The Senate resumed, as in Cotnmittee of the Whole, the consideration of the Iiill (S. 32) to authorize the appointment of general officers with temporary rank and command, and to define and limit the
power of nsxigningofficers to commands.
On motion hy Mr. Sparrow, to amend the bill by inserting a t the end
of the fourth section the following proviso:
Provided,further, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect the right
of assignment of the five generals appointed b y law,

It was determined in the affirmatire.

No further amendment being made, the bill mas reported to the
Senate and tho amendments were concurred in.
Ordered. That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
On the questioil,
Shall the bill now pass?
It was determined in the affirmative,
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The yeas and m y s heing desired by o
Those who voted i n the affirmative ar
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Burnett,
Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Mitchel,
row, and Watuon.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Graham, Henry, Hill, and Hunter.
So it was
Resohed, That this bill pass, and that the title thereof be
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of
of Representatives therein,



Riclimoi.rd, X r i y 20, 1

I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Robert Stran@, of

to ile aid-(lc-caaiiip, \vith t h e rank of major i n the Provisional a r m y
Confedprate statps, tirider act approved March m, 1862, for duty wit11 Genera1 Bragg,
to take rank from iVa7 4, 1864.
1am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of Wo
TO IIis Excellency JEPPERSON
Prcsident, etc.

The message was read.

OT&T&, That it be referred to the Cornniittee on Military Affairs.
DEPAKrMEST, ltuhfimond,jfuy 19, 1864.
To the Senate of the (orijdrrrtrte Scctes.
ilgreeakdy to the ~ec.oniinendationof the Secretary of the Treasury, I hereby nominate Janles It. Mneed, to be the collcctor for the port of Savannah, Ga.

Richmond, J f a y 19, 1864.

His Excellency tlic PIIESIDI.:ST.
SIR: I rrcotilinerlcl the nomination of James R. Sneed, to be t h e collector of the
port of Savannali, Ga.
Very respectlnllg,
Secretary of Treasury.

The message wis re:id.

Chclered, That it t)c referred t o the Committee on Commerce.
Richmord, itfay 10, 1864.
To /he ,Yenntc of the ConJedemlP Sides:
Apreeahly to the rccoiriinendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on tlic accwnpanying list to the rank of brigadier-general in the Provisional Army of
t h e Confederate States of America.
W A l l Z)h:PARTMEST, RiCfllmO?ld,AJfC19,
l?J 1864.

SIR: 1 have t h e honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment

in the Provisional Arniy of the Confederate States of America:

Col. C. A. Evans, of Georgia, to be hrigadicr-general, vice Brig. Gen. J. B. Gordon,

promoted major-general, t o take rank from May 19, 1864.
Col. Wi lliani Terry, of Virginia, to be brigadier-general, to command corimlidated
brigades of Jonep, Steuart, and J. A . Walker (Brig. Gcn. John &
I. having been
killed, Brig. Gen. George If. Steuart, a prisoner of war, and Brig. Gen. J. A. Walker
disabled by wounds from field service), appointed under act October 13, 1862, to take
rank from May 19, 1864.
I 8111, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
To His Excellency JEFFERSON

Iresident, etc.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nominations o

and COl. Willianl Terry, to be brigadier-generals; an
thercwith, it was
Besol.ced, That the Senate advise and consent to th
agreeably to the nomination of tho President.
Mr.Brown, from tlic Committee on Naval affairs, to
referred (on t h e 5th instant) the nominatiolis of Henry R.
Rlissouri, and It:d\wird Crenshaw, of Blabftma, to he second
i n the Marine Corps, reported, with the reconimen
said nominations be confirmed.

rhe Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence

t,licren ith, it was

R e s o h d , That thc Senate d v i s e and consent to their nppointrrient,

:tgreeably to the nonrjnation of thc President.
froin t h e Cotnmiltcc on Karal Affairs, to whom mas
refcrrcd (on the 10th instmit) the noitiination of Levi 31.Tucker, to
he assistant p a p a s t c r in tlzc Nnvy, reported, with tlic recomniei~datio~~
tliat said iioininatioii I)c confirined.
The Sciiate proceeded t o consider said report; and in concurrence
thorewith, it was
That tho Scn:itc aclrisc and coiisciit to his ttppointnient,
o tho nornination of tlic President.
A h . lSarn\\ ell, from thc (onrniittee OIL Binancc, to whoin were
referred (on the 18th in
It) tho noniinwtions of D. N. Kcnncdy as
Stntc collector for Tcnii
, and 1L A f . L u s h as Statc collector for
IAoui4:Liia, reported, wit
recoiiiiimidation that all of *Aid nominations he coiitirrrictl.
The Hcn:ite 1)10c~edccito consider baid report; and i n concurrence
therewith, it TWS
IZesoIcd, Thtit the Scnatc advisc a i d consent to their appointment,
agreeably to thc noiiiiiintiori of the lrcsidcnt.
The Senate resruiied the eonsidcration of tho resolution submitted
by Mr. Hill (on the 17th iiistnnt), from tlic Cornniittco on tho ,Judiciary,
on the conflicting claims of P.XI. Green and W. 13. Lowry for proniotion in thc Ele\ eritli Kegiiiicnt of Missisdppi Voliintccrs; and
On ~iiotionhy AIr. Gr:thani, that the rcsolutioris lie 11poii the tthle,
It \\ :I$ dc~terniirictlin tlic ncyxtivc.
Tllc qiirhtion tlwn rcvxrring 011 agreeing to ttic rcsoliitiony
h1r. 0 1 - r dein~~nctcd
a divibioii of tlic q i i c h t i o i i : :uid
On the quehtion t o a
c lo the firht l)i*tincliof tlic r c ~ o l ~ i t i odcc1:trn,
iiig th:it I?. 31. Green :Lt tlic tinic of the noinin:~tionsfor fic.ld officcr,s o f
the I<lcvcnth ,1Iissih,4ppi I~cginicntt o the. Scn:itc :it i t s last scssioii \vah
by law the 5cnior uncl ranltirig officer of said rcgiiiicirt,
_ _ _ _ _..
. . . .. 13
It w a s clctcrmiiied in the affirinatiw, YCliV..Kay
On motion hy A h . Orr,
The yeas and nays being desired hy onr-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who Toted i n thc affirniative arc,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, IrIerir.y, IIili, IInntcr, Johnson of Missouri,
Xaxwell, BIitchcl, Oldhtim, Hcnimcs, Sparrow, Walker, and Watson.
Those who voted in the neg:btivc are,
hlmsrs. I h w n , Grahaiii, and Orr.
On t h e question to ngrcc to thc scconcl branch of thc resolution


That a copy of the rpport of the Jiirlic-iary Oornmittee on the execntive message of
the fourth May, eighteen hundred and sixty-lour, accon~panyingthe nomination of
I. 31. Green as colonel of the F,leveiith I\fississippi Itegiment, and also a copy of these
resolutions, be transmitted to the President and to F. 11. Green and W. 13. IJowry,

On niotion by Mr. Sparrow, to timend the same by striking out the

Fords f ~ n dto F. M. Green and \Ir. B. LOWPJT,
It roas determined in tho affirniatirc.
On the question to agree to the sccond branch of the 1 ~ ~ J u t i oasn



On motion by MY.Orr,
The yew mct nays lieing desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Tliose n ho voted in the affirmative are,
Alessrs. Uarnwell, Hill, Hunter, Maxmell, Semmes, Sparrow, Walker,
and \Vatson.
Thosc who votcd in the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, Brown, Graham, Henry, Johnson of Missouri,
Mitchel, Oldham, and Orr.
So the resolution as amended was agreed to, as follows:
Rraolvcd, That F. 31. Green a t the time of the nominations for field officers of the
I?lcvcnth Ussispippi Repinicnt to t h e Senate at ik last session was by law the senior
and ranking officcr of said regiment.
On iiiotion by Mr. Sparrow,
O l d c r e d , That the injunction of secrecy be removed from the proceedings of the Senate in the conflicting claims of F. M. Green and
W.R. Lowry f o r promotion in the Eleventh Regiment of Mississippi
M y . Brown submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:

Aesolved, That t h e Conmiittee on Pnblic Buildings be instructed to inquire whether

this Charul)er is so situated In rrferc,nce to the surrouncling rooms, halls, and passages
that persons outside can not hear what is said when the doors are closed and the
Senate i n secret session.

On motion h y Mr. 13arnwel1,

The Senate rcsolved in to open legislative session.

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1864.


A message Prom the House of Reprcsentatiyes, by Mr. Dalton:

N r . Presitlrnt: The House of Representatives have passed a bill (H. K.98) to amend
a n apt entitlcd An act t o rednce the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes
and bonds, approved February 17, 1864; in which they request the concurrence of
the Senate.

The bill (H. R. 98) last mentioned was read the firstzand second
times and referred to the Committee on Finance.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
O ~ d e ~ ~ Te hd a, t the joint coniinittcc on the part of the Senate on the
subject of impressments be appointed by the President pro
Mi*. Graham, Mr. Barnwcll, and Mr. Watson were appointed.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representativcs
Mr. Brown submitted the following resolution; which was co
and agretid to:
Resolved, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to iiiquir
propriety of providing by la17 for retiring from the linc such field and com
eers as have or may hereafter become nnfit for active service by reason of
wounds, so as to open the way for promotion to those below them who remain iil
the field in the actual discharge of theirduties; and that they further inquirew-hether
a n officer who is absent from his command in time of battle, unless from absolute

Xay 241864.1



disability, or under orders from his flu erior, 01 is n prisoner, ought not to be dropped;
and, fnrther, if i t is not expedient ang proper to assume that a n officer who is absent
for three months or more, unlws h e is a prisonw, is prima facie unfit for duty, or is
delinquent in t h e discharge of his duty, and ought therefore to be either retired or
dropped; and generally what onght to be done t o get officers of euperior rank, who
do not perform duty in the field, out of the way of ofiicers of inferior grade who do
perform such duty.

Mr. Grahal_n (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 37) to amend an act entitled An act to impose regulation4
upon the foreign coinitiercc of the Confedernte States to provide for
the public defense, approved February G, 1864, arid f o r other purposes;
which w : read
~ the first and second times atid referred to the Coininittee on CoIiinwrce.
The President pro tempore laic1 hefore the Smatc a comtiiunicstioll
from the Secretary of tho Treabury i n relation to the claim of Zedekiali
hfcIIaniel and Francis 31. Ewing for sinking the enemys gunboat
Cairo in the Yazoo Biver; which \.vas referred to the Comiiiittee o n
Naval Affairs.
Mr. Spai~ow,from the Coininittee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 33) for thc payment of cominissioners appointed under
the act entitled An act lo siispend the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus in certain cases, and to confer certain powers U ~ J said
coinmissioners ;
which was read the first arid \econd times and refcrrecl to the Coninlittee on thc Judiciary.
JIr. Spxrron , T w i n the (loiiritiittcc on Mi1it:try Affairs, reported the
fo 11OM- i n g bi 1 Is :
S. :%. h ))ill to :mcntl tlic W T era1 act:, i n rcgnrd t6 c h a ~ ~ la in s ;
S. 40. A bill to xnicnd thc act to :illow c~onimissionctlofficm-s of
the Army rations mtl the pririlcgc of purchahing clothing froiii the
Quartrrni:tstc~rcsD(l1)tLrttti(>nt,: t p p r ~ ~ 17th
( d Fci)ru:Lry, 18ti4; and
S. 41. A. 1)ill to providc for thci appointnicnt of n disbursing clerk
i n the War 1)rpartmcnt;
which mere sc\Terdly read the first t w c i second tinic.; arid considered
as& Corriiiiittrc of the nhole; and no nnicndmcnt lwing proposed,
they wcrc SC\ erally rcportcd to the Senatcl.
That they he engso (1 :met ]-cad :L third time.
Tho said ))ills w c t ~scrernlly rcWl th(1 third time.
&soZqvd, That they pass, xiid th:Lt tlicir t i t l m respectively, be AS
O~dered,That the Secret:uy rcqucst the conc~irr(wceof tlic IIouse
of Kepresen tatirei therein.
On motion
Nr. Rui*iictt,
O&e?-ed, That the iiieniorinl of Wellington Cotldin be referred to
the Committee on Clainis.
The Senate procccdcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the ])ill (S. 14) to aincnd an act entitled An act t o
and no
provide an invalid corps, :Lpproved 17th F e l ) i ~ t r y 1S(il;
alliendment 1)eing proposed, it W ~ IS V ~ O ~ L to
C ~thc SPtlato.
O./.dey(J,mlRLiL be engrossed mid read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
That it pass, and that the title thereof he 2s aforesaid.
rhat the Secretary request the concilrience of the IJouse
of Representatives therein.



[May 21, i

The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the c

sidcration of the bill (S.36) to provide for the impressment of
railroad iron, eyuipments, and rollin stock of railroads when the s
shall become necessary for the pukfic defense, and to make flirt
pro\~isiunsfur tho cfficierit transportation of troops and military supplies; and
. On motion by Mr. Hill,
079deel-*e(7,That it be referred to the Joint Committee on Imprcssnients.
MT. Oldham, from the Committee on Commerce, t o whom mas
referred the bill (S. 30) to arnend tin act to impose regulations lipon
the foreign C O ~ I I I I B ~ C Fof
the Confederate States to provide for the
piihlic cleftlnrc, approved February 6, 1564, reported it without
am endnient .
The Seimte proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and
On iriotioii 1)s3lr. Walker,
Ordered, That it be recommitted to the Committee on Commerce.
Mr. tJemison (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 42) to lcgdize the organization of eight companie
cadets in the State of Alabtima.;
whiclh W:IS rend the first and second tirncs and referred to the Coinrnittoe on hlilitnry Affairs.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the IVhole, to the consideration o f the bill (S. 20) to estttblisli :L bureau of foreign supplies.
On the quostion to agree to the following reported amendment, viz:
Strikc out all iiftcr the enacting clause and insert:
Tliat for the pnrpose oi exporting cotton and other produce to supply, by no
iiiiports, the military and other ncscessitics of the Government during tlie continuawe cd the \\ar with tho U n i r d States, a n independent bureau of t h e K a r Uepartmerit be rstablisliccl, lo bt, cntitletl The Bureau of Foreign Supplies.
H a . 2. That the said hnreaii slia11 be charged with the pnrchasc of cotton and
other protlnce for export, an(1 witli the sale of tlie s ~ n i tand
~ , with a11 ttie duties and
expond i tnres connected with t I1c 1x1r
and iniport oE titunitions of war and such
other supplies as may be rcquircd by
e\ om1 Departnicnts oE the Government.
SEC.3. That all stcamcrs now owned by any of the Ikpartments of t h e Government, and n ~ e dto supply their necessities from abroad, may be continued in $fiat
we, but sliall be tnrnctl over to the Navy Departnicnf to be officered, manned,
equipped, and sailed, under direction of the Secretary of the Navy.
SEC.4. That tlre (+lief of this bnreau shall, under t h e Sccwtary of War, have fnll
power to piwliasc and contract for scic<hvessels and steamers, to he owned wholly or
in part by the (;overninent, as timy be necessary for ttie divcliarge of the duties
iiiiposed upon tho burean, and to o1)tain the general objects of its establishment, as
set forth in the fir& section of this act: PmirloJ, That in the purchme of such vessels the chief of xiid hirean shall be g&decl liy an officer of the Navy
all vcsscls in which llir: Governinent has a controlling interest ~ v ~ be
a yde
y of the Navy, to be officered, mannetl, equipped, and sailed

hat all pcrinib or licenses for the exportation of cotton or other

clonrcstic pro(1iice on private account that may be authorized by the act of Congress
cntit led -in act to inipose regnhttions upon the foreign coniinerce of the Confederate
Statcir to pros itlc for tlie pii1)Iic defense shall be issued
regiilatioiis :IH may be prewribed in the said act or I
tlierein to tlic lrcsidcnt, thc Secretary of War, or other
cwnrlitions as may bv cffectnal to secure the fulfillment
act: YroiitEetZ, That nuthing in the present act shall be
of any cotton or o t h v r proi1nc.r under the control oE the Treasur
rnent to seciirc any of the bonds or obligations of the Coilfederate
SEC.6 . That, the said bureau shall rauw to be paid into the Tr

Xny 21, 1804.]



that ~ u a yaccrue from tlic ~ a l c of

s cotton and other prodntae that may tie tlisposetl of
nntler its antliorit! , and titat tlic procec& shall be apportioneii arr~oligtlie seveial
Jkpartnienty, under instrnctioris of the Picsidelit, a i d he clr&\\n for as in other cases
of appropriatioiis.
S w 7 T h s t thc eaicl burcmi sliall co
f oiie coloiicl and one lieutenantcolonel, \\ ith tlic. 1)ay aiitl allo\t anccs of o
of artillery, T\ 110 iriap be appoirlted
from civil life, and shall be nieii of (onin1
experience antl capacity, and such
inferior officers as iiiay be awigiid to that duty, with such agents and clerks as may
be deemed necessary by the President, \ v I i o v coinpensation shall be Axed by the
Sccwdary of Var.
REC. 8. That tlic chief of said bureau may appoint suitable purchasing agents of
lmo\vn integrity and bnsiness capacity, who shall he charged with t h e pirrhasc.
of cotton :uid other protlnce :\riel the tranq~ort:~tion
of the same to points for shipiiicliit, nndtjr rcgnlatioirq to be prcvrihecl b y tlie c h i d of said burcan, untler th(>
ap1)roval ot th(%rc.sicltvit :uid Serret:try of War. Each of said agentr shall, before
entering upon 1 i i q c l u t i ( y gi\ e Itonti, with good arid snfticient security, to be approved
by the cbhiet of saitl Iiurcan, coiitlitiontvl for the faithful performance of his duty, and
shall a1w tabc antl sotwribt. an oath befoi(~sonic officer antliorized b y law to
actmillister the w i i c that he will not, dircctly or indirectly, be e n m ed inthe purchase or sale, on pri\nte aclmnnt, for liiiiiselt or any other peraon:c?mv
cotton or
other produce appertaining to his said agency jvhile so einployed as agent of
lhe G O \ ernmer1t.
h c . 9. Tliat m y oflicer or agent connected with Faid bureau who dial1 he guilty
of hniing 01 d l i n g , directly or indirectly, on private accsourit, for himself or any
other p e i ~ ~ imi ,y cotton or other pruduce ol a 1iic.h said h r e a r i is charged with the
purchase, shall, upon coin iction before any coiii t uf tlir, Confederate Statcs having
jurisdiction, be fined by the conrt in a sum not esweding
dollars, aild be
iniprisoiied for a terni not less than
nor inore than
SCC.10. That thcre shall be d a b
d an agency of said bureau, antl auxiliary
thereto, for t h e Statm west of tlic M i
ippi Itivcr, the ofiicers of wtiich shall consist of one lieutrii:tnt-coloncl of artill
I\ 110 inay be appointed from civil life, ant1
shall he a inan of voiiinierckl cspericiice and c~apacitv,:ind snch inferior oniofw as
iii:iy bc ausigncltl to th<ittlnty, \\ itli sncli ngciits RS niay he dcwnetl necessary by the
lreqidciit, \\ l i o v coiiipeiiwtion shall be fixed by the Sccwtary of IVar. Said :tgeiicy
P l i R I I wt:d)liqh it- oilic(1 :Lt z i i c ~ l ip1:tw i n tile Stat(,\ wwt of thcl 31i
1ii:ry IF sclcctc,tf 1)y tliv cliief criliccir tlicwof, ancl i l i a l l 1)e c h ~ r g d
ant1 exportation of cotton nntl o t h w p d i i c e , ant1 the inillortation of iiiuiiitions of
war and ot1ic.r snpplicq for tlie . h i y of the Traiis-~lississipl)iI)c~partnrc~nt,
ant1 siich
otlicr mpplies as iiiay be iieetlecl hy the Governri~ent,or any of its 1)cpartnicwts in
said iiiilitarv departnicnt.
Sw . 11. Such agency, and the chief officer thereof, shall possess l i k e poaer ancl
dillies for tlic Statw 7w.t of the 3Iispissipl)i River a? :ire conferred by this act upon
Pait1 1)arcan ant1 the chicf officcr thcrcot, Iwt sriliortlinatc and whject to s:iicl I)orcm~.
12. Tliat tlic piirt~haeingagcntc ncst of tlie 3
ippi 1 2 i sliall
takc the
ii<lgi\ t bontl as pro\ itletl i n the eighth swtion
agents sirall I)e snl)jtvt to the penalties prescribed by tl
gmlty of the offense therein specified.
61:c. 1 3 . That the said agency shall h a w power to establish such intcrior depots
for the receipt of cotton and
roducc intcnclctl for exportation into or throogli
Mexico, as may be deeinztl 1
y ant1 proper, and niay also prcscrihe rules and
regulations for granting peril
ndividunls to transport cotton or other produce
to said clepotq, as vi ell as seaports, and may impose sucli terms wid conditions belleficial to tile C;overniiieiit, as a consitierrttiori for such perinits, as may be deemed just
and p1opcr.
SIX. 13. That thc huqiness of the cotton bureau cstablished under n special order
of Zieutenant-(;ent.~~tlIS. Kirby Rmith, commanding the Trans-Mississippi Jkpartmcnt, he, and the , w i l e ir Iicrehy, transfcrrcd to the vaid agency of the said hureau
west qf tlir AliPsi-sippi llivcr, and tlie operations and transactions of said b~irean,
estal-)li.hed as aforesaid, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby
ratified and confirmetl.

On motion hy Mr. Mitchel, to amend the rcportrd amendment 1)y

inqerting a f t er life,
tion 7, line 3 , t,hc wordh by the lrehidcnt,
by and witH t h e sdvicc and conscnt of the Senate,
It WRH clrteriniiied in thc nffiriiiative.



On niotion hy MI.. Oldham, to amend the reported amendment

inserting after exceeding, section 9, line 7, the words five th
sand, and by inserting after less than, in the eighth line of
same section, the word one, and by inserting after (inore than, in
the same line, the word five,
I t was doternlined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mi-.Mitchel, to amend the reported amendment by
inserting after life, section 10, line 4, the words by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate,
It was determined jii the affirmative.
The reported amendment ns nmmled was then agi
No further ainendinrnt being mnde, t h e hill TVRS reported to the Senate and t h e amendment was concurrrd in.
O t d e ? v d , That the hill k)o engrossed and read R third time.
Tlic srtid bill w a s read t h o third time.
Rccolv~d,That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O7&wd, That the Secretary request the concuxrence of the House
of Bcpresentatives therein.
A iiiessage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
M y . Prpsidmr: I ain directed to commmiicate to t h Senate
information of the death
of thc. Ilon. Ihvid M . Cnrrin, a n~cmber-electof the IIouse of Representatives from
the State of Tcnncsscc, and the proceedings of the E-Ionse of Representatives thereon.

M r. Ilenry submitted the following resolutions; which were considered nxid agreed to:
Rrsolrcd, That the Senate rcceires with sincere regret the announcement of the
death of tlic If onorable J h v i d M. Ch-rin, late a incmber-elect of the IIouse of Represcntnti~esfrom the Sbtc of Tennessee, and tenders to the family of t h e deceased
the assiirance of their synipatliy with them under the bereaveinerit they have been
cvdlrd to snsbin.
Resolved, That the Secretar of the Senate be directed to transmit to t h e family of
Mr. ~ i i r r i na certified copy oPtlie foregoing resolution.
Resolwd (as a mark of respect for the rueuiory of the deceased), That tlir Senate
do now adjourn.

The Senate adjourned.

Ilic followiirg mosst~gewas iwcivcd from the President of the Confederatr Statcs, 1)s Mr. 13. N. IInr.i*isoii, his Sccl*ctarjr:
Riclunond, 1cliLy 21, 1 8 ~ 4 .
7% ~ I L PkSeimlc or (tie Chjedercile Slates:

Agreeably to tlw i~oc~o~u~ricntlntioii

of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
in the a ~ ~ ~ o ~ n p a nlist
y i ntog the rank of brigadier-general in the Provi
the Confederate States.

J?ichmond, nfay 91, 1864.

Srrr. I have the honor to reconiinend the following nominations for appointment
the Iroviuional Army of the Confedcrate States of America:

Col. John XcCaiidand, of Virginia, to be brigadier-general ( t o conli
niantl of the brigade, now acting uiider hiin as colonel), to take rank from May 18,

X a y 23, 1864.1



Col. Thomas 31. Scott, of Louisiana, to be brigadier-general, to command brigade

of infantry i n Loring's division, lately under eoinmaiid of Brig. Gen. A. Buford, to
take rank from Nay 10, 1864.
1 am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

Secretary of Wur.

To His Excellency JEFFERSON

Pyeaident, etc.

The niessage was read.

O d m i l , That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
XIr. Oldham, froiii the Comniittee 011 Coninierce, to whoin was
referred on yesterday the nomination of James It. Hneed, to be the
collector for the port of Savannah, Ga., reported, with the rcconinienclntioiz that said noinination he confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
I?esol?~cZ,That thc Senate advise and consent to his ~ppointnient,
tigrccably to the noiiiination of the President.
On niotion 13s XIr. 12alicr,
Oidtred, 'l'liat the Committee on Public Buildings be discharged
fi-om t h r f u r t h e i ~consideration of th e resolution snhmi tted by MY.
Hr o~ vnon yesterday, inqniring whether this Chamber is so situated in
reference to thc surrounding rooms, halls, and passages that persons
outside can not hear what is said when th e doors are closed and the
Senate in secret session.
Mr. Orr, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to whom was
referred (on the 18th instiuit) tlic noininr~tionof P. N. Lynch, to be
spcciril c'oinniihsioncr of tlic (lonfcderate States to the Ktatcs of the
Church, reported, with tlic recommendation that said noiiiinntion bo
COll firimd.
The Scn:r\tc procecdccl to consider s : d report; nnd
After dchrtte,
On mot,ion 1 ) ~3lr. IIuntcr,
The Senate resolrctl into open legislativ

MONDAY, MAY 23, 1864.



On motion by Mr. Hill,

Ot&)>ccZ, 'l'hat the Hon. Herschel V. Johnson hare leave of absence
f i w i n t h e sessions of the Senate during the remainder of the present
Mr. Sparrow presented the Inenlorial of J. S. Tbrs~shcr,praying
the pzssnge of :in act allowing the pro e r officers of the Governirient
to sell to rcporters for the press supp ies of food and forage; which
was referred to the Committee on Military AffrLirs.
Jfr. Sparrow submitted the following resolution for consideration:

J Z P X O Z ~ PThat
~ , the Committee 011 the Judiciary be instructed to inquire iiito the
r-qletliency of reporting a hill for the suspeiision of the writ of habeas c-orpnsafter
the expiration of the present law, and of provitlirlg by said bill that the said saspensioii shall contiiiue until the clo~iiof the next session of Congress.

The Senate proceeded to consider thc said resolution; and

On motion by M r . Graham,



O,&~ed, That the further consideration thereof be postponed u

Mr. Yeniiiics (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 4%)
to regulate the pay of a general assigned to duty a t the
seat of govcrnnicnt under the provisions of the act approved Mar
25, 1809;
which was read the lirst and second times and referred to the Commi
tee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Orr presented the nieinorial of John P. King and others, prayh1.g the p , s s q e of an act placing milroad interests on an equal footing
with other Ic:bding interests of the coixntry; which was referred to the
Comm ittw on Finance.
Mr. Oldh:tin, from the Conimittee on Commerce, to whom was
recxoniinittrd the bill (Y. 30) to amend an act to impose regulations
upon the forcign coiimerce of the Confcderatc States to provide for
the public defense, approved Behriiary 6 , 1864, reported it without
Tlie Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and no amendment being proposed, it mas
reported to the Hcrato.
O t d w e d , T h a t it be cngrosscd and mad a third time.
The said bill was m ~ the
d third time.
A?esoLwd, That it p s s , and that the titla thereol bc ns doresaid.
Ordered, ?lint tho Secretary request the concurrencc of the lIouse
of Eeprcscntativcs therein.
ii niessnge from thc IIoiise of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
bfr. A e s i d m ( : Tlic IIouse of Representatives have passed a joint resolution (H. R.
7 ) to prewnt restrictions upon the right of members of Congress to visit sick and
wouiidcd officers and soldicrs in hospitals; in which they request the concurrence
of the Senate.
The Speaker of the Iloiisc of Representatives having signed sundry cnrollrcl bills
and eiirollrd joint rcsolutions, I am directed to bring tlieiri to the Senate for the sigiiatiire of their Ircsitlent.

Mr. Illaxwell, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom mas

referred the bill (S. 87) to ainend mi act entitled ,4n act to impose
regultktions upon tho foreign coinnierce of the Confederate Stntcs to
provide for the pnblic dcfense, approved February 6, 1864, and for
other purposes, reportcd i t with an amendment.
lie Senate proceedcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to t h e consideration o f the said bill.
On the question to agree to the following reported amendment, viz:
After the word exportation,Tn the twenty-fourth line, inse
IOllowing proviso:
Provitld, rlrat this exception in favor of such parties shall only apply to caj
the joint iiitcrent with the State esistecl at the date of the passage of the acts a

On motion by Mr. Maxwell, t o amend the aiiiendineiit by inserting

after interest thc words o r the oliwter,
It was dc teriiiincd in the affirmative.
The aniendinent as amended was then agreed to.
On motion by Mr, Oldham, to amend the bill by striking therefrom the words
and by no regulations im osed as aforesaid, sliall the other parties in said
be restricted to tho use ofless than oiir-half of the whole of the capacity
such ship, vessel, or steamer, iii importation o r exportation: Provided, That this

Xay 23.1864 ]



euteptlon in favor of such parties shall only apply to cases diere the joint interest
or thri t liartcr xith the State existed at tlic date of the passage of tlle acts aforesaid,
0x1 of eithei ot thr dcta afoiesaitl to the coiitrary notwithstanding,

It was dcterinincd in thc, :tEii~rnative.

On iiiotion I y Mr. Seiiirnes, to amend the hill by striking therefrom
the words and also of the act to prohibit the importstion of luxuries;
or of articles not necessaries or of common usc, approved February
sixth, eighteen hundrctl and sixty-four,
It WLS detPri1iinc.d in the negntive.
On niotion I)y Mr. IYaker, to amend the bill by tidding thereto the
following 1)iw iio:
P m rtlvtl, Tliat iiotliiiig Iicrcin contained shall anthorii.e the importation of articles
the importation oi \\ hic I i i p
iibited by the act to prohibit t h e importation of
or of ai t i f 1 c . i not ii
arics or ~i coiiiinon w e , approrcd Itlbruary sixth,
hundrcd aiitl bixtyunlcss the m i i e be for the use or on acwmiit,of the

s deterinincd in the nfirmatii-c.

S o further m r n d m e n t being ninde, thc bill was reported to the
Senate arid the nrneiidiiients werc concurred in.
On the qiieition,
Slinll thc bill he cngrossed and read a third time?
Yeas- - - - - - - ..- - - .- - - - - - - 13
It was detei-iujned in the affirmative, Nays
. _ _
_________ 9
On motion by Nr. Heinmes,
Thc yeas and nays being desired b y one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who r ot r d in tlic affirnirtti\.e are,
Aicshrs. BIL~PI.,
I3iirnrt t , Caperton, Dortcli, Gmhaiii, Henry, Maxwell, Illitchel, Oldhnni, Orr. Sininis, IValker, and Ilatson.
Thohc wlio voted in the negittii 13 are,
illessrs. I~:~rnwcll,
Brown, Hill, liuntcr, Joinison, ,Johnson of Missonri, Seninic*, Spqrrow, and \5igfall.
So it was
O I Y ~ P I YThat
J ~ , the bill be cngrosscd and rc:itl a thiid time.
TIic mid l)ill T T ~ Sread the third tinw.
121d m d , Thnt it pas?, arid that the title thereof 1)e :is aforesaid.
d , Phat the Secretary rcyncst the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Tlir lresident pro teiripore h i d before the Senate a coininuriication
f i-om t h e Secretary of the Treasury, recomniending ccrtnin changes
i n the iniyrcsmicnt hws; which was read.
Ordtwd, That it bc rcferred to the Coinmitteo on Finance.
The joint resolution (11. R. 7) to prevent restrictions upon the right
sick and wounded officers and soldiers
and second tiines and referred to the

MY.Dortch, from the coniniittee, reported h a t they llad examined

aiid founci truly enrolled bills and joint resolutions of the following
S.5. An act to provide passports fo r Senators and Representatives
in Congress when traveling in the Confedcrate States;
S. 11. An act to extend the franking pririlegc;
S.3. ,Joiut resolution of thanks to Missouri officers and soldicrs in
the Confederate service east of the Mssissippi lliver;
TI. It. 2. An :Let to provide for the sedeinptiou of the old issue of
T ~ . c a Ilotes
~ ~ r held
~ by certain Indim tribes;



H. R. 30. An act to authorize the appointment of commissaries

regiments of cavalrj ;
H. R. 6s. A n a d to exempt railroad companies from the paymen
of certain duties;
H. It. 4. Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest and
the o f h e r s and men of his command for their campaign in Mississip
west Tennessee, and Kentucky;
13. R. 5. Joint resolution authorizing the auditing of accounts o
members for pay and mileage; and
H. B. 6. Joint resolution requiring the Department of Justmiceto
furnish the standing coniinittees of the two Houses with printed copies
of the acts of Congress.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have been examined, they
were delivered to the Secretary of the Senate and by him forthwith
presented to the President of tho Confederate States for his approval.
The Scnate resumed, as in Coininittee of the n'hole, the consideration of the bill (S. 15) to authorize the payment of the actual and necessary expenses of naval oflicere while traveling under, orders; and
On motion by MY. Sparrow,
O r d m d , That t h o further cmsideration thereof be postponed until
Mr. Seinnies presented the memorial of Mylo N. Byington, praying
the passage of an act to refund certain moneys taken from him by the
niilitary authritics in the State of Loiiisiana; which was referred to
the Connnittce on Claims.
On motion by Mr. Spnrrow,
The Senntc resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Senimes,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Simms submitted the following resolution; which was considered arid agi*eedto:
Whereas the Constitution makes i t the duty of Congress to provide means for the
support of the Govcrnmcnt and the maintenance of it3 public credit; aiid
Whereas the present tlepreciated value of Treasiiry notes not only operates to the
prejudicae and injury of the pnblic credit of tile (ioveriiinent and an increase of its
public. debt, but thereby impairs its ability to maintain efficiently its armies in t h e '
field b y forcing i t to issue in payiiient of sup lies for the ube of the Army twenty dollars in Treasnry notes, to be hereafter paig in gold, for whicli it receives but one
dollar in gold or its equivalent in supplies, according to the present standard of value
of such notes; and
Whereas thc iiirvitair)le effect of this condition of our finances is to for
rnnient to expend twenty inillioiis of dollars when one million would suffice, thereby
nmlring our public debt exceed t h e amount necessary for the prosccwtion of t h c war
tweiity tinies, or, i n other words, making i t two thousand millions, when, under a
wiser policy, it should only be one hundred inillions of dollars; and
Whereas our coiiinierce is excluded from t h e iiiarkets of the world, and t h e
re~onrcesarising tlierefrom can not he niade available as a means of public credit, or
as a means w1leret)y supplies may be obtained at rates more reasonable, weare therefore compelled t o rely upon our public credit as t h e only means left, ns whereby t h e
wants of the Treasury may be supplied and its large outstanding liabilities met; and
Where% we know b y experience that the J)uhk!faith of a people i n the integrity
of their Government and its lkilljngness t o pay can not and wi
value, or a t a rate approximatirig par value, its public credit or

hIRy 23,1864.1



to pay Treasury notes; it becomes, therefore, the high duty of Congress to gravely
cowider the propriety of so using and applying the internal resources oi the country
as to make them not onlv available In the present exigency, but as a means whereby
the public credit may bekstored; provided this can be done without injury or prejudice to the property rights of t h e citizen. To the end thereby that these grave questions may be properly considered and determined, be it
ILesoZzed, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to inquire into the expediency ol conferring npori tlie Go\ erriiiient of the Confederate States the exclusive
riglit ant1 puwer to bell and dispuse of all cotton, tobacco, and naval stores now i n
the Confederate Statcs, or n hicli niay he inade or produced during the present war,
and that the right ant1 pon-er thub conferred shall be in the nature of a monopoly, to
continue for tlie pciiod of fire yenrs if necessary.
Scconcl. To c.naltlc>tlic Gorcmmcnt to exercise availably this right and power, they
also inquirc i n t o tlic cvpcdiciicy of taking for the public: usc all cotton, tobacco,
aiid 11a\ a1 htorcls no\+ o\ ned or possessed by any citizen or resident within thc Confvtleiate State=, or n hich shall hereafter be made or produced during the present
nx, provided said rotton, tobacco, and naval stores shall be within the limits or
jniisilirtion of said States, b y first paying to the onner or owners thereof a just coinpencation for the i.anip i n coin, before tlie title ot the same shall pass to the said
(;owl n ment
Third. In order to insure to the owner or O M ners of all such property a jnst compensation for t h e same, the average rates at nhich all rotton, tobacco, and naval stores
were sold, for the fi\e years preceding the war, should be adopted as a rate of
com pencation.
Fourth. That the Government after acquiring the control of all such property should
establish a price a t which t h e same might be sold, which price should not be less
than tv, o hundred per cent over and above the price paid for such cotton, tobacco,
and naval stores.
Filth. I n order to insure a sale of the same upon the best possible terms the Government should be autborized to stipulate and guarantee to the purchaser that any cotton, tobacco, or n a \ a l stores that might be sold b y its authority should not be
ctestroyctl o r injured iu any place wheie it mislit h? located b y order of the Government in the event thc. enemy s h o u ~ doccupy such locality.
th. I n scllingor tlisposing of cotton, tobacco, or nawl stores to any foreign Government, their agents, or citixns, that stioulti t)e tiist sold a hieti mijSht lie located
i n thoie dibtricts most 1ial)le to invasion or c%pture b y the cnciny.
Seyenth. That ttic, gold or proeetds aiisiiig lroiri tlir ?ale 01 all surf
or riaid s t o i c s u i e l ant1 al)tnr tlie cost p i r e of the same, not nece.
supplies 101 t h e Aintj , sliooltl be used by the <;ovcrninmt, through
confidential agents, in purchasing outstanding Treasury notes at their ratable value
in the market.

On motion by Mi.. Sparrow,

The Senate resolved into executive session.

Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Naval AAairs, t o whom were

referred (on the 20th instant) tlie nominations of ,James E. Armour, to
be paymaster, and hlIarsden Kellamy, Basil M. Heriot, and Norton
Kent Adams, to be assistant paymasters, in the Regular Navy, reported,
with the recoinmendation that all of said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t was
12esolved. That the Senatc advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to tho nomination of the Presiclent.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the ,Judiciarx, who were instructed
by a resolution of the Senate to inquire into the subject, submitted the
following resolutions:
Resolzed, That nominations made during the session of the Fenate, and JlOt continued or postponed for further consideration by order of the Senate to an ensuing
session, lapse and expire at the end of the session a t which the riominatioris were



Re,s&yd, That i n case of nominations mad

ronstitL1tionaI right by ortier entered on its
11oininations for iiii ther consideration to its
coilfirm or rcjcrt the wne.

The Senato proceeded to consider said resolutions; and

On the question to agree thereto,
hlr. Johnson of Missouri demanded a divisio
On the question to agree to the first
It was determined in the afirmative,
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
The yeas and nays being desircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who roted in the affirmative arc,
hiessrs. Balier, 13arnwel1, Caperton, Graham, Ilenrg, IIill, Hunter,
Jcniison, jy., Johnson of Alissouri, Maxwell, Mitchel, Oldham, Orr,
Seiiinies, bpwrrow, Wallcer, and Watson.
On the question to agree to the second resolution,
_ _..- _ _ _ _ - ..._ _ 13
I t was determined in the af%rniativc, Yeas._
__ - ____ -__
O n motion by Mr. Olclham,
The y a s and nays being clcsired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
'I'host: who votcd in the aitiriiiativc :we,
Nessrs. TkLker-,13nrnwcl1, (hperton, C;r:hin, IIeiiry, Hill, .Jeniison,
ji.. , Mnxwrll, Orr, Scmmes, Sp~irrow,Wallier, and Watson.
Those v h o votcd in the ncgativo are,
i11essrs. Htintcr, Johnson of Missauri, Mitohcl, and Oldham.
So the Pcsolutions ~7ereagreed to.
hlr. Sparrow submitted the following resolution; which was considclcci and agreed to:


IlesoZved, That all nominations wliicli have lieretofore been iiiadc, to the Senate,
and which Iiave not been liiially disposed of by the Senatth, bnt wliicli liave been
postponed or.continueci, be taken from the files and referred to thc Committee on
PtIilitslry Afhirs.

Jfr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

was referred the noniiiirLtiori of B. M. Green, to be colonel, reported,
with tlic reconimendation that said nomination bc confirmed.
Thr, Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
t,hercwith, it was
Bcrsoloed, That the Senate advise and consent to his appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the Yresictent.
The Senate resunied the considcration of the nomination of P. N.
Tqnch, to he special commissioner of the Confederate States
States of tlic Church; and
After dohate,
On motion I)y Mr. Seinrnos,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1861.


Mr. Hill presented the credentials of the Hon. Hersc

son, elected a Senator by the general assembly of tho State of Georgia
for the term of six years from and after the 18th day of February,




1864; which mere rcad, and the oath prescribed by the Constitution
having been adtriinistcred to Xr. Johnson, he tookhis seat in the Senate.
Jf r. Sparrow pmsented resolulions of the general assembly of the
State of Louisiana in relation to the further prosecution of the mar;
which were read.
Oidervd, Lhnt they lie u1)on tlic table and be printed.
A meshage from the Ilonsc of llcprcsentativcs, by Rfr. Dalton:
Jfr.. Prcsrdent: The IIousc of lieprcsentatires have passed a bill (H. R. 106) to
inrrease the c o n i p c n d ion of 'the iionc.oiiiiiiissiont.d officers and primtes of tlle Army
of the Coiifedcriitc btatcb; in TI hi& they request the coiicurreiiw of the Senate.

A h . Scinme:, prcscntccl a reholution of tlic gcncr;~lazscniloly of the

State of Louisinua relatiw t o clxiiiis against the Corifcdcratc Governiiicnt; \vliicah 11a:, read.
O Y Yd,~That it lie upon tlic tahle and he printcd.
Mr. Senline\ suhiiiittcd thc following resolution; wliich i v m considered and agreed to:
IZLso12.et7, That



iriipresuecl b y ordcr u
aiitl foi liirc, of teairis or iiegroes.
Xr. &~ri~weli
presented tlic iiiemorixl of citizens of tlic town of
I3eaufo~t,in the State of South Carolin:L, praying to be relieved from
the payment of taxes imposed 1 9 7 the tax bill of 1864; which was
rcferred to the Coninlittee on Finance.
M r . l<arnwcll, From tho Coinniittec on Fin:incc, reported
11 ),ill (S. 44)to authorize certificwtc% o f iiidebtedncxs to he given
for property 1n1r~h:imlo r impressed :ud for tranrlmtatioii, and to
provide for 1xiyiiwtit of the iiitweht 011 $aid ccrtificatcs in specie;
\I 1iic.h
as re:d the f i i - d niid second times and ordered to be placed
u p t i the Cdcndar and printed.
o n n1otion by 3Ir. l3xrllwell,
OidtwtZ, That the coiiiniunicntion from the Sccretary of the h a s ury rccoiiiiiiciiding certain changes in tlic iriipresmient l:t-\vshe printed.
Rlr. Sparro\ir, fro111 tlic Coriiinittce on Nilitary Affair:,, to WhoTll T V ~ S
referred the joint resolution (11. R. 7 ) to prcx-ent restrictions upon the
right of nicrnbcrs of Congress to visit sick and woundctf oEccrs arid
soldiers ill hospitals, rcportecl it with the rccoiiiinendatioii that it ought
not to p s s .
Thc Senate procccdcd, as in Cominittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the :,aid rcbolution ; and no arriendrnent being proposed,
it mas reported to the Scnate.
On t,hL question,
Shall the rexolution be read :i third tinie?
It was doteririincd in tlic ncgatirc:
So the resolution wt:,
O ~ d c r ~ That
the Secretary in form the House of Representatives
Jlr. Sparrow, from the Coninlittee on Military Affairs, to whom
n i t s referred the bill (S 43) to i*cgnlatethe pay of a general assigned
to duty a t the scat, of governrlicnt under the provisions of the act
approved Jlarch 25, 1SU2,rcpoitcd it without amendment.
Xr8 Sparrow, from thc Coninlittee on Military Affairs, to whom



WRS referred the bill (S.24) troauthorize the appointmentof additi

officersof artillery for ordnancedutios, reported it without amendni
The Senate proceeded, as in Comniittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and no amendment being proposed. it wa
reported to the Senate.
Ordmed, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Bcsolvecl, That it pass, and that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
Ordeed, That the Secretary request tlie concurrence of the House
of ltepresen tatives therein.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred tho bill (S. 23) to rovide for the appointrllent of additional niilitary storekeepers in t e Provisional Army of the Confederate States, reported it with an amendment.
Thc Senate proceeded, as iu Committee of the W'hole, 'to the consideration of t h e said bill; and tlie rcportcd amendnicnt having been
agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was
c.oncurrcd in.
(lin?(wd,That tlic bill be engrossed and read a third time.
bill was read the third t h e .
, That it pass. and thtit the title thereof be as aforesaid.
That the Secretary requcst the concurrence of the House
of 1Zeprrsentatives thcrcin.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Coininittee on Military Affairs, to whom
~v7asrefcrrcd tho bill (S. 35) concerning agents of the Press Association of the Confederate States, reported it with anic~ndments.
The Senato proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and the reported amendments having been
agreed to, t h e bill was reported to the Senate and the arricndiiients
were concurred in.
O?&rcd, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Rcsolned, That it pass, and that the title thorcof bc as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordeered, That the Committee on Military Affairs be discharged from
the further consideration of the niemorial of J . S. Thrasher.
Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
referred a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury on the
subject, reported
A joint resolution (S. 8) directin the settlement of the claim of
Zedckiah McDaniel and Francis M. #wing for destroying the Federal
gunboat Cairo, by means of a torpedo;
which was read thc first and second times and considered
mittce of the Whole; and no amendment, being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
OTdered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resoliition was read the third time.
On the question,
Shall the resollition now pass?
----------------T t was determined in the affirmative, Yeas
Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0
On motion by Mr. Brown,

Nay 21, 1364.1



The ycas and nays hcing desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Tliote who voted in tlic affirniative are,
Jlcssrs. TZstkcr. 13rown, Rurnrtt, Caperton, Dortch, Graham, Henry,
Hill, Ilunter, Jetiiison, ,Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Missouri,
itI:~xwell,AIitclicl, Ori-, Scirinics, Sirnms, Sparrow, and Watson.
So it w a s
Re.~oZvcd, That the ~csolutionpass, and that the title thereof be as
af orcsaid.
Ortlctw.., That tlic Secrct:iry rcquert thc conciirrcncc of thc House
of llcprcwnt:Lti\ c
a 5 in Comniittce of tlic Whole, to the consictS) to artthorizc the judge of the di5trict court
f o r t i i o noithci*ii district of Gcorgsi:~to change t>licplticc of holding
sxid c.o\irt; :uid
On niotioii l)y Mr. JIill,
, I1i:it the bill, together with the report of tlic Coniinittm
on the ,I uciiciary (Yo. 2) thrrcon, he revoinniitted to the Coininittee on
tlic ,Trtdici:iry.
Alr. Ilill snbrnitted the folloviiig motion for considcration:
O i ~ l e / ~ (Tlr:rt
/ , the vote on pwsiiig tlic bill (8.35) concerning agents
of tlic Press Asiociativn of the Confcdcratc States he reconsidcrcd.
Ihc hill (11.1Z. 106) to iiicreasc the compensation of the noncoiiiniissioned oibcers and privates of the Army of the Confederate States was
read the first and second times xnd referred to tho Committee on Military RfftLirs.
A iiicssage from the Irehidcnt of tlic Confederate States, by Mr.
13. N. 1ItLrrlsOl1, his Sccrel:tlJ :


yesterday, approved

1:rpresc.ntatives in Congrees
(1 bolcliers in the Coiilcderate

o w e of liepresent.h tIYCS
lhe Scnatc resumed the considcration of thc resolution submitted by
31r. S p ~ ~ r oyesterday,
instructing the Committee on the Jucliciary
to inquire into the expediency of rcporting hill for the suspension of
the writ of haheas corpus :~ftcrthe cxpiration of the present hw, and
of providing by said bill that thc said suspension shall continue until
tlic (*loseof the next session of Congress; and
The resolution was agreed to.
On motion b~ A h . OIT,
The Senate rcsolvcd into exccutive session.
The doors having been opened,
fhc, Senate resiimed, as iii Committee of the Whole, tho consideration of the bill (S. 15) to authorize the payment of the actual and ncceysary oxpenses of naval ofEicers ~ h i ti*avtling
l ~
under orders.
On motion by Mi-. Sparrow, to amend the bill by striking out
b b naral, line 2, and inserting aftcr officers, in the sarnc line, the
words of the Army and Navy; h y inscrting after N a ~ y , line 3,
tho words or War, and by inserting after Navy, line 3, the m7ordr
o r the Secretary of War,





It was determiiied in the anirmative.

On lnotion by Mr. Brown, to amend the bi
thereof the ~ ~ o r and
d s that the Secretary of
of tho Xary, at the commencement of each
Co~lgrtssa copy of all the bills paid under
iteins in c : d case, together with the certificat
the account,
It was determined i n the affirmBt1ve.
On motion by Mr. Brown, to amend the bill by adding thereto
following proviso:
Irouided, That no officer shall receive the benefit of this act who is traveling under
orders issued at hie own solicitation,

It was detcrinined in thc affirtnative.

On motion l)y Mr. Orr, to amend the bill by striking out all after
the cnaoting clause and inserting:
That officers of the Arniy and Navy, while trawling under orders of tlie War or
Navy Ikpartnient, shall be allowed transportation in kind for themjelves and their
personal baggage,

It was determined in the xffirmativo.

No further aincndmcnt bciiig made, tho bill was rcported to the

Senate a n d the amcndnicnt was concurred i n .
O r d m d , That the bill be engrosscd aiid read t~ third time.
The said hill was read the third time and tlie title T V ~ Smiendcd.
I Z c s d w d , That i t pass, arid that the title thereof bc An act to
furnish trmsportation to officers of the Army and Navy while traveling tinder ordcrs.
O r ~ l m d That
thc Sccretary request the concurrence of the House
of 1tcprcsent:ttivcs therein.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate adjourned.

The following message was received from the President of the Confederate Statcb, by Mr. II. W. Iriarrison, his Secretary:
E x ~ c n . i ~ vDicrmTxExit,
liichmond, Mciy 23, 18G4.
T i ) the Seiinte of the Conjcdernte Stntcs:
iigreeably to t h e rccoinniendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Brig. Gen.
13. It. Johnson, of 7erinessce, to be major-general i n t h e Provisional Army of tlie
Confederatc States of America.

W A R DEPARTBrENT, l8ichmon
SIR:I have the lionor to reco~ninclldt,Iie nomination of Brig. Gen. B. R. JohnGon,
of T(wir.ssec, to be major-general in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States
of Anic&a, for duty with General 13eanregard, to take rank from May 21, 1864.
I am, sir, rrapectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretcmy of IVur.
To 1Iis Eucelleney JEIWERS~X
Pmidcnt, rtc.

The message was read.

Ordeped, That it be referred to the Coininittee on Milita


from Pcbruxry 19, 1SM.

.\. C. Hill, of 'I'cxas, to be atlju1:int Thirty-first Tesai? C , a ~ a l r yJtepiiiient, vice
Lieriteiiant Tavlor. rcsicriirvl. to rank iloiii l~ebriialv19. 1864.



William R. Davis, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Fourth Tennessee Cavalry R

nieut, to rank from February 19, 1864.
James I). Easley, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Tenth Tennessee Cavalry Regime
to rank from Fe1)rusry 19, 1864.
IV. R. fiarrctt. of Virrrinia. to be adjutant Eleventh Tennessee Cavalry Regiment.
to rank from Fehrnary i9, 1864.
31. I). Smallman, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry Reginitwt, to rank from February 19, 1864.
J. C. Judkins, of Alabama, to be adjutant Fifty-seventh Alabama Regiment, to
rank froin P'e1)ruary 19, 1864.
Itamel 13. Brown, of South Carolina, to be adjutant Fourteenth South Carolina
Itegiment, vice Lieutenant Ready, cashiered, to rank froni February 19, 1864.
Charles It. Harris, of Alabama, to be adjutant Twenty-eighth Alabama Regiment,
vice Lieutenant Lea, resigned, to rank froin February 19, 1864.
Robert 1,. Parrish, of \'irgitiia, to be adjutant Forty-sixth Virginia Cavalry Battalion, to rank Proiit Pel~iuary26, IS64.
JCdw(l. 1 I. Daljs, of North Carolina, to be adjutant Serentwnth North Carolina
Itegiinent, vim Lientrimit ISlliott, resigned, to rank from February 19, 1864.
J o h n A. Le\vis, o f Iientiic ky, to be d j n t a n t Kinth Kentucky Cavalry Regiment,
vice I,ientt~nantCox [Joneii?], disinissctl, to rank from March 8, 7864.
V. I l c itt,
~ of Kentucky, to be adjutant Sixth Kentucky Cavalry Regiment, vice
Iicutenarit Iluclianan, promotocl, to rank from February 29, 1864.
(korge \V. Hnnt, of Keutncky, to be adjutant Fifth Kentucky Regiment, vice
1,icutcnant Jolinson, resigned, to r m k frnin 3Iarc.h 16, 1864.
Thoinas D. Grcpory, of Tcunessec, to be adjutant Virst Tennessee Regiment, vice
10, 1864.
Lieutenant \V:ttwn, dircl, to rank fronr Jlar(~l1
Ales Ti. Moore, of Virginia, t o h a adjutant Eighth Virginia Reginimt, vice Lieutenant ITuti>hison,proinotctl, to rank from J1ar.c.h 8, 1864.
12. S. Ilarrison, of Virginia, to l w atljutant Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry Regirnrmt,
\ice T,icnten;int Xash? pTo!notctl, to rank from 3Iarch 30, 1864.
\V. T. Walke, of 1 itginin, to bt, adjutant Thirty-ninth Virginia Cavalry Battalion,
1 icse Lieiitenaut Wise, jr., cleclined, to rank froin March 30, 18G4.
1'. W. Arrington, of North Carolina, to be adjiltant Thirtieth North Carolina Iteginitmt, v i w 1,ientetianl Carter, droppcd, to rank Jroin April 2, 1864.
W. I,. XilcGaophy, of Alabama, to be adjutant Fifth Alabaina Cavalry IZegiment,
vice Lieutenant Wrenn, proniotetl, to rank from April 4, 1864.
Alfred H o l i n e ~ ,of South Carolina, to be adjutant Twenty-fourth South Carolina
Kegiinent, vice 1,ieuteiiant Palmer, (lied, to rank from April 4, 186-1..
Albert 3. Allen, of Missouri, to be atljtitant Eiglrtli Missouri Cavalry Reginirnt, to
rank from February 19, 1SG.t.
MclI. \Vhitalrer, of Jlisbissippi, to be adjutant First Iteginient Engineer Troops,
to rank from April 5, 1864.
Darbv, of Missouri, to be adjutant Third Missouri Cavalry Regiment, vice
nant lfiscr, killed, to rank from February 19, 1864.
rgc Connar, of Louisiana, to be adjutant Second Louisiana Regiment, vice
Lic~itenantIiearncy, resigned, to rank from April 10, 1864.
J. T. Tannchill, of Alnl)ama, to be adjutant Fifty-third Alabama Regiment, vice
Lieutenant, Pnodgraw, proinoted, to rank froin April 10, 1864.
F. Philips, of Florida, to he adjutant Sixth Florida Regiment, vice Lieutenant Ely,
promoted, to lank froni Ft4>ruar) 19, 1864.
T. lteynoltls, of I,ouisiaiia, to be adjutant Fifth Louisiana Regiment, v'
ant Beacli. d i d . to rank froin Anril 12.1864.
C IT. Gordon, of (korgin, lo be :itljhtant Thirtieth Georgia Caval
rank from April 12, 18(i4.
A . MrGla4~an,of Georgia, to be adjutant Fiftieth Georgia Regi
tenant liol)crtls, killed, to rank from April 12, 1864.
Janics W.h l itt~hell,of 3Iissimippi, to be adjutant Fifteenth Mississippi Regiment,
vice Licntenant Binford, resigned, to rank from April 15, 1864.
8. G. Turner, oE Georgia, to be adjutant Nineteenth Georgia Regiment, vice Li
tcnant Johnmn, killed, to rank from February 20, 1864.
Frank Jones, of Georgia, to be adjutaut Cobb'a (Georgia) Legion, vice Lieutena
Church, promoted, to rank from April 18, 1864.
J. It. hlcliitosh, of RlisijiPsippi, to be adjntant Twenty-fourth Mississippi Regiment,
to rank from Aoril 15. 1864.
1%'. P. McGoGen, of Texas, to be adjutant Fifth Texas Begiment, vice Lieutenant
ICerr, promoted, t o rank from February 19, 1864.
Robert E. Garnier, of Louisiana, to be adjutant First Louisiana Regiment Volunteers, vice Lieutenant ITenna, killed, to rank from April 23, 1864.

May 21,1864.1



Gibson, of Georgia, to be adjntant Forty-eighth Georgia Regiment, vice

nnining, died, to rank froni April 23, 1864.
IvT\ cr, of Hotith Carolina, to be adjntant Twenty-first South Carolina
Regiment, to rank froni \i)ril y::,
I am, sir, respectlull y, your obcciicnt servant,
Xec>wiaryof Wor.
To His Excellency Jmwmsox Da\-is,
I'vesitleirt, E ~ C .

The mcssagc W:LS rcad.

Ortk(,rcd, 'L'hat it be refcried to tlw Cominit.tec on Military Affairs.
IYE I)EP IWIWEVV, Richwioiit?, Mtry 94,1864.
7;) t l i , ~,Vrnrrtr of t l i ( C'on/iitlo.trte Stutt c:
Agrcw~1)lyto tlrc r~~coiiiiiicntlntioii
of tlie Secretary of Wm, I nominatr the ofricers
011 the, acc~niipanyinglist to tlic rank afjised to their iiatiics, respectively.

No. 14.1
\v \I2 T)PPAIIT\IP?;T, I?iCh?)lo71t!, nIU?/ 9,lSG4.
SIR.1 hare the honor to Iceonmiend t h e following iioininatioiis for appointment
in tlie I'lovisional Army of t l i c k Coiiftdcratc States of iinierica, for distinguished valor
and skill.

W.C;. Calahaii, of ( h r g i a , to be major ISighteenth Georgia Iteginient, to rank

from March 19, 1864.
Virgil W'enver, of Virginia, to be captaiii Coinpany 11, Sixth Virginia Cavalry
Rvgiiiiviit, to rank froni l'cbrrixry 19, I S N .
Rt:trk .\. S n t t o t i , oi S o r t l i (":wolina, to be cctptaiii Company F, I'ortp-fifth North
t:arollna l t ~ ~ ~ l l ~ I <to~ I.'Lllk
l i t , fioul 1CP
\V. I<. Stitt, ot l o i i l i C"arolrna, to
ipaiip 11, Forty-third North Carolina Itegiuicnt, to i ~ i i kfroin ls'<>i)rii
14:. Mi( Irartls, of Virgi~iia,to LV
n y 13, I'orty-third Virginia Itatnk froni Ai)ril 6, 1864.
to l x c.aptain Coiiipany I, li:iqhth Virginia ltegiinmt,
t i Carolina, to 1~ raplain Coiiipaiiy 33, Tliirty-eighth
Kortli Cntoliiia JLrpiiiic~iit,t o i a n l \ f i o i i i ,il)rii I:<, 1864.
Lewis 1Iariiiaii, ot Viigriiia, to be captain Coiiipany I, Twrlftli Virginia Cavalry
Regiment, to rank f i o l i i R I a r t h 6 , 1864.
\\'iIliain l)unovant, oi Hontli Oarolitia, to be captaiti ( h i p a n y C, Seventeenth
South Carolina ItcgiiiicLnt,to rank froin April 29, 1864.
Prcd \V. hircy, of I,oiiisiaii:i, to be captain Conipaiiy 1I, T~vrntiethLouisia~ia
Reginrent, to rank 1ioiri 1:obrii:try 19, 1861.
It L. Kcwi, of Jmiisiawt, to bo captain Coiiipany I, Tuwitit+Ji 1,ouisiana lkgiment, to r m k froiii Yebruary 19, 1864.

IGmt lr e utc nu tits.

John W. Carter. of Virginia, to be first licwtenant Tliomson's battery, to rank
froiii iijiril 23, 1Sli+.
iidoiph 1'. Webre, of l,ouiriaiia, to be lird lirutetimt Conip:niy G, Twentieth
Louisiana Mrgiineiit, to rank froiii 1'rl)rnary 19, 1864.
Aixwtd Iteut~~irints.

hompson, of Xissouri, to be second lirutenant Company G , First Missouri

to rank froin March 9,1864.
b e , of South Carolina, to l)e second lientenant Conipariy I f , Fifteenth South
Carolina Kegiinent, to rank troni February 19, 1864.
Jesse TV. Avant, of Georgia, to be +eroiid lieuteriant Phillips Legion, to rank from
February 1 9 , 1884.
James W. Jordan, of Virginia, to be second lieuteriant Company IT, Third Virginia
Cavalry Regiment, to rank from February 19, 1864.
W. W. Kirkland, of South Carolina, to be second lieutenant Colripany E, Fifteenth
South Carolina Eegiment, to rank iron1 February 19, 1864.



K. Taylor; of Virginia, to be second l i c ~ ~ t e n aCompany

I, Eighth Virginia
nient, to rank froni AlprilG,.1861.
It. LLGlioti\y~ll,of Virginla, to be second lieutenaiit Company I, l<igtitli V
Ilegiiirent, to rank f r o ~ n-4pril G , 1864.
hiti. c. i+aii&, of Virginia, to be second lieutenant Conipany A , ICigkitli V
Itcgiiimit, to r2mk froin April 6 , 1864.
Feqtns King. of Virginia, to be second liecltenarlt Carters battery, to rank fro
April 6 , 1504.
Cliarles J. Ifarper, of J,ouisiana, to be second lieutenant Company K, Twentieth
Louisiana IZepinient, to rank from February 19, 1864.
Andrew Krentx, of Imiisianii, to be second lientenant Company C, Twentieth
Louisiana IZrpirnent, to rank froin February 19, 1864.
I mi, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.

To f Iis E~rellenc~y
J I ~ T I Z ~ O S 1) iws,
Presidmt, etc.
r ,

1 lie iiiessagc was r c : d

O ~ & M ~ ,lhiit it be referred to thc Conirnittec


Military Affairs.

EXlEUTI\l2 I)&Pr\RThf.IENT,KiCkmond, MUy $3, 1884.

To tlw 8hitrlr y / tlw Coilfulercilc htcctcs:
Agrteably to the rc~c~ornniriidatioi~
of tli(>Aecwtarv of War, I noininate tlit! officers
on tlrc acc~oiiil~ttnyirig
list to the rank affixed to tliecr names, rtqectively.

Rrcl~inond,A h / 4, 28G4.
reco~ninendtile following nominationsfor appointnient
in the Jro\isional Arniy of t J i c Confetleratt States of Amcrics:

KO. 3. J

A m : I flaw the honor


. \ l W l L L i ~ ~ I t YOBPKEllh, LTX1~1511.\CT


22, 1862.

IC. 1. Alexnntler, of Georgia, t o take rank from February 26, 1864.
ax 11. (artcr, o f Tirginia, to take rank from Fcbrnary 27, 1864.
to take rank from February 27, 1864.
ippi, to take rank from Felwiiary 90, 1861.

Janirr I)mrinz, of Tirginia, to tnkc rank from Fcbrnary 27, 1864.

olina, to takc rwnlr froin February 27, 1884.
I+arilL 11 nger, of South
0.hl. Iiraxton, of Virq
l o take rank from Ifcbruary 27 1864.
\V..I. Iegratri, of Virginia, to take rank froin February 27, 1864.
I). <;. 3lc.Iritoeti, of South Carolina, to take rank froin February 27, 1864.
\\. 1. Ioagnc, of Virginia, to take rank from Febrnary 27, 1864.
R. A. Ifxr~1nwav,o f Alaharna, to taka rank from February 27, 1864
Charles I.licaharhson, of Virginia, to take rank from February 27, 1861:
L. IIoston, of Virginia, to take rank from Fet~rnary21, 1864.
Felix I I. ltol)ertuon, of T P Y H ~to, take rank from February 22, 1864.
S. C. \Villiani~,of Georgia, to takc rank from February 23, 1864.

W. E. Ciitshnw, of Virginia, to take rank from Febrimrv 2

T. C. Jorda11, of Virginia, to take rank from February 27, 1
IM.B. Tvlillw, oi I,onisiaria, t o take rank from Iebrnary 27,
Bobert M. Stribling, uf Virginia, to take rank from Februa
R. 0. M. Page, of Virginia, to take rank from February 27,
Darid Watson, of Virginia, to take rank Froin Fcbrnary 27,

May 24, 1864 ]



Joseph XcGraw, of Maryland, to take rank from February 27, 1864.

31. Johnson, of Virginia, to take rank from February 27, 1864.
(ieoige Ward, ot ?IIississippi, to take rank from February 2 i , 1S64.
V. ntaurin, ot Jmiisiaiia, to tnkc riink from February 27, 1864.
31. N. n I o o r ~ ~ ~ofa nVirgiiiis,
to take rank i'roni February 27, 1S64.
12. 1'. Cfrrv, of Yirginia, to takc lank froiri February 27, 1864.
W.11. Caskie, of X'irgiiiia, to take rank from April 9, lSG4.
J. 11. Pratt, of Texas, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
1Z. Cobb, of I<eritncky, to take rank from February 22, 1864.
I m i , sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretaiy o j War.
To IIiH 1' ,J

The iiicshagc~was react.

O r c Z m t l , That it be referred to the Committee 011 Military Affairs.
v E I h ~ . i i i r m w Riclmond,
Jfuy 23, 1864.
yo 1716 8e1~ule
qf f l i p ("o~?f?tJo.trlv
hc. Secretary of War, L nominate the oftiters
Agreeably to the r e m i i r w m
on tlic accoinpanying list to tho rmk altisetl to their iiaiiie~,respectively.
No. 17.1
fiicJmto?td, Ma!/ 10,1 S G 4
Srx. I Iiavc tlw Iionor to rc~coiiinirwltlic following nominations for appointment
in the Pro\ isional iriiiy of t l i t . Confedcrate States of America:

illic jor.

Peyton Kaiiil~lpli,of Virgini:t, to take rank Eroni April I, 18F4.


J . 31. Raltlwin, of Texas, to talw rank from March 29, 1864.

J. J. Conway, of Alabniiia, to tnke iarik from Xarch 29, 1864.
Jolin Uradford, of Florida, to takc rank frorii March 29, 1861.
TV. R. Jolinson, of Virgi?ii?, to take rank from 3Iarc.h 29, 1884.
G. C. Dickiiwoii, of Virgin~a,to t&e lank froin March 29, 1864.
11. 1'. Doiiglas, of Virginia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
11. C Derrick, of the District of Columbia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
sippi, to take ralilr fro111March 29, 1864.
Virginia, t o take r~11lrfroin March 29, 1864.
Arat ~ieulencrnls.

W. G. Williamson, of Virginia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.

S. 11. Brown, of Virginia, to take rank froni Marc11 29, 1884.
11. lr. IIarris, C J ~Virginia, to h k e rank from March 29, 1864.
G. P. C . Kumbough, of Teiinwsce, to take rank from March 29, 1884.
E. K. Wiec, of Virginia, to take rank fioin March 29, 1884.
C. W. IMbitt, of Alabania, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
T. J. &Ioncure, of Virginia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
It. M. Sully, of Virginia, to take rank from hlarch 29, 1864.



*%conti 7ic.zctenctnts.

It. 'I.Griffin, of Texas, to take rank from March 29, 1864.

1).S. Hessey, of Delaware, to take rank froin March 29, 1864.

It. \T. I'catross, of yirginia, to take rank from %
i kcfi
218, 1864.
W.A. Gordon, of the District of Columbia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.

J. 11. Giliner, of Virginia, to take inilk from &larch29, 1864.

William Glenn, of Kentucky, t o take rank from March 29, 1864.
1). 1'. Woodruff, of Alabama, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
C. 31. Uolton, of Virginia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.

C. F. Smith, of the District of C:oluinbia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
C. 15. Young, of Virginia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
John RI. Ilood, of illarylaricl, to take rank from &larch 29, 1864.
J. ,J. Norwood, of North Carolina, to take rank froin &Inrclr 2R, 1864.
C. $Ianpin, of Virginia, to talre rank from &larch29, 7x64.
14;. B. 3lcadc~,of Virginia, to td<crank froin 3Zarc.h 29, 1864.
John 8. Mason, oi \'irgith, to take rank from Rlarcali29, 1864.
C. M. L)a\is, of Florida, to take rank from March 29, 1864.

Ilcnry T. Douglas, of Virgiiiia, to take rank from April I, 186-4.


It. 1'. ltouI~.y,of .\rBansas, to take riznk from April I , 1864.


Williani Freret, of Louisiana, to take rank from April 30, 1864.

\V. It. Dc Voe, of Texas, to takc rank from April 30, 1864.
It. 31. Veilable, of Virginia, to titke rank from April 30, 1864.
11. C. Slrtuglitvr, of Arkansas, to take rank from April YO, 1864.
I-Io\w, of Texas, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
Williams, of Louisiana, i o take rank from April 30, 1864.
J. I T . Tlaney, of Arkansas, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
.Jolni Xhoon, of Missonri, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
J. L. Hartlett, of Ttixas, to take rmk from April 30, 1864.
I). 15. Cro&mcl, of Tvxaii, to tako r a n k fronl April 30, 1864.
\V. J. Itatliff, of Texas, to take rank froiii April YO, IS6-L

Second Iieutenuitts.

Jos. Swy, of Virginia, to take rank from April 30, 1864.

I<;.Snritldiff, of Texa5, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
A. Turnbull, of Canada, to take rank from April 30, 1864.

hd Keyinient-~~e~ie2tteiannt-colonel.

S. W. I'wswtnmi, of \'irginia, to take rank frorri April 1, 1864.


ia, 10 take rank from April 1, 1864.

cuptu ins.

R. U. JlcCnlla, of Tennessee, to take rank from April 30, 1864.

13. N. Pharr, of Kenturkv, to t&kcrank froni April YO, 1864.

A. W. Gloster, of Missis&ppi, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
E. Winston, of Tennewee, to take rank froiii April 30, 1864.



W.T. Hart, of

Georgia, to take rank from April 30, 1861.

W. A. Ramsey, of Tennessee, to take raiik from April 30, 1864.
Itobert L. Cobb, of Kentucky, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
Frat iteutenanb.
of Kentucky, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
of Te1iiie6~c,to take rank froin April 30, 1864.
f Teniic~ssee,to take rank from April 30, 1864.
tir I X p t r i v t of Coltiinhia, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
of (;eorgia, to talrc rank from April 30,1864.

Jaines 1%.I+rkirtq, of Georgia, to take rank from April 30, 1864.

Cliarlcs It. I3oyt1, of lTirgiiiia, to take rank fro111 April 30, 1864.
\V. 1). Irintz, of Tennc~sscc~,
to take rank froin April 30, 1884.
nestee, to take rank from April S0, 1864.
misiana, t o take rank from A p 1 30, 1864.
)f Jiroinia, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
TirgEiia, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
J. W.Chalmcr+, of Virginia, to titke rank from April 30, 1864.
82. TIustoii, of Tennessee, to take mnk Froiii April 30, 1864.
Cltarlcs Foster, of Georgia, to take rank from April 30, 1864.
Xclivard Ill,zlonc, of Virginia, to take lank froni April 30, 1864.
W. R. <hinpbell, of Mississippi, to take rank from Apiil 30, 1864.
Tlioiiias E. Marble, of Mississippi, to take rank from April 30, 1864.

W. A. C. Jones, of Alab5mn, to take rank Eroin March 31, 1864.

1, I I n t c ~ h i i i w i i ,of AIahiii:i, to t:ikc r m k froiii April 1, 1864.
J. \V. N c A l ~ ~ i iuft , (+eorqi:i, to take rank froin April 30, 1864.
14mt lietrtr~iitmf

12 A OIlea, of Ali-ics;ppi, to take rank from April 30, 1864.

I :iiii, sir, reslwtfnlly, your obedient servant,


fcrrcd to the Coinmithx on Military Affairs.

MY. Yp:Lrt-ow, from thc (hininittec on Military Affairs, to mhom
wcrc r c f c i ~ r dthe nomiimtions of 11. G . Piirsc, to be military storekeepcia o f engineers, with rank of captain of infantry; J. 13. Sale, to
be military secretary, colonel of cavalry; Towson J!;llis, Francis S.
Parltcr, to bc aids-de-camp, mijors of ctivalry; Eobcrt Strange, to be
aid-de-carny, with the rnnk of ninjor; 13. D. Fry, ,John McCansland,

Thonias 31. Scott, to be brigadier-generals, reported, with the rccommciidxtion that all of said norninations be confirmed.
Tlit: Senate prowcdcil to oonsider said report; and in conciirrence
it vc:is
l d ~ d w d That
tlir? Sena! (A ndviscl a n d consent to their appointment,
agrecddjr to the uoniinatioris of the Prcsident.
The Senate rcsuined the consideration of the nomination of P. N.
Lyncli, t o l)t: spccinl cornmissioner of the Confederate Sjtates to the
States of the Church; and
After debate,



Resol&, That the Senate :idvise and consent to his appointment,

agreeably to the noininntion of the President.
Mr. Mitchcl submittcd the following mot,ion for consideration:
That thc vote on agreeing to the resolutions snbmitted by MY.Hill,
from the Coniiriittec on the Judiciary (on t h e 23d instant), i n relation
to noiiiiiiations continued or postponed froin one session of the Senate
to another be reconsidered.
On niotion by Mr. Brown,
The senate resolved into open legislative session.
WIGLlNKSDAY, MAY 25, 1864.


Mr. Wallier (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 45) tlo esphin and amend tire l t ~ wrc&ting to impresstncnts ;
whicli \V:LS read the first and second times :md referred to the Joint
Coiriniittee on Impressnieiits.
Mr. tJernison (by Ic:ivc) introduced
A I d 1 (S,46) to crctitc a dcpai~tit~ent
of foreign and interior supplies,
and to rcgulatc tho collcction of import and export duties;
.which W:LSI*C:LCI
tlic first and second tiines and referred to tlic Committee on colr1II1c1co.
The S,riiate proceeded to consider the motion submitted by Mr. Hill
yestcrday, to reconsider the vote on passing the bill (S. 35) coocerning
agents of the Press Association of the Confederate States; and
Ihe uiotion was agreed to.
The Sennte rcsuinccl tho corisiderntion of the said bill; Fnd
011thc question,
Shall the bill iiow pass?
It was determined in the negativc.
So the bill was i.rjcotrtl.
On rriotion by Mr. Ihtrnett,
Oid(eiw/, TImt the Coinrnittec on Claims be discharged frorn the
further considcmtion of the memorid of Mylo N. 13yington.
A message from the lfousc of ~~epresentativcs,
by M i - . Dalton:
Thc Iresident of tlie Coiifcdcrtte Ststtea hae notified t h c I3ousc of
ves that on the 2 M instant lie approvcd and signed the following acts
and joint resoliitions:
$1, It. 30. An act to mthorize the appointment of coiinnicsaries for regiments of
1. It. 68. An act to exempt railroad conipanies from the pay~iielitof certain duties;
I. It. 4. Joint resolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. N. 13. Forrest and the officers
aiitl inen of his command for their carnpxign in Missis&ppi, west Tennessee, and
11. It. 5. Joint resotuiion authorizing the auditing of accounts of inembers for pay
and nrilcsgr; anti
FI. R. 6. Joint resolution requiring the Department of Justice to furnish the standing conunittees of the two Houses with printed copies of the acts of Conges?.

Thc Senate proceeded, as in Conitnittce of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S.43) to regulate the pay of a general assigned
to duty at tlie seat of government under the provisioiis of the act
approved March 25, 1863; and
After debate,



On motion by Mr. Burnett, thatt thc further consideration of the bill

he postponed until to-inorrow,
It \VRS dctcrniiiiccl i n tlic ncg:itive.
A Ftor f r i rther dcbntc,
On motion by A h . Ihmictt,
Ov-&mZ, That the further consideration of the bill be post
until to-morrow.
On motion by Mr. Dortch,
Tlze Sciiate resolved into ,scc.ret legislative session.
Phc doors having h e n openrd.
0 1 1 motion I)y MI-. Sparrow,
Thc Senate xdjournect.

A message froni the TIouxc of Repi*escntatives, by MY. Dalton:

m. P v ~ s k h f :?tie

alrer of the llousc of Itcprcwntatires having signed a11

enrolled bill ant1 itii
) l l ( ~ joint
rrsolutioii, I aiii dircctctl to l h i g theni to t h e
Senate for the signattture of their Prrsitlrnt.

Mr. Dovtcli, from the coniinittec, rcported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled :L bill and joint, resolntion of the following
8. 16. An act to fis the time for the assernbling of the Congress at
its next regular sossion, rind to authorize the President to coiivene the
Congi-ess at any place other than the scat of government; and
S. 6. ,loittt resolution to atithoi-im t,lw rc~~nov:il
of the public archii-es
a n d o f tho I hc c ut k o I)(.p:wtiiients o f tho Qorernniciit.
7hc Prciideiit pro tcinporo lmviiig signccl thc cn1.olled bill mid
cnrollcd joi tit] rcsoliition last rqmrted to 1itlr.c Iwcn cx:tniinrd, they
~ w id
e c l i v c i d t o tlAC Yrcrctary of ttic Seritltc : ~ n d1)y I i h forthwith
prwmtcd t o tht. Irwidcrrt of the Confrxlcr:itc~St:ites f o r his ~~pproval.
On motion 1)y Mr. SI):wro\v.
The Seiiate I Y W ~ T C ~into

The following messages were I*cccived froin tho President of the

Confcderatc States, by illr. 13. N. I Ifti.i.isori, his Secretary :
I \ E Dtw \irrhmm, I?icltniond, M q fc5, 1864.
70 flte Seimte qf I J I P COIJ
A\greeablyto the rcco~iinie~itlatioir
of the fiecrctnry of War, I iioiniriate the officers
011 ttic acconipaiiying li-t t o the rank aflixcxl to tlieii II~IIICH, respectivrly.
C ~ T , Xmy 22, 1864.
KO. 20.1
SIR: 1 ]lave the honor t o r c ~ c o n ~ ~ nttic
c ~ ~follou
i d irig ~ioniinatiorisfor appointnient in
tlw Irorisionnl Ar~iiyof thc Confcdciatc~Statci of America.

Ac.!juttrnts-ji~st Iieutenunts.
JV. 13. Gooctlctt, of Te~lnesscc,to be adjutant Onr liniidrcd and fifty-fourtll Hegirllent, \ ice 1,ieutenant Stovati, resignd, to rank froiii April 30, 1804.
T. \V. ,Ilesantlrr, o f Gcorgia, to bc adjutant Sixty-fifth Georgia Itegi~ncnt,to rank
froin 3Zav2, 1861.
13. 11. hfc~aleb,of l\.lississippi, to be adjutant rrweiftir Jlissisvippi Reginlent, vice
Lieutenant Capers, retired, to rank from May 2, 1864.

J. 172. Browne, of Xentncky, t o be adjntant Sixteenth Confederate Cavalry Regi
inent, vice Lieutenant Rate, promoted, t o rank from February 19, 1864.
Charles A. Webb, of Texas, to be adjutant Seventeenth Texas Cavalry Itegiment,
vice Lieutenant Sham, died, to rank from March 4, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretamj of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
Resident, rtc.

The message: was read.

OideTad, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Kiclmond, Ilfffy,W7

of the Secretary of War, I nominate Col. S. J.

gadier-general in the Provisional Army of the
DEPARTXENT, Hichmoiad, BrfXY 24, 1864.
. I havc the honor to recommend thr nomiriation of Col. 8. J. Gholson, of
ippi, to bc a brigailier-gt.nera1 i n the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate
ot Riircricn, to take rank from Nay 6, 1864.
J :nri, sir, tcbtwctfully, your ol-xdient servant,
Secreiary of War.


1hc ~rit.ssagow:\s wad.

O ~ t k / w l'l'hat
it be refcxred to the Committee on Military Affairs.



To f l i p A i i c t / r of llrc L'onjedmdP ,cldc,s:

Agrceal)ly to the reconimendat"lon of the Secretary of War, I nominate the ofEcers
on the awnnipanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Ki(*finio?Ld,illuy $4,1864.
No. 10.1
Sra: 1 have the honor to reconiinencl the following noniinations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Idwt. Col. A . S. Norwood, of Louisiana, to I)ts colonel Twenty-seventh Louisiana
lieginicnt, yicc Colonel Marks, died, to rank from September 2'3 18K3.
Lickut. Col. G. hlcl). Miller, of South Carolina, to be wlorial ' I k t 8oiitIi Carolina
Rifle liegiment, \-ice Coloncl Ilarrison, r&recl, to rank Ironi A p i i l 7 , 1864.
Liclut. Col. J. M . Ji'wndi, of Virginia, to be colonel Sixty-third Virginia. Regiment,
vice Colonel McMalloii, resigned, to rank from April 4, 1864.
1,itwt. Col. John C. I'iser, of Misuimippi, to be colonel Seventeenth Mississippi
Bcgimcnt, vice Colonel Holder, resigned, to rank from Vehruary 12, 1864.
Liciit. Uol. J . A. Minter, of Rlabame, to bc colonel Fifty-fifth Alabama Regiment,
vice Col. A . Baker, promoted, t o rank from March 5, 1864.
lieut. Col. J . It. Cabell, of I'irginia, to be colonel Thirty-eighth Virginia Regiment,
vice Coloncl Whittle, appointcd to inilitary coitrt, to rank from November 15, 1863.
Licnt. Col. A. Spenglc~r,of Virginia, to be colonel Thirty-third Virginia Regiment,
vice Colont~lIIollitley, retired, t o rank from March 21, 7864.
Mej. W.1\4.Ilatlclen, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel First South Carolina XiHe Ilcgirnent, vic.c Lieutenant-Colorici Miller, promoted, to rank from April 7,
Maj. J'.! 15. T Jpshaa , of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirteenth Virginia Cavalry 12eginient, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Phillips, promoted, to rank from December
19, 1863.


ivny 25, 1864.1


Maj. D. B. Lang, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-second Virginia Regiment, rice Lieutenant-Colonel Doyle, resigned, to rank from November 10, 1863.
Maj. George I<. Griggs, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-eighth Virginia IZeginmit, vice Lieutenaiit-Colonel Cabell, promoted, to rank from November
15, 1863.
Maj. James Dickey, of Georgia, to be lieutena6t-colonel Fifty-first Georgia Regiment, vice 1,ieutenaiit-Colonel Anthony, resigned, to rank from January 14, 1864.
Maj. C. 13. Lynch, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-third Virginia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colone1 French, promoted, to rank from April 4, 1864.
Blaj. George Haston, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-third Virginia
Reginlent, vice I,ieutenant-Coloncl Spengler, promoted, to rank froiii March 21, 1864.

CaDt. P,. F. !T'inficld, of Virginia, to he major Thirteenth Virginia Caralry Re@ntent, \ i w 3T:ljor Uphha\v, promoted, to rank froni Dcwmber 19, 1863.
Qipt. 1 Iouston II;d1, of Virginia, to be major Sixty-swond Virginia IZegitnent, vice
i\Iajor h n g , proinotcti, to rank from Noveinbcr 10, 1863.
Capt. 11. I,. 1,w, of Virginia, to be major Thirty-eighth \"irginia Reginlent, \.ice
Major Griggs, proinotcd, to rank from November 15, 1861.
Capt. ,J. 13. Gollad;ty, of Virginia, to be major Thirty-third Virginia Rrginient, vice
Major f I n ~ t o npromoted,
to rank from &larch21, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFRE~~SON
Preaclenl, etc.

The message was read.

O ~ d e ~ v That
d , it be rcfcrid to the (hnrnittee on Military Affairs.
~ ~ X E C ' l i T I V EI)EPAIWMENT,
Xichmond, Nay 25, 1864.
To (lie ,%mte of flte Co??.fcdercifeS~ufcs:
Agrec~ildyto thc ~ c ~ c o ~ m r r c n t l of
a t itlic
~ ~ ~Secretary
of War, I nominate Bennett
swuri, to br military Ftor(~ktvptvof orchance, with rank, etc., of first
infantry in tlic Provisional Army ol tlic Coiifederale States of America.
l)J3l'AItT?lFl\T, RkhVtl<)Jld,
llfily 24, 1864.
Silt. I ha1-e tht. honor to rcc*oinmmtltlic noinination of Bennett C
to I F iiiiliiitry d o r e l i e q v r of ortlnanct, H ith the rank, elc., of fi
infantry in tlic I'rovi~ioaxlA wry of thc Confederate States, vicv I,
ner, resigiitd, to tlatc from 3larc.h 2, IS64
I am, rir, rcspectlully, your ohtlient servant,
/sPcreltcry of IVanr.
To lIis Excellency , J I W I ~ I ~ M I Nl>a\~rs,
President, d c .

The inessagc RW yead.

Ou.Zercd, That it be referred to the Comriiitteo o n Military Affairs.
L', Rtchnco~itl,M ( i y 25, 1864.
the c u 7 t f d e r ( ~ thtcties:
Agreeal)ly to tire rec.omi~ieritlatioiiof the Secretary of War, I nominate the oflicers
on the acconipan>ing list to the rank affixed to their iiaines, respcrtively.
WAR I)lWART>fl<\ L', ~??hltlOnd,;lfiC!/ 24, 1864.
s o . IS.]
Sric: I have the honor t<Jrerommend the following nomjnations for appointnicnt
in the l'rovivional Army of the Confederate States of America:

TOthe Senrite


Col. Gteplien Elliott, jr., of South Carolina, to take rank froni May 24, 1864.



Edivsrd J . Black, of South Carolina, to take rank from April 28, 1864.

J. W. Ilayne, ot Sonth Caro!ina, to take rank from May 18, 1864.

IV. 1. A. Murray, of Mississippi, to fake rank from confirmation.

I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To Ilis 7Sxcellency JEFPERSON


Secretary qf War.

Prcsident, ete.

Ihe message

-was read.

OrdczwcZ, That it bc referred to thc Committee on Militarj- Affairs.

The Soriato proccccled lo c o n d c r the motion submitted by Mr.
Mitchcl 011 yesterday, to reconsider the vote on agreeing to thc resolations sitbniittcd by Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the Judiciary
(on the BM.inst:int), in re1:ttion to nominations continued or postponed
on of the Sjcnate to :~nothcr;and
tion to q y c e thereto,
- 9
I t WLS decided in the a&i*mative, Nays - - ..- - - - . .. .8
On motion by M r. Orr,
The ye:ts and tiass b e i n g clcsircd hy one-filth of the Senators present,
Thoic who votccl iii tlic :Lfhrniativc m e ,
hlessrs. Ilrown, Caperton, Cii-ahaiii, E l l , Hunter, Johnson of
Gcoi-gi:t,,John,~oiiof Missouri, ~ ~ z ~ x ~ m
v edl lMitchel.
who voted in the ncgativc are,
s. l~:~rnwell,
I-Zurnett,.Jemison, Orr, Sernnie

Yo the resolutions werc rcconsidercd.

On motion by Mr. Graham, that the resolutio


On motion by MI*.Sparrow,
The Senate resolrcd into opcii 1cgisl:itivo session.

TEIUlEiDRY, MAY 26, 1864.


rhc, Srniltc resurnd, RS i n C~oiiitnittcvof thc Wholc, the eonsideration of tho bill (S.43) to I.egul:Lte tlic pay of a general assigned to
duty at the sent of govni-nment under the provisions of the act
zip~)rovcdIllarch 25, 1862; wxl 110 amendnient. being proposed, it was
ad a third tirnc.
Bewl7ied, lliat it pas, and that tho title thereof bc us aforesaid.
C I i d t wd, That the Scc.t.etitry request thc ~oncurre~ice
of the XTouse
of Ikpreseiittttiveci therein.
On niotioii by MI.. Sparrow, that the vote on passing the bill (S. 43)
last rnentioncd be rccoiisidered,
It was ctctomiincd in the neg.A twe.
The Senate proceeded, w in Coninlittee of the Wholo, to the consideration of thc, hill (S. 114) to anthorisse certificates of indebtedness to t)e
given for property purchased or imprcsscd and for trn
to provide for payment of the intorcst on said certi
and no amendment being proposed, it was reported to


X I L2F,
~ 18Cl.l


O~Zered,That i t he en rossed and read a third time.

Tlic said bill was read t e third time.
Ecwl.r~rtl,That i t pass, and that the title thereof be AS aforcsaid.
O ~ l m d That
the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Reprewntatireb therein.
Mr. ,Johnson of Xissouri suhiiiittcd the following resolution for

nttrtices c o n c u m h g ) , That the resolution passed by the

the day for the adjournment
of the prcscnt session of Congress, Ire, and the same is hereby, rescinded.
Eesolocrl ((he IIouse qf Rep

t\To IIouses fixing Tnesdx), t h o thirty-first illstant, as

On iiiotiori l y hlr. Spai*row,

The Senate rcsolrcd into esccutivc session.
Thc doors having heen opened,
On iiiotion by 311..hlitchcl,
The Senate :tdjounied.

RIr. sp:irro\v, f i * o n i thr Coiiiiiiit tcc on Military Aflairs, to whom

refciwd the iioniin:ttioiis of A. S. Korwood, G. McI). Miller,
,J. J11. Freiicli, ,Joli~i(j. lciscr, J . A. Minter, ,J. It. Cabcll, A. Spengler,
to IX colouc~ls;IV. 31. Il:~fdcn,
I?. E. Upslinw, 1). 1%.J,img, George K.
Griggs, .Janics l)ickcy, C. 11. L j i i C h , George JIuslon, to be lientenantc~oloncls;13. V. ~ \ r i n k l c l ,lloiiston I M I , I. 1,. I m , ,J. 12. Cxolladay, to
be iimior?, rcbpoi.tcd, with thc rccoiniiwnd:tl ion t1i:it all of said iioniinatioiis I r coiifirnicd.
Tho Sonxtc ~ ) r o c ~ e d ctoi l consitlvr m i d i*cport; ;itid i n concurrence
tlicrcu ith, it w a s
R c s o l ~ d ,I1i:Lt thc Sicn:ite :idvise :itid consciitl to thcir rippoi~tinent,
:igrccal)ly to the noinin:~tionsof t h n 11-csidcnt.
1\11.. Sp:wiww, from the Comrnittcv on Milit:u*y Affairs, to whom
were rcfcrrcd the itominations of 12. It. Joliiisoii, to k)c nl;ipr-gencrnl;
W. 13. Qoocllctt, T. W. Rlex:mdcr, E. 11. McC:deh, ,J. M. J%rownc,
Charles A. Wcbl), \Iilliain A. S. Taylor, L. Flouriioy, A. C. Hill,
C. S . Wclsluius, A. M. Ihi-nes, George A. I%iii, It. M. Ehrkness,
(:htirivs 1. ltobei*tq, G. C. Greciirvay, Virgil V. Moore, W.tJ. Sparks,
J . 1. 13ntlcr, Thomas l%:irrow,Willirini 1. lillans, William K. Davis,
tJ:tnm 11. lC:~slcy,11. It. Garrett, 34. I). Smallrnan, ,J. C. Judkins,
Daiiiel E. 13row11, Chnrles 1i. Ilnrris, Hobcut 1,. larrish, Edw. H.
l)a\+, .John A. Lcwis, V. IIcwitt, Gcorge W. Hunt, Thomas I).
Grcgor~.,hlcx. 1% AIoorc, 1t. Y. Ilxrrison, W. T. Valke, 1. W.
Arrington, 117. L. Xc(;:irighy, Alfred Ilolmes, Albert 1%Allen, McH.
1ll&+lax, 13. ,J. l h r l ) j , George Connar, J. T. rI:mnc.hill, F. Ihilips,
T. lieynolds, C. 11. Gordon, A. McGlashan, ,Jaincs W. Mitchell, S. G .
Turner, Frank Jones, J . It. McIntosh, W. P. McGowcn, Robert E.
(;arnier, Tlionixs 11. Gibson, D. 1L W. McIver, to be adjutants, with
thc rarik of first licotcnunts; J . 11. French, Thoiiias N. Minter, to be
assistant coniniisbaries, with the rank of captains, rcported, with the
recoininelidation t h a t all of said non1in:Ltions be confirmed.
The Senate proceetlcd to consider said report; and i n concurrence
therewith, i t was
12esolq;etl. That the Senate advise and consent to thcir appoint,lnent,
agreeably to the nornii~atioiisof the Prosidont.
Mr. Sparrow, frotii the Coiiiiriittcc on ,Military Affairs, to whom

were referred the nominations of W. G. Calahan, to be major; Virgil
MTeaver, Stark A . Stxtton, W. E. Stitt, A. E. Hichards, H. B. Bicksler,
John 3%. Bobixison, Lewis Harman, William Ihnovant, Fred W.
Airey, I%. L. Keen, to he captains; John W. Carter, Adolph I-.BTebre,
to be first lieutenants; H. D. Thompson, Ed. M. Poe, desse W. Avant,
Jatilcs W. Jordan, W. W. Kirkland, K. Taylor, B. A. Shotwell, Tnd. C.
Francis, Fcstus King, Charles J . Harper, and Andrew Kreutz, to be
second licu tcnants, reported, with the recommendation that all of said
nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
R,~&,*ed, That the Senate advise arid consent to their appointment
agrceahly to the iiorniiztitioiis of the Prcsidcnt.
Mr. Sparrow, from tho Coininittee on Military Affairs, to whom
was rcferrcd the noinination of R. L. Braselman, to be second lieutenant in the lrovisiotid Rrniy of the Confederate States, reported, with
the reconiiiiciidatioii that said noiiiination be confirmed.
The Heiiete procecdcd to consider said report,; and
On motion I)y Mi. Sparrow, that the further consideration be postporicd until t(>-morrow,
On motion 1)y MY.Mitchel,
Thc Senate rcsolvcil into open legislative session.



27, 1864.


Mr. Jernison (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 47) to facilitate the settlement of the claim
soldiers ;
which was rcad the first and second times and referred to the Co&rnittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Walker submittcd the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolwd, That t h e Committee on Military Affairs he instructed to inquire into the
expediency of so anlending the act to organize forces to serrc during the war,
appiored February seventeenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, a8 to provide for
the exemption from military service of the necessary officers of steamboats engaged
in transportation for the Government.

Mr. Sparrow, from tlrc Committee on Military Affairs, reported

A bill (S. 48) to amend the act to provide an invalid corps, approved
Februtiry 17, 1864;
which was read the first and second times and ordered t

tion of the following title

EI. R. 12. A n act to pr
c.ommissionec1 oMcers a n

M a y 27, 1864.1





SATIJRDAP, MAY 28, 1864.


Mr. Sparrow (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 49) to authorize the manufacture of spirituous liquo
the> w e of the Army and hospitals;
\vliich XVBS read the first and second times and referred to the Corn
tee on Militnry Affairs.
Mr. Caperton submitted the following re
sidered and agreed to:

Rrsoltwt, That the Coniinittce on Fmeipn Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
expedieucy of requestin# the Iresiden t of thc Confederate States to make a n exposition, throngli our cciriiini,~sioriersabroad, to the various European powers to which
t h y 111aybc atcrcditcd, of the yiolatiom of the rules of civilized warfare and of the
atrocities conm~ittcdb y tlic (>ovcrnmcnt and thc armies of the United States in the
prosccntion of hostilitic~against tlic Confederate States of America.

On niotion by MY.Maxwell,
Ortlered, That thc Conimittee on Goniinerce be discharged from the further conPiticration of the bill ( 6 . 46) to create a department of foreign and interior supplies,
aiitl to rcgutnte the cvllcction of import and cxport duties.
1211.. Sparrow, froiu tho Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
wcro rc4errtd tlic nniendnwiits o f the House of Representatives to the
bill (S. 4) to proride m~aiisof transit across t
Incnibcrs of Coiigr
residing west of said
returning froin the
Sederate States Congre
011t :1111end11ien t.
ed t o consider the amen
bill (S. 4) last mention
h ~ ~ o k w Thttt
d , tkiey concur therein.
Orc&wJ, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Illy. Hill, from the Conirnittee on the Judiciary, reported
il bill (S.50) to regtilate the selection of juries in the district courts
of the Confederate States i n certain cases;
which T V ~ J read the first arid second times nnd considered as in Committee of the V\~hole;arid no aiiiendment being proposed, it was
rcported to thc Senate.
ecl, Fhat it he engrossed a r i d read a third time.
id bill was rcad thc third time.
Resolwd, That it pass, and that the title there
O d m t Z , That the Secretary request th
of Reprcscn tati vcs therein.
JIr. Ilill, from the Committee 011 the Judicia
referred the hill (S. 38) for the payment
under the act erititled Ail act tosuspend
habeas corpris in certain cases, and to c
said commissioners, reported j t with amendments.
079de~ed,That the bill and amendments be printed.
Mr. Ilaynes, from the Conirnittee 011 the Judiciar
referred the bill (1.R. 53) to amend an act of t
An act to provide for holding el
Congress of the Confedcmt,e States i
it with an amendment.

Nay 28,1864.1



The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the V7hole, to the consideration of the said bill; and the reported amendment having been
agreed to, t h e bill was reported to the Senate and the amendment was
concurred in.
Odered, That the amendment bc engrossed and the bill read a
third time.
The said bill as amended was read th e third time.
Resolved, That i t gass with an amendment.
On motion by Mr. Hayries, the title mas amended to read: An act
to amend an act entitled An act to provide for holding elections of
Itepresrntatives i n the Congress of the Confederate States in the State
of Tennessee, approved May first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three.
Orc,wed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives in the aniendment.
Mr. Graham, fro111 the Joint Committee on Impressments, reported
the following bills; which were severally read the tirst and second
times and ordered t o be plawd upon the Calendar and printed:
S. 51. A bill to provide supplies fo r the Army and to prescribe the
mode of making impressments; and
S. 52. A bill providing for the establishment and payment of claims
for pro erty taken or informally and unwarrantably impressed for the
use of t e Government.
Mr. Ca erton (by leave) introduced
A bfll
53) to amend the several acts in relation to a volunteer
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Commiton Naval Affairs.
MY. Raker snhmittcd the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:


Resolved, That the Committee on Military _Iffairs be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of amending the act to provide for the public defense, approved March
sixth, eighteen hnndrrd and sixty-four, by authorizing the appointment of assistant
quartermasters for battalions.

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution submitted by

iMr. Johnson of Missouri on the 26th instant, to rescind the resolution
passed hy the two Houses fixing Tuesday, the 3Sst instant, as the day
for the adjournment of the present session of Congress; and
On motion by Mu. Johnson of Xilissouri,
O d e r e d , That the further consideration of the resolution be postponed until Monday next.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, t o the Consideration of the bill ( S . 48)to amend the act to provide an invalid corps,
approved February 17, 1864,
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to amend t h e bill by inserting after
( 6
seamen, line 7, the words
ordinary seamen, landsmen, and boys of the Navy, and the noncommimioned officers, musicians, and privates of the Marine Corps,

It wds determined in the affirmative.

The bill having been further amended on the motion of Mr. Sparrow,
it was reported to the Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
O~dered,That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolued, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.


May 24, lF64.l



constitutional power of the Senate b y order entered on its Journal to postpone nominations niade during the session for further consideration to the ensuing session, and
at such cnsuine session to co~ifirmor reject the same: Therefore,
Resolved, That the Coininittee on Rules be instructed to report a rule providing
that ~ioininationsnot confirincd or rejected a t t h e session a t which they are made,
shall not be acted on a t aiiy mcceeding session without being again made by the
Resolved, That all nominations made at the last or any preceding session and
postponed by order of the Senate to this sess~on,be h i d on the table and the Presitlrnt inlornied that the Senatt., having adopted the role mentioned in the preceding
resolution, decline acting upon thein.

On motion hy Mr. eJetiiison, to aniend the aineridnwnt proposed by

Mr. Wallier by striking out thc preamble thereto,
It w:is deteimincd i t t thr ncgative.
On the qucstion to agrc'c to tho atnendiiient proposed Irp MY.
to the resolution,
- - - 'I1
It was determined in the ~Airniative, aFs ..._
-- - - - _ . _ _ . _7
_ _ _
On motion by RIr. O rr,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the aflirinativa arc,
Messrs. 13aimwel1, Hxyne,s, Henry, Hill, Jeinison, Johnson of Georgia, Orr, Senimes. Spawow, Walker, and \Vatson.
Thosc who voted in t,he negttive x c ,
Messrs. Caperton, Grahani, funtcr, Johnson of Arkawas, Johnson
of Missouri, Mitchcl, and Oldham.
On the question to agree to thc resoliltion as amended,
1 Teas.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 9
I t TV:LS detrrn~inedin thc :iAirniatire, 1 Nays ..__ _ _ . . _ _ -8 - _ _
On motion by MY.Scnimcs,
The yeas and nay.; h i n g dcsircld by one-lift11of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the affiriirstim arc,
Messrs. 1Snrnw ell, Calwrton, Graham, Hill, IIuntcr, Jemivon, Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson of Missouri, and Walker.
Those who voted in the negative w e ,
>~cssI's.Ilrnry, ,Johnson of Arliansm, Mitchel, Oldham, Om,
Semmes, Sparrow, and \\'atson.
On niotion 1)s Mr. Henry, to reconsider the vote last mentioned,
I t mas dctermined in t h c negative.
So the resolution RS aiiieridcd was :igreed to.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the motion submitted by
Mr. Graham on the 25th instant, to lay on the table the resolutions
submitted by blr. Hill, from the Comrnittec on the *Judiciary, in relation to nominations continued or postponed for further consideration
from onc session of thc: Sciinte to another; st id
C).l&red, That the resolritionr he laid on the table.
On motion by MY.Orr,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

{ ?:--


[ M a y 30, 1864.

May 30, 1864 J



The Senate resumed the consideration of tho resolution submitted

by Nr.Johnson of hfissouri on tlic 26th instant, to rescind the resolution passed by the two Honws fixing- 'rimday, the 31st instant, as
the day for the adjournment of the present session of Congress; and
On motion by Mr. Sprrow,
Ordered, That the furthcr considerntion of the resolution be postponed until to-morrow.
On motion by Mr. ,Johnson of Arliansnq, thovotc, on agreeing to the
motion to postpone t h e fiwtlior cwnsidci,ation of the resolution until
to-morrow mas recoiisid~red.
The Senate resuuied the consic1cr:ition oi siiid niotion; :~ n d
On the question to agrcc tlici-cto,
It was detei*mincd i n tlic ncg:tttivc.
On motion by M r . I h r n w ~ l l ,
OrdeEcred, That Llie rwoliition lie iipon thc~tsblc.
cd, a-; in Comniiltcr of tlie TJ'l~ole, to thc conThe Senate pro
icnt of coninii~\ioncr~
sideration of the bi
.nd tho pririlcgc of tho writ of
under the act, entitled
to c ~ i f ca(lr.txin
~ r
p \ v c r s upon
habeas corpus in cert
said commissione t's.
On motion by 311.. Orr, to :mend the bill 1)y ikirig out of Ihr first
section t h e words
the coinpensation of the jntlges of tlie military courts n liile cJng>igcdill the perforinmice of their duties, anti that their arsi&ntu shnll bcl t ~ 1 I o ~ v 'tlie
~ ' d p y of judge-advocate of the said courts,

and inserting in lien thcrcof the words

TJ liilc actually engaged
1i,d1 hc ollowc(l tlir stun
n:iiicc 01 their duly,

as conipensation for roch wrvic

i n the performance of their (lu
of seven dollars pvr (la! \I lrilc

It was determined in th
The amendments reportocl from tlic Coiiiiitittcv 011 tlw J ndiciaiy
having been agreed to,
On motion by Mr. ~Snrnwcll,f u r l l i r r to :uiicnd tlir. bill 1)y striking
out of the first scction thc following proviso:
niiv-ioncr plinl i bc :ippointtd i n any one
It s1l:lII bc elnl'lo\wl for that 1"1rpov,

Prooided, That not iiiore t l i u 01

State, and that not iiiorr than one

It was dcterniined i n the. zf%imhv(L.

On motion by Mr. Grahtmi, to t ~ i i i ~ i ithe
d bill by inwrting the following independent section :
SEC.-. And it is herebv dt.clured that nothing contaiiietl in
"An act to suspend the privilegcl of
writ o't 1i:tbwscorpus ii
be construed to alter tlir law ot :ur
and eoriintitiiient; anii t ti
arrested and detained by virtiir the f 111 any of the casts enunieratttecl tlielein unless
charged on oath with 8 0 n i c one nf tho oifcnrc.~n~entionctlin tile mine, or unless i n
cases of exigent arrest without warrant, in T\ Irich latter instdr1c.c- thc party arrested
shall be detained by reason of said arrebt, only uulil such oath c'an be colivenicntly
made and proper process of law L.IIC(I out,
A question was raised by Mr. Y p a ~ ~ o w
under the tivon1

tieth clause of the ninth scction of the first article of the Constitntjon,
the amendment T F ~ Sin order; and
The Fresident gro tempore, under t h sixth rule of t h e Senato, took
the sense of the benatc thereon; : ~ n d
On t h e question,
Is the proposed atnendmtmt i n order?


[May 30,1&i4.

It was determined in the negative.

So it was decided by the Senate that the amendment was not in
N o further amendment being proposed, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
O.rdered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
BewZved, That i t pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordeed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordeed, That the petition of Margaret A. Rice, on the files of the
Senate, be referred to the Committee on Finance.
On motion >y Mr. Hill,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Maxwell, that the Scnatr take a recess until 3
oclock p. m.,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Walker, that tho Senate proceed to the consideration of the resolution submittcd by Mr. cJohnson of Missouri on
the 26th instant, t o rescind the rcsolution passed by the two Houses
fixing Tuesday, the 31st instant, as the day for the adjournment of the
present session of Congrces,
It WBS determined i n the negative.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate took n recess unkil half past 2 oclock p. In.


ssage from the IIouse of Rcpremitatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mi-. President: The Home of Itcpresentatives have passed a hill (H. R. 125) to
establish certain post routes thcrclin nn~ned;in which they reqnest the concurrence
of the Senate.
They have agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the hill (1-1. It. 52) to amend
an act of this Congress entitled An :wt to provide for holding elections of Representatives in the Congress of t h e Contec~erateStates in the State of Tennessee.
And they have pabsed lhr following resolution; i n hicli they request the co~~currence of the Senate:
Rcsolved, That the joint resoltition fixing the time for the adjournment of the Penate and llouse of Itepreseiitatives on the thirty-tirst clay of May, eighteen hnndred
and sixtv-four, bc, ancl is herehy, rescinded, and that the Prcsident of, the Senate and
the Speakcr of the EIousc of Reprc.ent~tivesadjotiriitheir respective Houses at twelve
oclock meridian on Tuesday, qJnnesesenth.
The Speaker of the IIouse of Heptewitatives having signed snndry enrollecl bills
and an enrolled joint resolution, 1 ani dircctetl to bring them to the Senate for the
signature of their President.

The Senate proceedccl to consider the resolution of the House of

Representatives extcnding the time for the adjournment of the present
sesjsion of Congress: ancl
Bewlved, That they concur therein.
Omked, That the Secretary in forin the Honse of Representatives
The bill (1.13,. 125) received this day from the House of Representatives for concurrcncc was read the first and second tinies and referred
to the Committee on Post-OBces and Post-Boads.


May 30, 1864.1


The follo~vingmessage was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

, ."lay 28,1864.

To the Senate and House of 1ZepresPntalws:

I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of
War, covering copies of several reports of inilitarv operations, together with a co y
of a letter from Gen. It. E. h e , in which he ex;resses his disapproval of the pupblication of such reports, and to which I invite your special attention.
The message ma4 r e d .
O i d w tJ,
~ 'I'hat it be re.ferred to the Coninlittee on Militai~yAffairs.
'l'ho folk)\\ing niessngc was wceivcd from the President of the Confedeixtc States, I)? l l r . IS. 5 . Harrison, his Secretary:
R ~ c n v o ~ r ) ,i , J f i y SO, 1864.
To tlip S e , i c i i p crnd IJotr,c of R r p i ctentnttzm.
I Iietru it11 tin:iwit lor. J our toir>deration a ~~oii~nii:nicatioii
from the Secretary of
the 'J'ieawi J', siihiittj~iga11 cstitnate of nn ndtlitjonal suiii required for the support
of the t;o\ crlilllcnt.
r ,

I he 1nc..gc

Was rcxl.

it be referred to the Coininittee on Fin:incc.

l h e following 1iicss:Lge was i.rcc.ived froin the President of the ConO d e i MI, That

federate StRtPs, by Mr. I3. N. IIarrison, his Secretary:

1iIcrivosi), VA., $fay 30, 16Gd.

,Cen(iir ond Iloriar of R~prc~\errkdzres.
T Iiprvn i t l r ttanstiiit ior 7 our considrration corrimntiic*tioiis from the proper ofti('em ~nl)iiiittingestttrixtv\ o t t h e a t i i o u i i t r tcqnircd to cariv ont the provisions of the
l ' i ~ilre

1:' additioiial c~oii,p;'~isatioii

to vertain officers
ti\ t1el):trtnients of (lie (?(J\ eriitiient.

l'crrcd to the Coinmittcc on Finance.

1 tic folio\\ ing 1 1 i c 5 q y ma5 rwcivcd froni tlrc l'rcridcnt of the Con, 1)y htr. 13. N. IImriwn, hi, Sccwtary:

r ,

To tlru Senrcfr tr,rd l l o i i v of

IZij)re\m((riti I E (go(lie ('onfctli i i t / ( t W t c / ~ sof Anterzctr:

orgimi/c ii ~ P I W J L+iff
~ ~ for arii,icJ<i n tlie field, to serve dureil I)! vour pre(leiwqor.i m i l s i i h r i t t c ~ t ior
l my approval at the

clost. of t h e last fies\

I wv ~ i n x h l eto aplwove it, a n d lion tlePirr to state niy objections to it, as well as
niy virwr on thi5 iinportant subject. in the hope that, by a cvniparison of opinion,
fiouie iiieaww niay be ftainetl eqnally ac~~.ptable
to tlie Icgklative and cmwntive

dcpm ttwiits of t l i ~
Go1 ~riiiii(wt
1 IxJlir\e i t to be cstdbliil~c~f
b y tltc c\p(wcncc of Bwope, nu 1rell as ourown, that
it is iitipratc%ic.ableto organin. a i i d atltriiniLter ai rnies \\ Ith cflic4enry H Ithont the aid


[May 90,1864.

of promotion, founded on their own merit and length of good service, is as

y to the officers of the general staff as to thoseof the line, furnishing the best
. stimulus known to honorable exertion and zealous discharge of duty. This stimulus
can not exist unlem t h e staff be organized into one corps, responsible to one chief,
who, thus becoming intimately acquainted with t h e capacity and merits of each, is
able properly to distribute the duties so as to secure the services of the right man in
the right place, and afford to each an opportunity for distinction. If otherwise, each
staff officer becomes dependent upon the particular commander with whom he is
serving. No means of comparison exist between the relative merits of the officers.
Each looks for promotion to the favor of his general, and rises in grade not by his
own relative merit, but by the patronage of his commander. A gallant and able
commander, whose own promotion is exceptionably rapid by reason of his special
merits, is thus enabled t o lift to higher grades t h e officers of his staff to whom he
has become attached by companionship in the field, although these officers may be
far inferior i n merit and length of service to others whose duties have connected
them with generals less distinguished. Promotion thus becomes with the staff a
matter of hazard, dependent, not on the merit of the officer himself, but of the
general with whom he serves, and heartburnings, jealousy, and discontent arc the
natural results of so false a system.
Again, if the general staff is not formed into corps there will not be the esprit
necessary in all military organizations, and there can not be the cointelligence among
the officers thereof which secures the certain and rapid communication of all information through the different parts of a n army. There will also be embarrassment in
their tenure of office and assignment to duty, as when a general officer dies, or is
relieved from his command, there remain no duties to be performed by the staff
which had been authorized for him especially. However valuable or meritorious
the officers may be they are displaced by the staff chosen by the successor of their
commander. Nothing remains but to deprive them of their commissions without
fault of their own, or to keep them in service as supernumeraries, and thus to add to
the number of officers already i n excess of the wants of the Army.
Again, an organization of a general staff should possess flexibility, so that the proper
number and class of staff officers can be sent where needed. If an inflexible rule of
assignment be fixed by legislation, some commands will be cumbered with unnecessary officers, while others will be deficient in the number indispensable to perform
the necessary duties. Legislation would surely be considered unwise if it allotted by
inflexible rule the number of troops to be used in each military department, yet it
would be scarce1 more objectionable than the assignment of the same specified
number of staff o&em to each commander according to his grade, thus applying a
general rule to a series of cases each requiring special treatment.
The inspecting duties in an army ought not, in my judgment, to be separated from
those of the adjutanta. The erroneous impression prevails that an inspecting department, independent of the general staff, is established in most of the armies of
Europe. The reverse is the fact, and the duties of inspection are so iritirnately connected with the other duties of the general staff that they can be properly performed
by it alone. The objections to the separation are manifold. I n the first place, officers having no other than inspecting duties must frequently be unemployed even in
war, while in peace their duties will occupy but very little time. Next, it is to be
observed that where t h e adjutants and inspectors form one corps the duties of the
adjutant make him familiar with the details of the service where reform and discipline are most needed, and thus render him more competent to effective inspection
when assigned to that duty than he could be if exclusively employed as inspector.
Lastly, the duties of an inspector are such as not to render the officer who performs
them acceptable to his brother officers, if hig duty be properly performed. It is not
to be wondered at that an officer, whose duties ni? not be inappropriately described
as those of a detective, should, if his duty be riglily performed, incur somewhat of
the odium of an informer, and when these duties constitute the sole setvice of an
officer permanently attached to an army he must become either so lax in their performance as to render him useless, or his professional pride and self-respect are
wounded, and his relations with his brother officers unfavorably affected by the distrust and dislike resulting from his official reports. When, however, an assistant
adjutant and inspector general is from time to time assigned to the making of necessary inspections at various points, this temporary discharge of an unpleasant duty
becomes but an incident in his professional career, and does not affect his relations
with his brother officers.
Having stated these-as the general principles which, in my judgment, should
govern legislation on the subject, the objections to the bill passed a t the last session
can be more easily understood, and I proceed to state them briefly:
I. The first section of the bill authorizes a general commanding armies or a sepa-

May 30, 1864.1



rate army to assign to duty one of the general officers under his command as chief
of staff, one of the brigadier-generals under his coininand as inspector-general, and
one other brigadier as chief quartermaster; one officer below the rank of brigadier as
chief commissary, and one a? chief of ordnance.
This poi\ er of assigrrni~ritis given withont reference to, or consultation with, t h e
War Department or the Exernti\ e, and might be exercised in contravention of the
vieqs and judgment of both. Leaving out of view the question whether it is i n
accordance with the Constitution to make t h e comniander of a n arm inde endent
o f the Commander in Chief, in t h e discharge of any of the duties of Eis off!ce, and
looking only to the effect of s u d i a s\ $tern, it plainly creates i n this branch of t h e
service as many indeprndent execntii cs as there are generals commanding armies i n
the field, and thus dcLstroyst h a t uiiity of design and concert of action which are
indispensable eleiiients of siiwcss in \1 ar. T h e generals commanding armies would
be, bv this aection, T ested n itli the right to derange the organization of their comiiiands as settled 11.y the ('omnancler in Chief by renioring from their appropriate
fnnctions the cLoiiiiiiiintltmot corps, tli\ isions, and brigades, whom the Executive had
selected aud the Peiiate had approved RY specially fitted to lead the troops in battle.
That t h e geiieral c om in an ding the ainiy lias under the terms of this section t h e
right of asyigning general officers niider his coninrand to the duties of the general
ptaff, ~ i t h o u treteieiice to the authority of tlie Executive, is plain from the other
sections 1% hicli declnre that the l'iesident is to appoint, with the advice of tho Senate,
tlie qtafk of a l l general officers, other than those who command armies.
Nor does this section restrict the tornmanding gcneral in relation to the branch of
sellice 01 the grade of the oficers wlioni he is permitted to assign to commissary
and oidnance duties of the general stsff. I t is only necessary that they be below
the rank of brigadier-general. The cornmanding general would have the power,
theicfoie, to assign a captain coniinissary to be chief of ordnance, or a lieutenant of
infantry to be chief cboiiiniiqsary, without check or control from the President or
Senate, u hile the President would be without power to appoint subordinates to the
officers thus selected l y tlie general of an army, without submitting their nominations for the approval of the Senate Not only, therefore, is all order of authority
intervertetl by these provisions, but the ofticers assigned to duty by the commanding
generals, not being perinmelit nieinbers of the general staff, would be independent
of its chief, and inextricable confusion \\-auld neclesrarily result.
This section, so fai froiri respoilding to the title of the bill by providing a general
staff, in reality breaks np that which now exists, subdivides it into a number of
small bodies irrespunsible to the head of the department, and destroys the possibility
of any regular, consistent, and intelligent cooperation in the action of our forces, so
essential to succcss. Its effect is to create a staff for generals, not a general staff.
If a conteqt should arise betueen the quartermaster-generals, t h e commissariesgeneral, or the chiefs of ordnance of generals A and B, in any district of country
for supplies or inems of transportation, who is to deterniine between these rivals,
each equal in authority, and each dependent on a separate chief? How are the
chiefs of those bureaus in Richmond to apportion the supplies in store according to
the wants of the different armies, witliont authoiity to exact from them reports and
returns? If it be said that these officers would beconie tem orarily responsible t o
the heads of Depai tnients, how is this responsibility to be en&rced, if the orders of
the general and thuse of the chief of the Department should conflict? If ordnance
depots are piovided at different point? for different commands, how is the officer in
charge 01 these depots to act, if ordered by the chief of ordnance of a general in the
field to make a different disposal of tho stores, from that ordered by the head of the
Departrnent in Bichniond'?
I f buch a bill should become a law, in vain would the War Department seek to
cxact rigid obediencse to law or orders from t h e irresponsible staff created under ib
1)rovi"ions. 111vain would it seek for the information necessary for its guidance, or
attcnipt to change the ielative strength of armies to meet the varying movements of
the enemy. Tlie staff officers could be made the ready and safe means of thwarting
the Government i i i its 01ders for the rcmoval of troops from one command to reenforce threatened poritions in another, and could be easily rendered subservient to
the natural but dangerous propensltj of most commanders to retain all the troops
under their own control for t h e safety of their own commands, without reference to
more urgent needs a t other points.
It i s crarcely necessary to add t o these considerations more than a bare allusion to
the tendency of such bodies of officers, when dependent for their own promotion on
the favor of their special chiefs, to resort to agencles less commendable than the
yealous discharge of their legitimate duties for the attainment of their desires.
11. Another very objectionable feature of the bill proposed 1s its effect on the Ofi-



[May 30,1864.

cers of the general staff other than those who may be selected as the favorites of
commanding generals.
Numbers of zealous. meritorious. and valuable officers have made the duties of the
general staff objects of special study, have embraced the staff as a branch of the profession in wh-ich, under existing laws, they are entitled to promotion for merit and
long service, just as the line officers have a right to promotion in their branch.
This MI1 deprives the staff officers of this, the great incentive to the zealous discharge of duty. I t debars them from promotion to the higher grades of their own
branch of Fervice, and bestows these prizes of honorable ambition on the officers of
will thus monopolize the promotions to the higher grades, both in the
to the entire exclusion of the officers of the latter. Few will be willing
the staff under such circumstances. Those who consent to continue
east ambitious of promotion, and the whole staff pervice will be impaired
in tone and efficiency.
111. The assignment of general officers to staff duties, as provided in the bill, would
leave many brigades, some divisions, and, perhaps, some corps, without their appropriate commanders, and nn provision is made to supply the vacancies thus created.
Are their commands to be consitlered vacant and successors appointed? If so, what
is to become of those assigned to staff duty should the commanding general revoke
the assignment? If the contmrv, many brigades will be commandecl by the officer
next in rank to the assigned brcgadier, however incompetent, snch oliicer may be to
command a brigade, and the like would occur as to divisions and corps, in contravention of the policy well considered and established that general officer3 are
appointed by selection for merit, and not promoted by seniority. If the commanding general is ordered to another command, is he to take his staff with him, or is he
to leave it for service with his successor? In either case is the whole general staff of
each army to be changed at. the caprice of the new coininantler? This must be the
effect of the bill, for the power to a3sign necessarily implies the power to revoke, as
it would otherwise be equivalcnt to a permanent appointinent that could only be
made by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate.
IV. The fourth objection to the bill is that it applies one rigid rule for the number
of the general staff, based solely on the rank of the commander, and having no reference to the necessities of a command. The staff allowed is excessive in number
and rank in many instance^ and entirely inadequate in others. A law providing a
general staff on such a basis as i s assumed in 1 his bill can not, from its very nature,
be executed according to its terms. The labor required of the staff connected with
a brigade, division, or corps depends on the fact of its being part of an army or a
separate command, as well as on the number of men, the extent of the country over
which operations are to be contluctetl, the abundance or scarcity of supplies in the
district, the existence or absence of railroad, river, or other transportation, the concentration or dispersion of the troops, and the many other circwmstances which control
military movements in time of war. I t is impossible to apply a rigid, unbending
rule to such diverse cases.
An organization into corps meets all these difficulties, by providing for assignment
of the proper number of officers to different conniiaiids acwrding to the needs of each.
V. The number and rank of the aids-de-camp allowed by the bill is believed to be
greatly in excess of those allowed by other governments, and quite uiisuitetl to the
nature of ours. They would rather impede than improve the service-thev would
encourage a love of ostentation and fced a fondness for vain display, which should
rather be discouraged than fostered. The experience of this war has denionstrated
that the most efficient comnianders, t l i o ~ ewho have most attracted the respect, gratitude, and admiration of their country, have avoided the large retinue of personal
staff which this bill would seem to sanction as proper or desirable.
VI. The objection to the enormons increaw i n the number of officers and expenditure that would result from the pas~apeof such a bill becomes a matter of serious
concern when no corresponding iixrease ot efficiency is secured; of still graver importance, when the opposite result I R to be feared.
According to the bill as passed. the staff would einbracr an addition of about four
hundred officers, involving an incieased annual expenditure for pay, rations, forage,
and allowance, amounting to $1,138,728, above the present staff as organized by
general orders under existing lepislation.
If generals are to be allowed to change the Ftaff of each army, to which they may
be assigned, a t their pleasure, it IS diffic~~lt
to calculate the extent to which this
abuse would grow, the number of men that \voulti be drawn from usetul service to
cumber the staff, or the increase of expenditure involved.



?.lay 30, 1864.1

Coiigress will prrceile that wilh objectioiis 80 radical it was inipossible for me to
approre the bill passed a t the last bession, and that the wbject was too important to
be treated in a hurried mceeage within the lnst few hours of the close of a Congress.
Concurring in the expedieiic y of legislntion for the organization of a general staff,
I ha\e thought a full exposition of niy rie\\s on the subject would, perhaps, conduce
to the framing of a rneasurc whrc.11 voultl wrry into effect the views of the legislative
department, while excluding thc provisions Bliich have compelled ine to decline
approving that devised by sour predecessors.
R I C ~ ~ X O Nm,!l
~ .

JS, 1864

The message IVRS read.

Owle-rcd, That i t lie up011 the table.
On niotioir by Alr. SvinInes,
The Senate adjourned.

M r . Hill, from the Conimittccl o n the ,Jndiciary, to whom mas

refcrred the conmimication from Thoinas C. Reynolds, gover
the State o f Missouri, in relation to the racancy ex is th g i n the
sentation of that State i n the Confederate Skates Senate, subm
report (KO. 3 ) ; which was read.
On inotion by MI.. Johnson of illi*k:tnsas,
O-rdcred, That it lie upon the table.
Leave wab granted Mr. rJolinbonof Misbouri, on his motion, t
mnnicate to the governor of thc State of Missouri a copy of the said
report, togethcr with the action of the Senate thereon.
On motion 10s JIr. M I ,
O ~ d o m - 7 Ihat
thc injunction of secrecy k)e removed from the first
section o f the act c~rititledAn act to fix the time for the assembling of
the Congress at it4 rrcxt regular se~sion,Ctc., :~pprovedMay 27, 1864.
A message f i m i thc Yrwident of the Confedcrate States, by Mr.
K. N. Harrison, his Secretarj:
iWT. ZJlesdanl: The President of thc Confetlerat(JStates, on the 27th instant, approved
and signed the following act and joint resolution:
S. 16. An act to fix the time for the assembling of the Congress at its next regular
session, and to authorize the President to convene (lie Congress at any place other
than the seat of government; and
S. 6. Joint resolution to aritliorixe thc reiiioinl of the public. archives and of the
Exectiti\ e Departments of the Government.

T h a t the Sccwkaiy inform the IIouse of Representatives
Mr. Sparrow (by leave) introduced
A hill (S. 57) to provide for the appointrncnt of o&cers with temporary rank and command;
which wa.: read thc first and second times and considered as in Com. mittee of the Wholo.
On motion by Mr. Johndon of Arkansa3, to amend the bill b striking out, section 1, lines 10 and 11, the words such cominan s as he
may deem proper and inserting in lieu thereof the words ang;
ap ropriate command where the commanding officer may be absent,
motion bp Mr. Sparrow, to amend the proposed amendment by
striking out the words where the commanding officer may be absent,
It was determined in th e affirmative.




[ M a y 30, 1864.

On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. ,Johnson of Arkansas? as amended,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion b Mr. Brown, to.amend the bill hy inserting after rank
of, section 1, ine 6, the words major, lieutenant-colonel, colonel,
It was determined in the negative,
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas, to amend the hill by insertin after appoint, section 1, line 6 , tho word Temporary,
f t ww determined in the nffirmlttivc.
On motion by Mr. Ow, to amend thc bill by striking o u t the words
President may consider their servicts therein necessary, section 2,
lines 4,5, and 6, and inserting in lieu thereof the word Ltenipornry
exigency may require,
It W&Y deterniined in the affirmative.
No further aniendmont being made, thr hill was r c p o r t d to the
Senate and the amendnients wcrc concwri*cdin.
Om!md7 That the bill be engrossed and rcsd R third tiiiic.
The said bill was road the t>hirdtime.
Ecmlved, That it puns, :tiid t,hrtt the titltb thercof 1)r :I\ :tforcsaid.
Thirt the Srcrctary requc& tho eo~ictirr(:nwof the Ilousc
of Represent& ves thc rci n.
On motion hy MI.. Orr,
The Scuate resolved into cxc:ciit,ivc! sossiori.

Ma)- 30, 1864.1


Richmond, May 9.9,1864.

SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following noniiiiation for appointment in
the Marine Corps:
Second lieutenant.
Everard T. Eggleston, of Texas, vice Second Lieut. 17. MacRee, prclmoted.
I am, respectfully, your obedient clervant,
Sccretary of the N y y .

The message was read.

Order&, That it he referwd to the Coriiiiiittec on Naval Affairs.

Rrcm+oNI>,VA., N n y 50, 1864.

To the A n a t e of the Confederate Sitrtrs.
Agreeably to the recornnientlatioii of the Attorney-General, I hereby nominate
James H. Patterson, t o be district attoiney for the eastern district of Arkansw.
RicAmontE, Trrt , Nuy 90,1864.
SIR:I have the honor t o recomineritl that James H. Patterson he appointed district attorney of the Confederate States for the eastern district of Arkansas, in the
place of W. M. Randolph, removed for disloyalty.

The messa e wab read.

Ordered, $hat it he referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
IA.,May 27, 186.4.
To the Senate qf thc Conjedevcite States.
Agreeably t o the recommendation of the lostmaster-C;eneral, 1 hereby nominate
the pcrsons named upon the annexed lipt to the offices designated.
~ S T - O F F I C I)&IAItTMExT,
Kichnaond, iifay 26, 1864.
SIR.I have the honor to recommend for appointment as postmasters, with the
advice and consent of the Senate, the following-named persons, who were appointed
during t h e recess of the Senate.
March 5, 1864, N. A. Bull, Orangeburg, S. C., vire J. Ir. Glover, resigned.
Marrh 2 I , 1664, Nathan Seligrnan, Shreveport, La., vice George Tucker, resigned.
March 21, 1664, Henry Townsend, Wetunipka, Ala., vice L. F. Townsend, resigned.
March 23, 1864, Richard C. Wallace, Georgetown, 8. C., vice W. McNulty, resigned.
April 1, 1864, Koah L. Cloud, Bainhridge, Ga.
April 16, 1864, Rufus W. Daniel, )Veldon, N. C.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and

VA., May 30, 1864.
To tkP Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Postmaster-General, I hereby nominate
E. A. Thomas, to be postinaster at Holly Springs, Miss.
Richmond, va., Jfuy 28, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend for appointment as postmaster, with the
advice and consent of the Senate, E. A. Tho~uas,Holly Springs, Marshall County,
Very respectfully, yow obedient servant,


ittee on Post-Offices a
Va., May 30, 186
10 the Smate of the Conjedernte xtates:

Agreeabl to the recommendation of

aster-General, I hereby nortiinate
Starr, to be agent of the Post-Office Department for the country west of
Dr. James
the Mississippi River.


Richmond, May 30, 1864.

SIR: 1 have the honor to recomrnend for appointment, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, Dr. James 1. Starr, of Pracogtloches,Tex., as agent of the
Post-Office Department for the country weet of the Mississippi River, a8 authorized
by an act of Congress approved February 10, 1864.
Very respectfully, your obcdient servant,

Tho mossa e was read.

O.r*dewd, hat it ba referred to tho Committee on Post-Offices and
Pou t-Roads.

C O N K I ~ E R ASrnms


A,ricitrc,\, Ex

To (he Smtle of tkc Confedrwte S/o:ltrlcs:

Agrecabl to the rccoinnirndatioii of the Secretary of War, I rioiirinate Col. Bryan
Grimes, of Korth Crtrolintr, t o bc a brigadier-general in the Provisional Army of the
Confedprato States of Aiiiericaa.

SIR:I have the honor to recoinniencl the notnination of Col. Bryan

North Carolilia, to be a t)ripatlier-general in the Irovisiond Ammy of the
States of America, to corniiiantl the late General Daniels brigade, Army of Northern
Virginia, to rank from Ma I!), 1864.
I am, sir, respectful&, your obeilient servant,
J A h I E 8 A. SEDDON,
Secretctry of War.
To His Excellency JIWFEIWON D A V I ~ ,
r \

I ha nmsa e wits road.

f h a t it bc referrcd to the Committee on Military i;ffairs.

Apret~ablyto the rt~c~oiirnienclstion

of the Secretary of War, I nominate L. T. Nun-, to I)c s(ic*ondlirotynant, Stuarts Artillery, in the Provisional Army
of the Confcdcrate Yhtcs of Anrerica.
Richmorid, J h ? j 26, 1864.
SIR:1 have the honor to recomrnend fhe nomination of L. T. Sunnelee, of to be second lieutenant, Stuarts Artillery, in the Provisional .Army of \tie Confed:
erate States of America, for distinguished Lalor and skill (under act approved April
16, 1862), to rank Jroin February 27, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient stwaxit,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, ctc.
nt4eo, of

The messawe was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.



May 30, 1864.1

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of \\ar, 1 irorninatp -1. 1.

grain, of Missouri, to be adjutant Twenty-seventh Arkansas Reginlent, in the Provisional ilrrny of the Confederate States of Aiiierica.
I?ic11?no?id, j f q 26, 1864.

SIR: I have tlie honor to recomment1 the riorriiiiation of A P. Sangrain, of Misonri,

to be adjutant TNent,v-sevrnth Arkansas liegiriieiit, i n the lrorisional Ariny of the
Confedcrate States of Aiiierica, Vice heiitenaiit Xagcnib, promoted, to rank froril
March 15, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfrilly, >oiir obctlient sen ant,
ir retai-y of 11cctr.
To His Euccbllency .JEFFE:~~SOY1> 4 \ is,
Iresitlent, clc.

The messagc, was read.

O ~ d w e d ,That it bc, referred to the Coininittee on Military Mfairs.


Rzciiniond, Xuy 28,1 ~ 6 4 .

To the SIerLatc of the Confederate Ac[!es:

Agreeably to the recoinnrentlation of the Secretary of War, I noininate John B.

Hardeman, of Texas, to he a qnarterInaster, n i t h the rank of major in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
C O X F E I ~ E I I AI P! S T i \ T k h 0 1 L ~ \ I I C I U C \ , \\'Ail ~ E P A R T Y I E N T ,

Richmond, .V(r!/26, 1864.

6 n ~I Iia\ e tlic Iioiic,r to reconiiii~n~l
the iioiiiination 01 Johii 13. Ilardenim, of
Te\ab, to be a qnartc~riiraster,11 i t h the rank of iiiajor i n tlie Irovibional Arirry of the
Coiifedeiak Stxtvs of .iinerica, lor tliit! with thv brigade uncler c o i i i n i n r i t l 01 (01. 11.
Randal, Traiis-Rlissi~.sil)l,iUtq)drtnicwt (an original vacaiiq ), to datc from Septeniber
1, 1863.
I a m , bir, rcspec tfullj, 3 oui obedlenl wr\ aiit,
To His Esccllciiq


lrcsidcrit, ctc.

The Incssag2.e way read.

Odcycd, That it he refrbrred to the Coniiiiittee o n Militnry Affairs.
1, F:xi:cwr\



Rt~hmoitd,J h y 28, 286i.

To the Senate of tlic Coitfedertrk &tes.

A\greeablyto the reconiinendatioii of tlie Secretarv of Wai, 1noiriinate John \Ir.
Brown, of Texas, to he a commi~sary,with the raiik of major in the Provisional
Arinv of the Confederate States of Anierica.
.I lcFFI~:RsoK DbV18.
CoWi~lCDlCIl~\Tl:STAlE5 01 ~ ~ \ l l ~ l l I ~WzA\ ,R r)EPARTUENT,
011 tE, llkl IJ ,?O, 1864.

SIK I haye the honor to rcroinrnrnd the nonilnation of .John V. Ixo%n, ot Texas,
to he a commissary, wkth rank of major in t h e Proiistonal i\rniy ot thc Confederate
States of iiinrrica, for duty n ith the late Thoinas (Trwtib Imgade, Tram-Ni
Department (an orlginal vacancy), to (late froni Septeniber I, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretciry of 1Vnr.
To His Excellency J E F F E R ~ O XD ~15,I
c J-VOI, 4-04-8

[May 30,1864.

e on Military Affairs.
ickmaond, May 38,1864.

To the Senate qf the Confederate Sates:

Agreeably to the recommendation of t
r, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to be assistant quartermasters, with the rank of captain in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate

Richmond, N a y 26, 1864.
8111:I have the honor to recornrncntl the following notninatioiis for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:


tant rlzinrteriiiaslers-cal,tainb.
Isaac A. Clarke, of Arkansas, for duty with Second Creek Regiment, Trans-Mississippi Department, vice Capt. ,John Warnwell, resigned, to date from September 1,1863.
J,. C . Fisher, of Texas, for duty with Seventh Texas Cavalry Regiment, TransMississippi Department (an original vacancy), to date from September 1, 1863.
I inn, sir, respcrtfnlly, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To Ilis JSxccllcncy JEFIWRSON

Thc messago was read.

0 9 d m d , That i t bt, referred to the Co

ittee on Military Affairs.


Richmond, May 88,1864.
To tltc $ m t a of l k e Confedcrcrte,Stales:
Agreeably to thc reconuncndation of the Secretary of War, I noininate the officers
on the acroinpanying list to be artillery otficers, under act approved January 22,
1882, !vitli the rank of iiiajor in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of
Rtcfcinond, Xay 26, 1864.
SIR: 1 haw the Iioiior to reconiincr~tl the following nominations for appointment
in thc Proviyioital Army of thc Coiilrtlrriitc States of America:




ACT A 1 1 8 O ~ l f l ~IANUARY

22, 1862.


Sic1nt.y T. Fontainc, of Texas, to talw tank lroni 8epteinber 1, 1863.

Ckorgc 21. !Vilson, of Texas, to take rank froin September 1, 1863.
1 am, sir, rcr;pec*tfully,your oht~tlientservant,
Secretary of War.
To His 1Sxcellency JEIW:RSON
President, etc.

rh nresuagc, W

~ red.

O ~ c i m d ,That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.



May 30, 1864.1




Pichniond, n"my 30, 186'4.

7'0the Senate cf thc Confederate Sttnfes

Agreeably to tlie recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers

on the accompanying list for promotion in t h e Provisional Briny of the Confederate
States of America.
Richmond, May 98,1664.
SIII: I h a r e the honor to reconirnend the following nominations for promotion i n
the Pro\ isional Army of t h e Confcderate States of Amerka:

Lient. ('01. It'. D Mitchell, of Georgia, to be colonel Twenty-ninth Georgia

Regiinent, \ice Colonel Young, resigned, to rank from January 19, 1864.
Lieut. Col. T. 1'. Shaw, of South Carolina, to be colonel Nineteenth South Carolina Itegiment, 3 ice Colonel Lythgoe, killed, to rank from December 31, 1862.

Ma]. W. \V. 13illopp, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-ninth Georgia

Rtsgimcnt, \ ice Lieut~nant-ColonelXitchell, promoted, to rank from Jannary 19,
Maj. E. G. Brasher, of Arkansas, to be lieutenant-colonel Second Arkansas Regiment, riw Lieutenant-Colonel Warfield, promoted, to rank from April 26, 1864.
Capt. J. J. Owen, of Georgia, to be major Twenty-ninth Georgia Regiment, vice
Major Billopp, promoted, to rank from January 19, 1864.
Calk. James If'. Banning, of G m r in, to be major Twenty-eighth Georgia Reginient, rice hlajor Crawford, proinotei, to rank from January 20, 1864.
Capt. George W. Revnolds, of Mississippi, to be major Twenty-ninth blississippi
Regiinent, vice Major horn, resigned, to rank from Felmiary 15, 1864.
, to be major Second Virginia Battalion, 1,ocal Defense,
Capt. J. I\'. Carter, of
\ice Major Scriiggs, promoted, to rank froin May 5, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Siwefnry of War.
To IIis E;xc*ellency JEFFE:RSO?I
I'wsidmt, etc.

The message was read.

O ~ d p w d ,That it, be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.

Richmond, .lfCty 30, 1864.

To the Shale of the (hqfederatr Stales.

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on thr acwxnpnying list to the rank affixed to their names, respcctivcly.
Richmond, May 26, 1864.
SIR:1 have thc honor to recaommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate States of America:

R A. WVatkins, of Missouri, to take rank from August 21, 1863.

Duff Child, of Alabama, to take rank from December 1, 1863.
John T. McFarland, of Georgia, to take rank from January 20, 1863.
William Hoskins, of Virginia, to take rank from December 21, 1863.
Henry V. Gray, of Virginia, to take rank from January 14, 1864
John C. Mobley, of South Carolina, to take rank from Jantlary 4, 1864.
Ednard B. Perrin, of Alabama, to take rank from February 27, 1864.
Henry Clay Ghent, of Alabama, to take rank from February 16, 1864.


Benjamin F. Duvall, of Kentucky,

James B. Luckie, of Alabama, to t
Patrick 11. Griiriii of iVfississippi, to take rank from May 24, 1862.
Joseph J. IIolt, ojMississippi, to take rank from Kovember 1, 1863.
Junius Roane, of Virginia, to take rank from March 24, 1864.
William W.Keith, of South Carolina, to lake rank from March 29, 1864.
(+.A. I>. Galt, of Virginia, to take rank from March 31, 1864.
William G. Carter, of Vir inia, to take rank from March 7, 1864.
John William I,awson, offirginia, to take rank from March 17, 1864.
Williaiii W.1)ou *Ias, of Virginia, to take rank from March 23, 1864.
Williani E. Kemfde, of Virginia, to take rank from January 18, 1863.
Alfred It. (+arttier, of I,onisiana, to take rank from March 19, 1864.
.Josq)li 11. Mittall, of Tennessee, to take rank from March IS, 1864.
Tlronias It. Cosby, of Virginia, to take rank from March 30, 1864.
Alfred Smith, of Kentucky, to take rank froin March 21, 1864.
S. A . 1Iolt, of Alabanm, t(Jtake rank froin Jniie 4, 1862.
IIrnry Ilnninicr, o f I<t.ntudry, to b k e rank from Octobcr 2, 1562.
\ V i l l i i u i i IC. Saantlcrlr, of lexus, to take rank from November 18, 1862.
Matt I i o w l)eavettport, of Mislrissippi, to take rank from Pehrnary 17, 1863.
,John Williaiii C!lowderH, of Missouri, to take rank from July 28, 1863.
(;corge \V~tsliitigtonIfeiitlerson, of Mississippi, to take rank from October 16, 1863.
,loacy)h J%~nsittlon,
of I,onisiai!a, to take r m l t from February 25, 1862.
J o l i i i (initton Chl)cll, oE Virginia, to titkc rank from September 29, 1863.
on Iirurie, of S o u t h (iirolin:~, to take rank from December 14, 1863.

cr, of (icaorgin, to take rank iroin January 7, 1864.

11, of South Carolina, to take rank from February 24, 1864.
Holling A . Pope, of Georgia, to take rank froin March 17, 1864.
\Villiani I\. Cocliran, of Alabania, to take rank from Novetnber 26, 1862.
J(11iniVJ. llensoti, of Tmncssee, to take, rank from July 12, 1862.
J ohn \Y. King, of Tcnncssee, to talic rank from December 23, 1861.
T. hfnl:rhail, of Jcontncky, to take rank from May 2, 1864.

ilsrimnl surgcons.
01 .~rlransas,to tdte cffect August 15, 1863.
on, of Arluinsiis, to titkc effrct Jnne 20, 1863.
of i\litbaiiia, to l a k e tsffcct 1)ecvnil)er 1, 1863.
POII, of hxas, to t>tkt!tbrfcL.c.t
Xlarch 4, i8~:i.
\V. 1I. Rniinc., of Rlississippt, to trike effect Decernbcr 4, 1863.
l. -1. I 3 l n c ~ k ,of Mississippi, to takv c4e.c-tNovember Ii, 1862.
It. 11. LOP,of Alatmnia, to takc cffcrt Ikceniber 23, 1863.
A . I<.. \VillH, ol Yir.$tii:i, to talto effect February 18, 1863.
-1. Lp. IiiigIii~s,of Virginin, to take rfkct, Jleceinber 2, 1863.
I:. I T . 1Iiwgcw, of Virginia, 10 takc dfect Jkceinber 3, 1863.
I ) . \Villiiitits, of Korlh (kuwliiiii, to tdio cffcct 1)ecetnber 11, 1863
\\. It. l?ughw, of North (hrolina, l o titkc effect December 12, 1863.
.I. 14. I.hIv(~lery,of 1)irtrirt of (hIwid)i%,to take c.ffrrt Decrinber 21, 1863.
\V. 1. L h i i ~ t i i a n , of Virgiiiiii, to take effect December 28, 1863.
15. .I. I.cggett, of Gwrgia, to take effect 1)eceniber 29, 1863.
. I . It. Jmw, of Virginia, to l a k c t4frc.t 1 ) e c e i n i ~29, 1863.
1. 8. Fox, of Sonth (hrolina, to take effect Deceniber 3, 1863.
I f . \V. I)(. Siuissnrc, of South (arolina, to take effect December 4, 186;
1%. It. Iocllnitz, of Alal)anra, to take dfect Deceniber 4, 1863.
11. S. Realty, of Sontli Carolina, to take effect December 9, 1863.
,I. 1). N ~ i l l of
, Sonth Carolina, to take effect December 9, 1863.
J. It. M r K e i i k , , of Tctlncasec, to take effect September 13, 1862.
l. 15. Nott, of Ronth Canolina, to take effect Decenibcr 11, 1863.
If D. tirwn, of Snnth Cnrnlina, to take effect December 12, 1863.
J . C. Arant, of Sonth Carolina, to tixire effect December 15, 1863.
I). C. XIillen, of Tesas, to take effrct December 17, 1863.
11. J. Smith, of (ieorgia, to take effect December 22, 1863.
T. 1%. Brian, of Georgia, to take effcct Decemher 22, 1863.
J,W. Suggs. of Georgia, to titkc effect December 22, 1863.

May 30, ISM.]



P. IT. Bdains, of South Carolina, to takc effect Dccember 23, 1863.

J. 13. Siinppoii, of South Caroliiia, to take effect 1)ecetnber 21, 1863.
J . T. Harden, of Georgia, to takc cffcct Deceniber 2'3, 1863.
T. P.Dunn, of Mississippi, to take effect Decenibcr 29, 1863.
E:. Itavenel, jr., of Sooth Carolina, to take effect Ueceniber 30, 1803.
P J. Maxwell, of South Caroliria, to take eflwt 1)ecemJ)er 30, 1865.
13 J Kott, of South Carolina, to take effect J a n u a r y 12, 1864
W. J. Upshaw, of Virginia, to tiikt. c,Ifec*tJaiiut~ry12, 18fi
J V Rrookcr, of \Tirgiiii>t,t o takt. effect Jaiiri:n-p 28, 1Sti4.

,J. F. Zaciiaria6, uf Maryland, to take effect 1~el)rnai

y 8,1864.
12. \\'. Latimer, of Virginia, to take effcct February 8, 1864.
W.5. Williams, of I'irgiiiia, to take effect February 12, 18G4.
ITT. 11. Dulaney, of Virginia, to take effect February 13, 7864.
(i. 6 . Field, of \'irgiriia, to takc rffcct February 19, JS6-i.
J. It. Wood, of Virginia, to take
I\'. I,. Lundy, of Rlissiseippi, t o
JY. .J. Pierce., of A12ib:~111~a,to tal
J. \Y.Banks, of Teiiiic~sier,to ttikt.
Vcbr wiry 8, 1864
J . C. Iilakciie~, of South (
(>.AIcD. Ihiinby, of 1,oui
J. 1, Spcake, of S o u t h C'iu
11' S. I'icxrPon, of South Cm)liiia, to trtkc rficrt 1;(.1~1 ri:ir\ 20, ISli4.

Ir. Pne, of lIisPouri, to tikc: &ct Ir:c>i),uary27, ~ 8 ~ 4 .

S. 6 . Carter, of 1\Ii4ssippi, to takr c.ffec.t Febrnarv 27, l W 4 .
13. A. Coleman, of South Carolilia, to take effcct JIatcli IT,, 18(54.*
A . J. Wolie, of South C'aroliiia, to take effect A1arc.h 16, 1864.
1). 1'. Holloiray, of South Carolina, to take cftect JIarc*h J6, ISM.
H . S . Harris, of Georgia, to take effect X a r c h 1 i , 1864.
G. 13. Williams, of Georgia, to take effect Xarch 78, 1864.
C. G . Stephens, of South Carolina, to t a k e effect March 21, 1864.
L. I). McKeynolds, of Blabaiiia, to tahc rffrct R.lar(It 21, I8tX
J. TV. Caldrvell, of South Carolina, to take effect &larch 22, 1S64.
C+. U. Lester, of Tennessee, t o take effect X i y 21, 186%.
T. J. Goodmyn, of South Carolina, to take effrct March 2S, 1Sfj4.
A . Jlcl). Nooro, of Georgia, to take effect JIarcli 29, 1864.
1:. A . Uoho, of Floricla, to tabe (,fleet >larch SO, 1S64.
\V. A. Strother, of South Carolina, to take effect 31arcki :;I, 1864.
T. J . Taylor, of Viigiiiia, to take effect h I m h 6, 1864.
13. \Villiams, of Distiict of Columbia, to take ell& M a ~ 11i h, 1%f.
T. 1. \Vebb, of Teiinesve, to take effect J l a i ~ h10, 1864.
A . S. ISpes, of Virginia, to take effect Marcli 10, 1864.
J. C. (;oodniaii, of North Caioliiia, to take effect March 14, 1864.


[May 31,1864.

H. D. Shell, of South Carolina, to take effect March 8, 1864.

E. T. Adams, of Virginia, to take effect March 12, 1864.
G. A. LMerritt, of South Carolina, to take effert March 22, 1864.
G. M'. Jordan, of South Carolina, to take effect March 21, 1864.
W. M. Baird, of Kentucky, to take effect April 20, 1862.
B. M. Alford, of Texas, to take effect October 12, 1863.
L. A. Woodson, of Virginia, to take effect February 8, 1864.
I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

01' 'cl'nr.


Pre,w'dent, elr.

The niesstl e was road.

$hat it bc rcferrcd to thc Cornniittee on Military Affairs.
DEPARTMENT,Rirhniond, May 27, 1864.
To llrc ,Ye?i(rl~of f1w Confederrttr S / ( d f s .
Aarcvxbly to the rrc.omiiiendation ul the Secretary of War, I nominate tlw oflicprs
on thr acconipanying list to the rank :&ired to their nalnes, respectively.
Nn. 1 2 1
I Z d ~ ) ~ oMag
d , 8,1864.
SIR:I Iinve the honor to rc~c~o~rimc~tid
the follo~iiig noininations for appointment
in the I'rovisional Amiy of the (:onferleratr States of Aiiierica:
SIl rfy01Ih

IL. 1'. Abernathp, of iilabiinia, to take raiik I i o i i i May

R. .J. ChriPtiv, CIIMissoriii, to take rmik froiii July 25,


sir, rc..rpwtfnlly,

o u r rhrtlic~litservant,

15, 186::.


Nay 31, 1864.1



On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

Ordemd, That the Coininittee 011 Nilittry Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration of a resolution inquiring into the
expediency of so amending thc act to organize forces to serve during
the war, approved February 17,1864, ns to provide f o r the exemption
from military service of tlie necessary otticerb of steamboats engaged
in transportation for the Governnient.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 58) to authorize the appointment of quartermasters and
assistant quarterniastcw and commissaries and assistant commissaries
in the Provisioiii~lArmy in ccrt?in cases;
which was r d the lirht and secorid tirrws and ordered to be placed
upon the Calcndar.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Owkpred, That the Corninittee on thc Judiciary be discharged from
the further considcrcttion of the rwolution inquiring into the expediency of reporting a bill for the sriyeii&)ii of the writ of habeas corpus
after the expiration of the resent I:LW, and o l providing by said bill
that the said suspension s h l continiw until the close of the next
session of Congress.
Mr. Maxwell, from the cominittec, roportcd that they had exaniined
arid found truly enrolled bills and :I joint resolution of the following
S.10. An act to aincnd an act entitled ,4n act t o aid any State in
communicating with and perfecting records concerning its troops,
ap roved 16th February, lS(i4;
28. A n act to anlend an act cntitlcd An act creating the office
of ensign in the Army of tlie Confederate States;
S. 39. An act to amend the several acts in regard to chaplains;
S. 41. A n act to provide for the appointincnt of a disbursing clerk
in the W a r Department; and
S. 7. Joint resolution ill regard to the exernption of editors and
employees of newspapers.
The President pro teinpore having signcd thc enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolution last reported to hare h e n exaniined, they
were delivered to the Secretary of the Senkite and by him forthwith.
presented t o the President of the Confederate S h t e s for his approval.
Mr. Graham, from the ,Joint Committee on Lmpressments, to whom
was referred the bill (S. 36) to provide for the impressment of the
railroad iron, equipments, and rolling stock of railroads when the
same shall become necessary for the public defense, and to make further rovisions for the cfficierit transportation of troops and niilitary
supp ies, reported it with the rccomniendation that it oiidit not to pass.
The joint rrsolation (1.R. 10) of thanks to tlie Ninth Begiment of
Texas Infantry was read the nrst and second times and referred to
the Committee on Military Affairh.
The Senate proceeded to consider the anicridrrierits of the Iiouse of
Representatives to the bill (S. 22) to secure the prompt printing of
the laws of the Confederate States; and
Besolved, That they concur thcrcin.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of tlie Whole, t o the consid-




[May 31,1864.


May 31, 18G4.1


upon the annexed list to the offices designated, i n the Provisional Navy. I n addition
to the annexed list there are officers of t h e Navy now on ehore duty, who are deemed
eminently qualitied to command afloat, and i t is not designed by these nominations
to bar their future transfer to the Provisional Navy with their relative rank.
Richmoiid, May 25, 1864.
SIR: I h a r e the honor to rcvommentl the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Nary under t h e avt of Congress t o create a provisional navy,
approred N a y 1 , IS(i3:
ittlni i m l

Fimklin Buclinii:ni, o f 1I;Lryland.

C(cptuill s

(To rank from the 13th day of May, 1863.)

Saniuel Uarron, of Tirginia; Raphael Semmes, of Alabama; John K. illitchell, of
klorida; Thomas ,I. Iag~,of Virginia, and ltobert I?. P i n h e y , of Maryland.
(To rank from the 13th day of May, 1863.)

Thomas It. Itootes, of Virginia, Thomas T. Hunter, of Virginia; James W.Cooke,

of North Caroliua; Iaaac S. 131 own, of hlibaissippi; Robert B. legram, of Virginia; J
Willitun 1,. hlaury, o f Virginia; J o h n h. Mafitt, of North Carolina; Joseph N.
Barney, of Marylanti, and IViIliain A. Wirt, of Virginia.
Corriiir ti uders.

(To rank froin the 4 t h day of October, 1863.)

on, o f Yirgink, and Jnmrs I). Jollnston, of Kentucky.


(To r a n k fronr the 6th day of January, 1864.)

Washington Gwathmcy, of Virginia; .John Rotledge, of South Carolina; Joel S.
Kennard, of Alabaiua; Cliarles 11.illorris, of Georgia; J o h n S. Mmry, of North Carolina; Charles W.Hays, of Alabama; Charles C. Simms, of Virginia; Julian Myers,
of (korgia; Alexander P.Warley, of South Carolina; John W. Bennett, of Mary-+
land; Jonathan 13. Carter, of North Carolina; William II. Parker, of Virginia; J.
Pembroke Jones, of Virginia; William I3. Murdaugh, of Virginia; John McI. Kell,
of Georgia; James H. Bochelle, of Virginia; Robert D. hiinor, of Virginia; James I.
Waddell, of Korth Carolina; Joseph Pry, of Florida; Charles P. McGary, of North
Carolina; IIunter Dwidson,
ginia; Robert It. Carter, of Virginia; John B.
llaniilton, of South Carolin
J.! Johnston, of Tennessee; John R. Eggleston,
of Mississippi; Robert T. Ch
of Alabama; William 1. A. Campbell, of Tennessee; Benjamin P. Loyall, of Virginia; William 11. Ward, of Virginia; John W.
Dunnington, of I<entwky; Francis E. Shepperd, of North Carolina; Thoinas 1.
Ielot, of Soutli Carolina; Williain G . Dozier, of South Carolina; William L. Bradford, of Alabama; Isridtori I.Dalton, of Mississippi; William E. Evans, of South
Carolina; George S. ahryock, of Kentucky; Thomas K. Porter, of Tennessee; Joseph
TI. Alexander, of North Uarolina; Charles J. Graves,of Georgia; Thomas B. Mills, of
Louisiana; William C. Whittle, jr., of Virginia; William L4.Kerr, of North Carolina;
John Grimball, of South Carolina; Wilburn 13. Hall, of Georgia; Barnuel W.Averett,
of Yirginia; Henry H. Claiborne, of Louisiana; George A. Borchert, of Georgia;
Ililary Cenas, of Louisiana; Walter R. Butt, of Virginia; W. Warder Pollock, of
Maryland; Arthur D. Wharton, of Tennessee; Thoinas L. Dornin, of Virginia; Thomas
L. Harrison, of Virginia; James L. Hoole, of Alabama; Francis L. Iloge,of Virginia;
Edmund G . Read, of Virginia; Charles W.Read, of Mississippi; Sardine G . Stone,
of Alabama; Alphonse Barhot. of Louisiana; Robert J. Howen, of Mississippi; George
\TT. Gift, of Tennessee; Thomas W.W.navies, of Alabama; Patrick McCarrick, of Vir-



[May 31,1864.

p i a ; William F. Carter, of Virginia; William H. Wall, of Mississippi; William W.

m e s , of Tennessee; John H. Ingraham, of South Carolina; William Van Coinstock,
of Liy&jiara; Richard F. Armstron of Georgia; Albrrt G . IIudgins, of Virginia;
Charles K. King, of Virginia; John
Cornstock, of Arkamas; Joseph D. Wilson, of
Florida; Julian M. Spencer, of Maryland; Janics L. Johnson, of Mississippi; Sidne
8. Lee, jr., of Virginia; Samuel Barron, jr., of Virginia; E. Canty Stockton, of Soutg
Carolina; James McC. Baker, of Florida; John W. Murdaugh, of Virginia; Mortirner
hl. Benton, of Kentucky; CharlesL. Haralson, uf Texm; Sidne H. McAdam, of Tennessee; Brancis T. Chew, of Missouri; Alexander R1. blason, orDistrict of Columbia;
Thomas L. Moore, of North Carolina; Ivey Foreman, of North Carolina; Walter 0.
Crain, of Louisiana; Jose h Price, of North Carolina; Alexander ($rant, of Louisiana;
Charles E. Yeatman, of &ginin; Charles U. Oliver, of Virginla; Charles H. Hasker,
of Virginia; Francis \Vatlington, of Florida; John 1,. Phillips, of Alabama; George
11. Arled e, of Florida; Maxwell T. Clarke, of Virginia; John A. Payne, of Alabama;
Ra of Louisiana; William 14;. Ijndgins, of Virginitt; John F. Hnmsay, of
England; I i . !kverly Littlrpagc, of Virghia; I.ewia H. Iiill, of Virginia; Edward J.
Means, o f 8outli Caroliiia; 1Eenry Roberts, of Virghia, Richard 1. Gayle, of Alnbama; Xtobert C. Foutc;, of Tennrswc.; Frunris M. Roby, of Mississippi; Henry 1%.
Marmaduke, of Missoilri; John I , i i w , of (icorgia; Arthur Sinclai jr., of Virginia;



Williani W.Rolwrts, of North Carolii1<i,I&lg;irA . I,mibc~t,c i f Virginia; Otey Bradford, of Vir@riia; Jowpli M. ( h d i i c r , ol Viqinia; Mattliew 1. G o o d ~ y n ,of Virgiiiia; Aniericu~V. JViatt, of Virginia, tirid rhoinax L. Skinilclr, of Virginia.
PI r d licwtcwir i i t

(To rank froiii llic 8th (lay oi Jiuiriary, 1864.)

Clarence I,. Stanton, of Kentiiraky.
S l ~ P o r r t lI r ~ ~ l l l f l r c l r ~ t s .

Joscq41 I). Claybrook, of XIismnri; IVilIiairi I). Mason, ol Virginia; William F.

Ilobinson, of Ala1)ania; Jolrri 1%.Price, of Alalianiti; I):ivi(i A . Telftlir of North Carolina; I)anic[ Trigg, of yirginiti; rsntbc (:. I k J h l l l b , of tickorgia; \ d a r n I<.I)alton,
of Mississippi; Algeriion S.Worth, of Virginia; 12ol)crtA. Caiiiin, of Virginia; Dabriey M. Rcalcrr, of Missiwi +; John T. Wulker, of South Carolina; Samuel 8. Gregory, of Nortlr Cwolina; \!~illiuin W. Hcwl, of Virginin; IZichttrd 11. Racot, of South
Carolinn; Etlwcirtl J. McI)errnott, of l c w s ; It. 11. I,~trit~onr,
o f hlarylund; Tliomau P.
Bell, of Virginia, ilrid .Jiinics W. ~ 3 1 1 1 u pof, Virgitiici.
Jfiistrrx, ;n thc

Iriir r ! f / i r o i t w l i o t t .

Riimiirl 1. Blaiic, of 1,oiiisiatia; I V w ( I t i i i i It. > f ~ y o of

, Virginin; Daniel D. Colcocak, of Houtli (arolinn; Williani I. * l l i i i t i i l t ~ ) i i o, f Soiitli (hrolina; Jttiries C. I,ong,
of Tcnntww; llciiry I,. \riiiigliiiii, of I , o t i i & t i a ; .ri~lllt \I. I h r w r r , o f Ttmnemee;
lleirry S. (ooke, of jirgiiiia; (;air M, Slii~rk*,of 1 , o i i ~ i i : ~niicl
William J . Craig,
of Gcntucky.

IWix Sei1a(-, iiE I ~ l c w i t l t t ,.IILIIWH

0. I\ltiorc~,of
Virginin, itntl J a i i i w I<. hi nioiii, of A l t i l i ~ i i i i ~ .


( m o l i i i ~ t ,R i c h r d

Taylor, of

.laxrxtrort / m i / t t i ( t . v / e w .
b. iiorrost, of VirRiiiitL: I,culicLI<:. firooks, of Ahlmnx; John $4. Banks, of
l%ri&i; .lo1111J . h l v l ~ l i ~ ~ r s o tn ,Siuilli (woliii:i; M. BI. Svriy, of Tt~unesser;George.
11. ON~wl,o f l~ioritlti;IVilliiiiii I\. hiktciii, o f \irg3nia; \Vilson .;( Kic~hard~on,

Mtry 31, 1864.1




J. W. B. Greenhow, of Georgia; William D. Harrison, of Virginia; William F.

Carrington, of Virginia; Charles H. Williamson, of Virginia; Arthur M. Lynah, of
South Carolina; Daniel B. Conrad, of Virginia; Francis I,. Galt, of GeoRia; William
M. Page, of Virginia; H. W. M. Washington, of Virginia, and Algernon S. Garnett,
of Virginia.
Passed assistant surgeons.

Frederic Garretson, of Pirginia; J. W. Sandford, of North Carolina; Thomas J.

Charlton, of (korgia; Charles E:. Lining, of South Carolina; Marcellus P. Christian,
of Virginia; Robert J . Freeman, of Virginia; Bennett W.Green, of Virginia; James
W. flerty, of Gcorgia; James N. Lindsay, of North Carolina, and Osborn S. Tglehart,
of Maryland.
Charles 11. Morfit, of Maryland; I?. Bartow Ford, of Georgia; R. R. Gibbes, of
South Carolina; I < d m ~ nG.Booth, of Virginia; Thonias Emory, of Maryland; William
&son Turiier, of Virginia; John 1)e Rree, of Virginia; Marcellus Ford, of Virginia;
W. W. Graves, of Xorth Carolina; \V. J. Addison, of Maryland; N. C . Edmunds, of
Virginia; 5.8. fTerrick,of Mississippi; N.M. Kead,of Maryland; JohnLeyburn,ofTexas;
Robert C. Iowell, of lientucky; It. C. Sowles, of Kentncky; John P. Lipscomb, of
North Carolina; Williarn C. Jones, of Arkansas; William Sheppardson, of Alabama;
C. M. Parker, of Mississippi; C. Wesley Thonias, of Kentucky; Henry B. Melvin, of
District of Columbia; WVillitLm S. Stoakley, of North Carolina; Williani W. Griggs,
of North Carolina; Joseph S. Tipton, of Georgia; George B. Weston, of South
Carolina; George 8. Halstead, of Arkansas; James V. Cook, of Louisiana; James
0. Grant, of Kentucky; Pike Brown, of South Carolina; Henry G . Land, of Texas;
G. W. Claiborne, of North Carolina; James &I. Hicks, of Mississippi; Joel G. King,
of North Carolina; Daniel R. h a r t , of South Uarolina; Edward Caire, of Louisiana;
Jeptlia V. Harris, of Mississippi; Luther R . I)ickinson, of Missouri; John B. ftutheriortl, of Mississippi; George A. Foote, of North Carolina; Nathaniel K. Henderson,
of Florida; James JV. nelvin, of RrBans,w; Xatkins I,. Warren, of North Carolina;
Robert Kuykeiidal I,
outh Carolina; James ti. Thomas, of North Carolina; Walter
13. Hondurant, of 31
ippi; James 15. Moyler, of Arkansas; Frederick Peck, of Alabama; Hugh S. Paisley, of Alabama, J01i1i$2. Daifel, of Louisiana; James Q. Boxley,
of Georgia, and Edmuiid Goldaborough, of Maryland.
ChGf mgiiieers.

(To rank from the 4th day o f October, 1863.)

Michael Quinn, of Virginia, and J. Charles Schroeder, of Virginia.
I am, reupectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary qf the Navy.

The message was read.

Ordered, T h a t it be referred to the Corninittee on Naval Affairs.
May 30, 1864.
To the Senufe of the ConfeederrrteStoles:
Agreeably to the reconmiendation of the Secretary of the Navy, I hereby nominate
the persons nanicd upon t h e annexed list to the officev designated.
S \BY I ~ X I ~ A I ~ ~ ~ ARicl~iitond,
May SO, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recoinmend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Kavy in addition to those recoininended in my letter of the 25th
Second Ireittenant.

Richard S. Floyd, of Tennessee, to rank next after Joseph P. Claybrook.

George D. Bryan, of South Carolina, to rank next after Samuel P. Blanc.

1 am, respectfnlly, your obedient servant,

May 31, 1864.1



The message was read.

(?ydmd,That, it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
~ Tl I) m , w r m \ i ~ I, W ~ m o n d Nu!/
To the SeSenate of the Confec7rmte &totes:
Agreeably to t h r rec.oinmendation of thc Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list, to the rank affixed to their iiaines, respectively.

, Richinond, May 9 , 28G4.

No. 15.1
g,,. T ha\e the honor t o t e c 8 0 m i i i t 3 n d the. fo11oniiignominations for appointnient
in the Proviiioiial 2 i ~ ~ onf ytlic (onfe(1cmtc. States of Aincrica:

\v. G . Sn-anson, of hlalxtnia,

to 1)ecolonel Sixty-first Alalmna ltegiment (formed

ot intleperitlmt C 0 l J l p 1 1 t l ~ S ) , l o rank iroiii April 11, 786-1.
Iiul)ct t \Yliitc, of Virginia, to bc colonrl TI\ tmty-third Virginia Cavalry Liegiineiit
(hi3 liattalion (Fortyfir& Virginia) bciiig increased), to rank from April 25, 1864.
0. \ I . Dantzlcr, of South Carolina, to be colonel Twenty-second South Carolina
Repirirciit, the ofhers entitlcd to promotion waking their claims, to rank froin
April !&, 1864.

J. Mchnc,rney, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Third Battalion Forces Lo

Ilefeiwe, Itivhmontl, \a. (battalion being increased), to rank from April 20, 1864.
C. T. OFcrra11, of lirginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-third Virginia Re
ment Cavalry (battalion being increased), to rank from April 28, 1864.

N. Stall.cvorth, of i\labamn, to be major Twenty-third Alabama 13attalion Sharprhooterx, to rank f r o m IIarvlr 14, 1864.
I?. 11. Calinr~sc,of 1-irginia, to be iiiajor Tnenty-tliirtl Virginia Regiment Cavalry
(battalioil being invreascxi), to rank froiri April ZS, L864.

It. (2. 33. Rxlc, of Virginia, to lie mptain Company I, Pourth Iirginia Artillery, the
officers entitled to promotion waving their vlainiq, to r m k frnin February 19, 1864.
A. 1,. 1)e Kosset, of Xortli Caroliria, to he captain Coinpmy K, Second North
Carolina f3attalion, Troops Local I)efense, the officers entitled to promotion \caving
their rlaiins, to rank from February 10, 1864.
J. It. 8. t+illilan(l, of North Carolina, to he rxptain Company D, Sixtieth North
Carolilia Regiment, tlrr officers entitled to proniotion waving their claims, to rank
from February 19, 1864.
Pwst I i p icten cirr ts .
C. Carrington, of Virginia, to he first lieutenant Conrpany 11, Third Virginia
Cavalry Regiment, the officers entitled to proniotion having declined to appcar
before an exanrming board, to rank froirr Febriiary 7 0 , 1864.
Cliarlrs D. Lee, of Virginia, to be first lieutellant Company I, Fifty-seventh
Tirginia Rcginicnt, the officers entitled to proinotion found incompetent, t o rank
from February 19, 1864.
Xeeond lieutenants.

Wcnsley Hobby, of Georgia, to be second lientenant Company D, Fifty-fourth

Georgia Regiment, the officer elerted found incompetent, to rank from March 24,

Robert L. Cooper, of South Carolina, to be second lientenant, First South Carolina

Artillery Regiment, to rank from 3Zarch 7, 1864
T. N. S. Ithett, of South Carolina, to he second lieutenant, First South Carolina
Regiment (enlisted men), to rank front March 10, 1864.
(ieorge 31. Stoney, of South Carolina, to be second licntenant, First South Carolina
Rrgiiiicnt (enlisted men), to rank from March 8, 1864.
T. A. Qnattlebauni, of South Carolina, to tie sec.ond lic:ntenant, First South Carolina Regiment (enlisted men), to rank from March 9, 1864.



[May 31,1864.

1,. Bowie, of South Carolina, to be second lieutenant, First South Carolina Artillerv Battalion, to rank from March 15, 1864.
&. S. Ogden, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant, First Imiisiana Artillerv Regiment, to rank from April 19, 1864.
Robert M. Scott, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant, First Louisiana Artillery
irnent, to rank from April 20, 1864.
ohn D. McInt re, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant, First Louisiana Artillery
Re 'ment, to rang from April 21, 1864.
J. O'Brien, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant, I'irut J,oulsiana Artillery
Regiment, to rank from April 22, 1864.
8. P. Norris, of Georgia, to be second lieutenant Cornpaliy 13, First Georgia Battalion Sharpshooters, to rank from April 21, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient mrvant,
SecwtanJ of IVcw.

I+fvidrnl, i2/r.

mema c V V ~ Z H I ' C R ~ .
Ordered, fhnt it, be rcferrcd to tho Conitnittee on Military Affairs.


May 31,1864.1



Richmond, May $1,1864.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Stephen
Chalaron, of I~ouisiana,to be first lieutenant, X.iter and Mining Corps, in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Bmenca.
Richmond, May $0, 18G4.
SIR: I have the honor to recoininend the minination of Stephen Chalaron, of
Louisiana, to be first lieutenant, Siter and Nining Corps, in the Provisional Army of
the Confederate States of America, rice Lieut. E. F. Smith, resigned, to rank from
May 2, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To IIis Excellency JEFFERSON

President, etc.

Secretary of War.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on !Military Affairs.
~ C P A R T X E N T ,Richmond, &fay 31, 1864.

To the Senate of the Confederate

Agreeably t o the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I noininate Isham
Harrison, of Mississippi, to be colonel Sixth hlississippi Cavalry Regiment, in the
Provisional Army of the Confedrrate States of America.
Richmond, May 38,18G.4.
SIR: I have the honor t o recoinmend the nomination of Ishain Harrison, of Mississippi, to be colonel Sixth Mississippi Cavalry Eeginient, in the Provisional Army
of the Confetfemte States of America (this regiment havin been formed, by order of
Maj. C+en. 6 . D Lee, of independent companies), to rank from December 24, 1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obcdient servant,
6ecretanj of WUT.
To Hi5 Excellency J I~~FYEIF,OS I)arrs,
PTesrdenf, PlC.

The message was read.

Odered, That it bc rr.ferrcd to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following messages were received from the President of the
Confederate States, by MY. 13. N. IIarrison, his Secretary:
Kkkmond, &fay 31, 1864.
To ihe Senare o j /he Confederate Stntes:
Agreeably to the recommeiidation of thc Secretary of War, I nominate Maj, Cien.
J. A. Early, of Virginia, to teiiiporary rank of lieutenant-general in the Provisional
Army of the Confederate States of America, under act approved May 30, 1864.
Rtchzond, May $1, 1864.
SIR: I hare the honor to rewininend the noinination of Maj. Gen. J. A. Early, of
Virginia, to temporary rank of 1it.ritmaiit-general i n the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, nndei act approved May 30, 1864 (to command Ewells
Corps), to date from confirmation.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency Jmrrmsos DAVIS,
President, elc.
RtchmontI, [May J l , ]18G4.
To the Smale of the Confederate Stcrlrs:
Agreeablv to the recoinmendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Col. James
B. Terrill, of Virginia, to temporary rank of brigadier-general in the Provisional
Army of the Confederate States, under act approved May 30, 1864.


[Julie 1 , 18GP.

Richmond, X(I!/:?I, 18Gd.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Col. James 13. Terrill, of
Virginia, to temporary rank of brigadier-general in the Provisional Ariiip of the Confederate States of America, tinder act approved May 30, 1864 (to cornmarid Pegrams
brigade, Army of Northern Virginia), to date from confirination.
1 am, sir, respwtfully, your obedient servant,
Secretciry of Ifar.
Beatdent, elc.

The messages were read.

The Senate roceeded to consider the nomination of J . A. Early, to
temporary ran of lieiitr,naiit-gcner:il,undcr t i c t :~pproved&l:iy3 0 , 1804,
and of dames 13. Tcrrill, to temporary rank of brigadicr-gcncl.;II, under
act approved M:iy 30. 1864; rind
Ltint tho Scntite :dviso and consent to tlrcir :ippointnient,
agreetrbly to the noniiniltions of thc Irc>idcnt.
MY. 13ro~vi1,froin the Committw on N:Lv:L~
AfLtir\, to wlroni \wis
referred the noniination of Evorard I. E g g l ~ ~ s t o to
n , t)c. m m d licutortnnt i n the Marine Corps, rcportetl, with :L ~oc~o~iir~iciiti:itiotr
tlxit said
nornination be cwntirnicd.
Ih Senntt: p r o w ( ~ l dto tht: c:oiisidrr:ttioii of s:tid i*cpoi*t;c~ndin
wriciirrvnce thcrcwit 11, i t W I L Y
htwlwd, T h a t t IN: Son:ite :tdviho :~ntlcoiiscnt to hiq iil)l)oilittlirnt,
:igrccsbl to the noni i nation o f tlic: Ir~.sidctit.
MI-. IIiIi, from t I i ~Coniinittca on tIic ,I udic*i:try, to wIioni w n s
w f ~ r r c dt i i t ) noinintition of ,JRITWS 11. Ititt(li-son,to I)(\ district, txttorncy
of t,lit: ( b i I f ( d ( : t . H t ( ) S:hlt(:sfor the. citSt(H11 tliht rivt OF Arliil1iSith, rcporttd,
with the rc?coinriiriidationthat said notnin:ition 1)c confirntccl.
1110 Scnt1to 1
tlcd to thc considrr:rtion of wid Icport ; t u r d in
conciirrmw thorcwith, it w:is
/ i ? w ~ l / ~Iht
d , tho Swiato :tdvihr w t t coiisriit to hi\ iip~)oiiittncnt,
:ig~ccal)lyto tlic iioniiiiiitioii ol tlic Lwsidciit.
On inotion hy MI*.S~wtnes,
hKcnatc i*csolvtd into o l ) v i i Ivpisl;it ivv s(>hsion.


J:itie 1, 1864 ]


R. S4. An avt to provide for the compcnsation o f ~ioncoriiiiii~sion~(I

officers, soldiers,
bailors, and niariiies on ctetailed ser\ ice; :and
S. 4% An act to rpgiilate the pay of a gcneral msignrd to tinty at tlic scat of gcwernment undcr the provkioris of the act approved 3larch 2S, 1862.

The I-Iousc of Itcprcsect:tti\-cs have p:issetl a bill (1. It. 135) to

increase the conipens-ation of thc ahsistmt clerlrs in the Senate and
House of I<cprrwntativcs; iri which thcy rcqocst tlic concurrence of
the Seiiate.
On motion 1)s A h . Sparrow,
Oi,tl(,, Lhat thc iii~bb:~gc
of the Irrsiclcnt of the Coiif cderate
States of thc3Otli [WtJij o f May, IS84, &tiny l i i v objections to the act
pnrhcd at tl1c 1:
i o n of Congress entitled An net to 1)royidc and
oiypiiizt a grner:il skiff for arniics hi the field, to serve during the
war, hc referred to the Coinniittec on Militnry Affairs.
Alr. Scninies (1)sIC:LW) introduced
A hill (S. 59) to aiitliorixc the ovncrh o f thc rrgistcred right per
cent trii-ycar c~oiivc~rtible
1)oadsissuctl tinder tlro pivvisions o f tlic act
:tpprovect J 6th May, 1864, to exchangc thc smile for coupoii bonds; w:ih rcwl thc first and second tiiiics zitid rcferrcd to thc Committee o n Fin:ince.
Rlr. Sommci (by lcavc) introcliicxX1
A hill (S. 60) to :~nlcnd:in :let cntitlctl An :Let to prohibit theiniportation of Irixririr+, or o f articles iiot ticces.snric.s or of coiiini~nuse,
: q q m v c d 1 ~ r ~ ) r I l : l 6,
l y 1864;
\\ h i c * h w:is rc:id tliv tirst iitld second titncs :;nd rcferrcd to the Coiiimit,t(T

0 1 1 ( OIlUIICI~(C.

JIr. \lr:it,on (hy h i - e ) ixrtroducwl

1 ))ill(S.(i1) to :iiiicnd :in act cirtitlcd A n :ir% to orgi~tiizctiii1iht-y
c o i i t * t 4 to :rttcid t h o L 4 r ~ i of
i ~ the ConfcdcIwte State., i n the held, and
to tlcfinc tho? i)ov ~ r os f wid coitrt:;
\ ~ l i i c t\iY : I ~iy~:~(l
tho first:inti scymnd t i n i v h : ~ n dwf(~I-rctl
to tht: Conimit,ttic on Mi1it:lt.y ALfl:iir+.
On tilotion try All.. (ir:~hmn,
or//(x t l , That tlic I I o i i . \Yilliatn 7. Jhrtc~li11:ivc 1e:ivc of :ihscnco
froin ihc ,ic,shion,z o f tlic Scnatr until luestltyi w x t .
311..Sl):ii*row,froni the Coniniittoe on Military Affairs, to whoin
n:i\ i*efcri*rdthe joint resolution (IT. It. 10) of ttt:tnlts t o tlic Ninth
Itcgirtirnt of TCX:L\
Infantry, rcportcd it without ainendnicnt.
Plic SjCniLt( proceeded, as in Coinitlittee of the Whole. to the consideration of the slid rcsolution; and no anicndnien t being proposed,
it was reported to tho Scnnte.
0 7 ~ 7 m ~ lTl , h t it pshs to :I third readinq.
The said rcsolution wynq read the third tiinc.
Ortlozd, That the Scci~.t:ii.yinform the IIouhc>of Iicpremuhtives
1 i l ( rrof.

M r . Sparrow, from t h e Conitnittee on Military Affairs, to wliotn

the hill ($3. 55) to authorize tjhc formition of now comin:aids, to be composed ui siqmwunierary officcrs m 110 may rwign to
join such conirnands, and to limit and restrict the appointment of 0%in cei.t:~incases, rcportcd it without nmcndnient.
Phe Senate proceeded, a.: in Committee of the \2holc, to the cow
m.j roferrcd

sideration of the said bill.

C .J--VOI,



[.lunc 1, lXG4.

June I , lh6l.l



Coltrmhus, Miss., of a political paper known as the Thompson

letter, praying for a redress of grievmce: which was referred to the
Coininittee on AIilitxry Affairs.
On motion by Nr. Orr,
OidrwtJ, That the niessagc of the President of the Confederate
States of the 15th of February last, transmitting copies of the charges
and specifications, and of the acconipanying papers, in the case of
Maj. H. C. Guerin, commissary of subsistence, bc taken from the files
of the Senate and referred t o the Committee on Military Affairs.
lhe bill (EX. It. 135) to increase the compensation of the assistant
clerks i n I h c Scnatc and House of Represent.&ives mas read the first
and .sc~ontltinics and iaeferretl to the Comnii ttee on Finance.
dcd to consider tho aniendnients of the House of
Rcpi-ewntativw l o tho bill (S.33) to regulate the conipensation and
ini1r:tgc of members of Congress for the present session; and
Rex&wl, That they conciir therein.
Ovdered, That the Secretary inform t,he House of Representatives
The Senate proceeded to consider the aniendments of the House of
Iicpiweentatives to the bill (S. 15) to furnish transportation to officers
of the Army and Navy -\vhiletraveling under orders; and
ZiesoZved, That they wncur therein.
h d e m d , That thc Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Lho Hellate proceeded to consider the amendment of the House of
Keprwcntatives to the bill (S. 31) to promote the efticicncy of the
cavalry of t h o lrovisional Ariny, and to punish la\vlessness and irregularities of :in. portions thereof; a n d
O&rcd, That it bc referred to the Conimittee on Miiit.;Lry Affairs.
The Scnate proceedcd to consider the aniendnients of the House of
ltcprescntntives to the bill (S. 34) to provide for tho compensation
of noncommissioned ofEcers, soldiers, sailors, and marines on dctailed
service; a n d
Odered, That they be referred to the Coinmittce on Military Affairs.
The Senate procceded to consider the amendments of the House of
licpresentatives to the bill (S. 43) to regulate the p y of a general
:issigned to duty :it the seat of government under the provisions of the
atat approved March 25, 1862; and
O ~ d m d ,That they be rcfcrred to the Conimittee on Military
The Senatc resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of tho bill (S. 51) to providc? supplies for the Army and to prei he the mode of making impressments.
On motion by Mr. Watson, to amend the bill by inserting at the cnd
of the sixth scctiori the following proviso:
ed, That t h k prohibition shall not be applicable to any district, county, or
in which there shall he no officer or agent charged with the assessment and
ion of the tax in kind,

It was determined in the affirmative.

O!I motion by Mr. Senimcs, to amend the bill by inserting the
following independent section:


That i n every case where a white person, the head of a family, and the

tier 01 110 slaves or not niore than one able-bodied male slave, is solely, engaged in

the occupatiou of raising neat cattle, and is exclusively dependent on said cattle for

On motion hy Mr. Semines, to amend the bill by insertjng a t the end

of the first scction the words
except that paynrent for cotton anct tobacco shall be made by the agents of the
Treasury Department appointed to rtceive the same,

It was dotermined in the afirinntive.

On motion by Mr. Brirnwell, to amend the bill by striking out the
sixth section, as follows:
P w . ti. lhc~ riglit ant1 the duty of niaking impressments is hereby confided
cxclnsively to the officers and agents charged, in the several districts, with the
assesaiuent ~ n t,ollection
of the tax in kind and of the contribution herein required;
;uid all olfictw and soldiers in m y department of the Army are hereby expressly
prohibited frorii undertaking in any manner to interfere with these officers and
agents i n any part of their duties, in respect to the tax in kind, the contribution, or
the impresMments herein provided for: Prouided, That this prohibition shall not be
applicable to any district, county, or wish in which there shall be no officer or
agent charged with the assessment nnXcollection of the tax in kind,

It was detcrinined in the negative, Nays

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 12
On tnotion by Mr. Orr,
Tlic y ~ t t sand nays being dcsircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
lXosc wlio v o t d in the tttfii*inativearc,
Mossrs. Biirriwell, Rutmett, Dortch, Henry, Hill, Johnson of
Goorgitt, Maxwell, Sommes, and Sparrow.
rhoso who voted in thc no ative arc, ,
Mcssrs. 12alrcr, Caperton, Graham, I-Iaynes, Hunter, Jemison, John-


soil of Rrk&nsas, tJohnsoii of Missouri, Mitchel, Orr, Walker, and

w t.

11 4011.

O i r inotion by Mr. Jemison, to arncnd the bill

(Xii81tDriii&StCIS,) scction
line 8, the words for
It \WY dctcriiiincd in the affirmative.


by inserting after
the tax in kind,

On niotioii hy Mr. Jcmison, to amend the bill by inserting the following irzdcpcndcnt section:
SEC.-. That. it slinll not be lawful to impress any sheep, milch rnws, brood mares,
stud-liowes, jacks, bulls, or other stock kept or necessary for raising horses, mules,
or rattle,

It was determined in the nftirmative.

dment being madc, the bill was reported to the
ndnrcnts were concurred in.
c hill bc engrossed and read a third time.
mad the third time.

,I I l l l C 1. lW.]





.June 1,1864.1



Richmond, June 1, 18~4.

SIR. I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Brig. Gen. J. B. Kershaw,
of South Carolina, to be a major-general i n the Provisional Army of the Confederate
of Northern Virginia), to
rank froni May 18, 1864.
1 am, sir, respectfully, yonr obedient servant,

State.. of America (to coininand McLaws division, Army

Secretary of War.

To flis Excellency JEFFERSON D ~ V I S ,



The mcssngc was read.

That it he rcferred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
>n-iiigiiitssagw vvcrc rcccivcd f roin the iwsident of the
Coiilcdcrntc. States, 1)y Xlr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:


6 IAT1:S

O F ~ ~ N E I 3 I C A$kI:CLTI\E


RicAmo?id, June 1,lSG4.

To the A w r l r qf ihe Coizf&rrite Sides:

Acri.esbly to thc rcc~o~riiiiendation
of the Secretary of War, I nominate Brig. Gen.
IViIliaiii Mahone, of Virginia, to temporary rank of major-general in the Provisional
hriiiy of the Conlethate States of America, under act approvctl May 30. 1864.
Richmoiid, Julie 1, 18G4.
SIR: I have tlie honor to recoininend t h e nomination of Brig. Gen. William
o temporary rank of major-general in the Provisional Army
es of 2inwrira,nnder act approred May 30, 1864 ( t o command
rrny of Eortlicrii Virginia), to date from confirmation.
tfully, yonr obedient servant,
Xecreht y OJ War.
I!kccllency JI:I
Zremlenf, efc.
~ r c m i o ~ i TA.,


$1, 1864.

To llic X?,iatc ?f fiic (i)?{f&rcit? Xicifci.

the Secretary of War, I hereby nominate
eneral, with temporary rank, in the ProviJEFFERSON DAVIS.
Richmond, Ilfuy 31, 1S64.
S m : I ~ R V Vtlie honor to rrcornniend the nomination of Brig. Gen. S. D. Itaniseur,
ol X o r t l l Carolina, to temporary rank of major-general in the Provisional Army of
the ConfLdcrate States of Bnierira, iinder act approved Rlay 30, 1864 (to command
&rlys tli\ ision, riiniy of Northcirn Yirginia), to tlatc froin confirniation.
1am, sir, respectfully, your obedient s e n ant,
Seereta y of Mcr.
To His Excelleric.~JEFPERSON DAVIS,
President, etc.

Richmond, May 51, 1864.

To the ,%ante of the Confederate Slates:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Maj. $en.
H 11. h d e r s o n , of South Carolina, to be a lieutenant-general i n the lrovislonal
, h ~ y with
temporary rank, for the coininand of a corps in the Army of Northern
Virginia, to date from May 31, 1864.

[June 1, 1864.


hmond, Muy 31, 1864.

en. R. H. Anderson,
for the conirrraiitl of

I have the ho
of South Carolina, t

Seerctury of War.

To His Excellency JEFFERSON

fieuident, etc.

on of the nominations of
The Senate roceeded to the consid
temporary rank of majorBrig. Gen. Wifiiurn Mahone, of Virgini
eneral in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America
coniniand Andersons division, Army of Northern Virginia), to
ate from confirmation; Brig. (;en. S. D. Ramseur, of North Carorank of major- eneral in the Provisional Army of
of America ?to command Earlys division, Arm
of Northorn Virginia), to date from confirmation; Maj. Gen. R.
Anderson, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-general, with temporary
rmk, for thc corninarid of a corps in the Army of Northern Virginia, in
tho li~ovisionalArmy of tho Confederate States of America, to rank
Ironi May 31, 1804, undcr act approved May 31, 1864; arid
Rmo/iw?, T h a t the Sen& :idvise and consent to their appointiiient,
w reed )ly to tho nomination of the President.
?I!he following niessage WRS received from the President of the Confedci*ntcStates, by Mr, 13. N. I-Itirrison, his Secretary:



Richmond,Mttjj $1, 1

To Llin Senaie of the Coi?fetbercrte States:

A reonbly to the recornmeridation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the
on t.>encc-onipnying list to tlic rank amxed to their naines, respectively.


IWiinoi~d,Vu., May 7 , 1864.

H i s : I have the honor to reconinientl the following nomination~for appointlxielit
iu the Irovisioiial Ariiry of the Conlrtlerato States of America:

S. hl. liouth, of Louisiana, to be captain, vice Captain Alexander, resigned, to rank

frotit I?t~l)lntiry19, 1864.

First lie~ilenants.

,J. 8.Stiihbs, of Virginia, to bc first lieutenant, vice Lieutenant Lindsay, resig~~ed,

to ronk froill February 19, 1864.
J . 1,. Ihggett, of Iirginia, to be first lieutenant, viceLieutenant Routh, promoted,
to r m k froiii Februnry 19, 18G4.

Second lieutenant.
Skipwith Wilinrr, of Virginia, to be second lieutenant, vice Lieutenant Stubbs,
promoted, to rank from February 19, 1864.
I am, sir, respcctfully, your obedient servant,
xcellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.

Secretary of War.

.June 1. 1864.1



The message was read.

Ohdercd, That3i t be referred to the Committee on Military Aflairs.
Mr. Baker, from the Committee, on Yost-Offices and Post-Rosds, to
whom were rcfcrred (on the 30th ultimo) the nominations of Edward A.
Thotn:ls, to IN 1wstm:istcr at Holly Springs, R/Iarshall County, Miss. ;
N. A. 13~11, to bc postmaster at Orangeburg, S. C.; Nathan Selig~ n m ,a t Shreveport, La. ; Henry Townsend, tit Wetumpka, Ala. ;
Richard C. Wallace, a t Georgetown, S. C.; Noah I,. C l o ~ d ,at
Ihinbridge, Ga.; ltufus \V, Daniel, at Weldon, N. C.; and of Dr.
J:itiies 11. Stwr, of N:~cogdoches,TPX.,to be agent of the Post-Office
1)cp:trtnicwt for the country \vest of the Mississippi River, under act
of Congrcss approved 1el)luary 10. 1864, reported, with tlie recoiiiiriend:bt ion that all of stiicl rioiiiiiiations be confirmed.
Tlic Scii:ite prowcded to the consideration of said report; and ill
coiiciiiwnce therewith, it W:IS
, T1i:it thc Senate advise and conscnt to their appointment,
:igrecatily t o tlic iroiiiirintion of t h e President.
Mr. S p ~ o w froin
tlic Conirnittee on Military Affairs, to whon~
W P I Y ~refcrrcd (on tlic 25th of May last) the nominations of S. J. Gholw t i , 1 3 1 y i n Grinics, ,James Coiincr, lZnfus Barringer, to be brigadierg ~ n txlh;
Ishain Ilari~ison,W.I). Mitchell, T. P. Shaw, IT.G. Swan5011, Robert Mrltite, 0. M. Dmtzlcr, to be colonels; ,J. McAnerney,
C. 7. O I h m l l , \V. 12.. I3illopp, E. G. Brasher, D. E. Scrrxggs, to
lie lieutenant-colonels; ;I.,I. Owen, Jamcs M. Banning, George MT.
Beqnoldil, J . W.Cuter, N. Htnllworth, P. TT. Calmese, to be majors
of itifiintrp; Sidncy 1. Fontnine, George lt. IYilson, to be majors of
a i t i l l t b r j ; 1%.
C:. ILI. Salc, A. L. DC ltosset, J . lt. S. Gillilund, t o be
wptainh; \V. lcrriii K C I I I ~,J., L. Ihsticl.;, VITilliarii H. Ilardy, to be
:iids-clc-c:iinp, with the i*mikof first licutenant; William M. CrHvens,
Jolin 1,. I:~nin~oiid,
,J. V m dc Gfi~aff,tJ. 1,. I~ockwood,J o h n 137.
.Johnsoti, David I,. Swi>atnmi,George W. Orton, W. W. Ziinnierinan,
to iw : i t l j u t t i i i t h , \\ it11 1 1 1 ~f i i i i k o f f i 1 . d lic~ukritinl; A. 1. Sangrain, to
he : ~ t l j t i t i ~ ?\rciit!--~e\-cnti1
Arkansas Rcgiincnt; L. i. I U L ~ ~ I I C I Cto~ ,
I)c i c c ~ m t lli(\utmiint, Stmrts Artillery ; C. Cwrington, Charles D.
Lot, to lic tirht l i ( ~ i i t ( w i nof
t ~ c a ~ a l r ymid infantry; Wenslcy Hobby,
1tol)ci.t I,. Coop(lr, 1. 31. 8. lthett, George M. Stoney, T. A. Quattle1 ~ u i i 1 ,L. Ho\vici, 15. S. Ogdcti, l l o l t ~ r t&l.Scott, John 1). Mclntyre,
E. ,I. 071<riet1,S.1. fiorris, t o l)o sccond lieutcnants; Bennett Clark,
to hc military stoi*ekecpci*of oidn:uice, with the rank of first lieutenant
of infantry; ,J. U. H:Lrdoni:Lii, to be a qtiartennaster, with the raiilr of
1~it1,jor;I:;:i:~c A. Cl;ti*kc, I,. C. Fisher, to he assistant quarterma,rtei*s,
with t h e rank of q h i i i i ; .John TV. Brown, to 1)e a conimissary, with
tlie r t ~ n kof i m j o r ; 12. A. \Yatl<ins, Duff Child, John I?. McFnialand,
JIrilIi:mi IIoskinr, IIcnry V. Gr:~y,J o h n C. Mobley, Ed. B. lorrin,
f3e11r.yClay Ghent, Alex. Rives, Charles H. Todd, Robert Donne11
(iivin, S:tliiixcl V. L).. Hill, Benjrmin F. Duvnll, Jamcs H. Lucltic,
Putrick 11. Griffin, ,Jos. ,J. Holt, Junins Roane, V(i1liarn IV. Keith,
C;. A. I). Qalt, \Yilliani C.; Carter, John T;tilliam Lawson, M7i1linrn MT.
Dougla.s, T3illiani E. Kcnible, Alfred 12. Gamier, Jos. H. Mittall,
illomas 13. Cosby, Alfred Smith, S. A. I-lolt, Henry Plumnier, William
E. Saiiriders, RIatthcw Deavenport, .John Millium Crowders, OeorgeM.
Ilcnderson, Jos. Bensadon, John Gratton Cubcll, John Dickson Brunb,
1;I)eri liillyer, Alfred Eaoul, I3olling A . Iolw, JYillianl A. Cochran,
, M. Henson, John W. King, B. T. Marshall, li. T. Abernathy,


[Juiic 2 , 1Xci-1.

Jmie 2, 1864.1


Orde?*ed,That the Secretary reguest the concurrerice of the House

of Itepresentatives therein.
A rnessnge from t h e House of Iteprescntatives, by Mr. Dalton:
J f r . fresidmt: The House of Reprcsentatires have passed a joint resolution (11. R.
11) of thanks to Jlaj. Gen. Richard Taylor and the oflicers and men of his command;
in ~vhichthey request the concurrerice of the Senate.
The Spcxkcr of the Mouse of Representatires having signed an crirolled bill, I am
directed to bring i t to the Beriate for the signature of their Iresident.

Mr. IJarnwell, froin tho Committee on Finance, to whonl ~ v a s

referred the bill (IT. It. 135) to incrt:isc the coinperisittion of the assistant elcI-l~sof tho Seriutc a i d Ilouse of fteprcsentathw, reported it
without a~iiciidinent.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Coiiiiiiittee of the \Thole, to the considcrntion of the said bill; :tnd
On inotion ltp Mr. 12urriett,
O r t h 2 e d , Tliitt thc furtlier. considei.atioii thereof be postponed until
to-morrow .
Mr. 13arnwel1, from the Committee on Finance, to .tvhoni was referred
the bill (S. 59) to nuthorim the owners of the i.cgisterod ciglit per cent
tell-year convertihlc, honds issued iinder the provisions of the act
approrctl 16th hhty, ISfil, t o exchangc the s;me for coupon hoiids,
reported it without tiim ndm en t.
Thc Semtc procfxdccl, :is i n Conimittm of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; arid no :bmcndnient being p r o p o d , it TKLH
rcportcd t o thc Senate.
O / d c 7 w Z , That it h e ciigrossed and read :t third tiiiic.


_ _ _ .._.
_ .

On motion hy Alr. Oltlh:uu,
T l i ~yeas and nays h i ng dcsired by one-fifth of t,hc Scnn tors lw(wwt,.

. - . . . _ _ _ _ _ _

who votcd i n the :i,ffirni:Ltivc are,

. B:L~cI.,
Itarnrvcll, IZrown, Ihmiett, Caperton, Cfr:~hiim,1Iil1,
FJeiiiison, hl;ixwell, O n , Seiiimes, Sparrow, W:tll<er, and
rhoscl who voted in the nrgntivr are,
Meshrs. IIaynes, Henry, Johnson of Georgi:i, ,Johnson of MisboLii.i,
Jlitchel, Olclhani, and Sirnnx.

nd that the title thereof be as aforesaid.

ary request the concurrence of the Hon

MI-. Sp~trrow,from tlic Coimnittee on Military Affairs, to whom was

i-cfcimd the bill (S. 61) to amend an act entitled An act to ovgmizc
iiii1it:try c~ourlsto attend the Arniy of tho Confederate States in the
licld. and to define the powcrs of said courts, 1-eported it with an
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of tlic Whole, to the considcl-ationof the said bill; and the reported rtmendrnent having been agi.cec1
to, the_ hill
. was reported to the Senate and the amendnicnt was concurred i n .
O&red, That the bill be eng~ossedand read u third time.



[June 2, lh61

On motion by Mr. ?Johnson, of Georgia, to tinrend the bill by striliIng out the ~vordsand unwarrantably, sec*tictn I, l i r m S atid 9,
Yeas.. - _ _ - - ... _
.. .. 8
It was dotermined in the affirmative, NaJ,s ._._....
. . . _ .7_
On motion by N r , Johnson of Georgia,
rlic yew and nays being dcsircd by one-fifth of the Scna(orx pr(
Tliose who voted in the aitirmative are,
Messrs. Darnwell, Grithain, IIaynes, Henry, llttnter, , J o h n w i i of
Georgia, Jofinsori of A rkansils, and Om.
Ihose who voted in tho negative are,
rs. Ctiperton, Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, Olcth:iiti, Scirinicb,
S p r r o w , :d
On iiiotiori by Mr. ,Johnson of Missotiri, to arncnd tlic ))ill I)p inserti t w after i n f o r n d l v . scctiori 1, line 8, thc ~ o r d s antl


furthcx consideration of the resolution submitted by Mr. L

'3'i m m s o n
the 23d of May, last,, inquiring int*othe expediency of '(taking for
the public use" all the cotton, tobacco, and naval stores in the Confederate States, etc.
Pllr. O r r (l)y leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 10)in relation to the opening of negotiat
for peace betweell t h e Coilfederate States and the Dnitcd States;
which was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar.
On motion by Mr. ;\litchel,
The Yeiiate resolved into open legislative session.

The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, hy Mr. 13. 8 . Harrison, his Secretary:
E x e c u ~ DIWAJWXIC,TT,
Richmond, .kine 2, 1864.
To the Xpnatr (ft l i p Confederate Ntrtcs:
Agreeably to the rec.oniiiiend:ition of the Secretary of War, I noniinate the officers
oii the accoiiipanyiiig list to the rank affixed to their naiiics, respecti\dy.
No. 27.1
\fr.iR DEPARTJIENT, RZ'C1k1)101Ld,June 1, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to rc~comincndthe following iiominatioiis for appointnient
in the Provisional ilrtiiy of the Coilfederate States of America:

Col. T. P. Dockerr, of Arkanms, to coniiiiaiid a ~ i e wbrigade, Trans-?llissis~ippi

I)cxpartiiient, to rank frvni Aiicrnst 10, 1863.
('01. T. N. \\"aul, oi Tc'x:th, to roniniaiitl a nt'w h-ijiaclt., 'I'raiis-~IississiI,piDeparti i i ~ i i t ,to rank fro111 Peptenrl)er IS, 1863.
1aiii, sir, respectfully, your obedient servaiit,

To fIis 1;scellency J ~ ~ n - i s i i s o~s ~ A ~ I s

President, elc.


The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following message w a s received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
~ B

June 1, 1864.

7'0 f l i r Xcnnfe of tlie Cmjederate Sfufcs:

A\grwalilyto the recomiiimtlation of the Secretary of War, I noniinate Col. John

Hratton, uf South Carolina, to be a brigadier-general in thc Provisional Ariny of the
Contederate States of Ainenca.
Richmond, dime 1, 1864.
Sin: I hare the honor to recoinmend tlie nomination of Col. John Bratton, of South
('arolina, to he a ~),igadirr-grneralin tlie Provisional Arnly of thc Confederate States
o f .\rncrica (to coniiiiaiitl the late Gen. 111. Jenkins' brigade, Ariny of Northern
I'irgiiiia), to rank froiii the death of Geneyal J[enkins], May 6, 1864.
1 ain, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Aecretury of War.
To IIis Excellency JEIWER~OS
President, ptr.

3one 2,1864.1



Bowen, Geor e W. Gift, Thomas W.W. Davies, Patrick McCarrick,

ttilliani F. Jarter, William 14. V d l , Wiliiatii W. Carnes, John 11.
Ingrahsm, William Van Comstock, Richard F. A4rnistrong,dlhert G.
Hudgina, Charles I<. King, John f l . Conistock, ;Toseph 13. Wilson,
duliaii M. Spencer, Jairies 1,. tJohtison, Sidney S. Lee, jr., Sainuel
Harron, jr., E. Canty Stockton, James 3lcC. IMier, ,John W.
NIurdaugh, Mortimcr 31. Genton, Charles L. Haralson, Sidney H.
IClchdain, Francis T. Chew. Alex. &I. Mason, Thornas 1,. Moore, 1.c.e.y
Eorcnisn, Walter 0. Crain, Joseph Price, hlexandey Grant, Charles E.
Yeatman, Charles 13. Oliver, Charles 3. Ila~Ber,Francis Watlington,
John L. Phillips, George 11. Arledgc, Maxwell T. Clarlie, John A.
P:Lyiic, 11enry W. Kay, IYillianz E. fIudgins, John F. Rainsag,
l l . Beverly Littlepage, Lewis R. IIill, Edward J. Means, Henry
Boberts. Bichard I. Gayle, Kobert C. Foute, Francis &I. Roby,
Henry 11. Xarmaduke, ,John Low, Arthur Sinclair, jr., William W.
Robcrts, Edgar A. Lairibert, Otcy Bradford, Joseph 31. Gardner,
Matthew 1. Goodwyn, Aniericixs V. Cliatt, Thoinas L. Skinner,
and Clareiice 1,. Stanton, to be first lieuteriants; Joseph P. Clay~XOOB,Uichard S. Floyd, \Villiam 1. Mason, William F. Robinson, ,John R. Price, David A. Telfair, Daniel Tri g, Isaac C. 1101comb, William R. Dalton, Algernon S. Worth, d m t 14.Canim,
Ilahncy M. Scaleh, ?John T. Walker, Sarnuel S. Gregory, William W.
Ittad, Biohard 13. 13acot, Edward tJ. McDcrinett, 12. 13. Larmour,
Ihomas 1. 13el1, Janics W. Billups, to be second lientonants;
Sanluel 1. 13I:inc, George 1). IZrym, Myiid:tiii It. Mayo, Daniel D.
C o l c o ~ k ,Milliani 1. Hturiilton, .Jarric~ac. Long, Ileriry L. Vau han,
cJ:unwJl. Iwrsori, 1Iciir.j S. Cooltc, G d e IT.Spwks, I\illimi J. Craig,
to 1 ) iii:t>tc>ix,
i n tlic lino of promotion; Felix Senw, tJ:nn~\h0. Moore,
M i h r d ta.vlor, and .Jaillcs 13. Arniour, to be p:Lpi:k\rs; Douglas F.
Forrest, Lczlic 1;. I3rookb, eJolin S. 13:t1iks, Jolin ,J. Jlclhcrson, M. &I.
Sc:ty, Gcorge 11. ONcal, \Villi:un 13. Jlicou, l\ilson G. Bichardsoii,
Perry 111. IkLeon, Adatii Trcdwell, Edward XCKCIUI,
I h v i t t C.
riiour, Siiiicoii 13. Iteardon, JVilliam II. Chahe, 11. 11:. McDufEe,
liani XI. L:idd, Sterling 1,. I!iarl<sdaltl. Sidney 8.Xicliolas, Charles
I\. Keini, William E. Deacon, T. G. Ridgely, .John 31. Icarl, Levi
XI. rYucker, C. Lucian Jones, IYillis 13. Cobb, John F. Wheless,
Mai*shall L. Sotlioron, Marsden lkllaniy, 1)asil N. Ilcriot, Norton
Kent Adams, to be aasistant paymasters; ,J. W. B. (;rccnhow, William
1). flarrison, Williain F. Carrington, Charles 11. Willitmson, Arthur
JI. T i p a h , Danicl 13. Conrtd, Francis I,. Galt, William M. Pagc,
ihington, Algernon S. (;:iniett, to be surgeons;
on, ,J. JV. dandford, Thornas J. Charlton, Chttrles 3.
Ilinirig, J1:Lrcellu.s P.Christian, Kobert J . Fumrbm, Bennett W, Green,
,J:mes W. Hcrty. ,Janirs E. Lindsay, and Osborn S. Iglchart, to be
p:isscd aqsistant surgeons; Charles AM.
Morfit. T. Bartow Ford, 12. R.
Cril)lxb, Edwin Ci. Rootti, Thonias Emory, William JIason h r n c r ,
Johrl De lhw, Marcelhis Ford, IT.IFr. G ~ L V C
S ,,J. Addison, N. C.
Ediiiuiids, S. S. IIeixick, K. 11. Rend, John Lfyhurii, Robert C.
Powell, It. C. Bowles, John 1. Lipscomb, Williacrl C. Jones, Wiliinm
Sheppardson, C. M. Iarkcr, C. IVeslcy Thomas, Henry 13. Melvin,
\;Cilliam S. Stoaklcy, Williani W. Griggs, Joseph S. Tipton, George
13. WesLon, George 3 . Halstead, ,James V. Cook, rJ>tIIl(?S0. Grant,
Pike Brown. Henry ( 3 . Land, G. i\r, Claiborne, ,James 3f , Hicks, Joel





[June 3, 1864.

G. King, Daniel E. Ewart, Edward Caire, Jeptha V. Harris, Luther

R. Dickinson, John H . Rutherford, George A. Foote, Nathaniel K.
Henderson, James W. Relvin, Watkins 11.Warren, Robert Kuykcndall,
James (+.Thomas, Walter E. Bondurant, Jaines E. Moyler, Frcderick
Peck, Hugh S. Paisley, Jo h n E. Duffel, James G. Boxlej~,E!dniund
Goldsborough, to be assistant surgeons; Michael @inn and J . (:harlc,
Schroeder, to he c h i d engineers in the Provisionul Navy, reportc.d,
with the recoinmendation that all of said nominations be confiriricd.
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of stid report; a i d i n
concurrence therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate c i d v i ~and consent to their appointnicnt,
tigreeably to the n~ininat~ions
of the President.
Nr. Sps~rrow,Croni tho Cornmiltee on Military Affairs, to whom mas
rcfcrrecl the nomintition of J . 13. ICershtiw, to hr B 1m~j01~-g!~1~~ra1
in t lit.
Provisiond Amiy of the Confedcrute States of Anierica, rcportcd, with
the recoinmcii~lationthat said nomination be confinucci.
Phc Sentito proceeded to the considerution of said i q o r t ; :1nt1 in
concuriwicc tlieremit,h, it as
rhat the Senate advisr and consent l o his appoinl,nicnt,,
:igrcc&Iy to the nomiti;Ltion o f the President.
On iriotion by MY. Jlitchel,
lhc Sjcnatte rcsolved into secret Icgislative session.



June 3. 1664.1

311.. Caperton, from the Committee on Foreign Affairs, who were

instructed hy a resolution of the Senate to inquire into the expediency
of requesting the President of the Confederate States to make an
exposition, throu .h our commissioners abroad, to the various Europeaii powers to vi ich t l i q may be accredited, of the violations of the
rules of civilized w-irfare, and the atrocities committed hy the Governnieiit8mid armies of the IJnited States, in the prosecution of hostilities
against the Conftdcratte States of America, submitted a report (No. 4),
accompanicd by the following resolution; which was considered and
agreed to:

tl, That the Jreritlcnt ol the Confederate States be requested to make an
OIII coii~niiwioiiers
abroad, to the varioiis European powers to
itcc rectited, of the violations of ttir rules of civilized*warfare, and
triitted b y tlre Government and the armies of the United States,
f hostilities against the Confederate States of America.

ow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, who were

instructed by B resolution of the Senate to inquire into the subject,
A bill (S. 66) to ainend the act elltitled -4n act to provide for the
public defcn.;e, approved 6th March, 1861;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Wholr; and noamendment being proposed, it was reported
to the Senate.
Onkred, That it he engrossed and read tt third time.
T h e &aid bill was read the third time.
tl, That it pays, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
, lhwt the Secretary request the concurrence of t h e House
of llcprc5cntative~therein.
A1 r. Sparrow, iroin tlie (ominittee on Alilitary Affairs, to whom W X ~
referrvd the bill (S.64) to provide for the ectablishmerit of 2~ bureau of
for thc examination, expei~iment,and application of warlilcc inventions, reported it without aniendment.
A meskage from the IIousc of Representatives, b~ Mr. Dalton:
llli . Prcszclelrf: The liouec. of [irpresentatives hare passed hills of the following
titlei; in n iiich they request tlie concurrence of the Senate:
11. E. 147. A n act to aniend an art entitled An act to impose regulations upon the
foreign coiiiiiierce of the Cchfederate States to provide for the public defense,
approved Februarv 6, 1864; arid
H. R. 148. An act to raise iiioney to increase the pay of soldiers.
S p a r r o ~ i~
, r o i nthe Committee on hlilitary Afhirs, to whom
were referred the ainendments of the House of Representatives to the
bill (Y. 43) to regulate the pay of a general assigned to duty at the seat
of government tinder the provisions of the act approved March 25,
1862, rcported thereon.
rhe Senate pioceeded to consider the amendments of tho House of
Representatives to thr bill (S. 43) last mentioned; and
On motion by l l r . lSarnwcll,
Otd~r.ed,That they he iwoniinittecl to the Coirirnittee on Military
A tkirs.
31.i. Sparrow, from the Committee on Militar Affairs. to whom was
r c f e i x d the bill (S.18) to repeal an act cntitlei L A ~act
l to provide a
staff and clerical force for any general who may be assigned by the
President to duty at the seat of governinent, reported it without
On motion by NI-.



[.rime 3. 1x61

Orddred, That the Comiiiittec on Militnry Affairh be dischnrgScyi

from tbe Eurthcr consideration of the following bills:
8. 3. A I d 1 to authorize officern of the Army and Navy to 1)1irchase
rations; and
S. 17. A bill to provide mtions for the officers of the A ~ I Iduring

June 3 , I861 ]



H. R. 108. An act to amend the laws rclatiiig to the tax in kind; and
11. K. 148. A i i act to raise nionex to increase t h e pay of soldiers.
On iriotiori by illr. Grahr~m,

, That they he printed.

(H. It. 146) to a n i d an act entitled h i a c t regulating the

gratiti ng of furloughs and didiargc!: in hospitds, approved May 1,
1863, W R S read thc first ~ n swoiid
tinies and referrcd t o the Committee on Alilitary Affairb.
The bill (11. K. 147) to :inlend aii act (.ntitled An act to impose
regulntions upon tlic fovoign cotii11icr(~of the Confcdcratc Shites to
proviclc for thc pii1)lic dcfcnst~was wad thc iirst, and sc~contlt i i i i p s
and i ~ f c i w dto the. Coinniittr.c on ( y o t i t i n ~ ~ r ~ ~ .
A h . A I : n \ \ cli, ironi the coiiiiiiit ,tvpovtcti that t h y had cx:miiiied
arid f o u n d t i ~ i r~nt*ollcd
l ~
l)i I Is i t t i (
joi tit wsolirtioti of the i o l l o w i ~ ~ ~
S. 15. An wt to fnvnish tmnsporhtion to ofticcrs of thc Army aiid
Sary while tl.:irCliitg ixiidor orrlci*s:
S. 93. An act to provide for tltc :tppoiiitxiient of additional military
stor& i t i the Ivo~ihion:il A i in3 ol the ConferlertLte Stntes;
K. 24. An act to :!itthorim thc nppointincnt of additional officers of
artillery for ord11:inco dutics; and
H. It. 9. ,Joint resolution rc.sponsirc to tlic vcsolutions of the general asscnihly of Virginia asserting the jurisdiction and sovereignty
of the State of Virginia o v ~ ht:r
r :uwientj boundaries."
T h e Prcnidctit 1)ro tc.nipot*e h i ~ v i n gsigned the eiirollcd bills and
eiirolled joiti t resolution Iwt vq,ort c ~ to
l hnvc bccti (~xainintd,they
were deli\ ~ r c dto t l i ( x Swix.tnry of th(. Sonate and 1)y l i i m forthwith
pre~enteclto thc Ircyitlcrrt o f thc Coi
isat(\ St:tt(h for. his :ippro\-al.
lhe Henntc rcsunwd, :L\S iii (oiiinii
of tho \Vholc, 1 li(l coiisidcrc the coiiipc1is:Ltjoii of tlic
ation of tile 1)ill (II. li. 135) to in
assistant, clerks iri tlic S(viiLtc : ~ n dllonw of 12cpi.(.s~~tittiti\,(..;:
On inotion 1): Mr. 13:~Icer~
d, T1t:Lt thc fixrtlicr considemtion tlicrcof l)c postponed until
The Sciiatc Iwmrned, as in Commi ttec
i c %-hole, thc consideration of thcl l ~ i l l(S. 58) pvovidiiig for the
)lishiiicnt :~ndprLyiiieiit
of claims for propcrty t:dteii or i i i f o
y :ind 1111 wwrantably
ini ressecl for the iise of the C;o\-ernrneiit.
8 1 1 motion 1)y Mr. ~ciiniics,t o amcntl tltc 1)ill t)), htrilciiig out all
aftor the emditig clnnsc atid it

June 4,1864.1



O d e w d , That the further consideration thereof he postponed until

The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the TTihole, to the consideration of thc bill (S. 64) to provide f o r the establishment of a bureau
experiment, aiid application of
of oljtechnics f o r thc exami~intion~
war ilte inventions.
On motion by Mr. Wigfall, to ainend thc hill by inserting after
of, sect)ioii 3 , line 2, the worcIs such numbers of,
It was determined in the aflirm.A twe.
On motion by Blr. Wigfall, to itnitmd the bill by insertingatfter construction, section 3, line 4, the words as thc service may require,
It was dctermincd in the affirmative.
O n iiiotioii 1)s Mr. Wigfall, to amend the bill b s inserting after
President, section 3, line 4, the \\lords by and with the advice and
consent of the Senatc,
It was determined in the nffiimati~-e.
On inotioii 1)y Mr. Spnrrow,
The Senate resolvtd into executive session.
The doors h a r i n g been opened,
On motion by Mr. Grahttin,
l h Senate adjourned.


Xr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was

i*cfcrredthe hill (S. 65) to aid i i i t h c wnslruction of ironcl:d gunboats
for the defense of \\cstcrii and Southc.rii riwrs, i*cpoi*tedit with an
anieiidmcn t.

On inotiori by 3Ir. Alitcbcl,

The Senate r~sol\~ccI
into opn legislative hession.

On motion by Xr. Sparrow,

0 7 ~ / e ~ e tThat
the Sccw1ary of the Senate ti*niirmit to tlw AiljutantGene~aI,to be rctimicd by hiiii i n ten days, the original lists of all
nominations sent to tlie S(.risLtc :it thc 1
c 4 o n which I Y C ~ Hpostponed
or continnccl for consitleration until thc present scdoii.
On inotion l)y Mr. Mitchel,
The Setlate resolved into secret legislativc

4, 1864.

A rnwsagc: i i w n the IIouse of Representatives. by Mr. Dalton:

rlw 1 Ionse of Represenhti yes have passed billti of the following
titlw; i i i \I hi(*lithcy reqriest tlie concurrence of the Senate:
I f . It 123. An act making appropriations tor the bupport of the Government of
the Conietlerate States of America from July 1 to December 31, 1804, and to siipply a
I It. iS4. An act making appropriations for the postal serrlce of the Confederate
States for the year 1862 and 1863.
Tkiv 1 I o u of
~ Representatives ]nave agreed to the anlendments of the Senate to the
iollo\rinp bill..
El. R 8 An art to authorize tlic. jntFgc of the clistrlct court Tor the rlortheln c h trict ot Georgia to change the p1xc.e of hoiding said court; and
MP fresi&ii/

[June 4, 1864.

H. R. 92. An act to amend the act approved February 17,1864, entitled An act to
allow coininissioncd officers of the Arniy rations and the privilege of purcliasing
clothing from the Quartermasters Department; and
H. R. 125. An act to establish certain post rontes therein named.

Mr. Mitchel (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 67) to organize a corps of scouts and guards to facilitntr
commiinication with the Trans-Mississippi Departmen t;
which was read the first and second times and refcrrcd to the Coinmittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Johnson of Missouri (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 68) to provide for paying of6ccrs and ~oldiersthe loss SIX+
tained by thein on account of the depreciation of Confederate lreasiiry
which was read thc first and second times and referred to the Coniinittee on Milittry Atmils.
A iiiessagc froni tho JIouse of Reprcsentativcs, by Mr. Dalton:
M I . Pi-~aidmzt.The 1Iouw of licprcsentati\.eslime pitsued tlic. joint resolution of the
(S. 8) ilirc&iig tlic w t t lciiiciit of the claim of Zeclehiali J1(-Danit~l: L I I ( ~
1vI. IC~ting,for dcstrnying the Federd gotitmat Cairo by iii(wis o f a toi pe(lu,
i amfmiliiirnt; i i i which tliey reqntvt the (oiictirrcnceof the 8j,n%tv.

On motion by

1\11.. ,Jcniison,

Odwed, Ihiit the ntc.nioi*i:ilof ,John 13. Itcad, of the State of A1:tI)ani:a, priiyiiig (.ot~lpci~tiolt
for thc US(, )I?. thc Army :mtl N:t\-j- o f
tlic Coiifcdcmtc Stntcs, of thc Kratl Sli~lI,~
lw t:Llicn front thc lilw

of thc Scn:1tc : I n d r(
JIr. dcrriison hiitti
crt1tl a l l n tLgl(wl to:
i d ,

rot1 to t,hc Coniniittcc on N:ival A tlaii-h.

cd tltc following rosolution: which W:LS cwisirl-

lliilt f I i c Stwitc will, during tlic winnintlrr of tlic prcstmt sc6sioi1, h l w :L

twn t l i c Iiotir of half past tlrrtv oclock pos!iiit~ridimto c1igIit o ( . l ~ ~ . k

hlr. Hariiwt~ll,from tho Coinmi

on Finmce, to whom was rc\fci*rcct
the bill (11. 1L 9s) to lt~t~ciicl
an w t entitlctl h i it(.t to wt1iit.c tlic curwncy and to : ~ r i t l i o i h:L I I V W i s s w of notcs wid I)onds, :i~)proved
l(cI)rwy 17, LSM, rcportcd i t with tlic roc~oiiitiic~titl~~tttioll
t h t , it oilglrt
ittcc of the Wltol(~,to thc

. JoliiicIoii o f

hrltaiis:~.;,tint tfic bill lie

: t n t ( ~ t i ( l i t i ( ~ t Iwiiig
pi*ol)owd,( l i t \ ltili wtis
I l i n t ii p i t \ \ t o :L t,liii*cl miding.
s:titf bill \ \ : I $ i x ~ t1w
t , l l i i d tirite.
OII~ I I P ( I i i c L h t i o i i ,

O r t / o * rr/,


Slinll tho I ) i I I now





rcport,td to titc S ( ~ I l ~ ~ t ~

June 4, 1864.1



firit 5wtioii the worcls

aiitl that licicaltcr no officw of the staff sliall be assigned to c~onii11andin the line,
except in cases of c~iiic~rgeiic.y,
until ail appointinent can be made,

It was dcteraiincd in ihc, ncgative.

No xincnclnicnt being made, the bill mas reported to the Senate. Oidwctl, That i t he engrossed and rcad a third time.
The said bill WIS rcad the third tiinc.
12eso7?ipd, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O d { ~ , , t 7 ,Ih:~tthe Srcrrt:wy request the concurrence of the House
ol Represcntativeb thcrein.



June 4, 1864.1

Resohed, That it pass with an amendment.

O d m d , That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives in the amendment.

On motion by Mr. IIenry,

The Senate resolved into secret legislati\-e session.
lhc doors having been opened,
rlw following m age TTRS mceivcd from the President of the Confederate States, hyv r. 13. X. Harrison, his Secretary:
bfr. Presicleiif: The President of the Confederate States, on the 2d instant, approved
ct (S. 33) to regulate the coiiipensatioii anti miltlage of niembrr:: of
crease the compensation of the officers of the 8enatr and IIousr of
The President ywtcrtlav approved and signed an act (8.22) to secure the prompt
printing of the la\\i of t h i Confederate States.
Thc lresideiit has to-day approved and signed tl
rarisportatioii to oflice
for the appointment of additional military storekeepers
in tht, Pro\ isiondl Ariiiy of the Confrderate States.


That the Secretmy inform the &use of Representatives

T I E following message mas received from the President of the Confederate St:ttes, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
RlCtrlCOND, XA.,

. k ? P

4, 1864

70 f h e Sr7,atr nnil l i o t i c ~of Rrprrsentntiws.

I Irerev itli traimniit for your consideration communications from the proper
officers, s i i h i t t i n g c4iiiatc.i ot tlic arrionnt reqiiircd t i ) be appropriated for the
priocl ciitliiig J)weniber 3 I , 18ti4, nlitlt~rthe act :q)provid .I 111w 2, 1864.



I hc message was read.

J, 111:itit h rcferrcd to the Corrimittcc on Einance.
lowing inessagc WLS received f i ~ m
the Iresident of the Confedcrate States, by Mr. 13. iu. Harrison, his S ( ~ w t a r y :
Rrcfivoui), VA., .Tune 2 , 1864.
To t l t ~Senntr and I r O i i S e of Repr~sentntiwn:
I herrn it11 traiiuiiiit for your information a corninunlvation from the Serretary of

IYar, covering copies of additional report.; of iriiliiary operations during the year


Lhmessage was read.

referred to the Committee on I\iIilitary A4faire.
rewived from the President of the ConIlarrison, his Secretary:
~ l C l T M O Y I > VA.,

1, 2864.

tlrr S ~ i a i r t eand House gf Reprcsentnficas:

I hereivith tiansirlit for yonr iuforniation a conimunicatiorl from the Secre
\Tar, corering copies oi re\ end additional reports of military operations. I t
gcsteti that these reports should not be pnbli\hetl or used otherwise than for the
information of Alembers and Senators of the Confederate States Congress.

The. message was read.

O ~ c Z e ~ w That
it be referred to the Corninittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas submitted the following rcsolutioii; which
was considerrd and agreed to:
Kesolced, That the President pro tempore appoinl a committee of tlirec, who ellall
be empowered to inquire and, if practitahle, to employ one or more conipetent ste-

June 4, 1RG4.1


The Senate proceeded to consider the said report; and

I e s s ~ l ~ c dThat
they concur therein, and that the bill he amended
07dcred, That the Secretittry inform the House of Representatives
r i
1he Senate rrsurned, as in Cornmittee of the Whole, the consideration of the hill (S.64) to provide for the establishment of a bureau of
polytechnics f o r thc examination, c s p e i k m t , and application of warlike inventions; and no further amendment being made, the bill was
rcported to the Sjcn:tte.
O i ~ k v c d .That it 1)c cngroswl and r e d a. third time.
?he said bill was road the third time.
On thc question.
Shall the hill now pass!
After debate,
On iriotioii by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
O ~ t k ~ r w ZThat
the furtlier consideration thercof b o postponed until
Mond:1y ncxt.
The Senate rcsumed, :is i n Committee of the Whole, the cotisideration of the hill (H. I%.136) to increase the conipensntion of the assistant
clerks i n the KcriiLte tinct Ilouse of Reprwcntatives.
On niotiori by illr. Biu-nett, that the further considei.ation of the hill
he postponed indefiiiitcl~,
_ _ _
I t \\ah detcrrninetl i n the negatirc, Yeas
1 Nays _ .._
_ _ - _._
- - _17
0 1 1 niotioii hy JIr. .Johnson of ,lrlr:~ni:ts,
r ,
I I i v J em :init n i t j s bciiig clclsircd k)y ow-fifth of the Senators present,
n ho votcvl i t 1 t h o affirniative :ire,
5 . Hurnctt. ,Johnson of Xrkaiiha~,:ird C)l(th:tni.
Thaw who \ otcd in tlic neg:tti\ c H ~ C ,
i l l c ~ h 13:trnwc~lI,
I3ron t I , (;rahmn, H a y n e , ~ Ilcnry,
Hill, Ilunter,
, J o h n m n of Gcoigia, ,Jolinson of A1 iwouri, JI:ixwcll, Alitchcl, Orr,
S(wincs, S p r i * o w , Walker, \l:ttson, :ind \Tigf:dl.
On motion l)y Jlr. IIill, to anicnd the bill by striking out fifty pcr
w r i t . lines :< :itid 4, :ind itwrtin g thirty-three and one third per
cci n t ,
It was drtcrniincd in the afGrrnati\re.
1. Grah:ini, to amend the hill by inserting the followL

2. Tliat tlic Sei gflarit-at-Arms of the Senate chall rcwiw five 111111tlred clollar~,
and t h r 1)oorkeepcr oi the Rcnatc filial1 recc4rc five liimdred dollars, iii aiiditioii to
tlir ninoiuit lion allo\\ ecl by la\\, to continue only for t h r t e r m of t \ \ c l \ c tnoIltlis,

On motion hy Jlr. Simini, to amend the proposed aniendmeiit b y

\tiiking out the words tlie Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate shall
i*cyx>i\,cfive hundrcd dollwrh, and, lines 1 and 2, and t)y striking out
. iii hundrecl dollars, line 4, and insurtirig in lieu thereof one
tli oitstnil dollars,
I t waq dctci*niincd in the affirmative.
On motion 1 ) ~ -1511. Johnson of Georgia, to amend the proposed
arnendmeut by insci ting after (Doorkeeper, line 3, a i d thc , h i s t ant Doorkeeper. and by inserting after dollars, line 4. .tach,''
It W R S dctcrniined in the affirmative.
The xmcndnient propobed by 31r. Graham, as amended. JT as then
agrced to; mid


[June 4, 1864

On motion by Mr. Jemison,

Oydered, That the bill be recommitted to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Johnson of Arkansas (by leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 11)relating to the exchtlnge of the daily ncwipapers of the Confederate States with those of England and France;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Coinmittee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it TWS
reported to the Senate.
Ordeped, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Resohed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the Ilonsc
of Mcpresentatives therein.
On niotiori by Mr. 7$7igfall, that the votc on passing the bill (11. It.
98) to amend an act entitled An act to reducc the currency and to
authorize a new issue of notes rind bonds, approved February 17,
1864, be reconsictered,
Yeas-. .
- .
- 11
It,was clcterniincd in the negative, Ndvh
On motion by Mr. IIaynes,
Tho ?.(.as arid nays heing desired by one-fifth of the Senatow present,
Ihoac who votod i n the aftirnintivc arc,
i)4~sbrs.Ihrnwdl, Ihwnctt, Graham, Hill, IIunter, cJemihon, ,Johnson
of (ieorgsjiL, (hi., SmiIncs, Sparrod, arid Migfall.
Ihoso who voted in the negative are,
Mc$sr5. Ihkcr, l3row11, Hayncs, Henry, Johnson of Arlcanws, ?Tohnoni-i, Maxwell, Nitchel, Oldhuni, Sirnnis, W a l B ~ r ,~ n d

So t lie Sicwitc ~ c f u s e dto rcconsider the votc

drd, :is i n Coniniittct~of tl
36) to provide f o r thc itiip
(t rolling stock of liLiIroa
)r tlic public. t l ( . U t ~ i i w ,atid to n d i c fiutlicr prolit trnnsport:Ltiori of troops and military biipplieh;


0 1 1 motion lhy M y . Grdiani, that thc: further consideration of the hill

)st po I L UI i 1 I( I v 1 iI I itv l y ,
( 11 t i i o t i o t t
l i r . IIill,
I l w S w a t ( \ atijourned.

The Sc;(tniLtcpro(wclcv1, ~h in Cotninitteo of thc JVholtx, to the caonsidtlic hill (S. t ; j

aid in tho construction of ironclad gunI)o:ith
for tlio t l t ~ i t ~ nof
x I\
rii t i t i d Soutticrn rivers; and the rcportt:d
11it\9ng boo
r w d t o , tlic bill was reported to the Sen&
iind t Iw :inic~ndincnt\Y:IY cuorwnrrcd in.
Or//(i/vi?. L h l 1110 hill i)t: ciipiws~i4:tnd mid IL third t,inie.
Ihc s a i d I ) i l I \v:i5 rc:ttl tho third tiiiict.
I l i t i ~ it p h s , :itit1 that tlia t i : lo thciw~fhc as aforesaid.
O?vJcwtl, That the. S(~:i.c~lary
rcqricst tlic coi~~urreiicc
of the House
of IicprescntutjYCS t I I C ~ Yi n.
On motion 1)y Mr. ,C;l)arro~.
The Senai,c?rcsolved into csccwtiw i t
c.i*:itiori ot


I, 1864 ]



The following message was received froin the President of the Confederate Skates, hy Mr. B. K. Harrison, his Secretary:
x u DEt>aitrmaT, Richinoiitl, .June 4, 1864.
the &#zcrte of the Confeclwnte Slute,):
Agreealil y to the recoiiiiiiciitiation of tlie Secretary of JVar, 1nolnlnatt, S. L. Oliver,
C I C South Carolina,to IJPsec*oiid Iitwtcnant C o ~ i i p m yP, First South Carolina ltegii i i m t , in thr. Provisional .lriiiy ot the Confcctr.r,ite States of timerica, ulltler act
approved April 16, 1862, for tlistingui$lied valor arid skill

\it ~ ) l % I ~ A l U ~I.,l Ef \~ t C / t / r L O n d Jurit


S , fS64.

SIR: 5 h a w the lioiior to recoiiinientl the ~ioiiiinationof S. I, Oliver, ot South (arolina, t o be wcoiid lic~oteriantCoinpan! P, Firet South Carolina Kegiirient, 111 the Pro\ isional A l r ~ iof
i ~the C>onftderate States of hrneiira, nntler act approved April 16,
1862, for cl~stinpuishrtllalor and skill, to r m k from N a y 6, 1863
1 a x , sir, rtqectfully, > oui obedient ser\aiit,
Secreltrry qf VIicr.

llie rneb5age was read.

O~d(retl,That i t he referred to tlie Conimittec on Military Affairs.
Thc following 111c5sage was received from the lrehident of the Confederate States, by Xr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
, Y

Rcchinoiitl, .hnr 4, 1864.
7h /he Sencde of thc ConfedPrntr Stntcs.
\grcc{ibly to the recoriiirrn~tlatiori01 the Secretary ot \Val, I norninntc t h e officers
thc accwmpanyinp list to the rank afh.\c.clt o their nimieq, rcql)ertii cly.
T) iIIS.
ho. 36.1
t h e Jollovr I I I ~~roiilr~i:itions
foi :%lJl)omtmt~nt
41R I ha\-(. the. h o n o ~ to
111 the Iroi isional l r i i i y of the (onietlrr:Lte States of hnieriea

(kwrge TIr. I,en C ~ C I I of

ptaiii Conipaiiy K , T l i i
proinotion w a i iiic
~ their claim
qippi &?gliilent, the ofkicers el
5, 1861
John IVilhani JIcCoid, ~f Georgia, to be captain Coiiilian) G , Thirtieth (ieorgia
incoinpetent, to rank May 25, 1864.
Regiment, the officersentitled to pr

outh Carolina, to be firs1 lieritenniit (oinpaiiy C, Seventeenth

nent, the ofBt erc: eutitled to promotion wai\ing their claims, to
nk from Nay 21, 1864.
I am, xir, respecttullg, your obedient servant,
Secrelmy of n;Cr.
To HIS Excellency J

ferrcd to the Committee or1 Militwy Affairs.

m i 5 rcccived froin the President of the Confedprate States, bg Mr. 13. N arrison, his Secretary:
rrv1.: DEPANiTEYl, Richazoild, .J~LILP
I , 1864.
211 the Senate qfthe Coiifedrw~teStates.
rigreeably to the reeoiiirrirriCtatio~i
of the Secretary of War, I nominate A. G. Lane,
of LouisinIla, to be a burgeon in the Piovisional Army of the Confederate States of
i h e r i c a , to lank from July 19, 1861.



June 6 , 1864.]

Mr. Oldham, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was

referred the bill (H. R. 147) to amcnd an act entitled A n act to impose
regulations upon the foreign commerre of the Confederate States to
provide or the public defense, approved February 6, 1864, repo
it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the cansideration of the said hill; and no amendment being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Odered, That i t pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
That it, pass.
Otdmxi, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Sparrow, froin the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the joint resolution (S. 9) of tbanlcs to Gen. E. Kirby
Smith and the officers and soldiers of his command, reported it without amendmen t.
The Senate proceeded, as in Corninittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said resolution; and no amendment being proposed,
it was reported to the Senate.
Oidewd, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Kepresentatires therein.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Corninittee on Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the bill (H. R. 106) to increase the compensation of the
noncommihsioned officers and privates of the Army of the Confederate
States, reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and having been amended on the motion of
Mr. Jemison, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendments
mere concurred in.
Ordered, That the amendments be engrossed and the bill read a third
The said bill as amended was read the third timc.
Resolved, That i t pass with amendments.
OwZmed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Eepresentativcs in the amendments.

MY. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was

referred the bill (S. 56) to authorize the appointment of graduates of
military institutions as cadets in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, reported it with the recommendation that it
ought not to pass.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Conimittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 54) to organize the light artillery of the Confederate Statcs of America, reported it without amendment.
MY.Sparrow, from the Conirriittee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (H. R. 119) to arnend so much of an act entitled An
act to organize forces to serve during the war, approved February
17, 1864, as relates to the exemption of certain religioiis denominations,
reported i t without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coniirtittee of the Whole, to the considC: J-VOL



[June 6 , 1864.


tion of the said bill; and no arncndnient being proposed, it mab

reported to the Senate.
&&ed, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
&demd, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
MY. Presiknt: The House of Represeiitativrs insist on their :tincridnlc.iita to the
bill (S. 34) to provide for the conil)ensation of 11onCoiiiiriis~ionedotlicrrs, soltllerh,
sailors, atld lnarines on detailed serviw; ask ti cotifrrenw on the tlisagrecing votes of
the two Houses thereon, and h m c appoiiitrcl Mr. Uiidgers, Mr. Perkins, and Mr.
Holliday managers at Laid co~ifererice011 thc4r part.
The Senate proceeded to consider t h e unieridnients o f the i I o u x of
Representatives to the bill (S. 34) to provide f o y tlic coml)cnsatioii of
nonconlmisvioned officers, soldiers, s:iilors, and rii:~rines o n detailed

service; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
That the henate insist on their disagreenicnt t o tlie amendments of the House of itepresenhtiveh to the haid hill, and agree to the
conference asked by the House on the ctisugrccing \ otes of t h two
Houses thereon.
On motion by Mr. S p r r o w ,
O?idt.rd, That the corninittco of co~ifcroncco n the part of tho
Senate be appointed l>.y thc President pro tempore; a n d
Mr. Sparrow, Mr. Brown, and Xlr. Mitcliel W ( ~ I Yappointcd.
f%&rcd, That the Secretary infor1il thc IIousc of Bepresenttltivch
Mr. Sparrow, froni the Coiumittct on 3lilit:wy Aff:Lirs, to whoin was
referred the bill (H. R. 146) to atnend a n act cntitlcd L A ~act
i rcgulnt
ing the grunting of farloiigh,.i :rnd tliscliitrgcs i i i Ilohpit,;~lh,)i~pprowd
May I, 1863, rcportecl it w i h the rccomaiciitliition that it ought riot
to ass.
&r. Sparrow, from tlic Cottiniittw on SIilitary ,iff:iir\, to w h o i n w i s
recoinuiitted the t~incndniciitsof thc I Iouso o f Re )rcwitntivw to the
igiic to duty :Lt the heat
bill (S. 43) to rcguliite the p:iy of R general
of goi7ernniont under the provisions o f the act :Lpproved illsrch 25,
1869, reported themon.
The Senate proceeded to considw thc smcwdmt~titsof tlic l i o u ~ cof
Re rescntatives to the bill (S.
lust iiicntioned; arid
XFsrodvcd, Tliat thcy ;tgrct: to tlii: :tni(~ncinienthof tiic IIouhe o f licprwentatives to tho said hill, with timeritlinents.
(11&1wi?, b t tho S ~ C J - ~rcq
ucst~ the coiiciwrerice of the IIousc,
of Rapreseirttt tivos in the aiii cw dn I cwt.;.
Mr. Sparrow, from tho Chriiniittct~on M i l i t a r ~Affairs, to whom was
referrod the bill (S. 1)to provitle kind o r p i i z e a gc~neidstafl for :trmies
in the field, to scrve during the war, reported it with arnendnients.
Odmwi?, Thut the bill and m e r d m n t s be printed.
Mr. Sparrow, froin the Conunit on Milittiry Affairs, to whom was
raferred the joint i*esol~ition
(II. It. IS) to iiiiposc certain additioid
duties on the Qnttrtenri~stoi~-(;eooral,
reported it without>anicndnicnt.
The Senate proceedtd, RH in Coiriiiiittec of the Whole, to the considoration of the mid rcsolulioii; r t l d
On motion by Rfr. On,

June 6 , 1864 ]



Ortlemd, That it be referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

A h . Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 67) to orgnnize a corps of scouts and guards to

facilitate communication with tlie Trans-Nississippi Department,

reported it with the recoinmendation that it ought not to pass,
On motion by Mil. Illitchel,
Or>dered, That the bill be transferred to the Secret Legislative
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
That, tlic Committee on Military Affairs he discharged from
the further considtlration of the message of the President of the Confcdcr& States. of the 30th r2Stlij of May last, stating his objections
to tlie a c t pasml a t the last session of Congress entitled An act to
rovide and organize a general staff for armies in the field, to serve
i u r i n g the vw.
M y . Senimes, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
tho hill (13. R. 107) to amend the tax law$, reported it with amendments.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to
and made the special order for to-morrow at half past 12 oclock, and
that the aniendnients he printed.
Mr. Jemison submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
That the Coiiimittee on Post-Offices and Post-Hoads be instructed to
iiiqnire into the practicability of having the Congressional niail matter in the postoftice in this city distrilmted without unnecessary delay.
141.. Brown, from the Conimitkee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
referred the bill (1, II. 149) to amend an act entitled An act to regulute the supplies of clothing to enlisted men of the Navy during the
war, approved April 30, 1863, reported it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said hill; and no amendment being proposed, i t was
reported t o the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Besolved, That i t pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Burnett, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred
the memorial of Wellington Goddin, reported
A joint resolution (6. 12) for his relief;
whish was read the first a n d second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and having been amendod on the motion of Mr.
Semmes, the resolution was reported to the Senate and the amendment
~ 7 a sconcurred in.
Om3ered, That the resolution be engrossed and read a third time.
The said resolution mas read the third time.
EesoZwed, That it pass, and that the title thereof bc as aforesaid.
O&e?>ees.ed, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Mitchel,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.


[June 6,1864.

The doors haviug heen opened,

On motion by Mr. Johnson of Missouri,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of tFI e bill (S. 67) to or mize a corps of scouts and guards
to facilitate communication with t e Trans-Mississippi T,)epartment.
On motion by Mr. Serrlmes, to amend the hdl 1)y striking out, S C C tion 2, line G, the words whohe duty i l shall he to do and insert i n
lieu thereof the word for,
It was determined in the n%rmative.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to imciicl the hill
inserting a t the
end of the first section the words or to assign tiny proper officers for
that purpose,
It wuh detciminocl in tho afiiniiativc.
On motion 1)s Mr. Sparrow, to :miend the hill by striking out the*
worcls of tho>(! iiot linhle to consrription, section %,linch 2 and 3 ,
Xt was dcterminctl i l l tho :kfEi m:it ive.
On nrotion by Mr. Sprrow, to : u t i c > i i ( l tho hill by striking out all
aftor the entiding c.lrtuse and inwtiiig:

That the lrtvitfcnt h,aritl he is Iwreby, rccliiestc~clto detail a c*oinpc+mt military

form to k w p opcw rmtl 1)rotec.t tilt: coirrtiirinic.atic,n a i d intercorrrw betvcrn tlir.
Gtatw east ant1 wwt. of the itliasissippi Ltivor, 2nd to afford proper (wort and protcction to any public property whirti i t iii:ty bc IIC sary to trawrnit acrosfi that river,

It was dotcrrtiinod in tho nogcttivc.

No further amendment being nitdo, tho bill was rcportecl to the

Sonato tlnd the n~ricndulontswero C O I ~ C I in.
~ ~ ~ O ~
OydMed, That the hill be engros~cdand r d a third t,inic.
Tho s d bill w w read the third time.
S foreqd
Rewlved, That it p , rmd thiit tho t,itlc thereof
Ordcred, That thc Seci*ctitryrcquebt thc conciirrencti of tho ITouso
of Mepresenktivrs thcrciir. .
On motion by My. Wigftlll,
Tho Scnate rouolvotl i n t o csoc:utive s
et lcgislstive session,
I ho Scnuto htLving t i p i n rcsolvcd in
Mr. I till (hx lcavc) introdriccd
A joint. rosolulion (8. 1 H) tlo<*lib1*iilgthc dispositionv, r!rinciplcs,
rind purposes of Ohc (hnfedertite States iir reltition to the existing IviLr
with tho I:nitcti Stt ; whicli wis rend tiio tirst itnd second times and
o r d ~ r c dto hc p l w d upon tho C:ulc~ndt~r
and printed.
Tlro hour of hrilf p h t 3 oc8loc:k hikvirig arrived,
The Scn1it.c tooli ti ~ O C B S Huntil 8 oclock p. m.
1 1




T h o Srnt&tc~woceedctl, 11s in (hnniittee of the Whole, to the conaideration of 1, e joint rcsolulion (S. 10) in relation to the opening of
nagot,intions For p:o hctwwti the Confederate States and the United


An amendment having hecii proposed 1y Mr, I-Icnry,

Rftcr debthte,
On tnotion by hlr. ,lohiison of Mi
Vha Seitatc resolvcd into opoii lcgislative session.

June 6,1864.1


Mr. Sparrow, froin the Conimittee on Military Affairs, to whom

were referred the iiorninatioris of James Phelan, presiding judge,
T. A. Jones and Winchester Hall, members, and Austin Pollard? jud
advocate, of iitilitary court attached to S. 1).Lees caral
Alcxander McKinstrx, presiding judge, Daniel B. Wri
Marks, riitlmbers, J. N. Scruggs, judge-advocate, of mil
itttached t o N. R. Forrc9t.s cavalry division; L. I?. Walliei
,judge, W.F. Dowd, Jolin Chester, members, aiid John
judge-advocate, of niilitnry cbourt North Alabama; M. D. Graham,
Louis B m h, presidiiig judges, W. 11. Saundcrs, menibrr, and 0. R.
Dawson, judge-advocatc, of military courts, reported, with the recoinineridation thtLt :dl of said noniinations he confirmed.
Thc Senitte procerdcd to tJho consideration of said report; and in
coiicurrence therewith, it was
That the Scniitc ndyise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably t o the nominations of tho President.
Mr. Sparrow, from thc Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
were referred the nominations of T. M. R. Talcott, to be colonel;
a.W. Blackford, Henry T. Douglas, and S. W. Presstman, t o be
lieutenant-colonels; Peyton Randolph, R. P. Bowley, arid J. W.
Green, to be majors; J . ill. Raldwin, J. J. Conway, G. W. Eobertson,
John Rradford, W. K. Johnson, G. C. Dickinson, H. T. Douqlas,
H. C. Derrick, T. M. Topp, W. Ballard Bruce, William Freret, 11.R.
De Voe, It. AT. Venable, It. C. Slaughter, 81. G. Howe, A. X. Willianis, 1%.C. i\llcCalla, 11. N. Pliarr, A. W. Qloster, E. Winston, W. T.
Hart, IT. ,4.Rmisey, Rohcrt L. Cobb, ITr.A. C. ,Jones, L. Hutchinson, and ;1. IT,McAlpin, to be captains; W. G. Williainson, S. I.
Hrown, 11. I. Harris, (+. 1. C. l<umbough, E. N. Wise, C. W.
lhbbitt, T. J. Moncuro, It. 51. Sully, J. 13. Haney, John Mhoon,
*J. L. Bartlett, D. E. Crossland, W. J . Batljff, T. S. Newcwib,
G . B. Margrave, d . S. Morrison, 34. M. Long, James J . Davies, and
It. A. OIiea, to be first, lieutenants; li. H. Griffin, I). S. Hessey,
It. 11. Yeatross, W. A . Gordon, J. I. Gilmer, William Glenn, D. P.
Woodruff, C. M. Kolton, C. F. Smith, C. E. Young, John M. Hood,
J . J . N o r ~ o o d ,C. Maiipin, 13. 1%.Meade, John 8. Mason, C. M.
Davis, E. I. Wells, 1-1. W. W. ZZeynolds, ,J. F. Fcrguson, M. H.
Smith, Jos. Seay, E. Sandcliff, A. Turnbull, James I3. Perkins,
Charles It. Boyd, W. I). P r i n t z , M. F. Matliry, 1. W. Seinines
Ilalyburton, Ier\-oy 0. Minor, -J. W. Chnlmew, M. Iiuston,
Foster, Edward Malone, W. R. Ctimphcll, and Thomas E. Ma
bc second lieutenants, reported, with the reconimendation that all of
mid noniinations hc confirnicd.
The Senate proeeeclcd t o the considcration of said report; and in
concurrence therewith, i t was
BesoZ7wd, That tlie Seriatc advisc and consent to their appointment,
agrecably to the nominations of tho Presidcnt.
Mr. Sparrow, froin the Comniittcc on Military Affairs, to whom
were refcrrcd thr, nominations of ,J:mcs 3. ,Jones, to be colonel; T. @.
Lipscomb, to be 1ieixtc.nant-colonel; B. C. Morton and R. G. Brown,
to be majors; T. 11. ITillitims, to be quartermaster, with the rank of
major; Frank Lirrnplcin :tiid It. J. Lee, t o be assistant quartermasters,
with the rank of captain; S. 111. Routh, to be signal oftircr, with rank


[June 7,1864

d J. 1,. Do gett, to be signal officers, Jvith

ipwith Wi mer, signal oficer, with rmii
of second lieutenant; A. G. Lane, to be surgeon; George W. Lewellcti
and John William McCord, to be captains; Henry P ra tt, to be fii.,t
lieutenant; S. 1,. Oliver, to be second lieutenant, reported, with the
recommendation that all of said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to the consideration of said report; and in
concurrence therewith, it was
Resol?yd, That the Senate advise and consent to their nppointnicnt,
agreeably t o the nominations of the President.
Mr, Wigfall submitted the following resolution f o r considrrntioti :


Resolved, That the President be requeskd to inforin the Senate whether any ofiicerr
appointed iinder the Provisional (iovrrnnieiit ant1 not reappointt~lh y a t i d with tlic,
advice aiiil consent of tlie Senate are still discharging the tliitier of tlw olfiwn t t l
which they w(re originally appointed.
IZcsoli~cd, That the President k w also rt~sl)ec.tfiillyrccluestd to fiiiiiish the iiairiw
of itny such ~temons.

rhe Sentttc pro( decl to considvr said rcsolntion; mid

On niotion by Mr. Hill,
Om~wd,Tiitit tlic f u r t h r considemtion tliercof be postpond iuitil
to-niorrow .
On niotion I)y Mr. OIT,
%be Siunate rcsol~wlinto s t w e t legislativc acssion.


June 7, 1864 ]


On motion by Mr. Nigfall,

The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Surnett, Henry, Hill, Hunter, Johnson of
Georgia, Johnson of Arlransxs, &lax\\ell, Mitchel, Seinmes, Sparrow,
and Watson.
Those who voted in the nemitive are.
Messrs. Hrowii, Crahani, IIayiies, Oldham, O n , Walker, and
- .
so I t was
Ot&/w& That tlie rcsolntion be transferred to the Ctilendar of
E\wutire Business.
Mr. &Inswcll, from the committee, reportcd that they had examitxed
atid found truly eiirollcd bills and n joint resolution of the followixlg
S. 13. An act to extend t o the Kavg and Marinc Corps the provisions
ion of an w l to oqpsnizc forces to serve during the
war, approved Fcl)rnary 17, 1864;
S. 14. An act to nniciid an act, entitled An act to provide an invalid
C O ~ ~ S appro!
, ~
cd I7ebrua1-p 17, 1Sfi.i;
S. 31. An act to promote the efficiency of the cavalry of the Provisional Army, and to punish lawlessness and irregularities of any poi*tions thereof;
S.8. ?Joint resolution directing the settlement of the claini of ZedeBiah McDaniel t ~ n dFrancis M. $:wing, for destroying the Federal
gunboat Cairo by 1rie;ms of a torpedo;
11. R. 92. Ail act t o anleiid the act approved February 17, 1864,
entitled An act to allon- coniniissioned oficers of the Army rations
and the privilcge of pr c h a b i i i g clothing froin the Quartermasters
11. R. 98. An act to arnciid an set entitled An act to reduce the
currency and to authorize tt new issue of notes and bonds, approved
February 17, 1864;
IZ. R. 119. An act to arneiid so much of an act entitled An act to
organize forces to serve during the war, approved February 17,1864,
as relates to the exemption of certain religious denoniinations;
H. R. 147. An act to amend t i n act entitled An act to impose regulations upon the forc>ign coninierce of the Confederate States to provide for the public defense, approved February 6, 1864; and
H. K. 149. An act to amcnd an act entitled An act to regulate the
supplies of clothing to enlisted nien of the Navy during the war,
approved April 30. 1863.
The President pro tcniporc having signed the enrolled bills and
enrolled joint resolution last reported to have been examined, they
were delivered to the Yccretary of the Senate and by hiiri forthwith
presented to the Iresidciit of t h e Confederate States for his approval.
A message froin tlic 1Iouse of Rcprcsentatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mi-. Preuident: Tlir TIousc of Bcprcscntati\ (T h a r e passed bills of the following

titles; in which thcy rrqucst ttic c*oricorrenceot the Senate:
I. It. 112. An act to anirntl an act to organize forces to serve during the war,
approved 17th February, 1864;
13. H. 150. An act concerning tlic cxlary of the Treasurer;
11. R. 151. A\nact to amend a i l act entitled An w t to reduce the currency and to
authorize a new issuc of bond8 and Treasury notes, approved February 17, 1864;
H. 12 1.52. A n act t o amend the first section of a11 act entitled An act to organize
the cleri,,al force of the Treasury J)cpartinent, approved February 13, 1862; and


[June 7, 1864.

An act to amend an act entitled An act for the relief of taxpayers in

approved February 13, 1864.

ate resumed, as in Coininittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (11. R. 107) to ariiend the tax laws.
The first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh amendnicntu
reported froni the Committee on Finance having been agreed to,
On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend the bill by striking out the words
by refugees, section 2, line 8,
It was determined in the negative,
.. ... . _ _ .. . _ 10
ODmotion by Mr. Jolznson of Arkansas,
rhe yeas :ind nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators prescnt,
Lhose who voted in the affii*m;itivearc,
hossrg. Raker, Brown, Graham, Hill, .Johnson of hrltansas, Mitchel,
nnd Sparrow.
rhoso who voted in the negative, are,
Alesxrs. ILrnwell, IEaynes, Hunter, demison, ,Johnson of (horgiit,
Jolinson of Missouri, Oldlin~n,Orr, Seninirs, and \Talker.
On motion by Mr. ,Johtison of (korgiri, to aulend the bill by insertiiro t ~ f t w
sla\vy, srcbtion 2, line 4, the words cotton, toJ)fLc(*o,
It wtis detwmincd i l l the afiirniative.
On tho question to agrcc to the following reported aniendmcnt, viz:
Strike out tho wordx : ~ i drcsidrncr, section 2 , linc 9,
It was dotcrriiincd in thc nc.g:Ltive.
An aniendrneut having been proposed to the hi1 1 by MY. Sparrow,
Ritcr clcbnte,
On motion by Mr. Johnson of hrkansw,
Or&md, T h t the further consideration of the I d 1 be post,poiwd for
the resent.
tollowing inessagc wils roccived from tlic Iro-iciriit of the onfsdorate & a t ~ s by
, Mr. 3. N. IIarrinon, his Secretary:


To the kSertcrtc of the Col~.iedmutaA k / t ~ :

L rrgret that a S ( ~ ofP duty c
nattiro, u joint resollition wliich
ru?olution in rcgirrcl to tltu cxuiii
rlw tcrius of t l h riwJutioii

I ~ I ~ I I M O NJttttv
I ) , 0, lHi4.

1 to rtlconsider tlic joint resolution (S.7)

raturnctti by thc President with liis objections; wliicli resolution is i n
the following word:,:
dolnt rru)lrtliori iri rcwinl to the csciiipcioii of rditors m(1employees of riewspaperd.

t h ~( (!IUtc Cmfidmik A n l e ~ aof slntrricn, That so mticlr of the

on of tlir w t ciititlcd A n act to orgltnist. force3 to serw duriiig tliv wvw,

approred seventeenth February, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as exempts from
rriilitarj service on( editor for each newspaper being published a t the time of the
passage of the act, and such employees as said editor may certify on oath to be
indispensable to the publication thereof, shall be understood to include magazines
and other periodicals published before, and a t the time of the p a s s e e of the said act.
Speaker of 1Ae Howe of Representatives.

President pro ternpore of the Senate.
I certify that this repohition originated in the Senate.


by Mr. Sparro-F,
, Ilint t hr, tiirthcr considerat,ion of t h e resolution be post:~iid iiiadc tho special order for to-morrow at 20 minutes

p s t 12 oclocl;.
I?I:c followiiig message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by iMr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
To the ,5eitafe of t h p Coidederate States of dnzerica.
A bill, which originated i n the Senate, entitled An act to authorize the appointiiieiit of additional officers of artillery for ordnance duties, hau been presented for
niy rignature, biit i t vontaiiis a provision founded on an error of fact which compels
mt. to return it wittiout approval, that tki? error may be corrected.
The hill coritani+ the Iullow ing proviso: Provided, That acting ordnance officer8
having been found duly qualified for appointment according to the regulations of the
\Yar Department, and being already on duty in the field under the orders of the Secretary of War, shall hare preference of appchitment under this act. There are no
acting ordnance oficers on duty in the field, and 1 learn on inquiry that the ersons
so dcsignatcd are in reality merely einployees of the Ordnance Bureau for tEe perfor1uanc.eof ordnance duties in the field in the absence of legislation authorixin the
appointment of officers. This proviso therefore has the effect, under an error offact
apparent in its terms, of restricting the Executive, in the choice of persons to fill the
offices createti by the bill, t o a list of employees selected by a chief of bureau, which
is plainly not in accordance with the expres3ed intention of Congress, nor with the
terins of tliv Constitution.


R ~ c m r o s n.ilcnr
7 , 1864.

The Sjcmte proceeded to reconsider the bill (S. 24) returned by the
PrcAsidrnt with his objections; which hill is in the following words:
xn act to ~iithon(ethe appointment of hdditioxial officers of artillery for ordnance duties
Congreqs of the Confrdernte S a f e s qf sln7ericn do ennet, That the President, by and
with t h e advice and consent of the Senate, iiiay appoint fifty officers of artillery in
the Provisional Army for t h e perforniance of ordnance duties i n addition to those
nuthoriwd hy the act entitled An act to authorize the appointment of officers of
artillcry in t h r Provisional Army, approved April twenty-first, eighteen hundred
and sixty-tno, and An act to authorize the appointment of additional officers of
artillery for ordnance duties, approved September sixteenth, ei hteen hundred and
sixty-two, and that t h e rank of said officers shall be as providef i n said last-named
act: 14ocidecl, That acting ordnance officers having been found duly qualified for
appointment according to the regulations of the War Department, and being already
on d u t r in the iicxld undcr the orders of the Secretary of War, shall have preference
of appointments uiider this act.
fipeuker of the House of Representatives.
President pro tempore of the Senale.
I certify that this act originated in the Senate.


[June 7,1864.

On iliotion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,

That the further considrration of the bill be postponed to
and lnade the special order for this evening at 10 minutes past 8 odock.
Mr. Semmes, from the Committor on the ,Judiciary, to whom was
referred the joint resolution (H. 1%.
12) to impose certain additional
duties on the Quartermaster-(;enerd, rcportrd it with the recotiimendation that it ought not to pass.
Mr. Semmes, from the (:orninittec on tlie ,J udicinry, i-rported
A bill (S. 71) in relation to tlie sdary of the lresidtxit.
which w&sread the first : ~ n t lsc~ondtiincs and ordered
1)c placed
upon the Calendar.
Mr. Barnwell, from the (:onixnittrc on Iinancc, to whotn w s rrfeiwd
the bill (11. R. 108) to micmd tlw lans rrlnting to i h r tax in kind,
roported i t with nincridniciits.
Flu, Sen:ite rorcedcd, as in Coinniittcc o I! the Whole, to the consitlefiition of t 10 mid hill; fwcl the re orted tmcndincnts having h ~ i i
agreed to, the bill wis roportcd to t i c Sewite and tlie :trnendmrnt~
wrre coiiciiri~?di ti.
(h&twi?, h i t thcl rtnit~ndnirntsbc engrossed and the bill rc:ttl *t
third tinie.
The mid hill as aincndctl WiLs rcacl tlie tliit-d tinit>.
&so/ d,
Ihtt t it pass w i t 1 i :tin end 11icI I t s.
Ordwed, h L t tl i o Scc i*vt:ii*y 1 - m1tirst t con currenco of the I1 OLIso
of Kepro.rcnt:Ltivcs i t i t l i v :uiiendniciits.
On motion by Mr. 81x~rt~)w,
Tho Hctmtc resolved into
The doors liuving bccn ok
cc, to whom was referred
Mr. Barnwell, froni the (:oinnii
the bill (11. R. 184)xiidting a.I)E)iopi~itioii~.
for t h r postal servicc of tlir
Confederate States f o r tho y t w I S(;g : ~ n t l 1 W 3 , reported it \\ ithoiit
Tho Senuto rocoecird, i w i n (:onintittco of t i i t \.cholc, to tlic (ansidtwtion of t I(? stiitl bill; ~ i r i d t i o tinicndnit~ntbring proposed, it \ v w
rolortect to the? HrntltP.
Orderwf, Tliiit, it p i s to t~ third rcnding.
Tho said hill WRS rtvd t l i ~third tinic.


Ovdwm?, lh:~tI1 1 1 ~Src.i*rtni*yinforrn tlic Ilonsc of Moprowtit at1vcs

tlicii+cof .
Mr. hti*nw(~il,
frcm 1 1 1 Coniiiiittco
o n Fiiiaiwo, to wlioiii W:LH refcrred
tlio bill (11. ti. 148) t o i * t t i w i i i o r i c ~ - to incrousc tlw pay of soldiers,
r~ iortrd it wi h i i t ttnirntiinriit.
fi.he (ltiitt(h ~ I o ( w v & IS
~ , in (oniniit t w of tlie Wholc., t o the consicloration of t ht si~itlbill: riittl
On motioii hy hIr. O r r ,
O?~tfmw,Itiitt> t h ( x tiirtJtvt*c.oiisidcl.;ition tlicreof
postponrd until
MY.13iwnweIL fro1111110 Ioniniittrc on I+innnce,to whom mas referred
the bill (I]. lt. 138) to inc.t*crtsct h coinpensation of the hcads of the

utii.c 1)cpiii~tnirntstinil thc Assistimt Srcretnry of War

and the liw~sury,rrportcvi it with rtniciitltnents.
h e Senntcj pt~oc*c~cdrd,
:is in (orninitttw of tlic Whole, to the considertitioti ol thc hiiitl Ikill; :itit1



June 7, 1864.1

After debate,
Tlic hour of half past 3 oclock havinl arrived,
The Seiiate took n recew until S o(loc p. m.



Thr Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (1.R. 138) t o increase the compensation of the heads
of thc several Executive Departments and the Assistant Secretary of
War and the Trmsnry.
The amendments reported from the Committee on Finance having
been agreed to,
On motion by 1\11.. ,Johnson of Arkanaab, to amend the bill by inserting after . T i w ~ ~ u r yline
, 4, the mords of the Assistant AttorneyGeneral.
rniined in the affirniative.
On motion I>J Xlr. Chr, to amend the bill by inserting after Rttorney-GeiicraI, line 4. the ords arid the Comptroller of the Treasury,
I t TTS dctenuined in the aftirmative.
On iiiotioii hy RIr. I3rown, to ainend the bill by inserting after
Coniptrollcr of the Treasury, line 4, the words and of the First,
Second, and Third Audito1.s of the Treasury and the Commissioner of
It w t ~ dcterniined
in the negative.
No furtlier aniciidnient being made, the bill mas reported to the
Seriatc and the amcndinrnts were conc~zrredin.
O t d i ~ i w l ,That the amcndments be engrossed and the bill read u
thiisd time.
The stid bill RS anicnded was read the third time.
R r s o l i ~ r l ,rhnt i t pnss with amendments.
On inotion IJy Mr.Seninics, the title IVRS amended to read: An act
to increase the. compensation of the heads of the several Executive
Departments i d tlic Assihtant Secretary of War and the Treasury
and of the Assistant Attorney-General and the Comptroller of the
Owjpwd, Th:i t thc Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatires in the amendments.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whoni was
reconniiitted the bill (H. 1%.135) to increase the compensation of the
assistant c l ~ r l cin~the Senate and House o f Representatives, reported
it,with the 1-ecoiiinwndrttionthat it ought not to pass.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Wholc, to the consideration of the said bill; and no further amendment being made, it
WRY reported to the Senate and the aiiiendrncnts were concurred in.
On the question,
Shall the amendnients br engrossed and the bill read a third time?
It was determined in thc negative.
So the bill was rejected.
That the Secretary inforni the House of Representatives
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
MY.Presrdmt: The House ot Representatives have agreed to the amendments of
the Senate to the folloning hills:
H. R. 106. An act to increase the cvxiipensation of the nonconinlissioned officers
and privates of the Army of the Confederate States; and


[June 7, 18ti-1

June 7, 1864.1



S. H. Newberry, of Virginia, to be captaiir Company F, Fifty-first Virginia Eegiment, the officers entitled to promotion waiying their claims, to rank from Ms.J. 29,
H. T. Coffee, of Mississippi, to be captain Company A, Forty-eighth Misskippi
Regiment, t h e officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank fromJune
9, 1863.
11. W. Abernethy, of North Carolina, to be captain Com any A, Thirty-fourth
North Carolina Regiment, the officers entitled to proinotion found incompetent,
rank from June 6, 1863.
James I,. Clark, of Virginia, to be vaptain Company I?, Twelfth Virginia Regiment, the officers entitled to proniotion Maiving their claims, to rank from June 16,
E. 31. Clavton, of Siorth Carolina, to be vaptain (onipany K, Sixtieth North Carolina Itegimeiit, the first Iieiitciiant found inconiptent, the remaining officers waiving
theii claimp, to rank froin Jniic. 17, 1863.
13. H . Howcr, of (korgia, to 1)e captain Company R, Sixty-second Georgia Reginient, t h e o f i c c r ~entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from May 2,

George T. Fry, of Twnessee, to he captain Company H, Thirty-seventh Tennessee

Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims, to rank from &fay
2, 1863
it. I. Bray, of Virginia, to bc. vaptain Company R, Fifty-third Virginia Regiment,
the officers cintitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from July 27, 1863.
G. Demon, of Florida, t o be captain Company G,First Florida Cavalry Regiment
(no material in the regiment fit for promotion), to rank from August 6, 1863.
Isham 34. Blake, of Florida, to be captain Company 3, First Florida Cavalry Begiment (no material in the reginlent fit for promotion), to rank from August 6,1863.
J. M. Footman, of Florida, to be captain Company E, First Florida Cavalry Begiment ( n o material in the regiment fit for promotion), to rank from August 6, 1863.
D. E. Maxwell, of Florida, to be captain Company I>, First Florida Cavalry Regiment ( n o material in the regiment fit for promotion), to rank from August 6, 1863.
G. F. Robinson, of Georgia, to be captain Company K, Thirty-eighth Georgia, .
Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion waiving their claims and unanimous
wish of the company, to rank from August 18, 1863.
Joseph 11. Du lont, of Florida, to bc captain Company H, First Florida Cavalry
Regiment, the officers entitled 10 rromotion wairing their claims. to rank from
August 27, 1863.
Love E. Gilbert. of Alabama. to be cautain Comuanv I?. Twcntv-ekhth Alabama
Regiment, to rank from Septer;iber 17, 1663.
J. F. Tucker, of Florida, to be captain Bryans Company Florida Volunteers, the
officers entitled to promotion declining to appear before an examining board, to rank
from October 11, 1863.
C. N. B. Thurmond, of Missouri, to be captain Company F, Second Missouri Regiment. the officers entitled to nromotion waiving their claims, to rank from Julv 20.
R. N. Thomas, of Virginia, to be captain Company G,Fifty-gixth Virginia Regiment, the officers entitled to prornotion found incompetent, to rank from October
16, 1863
J A Shaw, of Florida, to be captain Company A, Eighth Florida Regiment, the
officcrs entitled to promotion found incwmpetent, to rank from May 29, 1863.
Thomas T. Slade, of North Carolina, to be captain Company H, Twenty-second
North Carolina Regiment, the oflicers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to
rank from October 27, 1863.


T A. Gatch, of Yirgima, to kip first lirutenant Company H, Sixth Virginia Regiment, the officers entitled to promotlon found incompetent, to rank from May 2, 1863.
S.A . \Villcoxen, of Alabama, to be firpt lieutenant Conipany R, Sixth Alabama
Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from May
20, 1863.
C. S. Kndley, of Georgia, to be first lieutenant Company G, Thirty-second Georgia
Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion fonnd incompetent, to rank from June
4, 1863.
R. G. Redwood, of Alabama, to he first lieutenant Coinpariy K, Forty-third Alabama Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, to rank from
June 23, 1863.
M. E. Brock, of Florida, to be first lieutenant Company I%,F m t Florida Cavalry
Regiment (no material in the regiment fit for promotion), to rank froni August 6,1863.



[.June 7, 1864

P. Fleming, of Florida, to be first lieutenant (onipnny I), First Florida tarRegiment (no material in the regiment fit for promotion), to rank from August

E. k1. Holton, of Arkanaq, to he first Iicattmt~ntCoiirpaily I), liiglith .\.rl~ansas

Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion found incoiiipeteiit, to I aiik tiuiii .\ tigust
16, 1863.
Jttines %itl, of 1,oouisiana. to be first lirutenant ot Cunipany 11, Ionrtli I,
Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion found iiicompctcrit, to rank tr
2, 1863.
L. S. Warren, of Miwisaippi, to bt. first lientenant Company 11, LGghtli 311
Regiment, tlita officers entitled to proniotiun found iiiconipetent, to rank fro11
28, 1863.
F:. J. Willia~ns,of Kortli Ortrolina, to 1~ first lieotcnant Coiiipiiiy I , Tliirty-fir\t
North Carolina Regiment, the officers crititled to proniotion waivhg t h c ~ tlaini~,
rank from Ootober 9, 1863.
E. J . Rowen, of North (Yarolina, to he first l i c n t c ~ i w i t( ~ ~ i ! p ! t i I<,
~ j Thirty-tirst
North Carolina 1Leginient, the oficrrs cntitlrd to I)roniotioii waiving their claiiii<, t o
rank from 0ctohc.r 21, 1863.
J. N. Tnrrwr, of North Carolina, to ho first lieihrialit Cotnl)ariy l?, I-iftoc~ntliSortli
Carolina Rc. imcnt, the officers crltitld to proniotiori waiving their (*]aims, to rairk
from Noven8)er 9, 1863.
11;. A. Willianis, of Virginia, to be firstn licwtcnitnt Company C;, Iroirrtccnt I i \ I I v i a Regiment, the officer^ mtitlecl to promotion waiving their claims, to rtiiik I I I I I I I
I ovember 10,1863.
bond lierrtmawts.

0. 8. Cohen, of Georgia, to he sccontl litwtcnaiit Coiripmiy (+, Thirty

Georgia Reginient, the officer eltbcted found to he iiicoinp(%vnt, t o rank froti;
W . M. Mithg, of North Carolina, t o I
~*ontllicwtcxiiaiit tonij)*
fourth North Otwolina Heginwnt ( n o mitt
iir tlw conipany t o wlw
from June 6, 1888.
John P. Toolmiu, of Alabani}~,
t o ~ J Csecoiid lic.nten:cnt ( o i j i p m y I{, Iveiiiy-first
Alabama Regiment (at three clec*tions tlw comy)niiy failell t o ( 4 ( ~ ( ~;Lt c m ~ l ~ t c n t
officer), to rank froin &fay 21,1863
T.11. Ilrtvis, of North Carolinii, to be ~ec-ondlicwtcwint (,t)1npm1\ I), ll~lrt~-ionrtfr
North Cirrolina Regipcnt [no material in tlic c0nip:tny to seloct from), to rank froiii
June 6, 1883.
It:: 14. Oordcll, of Virxiuiti, to
ontl Iic~ntc~i~aiit
Coiilprtiiy (, Six
Etrmmwt, rippointed 1)y tho (TI
nncl riititicd by tlic c*oinpny,
Se temlwr 1, lSB2.
C. W ~ I Iof, YirginiiL, to
sivmti ~ic~ntcmmt
(>ompaiiv I<, rnccnty-tliircl Virg i n h Reginrwt (no materia[ in thc conipany to e;rIecst from),*to rant< from ~ : t 22,
1. A . tlutl(*dgo, of illitba~na,10 b~ S W O I I ~ lientc~nar~t
Conip:my ( i t Tnont\ -lift11
lieginwrit (nt ticvornl elcrtioiw the company failed to +ct :z c.olrlpctciit ofitmr), to rank froin ,July 8, 1863.
John 1,. Hoawell, ofVirginia, to bo s
licutennnt Coinpmiy n, Sistietli \-it=
ginia Regimrnt, appointed by tlio ( d o n
ratified by thc rompany, to rank froin
An tist 27 1862.
P. lionre, I?loritia, to br second lieutellant, ~ o i ,any
G, Firpt Florida Cavair tZrgirnciit (no niitterial i n tlic conrpanyto select froinf,to rank from n ~ a y2 , Ififi:<
Jeorge \Y. D ~ l l ,of Florida, to IW ~ r o n t lientenant
Company I, First Flnridti
Cavalry Reginient (no inaterinl in the coiiipany to select from), to rank from \gay 2,
Nicholas W. Eppcs, of I~lorida,to t
ond licwtenant ( onipriy I$, First f7lorida
Cavalry Regirnent (no iridcrial in tlic company to selert from) to ra~ikfrom &fay 2,



June 7, 1864.1


J..B. Corkern, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant Company B, Fourth Louisiana

Reglment, the officer elected found to be incompetent, to rank from May 2, 18VY.
I). B. Gorhatn, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant Company H, Fourth Louisiana Regiment, the officer elected found to be incompetent, to rank from May 2,1863.
W.T. McJilton, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant Company E, Fourth Louisiana Reginlent, the oficer elected found to be incompetent, to rank from May 2,1863.
Daniel McCarthy, of Louisiana, to he second lieutenant Company D, Fourth Louisiana Regiment, the o&er elected fortntl to be incornpetenl, lo rank from May 2, 1863.
A. W. Roberts, of Louisiana, t o b e second lieutenant Company C, Fourth Louisiana
Regiment, the officer elected found to be incomprtrnt, to rank from May 3, 1863.
F;. A. Carmouche, of Louisiana, to be second lieutenant Company F, Fourth Louisiana
Regiment, the officer elected found to he incompetent, to rank from May 3, 1863.
W. G. Hinson, of
, to be second lieutenant Rutledgc Mounted Rifle and Horse
Artillery Squadron, to rank from August 15, 1863.
C. T. Pollard, of Alabama, to be second lieutenant Company K, Thirty-eighth Alabama Regiment, the officer elected found to be incompetent, to rank from August 20,
Horatio Davis, of Iiorth Carolina, to be second lieutenant Moores Battery r i g h t
Artillery, to rank from Angust 20, 1863.
A. C. Masserrhnrg, of S o r t h Carolina, to be second lieutenant Company D, Fifteenth
North Carolina Regiment, the officer elected found to he incompetent, to rank from
Rrptember 2, 1863.
William hyres, of Mississippi, to be second lieutenant Company I<, Thirty-fourth
Mississippi Regiment ( a t two elections the company failed to elect a competent officer), to rank from May 2, 1863.
George Poindexter, of Mississippi, to be second lieutenant Madison Light Artillery, the officer elected found to be incompetent, to rank from JuIy 30, 1863.
C. C. Croxton, of Virginia, to be second lieutenant Company K, Fourth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, the officer elected found to be incompetent, to rank from May 2, 1863.
William Knox, of Alabama, t o be second lieutenant First Alabama Battalion Artillery, to rank from October 5, 1863.
John A. Cannon, of North Carolina, to be second lieutenant Moores battery (Sergeant-Major Cannon was in command of t h e company from the 19th May, all of the
oficers being either killed or wounded), to rank hum October 31, 1863.
31. T. Hutchinson, ql Soutli Carolina, to 1)e second lieutenant Company I, Fourteenth South Carolina Regimtnt, the officer elected found to be incompetent, to rank
Irom XOTember 5, 1863.
A. 13. Barnett, of Missouri, t o be second lientenant Company A, First Missouri
Regiment (no material in thecompany to bclcct from),to rank from Piovemberl3,1863.
G. A. Foote, of Missouri, to be second lieutenant Company K, First Missouri Regiment (no material in the company to select from), to rank from November 13, 1863.
P. W. Collins, of Missouri, to be second lieutenant Company I), First Missouri
Regiment (no material in the company to select from), to rank from November 13,1863.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency ,JEFFERSOS DAVE,
President, d c .

The message mas read.

Ordered, That it be referred to t h e Committee on Military Abairs.
The following message .was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Exact TIJE

Richmond, June 6 , 186.4.


To the 8ennte q/ the Confedelnte &tfs:

rigreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the acconlpanying liet to the rank affixed to their names, respectiv-ely, being part
of the nominations made at the last session of the Senate for confirmation, and which
\\,ere postponed until after ik adjournment.
No. 39.1
Richmond, June 4, 1.364.
sIa:I havethe honor to recoininend the following nominations for appoi1ltment i n
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, beirlg appoilltnlents for
which nominations were made a t the last session of the Senate and by it PostPoned.

[Jii~ie7, 18364.


,Signal officers-second


Charles H.Cawood, of Virginia, to take rank from June 28,1863; Edward 8. Rngglm,
of Texas, to take rank from August 19,1863; W. C. Schley, of Bfaryland, to take rank
from November 3, 1863.
I am,sir, respectfully, pour obedient servant.
. T A ~ ; SA.


Secretary o j Ifirr.

To His Excellency JIWFIW~ONDAVIS,

President, elc.

The messa e was read.

Ordered, #hat it he referred to the Committee on Military hffaii*s.
The following messages werc received from t h o lrcsido nt of tho
Confederate States, l)y Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
To the Senate of the (bnferlernle


Agreeably to the recormnentlation of thc. Secretary of the Sary, I liereby iioniinatr

the person named upon the annexed list to the office designated.
IZICIIMONI), VA., ,rune 6, 1864.


OF ~ ~ I I l ~ I\,l l t

Kichinoitd, J u w 2, lCWf.

SIR: I have the honor to reconiincntl thr following norriination for appointiiwiit in
the Marine C o r p :
Seeoiitl Ziritterwr~f.



June 7, 18G4 ]



KiCAttiorid, June 3, 1864.

SIR: I have the honor to recommend the noinination of Cadet E. 0. Sykes, of Mississippi, to be second lieutenant of infantry in the Army of the Confederate states of
America, to rank from March 9, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.

The message wac, rcad.

O ~ d m d That
it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following xncssnge was received from the President of the Confedcrate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:


Itichinond, June 6 , 2864.

75 t h i , Seiiate qf the Cozfedercife States:
Agret&ly to the recoininendation of t h e Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accoriqtariyiiig list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
So. 43.1

12ichmond, June 4, 1864.
Prrt: 1 have the honor to recommend t h e following nolninations for temporary
appointiirent (under act approved May 31, 1864) in the Provisional Army of the
Confederate States of America:
Col. I). A. Weisiger, of Virginia, to take rank from May 31, 1864.
Col. J . C . C. Panders, of Alabama, to take rank from May 31, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency J ~ F E R S O S DAYIS,
President, ptc.

The message was read.

The Senate proceeded to consider the nominations of D. A. Weisiger
and J . C. C. Sanders, for temporary appointment (under act approved
May 31, 1864) a h brigadier-generals; and
nesolved, That the Scnate advise and consent to the temporary
appointment of D. A. Weisiger and ,J. C. C . Sanders, t o be brigadiergenerals, agreeably to the nomination of the President.
The following messages were received froin the President of the Con.
federate States, by Mr. H. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

STATES OF h f E R I C A , ~ ~ X E C U l Y V l C

IZichmond, June 4, 1864.

To t h P SPnnfP of tiit! Confe-demte States.
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, 1 nominate the officers
on tho accompanying list to the rank affixed t o their names, rcspcctively.
Baelimond, June 3, 1864.
SIR. I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States o America:

Lieut. Col. &I.L. Stansel, of Alabama, to he colonel Forty-first Alabama Regiment,

vice Col. Henry Talbird, resigned, to rank from June 27, 1863.





[June 7, 1864.


lunc 7 . 1864.1


Augustus 11. Belt, of Arkansas, to be aid-de-camp, for duty with Brig. Gen. D. H.
Itel nolds, to rank from April 15, 1864.
Frank I,. Glover, of Alabania, tu be aid-de-camp, for duty with Maj. Gen. C. M.
J\ilcox, to rank fioiii May 25, 1864.
Thoinas F. Erskine, of , to be aid-de-camp, for duty with Maj. Gen. W. B.
Bate, to rank from May 25, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency J
l r e < d c ~ i trtr.

Richmond, June 6 , 1864.

TOthe ,Senclip of ilie C o n f e d c ~ n f,Wtrics:


i g ~ e ~ x b to
l y the rwoiiimcndation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers

o n thr. accoiiipanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively, being part

of tlit. noniiriations made at the last session of the Senate for reconfirmation, and
n 1iic.h were postponed until after its adjournment.
-Yo 42.1
W i I I ~ F . I ~ I R T ~ ~ CowmExA
R V ~ ,
rg S r A m s OB AMERICA,
Rirhinond, .June 4, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to re(-ornmend the following nominations for appointment in
the Provisional ilrniy of the Confederate States of America, being for a pointmenta
for which nominations were made and postponed a t the last session of Ct;)e Senate:
J. B. Magruder, of Virginia, to take rank from October 7, 1861.
B r igadier-generals.
John H. Winder, of Maryland, to take rank from June 21, 1861.
H. I l . Sibley, of Louisiana, to take rank from June 17, 1861.
1. 0. Hiibeit, of Louisiana, to take rank from August 17, 1861.
R. S. Itipley, of South Carolina, to take rank from August 15, 1861.
S.(+. E\ ans, of South Carolina, to takt. rank from October 21, 1861.
J. H. Trapiw, of Eonth Carolina, to take rank from October 21, 1861.
Williaiii 31. Ciardiier, of Georgia, to take rank from Noveniber 14, 1861.
I I . \Y.hIrrc*t>r,of Georgia, l o taltr rank from October 29, 1801.
A . I-1. Lawton, of Georgia, to take lank from April 13, 1861.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Acretnry of War.
To His J4;xcellency J i w ~ s n s o aDAVIS,
Ircsident, atc.
Richmond, June 6 , 1864.
To the B n n f e of U I P Confeclernfe Slctfas:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of K a r , I nominate the officers
on the acconipanving list to the rank afised to their names, respectively, being part
of the nominatio~kmade at the last scssion of the Senate for confirmation, and which
were postponed until after its adjournment.
No. 41.1
Richmond, ,June 4, 1864.
SIR: I have t h e honor to re~oniinendthe following nominations for appointment
i n the ProviPional Army of thc (onfrderatc States of America, being for appointiiients
for which nominatione were made and postponed at the last session of the Senate:

E. S. Ready, of Alabama, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
John F. Andrew, of Georgia, to take rank froin May 2, 1863.

8, 1862.

June 8, 1864.1



may be assigned, in proportion to the value of such extra labor or uncommon skill
or industry, whether it be in performing an unusual amount of work within the usual
hours of labor, or work performed berond the usual hours, or extraordinary skill
and superior workmanship ctiepla ed f n the execntion of such duties, the value of
said extra labor or n n c o ~ r i i n ~ski71
n or IiiduZitry to be (letermined by the officer or
superintendent under n hose ~ninietliatedirection said detached or detailed service
may be performed, subject to the approval of the Secretary of War or Navy. The
additional conipensation provitled in this section shall be the pine for both the War
and Navy Departments, nnder ctrtain rules to be prescribed by the President.
~ E C .3. That all noncommi ionetl otticwu, xiiusicians, pri\ ates, sailors, or marines
detailed to Gorrriinieiit coiili a
btit shall be coniptwsaled f o r t l
nnder rules to be p r c w ~ i i b d1))
And that tlle TTousc of ILepro
of the bill.

The Senate proceeded to cotrsider the said report; and

Resdued, That they wncnr therein, nnrl that the hill be amended
Ordwpd, T h i ~ the
t Secrctniy inforin the Iloixse of Representatives
Mr. Watson (by leave) introduced
A hill (S.72) to ainend a n act entitled An act to organize military
courts to attend the hriiiy of the Confederate States i n thc field, and
to detine the po~ve ~.
ofs said (;011rLs,iLppro\Ted October 9, 1862;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee 011 Military Affairs.
NIP. Graham presented resolutions of the general assembly of the
State of North Carolina, coiicerning certain acts of the late Con ress
of the Conf&mte S h t e s :Lnd in relt3iwice to the right of ?forth
Carolina in the importation of goods; which were read.
O Y ~ P T rlli:Lt
P ~ , thcy lie npon the table and be printed.
The Senate resiuiicd tho rcconsidc ration of the joint resolution
(S. 7) in r e e d to the exeiiiption of editors and employees of newspapers, returned by the Presidcwt of the Confederate Situtes with his
objections; mid
On t,he question,
Shall the resolution pass, the objections of the President to the
contrary notwithstmding Z
Yeas _ . - - . - - - - _ _11
_ _ _
It was determined in the negative, Nays - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
__ __
The vote having been taken by yeas and nays, as required by the
Those who voted i n the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Burnett, Haynes. Henry, i\luxwell, Mitchel, Oldham,
Orr, Semmes, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in thc negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Brown, Graham, Hunter, Jcmisoii, Johnson of
Georgia, Johnsoii of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Walker, and
So it was
ReaoZvPd, That the resolution do not pass, two-thirds of the Senate
not agreeing thereto.
Orciered, That the Secretary inforin the Louse of Represcntatives
The Senate resumed the reconsideration of the bill (S. 24) entitled
An act to authorize t h e appointment of additional officers of artillery


[June 8, 18G4.

for ordnance duties, returned by the President of the Confederate

States with his objections; and
On the question,
Shall the bill ptfss, the objections of the President to the contrarv
kens _..._ _ _
.. 1
It was determined i n the negative,
8 .._. - - ..
The vote having been taken by ycas arid nays, as requircd 1)y tli(:
Mr. Wi fall voted in the affirmative.
Those w 10 voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, 13arnwell, 13romn, Burnett, Graham, Ilapnrs, IIenry,
Hill, Hunter, Jeniison, tJohnsoii of Georgia, ,Johnson of Arkiitisa,,
Johnson of Missoui.i, Maxwell, Mitchel, Oldhurn. 0 r r . Seninies,S i i t i n i h ,
Sparrow, Walker, and Watson.

{ iaJ

June 8,1864.1



provisions of the act approved May 16, 1861, to exchange the same
for coupoii bonds; and
&solved, That they concur therein.
Oydered, That tho Secretary iiiforiii the House of Representatives
Mr. Oldhnin, froni the Coilinnittee 0x1 Coimnerce, to whom was
referred the hill (S.60) to anicnd : i n act entitled An act to prohibit
the importation of lii
ips. or of : n t iclcs not nccessai.ies or of common
use, approved Fcbr
6 , 1864. wportod it without, amendment.
MY.Sparrow, Ii.orii the Coiiiiiiit tcc on Military Affairs, submitted
the following wholilt ion for cwnhiderR t1011:
R f s o l i t d , Thtit tlit) report< o f oflivcrs of iiiilititry opcmtions,TX hic.11 have kxen coininunic*:ttrtl t o th(, Bcnattl I)y t i i t . I i ( ~ s i ( 1 c t i t :it t l i e prewrt swqiori, be placctl iipori the
files o f the Srnitc.; an(l t l i a t tiit. bwretary tw tlirc,ctetl riot to lrimish copies of Faid
reports t o a i i ? o i i t ~TI ithcmt tlic, Ica\e ot t h c x S:twate.

dctt to coiihictcr tlw said resolution; and

O r r , to niiic~ntlthc rcsolution l y striking out the

wordr placed upon the file.: of th(. Seimtc; and that the Secretary be
directed not to furiiisli q j i w of h:%id rcports to atiyone without the
leave of the Soiiat~
tint1 inh(Irtii1g i t i lieu thereof the words laid upon
the table arid printcd f o r tlic use of tlic Senate,"
I t wws dcterniincti in thc uc.giitire.
I he resolution IL:L.St1ic.n :igiwtl to.
On triotion by Mr. S~):L~IY)W,
That tlrc. Conmitteo on Military Affairs be discharged
from the fiirthcr c.onsidoi~~~tion
of the I I I C S B ~of~ the
President transmitting copies of the (~li:~rg?:cs
i m t h1wcific:itions and of the accom~ C:L\C of h1;tj. IT. C. Gucrin.
panying p n y c ~i t 1 ~tlic
MY. Spnrro\\, froin t Iic (oniniittcc~on Military Affairs, to whom
w a s rcferrcd thc bill (S. 70) to niiic~itdi ~ i :act
cntitlcd An act to amend
tm act cntitlcct Ah
act to orgaiiize 1rii1it:wy courts to attend the Army
of the Confccki.atc~StRt,ri in tlic field, :tiid to dctinc the powers of said
courts, npprovcd Fe1)rnnry 13, lS(i4,i.eportc.d it without amendment.
The Senate procwdccl, iL\ i n (hirimittee of t h e Whole, to the consideration of the s:titl ])ill; :i11(1no aincndment being proposed, it was
reported to the Scnntc.
Ordmvd, That it I)e cmgro.:hcti and read a third time.
The said bill waq rc:d the third tiinc.
BexoZved, That it pass, and that thc titlc thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Sccretary reqiicst the coiicurrei~ceof the House
of Represcntativ-cs therein.
Mr. Sparrow, from thc C:oiiiinittcc oti Military Affairs, to whom
was referred the joint rwolutioii (13. It. 11) o f thanks to Maj. Gen.
Richard Taylor arid th(> and i i i e n of his eoiiimand, reported it
without arricndii
dcd, m i r i Coinmit,tre of the Whole, l o the consideration of the said resol1ition; i t n d no :mendment being proposed, i t
was reported to tlic Scnatt>.
OrdCTed, That i t pass to :L third reading.
The said resolution w t s rend the third time.
Besohod, That it p>ass.
Oydeped, That the Secretary i riforin the House of Representatives
, I


[June 8, 1864.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

That the Committee on Military Affairsbe discharged from
the further consideration of the report of the Superintendent of the
of Conscription, accompanying the report of the Secretary of
Mr. Rurnett, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill (9.73) to atmend the acts of April 1, 1S62, September 23,
1862, and February 17, 1864;
which was read the first and second tinies and considered as i n (:ommittee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it be en rossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read t ie third time.
On the question,
Shall the hill now pass?
It was detcrmincd i n the negative.
So it was
Resohed, That this bill do not ass.
Mr. ,Jcmison submitted tho fo lowing resolution; which was c a m sidered nnd agreed to:

Rnolzred, That, diiriiq the remainder of the preseiit session the daily hoiir of n~ccxting of the Senate bc cltwri oclock antemeridian.

ihe Scnatc resuiiied, ns i r i Coniinittee of the Wholr, the considcrittion of tlic Iiill (I. It. LOT) to ninerid the tax laws.
On motion by MI. Sparrow, to niric?ntl the bill by striking ont ttic
.words of the. same 01 similar property in the noighborhood, w h e i ~
d in the ycar i>ig:htcr?nhundred tuid sixty,
tion 3, lini~s3 . 4,
iind inwrting i n lien themof thcl words t
cof on tllc SC\iIItoenth d i ~ yof bel)~iiriry,cightccn liundrcd and sixty-four,
rniiiied in tlw negative.
wtio 11 to :ijircc to the lollowing rcport ccl :~111(>rid I 11 t n t,
viz: Strikc out of tho third section of the bill the Sollowiiig w o i d \ :

a i d iiiwi*f

i n lien tlicrtwf:

Id niid silver c 6 i i cstitn:it(~tl: ~ t par, and upon ail gold ilmt m t l gold
nt11io11, cwtiiiiatccl 111 its v:iliic i n spceie, unlcss ~ I I L . ~ C L ~SL~ .I IYCCVt~l i c
Jz~iinar-,eiglitc~twhnntlrcd and sixty-tno, and thrn c~sti~nntc~l
:Lt t l i c .
in (:onLtirr:ite Trcwiirv notc.s, tvii pcr (wit, except wIicre ttle sail)(11iw
1 iiicliitlctl i i i f l i t tiis on slicircs o r ititerests, under the provisions of tlw
if this itcat, :itid i i i >hat ~ S P on
, the ;mount thus included, estiinated a t itHI)c~(*~c ~ a l n ethew
dial1 LKL le~icctII tax of tivv pvr ccmt: Iror.itltr& That notliiag tiewin
coiitaitml sli~iIIlw n o wiisfriied ah to tax q w i e re rrired by the provisioiis c)f its
chrlcr, to be Iicltl untl kept o i l I i m d by any bank,
upon all moneys held abroad,
or bills of wchungtl ctrc~wiitlicrvfor, mid :ill pronrissory llotes, riglits, cretlits, uiid
tiecwitics, pyulilv iti forrigti ( w n t r i w , livc per wilt upon the value thereof in Con-


June 8,1864.1



federate Treasury notes on the seventeenth day of February, in the year eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, a t the place where t h e tax thereon is payable, except that
where the same is included in the tax on shales or interest, imposed by the firvt section
of this act, then and in that case there shall be deducted from the tax assessed thereon,
according to the value of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as aforesaid, a sum equivalent to five pcr cent on the spccie value of said moneys held abroad, or bills of
exchange drawl thcrefor, and proniispory notes, rights, credits, and securities payable i n foreign countries: P~ovided,That all the taxes imposed under the provisions
of this act shall be payable in Confederate Treasury notcs, as prescribed by law, or
four per cent bonds or cvrtificatrs therefor, authorized by the act of February
seventeenth, eightwn liniidrc4 and sixty-four, to reduce the currency and to authorize a new iswr of iioter and Imnds,

On iiiotion by Mr. tJciiiison, to amend the amendment by inserting

after bor,liiw 7 , tho word other, : i d by inserting after or,
line 1:). the ~ v o r d othcr,
I t was d~terniincdin thc afirnmtive.
The amendnicnt as aniendcd ~ I L then
agreed to.
On thc quc,stion to agree to the following reported amendment, viz:
Insert at tho end of the third aection of the bill the following:
HI. On the > d u e of all share3 or interests in any navigation, irnporcing, exporting, i n m a n c e , iriannfactnring, tclcpaph, express, arid dry dock conipanies, and all
other joint stock coiiipanic~sof e l el y kind, whether incorporated or not, except such
as are herein other\\ ibe pro\ itled for, estiiiiated a t their market value in Confederate
Treasury notes, 011 the seventeenth day of Febrnary, eighteen hundred and sixtyfour, in thc ncighhorliood wherc assessed, five per cent,

On motion hy Mr. rJeniison, to miend the amendment by inserting

after or,)line 1) thc Wo1Y.l othc~r,
It TTYLS dcterrriincd in thc :tAirm:iti\-c.
On niotion by Mr. Seinnicb, to amend the ameridnienl by inserting
a t the end t>hcrcof the following- words:
the comp:triy, and 110 other tax shall bc imposed under thi, act on any
rich coiiiyany rc~)rcwntetlby the valuation of ~ticlishares or other inter( ~ in
1 tlic sec*onc\ section of this act, cscbept the tax imposed in the first
paragraph oi this section,

It was determined in the affirmative.

The amendiiicrit as amended was then agreed to.
On the question to agree to the following reported amendment, viz:
Inscrt the following independent section:
SIX. 9. That section seven of an act entitled An a$ to levy additional taxes for
the conimon defense and support of tlie Government, approved seventeenth February, eightcen hundred and sixty-four, be, and the same is hereby, repealed, and
the following inserted in lieu thereof:
That the first section of the act to levy taxes for the common defense and t o
carry on the Gowrnment of the C:ontrderate States, approved twenty-fourth April,
eighteen hundred and Bixty-three, i s suspended for the year eighteen hundred and
11. I n all rases w h r w a tax is leried on inconic dcrived from property, on the
amoniit or value of 1%hich itn at1 wloreiri tax is laid, the ad valorem tax shall b e
deducted froni the iiiroiiie tax: frovzded, That in no case sliall less be paid than the
~d \dorein tax.
111. In the asressinentof income tlerivcd from manufacturing or miningthereshall
be deducted froiii the gross inconir or profits the necessary annual repairs, not exceeding ten per cent on the aniount of tlie income derived therefrom, and, in addition to
the deductions now allowcd by law, the following shall be made, namely: T h e Confederate taxes actually paid by the owner on sales made by him, and the commissions
actnally paid by the consignor or shipper for selling, and in the production of pig
metal or pig iron the cost of fuel in smelting.

On motion by Mr. Semmes, to amend the amendment by inserting

after property, line 11, the words real, personal, and mixed, of
every description,)

was determined in the affirmalive.

n motion by Mr. Semmes, to amend the amendment by insertin
after law, line 19, the words in the assessment of income derives
from any source,
It was determined in the affirmative.
The amendment as amended was then agreed to.
The residue of the amendments reported from the Committee on
Finance having been agreed to,
On motion by Mr. Naynes,
Ordered, That the further consideration of the bill be postponed
until 8 oclock p. ni.
Mr. Rurnett (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 74)to incrrasr thc salary o f the Commissionri. of India11
which was read the first And bccond times and referred to the Coinmittee on Finance.
The hour of half past 3 oclock having ari-ived,
The Senate took a i*ecessuntil 8 oclock p. 111.


J u n e 8, 1864.3


Besolwed, That it pass, and that the title tbereof be as aforesaid.

Ombed, That the Secretary rcyuest the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Johnson of Arkanstts submitted the following motion for consideration :
Oderpd, That the vote on pRssing the bill (S. 49) to authoriz
niannfacture of spiritlions liquors for the use of the Army and h
tals be reconsidcltd.
0 1 1 iriotiori 1)) 1\11.. I3nkcr,
hiit>tlie Ilon. Augnst its E. Maxwell have leave of absence
o t i h of the S e i ~ t cduring the remaincler of the present
Ihc Sciiatcl rcauineil, :is i n Committee of the Whole, the considera).Jill (11. It. IOf) to :iltlttld thC tax laws.
On motion b y MY.Oldhain, to amend the bill by striking out of the
fir\t section t h c words

ti011 Of tllcl

On t h v \-altie CIC all t.Iiare4 or interehts hrltl i n a n y bank, banking company or association, cmizl, iia\ iptioii, inipoi ting and wporting, insurance, manufacturing, telegiapli, cxprws, iailroatl, (11 y cloc-lr coinpanies, and all other joint stock companies of
e \ e i y kind, wlicxtlieriiicorpomtetl or not, f i r e per cent, H hid1 tax dial1 be assessed
aghiiist atid p i t l by tlle company in cadi case. And when the shares or iiiterests in
m i \ sncli coiiipaiiy :LIC tasccl, 110 other tax sliall be imposed under this act upon any
oywrty of aucli coiiip~anyreprwcntctl by the valuation of such shares or interests,
iis act, except the tax imposed by the f i n t para-

and inwrting in licn thrrtwf the words

of any railroad or canal company, or of any incorporated
i o i i , e x w p t npoii deposits in bank, five per cent; which
t coiiipany in each case; hut Confederate
liall be taxed as herein provided,

On inotion Iiy All.. Orr, t o :tniend the proposed amendment by adding thcivto the follo\ring proviso:
I,~oridid, That t l w raid t,ru dial1 not excred the dividends of any railroad, canal,
or banking c-oiripaiiy i o r tlie y a r ciicling the first of June, eightecn hundred and
..__._ _ _ . _
.- - .- 10

I t \ p a 4 dctcrniincd i n the affirmative, Nays .__
.._ _ _
_ __
8. _ _
On niotion by Mr. Oldhain,
The ycar and imys being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted i n the affii.inative are,
Mc~hrs;.lixkcr, 13arnwel1, Graham, Hunter, Jemison, Johnson of
Georgia, Johnson of ~lrlmnsas,O n , Sernmes, and Watson.
Those who votcd i n tho ncptive : L I ~ ,
hlessrh. 12rown. rhrr1rtt, Haynw, IIetuy, Mitchel, Oldhani, Sptrrow,
and Wigfall.
Or1 tho question to iigrkc to tlw tmendnient proposed by Mr. Oldham, zs m i c ~ n d d ,
Yeas .
_ _ _- _
- 9_
I t was dotcAimincd in tbc negative, Nays - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ On motion 1)y MY.Oldhain,
The yeas ; ~ n dnays being clcsircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who rotcd in t h c :Lfhrni:itivetin,
Mess1.b. I3rown, 13ixnctt, I h y n e s , ,Johnson of Arkansas, Mitchel,
Oldhani, S1)11rruw,\\:itson, and Wigfall.
Those who voted i n the n e p t i v e are,



Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Graham, Henry, I-Iuntcxr,Jernison, Johnson of Georgia, Orr, and Senmies.
Mr. Oldham moved to reconsider the lastmentioned vote.
Pending which,
On motion by Mr. Oldham,
Opdered, That there be a call of the Senate.
The roll having been called,
Before the absentees were nnnonnced,
On motion by Mr. Hrown,
Op&ed, That all furtbcr proceedings under the call be dispensed
The question then recurred on the motion of &fr.Oldhain to reconsider the vote on disagreeing to thc aniendrnent proposed by air. Oldham, as amended on the motion of MI*.Orr,
And the question being put,
It was determined i n the negative.
On motion by Mr. I-layncs, to :Lmend the bill by inserting at the
end of the srcontl section the following proviso:
Pro?N'dedficr.thw, That :t11 persons snbjwt to taxation untler the laws of the Confcdoti(i ol s:&l States, antl a~hosc~
homes and property
I l i r t i i at tlie ( ' o i i i i ~ i ( , I i ( ~ ~ , t ~ol
i ~ ~the
i i t war, are now
sirbjrc.1 t o tlicir c.oritr.01 or IISC~,shall be cxenipted
)wtl by c&cI i a ~ to
s tlic first day of May, eighteen
tas of fiw. pw wiit t r l i ~ 1 1be assessed and levied
id r i i i s c ~ l , o \ \ i i t d antl I i t h l by bait1 pwaons on the a i i t l sixty-tow, and now nncler their contml within tho liner of tlic Confctlwatc States; which properly slidl be assessed and
taxed at the pric~c.paid for the H S ~ I M by the owner thereof,

Yeas.- ._
_-.. -.
_ _ _ -- _ _ _ 12
It was detertnincd in thc dfi rnmtiw, Nays
. _ _ - ._ - . _ _
9- _

On motion by MY.Scmmas,
The y ? a s l i d n a y s /wing dcsiiw] by on(\-fifth of 1 hc Senat,oJ-spresent,
Those who v o t d in t h :&i
imiativc. : i i ~ f ,
Meusrs. LMcer, 13ro~vn,13urnctt, II:iyt~cs,l I ( > n r ~Johnson
of Georgia,
,Johiisori of Arkttnuw, eJohnsonol' 31i.sotiri, Mitc*hol, C)ldh,zm, Sinuiis,
tint1 WigSfd1.
Tltoso who votcd in t l i o neg:~tiw :ti'(',
MCSSW. 1 3 a i ~ i i w l l , ( i r : i h n , IIill, 1 Iiint(>r, ,Jc.niisot:, Orr, Seninies,
Wnlkcr, rind W:ltson.
0 1 1 I i I o t i O n I)y &lr. sit inn^, t c J :unrnti tltc: hill by inucrting thc following i t t c l c ~ p w l c v i th(vfith

i :



J u n e 9, 1864.1

now rcyylating the collectioii of the tax in kintl: h d proritled furlhur, That no citizen
of tlie said State of Kerttucky w h o shall, nithin the periods herein prescribed, make
due return of his taxable property antl pay the tax assessed u on t h e same as herein
provided, be in any tiianner liable :is a dcliiqucnt under any raw of the Confederate

I t was dctermiiicd in the affirniative.

00iiiotion by Nr. Scniiiies,

The Senate adjourncd.
~ ~ ~ ~ t h%
N l a<9,s1864.
i ~ ~ \ ~ .


b j Mr.


ntatiyrn having signed sundry

nato for the signature of their

Mr. V\:tlker, from tlie cxminittce, reported that they had examined
mid found truly cnrollcd bills of the f o l l o ~ i n gtitles:
S.34. An act t o ~)rovidcfor the compcnh:ition of noncommissioned
officers, soldiers, sailors, and niai.incs on det:tiled service;
S.38. An act for the pajiiicnt of commissioners appointed under
the act entitled An act to snspcnd the privilege of the writ of habeas
corpus i n ccrtain cases, and to confer ccrtain powers upon said commissioners;
H. R. 106. An act to incrc:isc tho compensation of tho noncommissioiied officers and prir :LtC\ o f the Army of the Confederate States;
11. it. 124. An a c t niaking nypropriationr for the postal service of
t~hc(lonicclcratc Stat(..; f o r tlic y c w M i 2 and 1863; and
11. B. 131. An act to :tinc.nd :in act cntitlcd A n act t,o establish a
niter :ind initling h r c : i u , :ip1)ro~c~l
April 28, 1863.
Ihc frcsident pro tcnipore haring signed the enrolled bills last
reported t o haw l m n cwtmined, they ~ w r delivered
to the Secretary
of the Senate :itid hy him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confcdrrate Stittcs for liib :~pprov:~l.
Ihc Sciiatc rcsuiiied, as in Conirnittce of tlie Whole, the consideration o f the 1)ill (H. 1L. 107) to amend the tax hws.
On niotiort 1 ) Mr.
~ 13srnwcl1, to i~cconsiderthe vote on agreeing to
the following xmcndnient proposed 1)y hlr. IIaynes, viz: At the end
of the second section insert the following provko:
froardrd ,ftwlhpr, Vliwt all pcrsons snbject to taxation under the laws of the Confederate States who are citizens of any one of said States, antl whoRe homes and
property ownpied, 01%
ned, antl po
ltl by tlieiii at the corriitiencetneiit of t h e war,
are no\\ uithin the cnemys l i i i ~ sarid not subject to tlieir conttol or use, shall be
exeiiiptd from the payiiieiit ol a!l taxcs imposed by said la\\ s to the first day of May,
eiylitreri horitlied and sixty-four, oxcept a tax of i i \ e per cent shall be assessed and
levied npon all property, real, personal, ancl inixrti, owned and held by said persons
011 the aei enteenth of February, tightecw tiunclrecl and sixty-four, antl now under
theii control ITithin tlie lines of tlic Confederate Statcs; R hich property shall be
aesrswd a n d taxed at thc price paid for tlie same by the owner thereof,

I t mas cleterniined in the affirmative.

Ihe Senate procccdrd t o con4der the said arnendment; and
On motion by MY. IIayncs, to ninenil Ihe amendment by inserting
after cighteeri hundred and Isixty-four, line 9, the words on said
property so within the enemys lines,


[Julie 0, 1864

It was deterniined in the affirniative.

On motion by Mr. Orr, to amcnd the proposed amendment by
striking out all after fu~ther,line1, arid inserting:

That ail property within the enemya lines ho, and the miie is Iioreb), exempted
from all taxation so long as it remains in the enemys line%

It was determined in the affirmative.

The amendment as amended was then agreed to.
On motiori by Mr. Simins, to reconsider the vote on agrccing to the
followin amendment proposed by Mr. Simms: Inhcrt the following
indepen ent section:

rho said siiiondiriciit bciiig q p i i i ~ t r i t i ~c~onsidcrtLtion,
Mr. Siiniiis, hy iiiiariinioiis conwrit, withtlrcw tlrv h i u i i ~ .
Siiiiiiis, to :uiiriiti the hill hy insorting thc followOn motion
irig indcpontl
tion :



Liiat all vitiwns of any onv


I t IVAH dcteriiiincd in the t&irui.1tIVP.

Siiiiiiis, to
onsidcr thc votc on :bgrcciing to tiic
followirig tiincndiiitwt ~)rol)osc Mr. II:~yiics,:LSanicndcd, viz: At,
tha c a r i d o f t h v ~ w ) r i scdori
t h c f ol I( ) w i I i fi 1)t-ov i h o :

On rnotiorr t)g Mr.

Proritl(vl .frcr/hw, TI1211 till p r o l ) c ~ i y\ c i t h i i i t1iv cwcniy~l i w x h,: n i t 1 tlic smite is

hrrcxl)y, c,xcrriptod froin nll t:\u:itioii YO long 9s it rcniains in the o i i ( w y ~lincs,

June 9, 1864.1



Messrs. Raker, Brown, Burnett, IIaynes, Henry, Johnson of Missouri, Mitchel, Oldhani, and L.3 1111111s.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. 13arnwel1, (hahain, Hill, IIuntcr, Jemison, .Johnson of
Georgia, Orr, Semnirs, Sparrow, \Tralker, Watson, and Wigfall.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, that the bill be recommitted to the
Committee on Finance with instructions to report a bill with the following provisions:
First. To so modify existing l a ~ i sn rcrartl to the tax on banking, railroad, canal,
ot1ic.r joiut stock cortrp)nriicn that tlie assets and property of every kind of snid
in~iitiitioiis,lew tleposits of Ifi~nks,d i a l 1 be tased, and also the value of the francliiitx o f t h e biink, at tlic WIIN i a t c b and in the saint \lay :is if said asEets and other
piopertv helonged to a n iiidi\ idiial.
Second. That ! h : i ~ n i y nntw of t h e old issne of the denoniii~ationof five dollars,
ant1 nliicli iiray rcnrain ontst:inding o n the first of Jannary nest, shall be taxed on
that (lay one Irnntlrerl per cent,


rniincd in tlic :atfirmiLtivr, \ Yeas -

7 Na~7s_ _



_ _ - _ - _ 11
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10


On :notion by 11r. Orr,

Tlie yem itnd nays lteing dcbired by one-tifth of the Senators present,
rhose n h o 1 otcd i n tht. alfirniative are,
rs. 13nrnett8,IIayncs, Henry, Hill, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of Mihsouri, Mitchel, Oldhnni, Siimns, Sparrow, and Wigfall.
Ihose who voted in the negative are,
Mcssrs. I3alrcr, Barnwcll, Brown, Grshum. Hunter, Jemison, Om,
Sernines, WalBer, and Watson.
So it w:is, Lhat the hill be recoinmitted to the Corninittee on Finance
with inhtlukions to report a I d 1 with thc following provisions:
First. To so nrodifj (xisting l a ~ in
s iegartl to the tax on banking, railroad, canal,
and other joint +toc.k coiiipanies that thc assets and property of every kind of said
inbtitntions, less deposits nf banks, shall bc taxcd, and also the value of the franchise
of tlw bank, a t the canie rate and in thc smic way as if said assets and other property
belonged t o a n indiritiual
Second. That Treasury notw o f thc old issue of the denomination of fire dollars,
and n hich may reniain onthtarrdirig on t h r first of January next, shall be taxed on
that day oiie hundred per cvnt.

The S e n a t e procedcd to cvnsidcr the motion submitted by MY.

Johnson of Arkansas yesterday, to rcconsider the vote on passing the
bill (S. 49) to authorize the niitnufacture of spirituous liquors for the
use of thc Army and hospitals; and
On motion by Mr. Siiiirris,
Ordmed, That the furthcr consideration thereof be postponed until
S oclock p. in.
A message from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr.
1%.N. Harrison, his Secretary:

Mr. Irefiid~nt:The Iresident of tlie Confederate States, 011 the 7th instant, approved
and signed the folloning arts:
S. 13. iin act to cJxtenti to the Nary and Narinr Corps the provisions of the third
bcction of an act to organize forces to serve during the war, approved February
17, 1864;
S. 14. A n act to amend an acbt mtitled An act to provide an invalid corps,
approved Fehrunry 17, 1864; and
S. 31. An act to promote the efficiency of the cavalry of the Provisional Army, and
to punish Ian lessness and irregularities of any portion8 thereof.
The President o n yeqterdav approved and signed aii act (S.4 ) to provide transportation i n kind in certain cases to Members and Delegates in Congress.



[JWC 9, 1864.

That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion by Mr. Hill, to reconsider thc vat(+ on rwmninitting the
bill (H. R. 107) to amend the tax laws to thc Conrrnittec o n Eintince,
with instructions to report a bill with the following provihions:

First. To so modifyexisting laws in rcpard to the tax on banking, railroad, canal,

and other joint stock compltnies that the assets and prolierty of ewry kind of Paid
institutions, less deposiB of banks, Ehall be taxed, and also t h e \slur of the franchise
of the bank, at the same rate and in the same way as if said as?& and othw property
belonged to an individual.
Second. That Treasury notes of the old issuc of thc tlt.nomlliatlon of five dollars,
and which may remain ontstantiing on the firpt of January next, shall he taxed on


June 9,1861 ]


Mebsrs. Rurnett, Haynes, Henry, tJohnsoii of Arkansas, tJohnson of

Missouri, Mitchel, Oldham, Sparrow, and Wigfull.
So it was
Besohed, That>the hill pass with amendments.
Odered, Tliat the Secretary request the concurrcncc of the House
of Reprcsentatiws in the atnciidrnen t h .
3Ir. Haynes presented the memorial of ,J. S. Dawson, late colonel
of the Forty-sixth Tennessee Begimctit, praying that h e may be restored
to his rank, p y , and commnnd; which was referred to the Committee
0 1 1 31ilit:iry Aff:Lirs.
On motion by Mr. Johnson of hrlcansas,
lhc Senatc resolved into executive session.
lhe doorb having bccn opened,
RIr. 13:wnwc~ll,fimn t>hhrConiinittee on Finance, to whom mas referrcd
thc bill (11. It. 152) t o anicrrd the first section of a n net entitled An
act to organixc thc clerical force of the Trea.su1.yDepart~nent,approved
F~\Chrimry13, 1862, reported it with the t.ccommendation that it ought
n o t to pass.
R l r . I~arnwell,from the Coininittee on Finance, to whoni was referred
thc. bill (11. R. 153) to :mend an act entitled An act for the relief of
taxpayers i ti ccrbiin cases, approved February 13, 1864, reported it
with ; ~ namendinc~nt.
Tho Senate p r o c e ( ~ M as
, in Cotninittcc of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; arid tho reported aniendinent having been
ngi-ccd to, thc bill WLS reported to tlic Senate and the ainendnient was
(wti L rrcd in.
Ortlerwl, That tlic :wicndnient be engrossed tirid the bill read a third
Ihc said ltill :~5amended was read the third time.
12esoZved, That it pass with an amendment.
O r d e w d , That the Secretnry request the coiicurrcrice of the House
of Bcprescntatives in the :unendn~ent.
Mr. Barnwcll, from tlie Coinrnittee on Finance, to whom WAS referred
tlic bill (1. It. 150) concerning the salary of the Treasurer, reported
it without amendment.
Thc Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and no amendment being proposed, it was
rcported to the Senate.
O i d m d , That it p ~ s sto a third reading.
The said bill W L ~ read the third time.
Resolwed, ThkLt i t pass.
Oidewd, That the Secretary inform the House of l-tepresent a tives
Mr. Barnwell, from the Coniinittee on Finance, reported
A bill (S. 54) to increase the salary of the Commissioner of Indian
which was read the first and second timesand considered as in Commi ttee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was reported
to the Senate.
(),&red, That i t be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
_ZZesol&, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
( b t



Ord@&, That, the Secretary rcqucst thc concurrcncc of the I<ous

of Bepresentatives therein.
Mr. Mitchel (by leave) introduced
is, hill (S. 76) to authorize the appointment of additioiial officers
artillery for ordnance duties;
which was read the first and second times :tiid considered :is i t 1 C:
lrliLtee of the Whole; and 110 atnendment heing proposed, it
reported to the Senate.
OrdHad, That it ke engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill mas read the third time.
&solv~d. That it pass, and that the title thereof bc 21s aforesaid,
Or&g&, That the Secretary rcquest the concurrence of the House
of Rcprescntativcs therein.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
Orcjercd, That the Coininittee on Finance he dischargcd f roni the
frirtlicr consider:Ltion of the bill (S. 74) to incrcase the salary of the
Coriiinissioncr of Ixldiarl Aihirs.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affttirs, to .rvhom was
referyed the hill (11. li. 11%)to :zmond an act to organize forces to
scrvc during tlic W I L ~ , :~ppro\-cd17th licbr~i:~ry,
1864, rcported it
without :~mtndmcntj.
d, tis iii Coniniittcc of tlie Whole, to the considI; itild 1i:iving heen :uiimdcd on the ~not~ion
Air. Wnllrcr, tlic bill w:ts rep~rtedto the Scnatt a n d the :wicnctment
WLS concurrcd in.
O w J m d , r h t thc: :~tticritliiicnt1)c cngro d i ~ i i dtlic bill r d a third
Tho said hill :is rmcndcd was reid tlic tliird time.
11i:it it 1): with :\I\ aincidiiic~nt.
O ~ & / ~ ~ ic hl , t ethc Sccrct:wy i*cyiwstthe wncurrcncc of tlic IIousc of
lteprcsen tntivcs i ti tlio :uiicnduicnt.
Mr. Sparrow, from tlic Cviiiiriiltcc on Milikirr Affairs, to whom ww
referred thc: joint resoliitioii (11. It. t3) to rillow sick :ind wouiicled
ofliccrs of the h n p tl.atisport:ition to tlioir honics. :itid 1ioq)it:il accoixiiuoiliitions, reportot1 it withorit tirncndiuctit.
The SetiiLte prowodocl, :is it1 (:otiiniittoc of tlic \Vhole, l o tlie considctxtioii of tlic sibid rcsolutioli; iLlId no :~iticndnicnt,bcing proposed, it
\ V i h ropOrk!d to thc Scn:lL(~.
01dmd , Ihat i t p:~wto a tliird rwdiiig,
r ,
I lio sdcl rosolutioii wis rcwl tho third time.
f2,,*s/d/r t / , rllllt i t 1>:/ss.
O d IWJ, Chat thc S ~ c r o t i ~ idorill
the 1Ior1sc of llcprcsentatives
t t1nrcw f.
I I i c Iioiir ol 11:111 p:it 3 oclock having arrivtyl,
r ,
1he Seriiktc: tuok :I rccoss until S oclock 1). 111.
r ,

8 a(:r,ocx



Tlic SeIiittg(t rwiiitwd, :is i n Conimi(,tcc?of tho Whole, the consideration of the bill (11. H. 1-18) to rziisc? inoney to incwwc! the pay of

On inolioti by Mr. Jolinsoii of Rrk;inx:is, t h t thc bill bc recommitted to thc Conunittec on Iinitncc? with iii,structions to report N, bill
rcpoalirig all parts of c:v~ryact pissed :it this ses,qioll whereb

J w e 9. 1661.1



increase of salary or conipeirsatioti shall have been made, with a view

to restore o w currcnt cxycnditurcs to the rates and the terms a t which
they stood a t thc termination of the first Congress of the Confederate
States of America.

The yew and' nays hirig desircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
'I'hose who v o t d i n the :ifSririativc :we,
. ZIiuitcr, ,lohiison of Arkrtiisas, and Orr.
r ,
1 Iio,sc wlio 1 otcd in tlic negative arc,
AIehhrb. I~arn\cell. lhii*nett, Graham, I-Iayncs, Henry, Ilill, Jemihoii, ,I ohnson of Georgia, Seninies, S p a r r ~ w ,11:allier, Watson, and
So the Scnate rcfnscd to rccoiriinit t h o hill.
Ko nniendnicntj Ixitig proposed, tlie hill wah reported to the Senate.
On the question,
Shall tlic bill be rcxd a third tinie?
T t x t s dctcrniincd in the afErniative, Yeas.
Nays . _ . __
_ _ .._ __
__ 6
On niotion by Mr. Johnson of Arkansas,
'I'lic xess atid nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who rotcd in the affirmative are.
Rlessrs. H:tker, Ritrnwcll, Buriictt, Hayneb, Henrg, Hill, Jeinison,
.Joliiison of Georgia, Johnson of Missouri, Oldliam, Scmmes, Sparrow,
\\'alk~r,xiid Wigfdl.
'Those who votccl in tlic ncgadve : L ~ c ,
Xcs,srs;. 13rown, C;~ah:tiir,l I m t e r , Johnson of A r k a n ~ ~Orr,
s , and
So it W ~ H
O t d c r c t l , That tlic ltill pass to :L third rcading.
'I'he said bill was raid the third time.
O n the question,
Shall the ])ill tiom pass?
I t \VRS dctemiincd i n thc aflirmativc,
--. _ _ _
_ __
_ _ -_ _
_ _ _ _6_

-/ gg--------

0 1 1 motion by Nr. ,Johnson of Arkansas,

T h e j eits and nays hcing desired hy onc-fifth o the Scnato1.s present,
Thosc who voted in the affirmative arc,
. llnlccr, 13armwel1, Burnett, Haynrs, I Icnry, Hill, ,Jcinisori,
Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson of Missouri, Oldham, Swniiw, Sparrow,
l\r:dl~er,and \Vigf:iil.
Tho.;c who voted in thc neg:iti\.e arc,
Mesnrs. ~ l t ~ o w Graham,
IIuntcr, Johnson of Arkansas, Orr, and


So i t was
R e s o l w Z , Tlitit this bill pass.
O ~ ~ d mThat
" , thc Secretary inform the House of Xepresentatives
Mr. Gizthxni (l)y Ic1nvc) introduced
A I)ili (S. 77) to :inicnd mi act entitled "An act to rcducc the CLWr~ti(ayand to authorize :L new issue of notes and bonds," approved
Fc1)rnnr.v 17. 1864;
which ~ ~ read
a b the first and second times :wd considered as in CorIl-

JUIE Y. 1864 j



Mr. Graham submitted the following resolutioii j which was considered arid agreed to:
IZesolued, That the c~onipciiclationof thc Sergeant at-Arms and the Assktant Gecretary of t h e Senate shall be increased tnel\cx arid orici-h:tlf per cent; that tlie conii i i g shall be iiicreasecl fifty per
perisation of the Jouriial Clerk ancl the E ~ i p r o ~ ~ Clerk
cent; that the cornperisation of the Doorkeeper shall be increased thirty-three and
one-third per cent; and that the coinpeiisation of the .\ssistant Doorkeeper shall be
inweasetl sixteen and two-thirds pcr cent; in each for the period of one year,
:tiid that the increase he paid out (of tlie contingent f u t d of the Senate

On motion by M r . Hill,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors htkving heen openrd.
On motion by A h . TY:dker,
(1, That when the Senate adjourn it be to 10 oclock a. m.
On motion 1)y Mr. Walkcr,
The Senate atljouriied.

A message from the IIouse of Representatirrs, by Mr. Dalton:

MI-. fitsident: The Ilouw of Representatires have passed the bill of the Senate
(S. 6 7 ) to organize a corps of scouts and guards to facilitate coniniunication with the
Trans-Mississippi Ikpartment.
The Speaker of the IIouve of Representatives having signed two enrolled bilk, I
:mi directcd to bring tlieiii to tlie Senate for the signature of their President.

Mi.. \;Cllwr, from the cmniiiittcc, reported that they had examined
wnd found truly enrollcci bill> ol the lollowiiig titleb:
S. 67. An act to organize a corps of scouts a n d guards to facilitate

c.otiiiiiiiriication i t it11 thc Trans-XI ihsissippi D~pt~rtiiieiit;

11. K. 133. .In act making appropriation!, for the redeniption of the
seven per cent foreign lonii authorized by act of Congrew approvcd
2Uth ,Jttii~i~ry,
The Presidcnt pro tcmpore having signed the enrolled bills last
rcportcd to h:tw heen cxnniincd, they were dclii-ered to the Secretary
of the Senate and 1)y hiin fortliwith presented to the President of the
Confederate StRttrs for his approval.
The Senate resirmcd, as in Committec of the Wholo, the consideration of the joint resolution (S. 10) i n relation to the opening of ncgotiations f o r pelrcc 1 ) c h w w thc Confcderatc States and the United
Shtes; and
On motion by M r. Orr,
O ~ 7 m d That
tlie fnrthci. consideration thereof be postporied until
.i oclock p. in.
On motion by MI-. l%1rn~t7cll,
1 lie Senate roqolvctl into op
IIaving spin resolvctl into
The Senate procrcdctl, :IS in
cratioii of the joint rcsoliition (S.13) dcclwing the c l i q ~ ~ i t i o npriw
ciples, and 1)iirposes of the Confederate States in relation to thc
existing war with the IJriitcd States; and
On riiotion by MI..



June 9, L861.1

R. I<. Baker, of 3Iis4ssippi, to take rank from May 2, 1863.

11. S.('~IIIIIIII~~I~III,of Georgia, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
.Jaiiics S. Jh-ickvll, of Imiisiana, to take rank from May 2, I8KL
.Jairics 11. (+corgt., of Alabania, to tukc rank froiii May 2, 1863.
E. c'. IZobhins, o! Jlissoiiri. to take rank from &lay 2, 1863.
AZ. C. Iiarlre, of Alabaiiia, to txke rank from M a y 2, 1869.
W. A . I':wker, of Alaba!ii:i, to takr rank from Ma:. 2, 1863.
R. 1'. fiooth, of ,\Iissi
to take rank from May 2, 1863.
S. IT. Colemair, of Tei
, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
George IT. King, of C;
to tttkc rank froin May 2, 1863.
J. \V Stenart, of Teiiiiessrcx, to take. rank from May 2, 1863.
dairies 15 U'eld), of .ilahania, to tltke rank from May 2; 1863.
Ilonirc~I<. Iioss, of Tcnnesree, to talrch rank froni May 2, 186:3.
e, to t'ikt. rank from May 2, lS63.
Ur:uItor(l Sirliol, of '
, to t:lk(l r ~ i from
May 2,1863.
Tliurlllolld, 0 1 31


cC;econd lieufmnr~nfs.

C. G. IZainsaj, of Alabama, to take rank from May 2, 1863.

Ttioiitas 31. I)clznc, of lmiisiana, to take milk from May 2, 1863.
I I . I,. 13edforc1, of Terriie~sec~,
to take rank from May 2, 1863.
0. I?. Ulrtlsoc, of, tci take rank ironi May 2, 1803.
I,. \V. I~IOOC'BS,
of T r s a ~ to
, tdiv tank fro111May 2, 1863.
to take rank from May 2, 1863.
ppi, to tnlte rank from May 2, 1863.
is+ippi,to take rank from M:ry 2, 1863.
\V (j. I)ouglass, of I'loridn, to t a k e rank froni May 2, 1863.
\ I S. Cockrill, of Trmitwec, to take r m k from May 2, 1863.
~ r ~ l l inf.
l l .JOIW,
l ~ ~ of T C V I I I ~ WtoXtake
~ , rank from May 2, 1863.
1.' \I. ('olston, of --,
to t a k ~
r d i frnin nlay 2, IS63
: i r \ l : i i i ~ l ,t o t:ik(L r a n k froni i\lay 2, 1863.
~ n l l y ,!o ~ i ol)c~tlit~iit

Richnzond, June 8, IS&.

To (lie hknate of (lie Coi!li t l t rtrk


Ayrclr,ibly t o ttrc ~c~c.omii~cntl;ttioi~

of tlrc Secretary of War, I noininate the ofice1.s
t l i e accoinl)anyiiig lisL to llic rank affixed to their n a i i m , respectively.
KO. 44.1
Iticltnioiid, June 6, 18G4.
SIR: I liaw the honor to rccwninic~nctthe following nominations for appointment
in the L'rovixional drniy of the Confederatri States ot America:

(;eorge Flonrnor, of Texas, to be colonel Sixteenth Texas Regiment (formed Ity
antlrority of 13rigxdier-General IICbert, and approved bv the Secretary of War), to
r:tuk from April 25, I&Z.
I). I loward Smith, ui Krntnrky, to be coloiiel Fifth Kentucky Cavalry Begimriit
(fornitd bv autlioritr of Gcn. E. li. Smith, and approved by the Secretary of War),
&> rank f r o i i i Sjrptet1;hc.l 2, IS62.
B. I I. Itntledgc, of South Carolina, to be colonel Fourth South Carolina Cavalry
Hepitneril, to rank fro111 1)tLcwiibcr 1 6, 1862.
J. 13 Bifllc, of Tetiiiessce, to bc coloncl Ninrteenth Tennfsscc Cavalry Regiment
(formrd of iiidcpentfcnt coinpanic.), t o rank from October 3, 1862.
J. ( i .Coltart, ot Alabama, to be co1011r.l Iciftieth Alabama Regiment (fornied of
independent companies and tlic Sthrrirtln Alabama Regiiuerit. Compaiiy 0 was origi-


J tilie 9, 1864.1



Capt. I. G. McKissick, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Seventh So

Carolina Camlry ljcginient, to rank from April 20, 1864.
I m i , sir, rebpectfully, your obedient servant,

Semdaryof Wa

To Ilis E:xcellency JEI~FERWS

D~ V I S
dia P

F 01'


Hichnrnad, &me 8, 1864.

Agt eeably to tlie rv riinieiid;itioii of the Sccretary of War, I iioniinate N. Y.

of L o l l l ~ l ' l n : ~:i\
il-tlc-cmip to Brig. (;en. Allen Thoinas, M ilh lank of first
lieutenant i i i tlic 1'101 i h i o i i i i l Army of tlie Coilfedelate States of Ameriw.



I X I ~ I C R A ' ~ ISTATXL:



Rirhinmid, June 6 , 1864.

Six: I I i a ~e the lionor to rrc~oninientlthe nomination of N. P. Trist, of Louisiana,
RY airl-clew ainl) to Hrig <icaii. .\llcn Thoinas, with rank of first lieutenant i n the
I'~ovisiotial ,\riiiy of the C'onicdcrate States of America (an originalvacaney), to date
f'roiii .June 5, ? S U .
1am, sir, rcsprctfnlly, your obedient servant,
Secrefury of Far.
To His ICxwllenq~,J

Va., June 8, 1864.
71, the Srnnfr niicl IIotiae of Rqmsrntcctiws:
I hewwith transiiiit a c~~~i~iii~~iiiic.ntio~i
from tlic Secretary of \Yar, cowring copies
p e r a t i < i n \ (Iwiiig the yertr 1863.
( i f atlditiorial I ~ I N I ts
I 01 r i i i l r t
;ire ~ I I ~ C I I ( I ~ to
Y I 1,c u k d for the inforination of tho
ivir puhlic~itioiiat this time is uriat1visnl)le.


I h c 1nes*:qp I V e I Y ' rcad.

Ory/ct*pt/, 'I'liat
thcy be rcfcrrcd to the Committce 011 Milittiry
ivcd from the President of the OOKIrI, l-ic following iii
rison, his Secrotrwy :
fcclc.ratc~States, I,?,

Iixcriiroun, VA.,. h e 8, 186.4.

assiqtaiit treasurer a t C!iarlrston.


'I'hp message n7as read.

O&ved, That it bc referred t o t h e Cornulittec 011 Finance.
The following messages were received from the President of tlie
Confederate Ytatw, by Mr. 13. N. Ilnrrison, his Secretary:
Rrcrrxoxr), YA., .J11w 8, 186.4.
To llre Sfirccte of tkr C'oiij~tlprcxieAntes:
Aqreeablj to the recommendation of tlie Secretary of t h e Navy, I hereby noininate
the person named upon the annexed list to the office designated.




[Jiine 9,1864.

Richmond, < 7 u i t i 6~ , SO^.

SIR:I have tlic Ironor to reconiiiittitl the following nominatioii for proiiiotioii in
the Provisional Navy for gallant and nieritorious conduct:
Fint Lieut. John McI. Kell, of Georgia, for gallant and meritorions coiidact as first
lieutenant and executive officer of the Confederate States steam sloops Suiiitcr antl
Alabama, to rank f r o i n the 4th day of October, 1863.
I am, respecttnlly, your obetlieiit servant,
Asem~tn!y of i/l( 1\Tuty.
To the Smute of the Co?qeetEercite Stutes:
Agreeably to the recomnlendation of the Secretary of the Navy, I 1ierrk)yiioiiiiiiate
tlic person iiained upon the aniicxed list for the ofice designated.
VA., June 6, 18G4.

Srir: I have the, honor to recoiinnentl the follow~ingnomination for app~iiitiiic~nt
thc Provisional Navy:
Assistcmt p u 1 ~ 7 i i ~ ~ ~ l l e i * .
Charles G. Pcarson, of Florida.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
S. R. RlhLT,OKY,
Secretnri/ of ilie XCrc 11.

June 9, 1864 1


lieutenant in the Narine Corps, and of William A. Hearne,

tant pymrtster in the Provisional Navy, reported, with the
dation that all of said noininations he confirnled.
Ihe Senate proceeded to the consideration of said report; an
CoIiciirrerice theremit,h, i t was
Be.sohed? That the Senate advise and consent to their appointm
ngrt~eablyto the noinination of the President.
MI..Sparrow, from the Corninittee on l\liilihry Affairs, to whom
\v(rc rcfcrred the nominations of W. H. I?. Lee, to kte major-general;
li. C. Iylcr, &. L. Page, James Chesnut, \Xi. W . Allen, and ,101111
lZ~*atton,to I)t hrigadier-generttls; M. 1,. Stansel, to he colonel;
J a ~ n t ~C+~mlncr,
l. G. Triiuniier, A . Haynes, W. H. Camphell, to be
lic.~ilcil:ulit-coloncls: I\r. s. Clilll~ce,L. r. i-ludgings, I{:. S. &:ady, JohIl
I?. ,\nclreirs, 0. 31. IIatltins, J . .J. Daniel, to be iwtjors; ;Mapard
Gill, L. \V. I~arii~ci*,
John F.Tompkins, S. A. Ragland, \V, C. Hot~rn,
,John 31, lrcston, F. S. Thite, S. 11. Newberry, H. T. Coffee, 13. \Y.
Al)ci*ncthy,Jamcs L. C l a ~ k E.
, M.Clayton, 13. 13. Bower, George T.
Fry, W, H. h a y , Q. D emo n , lshairi M. 13lalie, J. N. Footman, 1). E.
I\Ias\rt~ll,G. F. lbl)in,son, Joseph 11. Du Pont, Love 12. Gilbert, J . F.
Luvltei~,C. N.1-2. Thurmontl, B. K. Thomas, J. A. Shaw, Thoiiins T.
Slacle, to be captains; T. A. Gatch, S. A. Willcoxen, C. S. Fincllcy,
K. G. Kcd\vood, 31. k:.13rocl;, F. 1. Fleming, R. F.Hart, R. I<. l:iylor,
John \Y. Sarh, 17. 3. Rice, 3:. 13. Holton, James Reid. 11. S. Warren,
13. ,J. IVilliwi+ E. J. I3owcn, ,J. N. Turner, and E. A. Williams, to be
lieutcnants; 0. S. Cohrn, 157. M. Mittag, ,John P. TouIniiri, T. H.
ih. TV. C. Wall, 13. E. Cordell, P. A. Ltutledgc, John L. Roswell,
11. k. Horrie, (ieorge IT. I M l , Nicholas W. Eppes, ,J. 13. Corkern, D. 13.
\Y.T. NcJilton, I h i e l McCarthy, A. W. Boberts, E. A. Carmouche, IT. G. Hinson, C. T. lollard, Iloratio Davis, A. C. iMt~ssenb ~ i i g ,\Villi:uii hyres, George Poindexter, C. C. Croxton, William
Knox, J o h i i A . (!annon, M. T. Hutchinson, A. 13. Barnett, G. A. Vootc,
Collins, wnd Cadet E. 0. Spkcs,to be second lieutenants; George
Ihiici., Augiidirs IT-. IMt, Frnnlr I,. Glover, Thomas 5. Ersltinc, and
A. ?J. Ioutaut, to l)e aids-de-ciinp, with the rmk of first lieutenants;
,J. T\. Txyloe, George C. dones, D. U. I,. Lowe, W. S. Robinson, ,J. 11.
13~11,to be adjutants, with the rank of tirst lieutenants; Charles 1.
C ~ ~ w o o dEdmnrd
S. Kuggles, and ITr. CJ. Schley, to he signal officers,
witti t l i ~
rank of second lieutenants; Stophrn Chalaron, to be first licuteiimt S iter and Mining Corps, reported, with the rcconmlcndation
that all of said nomiiiations be confirmed.
llle Qcnatc pocwrled to the consideration of said report; and i n
concurrence theivwith, it mas
Rcsolaed, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointmeilt,
:qrce:tbly to the noinination of the President.
!kc Senate proreeded t o the consideration of ttic resolution submitted by Ivlr. \Vigfall requesting the Yresident of the Confederate
States to inforni thc Senate whether any officers appointed under the
Prorisionxl Go\ criiiiient, a n d not reappointed hy and with the advice
and consent of thc Senate: are still discharging the dirtics of the offices
to which they were originally appointed, and that 110 be also respectfully requested to furnish the names of such persons; arid
On motion that the resolution be transferred to the Opcn Legislative Calendar,



[June lo, 1864.

_ _ _ _ _
_ _
It was determined in the affirmative, Yeas
__ __ __ __

On motion by M r . Hill,
Tho yeas and nays being desired b y one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Graham, Haynes, Hunter, Johnson of Missouri, Oldham,
Ow, Semmes, Walker, Watson, and Wigfall.
Those who voted in the ne ative are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, burnett, Henry, Hill, .remison, tJohnson
of Georgia, Mitchel, and Spurow.
So it was
ClrdemZ, That the resoliltion be transferred to the Open Legislath-c
On motion by Mr. Walkor,
The Senate resolved iiiLo secret legislative session.



Messrs. Burnctt, Rcnry, Hill, Orr, and Sparrow.

So the vote on pabsing the said bill was reconsidered.
On inotioii by Nr. Johnson of Arkansas, the vote by which the bill
\\ as ordered to its engrownient and third reading was also reconsidered.
Ihe Senate resumed, :is iu Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the s:iid bill.
On motion by MY..Johnson of Arkansas, to amend the hill by strikiit the second section, as follows:
? That thr Surgeon-General and tht, Commissarp-C;eneral shall be authorized
bheli nianrifactorirs or distilleries for the purpose of obtaining t h e supplies
aforemid, and to rniploy laborers in the sanle instead of resorting to contractS, if they
sliall tlccin it niorc prudent to do so,

I t tvas dctermincd in the norativ-e, 7\ Yeas
-- - - -- -- - -- ---- -- -- -Nays.. - - - - . . - -- - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - 9
On motion by Jlr. Johiison of Arkailstis,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those wlio 1 otcd in the affirmative are,
Messrs. 13arnwel1, Graham, Hunter, ,Johnson of Arkansas, Walker,
and Jjatson.
Thohe who voted i n the negative are,
illcssrs. Knrnett, Henry, Hill, Jeinison, Johnson of Georgia, JohnSOH of. nlissotwi, Orr, S p w o w , a d Wigfall.
No further amendment being made, the bill was reported to the
O t d e ~ ( t l That
it bo engrossed and read R third time.
bill W:L,S read the third time.
, Tliat it p \ s , mid that thc t i t l e tlicreof he :IS sforcsnid.
, That thc Secretary raqucst the coIicurrcnco of the IIouse
t iliati\ e , thcrein.
message froin the ITouse of Itepresentatives, 1)y Mr. Dalton:
dozt. The 1 lowe of Representatives agree to the anicndiiients o f the Senate
iiig to the tax in kind
the Senate to tkic bill (H. It. 138) to
srvcwd 1Cxcwitivc. 1)epartments and
ry, with aniendmmts; in which they

Thr. Speillrer of tile IIonse of lirpreseiitatires having signed sundry enrolled bills,
I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the s i g n a t ~ ~of
r etheir President.

On motion by Mr. Walker,

The Senate resolrcd into s e c w t legislative session.
The doors having bccn opcncd,
Tho following message was received from the Ho i i s a of Representati\-c.>, 1)y Mr. Ihlton:
II. The House of Rcprescntatives have agreed to the anienclnients of the
Scnatc to the following bills:
11. 1i. 112. i l r i act to amend an act to organize forces to scrvu during the war,
approved February 7 7, 1864; and
H. R. 153. An apt to amend an act entitled L L Aact
~ i for the rclief of taxpayers in
certain casw, approved February 13, 1864.
And they have passed the bill of the Senate (S. 76) to authorize the appointment of
additional officers of artillery for ordnance duties.
The PI ciident of the Confederate States has notified the House of Representatives
that on the 7th inbtant he approved and signed the following acts:
TI. li. 92. An act to amend the act itpproveii February 17, 1864, entitled An act
to allow collnnihsioned offirers of the Akrnlyiations and the privilege of purchasing
clothing from the Quartermasters Ikpartrnent;
El. R, 119. An act to amend so much of ail act entitled An act to organize forces


[June 10. 14fi-I.

serve during the n a1, approved Feliroai y 17, 7864, as relates to the exemption
of certain religious denominations; antl
H. R. 149. An act to amend an act eiititletl An act to regulate the supplies of
clothing to enlisted inen of the Navy during the mw, alprovet 111)ril 30, 1863.

A message froin the House of Etepresenhtives, hg

A h . Dalton:

Mr. President: The Houee of Representatives have passed the liill of the Senate

(8.7 7 ) to anlend an act entitled An act to reduce the cnrrcncy antl to authorize a

new issue of noks antl bonds, approved Febrnary 17, 1864.

And they have p a ~ ~tlie
r l hill of the Senate (S. 20) to estithlisli a hnreau of foreign
supplies, ivitli aincndiiirnts; in which they request the concurrence 01 the Senatt..
The Speaker of thc ITonse of liepiesentatives having signed hnndry e~rrollrtll i i l l ~
and an enrolled joint resolution, I a m directed to bring them to the Senate tor the
signature of their President.

On riiotioti by Mr. W;dker,

Ordmed, Th;tt tlic President pro ternporc appoint two additional
niembcrs, teniporitrily, on tho Conirnittec ori Ehgi-ossrxicnt and Enrollnicnt; and
Mr. ,Jolinsoii o f 3lissoiiri nntl Mr. Rrirnett wore ttppointed.
Mr. .Johnson o i Mi jwi, froni thc coininittcc, reported that they
had csanrinod and f o i l tiwly eirrollccl bills and ti joint resolution of
tho following ti tlcs :
S. 76. An act to :uitiioi*izctho :Lppointtric~ntof ndditionul officers of
wtillery for ordn:iiiw tIirfit:h;
H. it. 108. AII act to aiii(wc1 tlic 1 : ~ ~relating
to t h e t:x
El. It. 112, An act to :wientl :in act to org:inize fo
during t,ho W:W, :ippro\ fd lSt,li YcI)l.ii:qr, 1b64;
1-1. It. 148. A n act to r:Liv ~nonc~y
to iwr(1:ise t i i ~pay of soldicrh;
H. El. 150. i l n ~ ( lconccrning
t f i t h:LItiry of thc lr(w+iircr;
TI. It. 153. An ttct to : ~ i t ~ c r i a( li r act vittitlrd Art i t (
t:tx :tgci*siii wrtaiii ULSCS, :t1q)ro1wl Fclirnxry 13,
13. 1 3 . ,Joint iwolution to nlloiv hick :~ndwoiirrtlcxtl of the
Aviny t,r~itisport:it~iori
to their hotii(~s,:itid hospi t:iI :Ic~c~oiiiiuotl:ttions.
The lresdvnt p r o icrtiporo 1i:iving signed the cnroll(d bills arid
enrolled joint rcsolution 1:rst rq)oitcd l o 1i:~vv h c ~ ~ ~
t i~ ~ : i ~ r r i lhcy
were dcliverctl to thc Sccrctmy of the SCjCn:Lt(>ntrcl liy h i n i foithwith
preseritcil to 1 1 . 1 ~Jrc.sitlcnt of tlic Confedcixto St:itcl,; for lris approval.
Mr. Walker, froiii t h coniitiittco, reported tli:tt t1ic.y Iiad ex:tiriiiiccI
and fowid t r ~ i l yenrollcd bill$ ;tiid n joint rcsolrition o f the following
S.43. An :wt to gratlimtc tho p:ty of goncml officers;
S. LW.An :tct to :iuthoi*im the owners of the rcgistcrcd cigltt pcr
cent ten-ywi coiivcrtihlc ~ ) o J i dissued
itndcr the p t o \ T i h i o n s of the :ict
approved Mly 1ti, lStil, to csc~h:ulgcthP s:111lc f o r co1l~oI)onds;
H. It. 1%. A i r :lot ni:tlcing iLppropri:itions for tho support o f tho
GwcriiiIicn tj of tho Confcc1rr:tte States of Anrclrica froin , J ~ l y1 to
1nl)cr 81, I SB-C, :tiid to siipply :I,
I(. 1I. ,Joint wsolution of thanks to Maj. Gen. lticxharti Ttlyloi.
and tlic ofticem itrid iiien of his command.
Tho 11.esitlci~tp1.0 temporv lraving signed the e~1ro1lc.dltills and
enrolled joint rcholiitiori last reported to htiw hetw cxainincd, they
wen? dclivercd to t hc Sccretrwy of the Ptw:Ltc :lnd i)y hitn Forthxvith
presuntcd to tlic President of tho Confedemto St:ttos for his approval.


Jane 10 1861.1


A niossage from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr.

I3. S . IIarrison, tiis Secrctary :

X r . President: Thc I'resictent of the Confederate States, yesterday, approved and

signed the. follon ing acts:

. hiiact to provide for the compensation of nonrommissioned officers, soldiers,

and in:t~heson detailed service; :tiid

. An act for the paynieiit of conimissiouers appointed under the act entitled

" \ t i act to snspcntl the pririlcrc of the writ of habeas corpus i n certain cases," and
to cwifer ocitaiii p n c w npon said coiiiiniswmers.

O t d o ~ r c l ,'l'lint the Sccreknry inf orni the IIousc of Representatives

The Scn:itc proceeded to consider the amtndnicnts of the House of
nt:iti\-ch to the amendments of tile Senate to the bill (11. 1%.
a x the wnipnsatiion of the heads of the several Executive
1)c~p;trtnicntsand the Assistniit Secretary of War and the Treasury;
on I)?. 311.. B : ~ ~ l \ ~ c l l ,
, TIi:Lt they b t rcfcrrcd to the Coininittee on Finance.
:ttc procecdtd to coiisider the aniendincnts of the House of
I<eprcsentntivcs to the bill (S. 20) to establish a bureau of foreign supplies; and
7 ? 7 ~ i ' i ~ e c lThat
they concur therein.

O ~ ~ e ? ~ oThat
t ? , the Sevretary inform the House of Represcntstives
Mr. 01.r (by h v e ) introduced
-esolutiori (S. 14) for the relief of Janies Lyons;
rend thc first and second times and considered as in Conithe Wliolc; nnd 110 :imcndment being proposed, it was
rc1""td to thc Scnate.
O t d c i d , That it I)c engrossed :ind i ~ m:L
l third time.
The wid resolution was read tho tliird tinic.
Z2cso//*d, 'That it pass, and that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
d, That the Secretary m q t m t the coiiwrrcncc of the IIouse
o C l%epresciit:iti\es tliwein.
Mr. Wigf'dl (hp leave) introdwed
A bill (S. 79) t o d l o w agents of the Associated Press to purchase
forage aiid rations;
which was read the first and second tiines and considered as in Comiriittee of tlic Whole; and having been :mended on the motion of Mr.
Wigfnll, the bill was reported to thc Scnate and the amendment wm
concurred in.
O r c l m ~ c 7 ,That the hill be engrossed and read a third tinic.
The said hill ivas read the third time.
On the question,
Shall the bill now passt
-8 .
Yeas._ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It was detcrmined in the ncptive,
y s - _- - - - _ _ _ - - _-_ -_ -_ .I1
On inotion by Mr. cJohiison of Arkansas,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
'l'liosc who voted in tlic affirniative are,
Messrs. Rui*,,,Jcniison, Mitchcl, Olclham, Semmes, Sparrow, Wallter, and JT-igfall.
Those who voted in the negative are,





[June 10, 1864

i\/iessrs. Baker, Barnwell, Graham, Henry, I rill, Hunter, ,Johnson

of Georgia, Johnson of Arkansas, Johnson of Missouri, Orr, and
So it was
RcvoZued, That the bill do not pass.
The Senate proceeded, a* in Committee of the Whole, to the considerntion of the hill (a.R. li?) to provide for the eiirollment and conscription of certain noncolnmissioned officersand privates in the TransMississippi Dcpsrtinent; and the reported amendments having been
agreed to, the bill was reported to tho Senate and the amendments 71 crc
concurred in.
Omcrcd, That the aniendnicnts be engrossed and the hill read a third
The raid bill as amended was rcad thc third tirnc.
R e w l u d , That it pass with arriendnwnts.
Ordered, That t he Secretary request the conciirrencc of the House
of Hepresentritii i 11 the ainendments.
Mr. Wigfnll (11y leave) introdaced
A hill (b. 80) to extend the provisions of an act entitled An act to
provide for tho appointment of offjcers with tciiiporarjr ritrik arid coiiimarid to officers of and bclom t h e gmdc of colonel;
which was i ~ the~ first,
1 a i d second tinies and considcred ah in Conimittec! of tlic Wlrolc; and
lhc Iioru. o f half past 3 oclock having arrived,
T h e Heriate took a recess until 8 oclock 1). 1x1.

OCLOOIC 1. 31.

A nicssage from the EIouse of Iicprcsentwtives, by Mr. ;IlcDoiialtl:

N).Ireaident. The TXouw of lLcpresciitativec?wagree to mine and disagree to otlicli
ttrnenilmmts of the Senate to tlie bill (13. It 107) to arrientl tlic tax laws, and t l i w
agree to other amendiricintfi of the Senate tosaid bill, with amendments; in n!lic 1 1
they rcqiiest the C ~ I ~ O I I ~ I C I ~ofC thr

Tlic Yerratc procccdcd to consider amendments t o the hill

(11. K. 107) last mentioned, itinended arid disagreed to by the Llouse of
Re resrntativw; and
Kn motion 1)y nil.. ~ r r ,,lliat the Senate insist on their anieiidimnts disngrced to
by the I louse of ricpi.cscntntivcs, disagree to the amendiiicnts of the
1Ionse of licprtwxhativcs to the :uncndments of the Senate t o the
said hill, tind ask a c.onfercnce on the disagrceing votes of the two
I louscs thci*oon.
OrderrtJ, lh:Lt the coniinittee of confcrencc on t,he part of the
Scri:ito he appointed by the President pro tenipore; and
Mr. 12wnrvcl1, M r. Yeimics, and Mr. Oldhain were appointed.
Orc,?e7vu, That the Secretary inform thc House of Bepresentatives
the roof.
Mr. Harnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom were
referred the amendments of the House of Bepresentatives t o the
airiendinents of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 138) to increase t h e compensation of the heads of the several Executive Departments and the
Assistant Sccrctary of War and tho Treasury, reported thereon.
The Scn:tte proceeded to consider the ainendinents of the House of
Representatives to their arriendnicnts to the bill (11. It. 138) last inentioned; and


Jnne 10, 1864 ]

2 09

Resolved, That the Senate disagree to the aineiidments o f the IIouse

of 12eprcwiltilivcs to the aincndmcnts of the Sen:ito to the said bill.
O / d ~ i w lIhat
the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
On motion t),y Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate rrsolrecl into executive session.
Ihc doors h i v i n g been opwcd,
The following inessage was received from the House of Representatives, by 3Ir. Dalton:
Jfr. Pwsidc td The Iiouse of Representatives hnvc I
of t h r f o l l o ~ 1 1 t1i t~l v q ; 111 wlii(S1i they request the con
11. 11. 155. An act 111 rcblatioiito the pa) ol clerks 111 the oflice of the depositary;

I t . K. 112. A i i act to aiiieiid an act to organize forccs to serve during the war,
approrccl 17th Fcbr uary, 1864;
1I . 11. 12 I. An act iliaking appropriations for the postal service of the Coiifederste
States for the year 1862 axid 1863;
11. A. 148. An act to raise money to increase the pay of soldiers;
11. 11. 150. A11 act concerning the salary of the Treasurer;
I1 R 153. 1 1 1 act to amend an act entitled An act for the relief of taxpayers in
( er txin cases, approved Felmiary 13, 1864;
11. R 11 Joint rcsolntion ot tlisuBs to Maj. (ku.Richard Taylor r71iilthe ofii-ers
: i n d incn of liis i~ommsiid;:tiid
11. R. 13. Joint rcwlutioii to allow sick :mtl \vonritletl oflicws of the Army transpoi tation to tlrrir Iio~iieq,amcl hwpital

.\iicl that 011 the 9th ins.taiit I r c appr

11. It. 106. 1111 art to incre:
arid p i \ a t c c of tlic i r i i i y of the (hifctleratc Statvs; au(l
I I . I<. 1%. A i l act to x1i1c11d an act entitled An act to estrt1)lish a iiitcr arid iiiiiiing
hiirean, appxo\ctl April 22, 1SC;:I.

A messago from tlic I-Ioube ol Boprcscntatives, 1 ) N~ r . Lmiar, their

XI-. President: The President of the Confederate States having returned to the
IIouse of Representatives, in which it origiriatad, the bill (1. R. 147) entitled An
act to aiiieiid an act entitled An act to impose regulatioiis upon the forei 11 coiiiin
the Confederate States to provide for the public dcfeiise, approve$ Februar
, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, with his objections thereto, the House
sentatives proceeded, in pursuance of the Constitution, to reconsider the
saine; and
12raoZrzd, That the said bill do not pass, two-thirds of the House of Representatives
not agreeing to pass the same.

Ur. Henry suhniittcd the following resolution for consideration:

colzcurrzii,q), That the time fixed for the
IZesolcerl ( t h Ior~seuf Hcpim?ntat
adjournment of the prescnt session of Congress be extended to Tuesday, the fourteenth day of June, instant, and that the Presitlrnt of the Senate aiid the Speaker of
the IIouse ok Representatives adjourn their respective Houses, sine die, at twelve
oc~loclrmeridia~i,011 that day.

rhe Senate proceeded to consider the said resolution; and

On itlotion hy Mr. Orr, that the further consideration thereof be
postponed until 11 oclock to-morrow,
it was determined in t h e negative.




[June 10,1864.

0 1 1 motion by Mr. Jemison, to amend the resolution hy striking out

Tuesday and inserting Monday,
It mas determined in the negative.
The resolution mas then agreed to.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, t o reconsider the vote on agreeing to
the resolution,
It was determined in the negative.
Ordered, That t h e Secretary request the concurrence of the Ilonyc
of Representatives in tho resolution.
Mr. Orr submitted tho following motion for considerxl ion:
Orcdered, That the vote on passing the resolution suhiiittcd by A h .
Spdrrow, from the Conirnittec o n Jfilitary Aifairs, on tllc 8th iriit,iint,
requiring the reports of officerb of military. opcrations which h : ~ v ~
hcen communicated to the Senate by the Prcsldcnt at the prcselit b ~ h sioii to bc placed upon the files of tlic Senate, and directing tlw SCCIYtx1.y not t o furnish copies of said reports to anyone without the leave
of the Senate, be rccoriidcrcd.
On motion by Mr. Wathon,
The Senate rcsolred in to secret legislative session.
The doors having heen opened,
On motion by Mr. Jtiiiibon,
OwxTetwZ, ThsL when thc Hrnate adjonrn it hc to LO oclock a. 1x1.
Ihe following- bill and joint rwolution T I W ~ Cseverally rcticl the first
and second tiincs xnd refcrrcd to the Committee on Yin:inc*c:
11. K. 155. An act in relation to the paay of clerks in the offic-c of
ttic depositary ; a n d
11. B. 14. Joint rcsolution cxplarxitory of th
t to iiicreaw tlic,
conipensation of certain civil officers and ciiiploj
in the Iiesitlei 1ts
office and in the executive and 1rgisl:Ltive t i c p i
n t h :-tt Iticliiiioiitl
for n liiiiitcd period, approved J m i u w j 30, 1Sti-k.
MI*. Brown sulmittcd the following rcmlution; which w:i;<coilsidnrcd and agreed to:

lii.solvetl, That tlirrc 1)c )aid to tho page of the Sciiatc, (nit of t I i c ( o n tiiig c n t font1
oc t ti0 Senate, on( 1i1,iicirc.A 1wr ccwt on Ilia picsciit Iwr diciii, t o roiiiiiieiirc witlt tlrc
1)tcwnt session mid to rontiiiiit~during tlic iicsxt ~ w ~ i o n .

On motion by Mr. S p ~ r r o w ,
Ordem.., Lhttt thv C:onrinittce on hlilitary i1fI:iii-sbc discharged
fi*oni tho further considemtion of thc nicniorial o f ,J. S. Dawson.
AIr. Spirrow, froin the Conirnittm on Slilitiiry A\ftnirs,to whom was
rrcd the bill (S. 72) to iitllt>ndan :ict entitlet1 *An act to organize
military courts to uttciiti tlic A m y of thc Confcc1cr:itc States in the
ticld, and to dclinc: t l i c 1m\vcr\ of said coiii-ts, :Lpprovecl Octolrcr $1,
1Sfi2, reported it without ,uiiendnicnt.
0 1 1 motion k).y 1111.. S
The Sciiste adjourne .



A message from the Prchident of the Confcderato Stateh, by 31r.

n. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

;MY.President: TJic Iresidriit 01 1 1 1 ~(onfcticr,itc States has, to-dnv, :Lpl)rOyC(l atid

Riglied an act (S.67) to organize it m p of scout. and gnartls to facilitate ~011111111111cation with the Trans-Mississippi L)cpartnicnt.


Julie 10,1861]

( I , That the f3ccretar.y inform the Honse of Representatives

'I'hc Senate resiiiiied, as i ti ('ominittee of the WIiole, the considerat i o n o f the joint iwolution (8. 13) doclaring the dispositionh, pi.inciples,
and purposes of the Confcdcratc St:ites in relation to the existing war
with the Uriitcil Stales; and
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Graham,
'l'hc Senate resolved into executive session.
H a v i n g iigitiri rcsolirccl into hecret legisli~tivesession,
'The Scii&c rrsiittiod, as i n Comniittce of the Whole, the eonaidcration of' the joint rcwliition (S. 13)declaring the dispositions, principles,
: ~ n dpiirpow~of' tltc ('onEcdcr:itc Stxtes i n relatioti to the existing TVU
with tlic U n i t w l Sttitc,; xrtd no aiiieiidnit~ntbeing proposed, it was
rcpoited to tlic 3,', rn:itc.
d :itid rci~d:i third time.
OrcZc/wZ, That it Ijc CII
'I'lic said rrmlution w:
0 1 1 thc qiicdion,
SIiit11 the resolution now pa
Yoas-- _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 12
I t ma, drtci*tiiinctl in
Nays - . - - - _ - _ - -7 - - - ~

fifth of the Senators present,

Jlwhrs. 12arn\vell, 15rown, ( i r i i h i i , IIcnry, Hill, tJciriison, ,Johnson
Set~mics,Sparro~v,17':1llier, arid Watson.
o voi r t l i n the llegilti\-c :ire,
h l i c ~ , lhii*n(~tt,Hunter, ,Johnson of Arliansas, Mitchel,
(1 JY i y fall.

c ~ f(icorgia, Orr,

'I'luit this r e d i i t i o n pasb, mid that the title thereof he as

O d , ( I , Th:if t h Scc.rrt:lry rcqacst the coiiciirrcnce of the House
c n t :it i vv, th P W i ti.
ititcd, :is in Chrirnittce of the Whole, tho considemtion
ution (S. 10) iti rclntioii to tlic o p t i i n g of' iicgotititions
11 the

Confederate States and the United States.

Air. rJci~tison,that the further consideration of the
rcsolation 1)c postpoiled until 11 o'clock to-inorrow,
I t was clcteniiiitcd in the treg'1t'1vc.
0 1 1 inotion 1 ) ~ Mr.
,JoIinson of Georgia, to alilcrlil the resolution 1)y
d" and inserting:
striking all orit :~ftei*" R c s
t Llic~ r \ c i i t oi nignal i-tic
our arms in the pending canipaigns would
11 an oppoi tnnc occasion
effort to open iic~gotiationswith tlw T;nited
foi peace Iwt\\ ce11 that (;ovcmnlent and tho Confctlerate States, and that the
Sennte respec,tfully tztlvisc t h e I'residcnt to c~~ib!ace

Yeas _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ -- -.7
It was dvterniincd in the n ep tiv c, 1 Kays . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ On motion hy Alr. Orr,
The yeas and nay\ hcing dcsjr*ccl hy one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those ho I otctl in thc :kftjrrnntin! arc,
hlebsrs. I3aktr, Ilunter, Jeniisori, Johnsoil of Georgia, Jolmson of
iirltarisus, Seniiiir~,a n d S p r r o \ \ ~ .
Those wlio votcd in the ncgstivc are,


June 10,1864.1


The ScnRte procccdcd to the consideration of said report; and in

conct~rreiicethercqvitli, it ~

Resolved, That t h e Scnate advise and consent to his appointment,

:tgreeably to the nomination of t h e 'resident.
T h e allowing niessagc was reccivcd from the President of the Confedcratc States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:


Ricliitiond, June 9, 1 ~ ~ 4 .
To tit? *Yencite qf the Confedcrrctr htcrtes:
n i m ~ ~ i c l ~ t iofo itlie
i Secretary of War, I nominate Brig. (;en.
ssihuipp, to temporary rank ot niqor-gen~ral ( n n c l i ~act
4) in the l'rovisioiial' Army of thc Confederate Statrs of
J ~ i r h i o w l .Juw
G , 2864.
ye tlie lionor to rrcoimiie~itlthe noniination of I3rig. Gen. 13. C. Waltball,
i)i, to terrippotrtr \ iaiilt of iiiajor-general (under act approved May 31, 1864)
iuioiial A i i r r v of tlir Confederate States of Xmcrica. to coninland a new
division, to be formed ih t'ollr's Corps, Army of Tennessee, to dite froin Jmic 6, 1864.
1 am, sir, rwpectfdly, your obedient servant,

To Hip Rxcellelicy JEFFERS~R

l'rcsidmt, etc.

[June 10, 1864.


Resohved, That the Senate advise and consent to the temporary

appointment of W. R. Terry, to be brigadier-general, agreeii bly to the
nomination of the President.
The following messages were received from the President of thc
Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary :


E x ~ c u ~ r DEPARTVENT,
Riclunond, June 10, 1 ~ 6 4 .

To the 8enutr qf thc Confedmrite Stn1e.r.

Agreeably to the recomlnentlatioa of the Secretary of War, I liorniliate Cot. John
S. Preston, oI South Caroliria, to be a I)rigadier-general ~ I Ithe Provisioiial A m i y of
the Confederate States of America, iinder act approved Octobel IS, 1862.



SIR: I hnve the honor to recommend the no

South Carolina, to l)c a
in tiit.
States of Anierira, niicler act appro\ t~tl0c.tol)c.r
I ani, sir, rwpectfnlly, youi obcclieiit servant,
To lIis Excellency

CONPiCl)l:l< \m 8.l,\TEs

To tlir Sennfr qf t l v (ori,frtlcrcitr htatts:



I l i ~ l m ~JZUW
~ l ,s, 1864.
of COI. Jollll 8. IJY>~OII,of
:i1 Arllry 01 t h . Confederate
to rank 11o i i i (uiifir ~iiatioii.

Secretary of IKrr.


Klcll?no7~cl,. l w e 10, 1864.

Agreeably to t l i c rc.c.oniiiit.iidatioii of the Secretary f War, T noniinatc Capt. I). (:.

Fleniiiig, ot H o n t l i C m i l i n a , to be c v ) l o i i r ~ lIhwity-so n t l South Carolina Repinir~irt,
in the Irovisionxl ,\riny of the (kiiiteciri:Lte Stateq, \ t (oloriel I):intzlcr, killetl i n


June 10, 18G1.1



Richmond, June 9, 18G4.
To flit' 5% ) u i e 01 the C'u,tj"i&rcctc. Sttr/us.
Agrecal)ly to the recomnieiidatiori o f tlie Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the ~~ccoilipallylng
list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
s o . 46.1
lrTAI{ h l ' . \ l t T \ C l X T ,
Riciimcnzd, June 6, 1864,
SIR: I l i s w thc lionor t o rrconimciitl the following nominations for appointment in
thr Pro\ isional Army o f the Confedcrate States of America:



(iaidnet, of TJouisiann, to

tak(a r a n k from December 13, 1S62.


North Carolina, to take rank from November I, 1862.

your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To JIis Excellency JEFFERSOX
Predent, etc.
Richnond, June 10,1864.
7'0 tlie ,?enenate of the Confederate States:
Agrccd)ly to the rec~onimendafi o i i of the Srcretary of War, I nominate the officers
o n the accwipanyjng list to thc rank aflisctl to their naiiics, respectively.
\V.\lt 1)lCl' tItT3IEV'i', CONI"EDER4'PE RrATES OF' h X E R I C A ,
Ko. 47.1
Ttirhitro?id, Jhe 8, 18154.
SIR: 1 l i n rc llic lionor l o rc~~)iiiineiid
it:(. following iioniiiiatioiis for yroniotion in
t11(. I ' r ( ~ ~ i 4 0 1 iA~ri il i i ~o t t Ii(%V o ~ i f t ~ t l o t ; i tStates
of Anierica:
111, of

, respectftilly,


inrtori, of Tcsns, t o be colonel Sixth Texas Cavalry Regiment,

r i i o t d , to raiik from Uetcitibcr 21, IW3.
l o o l ~ ~ofr , Georgia, to be coloiiel Twenty-first Georgia Kegiinciit, vice Colonel hIrrcc.i, I r i l l d , to rank from April 18, 1864.
Lirut. Col. \V. 11. \Vallace, of South Carolina, to be colonel Eighteenth South
adberry, killed, to rank from Augitst 30, 1862.
Carolina Begiment, vice Colc
I,ieut. Col 11 1). I,. Stcpli
f Mississippi, to be colonel Thirty-first Mississippi
cd, to rank froiii Marcti 11, 1864.
Itegiiiient, Iice Colonel Orr,

Maj. T. C. Glorer, of Qrorgia, to he lieutenant-colonel Twenty-first Georgia Regiiincint, vice l.ientt~iraiit-Coloiir1Ilooper, proinoted, to rank from April 18, 1864.
l l a j . 11' 11 Allison, of Sooth Carolina, to be lieuteiiant-colonel Eighteenth South
Carolina Regiment, vice ldeute11a1it-Colone1Wallace, promoted, to rank from August
30, 1862.
Maj. J. W. nrarie, o f hlissiksippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-first Mississippi
Kcgiment, vice Lieutciiaiit-Colonel Stephens, proinotcd, to rank from March 11, 1864
3 k j . \Ir. M. Shy, of Tcrinessce, to be lieutenant-colonel Twentieth T'ennessee Re@iiicnt, yice i,ientenant-Colonel Lavender, resigned, to rank from June 24, 1863.
h h j . W.
Crow, of I,ouisiann, to bc lieutenant-colonel Twenty-sixth Louisiana
Regiment, \ice Lieutenant-Colonel Hall, proniotctl, to rank froin November 25,186'2.
I m i , sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretory of War.
To His Excellency J
President, etc.



[June 10,1864

RicliinontJ, .June 10, 1864.
To the Senate of flte Cmfederate States:
A reeably to the recoinlnendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on t i e acconipanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.



Richnzond, Jwnr 8, 1864.

SIR: T have thc honor to recommend the following noininations for appointuicnt
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate State9 of America for tliptinguislird valor
and skill:

Jonins Iiimb:i11, of Tennessee, to be captain Company A, l~ourteenthTeiinerree

Regiment, to rank from May 28, 1864.
,Second lieutennni.

B. C. Rarrison, of Alabama, to be second lieutenant Coinpan> I, FiflJ -first Alabnm,z Regiment, to rank from May 26, 1864.
I am, sir, rcspcctfully, your obcdicmt servant,
0.f T T i H .
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
P&dmt, ptr.
Riclrinontl, J u n e 9,l86.#.
To the ,SenntP of the Conj(dwtte Antes:
Agrceablv to the recoiiiirieutli~tiotiof t h c s Secretary of War, I nominatc Cnpt. J o l i i i
M. ~ t e yof
, Virginia, to IF an assistant adjn(aiit-ae~ieral,with t h r rank of 1icwtw:tiitcolonel in tge Provisional Aimy of tlic Conhlvrate States o f .Itiieric3a.


Kichr,,ovtl, .1/c,re 6, lS61.

SIR:I haw the honor to reconimcntl the nomination of Capt. John 3f. Otey, of
Virginia, to be tin assistant adjnta
the Provisional Army of tlie Coiit
of Boutlicmi Virginia ant1 North C:
I am, sir, rcupec~tfully,your
S e ~ e c r e r cof~ ~ ITcrr.

To TTis Rxcrllency JI

Jrcsi tlm f , rtc.

O d m t i , That they 1~ rcfcrrctl to tdie Committee 011 Military

A fiai rh.
0 1 1 motion by Mr. Oldham,
I ho Scnnte rcsolvcd into open legklativc session.
T h e Sjcniitc having again rcsolvrd into executirc session,
MI.. S p r ~ o wfrom
tlic Corninittee 011 Militttr~r Affnii-s, t>owhom
vverc reforrcd Ihe ~ ~ m i n : i t i o iof
i s Franklin Gaidner nud J . 12. i l 1 0111q
cler, to be inajov-g!.eiwrals;.John 11. Winder, 1%.11. Hiblcy, ii. S. Ripley,
N. (+.12vans, William hi. (hrdnc r, I. W. Mercer, T.1. Doclrery, T. N.
Wruil, J o h n S. Iroqtoii, to hc b1.igRdiei.-g.eric.r~ls;
I). 0. Eleining, Jacli
Wharton, T. VV. IIooper,
IT. Wallace, M. D. 1,. Stephens, George
Flournoy, I). 1. Sniith, 13.11. liutlcdge, .J. B. 13iffle. ,J. G. Coltmt, G. N.
l?ollc, C. A . Sugg, and A. C. Il:~skcll,to be coloi~cls;1. G.McKissick.
T.C. Glovcr, W. R. Allison, ,J. W. Ih.;tnc. W. N. Shy, W. C. Crow,
Arthur Hood, W. H. Redwood, William Stokes, Alf. 13. Baird, L. .

3une 10,18611


Kill, a i d S. 1-1. Colnis, to bc lie~~tenaiit-colonels;

W. P. Emanuel, John
J. Spann, and William E. Vinckard, to be majors; JuniusKimball, to be
captain; B. C. Harrison, to be second lieutenant; George 1% Hodge,
to be assistant :~dj~itant-peneral,
with thc rank of colonel; J o h n M.
Otey, to be assistant :tdlntnnt-gcner:tl, with the rank of lieutenantcolonel; T. 1. I:t~n,to be assistant adjutant-general, with the r
of major; TYilliam JYren, to be assisttint adjutant-general, with
rank of cttptain; S. I?. Green, to be :idjutant, and ,J. W. I-Iayne
N. P. Trist, to bt. aids-dc-cainp, with r:inlr of first lieutenant;
Rlcsnndcr. to be brigadim-gener:tl of artillery; 'I'hoinas 13. C:irter,
IIilni*y1'. ,Jones, :md Mrlimcthon Smith, to he colonels of :irtillery;
,Jxrncs I)cnring7 ,Frank H i i p r , C. &, TV. J. Pegrmi, 11. G.
McInto~h,IV. 1 . I'oagii~. li. A. H n r c h ~ ~ a Ch:irlcs
Richardson, L.
IIostoit, : l i d d. C. \Tillituus, to be lierrteri~t~t-colo~iel,il
of artillcr)-: JV. E.
Cutsh:i\v, T. C. tJordm, A i . It. Millor, Robert 31. Stribling, It. C, M.
l'ngc, lhi\ id I\':Ltsoii, cJoscph M c C h w , 31. ,Johnson, George Ward, V.
Maurin, 21. S. &Ioorin:m, H. P. Chew, \IT.H. Caskie, ,J. 11. Pratt, and
It. ('ol)b, to bc i~i:tjorsof artillery; 1'. B. Stanard, llenry Myers,
E. 13. Smith, ,J. 'l'. 'I'rezevaut, 'l'. 31. Bomyer, and H. RiIiltjon Cary, to
be nmjors of ordnance; W. C. Diisbury, W. D. Harden, Thaddeus A.
Smith, ,J. TYilcox R r ~ i v i i ,tJ. C. Little, Charles Gratt:tn, W. Latham,
James Dinwiddie, ,Jaiiitls M. Boyd, C.C. Pinckney, J o h n M. Gregory,
Thomas vlr. l'icrce, ,J:mcs Q. Clark, C. L. C. Minor, iienry Seabrook, Leoniclns Points, W. N. RIcDonald, George Little, C. F. Vanderford, I,. li. I h n s , and W. 1. M7ar1-cn,to he cttptains of ordnance;
.J:Ls. C. Calliorur, Jolin F. Porteous, John Forrest, It. E. Raker,
11. Y. Ciinninp1i:in~,Jtmics N. 13rickcl1, James 11. George, E. <:. Bobt)ins, 31. (:. I3ixrkc, i V . A PsLrkcr, 11. V. Booth, S. I I . Colt?man,
Gcoi.gct 11. Kitrg, *J. IT'. Stewart, Jmics 13. Webb, Horace E. Ross,
13radfo1.d Sicliol, iincl TV. 'I'tiiirinond, t o be first licutc~nanhof ordn a n t ~ ;I{. I,. I ~ i x w l ~ t i :11.
~ r ~11.
, Strvcns, C, N. Featlic~hton,It. Crawforti, C. (+. K x n i s : ~'I'hom:\s
M. Ilcane, 11. 1,. 13edfoi*d,0. 14'. Blcclsoe,
I,. IV. 1STOOCk\, c. Colllpton,
C", K C l i O l l , L. w. RlcGrudcr,
lhigl:~\q,31. 8. Coclcrill, Thoinas lll. ,Jones, F. M. Colston, and And.
C. Y'rippe, to be sevond lieutenants of ordnance, reported, with the
recoinmendation that d l of said nominations he confirmed.
Tlw Senate proceeded to the considcration of said report; and in
coiiwrrence t hn.rmith, it was
Rc,wIwtZ, That the Senate :dvise and con it to their appointment,
agreeably to the noniinntion of tho PresidrriC.
,\I 1'. Sparrow, from the Co~nniillceoti Military Affairs, to whoni
w ~ r ereferred tht: nomin:ttions of P. 0. I-IAbert, ,J. TI. "rapier, and
A. It. L a ~ ~ t o ito
i , he ~,ri~adier-generalx,
and F. 1%.Robertson, to be
I it.iitennnt-coloiic~1of artillery, reported thereon.
'I'be Senate procwdecl to consider the said nominations; and
On motion 1,- Mr. Sparrow,
Orde~zd,T l d they lie upon the table.
Mr. Sparro'w, from thc Committee on Military AEairs, to whom
~ v a referred
t h e nomination of Alfrcd Ivei-son, to be brigadier-genrrd,
reporteci, with the reconimtndation that said nomination 1)c confirmed.
'S'hc SenHte proceeded to consider said report; and
After debate,
On the question,




[June 11, 1864.

Will the Senate advise and consent to the appointaent of Alfred

Iverson, to be brigadier-general Z
Yeas ..- - - - - - - Id
It was deterrpined in the affirmative. Nays _ - . . _ _ _ - _2 _ _
On motion by &. Graham,
The yaas and nays being: desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Raltcr, Barnwell, Brown, Rurnett, TTenry, Hill, Hunter,
Jemison, Johnson of Georgia, Mitchel, Senmes, Sparrow , Wnllier,
and Watson.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Graham and Orr.
Yo it was
BesoZvPd, That the Semite advise and conwnt to the appointment of
Alfred Iverson, to hc brigadier-general, agreeably to the noiiiin:~tion
of the President.
On motion by MI-. Watson,
The Senate resolved into open 1egisl:itive sccsion.

SATUKDAT , .JUNE1 1, 1964.


A message from the House of Iiopresentatiucs, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. Presidmt: The House of Bepresentatives agree to the resolution of tlic Sciiatc
extendiiiv the time for the adjoornmtwt ot the present session of Congress to Tucuclay,
tlie LJth Ynstant.
The Yresident pro tempore laid hefore the Semite a conimiinication

Ir:insniittjng, in conformit>ywith
from the Secretary of the Ti~~ttsiiry,
an act, of Congress, a list of ccrtiticst,rs tiled in that Lkpartiiient for
increased coinpensation of o tEccI-s and cmployees in t,hc v w i o n s Kxeciitive DepRrtinents who are liable to perform ini1it:iry tlnty ; which was
Om!er&, That it lie upon the table.
Mr. Bitrnwell, froni the Coininittee on Finance, to whom was refci-rccl
the bill (1. li, 155) in rekition to the pay of clerks in the oflice o f tlic
de ositary, reported it withoiit amendment.
$he Sciintc procet.dcd, ;is i n Cornrriittcx of the Whole, to the c~msideration of Iht: srtid hill; and no ainendnicnt b e i iig propowl. it was
reported to tlie Senate.
O&wtl, Th:bt it pass to R tliird imdirig.
The said bill 'u':ts read the tliird tinw.
1Tzesol~ocr',T h a t i t pass.
Ordm~tJ,Thtxt the Srcvetary inform the House of Itrprrswtati VPS
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whoni was referred
tlie joint resolution (1. It. 14) explanatory of the act to increase the
conipensation of certain civil officers and employees in the President's
of3ice and in the executive and legislative departments at Richmond for
a limited period, approved January 30, 1864, reported it with the recoriimendation that i t ought not to pass.
The Senate roceeded, as in Coiriinittec of the Whole, to the consideration of t ie said resolution; and 110 aineiidment being proposed,
it was reported to the Scnatc.


Jnne 11. 1SM.I


On t lie question,
Shall the redution be read a tliird time?
It WLC; clcterniiiiecl in the nt~gative.
So t hc resolution w:is rc>jec*ted.
Ordetaed, Thiit the Secretary inform the Ilon~cof Representatives
t hcrcof.
Mr. Burnett, from the Coiiiinittee on Claims, to whom was referred
the bill (8. 47) to f:wiIit:tte the settlement of the claims of deceased
soldiers, reported it with the rccornnimdation that it ought not to pass.
The Scnato pro led, as in Committee of the \.\hole. to the con,sidcration of thc hill (S. 80) to extend the provisions of an act entitlcd
A n act to provide for the appointment of ofiicei-s with temportw
rank and coiiiiii:ind to officet~of and below the grade of colonec
:Lnd no aniendtiient being proposd, it wiis reported to tlie Senate.
On the question,
Shall the bill 1)e cng!:l.osscdand read 2% third time 1
It was dcteriiiined in the negative.
So the bill was wjccted.
On motion by Mr. Henry,
Ordered, That the I-Ion. Landon C. IIaynes havc leave of abseiice
the sessions of the Senate during the reiriainder of the present
. Scmnics (by leave) introduced
A hill (S. 81) in rclation to gcmernrl officers hcrctofore appointed;
h i C a l i w i i b !:l.(xl the lirst and sclcond times :tnd considered as i n Comiiiittcc of the IYhoIe.
On niotion bx MY. Oldhain, that the bill be referred to the Coniniittce on Mi1itni.y RHttirs,
It MILS dctcrniiiwtl in the ncptive.
iv ntlnw I I t lw i ng pro1
. the hill was Icportcd to the Senate.
:tnd i w d :L third time.
a~(1,That it I)c ( i i g p
The mid bill was r ~ : ~the
d third t h e .
011the. question,
Shall the bill now p:m?
It v:is dcterininrvi in the neg.1tive.
80 i t wns
12mlved, That the bill do not pass.
The Senate resunled, a s in Coniniittee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 36) to pi-ovide for the impr(~miientof tlie railroad
iron, cquipiiieiiLs, and rolling stock of railroads when the same shall
ltecorne necessary for the publie defense, and to make further pro\ion s f or the Hi ci ci I t t miispoi*tat ion of txoops an d mi 1i 1R ry siipp I ics.
On the question to ngrco to tho motion submitted 1)s Mr. Graham
on the 4th instant, that the further consideration of the bill be postpmcd indefinitely,
It was determined in the negative,
- - -_ -_ -_ - _....
- - -- --.
- -_
- - -.-_
1 2_ . _
On rnotion by Mr. GrahsLm,
Thc yeas and nays being desired hy one-fifth of t h e Senators presetit,
Those who voted in the affirmative are
nlessrs. Baker, (iraliam, Oldham, and balker.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Rlessrs. Barnmell, Burnett, I-Icnry, Hunter, Jemison, Johnson of
Missouri, Mitchel, Orr, Senlines, Sirnins, Sparrow, and Watson.





[Jnne 11,1864.

N o amendment being proposed, the bill mas reported to the Senate.

Ot&yed, That i t be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforessjd.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concursenee of the Rouse
of ltepresenta tives therein.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (S. 64) to proride
for the establishment of a hiireail. of polytechnics f o r the examination,
ex eriment, and application of warlike intentions.
8 n the question,
Shall the bill now pass?
I t w n s deterniiiied i n the negative, ~
1:~ loti

O n motion by Mr. Graham,

The yeas and iiiiys b e i n g desired by one-fifth of the Senators IJrvhent,
Those who votcd in the :~ffirniativeare,
Messrs. Burnctt, Henry, cJohnson of Missouri. Oldham, Siuims,
Sparrow, and Wigfdl.
Those who voted in the n c g n t i v c arc,
Messrs. Balier, 13arnwel1, Graham, Hill, ITunter, Jemison, Orr.
Senimes, Walker, mid Watson.
So it was
R~solvrcx,That the hill clo not pass.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Corninittee of the Whole, to the consicleration of the bill (S. 18) to w p t d an iivt cntitld An nct to provide
:L staff and clerical forcc for riny gcne~alwho inay I)c assigned by the
Presidcut to duty a t thc seat of govcrnnient; and
On motion 1 ) MY.
~ IIcnry,
Odwi?cx, That it lic upon the table.
rhc Scriate p ~ ~ m x d c c l , i n Coininittee of the Wholc, to thc consideu:ition of the bill (13. It. 00) to niithorizo thc 11
tcinyornry r:~iil<and conittiand iipon officc )I the lrovihioiml R i m y
who ni:iy bc :i.rsigncd foi*spec-ial service;
11lOtiOn by hh. Sp:trlOTV,
Odercd, Tlmt the ftirthcr consideration tlicwof bc postponed iiidefini tely
The Senate puoccrded, as in Cornmittre of t2ir T;sholc, to the conhidc.r:Ltjion of tlw bill (8. I ) to providc xntl ot*gmiae :L gcneral stn tk T o t :wniic.h in tlic firld, to srrre during t h e war; m d t 11r rcpotted anieti(1incnts having h e n : g r c w l to, tlie bill w a s rcportcd to the Scnatc : L i d
the a~~irndnietits
concurrctl in.
O t d t r d , That tlic bill be engimiect ttncl i w c t :L tliird tiinc.
The said bill \V:L.~ rrnd l l i c third tinic.
J Z e d v e d , ihnt it pass, and tliat tlic title tlicrcof be as afortwiid.
Ome/*c~l. 11i:it 11i(i Sc~*i.ct:iry
request the coiictirrence of the Iioiihc
of 12eprcseiit;ttircs tlr
A incssugc from the Home of Iieprrscnt:ttives, by Mu. Dalton:

itit-. frcsitlcnl: lhc I tonscl of Represmtatiws insist on their (ktgreerncnt to ccrt:tin

aiiiendxiieiits of tlic Sriiatc. to tlitibill (El. l i . 107) to aiiientl the tux laws, and on tlicvr
arntmctriit~nt8to o t l i t i r uuieiitlrnt~iitsof tlic. h i a t e to the said bill; they agree to tlic
conlercnw nr1rc.d b y t h e Senate on the tlisigreciiig votes of t h e t v o IIoiises, and h a w
appointed RTr. Lyon, MY.<:oly:ir, RIr. Gliolson, Mr. Chambers, and RIr. Hilton
iriaiiagers a1 the R R ~ on
C tlitiir part.
The Ilorisr of K(,j)rtsciit:~ti\.cH insist npon their niiwndrnents to the ~mendniciits
of the Senate to the bill (11. Lt. 138) to incwase the compensation of the k d s of the

Jnne 11, lRF4.1


~1F:xecutive Departments and the Assistant Retretuy of War and the T

cwiference on t Ite disagreping rotw of tho two Houses thereon, a
aplmintcd Mr. Barksdalr, X r . Gaither, and Rir. E. 111. Bruce managers at the
their part.

The Senate proceeded to consider tlie anicndiricrits of the IIouse of

liepresentatives, insisted on by tlic Iloase, to the amendments of th
Senate to the bill (I. K. 138) last mentioncd: and
On motion by Mr. Graliaiii,
R~wd?:ccl,That the Senate insist 011 their disagrccmcnt to the ctmendiiientb of the IIousc o f Iiepwerttatives to their amendnients to the said
l d l , and agree t o tho c.oiiiercnce asked by the I-Ioum of ltcpresentat i r e s on the dis:qrmiiig votes of tho two Houses thereon.
On inotion 1)y MY. C;rahai11,
O~ckrctl,That t h e coininittee of conference on the partoi thc Senate
Iw appointed by the President pro temporc; and
Mr. Cimli:~ni, 911.. tJohiison of Georgia, and M u . Ihiriiett were
That tlic Secretary inform the House of Itcprcsrntatires
Tlic Senate procccdcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consitleration of the ? d l (1-1. 11. 14;)to aineiid an act entitled "An act
regulating the gr:tnting of furloughs nncl discharges in hospitals,"
app1ovcd JIay t, 1863; and no atiicndriient being proposed, it was
r(.portetl to the Senate.
On the qut>htioii,
Shd1 the hill Iic rcnd a third tiiiic?
It w t . 5 detcriiiind in the nerntive.
So tlic ))illW:LS rcjtvtcd.
, 'rliut t h e Sccrctary i n foriii tho IToiwc of lieprewntxtivecj
'L'lic Senate procwdcd, as i n Comniittec of the \\'hole, to the conqitIcr:ition of the hill (S. %) to autliorizr the al?pointincnt of g~*:iduatcs
o f i n i l i t ~ ~ in+titJutioiis
RS cadets in the Provisioixtl Arniy of thc ( h i iettoratc States of dnierica; and no amcndiiicnt being proposcd, it was
reported to the Senate.
On the question,
S h d l the bill he engrossed and read a third tiinc?
I t was dctcrmi~iedi n tlic negativo.
So the hill ~.vasrejected.
The Scnatc proceeded, as in Coiririiittee of' tlie Whole, to tho considci*atioiiof the I d 1 (S. 54) to organize thc light tutillcry of tlic Confedcratc Statcc; of Aniericn; and no amendment, being proposcd, it was
reported to the cnate.
Or.tbt*ct7, That it be engrossed arid read a third time.
The said bill was read thc third time.
That it pass, and that tho title thercof be as aforcsaid.
OPdeYzcd, That the Sccretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representa t i n s therein.
'rhe Senate proceeded, BY in Committee of the TVhole, to the consideratio11 of the joint resolution (.R. 12) to inipose certain additional dixties oil the ~uart~rmaster-(;cneral.
On rnotion by Xr. Barnwell, that the resolution be transferred t o
thc, Secret Legislative Calendar,
It T V ~ Sdeterniiried i n the negative.



[June 11, 1864.


of the Navy I ) c p tinelit 4 tire suxtainctl, an(1q)plic.atioii was then made to Congress
\I Iiich afforded the Clainiant,a a fresh trihnoal by direrting the Secretary of the

Treasury to adjust th& claiin. The joint rcwlution directing this reference was
Ft~l)iuarylaqt, and the Secwtary iiiade a report to Chngress a t its present
ating the value. of tlic 1
1 and ariiittnient destroyed, but also stating that
igntiou hat1 b w n made
Ire mcrits of the claim or the originality of the
iii\ention. Tlre naval 1)oarit called topclther a t the request of the Secretary of the
rieasnry perloriiicd no other duty tlian rstiiiiating tire value, but did not (nor could
tllry riritler tlic joint resolution) art as a tribunal lor the examination of the other
qiitlstiony in\ i ) l \ etl in tlic clainr.
1Iy ol)jcttiiws ti) t!ie present joint rwo1utit)ii are:
of fnrt i i i its recital that a board of naval officers had
clestioyc (1 l y means of a torpedo invented and used
by t l r c . 111111101
only is it a nri&ke that swlt report was made, but it is
I ) t ~ l i (c ~~\ t lo tie 1 ery qncstionaltle whctlicr the torpetlo was an original invention of
t l l ? 1 l l C 1 1 1 0 1 IallYts.
hecontl. T ~ Iclaimants
failctl to give tlie Governnient the consideration which the
18 a condition of the riglit to the rrwartl, namely, such a description of
Irntion as wonltl ciial)le the (iovernxiient to enjoy freely its reserved
rights of u+ig t l i c x invention iii it* OM 11senire.
Third Thc. iiioit serious objection is this, that the servire on which this claim is
fouri.ded 1% a* icwcleied by oficeis of t h e Navy specially appointed and paid for thir
Rervire. The> did not make lino\i n to the Department when they were appointed
that they proposed to use a syccial torpedo of their own invention for the use of
1%hich they v.xl)ected reward.
60 far as is known to tlie Crovcrnnlent, all the means, the materials, the expenditures of the to1 prtlo s e n ice in the Yazoo River, including t h e pay and allowances
of tlicse rlaiiiimtq, were a t the charge of the Government, and the service was performed untler the control of a Xaoy ofliwr of superior rank; nor was the sanction of
any officer of thc Government asked or gi\en that these claimants should conduct
torpcdo experiments at pnblic expense, without risk of time, labor, or capital of their
o w n , and with t h c right t o large reward in the event of success.
Yo public officer charged with a special duty for which he is paid, and the means
of performing rt hich are also paid for by tho Government, can be allowed to claim
a rrward for the nerforinance of his dutv without evils of the greatest character to
the public servic;?.
Large numbers of army and navy officers have been employed in torpedo service
and s u h a r i n e tlcftvises. Scarcely one has failed to suggest and essay new devices
atlid coiiibinatioiis, niaiiy of which have proved successful. Numerous vessels have
heen destroyed, I)nl tlir claim 11ow under consideration is the only one that has been
presented to the attention of the Government. None of the other officers seem to
liare imagined that i t was not their duty to devote all their mind, talent, and inventive faculties in performing the service to which they were assigned without any



[June 11,1864.

other pecuniary reward than the pay anti allowances accorded b y la\\ to other oflicers of the same grade. If the present joint resolntion should give sanction to the
opposite view of the duty of an officer, it is easy to perceive how injurionsly it will
affect t h e service. I t is less-easy to estimate the amount of the claiiiis on the
Treasmy that would thus be sanctioned.
If these claimants are to be rewarded for the destruction of the Cairo, w h y are
the to receive the whole win allowed by the law? There beetiis no groniid ior
the others who aided in the enterprise and who in the liiiguage ot Commander Brown rendered most material aid and are Justly entitled to much ot the
cwdit of the siiccess.
My examination of the legislation leads me to a view of the policy of Congreqs quite
t1ifferer.t from that which would be implied by the passage of thiq joint resolution.
The three acts above recited wem to me clearly to indicate a dcsirc to enconraqc
private enterprigc and to stimulate the investment of private iiieatis in t h e effort to
destroy t h e armed ships of the encrriy b y awarding a reward (oiiginally oE tnrxnty
pcr cc~itiur,afterward; incrcased to fifty per centuiu) to private ar~irctlv ( w e k ancl to
p i ivate iiidiviclusls operating at their own expense wlth turpcdocv 01 othcr deviccs
for the public defense. They do not seeiii to me to have conteiriplzttecl ofkring tlie
s a n e rcwartls to the officers and seamen of tlic Navy, paid and iiiaintained at puhlic
expense, for doinq their d u t y in waging war on the vesvels of the enemy o n the high
was or in ri, CI s : L I ~1i:trl)ors.
I h n i e dcemctl this full esplsnation of the facts and lam of thii cnsc tlnc to Congress as jnstifying ttic refnaal to sign what is aplxirciitly an unimportant bill lor the
rclief of privatc c*laini:tnts, but is in reality tlie sanction of a jiriiiciple tleeni(~1
unsound and periiicionq, inrol\ iiig in its coiiscqucnces injury to tlie public. service
and heavy tleniancls on the pu1)lic Irc~asnry.
B I C I ~ V ~VA.,
N I IJzrl??
11, 1864


The message w t ~ sread.

The 8en:itc proceeded to rcconsicler the joint resolution (S. 8)
returned by thc Ircsidcnt with his objections; w1iic.h resolution is i n
tlie following word\:
.Iomt resoliitinii dirci.tirig tlic scttlcnicnt of thc ~lniniof %rdeki:ih hlc Dniiicl niiil Pr;Lncis 31 ICwi~ig,
for & A r m iiig the Pcdcriil gnnbont (mtn 1)) i n c n i i s of n tnipedo
ItXOl1 Cd /I!/


, That the Secretary of

o i w i c to Zedekiali Rlcthe siiiii of sereiity-bix
v tents, i n Confederntc

Of t / W ~OVffedP1.CZt( h%k/(S

the Treasury bc, ant1 is tiereby, anthorizetl and

cent boncls; that 1)c.irig one-half ot the vslrit~of

tlie Ic~icral p i b o a t
I l)y t l i c i i i by iiiwtns of a torpctlo invcmtetl and n s t ~Ity
l them 011 the
ixty-two, as reportrd
a board of
+.aid boat, together nith her arma-


H o i i ~ e IZep esenintiver.
nt pro t~ri~parc.
of the Senate.

of the

I certify that this resolution originated in thc

JAMES IT. NLISH,, S ~ e t ( l , ~ .

On niotion 1)y Mr. .I3rown,

O r d m d , Ih;~t~thc flirther (wiisidcration of thc resolution be postporicd iintil ncut.
O n niotion hy MI-. W:Lll<cr,
Pho Senate xholved into cxccutive se(:

T h e doom having I)cc.n opened,

Fhe hour of half 1 ~ oclocli: having arrived,
rho Scnate took :L
s until 8 oclock p. m.

O n motion hy Mi.. Om,

The Senate adjouriied.

1. 31.

June 73,78641



Prorisional Arniy of t lie Confetterate 8tatcs oi America, vice Lieutenant-Colonel

Pordier, killed, tlrc, o f t i c
(1Iititled to proamtioil \\ aving their c+aiiiis, to rank from
June 11, 1x64.

I am, m, respectfully, your obcdient wrwiit,



Secretary of War.


Eichnzond, JIme 11, 1864.

7'0 t l i c ,Eo~nleof f k c Coiijderctlc hkttcx

Agreeably to the I.cct)iiimciic~xtioiiof the Secretary ol War, I nominate the offivers
on the accompanying li5t to thc grades afftxed to their iiaiiies, respectively.
\VAlL I ) E P iI<TT\IDliT, COSF1X)IZRYI'N 6rA'PlB OF h f E R I C A ,

12ichnaond, Jurw 11, 1864.

Srri: I have the lioiior to r~~coiiiiiion~l
the follo\\ing noininations for appointment
in the Provisional .Irmy of the Confedcrate States oi Ainerica:

Brig. (;en. C. J . I'oligriac, of Flaiice, to take rank from April 8, 1864.
Brig. (ieii. J. 1;. Fagan, of Arkaiisq to take milk froin April 25, 1S64.
I ail], sii, res])cctlully, your obedient servant,
JAMES .\. 811:1>DOK,
Xecretccry qf War.
To His Excelleiicy J
r 3

1he iIlehs:igcs ~ c r IT:LCI.

Owl'c.r.ct/, ?'lint they be wfcrrcd to the Coiiiiiiittcc on Military

0 1 1 iiiotion by RIr. 12rowi1,
?'he Senate rcsol vcd iiito open Icgihtivc s


T h e Senate proceodcd, n s in Coiuiiiittec of thc Whole, to t h e eonsideixtioii o f the hill (S. 71) j i i relatioil to the salary of tlieI'resident; arid
On motion hy Mr. Walkcr,
Ortlered, That it lie upon thc table.
Mr. Wallier (by Icavc) intyodiiced
A joint rcsolutiori (S.15) in rc1:ition to the President's salary;
which TWS read thc tirst and sccorid tirncs tmd considcred RS in Committee of thc Whole; and no amcncliiiciit being propmeed, it 'was reported
to the Senate.
OvdcymcZ, That it be engrossed a i d rrad R third time.
Thc said resolution was rettd t h o third time.
Bcsolved, That it p b s . and that the title thereof be as aforwaid.
Orc,c?-ecl, That the Secretary request the concurrence of tlie HOLW
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Fill (by leave) introdnccd
A bill (S. 82) relative to the sal:wy of the judge of the district
courts of the Confrclerxtc Skdcs for the district of Gcorgia;
which W N S read the first and second tiiiies and considered as in COINrnittee of the Whole; and no amendment being made, it was reported

to the Senate.


[June 13,1864.

Ordemi!, That it he engrossed and read a third time.

The said bill was read the third time.
On the qiiestion,
Shall the bill now pass ?
It was determined in the negative.
So it was
Resolved, That the bill do not pass.
The Senate resumed the reconsideration of the joint resolution (S. 8 )
directing the settlement of the claim of Zcdeliiah RLcDaniel and Francis M. Ewing, for destroying the Federal giuihoat Cairo by means of
a torpedo, returned by the President of the Confederate States with
his objections; and
On the question,
Shall the resolution pass, the objections ol the President to tlie contrary notwithstanding f
It was deteririined in the negative,
-_ . . - - - - _ _ _
7 __
The vote having hccn takcn by yeak aiqd nays, as required by the
Constitution of t h c Confederate States,
Those who voted i t 1 the affiriiiativc are,
Messrs. Ihlcer, 13rown, 13uimctt, Grahani, Ilenry, Johnson of
Missouri, Oldhnin, Sirnms, m d Wigfall.
Those who voted in the ncgative arc,
Messrs. Barnwell, Hill, Hunter, Jeiiiisoii, ?Johnson of Georgia,
Semmcs, and Wallicr.
So it was
R L I S O IThat
~ Cthe
~ , resolution do not pass, two-thirds of the SenaLc
not agrecincr to pasb thc s:~nie.
Orchred,?hat the Secretary inform tlie IIouse of 1lcl)rcsentativcs
A message froin tho IZousc o Iteprcscnt:Lt,i\,os, liy JIr. Ihlton:


Mr. Prrstden/: tho 1louse of ItC1rCiitrttivcs II:LBC 1

1 a hill (11. Ii. 158)
making adtlitional :ilii)rol)riatioiis for tlic support 01 tliv Ci
miiciit; in \+Iiich thcy
request the conciirrent~eof tlie Scnnte.
A n d they have ]xmvcl the joint rtw)lation ol tlic Senatta (S. 12) for thc 1clit.f of
Wellin tou Godtltn.
Tile &raker of tlic m u s e of Reprcwntatives liaring signcii siintiry cnrollett bills,
I :mi diiectcrt to Iniiig t l i c w to the Senatc for thv s i g ~ i ~ ~otf utheir
~ e lrcsidcnt.
The IIouso of IZeprcsciitative~t i i i ~ c;tgrectl to the report of thc committee of conference on the dibagrceing votes of the two Houses on the bill (11. It. 107) to aniend
the tax laws.

Mr. 13arnwel1, froin thc committee of conference on the part of the

Sen:itc on thc distgrecing votes of the two IIouscs on the bill (H. R.
107) to amend t)hc tax I:LWS, reported
That tlicy I i a c~ iiiet Ihc iiixiiapers on tlic p i t of tire Eiousc of Representatives,
anrl, aftcr full a i i t l f r w c.onf(~rence,Iia\w agrectl to recoiiinientl and do recomnicnd
to t l i t b i r respwtivc~1-1~
Tliat tlie Ilouse of
itativw (10 rccetic from their amendmcnt to the sixth
anientliimit of tliv Her
t the Seiiwtt recwle lrotii their said sixth ~ ~ ~ n t . n d n i e n t ;
and that thc bill
by striking orif, the
omi paragraph of the first wvtton and inscrtirig 111 l i c v tlitlrcv>l t l i c foJlo\\itig:
T I . On thc valiic of goid ant1 silwr \\arcs :~nd
plntc, jewels, jewelry and watrlrt~s,
ten per twit.

I 1. TIW KIIW or proI)(~riy iaxc.rin l l c i t ~ r

I sliall bc assessed on the Iin
of t h e nixrkct valiit. of tlio m i i c 01 y i i i i i l
j in tlw iieigliborliootl \\tic
assessed in the year cighttxm lruiitli ril anrl
xpt in cases where lantl. h l n v r , ,
cotton, and tobacco have been purchased
iirst day of January, eighteen

Tune 13,1864.1



hundred and sixty-two;

a Ik-11 case t h e wid land, slaves, cotton, arid tobacco so
purclrased &all be awe
a t thc. p~ice actually paid for the ,same by t h e owner.
PI u ) i c l ~ d That
lnrltl pl
etl b y rc4ngcces, and held and owupied by then1 for their
V\I n IIW and xc.sitlence, biiall be aheessed acrorciing to its market value i n the year
eiglitcen tlnntlred and sixty.
That tlic bill I)e amendcd by striking ont all of the second section and inserting in
lieu thereof chc following:
That section tiyo of an act entitled An act to levy additional taxes for the common
tlcfense and support of the Government, approred seventeenth February, eighteen
htuidretl and sixtv-four, be, and the sanie is hereby, repealed. And i t is her&
(leulared ttiat a11 the property and assets of rorporations, associations, and joint stocl
of every desrription, whetlicr incorporated or not, shall be assessed and
taxed i n the same niannw and to t h e s
extent as the property and assets of in&vidnals; tlie tax on si1c.h property and
ts to be assessed against and paid by such
cornpanies: Pro?rided, That no bask or
corporations, associations, and joint s
hariking company shall be liable t o pay R trLx npon deposits of money to t h e credit
of and subject to t h e checks of others: Irocided jurtlie?, That the stock, shares, or
interests, reprrhenting property or assets in corporations or joint stock companies
or associations, shall not he assessed or taxed: And provided further, That all property
within the enenlys lines be, arid the same is hereby, exempted from all taxation so
long as i t remains in the enemys lines.
That the IIouse of ftepresentatives recede from their disagreement to the eleventh
nniendnient of t h e Senate, and agree to the said amendment amended so as to read
as folloii s: That paragraph I, of section three, of an act entitled An act to levy additional taxes for the coninion defenseand support of the Government, approved seventeenth I+ebroary,eighteen hundred 2nd sixty-four, be, and the same is hereby,
aiiiendeil and retwactetl so as to read as follows: Upon the amount of all gold and
s1l\7er coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, moneys held abroad or bills of exchange
drawn therefor, proniissory notes, rights, credits, and securities payable in foreign
coiintries, five pw cent, to be paid in sperie, or in Confederate Treasury notes, a t
their valne as (*omparedwith sprcie at the time the tax is payable; the relative value
of specie and Cvnfederate Treasury notes for the purposes of payment under this act
t o be fixed b y regulations to be prescribed by the commissioner of taxes under the
direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.
That t h e Senate recede from their twelfth and thirtecnth amendments, and that
t h e bill be amended by striking out tlie second paragraph of section three.
That the Senate recede from its fourteenth amendment.
That the Bousc of Representatives recede from its disagreement to the fifteenth
and sixteenth aniendnients of the Senate.
That t h e House of Representatives reccdc from its amendment to the seventeenth
amendment of t h e Senate, and that the Scnate wrede from its said amendment.
That t h e House of Representatives recede from its tlisaqreeinent to the nineteenth
amentlnient of the Senate.
That the Senate recede froiii its twentieth amendment.
That the Houscl of Representatives agree to the twenty-fimt amendinent* of the
Senate with the following aniendnient: Strike out the word twenty and inaert the
word thirty.
That the 1Iouse of Reprcseiitatives agree to the twenty-third Senate amendment
with the following a n i e n ( ~ t to
, wit: Strike out after the word productioi1, in
paragraph 111. the words of pig metal or pig iron the cost of fuel, and insert the
following words in lieu thereof: or nranufacture oi pig nictal or other iron the
cost of fuel.
That the House of Representatives recede from its tiisagreenlent to the twentyfourth Senate amendnient.

Ihe Senate proceeded to consider the said report; nnd

On tlic question to coiicur therein,
Yeas-. _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- _11
It was determined in the aErmative, Nays _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0 1 1 motion hy Mr. Graham,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative :ire,
Meqsrs. Rarnwell, Burnett, Henry, Hill, Hunter, rJe~niso~l,
Johnson of Georgia, Oldharn, Scninies, TIatson, and Migikll.
Those who voted in the negative arc,

2 30


[Jnne 13,1864.

Messrs. Baker, (;raIiam, Johnson of Missouri, and Si ninis.

So it was
Resoh~jed,That the Senate conciw in the said repor1 and that the
bill be arnendetl aocordingly.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of liepresentatives
The bill (H. It. 158) making additional nppropriations f o r the support of the Goyornlnent
read the first and secoild tiriles and COW
sidered a h i n committee of the Mliole; and 110 aiiicndinciit being
proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was r e d the third time.
Resol.c/c;d,That it pass.
O.l&red, h t the Secret:try i nforiii the Ilonhc of Iteprcscnt.<Lti v e ~
On motion by MY.Jemisoii,
The Sen:Ltc resolved into tvmwtive ~rssioii.
r i
I h e doors having hcen o p e i d ,
The Scnute procwGied, as in Committee of the Whole, to thc consideration of the bill (S.60) to :uiicnti an act cntitled A n act to prohihi t the irriportntion of luxuries, or of articles notJ riecc~s&rics
or of
coii~inonuse, :~pprovcdFcbrnary 6, 1864; and no :unendnient being
proposed, it was reportcd to the Senate.
Ordered, Th:~tit bil engrossed mid read a third time.
The said bill was re:td thc third timc.
Besok)ed, That it pss, and that the title thereof be as nforesaid.
Olrdewd, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the lIousc
of Hcpwentatives therein.
The S e n W proceeded, as in Coiiimittcc of the Whole, to tho consideration of the bill (S. 72) to :~mcnda 1 1 act entitkd An :Let to
organize iriilitwy conrts to attend thc A r ~ n yof tbe Confcticratc States
in the field, and to define the powers of said coilits, npproved Och, ber 9,1862; and no aiiiendtiient being proposed, it was reported to the
Ordered, That it be cngrosscd and rend :L third time.
Thc, said bill w:~srend the third tiinc.
Resoloctb, That it p , :uid thRt the titlc thrcof be as aforesaid.
That tilt? :r.eti~ryrequest thc coiicurrence of the ILoiine
of IlcprcsentRtiws thcrcin.
A inesstigc from tho IIousc of ltcprcscntntivcs, 17s Mr. Dalton:
Mr. Prx~ideu1:The
of ltcprcscntativcs haw passed a bill aiid joint resolixtion of the following
I I wliicli tlicy rcqucst the coiicurrmce of thc Senate:
I f . R. 159. ,111 act f n r t l i c ~to aiiicwd :ti1 a c ~ tto rednre the c.nrreiicy and to authorize
a new issnc of notes : ~ m lbouds, :q)prov(d Irbrunry 17, 1864; :uid
JI. It. 15. Joint rcsolr1tioii in refcrenco to the oxportation of cotton, tobaccw, iiiilitmy :md naval stores, sugar, niol,isw, nrid riw, cxportetl b y a n y of the Confcdcrate
States, and to tlw vcsscls in which said articles are shipped.

The Sen:Lte proccctlcd, as i n Coniniittcc of thc Whole, to the consideration of the bill (1. 1%.152) to :inicrid the first section of an act
entitled Ail wt to org:mize the clerical f o r c ~of the frcnnury Departi * 1S02;
m d no ainendineiit bcing proment, approved F c ~ l ) ~ w ~13,
posed, it was reported to thc Seuntc.
On the question,
Shall the hill he 1-end a third tiiiiel
It was determined in the ncg a1It(?.

.rune 13

IRi 1 1


So thc hill wa:, rejected.

d? That the Secretary iriforrri the Nouse of Representat
Mr. Hill (hy leave) introduced
A bill (S. 83) rclative to the salaries of the judgcs of the dis
courts of the Confederate States;
which w s read the first and second times and considered as in COD
niittce of thc Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was
repoitcil to the ,S
. enate.
O d c i z d , That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resoloed, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O d e m l ? That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Thc joint resolution (33.R. 15) in reference to the exportation of
cotton, tobacco, rnilihrg and naval stores, sugar, molasses, and rice,
exported by any of the Confederate States, and to the vessels in which
said a ~ t i c l c sarc, shipped, was wad the first and second times and
reforrod to tlio Corninittee on Commerce.
Ihe bill (1. R. 159) further to anicnd an act to reduce the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes and bonds, apl)ro\ecl
February 17, 1864, mas rend the first and second times and referred to
tlie Coinnii ttee on Finance.
On motion by N r . Graham,
The Senate took a recess until 8 oclock p. ni.

1. M.

A incssage from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

ilfi,. Pwaident: The ITouse of Hepresentatires havc passed bills of the Seiiate of the

following titles:
S. 49. A n act to authorize the nianufacture of spiritnons liquors for the use of the
Army and hospitals;
S. 53. An act to amend the several acts in relation to a volunteer navy; and
H. 62. An act to aiiiend an act ciititletl An act to crcate a provisional n w y of the
Confederate States, approved 31ay I, 1863.
A i d they have pasbed the bill of the Senate (S. 58) to authorize the appointment
of quartermasters and assistant quartermasters and coiiiinissaries and assistant coinniissaries in the Provisional Army in certain cases, with amendments; in which they
request the concurrence of the Senate.

Mr. Watson, from the comniittee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled hills of the following titles:
13. B. 18. An act to provide for the enrollment and conscription of
cerlain noncominissioned officersand privates i n the Trans-Mississippi
1Iepartmen t;
S. 20. An act to establish a bureau of foreign supplies; and
S. 77. An act to amend an act entitled An act to reduce the CUP
rcncy and to authorize a new issue of notes and bonds, approved
February 17, 1864.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills last
reported to have been examined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and by him forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate States for his aqproval.
MY. Walker, from the Committee on Commerce, to whom was
rcferred the joint resolution (1. R. 15) i n reference to the exportation
of cotton. tol.mco, military and naval stores, sugar, molasses, and


[Junc 13,1864.

rice, exported by any of the Confederate States, and to the r e

which said artjclcs arc shipped, reported it without amendnient.
The Senate proceeded, as in Cornmitteee of the Whole, to the coilsideration of the said resolution; and no airieiiclriieiit being proposed,
it was reported t o the Senate.
OTde7wZ, That i t pass to a third reading.
The said resolution was read the third tirne.
Resohed, That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inforrn the I Iouse of Reprcsentativcs
Mr. Barnwell, from the Corninittee on Finance, to whom was referred
the bill (13. It. 159) further to amend an act to reduce the currency
and t o authorize a new issnc of notes and bonds, approycd February
17, 1864, reported it without ;tmondlnent.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to thc coilsideration of thc said hill; and no ainenclmant being proposed, it was
reported to thc S(1rlntP.
Ol~t?ered,TIi:tt it p:iss to a third reading.
The s:iid l d l W : L ~r w d the third time.
i2esolved, llmt it paw.
Om?md, That thc Sccreturv i nforrn the I Ioixse of Itepreseiitatives
A nicssagc froni thc IIouse of lleprcsentstires, by Mr. 1)alton :

Ah. 1residcnt: Ilrc Ilouse of Rcln

d bills of the follov ing
tit](+; i n which t1ic.y rclclnest the ( ~ 1 1 1
1. It. LGO. A n act to airrelid the 1 : ~ ~relating
to the conimutalion ualuc of fiospita1 rations; mtl
1%.12. 161. An art to anieiid thc act entitled An act t o audit thc acconnts of the
resl)ct tive States against the Confederacy, approved Augnst 8, 1861.
And they liave passed tlrc bill of tlrc Senilte
> 2 )providing for the establishment ant1 ~ ) q i n ~ofn calaiiris
for a cvrtniii clescrii
of 1)roperty taken O r infonually
iinl)rcsscd for the use of tlrc Ariuy.
The Irwidcnt ol tho Confcdcratt: St:ttes 11:~snotified the Honw of

ltepi-cscntiitirc~sthat ho 11:~sto-(l:&y:ipprorcd : i i d signed an act (IT. It.

riat ions for tlic support of the Ciorernmcnt of the
wyica Irout July 1 to I)ccembcr 31, 18ti4,
~onimittctlof c.onfrncncc on the part, of thc
votes of tlic two IIo~iscson the bill ( I . I<.
Iiiition of tlic 1 1 1 w l , s of the several Exccutivc
I>cp:irtnicnt.: :ind t lie hssist:Int Sceretary of TVar and the Treasury,
Tliat, having nret aiitl consitlcrctl tlic
era1 subjects of difference, do agree to
recotiiinc~ndlor atloption tliv follou m g , \
Tliat :dl tlw anrciitliiic~iitsof t l i c 1 Scbnatv to snit1 bill b e concurrcd in.
That the w w i i d i n w t ~01 t h e 1 Ionst 1)roposetl with tiiril concurrence in the aineiidinciit of the Srii:ittl I)(>atloptctl with this ainentlmeiit, to wit: Strike ont all of t l i e
said anicnclniciit of t l i c s I Ioiisc froin its (Oiiiiiieiiieiiiei~t
to the word that, i n t l i e
ninth tiire; :~lsostiilcv out 1II(% wort1 fifty, in tlic twelfth linc, arid insert thirty-

To uinencl t h o titlc b y ail din^ the words a i d other officers therciir naiiic~d.

The Seiutc proceeded to coiisitlcr the said report; and

On motion by Mr. Gmliani,

June 13,1864.1


Eosd~xd,That the Senate coticur therein.

O d w e d , That the Sccwhry inforin the House of Representa
lhc Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the Hou
ltcpresentatives to the bill (S. 5s) to authorize the appoint
quartennasteix and assistant quarternlasters and conimissari
n i ~ i i i ~ ~ a rini et sh e Provisional Ariny in certain cases;
Th:tt they concur therein.
O&~wl, That the Secretary inforin the House of Representatives
thcrcof *
lhc hill (1. It. 160) to amend the laws relating to the commutation
valiie of hospital rations was read the first and second times and
rcferyed to the Comiiiittee on Military Affairs.
The ?)ill (11. li. 161) to amend the act entitled An act to audit the
accounts of the respective Staxtes against t h e Confederacy approved
August 3, lScil, was read the first and second times and reierred to the
Coniiiiittcc on Fiimncc.
Th(. Sont~teprocccded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the considemtioil of the bill (Y. 47) to facilitate the settlement of the claims of
dece:iscd soldiers; :uid
On niotion by Mr. Sparrow,
Oid<,lwl,That the further consideration thereof be postponed indefi11; tcly.
Mr. 13nrnctt, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom was
refcrrcd the bill (11. B. 160) to arricrid the l a m relating t o the cornintitation valile of hospital rations, reported it with an amendment.
7hc Sciiate proczcedcd, as in Committee of the Whole to the consideration of the said bill; a i d thc reported amendment having been
:igrcied to,_ the
. bill was reported to the Scnatc and the amendment was
concurred i n .
O&wd, That the anicndnient hc cngrossctd :md the bill read a third
The s:tid ])ill as ainendcd nras read the third t h e .
Kesolwtl, lh:xt it pass w i t h an aniendnient.
Oidiretl, T1i:it tho Secretary request the coii(;urrence of the House
of li~~pi.~seiit:tti\~rs
in the amentlincnt.
On motion by MY. Watson,
The Senate I.esoIved into secret legislative session.
Thc doors litiring heen opened,
Tlic following niesaage was recci v c ~ from
the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
N r . Pwsideiat: The Ilouse of Representatives have passed the bill of the Senate
(6.70)to miend a11 ac,t rirtitled An act toaiiieIld an act entitled An act to organize
ini1it:try courts to attend the Army of the Confedamte States in the field, and to define
the poaers of said courts, approved Februaty 13, 1864.
A i i d they have passed the bill of t h e Seiiate (6. 61 ) to ninend an act entitled An
act to organize military courts l o attericl the Army of the Coilfederate States in the
firltl, arid to define the power3 of enid cotirh, n i t h amendments; i n which they
request the concii~renceof the Semte.
The speaker of the I Iouse of Representatives having signed aulldry enrolled bills
a i d ellrolled joint resolutions, I nm directed to bring them to the Senate for the Rignatiiie of their President.

The Senate proceeded to consider the amendments of the House of

Iteprcscntatives to the bilI (S. 61) to amend an act entitled An act to
oyg-anjze rnilibhry courts to attend the Army of the Confederate States
in the field, and to define the powers of said courts;; and



[June 13, 18iil.

On motion by Mr. 13arnwell,

Ordmed, That they be roflei-redto the Coinriiittee on Military Affai 1s.
A message froin t h e President of the Confederato f3t:Ltt.s. hy 311..
B. N. Harrison, his Secrcttwy:

Mr. President: The President of the Confederate States has, to-clay, approved ant1
signed a n act ( 8 . 59) to authorize the owners of the registered eight per cent tellyear convertible bonds issued under the provisions 01 the act :ippro\wI llay 16, 1801,
to exchange the same for coupon bonds.

Oyderecl, That the Secretary inforni the ZLousc of Bepresenttiti\-cr

On motion by Mr. Graham,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
Mr. Walker, from the coniniittee, reported th:Lt they had cs:miinrd
and found truly enrolled bills and ,joint rwolulioris of the fol lo\\ iiir
H. It. 107. An act to ninentl the tax laws;
11. R. 155. An act i n relation to the pay of clerks in the oflico of t l i ~
de ositary;
1%. ,Joint resolution for tho relief of Wcllincrton Goddin: and
11. Joint resolution for the relief of ,J:mcs Lyons.
r i
1 he President pro teiiiporc having signcd thc cnrollcd hill.; mid
enrolled joint resolutions last reported to have 1)ccn cis:iniined, they
were delivered to the Secretary of the Scnatc and by hini forhhwith
presented to the Yresidcnt of the Confederate States for his :~pprov:il.
On motion by Mr. Semines,
O.rde;?lwi,That when the Sciutc. :idjoiti-n it be to $1 oc~locka. 111,
On m o t i o n by Mr. Wallrer,
The Senate adjourned.



A message froin the I3ousc of lieprcsentative~,by Mr. Ddton:

f Rcprc.s:cnt:itivcs 11avcp c ~al joint resolution ( 1 I. Tt l ( i )
pltxs, t ~ i i dparposts c lit. C h t f ~ y l ~ q - u lStates
iii rcila11 tlie liuitetl Statcs; in M hicli they rcqucst the c o ~ ( ~ r .iiicbi

renix of the Hciiate.

Arid they lrave passctl thc joint rerrolutioii of tliv Senate (S. 13) tlwlaring the tlispositions, principl~s,a i d pnrposes of tlic Confecteiatcx States ill relation to the existing war with tlw Irnited St:\tc.
Ttic. Ircaideiit 01 tliv (:oiif(.tIrritte States has notified the I Iowe of Reprcsmtatirca
that lie has this t h y :iiipro\rcstl ;itid mgiwd :in act (11. ti. 1XJ) miking ti1)~~ro~)iiatioiia
for the rcdciriptioii o f tlic F ~ V O I Iper wilt foreign loaii authorizeti hy act ot Congrt>,i\
spyrovcd 2!)th J:tiiuiwy, 1Xfi:i.
Ihc Kpei%ki.rof tho 1 I ( ~ i i wof Iicprcsmtatives having signed a11eiirollecl joint r(w)lution, I a111tlircctcd to bring i t tti the Senatc for the signature of tlteir Ircsiclcrit.

Mr. W:Ltson, iron1 the coniniittce, reported that they lmd exmined
21nd found tt-1113 I:Iirollcd
A joint rcwlutiotl (S. 13) declaring tlic dispositions, principles, and
prirposes of the Confd(\r:itcStates in rclation t o tlic exisling vmr with
the United States.
Tho Jrcsident pro lernporc having signed the enrolled joint uesolution last rtportcd to
heen exaniiriCt1, i t w n s delivered to thc Secretary of tlie Scnale :ind 1)g hini forth\\ itli presented to the President
of the Confederate Skates for his i~pgroval.

Jiine 13, 1864.1


On iiiotiorr by Mr. Watson,

(?td?i2ed, That the iiijiinction o secrecy be removed from the
s > i pof tho joint rcholution (S.13) dcclarillg tile dispositions, pr
ples, and 1~u~*poscs
of thc Corifcderate Skttcs it1 relation to the exis
war with the Gnited States.
On motion by Mr. Semmes.
.The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

The following mcssages were receircd from the President of the

Confederate States, by Xr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

Richmond, June 13, 1864.

To the Semrtr qf /he C ~ ~ ~ P ~ Stc

Agrewbl y to tlic reconinir~niiat of tlie Secretary of War, I nominate the o8icw-s
on t h e accoinpuiying lists to tlie rank afEsetl to their iianies, respectively.

, CONPlT1)EK 4113

No. 49.1


Nir.hntoid, June 13, 1864.

SIR:I h a w the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment in
tlie irovisional Army of tlie Confedcrate States of ilnierica:
ASSISPAXT I \ I ) . I U T r ~ N I Y - O i ~ s E r ~ I \ L .


Capt. John S. Hope, of Kentucky, to take rank irom confirmation.

B. S. Jolinson, of Arkansas, to take rank from confirmation.
A. 11. Sr\ier, of Arkamas, l o take rank froiii confirniation.
1am, air, respectfully, your obediciit servant,
s~cretllry?I. WW.
To IIia Excellency J
Iresident, rlc.


Richwiond, June li, 1864.

To the henute of the Confederate States:

Agreeably to the recoinmendation of the Secretary of \5r;~r,I nominate the offirers
on t h e acconipanyirig list to tlie rank affixed to their names, re~pectively,
WAR~ l $ P A l < T > l E N TCoNBEnERATE
R i c h m i d , n l i 84,
~ 2~64.
SIR:T have the honor to recommend the following no~nillationsfor nppointnlent iu
t h e Provisional Army of the Confetleratc States of America:

W. B. Street, of Louisiana, to take rank from February 19, 18G4.
J. I>. T,ockl~srt,of Georgia, to take r d r from February 19, 1864.
C11arle5 H. l%arre, of Texas, to take rank from Vebroary l:), 1864.
Heury Cranstoii, of Georgia, to take rank from March 29, 1864.
John 0. McGaughy, of Louisiana, to take rank from April 23, 1864.
Assistant conimissarirs-c.u~tnilzs.

Joseph Palmer, of Floyiga, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

111. W. Adams, of Virginia, to take rank from &farc.h7, 1864.
G. B. Jones, of North Carolina, to take rank from February 19, 18@.


[June 13, 1864.

F. J. Winkler, of South Carolina, to take rank from February 19, 1864.

Charles Chaffe, of Louisiana, to take rank from February 19, 1864.
J. Chestnutt, of North Carolina, to take rank from Febrllary 19, 7 864.
Thomas F. Patton, of Louisiana, to take rank from March 19, 1864.
Charles H. Elms, of North Carolma, to take rank from Marc-h 13, 1W-l
Thonias 8.Jeffereys, of South Carolina, to take rank from Februar? 25, 18G.
Duncan F. Jett, of Tennessee, to take rank from March 70, 1864.
George Lee, of Tennessee, to take rank from April 7 , 1864.
John L. Holnies, of North Carolina, to take rank from March ?$I,> !SC;l
T. 13. Southall, of North Carolina, to take rank froin ilpril 2~7,Ith4.
I ain, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
To His Excellency JEFFERSON

President, ctc.

To the Senate of the Coizfedernte htates:




h i r k i i ~ o i ~ t. ~l l,L ? l 1 2 I d ,


SIX: I have the Ilonor to rec~oinincntl t h v nomination o f I). 0. lIcr\\in, of

Mississippi, to be a iilajor (under act approvrcl 0ctol)ci. 8, 1 X W ) in the Provisionxl
Army of the Confetlerate St2it(iH of Aiiiwica, to conrii1antl L: acmit (%nip of instraction in Mississippi, to rttiilc froni Fclnoary 10, 1864.
1am, sir, respectiully, your obedient servant,
secrctcll?J OJ llirr
Presidnit. rlc.

To the Sennte of the



Agreeably to the reconiiiieiidatioii of tli

Gary, ok Hontli CarolintL, to 1x1 :i brigatli
Confederate States of Anwrica.




i ~ i c ~ i l ) l l o ) l d , 13, 1865.
SIR: 1 have the lionor to rcwmiinc~ndtlw nomination of Col M.L V Gary, of South
Carolina, to be B briaadi~.r-~(,iier~il
iu tlir 1rovision:d Arniy o f tlir Confrderatr Stales
of Aiiierica, to coiiiiiiaiid :I iic\v brigxlr in 1)epartiiient of Hickiuiond, to rank froni

I am, sir, w r y rc~upec.tfully,your olmlir.nt servant,

Secrrtaiy of Wcw.
To His Excellency .riwmxsoN DAVIS,





JLiclmond, Jutv I 0, 1864.

To tlie ,..ewrte of tlw Pool+jderntcRules:

the rc.coniiiit.iiclatioii of the Secretary of WVttr, I nominate the oficers
nyiug liut, to tlie lank aflixed to tli& iltiniw, i.espectively.
No. 38.1
Sr \*KEY OF Aarei{rc..\,
fZich~nonc1,June I ,1864.
SIR: I have the lionor to recoinmend the following nominations for appointment
in t h e Provisional Army of tlit. Confederate States of hinerica, being renoininations
of those whose caws were postponed at the last session of Congress:

Jiine 13,1864.)


. lritigle,

of South Carolina, to take rank front November 13, 1862.

r i Norfit, of Maryland, to take rank from November 26, 1862.
. Welh, of Virginia, to take rank from November 17, 1862.
1 1 Xcll. JlcElrath, of Tennessee, to take rank froin October 14,1862.
J . ITamilton, of Mississippi, to take rank front June 76, 1863.
.J. R. Arnold, of Texas, to take rank froni .Tone 16, 1863.
\\Xliarn Bacon, of Georgia, to take rank from .June 16, 1863.
.J. 1%.E. Sloan, of South Carolina, to take rank from June 16, 1863.
J;. C. Samiders, of Virginia, to take rank froin June 16, 1863.
Ilradford, of Virginia, to take rank from June 16, 1863.
(2. C. Yonge, of Florida, to take rank from June 16, 1863.
.J. 1%.Svrewn, of South Carolina, to take rank from July 15, 1863.
J. 31. IIottel, of Texas, to take rank from Septentber IS, 1863.
ICensey JO~IIIF,
of Texas, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
A. E:. l,asaalle, of Louislana, to take rank from May 28, 1863.
C. 11. Smitli, of Yirginia, to take rank froin July 6, 1863.
1%.P. Archer, of Yirginia, to take rank from July 6, 1863.
I. F. Spritiger, of I,ouisiat~a,to take rank froin September 4, 1863.
E. Powell, of Virginia, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
A. N. Iaxton, of Illississippi, to take rank from October 2, 1863.
J . TV. Yoiirig, of Miwissippi, to kake rank from September 23, 1863.
C. F. IToorc, o f illississippi, to take rank fruin September 23, 1863.
J . L. NcCIner, of Rlissonri, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
\V. G. Fetguson, o f Virginia, to takc rank froin October 23, 1863.
W. G. Hentley, of Virginia, to take rank froin October 23, 1863.
T. C. Fcarn, of Mississippi, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
E. raylor, of Virginia, to take rank from November 14, 1863.
,J. 1. Ilorbavk, of Tennessee, to take rank from November 25, 1863.
14;. EI. Ewing, of Mississippi, to take rank from December 3,1863.
Assistant qzrnrtemzasters-cn~tains.

George C. Orgain, of Virginia, to tnke rank from October 14, 1862.

Cliarles K. l\lallory, of Virginia, to take rank froin October 14, 1862.
James F. Curnmings, of Tennessec, to take rank from October 14, 1862.
J. Kiigciit, of Louisiana, to take rank from October 14, 1862.
George J. Crafts, of South Carolina, to take rank from Octoher 15, 1862
J o h n 31. Garnett, of Virginia, to take rank from October 14, 1862.
11. A. Troutinaii, of Georgia, to take rank from October 20, 1862.
12. Colston, of Virginia, to take rank from October 14, 1862.
A. P. Calhoun, of Alabama, to take rank froin October 14, 1862.
It. T. Bnckner, o f rZrBansas, to take rank from October 14, 1862.
IT. D. Cothran, of Alabama, to take riink from October 23, 1862.
JV. 1. Smith, of Virginia, to take rank froin October 23, 18G2.
Willimi I. Kiiker, of Virginia, to take rank from November 5, 1862.
J . J. 1. Smith, of South Carolina, to take rank from November 3, 1862.
C. J. Leigh, of Virginia, to take rank from Bovcinber 4, 1862.
William S. Kemper, of Virginia, to take rank froin November 6, 1862.
a. B. Ilopc, of Virginia, to take rank from October 30, 1862.
John L. Cobb, of Alabama, to take rank froin October 30,1862.
IV. W. Barrett, of Texas, to take rank from October 30, 1862.
I I. \V. lflnger, of Mississippi, to take rank froin October 14, 1862.
W. C. Pairfax, of Virginia, to taka rank from neceinber 8, 1862.
T. IT. Wood, of Virginia, to take rank from December 17, 1862.
1. \V. Dunn, of Virginia, to take rank from June 3, 1863.
\Villiant Johnston, of Kentucky, to take rank from June 20, 1863.
S Pntney, of Virginia, to take rank from June 25, 1863.
TV. \V. Lester, of Mississippi, to take rank from July 6, 1863.
J. K. Murpliree, of Alabania, to take rank froin February 12, 1863.
Jolin F. Allen, of Virginia, to take rank from October 31, 1863.
I?. 31. Johnston, of Georgia, to take rank froin Aeptetnber 24, 1863.
I). I,. IIopkins, of Virginia, to take rank front October 2, 1863.
F. J. Lynch, of Texas, to take rank froin May 10, 1863.
(2. 1). Spurrier, of Maryland, to take rank froni June 24, 1861.
R. V. Gaines, of Virginia, to take rank from October 1, 1863.
E. W. Davis, of Georgia, to take rank from October 17, 1863.



[June 13, 1864.

Ckorge E. TayIor, of Virginia, to take rank froin October III, 1x63.

Johll F. Cage, of Tennessee, to take rank from October 16, 1863.
Joseph L. Thomas, of Missouri, to rank from July 24, 1863.
J. R. Bryan, jr., of Virginia, to take rank from November 14, 1863.
11. F. Cook, of Mississippi, to take rank from November 21, 1863.
S. Fairbankb, of Florida, to take rank from November 21, 1863.
E. G. Williams, of Mississippi, to take rank from November 21, 1863.
R. R. Randolph, of Mississippi, to take rank froin November 21, 1663.
George A. Cuyler, of Georgia, to take rank from November 23, 1863.
John Lightfoot, of Virginia, to take rank froin November 19, 1863.
1,. 1%.Mitchell, of Mississippi, to take rank from Noyember 25, 1863.
H. C. Thorburn, of Virginia, to take rank from December 2, 1863.
E. M. Bacon, of Texas, to take rank fioni May 26, 1663.
J. E. Peebles, of Alabama, to take rank from Jinx 16, 1863.
Joseph Parley, of Alabama, to take rank from Junc 16, 1863.
B. J. Curry, of Alabama, to take rank from June 16, 7 863.
John D. Brandon, of Alabama, to take rank from Jnne 16, 1863.
J. L. Cunninghain, of hlahamc~,to take rank froin June 16, 1K63.
R. Manning, of Alabama, to talw rank from June 16, 1663
T. C. Clark, of Alabama, to take rank from June 16, 1663
J. F. Craft, of Georgia, to b k e rank froin June 16, 1863.
T. A. Gilham, of Georgia, to takc rank from June 16, lMi3.
A. I). McEac-hin, of Georgia, to take rank froin Jnnc 16, 1863.
A. Dickinson, of Georgia, to lake rank from .Tune 16, 1863.
W.T. IIolclcrness, of Georgia, to take r m k from June 16, 1863.
It K. IIincs, of (+eorgia, to talrc rank from June 16, 18G3.
r. I,. Macon, of (korgi?, to take raiilc froti1 Jnnc 16, 1863.
H. I). Brigham, of Louisiana, to take rank froin Jane 16, 1863.
F. I,. Dancy, of Florida, to take rank froiii ,Junc 16, 1863.
W. I). Twpp, of Tenncswe, to take lank from June 18, 7863.
G. N. Eakin, of Tennemc, to take rank froin June 16, 186%
W. .J. Gordon, of &fissisPippi,to take rank froin June 16, 1863.
W.J. Bryant, of Mississippi, to tnlrc. r m k froin June 16, 1863.
F. F. Frceinan, of Mississippi, to take rank f r o m Jnne 16, 1863.
J. hf. Phipps, of Mississippi, to take rank from Jnnc 16, 1863.
B. F. J o n c ~oi
, Mississippi, to take rank froiii tllln(~18, 1 S63.
1. II. Quitnian, of Blississippi, to take rank froin June 16, 1863
.I. I<. I. Fritchartl, of Arkansas, to t a k e rank from Juric 16, 1803.
William Cooke, of Texas, to take rank from Jonc 16, 1863.
J. I?. Cooper, of Georgia, to take I-:ink Froiri Jnnc 10, 1863.
C. 1 2 . Mdlory, of Wvut.11 (arolina, lo t;ll,e ~ m i kfrom J n n c 16, IH(i3.
11. (;lover, of Soiith Chrolina, to iahc i a i i k fioiri Jnne 16, 1663.
0. F. Sirlipsou, of Sotiill Girolim, lo talw rank fiom Jiiric 16, 1863.
Juliim 1. Coil, of Sontli Caridiiia, to talw rank f i m i June 16, 1863.
of Xorth Carolinn, to l a k e raiilr froin <Jiine16, 186%
ing, of Norlli (arolina, l o take rank f r o m J n n e 10, 1863.
of ;uOrth& r o h a , to take r a n k from June 16, 1863.
)f North C:trolinit, to t:tke rank froin June 16, 1863.
J. AI. (;I?\ an, of N o ~ t hCawliixi, to takc r a ~ ~from
k Jnne 16, 1863.
Iirgiiiia, to take rank froui Jnnc 16, 1663.
of Virginia, to takc l a n k from J u n e 16, 1SG3.
of Virginia, to i:rl;ca l a n k froin Jiiiie 16, 1863
, o f lirgiiii:i, to trike r:uik froiii J i i w 16, 186:s.
of Virginia, to tak(3 rank from Julie 16, 1863.
(;. 11. Fitmilsoti, o f Virginiii, to take ra1ilr froiii Jurie 16, 1 8 ~ 3 .
I,. IT. \Vilsori, of Virginia, to taBt1 ratik iron] ,1u1ieI($, 186:
(I C. Alac~iiiurtlo,of lrirginia, t o takv raiik froni May 14, 1
\V. V m f i c n t h i i ~ ~ b ~oti i ,l.oi:i~i:uin,to take rank froin Jun
Cxrolina, to t:ilw r a n k froin .Tuly 2, 1
iginia, to take r:uilr from ,July !I, 1863.
l o tdrcXr:~iikfroni Jnly 11, 186:E.
to i a k i , rank from ,July 20, 1863.
Sanirs 11. h i l l , 01 l~Iori~l:i,
10 t:il,(, imik irotll .Jrlly 20, 1 ~ 6 3 .
-2. 8. l W ~ * I i ( ~01l , ~ l l : t l ) : ~ t i 10
~ : ~i ,~ k rt\tlk
f l o t i i St~ptc1111)c.r
10, 1x6::.
i\. H. (iarnctt, o f Y i r q ~ ~ i ii:o~lakc
1:mk lroni hrptcwt)er 8, 186:i
J. K. Van(*(,,of South Caiolina, to takc r:tnk froill Allgust 20, 1 8 ~ 3 .
S. P. Kirkland, of KoiLh Caiolina, t o take rank from October 13, 1863.
Henry C . Hart, of Al&ama, to talic rimk frolii October 27, 1863.

Jirrrc 1?, Ihhd


loiitgoinery, of Louisiana, to take rank from November 11, 1863.

Siiiitli, of Louisiana, to take rank from Novelnber 11, 1863.
( + .J. Sninlicr, o f Virginia, to take rank from November 71, 1863.
1. 1. liarhour, of Virginia, to take rank froni Allgust 6, 1863.
Jamw R o n ors, of Iirgiiiia, to take rank from AugL1st 8, 1863.
. T o t i n 11. Stout, of Virginia, to take rank from August 6, 1863.
.J. 1. Ikiilger, of North Carolina, t o take rank from Septenlber 11, 1863.
I{. C. Jfaciiinrdo, of Virginia, to take rank from JnIy 1 , 1863.
11. 11. Grilihle, of Louisiana, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
1 am, bir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Exccllcncy JEFFEXSOX
Predent, ele.
1<XEcYllYl< I)ElARTME&

8eoelat-y of War.

CONPEDENBTE srATI1S OF ~ h f E l < I c A ,

7% the ;s%ircrlc o j the Confcdercrte 8tutes:

iZichniond, June 11, 1864.

A p w a b l v to the reconinrendation of the Secretary of War, I noininat,e t h e officers

on the accoiiipanying list to the rank affixed to their nanies, respectively.
so. 49.1
Kicliinoiitl, hLne 4, 1864.
SIR: I liavc tlie lionor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
i n t h e lrowional Ar~iiyof the Confederate States ok America, being renoiiiinations
of those \\hose cases were postponed a t the last session of Congress:

C . A. Lathrop, of Alabama, to take rank froin July 20, 1863.
A. 31. Fonlkes, of Aiabama, to take rank froni August 3, 1883.
J. Shouk, of Kentucky, to take rank from Kovernber 20, 1863.
C. McClenaghan, of South Carolina, to take rank from July 29, 1863.
1.R. Trout, of South Carolina, to take rank from July 29, 1863.
A. M Allen, of Georgia, to take rank from July 26, 1863.
A[. 13. Millw, of (korgia, to take rank froin July 29, 1863.
11. T. Ilall, of Tennessee, to take rank from July 29, 1863.
1. Campbcll, of Tennessee, to tkbke rank from July 29, 1863.
A. U. Soyes, of Florida, to take rank from October 5, 1863.
J. 1. Baldu in, of Florida, to take rank from October 5,1863.
A . G. Suinner, of Florida, to h k e rank from October 6, 1863.
\V. 0.Ilarvie, of Virginia, to take rank from May 22, 1863.
T. Robinson, of Virginia, to take rank from September 23, 1863.
W.M. Tatc, of Virginia, to take rank from July 1, 1863.
Joseph Cloyd, of Virginia, to take rank from December 6, 1863.
James Sloan, of North Carolina, to take rank from Jiiiic 26, 1863.
1. \V. LVIiite, of Florida, to take rank from June 26, 1863.
John M. Galt, of Virginia, to take rank from August 8, 1863.

Assistant comnaissuries-cul?tains.
J. 11. Franklin, of Virginia, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
2. Johnston, of Tennessee, to take rank from May 13, 1863.
C. IV. 17enable, of Virginia, to take rank from June 2, 1863.
It. G . Thdsay, of North Carolina, to take rank from July 19, 1863.
A. 11. Cline, of Arkansas, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
J . II. T)owell, of Arkansas, to take rank from May 2, 1863.
D. F. Fmshear, of T e n s , t o take rauk froin May 2, 1863.
T. li. Fostcr, of Virginia, to take rank from Angust 25, 1863.
C;. 13. Scott, of Virginia, to take rank from August 25, 1863.
\V. 0 . Hogcrs, of I,oiiisiana, to take rank from Augnst 25, 1863.
\Ir.13. Fitzpatrick, of Georgia, to take rank from September 3, 1863.
W. A. Thouipson, of Tennessee, to take rank from August 11, 1863.
J. ,I. Wlieadoii, of Alabama, to tnke rank Eroiii J U ~31,
Y 1863.
4ng. 0. Ikcon, of Georgia, to take rank from Scptrmbcr 13, 1863.
J. 31. Murkland, of Virginia, to take rank from September 28, 1863.
\V. T. Edwards, of Arkansas, to take rank from September 22, 1863.



[.June13, 1864.

IV. C. Hillhouse, of South Carolina, to take rank from September 26, l V 3 .

T. E. Dudley, of Sonth Carolina, to take rank from October I, 1863
fj.L. Butler, of Georgia, to take rank from October 5, 1863.
D. L. Thornson, of South Carolina, to take rank from October 8, 1863.
1% W. Conner, of South Carolina, to take rank from N o v w ~ h e r9, 1863.
J. P. Mason, of North Carolina, to take rank from August :3, 1863.
R. R. Mason, of Virginia, to take lank from August 19, 1863.
T. II. McKoy, of Louisiana, to take rank froin Augnst 18, 186%
J. A. McRady, of Tennessee, to take rank from July 31, 1863.
It. M. Doss, of Alabama, to take rank from Augasf 22, 1863.
T. E. Mitchell, of Alabama, to take rank from August 1, 1863.
J. R. Hutchinson, of Virginia, to take rank from Scptenibcr 5, 186%
W. B. Clarke, of Arkaiisas, to take rank from September 8, 7863.
W. 13. Wigg, of South Carolina, to take rank from August 1, 1863.
$1. J. M. Mason, of Alal)ania, to take rank from Augnst 13, 1863.
T. C. Moore, of Georgia, to take rank from July 31, 18F3.
Richard Irby, of Virginia, to take rank from June 23, 1863.
K. L. Simons, of Sonth Carolina, to tnkr rank from J n n o 26, 1863.
John F. Riley, of South (hrolina, to take rank from Jnne 26, 1863.
T. 8. Morgan, of Teiinc e, to take rank from Jnne 27, 1803.
F. F. Myer, of Marylai to take rank from Angust 15, IS(i3.
( i . [I. Cheever, of Georgia, to take rank from Octohcr 13, 1863.
T. 13. Hostick, of Tennessee, to take rank from Octobm 13, 146:;.
J. A. Bowie, of Sontli Ctiroliiia, to take rank fruiii Jrily 30, 18G:i.
J. W. Chapman, of Alahania, to take rank from .lngnsL 18, 1863.
A. J. EIutchins, of Georgia, to take
%. R. Farland, oC Virgitiia, to take r
S. R. (iresham, of Virginia, to take
J. B. Fulton, of Georgia, to take rat
October 9, l,%:i.
M. 3. Kittrell, of Georgia, to take rank from Octobcr 9, 186:3.
H. Wade, of Ali~bania,to take rank from October 17, 1863.
J . 11. IIooser, of Georgia, to take rank froiii October 23, 1863.
J. 11. Davis, of Georgia, to take rank from October 23, 1863.
C. F. Stnblis, of (ieorgia, to take rank from May 2, 1803.
,J. G. Moffett, of \irpinia, to take rank from No\euilivr 1, 1803.
G. W. IIardic, of cknrgia, to take rank froin October %S, 18(3.
T. 11. TTantly, of Mmyland, to Ltlrc rank from Novcnil)cr 20, 1863.
W. B. Willinnis, of Virginia, to take rank froiri N o v e n i h r 20, 1863.
1). c!. Itic~iardson,of TCI(HS,to takr rank froiri Novc~inbcr27, I8fX
W.11. .Johnson, of
ippi, to t:iltc, rank from Novcml,cr 1 8 , ISfi:<.
J. 1. Egpleston, o f
ppi, to tnke rank from Novcnrlier 28, 18M.
C. hl. ISoy~c,of Mi
i, to t d r e rank from N o v e ~ r ~ b 17,
u r 186::.

L nin, air, respec~tfully,yonr ol)ctlicrit scrvant,

r 7

LllO nlcssagcs wcrc lwd.

Ordewd, l1i:Lt8 t h y hc rcfcrrcti to 1,hcCoinnrittcc on h1iIit:wy Affiiirs.
Mr. Ihirnctt, from tlic C:oniniittw 011 1Llilitnry M h i i - 5 , to \vlioiri \\ crc
rcfwred thc nomiii:itions of C. J . Polignac atid *J. F. F:tg.:~n,to l)c
ni:+)r-gcnclnls; C. 1. W d k c r , to be liciitcn:int-coloii~l;(fcorg:c. I lo\\ iird
King and C l i t ~ r I (\V.
~ Wailcy, to ho captains of ordnnnvc; N. \V.
Muipliy, I1ioiri:is A. Woods, BIoi*i*is
S. Uclknwp, :inti Ihonia.; 11. 13acoii,
to lw first licutmiiints of o r d t t : ~ ~ i ~ill.
; Atkins, Jacob K. Stevcns,
Danicl McG ill, find I1rotii:w C. Ihpucc, to be :Lssist:Lnt crrn~rtcrmnstc~.~,
with t l i o rmk of captains; M. S. Griftin, to i w coiiiiiiiwiry, \vith thc
rank of iiiti.jor; :ind ,John I<. Sydiior, to 1)c :wistant comtnissnry, with
the rsink of C:iptaitt, i*cq)oitcrl,with t 1 i c i~(~coniaie:nd:ttion
that all of s:ticl
nornitint ion.; 1)r cotifiiwrcd.
The Scn:Llo ~ ) i ~ o c c ( dto
c d tlrc condcr:itioii of sitid rcportj; mid i n
coriciirrencc thcrcwitlt, it w t i h

,Tnno 13, 1861 ]

flxtt thc Senate advise and consent to their appointment,

o the. n o i t i i n ~ t h nof the President.
On inotion by 1\11.. Scmws,
The Setliite rcsolvcd into open logislatire session.
Tho Sen:itc liaving :igain resolved into executive session,
Ihc following ineswiges were recoivect from the President of the
,oiiP&ratc States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Fcc~rctary:




[June 13,1864.

Bichmoi~d,June 13, 1864.

To the Senate of the Confedrrate Xtutes:

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the ofBcers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, June 13, 1SG-4.
SIR:I have the honor to rccominend the following nominations for appointment in
t h e Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Lieut. Col. C. F. Hopkins, of Florida, to be colonel Tenth Florida Regimenl. (formed

bv consolidating four companies with First Florida Battalion), to take rank from June

li, 1864.

Lieut. Col. Theodore W. Brevard, of I4oriila, to be colonel F:lrventh Tloritla Regiment (formed by consoliclating three companieq with Fonrth Florida Battalion), to
take rank from June 11, 1864.

Maj. W. W. Scott, of Florida, to be lieutenant-colonel Tenth Florida Iirgiincnt

(see exDlanation under nomination of Col. C. 17. Hopkins) , to take rank from June
i1, 1864
Maj. J. F. MrClellan, of Florida, to be Iienteiiaiit-coloriel Eleventh Floricla Itrgiment (see explanation uiitlcr noinination o f Colonel Brci aid), to take lank fioin J u n c
11, 1864.
Jfajora .

Capt. John Westcott, of Florida, to be major Tenth l%riila Regiment ( w e cuplanation under nomination of Colonel IIopkins), to rank froiu ,J une 17, 1h(i 1
Capt. .John 13. Gee, of Florida, to be major I k w i t l i Florida Itegimenl (cc((,\1)1&
nation under nomination of Colonrl t3rtlvartl), to rank from June 11, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedicnt servant,
.I AMES A. s i m r m N ,

To His Excellency JEPIWBSON


Presidetit. etc..

I hereby nominate 1,ieut. Cot. I?. It. I,ubhc.k, OC Tcsas, t o be aid-tlc-camp to the
President; with the rank, pay, ant1 :tllowitnces of A c.trloncl of niralry, rice Col. James
Chesnut, resigned.

S. E. Barnwell, of South Oarolina, for duty as aid-dc-camp to 13rifi:itlier-(ieiieraI

Elliott ( 0 1iginal vacaricy), to r:tiil; Trotti Julie 9, 1864.
E. C. (iordon, of Ueoigia, 101 tlnty a h aid-de-carup to l~rigaclirr-(ienrrai1:wns
(original vacancy), to ianlr Iioiii J u n e 9, 1864.
1. Hamilton, of Missisyippi, tor duty as aid-cie-canip to 13rigadier-(;(.iiclal Sears
(original vacancy), to rank ironi Ircbruary 19, 18G4.

June 14, 1864.1


Thoinas Hunter, of Louisiana, for duty as aid-de-camp t o h u t . Gen. R. Taylor

vice Licbutcnant Bonford, resigned, to rank from Rfareh 17, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFIWRSOX
Presidcizt, P~C.

The messages were read.

Ombed, That they be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
0 1 1 motion by Mr. Graham,
The Senate resolvcd into opcn legislative session.

TUESDAY, JUNE14, 1864.


A nicssagc from the I-Iousc ol licprcscntativeu, by Mr. Dalton:

I bill (13. ZL. 162) to

111). Irestdeid: The Home of 12o~)resentativesha\ c>

defense and
ainentl a n act entitled An act to levy atiditional t a w
support of the Go\ ernnierit, approved Fcbrriary 17, 1
hich they request the
concurrence of the Senate.
The House of lieprcsentatives hare passed tlic bill o! the Pen& (8. 65) to authorize the formation of new conimancls, to Ir)o cotn~~oscci
oL supcmtinierary officers who
niay resign to join swli c~oinnia~ids,
and to liltlit and rcstrict the appointment of officers
111 certain cases, with a n amenclnicnt; in TI liicli tiicy request the concurrence of the
And they have agreed lo tlic report ol the coitiniittce of conference on the disagreeing \ otes of the two Iiouses on the hill ( 1 1. It. 138) to iticreaw tltr coiiipensatiorr of
tltt. h c d s of tlic scveial E,\ertitivu Departinents aiicl the Assistant Serretaty of War
and the Treanui y.
The Speaket of the IIo11w 01 Kt.presentatitcs ha\ing signctl suntlry cmrolled bills
and enrolled joint rcsolntions, I m i directed to bring tliein to the Senate for the
sipnatnre of their President.

T h c bill (H. It. 162) to aincnrl an act entitled An act to levy additional taxes f o r t h e ( ~ ~ n ~ ndefense
o i i and support of the G o ~ e r n n i ~ n t ,
approved Fehruary 17, 1864, wtw read the first and second times and
referred to tho Coiriiirillcc on Finance.
T h e Senate proceeded to ~ o n s i d c rthe almndment of the House of
Et~?presentativesto the bill (S. 56) to authorize thr, forniation of new
commands, to be composed of siipcrnunicrary oflicers who inny iwign
to join such coimnands, and to liiiiit a i d restrict the appointment o f
of5cers i n certain cascx; arid
2ikwZved, That they concur therein.
Ordwcd, That the Secretary inform the lloiisc of Bepresen tativcs
Mr. Watson, from thc comniittcc, rcported that they liad examined
and found truly enrollcd hills and a joint resolution of t h e following
tit I es :
S. 49. An act to authorize the nianufacturc of spirituous liquors for
the use of the Army and 1iohpil:tls;
S. 5 2 . An act providing for thc cshhlishment and payment of claims
f o r a certain description of property taken or informally impressed for
the use of the Army;
S. 53. An act to aniciid the scveral RC n relation to a volunteer
S. 62. An act to anicrid an w t ontitlcd An act to create! a provisional
navy of the Coiifedcrale States." npprovcd May 1. 1863;



[June 14, 1864.

s. 70. Bn act to amend :in act entitled Aii act to anierid xri act
elltitled An :ict to organize military courts to attend the Arrny of tlic
Confederate States i n the field, and to define the powers of said
courts, approved February 13, 1864;
1-1.R. 138. An act to incretise the coinpensatioii of tlie heads of the
several Executive Departments and the Assistant Sccretrtry of War
and the Treasury and of the Assistant Attorney-General and the
Comptroller of the Treasury and other officers thcrcin named;
11. It. 158. An act maliing additional appropriations for the support
of the Go\wnmcnt;
H. R. 159. An act further to miend an act to reduce the currency
mid to nuthorim a new issue of notes and horids, approved Eebrtmry
17, 1864; and
11. It. 15. Joint resolution in reference to the exportation of cotton,
tobacco, militmy and naval stores, \iqpr, ~iiolitsses,atid rice, ex1)oi.tccl
by any of the Confcdcratc States, aiiil to the \vxscls in mliicli said
articles arc s h i p p d
The President pro tctiiprc hiving signcd the enrolled hills and
cii rolled joint rcsolution lit& rcportcd to havc Ixmi cxaminctl, thcy
were dclivcrctl to the Scc*rct:iiy o f tho SCniLtC a n d by him forthwith
presented to the Prcsidcn t of tlic Confcdcriite States for his approval.
A rncssagc from tho IIousc of ltoprcscnt:itives, by Mr. 1):Llton:
Jh.I + & t l m ( . The IIoiisch of Rcl)rc~c,iitnti\,c.clrsvc pxssed the bill of the Setiatc
(S. 1) to provide iirrd orgaiiiw B gciiernl +tuff for itrniios in tlie fieltl, to cerve cloritig
t f r c war.
Ilie Spoakcr of the IIousc ol Itel)r~,s(,iitativri
lravirrg stgiictl an ciirollctl /)ill, I
tlirc5ctc.d to briiig it to the Senate for tlie sigiiatriw of their hesicleiit


Mr. Iiitrriett, froni the Coiiiiuittt.c on Military Affairs, to mliotii wcrc

rcferrtd the :iincndnicnts of thc Ilousc of lteprcsentatives to tho I)i I1
(S. (iI) to :Lrncnd mi act oititlcd A!n nct to organize inilikiry courts to
:Lttoiid tile Arniy of tlic Cionfo(l(~1.:Lt(~P;t:Ltw in tlic ficlcl, and to dctine
thc powern of said court+. rc.portt:tl thcrcon.
llie Sen:ttct procec(1ctl to cotisich:r tlic :~tiicn~lmcnts
of tlic Housc of
Itc )rcscnt:Lti\res to the bill (S. (iI) 1:Lst nicntioiicd; : i d
rrilSLt tllcy m c t i 1 t11tlwi 11.
O d m d , rhat the Sccr:ct:iry inforrti tlic House of licprescntativcs
On uiotion by MY.1311t t i r t t ,
Tht. Sctiatc rcsolvcd itit,o c\cciit
I Ire doors Iinving I ~ v ~ opviied,
i i
1\11.. . J o h n m i of AIiw)ut*i, f r o i n t l i ~wmniittce, rcportctl th:tt they
Ii:id csaniiiicd ; L I I ~I o i t t i d truly cnrollcd
A Ihill (11. 1L l(i0) to ;titleiid the l a \ v h rc1:itiu.g to the comriiiit:itiori
V H ~ I I Co f hospitd i x t ion\.
Ircsidcti t 1)ro tc>iiil)o~ch i v i n g sipwd tlic cnrollctl bill last
1 lo h i v o I)CTII ( ~ x : i t l t i n ( d ,it, \Y:LY tlclivciwl to thc St:crct:~ry of
at,e and by l i i n r fot~thwitltprcsctitcd to the lrcsident of the
lor Ilk ap1)rov:d.
cntntivrs, I)J JIr. Dalton:


Iiaw p s s ( d t l i e 1 4 1 nE the Senate

Iiilnt t lie iriiportation of luxuries, or
)pro\ c ~ Pe1)riiar.v
6, 18(34.
S. 72) t o aiiicirct ail act c.iititlec1 An
i i v of t l i e Coiifetl(\iat(>fitcites in the
o w t<, alq)iovcd October 9, 1862, M itti amendinelits; in which they request tlio co~iciirr~iico
of tlie Senate.

Jiine 14, 1864.1


The Senatc procccded to consider the anienclments of the House o

Itrprcsentativeh to thr bill (S. 72)last rnentioned; and
l h s o h e d , That t h y cot~ctii*
ed, T l u t the Secretary inforni the House of Represenhtivc
A iiicssnge froni the IIousc of Representatives, by Mr. Lam
,lfr. Prrsitlent: The Nowe of IieprePentatives haw pamed a resolution

Congress to half pa,q

this day; in w1~ic.hthey request the concnrrence of the Senate.
The Spidier of t h e House of Hcprc.P~.iitati\~t.shaving signed t v o enrolled bills, I
an1 direc.tec1 to bring them to tlic Senate for the signature of their President.
t l i c honr for thc ntljonrnmcnt of tlic t w o IIonses of



Ihc Senate proceccicd to corisiclcr the resolution of the House of

Kcprcsentatires extending the hour for the :idjournllient of the two
IIoi~ie.:of Congress to half past 2 oclock p. 111. this day; and
Rmolvcd, That they concur thercin.
O t d e i v d , That the Secretary infoixi the flousc of Representatives
Mr. \ValBer, from tlic coniinittcc, reported that they had examined
arid found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
S. 55. An act to authorize the fornmtion of iicm commands, to be
conipobed of supei~niimeraryofficers who miy resign to join such commands, and to limit ilnd restrict the appointment of offirers in certain
caws; and
S. 61. An act to amend an act entitled An act to organize military
courts to attend the Army of the Confederate States in the field, and
to define the p o ~ ~ wof
r s said courts.
The President pro ternpore hnying signed the enrolled bills last
rcportcd to haw been examined, t,hcy mere delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and b y him forthwitli pwsentrd to tho Ircsident of the .
C h i fcderatc States f o r hi,.; : ~ p p ~ o v : ~ l .
MY.Ilienry sul)mitteilthe following resolution; which WRY convidercd
:ind :greed to:
Kcuolc(d, That a committrc be appointed, o n the part of the Senate, to join such
c~omiiiittee:is may be appointed l)y the 1 1071SCx of Representatives to wait upon the
Lresitlcnt of the (:onfederate States and inlornr him that, tinkss hc 1 1 1 ~ ~have
further c~oniinunic~atioii
to make, tho two Boiiseu are n o r rcady to adjourn.

Oii motion by MI-.

Otyfeyed, That the committee on the part of the Scnatc be appointed
by the President pro tciirpore; and
Mr. IIellry, Mr. Bnrn~vell,mid X r . Grahani wcre appointed.
Ot&*ecZ, That the Secrct:iry inforni the llousc of Representntives
A message from the IIouse of Bcprcsentntives, by Mr. LMton:
Jfr. Fresidrnt: The Speaker of the ff onse of Rcprrscntatives having signed suiidry
enrollei1 bills, I am directed to bring them to the Senate for the signktture of their

Mr. Mralker, from t h r eomniittcc, reported that they had examined

found truly enrolled bills of the -followingtitles:
S. 1. An a(+, to rovide and orgatiize :I general staff for armies in
the field. to serve L uring the var;
S. 5s. An act to authorize the appointment of quartermasters and
assistant parterrriaster~saud cominissaries and assistant commissaries
in the Provisional R P U Iin~ certain casts;
fj.60. An act to ainead an act entitled An act to prohibit the


2 46


[June 14,1864.

importation of luxuries, or of articlcs not riccessaricq or of common

use, approved February 6,1864; and
S. 72. A n act to ariiciid an act entitled An aot to organizc military
courts to attend the Arinyof thc Confederate States in the field, and to
define the powers of said courts, approved October 9, 1862. .
The President pro tempore having signed t,he enrolled bills last
reported to have been examined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and by hiiii forthwith presented to the President of the
Confederate Statcs for his :Ipproval.
A message froni the President of the Confederate Ststtes, by Mr.
13. N. Harrison, his Secrctary:
Mr. Pwsidpnt: The lresidcnt of t l
signed t h e follon iiig acts ant1 joint I
S. 49. An act to sntlionec. t l w JIM

te States has, to-clay, zipproreti and

spiritnons 1iqi1~~1-hfoi tlie w e of the

nutlioiize tlic, i i e ~is,tie o f

S. 12. J o i i i t i c w i l u t i o i r ti)
S. 13. Joiiit r t w > l n l i i t i i clt
Confedcmtc Statcx i t i rel:iti
S. 14. Join1 rcwilntion lor 1 I

O~cimcd,That the Sccrctary infoin: the 1Fousc of Beprcsentatives

A messagc, froin tho Housc of ltcpresentativcs, by Mi.. Dalton:
Mr. Iresidm(: Ltw Ilonsc ot licpresc.iitati\cx havc appointed a conirnittee t o join
the cwinniittct. apixmilcd by tire Sc.n:ttc., to wait, upou the Iresitlcnt of the Confrdcrnle Ststes nntl inforin l i i t i i t Iixt, iiirlcxs lie niay Iiavc. ~ o n i ( ifnrtlit~rcoiiuxiiinic.atioii
I r ~ yIritvt, ttpp(~iiitcdMr.
1ostt.r of Alabama the
roniinittee on tlicir pitrt.
on (11. It. 17) of thanks
~ i i i t i ~ ~ i in
n ~w
l ;h i c h tlicy
I oiis(l of 1Ceprt~snitntivt~s

El. B. 138.

A i l iic.1

to iricw

c ~ ) n i l w i i i : ~ion

tlrc Iicads of the several Execu-

wury mid otlipr offiwrs

tliert4ti Iiatircd;
1. It. 155. -ti1 a d it1 wlalitm to t l i r p:iy oC c+rk.i i n t1w officc of tllcl depositary;
11. It 158. A t 1 m.1 irizkinx :i(ldi!ioti:tl ~ t I ) i ) r o ~ J r i : i tf~o (r ~tlrc
i i ~ snppott of ! l i e t;o\wrnIncwt;
150. A i l act imliw l o :~nwncl:ti1 :icd to rwhiw tlic ciirrmcy >itidto autlrorize
HSllC of IlOtCH : l I l d I J O l l t l S , :L))lllW\(Vl ~ ~ ~ ~ k l l l 17,
l ~ l 1864;
. 160. h i :wt to atiivm~thcs h w x i d x t i i i g to tlie c:oinrriutation valw of Iiospital

The joint, imolntion (I I . It. I i)

of t l i : ~ i i k h to Major-Ocnerid Forrest
and tho ofricers : ~ n diiirtt of liis c o ~ i i i i i : i i i dw x s rend tfie first uud second
tiincs and rderrctl to l l i c Cotiitnittcc on Military Affairs.
age Iroin tlic 1w.itlciit of tlio (:onfedcmte States, by Mr.
c C o r r i t d t w i Statcs Ilns, t 0-day , npprowti aiid

S. 1. An act to provide :md org~~111zc~

R gtwml xlalf for ariiii(~s
in tlie field, to serve
during tfie war;

.June 14, 1P64.]

horize the formation of new commands, to be composed of

irmy rcsign to join such commands, and to limit and
t of ofticers i n certaiii cases;
S. b8. A l l act to antliorizc tht. appointment of quartermasters and assis
trr iiiasters and coiiimissaries and assistant corninissaries i n the Provisiona
rertain cases;
60. An act to amend an act entitled An act to prohibit the importation
, or ol ai ticles not riectmaries or of common use, approved February 6
61. An act to amtml an act entitled An act to organize military c
(1 tlic Aiiiiy of t h r ConfetfemteStates in the field, and to define the powers of
$.,tic\ ( o u i tq;
S. 70. -in act to amend an act cntitlcd An act to amend an act entitled Anact to
orgailize niihtrtry conrts to nttcnct the Ariiiy of the Confederate States i n the field,
atid to tlcfincxthr. p o ~ e r aof pait1 courts, approved February 13, 1864; mid
S. 73. A n avt to aiiientl a11act cwtitla
act to organize military courts to attend
ttir Army of tlie Corlicdtwtc State. in tlie field, and to define the powers of said
courts, approved 0vtolr)er 9, 1S62

077iZe~cd, That the Secretdry inform the House of Representatives

M r . TTcni-y, froiii the committee appointed on the part of the Senate
to j o i n the coinniittec appointed on thc part of tlie House of Reprerenhtivcs, to wiit upon tho President of the Confederate States and
inforni hiin that, unlcss he may have some further cornrnunication to
rn:il<e, tho two I ~ o u s c sarc now ready to adjourn, reported
Ihat thoy h:id discharged the duties assigned them; and that, the
lwsident replied, that he had no further communication to make.
?lie President pro ternpore having announced that the hour fixed
for the adjournment of the two Houses of Congress by their resolution of Lhis day had arrived, declttred the Senate to he adjodrned
sine die.

Mr. IIenry, from the committee on Military Affairs, to whom were

relcrred the nominations of F. B. Lubbock, to hc aid-do-campto the
Presidcnt, with the rank, pay, and dlowanccs of $1colonel of cavalry;
C;. &I. lJewx, to be lieutenant-colonel; W. T. IiCdwards, to be commissary, with the rank of major; Michael Lynch, to bc major; C. F.
Iloplrinu, to be colonel; Theodorc W. Brcvard, to be colonel; W. W.
Scott and ,J, F. McClellan, to be licutcnant-colonels; and J o h n Westcott and ,John 11. Gee, to be niajors, reported, with the recotntnendation that all of said nominations bc eonfirnicd.
Thc Senate proceeded to the consideration of said report; and in
concurrence tlierewith, it was
&solt~ed, That the Senate adviso and consent to their appointment,
:igreenbly to the nominations of the Presiclent.
&[r. Burnett, from the Comniitteo on Military Affairs, to whom
~ e r referred
the nominations of M. A. lringle, Mason Morfit, L. N.
\\ebb, 11. McD. McElrath, ,J. Hamilton, J . R. Ariiold, William
12:t(;on,J . 13. E. Sioan, I<.(2. Saunclers, E:. Bradford, C . C. Yonge, ,J. H.
Screveii, J. M. Hottel, Kensey Johns, A. E. Lasualle, C . M. Smith,
B. Y. Archer, If. F. Springer, E. Powell, A. M. Paxton, J . W.
Young, C. F. Moore, ,J. L. McCluer, W. G. Ferguson, W. 0. Bentley,
rr. Fearn, E. Taylor, J. Y.Horhack, 5:. 1. TCwing, to he uartermasters, with the rank of major; George C . Orgain, Charles C. Mallory, Jarr~esF. Cummings, R. J. Nugent, Georgc J . Crafts, *John
AT. Garllett, 11. ,4.Troutrnan, It. Colston, A. 1. Calhoun, R. T. Buck~ ~ e13.
r , D. Cothrun, VV. 1. Smith, W . II. Kirker, J. J. . Smith,


[Jnno 14,1864.

?J. Leigh, William S. Kernper, J. I3. Hope, John 1,. Cobb, W.W.
mtt, 1%.TV. Pflager, 1% C. Fairfax, T. W.JVoocl, A. W. I)UIIII,
lliam tJohnstoii, S. lutney, W.W.Lester, ,J. K. ?Ylurpltrec, John
E. Allen, F. 81. ,JohnstJon, D. L. Hopkins, F. ?J. Lynch, (3.L). Spurrier, B. V. Gnincs, E. W.Davis, George E. Taylor, John F. Cage,
Jos. L. Thomas, .J. R. 12~gan,jr., H. F. Cook, S. Fairbanks, 13. (+.
nilliams, R. B. ltandolph, George A. Cuyler, rJol~riLiglt tfoot,
L. 13. Nitclicll, 11. C. Thork)urn, E. 111. Bacon, J . E. Peehlcs, Joseph
FarIcy, 13. J . Curry, Jno. I). 13randon, J . 11. Cunninghain, It. 34:tnning, T. C. Clark, J . F. Craft, T. A. Gilham, A. 13. McEachin, A.
Dickinhon, W.T. IIolderncss, It. I<.Hincs, T. L. Macon, F. L. I h n c y ,
13. D. Brigham, W. 13. Tapp, G. N. Eakin, W.J. Gorcloti, W. J.
Bryant, F. F. Freeinan, J . M. Phipps, 13. F.Jones, F. IT. Q u i t l ~ i n ,
J . K. 1,. Iritc~hrird, Wil1i:tin Cookc, ,J. F. Coopei., C. A. Rlnllory.
M. (;;lovor,O. F. Sinipson, Julius F. Coit, S. M. Finger, Charlcs Pi.
King, ,J. 11. Ihyan, 1,. Ililliard, ?J. M. Gor:m, L. 1,. Marks, It. C.

S ~ u n d o r s ,cJohii IT. tJoiics, W.G. Cazenore, Orlando Smith, G. 11.

Eitzwilson, 1,. 111. Wilson, C. C. Mticniurclo, IV. Van 12cnthixysen,
1). Pcndei-, .John 13rnnnon, V. Q..Johnson, ,J. 11. I). Siiioot, ,Janics 1.
13~111, A. Y. Fletcher, A . S. Uarnctt, ,J. 1L Vnncc, S. K. IGrkland,
1Ieni-y C. IInrt, it. Moiitgomery, ,J. P. Smith, G . ,J. Siiitincr, 1. I?.
Ijart)oiir, d:imcs So~vcrs,John 11. Stout, J . P. Ihidger, 1t. C. Xhcmurdo, K. I). Grit.)t)le, to be assistant quartermasters, with thc r a ~ k
of captain; C. A. Ilnthrop, A. M. I~owll~es,
d. Shonk, C. RilcClcnaghan, T. 13. Trout, A. 34. Allen, M. 13. Miller, H. I. IInll, 1. Camp
bcll, A. 13. Noyes, ,J. 1. Saldwin, A. G. Simmer, M. 0. ll:xric, 7.
ltol)inson, M. M. rate, doscph Cloyd, Jariies Sloan, P. W. White,
Johti 31. Gait, W. 15. Strwt, J . I). Loclih:irt, Charles 13. Yearre, IIcnry
Cranston, Jolin G. hfcOniigliy, to bc conimiss:wics, wit,li the rank o f
ni:Ljor; ,J. 11. Fraiililiii, ,J. M. Johiist,on, @. \V. Ven:ible, B. G. Linclsny,
A. IT. Clinc, J . 11. Ilowell, D. P. 13i*:~shem.,
T. it. Poster, (5. 11. Scott,
W. 0. ltogers, Mi. 13. li;itxp:ttric.k, W. A. Ilioiripson, J . *J. Whe:Ldon,
Aug. 0. 15:icon, J . $1. Mwlrltmd, FV. T. Kdwards, \V. C. IIillhousr,
1. [I:.I ) t ~ d l ~ yS., 1,. Ihltl(lr, I). L. TholiiSoli, 13. W.CoII11cI*, ,J. I-.
mlsoll,13. it. ~ : i ~ ( r)r ~. 1r.
l , M ~ x ~ .J.
) ~A.~ M
, ~ J M ~1,1. M. i)oss, T . 13.
M i t d i d l , J . It. 1Iutc-hinson, W. 11. Cliirkc, W. IJ. Wigg, M. ?J. M.
M : ~ ~ o t7i,. (:. Moore, Kic~hnrdIrbj , I<, L. Sinions, c J ~ ) h tF.
~ Riley,
I . S. A I o t y : i n , 14. I<. lfy(xr, ( i .11. Chccvcr, 7. 11. I3ohticlc, ,I. A. Howic,
.J. M. Cliy)nmn, A. ,J. Ilutcliins, %. S. Fat~l:irtd,K. S. ( i i d i a n i , ,I. 13.
IWtoii, M. 1). I(ittm?ll, 11. Wwle, ,I. A. IIotihor, ,J. II. I):
Std)l)h, ,I. G. ;\loff(~tt,,( 3 . W.fI:irdio, 1.11. 11:Ld!-, IV. 13.
1). (1. l\icIi:1rtison, W. 11. clohiison, ,J. P. Eggleston, C. M. I3oy(-c.
Joscyli I:tItwr, 12. W.Adtitiis, (i.
13. .Tones, P. J. Winklcr, (:hat~l(~i
( ? l i : i i f ~ ,J . Chc\ttllttt, Iholiins 17. 1:tl toti, Charles 11. Eltiis, rlhoiii:L\ S.
P.rJ(tt, ( ~ C O Y ~LCO,
J01it1 I,. 130111i~,T. 1-1. Sollt 11all, to be :Ishiht:int c,otriiiiihs:Li.ics, with the rt~rtkof c:y)t:tin: I). 0 . ; \ 2 v i . win, t o bo intijor; l f . W. Gary, to I w ~)rigadicr-gciiclal,Jolili S. ILop.
to ho :issist:tnt ndjrit:int-~;cincr:iI,with the rnnli of iii:~jor;13. S.t J o l i ~ i son :~ndA . 11. S(.\rier, to be :twisttitit adjutant-gencr:tl+, with the r:~iik
of ciipt:Lin; rind S. 13. I ~ : i r ~ ~ \ v142.
~ ~C.
l l , Gordon, 1. IItiniilton, Thomas
Iltmter, to Iw riids-ctc-uuq), with the rank of fint Iiciitcn:tnts, reported,
with tlic iwoniincnd:it ion thiit :ill of s:iid noininations I)e (~onfirnii~I.
h e Sen:itc l ~ r ~ ~ c d tco t thc
l consideration of haid report; a1ld in
)ii(wrrmicc thercwitli, it W : L ~
r 7

Y J o ~ I c ~ c ~ ~ s ,




'YO Irfi:XljlCR 7 , 1864, 7'0 MARCH

I S , 18&7.

The second session of the Second Congress commenced this day,

conformably t o the Constitut)ion and laws of tlic Confedernhe States,
and the Senate ttsseniblcd at the city of Richniond.

7, 1864.


KENTUCKY- .- - .- .


- . .-




JVnldo 1'. ,Tolitison.



Allen T. Ctipcrton.
ltobert 34. 7'. Hunter.

The flon. Rohert M. 7'. IIunler, l'wbideiit of t h e Senate pro tenipow, resumed tlio c1i:Lir.
On motion by Mr. Orr,





Ordered, That the Secretary i nforni thc House of ltepresentatives

that a quorum o f thc Senate h:ii asbemhlcd, and that khc Senate is
ready to proceed to bu siness.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the daily hour of meeting of the Senate be 1 2 oclock
until otherwise ordered.
A message from the House of liepresentativcs, by MY. Lamar, their
Mr. President: I am directed to inform the Senate that a quorum of tlie Howe ot
Representatives has asseiiibletl, and that the llouse is ready to proceed tr)&usinecs
The House of Itepresentatives have passed a resolution for the appoiiitiiient 01 a
comniittee, jointly j%ithsuch cwninittee as niay be appointed on the part of the
Senate, to wait on the Ire~dent ot the Contrderate States and iiitorrn liim that a
quorum of each IIouse has assenibled, and that Coilgrew is ready to receive aiiy
communication he limy he pleased to make; and have appointed Jlr. Chiltoii ot
Alabama, Xr. Clark of Missouri, slid Xr. I k Jxrnette of Virginia the coininittee on
their part.

Mu. Hill submitted the following-resolution; which wab considered

and agrccd to:
Resolued, That a committee he appointed, jointly n i t h the coininittee appointed on
the part of the House of Represeiitati\ rs, to wait on tlie Irwitlent ot the Con tcdcvate
States and inform hiin that a quorum ot each Ilousr has a ~ s e i i i ~ ~ lant1
c d , that Congrem is ready to receive aiiy communication he niay I,c pleased to make.

On motion by Mr. Hill,

Ordei~cd,That thc coininittee be appointed by the Presidciit pro
tempore; and
Mr. Hill, Mr. 13nrnwel1, and Mr. Grilharii were :q>pointcd.
O d ~ e d That
thc Sccrctary inforin thc House of Bcpi.ehcntntirw
Mu. Ilill, froin the coininittee appointrcl, jointly with thr coiiiinittec
tLppointcd on the p:irt of thc 1Iousc of Itcpt.chentativcs, to miit on ttic
President of thc Confcclcr:itc Statm : ~ n dinforiii l i i n i t h t :L q i i o i ~ u i i io f
each llouse htts :wsenil)lcd, and that Congr
coinniunication hc nrny he pleasod to ninlte, r q o r t e d that t,lio coiiiiuit
tee hiid perforined thc duty assignd tlwtii, :ind tli:it tlic Pro,sidcnt
rcplicd that lie would irnmcdiatcly makc :I coniniuiiia~tionto the two
Ilouscs of Corigres
lho following 111 ngc was rccvAvect from the lrcsident of the Con
fcclcrtite Ststcw, by r. 13. N. II:trrison, his Kccrctary:
or R ( ~ i r e a c ~ ~ i 1 t r l($i c ~tl1c
~ s Coif&rcctc, Stcdrc oj A m T l c c c . 1 \ t c ~ i c ~ o i i r c .yoiir prcwiicta at :in cw-1ic.r (lay th:iii that
I I I ~ L H 1 1 1 1 r c ~ i i f k l e r w that
t ~ 1 invoke l l i c aid oi your
xigcwy The cxnil)>iigii\I Iiic.11 way coinrriencwl all
iillaiieoirsly with your swioii carly in May l a d , :m1 \\ liicli w:i$ still iii pi
your adjonrn~rielltin tlic iiiitltlle of Juiie, has i i o t yet rtwlietl its clow. I t
proseciitccl on :t scfialcaiicl itli aii encrgy Iic~rc~totorc
iinequalctl W1ic.n we rr\ ( ~ tei
tlic condition of oiir country at tlic iweption of the opcriitioiis of t l i c x pre\
to the ii~agiiitutleof 11it pwparatioiis riiatl(x by the cweniy, tlic nuintier of his E o i c

the accuiiiulation of h i !varlilrc suliplicv, aucl the prodigality 15 itli which lily
resoiirwu have I ) i ~ c ~ r1:~vi.ilicd
iii the attwipt to rc.ridrr succc+s assured; hen I\
contrast the iium l i c w niid n i w i i s at our disposal for resistance; and n lien n e conteinplate tlic r(wiitx 01 :t Htrrigglt qq)areiitlysouneqiial, we can iiot Enil, wliile r t w k i ing the full niceti of tlwervccl ljriuw to our gcnerals rid soldiris, to percy4re tlitit R
power liiglicr tfian nian Ii:is wil Itid our tlcliveraiice, and gratefully l o recogniw the
protection of a kind Lrovitleriw in cna1)ling us successfully to withstand the iitniost
efforts of tlit: erieiny for our siilijiigition.
At the I~eginriingof the y w r t l r v Stitv of lcsas was partially i n possession of the
eneuy, uiicl large yurtions (11 L o u i & i i a :mtl .\ rkms:w lav apparently cleteiiseless.



Of the Fedeixl soldiers nlio imadetl T c s a ~nnne

are known to remain, except w
prisoners of \\ ar. I n north\\ cqterii I~ouiaisiiiaa large and well appointed army,
i d e d bl a poerfu1 fleet, v d s rrpeatetlly delealecl, and deemed itself fortunate in
finally escaping \I itli a loss of one-third ot its nuinbeis, a large part of its iiiilitary train,
arid niany transports and gunboats. The enem;) s occupation of that State is reduced
to the narrow diztrict coiiniianded by tlie guns of his fleet. Alkansas has beer1
recovered xith t h e exception of a few fortifiedposts, while our forces have penetrated
into central Xissouri, affording to o u r oppressed brethren in that State an opportunity, of \\ hich 111a11yhave a\-ailed themselves, of striking for liberation from the
tyranny to i\ hich they h a r e been subjected.
On the east of t h e Mississippi, i n trpite of some reverses, \5 c hare much cause for
gratulation. The enemy hoped to effect, during the present year, by concentration
of forces, the conquest which he had previously failed to accomplish by more
extended operations Conipelled, thcrefore, to withdraw or seriously to u paken
the strength of t h e arniieb of occupation at different points, he has afforded 11s the
opportunity of recm ering possecsion of extensive districts of our territory. Nearly
the whole of northern and n estern Mississippi, of northern dlabania, and of 11 estern
Tennessee are wain i n oiir po~session;and all attempts to penetrate from tlie coast
line into the interior of the A\tlantic arid (hilt States have been baffled O n the
entire ocean and piilf coast of the Confederacy, the T\ hole su(cessof t h e enemy, with
the enormous naval rcsoiirceq at his command, has been limited to t h e captnre of
the n n t m defenses of Nobile Bay.
If we now turn t o the results accomplished by the two great armies so confidently
relied on by the invaders z i ~sufficient to secure the subversion of our Government
and the subjection of o w people to foreign domination, we have still grqater cause
for devout gratitude to Divine Power. I n southwestern Virginia, successive arniieH
wliich threatened t h e capture of Lynchburg and Saltville have been routed and
driven out of t h e country, and a portion of eastern Tennessee reconquered by our
troops. I n northern Virginia extensire districts formerly occupied by t h e enemy
arc now free froin their presence. I n t h e lower valley their general, rendered des
perate hy his inkbility to maintain a hostile occupation, has resorted to t h e infamous
expedient of con\-erting a fruitful land into a desert by burning it? mills, granaries,
:uid homesteads, and destro! ing t h e iood,,s,tandiilg crops, live stock, and agricultural
implements of peaceful nonconibatants. l h e main army, after a ?cries of defeats, in
hich it8 losses have been enormous; after attenipts by raiding parties to break up
cur railroad conimunicationq, v h i c h have resulted in the destruction of a large part
of the cavalry engaged i n the x o r k ; alter constant repulse of oft-repeated asPanlts on
our defensive lines,*IS, with the aid of heavy reenforcements, bnt n i t h , i t ic: hoped,
nailing prospect 01 further progress i n t h e design, still engaged in an effort, commenced more than four months ago, to capture the town of Petersburg.
The army of General Sherman, although Pucceeding, at t h e eiitl of the siiimier, iii
obkaining possession of Atlanta, h a s been unablt. to becure any nltiiiiate advantage
from this suceess. The same general ~ h in
o February labt maiclied a large army
from Vickdiurg to JIeridian witli no other result than being forced to march hack
aignin, \\a5 able, by t h e aid of greatly increased numbers, and after much delay, to
Iorce a passage froin Chattanooga to Atlanta, only to be for t h e second time compelled
to withiIra\\ on t h e line of his adTance, vitllout obtaining control of a airiglc milc of
territory heyond the narrow track of his march, and without gaining aught bcyond
the precarious possession of a few fortified points i n which h e is conipelled to main
tain lieary prrieons, and which arc iiienaccd with recapture.
The leshons afforded by the history of this nar are fraught with instruction and
rncourageinent. Repeatedly during the 11ar h a r e formidable expeditions been
directed by the enemy against pointu ignorantly supposed to be of vital importancc,
to the Confederacy. Some of thece expeclitlons have a t immense cost heen simcss
ful, bu.t i n no instance h a r e the promised fruits been reached. Again, in the present
campaign, was t h e delusion fondly cherished that the capture of Atlanta and Hichinond would, if efXected, end the war b y the owrthrnw of our Government and the
unhniicsion of our people. We can now judge by experience how unimportant is the
inflnence of the former event npon our capacity for defense, upon t h e :onram and
spirit of the people, and the stability of the Government. We may In hke 1nmner jndgc that if the campaign against Richmo1id had resulted in success initcad
* of failure; if t h e valor of the army, under the leadership of its accomplished cornmander, had resisted in Iain the orerx helnling masses which TI ere, on the contrary,
decisirely rcpulsed ; it we had been coinpelled to eracnate Richmond as well as
Atlanta, the Confederacy would have renlail~edas erect and defiant as ever. Nothiw
co1ilil have been changed in tlie pnrposc of its Governiiient, in tlie indon1ital)lr valor
of its troops, or in the nnqiicncl-ialr)le s p i t of its people. The baffled and dlsappointed foe would in vain have sranned the reports of your proceedings, at some new



ov. 7,1864.

legislative seat, for any indication that progress hat1 been made in his gigantic task
of conquering a free people. The truth, so patent to us, must ere long he forced upon
the reluctant Northern mind. There are no vital points onrJhe pfcsrrvation of
which the continued existence of the Confederacy dependh. l h c r e is no military
success of the enemy which can accomplish its destruction. Not the fall of Richmond,
nor Wilmington, nor Charleston, nor Savannah, nor Mobile, nor of all combined,
can sale the enemy from the constant and e x h a u d v e drain of blood and treasure
which must continue until h e shall discover that no peace is attainable unless based
on the recognition of our indefeasible rights.
Before leaving this subject, i t is gratifying to assure yon that t h e military supplies
essentially requisite for public defense will be found, as hcretofore, adequate to our
needs; and that abundant crops have rewarded the labor of the farmer, and rendered
abortive the inhuman attempt of the enemy to produce, by devastation, famine among
the people.
It is not in my power to announce any change in the conduct of foreign powers.
No such action has been taken by the Christian nations of Europe as might justly
have been expected from their history, froin the duties imposed by international
law, and from t h e claims of hmiianity. Tt is charitable to attribnte thcir conduct to
no worse motive than indiffercnce to the consequences of a struggle ~3 liich shakes
only the Republican portion of the American continent; and not to ascribe to design
a course calculated to insure the prolongation of hostilities.
No instance in history is renic~nil~~red
by me in which a nation pretending to
exercise dominion over another asscrting its independence, has been the first t o concrde the cxistcnce of c.ii(~hinclepc~ndenw. Xo case can he reralled to my m i i d in
which neutral powers have failed to set tlic c x m p l e of recognizing t h e intlcpendcncse
of a nation M lien satisfied of the inability of its enemy to subvert its government;
and this, too, in cases wlicre the previous relation betu een t h e contending parties
had heen cwifcwxlly that ot iiiothcr country and tlepentlcnt colony; not, a~ in our
case, that of coeqnal States nnitcd by fetlei a1 compwt. It has ever been considered
the pioper function ant1 duty of ricwtral poi\ ers to perforni the ofice of judging
w h e t h r , in point of fact, the riation asscrtiiip tloniinion is able to make good its pwtensions by force o f arms, and if not, by rcc.ognition ol the resisting party, t o rllscountenance tlie fui Llier c~oiitiriwtnceof the contest. Arid the reason why this diity
is incuinbcnt on ncmtial povtis is ~)laiiilyapparent, when we reflect that the pride
and passion \\ h i c h I)lintl the jiidgriteitt of the particu t o the conflict Cause tlle ( Y ) I ~ tinuance of active wttrfai e, and consequrrit i i s e l t s s slaughter, long after the inevihblt.
result has hecwrie apparcnt to all not engagd i n tho htruggle. 80 long, therefow, as
neutral nations f d l , by recognition of our mdepenclence, t o announce that in their
judgment t h e TJnitcd States are unable to reduce t h e Confedcracy to submission, their
conduct will be acveptetl hy onr eneniirs a8 a tacit encoaragcmcnt to cmitinne thcyir
efforts, and as a n iniplied awirance that belief is entertained by neutral nations i n
the success of tlicir tlc~signs. -1tliroct stimulus, whether intentional or not, is thus
applied to xccwring a continnancr of the curnage and devastation whivh desolate this
roless ctceply to dcplurc.
continent and which tlit
The disregnrti o f Ihis
t, h i i r r i a i i t ~ ,an(l Christian pnblic duty by the nations of
hc I I I O I ( rcwixrltxl)l(~froiii thc fact that autltcwtit. expression has long since.
hy the ( i o\ cwinicnts of liotli Fraiicc. ant1 lhglantl to thc conriction that,
Stat<)?RIC ~ i n : i h l tto
~ vouqucr the Confderac-y. It is no^ more than two
the (;o\ t w t i i c n t of I + a n c ~a~inomicc~d
officially to the Cabinets of I,ondon
(lrshirg it8 OM n c~)nc~lusion
that tltc linitecl States mere nnahle to achieve
t h r mis\vers sent by those powers no intimation of
and it i y notorious that in speeches, both in and
of Ilcr Britannic Majestys Go\ ernrrient have not
ion i n unc~nalifietitcrms. The denial of o w right,
iintier t l i c w circuiii
ol)vionsly unjust, ant1 discriminates so unfairly $11
favor of tlie 1T!iitcd
ncwtmls l i m e soright to palliate the wrong, of w h ~ c * h
tliey aro conscioiis,
g to c~msitlcr,in opposition to notorious truth and to
the kno\%iilwlicf of h i t i l)dlig(wnts,t1i:it 111erecognition of o11r independence would
be \aluelt:sr withont tlivir liirthvr int ention in the struggle, an iritervention of
which we tlisclaiin tltc tlcsiio anti mi 1st the advantage We seek 110 favor; we
ention, n c h i o v ourhel\ eu fully vonipt~tcntto maintain oiir olvn rights
md intlepentleitce against thc invadlcrs of our country; and n e feel jtlstilied ill auserting that without thc aid tlcriwtl froiii recrniting their mii~icsfront foreign countries
the invutlci s ~voiilderv this liavv h ~ \ driven
Tronr o u t soil \Vh(bu the recognition
of the Confedrracy wa8 i cfuwtl l).v (+rent Ihilaiii ill the fall of 18fi%, tlie refllsal was
excused on tlir ground that a u y :tction by l l c r Jlajrfitvs (;o\ernrtient would h a r e
the effectof inflauiing the passions of the belligerents &id of preventing the return

Nov. 7,1864.]



of peace. It is assumed that this opinion was sincerely entertained, bnt the experience of two years of unequaled carnage shows t.hat, it was erroneous, a n d that the
result was the reverse of what the Rrit,ish minist,ry huinanely desired. A contrary
policy, a policy just t o us, a policy diverging from a n unvarying course of concession
to all the demands of our enemies, is still within the power of Her Majestys Government, and would, it is fair to presume, be productive of consequences t h e opposite of
those which have unfortunately followed its whole course of conduct from t h e commencement of the war to the present time. In a word, peace is impossible without
independence, and it is not to be expected that the enemy will anticipate neutrals in
the recognition of that independence. When the history of this mar shall be fully
disclosed, the calm judgment of the impartial publicist will, for these reasons, be
unable to absolve t h e neutral nations of Europe from a share i n the moral responsibility for the myriads of human lives that have been unnecessarily sacrificed during
its progress.
The renewed instances i n which foreign powers have given us just cause of complaint need not here be detailed. T h e extracts from the correspondence of t h e State
Department whicn acconipany this message will afford such further information as
can be given without detriment to t h e public interest; arid we must reserve for the
future such action as may then be deerried advisable to secure redress.
Your special attention is earnestly invited to t h e report of the Secretary of the
Treasury submitted i n conformity with law. The facds therein disclosed are Pat.
from discouraging, and demonstrate that, with judicious legislation, we shall l i t :
enabled to meet all t h e exigencies of the war from our abundant resources, xiid
avoid, a t the same time, such an accumulation of debt as would render a t all doubtful our capacity to rcdccm it.
The total reieipts into the Treasury for the t v o quarters ending on the 30th Acp
tember, 1864, were $415,191,550, which sum added to the balance of $308,282,722,
that remained i n the Treasury on t>he1st of April, last, forms a total of $723,474,272.
Of t,his tot,al not far from half, that is to say $342,560,327, have been applied to the
extinction of the public debt, while the total expenditures liave been $272,378,605,
leaving a balance i n t h e Treasury o n t h e 1st of October, 1864, of $108,435,440.
The t,ot,al a.inninit of t h e pu1)lic debt, as exhihit,c+dnn the lmolts of the Register of
the Treasury on t h e 1st of October, 1864, was $1,147,970,208, of wliicli $539,340,090
were finided debt bearing intercst, $283,880,150 wxe Trcasnry notex of t h e new issue,
aiid the remainder consisted of the former issue of Treasury iiot,eswhich will be converted into other forms of debt and will cease to exist as currency o n the 31st of
next month.
The report, however, explains t h a t i n consequence of the absence oC certain return8
from distant officers the true amount of t h e debt is less b about twenty-one a d a
half millions of dollars than appears on the hooks of t x e Register, and that tlic
total public debt on the first of last nionth may be fairly considered to have been
The increase of t h e public debt during the six months from the 1st of April to the
1st of October was $97,650,780, being rather more than $16,000,000 por month, and
it will be apparent on a perusal of t h e report that tbis augmentation would have
been avoided and a positive reduction of t h e amount would have been effected, but
for cert,ain defects in t h e legislation on the subject of t h e finances, which are pointed
out in t.he report and which seem to adinit of eauy remedy.
In thc statements just matie the foreigri debt is omitted. It, consists only of thtt
unpaid balance of thc loau I~iiownas t,he cotton loan. This balance is hut 52,200,000,
and is adequately provided for by about 250,000 halts of cotton owned hy the Cov
ernmelit, oven if t,he cotton be rated as worth hut six pence per pound.
Thero is one itmn of t.he public debt riot included i n tlic triblcs prcscntcd to which
your attention is required. Tlic bounty bonds promised t,o our soldiers by the
third section of the act of 17th of February, 1864, were deliverable on the tst of
0c:tohcr. The Secretary has been unable to issue thein b y reason of a n omission in
the law,, 110 time being therein fixed for t,he payment of t h e honda.
Tho aggregate appropriations called for h y the different departincnt,~of the G O 8 ernment, according to t h e estimates submitted with t,he report,, for t,he six rnonths
ending 011 the 30th of June, 1865, amoiint to $4:38,102,679, while the Secretary estimates that there will remain unexpended ont of former appropriations on the 1st. of
January, 1865, a halance of $467,416,504. It would, therefore, seem that former
estinxxtes have been largely in excess of actual expenditures, and ,hat no additional
appropriations are required for nieeting t h e needs of the puhlic service up to the 1st
of July of next year. Indeed, if t,hc estimates now presented should prove to be as
much in excess of actual expe,nditores as has herctofore bcen the case, a considerable
bnlallce mill still remain unexpendecl a t the close of thc first lialf of the ensuing



[Nov 7, 1hB-i.

The chief diffipulty to he apprehended in connection with our fiiiaiices results

from tlie depreciation of the Treasury notes, which seems jnstly to be attributed by
the Secretary to two causcs-redundancy in amount a d want of coiilktence i r i nltlmate redemption; for both of \G hic.11 reiiiedies are suggekted that 11ill c o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e n t

sideration which is merited by the importance of the subject:

The rccommcndatioiis of thr: I cpnrt for the i vpcal of certinn provisions of the tax
laws, which prodwc irieqnalily in tlic burthen of taxation; for cxeniptin
ment loans f~ uiii taxatiou on capital, aiid from any nd\wse discrimirlalio
011 incorrie clcribeil froin thcin; for placing the taxation on banlrs on the
as the taxation of othcr c ~ ~ p o r abodies,
fnr securing tlic paynient into
of th:tt portioii of the h n k circnlation which is 1ial)lc to confiscation
by alien encinics; for the converrinn of the interest-lmtring Treasury i i n h iio\+ ont&mcting into coupon 1)oiids; aiid for tlic (1
collrc~tionof tasation: all 1ncwrit
practical questions for legislation, T\ hich i
y dclviqivl mill greatly iiriproi c thf
piiblic crcdit and alleviate thc l ~ ~ t hnni
( ~ i ~ tl by the clstrenie and uniiccessiry
dcpresiation in the valnc of the cnrteii(y.
The rcturi!s of the Iroduce Tman 13urcau arc submitted vith the report, anti lIi(1
infonnabon i \ cwnveyctl 1hat the Trcssnry Agcncy in the Trans-Missiwippi 1)rpai 1een fully organiecd and is now in operation with promise of eflic.ic1ic.y
fionic e s t m t for incrcasing thc co1-tipcnsafion of
fount1 to be, in soiiie placch, iiiadtynatcx to tlwir

toforc prtsscct For thc! relief of otlier

Seyretary of the Treasury.
rho condition of thc w m i s branches of tlic niilitary bcrvicc
of !IlC s f w . t n r y [ I f JVnr.
a v i c ~to :~tltl to tlie iiinii1
yonr consideration, tlierc
accordccl by Iav to all persons cngagcd in
sliowii by c.upciriciice t o be iiiiw ise, nor i,
. Tiic d~+c~tr,w
o f home, fiiiiiily, a n d c-oiintry i s
uirt political duty of c ~ e r yincinber of society,
ours, where each citizcn enjoys a n cqn:ility oi
ninr(1 iiivitlious th:m an nneqnal distrilnition of
duties and ~ ~ b I i g : t t i ~ iNo
nor pwitioii shonltl rcslicwt. airy one, 11 h o i s al)lr
to do w t i \ ( >tlnty, froiii cnrollnii,nt iri t l i e j\ririy, u n l c w his functions or stmi[*tvare
i iiiilitary duty, now
i i b 01 piof(wiiins, is

great facility for ;tl)nat

service b y frandiilcnt
operatiori of the conscript lws.

Nov. 7,18641



A general militia law is needful i n t h e interest of t h e public defense. The Constitution, by vesting the power in Congress, imposes on i t the duty of providing for
organizing, arming, and disciplining t h e militia, and for governing such part of them
as may be employed i n the Pervice of the Confederate States. The great diversity
in the legislation of t h e Peveral States on this subject and the absence of any provision establkhing a n exact method for calling the militia into Confederate service
are sources of enibarrassnient which ought no longer to be suffered to impede defensive measures.
The legislation in relation to the cavalry demands change. The policy of requiring the men to furnish their own horses has proven pernicious in many respects. I t
interferes with discipline, impairs efficiency, and is t h e cause of frequent and prolonged absence from appropriate duty. The subject is fully treated in t h e Secretarys
repoFt, with suggestions as to the proper measures for reforming that branch of the
The recouimendstion hitherto often made is again renewed, that some measure be
adopted lor the reorganization and consolidation of companies and regiments when
so far reduced in numbers as seriously to impair their efficiency. It is t h e niore
necessary that this should be done, as the absence of legislation on the subject has
forced generals i n the field to resort to various expedients for approximating the
desired end. I t is surely an evil t h a t a commanding officer should be placed in a
position which forces upon him the choice of allowing t h e efficiency of his command
to be serionslp impaired or of attempting to supply, by the exercise of doubtful
authority, the want of proper legal provision. The regard for the sensibility of officers \\ ho have heretofore served with credit, and u hicli is believed t o be the controlling motive that has hitherto obstructed legislation on this subject, liowe\rer
honorable and propcr, may he carried to a point which seriouhly injures t h e public
good; and if this be the case, it can scarcely be questioned whlch of the two considerations should be deemed paramount.
The Secretarys recommendations on the subject of facilitating the acquisition of
the iron required for Iiiaintaining t h e efficiency of railroatl communication on the
iniportant military lines are commended to your fa\ or. The necessity for the operation in full vigor of such lines is too apparent to need coinmetit.
The question in dispute between t h e two Go\ernnients ielative to thcb exchange of
priaoncrs of war has been frequently presented in former messages and reports, and
is fully treated by tlic Hecrcatary. The solicitude of t h e (;overnnrent for the rrlief of
our captive fellow-citiecnr; has known no abatement, but has, on the contrary, been
still more deeply evoked by the adtlitional sufferings t o which they h a v c bccn wantonly subjected, hy deprivation of adeqn:ite food, clothing, mid fucl, which they were
not even perniitted to purchase from t h e prison sutler&. Finding that t h e erieniy
attempted to excuse their harbarouq treatnient by t h e unfounded a k g a t i o n that it
was retaliatory for like conduct on our part, an offer was made by us with a view of
ending all pretext for such recriiuinations or prctencled retaliation. The offer has
been accepted, and each Government, is hrwxfter to be ailoivecl to provide necessary
comforts to its own vitizens held captive b y the other. Active efforts are in progress for the immediate execution of this agreement, anti i t is hoped that but few
days will elapse before we shall be relieved from the distressing thought that painful physical suffering is endured by so many of our fellow-citizens, whose fortitude in
captivity illustrates t h e national character ax fully a9 did their valor in actual conflict.
The employment of slaves for Rervicc. with the Army AS teamsters or cooks, or in
the \\a of work upon fortilications,or in the Governnieiit norkshops, or in 110s itals,
proand otfier siniilar drities, was authorized 1)s the act of 17th l+bru:try last,
vision rvas made for their irnpressnient to x n u n t b ~not excbcetling20,000, if i t should
he found to obtain them. ,1 tontracst 15 ith the ofiiiers. The law rontemplated the hiring only ot the labor of t h t w slarrs, and iinposed on thc Governinent the liability tb pay for the ralue of such as niight be lost to t h e owners from
casualties resulting froni their cinploymcnt in the service.
This act has protlucyd less result than
anticipated, and further provision is
required to render i t cficncions. Hut niy I
n t purposc i h to iniite your consideration to the proprirty of :I radical modification in thc theory of the law.
Viewed merely as Ijroperty, ant1 thervfore as the subject of impressment, the
service or labor of t h e slave has been frcquently claimed for short periods in the
construction of defensive works. Tlic slave, howerer, bears another relation to
the State-that of a person. The law of last February contemplates only the relation
of the slave to t h e niaster, and limits the inipressinent to a certain term of service.
But for the purposw enamcratcd in f h e act, instruction in the nianner of encamping,
marching, and parking trains is needful, so t h t even in thiq limited employment
length of service adds greatly to t h c valw of the negros lahor. Hazard is also
encountered in all the positions to which negroes can be assigned for service with the






[Nov. 7, 1864.

Army, and the duties required of them demand loyalty a n d zeal. I n this aspect
t h e relation of person predominates so far as to render it doubtful mhetber the private right of property can consistently a n d beneficially be continued, and it would
seem proper to acquire for t,he public service the entire property in the lahor of the
slave and to pay therefor due compensation, rather than to impress his lahor for
short terms; a n d this the more especially as the effect of the present law would vest
this entire property i n all cases where the slave might be recaptured after compensation for his loss had been paid to t h e private owner. Whenever the entire property in the service of n slave is thus acquired b y t h e Government, the question is
presented by what tenure he should be held. Should he be retained i n servitude,
or should his emancipation be held ont to him as a remard for faithful service, or
should i t be granted at once on the promise of such service, antl if emancipated,
what action should be taken to sewrc for the freetlrrian the permission of the State
from which h e was drawn to reside within its liniit,~after thc close of his public
service. The permission ~vouldclonbtle~sbe more readily accorded as a reward for
past faithful service; and a double motive for zealous discharge of duty would thus
be offered to those employed by the ( h v e r n m e n t ; their frcedorn and the gratification of the local attachment which is so marked a characteristic of t h e negro, and
forms so powerful an incentive to his ac:t.ion. The policy of engaging to liberate the
negro on his discharge after ser\.ice fait,lifullyrendered, seems to me preferable to
that of granting immediate mannniission or that of retaining hini in servitude. If
this p?Iiq should recommend iteelf to the jodgirient of Congress, it is suggested that
in a( dition to the dnties heretofore p e r f o r r i d b y the slave, he might be advantageously employed as pioneer antl eiigineer laborer; a,nd in t,hat event that the number
should be augmented t,o 40,000.
Beyond this limit a n d thesc employrnontu it, (1oc.s not. sconi to
existing circumstanc:w, to go. A broad moral csists
ncs a n d the inciteme
slaves as soldiers in t h c defense of t
sons to insurrection against their
The one is justifiable if necessary, tho
other is iniquitous and unworthy of
zcd people; and such is the judgment of
all writers on pnhlic law, as well as that exprcssed arid insisted on by our enemies in
all wars prior to that now waged against 11s. Ry none have the practices of which
they are now guilty been denounced Trith greRter severity than by themselves in the
two wars with (+reat Britain i n t,he last, and i n t,he present century, and in the Declaration of Inclepenrlence of 1776, when momeration was madc of the Tvrongs which
justified the r w o l t from Great Britain, t h e climax of atrocity was deemed to be
reached only when t,he Nnglish monarch was dt.nouncet1 as having escitcd domestic
insurrections amongst us.
The subject is to be viexed by ns, therefor(,
thr light, of policy and our
social economy. IN IN^ so rcgardtd 1 rnrist tii
I thoec \vho advise a general
levy and arming of tlic slaves for tlie diit,y of
Intil our white population
shall prove insuflicient, for thc armies ~ v recp
n afford to keep in the field,
to employ as a soldier the ncgro who has triert?ly hcen trained to labor, and as a
laborer the white nia.n accustomctt fronr his youth t.o t,he w e of firearms ~yonld
scarcely he dccinerl wise or ndvant:tgeous b y any, itnd this is tho qiicstion now before
us. But should the :iltcrnative evor he prcsciitcd of srihjngatioii or of the employment of thc slavc as :t roltliw, thore s i x i n s no reason to tlonbt what shonld then he
oiir decision. Whether oiir view rntbrac:c?dw h a t woaltl, i l l so cxtrenie a case, he tho
slim of misery ontailctl by t h e tloniinion 01t h o cneiny, or be restrictrd solel?;to the
efftrct. I I ~ O I It.he welfare ant1 1 i n p l ) i i i c - F s o f t tic n q r o popzilat,ioii themselves, the reyult
would be the sanw. T I i c a p p l l i n g clciiiol.alii.,;rt.ion,suffering, disease, and death
which h a w heen c.arisc.cI hy partially suhstit,nting t.hc iiiradcrs system of police for
the kind relation prwionsly mlisisting Iietwecn the master and slave have heen a
sufficient iicinonstnitioii t l i x t t x t c r n a l intcrfcrcnw \vitli oiir institution of domestic
slavery is prodnctivr of evil only. if thn mhject involrcd no &her consideration
than the mere right of propcrt.y, t l i e sacrifices heretofore inadc by onr people have
been such as to permit no doubt. of thcir r ~ w l i n e st o surrender every possession in
order to Peciire their independence Rut the sorial and political question, which is
esclnsivcly nnder the coiitrol of thc sevcrnl Shtes, has a far wider and more endiiring
im mrbnee t,han that, of pettnniarv intfwst,. In i b inanifold phases i t embraces the
s t a h i t y of,our repnhlieiu1 inst,itutions resting on the actual political equality of all its
citizens, and includes t.lie fnlfillinent of the task which has heen so happily begunthat of improving the cont-lit.ion and Christianizing the Africans who hare by the
will of Providence btren placed in our charge. Comparing the results of onr own
experience with those of the experinients of others who havc borne similar relations
to the African race, the people of the several State of tho Confederacy hare ahnndant reason to be satisfied with thc past nnrl to n thc grcateet circumspection in
determining their course. These considerations, however, are rather applicable to



the iiiiprobahle contingericy of our need of resorting to this element of resist,ance than
to our present condition. If t h e recoriirnendation a.bove made for the training of
40,000 negroes for t h e service indicated should rneet your approval, i t is certain that
even this limited number, by their preparatory training in intermediate duties, would
form a more valuable reserve force, i n case of urgency, than threefold their number
suddenly called from field labor, while a fresh levy could, to a certain extent, supply
their places in t h e special service for which they are now employed.
The regular annual reports of t h e Attorncy-Gcneral, the Secretary of the Navy,
and the Postmaster-General are appended, and give ample information relative to
the condition of t h e respective departments. They contain suggestions for legislative provisions required to remedy such defects in the existing laws as have been
disclosed by experience, but none of so general or important a character as to require
that 1 should d o more t,han recommend t,hern to your favorable consideration.
The disposition of this Government for a pcacefnl solntion of t,he issnes which the
enemy has referred to the arbitrament of arms has been too often manifested and is
too well known to need new assnrances. But while i t is true that individnals and
parties in the United States have indicated a desire to substitute reason for force,
and by negotiation to stop the further sacrifice of human life, and to arrest the d a m ities which now afflict both countries, t h e authorities who cont,rol t h e Government
of our enemies have too often and too clearly expressed their resolution to inake no
peace except on terms of our unconditional submission and degradation, to leave 11s
any hope of t h e cessation of hostilities iintil the delusion of their ability to conquer
us is dispelled. Among those who are already disposed for peace, many are actuated
by principle and by disapproval and abhorrence of t h e iniquitous warfare that their
Government is waging, while others are moved by the conviction that i t is no longer
to the interest of t h e United States t o continue a struggle in which success is m a t tainable. Whenever this fast-growing conviction shall have taken firm root in the
minds of a majority of the Northern people, there will be produced that willingness
to negotiate for peace which is now confined to our side. Peace is manifestly impossible unless desired by both parties t o this war, and t h e disposition f o r i t among our
enemies will be best and most certainly evoked by the demonstration on our part of
ability and unshaken determination to defend our rights and to hold no earthly
price too dear for their purchase. Whenever there shall be on the part of our enemies. a desire for peace there will he no tiificulty in finding means by which negotiation can be opened; but i t is obvious that no agency can be called into action until
this desire shall be mutual. Whcn that conhgency shall happen, the Government
to which is confided the treaty-making power can be a t no loss for means adapted to
ac.complish so desirable a n end.
I n the hope that t h e day will soon be reached when, under Divine favor, these
States may be allowed to enter on their fornier peaceful pnrsnits and to develop the
abundant natural resources with which they are blessed, let us, thent resolutely continue t,o devote our united and unimpaired energies to the defense of our homes, our
lives, and our liberties. This is the true path to peace. Let us tread i t with confidence in the assured result.
Rrcrrmsr,, VA., i2oi:embcr 7 , 1864.

The message was read.

On motion by Mr. Orr,
O^rdeyed, That it be laid upon the t,ahlo : i d printcd.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Or&ypd, That so rnrich of t~hcPresidents rness!Lge as relat
eign affairs h e referred to the Commitjtco on Foreign Relations; that
so much as relates to the finances be rcferrecl to thc Committee on
Finance, and that so much as relates t,o military affairs be referred to
t,he Comniit,tee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Qydered, That the report of the Secretary of the Navy he referred
to the Committee on Naval Affairs ; that the report of the Secretary
of War he referred to the Committee on Military Affairs; that the
report of the Secretary of the Treasury be referred to t,he Committee
011 Finance; that the report of the Iostiriastcr-C7eneral be referred to
the Committee on Post-Oficesa i d Post-Roads, a.nd that the re ort of
the Atkorney-General be re.ferred to the Committee on the J u iciary.



[Rov. 8,9, 18fi4.

The President pro tempore laid before t h e Senate a letter from the
governor of the State of Virginia, conirnuriicating a series of resolutions passed at a meeting of the governors of the States of Virginia,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi
held at Augusta, Ga.. on the 17th day of October, 1864, in relation to
various subjects connected with the present condition of the country;
which was read.
Ordered, That it lie upon the table and be printed.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate adjourned.



Mr. Sparrow presented the credentials of the Hon. Augustus H.

Garland, chosen a Senator by the general assembly of the State of
Arkansas, to fill thc vacancy occasioned hy the death of the Hon.
Charles 3. Mitchel; which were read, :ind the oath prescribed by the
Constitutioii having heen :Ldrninistercd to Mi-. Garland, he took his
seat in the Senate.
Mr. Hill (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 84) to construe and declare more explicitly the meaning of
an act to increase thc compensation of the heads of the several
Executive Departments arid the Assistant Secretary of War and the
Treasury arid of the Assistant at,torney-(-ener:~land the Comptroller
of the Treasury and other ofljeers thcrcin named, approved ,June 14,
which was read the first and second tiiiies rind referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Graham (hy leave) introduced
A bill (8. 86) dcclaring four per cent bonds and certificates therefor
receivablc i n paynient of all t:txcts dric LLIICIp:iyable for the year 1864;
which was m t d thc first and wcoiid times :tiid rcferred to the Conrmittw on Einance.
On motion by 341.. Barnwell, from thr Cornniittce on Finance,
Ordmxi, Ihnt the rcport of thc Secretary of the Treasury, with the
accoinpnying docunients, I)c printed for t 110 uht: of thc Senate.
The Ircsitlcnt pro tcnipoi*e laid heforc the Senate L: letter from
Ctipt. S. S. L(v, transmitting 30 c q i c s of the Navy ltegistcr for 1864,
for distrihtioii aniottg thc irietnbers of the Senate; which was read.
ed, That it lie upon the tahlc.
On motion by MI*.OIT,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Garland presented a resolution of the general assembly of the

State of hrltansas, suggesting certain tmendments to the act of Congress of Eebiwwy 17, 1864, entitled A n act to organize forces to
serve during the war;: which was read.

Nov. 9,1864.1



Ordered, T ha t it be referred t o the Committee on Military Affairs

and printed.
Mr. Garland (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 86) fixing the salaries of certain civil officers in the TransMississippi Department;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Hill subrnittcd the following resolutions; which were considered
and agreed to:
ResoZvPd, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire and
reportwhat additional legislation, if any, may be needed to secure prompt payment of
dues to the Army.
Resolved, That the Committee on Finance he instructed to inquire into the espediency of providing by law f o r the receipt, in payment of taxes and other public
dues, of certificates ant1 etated accounts gireri by t h e authorized agents of the GOYernment for property and supplies impreshed or purchased h i the ube of the Army
and the Government.

Mr. Hpnrrow submitted t h e following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That t h e President he requested to communicate to the SenateFirst. The number of persons eseniptetl froin military service on t h e several railroads within t h e Confederacy, designating the number so exempt on each road, and
the iiumber of miles of each road i n actnnl use tor military traiisportatioii; and
further, if the presidents or snperintc~ndcntsof said roads have made monthly
returns in regard to exemptions thereon ar required by law; and if any have failed
to do so, the names of Puch officers a n d the roads to which they belong.
Second. The number and the names of all persons exempted in cascs where
railroads h a l e Iallrii into the hands of tlie eneniy, arid a portion of the rolling stock
of such roads is beiilg iirecl on other ~ o a d s .
Third. The niimber of persons (if any) which have been detailed for duty to
assist i n repairing or running any roads, o r iu Ibpniring or taking care of the rolling
stock on or belonging to any of said railroack.
Fourth. The number of persons esc.inpted or detailed for express and telegraph
companies, designating the nnniber to each.
Fifth. The nunibcr of pcr,qons exempted froni military scrricc nndcr the provisions of the act approveti April fourteenth, eighteen hundred arid sixty-three, entitled An act to csenipt contractors for carrying the niails oi the Confederate States
and tlie drivers of post coaches and hacks froni military service.
Sixth. The number of persons exempted o r tlctailctl for agricnltnral purposes who
have given bonds to fnrnish supplies as provided b y lau

Mr. Orr submitted the following resolution ; which

and agreed to:



R e s o l i d , That tlie Corninittee on Finmice be instructed to inyuire and report, if

anv and what additional legislation is neccsFary to Becnre to the owner or hirer a
credit upon t h e amount of their taxes equal to the tithe protluced by the hirer, provided snch discount does not exceed fire per cent.

On motion by bIr. Orr,

()?*clcrtd,Tlitlt thc Secretary of the Sonnto cause to be bound, for
the use of tho SeriiLte, 28 copicr of the Statutes at Large of t l ~ cProvisioriul Governnieiit of the Confederate S t a t t x
&lr.Henry subniittcd the following resolution; which was considered
and R ~ S I P to
C ~:
Resolved, T h a t the Committee on JIilitary Affairs be instriictetl t o inquire into the
expediency of repealing that rlause of the act to organize forces to s e I~e during the
war, approred seventeentli Febioary, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, which
exetrlpts from military service one person as overseer or agricnlturist on each farm or
plantation upon w h i c h there are nou, or were on t h e first day of January last, fifteen
able-bodied field hands between t h e ages of sixteen and fifty; and also thc whole of
section eleven of said act, n hich providcs that the lresident be authorized to grant
details when, in his judgment, josticc, equity, and necesBitv require such details.

[Nov. 10, 1864.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs,

Ortih-ed, That the report of the Secretary of K a r be printed.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, and by unanimous consent,
Ordmed, That 200 additional copies of the report of the Secretary
of War be printed for the use of the Senale.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Orddred, That the report of Robert Ould, agent for the exchange
of prisoners, be printed.
Mr. Henry submitted the following rcsolution for consideration :
Resolved, That it is a sound policy on the part of the Governinent of the Coiifetlerate States to impress, or hire with the consent of the owner, as inany w g r o slaves
as the public necessity may require, for any nniiibcr of years, o r during the uar, to
be employed in all positions in the Army, exce )t as soldiers in the ficld, upon paying tkie owners thereof a just compensation; anh that, it hits the cvnstitutioiial 1)owcr
to do so.

The Senate procecdcd to consider the s:ticl rcsolntioii; mid

On motion by Mr. Henry,
Ordoed, That it be referred to the Committee on Militwy AE:iirs.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate adjourned.

10, 1864.

Mr. Garland presented a communication Brom 1. 0. IIoo )el., suggesting sundry measures for perfecting tlie organization of t IC Xlctlical Departniciit of tho Army; which was referred to the Coniiuittw o t i
Military RfYairs.
Mr. Sparrow (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 87) for extending tho assessnierit of prices for tho A i ~ - n ~ y
to all citizens of thc: Confederate? Shtes;
which was read the first and second times iind refcrrtd to the Conmiittec on Mi1it:u.y Affnirs.
On iuotion by hlr. Orr,
Ordwed, That the Secwtary ~ Y L I I Sto
C he boiiiid, For thv ns(A of thc~
sbnding cbonimittces of t h c S(ln:tte, 16 copies of the St:btutes at I A L I ~
of t h e Provisional Goveiwnicnt of thc Confederate Statrs.
Mr. Clapcrton xri1)iuittrd ttir following resolution; whicli w i t h cwtisitlered :ind agreed t)o:

12esoli~et1,Tliat ho i r i u c ~ l iof t l i c ~report of 1 1 1 ~Svcrrt;try of \Vnr :is rri1,iteh t : i tlic production r ~ 1 1 dsupply of iroii be refrrrrvl to at wlwt cwiiiinittcc. oi (iw, ( ( I 1~ .iI)poiiiicvl
by the Prcuidtwt pro twnporr.

motion by hlr. Sprtrrow.

O d m c d , That w h e n tlic S(watct :djonrti it hr to Mondsiy iiout.
fit W:LS rcceivtd froin the li*esident of the
. 13. N. Il:irrison, his Secrct:try:



I i m i i r o m , VA., X o i t d l o , :I, 186i.

To ihe Senate ( i d 1101iwof Ke?),.escnliitcLies:
I hcrcwith transmit a coin~iiiiniwtionfroin thc Secretary of War, covering
of several reports of inilitary operations during the prcwxit year, ant1 ienew 1x1
gestion that all sacbli paper6 are subiniltcd for the infor~ilationof (ongress, an
it is not (sonsidered advisable to publish t h r i i i :tt this titiir.

The message was read.

OTqdered, That it be refcrrcd to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by MY.Hill,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having hcen o p n c d ,
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
. The Senate adjourned.

Tho followiiig nieasagc was received from the President of thc Confederate States, by iMr. 11. N. I-Tai*rison,his Secretary:
1 ~ r o m 1 o ~ n\ra.,
;Vor!eniber 9, f864.
To tlre Serdt. u i d Jlouse ~ f I~r~"i~s"it(
1 herewith transmit, for )our consideration a c:otiiniunicatioii from t h e Secretary of
War, stlowing that a tlanyerous cwnapiracy exists i n sotnc of the counties of southwestern Virginia, and i i i the iiriglilioririg portions of North Caroliriu and Tennessee,
which it is foilrid impracticable to siippr(w b!~t h o ordinary coursc of law. The facts
are so fully exhibited b y the report a n d accoinpatiying papers, here\vith submitted,
that I consider i t u n i i w ry to ropeat thctii, or to do inore than invite your early
atteritivu to tlisclosuren u
y to recoii1ii1eiid the suspension
y m a y be given to tlie military

I t tiiay be proper here tu add that, aft,er the expiration of the tern1 for whicli tlie
writ was ~uspeiictetl,wriow etritia.rrassriic.iit \ m s eiic:ountercd, particularly a t Mobile,
Wilmirigton, and Iticliniontl, on account ol tlic iiuibility of t,hc military authorities to
arrest and hold suspccted pcrsot!s npniri~t,wliorii the. tcstiiiiotiy was sufficient to givc
full assurance that they were spies or Iioltling trcnsoiiable coiiiiiiunication with the
enemy, though legal 1)roof could not be adduccd to swuro their commitment and
conviction by the courts, eithci. becauw of tlic? of the evidence o r of the
tictcessitv for c:oncealing tlie swirces ol inforiiixtitrii, xliich were not unfrequently

The message was read.

Ode&, T ha t it be rcfcrred to the Cornniittce on tlic Jndiciary.
On motion by MY.IIill,
The Scnute rcsolved into c?xec:utirc hession.

The following messagw were received from thc President of the

Confederate Statw, hy Mr. 13. N. Ilarrimn, his Secretary:
2'0 ~ J L Phenate of the C o n f ~ l e r t r k,,Y t ( t t w
Agreeably to t h e rec,oiiiiiicritlittiollof tlw Secretary of tlie Navy, L nominate the
person iianitxl on tlie annc~si~cl
list to the oflice tft~sigiiatcd.
V.I., .Vow/~ihf~~
9,L S W
TE S'i,\T'irh 0 1 L
~ ~i \ ~ ~ ;
I Z K I W ~ I I I IA~ ~h, ed)tar s, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor 11) riwiiiiiiletitl the I'ollovc ing tioiiiiiiation for appointment in
the Proi isional Navy:

First 1,ieut. Joseph Priccb, of North ("arolina, to be promoted for gallant and meritorious conctuct in the capture of tlic ctioiiiy's r-team sloop \\"atc.r Witch, in Ossabaw
&mlid, on the 3d of JUIIO, 1864, t o raulr frotn the 12th day of Jnly, 1861.
I am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secrdary of tlie iVay.


[NOV. 10, 1864.

To the Senute of the Confederate States:

Agreeably to the refommendation of t h e Secretary of the Navy, I nominate the
perxonx named on the annexed list to the offices designated.
Rrca;noan, VA., Souember 9, 1864.
Richmond, .November 8, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend thc following nomination3 for appointlnents
in t h e Provisional Navy:
First lieutenants.
John Wilkinsou, of Virginia, a first lieutenant in the Regular Navy, to rank from
the 6th day of January, 1864.
Beverly Kennon, of Virginia, to rank from the 23d day of Jnly, 1864.
1Fneas Armotronp, of Georgia, to rank from the 26th of July, 1864.
Kdward J,akin, of Virginia, to rank from the 2Gth of Julv, 1864.
John Lewis, of Virginia, to rank from the 26th of July, 1864.

Masters, in the liar of promotion.

Orris A. Browne, of Virginia; Raphael .J. Moses, of Georgia; John T. i\iIauoii, of
Virginia; William U
'. Wilkinson, of South Carolina.
Ibssed crssistctnl surgeons.

R. It. Gibbes, of South Carolina; Charles hl. Morlit, of Maryland.

ilssiattrvit surgtons.
.John H. Tucker, of M i
rank from the 6th day of Septembcr, 1864.
flo\i ell A. \'enable, of
George C. Daniel, of Gcorpia, to rank froin tlie 6th day of Septcniber, 1861.
James (i. Thoinas, of R'orth Carolina, to rauk from the 12th clay of October, 1864.
Thonias J. \Vheeden, of Maryland, to rank from the 18th day of Oc-tobcr, 1x64.
ilssiata )it paym nslers.
Thoriins J', Jhrry, of rilahaiim, to rank from the 11th day of Auguat, 1864.
Nelson Tift, of (ieorgta, to rank frorii thc I P t day of OctolJer', 1864.
Williaiii 13. Runy:in, of k'loritla, vice Charlcs C;. Pcarson, rrsipncd, to rank from
the 4 t h day of Noveiiihcr, 1864.
C/IiiJ/ iw!qiii( em,

Charles 11. Lcvy, of Virginia; I ~ ( i ~ ~ ( i o ~ i ~ ' ~of~ Virgiiiia;

i i i ~ ~ ) ~ J, .l lJ., Ilarcv, of Pontli
Cwolina; Wilrton Yontigl)lootl, of l,iiuisi:in:i, a l l to rank Eroni the 20th (lay of Octc,Ler, 1864.
J am, rcwpec+fnlly, your o1)etlient servant,
Swrt,tctr!/ ot the 4\iLz'?/.
1I1e ( % i p d r i * t r i e Ntrtts.
'lb thc tVenntt
Agrct~:ihlyto thv rec~otiit~icndatic,n
01 the Secretary of the Savy, I nominate the permns narnoti on tlrv awotupmyirig list to the oflicrs tldsignatcti.

~ ~ I ~ l I M O N I )t,

, N ( J 7 ' P l l ? h P V !), /A'/%.

I)I~XA'II< WrATLS O F l ~ \ I E R I Ch ,

12lcl~llro,ld,1i r . , *Yo1PlllbCI 8,/sc; 1.

SIR: I have tlic horior to
in thc Marine ('orps:



the folio\\ itig liotriinxtioris fora~)~ioiritnic~tit


Eugene It. Smith, of Tcnnrs

e Icirst Licnt. .J I). Bowler, deceascd, to rank
from the 13th day of Heptenibt
John A. Pearson, of Arkansas, vice First T,ieut David Iiradford, promoted, to rank
from the 8th day of Oc.tober, lX(i4.
1 am, respectfully, your obedient servant,
8. 11. AIAI,L01LP,
SeSec.retarq qf fhc. Naiy.

Nov. 14,1864.1



VA., November 10, 1864.

To the Senate of the Confederate States.

Agreeably to the recommendation of t h e Secretary of the Navy, I nominate the persons named on the aiiriexed list to t h e offices designated.




Richmond, AToaewiber9, 1864.

SIR:I have the honor t o recommend the following nominations for appointment
i n the Provisional Navy:
Assistunt siwgeons.
Ira E. Smith, oi Georgia; Gustaius R. Sussdorff, of Rorth Carolina; William D.
Sale, of P11isbouri; JVilliam M. Coggin, of Sorth Carolina.
1 am, respcctfullg, your obedient servant,
Secrdumj of the Navy.

The messages were read.

I , That t1ic.F be referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs.
lowing message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by M y . 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

Richmond, Kovember 10,1864.

To llie Senate of h e Corqetierute StatPs:

Agreeably to the recoininendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate T. Jeff.
Pegton, of Virginia, to be R captain 1x1 the Adjutant-Generals Department in t h e Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
No. 1.1
Rieliinond, hTovPmber 9 , 1864.
Srrt: I have the honor to recoinmend tlic nomination oi T. Jeff. Peyton, of Virginia,
to he captain i n the htljatant-C;euernly Ikpartinent i n the Provisional Army of the
Confederate States of America, to rank from June 20, 1864.
I am, gir, respecbtfully, your oL)edient servant,
Secretary of War.
To IIis ]I:xcellency ,Js%-i?s~sos
Iwsidmt, P ~ C .

l h e message WRS r e d .
Ordewd, T h a t it be referred to the Comniittee on Military Affairs.
0 1 1 motion l).v Ivlr. Spirrow,
The Senate resolved into opcn legislative. session.

14, 1864.

Ihc Bon. James 31. Biiker. from the State of Florida; the Hon.
Albert Cr. 13rown, from the Statc of Miusiwippi; the I-lon. Landon C.
Il:iynes,t froiri the State of Icnncssce; the Non. Richard W. Walker,
froni the Stitte of Alabama, and the IIon. J o h n W. C . Watson, from
the State of Mississippi, severally attended.
Mr. G:dnnd (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. SS) to exempt from taxation, on the part of the Confed.
crate Government, the articles purchased by the Stat(. of Arkansas
under and by virtue o f an act of the general assembly of stbid State,
approved October 1, 1864, entitled An act to provide cotton and



[NOT 14, 1864.

cards and niedicines for the families of soldiers;, and paper for
fficers of the State and counties, and for other purposes;
which was read the first and second t i m e s and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Orr submitted the following resolution; which was considered
and agreed to:
Resolved, That the President of the Confederate States be requested to communicate
to the Senate the oaeial report of General Joseph E. Johnston touching the operatiow
of the Army of Tennessee, froin the occupation of Dalton to the date of his reinoval
from t h e command of that army.

Mr. Barnwell (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 89) to repeal a part of the twenty-sixth section of an act
approved Eehrriary 15, 1Sfi2, entitled An act t o alter and amend an
act entitled An act for the sequestration of the estntrs, propcrty, a u t l
effectsof alicn encmirs, and for indemnity of citizci?? of the Confederate States and permiis aiding t)he same in the existing w w with t h c
United States, approved August thirtieth, eighteen hundred and
which was read the first, and second times and referred to the Cornrnittee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Barnwell, froin the Coiiiiiiittee on Financc, reported
A bill (S. $10)to axrirricl thc third swtioti of im act cntitied An act
to orgmize forces to s c r v ~during the war, :qlpt*ovedFebriiary 17,
which was rcad the first and second t h e s ikild considered its in CornInittee of the Whole; t ~ n d 110 :micndmcnt being propowd, it w a s
reported to the Senate.
Ordwed, That it he engrossed and rcad :L third tirile.
The said bill IVILS ro:d the third tinit..
Resolved, Chat it pms, a i d t h R t the titlc thowoi be :LS aforesaid.
(hdm~d,ThrLt the Secrettry r c q i w t thc coiicurience of the IIoiisc
of Represcntiitives thcrciu.
MI-. I3arnrvc~ll,froin tlic Cominittec. on Finance, rrportrd
A bill (S. 91) to authorizo tho SecrctlLry of the Creasiury to cxchango
co~ bonds for 7.30 Trr:LbIiry n0tc.s;
which was rcad the tirst and sccond tiiiws iLlld considered as in Couimittce of tlic Whole; : ~ n dno timcndnicnt bcing proposed, it, W ~
reportccl to t,h(h rniLtV.
Clrcrc~rcv/,J1i:it it, t)o rugi*o

d tii:~t~
tlic titlr tJicreof be :is aforesaid.
wy t y i w s t the c o i i ( ~ i w r r i i wof ttic I I o i i h ~
Ironi thc: Cotirni ittcc on thr ,Jncliciary,
rt of the ht,
br printtd f o r

the uso of t,lic Srnatc.

On motion I y Mr. Ilill,
Iiiiit t h e Coinitiittcc on tlic ,Judicit~rybe dischnrged froni
the further c.otit.idcr:Lt~ioiiof the rcport o f llie tjupcrintcndeiit of Public
Printing, and tliut i l be rcfet~rrclto thv (loiiiniit,tcc on Printing..
On rriotioii 1y MI.. lM<er, froin t1w Chnimittt~co n Post-Ofhces and
That, the report ol the Postiiiabter-(:enrral \)r printed for
se of thc Scnatc.



On motion by Mr. Baker,

The Senate proceeded, by ballot, to the appointment of a member
to fill the vacancy existing i n the Committee on Post-Offices and PostRoads; and
Mr. Garland was appointed.
On motion by Mr. Dortch,
Ordmed, T h a t the Hon. William A. Graham have leave of absepce
from the sessions of the Senate until Thursday, t h e 24th instant.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Ordered, T h a t the Hon. Herschel V. Johnson have leave of absence
from the sessions of the Senate until Friday, the 18th instant.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session. *
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate adjourned.

The President pro tempore laid hefo1.e the Senate rz letter from the .
Secretary of thc 'l'reasiiry, coinniiinicating a report on the Cotton Loan
Hurcan and a rcport on the Treasnry Note I h r e a u ; which was read.
Ol~cimd,T h a t it be rc+m.etl to the Coinmit,tec on Finance.
Mr. O n s u h i t t e d the following ~~csolution;
which was considered
and agreed to:
Ilrsoli ed, That t l i r Prcclitlent of the Confederate States be requested to inform the
Senate whether ordcrs haw been issued by the Cotnniissary-(;eneral to suspend the
ipsue of all meat rations to 1risoiiw~of \tar, and if so, what has been substituted
therefor, together I\ ith the qiiaiitity allo\retl i n lieu of meat.

Mr. Orr submitted the following resolution; which was considered

and agreed t o :
Resolued, That tho Prcsident of the Confederate Statea be requested to inform the
Senate whether companies, hattalioiis, or regiirre~its have been orpaiiiwd from prisoners of war who h a v ~taken the oath ot allegi;luce to the Confedcrtite States; t h e
number of suclh orpiiizatioiis; if said orgainnitions have entered into active service,
and where tlit,y ale to I)c pliicwl oii cli1ty.

On motion b y Mr. Orr,

Thc Scimte rcsolvecl into open Icgixlativc: session.
15, 1864.

Mr. Simrns siibmittrd tlw following resolution ; which was considered

agrcwi to:
u c t d to inquire into
Ilpsoducd, That the Co~nrnittccon BIili
i r r a w p n e n t with the
the expediency uf chntcring iiito $onie pr<
ration allowed by act
military autlmrities of the I ' n i t c ~ lStateb,
of Congress may be forw arclad tu s11c.hof
r Ariiiy as liiay be held as
prisoners of war bv Llie enrniy.
Mr. Sparrow stibniittod tho following resolutions; which were
oonsidorctl and qywd to:

miiiiittw on thr. Judiciary be instructed to inquire what legisiry to provide for the sequestmtion of the property of all persons WIIO, being liablc to nrilitary d u t y , have left, or timy hereafter leave, the C m federacy without the sarictioii of the Confederate authorities.


[Nov. 16, 1864.

ResoEued, That the Committee on Military Affair9 be instructed to inquire into t h e

expediency of extending the time within \\.hich it IS now provided that the a r t
entitled An act for the establishment and ppaynicnt of claiins for a certain clescription of property taken or informally impressed for the use of the Army, shall cease
and determine.

Mr. Orr submitted the following resolution; which was considered

and agreed to:
Rksolzed, That the Committee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire whether
the late order, No, 7 7 , Adjutant and Inspector Generals Department, revoking the
details of all men between cighteeri ant1 forty-five, requires any iriodification by
legislation t o preserve the producing and intinstnpal interests of the country.

MY.Orr (by leave) introdtxced

A bill (S. 92) t o exempt thc cargoes of vessels oivned by the States
of thc Corifederacy from cxistiiig restrictions upon exports and
which was read the first md sccoiid times i i n d referred to the Committee on Commcrcc.
Mr. Sparrow (by ICRIT) introdnc~d
A bill (S. 98) to ainend an act entitled An act! to provide for the hafe
custody, printing, puIslic.:Ltion, :uddisti*ibutionof thc Iaivs, and to provide for the appointiiwitt of f i n additionttl (.Icrk i n thc 1)ep:irtment of
Justice, approved August 5 , l M 1 ;
which was read the h t anti s e c o n d times :ind cvnsidered 11s in Committee of the Whole; R I I ~ no atiicndmcnt king proposed, it was
reported to the Senatc.
Ordwed, That it be engrossed and r c d :i third tinie.
The said bill was read tho third time.
Rtwohed, That it pass, mid that thc titlc thcrvof 1)c :is :dorcsnid.
Ouihred, That thc Secyetary rcqucst the eoncnrrcncc of the llousc~
of Represeatativcs therein.
Mr. Hill, from tha Colnmittcc on the Jndicinry, to whoin N:W referred
tho bill (S. 83) to r e p a l a, pirt o f tlic twc.nty-sixth section o f an act
approved February 15, 18(i3, cntitlcd A n :tcl to altcr : ~ n datncnd a n
act entitled An act for tlic hcyticstrntion O F thc csttites, pr013crtg, :ind
effccta of dicn cwmics, ittttl for in&ninity of vitizrns of thc Confederate States tinct persons xiding t \ w w i w i i i thc (>xisting\Y:LL with t h r
United States, approved AttgitA, tliiitictli, ciglitwn litindi~d and
sixt,q-one, reported i t w i t l i o i i t : t t i w i i d n i c n t .
1c: Senntc pi~o(~eedcd,
as i t i (oiniiiittcv of tlic Mliolc, to tlic conbidcrntion of said bill ; and i t o : u i i c w l i r i c n t h i n g pi*opowI,i t w t s iqjortcd
to the Scnntc!.
O7der~d,llint it be cng;rlosml;tiid 1.cxc1:L tliirtl tinw.
The said bill WLS rc:~dt l i v thii d tinic.
&sol?:ed, Thtit i t p ~ n w, d t h t thc titlr thr~rcof hc :IS :tfows:iid.
O?&rfid, l11~1tht. SWV t : q . I Y Y ~ilost, t h~ ( ~ o l 1 ~ t t I ~I IlW- ( ~of t h I! ou w
of Reproscwt:itiws t Iicirci n.
On motion by Mr. R I ~ x w c ~ l l ,
Ordered, Tliat whcn the Son:Ltv : i t l j o i t t m it be to lhursdtiy next.
On motion by Mr. (hrl:ind,
rJoi~nsonhiLv(1 lcavc of ~bsc~r1c.c
Ordered, l1i:it the 13011. 1iol)eif
from the scxsions of the Scn:itcu t i t i l \Vednretiay, thc 7th day of Deceniber next.
On niotioii by Mr. (;t~rIi~t~d,
The Senate adjouriicd.


Nov. 17,1864.3




The Hon. Thomas J . Scmmes, from the State of Lonisiana, attended.

Mr. Walker (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 94) to amend the law in relation to the receipt of counterfeit Treasury notes by public officcrs;
which was read the first and second tinies and rcferred to the Gommittee on Finance.
Mr. Maxwell submitted the following rcsolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That t h e President of the Confederate States be requested t o inform the
Senate, in open or secret session as h e may deem ad-\isable, M hetlier h e has inforniation that any State of the United States has, through any of her recognized authorities, directly or indirectly expressed a willingness to go into convention 11 it11 the
States of this Confederacy for the purposc of negotiating a pea(.<,or consultin:: oil the
best method of effecting a cessation of hostilitics; and to cornnrrmicate such information to the Senate, if not incompatible with the public scrkice.

Mr. Hill presenteda memorial of the banks of Savannah, Ga., praying

certain modifications of the currency and tax acts of February and
June, 1864; whicxh was referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Sparrow submitted tho following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That t h e President of t h c ConfederateStates be rcquested to communicate
to the Senate the number of perpons in each State exempted from niilitary service
npon the certificate of the govcrnorq, respectively, that they are officers necessary for
t h e proper atlrninistration of the governiiients of said States.

Slr. Sparrow (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 95) to anicnd the acts that ni;ikc a furthrr provision for
the public defense;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on bIilitary Affairs.
Mr. Semmes (by leave) introdwed
A bill (S. 96) t o extend the time within which hoIders of Creasury
notes of the old issue may exchange the s a i i i ~for
notes of thc new
which was read t h e first and second times and referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Brown (lip lcave) introduced
A bill (S.97) to prevent illegal iniprcssments :md to punish lawlessness;
which was read the firbt and second tiiiies and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Hnynes suhmittcd thp following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Conlmittee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of a reorganization of t h e cavalry in the Confederate service, and of
mounting and equipping them a t t h e expense of the Government.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,, That the Cornmittue on Military Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration of tho bill (3. 87) for extending the
assessn~entof prices for thc Ariny to all citizens of the Confederate
States, and that it be i~&rrcd to the Coninlittee on the Judiciary.


[NOT. 18, 1864.

On motion by Mr. Walker.

The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
e Senate adjourned.

Mr. Walker submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Corriniittee on Commerce be instructed to i~icpiircinto the
expediency of a law authorizing the several States, under regulations to bc prescriltetl
by the Secretary of War, to export cotton to points within the enemys lines, in payment for army supplies.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

The Senate resolved into open legislativ

FRIDAY, N ~ V I C N R18,
E R1864.
O P E N S1~:SRlON.

The Hon. Herschel V. Johnson, f t w n thc State o f Georgia, attcnclcd.

Mr. Garland (by leave) in tro d u cd
A bill (S. 98) to amend an act to cstabl thc indicia1 cwirts o f the
Confederate States of A meriw, approved
which was read tho first and soconcl tirn
inittee on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. Sparrow (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 99) to aniend an act cntitlca h i :hot providing for the
establishment and p n p e n t of clainis For a cvi.t:tin dewription of property taken or inforinally im rcsscd for tho iisc of the Arniy;
which w&s rend tl-w first anc second tiines : ~ n drcfrrrctl to thc Corn
mittee on the ,Judiciary.
Mr. Brown submitted the following rrsoliition; M hic*hwi considered and agreed to:

Rc,wlvc.d, That t h e Committee on Military Affairs l w iiistrncttvl to i n q n i

military oflicrrs i n command of drpartmwts ha\ antliorit\, niitlcr cssisti
impress ncgrocs, wagons, teams, ctc., for t l r v ~ I I ~ ~ KCIC J l)niltlitig
~ ( ~
or reli
roads belonging to private companies; ant1 if not, I\ hat Irgislation is 11
restrain such military officrrs within reasonakil(~mtl propvv liniita i n this

Mr. Barnwell prcscntcd the petition of l ~ : ~ n l ~ clrns w

, k ~ r pl:iiitcrs,
and others, prttying that the ownws o f registered I)ontl:, of the tiltren
million loan be anthorixrcl by law to cwhangx~the siLitic f o r (.oiipoii
bonds; which W R S referred to thc Cornrnittcv on Finaiwc.
Mr. Om submitted tho following resolution: w1iic.h wa\ cmcidercd
and agreed to:
Reaohzd, That the Committee on Foreign I<cl;ttionh l v reqnc,strtl to rcpoi t t tic.
facts, so far as they can he obtained, rclative to tho lawless beizurc and capture of tlw
Confederate steamer Florida in the Ba of Kahia, Brazil, and what action shonltl I)c
taken by this Government to redress thc outrage,.

Mr. O r r submitted the following resolittion; which was, by unsnimous consent, considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That two hundred additional ropics of the report ot the Secretarv o f the
Treasury he printed for the use of the Senate.

Nov. 18,1864.1



Mr. Henry (by leave) introduced

A joint resolution (S. 16) defining the position of the Confederate
States, and declaring the determination of the Congress and the people
thereof to prosecute the war till their independence is acknowledged;
which was read t h e first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar and printed.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
the bill (S. 86) fixing the salaries of certain civil officers i n the Transi\/IississippiDepartment, reported it without ainendnient.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and no amendnient being proposed. it was
reported to the Senate.
Ordewd, That it; be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforcsaid.
Ordmd, That the Secretary request tho concurrence of the House
of Representatives thcrcin.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
the bill (S. 96) to extend the time within which holders of Treasury
notes of the old issuc may exchange the same for notes of the new
issue, reported i t with amendments.
The Senate proceeded, as in Cormnittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said hill; and on the question to agrce to the following reported amendment, riz: Stxikc out the word t A 4 ~ g ~in~ tthe
seventh, thirteenth, and eighteenth linrs of the hill, and insert in lien
thereof the word .July,
It was determined in the affirmatire.
The residue of the rcportcd anit~ndnicntswere then disagreed to.
KO further amendnient hcirig made, t h c bill was reported to the
Senatc and the amendment niadc t ~ i i n Cornniittec of the Whole was
concurred in.
Ohrdeyed, That the bill be engro5scd and rcad i~ third time.
The said bill was read the t h h d tiine.
Besolvrd, That it pdss, and that the title thercof bc as aforesaid.
OrdMed, That t,he Secretary request tlic concurrence of the House
of Kepresentatives therein.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Conimittcc 011 Finance, to whom was
referred the bill (S. 94) to arnencl tho law in relation to the receipt of
counterfeit Treasury notes by pu hlic oflicers, reported it with amendments.
of the Whole, to thc considThe Senate proceeded, as i n Coninlit
eration of the said bill; a i d the i q ~ o r t e damendmeirts having been
agreed to, the hill was reported to the Senate and the amendments
were concurred in.
O?*dr7*ed,That tlie bill he engrossed and rend a third time.
The said bill was rend the third timc.
Ewutued, Tliat it p : ~and
, that the title thereof be as aforcsaid.
&&red, That t hc Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Kepresentatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into exccutiw session.
The doors having been opened,


IS, i m .

The following messages were received from the President of the

Confederabe States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
RIcmrnND, VA., ATor*ember11, 186.4.
To t h Senate and House of Representdives:
I herewith transmit for your information a communication from t h e Secretary of
War, covering copies of the reports of Maj. Gen. N. B. Forrest, relati\e to t h e battle
of Tishomingo Creek, and of Capt. B. L. Farinholt, relative to the engagement o f the

enemy with the reserve forces at Staunton River Bridge.

\'A, .hlobembPr 15, lSG.4.

To the Senate and House of RfpresentatQes:

I herewith transmit for your information a communication from the Secretary of
War, covering a copy of the report b y GWI.G. T. Beauregard, of operations on
Morris Island during the months of July, August, and September, 1863.
12rcahmsD, VA., iVoseinber*15, 186.4.
To Ihe 8enale and Rouse of Representatiues:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a cboinmunication from the Secretary of
War, submittipg an estimate for an additional appropriation to be tw1L)loyrd for the
purpose which he indicates.


The messa es were severally read.

Ovdered, hat they be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate adjourned.



Tho following mcssage was receivcd from the President of the C o n federate Stttes, by Mr. Iz. N. Harrison, liib Secretary:
HrcirxoxD, Va.,.\-owizber 15, 1Sh.4.
To the Senate and IIouse of Represmtatwes:
I herewith transmit for your inforniation, in *ec.retsession, a conirriuiiic,atioiihorn
t h e Secretary of State, submitting copies of the c.orrwpondencv with our c o n ~ x n ~ ~ sioners abroad, referred to in m y inessnge of the 7th instant.

The messa e was read.

Ordered, ' h a t it be referred to the Coniniittce on Forcign ftclations.
Mr, Watson submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
.&solued, That the Corninitter on Coniniercsc be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of making it lawful for coitiwns, niidcr proper repnlationu, to export cntton, or take it into any Confedcrate territory, whether occupctl by tlie eneiny or not,
for the purpow of procuring thcrcwitlr snpplies of food, clothing, mcdic~inc,or other
articles now allowed by law to be importrd

On motion by Mr. 13a1~nwcl1,

The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

The following messages weye received from the I'resident of tlic

Confederate States, by Mr. I3, N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Kichniond, i\Toveoven~her 15, IS64


To the Senate of tlie Confederate States:

Agreeably to the recoinniendation of the Set-retary of War, I noininate S. It. dnderRon, of

Tennessee, to be brigadier-general in the Provisional Army of the ('on federate

states of America, t9 coninland rewryc forcrs of Tcnnessce.


Nov. 18, 1864.1

No. 3.1


Riclunond, iiocember 14, 1864.
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the nomination of S. R. Andemon, of Tennessee, to be brigadier-general in the Provisional Army of tlie Confederate St,ates of
America, to command reserve forces of Tennessee, to rank from Novernber 7, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
8ecretctry of War.



President, etc.
017 RMERIC.~,
Richwioiid, Sownr ber 13, 1x64.
To the Seniite of the Confederate Slates:
Agreeably to t h e recommendation of the Secretarv of War, I nomitiatc Col. 1. R.
Starke, of Mississippi, to be brigadier-general i n t h e Irovisionnl Army of the (onfederate States of America, to command a brigade, Department Alabama, b,Iissirsippi,
and East Louisiana.
No. 4.1
Rici~mosrti,i\oi,eniber 14, 1864.
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the noinination of Col. P. R. Starke, of Mississippi, to be brigadier-general in t h e Provisional B r i n y of the Confederate Statcs of
America, to command a brigade, Department Alabania, Mississippi, and East 1,ouisiana, to rank from November 4, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
.Secretcwy of Tlirr.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON DAVIS,
President, et c.
l i k h i i r o ~ r i l ,.Yoveiiikr 15, 1x64.
To tlie rSenate qf the Confederate ~Ytntes:
Agreeably to the recoiiinir:ridatioii of the Secretary of IVar. I iioniiiiatt~Col. J.
(;orgas, of Alabama, to be brigadier-general (under a r t approred Octoltcr 13, 1862)
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Anierica.
No. 2.1
S 1\>112ItIC,\,
Kichniontl, ,Yoi.eurber 14, 1sc.f.
SIR:1 have the honor to recommend t,he noinination of Col. J. (iorgw, of Alahiiia,
to tie bripdier-general (under act approved Oct,obcr 13, 1862) it1 thc! Provisional
Army of the Confederate States of America, t.o rank from Novenitx~r10, 1SN.
I am, sir, respcctfully, your obedient servant,
Smelnry qf Wnr.
To His Excellency .J
Presidcnt, ctc.

Iiic.hrnoir d, i\ht:em be r 15, 1864.

70the Senate of tile Conlrc.dercrte Nutes:
Agreeably to t,he recornmendation of t,hc Srcretary of War, I noiriinatc C. It.Hehi,
or Kentucky, to bc coiniriiwary, with the ritiik of major i n the Irovisional Army of
the Coiifetlerate State8 of America, for duty with Lewis brigade, Artily o f Tenliewee.
No. 5.1
Richnrond, iVoaenzBw 15, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recornmend the noinination of Charles TY. Helm, of Kentucky, to be commissary, with rank of major i n the Provisional Army of tlie Confederate States of i h e r i c a , for duty with Lewis brigade, Army of Tennessee, vice
Major Moorman, deceased, to date from Norember 14, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Kxcellency ~ E F P E R S O N DAVIS,
President, etc.
c J-VOL 4-04-18

[Kor. 19, 1864.

The messages were read.

Ordered, That they be rcfersed to the Cornniittee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.


Mr. Sparrow (by leave) in tro d u cd

A bill (S. 100) to amtnd the act to provide an invalid corps, approved
February 17, 1864;
which was read the first arid becord times and considcreci as in Cornmittee of the Whole; and no tinteiidnient being proposed, i t was
reported to the Scnate.
Ordered, That it be engrossed Rnd i-cad K third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
BesoZvod? That i t pass, and that the title thercof bv its :Lforesaid.
Ordmad, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the Ilouse
of Representatives the rein.
Mr. Hayncs submitted tho following resolution; which WLS considered and agreccl to:
Itesolved, That the Uoinxiiittec on Finance he instructcd to inquirc into the exrwdiion ot the act approved on thc w m ~ t c e n t l of
February, eighteen hundrecl a
,-loor, entitlrtl An act to i c t l u t e the cnrrency
and to authorize a. new issnc (
and bonds, as to snbstituto tliv certificate of
the cashier of the bank or I)ra
k of any State, verified by his afhd:t\ it, iri the
room of the certificate thertbin rcqnirctl of 1hc go\ (mior, of the anioiint of Treasury
notes received and held by a n y State 1)cfore s:ud notes I)ecomc taxable u n d w w t l
act, and on deposit with pait1 (Lashier to the crvdit of any Htatc or thv treastirer tliercof.
ency of so amending the t w d

Mr. Burnwell, from the Coniiiiittoc on Fiimico, reported

A bill (S. 101) to mithorim the P X C ~ I ~ L IoI f~ Crcgistertd hontls i s h i i t 4
under the act of Febru:lry 88, lS(i1, for c~ouponbonds of likt antoutits
and times for payrncnt;
which was 1 ~ a dthc? first : ~ n dscoond t i n i ~ s:incl conziderrd :IS i n Committccof the Wholc; and no :uncndtncnt h i n g proposd, it was rtlportcd
to the Senat~c.
Ihat i t he cngro d :tnd i*(vid:I third titiic.
The mid bill was rcsd the
R(~solwc.d,Ihat i t p : ~ :, i d t h t tlicl titlr thcrcof I)c :I$ :iforwaid.
Ordwcd, That the Sccrvtary rcywst tho ~ v n c u r i c n ~of- (tltv
~ 1Iouie
of-Itepresenhtives thewin.
On motion by Mr. Ihrtcli,
Ortibed, T h a t c J ; ~ ~P;~ge,
~ ~ c I~o01~l;copc1*
of t hc Scn:it(>, h a w Iv:ii e of
absence until Saturchy, the Q6itiiinst:int.
On motion by Mr. 13~irnwe11,
The Senate resolved into s w r d 1qjsl:itiw wssioii.
The doors htiving hecn operid,
Mr. Sparrow (by leave) introduccd
A bill (S. 103) to airiend xi1 act ~.iititledAn :Let to organizr forces
to serve durinv the war, npprovcd Fcl)ruary 17, 1864;
wtiicli was reaa the first iL11ti scconil times t i n c t consiticred as i n Cornmittee of the Whole; and no aniendmcnt being iiiadc, it was reported
to the Scnate.

Nov. 21,1864.1



Ordered, That it be eugrossed and read a third time.

The said bill was read the third time.
Besolued, That it pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion b y Mr. Semmes,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Barnmell (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 102) to authorize the exportation of produce and merchandise bought f rorn the Government;
which was read the first arid second times and referred to the Committee on Commercc.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military A5airs, to whom

were referred, on the 18th instant, the norninations of ,J. Gorgas and
S. R. Anderson, to be brigadier-generals, reported, with the reconimendation that said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; arid i n concurrence
therewith, it was
Rcisol,c*ed, That t h e Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of t h e President.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Scmtc resolved into open legislatiw session.
21, 1864.

Mr. Serniiies (by leave) introduced

A joint resolution (S. 17) relative to thc asstwnient of the valiie of
the tax in kind;
which WRS r e d the first a n d sec.ond times : \ i d considcrcd as in Corntnittce of the Whole; and
After debatc,
On motion by Mr. Seninles,
O ~ y ? ~ y p d That
,the further corisidcration tlic>reof hc postponed until
to - 111 01Io\v .
A nicssnge from the JIoiibe of Ropresentntivm, by Mr. Dalton:

The IIouse of Reprc.sentatives have passed bills of t h e Senate of the

S. 63. i i r i act for the relief of Mrs. Margaret A. Itice; and
S. 103. An act to aniend an act entitled An act to organize forces to Perve during
thc war, approved February 17, 1864.

Mr. Wathon presented the petition of J. Rodgcrs and twenty-seven

othcrs, praying the p x w g e of a law authorizing the Secretary of the
Lreasury to issue to thein bonds for certain Treasuyy notes destroyed
by t h e piihlic enemy; which was referred to the Committee on Claims.
Mr. Watson (by leave) introduced


A bill (S. 104) to rerivc and extend a n act entitled An act in relation to the receipt of counterfeit Treasury notes by public officers,
approved May 1, 1864;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Finance.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Oydered, That the Comniittee on Military Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration of the resolution submitted bg Mr.
Simms on the 15th instant, inquiring into the expediency of entering
into some pro er and satisfactory arrangement with the military
authorities of t i e United Sttttes, whercbg the tobacco ration allowed
b y act of Congress may be forwarded to snch of the soldiers of our
Army as may be held as risoners of war by the eiicmy.
MY.Rrowii prcsented t i e inelnorial of F. fit. Ewing and %. &Daniel,
praying a rericval of their claiiii for the dcstruction of the Federal
gunboat Cairo; which was referred to the Committee on Karal Aflairr.
Mr. Brown submitted the following rcbolution; which was considered
and agreed to:

Resolied, That the hills, resolntion~,nicmoriale, ant1 other matters reftlrrcvl to the
Committee on Naval Affairs a t tlre last session, and retnrned to the Senate :IS unfinished
business, be withdrawn froin the files :tiid recomiiiittetl to paid committee.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

The Scnattt? rosolred into executive session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate a dj our nd .

N h . Dortch, from thc. Committee on Commerce, to whom was

- referrcd thc hill (S. LOB) to authorize tho exportation of produce and
merchimdise I)ouglit from tho Govcrnnien 1, reported it without nmendment.
MI.. Walltcr, froiii thc Cornrrii ttco on Con~~ric~rcc,
who W C ~ Cinstriictctl
by a rwolutioii of thc S(>n:itvto inquirc into thc suhjwt, reported i i
bill (3. 105) to tluthorizc the oxport&iori of cotton by the sevcrd
States in p:ty111~11t
for itrtlry sapplics and cottori and wool cardq; which
was reid thc fir5t : ~ n dscw)iid timw a n d considcrcd :IS in Coniniit,tee of
the Wciol~;anti
Aft(.I dc~l):ttc,
0 1 1 inotion l ) ~Af
, I-. Scnintcs,
07d ~ t l Fhitt
t hc f u r t h c r c.ori~itlrint,ioiiIlrt~rcwtbe 1)ostponcd until
On niotion t).y Mr. Sparrow,
The Scnate resolved into open 1egi.l:itivc hcs5ioii.
E:xF:clirIv IC


MI-. Sparrow, from thc Cominittce on MilitRry Affairs. to whom n . : ~

referrccl, on tho 18th inst:int, the. notnination of C. W. Helm, to he
~ O I I ~ J I I ~ S S :wit11
I ~ ~ , the fiknli of nit~jor,i*eportod, with thc rrconirnend:~tion that said noniination ha confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in con(*iirroticc
, i t was
d, T ha t the Senate advise and consent to his appointment,
to the nomination of the President.



Nov. 21,1864.]

The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
RrcmcoND, VA., November 21, 1864.
To the Senate qf the Confederate States:
I n response to your resolution of t h e 17th instant, I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of State which conveys t h e information requested.

The message was rend.

Ordered, That it be referred to theCommittee on Foreign Relations.
The following messages were received from the President of the
Confederate States, by Nr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

Riclbmoi~d,Notwirbei 21, 18G4.

To the Senate of the Confederate ,%tea:

Agreeably t o t h e recoinmendationof the Secietary of War, I nominate Maj. A. P.
Mason, of Vir inia, to be promoted to lieutenaik-colonel, Adjutarit-(~~iierals
Department, in the fkovisional Army of t h e Confederate States of America.
No. 10.1
Richmond, AToc~ember19, 1864.
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the nomination of Maj. A. P. Mason, of
Virginia, to be promoted to lieuteiiaiit-coloncl, Adjutaiit-(;enerals Department, in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Anirrica, for duty witli Army of
Tennessee, vice Colonel Ewell, transferretl, to rank Noveniber 12, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedieiit servant,

To His Excellency JEFFERSON

Besicleiit, etc.

Iiichmond, I\oc>einber 21. 1864.

To the Senate of file CorLfederate Stiitc~s:

Agreeably to the rt.coiriiirciidation of the Secrctary of War, I nouiinatc James W.
Terrell, of North Carolina, to be a n assistarit clnartermaster, with the rank of captain
in the Provisional Arrny of the Confederate States of Bnierica.
No. 11.1


D & I ~ m T m mc, o

I)IUt \TIC ST1IES O F AIIYERICA, ~Yoteiitbcr 19, 1864.

SIR: J have the honor to recomniend the noniination of Janies W. Terrell, of North
Carolina, to be a n assistant qaartwtnaater, with rank of captain in the Irorisional
Army of the Confederate Stater of America, for duty with Thoinas Legion (an original
vacancy), to date from Ynvenilwr 12, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, yonr obrclient servant,
Secwtary ef TVanl..
To His 13xcellencg JICF~WRWN




12iclinzoiit.l, A ~ \ o w ? i l ~1.9,
e r 1864.

To the Senate of the Vonfctleintr~St(:tcrtc~a:

Agreeably to t h e rec.ouiiriendation of the Secretary of War, I noininntr Ros\z ell
Ellis, of Georgia, to be captain, Adjutant-C;eiierals Department, in the Provihmal
Army of the Confederate States of Ainerica.

OR A M I C ~1,
ICRicicniond, iVovember 17, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recoiiirnentl the nomination of Roswell Ellis, of Georgia,
to be captain, Adjutant-Generals Department, in the Provisional Army of the Confed-

No. 6.1


[Nov. 21, lb6-1.

emte States of America, for duty with Field's division, Army of Northern Virginia,
vice Major Jones, killed, to rank from Pioveniber 17, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFPERSON
President, p t r .



Richmond, IVococernbrT 18, 1864.

To the Senale of the Confederate Stntes:

A y b l y to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate tho officers
on t e accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
Richmond, Xoteiiib(~T18, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following noininations for appointment
in the Provisionai Army of the Confederate States of America:

No. 9.1

Adjuta7its--firsl Iieuterinnts.

Ezekiel Foster, of Georgia, to be adjntant Twenty-third Georgia Keglrnent, vice

Lieutenant Talley, resigned, to rank from November 7, 1864.
William T. Bell, of Alabama, to be adjutant Kineteenth Alabama lteginwnt, \ iw
Lieutenant Hale, resigned, to rank from November 7, 1864.
John J. Neilson, of Louisiana, to be adjutant Third Louisiana Cavalry Kegilllent
(an original vacancy), to rank froin June 14, 1864.
C. J. C. IIutson, of South Carolina, to be adjutant First South Caicrlina Regiinent,
vice Lieutenant IIainilton, promoted, to rank from October 25, 1864.
I am, sir, respcctfully, your obedient servant,
To Iiis Excellency JEFFERSON
Presidmt, etc.


Richmond, Notembcr 18. 1864
To the Senate qf the Confederate h'tates:
A reeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the ofEcers
on &e acconipanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.

No. 7.1


SIR: I have the honor to recommend the follow

the Provisional Ariny of the Confederate States of

Lient. Col. W. 11. Yarbnrough, of North Carolma, to be colonel iTifteenth North
Carolina Rcgiincwt, vice Colonel RIRcIQ~c, appointetl brigadier-general, to rank froill
November 4, I H M .
Maj. W. A . Wallier, of South .C"troliiia, to be IientenaDt-colonel First South Car(,lina Cavalry 12eginiont, vicv l,ic~ntriiaiit-ColollclTwiggs, deceasetl, to rank i~0111
8epteinl)t~r15, 1864.
Maj. Martiii J. Ford, of Ocorgia, to be liei~ten~nt-c~oloritl
First (ieorgia. Itr~giulont,
tlruppd, to rank froin sc.ptemher 3, 1 ~ 6 4 .
vice I,ieutenairt-Coloilrl ltock~vt~ll,
Maj. J. D. Wylie, o f . South (hrolina, to be 1ientt~iiant-colol~el
Fifth Sonth Carolina Iteginwnt, vice I,ieute~~ttnt-ColorlelJackson, iesigllecl, to rank fronl 1)ecelnber
24, 18G2.
Maj. Jamcs 1'. Snapp, of Tennessec, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixty-first Tennessee,
Regiment, vim 1,ieutcuaiit-Colonel Itose, promoted, to rank from Augurt 1, 18(i4
Maj, W. A . 13ar(I(~n,
of (;rorgia, t o Iie lientc~na~it-c~olc~~~el
Seventeenth (ieorgitr
Regimeut, vice Lieutenant-Colonel i\ILxtthens,killed, to rank from January 22, 1861.

Nov. 21.1864.1



Maj. Samuel Toole, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Third Tennessee Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Haskins, resigned, to rank from February 17, 1864.
Maj. James H. Rion, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Seventh South
Carolina Battalion, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Nelson, killed, to rank from June 24,1864.

Capt A . McC. Lewis, of Georgia, to be major Second Georgia Regiment, vice

Major Shepherd, promoted, to rank from January 25, 1864.
Capt. J. B. Moore, of Gwrgia, to lit. niajor Seventeenth Georgia Regiment, vice
Major Barden, promoted, to rank from Janiiary 22, 1864
Capt. John A. McFarlanc, of Virginia, to be major Thirty-fourth Virginia Battalion
Cavalry, vice Major Stmton, dropped, to rank from June 28, 1864.
Capt. John V. 13. Itogers, of North Carolina, to be major Nineteenth North Carolina Regiment (Second Cavalry), vice Major Roberts, promoted, to rank from June
23, 1861.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
tiws.szdenl, etc.

Riclmond, fioceirdie?. 18, 1864.

To t h P Spnate qf t l i ~Confrdernte Rnius
Agreeably to t h e recbomrncndntion of the Secretary of \Var, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to thcir names, respecti\ ely.
No. 8.1
\v i R ~ E P r \ R ' r h I & N ' f , ~ ~ O h . F l ~ D E K h SPATES
Rzchmond iVozeinbrr 17, 1864.
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Lieut. Col. A. Young, of Georgia. to be colonel 1Sleventh Georgia Cavalry Regiment (formed by increasing the Thirtieth Ihttalion), to rank froin Soreiiiber 14,1864.

Xaj. H. W. Barclay, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Eleventh Georgia Cavalry

"Regiment (formed by increasing the Thirtieth Battalion), to rank from November
14, 1864.

Capt. Madison Bell, of Georgia, t o bc major Kleventh (4eorgia Cavalry liegirnent.

(formed by increasing the Thirtieth Battdioti), to rank from Koveniber 14, 1864.
Q l p l ~ rit?

Lieut. S. T. Kingsbery, of , to be captain Company L, Seventh Confederate

Cavalry Regiment, the officers entitled to proniotion found incompetent, vice Captain Bonner, resigned, to rank from Sovember 5, 1864.

p. 1,. Henry, of South Carolina, to 1)e w ~ o i i dlientenant, First South Carolina

Regiment (enlisted men), vice J,ieutenant \Ieans, retired, to rank from November 12,
Ion Sinions, of South Carolinrc, to bc second lieutenant Ferguson's battery, vice
Lieutenant Stark, appoirited adjutant Tenth South Carolina Iiegitnent, to rank from
November 12, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSOS
President, etc.



[Nov. 21, 1864.

The messages were read.

OTdemd, That they be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Va., Noiemher 19,1864
To tile Senate o f the Confederate States:
I hereby nominate G. A. Trenholm, of South Carolina, to be Secretary of the
Treasury, i n place of C. G. Memminger, resigned.

The message was read.

Ovdc-7v~d,That it be referred to the Committee on Finance.
The following messages were received from the President o f thtl
Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
V i., ,VoTouernber 18, 1864.
To the Senate of the Conjederate Skrtes:
Agreeably to the recoiiiinentlation o f tlre Scwrtary of the Kavy, I nominate tllc
person namegl on the annpueti llst to the office tlesip~iatecl.

No. 6.1
The PnEs1nk:n.r.
SIX: I hare the honor to recommend the following nomination for appointnient i n
the Provisional Navy:
Second lieutenaiit.
Randolph It. Stiles, of Georgia.
I am, respcctfully, your obedient servant,
Akwtary of the Xa1i.1~.
70the Amntc (ffthr Conjccmrrtr Slatex.
I i c Sa\ y, I noininatc the
Agreeably to the rccoiiimcndation of the So
person uainecl on the annexed list to the office
Rrcrrmo~r),V A . , iVorenbcr 18, IS64.
N A V YI)Ei~,\1ri*xRn.r,
No. 5.1
SIK:I have the honor to ~ ( ~ ( ~ o i n ~ tlre
i ~ c nlollowing
noniination for apl)ointnie~it
in tlic Iroviaional Navy:
S ( ~ ~ ~ liruteiicciit.

Crawford l i . (.iornilcy, o f Iirgiiiia.

I m i , rcq)wtfnlly, your obi~liciitsrrvant,

Thc ~ncsq:~gt~s

I)(? reft:rrad to thc Cominittuch 011 N:~valhflairs.
q t ? m s received frorii the lscsideiit of the Conr. 1%N. Ilarrison, hi?, Sccret:wy:

I \., ,Yoi(,/iiOw /8,I8C/,.
To !lie ,;cwrle of /lie C l ~ r ~ / c ~ (dt,
t E u Sta(c.s.
of the A1toriicy-(reric.ral, I Iiorehy noniinate the
Agrecably to t h r rc~c.o~itiiieritlatioii
persons whoso n a n i c ~qqwar upon tlic aniiesetl liHt to the oflice.. dwignated.
No. 1.1
it.4~1; STATI.:S
h?ichrnond, Xovember 18, 1864.
SIX:I have the liorior to I ecoinniend the follovving noiiiinationr for the confirmation of the Senate:
Dia1ric.t crtfo~7rry.
Williams, to be district attorney of the Confederate States for the district
a, in the place of William Dougherty, resigned.



Frank P. Stubbs, to be marshal of the Confederate States for the district of Louisiana, in place of C. B. Beverly, rentoved.
Pride Jones, t o be marshal of t h e Confederate States for the district of North Carolina, in place of Wesley Jones, resigned.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Attorney- General.

The message was read.

Ordered, That it he referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
On motion by MY.Walker,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.

22, 1864.

Mr. Walker (hy leave) introduced

A bill (S. 106) to repeal in part an act to regulate the destruction
of property, under military necessity, and to provide for t h e indemnity
thereof, approved March 17, lM2;
which was read t h e first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. VI:alBer (by leave) introduced
A bill (P. l07j to provide supplies for the Army, and to prescribe
the niotle of rriaking impressments;
which ' I V ~ S read thc first and swontl times and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
Mr. Garland submitted t h e following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
ResoZo~d,That ttic Coininittee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
expediency of allowing such details for railroads and iron works, from time to time,
as they may require, upon condition that tliv president and superintendent of such
railroads and iron Lvorks make fornial apidicsation, under affidavit, for such details,
showing the ncccwity for the sanic, and sncli application be approved by the Government, agent of transportation for the district in which such details are asked; and
into the espedieiicy of making all details for railroads report to t h e Government
superintendent of railroad transportation in each niilitiiry district, who shall be
responsible for the iiien detailed, and who sliall have authority to transfer any one
thus detailed from one road to another, and, also, to any other departinent in his
district, when, in his jodgnient,, changes are found necessary to the efficient working
of any of suvh departinents.

Mr. Garland (by leave) introdwed

A bill (S. 108) to amend the iinpr
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on thc Judici:n*y.
A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
JIr. .Presiclevt: T h e Speaker of the I-Iouse of liepresentatives having signed two
enrolled billy, I aui directed to bring theni to the Senate for the signature of their
Presitlen t.

Mr. Orr submitted the following rcsolution; which was considered

and agreed to:
Resolz.ed, That the Coininittee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
miises of the recent reverses sustained b y the Coilfederate a r m in the valley of Virginia, and what, if any! additional action is required by the legislative department
of the Government to prevent their recurrence.

[NOT. 22, 1864.

Mr. Henry, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported

A bill (S. 100) to amend an act entitled An act to increase the efficiency of the Army by the miployment of free negroes and slaves in
certain capacities, approved February 17, 1864;
which was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar and printed.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee on Finance, to whom mas referred
the bill (S. 104) to revive arid extend an act entitled An act in relation to the receipt of counterfeit Treasury notes by public officers,
ap roved May 1, 1864, reported it with an amendment.
he Senate proceeded, as in Coinniittee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and the reported aiiiendnient having heen
agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendrnetit was
concurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said hill was read the third time and the title was amcnded.
Besolved, That it pass, and that tho title thereof be An act to
extend the rovisions of :in act crititlcd An act in relation to the receipt
of counter eit Treasury notes by public offiicers, approved May first,
eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and the provisions of the fifth section
of t h e act ap roved Bcltruary sevcntccnth, r1ig.l-itcrnhundred and sixtyfour, entitle$ An act to tirncnd tho :wt for the rLsscssllicrit and collcction of taxes, approved May first, eighteen hundrcd and sixty-three.
Ordered, That tlic Secrettlvy reqixcst the coiicurreiict?of the House
of IZepresentativcs therein.
Mr. Barnwell, f roni the Committee on Finance, who wcre instructed
by a resolution of tlie Senate to inquire into the subject, reported
A bill (S.110) to airierid the tyelfth section of the act entitled An
act to reduce the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes r ~ n d
bonds, approved February 17, 1864;
which was read t h e first and second times and considcrcd as in Committee of the Whole; and 110 amendment being proposed, it was
reported to the Scnate.
Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third tinie.
Resolved, That it pass, mid that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Sccrotrtry rcqiicst the concurrence of t h e FIouse
of Represcntativos thcrcin.
On motion by Mr. Sp~rrow,
Ordmd, That the Coniiiii ttee on Military Affairs be disc1i:trgcd
from the furthcr c*oii.;iclcr:Ltion of thc rcsoliition subniittcd by Mr.
Hill on tho !tth insttint, inquiring what :dditionaI Icgishtion, if :ing,
may be needed to sccim pronipt p:~ynicnt~
of d w s to the Arniy.
Mr. Sparrow, iron1 tlic Cornniittcc1 on hii1it:u.y ilff airs, rcportcd
A bill (8. 111) to authorize thc President to :Lppoirit comniissioners
for the cxchnngc of prisoners;
which was rcad thc tirst r ~ n d ond tinics ilild considered :LS in Co~nmittoe of thc Whole.
On motion by MI-. Grtilia111, to corriiiiit tlie bill to the Coinmittre on
Military Affairs,
It was determined i n the negative.
On motion by Mr. Orr, to amend the bill by inserting at the end
thereof the words and said oGcer.s shall be reiriovable at the pleasure
of the President,

NOT.22, 1864.1



It mas determined in the affirmative.

On motion by M r . Sparrow,
Chdercd, T ha t the further consideration of the bill bc postponed
until to-morrow.
Mr. Hill, f r om the Committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred
the.bil1 (S. 87) f or extending the assessment of prices for the Army to
all citizens of the Confederate States, reported it with the recornmendation that i t ought not to pass.
Mr. Capcrton, f rorn the committee, reported that they had e x ~ m hied and found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
8.63. A n act for the relic4 of Mrs. Margaret A. Rice; and
8. 103. i l ~ nct
i to arnrnd an act entitled An act to organize forces
to serve during the war, approved February 17, 1861.
The President pro tenipore having signed the enrolled bills last
reported t o h a w been examined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and 1 . ) ~ him forthwith pr n t d to the President of the
Confederate States for hi:. approval.
Mr. Hill, f rorn the Coninrittca on thc Judiciary, to whom was referred
the bill (S. 99) to amend mi act crititlcd An act providing for the
establishment and payment of
iins for w certain description of property taken or informally i m p
(1 foi*the use of the Ar1n9, reported
it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Coniniittee of the Whole, t o the consideration of the said bill; and tho rcported anien6ment having been agreed
to, thc bill was reported to the Scnate and the amendment was eoncurred in.
Owlcretl, T ha t the bill bc engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time and the title was amended.
Resolved, T ha t it pass, mid that thc title thcreof be An act to continue in force an act entitled An act providing for the establishment
and payment of claims fo r a certain description of property taken or
informally impressed for the use of the Rimy, approved J u n e fourteenth, ei hteen hundred and sixty-four.
O i ~ k r eT ha
~ t the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Walker, froiii the Committee on the Judiciary, t o whom was
referred the bill (S. 98) to aniend ail act to establish the judicial courts
of the Confederate States of America, approved March 16, 1861,
reported it with an arnmdnient.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and
On niotion by Mr. I3amwcl1, that the bill and arnendmcnt he printed,
It was cietermined in tlic ncgativc.
After debate,
On motion hy Mr. Sparrow.
&&rtd, T ha t the frurtlicr consideration of the bill be postponed
un ti1 to-morrow.
On motion by Nr. o r r ,
The Senate 1 esolvcd into executive session.
The doors having becn opened,
On motion by Nr. IIaynes,
The Senate adjourncd.

[Nov. 23, 1864.


Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee 011 Finance, to whom was

referred (on the 21st instant) the nomination of G. A. Trenholm, to be
Secretary of t h e Treasury, reported, with the recorninendation that
said noniination be confirmed.
The Senate .proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t was
Resolwd, That the Senate advise and consent to t h c sppointlnent of
G. A. Trenholm, t o IJC S(~ct.cttti*yof the Cremury, agreeably to the
nomination of the Prcsidcnt.
Mr. Hill, from thc Conirnittee on thr Judiciary, to whom mert~
referred (on the 21st in>tant)the noniinations of 1Icnl.y Williums, to
he district attorney of the Confcder:ite States for the district of
Georgia; Frank 1. Stukhs, to IJCtnnr~lialof thc Confcdcrate States
for the district of Louisiana, : ~ n dPride cJoncs, to he niarshal of the
Confedemte States for thc district of north Carolina, reported, wvi th
the recommendation th:it :dl of said noini n:rthnc, 1 ) confi~mcd.
The Senate proceedrd to c o n r i t i ~said
~ ~ t-cport; and i n concurrence
therewith, i t was
i?rsoIad, That tlw Scn:i to :~tlvise :L nd cot isc n t to their appoint nie ti t,
agreclably to the noniinntiori of t l i c Liwidriit.
Mr. Spw~ow,
from tilth Corrnnittw on M i l i t a q - A f h i ~ sto
, whom were
referred (on the 21 s t inst:~iit) the t~oniin:~tio~is
o f 11. 11. Ynrborough,
to be colonel; Mr. A. \V:dlrc~*,Martiti J. Iportl, , J . I). Wylich, J:tincs 1.
Snapp, W. A. 13ai.cle11,Samnc~llool~:a i i d ,J:init.: 11. ltion, to I)(>licutcnant-colonels; A. J1c.C. h w k , ,J. 13. Mooi-c, ,John A . MclhrI:me, and
J o h n V. 13. ILogcrs, to h n i ~ j o i - s 13
ic.1 Foster, 1Villi:m 1. Bell,
J o h n J . Neilson, and C. ,J. C. I I ~ i t h o n ,t
:id iutants, with ranlc of first
lieutenants, reported, with tlic lccoullnrnclatit;ri that d l of said norninations be confirmed.
T h e Sensto proccvtlcd to consitlcr said report; aiid in coiiciiiwncr
therewith, it was
ResoZ~ued, lllat thc Scnato tttlviscl :tnd consc~nt,to their :ippointtncnt,
agreeably to the noniination of thc Ptcsidciit.
On niotion by 311.. Orr,
Ordered, That the injunction of s ~ c r c c ybc 1-cniovcd from the n m sage of tlic lrtsidcnt of thc 2Lst instant, in ~*c+ponse
to IL resolution of
the Sen:itc of the 17th in&uit, intiniring whcthcr any State of the
United States had c s p i ~ a~ wdi l l i i i g n c ~to~ g o into con\ cntion witti
tho State.: of
ttlfderiLcy TOY tlic? piq)oso of ncgotiating ~ C U C C ,
ion of hostilities, and tlint it lte printed.
or effe,c.tin.gfL
On motion
. Orr,
The Sensto rosolvod into opon Icgirlntivt~

iUOvlsars1~:n 23,



Mr. Wallcer (by Icuve) int iwlucect

A bill (S. 112) to repeal m i :Let approved .Tune 1-1, 1S64, entitled
An act to amend an act entitled An act to organize rnilitarp conrts
tend the Army o f the Confedemte States in tlic field, and to define




the powers of satd courts, approved October ninth, eighteen hundred

and sixty-two, and for other purpobes;
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on ?vlilitary Affairs.
Mr. Walker. submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Secretary be instructed to procure, f3r the use of the Senate,
thirty copies of t h e Digest of t h c Military and Naval 1,nws of the Confederate
States, published by Evans & Cogsmell.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the joint resolution (S. 17) relative to the assessment of the
value of the tax in kind; and
On motion k>y MI. I3arriwel1,
Ordmed, That it be refcrred to the Committee on Finance.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 13 1) to authorize the President to appoint cornmissionern f o r t h e exchange of prisoners; and n o further airicndnicnt
being uiadc, the bill W:LS reportcd to the Senate and t h e arriendment
made as in Coiiimittee of thc Whole was concurred in.
Orr7e7+rd,T ha t the bill be engrossed arid read a third time.
The said hill was read the third time.
Besolved, That it pass, and that the title thcreof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That tlic Secretary request the concurrence o the House
of Eepresentatives theroin.
The Senate r e s ~ i n i ~ :is
d , in (:oininit
of the Whole, the considerao estchlish thc judicial courts
tion o f the bill (S. 98) Lo arnend an a
of the Confcderate States of AniCriCa, nppi*ored March 16, 1861.
On the question to agree to the following reported timendment, riz:
Strike out all after the cn:ictirig cl:iu.;c of the 1)ill and insert:
That in the vase of all judgments or tlecrcos drsipnated in the above-recited act
as subject to reexamination, and r t . v r r d or wffiritiance in thc H u p ~ i . r n eCourt of the
confederate States, hicli may ha\ btvw Iirrctofo~.r Irntlcwd, or which may be
hereafter rendered, before the orgarii/,atioii of the S:iiprwle Court of the Confederate
States, the parties shall b t ~allowtd the fiirthcr period o f twclvc months from and
after the organization of such Suprcnic. Court within wllicnh to sue ont such writ of

On motion by Mr. W:dker, to :mend tho :mcwdmc-it by adding

thereto the following proviso, vix:
Provzded, That nothing 111 11 contairictl shalI be v o ~ i d r i ~tod authorize the reexannination by said Suprenw (orrtt of t lie j i ~ ( I g i i i t ~ i ii ~m\ l tiecrcen Iwrein referred to in
the event that Congress, 111 c\tnblishiiiq salt1 corirt iinilrr thr 1c.riiianent Constitution, shall deny to it apprllate j t i i istlirtioii in t l i c CHWS desigmtrd in paid forty-fifth
section of the act above mclitionc(1,

It was determined i n the afiirruative.

airicndiiicrit as :Lriit~ndrdwas then rigreed to.
No further wniciidinent being niadc, tho bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendment wits concurred iri.
(lr&i*ed, T ha t the bill be engrossed and rend a third time.


T h e said bill was read the third time.

d , That i t pass:, and that the title thereof he as aforesaid.
Ordered, T ha t the Secrctitrj? request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Corninittee of the Whole, to the consideration of t he bill (S.87) for cutc.nding tlric assessment of prices for
the Army to all citizens of the Confederate States; and


[Nov. 23, 1864.


On motion by Mr. Sparrow.

Ordeed, That the further consideration thereof he poslporied w t i l

Monday next.
The Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, .to the consideration of t e joint resolution (S. 16) defining the posltion of the
Confederate States, and declaring the determination of the Congresb
secute the war till their independence is

r consideration thereof be postponed to

and made the special order f o r Tuesday next, at 1 oclock.
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Henry,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate resunled, as i n Committee of the Whole, the considmition of the bill (S. 105) to authorize the exportation of cotton Ity thc
several States in payriient for :trmy supplics and cw(,tonand R 001 cards.
Oil motion by Mr. Graham, to aruend thc bill by inscrting after
~ i x p p l i e s ,lhie
~ ~ 5, the word s:tlt,
It was determined in the affirmative.
On motion by Mr. Garland, to anlend the hill 1)y inserting :xftcr
supplies, line 5, the word mcdicines,
It was determined in the affirrnativc.
On motion by MY. Senimec;, t,o :meiid the bill by inserting :~flt.r
Statc, line 6, the words and i n mymcnt for :my w plies puichased by any Stato for t h e use of its unatic or insane nsy unih,
It was deterniined i n the affiriii.LtI V C .
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to anicnd the bill 1 ) i!~
$lpp.,) line 3, the ~vorcls t o
tlcsign:itccl by thc
It was debermined in t>hen c gltlye.
No furthcr nniondnioiit htling niadc, tlio bill \V:LS i ~ l ) o rvtt
t t o thv
SenR te and th c a11w i I d 11 1cnts wc r v
Orderd, That the bill l w tngm
Ihc said hill W:LS I * O : L ~ the third
On the queution,
Shall the bill now pa
- 11
I1 was det~rniinodi n t h itfiii.iii;Lti\-c, N:lys
- 7
On niotiori by nlr. qiniins,
Thc yeas and nays 1 wing tlcsircd l)y one-fifth of tht, Sthti:it~or:,pwccnt,,
Those who voted in the :kflirnitLtivt: are,
Measrs. 13nrnwell. Brown, h i t c h , Ci:rl:~ntl,(+i-:~li:~ni,
IT:Lynch, Maxwell, Orr, Semnies, Mriilker, and Watson.
Those who votcd in the negative are)
Messrs. Baker, IIenry, 1131, .Johnsori of (icorgia, .Johnson of &libsouri, Simms, and Sparrow,
So it was
Reso7ved, That this bill p : ~ and
, that tlic title thereof
An act


Nov. 24,1864.1



to authorize the exportation of cotton by the several States in payment for army and other supplies and cotton and wool cards.
Ovdered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of .Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, t o the consideration of the bill (S. 102) to authorize the exportation of produce
and merchandise bought from the Government; and no amendment
being roposed, it was reported to the Senate.
Or eyed, That it be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, Th:tt it pass, and that the title thereof 1)c as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the conciirrcnce of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Nr. Brown,
The Senate resolved into executive session.


- referred
Mr. Brown, from thc Committee on Kaval Affairs, to whom were
(on the 10th and 21st instant) the nominations of Joseph

Price, to be conimander; Eugene 11. Smith, ,John A . PCBISOII,

Rnndol h
B. Stile+ arid Crawford H. Gornilcy, to be sccond lieutcnunts; Ira ,
Smith, Gustavub E. SuusdorfT, Williani I). Sale, arid MWiam M.
Coggin, to be assistant wrgeons, reported, with thc rcconimendation
that all of said nominations bc confirnicd.
The Senate proceeded to consider snit1 rc\port; and in c.onc*arrence
thcrcwith, it was
B t ~ w h d That
the ScrtiItt: i d \ iw : i t i d v o r i s c s i i t to their appointnient,
agreeably to the nomination of tlic I i ~ ~ s i d ~ n t .
On motion by MP. Sp:umw,
The Senate resolvcd into o p i i l(>gidati\c

011CS AEsSlOS.

On motion hj7 A h . Walker,

Or&,retl, That the IIotl. llobcrt ,Jeniiuoii h:t\-t ICXVC of ilhsPncc fro111
the sessions of thc S.;cn:Ltc ruitil lYiiirsd:iy, tlw 1 h t day of 1)ecember
Mr. Garland subniittc~dtht: following rcsoliition; whic+hwas considered and tigreed to:
Kesoluecl, That, the Committec on Finance I)c instrnctcd to inqnirc wlietlier the act
of June fourteenth, eiglitcen Iinndretl and fii-ity-loiir, providing for int:rciisu of (*oniprns,ition of the heads of tlir several 15\cc*ntivtl 1)cpartineiit.i :uid the Assistairt Sccretary of War and the Treasnry ant1 of t11il I\sskt:int Attoriio~-(;ciieraland the
Coiiil)troIler of the Treasury ant1 otircr o1liwr.i therein nanrctl i;ciliictes the special
agents of the Post-0tfit.e 1)cpartinc~nt;and if not, nhether it is expedient t o increase
the winpensation of H U ~ ageiits.

hlr. Maxwell submitted the following rcw~lntion;mliich

ered and. agreed to:



Renolwd, That thri Coiriniittcc~011 Kwvnl Affairs I)(. instrurted to iiiqnirc into the
expe(1ienc.y of allou ing ration* t o \\arrant oflicers of the Navy serving on Shore as
in the case of coiniiiissionccl ofticcra, aid also to tlic civil ciriployees of the naval



[No\.21. 1864.

Mr. Maxwell (by leave) introduced

A bill (S. 113) to authorize the Secretary of the T ~ C ~ L to
S Lremit
the tax on Confederate bonds and interest-bearing notes i t i cert:iin
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Conimittee on Finance.
Mr. Graham submitted the following resolution; which was coilhidered and agreed to:
Resolved, That t h e Conmiittee on Indian Affairs be instructed to inqnirc into tlie
expediency of amending the act of May first, eiglitcen hundred and sixty-tlir
tied (An act to provide for the payment ot the interest on tlie renioval arid
ence ftind due to the Cherokee Indians in North Carolina, and that they re&)
atnendments, if any, as may be deemed necessary to carry out the objects conteoiplated by said act.

hIr. (;raham submitted the following resolidion ; which

ered and agreed to:



Resol, ed, That t h e President of the Confederate States be requested to c80iiimuriicate to the Senate a copy of tlie report of Lieuteriarit-(;ciieral I). II. Ilill of ttic opcrations of h i s coniinand in tlic battlc of Chickanmga

Mr. Ot.alinm prescntcd a memorial of thc Socivtg of Ericnds of the

State of North Carolin:L, prayiiig that ccrtain p a w n s who h a y e h e n
received into tbc meniber~hipof tho socicty since thc 11th day of October, 1862, ni:ty be excnipted from military scrvkc; which w:th i*cfc~i-rcd
to thc Coininittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Iliiyncs (by lcavc) introduced
A bill (S. 114) to provide clothing for the coinini4oried officers of
the armies of the Confcdcrate Statcs bclow the rtmk of bri~ndicr-gcncral in the field;
which was read thc first a n d second timw and rc+r~.c~dLO t h c ~C o n mittee on Military Affairs.
The Senatc procrtded, as in Coinmittce of the MIioIc, to tlic consideration of the bill (S.109)to anieiid :in xct cntitlrd An :wt to incre:i>c
the efficiency of the Army by t,hcl crnploynicrit of frce ncgtw~q mld
slavc?sin ccrtairi cttpa~ities,appi.ovod k+brna,ry 17, I f % & ; :mi
On motion hy M y . Capcrton,
ClrdeJerd, That thc further considoration tht.reof bc posttpoitcd iiiitil
On motion by MI*.Sparrow,
Or(JI.rvd, T h a t the Ilon. Ilcnry C. Ihirnett hsve l(~aveof ~ L J
from the sitting of tlic Senttto to-day.
On motion b y BiIr. Maxwcll,
The Serititr, rcsolvrtl into secret IcgiSlilti~(>
The doors htiving hccn opencd,
The following nicssago WRS rt;ceived froin the lrcsident of tlio ( o i l federate States, by My. 13. N. IIarrison, liis Stwct:iry:
President: The President of the Confedrratr Stntes, on the 2Ld instant, appro\ 11
and signed the following acts:
S. 63. An act for the relief of Mrs. Margaret A. Kicc; and
S. 103. An act to amend an act entitled An act to organize forces to serre tltiring
the war, approved February 17, 1864.

Ordered, That the Secreta.1-yinforin the IIouse of Bepresentatives

on by Mr. B:mwell,
ate :tdjourned.

Nov. 24, 1864.1




On motion b y M r . Ilenry,
That the vote on passing the bill (S. 105) t o authorize the exportation of cotton by the several States i n payment f o r army and other
supplies and cotton arid wool cards be reconsidered,
On motion by M r . Henry,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Iticnxo?\.n,YA., ilhcernhw 2.4, ISG4.
To tlie ,Yenate o j the Confeclerwle ,Dates:
I n response t o your resolution of the 14th inqbnt, adopted in secret session, I herewith transmit a c*o~itmunicatio~i
fro111 thr. Swrt>twryof IVar, which conveys t h e information requestccl relative to the enlirtmc~ntI n t o oiir Arnry of pigoners of war who
haw taken the oath of alloyianc*r to tlic Confcclerate States.

The message was r e d

O r d e r e d , T ha t it be referred to tlie (hniniittee or1 Military iWairs.
On motion hy Mr. Sl):~rrow,
The Senate resolved into c?xccutive bcssioii.



25, 1864.

A message from the IIonsc of Reprcsentatives, by Mr. Dalton:

illr. President: The House of liepresentatives have passed a hill and joirit resoliition

of the following titles; i n wliicli they request the concurrence of the Scnatt.:
H. R. 189. An act to anienil the laws in relation to the receipt of coiirrtcrfeit Trm,ury notes b y public nfticers; and
H. It. 19. Joint reholntion of thanks to Gen. K. B. Forrest antl the oflic
men of his (,ommarid.
And they have passed Senate bills of the following titles;
8. 90. An act to amend the third srrtion of an act entitled An a r t to orpani/c~
forces to serve during the war, approved Fehruary 17, 1864; ant1
S. 91. Ail act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to ?xrchiinge conjoii I ) o i i t l i
for 7.30 Treasury notes.

Mr. I-Iill submitted the fOl~O\ViJlgresolution; which wa\ considcrcd

and agreed to:
Ilesolued, That tlie Committee 011 the Jrxtlickry inquire into tlir iiwe-it j antl
expediency of rqmrtirig a 1)ill increaring the d a r i e s of t h e judges o f tlii! di5tiict
Ctiurts of thc Confedcratr States.

Mr. jjiiniiis su1)niittcd tho following resolution; which was coilhiderod arid agreed to:

Iicsolwtl, That i~ spccial cotiirtiittec of thtec kw appointed, 11 itli iii6.h uc+iciits to

inquire whether tiicl price now paid for iiialtiiig clothing for tlic A r t i i ~is snAic lent
cottipensation to thusc cnpigcrt in that hsiiie;.r; ayd also 11 hethcr tlic roiiifwiisatioti
allowed to frmalcs citiployrtl in the Ordnanc~cIkpartnimt is siiffic.ieiit to eiin1)lc sii( 11
persons to pitrrliase such wpplics as i i i a y he necessary for their subsictc~ic.~.

On inotioii I)y Mr. Orr,

O d m d , Tlmt t,lic coiiiniittcc be appointed hy t Iic Prciidc t i t pro
tempore; :inti
Mr. Siiilma, MY.Baker, and N r . Gr;h,in were appointcd.
Mr. ,Johnson of Missouri presented thc, pctition of Tholn:Lh \\eltion,
mtying the pwsa *e of R I i i w allowing hiin coinpcndioii for tlic
kcstriiction of the Jnitcd States gun boat Cairo, 011 the Yamo liiwr?
on or tibout tho 19th day of Ileccinbcr, 1862; which \vas referred t o
the Connirrittao on N a wl Rfhirs.
&IraGrgliatii siilmittcd the following resolution; which was considered and tigrccd to:

the Uoinniitlt~con tlic Ju(liciai y Ix iiistru(tvd to inquire n lint l i y 10 1)c niatle i l i c cniinieration nf tlie l)eoplt, of, the scj ortling to the reqnirciiient of tlic Coii,ititution, Ailicla I ,
section 2, clauso 3.

klr. 13:~rnwt:ll (by 1e:ivc) inti.ucluocd tho following hills; which mcrc
sov~rd1.yre:d Ihr fir4 :uid sceond tiinoh :rnd rcferrctl to thc CoinniitLCO 011 lpitliiiivc:
S. 113. Bill to exempt froin taxation the cayiktl of liondh and ccrtificatcs issiiccl by thc C:oilfeder:btc, Ststcs; aiid
S. 116. Hill to cxtwpt frorn t:isation loans iiiade on hypothwation
of no11 t:tsJd C k)Ol ids.
A h . C:iporton subinittcd the following resolution; which was considered aiid agreed to:
12esolred, That the Committee on Military Affairshe instructed to inquire into the
expediency of providiiip l)y law for supplying Confcdw-ate citizens held as prisoners
py the Governinrnt of tlic Cnitcxd States with the same ainoiint of supplies as
18 furnislted to othcr prisoners belonging to the service of the Confederate Staf eR


Nov. 25, 1864.1



The President pro tempore laid before the Senate the memorial of
the mayor and common wuncil of the town of Fredericksbixrg, Va.,
praying the passage of a law exempting the citizens of said town from
taxation by the Confederate States Govcrnnient; which was referred
to the Comniittee on Finance.
Mr. Sernnies, from the Corriinittec 011 Finance, to whom was referred the bill (S. 85) declaring four pcr cent bonds and certificates
therefor receivable iti piyrneiit of all taxes due and payahle for the
year 1564, reportcd it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Coininitkco of tho Whole, to the considcration of the said fjill; and the reported amendiuent having heen
agreed to,
On motion 11.y Jlr. 01~,
Omerccl, That the further conbidor:ttion of the bill he portponcd
until to-niorrow.
On motion 1 , ~M r. Sp:~rro\v,
O r d m d , lhat t h e Coiniiiittce on lclilitary Affairs be discharged
from the further consideration o f th(1following subjccts:
A resolution inquiring into t2ic c ~ p c d i o n c gof estcndirig the tirnc
within which it is now provided that the act entitled A r t act for the
estahlislinient and p:bynient of clairns for a certain description of property talien or inforniallg irnprcsscd for thc use of the Army, shhll
cease and detc~rniino;
A resolution inquiring into the cuusw of the recent reverses snsihincd 1)sthc Confectorate iLrnis ill thc \'alley of Virginit*; and
A conininnication froiii 1. 0. 1Iool)cr, suggesting suridry iiieasurcs
for perfccting the org:tnization oC the Mcdicd lkpartmcnt of the Briny.
On motion by Mr. Sp:trrow, that tlicl Coiiiniittec on Military Affairs
be discharged froiri thc fiirthcr coii+$cration of the resolution subiiiittccl by MY.01-1on
. tlie 15th in-titiit, iriqiiiring whether the late
order, KO. 77, Ailjiitaiit x i i d Inspector Gcn~r:tls LIcpnrtinent, revoking the dctails of all riien between 1s i~nd45, reqiiires any nioditicw
tion by lcgislxtioii to prci;erve the :iricl industrinl iiitcrcsts
of thc <oUlltry,
On motion by Xr. O n ,
Oidered, That the fnrt tier consideration thereof be postponed until
Mr. Spa~ron,from the Conimittcc~011 3Iiliturj- Affairs, rcportod
A bill (S. 317) to :mthorim thc coiniiiandci.s of the rebervcs in each
State to orc1c.r ganctr:d corirts-m:irtial anti to rcvisc the proceedings of
courts-martiid t ~ n dniilitary coitrts;
which mas wad the first a i d sccond tiiriw :tnd considered as in Committee of the Whole; : ~ n d n o am~ridincntbeing proposed, it was
reported to the Senato.
O&red, That it Im engrosscd aiid read :L third tinic.
The said bill was read tlic Ihird tinic.
Resolved, T h K t it pass, and that the title thore,of hc :th aforesaid.
OrdGred, That the Secretary request tho concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Orr subinittcd the following resolution; which mas considered
and agreed to:
Resolved, That the President of the Confedcrate States bc requested to inform the
Senate how iiiaiiy oflicers of the l r i n y of tlie Confederatc States have been tried
under the acts of Congress to punish clruiikeniiess in the Army, and how many
convictions havc been had on such trials.


[WOV 25,1864.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 109) to amend an act entitled An act to increase
the efficiency of the Army by the eniployment of free negroes and
slaves in certain capacitaies, approved February 17, 1864; and
On motion by Mr. Caperton,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That when the Senate adjourn it he to Monday next.
The bill (H. R. 189) and joint resolution (3. It. 19) ieceived this day
from the House of Representatives for concturence wcrc scvcrztily
read the first and second times; and
Ordered, That the bill be referred to the Committee on Finance,
and the joint resolution to the Corninittee on Military Atfsirs.
On motion by Mr. Watson,
The Senate resolved into socrct legislative session.
Thc doors having been opened,
On notion by Nir. Maxwell,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate proceeded to consider thc motion snhuittcd by MY.

Henry 011 yesterday to rc~coiisidcrthe vote on passing thc bill (S. 105)
to authorize the exportation of cotton by the s c r c r d States iii payment for army and otiier supplies and cotton and wool cards; :itid
The motion was disagreed to.
Mr. Caperton submitted tlic following resolution for considcr,zt1011:
Resolved, That the Gonilinittee on llie Judiciary be instructed to bring in a bill foi
w, with the satlie pro\ ithe snspenuion of thc privilcp of the writ of halieas
t c w t l i (lay of I:cl)ruar\ ,
sions which were 111 thc itc t approved tlir
penLt tlir? privilege of the
eighteen hanilred niitl sixt? -four, c i 1 tit1i.d (Aii act t
writ of lrttbcas co11)os i n certain CXHCS.

On motion by MI-. Sp:trrow,

The Sonate r e s o l \ d info cxcvsutivc.

MY. S1):ii~row,from tho Conirriitl

Mi1it:try Afl:iirs, t o whoin
wero r e f e r i ~ d(on thc 2tst :itid 24th
it) thc noniin;~t,ionsof , J a : i i c ~ i
ith rank of ctipt:kiii, :wtl
W. Terrell, to be iissihtni
of Thomas I). rJohtlston, to be :th h is tiin t coiiiniiss:try, with rank o f <*ill)tRiii, i~lported,with the rccoinmcndation that wid noniinntioiw
The Senate procceded to cwnsidcr xiid report; and in conriirr~n(~~
therewith, it was
Eewlved, That tho S C J l i L h advise and conscnt to their appointincnt,
agreeably to the nornintLtiori of the lresident.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

Nov. 2S1 1864.1



28, 1864.

Mr. Garland submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resolced, That the Committee on Finance be in tructed to inquire into the expediency of aiit1iori;sin~and directing money collector iri all localities to take up receipts
i n the hands of all those producer3 who have, tt ~ m g hignorance, paid their tax in
kind in good faith to unauthorixetl persons for the use of the Briny, and to give credit
for such receipts in satiifaction of the iiioncy value.

Mr. Gnihnd (by Ictzvc) introduced

A bill (S.118) to prevent comp:inics, associations, or persons, unlezs
employed by the Post-OEce Dcqxirtnient, from carrying letters, papers,
OY any niailable aiattcy \vhiite\.er;
which wtis reud thc first and second timw md referred to the Committee on thc Judiciary.
Mr. IIaltev submitted the following repolation; which was considered
:ind agreed to:
Resolred, That the Coininittee on Military Affairs be instructed to inquiie iuto the
expetlirncsy of allowing transportation to officers tiavcling with leave of absence.

Mr. Mnxwell preseiited the petition of adjutants of certain Blo~ida

reginicnts, praying a n inrrcase of rank f o r th:Lt c1:w of officers, and
that they be placed in thc line of proinotion; which was referred to
thc Coniniitttc on Militarj A1E:iirs.
Mr. Hill resented thr mciriovinl of the adjutants of the regiincnts
composing Eo~quitt'xiwigade, prtiyiiig that tlic. rfLn~<
of adjtitnntr may
be raised to that of aLpt:iirr of inf:mtry, and t h t they he plticcd in thc
line of promotion, 01' thnt they be inc~ludcd in the bill organizing n
general h n ' , with the rank of captain of c:iv:ili*y; which was referred
to the Coniniittce on Military ilffairs.
Mr. Scmnics subniittcd tlic follon ing r ~ ~ s o l ~ i t iwhich
~ n s ; w(?rc sever:dIy c-onsidorcdm d ngi-ecdto:
a t tlic I'rcsitioiit of tlic Coiifctlcrate States bcl rrqneuted to iii form the
house ot tiit> city of ~ t i d i r i i o n d heretofore
r r t l \\ ouiidctl offifiers of the A i i r i y , has beeu diverted
troiii wch uw, and, if 80, t h e rea+oris therefor; ant1 whetliw atityuate pro\ ision has
i)w,ti i i i a d r [or thc coiiifort'ible Rc,c.oiiiirioc\atioiiof such ollicrrs.
/ < ~ w l w dThat
t h e ('oiiinrittc~e o i i the .Judiciary be directed to iuquire into the
tsxpetliciicy of t~stxblishiiig:i(:oiifedtwte court for that portion of Louisima east of
tIie hIissis;ipl)i ]ti\
cIuring the witr.
( b r

Mr. C:ymton siibnrittrd t h r fo~lowiiigrwolutions; which were sevcrdly coiixiclt~rrdtml :igrrcd to:
l i r d i ~ ~That
l , thv Coinniittt~c~
ou Fi
tl to inquire into the expedi17 of nllowing fnrtlicr t i i i i v foi thtl (
iry notes of the old issue for
nt& of thc 1WW i w i ( s to noltliczrb airti
nltderatc. States now held as
Ilriwtiers by thv (;o\ eruiiieiit oi the United States, or who Iiavc. 1 ) t ~ ~ rccently
c s clianged.
li'esoltml, That fhc>Coiniiiittcc on Military Affairs be inxtructctl to inquire into the
c.xpcdic.ncy of pro\ itliiig 1)y luw for tlie proiiiotioii of :idjutants of rcyziineiits to the
rank of captitiiis.

A rnrssngc from t h e 1Iouse of Keprcscritatiws, by MI-. 1)alton:

d/?. /'vsci!un/: Thc~S p ~ a k r rof tlie 1 toust~of Rtyreseiitatires hariug signed two
enrollrti bills, 1 an). ciirertecl to bring theiii to the Senate for tlie signature of their



28, 1864.

Mr. Barnwell, from the Cornm

on Finance, to whom was referred the bill (S. 84) to constr
nd declare more explicitly the
meaning of an act to increase the compensation of the heads of tlie
several Executive Departments and the Assistant Secretary of War
and the Treasury and of the Assistant Attorney-General and the Coniptroller of the Treasury and other oficcrs therein named, approved
J u n e 14, 1864, reported it with an amcndment.
Om?e?*ad,That the bill arid amendnient be printed.
Mr. Walker, from the Committee on the Judiciary, to whoni was
referred the bill (S. 107) to provide supp1it:s for the Arniy, atid to
prescribe the inode of tnaking impressnients, I eported it, with aiiieiidntents.
Ordtmd, That tlic bill :~nd:imendnients bc printcd.
Mr. Dortch, from tlie Coininittee on Conim.rce to whom was referred the bill (S.92) to exempt the cargoes of v els owned 1)sthe
States of the Confederacy fi-om existing restrictio upo1i exports and
imports, rcportcd j t with un amcndnicnt.
O~dmcd,Lhat thc bill and aiiiciidniciitJbe printed.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Conitriittca on Military Affairs, to wliom mas
referred the joint resolution (l.It. 19) of thanks to Gcii. N. 13. Forrest
and the officers and iiicn of his conimand, reported i t without :tinetidment.

The Senate proceeded, : ~ sin Coniniittec of thc Wholc, to tlic (>onsideration of the said rcsolution; nnd no mii(~iic1nieritI)eing proposad,
it was reported to tlic Scn:itc.
Ordewc7, Ihat it pass to :L third re:tding.
Tho said resolution w:is m i d tlic third tiinc.
Besolved, That it p t ~ w .
Oydered, lhst the Secret:~ryinform tlic I lorw of 1ieproscntntivc.s
The Senate rcsr~ined,RS i n Coinniittc.e of
\Vholc, tlic considcr:ttion of the bill (S.87) for wtcnding tlic :LS
Army to all citizens of t,lie Corilrdrfiitc St:i
On uiotion I)g Mr. Sp:iri*ow,
il, That t tic firrthcr consitlcixtion tlicwol I)c I)oqtl)oiwtl iint,il
the Hecotltl Rlotld:Ly in I ) c ~ w ~ ~ ) c PIlc.xt.
r >
Lhe Yoiititc rcsuined,
i n Coniuiittw of tlic \ Y I i o h , the. (wtisidputtion of tlic 1)ill (S.$ 5 ) d(~cl:Lt*irig
four p i * tvnt I)ontls : i i ~ dv(>rtilic:it(lh
tliei.ofor rccci\v~t)lei n p:tyin(?nt of :dl tnscs l u c and p:Ly;Lhle f o r the
ycal 1Sti 4; nnd
otioii by 11/11.. Sininis,
w/, lliat, thc f w t l i c ~ rc,oirsitIc.i.iLtioti I,lic\rc~)fI)c postpoiicd r i n t i I
rho S(xn:Ltt> procccdctl to coiisit1t.r h e tnotion subniittttl I)y Mr.
Sp:wrow, f r o n i tliti ( h i m i
on h1ilit:ii.y Affriirs, o t i t h 2hth inqt:Lnt,
that tlic. s:iitt coinnrittcc t)c ti is(~1i:ti~gwI
frorii tlie ftilotli(.r c-oir\idt\r:ttioll
)lutioii xribiuittcd I)y hlr. Orr on the Mtli i n h n t , inquiring
whether tho latc order, No. 77, Adjutnnt and Inqxxtor (icncmls
Department, rcvoking the dctails of all n m between 18 and -1-3,
requires any ~rioditicat,ionhy 1cgi4Ltioii to prcserve the prod:Jcing and
of tlw country; :%lid

consitlrration Lhcivof bc podponed


Nov. 28,1864.1



Mr. Dortch, from the conimittee, reported that they had examined
and found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
S. 90. An act, to a m ~ n dthe third section of an act entitled "An act'
to organize forces to mrvc during the war," approved February 17,
1864; and
S. 91. A n act t o authorize the Secretary of the Trensury t o exchange
coupon bonds for 7.30 Treasury notes.
The President pro tempore having signed the enrolled bills last
reported t o have been exaiiiined, they were delivered to the Secretary
of the Senate and by hini forthwith presented to the President of the
Confedcrate States for his approval.
The Senate resumcd, as in ( h i m i t t e e of the Whole, the consideration o f the bill (S. 109) to amend an act entitled "An act to increase
the efficiency of the Ariiiy by the em loyinent of free rieproes and
slaves in certain capacities," approved Sebruarg 17, 1 864.
On rriotioii by Xr. (hpc.rton, to nrtiertd the hill by inserting at the
end of the second section thcl following proviso:
Prouicled, T h a t the slaves PO inipressed shall not be employed for any other than
the purposes contcinplattcd by this aiid prcvious laws,

I t was determined in the afinnative.

On motion by Mr. Garl:ind, to aiiiend tho bill by inserting a t thc
end of the second scction the following additional proviso:
I'roiGZed ,further, That niitlcr nu circuinstnncee shall the Socrctary of War be
allowed to keep in scrvicc. i i i o r e thnii forty tlioasitiirl slaves for tlie purposes indicated
in this act,

It mab dettmnincd in the ncptivc.

On motion by Mr. Scniiti~c1,
Onkcred, 'Fhst the f1irtlicr conric1rr:ttioti of the bill be povtponcd
until to-morrow.
On motion by h h . Caperton,
Senate resolvctl into srcrct lcgislittivc s
1 he doors having hccn opcnecl,
On niotion b y hlr. Qrnham,
'I'hc 8cn:itc adjourned.

Mr. Scniiiics htil)iniLLcd tho following rrsolution; which was considered aiid tigreed to:
I!c~solwd,TIi:Lt tho Coiuinittee on Naval Affairs I)e insti ucted l o inyuire into the
exlwtlirriry o f snspcwlinp :iI)E)ror)?i"tioii~for the (oiibtiuctioii of vessels ol war and
of Iiiriiting t h c optratious of 1110 Na\ a1 Ifcprtinent tliirinp the war.

Air. Brown submitted the f'olloiving rcsolution; which was considered

:tiid q r c e d to:
Affairs be instructed to inquire into the
couin~iwioiiereabroad to engage skilled inechaiiics in
tlie Coiifctlciate Stater, under assiiraiices that they shall
i1)Ciisatioiia i d cwiistaiit enrploymt~ntin the service of the Government, and that t1ic.y shall bc eucinpt lrorn riiilittlry tliity.
J<eso/wt/, That thv Coniiirittc~eon Naval


(1 w i i i v 10

'L'hc Sciintc pi-ocecdrcl to cotisidcr tho resolution submitted by Mr.

CaperLon on tho 95th inbt:int, instructing the Committee on the Judic.ia1.y to bring in n ])ill for the snspcnsion of the privilege of the writ
of halwas corpus; mid
Air. Cttpertoii (hy Iwve) \c itiidrcw the resolution.




29, 1864.

Mr. Cn erton (by leave) introduced

. A hill
119) to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus


in certain cases;
which mas rend the first and second times arid referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.
On motion by Mr. Caperton,
Oyadewd, That t h e conmiittee be instructed to report the bill at :is
carly n day as practicahle.
On niolioti by Mr. I3rown,
The Senate resolved into executive session.


Mr. Ihown, from the Coininittee on Naval Affairs, t o whom werv

referred (on the 10th inshnt) the noininations of ,John \ViSkin\(
Beverly Kennon, 2i:nens Anri,strong, Edward Lakin, and ,John IJen
to he first lieutenants; Orris A. Srowne, ,John T. Mason, Kaph:wl
Moses, and Willimi W. Willrinson, to be inastcrs, in the linc of promotion; 11. It. Gibhes and Charles M. Morfit, to be passed aS,sist:Lnt stir; ,John 13. Tuclter, Howell A. Vcnalsle, George C. Ilanicl,
aines Ci. Thoinas, and Lhoiixis ,J. Wlircdcn, to be assistant suqyons;
Thonins P. 13~rry,Nelson rift, and William 13. Run~7:tn,to be assi\tnnt
aymasters; Charles 11. Levy, Loudc
ilpbcll, J. J . D;L~cJ,
bilson ~ o u n g b ~ o oto
d , i w cliief engiii
i the frovisional Navy,
reported, with the recommendation tl
of said noiiiinatioiis I)(>
The Senate proceetlcd to coirvidcr said report; : ~ n din (wnciirr(~iiw
therewith, it was
12osoZved, Thtit t h e Senatr advise an? consrnt to their :Lppoiiitiiicnt,,
agreeably to the nomination of the lrcsiclcrit.
On motion by Mr. Caprrton,
I).rdm7tl, Lhat tho injniiction of swrrcy be r.emorcd from tlic proceedings of thc Senatc upon t,hc iioniinations of T. K. D u n n ;tnd ,J. 11.
Miu~foril,-wlio TVOIO non:in;iLctf for sworitl 1icwtcn:ints in thc I h t
Virginia l3tLttdit~non the Loth day of M:~rcli, 1 S W .
On niotion by MI.. Cnpcrton,
r >
I h e Senrtte rosolvcd into ol)rn Icgis1:itivc. s(



Mr. W~uwell(by leave) introdnocd

A bill (S. 120) to grwiit cioniiiiut:ition :ind nl1oilr:~ncesto n:~v:tls t o w
kerpcrs ;
wi1ic.h wis road tha first and srcond tintcs and referred to the Coininittee on Nziv:il A h i p s .
Mr. dohnson of Mismiri submit tcil the following wsolution; which
was considered and :Lgrecd to:
Resolved, That the Coininittt~011 Finance be instructed to inquire. into the espe
dienc.y of :illowing e:ic>lic8ler.k ant1 ol1rc.r eriiployee in thc. rerviw of tlic Coiifctlcr:ite
States, irr tlic city of R i c ~ l i n i o i i d ,t o pnrchase one' ration froiii the cwniiriissary of



Nov. 20, 1861.1


On motion by Mr. Barnwell,

O.rdmd, T ha t the Committee on Finance be discharged from the
further consideration of the resolution submitted by Mr. Caperton
yesterday, inquiring into the expediency of allowing soldiers and citizens of the Confederate States now held :is prisoners by the Government of the United States, or who have been recently exchanged,
further time for the exchange of Treasury notes of the old issue for
notes of the new issue.
O n motion by Mr. Hxi~nwcll,that the Coriimittee on Finance be dischurged froiii the iurthcr consideration of tJheresolution submitted by
Mr. Hill on the !Mi instant, inquiring into the expediency o f providing l).y law foi. thc I* ipt, in papirient of taxes and other public dues,
of ccrtiticatcs aid ht&d a(:coitiits given by tho authorized agents of
the Governiiic>iitfor property and supy1ic.s itnl)rcssed or purchased for
the iisc of thc R i * r t i j r :tiid the Goycrnment,
On niotioti I)y MI.. 13:irtrwcll,
Ort70wt/, Ihat thc f u r t h e r coiisidcration thcreof be postponed until
MY.Scniiiicb, f totn thc: Cointilitlee on Firiaiiw, to whom w&sreferred
the joint t.csolution (S. 17) re1:itivo to the assessrtteiit of the value of
thc tnx in kiiid, rcportcd
A hiII (S. l e t ) declaring the inodc of :iw~rt:ijningthe value of tho
tittio dc1ivc~r:iblcto the Govcrniiient undor misting laws;
which wis r c d tlic. firht, :~ii(l,scc~)ndtitiiw atid ordered t o be plwed
I I )n tlic C:d c u c h 1 :I tit1 printed.
Mr. W:Llkci., frwin tlic Corniuittec on the .Tndicinrg, to whom was
i ~ ~ f ~ t thc
w v lbill (S. 97) to pr(>vctiLilhyil iinprcxs~netrtsarid to punish
, wportcd it wit ti :in aiiic~irtlrnciit.
O ~ d e w d ,Ilint the ))ill :itid :iiti(~iitlttic~nt,
i)c iwinted.
111~ Son:itc r ~ ~ i i i i i ( ~:is
c 1 , in Coiiuiii ttcc of t,Iw \\;hole, the consider:if i o n of tho I)ill (S. 85) dee1:Lriiig foiw pcr cent bonds r~ndccli.tifiaitcs
thri.c:For rweiviihlo in payment o f :ill t:ises iliic. : i d p:i~d&3fort h e
yc:~r I S M ; ant1 no Iurthcr imictitltiicnt being p t q o w d , it, wis itported
to t l i e Sotint(. and the anic:tidiiteiit 1n:~dc:IS i ti Coniniittco of thc Whole
w:ic: coiic~iirrcclin.
O l ~ wd,
Lhat tlic bill bc rngm d and i ~ n da third time.
llic $:Lid bill w i s i*eadtlic third tiiiic :in(( thc t it,lc w:i$ xmended,
R , w / i w J , That>itJ pis\, : ~ t i dtlt:it t IN. titlc thvrro w An act dcclaring foiu*pc:r ccwt Iwiitls :d
wrt,ilic:ttcs tticrelor rc ivahlc in piyinent
of t,:ixrs on incoiiic~s:nid ptwtits :iud sa1:irics for tli car cightecii liuntt t v d :LIi t 1 six ty-iorri*.)
O t ~ t h v d ,That ~ I I PSccLl*ct:ir.y I 1iiect tlic coiiciirrence of the House
of litprcscnttitivcs tlwrcin.
r \
1 ho Sen:ita w w n i t d , as in Cottiinit
of tlir Whole, the considcrnlion of tho bill (S. lo!)) to : i i i i ( ~ i i d :in act ctititlccl An tiet to incimist.
the c.llicicncy 01 tho Ariiiy hy the c~niployiiicntof free iieyroes and

c:ip:icitiw, : t p p r o v d lcl)rii:iry 17, 1864; :inti

by Mr. sparrow,
Ilint it 1)c rccwiiirtiitted to tlic Coinmittee on Military

it1 wrt:iiii

A tf:~i 1s.
Iho Senate rcsuinccl, :LL~ in Committcc of tho IVhole, the considerat i o i i o f tlrc ioint rcwliitiott (S. 16) defining the position of thc ConfedC r i L t c Sttitw, :itid dcc.liiriiig the tlcterniination of thc Congress a n d the


[Nov. 30,1RG4.

people thereof to prosecute the war till their independence is acknowled ed; and
motion by MY. Haynes,
Oradered, That it be referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.
On motion by Mr. H a y e s ,
The Senate adjourned.


30, 1864.

Mr. 13aker (by leave) introdixced

A bill (S. 122) regulating tlie coiiipensatiori of postmasters, special
a ents, arid route agents;
w ich was read the first and second titiles i d referred to the Committee on Post,-Offices and P o s t - b i d s .
On motion by Mr. Graham,
Ordered, That the Hon. \Villimi T. Dortch have leave of abscnce
from the sessions of the Senate until Monday, the 12th day of Deccmber next.
R h . Orr, from the Conimitteo on Foreign Ilelntions. who ~vcrc
instructed by :I resolution of the Sentitc t o k l ) o r t the facts, so f:Lr as
they tan be obtained, relative to the lawleh8 seizure : ~ n daiptiirc of the
Confederate stearner FloridR, in the Rity of 13aIii>L,IZrxzil, and whiit
action should be l:ilien by the Governriient to rudrchs tlic oiitixg~,
submitted a rcport (No. ti), acconqmnied by the following rwoliitions:

Rtsoli~d,That the seizure of the Confcdrratt?war stearner Floridi&b y t h c [nit

Sttttes steaiii sloop Waclirisetl, in the Bay of IMiia, on the seventh of Oc.tol,rr I:tst, u
il flagr?.rantoutrage upon the tcriitoiial YO\ cieigiity of I$rahl, violiL(i\ of the rights
this Ciovrrnnient in iicutral watcrs, i n tliriegard of the law of nittioil+,and, t I i ~ ~ ~ c ~ i o ~ v ,
a wrong dono to cvcry civilized niaritiiiie pov er.
Rmolved, That, it w w tlie d u t y of Hraxil, iuitlcr tlic law o f iiitionq, to protect t

property of the Coiifetlcrak States wliilvt within its tcrritory aqninat the liostil(~ 1 ~
of every power; and having h i l d to ~ I Wsnc+ protwtion, t l i d tliat (;ovtw~tiierlt
bound to onlorce the rwtitutiori, iir stittri qw), c ~ ftlic sttwii(3r Florida Ity t h c iuitlro
ties of the United States to the ;iuf horitiw of the Chirfetlrmtu Xt:itrb, i n tlic I h y of
Ihhia, wlrero i t xias unln\rfully cq)tiirctl.
hesohu~d, liist thtt Prc&l(wt of tlic Corifct1cr:ite States be rrqwstcd to
niunictitctl to all our coin tiiiqsiotic1r.r ahn~:itlit f r i l l h t ( s i r i e n t ol tlic illtkgxl
capture of the Noridii, togc~tlrerwitli tlrv o p i n i o i i y 01 tlriv (i~i\wrnnieiit011 t
and that said ~ o n i i n i s ~ i o i i eI Pr ~instrricttd to bring tlrc sailit to tlie :ittm
Governments of 1Surol)c in w l r i c ~ l ithey rq)cc.tivel~rcvitl(..

On niotioii L J Mr.
Ot&md, That tho rcsolutions ; ~ n dreport I)c p1:~ccvliqmi the ~ h l c ~ n dnr arid printod.
Orr, from tlic Coniiiii
on korclign Itelat io ns, i-cported
A joint resolution (S. 18) authorizing t h e :q~>pointnicnl,
of a ooniniissioner to Bntzil;
which was read thc lirst and sccond tiniw :Lnd o~*dercdto bc placed
upon the Calendar.
Mr. Sparrow, froin the Coniniittcc on Military Affairs, to whoin
was referred the bill (S. 95) to amcrid tlic: :I& that m i L l < ( > a further
ision for the public dcfensc, rcportcd it>with an aiiiondnicnt.
inotion by Mr. S p ~ r r o w ,
Ordmd, That tho bill be transferred to the Secret 1~ogisl:Ltivc

Nor. 30,1864.1



The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consicleration of the hill (S. 84) t o construe and declare more explicitly the
meaning of an act to increase the compensation of the heads of the
several Executive Departments and the Assistant Secretary of War
and the Treasury and of the Assistant Attorney-General and the
Comptrollei- of the Treasury and other officers therein named,
approved ,June 11, 1864; and tho reported amendment having been
agreed to, the bill was reportcd to the Seiiatc and the amendment was
concurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time and the title was amended.
d, T h a t i t pass, and that the title thereof be An act to regulate, for a liinited period, the compen&ion of the o%cem, clerks, and
eniployees of the civil departinerlts of Ihe Government in the city of
O d m e d , That the Secretary request the conwrrenw of the House
of Ihpresentatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 92) to exempt the cargoes of ressels owned by
the States of the Confederacy from existing restrictions upon exports
and imports; and
On motion by Mr. Rarnwell,
Ordeyed, That the further consideration thereof be postponed uri ti1
A message from tlic IIouvc of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:
Mr. Iresidwt: The Z-Iouseof Representativev haw passed bills of the following titles;
in which they request thv coiiciirretiw of the Reiiate:
1. It. 190. A n :rct conccrning the riiioluiiienta arid pay of the clerk of the district
court of tlre Confederate State? of Anic~icafor the eartcrn district of Virginia, and
I I . It. 214. An act to tlefiire antl pnnislr conspiracy against the Confederate States.
A i d they have pt~ssc?da resolution providiiig f o r a joint committee of the two
IIuuses respecting tlre esrnrptioii of Statc oficers froiir military service; in which
they request t h e conciirreiwe of tlrr Scwtte; arrtl they have appointed, as the coinnrittee on thcir part, Rkssrs River, T,yoii, J. &I. Siiritli, Marshall, Boyce, Kenner,
Giliner, Clark, Batsoti, I i ~ ~ e b l Seuton,
Jliltoii, and Orr

A message from the lresident of the Confederate States, by Mr.

13. N. Harrison, his Secrctary:
MI-. P1-eside71t. The Iresiilent of
Confederate States, on the 28th instant,
approved antl signed the following ir
fi. 90. A n act to artiend the third section of an act entitled An act
forces to t,crve (luring tlic war, approved February 17, 1864; and
S. 91. A n act to anthorize the Secretary of the Trcasury to exchange coupon bonds
for 7.30 Treasury notes.

O,*iZpiwl, That the Secr&ry inform the House of Iiepresentatives

t hcPc~of.
Ihc 8cti:Lto prwecded, as in Corninittcc of the Whole, to the consid(>rationof the bill (S. 121) declaring the niode of asccrtairiirig tlie value
of tlic tithc doliverihlc to the Govcrnrrient undcr existing laws; and
h:Lviiig I)ecn atnendod on the niotion of Mr. Semriies, by inserting after
ih:Lt. line 1, the words according to the true construction of existing laws, thc hill was reported to the Senate and the arriendment was
concurred in.
Oyderecl, That the bill hc engrossed and i w d a third time.
The said hill IVBS read the thtrd time and the title was amended.
Resobued, Tliat it pass, and that the title thereof be An act declar-

NOV. 30,



30 1

SEC.2. That companies, battalions, or regiments thus raised shall he organizpd as

now provided by law, t o serve (luring the war; and the Iicqideiit is hereby authorized to appoint the cornmissiontd nficelr of such organizations by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate.

On motion by Xr. Orr, to aiiiend the aiiiendiiicnt by inserting at

the end of the first section the words including the battalion organi x t d by Captain J. 1. Broolss,
It mas determined in the nifirniative.
The amcndrncnt as ainended ~ v a sthen agreed to.
S o further anieridIiiciit being iiiadc, the bill was reported to the
Senate arid the :mendnient was conciirred in., That the bill be engro,ssed mid re:~da thiid time.
T h e said bill was re:d the third time and the title was amended.
Besolwd, Thtit i t pass, mid that the title thereof bo An act to
amend thc act to organize forces to scrvc dwiirg thc war.
Owiercd, That the Secretary retiticst thc concurience of thc House
of 12cprcscntatives therein.
On motiori by Mr. Spsirrow,
O7&lcrctl, That thc Committee 01
Atfairs be discharged
from the furtlror consideration of
gc of the Iresidcnt of
our Army of prisoners
tlw 24th instant, relative to the euli\
of war .iirlro have t&en tlic o:tth o :dlcgianoc t o the Confederate States.
O n iuotiou 1)y 1411.. Rnrnctt,
ihe Scnate resolved into opcn Icgi4xtiw

[Nov. 30, 1864.

of the Confederate States of America, for duty i\ ith medlcal purveyors arid reserve
ambulance trains, Army of Northern Virginis, to rank November 5, 18M.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Smettcry of Tlio.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.



Ricl~inond,L170ienaher 29, I&;$.

To lhe ASmate qf the CoiLfedernte States:

Agreeably to the recommendation of t h r Swretary of War, I nominate t h e offiwrs
on the accompanying list to the lank affixed to their names, rrspeotiwly
No. 24.1
SIR:I have the honor to rcc*omn~end
tlic hllowing noniinations lor l)roniotion
the Provisional Ariiiy of the Confdwatt. States of .Inieriat.


( ~IIlOllC~l.

Lieut. Col. Peter Snyder, of ArkansaP, to I)(> tw1oiit.l Srwntli .\rkaiisas lic.gimcnt,
vice Golone1 Gillespie, tleceaned, to rank Iioin Ot+obcr 25, 1883.

Beryy, of Kentnclry, to be assistant coniinis~ary,witk; rank of bptaiii in th(. Irovisional Army of thc Collft.duratc Stittes of America.

Nov. 30, 1864.1



No. 28.1


Richmond, hrovember 28, 1864.
Sin: I have the honor to reconimeiid the nomination of Robert Berry, of Kentucky,
to be assistant comniissarg, with rank of captain in the Provisional Army of the
Confederate States of Airierica, for duty with Second Kentucky Cavalry Regiment,
to rank from Soveniber 23, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedienl servant,
AYecretury of War.
To His Excellency J I
m A R ~)EPAI1ThlENT,

E x w i m v i c I h ~ r ~ ~ R r a i( s: OsN~I ~, . ~ ~ : I ) I G T LSTdvrm
IZic/eiiond, Arove7nhe7 89, !%h.
To the ,%in/r oj the (hn,ferlerti,rr iStnles:
~ i g r e d ) l yl o tlic rc~coiiiirit~ntlati~~ii
of t,lic Secret.iuy of War, I noniinat.e the officers
on t l i t s accoiiipanying list to tlie rank affixed to their nanies, respectively.
KO. 25.1
, C l c ~ ~ r . r : i i i s ~ n . rSTATES
Xicliwioiid, I\ocember 28, I A K ~ .
SII~:I have thc honor to rt+comrrientl the following noininations for appointment
in tlic Prorisioid Aririy of the Confederate St,ates of Aiiierica:

- 1ids-de-cnnlp -j;

lie UfP~LU7t1S.

of Virginia, aid to Brig. Gen. J. C. Vaughn, Department of Western

Tennessee (an origha.1 ~acancy), to rank from November 11,1864.
ers, uf North Carolina, aid to Urigadier-(;eneraI Gartrell, Army of
Tciinosscv~( i c i i original mraiicy), to rank froiii November 2, 1864.
o f Kciitncky, aid to Brigadier-General Duke, Ikpartment of Western
m d Ihst Jeniiessc~:(ail original vacancy), to rank froin Puorember 23, 1864.
~ c w i ~ i a 1 of
1 , Virginia, aid to Urigadier-(~eneralSteuart, Army of Northern
\,ire. I,ieutciinnt Steuart, tleceased, to rank froiii October 27, 1864.
niu, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Srcrc/nr!j of W ( x 7 .

To the Siw,.rle (if /ha Cmfitlertrtc


tbly to tlie r.ccoriir~~er~da.tioii

o f the Secretary of ITar, I nomiriatc Capt. John
e, of South Carolina, to I)e pr~itriotetl to iiiajor,
missary Department,
,ovisioiitil driuy of the Coilfederate States o f Anie


KO. 7.1


11 nRlARrzrlcNT, ~k)NaEl)lCI<AlESTATICS OF l i M E R I C A ,

Kiclt i noritl, Ao c m i Bw 98, 186.4.

ionor t,o r w o t i ~ i i i ~ : i i1110
~ l noniinntioii of Capt. J o h n A. Bowie, of
be i)ronioted major, ~ h i i i i n i r ~ a rIkpartiireiit,
in the Provisional
d c w i t c ~States of Americ*a,for diity with Gists brigade, Army of
ajor T)c:criiig, trmsferrctl to l h ~ i c ~ t i division,
to rank from

I iun, sir, respcctfnlly, yonr

obedient, servant,

rSecretary of Wmr.

Pr&dent, elc.

To th,e Bnnte


Richmond, hoceniher 50, 1864.

tlie Chfetlertrlc &tales:
t,he rt~.commendatioiiof the Secretary of War, I nominate St. Clair
ec*ondlioiit,enaiit, Corps of Cavalry, in the A r i r i y of the Confederate

States of America.



Agreeably to thc rccomnic.ndatiori ni t h c Rccrctxry of War, I iioininate J . I!.

Ansleg, of Georgia, to be niilitnqr storekeeper, with pay arid allowance of captain of

Nov. 30, 1864.1



infantry in the Provisional Army of the Confederatt. States of America (under act
approved J u n e 4, 1864).
No. 20.1
l?ic.limond, noc~mber33, 1864.
SIR:1have the honor to recoinmend the noriiination of J. U. Ansley, of Georgia,
to be a military storekeeper, with pay arid allowancc of captain of intantry (under
act approved dune 4, 1864) in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of
Anierira (an original vacancy), to date from November 10, 1861.
1 am, bir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
JBAI1<;8 A . SF,DI)OE,
&retarj o j War.
To Ifis Excellency .T
President, ptc.
Riclmontl, ~ o v r m h w26, 1864.
T o thc Srnctte of the Coiqederrctc States:
Agrcieably to the rwomrnendation of thc Secretary of War, I noininate the officers
on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respectively.
No. 18.1
12ic!imoritl, Novemhar 23, 1864.
SIR.I have t h e honor to reconinieritl the following nqiiiiriatioiis for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Maj. S. J C. Diinlop, of Georgia, to hc coloiit.1 Forty-sixth Grorgia Regiment, vice

(:oloiiel (olqnii t, decc%sc~l,:~iiclthc lieuterinrit-coloiiel found incompetent, to rank
from Jaiiunry 19, 1MX.

Maj. 15. 13. Witlicrh, of X+h Carolin:i, to I w 1it.iitciiniit-c,oloiictTliirteenth North

ItoptLrs, retirctl, to ritrili from October
CamliniL Itc~ginwnt,vicc I~ieutcnant-Colorit~l
19, 1861.


Capt. I\. \V. MrJktnid, of Georgia, to I)(? mijor, Col)bs f,cgion (infantry), vice
Major C:oiiywR, killed, to rank froiii >lay 12, 1Mi-k.
Capt. .To1111 S. Norris, of (icBorgia, to bil niajor, Jhillips 1,egion (infantry) , vice
Major Ilamilton, proniotctl, to rank froiii I)ec*eiiiber31, 1863.
I, of South Chrohna, to be niajor ISighteentli South Carolina
r fiIcArthnr, dropped, to rttnlr froill October 26, 1864.
cctfully, your obedient servant,

Akretary of War.

)NIWIT)EIthTl: STAT% OP A h E R I r A ,

Richmond, hTot*entber96, 1864.

Agicca1)ly to tile rccoiiiiric~ntlatioriof thr Secretary of War, I iioniinate R. B.

IIoylstoii, of 8011th Carolina, to be ineniber military vourt, with rank of colonel of
cavalry in the Provisional Aririy of the Uonfetlerate States of Americ*a.
C ~ N F E D E\m:
~?iehmond,hroto.LenzberM ,1564.
SIR.I 1 1 ~ 11ie
~ 7 lionor
to recoininend the nomination of It. B. Boylston, of South
Carolina, to be ineinber of military court, with rank of colonel of cavalry (foi duty
C J--\OL

No. 19.1



with court, nepartment of South Carolina, (korgia, and Florida) in the Provisional
Ariny of the Confederatt, States of limerica, J7ic.e Col. James ~ i m o r i s ,declined, to
date froin November 11, 1864.
I a i i ~sir,
respcctfully, your obedient servant,
Eeerelurtj o j War.
To His Excellency JEPPERSOX
lreszdent, etc.

The messages ~ v e r eread.

Ordered, That they be referred to t,he Coininittcc on Military
Thc following message was remired from the President of the Confederate States of America, 1337 Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

IIIlJltSDhY, 1)


Oll{::N S158SlON.

Mr. M~allrci.(I)y leave) int,rodnccd

1Z;i) t o iac,giil:ttctlic corriprnsntion nnd niilcnge of memhcw
tlririiig the sccond y e w of the Second Congi*css;
which W:LS i * c ~ 1~Iw
d first :ind sccontf t h s :ind rcferrcd to the Corniriittcc on Biiiniict..
Mi.. Johnson of Gwrgia (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 124) to mucnd tho scvcral acts now of force on the subject
of irnpressiiicrits, and to dotincb what is .just cwrnpensation;
which was read tho first and sccond times and refcrred to the Cornmittee on the Judiciary.


Dee. 1. 1864.1


On motion by Mr. Burnett, that the Committee on Claims be discharged froin the further consideration of the petition of J. Rodgers
and twcnty-seven otliers,
On motion by Mr. Watson,
Ordewd, That the flirther consideration thercof he postponed until
to-morro w.
The Senate rcsumcd tlic corisideration of the resolution of the
Housc of Representatives, lwovidirig for R joint committee of the tmo
Houses rcspecting the cseiiiption of State oEecrs rom military
service; :mCl
On iiiotion hg Mr. (:r:Lham,
Ohdcred, That it lie upon tlic tnhlc.
Mr. Hill prcseentcd the nicinori:il o f J:inies 11:. Godfrcy, naval storelreepcr at Savttiindi, (h.,
and thc clerks in his ofice, praying an
increase of conipeniution; which was referred to tho Committee on
Naval Affairs.
T h e Senate proceeded, :LS in Committee of the Whole, to the considoration of thc bill (S. 107) to providu supplios for the Army, and to
pixxcribc the iriodc of making imprcssnicnts; and
On iiiotioii by Mr. WiiLIBer,
Owhred, That the further cousidcration tliercof be postponed until
Riloriday next.
Tlic Seni~tc,procccdctl, :I\ in Coinmittee of the Whole, to the considwittion of the I)ill (Y. 97) to piwcnt illcgd inipressnients and to pun( j d ( J i w / 7 h i t t 11o f urt 11 c t* cons idcmtiou t h
of bc postponed until
Mot 1d i 13 I I x t .
0 1 1 iuotiori 1j-y Mr. I rill,
Ihc Sott:itc rcsolvotl into
rrt 1cgisl:itivc scssion.
r ,
I ho doors hviiig I)rc.ti olwiictl,
0 1 1 i i i o t i o n Ity hlr. Iiill,
Tlic Scnato :Lcljorirntd.


[Dec. 1,1864.


the further consideration of the message of the President of the 10th

of November last, in relation to a conspiracy in certain counties of
southwestern Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate rcsolved into executive session.

The following message was reccived from the Yrcsidcnt of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Scvrctttry:

STATE:^ o r Aimrtrca,



BichnLrmd, AovoveiidJer $0, 1864.

To the Xenata of the ConfetlcrtrlP Nicks:

Agreeably to the reronitnendation of tlie Secretary of llar, I nominate Col. Benjamin J. Hill, of Tennessee, to t ~ ~,nfiatliri-general,
\\ it11 ternporary rank (under
act approved May 31, 1864), 111 the Pio\risional Aiiiiy of the Confcdrrate States of

SIR: I have the honor t? rcc~on~inrntl

the nomination of Col Rcnjaniin -1.Hill, of
Tennesset., to be hrigndier-a~.r~t.ritl,with te~iiporary rank (iindtxr act approved
May 31, 186-4), in the Pro\ isionnl AIWJJof the (hifedcrate States of America, to
raise troops in Icnntwce within the e11e1nyslines, to rank from confiriiiation.
I am, sir, rrspactfully, your obedient scrvant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JIWIWRAON
lres i t h 1, d c .

The message mtls read.

The Senatc procccdccl to corisidcr the nomination of Hcnjaiiiin ,J.
Hill, of Tenncssce, t o be brigadier-gcneral; and it WLLR
h?esoZved, Tlirit the Scnate advise and consent to the appointment of
Benjamin J. Hill, of Tennessco, to be hrigdicr-general, with tcmporary r:mk (under act a p rovcd May 31, 1864), to troops within
the encmys lines, tkprceab y to thc nomimition of the President.
The following iiicsssgcs werc rcccivod f1.0111 the lreeidcnt of thc
Confedoratc States, hy Mr. H . N. tIar1*ison, h i s Sccrctnry :

on- i i m m - n , I<XE(TJTIYI.: J ~ P A R T M E N T ,
Iiichriiond, December 1,1864.

To the Scnnt~of

t h ( 7


Agreeably to the rcroiiniiciit1:itioli of the Sccrctary of War, 1IioininateC. B. Denson,

~ ~ litwtcwint
m l
Coinpany A, Second Regiment Engineer
of North Cwolin:i, t
ilr111y of tlic] ConfcilcrateStates of America.
Troops, in the LIro\
No. 36.1
/rtcfimond, Decembe? 1, 1864.
SIR:1 Iiavc, ttic honor to recotrirticIit1 the nomination of C. R. Demon, of North
Carolina, to kit. sec~~riil
lientenitnt Company A, Second Reginlent Engineer Troops
(an original vacanvy), i n tlie Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America,
to rank from July 1, 1864.
I ani, Rir, reaprrtfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
ro His E:xcellency JEFFERSON
President, eic.

Dec. 1, 1864.1



ICichmond, DPcemher 1, 1 8 4 .
To the Senate o j the Confederate AStates:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Henry M.
Sniith, of Virginia, to be captain Company A, Sixty-.-secondVirginia Kegiment, in the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
No. 32.1
Go ~ m i ~ r l rSTATES
&chmond, Ilec.einfier I , 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the nomination ot IIem-y M Smith, of Virginia,
to he ~nptitiri Company A, Sixty-second Virginia Regiment, the officers entitled to
pionmtion waivirig claitu~,i n the Provisional Brttiy of the Conteclerate States ot
Anieiica, \ice Captain Ilall, pioinoted, to rank froni Kovenibcr 25, 1864.
I ani, sir, respec.tfully, your obedient seivant,
k r e l u r y of War.
To His ETcellency JIC
Ircwdcni, etc
Richmoiid, December 1, 1S64.

~ X E C C T I V I C~ ) l ~ P A I W ~ f E Y l (hNFEDERATl?

To the Senute of the Confedercltr Siates:

Arrreesildy to the recominendatiori of t h e Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on txe accompanying list to t h e rank affixed to their names, rcsp<ctively.
No. 33.1
llick mend, Decembrr 1, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recoinrnend tlic following nominations for proiriotion in
the 1rovision:tl Ariiry of the Conttderate States of America:
Lient. Col. \V. ( i . Enrt, of Sonth Carolina, to be colonel Twenty-second South
Carolina I~eginient,riw (~olt~nei
liltwiing, killed, to rank from .July YO, 1864.
of North Carolina, to be colonel Sixty-first North CaroLicut. Col. \V. S l)e<ant~,
lina Iiegiineiit, vice Colonel Haclcliff~~,
resignt~l,to rank froni October 11, 1864.
1iP7Ltc riant-c ulotiels.

Maj. W. 11. \Veems, of Georgia, to be li~iiteiiatit-colonelSixty-fourth Georgia

Regiment, vice Lientenant Coloticl Barrow, killed, to ranlr froni Febrnary 20, 1864.
Maj. E. Mallctt, of North Carolina, to be licatcnant-colonel Sixty-erst North Carolina Kegirnent, vice Lir.utenarit-Colonc1 Devatie, promotcd, to rank from October 11,

Maj. J o h n 1). Lillcp, of Virginin, to be lientcnant-coloncl Fifty-second Virginia

ltt>ginwnt,v i w T,ientmant-Coloiiel \Vatlrins, deceasrd, to rank from May 30, 1S64.
Maj. Baiiiur.1 I,. I<isiiop,of I,onisiana, to be 1ieuten:~tit-colorielTwentieth Lonisiana
IZegitncnt, \ icc t,ientenant-Colo~iel (iiiillet, clecc:ised, tu rank from July 7, 1863.

(:apt. C S Jenkins, of (+eorgia, to be major Sixty-fourth Georgia Regiment, vice

Major Cvcwiis, proinoted, to raiik froni Febrtiary 20, 1864.
First Tient It. Agar, of I,ouiaiana, to be captain, Fiist T,ouisiana Regiment Artillery,
, rank from November 7, 1864.
vitae Captain l o w l c ~ ,d r o p p t ~ l to
I am, sii, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretmy of. War.
To Hi8 Excellency JLH.FERSO.V
Presidtrit, etc.

[Dcc. 2 , 1861.

CoxrmEiwm: STATES
To the &enate of the Confederate Atntes:

Deo 2.1864J



Ordered, T ha t the Committee on Finance be discharged from the

further consideration of the resolution submitted by Mr. Garland on
the 28th of November, inquiring irito the expediency of authorizing
and directing money collectors in all localities to take up receipts in
the hands oi all those producers who have, through ignorance, paid
their tax in kind, in good faith, to unauthorized persons, for the use
of the Army, and to give credit for such receipt in satisfaction of the
money value.
MY. Barnwell, from the Committrc on Finance, to wlioni wtis
referred the bill (11. R. 189) to tlrnend the I:iws in rclstion to the
receipt of counterfeit Tr~tiburyuotw by public officers, 1
with the I.t?coiiirnend:Lti~i~
that i t ought, not to pass.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Coinniittee of the Whole, to thc considcration of the said bill; nnd 110 tlinendiricnt beirig p r o p o d , it wiib
reported lo the Senate.
On the question,
Shall the bill be read a third time?
I t was deterniiried in the negative.
S o the bill was rejected.
h&?red, That the Secretary inform the House of Kcpresentatircs
Mr. B~rriwell,from the Committee on Finance, to whom was referred
23) to rcgu1at.e the compciisation and mileage of iricriibcrs
during the second year of tho Second Congress, reported
llie Semite proceeded, as in Committrc, of the JVhole, to the consider:&m oi the. said hill; :ind no : ~ ~ ~ ~ e n d r being
u e n t proposed, it was
rc.ported to t Iic Senate.
Ordm d, Ihat it bo engrossed and iwtd IL third tinw.
?lie said hi I1 W L S iwtti tha third time.
, Iliat it p s s , and that t l i ~titlo thei*cof be :LSaforesaid.
O i & ~ ~ 7 T, h t t t tho S c ~ t a rccpest
r ~ ~ the col~(:~l1l-(~Llcc
of t h e I h s r
of Kepresentxitivos tliercin.
Mr. Sp:~ri.ow,from the Cornmittcc on Military Affairs, who mere
instructed by :L resolution of the Senate to inquire into thc subject,
rc ported
A bill (S. 1%)to authorizc thc President to fnrnish supplies to Corifedorato citizens held as prisoners by the Go\ ernrnent of the United
which was rrad the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the C:ilcrtd:w and printed.
On motion by hlr. S ~ : ~ r r o w ,
on Military Affairs he discharged
O ~ J w o d ,lliat, the Corriinittee
Froin thv further oonuidel;itiori of the rcsolution subniittcd hy Mr.
12:ilicr on tlic 2Stlr of Iuovcin1w, inquiring into the expediency of
dlowin;; ti*:insi)oI.tntionto officers traveling with leave of ahsenre.
A nirs.iage frorii t h c Jlouac, of 12oprescntativcs, by Mr. 1):~lton:
ilfr. p r m t ( c u / : Ttio Iiorisc of licprcsentstivcs hnvc~passed a bill ( Ii. I?.. 238) to
the s i ~ h r yof the. jndgce of the district court ior the eastern district of 1%ginia for :L liriiitcvl titile.

The bill (11. lt. 238) last, mentioned was rend the first and second
tinies :ind r*cfcr~cd
to the Coniitiittcc on tho eJudici:wy.
Tho Scnatc resuiiied, : ~ sin Cominittce of the Whole, the considcrntiou of the bill (8. 92) to cxcnipt the cargoes of vessels owned by the


[Dec 5, 1861.

States of the Confederacy from existing restrictions upon exports arid

Notice having been given by Mr. Orr, Mr. Maxwell, arid Mr.
Semmes of their intention to move certain amendments t o the bill,
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Ordmed, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
Monday next, and that the amendments proposed to be offered be
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Ordered, That when the Senate adjourn it be to Monday next.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the joint resolution (8. 18) authorizing the appointment
of a commissioner to Brazil; and
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
Monday next.
The Senate proceeded to consider the motion submitted by Mr. Rnrnett on the 1st instant, that the Committee on Cl~inisbe clischargcd
from the further consideration of the petition of J . Itodgers
twenty-seven others; and
On motion by Mr. Watson,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
Tuesday riex t.
On motion by Mr. Watson,
The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution of the Ilousc
of Representatives, providing for a joint coinmittec of the two flonscs
res ecting the exemption of State oficers from military serrice; and
8 n motion by ~ r sernnies,
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. lhrnett,
The Senate adjourned.

MONDAY, Deomman 5, 1864.


The Iron. Alexander. 11. Stephens, Vice-President of the Conf edcrntc,

Statcs and Prcsidt:nt of tha Scnatc, rcsumod the chair.
Mr. Watson submittctl the following resolution; which was considered aiiti agrced to:
Resolucd, That tire Secwtary prepare and caiisc to be priiited

directory of the

following rtlsolutions; which ere severally cwnsidcrecl :LIIC[ agrrcd to:

Rcsoluett, That the Coininittt~on Military illfairs be i~istroctc.tlto inquirc M hetliw
tlrc daily ri~tioiiissued t o tiit: i w n of tlic. Army is snfliicirnt; and, if not, whetlier aiiy
legislation i N ~icce,cbary
Kaolvcd, That tlic C
nstructcll to inqnire into thc cxpctliency of remitting the 1)
ontlclirrry of tithcn of bacon d u c x 011,
or prior to, the first of
d and sixty-foui, upon ptyment of
the tithe actually tfuc.

Mr. I b r n w d l (by lca\-c) introduccd

A bill (8. 187) to authorize the issue of duplicates of lost drafts;


Dee. 5, 1864.1


which mas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Finsnce.
Mr. Orr presented the petition of L. J. Messervy, praying indemnity for a house, outbuildings, and other property destroyed by an
explosion of powder and shells while wid house was used as a magazine by the Confederate States; which was referred to the Committee
on Claims.
MY. Hunter submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
I?rsoZucd, That the President of the ConEederntc Stater he respectfully requested to
inform the Senate whether any and what rertric*tions have been imposed upon the
exercise of the right of tlie Corilederate States, or any of tlieni, to csport, on their
own account, any of the articles
erated i n the art entitlecl An art to inipose
regulations upon the foreign (
rcae of the Confctlerattl States to proride for
the public defense, :tpprovpd
February, cightetn Iiiintlretl aiid sixty-four.
Albo, whether the regulations made under the first secation of said act have caused
any diniinution iii the riurnbcr of vessels engaged in foreign cotnmerce. Also,
w hether the haid act of Congress, and t h e regulations made nnder its authority, have
our arms, and tlie supbeen benefic.ia1, or othcrwise, in their effect on the s
p l y of means necessary for the public. defense. Also,
er experience has suggested the necessity of tlic repeal of said act of sixth
y, or any modifications
or ainendments of its provisions.

MY.Ca x r t o n presented the memorial of adjutants of regiments of

Piclietts ivision, prtiying the passnge of a law providing for the promotion of acljiitants in the Army; which was referred to the Committee on Military Aff:iirs.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 188) to aincnd a.11 nct entitled An act for the cstablishmerit and org:uiiz:.ation of the Army of the Confederate States of
America, a p p i ~ ~M( a~t 1d ~6 , 1861;
which W:LS rwd the first and sccond tiincs hnd cvnsidered as in Cominittce of the Whole; and no nmcndnient 1)eing proposed, it was
reported to thr Scnatc.
Om?eiw?, lliat it be c~ngyosscdand rend t~ third time.
The said hill was r ~ a dthe third timc.
Resolved, That it pass, and t h t the title thereof k)c RR aforesaid.
Orde?*cd,Tliat the Sccretary request the concixrrcnce of the House
of Rcprtsentxtives therein.
On motion by Mr. 13alccr,
Orderd, Tlmt tlic Prebitlcnt appoint, teinpor:rrily, two additional
members on the Coinniittoch on Post-Offices : ~ n dPost-Roads; and
Mr. Ciipcrton and Mr. 1V:iIIitr wcr
A inrssirge from the 1Ioiise of ltcpi
Ilrc, IIonPe of 1tPprcsent:itiveu have passed bills of the tollowixlp titles;
in wliicli thcy rcqrirst thc coiic.urr(~iiwof the Stwatc:
1. ft. 224. A n act to punish wrtain flantis ou the Confeiieratc Government, including 1:rrceny and ci~~l~czxlcn~erii
of property of tlic. (hJTTerIliIlelit; and
1. It. 241. i i i i art to iis tlie sa1:tries of district judges for a limited time.
llie Hpcakci o f tlw I I c m v of lttyreseiitatives having signed t z n erirolletl joint resoIntion, 1 hill ilircvtctl to biing it to tlic Bcnatc. for the sigiiatrire of their Iresitlent.

lhc Sonatc r ~ s u n i c dthe consideration of tlir motion submitted by

$11.. Sprrow on the 25th of November, th:it tho Committee on Militwy AfttLirs 1)o dischai.g$.cdf r o m the further consideration of the resolution sihniittcd by Mr. Orr on the 15th of November, inquiring
whcthrr the late o t d r ~ ,No. 77, Adjutant and Inspector Generals
Departmen{,, revoking the details of all men between 18 and 45,


[Der 6, 1864.

requires any modification by legislation to preserve the producing and

industrial interests of the country; and
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the further considwation thereof be postponed until
Monday next.
The Senate proceeded to consider the resolutions in relation to the
seizure of the Confederate war steamer Florida by the United States
steam sloop Wachusett, in the Ray of Bahia, Brazil; and
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed u n t i l
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the considcr:Ltion of the joint resolution (S. 18) authorizing the appointment of :L
commissioner to 13razil; and
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Ordered, That the furthei. considertition thereof be postponed iintil
The Senate procedad, as in Cornmitt>c,eof the Whole, to the consicleration of the bill 6 . 116) to nuthorize the President to furnish supplies to Confederate citizens held ah prisoners by thc Government of
the United States; and
On motion 1 9 7 Mr. Btwnwell,
Ordewd, That the further consideratjon thereof I)c postponed until
The Senate resumcd, as i n Committee of thc Whole, thc considcrcls owned by tllC
ation of the bill (S. 92) to exrriipt the cur.gocs of
1yon csports a l l c l
States of the Confrdcracy from existing ucstrictio
imports; and
On motion by Mr, Grstham,
Ordtmd, That the further considciation thcreof bc postponed i i r i t i l
Wednesday next.
The bills (11. N. 234, 13. It. 241) rccheivcd this day from tlie IIouso
of Re resentatives for cotieurwn(v were srvcr:dly rc;~dthe f i r h t and
secon times and refel-red to the Coniniittre on tlir ,J ucli(*i:iry.
Mr. Maxwell, froin the committee, loported that thvy had csnniined
atid found truly enrollcd
A joint ucsolution (11. It. 19) of t h i l i s to ( h i . N. 13. Forrest :~nct
tlic officers and nien of his wnitnand.
lhclresidtiit havirio)*signrd tlic enrolled joint rrsolutioh last reported
to haw bccn cxntiiinc~8,it w a h dclivwcd to tlic Sccretnry of thc Sennt,c
and by hiiii fortliwitli prcsentrct to thr President of the Confcderittc
States for his approval.
Mr. Brown pwscntccl the mrmorid of W. TI. Chnsc, praying mi
increase of tlic pay a t ~ nllowtuicc
of :Lssistant payin:istcrq of the Navy,
or the proiriotioti of till siich officrrs who have hold tbcii. :Lppointiii(~iit
for onc ycm, to full Ixiyiiiastrrs; whirli W:LS referred to the Couiniitter
on Naval Afhirs.
On motion by Nr. Spttrrow,
Thc Seriatc resc,lved into excciitivc scssioii.
The doors having t)ccri openrd,
On motion t)y Mi,. Urr,
The Senate udjourncd.


Dee. 6,1864.1




Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

were referred (on the 30th ultimo) the nominations of Peter Snyder
and S. J. C. I h n l o p , to he colonels; EL 13. Withers, Timoleon Smith,
K. S. Taylor, and J. W. Bowles, to be lientcnaiit-colonels; TV. W.
MeDaniel, John S. Norris, R. ,J. Betsill, ,J. 13. McYhail, T. T. Allin,
T. F,. Jamison, Niles Neshitt, d. 1Z. Afoore, Rhoadc; Fisher, ,James B.
Moore, and P. N. Stowe, to be majors; D. ill. Lhi ISohc, to be brigadiergeneid, with teinpomry rank (tinder act approved JIay 31, Is@),
and B. B. Roylston, to tw niwib(1r of iiiilitary court, with rank of
colonel of cavalry, rcportcd, with the ~~ccomiiieudtltioii
that till of inid
noniinatiotis be c.onfit*incd.
Thc Senato proceeded to consiclor said report; arid in coricurrencc
therewith, i t wits
l i e ~ ~ o d i lliat
~ d , thc Senate advisc ttnd eonrent to their appointment,
agreeahly to the noniinatiori of the Prc4tlcnt~.
Mr. Sparrow, froni the Corririiittee on Military Affairs, to wlioiii
were referred (on the 30th ultimo) the noniintLtiotis of \Villiam Hedd, jr.,
1,. M. Blackford, John Manly, R. (2. Mitchcll, ttiid 73. 13. McNeniar,
t o be adjutants, with tho rank of iirst lietitenant, reported, with the
reooiumciiL3atioti that 1111 of said noniin:itions I)e confiiwicd.
The Senate pmceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
tlierewitli, it mas
Z?c.sof o i d , 1li:Lt tho Senatct :Ldvisv and consent to tlieir appointment,
iigr(C!tit)ly t o the rioiirintition of tlit. Eresitlcitt.
rrow, Ironi tlicl (lortiniitttv on Militwy Afltiirs, to whom
ctl (on the I d i n h u i t ) t h e nonlitintioiis of IIrnry 31. Smith,
n j Ihijiitniti IT. Woflortl mid J. F.Johtihtoii, to be sccond
licutcnants (for distiuguihlictl vxlor and skill), rcyortctl, with the
rcoonimcttic1:ition th:it>sxid n o n i i n ~ ~ t i obc
n ~contirnicti.
rhc Sen:1tt: pro (led t o considcr snitl rcyoit; and i n coiicurrcncc
thorcwitli, i t W:LS
That tbc Scniitcb ;dvisc and consclit to their iLppointmcnt,
sgrceal)ly t o t h r noinin:ition ot tlic Ircsidcwt .
On motion h y 1111. S~.xti~ow,
r i
I he Senate resolved into oprn I(1gislntivc ,rrsion.


Mi.. Ilill stibiriittcd thn following motion for Consideration:

O i d o r , t J , rl\lliLt the \ole by wliic.11 tho Hicwtte rejwtcd the bill (H. H.
IS!)) to :tinctid thcl 1 : ~ in
~ src.lntion to tlic rwcipt of coiinterfcit IwRsriry not(>\ I)? piil)lic officers I)(\ reconsidrrod.
Sp:iri-ow,froni the ( h i i n i t
on Militnry Aifnirs, reported
A [)ill (S. 120) to proviclt, for tho oniplopicnt of frce negroes and
sl:i\~csto work tipon fortitit.:htions mid perforin other labor csrinectcd
witJi the dcfcnscv of the cwuntxy;
which war rc:d tlio fiwt aiid second times nnd ordered to be plsced
i i p o t i thc ( h l ~ i i d : ~
~ . printc~l.
Mr. IIcnry, from tlw (:oniniittco on Military Affairs, to whoin WRS
referred the resolution of tho House of Ilepresentativex providing for

[Dec. G, 1864.

a joint committee of the two Houses respecting the exemption of State

officers from military service, reported
A joint resolution (S. 19) respecting the exemption of State officers;
which was read the first and second times and considered tts in Conimittee of the Whole; and no amendment beirig propobed, it wab
reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it be engi*osseda n d read a third time.
The said resolution was read the third time.
On the question,
Shall the resolution now pass?
]It was determined in the neg.ittve.
So it was
Resolved, That this resolution do not pass.
The Senate resumed, ah i n Coinniit,tee of the Wholc, the considrras for thc Army, and to pretion of the bill (S. 107) to prof
scribe the mode of niaking int
On the question to agrech to
g reported amcndni(~nt,riz:
After ordinary, wction 2, line 2, insert ugricultural,
It was determined in thc affirmati r e .
On the question to agrcc to the following rrportcd amendment, Tiz:
After iniprcssmcnts, swtion 7, line 1, insert of horses, niulcs,
subsistence, and forage fo r thc Ariiiy,
On motion by hlr. Brown, to :unond tho aniendniont by inserting
after inules the words w:igon\, h:~rtic~hh,
It was determined in tho ncg:itivck.
The arnendmetit was then agr~ccx!to.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow, to anrrntl the hill by striking out thc
seventh section,
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Oi*dmd, I h t tho further considemtion of tho bill be postponcd
until to-morrow.
On motion b y Mr. 12romn,
The Senate resolvcd into esecutivc s
Tlic doors having I)ccn op(wx1,
Tho following mcss:~gcivas
ivcd frotn thc President of the Conarisen, hih Sccrctwy:
fedcriitc, States, 1)s Mr. 12. N.
I), V \., IJ~c.errihi~
6 , 1864.
7% tlu f h n t c awl! TIousr of f < ~ p T e . s i w k i t
I herewith tranyiiit for your iiiforination a. c.ominuiiic.aticiii Iron1 thv Srcrrtary of
War, covering c u l ~ c UC
s m w a l :idctitioiiill I (,ports of iiiilitary operatitriis.

The niessage was read.

Odwed, rhttt i t
t.ofc~i-retlto thc Coniniittce on Mi1it;n.y Rff:Lii..s.
011motion by M u . Hcriry,
O i d w d , That thc IIon. Imitlon C. I I n y t w ~hxrc lcxvc of :iI)wnc.e
frotn the sessions of l h c Scn:itcl until \\cdnesdny, tlie 2lht instant.
On motion by Ah.. (:rahan),
The Sellate ncljourned.



Dec. 6,1864.1


The following message was received froni the President of t h e Confederate States, by Mr, B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
TA., December 6 , 1864.
To the Senate of the Cur&dernte States:
In response t o your resolution of the 14th ultimo, atloptetl in secret session, I herewith transmit a communication froni the Secrehry of War, whic~hconveys the
information desired relative to the rations luriiidied to 1

The message was read.

Orde7,ed, That it l)o rcferrcd to the Coiiiiiiittm on Jlilitary Affairs.
On motion I)y Mr. Sparrow,
The Sciitlte resolved itito open Icgislativc seshioii.

The following rrieswges were rcccived from the President of the

Confederate Skates, ) J J ~Mr. 15. N. flxrrixon, his Secretary :



To the 8enate of the Coitfeclerate ,Strifes:

Itichmond, December 3, 1864.

Agreeably to thc re
on the accoinpaiiying

cretary of War, I nominate the ofkkers

tc their names, iespertively.

No. 41.1

01 A\rI+:1tic\,

IFr jlt


~ ~ i c l i ~ r ~ Ilecenibm
2,1 ~ ~ 4 .
Sric: I have the honor to rrcwtnmentl t l w tollowing noininations for appointment
in tlic Irovibional drrny of the Uonktlcratc. States of America:

T. I). ICrwin, of S o i i t h Carolina, for tluty n t Chiera1 TloHpital KO. 3 , Goldsbo~o,
N. C., to rank froin N o ~ c ~ ~ i l 7) t, ,1M-k
d . M. 1,:uiclq ot Virgiiiia, lor tliity with E o ~ t y - s i ~ tViigini:i
lkittnlioil <hvalry ( a n
original v:icanc.y), to rank froiii J W I V1-1, 1866
I ani, sir, rcspectfully, yo111 o b e c l i c i i t rcrvmt,
.r A nr ES A s F:DI)ON,
Sr(rctary oj JIar.

lSsr!cui*rrie I )I:PA RT\II:ST,

lWiir~ond,Dece,nbcr S , 1864.

To Ute Sc rintc. of the Conjitlei~dc,Wa/es:

Agrcwkl)ly to the rc?coiriiiiciict~ttioii
of thc Fccrcltnry of War, I notriinatc the oflice13
on the accompanying list to the gratlen alliscd to tllcir mints, respectively.
No. 40.1
W . \ I l 1)JCPAltTTaIl$hT,
loriond, I ~ r r ~ ~ i 2,
n hISt:4.
H r n : 1 liavc. the lionor to recomnicnd tlie following riniriina+ions for appointment
in t,tie lrovisional Army of the Oonfctlcrate Statrs of Liiuerica:


0. E. Pinlny, of Mississippi, to he adjutant Eighteenth Ussissippi Regiment, vice

Lieutenant Goodloe, retired, to rank froin September 22, 1864.
0. I<. Walker, of Georgia, to be adjiltant Thirteenth Georgia Regiment, vice
Lieutenant lleard, deceased, to rank from November 8, 1SG4
I am, sir, respectfolly, your obedient servant,
To His Excellency JEDWEI~SO?;
restdent, etc.

Secretnip of Whr.


To the Senate of the Confederate Stales:

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of T a r , T nominatc \f7illiani tT.
Jamison, to be second lieutenant, Fifteenth South Carolina Battalion Artillery, in the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
CONFEUENATE 8TATES O F h E 1 t I c \, \ v . l R ~EIARTMl
No. 39.1
~ ~ i c h n 1 o ? inccemher
SIR:I have t h e honor to recommend the no~ninationof William 1. ,Jamison, o f
South Carolina, to be second lieutenant, Fifteenth South Carolina T%attalionArtillery, in the Provisional Army of the Confederate Rtates of Atiierica, vice Lieutcnant
L u m , resigned, to rank from Novenilner 23, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excellency JEFFERSON

PrLsidcnt, ~ t c .
STATESoi? A ~ I E R I C ~ ~ ,
Yo the Senafe qf the Confederate States:
Sgreenbly to the rccotnmendation of the Secretary of \Var, 1nominatc tlic oflicew
on the accompanying list to the grades affixed to their names, rcspcctirrly.
No. 38.1
WAR I h l A l t T > I E Y r ,
7/rond, Dcccrtihcr :?, 186.f.

SIR: I have the honor to rec~rninentltlic following iioiiiiiiations for proiiiotion in

the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of i2mtlrica:

Lieut. Col. R. S. Chew, of Virginia, to be colonel Thirtieth Virginia Itegiment,

vice Colonel Elarrison, retired, to rank froni Noveiiibcr 5, 1864.

Maj. a. fir. Gonldin, of Virginia, to be 1ienl.enaiit-roloncI Thirtieth Virginia Rrginient, vice Lieutenant-Colonel (hew, 1mniotcd, to rank froin Noveintter 6, 1 St) &
Mnj. S.JV. Harris, of Gear ia, to bc lieutciiaiit-c.oloi~(,lSixth (korgia Regiiric.ui,
vice Lieutenaiit-Coloiiel ~ r i i o h (~cceascti,
to rank lroiii .rnig 7, 1864.
Maj. A. F. I$oggess,of Tennc. c, l i t be licntciiunt-c.oloii~,lTI\cnty-eistli Teiiiies~ee
Regiment, vice Licateri.zrit-Colort~lSatfell, ptwtiotcrl, t o rank from October 26, 1Sfi:i
Maj. F. S. Lewie, of South Carolimi, to I)(> l i c ~ ~ i t e i i a i i t - c ~ o lFifteentli
~ ~ i i ~ ~ l Sonth (':irelina Iteginient, vice Lieutenant-Colonrl Gist, iesigiied, to raiik from January 5, 1864

Capt. It. 0. Pentross, of Virginia, to bc inajor Thirtie Virgiiiia Iteginrcnt, ice

tk froni Xoi~w1)er5, 1%
M:ijor Gouldin, prouiotcd,
Capt. C. 1. Partin, of hl
ppi, to be itiajnr Thirty- t h Mississippi Ikgiiiient,
vice Major Yates, deceascd, to rank from n h y 22, 1863.
Capt. W. 11. iMiltoii, of Florida, to be inxjor Piftli I~loridaHattalion, v i w
Scott, promoted, to rank from .Jnly 20, ISW.
Capt. J . M. Culpepper, of Georgia, to be major Six111 (icorgiii Kcgimeiit, vice ~ I ~ I J o ~
Harris, promoted, to rank froin 3nly i , 1864.
Capt. J. 1%. Swinncy, of Mississippi, to be major Tliirty-second 3IiwissiItpi ltvgiment, vice Major Karr, deceased, to rank from September 27, 18K3.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary o j War.
To His Excellency J I G F P C1)I ~
i w~s~
, N
President, etc.



Dee. 6, 1864.1


To .the Xenatr qf thr Con.feclerccte States:


Richmond, December 3, 1864.

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers

(for promotion) on the accompanying list to the rank affixed to their names, respeetively.

No. 36 ]


1?ich1zo?it?,Dt winber 1, f864.
SIR: I Iiaw thc honor to recommend the follov ing iiorniiiatioiib ior prcmiotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confrtlcratc Statcs of Ainerica:

\irrir,i,b:iw O F B I C B I I ~ , 1011 ORI)S~SCI.: DUTY, VSI)ER w r i

SI~lTE\fl4CI1 16, 1882, \Nil JT.NE 10,



21, 1862,

First Lieut. d. Schoolcr, of Virginia, to be captain (an original vacancy), to rank

from November 12, 1862.
First Lierit. .J:L~.Ileasnntb, of Virginia, to hc captain (an original varancy ), to rank
from November 12, 1862.
First Lkut. George Thiffey, of Virginia, to be captain (an original vacancy), to rank
from December 23, 1862.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His Excellency J E P I ~ I S O
Prrszdmt, elc.

Secretary qf War.


Richmond, December 3, 1864.

To thr Smnlr qf tlie (onfirl(wtr ,Sttries:
Agreeably t o the rrc.oi.riii~c.iiri:1.tioIiof the Secretary of War, I nominatc Col. J. B.
Paliner, olTenne.csw, to h t I)rifi:1.clicr-gcncral,
with tennpot ary rank (under act approved
May 31, 1864), in tlic Provisional Army of the Coiifetlcrate States of 11 tiierica
KO. 37.1
TV.411 ~)lWAllThlB;Nl,
ltic.kniorrt1, Decembw I , 1862.
SER:1 have thc lionor to let~oaniie~itl
thc noniindiori of Col. J. 15. Palmer, of Tenrieswe, t o be lJrig~(lic,r-p.iier:il,\\ itli trnil)or:iry rmlr (untlrr act approved May $1,
1864), in the Trovisional Briny of tht. Conktl(mtc Statcis of Anicrim (to conmiand a
brigadr, ilrniy of Tcnnrssce) vicc J?rig:uticr-(ieneial Hrown, pruniotetl to temporary
raiik Iiiajor-Rciieral, t o tlatC from N o ~ t > i i i t ) c15,
I a m , sir, rusl)ectfnllp, your obedient servant,
JAMI~XA . simrwh,
8wrettriy 03 Ifw.
To 1 Iis Excelleticy ,TrmwsrthOu
1 ~ 1 d i ~ i ~ a ?Dwciribel.
8, 1864.
TIIf h r ,q( jttrlc q/ the C ~ i i ! / e d r i i Natpa:
bly to the rcc.oiiitiiciidiiticiiiof the Secretary of War, T nominate Brig. Gen.
tler, of Sonth C;troliii:i, to \w inajor-general iii the Provisional Artny of the
(oiifctletxtc States of Aniwica, to coniniiiiid Ilnniptons division, Army of Northern


NirImo7~d,Beremher 3, 1864.
Sii:: T have the honor t o recnnirncnd thc nomination o f Brig. Gen. M. C. Butler,
of South Carol ilia, to be inajor-~eneralin the lrovisional Arniy of the Confederate
States of America, to coininand 1Iaiiiptons division, A r m y of Sorthern Virginia, to
rank from Sejitenihc~r19, 1864
I am, sir, rcspcctfnlly, yotir obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To IIis 1kcellenc8yJEI~I~~EIMON
lrm dent , eic.

XO. 42.1

( ~ o s ~ ~ ~ ~ i ) i ~ iSr
z , \\ ,ir wi ~01-

[Dec. 6, 1864.




ll.tchmontJ, Ilecenzher 3, 1&6,$.

To t7ie Senate of the Confedercltr Rates:

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of \\'ar, I nominate Lient.
Robert A. Stiles, to be major of artillery (under a r t a p p x e t l .Jannary 22, I8&2) i i i
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of ihieric%.

No. 44.1

SIR:I have the honor to recoiiiiiientl the nomindior

Georgia, to be major of artillery (nncler act approvctl January 22, 18G2) i n the I'rovisional Army of the Confedrrate States of AInrric.a, for tluty at Cliaflin'b I%lufi,
Department o! Richmond, to rank from Soveinbei 211, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedicrit wrwrit,
J h m : S A . sfsl)oos,
Sco.ctcc,~/ I ! f


J 15FlWltYON 1)'iYlS.

, 11'

No. 43.1

\ I t ~)I*:I'AIWMi,\T,

('lll~ier3, fscig.
SIR: I have the honor to rccaoiiiineiitl the nomination of I,. Q. C. l A c i i i i ' u ,of
sippi, to be mernbcr of military conrt (Third Corps, Aririy of Nor! tiern \'i
with rank of colonel of cavalry in the Provisional Ariny of ttic ( 'onfcdcratc 8
Americba, vice Colonel Glenn, Icsignctl, to date from I>cceniber 3, 18til.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
hillO?lti, i)lY

Sl?(R'kW!/ oj lvlw.

To His Excellency $T

I'rc,sideitf, ctc.

CONWEUIClthTE s I ~ . m c \ OD' Aall:rtlc~


To the ~%nntc:of flip Con.fitlrrrr/c S/tr/rs:

Agreeably to tlic rcooiinrrciiilatioo of tlte Sccrctae of \Val, r i i ~ ~ r i i i i i a ( r(rcorgc
Buist, of South Car.olha, to be iimjor of artillery (iuttlrr :wt t i 1 ) l ) i o w l J a t ~ n a 22,
1862) i n the Provisioli:tl .Lrriiy of tho ConlcderiLtc states ol' iIiiiericyL.

No. 47.1

SIR: I have tho honor

inentl tlir noinin:ttion OF (;t~orgc' 1,. Ihiist, ot Sorltll
Carolina, to he major of
(under act tip1)ro\c d J a n u a r y %, 1802) in tlic! I'rovisional Army of the Co
e Statw of hiii(\rica, to coinniand I)itttalion of qiog(X
artillery, Department of Soutli Uaroliua, Georgia, and Floritla, to rank from Nor ember 39, 1864.
I am, sir, rcspcctfully, yonr ol)odicnt servant,

Secrelary of 1C'ctr..
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
I'rrsidenf. ttc.
Richniorid, December 6 , 186 1.

To the Xenale of the Confederate Bates:

ly to the rrcomrnendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate Maj. A . W.
Virginia, to be proinotcd to lieutenant-colonel of artillery (nndcr art
January 22, 1862) in the Proviuional Army of the Confederato States of


Dec. 7, 1864.1


Riclmond, December 5, 1864.
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the nomination of Maj. A. W. Stark, of
Virginia, to be promoted to lieutenant-colonel of artillery (under act approved January 22, lS62) in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, for
duty in the Department of Richmond, to rank from November 26, 1864.
I am, sir, rcspectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.
No. 48.1

The messages were read.

Orclered, That they be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Cornrnittee on Military Aft'airs, to whom
mere rcferred (on the 30th ultimo) the nominations of St. Clair Dearing, to be second lioutenant, Corps of Cavalry, in the Army of the Confederate States; George Y. Scott, R. T. Lancaster, and X. M.
Newman, to be aids-de-camp, with rank of first lieutenant in the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States, reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations be confirnied.
The Senate proceeded t o consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, i t was
Resolwd, T ha t the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably t o the nomination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
werc rcferred (on the 1st instant) the nominations of W. G. Burt and
W. S. Devane, t o be colonels; W. H. Weems, E. Mallett, J o h n D.
Lilley and Samuel 1,. Bishop, to be lieutenant-colonels; C. S. Jenkins
and 1C. Agar, to hc, majors in the Provisional Army of t h e Confederate
States of America, reported, with the recommendation that all of said
nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concurrence
therewith, it was
&solved, That, the Senate advise and consent to their appointment,
agreeably t o the noinination of the President,.
On niotion by A h . Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
7, 1864.

On niotion by Mr. Garland,

O r 2 d ~ r ~'I'liat
d , the leave, of absmce grantpd t o the Hon. Robert W.
tJoIinso~i,on the 15th of November, be extended to Saturday, the 7th
day of January next.
M y . Bttker (by leave) introduced
A bill (S. 130) t o authorize newspapers to be mailed to soldiers free
of postage;
vhich mas read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Post-O-Etices and Post-Roads.
Mr. Semrnes presented the memorial of Theophilus Nash, of Louisiana, praying t o be allowed to fund, in four p er cent bonds, certain
Treasury notes of the old issue held by him while a prisoner; which
was referred to the Committee on Finance.



[Dec. 7,1864.

Mr. Barnwell, from the Committee 011 Finance, to whom was

referred the bill (S. 127) to authorize the issue of duplicates of lost
drafts, reported it with amendments.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; and the reported amcndments having heen
agreed to, the bill was reported to the Senate and the amendments
were concurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time and the title was amended.
Resohed, That it pass, and that the title t,hereof he A n act to
authorize the issue of duplicates of Treasurers drafts lost or destroyed
after ayment.
Or ered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordwed, That the Committee on Military Affairs he discharged
from the further consideration of the resolution submitted hy Mr.
Henry on the 9th of November, declaring

That it is a sound policy on the part of tht. Gov~rnmontof the Confederate States
to impress, or hire with the consent o f the owner, a b many negro slaves a? the public
necessity may require, for any number of pears, or durmg the mar, to be employed
in all positions in the Army, exrept as soldiers in the field, upon paying the owners
thereof a just compeiisation; and that it has the conrtitutlonal power to do so.

Mr. Brown, from the Coininittee o n N a m l Affairs, reported

A bill (S. 131) to regulate the pay of lieutenants in the Wavy com-

manding batteries on shore;

which was read the fir& and scwond times arid considered as in Cornmittee of the Whole; arid no smcndmcrrt being p r o p o u ~ I ,it was.
reported t o the Senate.
Ordeyed, That it be engrossed and read :L third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resohed, That it p s s , and that the title thereof bc as aforemid.
Ordered. That the Sccretarv retruest Lhe coricurrencc of the House
of Represdntatives therein.
On motion by R4r. Brown,
Ordered, That the Committoe on N:~valAffairs he discharged from
the further consideration of the resohition submitted bv Mr. Maxwell
on the 24th of November, inquiring into the cxpeclie&y of allowing
rations to warrant officers of thc Navy wrving on shore.
Mr. Iili, from the Comniittec, on tho Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (13. 13. 100) concerning thc eniolnments and pay of
the clerk of the district court of the Corifederatc States of hnierica
for the eastern district of Virginia, reportrd it with an amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Comrnittcc of the Whole. to the consideration of the said bill; and the reported :mendment haring been
agreed to, the bill mas reported to the Senato and the amendment was
concurred in.
Ordered, That the amendment be engrossed and the bill read a
third time.
The said bill as amended was read the third time.
ResoZwd, That it pass with a n amenclnient.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the conciirrcnce of the Hoiise
of Representatives in the amendment.
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the J udiciarg-, to whom was referred

Dec. 7, 1864.1



the bill (13. R. 238) to increase the salary of the judge of the district
court for the eastern diskrict of Virginia for a limited time, reported
it without amendment.
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of t h e Whole, to the eonsideration of the said bill.
On motion by Mu. Garland, to amend the bill by striking out all
after the enacting clause and inserting:
That so much of section two of t h e act of March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and
sixty-one, entitled An act to establish the judicial courts of the Confederate States
of America, as allows the same compensation to the judges of the district courts of
the Confe&rate States that is given to the judges of the highest courts of law and
equity in the respective States be, and the ~ a m eiq hereby, repealed; and i n lieu of
that compensation the judges of such district courts shall receive the annual pay of
six thousand dollars, to be paid quarterly: Provided, That thin act shall only be in
force for one year from its passage,

It was determined i n the negative.

N o further amendment being proposed, the hill mas reported to the
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
On the question,
Shall the bill now pass?
- - - . . -- - - - - - 15
Yeas.. - - I t was determined in the affirmative, Ngys . _ __
_ .
_ _
_ _ __
_ .4_ _
On inotion by Mr. Garland,
The yeas andnays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Biker, 13arnwel1, I3urnctt, Caperton, Graham, Henry, Hill,
Hunter, Maxwell, Orr, Senimes, Simms, Sparrow, Walker, and
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. I3rown, C;arland, tJohnson of Georgia, and Johnson of
So it was
Resohecl, That this hill pass.
Ordwed, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr. Hill, from the Committee on the .Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (11. R. 241) to fix the salaries of district judges for a
limited time, reported it without ainendment.
The Senate proceeded, IES in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill.
On motion by Mr. (:tirland, to ntncnd the bill by striking o u t five,
line 5, and inserting seven,
It was determined in the negative.
No further amendment being proposed, the bill was reported to the
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said hill was read tho third time.
IZesohed, That it pass.
O~clered,That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives


[Dee. 7, 1864.

The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA., December 7 , 18G4.
To the Senate and House of Representativts:
I herewith transmit for your consideration a communication from the Secretary of
War, covering an estimate of funds needed to meet a deficiency in the appropriation to pay the officers and employees of the War Department.

The message was read.

Orbed, That it he referred t o the Committee on Finance.
The following message was received from tho President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. I-Iarrison, his Secretary:
VA., December Y, 1864.
unication from the Secrrtary 01
et our treaty obligations to t h e


The message wss road.

Ordered, That it he referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs.
The Senate resumcd, as in Comniittce of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 107) to providc supplics for the Army, arid to prescribe the mode of tnaking impressments.
The question being on agreejng to thr motion submittcd by Mr.
Sparrow on yesterday, to strike out the seventh section of the bill,
Mr. Sparrow, by iinatniraous Consent, modified thc same so as to include
thc fifth, sixth, eighth, arid ninth scctions; and
After debate,
On motion by Mr. 13arnwel1,
The Senate resolved into cxccutive s
The doors haviiig been opcncd,
On motion by M i . Sparrow,
The Senate adjourneci.

The following messages w c r ~reccivcd from the President of the

Confederate States, by Mr. 11. N. I hrrison, hih Sccretary:
E x IS:CI,TI\I*: I)~.:PAR~NICA,I, Co,
To the Xpncctr of thr I onf&l(wla;%fit(%:
Igrrealdy to t h e recommenclatiori of the Secretary of War, 1 nominate t h e oflicers
on the acconipanying list ( f o r promotion) to thc grades affixcrl to thrii names,
I)EPART>lEY P, ( ~ \ . P E ~ ) E K J1E
\ STATEh 01 tIMERIc4,
No. 50.1
Richmond, llecrnibcr 6 , 1864.
SIR. I have t he honor to recommend the following nominations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confedcrate States of America.

Lieut Col. James D. Wad(lel1, of Georgia, to be colonel Tnwitieth Grorgia Regiment, vice Colonel .Jones, lrillcd, to rank from .July 2, 1863.
Lieut Col. R. A. Wayne, of, Georgia, to he colonel First Georgia Regiment,
(enlisted men), vice Colonel Magill, retircd, to rank fron~September 3, 1864.



Dec. 7, 1864.1


Maj. R. A. Wayne, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel First Georgia Regiment,

(enlisted men), vice Lieutenant-Colonel Martin dropped, to rank from September 3,
Maj. M. Grievp, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel First Georgia Regiment,
(enlisted men), vice Lieutenant-Colonel Wayne, promoted, to rank froni September 3,1864.
Maj. E M. Seago, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Twentieth Georgia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Watldell, promoted, to rank ironi Julv 2, 1863.
M y . R. B. Hogan, of Georgia, to be hentenant-colonel Kineteeiit'h Georgia Regirnent, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Mabry, resigned, to rank froni September 21, 186.1.
Maj. J. J. A Sharp, of Leorgia, to be 1ic.utenant-toloriel 'rwentv-third Georgia
Regiment, vice 1,ieutenant-Colonel Hallenger, promoted, to rank from Augwt 31, 1864.
X q o 1 s.

Capt. TT'illisni Craig, of Gcorgia, to bc iiiajor Twentieth Georgia Regiment, rice

Major Seago, promoted, to l a n k from July 2, 1863.
Capt. W. J. Boston, or Georgia, to be major Tnenty-third Georgia Regiment, rice
Major Sharp, ?)roinoted, to rank from August 13, 1864
Uapt. M. Grieve, of Georgia, to be niajor First (;eorgia Beeiment (enlisted u?eti),
vice Major Waync, promoted, t o rank from Septciiibcr 3, 1864.
Capt A. A. F. Hill, of Georgia, to be major First (;eorgia Regiinent (enlisted
men), vice Major Griew, promoiccl, to lank troiri S(~pteiiihr3, 1864
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servatrt,
Semetcay of War.
To His Excellrnc~yJEIWERAON
Prrstclmt, rtc.
I)CRATE fiFATES O F . h l E R I C A ,

IZiehmond, December 7 , 1864.

To the Xennte o j ULCConfedrrcrk Stotrs:

Agreeably t o the I'~COlIllllt'll(
Boue, of South C'arolina, to b
Artillcry, in the l'rovkional il

of tlie Sprrt,tary of War, I nominate R. M. I)u

nd lieutciiaiit, F i t s t South Carolina Itegiruent
i the Confeclerate States of Stnerica.

KO. 51.1

'l\i \ I t

~ h ~ I ~ A R L ~ ~ I(hN1?&1)fI'R
\'IT S l ' A T F S OY

\ \1i~'RIC'A,

l??rlmonrl, Drwmhrr 6, 1864.

SIR.I have the lionor to recommend tht. noiniiiation of It. 11.1. n u Bose, of South
Carolina, to be scconc1 liruttwant, First South Carolina Reginlent Artillery, in the
Provisional Rrniy of the Confetlcratc States of ilnierica, v i w Iieutenant Colcock,
promoted, to rank from Novcwibor 28, 1864
I am, sir, respec.tfiilly, your ol)e(lietitservant,
.r2w1<sA SEI)I)ON,
S w w i m y of TVm.
To Ilk E;xct:llcn(-y JIG

Pwrtdrnf, rlc

1 tie lncssiigcs \\7er~read.
'l'hut L1ic.y he i*citrrcdto the Corninittee on Military Affairs.
M i , . Sparrow, froin tho Coinmittec on Military Affairs, to whom
wero referred (on the 6th instnnt) tlic nominations of R1. C. Butler, to
be major-general; ,I. 13. l'ali~ier, to be brigadier-general, with temporary rarilr (under iict :q)prowd May 31, 1864); T. 1). Erwin and J. M.
Lauck, to be c l ~ p l a i n s ;0. E;. Finlay and 0. K. Walker, t o be adjutants, with mtik of first lieutenants; William 13. Jamison, to be second
lieutenant, Fiftccri th South Carolina Ihttalion Artillery, and L. Q. C.
Lamar, to he inembcr of military court, with rank of colonel of cavalry in the l'rovisional Army of the Confederate States of America,
reported, with the recommendation that all of said nominations be



[Dee. 8, 18Gl.

The Senate proceeded to consider said report; a n d in concurrmce

therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise arid consent to their appointment,
agreeably to the nomination of the President.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

8 , 1864.

Mr. Orr submitted the following reholution; which was considered

and agreed to:
Reeolved, That the privilege of the floor of the Senate be extended to General
Joseph E. Johnston during his sojourn i n the city.

Mr. Orr submitted the following resolution for consideration:

Resolved ( t h e Xouse of Rcpresentntizrea cor~cui~i~itzg),
That the President of the Scnatc
and the Speakcr of the IIouse of Representatives, on adjourning their respective
Houws on Tuesday, the twentieth instant, do adjonrn them to meet again on Monday,
the tenth [ninth] of Janoary next.

A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. President: The House of Hcpresentatives have paused a bill (IT. R. 261) to
amend a n act of thc Irovisional Congress ciititlcd A n act relating to thc prcpuyrncnt
of postage in certain cases, approved July 29, 1881; in which they request the con
ciirrenre of the Senate.
The President of the Confederate States has notified the House of Representativrs
that on the 6th instant lie approved and Liigrirtl B joint resolution (H. It. 13) of
thanks to Gen. N. B. Forrest and the officers and mcn of his cwmiriand
The Speaker of the Rouse of Itepresentativcs having signed two enrolled hills, I
an] directed to bring them to the Senate for tho signatnre of their President.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Coininittee on Military A4ffairs,to whom WRY

referred the bill (S. 106) to r e p ~ ~
inl part an act to 1-egulate the
destraction of roperty under nri1it:try rwcssity, :tnd to provide for
the indemnity t icreof, approved Iliarcli 17, 1882, reported it with an
Ordored, That the bill and ninciidiiicnt be printed.
Mr. Sparrow, from thc Coinntittcc on Milittwy Affairs, to whom was
referred the hill (S. 109) to iunc~nd:LII ttct entitled An :at to increase
the efficiency of the Ariiiy by the eniployment of frcc ncgrocs and
slaves in certain ~np:~itieh,
approved Febt*unry17, 1864, reported it
with the recoirinicndation that it ought riot to
Mr. Semrnes, fi*oni the Coniniittce on the udiciary, to wlioin was
referred the bill (11. a. 224) to pnnisli c+crtaitifr:inds o n the Confcderatc Government, including larccny and em\)czzlcmcnt of property of
the Goverrimcnt, reported it without amendment.
Ordered, That it be printed.
Mr. Semrnes, fioni the Coiiiiriittee on the ,Judiciary, to whom was
referred the bill (f.R. 214) to define and pnnish conspiracy against
the Confederate States, reported it with an aniendment.
t the bill arid aniendment be prinled.
sumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideraS. 107) t o provide supplies for the Army, and to preof making impressments.

Dee. 8,1864.1



The question being on agreeing to the motion submitted by Mr.

Sparrow on the 7th instant, as modilied, to strike out the fifth, sixth,
seventh, eighth, and ninth sections of the bill,
After debate,
On motion by Mr. Watson,
Ordered, That the bill be recommitted to the Committee on the
Mr. Caperton, from the committee, reported that they had examined and found truly enrolled bills of the following titles:
H. It. 238. An act to t h e salary of the judge of the district
court for the eastcrn district of Virginia for a limited time; and
11. It. 241. An act t o fix the d a r i e s of district judges for a liniited
The President haring signed thc enrolled bills last reported to have
been examined, they were deliwrcd to the Secretary of the Senate
and by him forthwith presented to the Presidcnt of t h c Confederate
States for his appi'oval.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolntions i n relation
to tlie seizure of the Confederate war stearner Florida by the Unitcd
States steam sloop Wachu.;rtt, i n the Bay of Bahia, Brazil; and
The rcsolutions having hccn amended, were agreed to as follows:
Resolved b y the SentrtiJ of lice Corifetlerccte Stales b f A~nericu,That the seizure of the
Confederate war steairicr Floiitla b y tlic (Jiiitetl States steam sloop Wachusett, in the
ith of Oc-toberl:ist, was a fiagraiit outrage upon the terriBay of Bahia, on the
torial sovereignty of
il, violatirc CJf the rights of this Government in neutral
waters, in disreparcl of the 1;tw o t iiatioiiv, arid, therefore, a wrong done to every civilized maritme power.
Ir'rsolvetl, That it \\as tlic tlnty of R r a n l , under the law of nations, to protect the
property of tlie Confetlerate Stzter \vhilst 1%
i t l i i i i its teriitory against the hostile acts
of every p o ~ e r antl
liaviiip fnilctl to p i i c mcli protcction, that that Government is
bound to entorce thv rt~clitiitioii,iri sthtn quo, of the steanier Florida, her officers
aiitl (brew, by tlie authorities o r the Onitcltl Rtatci to the authorities of t h e Confecterate States, i n tlic. Biij of I l ~ l i i d ,I\ Iicxrc~it w a ~
nrilan frilly captured.
12esoh ed, That the I'rrsident o
('tnifetfcialc Stalt%sbe requested to have comIiiunicated to all oor coiiiiiiisclion
~liroatl't tiill btatciiicut of tlie illegal seizure arid
capture of t h e Florida, togcthcr with the opinions of this Goveminent on the outrage; and that said ( o m ~ i i i s ~ i o r i cbt.
~ riiistruc.tcd
to bririp the Pane to the attention
of the Governments of lhrope in wliicli they respectively reside.

Tho Senate rcscirr~cd,as in Comniitteo of the Whole, the consideration of thc joint rewlutioii (S. 18) autliorizing the appointment of a
cornmissioner to I h e i l ; and n o amcndincnt b e i n g proposed, it was
rcported to the SicniLtr.
O I ~ O M ?That
i t be engrossed mid rmd R third time.
"lie said I*csolution was r d thc third tinic.
R e s o h ~ d ,T h a t i t paw, antl that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
That the Secrctt~ryrequest thc concixrrence of the House
of lteprcsenttitives therein.
Mr. IIeniy scibniitted the Iollowing notion for considcration :
Oydorpd, Thtit the vote by wliich the Scnate refused to pass the
joint resolution (S. 19) respecting: the c~xemptionof State officers be
The bill (1. R. 2Gl) received this day from thc, House of Representatives for concurrence was read the first arid second times and
referred t o the Committee on Post-OEces and Post-Roads.
On motion by Mr. Brown,
The Senate resolved into executive session.


[Dec. 8,1864.

The doors having been opened,

On motion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom

was referred (on the 10th ultimo) the nomination of T. Jeff. Peyton,
to be captain in the Adjutant-Generals Department, reported, with tllc
recommendation that said nomination be confirmcd.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and i n concurroiicc
therewith, it was
Resolwed, That the Senate advise and consent to his qpointiiient,
a.greeably t o the nomination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whom
were referred (on the 2Ist ultimo) the nominations of A. Young, to Inc
colonel; 11. W. Barclay, to be lieutenant-colonel, and Madison 13~11,
to be major of cavalry; 1. L. ITenry and ion Sinions, to he srcond
lieutenants; A. P. Mnson, to he lieutentint-coloncl in the AdintantGenerals Departmcnt, reported, with the recornnicndation that all of
said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in coIiciirrenm
therewith, i t was
Besolwed, That the Senate advise and consent to tlicir appointment,
agreeably t o the noinination of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to whoni
were referred (on the Gth instant) the nominations of R. S. Chew, to
be colonel; J. M. Gouldin, S. 1%Harris,
A. F. Boggess, and F. S.
Lewie, to be lieutenant-colonels; It. 0. Peatross, C. 1. Yartin, 72. 11.
Milton, J. M. Culpepper, and J. W. Swinney, to be majors of infantry:
George L. Buist, to be major of artillery (under act approvcd J:iiiuary 22, 1862); S. Schooler, Jti~nesIlcwants, and George l)nffe,v, to bc
captains of artillery, for ordnance duty (under acts approwd April 21
and Septembcr 16, 1862, and dune 10, 18(il), reported, with thc reconirnendation that all of said noniin:itionh he confirmed.
The Scnatc procccded to consider said report; mid in conciirrcrrcc
therewith, it was
ResoZ.oed, Ihat the Senate advise and consent to their appointirient,
agreeably t o the noinination of the 11.esident.
Mr. Sparrow, horn the Conimittce on Military Affairs, to wlioni
were rcfcrrcd (on tlie 7th instant) the nominations of Janics 11. \V:~ddcll
and R. A. W:i,y~tc,to be colonels; I<. A . Wr:Lync, M. Grieve, 1C. 31.
Sea 0, li. 13. logan, and ,I. J . A. Sharp, to he 1ieutc:n:int-colonelh;
Wiiiarri Craig, TV. .J. Boston, M. Grieve, arid A . A . 11. I-Till, t o tw
majors of infantry, and B. M. Du Rose, to Itc second lieutenant, First
South Carohla Kcginlent Artillcry, rcportecl, with the reconinimidittion that all o f stid norninations be conhrmcd.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in conctirrcnce
therewith,. i t was
R e d v e d , That the Senate advise and consent to their appointinent,
agreeably t o the nomination of the President).
Mr. Sparrow, from t he Coxrimittee on Militmy Affairs, t o whom was
(on the 18th ultimo) the nornination of P.-13.Ytarlw, to be
r-gcnernl, reported, with the recommendntion that said nomie confirmed.


beo. 9, 1x64 J


The Senate procceded t o consider said report; and

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
OrcAwd, That the further consideration thereol be postponed until
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

FRII)SY, 1)ISCl<MBER 3, 1864,

011<:\ SESSION.

A int..;s:igc from the IIousc of I ~ c ~ ~ r c ~ ~ e r i t : hy

~ t i Mr.
v c s , Dalton:
i f The I10u.c of Xcprc.wntati\ c.3 ha\ e agreed to the amendment of the

Senate to thr bill (11. R. 190) concerning tlic enioluniciits ant1 p i ~ yof tlie clerk of tlie
district court oi the ConfetlerateStates o t .hierira for t h p eastern district ot Virginia.

Mr. Wallter (by leave) introdaced

A bill (S. 132) to regnlate the supplies of clothing to inidshipmen of
the Xavy;
which \vab mad the first :ind second times and referred to the Committee on X i a ~ n Affairs.
On motion by XZr. IIuntcr,
Orc7ered, ThiLt the petjtion of Lewis Po rter be Laken from the files
of the Scnate arid rcfcrred t o thc Committee on Claims.
Mr. Huiiter submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resoluetl, Iliat the C~oriiiiiittecon Einance be instructed to inquire into the expetliency ~f aiiiciithng tile l ~ \ 1x1
\ repait1 l o tlic auttieriticatiori of powers of attorney
given h j o f f i c ~ t nric
~ r ~ ulclier+ ~ J tlic
collection of clainis against the Government of
the Conicdeiate Stat

by Air. I3wrllwell.
That t h c x Coiniiiittee on Finanw be discharged from the
irittt~i.ationof the niciiiori:il of Thco1)hilus Nash.
Dlr. L%ker,fro111the Coniinittw on Yost-Otiiccb and Post-Roads, to
whorn was r ~ f c i w dth(1 hill (S. 1%) regulating the compensation of
postmastcrs, \pc&I :igmts, : ~ n d route agents, reported it without
aiiiendnien t.
e d , T h a t it be printccl.
The Senate resnnicd thc considcratioii of t h e motion submitted by
Mr. I3uriictt on the 1st i n r t m t , th:it thc Committee on Claims be dischargvd froiii tho further comidcrtition of t h r petition of J. Bodgers
and twcutj -seven otlivrb; :tiid
The riiotjon was :igrecil to.
do it was
O ~ i wd,
That tlic Coinniittw on Clainii be discharged from thc
further consideration of the petition of J. Kodgers and twenty-seven


The Seriatc rcsu~iicd,as in Coniniittce of thc Whole, the consideration of the bill (S.1%;) t o anthorizc t h e President to furnish supplies
to Confederate citizens licld as prisoners b y the Government of the
United States; and
On motion b y N i - . Johnson of Missouri, th at the further consideration thereof I)e postponed until to-morrow,


[Dee. 9,1864.

s reported to the Senate.

.- . .- ...


The vote having been taken by yeas and ~ ~ a yconformably
to the
ninth clause of the ninth section of the first article of the Constitution,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Brown, Burnett, Caperton, Garland, Henry, Hill,
Maxwell, Semmes, Sparrow, Walker, and Watson.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Graham, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia, ,Johnson of
Missouri, Orr, and Simms.
So it was
Resohed, That this bill do not pass, two-thirds of the Senate not
voting therefor.
Mr. O r r submitted the following motion for consideration:
Op&red, That the vote by which thesenate refnsed to pass the bill
(S, 126) t o authorize the President to furnish supplies to Confederate
citizens held as prisoners by the Government of the United States be
The Senate proceeded to consider the motion submitted by Mr.
Henry on yesterday, to reconsider the vote by which the Senate ref used
to pass the joint resolution (S. 19) respecting the exemption of State
officers; and
The motion was agreed to.
The Senate resumed the consideration of the said resolution; and
On the question,
Shall the resolution now pass?
Xt was determined in the affirmative.
So it was
Resolved, That this resolution pass, and that the titlr thereof be as
aforesaid .
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the IIouao
of Iiepresentatives thcrcin.
The Scnate procecdcd, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (S. 129) to provide for the employment of free
negroes and slaws to work iipori fortifications and perform other labor
connected with the clefenses of the country; and
On motion by MI..
Ordewd, That the further consideration thereof be postponed to
and made the special order for Monday next, a t half past 12 oclock.
Mr. Hunter (by leave) introduced
A bill (6. 133) to regulate the impressment of slaves in the State of
which was read the first and second times and referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Ordered, That the bill be printed.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consicleration of the bill (S. 109) to amend an act entitled An act to increase



Dec. 12, 1564.1


the efficiency of thc Army by the employment of free negroes and

slaves in certain capacities," approved February 17,1864; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordeved, That the further consideration thereof he postponed indefinitely.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Ordered, That when the Senate adjourn it be to Monday next.
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having becn opened,
On motion by Mi-. l%trnwcll,
The Senate adjourned.

A rn(1shag-e from the EIousc of Representatives, by Mr. Dalton:

Mr. Z%e,vdpnt: The House of lkprcwiitatives have passed a bill (13. R. 267) to suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases for a limited time;
i n which they requcst thc conc~orreiiceof the Senate.

The bill (13. K.267) received this day from the House of Representatives for concurrence wiis rend the first and secoiid times and referred
to the Coniinittce on the ,Judiciary.
O&red, Thnt it be printed.
On iiiotion by M y . 13arnwcl1,
The Senate resolved into open legislativc session.


Mr. Baker (hy Icavc) introduced

A hill (S. 1M-)to inc.i*c:isethe iii:ixiniiiin rates of compensation
a1lowed to r:~ilroiktlcompanies for thtl transport:ition of the mails of
t hc Coiifedcratc Skates;
which was r e d thc first and second time.: mid referred to the Cornmi ttcc rm Post-Offices nnd Post-Hoads.
hlr. Rrowti subniittcd t h c following yesolution; which was consid~ r t and

agreed to:

K P S O I ~ I That
P ~ , the Coiiiniittw on Finxnc~cal w instrnctcd to inqiiirc into the expedictic-y anti propriety of iiittking t~ 1im-e liberal euctiiptinii nf t h e praperty of soldieys
froin taxation; ; m t l whetlicr propwty arid effects nt:ce~saryto tlic xnpport of soldiers'
faniiliw ociglit not to I)c tixeiiipttd twtirely frolri tasation, and the (1efic.ienc.y thus
cwateti ill tlic revc~1iwsupplied by a11 itict eased tau o n tlie property of those who
remaiu a t lioiric.

Mr. (;rtihani submitted tlic following rcsolution; which was considered and agrecd to :
Ilesolt-ed, That t h e Secrctary of the Treasnry be iwtructed to inform t h e Senate
what disposition h w h w n iuatlt. of the niachinery, inlplcments, and other appendages
of the mint tmd assay office a t Charlotte, North Carolina; and whether, in hls opinion,
the work of t*oiiiiiigailti assaying gold and silver may not be resumed thereat without further delay.

Mr. Barnwdl, from the Committee on Finance, who had been

instructed by a resolution of the Senate to inquire into the subject,



[Dec. 12, 18M

A bill (S. 135) to provide for the reniission of the penalty for nondelivery of tithes of bacon due in the year 1864;
which was read the first and second times and ordered to be placed
upon the Calendar.
Mr. Barnwell, from the Coninlittee on Finance, reported
A bill (S. 136) to provide funds to meet a deficiency in the appropriation to pay the officers and einploycles of the War Department;
which was read the first arid second times and considered as i n Conimittee of the Whole; and no anicndincnt being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it be enmossed :ind read a. third time.
The said bill mas read 8ie third tinic.
Raolved, That it pass, and tli;tt thu title therc,of be as xforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secrctai*y request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
A message from the Hoiise of Iieprcsttitati8cs, by MI*.Dalton:
M y . I'wsident: The Iloiisc ot 12rpreceniati\ ('s hare pa~sedhills of the follov Inq
titles; 111 which they rcqiiest tlrc C O I I C I I I ' I C I I ( ' ~o t the Srniite:
KO.1(A:t i i i thc htnte of Georgia;
H. It. 266. An act to aincntl I
, wife of the Ron. Joseph 13.
H. R. 268. An act for the re1
Heiskell, a Representative f i * c ) n i thc Sta
1. R. 2iO. An act to proviclc ior the I
t)y either House of Congrwq'.
The Speaker of the IIouw of Itcprmr itii eiiiolled bill, I a111
dirertecl to bring it to the i'eilate for thc $igiiature oi theii 1'iesitlent.

On motion by MI.. Hill,

Orddmvd, That the Cornmittccl on thc Jidiciqry I!c discharged froin
the further consideration of the r c d u e i o n s i i h i t t t d by Mr. Hill on
the 25th of Novcmbcr, inquiring inlo the cxpcdienq. of reporting a
bill increasing thc salaries of the jntlges of the district courts of the
Confederate States.
Mr. Garlapd, fi-on? thc Comrnittrc on Post-Oficc~sand Post-Boads,
to whom was t x h x w d the hill (S. 130) to authoriLv nc~wspapersto be
mailed to soldiers free of po$t:igc, reported it witliout arrncndnient.
The Serrate procccdt:d, as in Coininit tcc of tht\ IYholt~,to the consideration of thct said hill; : i d n o : ~ i ~ i c n d r i i c t Gc.irip
proposed, it was
reported to thc Scnate.
O7*d-i.rd, That it IN; C1tgrossccl :itid i*c:ttl:L tlii rtl Liiiw.
Thc said bill WLR rend the third tinic.
Resolved, 'i'hat it ~ m s and
, t h t tlic titlc. thcroof be :is aforesaid.
Olrdewd, T1i:lt tlw Swrctt:iry ~ C C ~ L I t h c o n ~ ~ ~ i i of
~ cthe
of Rc>prosentativcst Iiowiii.
The bill (11. It. 270) to provide for the printing ordorcd by either
House of Congress rccc.ivcd this day from the Iloust? of Represcntatives for concurrence was m ~the
l first and S C C Y tirneq
~ I ~ :itid considered
as in Conirnittee o f tile T\rlioli>;: ~ i i d no :uiieudment being proposed,
it was reported t o tht. H(~nntc.
OrcZeiwi', That it 1)ms to :L thhd wnding.
The said bill ?v:is re:~clt h c third time.
R~solnled,Th:Lt it pass.
Chdered, That the Secretary infoin1 tlio House of ILcpresentatims
The residue of the bills rc ivcd this day the House of Representatives for coricuriwicc were >everally read the first and second
tiiiies; ttiid

Dee. 12, 1864.1



Ordered, T h a t the bill ~ ~ u r ~ l b266

~ r IN
c ~referred
to the Committee
on Post-OEces and Post-ftoads, arid that the bill numbered 268 be
referred to the Committee on thc ,Judiciaiy.
The Senate resumed the considcration of the motion submitted by
Mr. Sparrow on the 25th of Kovetnber, that the Commijtee on
Military Affair5 be dischi~rgedfrom thc: further consideration of the
resolution submitted by Mr. Orr on thc 15th of November, inquiring
whether the late order, Wo. 77. Adjutant and Inspector General's
Department, revolrring the details of all m e n between 18 and 45,
requires any modification b.y legislation to prcserve the producing and
itidustrial intorests of tht: country; arid
The motion was :qywxl to.
So it v a s
Ordewcl, That the Conirnittee on Military Affair.: be discharged
from tho furthcr conuidci-ntion of the said rcbolution.
The Sonate resumed, as in Coinrnittw of thti Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 129) to provide lor the oniplopnicnt of free negroes
and slaves to work upon fortifications and perforin other labor connected with the d(?fenser of the country.
On motion by Mr. Hunter, to amend thc bill by inserting a t the end
of the fourth section thc following:
Rut when the slaves in any locality, or of any person or persons, have been or
shall he exeinpted by the laws or regulations of any State from inipressinent to labor
on the fortifications or other public. m.c?rlrsof the Confederate States, then the said
slaves shall not be imprebsetl for a n y purpose whatever hy the authorities of the
Confederate States: I'romded, ho/ T , That nottiing herein contained shall be so
construed as to exempt any Rtate
i i it11nishing its fair quota of slaves for the purposw lierein specified, arid according to the prowsions of this act,

It was deterniiricd in Ihti afiirimiti\-c.

Sl)t~rrow,to anicnd tlic hi11 l)y inserting at the

tioii tiic following provi,o:

Provided furlher, Tliat i i r ( w l i c-ase t'iirc btl t

all male slaves tliv iigvs afoi wait1 h r ~ c

ch owner a credit for

, o r impressed under
. wtio iiiay have died

O n motion by 311.. Garland, to amend the bill by inserting after

section 4, line 23, the following:

'' district,"

And in cmc: the lav s of the States providc for contributions of slaves to the public
service, the Secretary of \Vxr and the gcxneral coniin~nidingthe Trans-Nississippi
, far as practicable,
Department shall c o n h m to the ruLw picscrihed in thow l a ~ sas
for the apportionment of tlic cboiitributiou aiiiong tlie owncis ot slaves; and if the
to tii11i11 the reqnisitioii to be niatle upon any
governors of the Statcs 14 ill untl
State, the Sccrctai y of War shall
llect t h v quota br ineaiis of such requisithc contribution be not supplied within
the term of thirty clays froni the. date ot the mile, the Secretary ot War may proceed
to collect the nuinher nnsnpplieil by iniprcmnents, to he made by such Confederate
officers or agents a? he uiag nppomt for that pnrposex, having reference i n such
impressments to the piiimple of eqiiahtv before bpec'ified, and to securing the industrial pursuits of the coniinunity froin clmbarr'i~imeiit,

It was determined in the negative.

On motion by Nr. Graham, to amend the bill by inserting a t the
end of the fourth section the following proviso:
.Pro?,zded ~ " w t h mThat
all slaves impressed as hereinbefore pro\ ided shall be held
a t labor and servicc as aforesaid for a twin iiot iiiore thaii twelve months a t any one
time, except with the consent of t h e owner,


[Dec. 12,1864.

I t was determined in the affirmative.

No further amendment being made, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the amendments were concurred in.
Ordered, That the bill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof he as nforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request t h e concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded to considcr the resolution submitted by Mr.
Orr on the 8th instant, providing for an adjournment of the two
Houses of Congress from Tuesday, the 20th instant, to Monday, t h e
10th [gth] of January next; and the resolution having been amended
so as to read as follows, viz:
Resolved (fhe House of Representatives coneul-ring), That the President of the Senate
and the Speaker oE the House of Representatives, on atljonming t h 4 r respective
Houses on Saturday, the twenty-foorth instant, (10 adjourr. them to meet again on
Tuesday, the twenty-seventh instant,

On the question to agree thereto,

It was determined in the negative.

So the resolution as amended was rejected.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 106) to repeal in part an act to legnlatc the
destruction of roperty, under military necessitr, and to provide for
the indemnity t ereof, approred March 17, 1862; and
On motion by Mi,. Walker,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
Monday next.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee, of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (H. It. 224) to punish certain frauds on the Confederate Government, including larceny arid embezzlement of property
of the Government; and no amendment being proposed, it was
reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That it pass.
Ordered, That the Secretary inform t b e IZomc of 1Ccpresentatives
The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (Ii. R. 214) to define and puni5h conspiracy
against the Confederate States; and
On motion by Mr. Graham,
Ordered, That the further consideration of the hill be postponed
until to-morrow.
On motion by Mr. Simms,
Ordered, That the Ilon. H. C. Burnett h a m leave of absence from
the sessions of the Senate until Wednesday next.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.
The doors havin been opened
On motion by
The Senate adjourned.


Dec. 12,1864.1

33 5


The following messages were received from the President of the

Confederate States, by Mr. B. N. Harrison, his Secretary:

Ric?imond, Decewiber 10, 1864.


To the Senate of the ConfPdwule Sttitea:

Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of \Var, I nominate the officers
on t h e accompanying list (for promotion) to the grades affixed to their names,
No. 55.1
Riclinioiid, December 7 , 1864.
SIR:I have t h e honor to recommend the following nominations for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Asst. Surg. W. A. McPheeters, of Mississippi, to be surgeon, to rank from September 29, 1862.
Asst. Burg. J. 8. McDonough, of Tennessee, to be surgeon, to rank from February
10, 1863.
Asst. Surg. C. A. Rice, of Mississippi, to be surgeon, to rank from February 20,
Asst. Surg. Robert Duncan, of Missouri, to be surgeon, to rank from March 31,
Asst. Surg. A. A. Lawrance, of Texas, to be surgeon, to rank from May 14, 1863.
Asst. Surg. John M. Lawing, of North Carolina, to be surgeon, to rank from July
31, 1863.
Asst. Surg. W. R. McCreight, of Louisiana, to be surgeon, to rank from August 7,
Asst. Surg. William 8. Fowler, of Texas, to I)c surgeon, to rank from August 22,
Asst. Surg. Williarri J. Coclce, of Texas, to bc surgeon, to rank frurn September 7,
Asst Snrg J . I,. Pressley, of South Carolina, to l>e surgeon, to rank from October
I , 1863.
Asst. Surg. M. A. Brown, of Missouri, to be surgeon, to rank from November 7,
Asst. Surg. Junius Terry, of Missouri, l o be surgeon, to rank from December 14,
Asst. Surg. Thomas B. Elkin, of Mississippi, to he surgeon, to rank froin March 31,
Asst. Surg. A. T. Gordon, of Virginia, to be surgeon, to rank from April 9, 1864.
Asst. Surg. Richard Boyd, of Virginia, to he surgeon, to rank from April 9, 1864.
Asst. Surg. Elvis MrCrory, of Mississippi, to be surgeon, to rank from April 11,
Asst. Surg. William H. Dnlaney, of Maryland, to be surgeon, to rank from April
11, 1864.
Asst. Surg. Thomas S. Young, oi Virgiuia, to be surgeon, to rank from April 12,
Asst. Surg. A. S. Murphy, of Alabama, to he snrgeon, to rank from April 13,1864.
Asst. Surg. J o h n De Butts, of, Maryland, to be surgeon, to rank from April 15,1864.
Asst. Surg. Charles Duffy, jr., of Korth Carolina, to be surgeon, to rank from
April 14, 1864.
Asst. Surg. E. W. Thornaxxi, ol Louisiana, to be surgeon, to rank from April 15,
Asst. Surg. W. S.Moseley, of Mississippi, to be surgeon, to rank from April 15,
Asst. Surg. Calhoun Sams, of South Carolina, to be surgeon, to rank from April
16, 1864.
Asst. Surg. J. C. W. Steger, of Alabama, to be surgeon, to rank from April 18,1864.
Asst. Surg. Caleb Toxey, of Alabama, to be surgcon, to rank from April 18, 18G4.
Asst. Surg. William Toxey, of Alabama, to be surgeon, to rank from April 20,1864.



12, l h B l

Asst. Surg. John R. Leigh. of Virginia, to 1w surgcolr, to rank f r o m \Ilril ? ( I , 1SG-I

Asst. Surg. William il. Eiount, of Xorth Carolina, to i)e burgeon, to i m L Irriiii
April 30, 1864.
Asst. Surg. 8. T. Murphy, of Alabama, to be surgeon, to rank from All>ril30, 1864
Asst. Surg. Lucien Hall, of Virginia, to be surgeon, to rank from April 30, 1S61.
Asst. Surg. J o h n 1. Gihbs, of Rlississippi, to be surgeon, to rank froin Ilav 2, 186-1.
Asst. Surg. J. W. Leftwich, of Virginia. to be ,wrgeon, to r m k froin \lay 4, 1%-l.
Asst. Surg. James F. Ihvis, of Korth C:trolii;a, to be su~geoii,to rank Eroiti \Iav 9,

Asst. Surg. C. D. Owens, ol Xorth Carolma, to be surgeon, to rank from 3Iay 11,


Asst. Surg. J. P. Humphreps, of Kentucky, to lie stirwon, to rank froiri 31ay 12,


Asst. Surg. D. W. Booth, of Mi

Asst. Surg. Jos. Yates, of Foutti
Asst. Surg. 13. R. Ilraiiliatii, of

to I)(> wrpcon, to rank froin May I i 186.1.

, to hi>h l l r ~ e o l l to
, ranlt f l 0 l l l \Iay

t o bc:

~ L I I ~ ~ I I to
I I ,rank f i o i r i


Asst. Surg. A. Monteiro, o f Virginia, to IIC C . I I I ~ ~ O I to

Asst. Surg. Joe. T3. Brock, o f Virgini:~,to I)(, mrgcon, to innli f r o i n , J ~ 1-4,
Asst. Surg. M. J. De Kossct, of North Carolina, to bc surgeou, l o i m i k f r o ~ i i

23, 1864.
Asst. Surg. C. L. Garnett, of Virgiuia, to lje ~iirgcori,to rani< from ,Tiin(. Z , 1864.
Asst. Surg. John S. Wilson, of ( k o r g t ~l,o be s rgiwn, to rank f ~ o r i t. J n t r c ~30, I S M .
Asst. 8nrg J C Abeniiithy, o f Alab:iina, to 1 x 2 urgcon, to raiilr tioiri ,Julv 13, 1864.
Asst. Surg. dailies R Clilton, of North ('arolin , to be kiirgcon, to r:riili from dilly
16, 1864.
Asst. Sarg. W. McC. l'iggott, of rirgiiiia, to IIC snr:c~)n, to t m k from Jnlv 16,
Asst. Surg. 11. J. Pariainore, of tjeorgia,to
siirg(wi1,t i 1 iank frotti .July 16,
Asst. Surg. Frank Fpcncer, o f hIarylant1, to Ii(1sirqwti, to rank f r o m ,JiiIy IS,
Asst. Surg. Simon 13aruc11, of South ('aroIiii+, to be ,cuigron, to rank i m i n Jill
Asst. Surg. James l<iiott, of Gcmgia, to 1~ siitg(wii, to i a n k froiii .July 10, 1hti-l
Asst. Surg. Charles S. Carter, of l-irgiuit~,t o IIO siirgeon, to iauk troiii . 1 i 1 1 ~20,
Asst. Surg. Isaiah J . ltobcrts, of
rpcon. to rank froiii Jitly 20, 1
Asst. Surg. Nelson (2. \Vest, of V
I g t w . 10 l m k ir(iIl1 .J[llg 21, I
Asst. Sarg. John S. Stoiiey, of S
l o 11o siir~coii,to 1 m k trorii J i ~ l y
22, 1864.
Asst. Sarg. W. A . Thoinpsoti, of I<c.iitiic*l\p, to I
itrqcwi, to rank f r o i n , J i i l j 2 i ,
Asst. Burg. James S. II(won, o f Ploricta, to lie Purgcwn, to r m k f r o i i ~ i\rtgIl\t 13,
Asst. Surg. J . 15. Ferguson, of Virginia, to IIC qurgcioti, to iml, f l o t r i \iigiist %, JSB-1
Asst. Surg. John T. Jones, ~f Virgiiiix, to i w sii~gwiii,to i ~ n ktroni t1nqu.t 20,
Asst. Surg. 13. C. Ihrrimii, of ~ i i q i i i j ato
, I)(, s i i r g t ~ ~ r(1)i , l;inB f i o i i i \rignit 24, IS(i-l
Asst. Surg. Willinnt N.f h ~ i i i n ,of L'iiwit'L, to IJCL ~ i i t ~ ~ otor irmk
1 1 o l i l .\ugu,t
50, 1864.
Asst. Surg. William If. T ~ t y I o r ,of Virgiui~,to Iw ~ i i r g i ~t oi ~1'1rr1;
fro111 L\npiist
31, 1864.
tisst. Rnrg. William W. Gajtltcr, of Kortli C':irolinit, to IICsnigc on, to rarlk f t o t l l
Septrmber 2, 1864
Asst. Snrg. It. i?riir(bch, of h h r y h r i d to l w siirgeoii, to r:iiil; frorrl St~ptciiiJ>~r
Asst. Surg. T.R. \VilI~er~oii,
o f Kortli Carolina, to 1)r wr:con, t c nink f i o t 1 1 ,
tember 6, 1864.
Asst. Surg. A. V. Doali, of Jli
ippi, to ~ J Psnrgcvtil to rmk fr0111Selptenlhclr 1 4 ,
Asst. S u g . Benjamin S Ihrncs, of Alal~anin,to hc ~iirpcoii,to rank from September 14, 1864.
Asst. Surg. Jos. 31 Rlcggctt, of Sonth Carolina, to 1x1 surpwn, to ~ n t i k froin September 19, 1864.
Asst. Surg. T. 1%.Trottrr, of hlississippi, to be surp:eon, to rnnlr ftoin Srptrnihpr 10,
__ Asst. Surg. B. St. G. Tucker, of Virginiti, to be vurgeon, to rank froin Septrnibt.r
21, 1864.




Dee. 12, 1864.1

Asst. Snr:. Arthur Rrogden, of Maryland, to h e surgeon, to rank from September

30, 1864.
1am, sir, respectfully, your obedient scwant,
Secretary of War.

To His Excellency J E
!dXECCTIVE h l A R I W X S T , C O S A E D E R 4 T E ST,\TE:S OE A \ I E R l C A ,

Rtchmond, I l e c e m b ~ r10, l864

l o the Senate of the Confederate Slnlm.
Agreeably to the reconinlentlation of the Scmrtary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the grades afhxed to their Iiitines, respectively.
KO. X.]
liachmo~id,December 7 , 1864.
~ I K :I h a w the h o n o r to reconirncntl the tollowing nominations for appointment
i n thc Provisional Army of the Corilederate States of America:

Thomas C. XcNeill, OE Tennessee, to rank from September 19, 1863
Thomas H. Tnrner, of Arkansas, to rank from September 26, 1863.
William I). Fisher, of Texas, to rank from September 28, 1863.
G. Dowell, of Texas, to rank from September 28, 1863.
C. E. B. King, of Texas, to rank from January 16, 1864.
J. A Throckinorton, of Texas, to rank from January 16, 1864.
It. G. Turner, of Texas, t o rank from January 29, 1864.
Wil!iani Henderson, of England, to rank from February 5, 1864.
Jasper Butler, of filississippi, to rank from May 3, 1864.
1). I 1 Williams, of Alabama, to rank from May 31, 1864.
I?. T iMiles, of South Carolina, to rank from April 4 , 1864.
C. (;anahl, of Tcuas, to rank from October 4, 1861
John C;. Pepper, of Trnncaswe, to rank from Ilecerirher 15, 1862.
( i . Jollantl, of Tcxaq, to rank frotrr Dwernbcr 20, 1862.
,J. 1. Clopton, of Georgia, to rank froni lebriiary 17, 1863
W J. Goodnlan, of Tesas, to rank from Angnst 7, 1863
J. T. Turner, of Cl~erolieeNation, to rarik froin Rngnst 7, 1863
l V 13. Honsal, of Ni5si~sippi,to rank froin August 13, 1863.
11. 1. I%ectoti,of Tesas, to rank froin August 22, 18K3.
d . 1. IIevcy, of Texas, to rank from August 25, 1863.
W. 1. Ktcitlcll, of Texas, to rank froin October 8, 1863.
\Ti. D. lielley, of Teuis, to rank from October 12, 181i3.
I). T Iplel-iart, o f Texas, to rank from December 22, 1863.
S. C Oliver, of Texas, to rank froin February 19, 1864.
W. JY. McI\ er, of Texas, to rank from February 29, 1864.
E. \V. Jhittoti, of Tcxas, to rank froin March 3, 1804.
\V. Thonipson, o f ilrkansas, to rank froin July 7, 1864.
T. 8.Means, of Florida, to rank from September 12, 1564.
J. 11. Trippc, of Texas, to rank front September 16, 1864.


A. 1, Ea<t, of I,oniniana, to rank from Felxuary 24, 1863.

I, Iicnlev, of Virginia, to rank from September 4, 1863.
$2 1 Sniith, of Texas, to rank from October 1, 1863.
of Alabama, to rank from Drcernbcr 1, 1863.
IS, of Texaq, to rank froin Decen-ner 12, 1863.
tw, of Texas, to rank from January 1, 1863.
A . 13 hlcFal1, of Tesas, to rank from January 4,1864.
Thomas J. Haley, of Texas, to rank from January lY, 1864.
J. 31. Wellborn. of Arkansas, t o rank from Jariiiary 15, 7864
J. d Whitmore, of .\l.kaIlQXS,to rank from January 27, 1864
J . IZ. Westbrook, of Tennessee, t o rank from Fehrnary 5, 1864.
William W. Newton, of Arkansas, to rank froiri March 2, 7864.
E. A. 8heppry, of Lonisiann, to rank from March 3, 1864.
C .J-\
O f r d--oi-22


Samuel L. Lewis, of Kentucky, to rank froin March 10, 1864.

F,. Thigpen, of Louisiana, to rank from March 21, 1864.
William Watt, of Texas, to rank from 8larc.h 24, 1864
George H. Case, of Louisiana, to rank from March 31, 1864.
E. Lee Wager, of Virginia, to rank from April 1 , 1864.
E. Strudwick, of Alabama, to rank from April 1, 1864.
W. G. Lomax, of South Carolina, to rank from Apgl 1, 1864.
J. E. Douthit, of North Carolina, to rank from April 1, 1864.
James A. Johnston, of Virginia, to rank from April 4, 1864.
William C. Day, of Virginia, to rank from April 4, 1864.
Robert E;. Dennis, of South Carolina, to rank from Aprll 5, 1864.
C. W. Trueheart, of Texas, to rank from April 3, 1864.
T. L. Matthews, of Mississippi, to rank from AlJrll 6, 1864.
W. H. Robertson, of Tennessee, to rank from April 6 , 1864.
&I.R. Denman, of Mississippi, to rank froiii April 7, 1864.
James Long, of South Carolina, to rank from April 9, 1864.
S. D. G. Niles, of Mississippi, to rank from April 14, 1564.
M. L. Goodlett, of South Carolin;t, to rank froit) April 14, 1864.
George A. Penny, of South Calolina, to iatih ftoiii Apiil 16, 1864.
J. W.Strudwick, of illabnnia, to rank from Apiil 16, 1864.
E. F. Raymond, of Virginia, to rank i'1oui April lS, 1864.
William 11. Murray, of Maryland, to rauli froin April 19, 1864.
James %ley, of bfississippi, to riink froin April 20, 1864.
Samuel D. Moses, of Tcnncwec, to rank froin Aliril 21, 1864.
L W. Smith, of Mississippi, to lank froin April 25, IS($+.
Henry R. Thorp, of North Caroliiin, to rank Irom April 29, 186i.
John C. Harrison, of Virginia, to r:ink froin April 30, 1864.
David Y.Jewrtt, of l h i t n c k y , to rank f r o m >lay 1, 1864.
James M. Calhonn, of Mi+sissippi, to riink froin M a g 2, 1864
A. F. Clayton, of Mississippi, to rank from nfag 3, 1864.
David Curry, of Georgia, to rank iron1 Jiuie 7, 1864.
.Joseph 13. .Johnson, of (korgia, to rm1k from .Jnnc 8, 1864.
William G. Freeman, of North ('arolina, to rank from J u n e 8, 1864.
John G . Idea,of North Carolina, to rank from June 9, 1861.
S. Ilubhell, of Texaa, to rank froni Juiw 9, 1864.

11. M. I'inkliard, of Virginia, to 1.:iiiIc from Aiiqnst 2, 1864.

Janies W. DaviH, o f Virginia, to 1.:1111< fioin rxiigw,t '1, IX(i4.
J. 8. Vallnndinghain, of Ohio, to rank hoin Ang1lst 1 1 , IS(>$.
Benjainin F.Few, of 8011tl~
( 'ii1 o l i i i a , to ranlr 1ro111l\ilgnbt 12, i 8 ~ .
William T. Bell, of Vireirm, to rank froin August 12, 1864.
C. Mcii. Ilurkhaltcr, of South Carolina, to rank from h g ~ s 12,
t 1864
Thomas I). Ifall, of Al:il)aina, to mnlr froin .ingnct 13, 1864.
I,. W. Shepherd, of Alabama, to rank from iiugnct 15, 1864
A. 1%.
Howzie, of Virginia, to rank from August 15, 1864.
W. H. Dickrrson, of Kt~ntucliy,to rank fro111Augnst 16, 1864.
E. L. Rardweli, of Georgia, to rank from Angnst 16, 1864.
W. B. Almon, of Nova Scotia, to rank from August 17, 1864,
J. M. H. Ruff, of South Carolina, to rank from Angust 20, 1864.
W. IT. Bunch, of Tenneescr, to rank from Angust 23, 1864.
J. F.Baggott, of South Carolina, to rank Ironi August 25, 1864.
P. L. lorn, of South Carolini%,to rank fron~A\ilqltst 27, 1864.
Thomas W. Piercr, of Arkansas, to rank froin Rugnst 29, 1864.
C . hf. Lowe, of Tennesuee, to rank froin January 28, 1863.

[Dec. 12, 1864.

Dec. 12, 1864.1



J. L. Abrahams, of Alabama, to rank from February 17, 1863.

J. W. Jackson, of Louisiana, to rank from August 1, 1863.
J. F. Griffin, of Louisiana, to rank from August 4, 1863.
H. M. Protho, of Louisiana, to rank front August 8. 1863.
M. P. Vernon, of Louisiana, to rank from August 9, 1863.
W.M. Clements, of Texas, to rank from August 13, 1863.
G. B. Burton, of Texas, to rank fioin August 13, 1863.
0. H. Seeds, of Texas, to rank from August 14, 1863.
J. R. Percy, of Mississippi, to rank from August 15, 1863.
W. $5. Hamilton, of Tcxas, to rank from Angust 26, 1863.
&I.J. Birdsong, of Arkansab, to rank from huguut 26, 1863.
H. L. Rugely, of Texaq, to rank from October 10, 1863.
T. $1. Blakemore, of Teaas, to rank from October 72, 1863.
R G Lane, of Texas, to rank froin October 14, 1863.
G . H Rnilry, of Texas, to rank from October 26, 1863.
R. C. \Tbitp, of Texm, to rank from October 31, 1863
1. M. Daoidson, of Loui&tia, to rank froin December 3, 1863.
J. T. Barton, of TeFas, to rank from 1)ecember 10, 1863.
\V Kennedy, of Mwouri, to rank from December 16, 1863.
J. AI. Prmer, of Missouri, to rank from Deccmher 17, 1863.
1. Jordan, af Texas, t o rank from December 23, 1863.
\V. R. hIclMillan, of Texas, to rank from February 2, 1864.
T. T. Williamson, of Texas, to rank from February 2, 1864.
E. A. Pye, of Texas, to rank from February 5, 1864.
13. W.Bristow, of Texas, to rank from Febrnary 8, 1864.
J. A. Rlanchard, ot Louisiana, to rank from February 11, 1864.
J. W.Lockhart, of Texas, to rank from February 12, 1864.
R. C. Watson, of Texas, to rank from February 19, 1864.
\V. J. Moffitt, of Texas, to rank from February 20, 1864.
E. W.Rogers, of Texas, to rank from February 24, 1864.
It. Linthicum, of Arlransas, to rank from February 25, 18CX
.Worsliain, 01 Texan, to rank from March 17, 1864.
J . T. Eariiest, of Tennessee, to rank from April 7, 1864.
lJ. J. Thweatt, of Tcxas, to lank from A p i l 9, 1864.
l i . M. Jones, of Tcsns, to rank froiir ,1priI 14, ISM.
\V. 11. cockc, of \irginia, to rank from Jlay 3, 1S6.2.
lt. M. Iioqtuiclr, of Teniie,mee, to rank from 3Iay 5, 1864.
(+. S. Scynrour, of Georgia, to rank from Jlay 6, 7864
,J. Eerrv, of Korth Varolina, to rank trotn May G, 1864.
1,. 11. Tigner, of Georgia, to rank from May 14, 1864.
\V S IIaiicwcli, of Virginia, to rairk fro111 May 24, 1864.
( + I1 Icets, o f Missiwippi, to rank from Juirc 20, 1863.
Carolina, to rank from J a l g 7, 1864.
ppi, tn rank from July 13, 1864
ippi, to rank from Jiily 14, 1864
G. 1. Coggeshall, of South Carolina, to rank from Jnlp 20, 1864
C. B. Stone, of Sonth Carolina, to rank from July 28, 1864.
S E Lewis, of tlie District of Columbia, to rank fiom Jul ) 29, 1S64.
I). E. Connor, of South Carolina, to rank from Septtmber 1, 1864.
T. ChaclierC.,of Louiuiana, to rank from Scptem1)er 5 , 1864.
W. 8. \Vlialry, jr., of South Carolina, to rank from September 6, 1864.
W. 13. Uondnrant, o f Mississippi, to rank from 8eptember 13, 1864.
I). 1 J,apronc, ot South Carolina, to raiik from September 14, 1864.
K. 3%.Clock, ot Tenneswe, to rank from September 16, 1864.
13. 1. Cron ell, of Alabama, to rank from September 19, 1864.
J. S. Pnrsley, of Georgia, to rank froin September 19, 1864.
J 1. Haiirrr. of Rlisissippi, to rank froni September 19, 3864.
C. G. Storall, of filissirsippi, to rank from September 20, 1864.
,J. ORrit>n,of Koitli Carolina, to rank from September 23, 1864.
W. M.Taggart, o f Soiith Cwoliiia, to rank from September 26, 1864.
G. A. IIopg, ot Tennessee, to rank from September 26, 1864.
D. P. January, of Louisiana, to rank from Septeint)rr 27, 1864.
R. T. Hnrt, of Virginia, to rank from Sept~nrber28, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient sen ant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEFFEI~SON

President, etc


fDec. 13,1864.

The messages mere read.

Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

13, 1864.

Mr. Walker presented the memorial of professors in th e Confeder-

ate States Naval School, praying an increase of rank and pay; which
was referred t o the Committee on Naval Affairs.
Mu. Maxwell (by leave) introduced
A joint resolution (S. 20) relating to the nianafacture of railroad iron
and to new lines of railroad;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Cornniittee of the Whole; and
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Oydered, That the further consideratioil thereof he postponed until
Mr. Semmes (by leave) introduced
A hill (S. 137)to establish the flag of the Confederate States;
which was rend the first and second times and referred to the Conimittee on Naval Affairs.
Mr. Watson (by leave) introduced
A bill (S.138)to provide for the inore efficient execution of conscription, nnd f or the arrest of deserters and absentees from the armies;
which was read the first and second times and rcferrcd to the Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Ot I resented the 1nemori:bl of the adjiltants of the regiments
of Fields ivision, prnyin 7 that, they may be promoted to the rank of
captains arid placed in thekine of prornotion; which WRS refcrred to tho
Committee on Mi1ittu.y Aihirs.
Mr. On-, from tlie C h i i n i t t c c on Foreign Ztc.l;itious, to whom was
reforred tlie joint, rcsoliition (S. 16) defining thc position of the Confederate Statcs, find decltwing the dctcrniination of the Congrcss and
the peoylc thereof t,o prosecutc the w:ir till their independence is
:dmowledgcd, rcportcd it with mi anic~iidnient.
t l d , as i i i Coriii~iittt:eof tht: Whole, to the considerlution; arid thc re mrted :uriendmont having been
agreed to, tJie resolirtion w:ts reportc to tho Senwtc and the amcnclmerit was coticiirred in.
Ordered, llint the rcsolu tion be cngrossoci and read R third timc.
The said ixwilution W R S wad tlw third time..
On the qiicstion,
Shall the rcsolrition now n : ~ ?
It wns detcwiincd in tlic :kfiirniativc, I Y
1; 0
- ....__
On motion by Mr. Brown,
T h e yeas mid nays boing desired by one-fifth of the Sentitors present,
Those who voted in the aftiimative arc.
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Brown, Capcrton, Garland, Graham,
Henry, I-Inntcr, Johnson of (:eorgitt, ,Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell,
Orr, Semmes, Sparrow, Walker, and Watson.


Dec. 13,1864 ]



So it was
Resohed, That this resolution nass, and that the titic? thereof be as
Ordered, T ha t the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom was
referred t he bill (S. 132) to regulate the supplies of clothing to midshipmen of the Navy, reported it without amendment.
Mr. Semmes, from the Corninittee on the Judiciary, to whom was
referred tho bill (H. I<. 268) for the relief of Sarah A. Heiskell, wife
of the Hoii. Joseph 13. Heiskcll, a Representative from the State of
Tennessee, reported i t without miendrncnt.
The Senate proceedcd, :LY i n Committee of th r \Vholc, to thc consideration of the said bill; and no amendnwnt being proposed, it wab
reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That i t pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
Resolved, That i t pass.
Ordered, T ha t the Secretary inform the House of Representatives
Mr, Caperton, from the committee, reported that they had examined
and found t r ul y enrolled
A bill (H. R. 190) concerning the einolrinients and pay of the clerk
of the district court of the Confederate States of America for the
ewtern district of Virginia.
The President pro tenipore having signed the enrolled bill last
reported to have been e x m n i n d , i t was delivered to the Secretary of
the Senate and by him forthwith prwcntcd to the President of the
Confederate Stibtcs for his approval.
On motion by Mr. Graham, the vote 13.j which the Senate refused
t o pass, as ~1111ei~it?d,
the resolution suhnrittcd by Mr. Orr on the 8th
instant, providing for. >in adjournment of the two Houses of Congress
from Saturday, the 24th instant, to Tucsday, thc 27th instant, was
The Senate resumed the consideration of the said resolution; and
having been amended, it was agreed to RS follows:
ReaolLecl (the Houor of Repwsrntutir~eacoricii?ritiy), Thitt the President of the Senate
and the Speaker of the House of llepresentati~w,011 arljoui ning their respective
Houses 011 Saturday, the twenty-fourth instant, do adjoui ii tliciii to meet again on
Monday, the scconct day of January nest.

Ordered, That thc Yccrctary request the concurrence of the House

of Representatives therein.

On motion by Mr. Wallicr, the vote on passing the bill (S. 129) to
provide for the cniyloyiiicnt ol frrr negroes and slaves t o work upon
fortifications and perform other labor conriected with the defenses of
the country was reconsidered.
On motion by Mr. Walker, the vote by which the bill was ordered
to its engrossment and third reading was also reconsidered.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, tbe consideration of the said bill.
On rnotion by Mr. Walker, to reconrider the vote on agreeing to
the following amendment proposed to the bill by Mu. Graham, to wit:
A t the end of the fourth section insert the following proviso:


[Dee. 13, 1864.

Prmidrd .further, That all slaves impressed as hereinbefore provided shall he held
at labor and service as aforesaid for a term not more than twelve months a t ally one
time, except with the consent of t h e owner,

It was determined in the affirmative.

The Senate resunied the consideration of the said ammdment; and
On the question to agree thereto,
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr. Watson, t o amend the bill by inserting a t the end
of the fourth section the following proviso, viz:
Provided further, That if the governor of any State shall certify to the Secretary of
War or t h e coirirriaridiiig general of the Trans-Mississippi Departnierit, that slaves
ran not be impressed in any locality, county, district, parish, or city in raid State
without great detriment to said locality, county, district, p r i q h , or city, thrn the,
quota of such locality, county, district, parish, or city shall be impressed froin other
portions of such State,

It was determined in the affirma t1ve.

The bill having been further amended o n the motion of Mr. Sbarrow,
it was reported to the Senate and the amcndmenta were concurred in., That the bill t)c cngrosscd and read a third t h e .
The said bill was rend the third time.
Resohed, That it pass, arid thal thc title thcroof bc as aforesaid.
(Irdwad, That the Secretary request the concuiwncr of t,hc I-Ionsc~
of Representatives therein.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (S. 122) regulating the conipensation of postmasters, special agents, nnd route agents; arid
On motion by Mr. Baker,
O?bdered, That the further consideration thereof be pohtponed nritil
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (13. R. 214) to define and punish conspiracy against the
Confederate States; and
On motion by Mr. Johnson of Georgia,
O~dwed,That the further consideration thoreof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded, ns i n Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the hill (S. 135) to provide for the remission of the penalty
for nondelivery of tithes of beaori due in thc year 1864; and no arnendnicrit being proposed, i t was reported to the Scn:Lte.
That i t be envrosstd arid read a third tinie.
The said bill was read &a third timc.
Rr.soLwd, Ihat it p s s , ~ i n t fthat the title thewof be as aforrsaid.
O~dcred,That the Keorotary requcst the concurrence of tho House
of Represen tatives therein.
On niotion by Mr. S~TITOW,
The Senate resolved into secwt legislative session.
The doors having heen opcntd,
On niotion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate adjourned.

On motion by Mr. Spnrrow,

Ordcyed, That the Committee on Military Affairs be dischargedfrom
the further consideralion of the message of the President of the Con-

Dec. 14,1864]



federate States of the 6th instant, relative to the rations furnished to

prisoners of war.
On motion by Mr. Orr,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.
WEDNESDAY, D ~ c m i s m14, 1864.

A message from the House of Kepresenttitives, by Mr. Dalton:

X r . President. The House of Bepresentativca hitre passed a bill (11. R. 243) to
regulate the pay aiid iiiileagc of inrmbrrs, and the coiiipeiisation of officers of the
Senate arid House of Representatives; iii n hich t h e y request the concurrence of the
The President of t h e Confeikrate State8 has notified the House of Representatives
that on the 9th instant he approvccl and sigried a n act ( H . B. 238) to increase the
salary of the judge of the district court for the eastern district of Virginia for a liinited
time; and that on the 10th instant Iic approved and signed ail act (H. R. 241) to
fix the salaries of t1istrii.t judges for a liiiiitcd tiirie.
The Speaker of the House of Rcpreseiitatives having signed an enrolled bill, I am
directed to bring it to the Senate foi t h e signature of their President.

Mr. Walker (by l~nvc.)introdiwcd the following hills; which were

severally read the first and second times and referred to the Committee
on the Judiciary :
S. 139. Bill to provide for the cornpcnsation of persons whose slaves
have been lost while in t h e service of the Confederate States; and
S. 140. Bill to guard against the improper constructions of the tax
1:Lws by the officers chnrgcd with the execution of the same.
On motion b y Mr. Hill,
OrcZmed, That John Wadsworth, assistant doorkeeper of the Senate,
have leave o f absence until Monday, the 16th day of cJanuary next.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Coniniittee on Military Affairs, to whoin was
referred the bill (S. 1 3 3 ) to wgulatc tlic impressment of slaves in the
State of Virginia, reported it with the recommendation that i t ought
not to pass.
The Senate proceedcd, :is in Cornmittce of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; a i d
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Or.der.ed, T ha t the further cotisideration thereof be postponed
Mr. Haker, from the Committee on Post-Ofices and Post-Roads, to
whom was rcferred the bill (11. K. 306) to arncnd post route No. 1649,
in the Stato of Georgia, rcpoi*ted it without nmendment.
The Senate proceeded, its i n Cunimittcc of the Whole, to the consideration of t he said hill; tilid
An amenclinent having been proposed to thrt hill by Mr. Hill,
After debatc,
On motion by Mr. Orr,
Odered, That the bill and amendrnent lie upon the table.
Mr. Baker, from tho Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads, to
whom was referred the bill (S. 134) to increase the maximum rates of
compensation allowed to railroad companies for the transportation of
the mails of the Confedcrtttc States, reported it without cmendment.
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill: and



[Dee. 14, 1SF4.

On motion by Mr. Hill,

Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
to-morrow7and that it be printed.
Mr. Brown submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:
Resohed, That the Coininittee on Finance be instructed to inquire into the expedicncy and propriety of extending to nonresident taxpayers i n counties and districts
of country now, or which may hereafter be, in the vicinity of t h e enemy, a longer
time than is now allowed by law for the payment of taxes, and whether it \\-ill not
be roper to allow taxpayers, in all cases where they can not with safety, on accomit
of &e proximity of the enemy, visit the counties where they have taxable propel ty
for the purpose of paying the taxes, to pay the same to the chief collectox of thc.

The bill (H. R. 243) received this day from the House of Ileprcsentatives for concurrence was read the first and second tiiiies :mcl
referred to the Committee on Finance.
The Senate resumed, us i n Committee of the Whole, the (OnsidCliLtion of the joint resolution (8. 20) relating to the manufacturo of railroad iron and to new lines of railroad; and
On motion by Mr. Barnwell, that i t h c referred to thc Comniittoc on
Military Affairs,
It was determincd in tlic negative.
No amendment being proposed, the resolution was reported to t h c x
Ordered, That it be engrossed and read a third timc.
The said resolution was read the third timc.
Resohed, That it p s s , and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of tbc H o u w
of Eepresentativcs therein.
Mr. Ca erton, froiii the committm, reported that they had cmmiiicd
and foun ?c truly enrolled
A hill (El. R. 270) to provide for the printing ordered hy cithcr
House of Congress.
The President pro tempore haying signed the cnrollcd bill 1.
reported t o have been cxamined, i t was delivcwd to the Secretary of
the Senrtte and by him forthwitli presentcd to the Presidcut of tlic
Confederate States for his appro\ al.
The following message w:p received from the President of tlic COHfederate States, 1)y Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Iticiraioni), VA., i)rcc.mber 1 ?, 1864.
l o /lie Senute arid IIOZLSB
of Ilci,resc,,ittctiiic.a.
I Iirruwith transmit for your consideration B (~ornrnunicationtroni thc ScLrctary of
the Treasury, showing the additional airiouiit iiccessarv to be appropriated to riiect
the estimated expcrises of the Departiiwiit of Justice for the half yc>aren ti in^ ,Jiinc
30, 18ti5.

The m e s s t p was rmd.

OrcZemd, lhat i t he referred to the Conimittcc on Finance.
The Senate rcsiiimd, as in Cornniittcc of the Whole, the conxideration of Lhe bill (8. 132) to regulate the supplies of clothing to tnidshi men of thc Navy.
motion by Mr. Urowii, to aincnd the bill by inserting before
midshipmen, lino 4,the words (passed midshipman and,
It was determined in the nf3rmative.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,


Dec. 14, 1864.1



Ord~rcd,That the f urthe r corrsideration of the bill be poatponed

until tomorrow.
The Scnnte nxumccl, RS in Coinmittce of the Tholc, the consideration of the bill (1%.
R. 214) to dcfinc arid punish conspiracy against the
Confederate States; mid
Aftcr dcbntc.
On motion by MI-.
The Senate rcsolvcd into tsccntivc session.
Tlic doors h ; ~ iny
\ Iwn op~ncd,
On motion 1)y Nr. Iliiiit(\r,
The Scnatc : t t l j o u n i c d


[Der. 14, 1864.


Col. P. T. Moore, of Virginia, to rank from September 20, 1864.

Col. E. G. Lee, of Virginia, to rank from September 20, 1864.
Col. D. A. Weisiger, of Virginia, to rank from July 30, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretury of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERRON
President, etc.
Richmond, December 1.3, 1864.
To the Senate of the Cbnfederizte Autes:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretmy of War, I nominate Col. J. P.
Simms, of Georgia, to be brigadier-general in t h e Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
O F h I E R I C 1,
No. 63.)
Rzchmoud, Urcernber 10,186J.
SIR: I have the honor to r&omniend the nomination of Col. J. P. Simms, of Georgia, to be brigadier-general in the Irovisional hrniy of the Confederate States of
Ameriw, to command bi igade, Army of Northern Virginia, vice Brigadier-General
Brvan, resigned, to rank from December 8, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obetlient servant,
ASecretury of War.
To His Excellency JERRICRSON
President. etc.
EXECUTIVE ~ E P A I W . ) I E ~ T ,CONlW)ICR.\.rB S T \TRS 01 ilmaica,

Richmond, 1)iwiiiber 13, 186d

To the senate of the Confederule blutes:

Agreeably to the recorninendation of the Secrelary of \Var, I nominate the officcrs

on the accompanying list to the grades affixed to their names, respectively.
No. SO.]
Kichnzond, December 9, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recomniencl the following nominations for appointinent
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of Anierica:

13, 1862.


Brig. Gen. William Mahone, of Virginia, to rank fro111 July 30, 1861.

Col. (3. B. lIodge, of Kentucky, to rank from August 2, 1864.

Col. w. 1% Stevens, of TtxW, to rank from An,vnqt 28, 1864.

Cot. William Mt~c~llac,

of North Carolina, to rank froin November 4, 1864.
Col. W. 1%. Iaync?, of Virginia, to ritnk from November I, 1864.
I am, sir, respe&fnlly, your obedient servant,
sececretctry ofwar.
K U k N UTI\l? l)EI.\IWMlCNT,


&hmond, 1)eccmbrr 13, 1866.

To the Senate of the Confedernti, Stotrs.

Agreeably to the recoiriinentintion of t h e Secretary of War, 1 nominate Col. William M. Browne, of Georgia, to be brigadier-general, with temporary rank (under

act approved May 31, 1864), in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of



Itec. 14, 1664.1

No. 69.1


Richmond, December 12, 1864.

SIR:I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Col. William M. Browne,
of Georgia, to be brigadier-general (under act approved May 31,1864), with temporary
rank, in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, to command
brigade of local troops in Georgia, to rank from Xovernber 11, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency .JBFIERSOS DAVIS,
President, etc.
& k E C U T I V E I>EPAKl\rE\T




Richmond, h e m b e r 13, lS64.

To the ,Yenrite of t?Le Cbnfederwlr Stcrlrs:

Agreeably to thc recommendation of the Secretary of War, I noniiriate Col. Robcrt
Bullock, ot l~lorida,to be brigadier-general, with temporary rank (under act approved
Xay 31, 1864), i n the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
No. 64 ]


Richmond, December 10, 1864.

SIR:I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Col. Robert Bullock, of
Florida, to br brigadier-general, with temporary rank (under act approved May 31,
1864), in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America, to command
brigade, Army of Tenpessee, vice Brigadier-Gencral Finley, disabled, to rank from
November 29, 1864.
1am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency 3 E F F Y R S ~ \ I n ~ V I S ,
Preaidrnt, PIC

Rtchmond, December 13, 1864.

l1 rlvE 1 ~ ~ ; l ~ A i ~ P w C0NREJ)ERATE STATES OF

To the Soante of tlie CorLfede, u f i z 8tcttes.

Agrcenbly to the rrcomnicndation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the ac.coiiipanying list to tlic grades aflixecl to their names, respectively.
WAlt DlEr iIPP?II:\IT, (hxif:I)I:izArrE STATESOR A M E ~ ~ I C A ,
No. 57.1
Richmond, December S, 1864.
SIH. I have the honor to iecorninend tlie following iiorniiiatioiis for appointment
in the Irovisional ilriiiy of the Confederate States of America.
A djuturcts- jiist


Percy Robcrts, of Mississippi, to be adjutant Third Regiment Rngineer Troops (an

original mcanc-y ), to rank froiii Jnne 15, 1862.
S McCoriiiicak, of Sontlr Carolina, to he atliutant First South Carolina Regiment
(enlisted i i w n ) , (an original racmcy: to rai& from J u n e 17, 1864
M. Myers, of Texas, to be adjutant Sec*oiidCrwk Regiment (an original vacancy),
to rank irom J u n e 16, 1861.
1. N. Browne, oI South Carolina, to bc adjutant Twenty-third South Carolina
Regiinent, vice Lieutenant Ilichartf~on,proinoted, to rank from June 17, 1864.
Wythc B. (hahain, of Virginia, to be adjutant Eighth Virginia Cavalry Regiment,
vice Lieutenant ISailey, dropped, to rank from June 80, 1864.
Sebron C;. Sneed, of Tcxas, to be atijutmt Sixth Texas Regiment, vice Lieutenant
Garland, deceased, to rank frotn Junc lS, 1864.
Thoinas T. Cireene, of Alabania, to be adjutant Sixty-first Alabama Regiment, vice
Lieutenant Pollard, rclievetl, to rank troiri June 15, 1864.
,J. N. Hays, of Arlmisas, to be adjutant Pirst Choctaw and Chickasaw Regiment
(an original racanc*y),to rank from June 15, 1864.
Rufus R. Jones, of Texas, to be adjutant Fourteenth Texas Regiment (an original
vacancy), to rank from June 15, 1864.
John L. Stephens, of Alabama, to bc adjutant Forty-third Alabama Kegiment, vice
Lieuteiiamt fIenley, reaigiied, to rank fronl Junc 15, 1864.

348 -


[Dec 14, 1864.

Joseph Hunter, of Missouri, to be adjutant Eighth Missouri Cavalry Regiment,

vice Lieutenant Allen, killed, to rank from J ~ l 6,
y 1864
Ed. F. Clayton, of Georgia, to be adjutant Twelfth Georgia Battalion Artillery, \rice
eutenant Raker, killed, to rank from July 19, 1864.
J. A. M. Foute, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Twenty-sixth Tcnnessee Regiment,
ce Lieutenant Hickey, declined, to rank from July 18, 1864.
T. C. Moore, of Georgia, to be adjutant Fourteenth Georgia Regiment, vice Lieutenant Taliaferro, retired, to rank from Julv 16, 1864.
John M. Shufard, of Mississippi, to be adjutant Seventeenth Missisrippi Regiment,
vice Lieutenant Jones, killed, to rank from July 18, 1864.
Sohn Oliver, of Mississippi, to be adjutant Sixth Mississippi Cavalry Regiment (an
original vacancy), to rank from July 15, 1864.
R. D. Murphy, of Virginia, to be adjutant First Tirginia Cavalry Regiment, vice
Lieutenant Freaner, promoted, to rank froin J u n e 20, 1864.
Jack Sutherland, of Texas, to be adjutant Fourth Tesar Regiment, vice 1,ieutenant
Brown, deceamd, to rank from July 20, 1864.
Edward N. Everett, of Georgia, to be adjutant TCighteenth (korgia Regiment, vice
Lieutenant Patton, promoted, to rank frorii .June lc5, 1864
C. Marshal Jones, of Virginia, to bc adjutant First lirgiiiia Battalion, 1 ice 1,ic.utenant Marsdeli, tleceawt, to rank froiii July 21, I S64.
McK. Haminett, of Aikaiisas, to be adjutant Fifth A h t n i h a s Krgiriicrrt, 1 ice T,itIntenant Winston, resigned, to rank fioin July 28, 180 1.
Lewis B. Noland, of Arkansi5, to I)e atljutnnt Thirtl ArkanFas (a\ alry Rrgiiiieiit,
vice Lieutenant Hurwcll, proinotetl, to fnnk froni J i i n r 15, 1864
Roderick Perry, of Tcnnessec, to hc atljatarit Ninc,ttwith Trnnessee Cavalry Itrgiment (an original vacancy), t o rank froiii Juiic 15, 186,L.
R. T. Coiilter, of Teniiessec., to hr :irljutaiit Forty ninth Tennesscc~Rcginlent (an
original vacancy), to rank from J u l y 20, IS04
W. A. Overton, of Krntucky, to be adjntunt Second Kentucky Rattalion Cavalry
(an original vacancy), to rank fronr J ~ l 25,
y 1864
Edward M. .Jordan, of North (hroliiia, t o I w arljntant Sineteenth Sort11 CJaroliiia
Regiment, vice lieutenant Worth, decc:wd, to rank from i\ngnst ?, 1864
14. It. Morrison, of Virginia, to 1)c adjutant TI\ enty-sixth Virginia Battalion (an
original vacancv), to rank froin August ti, 1864.
R. D. Kathrens, of Mimuri, to 1~ at1jnt:tnt Srventh Missouri Cavalry Regiment,
vice 1,icntenant likc, killed, to rank Ironi July 15, 1464.
S. C. Sadler, oF South Carolina, to bc adjntitnt TI\ elftlr South Carolina Regiment,
vice Lieutenant Sniith, p r o i n o t c ~ to
~ , rank from Augast :1, 1S64.
S. R. Fant, of South Carolina, to 1)c adjutant Sevtwtecntll South Carolina Ktvi, raiih- from Aiigiibt :i.
uient, vice Lieutenant Connor, l a l l ( ~ t i to

B. 14. Cooten, of Virginia, to bc~acljiitaiitI(mt1i Virgiiih Iiegilnent, vire 1,iciltenant

Kisling, tlevcased, to ranlc froni . l i i n ( ~ 15, 1R(; 1.
J. C. Bnffiiigtoii, of Iloi itia, to Lw adjiit:iiit Peiitli Flori(liL lttyilnrnt (a11 oripillal
vacancy), to rank fro111 \iigii\t 12, 1864
F. Raltxell, of Floritlx, to 1x1 adjntnnt l ~c.iitlr
~ \ liegimc>nt (ail origin:tl
vacancy), to rank froin i\uciist 13, ISM
F. M. Bell, ol Ir~nnwscc~,to hc :idjntnnt Twenty-lirit TenriesPee Cavalry 1ic.gilnerli
(an original \acmicy), to rank froin J i i i i c 15, Ih6-L.
James T. Norris, of (;corgia, to bc ac1jnt:ini Xinth ( k w g i a C:ivalry Regiment, vicc
Lieutenant Jones, killed, to rank fronr ,ingust 9, 1864.
F. 6. Johnson, of Georgiki, to t w :idjiitinii, Forty-Lift11 Georgia liegiment, vice I,ieutenant Cherry, promoted, to rank froin iingnst 16, 1866.
John H. l>obbs, of ( i
n, to I ) c adjutant Tcnth Georgia Regiment, vice Lieutenant Strickland, deer
to rmk froiii Zugnct 16, 1864.
John 11. McKie, of h
sippi, t I bc ncljiitnnt hincteenth blississippi Regiment,
vice Lieutenant Peel, deceased, to rank froin .J nly 30, 1864.

Dec. 14, 1864.1



Preston J. Key, of Tmiisiana, to he itdjatant Sintli Louisinna Itepinient, vice Lieu16, 1864.
D. R. Patterson, of Piorth Carolina, to br adjutant First Seminole Battalion (an
original vacancy), to rank from August 16, 1SG-l.
Thomas 8. McCay, of Mi
', to tw adjutnnt Seventh Jlississippi Battalion
(an original vacancy), to ra
February 20, 1863
Alex. S Webb, of North
a, to be adjutant Fort) -fourth Korth Carolina
Regiment, vice Lieutenant
's coniniissroii rerokcd, to rank from August 17,
James A Conner, of \lissis4ppi, to be adjntant Tn enty-cixth Mi
ment, vice I k u t e n a n t Cnrlee, resipnctl to rank Eioi~i.June 15, 1864.
D. H. Boyles, of dlatmna, to hc atljlitniit Kit\ -iiutli llabnina Regiment, vice
Lieutenant Sykes, proinottvl, to rank froin . \ i i w S t 2 L, 1 8 M
\V. T. Mitchell, of Alabama, to l)e adjntant''l'liirt\ - littb Aldl,Rnia Regiment, vice
1,ientenant Horne, tleceawl, to
1i from Augnst 2.5, 1864.
Thomas W,.
Clepper, of Teiiii
c, to 1)c atljntnnt 'l'hirty-fourth Tennessee Regiment, vice Lieutenant Sliant., k
1, to lank froin Arlgnst 25, 1864.
13. Iardy, of Miswsilq)i, to bc atljiit,iiit Fortvfoiirth Mississippi Regiment, rice
Lieutenant Odoni, killed, to rank horn A h g u s t23, IS64
pi, to be adjiitant Sixtecnth Mississippi Regiment, vice
,ink from August 26, 1864.
nd, to tie adlutwnt Thirty-Fieventh Virginia Battalion
1, dropped, to rank from Scptcniber 2, 1864.
J. F. WilkerPon, of Tenncesee, to he adjutant TRclllth Confederate Cavalry Regito rank from hqttenibcr 21, 1864.
ippi, to be adjutant Prcoiitl Mississippi Cavalry Regieclined, to rank from Septtwiber 14, 1864
A. T. Loudon, of Koith Carvliriit, lo be atlptant First Iiepirnent North Carolina
Reserves (an original vacan
nB froni Acpternber 20, 7884.
J. W.Childress, of Tenn
IF adjntaiit Fiftieth Tennesqee Regiment (an
original vacancy), to rank f
pteniber 21, 1864
J. T. Quarks, of Virginia, to be atljntant First Iporeign Battalion (an original
vacancy), to rank from Octohcr 19. 1864.
F M. Vancc, of .llabama, to be adjutant T\yentic%liAlabania Regiment, +e T,ieutenant Smith, promoted, to i i t i i l i f i o m Octohcr IS, 1864
L. Campbell, of I,onisian:i, to I)e ntljntant Thirteentti Lo&iniia Regiment, \ice
Lientenant Bein! prornotctl, to l a n k froin Wep,fcrrrl)c~r21, 1864.
C. E. (+rier, ot North Caroliii<i,to I)e adjutant Tliirtrc~ntliNorth Carolina Rcgiment, vice Lieutennnt i\nclc~rw cliol)pc\(l, to r m k ft 0111
GywgePI. Itow, of North ( oIin<i,t o I)c ailjut6iiit
Regiinerit, vice Li eii tcnaii t \ ri 1 tcwl, tfcc I i n c ~ l ,to t,nik fioin October 18, 1864.
T. 15. l'ittnim, of Nortli Cwolina, to
adjutant T\r cw t \ - w r e n t h North Carolina
Itegirnent, vice. 1,iciitcnant Kiiiglit. I i i l l < ~ ito
, lank from S
\V. d. Mauldin, of
ppi, to 1~ ntljntaiit ICleventh
ppi Reginicwt, vice
Lieutenant Xvans, pi
, to i m k f l o i i r Septctn1)er 27,
A. I). Sirnons, of Soiitli Carolilia, to be ailptant Tn en
H e p i e n t , rice Lieutenant Sniitli, dcc.cnscc1, to m i l < ironi Septeiiiber 27, 1864.
h. .J. Spindle, 01 \'irpinia, to 1)e atljntaiit Tmc~lltlil'ircinia Cavalry Regiment, vice
Lieutenant Marman, tlroppc?t, to rank from St,ptcmbcr 20, lS(bk.
T. It;. Ihi~is,of Virginia, to l x x atljiitant T u cnty-fir& Virginia Ua\ alry Regiment
(an original \7acanc,y), to rank from Srptentkicr 24, 1S(i4
F. N. Kitchell, of Alabama, to bc adjutant 1'oi tv-eighth .llabani:L Regiment, vice
Lieutenant Figures, k i I l ~ ? dto
, rank froin Septenil)er 24, 18(j4.
Jeff. L. Savage, of Alabama, to he adjutant Tliirtwnth hlahania Regiment, vice
wd, to rank from 0ctobc.r 18, 1864.
Issippi, to be d,jntant Tn cmticth 31
ippi Regiment, vice
ignccl, t u iaiili from October 18, 186
c k j , to be adjutant Four 111 Kentucky Iiegiment, rice Lieutenant Williams, deceased, to rank from Se
G . W.Cain, of Alabama, to be atljntant
a lkgiiiient, vice Lieutenant Bucliner, killed, to rank from October 17, 1864.
1. C. Fallon, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Ninth iirlransas Regiment, vice Lieutenant Dunlop, detcawd, to iaiilr from Eeptriiiber 27, 18G4.
F. R. Rurrui;, of Tcnnc e, to be adjutant Eiphtccnth Tennessee Regimcnt, vice
Lieutenant Douglass, deceased, to rank from October 17, 7 864.
T. M Hunt, of T ~ x a sto
, be ztljutarit Seventeenth Texas Regiment (an original
vacancy), to rank frnni October 18, 1864.

tenant \Vator% killed, to idnk from Augnst

3 50


[Dee 14, 1564.

B. F, Murrell, of Arkansas, to be adjutant Thirty-second ,Irkansas Itrginlent (:ni

original vacancy), to rank from October 18, 1864.
W. W. Matthews, of Louisiana, to be adjuttlnt Ninth Louisiana Battalion, lartisan
Rangers (an original vacancy), to rank from September 27, 18G-l.
James H. Wilkes, of North Carolina, to be adjutant Sixty-second Sorth Carolina
Regiment, vice Lieutenant Haynes, appointed ensign, to rank from Srpte111hc.r 26,
John T. Hall, of Texas, to be adjutant Fourteenth Texaq Cavalry Regiinent, vice
Lieutenant Lane, appointed aid-de-cainp, to rank from October 17, 1864.
G. P. Massingale, of Texas, to he adjutant Whitfields Legion, vice Litdenant
Spindle, resigned, to rank from October 25, 1864-.
J. H. Cummins, of Tennessee, to be adjutant hinth Teniiessee Iteginient (an original vacancy), to rank from October 25, 1864.
J. A. Martin, of Tennessee, to be adjutant Twenty-ninth Tenn
Lieutenant Reynolds, resigned, to rank froni October 25, 1864.
E. Harrison, of Florida, to be adjutant Rrcontl Floiida Rc,giinent, rice I,ieirtc~riant
Reid, killed, to rank from October 25, 7864.
N. H. Davis, of South Carolina, to be adjutant Fifteontli Soiitli Carolina [irginient,
vice Lieutenant Davis, appointed aid-tle-camp, to rank from Ortuhcr 25, 1864.
F. B. Davidson, of Missoiiri, to be adjutant Tenth Xissoiiri (avalry licpmcnt ( a n
original vacancy), to rank from Ortoher 25, 1864.
James J. Kiddoo, of Georgia, to br adjutant JGftp-first Georgia lteginient, \ iw
Lieutenant West, dropped, to rank from Kovenilwr 2, 1864.
John Patton, of Mississippi, tu l ~ eatljutarit First Missishippi Rc@nc>rJt d r t i l l t ~ y ,
vice Lieutenant Power, ieaigned, to lank f i oin Noveinher 1, 1864.
C. Watlington, of Alabama, to be adjutant J~Cle\withA1al)ania Regiiiimt, vice
Lieutenant Ashe, killcd, to rank froiri iYovenibr,r 3 , 1804.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,

To His 1~~xc.cllency
President, d c .

1 ~ ; x ~ cVIC
Richmoird, I)rw,vhr,r 13, IS/, #

TOthe Smnte of

tile Cm<frrJpnrta 1YI 1 I I P . S .

A reeably to the reroni~~ieird~~tioii

of thc. Secwtary of War, I iiorninc~tcthcl offiwri
on t i e acscompanying list to tlw grades affiscct to tlioir iiaincs, rt..pectively.
No. GI. J
(1, I ) P ( . P ? ? t b l ~ I . I, ts/;j.
SIR:I h a w the honor to rwonii
tiorlr for app~~intrrrc~nt
in the Provisional Army of the Co
O I ~ N I H A I OYl~JC*R114,IVIYII T E \ I I O R A I < Y I< %XI<, I \ I > l ? l i


A ( P .\llJLO\ J C l ) M A \

31, 1864.


Lieut. Gen. .J. B. tfood, o f Tcx;is, to imik frl)iir Jiily 18, 1864.

Maj. Gcn. A . 1. SteQart, of


to rcink from June 23, 1864.

&fClJOT-{/lV eN7 IS.


1. 13rig. Gen. 11.

Clayton, of Alal
to rank from ,July 7, 1x84.
2. Brig. Gen. John C. Urown, of Trr
to I.iIllk from AnguPt 4, 1864.
3. Brig. C h i . L. L. Loinex, of Virginia, to rank froiti Augnst 10, 1804
4. Brig. Geri. T. L. Rosser, 01 Texas, to riinli from November 1, 1864.

1. Col. B. T. Johnson, of Marylsrid, to lank from June 28, 1864.
2. Col. J. C. Carter, of Tcniiessee, to rank lroxri July 7, 1864.
8. Col. J. T. FToltzclaw, of Alabama, to rank from July 7, 1864.
4. Col. W. I?. Brantly, of Mississippi, to rank from July 26, 1864.

Dec. 14,1864.J



5. Col. R. H. Anderson, of Georgia, to rank froin Jiily 26, 1864.

6. Lieut. Col. F. H. Robertson, of Texas, to rank from J u l y 26, 1864.
7. Col. J. H. Sharp, of Mississippi, to rank from July 26, 1864.
8. Col. G . D. Johnston, of Mississippi, to rank from July 26, 1864.
9. Col. T. B. Smith, of Tennessee, to rank from July 29, 1864.
10. Col. William Miller, of Florida, to rank from August 2, 1864.
11. Col. W. H. Young, of Texas, to rank from AuguPt 15, 1864
12. Col. G . W. Gordon, of Tennessee, to rank from Angust 15, 1864.
13. Col. W. H. Wallace, of South Carolina, to rank from September 20,1864.
14. Col. C. M. Shelbv, of Alabama, to rank from September 17, 1864.
15. Lieat. Col. G. M: Sorrel, of Georgia, to rank from October 27, 1864.
1am, sir, respectfully, yonr obedient servant,

To His ISxcellency JEIWERWU

President, etc.
To the St ntrlP qf lhe Coiif( drr
Agreeably to the recommendation of thc. Secretary of War, I nominate t h e officers
on the accompanying list to the grades affixed to their name<, rrspertively,
Richmond, DecpnzBer 10, la&$.
No. G7.1
SIR:I have t h e honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:



Willie Barrow, of Louisiana, to be adjutant First Trans-Mississippi Battalion

Cavalry (an original vacancy), to rank fiom Septeiriber 15, 1864.
L. T. Everett, of North Carolina, to he adjutant Twenty-third North Carolina Regiment, vice Lieutenant Powell, deceased, to rank froin October 29, 1864.
A. F. Kinncy, of Virginia, to be adjutant Fifty-second Virginia Regiment, vice
Lieutenant Galt, deccawtl, to rank from Kovembcr 3, 1864.
Iz. 1. Waring, of North Carolina, to bc adjutant Fourth North Carolina Regiment
Itekwves (an original ~ a c a n c y )to
, rank from August 30, 1864.
J 11 Wooldridge, of ( h r g i a , to be adjutant Thirty first (korgia ltegiment (an
original vacmicy), to rank from .\iignst 15, 1864
I am, sir, rrspectfnll) , yorir o b d i e n t wrvant,
Secretavy of War.
To His J<xrellency J I
Rvaidenl, rlc.
12,x~:cuW E I ) w ~ ~ w m Rirhnioirtl,
r ,
IlrcunthPr 13, 1854.

To ihr Senate o j the Confederute Skites:

Agreeably to the rwomniendation of tlir Stwelary of War, I iiomiriate the officers
on thc accompanying list (for proniotion) to thc grade3 affixed to their names,
, R i c h ~ ~ o nldk, c r ~ n h Y,
~ rI@&.
SIR: I have t h e honor to rccommcnd the following nominations for promotior, in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.


First Lieut. W. G. Williamson, of Vilginia, to be captain Company F, First Regiment Engineer Troops, vice Captain Douglas, iesigned, to rank from Hepternbe? 58,
First beutennnts.
Second Lieut. R. FT. Griffin, of Texas, to be first lieutenant Company G, First
Regiment Engineer Troops (to fill a n original vacancy), to rank from September 28,



[Ilec. 1.1, 1864.

Second Lie&,. D. S.Hessey, of Delan-are, to be first lientcii:znt ( ~ I I I ] X ~ I I \ 1'ir.t

Regiment Engineer Troops, vice Lieutenant Willianlqon, pronzotcd tnptani ('crnlpany
F, to rank from September 30, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient scwaiit,
A \ ,

To His Excellency




l < X i X U T I V I I)JWAlIT\lBXT,

mhcr 1 3 , 1864.

~ ~ l l ' / l ? i Z U ~f?) tW
~ ,<

To the Senate of the Cbqedercite States.

Agreeably to the recommentlation of the Secretary of Wa
on the accompanying list to the gmrles affixcd to their r i m

Dec. 14, 1864.1



Capt. Duke Nall, of Alabama, to be major Eighth Alabama Regiment, vice Ilajor
Emrich, promoted, to rank from Noveriiber 2, 1864.
Capt. J. G. Wcbb, of Georgia, te be major Ninth Georgia Regiment, vice Major
Jones, deceased, to rank from October 26, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
Pwsident, etc.
r, Richnaoird, December 13, 1864.
To the Senate of the G'onfedernte 8tntes:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I noininate the officers
on the accompanying list (for promotion) to the grades affixed to their names, respectirely.
No. 56.1
WARD m . w r m w , Richmond, December 8, 1864.
Sm: 1 have the honor to recorninend the following riorriinatioiis for promotion i n
the Provisional Army of thc Confederate States of ilnierica:
Lieut. Col. M. J. Bulger, of Alabama, to be colonel Forty-seventh Blabania Kegiinent, vice Colonel Jackson, resigned, to rank from July 16, 1863.
Lieut. Cot. F. W. McMaster, of South Carolina, t o be colonel Seventeenth South
Carolina Regiment, vice Colonel Means, killed, to rank from Septeinhcr I , 1862.
Lieut. Col. G. W. Clayton, of North Carolina, to be colonel Sixty-secmnd North
Carolina Regiment, vice Colonel Love, resigned, to rank from August 13, 1863.
Lieut. Col. J. T. Jordan, of Georgia, to be colonel Forty-ninth Georgia Regiment,
rice Colonel Player, resigned, to rank from March 24, 1864.
blaj. W.D. Rutherford, ot South Carolina, to he colonel Third South Carolina
Jteginieiit, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Garlington and Colonel Name, killed, to rank
froin May 6, 1864.
31aj. F:. C. Conncill, of Mississippi, to be colonel Sixteenth Missi+sip:ri Regiment,
\ice I,ieuteriant-Coloiiel Ii'eltus and Colonel Baker, deceased, to rank from May 12,

Licut. Col. R. W. P h i p p , oC Mississippi, to be colonel Kinetecnth 3Iississilipi Begiased, to rank from N a y 12, 1804.
I h y k i n , of South Carolina, to be colonel Twentieth South Carolina
c 1,ieutenant-Colonel Daiitzlei, promoted, and Colonel ICeitt, killed, to
rank froin Junc, 2, 1864.
Lieut. Col. John Ashford, of North Carolina, to he colonel Thirty-eighth North
Carolina Regiment, rice Coloncl Hoke, retired, to rank from J u n e 18, 1864.
Xaj. C. 13. Broyles, of Georgia, t o be colonel Thirty-Fist11 Georgia Regimenl, vice
Lientenant-Colonel Wallace, resigned, and Coloncl Glenn, disinissed, to rank fioin
April 28, 1864.
T,ieiit. Col T. 31. Logan, of South Carolina, to be coloncl IIainpton Legion, vice
Colonel Gary, appointed brigadier-general, to rank from May 19, 1864.
Lieut. Col. J. 13. Nethercntt, of North Carolina, to be coloncl Sixty-sixth North
Carolina Regiment, vice Colonel Moore, killed, to rank froin June 3, 1864.
Iieut. Col. L. con %inken, of Tmiisiana, to be colonel Twentieth Louisiana 1Zegiincnt, viw Colonrl Reichard, resigned, to rank from July 7 , 7 863
Lient. Col. J. T,. Drake, of Mississippi, to be ( d o n e l Thirty-third Mississippi Iteginicnt, vice Colonel tlurst, resigned, to rank froni Jamiary 6, 1864.
Capt. R. B. Boston, of Virginia. to be colonel Fifth Virginia Cavalry Regiment,
vict, Major Eells, killetl, Ideutenant-Coloiiel Pate, promoted, arid Colonel Pate, Irilled,
to iank f r m J u n e 16, 7864.
Lieut. Col. J. N. Stecdnan, of South Carolina, to be colonel Sixth South Carolina
Regiment, vice Colonel l h t t o n , promoted, to rank from May 6, 1864.
J ~ i i t ('01.
It. 11;. Bowen, of South Carolina, to be colonel Second South Carolina
Rifle Regiment, vice Colonel Thonison, resigned, to rank froin Januarv 22, 1864.
MXJ. 11. C. Kellogg, of (korgia, to be colonel Forty-third Georgia. Regiment, yice
Lieutenant-Colonel Bell, resigned, and Colonel Harris, killed, to rank from December 18, 7863.
Maj. 3%. E. Burke, of I,onisiana, to be colonel Second Louisiana ltegirnent, vice
Lieutellant-Colonei Willianis, killed, and Colonel Norw-ood, resigned, to rank from
May 12, 1864.
c J-VOL 4-04-23


[Dec. 14, 1864.

W.C. Holt, of Georgia, to be colonel Tenth (;eorgia Regiment, \ice

Weeins, retired, to rank frorn May 19, 1%4.
Col. I . A. Carrington, of Virginia, to be colonel Eighteenth Virginia, Regiment, vie<*Colonel IYithers, retired, to rank from .July 21, 1864.
Lieut. Col. J. P. Bane. of Texas, to be colonel Fourth Texas Regiment, yice Colonel
Key, retired, to rank froin April 29, 1564.
Lieut. Col. F. A. Ashford, of Alabama, to be colonel Sixteenth Alabama Regiment,
yice Colonel Helvenston, resigned, to rank from March 26, 1864
lieiit. Col. Arthur Herbert, of Virginia, to be colonel Seventeenth Virginia Regiment, vice Colonel Marye, retired, to rank from July 8, 1864.
Lieut. Col. Thomas Smith, of Virginia, to be colonel Thirty-sixth Virginia ltegiinent, vice Colonel McCausland, appointed brigadier-general, to raiik from N a y 18,
Lieut. Col. .\V. 1. A. Speer, of Xorth Carolina, to be colonel Twenty-eighth Nortli
Caroliria Regiment, vice Colonel Lowe, retired, to rank from July 8, 1864.
Lieut. Col. (i.
11. Carniical, of Georgia, to be colonel Seventh Georgia Xegimcnt,
vice Colonel White, retired, to rank froin July 27, 1864.
Lieut. Gol. Isaac 1;. H n n t , of South Carolina, t o he colonel Thirteenth South Carolina Regitiieiit, vice Colonel tirockinan, dweased, to rank froni J niie 8, 18(i4.
Lieut. Col. t i . K. tiriggs, ot Virginia, to be colonel Thirty-eiglith \irginia Ikgiment, vicr Colonel Galtell, killed, to rarik from May 16, 1864.
Lieut. Co!. Janics 11. Tilliii:in, ot T(innessec, to be colonel Iorty-first Te~rinessec~
Regiment, vice Colonel Faryuharson, retired, to rank froiii June 3, 1864.
RIttj. R. N. Iayne, of Tctinc
, to IF co!onel Thirty-tliirtl Tennessee lkgiment,
vice Lieutenant-Coloriel McNcill and Colonel Jones, killed, to rank from July 22, 1864.
Lieut. Col. 1L W.Turiiei , of l,oiiiLiaiin, to be coloiic~l Sinetecntli Louisiana IZcgiment, vice Coloiicl IVinaiis, lrillctl, to i:mL f l o i i i No\cirilttxr 25, 1865.
tit. Col. IIarry T. Touliiiir
Iithaiiia, to be colonel T Mcmty-sccoiid Alabaina,
lent, vicc Coloncl llart, tl
I, to rank ftoni ,July 28, 1864.
ut. Col. D. I,. I\lcnan, oE
a, to he colonel Sixth Florida Iteginient, \ ic.e
Colonel ilrclean, killed, to rank from May 28, 1864.
Liciut. Col. ( i . 117. Gordon, of Tennessee, to bc c~olonc~l
Eleventh Tennessee ItrgiIirent, vice Colunel Raiiir, appointed ~trigadirr-geiieral,to rank from Koreniher 4,
Urut. Col. William Grace, of Tenneswe, to be coloiit~lTenth Tennwsccl Itcgiiiicnt,
viw Colonel RTRCGIL\
oc-k, killed, to rank from May 12, 186%
Litbut. Col. R. 1,. T. I3(d(h, of Virginia, to tte caolonel N i n t h Virginia Cavalry It
i n w t , vice Col. W. 11. F. Ltw, appoiiited brigadier-~eiieral,to iank frotii Septcm
15, 1862.
h u t . (701. 1. D. Bowles, of Alabama, to bc colonel Fourth AIahinxL l<c+irmt,
vice Colonel Law, appoiritctl ~trigac~irr-geiieral,
to rank froiii 0ctol)c.r :i,1802
Lieut. Col. W.F. Perry, of :\lalmna, to Itti colorwl Forty-fourth L l l a b a ~ ~
~ncnt,vice Colonel I)erby, killed, to rank f r o m Pcpteiiil)c.r 17, 186%.
Liwt. Col. IV. 11. Willis ot Georgia, to Lte colonel Fourth (icorgia Kepilnent, ricp
(olonci~~ o o kappointc(1
~,;.igadic.r-genern],to lailk froiii ilngnst 5, 146.1.
Imut. Col. C. W. lIc~iskc4l,of Tcunesscc~,to be colonel Nineteenth Teiine
merit, vicc Coloiiel Wdker, Irillctl, to rank froiii . l d y 22, 1864.
Lieut. Co1. IIugh A. (iarlatitl, of N i m u r i , to be colonel Pirst M i ~ ~ o uItcgiiiieiit,
vice Colonel Riley, killotl, to rank from I l h y 30, 18G4.
Lieut. Col. I,. T. Woodruff, of rIlal)ania, to be colond Thirty-sixth ,ilah;~ii~a
Regiiiiaiit, vice Uoloiic~lSiiiitli, rcsignotl, to rank froni >larch 16, 1 8 6 : ~
Ticut. 0 ) l . W. It. Gre(,n, of Yirginia, t o bc colonel Flfty-sixth Virginla Itegiiiicnt,
vice (:oloiwl L;laiightei, rtxnipit~l,to rank froiii Jiitie 13, 1864.
Lieut. ( h l . J i t i i w s G. IZosc~,ol T ~ ~ I I I I to
~ ~beI w
Sixty-first Tennesec Regiiiient, vice Colonc~lIittq, rctirecl, to r:tnk froiii Iiugust 1, 1864.
, to be c.oloncl of the Tenth Tennessee Eeginietit,
1, retiied, and Coloiiel Grace, deceased, to rank
, Col.

cniicssw, to be colonel Thirty-second Teliriessee IZegi~ricnt,vice (hloncl Cook, decwsed, aiitl tiic lieutenant-colorlel waiving, to rank fro111
Augurt 11, 1864.
. F. ffookter,of South Carolina, to be colonel T ~ e l f t hSouth Caroliua
Coloiiel Miller, tlweaued, to rritilr froni &fay6, 1564.
. 1. Tmter, of Georgia, to be (done1 Fourtoenth Georgia Regimenf,
vice (hloncl Ipolsom, cleccwcd, to rank from Xay 8, 1864.

h u t . Col. M. 11. Ballcngcr, ol (korgia, to be colonel Twenty-third Georgia Itegilncnt, vice coloiicl Fluggint;, resigiied, to ratik lroiii August 13, 1864.

Dee 14,1864 1




p e c . 11, 186.1.

Maj. J. M. White, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Sixth South Carolina lxegiment, vice Lieutcnant-Colonel Steedmnn, promoted, to rank from May 6,

Maj. D. L. Donnald, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Second South Carolina Rifle Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Bowen, promoted, to rank from January 22, 1864.
Maj. T. H. Shackelford, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifty- fourth Alabama
Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Minter, promoted, to rank from March 5, 1864.
hlaj. John W. Davis, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Twentieth Alabama
Regiment, vice Tieutenant-Colonel Porter, resigned, to rank from April 23, 1864.
Maj. W. J . Williams, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-ninth Georgia
Hegiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Jordan, promoted, to rank from March 24, 1864.
Maj. W. H. Stewart, of Virginia, to he lieutenant-colonel Sixty-first Virginiit Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Nierneyer, killed, to rank from May 12, 1864.
Maj. R. B. Arnold, of South Carolina, to t)e lieutenant-colonel Hanipton Legion.
vice Lieutenant-Colonel Logan, promoted, to rank from >gay 19, 1864.
Maj. E. 1%.Smith, of Virginia, to he lieutenant-colonel Twenty-ninth Virgiiiia
Eegiment, vice Lit.ritenant-C~olone1Haynee, deceased, to rank from June 2, 1864.
Maj. 9. C..Cabell, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Eighteenth Virginia Regiment, vice 1,ieiiteliant-CoIoricl Carrington, promoted, to rank from July 21, 1864.
Maj. C. M. Winklcr, of Texas, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourth Tesas Rcgiincnt,
vice Lieutenaiit-Colonel Ihne, promoted, to rank from April 29, 1864.
Maj. .I. J. May, of A l a h ~ i i a ,to be lieutenant-colonel Sixteenth Alabania ltrgiment, vice T,ientc~naiit-ColoiiclAshford, promoted, to rank from March 26, 1864.
Maj. I<.(2. Maffetl, of South Carolina, to be licutenant-c~olonc1Third Sonth Carolina Regiment, I ice Lieutenant-Colonel Itutherford, promoted, to rank from May 6,
Maj. I$. IT. Lindsay, of T,ouisiana, to be lieutenant-colonel Siutccnth 1,onisiana
Reginlent, \rice ldrutenarit~-('oloiielWalker, deceayctl, to rank from l)ec*enrber1, 1iiAS.
phj. P. A. Blcl\iIic~Ii:tel,of South ('arolina, to be lieuteniint-c.olonr1Twentietli South
Carolina Rcgiinciit, vice Lieutcuant-Colonel Uoykin, pronioted, to rank froni June 2,
Maj. (i.
Tyler, of Virginia, to he lientenant-colonel Seventeenth Virginia 1iegiitient, vice Lientrnaiit-Colonel IZerlwt, promoted, to rank froin Julv 8, 1864.
Maj. IV. 14: lUr, of Virginia, to l)c licntenant-c.olonel Thirty-sixth Virginia Kcgiment, vice I,ieutcnant,-Coloncl Hniith, pronioted, to rank from May 18, 1864.
Maj. M. T. Alnion, of tieor@, to be lieatellant-coloiiel Scventh Georgia liegirnent ,
vire 1,ieutenaiit-Coloiiel Carinical, promoteit, to rank from July 27, 1864.
Maj. William Lester, of South Carolina, to be licutenant-colonel Thirteentli Sonth
Carolina Regiment, vice Lieutentlilt-Colonel Hunt, promoted, to rank froin June 8,
&I:$ W. 11. Prpor, of Virginia, to he lieutenant-colonel Third Virginia Regiment,
vice I,ieuteiiant-Colonel Scott, killed, to rank from July 3, 1863.
Maj. A. 1'. Butler, of South Carolma, to be lieutenant-coloiiel First South Carolina
Regiment, vice Licuten~nt-ColouelAIston, deceased, to rank froni Juiic 19, 1864.
Maj. 11. A. Kenwdy, of Louisiana, to be lieutellant-coloriel Nineteenth Louisiana
Rcgiiiient, vice 1,ientcnant-Colonel Tiirncr, promoted, to rank from November XT,, 1863.
Maj. Thoinas G. Miller, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-first Teriiirsscc
Rcginient, vicr Lioutexiarit-ColoiielTillinam, pronioted, to rank from June 3, 1864.
Naj. 14;. S. Gullcy, of Alahairm, l o I)e lieuteiiaiit-colonel Fortieth Alabama Regiment, vice Licuteiiant-Coloiiel Stone, clcceasrd, to rank from May 5, 1864.
Maj. 8.S. Batclrclor, of Louisiana, to be lientenant-rolonel First Loiiisiana Regjirrcnt, vice Lieolmaiit-Colonel Rent, clcceased, to rank frcim April 2, 1861.
Maj. It. TI. M. DIL\i&on, 01 Florida, to be lieutellaxit-colonel Sixth Florida 1iegiuient, vicc I,ieuteiiant,-Coloricl Kctian, promoted, to rank from May 28, 1861.
Maj. Thoniw C:. 13crry, of Tesas, to be lieutenant-colonel Ninth 'Prxas Cavalry
Ikginient, vice 1,ieuteii;Liit-Colonel h d s o n , resigned, to rmlr froin O ( h b e r 2, 1863.
Maj. 1). T. Richards, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-c.olone1 Sixth Virginia Cavalry
Iteginrcnt, vice- Lioutoriunt-Colonel Flonrnoy, deceamd, to rank from June 4, 1864.
i h j . tJitrixr; A. Long, 01 Tennossee, to be li~iit~nant-c.oloncl
Kleventh Tennessee
Rrgiment, vice Liorrtenant-Colonc.lTliedFortl,resigned, to rank from December 14,1863.
Maj. Thomas Waller, of Virginia, to be lienteiiaiit-colonel Ninth Virginia Cavalry
Re~firnoiit,vice Lieuteiiant-Coloiicl Beale, promoted, to rank froni Septenrber l5,18GB.
RIaj. L. H. Scru cyrq of Alabama, to he lieutenant-colonel Fourth Alabama Regiment,
vice I , i o u t c ~ , a , i t - ~ ~Bowlas,
prornotcd, to rank from October 3, 1862.
Maj. John A. Jones, of Blabaina, to hc lieutenant-colonel Forty-fourth Rlahania
Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Perry, promoted, to rank from September 7, 1862.

Dee. 14,1884.1



Maj. E. A. Sash, of Georgia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fourth Georgia Regiment,

vice IJicutenant-Colonel Willis, promoted, to rank from Augnst 5 , 1864.
Maj. Roger Moore, of North Carolina, to be lic.utenaiit-t.olonP1 Forty-first Korth
Carolina Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Waddell, resigned, to rank from August
10, 1864.
Maj. Thoma8 E;. Scrcven, of South Carolina, to he lientenant-colonel Second South
Carolina Cavalry Itegiiiient, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Lipscomb, promoted, to rank
from September 1, 1863.
Maj. James C;. Deaderick, of Tennessee, to be lieutenant-colonel Sineteenth Tennessee Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Ileiskell, promoted, to rank from July 22,
Naj. Martin Barkc, of Missouri, to br lieotcnant-colonel Fi
vitae 1,ieutenant-Colorirl Garland, 1~1
ouiutcil, t o I ank froin &la
Maj. T. M. Atkiiis, of Tninr~sec,to bc lieutenant-c.olonc.1
Kegiinent, T ice Lieutenant-Colonel Cortliiig, tlropi)cd, to rank from J u n e 1I, 1864.
Maj. J. It. Ciilp, of South Carolina, to be lieutciiarit-coloiiel fie\ rnteentli Sonth
Carolina Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Mcans, rctirctl, to rank froiii Augnst 29,

Maj. T. F. Clyburn, of South Carolina, to be lieutrnant-colouel Twelfth South

Carolina Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel 13oolrter, promoted, to rank froin May
6, 1864.
Maj. W. ILI. Hardwick, of Alabama, to be lieutenant-colonel Forty-eighth Alabama
Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Alldridge, rmignetl, to rank from Jmie 17, 1863.
Maj J. T Robertson, of South Carolina, to he lieutenant-colonel First South Carolina Rifle Regiment, rice Lieutenant-Colonel Hadden, killed, to rank froin July 28,
Maj. W. L. Goldsmith, of Georgia, t o be lieutenant-colonel Fourteenth Georgia
Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Lester, promoted, to rank from May 8, 1864.
Maj. II. Bussey, of Georgia, to be lieutenaiit-colonel Twenty-seventh Georgia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Gardrier, killed, to rank froni June 24, 1861.
Maj. C. 13. Mopre, of Louisiana, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-lifth Louisiana
Regiment, vice I ,ieiitrnaiit-Colonel Zacharie, promoted, to rank from August 31, 1864.
Maj. Eric Erson. of Sorth Carolina, to be li~,utei~ant-coloiiel
Fifty-second Korth
Carolina Rcgimeiit, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Little, resigned, to rank from August
30, 1864.
Maj. J. I<. Klliott, of Alabama, to be 1
t-colonel Thirtieth Alabama IZegiment, vice 1,ieiite~iant-ColonelEattwson,
, t o rank from July 30, 1864.
Ckrter, of illabarna, to be lienten~iit-colo11(.1Thirty-fourth Alabama
c.e 1,irutenant-Colonel lkhols, resigned, and the inajor fouiicl incoiiipctent, to rank from May 1, 1864.
Maj. S. M. 3)yer, of SIivissippi, to be lieutenant-colonel Third Mississippi Regiment, vice Ideutenaiit-Coloiiel McRae, rwigned, to rank from Augubl 17, 1863.
Maj. T. J. Horden, of Mississippi, to btl lieuteiiaiit-colorrel Sixth MisGssippi Regiment, vice Lieutenaiil-Colollrl Harper, resigned, to rank from Aiigu~t2, 1864.
Rlaj. Saniuel &I.8ilI er, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-t oloiiel Piftj -eighth
North Caroline lieginleiit, vice Lieuteiiarit-Colonel Dnla, resigned, to rank from
August 31, 1864.
Maj. W. S. Shepherd, of Georgia, to be lientenant-colonel Sccond Georgia Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel I;i(arris, killctl, to rank from July 21, 1863.
Maj. Charles J. Rell, of IJoni8iaiia, to be lietitcnant-c.olorie1 Thirtieth Louisiana
ltepiment, &c I,ieutenant-Colouc~l Shields, deceased, to rank froiii .July 28, 1864.
Maj. J. 11. Diiiiklin, of illabainn, to be lieuteriant-coloriel Thirty-third Alabama
Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Crittenden, pronioted, t o rank from J u l y 21,1864.

Capt. J. T. Woodhouse, of Virginia, t o be major Sixteenth Virginia Xegimerit, vice

Xajor Holladay, resigned, to rank from March 16, 1863.
Capt. W. L. A. Ellis, of Georgia, to be major Sixty-second Geoigia Regiment, vice
Major Kennedy, promoted, to rank from July 24, 1864.
Capt. George Dovns, of Virginia, to be major Nineteenth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, rice Major Kesslcr, promoted, to rank from February 26, 1864.
Capt. F. S. Lenie, of South Carolina, to be major Fifteenth South Carolina Regiment, vice LMajor Gist, killed, to rank from November 18, 1863.
Capt. Warren Adams, of South Carolina, to be major First South Carolina Regiment (enlisted men), viceMajor De Treville, promoted, to rank from January 20,1861.
Capt. J. T. Wilson, of North Carolina, to be major Thirty-eighth Korth Carolina
Regiment, vice Major Flowers, promoted, to rank from June 18, 18M.

Dee. 14, 1864.1



Capt. W.1. Martin, of Texas, to be major Fourth Texas Ztepinient, vice Major
Winkler, pronioted, to rank from April 29, lS64.
Capt. 1%'. M. Robbina, of hlabania, to be iiiajor Fonrth Alahania Regiment, vice
Major Coleman, deceased, t o rank froiii Octolier 3 , 186:;.
Capt. G. W. Gary, of Alabama, to he major Forty-fourth illabaina Itegiineiit, rice
Major Jones, promoted, to rank from Septeniber 17, 1562.
Capt. J. H. IllcReynolds, oC Texas, to be major PIIintli Texas Regiment, vice Major
Burnet, dropped, to lank froin Jurie 29, 1864.
Capt. Bradford Keith, of Missouri, to be inajor Fiist Mibwuri ltepinitxnt, \ice
Major Bnrke, promoted, to rank from Mav 30, 1864.
Capt. James B. Dickev, of Alabama, to" be major Fifty-fifth ,\lzbaiua Ittyiiiiriit,
vice Major Joncs, killcd; to rank froin .July 20, 1864.
Capt. I>. R. Duncan, of South Carolina, to bc riiajor Tliirtccntli Sonth Ccirolinii
Reginient, vice Major Lester, proinotcd, to l a n k froin June 6, 1 S l i l .
Capt. J . W. Awry, of South Carolina, to be major Sevcntecntli Soiitli C:tioliiia
Regiment, vice, Xajor Cull,, proinotcd, to rank from Aiigiist 29, 1861.
Capt. T. M. Barbour, of Alabama, to be niajor Forty-thirtl Alabaiiia Rt.giiiirwt,
rice Major Hart, promoted, to rank from .July 21, 1863.
Capt. >!
of Virginia, to be major Fonrth Battalion, Troops 1,ocd Defense
(Richmond), vice Major Minor, resigned, to rank from Fel)rnary 13, lS64.
Capt. J. J. A. Sharp, of Georgia, to be niajor Twenty-third (;eorgia Regiment,
vice Major Ballenger, promoted, to rank from December 15, 1863.
Capt. W.H. Kentfro, of Georgia, to be major Twenty-sevcntli Georgia Regiment,
vice Major Bnspey, promoted, to rank froin June 24, 1864.
Capt. C. C. Kelley, of Georgia, to be major Fourtc.enth Georgia Regiment, vice
Major Goldsmith, promoted, to rank from May 8, 1864.
Capt. W. B. Hundley, of Georgia, to be major Fifth Georgia Regiment, vice Major
Ansley, retired, to rank froin September 14, 1864.
Capt. 1). 8. Davis, of North Carolina, to be major Sixty-sixth North Carolina Regiliicnt, vice Major Wright, prornoted, to rank from July 14, 1864.
Capt. W.T. IIendon, of Missis#ippi, to be major Sixth Mississippi Rcginient, rice
Major Borden, promoted, to rank from Angiist 2, 1864.
Capt. Camp $ lournoy, of Louibiana, to be major Nineteenth Louisiana Regiment,
vice Major Srott, killed, to rank iroin May 26, 1864.
Capt. A. E. Moody, of Xlirsiwippi, to be major 1':iglith 12ississippi Ittigiment, vice
Major \\'atkins, killed, to rank froni May 14, 1864.
Capt. William D. Rhelton, of Virginia, to bc niajor I'ourteenth Virginia ltegiinent,
vice Major White, proiiiotetl, to rank froiir ilugnst 8 , 1Sfi4.
Capt. R. 13. Fauntleroy, of Virginia, to be niiijor Fifty-fifth Virginia Rtyinicrit,
vice Major Lawson, killed, to rank froin iliigast 19, 1864.
Capt. A. Picolrt, o f Loriisiaiia, to be inajoi Tlriitietli Louisiana lteginieiit, 1 ice
Major Bc.11, promoted, to
Tliiitl Teiin(mw Itrgiiiicnt, T
(>apt. George IV. Joiwy,
Major Barber, ileceascd, t


First Lieut. M. King, of Sonth Carolina, to lw captain, First South Carolina Reginieiit (enliatcd inen), vice Uaptxin 4tiann, proinntrtl, to rank froni January 20, 1864
Firyt Lient J. M Rlrett, of Hnirtli Cwnliii:i, to tic vaptaiii, First Soutlr Carolina R q i nient Artillery, vice Captain Fleming, pronwtcd, to rank froin Jullc. 2, 1864.
I'irst 1,ic~iit.C. Inglesl)y, of Sonth Carolina, to be captain. First Sontll Carolina lkgiitient Artillery, vice Captain Mitrhel, killcd, to rank froni Jnlp 20, ISM.

Eiiat /ic,rc(encmts.
Second Lient. E. ill. Wlialey, of South C'arnlina, to be first hcutcnant, First South
Carolina 12egiiircmt (enlisted men), 11ce 1,trntcnant King, ponlotetl, to rank from
January 20, 1864.
Second Iieut. J. L. Wardlaw, of South Carolina, to be first lirutcnant, First South
Carolina Reginlent (enlisted men), vice Lieutenant Narshall, resigned, to rank lrom
illarch 14, 1864.
Secorld Lient. T. A. Rliddleton, of South Carolina, to be f i r b t lieuttbnant, First South
Carolina Regiment Artillery, vice Lieutrnarit Ithett, p~oriiotrd,to lank from June
2, 1864.
Second Iieut. E. B. Middleton, of South Carolina, to be first lieutenant, First South
Carolina Regiment Artillery, \ice Licutenant Inglesby, promoted. to rank from July
20, 1864.



[Dec. 14,


Second Lieut. IV. F. Colcock, of South Carolina, to be firstlieutenant, Flrbt South

Carolifla Keginicnt Artillery, vice Lieutenant Grimball, decease& to rank from J n l y
27, 1864.
Secorltl J,icat. 11. 1. (;lark, of Georgia, to 1)e first lieutenant, First (ieorgia 1Ierlment (enlisted men), vice Lieuteiiarit Benning, resigned, to rank from July 4, 1863.
Second Lieut. B. 11. IIudson, of Georgia, to he first lieutenant, First Georgia lieginient (enlisted men), vim Lieutenant Lamar, resigned, to rank from August 30,1862.
I am, sir) respectfully, your obedient servant,
Xecretrmy uf l l i ~ .
To IIis 1:xct~llencyJEFFERSON
President, efc.
~ : X B C U T I \ . E l)EPARTalB\T, Ric7imont1, T)remihPr Icy, /St;/,.
To the Senntr ?f [ l i p (hnjptlerntr AntPs.
Agreeably to the reconitiieiitlatioi~of the Sccrctary of Wttr, I nominate the oftic
on the accoinpaiiying list to the grades aftixed to their nanies, rrspectively.
JEFFEH809 l),\lIS.
Richmoiicl, December 10, Is/;$.
No. 65.1
SIR: 1 h a w the honor t o rccominend tlic following noillinations for appoiiitiiicnt
in the Provisional Brrny of the Confederate States of A inerica:
A ids-de-cunzp-jrst


B. 11. Rlttnton, of Texas, aid to Geiieral Hood, Army of Termcssre (mi original
vacancy), to rank froiii Norrnihcr 7 , 18G4.
Cha+a W.Vigges, o
ia, aid to Brig. Gen. W. 11. Paync, Army of Not thrill
Virginia (an original vi
to rank froni November 7 , 7864.
P.1.; Johnson, of Tei
aid to Brigadicr-(;eiieral Quarles, Army of lennew~(~,
vice Lient. A. .Tolinson,
, to rank from Srptcmbcr 4, 1SG-4.
L). I1 ILcxitl,of Tomiessee, aid to Brig. Gcn. S. It. Anderson (an original \ rLcmiiy),
to rank froin no\wnhw 27, 1864.
J. I<. Portcr, of North Carnlina, aid to Brig. Gen. 11. M~acRae,Arniy of S o r t l i c ~ i n
Virginia (ail c!riginal vncnncy ), to rank froin Roveinber 21, 1864.
I mi, sir, respectfully, your obedient servmt,
of TfUT.
Po Ilis J k e l l c n c y J i r i
r i

1 he mossages were scvor:dly re:d

O?*deTcd,That th bo wfcrrrd to the Cornin
on Militwy Rlrnirs.
Tlic following n i t nge TKLS rccciwrl froin t
twitlcnt 01 t h c b Conledetxtc St:itw, by MI-. 13. N. II:irrison, his Scc~ctary:
7%/hi, ,Smctc o/ ( h ( a Cot~frd(v-trfcAV!u/czs:
to t l i c Ir~c~oiiiiiit~iid:it
ion of t l i ~Secretary of the Savy, I noniinate tlic.
nnnit~tlon l l i c au~icxc~l
list to tlic o f f i c y tltvignattd.
.J 1CIJJ IfliN IN I).\ \1 S.
h ( * f I > I c ) N l ) , Y A . , ~ ) ( V P l J l ~ J ? 1.1,


No. 7.1
NAVYI ) i : i ~ ~ ~ ~ i IZic.ltntont1,
* v i n ~ , 1)eccniber I,?) ILW$.
1 IlC l J ~ l : R I l ~ l c ~ T .
SIR:J have tho honor to rc.coinnicnd thc. following noinination for appoiiitinc~ntin
tllc Irovisional Nsry :
J l i r s t e ~ ,i i fhr
~ t i w of ~iroinotion.

J. A. G. Williamson, of Virginia, acting midsliipiiim in the Nary, to rank from

the 211day of ,June, 1864, and n r x t after Master Willimn 1. llaniilton.
1 am, respectfully, your obedieiit servant,
S. It. ivIAT,LORY,

The mcssaae W B S rend.

Clac?wec?, ?hat it be referred to the Committee on Saval Affairs.
On motion by Mu. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

Dec. 15, 1864.1



The President laid before the Senate the memorial of adjutants of

regiments composing Iknnings brigade, praying an increase of rank,
arid that they be placed i n the line of promotion; which was referred
to the Coinmittlee on Military Affairs.
Mr. 13arnwel1, from the Conimittce on Finance, to whom was
referred the bill (H. It. 243) to regulate the pay and aiileage of nienibers, and thc, compmsation of officcrs of the Senate and House of
Reprewntatirts, reported it with the recommendation that it ought
riot to paas.
MI.. sen me^, from the Coniniittee 011 the ,Judiciary, to whom was
rc+erred the hill (S. 140) to guard against improper constructions oi
the tax laws by tliri officers charged with t h e execution of the same,
rcportcd it with an amendment.
Ordered, rhat the bill and ariiendment be printed.
The Senate rt:siiined, as i n Committee oE the Whole, the considertltion of the bill (11. R. 214) to define and punish conspiracy against
the Confederate Slatcs.
The aineildnien t reported from the Committee on the Judiciary
having I)een agreed to,
On niotion by Mr. Grahniii, further to amend the bill bj7 striking
out, the following proviso:

Iroc,rdctl, That any 1)ersoil diargctl with any offeme mentioned in this act, if snch
iwrstm bv i n the iiiilitary or nawl wrvice of the Confetleratc States, may be tried by
iiiilitary m n r t or court msitial, mrd, if found guilty, s11al-l be punished by fine and
iiiiprisoninriit, as licreinbofurc: provitlctl, or snvh othcr punishment, not capital, as
the c o d slrall titljutlpe; ant1 if tlie person chaiged be not in the inilitary or riaral
son4cc as :iforcsaitl, snc.11 1)cr\oii dial1 bc ti ietl in the divtrict court of the Confederatc
States for [lie prolwr ilistric*t,

- . _ _ _ _5. . _ .
It was determined i n thc ncgativc, N:iys
. - - . - _ _ _11
0 1 1 motion t)jr MI.. Gr:ih:un,
The yeas and n:Ljs bcing dcuirc1d by one-fifth of thc Senat,ors present,
Tiiosr wlro vottvl iu the :~ffirniativearo,
Messi+s.(fr:ih:~tii,Johnson of Georgia, MRXW~II,
Orr, mid Watson.
r ?
I liosc wlio ratcd i n the n c p t i v c , w e ,
Messrs. 14il~cr,13urnwal1, (hpcrton, I)ortch, Garland. IIetiry, Hill,
I Iuntcr, ,Johnmil of hlihsoLii.i, Scmniw, and S l ~ ~ r r o ~ .
K O furtber iinicndiiicnt being iii:~d(~,
the bill was reported to the
Scnatc and thc arricndincnt TVRS conciirrcd in.
O7d~!cred,That the ainendnient be engrossed mid the bill read a third


said bill ns nnicndi:d w a s read the third time.

On the qiicstion,

Shnll the bill now pass?

Yeas. - _ - _
- _ _ _ _ 10
It was itctc;~mincdin the :iffirmtitire, Nays .. . _ _ ._ _ . _
.- - 6
On motion by Mr. Ow,
The? ycxs :ind n;iys being clcsircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the nffirmative arc,



[Dec. 16, 1864.

Messrs. Raker, Barnwell, Caperton, Dortch, Garland, Henry, Hill,

Johnson of Missouri, Semmes, and Sparrow.
Those who voted i n the negative are,
Messrs. Graham, Hqnter, Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Om, ant1
So it was
Resohed, That this bill pass with an amendment.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the Hounc
of Representatives i n the amendment.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The Senate resolved into secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
On motion by Mr. Barnwell,
The Senate adjourned.

Mr. Watson, from thc Committce on tho Judiciary, to whom was

referred the bill (H. R.267) to suspend the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus in certain cases for a limited time, reported it without
The Senate roceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of t i e said bill; and
On motion by Mr. Graiiarn, that the further consideration of the bill
be postponed to and made the special order for Saturday next, at 1
It was determined in the negative.
On motion by Mr*Hcnry,
O x h d , That the further consideration of the bill be postponed to
and made the special order for to-morrow, st 1oclock.
On motion by MY. Soinmes,
The Senate resolved into open 1egisl:ttive session.

BBIUAY, I ) ~ : c ~ m e
a 1864.

Mr. rJohnson of Georgia presented the memorial of ,J. S. Whitten,

praying the cxemption of certain lands i n Hancoclr County, Ga., from
taxation by thc Confederate Government; which was referred to the
Coinniittee on Financc.
Mr. 13rown, f ~ * o nt>he
Committee on Naval Affairs, to whoni W:LS
referred the bill (S. 137) to eubblish the flag of the Confederate States,
reported it without :mendnicnt.
The Scntlto proceeded, a s in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the said bill; ftiid
On motion by Mr. Brown,
Ordered, That i t be referred to the Comrnittee on Military Affairs.
Mr. Baker, from the Committee on Post-Ofices and Post-Roads, to
whom was rcfcrrcd the bill (1I.R. 261) to amend an act of the Provisional Cong;;.ess entitled An .act relating to the prepayment of postage
in cerhin cases, approved J u l y 29, 1861, reported it without anienden t.




Mr. Graham submitted the following resolution; which was co:

sidered and agreed to:
Resolced, That t h e Committce on Finance be iiistructed to inquire, i n cases of payment of tithes of crops grown on ranted land, whether ciedit shall be allowed to the
landlord or tenant, or apportioned bctween them.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 132) to regulate thesupplies of clothing to midshipmen of the Navy; and no further amendnient heing proposed, the bill
was reported to t h e Senate and the :tineirdnient was concurred in.
Orchzd, That the bill be engrossed and read :L third time.
The said bill was read tlie third time.
12esolved, That it pass, and that the title thereof he ns aforemid.
Ordwed, That the Secretary request the conciirrwice of the House
of Kepresentatives therein.
The Senate resumed, as in Committee of tha Whole, the considrration of the bill (S. 122) regulating the compensation of postmasters,
special agents, and route agents; and
On motion by Mr. Baker,
Ordered, That the further consideration thereof be postponed until
The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, t,o the consideration of the bill (H. R. 243) to regulate the pay and mileage of
members, and the compensation of officers of the Senate and House
of Eepresentatives; and
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
Orclered, That the further consideration thereof bc, postponed until
Monda next.
The ienate resumed, ah in Cornriiittec of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (S. 134) to increase the niaxiniutn ratcs of compensation allowed to railroad compnnies for the transportation of the niailx
of the Confederate States; and
On motion by Mr. Hill,
Orcimd, That the furlher consideration thereof be postponed until
On motion by Mr. Hill,
'I'he Senate resolved into secret legislative scssion.
The doors having been opened,
The following iiwssages were received from the President of the
Confederate States, by n / h . B. N. &rrison, his Yecrctary :
VA., nrtwtber 15, 1864.
To the rYencdr uiad Ioztse of Xepwsenlatiaes:
I herewith transniit for y o u r consitleratioii a c.ominunicatio~i from the Secretary
of the Treasury rrlative to certain trniisfrra of appropriations required i n connectloll
with the service of his Department.
Vs., December 15, 1864.
To the Sennip and IIouse of Itepresentatioes:
1 llerelz it11 trailsinit for your consideration n cornmunic-ation from t h e Secretary of
War relati1.e to t h e amount to be appropriated for a pnrpose for which lie has already
submitted an estiinate.

The messages were severally r e d .

Ordwed, That they be referred to the Committee on Finmce.
On motion by Mr. Maxwell,
The Senate adjourned.



[Uec. 16, 1864,


Thc Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the consideration of the bill (H. R. 267) to suspend the privilege of tho writ of
habeas corpus in certain c8ses for a limited time.
On motion by Mr. Hill, to amend the bill by striking out, section 1,
lines 49, 50, 51, and 52, the -words
Of persons Seeking to avoid or be discharged from the military service of the Confederate States b y means of the writ of habeas corpus, unless the writ be issued in
any such case by a court or judge of the Confederate States of America,

It wan determined in the afirmativo.

An amendinent having heeri proposed hg Mr. O n ,
After debste,
On motion by Mr. Brown,
The Senate resolved into executive session.

Mr. Brown, from the Committee on Affairs, to whom was

referred (on the 14th instant,) the nomination of J . A. G. Williamson,
to be master, in the line of promotion, reported, with the recommendiition that said nomination be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in c o ~ ~ c u r r e n c e
therewith, it was
Be.sohed, That the Senate advise and consent to his nppointnient,
ngrccably to the nomin:ition of the President.
r ,
l h e following message WRS received f r o p the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
VA.,1)ecemhpr lei,186.4.
To the 8knnfr of the Cor!fdernte St
I herewith tlnrimiit for your information a cornrriunication from the PostmasterGeneral relative to the rcnioral of 15. It. ltiossst aiitl James n1. Snipthe froni oflice as
postmaster at AlesaiitlriiL, La., and Augusts, Ga., rcspccti\ ely.

I he message w a s read.

I >

{)doivd, Ih:tt, it 1w rcfci*wdto the Committee on Post-Offi(w and

r h following 111 e was received froill the President of the Conledcratc States, I q 7
. N. l b u i s o n , his Sccretwy:
RICJUifONI), V A . , nfYC))lb<T


To flio Semte of tlic Confcedcmtt~Ic;t(~/cs:

Agreeably to tlw rc~c~oiiiinriitlation
of the tostmaster-General, I hereby nominate
the persons imned opon t hc snnexed list to the offices tlesignated.
Richnaond, December 13, 18G.
To t h e PRmmmi-.
SIR:I have Ihe honor to rccommend for appointment, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, tlx following-named persons who were appointed during t h e
rercss of that body:
August 25, 1864, J o h n R. Taylor, Tnylorsville, Va.
October 12, 1864, 1%.&I. Kilpatrick, Alesandria, Ida., vice E. It. Riossat, remoi ecl.
October 22, 1864, Benjaiuin F. Hall, Augusta, Cia., vice James N. Smythr,

Dec. 16, 18611



October 22, 1864, William J. Price, Wihnington, X. C.

October 20, 1564, William Barry, Covington, Ga.
I have the honor to recommend, also, for confirniation by the Senate, the following appointments made since t h e opening of t h e present adjourned session of
December 2, 1864, G. H. Landon, Salem, Va.
December 2, 1864, William R. Duval, Morganton, K. C.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

The message was read.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Comrriittce on Post-Ofiices arid
The following message was received from t h e President of thc Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
Va., December 1.5,1864
To the Senate of the Confederate Slates:
I herewitli transmit for your information a communication froin the Secretary of
State, covering further copirs of his correspondence with our commissioners abroad,
referred to in my message of the 7th ultimo.

The message was read.

C)r.rlered, That it be referred to the Committee onForeign Relations.
The following rnessages were received from the President of the
Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. IIarrison, hiti Sccretary:


Ricl~mond,December 15, 18%

To the ,Yenale of the Confeclerrctr Kl~?Ies:
Aqreeably to t h e rccoiriinerirlatioii of the Secretary of War, T nominate Powhatan
Lorkctt, of Alabama, to he a niilitnry storekecper, Engineer Corps, with pay sntl
allonance of capt+in of infantry (under act approved February 17, 1864) in the
Provieional Army of the Confederate States of America.
\\rAR h I ' A I W M B N ' P , C O h T E D N R A r ~ l : SI'ATES OY hf
No. 78.1
Richniomi', Ilecemhcr 14, 1864.
AIR: I have t h e honor to recorninend the nomintztion 01 Powhatan Imlrett, of
Altlbania, to be m military htorelreeper, Enginecr Corps, I\ itli pay and allo~vanceol
captain of infantry (under act approved February 17, 1864) in tlie Provi&nal Army
of the Confederate States of ilnicrira (an original vacancy), to rank froni October 18,
1 sun, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
To IIis Excellency JEPWERSON
Prmidant, etc.



ICiclichmontl, December 15, 1864.

To t h r a B m t e oJ the Confederccte SYntes:

Agreeably to the reconinmidation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on thc accompanying list to the grades affixed to their names, respectively.
No. 72.1


\ v A l l D s r A I w b r m T , CoNlWDERATI: STATEB OB

Richmond, December 13,1864.

SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend tlie fullowiiig rioiriiriatioris for appointment
in t h e I'rovisional Army of the Confederate States of America (fur distinguished
valor and skill) :



[ D ~ c16. 1864.

Capt. C. 8. Land, of South Carolina, to be major Twenty-sixth South Carolina
IIlfaritry Regime~~t,
vice Major Rowell, rcsigned, to rank from 1)rceriiber 9, lS(i4.
Capt. C, W. McClainmy, of North Carolina, to be major Forty-first KOIth Carolina
Regiment (Third Cavalry), vice Major Moore, promoted, to raiilr from Derember 9,
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of Mici .
To His l~xcellencyJE%TERSON
President, etc.




Richmond, December 15, 2864.

To the Senate of tht! Cmfederate States:

Agreeably to the recommendation of t h e Secretary of War, I nominate J. IV. Allen,
of Missouri, to be a military storekeeper of ordnance, with pay ant1 ~ l l o w a r i cof~ ~
first lieutenant of infantry (yider act approved May 1,1883) in the I'royisional Army
of the Confederate States or America.

Richmond, Decpmber 15,1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the nomination of J. W. Allen, of Missouri,
to be a niilitary storekeeper of ordnance, with pay and allowance of first lieutenant
of infantry (under act approved May I, 1883) in the Provisional Brmy of the ('onfederate States of Bnierica, vice Lieutenant Clark, deceased, to rank from June 23,
I ani, sir, respectfully, your obedient senrant,
Secretary of Tl'ar.
To His Excellency JEFKEIZS~N
Presirlerit, etc.

No. 84.1



To the SenntP of ihe Cnn-jedmcrte &tes.

Itichmo~id,December 16, 2864.

Agreeably to the recomincndation of the Secretary of War, I nominatr 1 1 1 officers
on the accompanying list to the grades affixcd to their nanies, resprctiwly.

No. 74.1



013' A X E R I C A ,

inond, DecembPr 13, 1864.

SIR:1 have the honor to rcwmniend the following nominatioris fur appointment in
t h e Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.

Haley M. Cartrr, of Tmisiana, to be lieutenant-colonel Xighteenth Louisiana Battalion Cavalry (formed, by special order, of unattached companies), to rank froiri
Novcniber 21, 1864.

KI. N. Sherl)urne, of Tmisiana, to br major Eighteenth Louisiana Battalion Cavalry

(foi iiicd, by spwial order, of unattached companies), to rank from Xovcni1)er 21, 1864
,J. K. Terry, uf Mibuiasippi, to be major Twenty-third Mississippi l%ittalion Pal alry (formed, by special order, of unattached companies), to rank from November 21,

I am, pir, rcqmtfully, your ot)edient servaiih,

To IIiv Exc-ellency JEFPERSO~Y
President. etc.

h'ecretcwy o j War.

Dec. 16,1864.1



Rirhmond, DPCQlnher16, 1x64.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeahty to t h e recomrnendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate J. D. Stoney,
of South Carolina, to b~ second lieutenant Company D, Twenty-seventh South Carolina Infantry Regiment (for distinguished valor and skill), in the Provisional Army
of the Confederate States of America.
No. 73.1
Eicliiiionrl, Dcwmber 13, 1864.
SIR:I have t h e honor torecommend the nomination of J. D. Stoney, of South Carolina, to be second lieutenant Company D, Twenty-seventh South Carolina 1 nfantry
Regiment (for distinguished valor a n d skill), in the Pro\.isional Army of tbe Confrderate States of America, Iice Lieutenant Lance, killed, to rank from Deceinher 9, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Xccretary of War.
To IIis Nxcellency JEFFERSON
President, etc.
Richmond, Deceinher 16, 1864.
To Ute Senate of the ConJederate States:
Agreeably to the recommendation of t h e Secretary of War, I noininate the nMcers
on the accompanying list t o the grades affixed to their names, respectively.
No. 75.1
Richmond, December I3, 1664.
SIR:1have t h e honor to recommend the following rioniinations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:



N. Woodland,
rank from June 35, 1864.
llonglas West, of
nk Irorii Aagiist 8, 1864.
Addison Craft, of
rank from July 26, 1804.
.John Ryan, of A1
from June 15, 1864.
M. L. Strong, of Miesissippi, to rank from June 15, 1864.
A. J. Hawthorn, of Arkansas, to rank from June 15, 1864.
C. M. Bradford, of Texas, to rank from June 15, lS64.
E. A. Ihrk, of Georgia, to rank from *June15, 1861.
George Tucker, of Louisiana, to rank from June 15, 1864.
C. W. Gassett, of Tennessee, to rank from June 15, 1864.
(+. It. Fairbanks, of Florida, to rank from June 15, 1864.
R. T. Scott, of Virginia, to rank from Jane 15, 1864.
,J. 1Z.Viley, of Tennessee, t o rank from June 75, 1864.
B. H. Bi-gger, of Virginin, to rank from August 26, 1864.

dssistnnt q u a r t r r m a s t e r ~ - c n t ( z ~ ~ ~ .

J. Brown, of South Carolina, to rank from July 11, 1864.

11. liichardsoii, of Louisiana, to rank from Junc 15, 1864.

IC. A. Ilicbkrnari, of Missouri, to rank from July 29, 1864.
John C. ILIabcn, of Virginia, to rank from July 29, 1864.
IYiIliani F. Bcll, o f lientncky, to rank from August 3, 1864.
J. M. TIiJ,nger, of Virginia, to rank froin July 29, 1864.
Charles A. Sinitti, of Tennessee, to rank froin ilugust 6, 1864.
J . S. JEic4iardson, of Sonth Carolina, to rank from Angnst 20, 1S64.
1. ti. Jonw, jr., of VirCTinia, to rank froin June 15, 1864.
X. T. (+rceu, of Viigink, to mnk froin June 15, 1864.
U . IT. Smith, of Virginia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
R. A. Shortridge, of Mississippi, to rank from June 15, 1864.
TT. G . Raoul, of I~oisiana,to rank from June 15, 1864.
of Texas, to rank from June 15, 1864.
, of Virginia, to rank from June 15, 1864
11, of Tennessee, to rank froiii June 15, 1864.



Charles Vidor, of Texas, to rank from June 15, 1864.

W.R. Price, of Virginia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
8. 0.Head, of Louisiana, to rank from J u n e 15, 1804.
J. B. Goodloc, of Kentucky, to rank from June 15, 1864.
Fred. Emory, of Kansas, to rank from June 15, 1864.
2. A. Philips, of Mississippi, to rank from June 15, 1864.
James Beaty, of South Carolina, to rank from June 15, 1864.
Frank Arnold, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
J. Crockford, of Virginia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
D. H. White, of Tennessee, to rank from Jnne 15, 1864.
W. D. Leiper, of Arkansas, to rank from June 15, 1864.
A. 8. English, of Kentucky, to rank from June 15, 1864.
W. D. DoUgldS, of Texas, to rank froin October 15, 1864.
J. W. James, of Virginia, to rank from September 27, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
To His Excellency JEIWCIBOX

I'rijsiclent, etc.
COh'FEDl~CIt4'l'IC &l?h'l'lES OF II\IERICh,
Uiclinioiatl, Dcceniber 25, 1 ~ 6 4 ,
To the Senale CIJ"the Cunjederccte Stales:
Agreeably to thc reconinlendation of thc, Secretary of War, I noiiiinate the ofiicris
on the accompanying list to the grades affixed to their iiain~s,respectively.
Jh;FPI.;NSOS D A 1'18.

(7. H. I,nzenbnrg, of tmiisiana, to takt: rank from Jnly I , IS(i4.

11. U. Danlortli, of South Carolina, to take rank from July 23, 1Sti.l.

Second lieutermits.

A. M. hikon, of South Carolina, to rank froin July 29, 1864.

$1. 11. hncwirn, of South Carolina, to rank froin Jrily 29, 1864.
W. N. Mebane, of North Chrolnia, to rank from Angast 22, 1864.
H. W. Boyd, of Sonth Carolina, to rank from August 2-1, 1864.
Jaines bI. Wise, of illaltaina, to rank troiii Srl)tember 6, 1864.
William Glenn, of Kentucky, to rank front Septcniber 22, 1864.
I ain, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
JbR'II1:Icj A . SI<DI)()N,
sem!tccr,I/ 0s Wc1r.
To I l k Rxc:ellericy JP;I~WI~:I~M)X
Presitlrril, d c .

Agreeably to the rrc.orrimrndatit,n of the Secretary of War, T noinillate the, ofticcis

on the accornpanyiny list to tlic grades afiixed to their names, respectively
No. 76. J
WAt i I ~ P A R T M E Y T , ( ~ T I C D E R A T E8 T a i ~ ~
OFs Aximic,\,
Kichm ond, Dweniber I. I , 26'64.
SIR: I have the honor to rccomincnd the following iiominations for appoiiitmeiit
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Dec. 16, 1864.1



W. T. Gary, of South Carolina, to rank from July 19, 1864.
James L. Arrnstrong, of Tennessee, to rank from J u n e 14, 1864.
Horace IV. Jones, of Virginia, to rank from August 20, 1864.
D. 1. C. Spence, of Tennessee, to rank from September 7, I%&.
T. A. Cminwell, of Tennessee, to rank from November 2, 7864.
C. H. Parinnlee, of , to rank from November 2, 186-1.
.Jos. W.Urquhart, of Virginia, to rank from Xoveniber 5, 1864.

Assistunt cornniissaries-captairi,s.
Lewis R. Harvie, of Virginia, to rank from December 13, 1862.
John &I.Htrother, of Virginia, to rank froin July 9, 1864.
W. W.Aleriwether, of Tennessee, to rank from J u n e 15, 1 S M .
J. J. Blackwell, of Tennessee, to rank from July 26, 1864.
J. H. Devercnx, of South Carolina, to rank from J u l y 26, 186-1.
W. H. Flynn, of South Carolina, to rank from J u l y 26, 186-1.
M. J. Clanc*y,of Florida, t o rank from July 28, 1884.
E. $1. Griffin, of South Carolina, to rank from J u l y 27, 1864.
Robert Burns, of Texas, to rank from June 14, 1864.
J. C. Abrams, of Louisiana, to rank from August 4, 1864.
J. H. Demund, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
L. F. Choice, of Georgia, to rank from June 1*5,18fj4.
J . N. Williams, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
A. Tlawson, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
E:. G . Pearl, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
Jos. 8. James, of T'irginia, to rank from August 20, 1864.
1,. F. Lucado, of Virginia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
Walton Smith, of Arkansas, t o rank from June 15, 1864.
J. J . Lock, of , to rauk from June 15, 1S64.
George W. Long, of Georgia, to lank lrom June 15, 1864.
Jarnes &Kay, oC Florida, to rank from September 1, 1864.
J . W. Baker, of Alabama, to rank from Jinne 15, 1864.
J. S.Carpenter, of Kentucky, t o rank from June 15, 1864.
I . Shelby, jr., of Kentucky, to rank from Scqhniber 20, 1864.
A . W. Iiarris, of Tciineqsee, to rank from October 26, 1864.
W.1). Van Dyke, of Virginia, t o rank from Xovcmbcr 2, 1861.
1 am, sir, respectfully, your obecliont servant,
JkMEH 11. SI<;DI)OR,
Srecrdayy "J' ll'nv.
To I lis 1Cxc.c~lleiic.yJ


~)EPARl'aI3:XT, CoX.rREl>ERATI: S'l'ATI.:S 01' iiJICRICA,

Ricliinond, Decemlxr 15, 18G4.

To the hrennle of the Con.fcclertrtr iYlates:

Agreeably to LIIC rc~voinmcndationof the Secretary of War, T nominate the officers
0x1 t11~
acconipariyiiig list (for promotion) to the gradcs affixed to their names,
01" AMICRIC.\,
Bo. 89.1
IZachinoiid, 1)eci~nibi~r
L7, i8&$.
SIR:1havn tlic honor to recoiniiicncl the following nomirrations for appointnirnt
in tile l'rovisional Army of the Confederate Statcs ot America:

J. W. Robertson, of Alabama, to rank from October l!), 1864.
Robcrt 11. 1,ucas. of Sont,h Carolina, to rank from 0ctobc.i 19, 1864.
Jo11n J'ostell, of ckwgia, to rank froiii Ortober 19, 1864.
13. L\. Pattison, oi Tcniiewe, to rank from October 19,1864.



R r s t lieutencints.
William Tennant, of South Carolina, to rank from October 19, 1864.
T. A . ]+;vans, of Florida, to rank from October 19, 1864.
C. G. de L'Ide, of Louisiana, to rank from October 19, 1864.
John M. Searles, of Mississippi, to rank from October 19, 1864.
(3. 0. Elms, of Kiississippi, to rank from October 19, 1864.
Second lieutenants.

H. M.Scales, of Mississippi, to rank from July 20, 1864.

W. H. Johnson, of Alabiwxi, to rank froni October 19, 1864.

William Ilume, of South Carolina, to rank from October 19, 1864.

James D. llarris. of Georgia, to rank from October 19, 1864.
30s. U. JJond, Gcorgia, to rank from October 19, 1864.
S. W.IIill, of Louisiana, to rank from October 19, 1804.
I?. S. Robertson, of Virginia, to rank from October 19, 1864.
N. U. Whitficltl, of Alahama, to rank from October 19, 1864.
I am, sir, I'eQJCCtfUlly, your obedient servant,
8eecrcku-y qf TTitr.

To His Excellency JJ


SrATES 01? h I l < > I t I ( "1,
Kiclmond, December 15, 1864.


To ihi! Seiintc of tlic ( h i i j ~ ~ l c ~Aidms:


AgrcidAy to tlic

of tlte Secretary of War, I nominate tlw o f l i c . e ~
on Llit: accoinpaiiyiiig list to the gri~dehafkiscd to tlicir names, respecti\ cly.
KO. 80.1
\V \JE I)si~.\ur\ii~v~i~,

Sric: T liavc. tliv lionor to rcwiiniiiwl t l i c s following

in the I'rovirional h m y 01 tlic ('oiifcclcratt) States of h i e r i c a :


01 Virgiiiia, to r:mk front Novemhcr 4, 1s(ill.

7">SIJcctfUllJr,your ol~cdicntservant,
A c w t u r y of 7 I ' r ~ .
To liis 1Sui;i~llcnc.y,I r

Richmoid, Drcenzho 14,

SIR: T I ~ v tiw
c I i o ~ m rto ~cc~oint:~cnd
tlit lollo~vingnolrlinatiolls for ap~~oiritnirnt
i n the L'rovision:Ll Aririy C J ~ ' the Confedcratc Stdtes of h~rlerica.



Dec. 17, 1S6.1.)

. m r I L L m y OFFICERS,

U N D E ~ncr



22, 1862

Marshall J . Smith, of Louisiana, to rank from Noveml)er 2, 1864.
J. \V. Atkinson, of Virginia, to rank from December 18, 1862.

T. B. Ferguson, of South Carolina, to rank from June 15, 1864.
J A. A. West,, of Louisiana, to rank from August 3, 1864.
.1. G. Blount. of Virninia. to rank from October 27. 1864.
I am, bir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
cJhltlES A . SEDUON,
Xecrrtary of Wnr.
To His Excellency JEFFERSON
President, elc.
EXECtiTI\Ic hlAFiTVENT, C O S P E D E R A T E STATES O F l ~ \ I E I < I G A ,
Richmond, December 16, 1864.
lo the ,Srnate qf the Coiifederate Mates:
Agreeably to the iecomnirniialioIi of the Secretary of W u , I noininate Janics 14;.
Cnthbert, of Virginia, to be aid-de-camp, with rank of iriajor of cavalry (under act
approved March 25, 1S62) in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of
No. 83.1
Hichmond, December 15, 1864.
SIR: J liave the honor torecoinnientl the nomination of James E. Cluthl)ert, of Virginia, to be aid-de-camp,with t h e rank of major of raralry (under act approved
hlarcli 2S, 1862) in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America (for
duty n ith General Bragg), riccl Major Marshall, appointed lieutenant-colonel and
assistniit adjiitaitt-griicra1,to (late frorir October 17, 1864.
1 am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
I I W ~.JE:FIww
Prc2st dm)f , r k .
r ,

1 lie nicssatgcs wcrc scvtmilly r d .

O i d ~dr,~llwt they bc 1 ~ 3 e r r cto

d the Committee on Military Affairs.

On iiiotbn hy Air. B m w r i ,
The Senate rcsolvcd into open lcgislativc session.



A riicssqo f i ~ tlic
n Ilousc of Representatives, hy Mr. Dalton:

1 1 ~ Ilonw o f Iteprescnt:ttirrs have passed a bill (11. R. 283) to

1ti act provitling for the establishnient and payinmt oI

iption of propc,rly t ~ k r nor inforinally intpressed for the

red ,June 14, 1864; in whicli they request tliu concurrcnce

of t hc Honate.
The Iresidcnt of thc (onfrtlcrate States has notified the HOWCof Representatives
that on the 13th instant lie approved ant1 signed an a r t (11. R. 190) concerning the
enioluineiits and pay of the
strict court of the Confederate States of
i\rticrica for the mstrrn distr
.Znd that or1 thc 15th instant he approved and signed an act (R. 1%.270) to provide tor tlw printing ordcred by either IIoiise of Congress.
11 iiicssngc hiLving been receivcd from the President of the Confederate SLatcs, by Mr. I3. N. Harrison, his Secretary, in response to

a rcsolutiori of the Scnatc of the 5th instant, calling upon the President


[Dec. 17,1864.

or certain information in regard to the operation, under the I.cgulaions made by the C;overnment, of the act to impose regulations upon
he foreign comllrerce of the Confederate States to provide for the
public defense, approved 6th February, 1864;
Before the reading of the message,
On motion by MY.Graham,
(Ir.des.ed, That, it be transferred t o the Secret Legislative Calendar.
On iiiotion by Xr. Hill,
The Senate resolved i n to secret legislative session.
The doors having been opened,
The Yresident laid before the Senate a communication from the
Secretary of the Ireaaury, asking the passage of a law authorizing
him to redceni and cancel, before maturity, such bonds and notes as
may be received in payment of sequestrated property; which was
Os.dwed, That it be referred to the Committee on Finance.
Mr. Brown, from tho Coniniittee on Naval Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 1.11) to increase the pay of noncommissioned officers,
privates, and musicians of the Marine Corps; which mas read the first
and second tinies and oi-dered to be placed upon the Calendar.
Mr. Brown, front the Coniniittee on Naval Affairs, reported the
following bills; whicbli wew srrwrallg read the first and second times
and ordered to be placed upon the Cnlcndar nnd printed:
S.142. Bill to inci.ease the number of acting niidshipmen in the
Navy, and to prescribe the niode of appointment;
S. 143. E l l to authorize the eiriploynient of instructors for the acting ~nidshipiricno f tlic Navy, and to rrgulate their pay:
S. 144. Bill niaking :in appropriation for the erection of aclditjional
buildings at Drc-~vry~
Bluff for the accommodation of acting midshipnien ; and
S. 145. Rill to authorize the nppointnient of n a v d constructors in
the Provisional N:tv?;, :~ndto fix their pay.
Mr. Brown, from the Coniruittcc on Naval Affairs, reported
A bill (S. 146) rn:diiiig MI appropriation for the removal and erection of thc numl ropemalli;
whioh W ~ read
the first :uid second times and considered as in Cornniittee of the Wholc; :mi no tirncndincnt being proposed, it was
reported to the Scnate.
Ordewd, That it, be rngrosscd and r e d a Ihird time.
The said I d 1 was I Y
Bmo/wd, Sh:it, it p
itle thereof be as aforesaid.
(Irrl~td,That tha
the concurrence of the House
of Kepresentativw therein.
On motion by Mr. Brown,
Order&, lh:Lt the Contiri i ttcc on Naval Affairs be dischargcd from
the furt1ic.r coiI~ideliLtiOl1of tho meiiiorial of professors in the Confcdcrate Statcs Naval School.
from t h D Committee on Finance, reported
A bill (S. 147) to provide for the transfer of certain appropriations;
which \v:L~ ~ : t the
first t ~ n dsecond times and consider(y3as in (ommittee of thc \!rhol~l; : ~ n d no amendment being pr.oposed, it was
r e p o r t d to the ScntLtC.
Clrdmd, That it be eiigrosscd and read a third time.
he mid hill w;w read the third time.

Dec. 17, 1864.1



Resolved, That it pass, and that thc title tlrercof be a8 aforesaid.

O w h e d , That thc Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
On tnotion by Mr. Rarnmell,
Ordeyed, That the Comrnittec on Finance It0 discharged from the
further consideration of the following subjects:
Memorial of ;T. S. Whitten; and
Resolution inqiiiring into the cxpcdicncy o f estmding to iionresident taxpayers in contities and districts of C O L I I ~ now, or which iii:~y
hereafter be, in tho vicinity of tlic cncniy, R lo
r time than is now
allowed by lem for t h c payniriit o f takes, (ttv.
The bill (1.It. 283) reccired thih (lay fi.oni tlic IIoiise of licprcsentatives for concurrcnce mas read tkic tiisst ;tnd second timrs a n d
referred to the Cornmittee on the Judiciiq.
On motion by Mr. Alauwell,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, the considertition of the bill (11. R. 967) to suspend the privilege of the w*itof lutbeiis
cor us in certain cases for a limited time; arid
&I motion by ~ rWzllcer,
OrcZwed, That the further consideration thereof hc postponed until
Monday next.
M u . Brown, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, who more instructed
py ti resolution of the Senate t o inqnire into the cxpcdicncy of suspendi n g appropriations for tlic con.;truction of wshcls of ww, and of limiting the oper:Ltions of tho N a v d Drpnrtrrierit during the war. sribniihted
the following rcsolntion for cwnsiiicmtion:
ResoZuetl, That i t woultl be niiwiw, at this tiiiie, to mspciitl thr appropriations lor
the constructioii of ves
)pcrutioiis oI the Navy Dryartlimit within narrower

The following incssagc, receivotl this day from the Ircsident of the
ion, 1i:~vinghcen wad:
Confedewtc States, in open loqisl
70the Senate of the CnnfedPmk States
1 herewith trailsinit to t

t h e licatls of the Treasury

S c s i i L i t t x of thc 6th iiistaiit,
mid !Var 1Iyart.meiits i n I
making wrioiis iticpiirics r
n t1icac.t of (it11 Fel)riihry,
iqn ~~oiiiiiiorcc
of the Cmi186 1, cntitlecl An :u*tt o inipose rtkgi
feclerate Stater to 1)roviclc for tltc public tlefriiac.
ilre ittiportaiicv of t h i y snl)ject indnc*cw1 1 i ( ~to prrsmt at wme length to tho Senate
my vicirs iipori tlie polic-y o f Itic. la\\., a i i t l tipon it3 c
The first sectioti of tlir law (which ivii\ ~ x i ~ w l
Congrcss, ant1 \\as the (bxpicision of its inntiirt~ljiitlprrrcw
of the piiiic4paI products of the C h r i f

and titoncy tlicy 1 1 a \ COY

~ tlica su1q)ort of their

Tlic: fifth scction of tlic I n w inclic&d that the pnrpow of Coiigrcw, in granting
1)ower to allow or rciuz?cperlnission l o export the ~troctnrciof o11r coiilitly, U R Y to
enforcc n return, i n whole or in part, of tlirralne oi tlie produce exportrtl, in inilitary or other pupplies for the public Pervice. 13ut a full uiiclwstanding of tlie policy
be attained only by taking into consideration another art
id entitled An act to piohibit tlie iinportation of Iiixiirirs,
es or of (~oiii~tion
iisr. This 1ast-iiic.iitioiietlact absolntelg
prohibited, during the peiidiiig M ar, the iiiiportation of m y articles not iecessary fw

[Der. 17, 1864

defense and subsistence of tlie country, and among those excluded from imporon were wines, spirits, jeueliy, cigars, and all the finer fabrics of twttoli, flax,
01, or silk, as well as all other merchandise serving only for the ilidlllgence of lusurious habits.
In a word, the two acts were an exercise of the power to regcrlatfx colnn1erce, so as
to make it subservient t o t h e success of our struggle, by prohibitislg thc importation
or exportation of merchandise or produce, for any other purpose than national
defense and necessary subsistence, until these vital objects should be ~tlacedbeyond
the reach of danger. The two laws form one common system, and they shoultl be
so regarded in discussing the propriety of the repeal or niodifiration of either.
When signing my approval of these acts, 1 considered then1 as ineasuies c~iriincntly
wiee and proper, and a4 well adapted to remedy existing evils. Co~iiplaints ixrc
rife through our country that its foreign coinmerce I\ as ahnost cwhisi\ 14 in t h e
hands of aliens; that our rotton, tobacco, and naval stores werc beiilq tlraintd froiii
the States, and that we mere receiving in return cargoes of liquor+,\\in(+, and art IVI
of luxury; that the imported goods being held i n few haiids and in lniiitrtl qnaiititic
were sold a t prices so exorbitant that t h e blockade runners, iilter purchasing frr
cargoes of cotton, still retained large sun18 i n Confederate money, n hicli they inwst
in gold for exportation and in foreign exchange; and that tlie I\ hole couretb of thtx
trade had a direct tendency to impoverish our conntry, denioralixe our pcople, depreciate our currency, and enfeeble our detense. Congress beliercd thcbr conip1aint.i
well founded, and in that belief 1 hilly concurred. None doubted that a reirretly
was desirable, and the present inquiries of the Senate seek informatioil ill Idation t o
the efficacy of the renicdy provided by the legislation tlieii devised, as tlevrli ~pcvl
by actual experiencc.
My conviction is tleciilrd that the effert of the legislation lias been salutary; tlid
.iallg diminished; ant1 tltdt
the evils existing prior to its adoption Iia\rr
the repeal of the legislation, or any niodiiira
ing its elficiency, n oultl l ) r
1)epartmcnt that I i w I)rvir
calamitous. This opinion is shared b y tvery
irrtrnsted with the exerntion of tl
ations, and thus eiiabled to i o r i i i
a jndgmeiit based on observation
The propriety and justice of a
rt of the Government that a slini.c~
of all vessels eiigaged in the blockade t r d e drould be held snbject to its use for t l r r
benefit of the whole peoplc was so olwions that even before tha legisbtion of Coirgiess few owners of vcsscls refused to place at its disposal one-third of the tomiagch,
both outward and inward, for the importation of supplic~anti the euportation of tlir
producv necewary to pay for them. On the pa5Yitge o f t h r w la\vs it was drenicd
proper to increase the drniand of tlie (kwerrrmmt to one-half. This tlec.ision TI as
based not only on tire consideration that the Governuierit \\:is hnrtliencd wit11 tlie
entire expense of defcnding the ports of entry, but on t h e further reason that tlir
enornions gains of the coinmtwe wcre inonopolizcd by foreignrrs free t o engage in
coinnierre tit their pleasure, nhile o w citizens were engrossed in the sarreil duty of
defending tlwir h O l l 1 ~
~ libt,rties, and, therefore, unable to cwripete for tlie trtitlc>.
It) was foreseen that this increase would be resisted, and in a nirsqage 011 this s u b
ject addrcused by me to the Iiouse of Wepresentatives on tlie 10th ol .June lait it I

owners of vessels could nialre better bargains with the governors of States than n itli
the Confederate Government, and that, if the regulations were not relaxed i i r their
favor, they wonld transfer their vessels to the executivcxs of tht. ieveral Statci, and
thus withdraw them from the operations of the rrgulations.
Reverting now to the precise inquiries contained in the rewlution of the Stmatr, I
First. That no restriction whatever haq been placed on the exercise of t h e right of
any Confederate State to export, on it9 own acmunt, any of the articles enurnerated

Dec. 17,1S64 1



in tlie act entitled Anact to impose regulations, etc., approved 6th February, 1864.
Each State not only exports whatever it pleases, but t h e obligatioii imposed on prirate individuals to bring back into t h e country necessary supplies, equal in palue to
halt of the product. exported, is not evteiided to the States. h e y are, 111these respects,
on a footing of absolute equality n ith the Confetlerate Government.
T ail1 aware t h a t coinplaints hare h c i i iriatle of the effect I J these
rcgrulations b y the
governors of wme of the States; but their objections are, in iiiy judgment, tbithout.
just foundation.
I t is not denied by any of them that hen a Stat(. pnrc.liasesa vessel i t is left under
the exclusive control of the Rtatc anthoiitie\, and that the Confederatc~Cia\ t:i11iilelit

to take for its separate use froin the Confetlciacy, niiy part of this I i d f ? Is it not
enougli that the reiiiainiiig half is lcft open i
ncliasc o r charter l i y t h e State)
I t is plain that a State and tlie oniier of a
cl c y i ha\^ n o iiiotive for contracting in such niaiiiicsr as to diminish the toni
clauncd b y the Conlederacy mleus
for a profit that is t o be skiaretl bv both. Any concession, thewfore, iiiatlc on this
point, ib, in effect, tlie loss of an interest wliicli is tlie coinniori Iiroperty of a l l tlic.
States, ior the joint gain of a single State arid of a 1)rirate capitalist.
Again: Tlic ariiiy in the field is tlie Army of the Confetlcrncy, whirli is cliargcd
with t l i c ~duty of supplying i t with clothing, siilxhtcnce, and niiinitions ol i ~ n r . The
performalice of this duty cleniands t h t mobt streiiuoiis exertiom a i i d tlic cwiiiiiiaiitl of
d l the rcsoiirors that can be rcachcd. Any diniiriutioii oi o w coiiiinantl o f those
resources by a inotlilication of the cxisting lcgirlation iiiight l e ~ dto clisastroiis coiisequciic PS. IJiitler our preseiit arrtmgeinents, ~ v :ire
e I)arrly :ililc to supply to oiir brare
tiefenders a mockrate share of those c.onifort%whicli art ititlisprnsable to tlicir efncirncy. A s long as pirations are elitlured b y :dl alilic, tlic.ic is :I noblc aiid patriotic
eiiiulation i i i the display of ctiecifiil fortitudr in ciidiiritig tliciii. But if the coriiiiiixi
ovl oE eiiitbliiig any one

1 enjoy t h o L:LIIIC ntlvaii

t:Lges xq tlie Peaboard States, by scncliiig Rgcnts to tile pot ts to rq>rw?iit thiwi, tlirir
1)lncing all on nil equal looting, tlic rc1l)ly is o1)viou~. The v w l t \\ oul(1 thcii bc to
liriiig :dl tlic States back to tlia saint condition iii \\ t1rc.y n o \ v w v ; that i q to
e of the adw~iitagcsilcr irctl froni tlw tonti:Lgc tired by

chmigc in tlie prcscnt rcqulations, so as to aff

iieut, n?iiit ncccwarily be citlicr iivlws or 11
0 b<.galli(d I y a n y O l l c Stxte Ovtr tl1c o t h r
an titlvantqe is to be tlir cffcct o t a ciiaiiqc~.
t IIRS been sug,rgc.stcd tliat tlierc an: iii:iiiy articles rcqnirod by tlic pcoplc of thc
tliftwent St;itcr wliic*h c~monly bc ol)tained throngli tlrcl aid oU tlirir povc~rniiieiilr,
m t i that the efCorts of tlic Coiifctlcytte (;orernnieiit at(
supply of the needs of tlie Army. Il-iis is true. Iiut oi
private. o\viicrs remaiiis open to cliiployriicnt by the Stat
tliotigli, perltapx, at somewhut gicatrr cost than u o i i l t i 1
niitttyi to IIM the portion rcserrcd lor tlir. Coiifc~1erxc.y;
jnstice appaiciit in the deiiiantl that all tlic. Stater should
the profit of a single State, or in diniinidiiiig the IICC~TBILI
of those who reiiiaiii at Iioine. J t is also con
4 s for its o N n iist,or to prir( l i a v c sli:uw in coiiiiiion niili oiic 01 i i i o r t s oilirr
tho iiit rutluction o f snpplies i i t w w t i y for the people, witliout ericioavliing
st or mpplj iiig the .\rmj.
oil the i i i ( m i ~nstd b y
Sccoud. 1~po11thc
licr the rcg:nlatiouq h,t\-c cniisctl : ~ n v
in foreiqi wiiiiiierw, tile report 01 t i l l :
diinirintioii 111 thc nu1

37 6


[Dec. 15, 1864.

Secretary of the Treasury givcs such information as satisfactorily establishes the

reverse to be the case. I n addition to t h e statements made by him, cleri\wi froni
official returns, t h e Secretary of War reports that many- new steamers are understood
to be on the way to engage in the trade, notwithstanding the impression nliich pre
vails, that the stringency of the blockade i s constantly increasing.
The number of vessels which arrived at two ports of tlie Confederacy between the
Lt November and 6th December was forty-three, averaging more than one per ciav,
and indicating no check i n the trade. A fnrther and conclusive proof that tfie
profib of this commerce under present regulations are sufficiently tempting to se(.nr(x
its increase is afforded by the fact that the shares of the companies engaged in it
have greatly advanced i n value. The shares of one company, originally of ?!,(I00
each, were selling, in July last, for $20,000 each, and now command $30,000. l l i o e t ~
of another company have increased i n the same period froin $2,500 to $6,000; aiitl
all exhibit a large advance.
Third. The third inquiry of the Senate seeks information whether the legislation
and regulatiorisliave been beneficial or otherwise i n their effect on tlie siicce9s of our
arms and the supply of means necessary to the public defense. N y opinion Iins
alreadv been indicated on this t)oint. and the reports of the Secretaries are decitiecl
in thekxoression of their own cbnvictions of the%sdoni of the laws and t h e beneficia1 effeci produced by them, in connection with tlie regulations established for giving them 6ffect.
These laws and regulations have enabled the Government not only to provide supr)lies to a much greater extent than formerly, and to furnish the ineans for meeting
h e inatallrnents-on its foieigii loan, but to put an end to a wasteful and ruinous iwntract s stein by I\ hich supplies \$ere obtained before Congrem determined to exerckl
controlover the imports and expoi ts.
Instead of beinq conipelled to give contractors a large profit on the cost of thcir
snpplies, xncl to nialie payment in cottoil in our ports, at 6 pcnce per ponnd, n e
iiow purchasc supplies abroad, by our agents, a t cost in the foreign inai ket, and 1my
thein i n rotton, wliich pclls a t a nct price of 24 penre per poiintl. When a l l
the elenients of the calculation are talcen into consitlrration, it is by no iiicaiis mi
exaggeration to say that 100 bales of cotton, exported by t h e Govcrnnicnt, will piii chase, abroad, the same xinoinit arid value of supplies that 600 hales woul(1 piir(,tia~,
dclivered to contractors i n the Confederacy. A reference to t h e report of tlie Hccw
tary of the Treasnry 4tiows that of 11,796 bales of cotton shipped since 1st J u l y lad,
biit 1,272 werchst, not qnite 1 1 per rent If this be taken as a fair aremge, and it
is believed to be so, out of 600 hales of cotton exporttd, 53-1would ariive abroad, ant1
yield, at 40 pounds per bale, &21,360, while the same 600 bales, delivered in payinent at a hoino port, at G pence per pound, would yield less than L6,OOO.
There are other rttlviintagcs dcrived froin buying abroad rat1ic.r than contrar+ng
with bloclcade runncrs, of no m a l l niagnitutle; h i t the foregoing statement will sliew
the (inorinow pi o l i h that were made by them when the Governnic,nt ivas forced to
contrart, iiivted o\ purchasing for itself, and will suggest a rnotive for tlic strennous
efforts they have not, ceased to make to get rid of t > e regulations and procnrr a
change in the policy of the Gorernment. I t is to the law and regulations that the
(iovernnieiit o\vcs iB ability to c~)iiiniandfreight room, and thus buy and sell tor
itsell, instead of being iorccd to make contracts so extravagant as tliosc abo\ e
dcsciibrd. I t reqnirw little sagacity to pcrceive that, with temptation so great, thi.
owiwis of veescls wonld spare no pains to obtain contracts irom tlic Pcveral States, if
, far ti.,
to (lo so by tan, with the view of again withdrawing froin 0111 ~ i s eas
, the tonnage of their vessels, and thus compelling R return to thc ruinous
contract avste1n.
Che rci)oits of the Srrretnries will fully inforni the Senate of thc quantlty mid
natnrc o f the. siipplirh obtained by the Government under the present systciu, ant1
tlicir iiiiportancc to t h c national defense will be perceived at a glance.
Fourth. To tlir fonrth inquiry, whether expeiience has siigyested the 11e
the repeal of said wt, or any modification or amendment of its provisions,
going rcwutrks woiiltl seeni to furnish a suificient answer. But 1i*onchde b y rencn ing tho csprcssion of lily conviction that the result of any legislation checking 01
dirninistiing tho control now exercised by the Government over our foi eign ( o m nitwe woiiltl b c x injurioiis to the piiblic intercst, and would insure the renewal, i n
aggravated form, of the evils which i t was the purpose of your predecessors to reinetly
by the laws iiow in force.
Rrcxr~oxl),Va., Jlwmml~er17, 1864.

Dec. 19,1864 ]



On motion by Mr. Barnwell,

Ordetwd, That the message and :icco~npanyingdocuments be printed
in confidence f o r the use of the Senate.
On motion bjr Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into cxecut,ivc session.

Nr. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military AffRirs, t o whom

were referred (on the 12th instant) the nominations of W. A. Mclheeters, J. S. i\lcl)onongh, 6. A. ltice, Robert Duncan, A. A. L:~wrance,
John &La~ving,
W. E. McCrtight, William S. Fowler, Willimt J.
Cocke, J. 1,. Presuley, M. A . Ijrown, Junius Terr ,Thoiiias 13. Elliin,
A. T. Gordon, Richard lloyd, Elvis McCrory, dilliam H. I)ixlaney,
Thomas S. Young, A. S. i\llurphy, John De Butts, Charles Duffy,
E. W. Thornason, FV. X. Noseley, Calhouii Sarns, cJ. C. W. Steger,
Caleb Toxej, Williain Toxeg, ,John It. Leigh, William A. Blount, %. 7.
Murphy, Lncicn Hall, John 1. Gibbs, J. W. Leftwich, Janies F.
Davis, C. D. Owens, J . P. Iliimphveys, I). MT. ]both, ,Jos. Yatrs,
14. R. Branham, A . Monteiro, Jos. B. Brock, M. ,J. Ile Rosset,
C. 1,. Garnett, dohn P. Wilson, J. C. Abernathy, James B. Clifton,
W. McC. Yiggott, 11. J . Parrttniorc, Frank Spencer, Simon Barach,
,James J . Knott, C:harlcs 8. Carter, Isaiah r J . Eoberts, Nelson G. West,
,John S.Stoncy, W. A. llioinl)sonl James S. Herrori, J. E. Ferguson,
John 1. Jones, 13. C. I k r i s o n , Willinm M. Swnnn, William H.
L:~.ylor,Willi:iin W. Gaither, It. Murdoch, T. B. Wilkerson, A. V.
Llonk, IZcrijmiiii S. Bnrnes, Jos. M. Meggett, T. R. Trotter, B. St.
G. Iii~~ker,and Arthur Rrogdcn, to be xnrgeons, reported, with the
rc.commcnd:ition thnt all of said nominations be confirmed.
The Senato proc(xdec1 to consider said report; and in concnrrencc
therewith, ilN:LS
Resolved, That the Scnatc advise and conscnt to tbcir appointrricn t,
t o the iioiuination of tht. lrcsidcnt,.
On motion 1)y 34r. Rrown,
The Seii:itc rcxmlrcd into opcn 1egisl:itire session.


[Dec. 19, 181%

Mr. Johnson of Georgia submitted the following resohition; which

.was considered and agreed to:
Resolved, That the Coiiimittee on Military Affairs be instruct$ to inquire i
expediency of permanently exempting from inllitary servlce skilled a
mechanics, and machinists who may be employed in the ~iorcrn!nentW O ~ ~ ~ of
~ h
every description; also, the expediency of inviting into the Corllcderacy the same
classes of persons from foreign States, upon a pledge of slrnilar exemption.

O p

MY.Walker, from the Committee on the ,Judiciary, to whom waq

rcferred the bill (H. ltl. 283) to airierid ail act cntitled An act providing for thc establishmelit and. payment of claims for :L ccrtniii
description of properky t:tken or informally impressed for the use of
the Army, approvcd J titie 14, 1864, reportcd it without :unrrldint.nt.
The Senate procecded, us in Committee of the llholc, t o the cow
sideration of t h e said bill; and no amendment beiiig propo\(d., it \\ah
reported to the Senate.
Ordemcf, Thitt it pisq to a third reading.
The said hill W:LS read the third time.
Rmolved, That it piw.
Ordered, That the Socrctary in forin thc IIouse of Reprwrnihtim.:
A message from thc Iloi of Rrpi~erciitstives,h_v A[r. Ualton :
Mr. P ~ r s t d e u l :Tlic Spcakc~rof the IIouse of lteprrseritatives liaving t.ignec1 ti\ o
enrolled bills, I a i i i tlircvAt4 to bring them to tlic Heiiale for the ~iynatiireof tlicxir

MY. Sparrow, from the Committee on Military Affairs, to wlioni

was rcfciwd tlic bill (S.125) to rtnicnd an act cntitled An act to
iircrease tlie ellicicncy of the Arniy by the employniclit of f r c ~~ i c ~ g r o c ~ ~
arid slaws in certain capndtics, approved February 17, 1864, rcportcd
it with tlic iwoniiuendation that i t ou
The Sermtc. procccdcd, :is in Cornni
olc, to tl1c (onsideration of thc said bill; :~nd
On iiiotion hy bir. S p ~ r r o w ,
Clrdmd, Flitit tlic further consider:itioti tliciwf be postponed
1he Sc?~rntc
wsuinccl, :is in Committee of the Wholc~,tlic coilhidemof the Ijill (S. IOC;) to rel>(>itliii 1) :LII act to i q p l a t c tlic
uelion of p i * o ~ ) ~ r untler
i y , iiiilitmy 11(:
ity, :ind to provjde for
iclcmniLy tlicraof, :~pyrovcd1M:ircli 17,
0 1 1 motioii hy MY.Sl):~i*row,
07derw?, rIl~:~ft
tllo frwtlicr considri~:itioii thcrcof bc postponed to
and made thc h 1 ) c ~ i : i loi*d(,rfor Fliuixlay next, t i t half 1mt 12 oclock.
t l t d , its i n Coniinittcc of the Wholc, to thc coilu:wd :~g:tinst iinpropcr construc.tion~
of the t:tX l:t\v:, 1 ) th~
rgcd with the cxccntioii of the \:iinc~;
1 7


On motion by IcIr. Scmincs,

O~derwl,rhiit it be rccoiniiiitted to the Corrimittcc on tho ,Jndici:n.y.
Thc Scnnlc r(wiiiicd, as in Coiiiiuittee of tlw Whole, tlle cwirsidew
tion of the hill (11. It. 2-1-4) t o rc>gnl:itcthc 1:t.y a i d niilcnge of irienihers, and tlic miupenration of ofticcrs of tho Scnutc and IIousc~of
Beprcuontativcs; iiiid no :~nicridinentbcing proposed, it W:L, i.eportcL1
to thc 8cnstte.
O ~ d e ~ c tThat
l , it 1)ass to :Ltliiid rc:tding.
The said bill was rcatl t h r third ti:w.

Dee. 19, 1864.1



Resolved, That it pas.

Oiderccl, T ha t the Secretary inform the Rouse of Representatives
t h ereof.
Mr. Caperton, from tlic coiriniittec, reported that they had examined and found triily enrollcd bills of the following titles:
1. It. 224. An act t o punish certain frauds on the Confederate Government, including larceny and cmbezzlenient of property of thc
Government; and
H. It. 26s. An act for the relief of Sarah A. Ileiskell, wife of the
Hon. Joseph 13. Heiskell, a liepresentative from the HtRte of rennessee.
The President having signed the cnrollcd bills last reported to havc
been examined, they were delivered to the Secretary o f the Se~late
and by 11i111 forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate
States for his approval.
The Senatc resumed, as iii Committee of tho Whole, the considerntion of the bill (8. 12%)regulating the conipensation of postmasters,
special agents, and route agents.
On motion by Mr. Burnett, to amend the bill by striking out
twenty, section 1, line 22, and inserting thirty-three and onethird ,
It was determined in thc negative.
On niotion by Mr. B:Lkcr, froin tlie Committee on Post-Offices and
Post-Roads, t o amend tlic bill by inserting after *twenty, section I,
line 22, five,
rinined i n tlie affinnative.
On motion by Mr. Ils~licr,from ttic Committee on Post-Officcs and
loqt-Roads, to aincnd tlic bill by strikiiig out eight, section 1, line
24, and inserting ten,
1t W:LS dctoriniiicd in tho affirmbtivc.
On motion by 3/11..
l hk er, from c Cominittcc on Post-Offices and
Yost-Roads, to tmwnd the bill by
iltirig out, ticction I, lincs 33, 34,
35, 36, 37, and 3S, t h \vords
:111d of the pohtrilibstcrs :tt Pctcrsburg,
Virginist; Itnleigh :ind Wilmington, North Carolina; Charleston and
Chlniniii:~, Soiitli Carolina,; Augast:i and Savannah, Georgia; and
Montgomery atid Mobilc, Altilmiia, rhall he five thousand dollars,
ironi tmd d t c r the tir,st day of J:~nu:~ry,oiic thouhand eight hundred
and sixty-five, at which time this xat is to t;ike effect,
It W:LSdetermined in the :~tlirmatiw.
On inotion by Mr. 13:dw~,to :~mcndthc 1)ill by striking out exceptiiig those, section I, liiw 27, arid iiiwrtitig cxcept :is,
I t wns detcrniintd in the aftirin:I t>IV(.

0 1 1 niotioii bj hlr. Mrittsoii, to :~incndthe hill by inrcrting :It the end

of tho fourth seetioil tlit! following 1)roviso:
Twtvdw!, llint 110 parson shall Iicrenfter1 ) c ~ciiil)loycd as a route ngcnt who iq cnpnblr
of ~rrilitarysc~rviwin the field, or who is not t x c i l t p t b y age from military duty,

1t was cletcimincd in t h :~fkirinatire.

No furthor :~n~c,ndnient
being proposed, tho bill was rcported to the
Sciiat(1:tnd the airiendrriciits were c.oncurrcd in.
O r d t w d , That thc hill hc engrossed and i w d n third time.
The said bill was read tlic third time.
R ~ ~ s o L o c c Zl1iatJ
i t pass, and that tho title thereof l)e as aforesaid.
O ~ c 7 m ~ dThat
the. Secrrt:try request the concurrence of the House
of lteprescnttttives tlicrein.


[Dec. 19, 1864.

The Senate proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the consideration of the bill (1.1L 261) to amend an act of the Irovisional Congress entitled An act relating to the prepayment of postage in certain
cases, approved J d y 29,1861; and no amendment being proposed, it
was reported to the Senate.
Ordered, That it pass to a third reading.
The said bill was read the third time.
BwJvved, That it pass.
t)rdmed, T ha t the Secretary inform the Hoiise of Representatives
The Sen:Lte proceeded, as in Committee of the Whole, to the considBration of the bill (S. 1-11>to increase the pay of iioncomii~i~sionccl~t~~l
ofhers, privates, and musicians of the Marine Corps; and no ainciidrncnt being proposed, it was reported to the Senate.
Order&, That it be engrosscd and read n third time.
The said bill was read the third time.
Bimlaed, That i t pass, and that the title thereof be as aforesaid.
CI?Y?PIWZ, That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives therein.
Tlie Senate resumed, as in Committee of the Whole, tlie considemtiori of the bill (S. 1%)to increase the iiiiLxiiniiiii ratw of c.omlx~n~il.tioii
allowed to r:di.oad compnie:, for the transportation of the Inails of
the Coiiferlertito Skitcs; and
0 1 1 motion by Mr. Spai~ow,
Ordmd, That the further consicleration thereof be postponed until
Monday next.
On motion by Mr. Ilill,
Thc Scnatc rcsolvcd into secret, iegislative session.
r >
L he doors having been opcncd,
The following iiiessazge T Y ~ Sreceived from the House of lteprcsentatives, by Mu. I hl t on:
XY.Iwsitlortc The Spwlcer of the IIonsc of Representative.: liariiig siwied an
eiirolicv1 bill, 1 mi1 directed to 1)ring it to the Senate for tlic signntare of tti& IrCsicltwt.

Mr. Caperton, from the conirriittee, rcpo-i.ted that they had examined and foiind trnly enrolled
A bill (1.It. 243) to regulate the pay and rnilo:bgc of nicinbers, and the
cwmpetwition of 0flicei.s of the Sciititc and l I o u s c of Kepsciit:iti\.c..i.
The lrmirlcnt hi\ing + , w c l the enrolled ))ill last r c p r t c d to h:i\-(i
becn ex:miricd, i 1, w:is dclivcred to the Secretary of the Stmite nirtl
I)y him fortliwitli p r w i h x l to the President of the Confeder:ite Statcs
for his :ipyrovril.
On motion by Mr. Walker,
Srn:itc :td,joni*ned.


Ihc Scnatc rcsunied, as in Committee of

tiori of the hill (11. it. 267) to snspend the
1iat)eas c:orpiis ill cerkiin cases f o r a limited
On inotion by illr. Orr, to :micnd tlie bill
first section aftor line 15, as follows:

the Whole, the considemprivilege of the writ of

by striking out all of thc

Of conspiracies to overthrow t h e Gorernment, or conspiracies to resist the Inn In1

nuthoritics of the Confederate States.
Of coink)inin~to assist the enemy, or 01 conimniiicating intelligence to the enemy,
or giving liini t i 1 and comfort.

Dec. 19,1864 ]



Of conspiracies, preparations, and attempts to incite servile insurrection.

Of deeertions, encouraging desertions, and of harboring deserters.
Of spies arid other emissaries of t h e enemy.
Of holding correspondence or intercourse with the enemy without necessity and
Ttithout the permission of the Confederate States.
Of unlawful trading with the enemy, and other offenses against the laws of the
Confederate States enacted to promote their succes~in t h e war.
Of conspiracks or attempts to liberate prisoners of war held hy t h e Confederate
Of conspiracies or attempts to aid t h e encmy.
Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon thc Coiifcderatc caaae, oi to
resist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy.
Of unlawfully burning, destroying, or injuring, o r attempting to burn, tlcstroj or
injure, any bridge or railroad, or telegraphic line of communication, or othrr propel ty,
with the intent of aiding the enemy
Of treasonable designs to impair t h e military poner of the Gorernnient by destroy
ing, or attempting to destroy, the vessels, or arms, or intinitions of war, o r arsenals,
foundries, 11 orkshops, or other property of the Confederate Stzateq
Of any unlawful conspiracy with intent to injure t h e Confedcrate States
But any person claiming exemption from military service as an officer of a State,
shall hare the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus, as to such claim, as if this act
had not been passed. In cases of palpable wrong and opprecsioii, by any subordinate ofliccr, upon any party who does not legally owe military seri ice, his superior
officer sliall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be
disinissec! from office,

and inicrting in lieu thereof the following:

Of conihining to assist the enemy, or of cmnmnnicating intelligence to the enpiny,
or of bcinq spies, or of holding treasonable cornmnnication with the enemy.

On motion by Mr. Hill, to urnend the ~ ) r o p o s d:Lrucndment hy

striking out all of the words proposed to be inserted after " Of," in
thc first linc, and inserting:
Conibiuing to assist the enrniy, oi o k c.cimrriunirRtirl::inicatii~g iiitrlligenc*t~to the c.iit~iiy,or
giving hini aid and comfort.
Of treasonable designs to impair tlie military powcr of tlic ( ~ o r c ~ i i n ~ r1)y
tlestroyinp, or :ittenipting to destroy, the sesrels, or arnis, < ) r riianitiuns of \\ ~ i O,I
arsenals., totiiidries, M orksliop~,or othct property of the Confetlcrate Stntcs.
Of tiring a spy or other emisGary of t t i t x eneiiiy.
Of esciting, or xttemptiiig to excite, msurrc~ciionamong b l a i ep, o r promoting conspiracy ainong them, or enticing theiii to join ttic cnciiiy.
Of hitriiing, d(>stroying,or injuring, or attc.inpting t o Ijnrii, tleslroy, or injure, m y
bridge or railroad, or telegraphic linc ot comniuiiicatiorr, \\itli the \ 1 m 1 of aiding the
Of exciting, or attempting to excite, mutiny ainoiig ttit, t r o o p of the Confederate
Of harboring tlesc~rtcrcior euconratging dcbcrtion,


It \VBS dctcrniinc~din tho :xfirmtLtivc, Nays

Ou motion by Mr. Orr,

_ _ _ _ 14
_ _ - _ _ __ _ 6

. _ .-_


The gc:t5 :inti nays being dcrircd by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who votcd in thc :&rni:Ltive are,
Mvss1.5. 13alicr)Barnwcll, Brown, h r n c t t , Caperton, Ilortth, Hcnrj,
Hill, I'ituitcr, Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell. S e ~ m i c s Spsrrow,
Mc' r t t,son.
Tliose who v o t d in the negative arc,
n'les5rb. C+i~i*Imd,
Gr:bhttm, .Johnson of Georgia, Orr, and Walker.
0 1 1 niotioii by NIr. Graham, to ;~rnenclthe smendment propxed by
hIr. Orr, as :~1iie11dcd,by striking out of thc words proposcd to bc
inserted the following:
Of exciting, or attempting to rxcite, insurrection among elaves, or proriiotiug conspiracy among them, or enticing them to join tlie enemy.


[Dec. 1B,l8F4.

Of burning, destroying, or injuring, or attempting to burl% destroy, or injure, any

bridge or railroad, or telegraphic line of communication, wkh the view of aiding t h i

It was determined in the negative.

On the question to agree to the amendment proposed by Mr. Orr, ab
Yeas-. .- - .-.- .- - .- - -.- . 13
It was determined in the affirmative, Nays
...- .- .
On motion by Mr. Seinmes,
The yeas and nays being desired bg one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Brown, Garland, Graham, Hill, Hunter,
Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Orr, Hcinmes, Walker, and Watson.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Surnett, Caperton, Dortch, Henry, Johnson of Missouri,
Simms, and Sparrow.
On motion by iMr. Graham, to amend the bill by striking out, SCCtion 1, lines 5, 6, 7, and 8, tho words b y order of the President,
Srcrctary of War, or the general coiiimmding the Trans-;\lissixsippi
Military I)epartment, by the authority and nnder the control of thc
lre>ident, and inserting in lieu thereof by \lrarratit issucd by n
judge o r cwnimissioiier of the Confedcratc Statm iipon prob:ihle cniisc,
snpportcd by oiith or :tfirmation, particularly clcscrihing the person to
tw seized and the offense with which he is cliaigcd,
It wtks dctcrininccl in the negative,
.- - - -.._
On niotion by Mr. Graham,
Lyle ycas ttncl nays being desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in t,hr affirriiative are,
Messrs. IMteu, C;:Lrlancl, Grahani, J ohrison of Georgh, and 0 r r .
Those who votccl in the negative are,
Messrs. IZarnwell, Bnrnett, Caperton, I h r t c h , Ilenry, Hill, llitiitei*,
Johnson of Missouri, Seninies, S p r r o w , Wnlkcr, and Utttsori.
On motion b y Mr. Walker, to amend tlic bill hy striking out, scction
1, lines 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 , and 9, the words apply only to the eases of ?orsons arrested or det:hicd by order of the President, Secretary of \I ar,
or the general officci. coninianding tho Trans-Nississippi nIilitary
L)eprtment, hy tlic authority arid under the control of th e President,
cscept as provided in the fifth section of this act, and inserting in
lieu thereof cscept as provided in the fifth section of this act, apply
only to the (::~se,i:
of persoris arrested or detained under an order of
arI*wt,or detention i n writing, iswrd by the President, Secretary of
W:w, or the general officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Dep:wt-

{ gg


It was drtorrriiricd in thc afirmativr, YeisNays

On niotion by Mr. \Vallmr,



. . _ _.
... .

The yens and nays king debired by one-fifth of the Senators prcscnt,
Lhoso who voted i n the affirmative are,
MWS~S.(;arlancl, Grah:Lni, llill, Johnson of Georgia, Johnson of
Missouri, Orr, Seninics, CVall.;er, and Watson.
Tlioso m7ho voted in tho n c p l i v e are,
Messrs. Ihker, Ihxnctt, C q m t o n , Ilortch, Henry, I-Lixnter, a r i d



Ilac. 20,1864]

On motion by Mr. IIill, to amend the bill by striking out all of the
second section after shall, line 1, and inserting:
appoint proper offirels as coirririissioners to investigate the cases of all persons so
arrested or detained, in order that they m a y be discharged if improperly detained,
un1e.s they can be Ppeedily tried in t h e due cotime ol law. Said coniinissioiiers shall
recri,?, each, a compensation of two hundred and fifty dollars per month; and each
commissioner m a y appoint one clerk or assistant, who shall recei\ c: a compensation
of one Iiundred and fifty dollars per month, anti each coinniissiorirr arid asbivtctnt
p h a l l receive twnty-five cents for cvory mile actually and necessarily traveled in the
discharge of tlie duties required by this act,

A niotion was made by Mr. Watson, t o amend thc psoposed amendmcnt hp adding ttr t>hewords proposed to be inserted the following:
But no pcraon liable to, arid capable of. military scrvicc in the field
shall bc appoiritcd under this section; atid 110 ofljcei. shall pcrforni a n j
tiori except i n the State of which he is a citizen; arid
to agree thereto,
The yeas W C ~ E8 and the nays were 8.
Llic, Sonata h i n p eqnally divided, the lr&deiit dctcrniiiicd the
question in the negative.
So the ariiendrricnt to the aniendmcnt was disagreed to.
On iiiotion 1)y 3Tr. Gr,zh:m:, to a111encl the psopomi :Inicndment by
adding to the words proposed to 1 nscrted the following proviso:
nod 1)y vrtnt, of this act eucrpt in the
i n wliic~l~
I 1 0 sliaII Iin\
b c ~ nrrcstwl,
ii chargcd to I i n \ c bocii coniniittctl, nnle-s snch State


sliall I)c in potwssioii of tlie


T t was dc tcixi iiictt in tlic a f i 1.1 tint ivc.

Ihc ~iiioridiiicnt proposcct 1)y 3lr. Ilill, ti> iLiiiciidc(1,
iLj: r c t d to.
Pciiditig thc fiirtlicr cotisidri:Ltiot~
of tliv })ill,
On i m t i o n hy XIS. IY:iU,(~s,
The Sciiatc rcsolvctl itlt,o O ~ C I Ilcyj.isl:tt ivc session.





[Dec 20,186i.

entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act to organize military

courts to attend the Army of the Confederate Statcs in the field, and
to define the powcrs of said courts, approved October ninth, eighteen
hundred arid sixty-two, and for other purposes, reported it with an
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The senate resolved into secret legishtive session.
The doors having been opcned,
The following message was rcceivcd from the House of Reprr~entatives, by Mr. Dalton:
itlr. Pvesident: The House of Representatives haw passedthe bill of the Senntc
(8. 110) to amcnd the twelfth section of the act entitled An act to reilucc the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes and 1 x m d b , approvcd Feliruary 17, l SC4,
with amendments; in which they requept the concurrence of the Senate.

On motion by Mr. Shims,

O r d w d , That Mr. Baker be excused from further service on the
select committee appointed to inquire into the adequacy of the coinpensation allowed to persons employed i n making clothing f o r thc
Army, and t o fcmdcs in the Ordnance I)cpartniurit, a~icltlial J t r . Garland be appointed in his stcnd.
On motion hy Mi-. Hill,
Orde7~OT,That thc 11011. tlcrschrl V. ;lohnson h:tw IPRW of : L ~ S P I I C O
from thc sessions of thc Senate until Monday, the 16th clay of J a n uary next.
On motion by Mr. Graham,
The Senate adjourned.

The Senate rcsuiiicd, RS i n Cornrnittce of tlic Whole, the con\i(l(w,tion of the bill (If. R. 2CG) to suhjwnd thc pi-ivilcgt, of the writ of 1i:il)cw
corpus in ccrtnin cases for n limited time.
On motion by Mr. Ilill, to amend the hill 1)ystriking O u t , section :{,
lines 12, 13, 14, and 13, thc words
urilcss the writ shall h a w bc(m i w u e d b y n court or judge ( i f ilir <oiifedc~ratcSlatte,
in the case of a person seeking to avoid or to hc ilischxrgc~liroiil rnilitary Fer\icc\, as
merttiontvl in the fifteenth claiise nf the fir

It was detcrniincd i n the aftirrna tIre.

On motion by Mr. Grahani, to ainend the bill by striking out of tlic

sixth scctiori the woids f o r nincty days after and inserting * nntil,
... ..
rriiiried in the negative, YeasNays - - . . ._ . _ _
by Mr. Graham,
The ycas and nays being desirec1I)yone-fifth of the Senators pr
Ihose who voted in the affirm:Ltive are,
Messrs. Garland, Graham, Johnson of Georgia, Orr, m d JVt~ll;ci~.
o voted in the negative are,
alter, Bnrnwell, Brown, ISurnett, Caperton. Dortch, Henry,
r, ,Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Seinines, Sinirns, Sparrow, and %atson.
On motion by Mr. Orr, to amend the bill by striking out ninety,
section 6, line 1, and inserting thirty,





On motion by Mr. Graham,

.The yeas and nays being. desired by one-fifth of the Senators present,
Those who voted in the affirmative are,
Messrs. Baker, B~O'VPII,
Garland, Graham, d ohnson of Georgia, Orr,
Semmes, and \YalBer.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Rarnwcll, Burnett, Caperton, Dortch, Henry, Hill, Hunter,
Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Siinnis, Sparrow, and Watson.
A motion having been in:ade by Mr. Sparrow, to reconsider the vote
on agreeing to the following amendment proposed by Mr. Orr, as
amended, to wit: Strike out all of tho first section of the bill after
line 15 and insert:
Of combining to assist the enemy, or of communicating intelligence to the enemy,
or giving him aid and comfort.
Of treasonable designs to impair t h e military power of the Government by destroying, or ntteru?ting to destroy, thc vessels, or arms, or munitions of a a r , or arsenals,
foundries, workhops, or other property of thc Confederate States.
Of being a q p , " 01'other einissitry of the enemy.
Of exciting, or attempting t o excite, insurrectioiL among slaves, or promoting conspiracy among them, o r enticing thein to join the enciny.
Of burning, destroying, or injuring, or attclmpting to destroy, burn, or injure, any
bridge or railroad, or telegraphic line of cornillmication, with the virw of aiding the
Of exciting, or attempting to excite, iuatiny aniuiig the troops of the Confederate
Of harboring ilceerters or encouraging dexrtion.

On the question to a ree thereto,

The yeas were 10 ant the nays were 10.
On motion by Mr. Semmes,
The yeas and nays being desired by one-fifth of thc Senators present,
Those who voted in the a&rrnatjire are,
Messrs. Burnett, Capcrton, Dortcli, Henry, Iuntc>r, Johnson of
Missouri, Semmes, Simiw, Sparrow, and Wutson.
Those who voted in thc ncgatirc are,
ItIcssrs. Baker, Barnwell, Rrown, C;arl:incl, Graham, EIill, ?Tohnson
of Georgia, Mxxwell, Orr, and MT:dkcr.
The Senate being equally divided,
'I'hc Yresidcnt tirinounced the result of the vote, and stated that, the
vote being a tie, the motion to reconsider did not prevail; that, undcr
the Constitution, the Seniitc being equally dividtd, it WRS his right to
vote ori the question. This riglit he mould cscrcisc if the Henptc
would indnlgc hini it1 giving his rcasons f o r tlw vote he should give.
To which Mr. TTenry objected.
The President said he i v ~ u l d tiridcr
the sixth standing ~ l e take
, the
setisc of the Hcnatc thereon, tind proceeded to put the question,
.Is it the sense of the Senate that the Chair, in excrcsisirig his constitutional right to vote on R c uestion on which Senators arc equally
divided, htis t h e riglit to give t e reasons for thc vote he shall give?
Peridi iig w liich ,
Mr. Dortcli rose and announced his wish to chmge his vote from
the tifirniative to the negative sidct of the qiicstion;
TIT hcri ,
Tho I'rcsitlcnt stated that, nntlcr t h r rules, he could not t h c n rhange
his vote unless by iinaninious (eonsent.

c ,r-voL




p e r . 20, 1864.

To this ruling of the Chair MI.. Burnctt objected. and rniscd the
question whether MY.Dortch had not t h r right, : ~ tthis stage of the
proceedings, to change his rote.
After considerable debate,
The President rose atid addrcssed thc Senate at sonic length on the
points of order, referring to the t\\rrrty-eighth and twenty-nlnth rules
of the Senate, t o wit:
XXVIII. When the yeas and nays shill1 1~ called for b y olte-fiftll of the Senators
present, earh Senator called upon shall & d a r e ol)w~lv,
and nlthont tl(Jl,ate, his a w w t
].Ye ~JC. c w u i ~ I)v
l tlie Senate. In
or dissent to the question, 11nleq3for special re
thf. mints of the Senators
shall \e taken alphabctirally.
X X I S . When the yras m i l nays shall bc tnkon upon a n y qncstioii i n 1)urbnanc.eo f
the aboye rule, no Senator hall I)e periiiitttd, except 1)s tlre ui?aniinoiis c-onsent ol
t h c Senate, to vote after thc tltcision is announced f r o n i the rha~r.

Concluding with thi;, statvriiciit of the question: The Scnetc hing

equally divided on the decision of thc clwstioii on the motion to reconsider hubniittcd by the Sciitltor fro111 Loiii&ma [ A h . Sparrowj, thc
Chair announccd that rcialt to the Scmtc, sttltiiig thxt, the 1-ote being
a tie, thc motion to Iwoii\itl(br did not pre\-ail; that, by tlic Constitntion, it then hecamc the pi*i\-ilcgc:uid right of the incumbent, a h
Vice-President, to vote; that his votc i n t
H S C . if given, ~ ~ o unot
change the result; .still hc wi4icd to ex(
would indulge hiiu iii giving the rrac;oii+
this stage of the proceedings t h c x Senator
rosc and protwted against the right of thc C h i r
for the vote he should or might girt.. lhc Cliriir then stated he -vvoi~ld
take tho s m s c of thc Hcn:Lte upon that q i i ( ~ s ion,
xrid the question was
put: Is it thc sensc of the Scnatc, that thc Clrair, i n oscwising his constitutional right to vote 011 a q u c ~ t i o non \\ hich Senators are equiilly
divided, lias thc right to givc the rmyons for thc vott hc 5h:ill give !
Whcn the ye:^ : L i d ntiys \vcrc c:illed for 011 thi.: qiwhtion, thc SmLtor
from North Chrolin
h..I h ~ t c hrow
] a n d stxtcil tii:it he \voiild c.h:ing!:c
his vote on the q~
on on which tho Scntitc )\:I\ cclwdly divided.
The Chair st:itd,
IllldCl tjh( l U l C i the ~ ( J I I L t O l C o l l l d llot t l l P l I VotC
or c.h:inge his votc :iftvr it 11:~ciI)ct\ii : i n n o i i n ( d f i * o i i i tliv chair that thc
I\ hirh w i . s the loss of tho
ScniLtc w a s ~clii:illyt l i \ itlccl tlw i c ~ i i l of
1)y 11i(~~ i n : L n i n m i iw~ i i + > i i t of the Scn:ittl;
t l i C n hc Forcx thc Scniitc. mould take pixof thcb &>tititor froni North Cnrolina to I)(>
:illowed to ch:~ngchi\ 1 otc; that this qwation iiiust be first put and
fii*ht dccidcd. To this ruling o f tlrc (hair tlic Scii:Ltor from ICc~ntut+l;y
[MY.13nrnctt I i x i h e d hi\ qnwtioii of oi~lcl.,:ind upon which the ClhRii.
nse of thc Scnt~ltcx. lhc qwstion, t htrc+oi*c, now, upon
this point of order siil)niittod to thc Scuatc, is, Skiall tlic ruling of thv
Chair, that thv Scnator froni North (hrolinx I l f r , I)oitc.h] (mi not :it
this stage of t h c x 1)roc(wliiigs, unc thc rulci. c.h:ingc hi, vote after
: t r i i m m x d , unless by unanirnoiib
thc r e w i t of t l l C w t c o f sctltttors \
constnt, .st:ml :t% thc i dgI nvtit of tlir Scnstc?
And thr s:iicl qiiestion hcing piit,
_ 3
It was dclerniincd i n tlic iwg:ative, I Yc~:Ls
X:y \
. 16
On 1nol ion t,y Mi.. Stnmic\,
r ,
l h e J c i s and I I ~ L CIJ hcing dcsircd hy oiic.-IiftIi of thc Scnators pwscnt,

Dee. 20, 1864.1



Those who voted in the affirmative are,

Messrs. Garland, Grahstni, and Johnson of Georgia.
Those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Barnwell, Hrown, J3urnctt, Caperton, Dortch, Henrv Hill,
Hnnter, ,Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Orr, Semmes, YS!1111ms,
Sparrow, Walker, and Watson.
So the ruling of the Chairwas not sustained by the Senate, and Mr.
Dortch (by leave) having changed his vote froni the affirmative to the
ncgative side of the q i ~ > i t i o n ,
.-... . . _ _
_ _ _
. _
_ _ ._
9_ _
The vote stood, j Yeas
Nays - -.- - -...- - . . - - _
._ _ . _
_ _ _..-1
Those who voted in the :~ffirniativebeing,
Messrs. Burnett, Caperton, ITenry, Hunter, Johnhon of Missouri,
Scmmes, Simms, Sparrow. and Watson.
And those who voted in the negative are,
Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Brown, Dortch, Garland, Graham, Hill,
Johnson of Georgia, Maxwell, Orr, and Wallter.
So the question was dt?tclrminecl in thc, negative, :~ndthe Senate
refused to reconsider the vote on agreeing to the said urnendmetit proposed by Mr. Orr, as amenclt:d.
No further aniendnient being proposrd, the bill was reported to the
Senate and the nmeridinents niadc as in Committee of the Whole were
concurred in.
Ordered, That tho :unondnicmts he ciigrosscd and thc bill read a
third time.
The said bill us amended was rcad the third time.
On the question,
Shall the hill now pa
. _.
. .. . _
- 34
It w:is determined in thr :dfiimitivc, 7( YeaqN:;.y's
O n triotion by Mr. (;rahsrrt,
The ycas and nays being dcsired by one-fifth of tho Scn:itors pr~s~:iit,
Those who voted in tlic atfirliintii~ctire,
Mcssrs. Ihker, 13:~rtirvcll,13urnett, (hpwton, l h r k l i , IIcnry, IIill,
Iluntci., J o l i i i s o n of R.lihsour.i, M;txwcll, Soiiilililh, Sininis, S p ~ r r o ~ ,
and w.<Ltson.
who votcd i n the neg:Ltivc :irix,
5 . 13ro\\ 11, (;:~rlttnd, Gi*:Lhiun, ,Johnson of Georgia, O rr, and

So it wah
ZZm7wt/, '1'h:it t,liis bill paw witjli :inirndmcnts.
Od,wt/ 'L'kiat tkic S~cr&iryrcyucxt thc concurrence of the House
ntiitivrs i n tlic :Lnicndtnentr.
wing nws~:~gc
IVRS rcvcivcd from the I'residcnt of the Coufcdcrittc Skates, by Mr. 13. N. Ihrrisuri, his Secretary:
RICTTVONI),V 4 , J)c'cem2)er 19, 1864
To tlie Nwitc' cr71d IIOUSPof N q ~ ~ a s r ~ t c r t
I herewith traiismit a coiiirnunic.ation from the Secretary of the Treasury relative
to :L furtlict. f o r c i p loan, aiid ~c~cmiiiieiid
his proposition to yonr favorable consideration in wcret session

Tho nicssage WRS read.

Oi*dl(,wtl,That it be refcrred to the Committee on Fiuttnce.


My. Brown submitted the following resolution; which

ered and agreed to:

[Dee. 20, 1864



Reaolved, That the Committee on Finance be instructed to inquire into the expediency of so amending the laws in regard to the exportatiorl of cotton as to allow the
Secretary of the Treasury to deliver cotton at any point 1% ithin the Confederate States
to the holders of Confederate States bonds, the interest on n hich is to be paid in
specie or cotton, a t home or abroad, and to authorize the holders of such bonds, or
their agents, to take such cotton through the Confederate liiilitary lines.

On motion by Mr. Sparrow,

The Sewate rcyolvecl into executive session.

The following message wab received from the President of the Confederate States, by M r . 15. N.Ihri5mi, his Secretary:
~ ~ ~ x r t rDEl
j ~ \rxr v~l T l ,


Richmond, Dwcniber 20, 1 8 ~ 4

TOtltt S e ~ ~ t / t e t l l p L h j t d r l . d e StatPc.
Agreeably to the reconiinendatrori of t h c See-retary of War, I nominate Maj. Hcroq
von Borckc, of Prussiit, to be litwt<wRntcolonti1 in t h r Adjutant-Gencrals Department in the Provisional i\rniy of the Coiifetlcr:rte States of America.
No. 104.1
I?ich?rzo?id, 1)ecemhrr 20, 1864.
SIR. I have the honor to rrcomincnd the noniiimtion of \Ixj fIeroq \ o n Rorcke,
of Jrussia, to be 1icuteiiaiit-c.oloiicl in the Adjutant4 k.ncr:ils Department in the
Jrovisioiial Army of the Conftvleratc, States of Airierica, to rank from December 20,
1 ain, sir, req)c~c.tfallv,1 our ol)cdiciit b ~ i ant,
Arri ettrr!/ of TV(tr.
To IIiti I k ~ 4 l r 1 l c .J~ )

Thc ~~tess:agcW:LS r ~ ~ d .
Ihc Scnatc p r o w e d ~ dto considcr thc

, :it

Tlb t / l P

n o m i n : ~ t i o ncont:iined t h c r c i n ;


O/ / / I ?

thc Srn:ttc do ad\

:in(! consent to the appointment
to I)(> licrite t-colonel in thc ,Idjutant-(;rili ~ b L y \ to the noillintition of the Yrcsident.
agv 11:LA rec~ivetlfrom thc Ircsident of th(3 Coil-

( j J t ) / / / ( ( P O / < ,!Y//r/P\.

Agrceahly to t h e rc,c.oiiiinc,nd:LtiOti o f thc. SccrctiLry of War, 1 nominate the officclrs

on thr at.c,otnpari?iiii:: list to the pacles atfincd to their naniw, respec%ircly.

No. i0.l

It \ R

SPA 1EY OF l I X E K I C A ,
Richmond, I1ecmzhe.r 12, 1864.
SIR: 1 have the honor to rec~oninrcwlthc following nominations for appointment
in the Irovisioxial h n j of the Contcdcrxte States of America.


A D 1 UTANT-GEXEl? \ 1,s 1)I:P \RT\lENT.

R. F. Xason, of Virginia, to rank from Novcnibcr 8, 1864.
Thomas Walton, of Missiesippi, to rank from Novcrnber 4, 1864.

Dec. 21, lS64.J



J. J. Evans, of Missiwippi, to rank from June 15, 1864.
Clement Sulivane, of Maryland, to r a n k from July 8, 1864.
William Norwood, o f Virginia, to lank from J u n e 16, 1864.
James R. Balfour, of Jlissiusippi, to rank fioin Jn14 26, 1864.
W. D. Gale, of Mississippi, to rank from July 26, 1864.
Price Williaiiis, of Alabama, to rank from Augiist 8, 1864.
R T Daniel, j r , of Virginia, to raiilr from Jniic 75, 1864.
T am, sir, respectfully, pour obedient servant,
,Stcretary of Tlur.
To His Excellrricy .TI~FI.FIW>~ D 11IS,

The message mas w ~ d .

Oyclrreil, That i t h t referred to the Cominittce on Military Affairs.
On motion hy MI.. S p a i ~ o w ,
The Senate resolved into open legislative \esAon.

21, 1864.

On motion by Mr. Graham,*ed,That the Hon. William T. Dortch have leave of absence
from the sessions of the Senate until Monday, the 9th day of January
Mr. Johnson of Missouri, from the Conimittee on Indian Affairs,
who were instructed by a resolution of the Senate to inquire into the
subject, reported
A bill (S.149) t o amend an act entitled An act to provide for the
payment of the interest 011 the removal a i d subsistence fund due the
Cherokee lndians in Xortli Carolina, approved May 1, 1863;
which was read the first and second times and considered as in Committee of the Whole; and no amendment being proposed, it was reported
to the Senate.
Ordewd, T ha t i t be engrossed and read t~ third tiipe.
The said bill was read the third time.
IZesoZved, That it pass, and th:it, the title thereof be as aforesaid.
O?deered, T ha t the Secretary request the con(xrrence of the House
of Representatives thcrein.
The President laid before the Scnatc a letter from R. H. Edwards,
of Ala)sam&,iri relation to wrttiii suppliestalit:n froin him by Wheelers
cavalry during the months of ,July and September, 1864; which mas
referred to the Comniittee on Military Affairs.
The Senate proceeded to considti. the ainendments of the I-Iouse of
Representatives to tlic hill (S. 110) to :uncnd thc twclfth section of the
act entitled An act to rtdiicc the c w ~ c ~ iand
t y to authorize a new
issue of notes and bonds, :tpyroved February 17, 1864: and
On motion by Mr. lbrnwell,
Ordtyed, That they be rcfci-red to the Committee on Finanoe.
The Senate proc.eeded, ah in Conmittee of the Whole, t o the consideration of the bill (S. 112) to repcal an act approved J u n e 14,1864,
entitled An act to amend an act entitled An act to organize miljtary courts to attend the Army of t,he Confederate States in the field,



[DPc. 21, 1864

and to define the powers of said courts, approved October ninth,

eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and fo r other purposes; and the
reported amendment having been agreed to, the bill was reported to
the Senate and the amendment mas concurred in.
Ordered, That the hill be engrossed and read a third time.
The said bill was read the third titne and the title was arnendecl.
Resohed, That i t pass, and that the title thereof be ha(+ to prcscribe the pay and allowances of provost-marshals and clerks of military courts.
Ordered, That the Secretary request the conwimww o f the House
of Representatives therein.
A message from the IIoiisc of R~presc~ntati\~es,
by Nr. Dalton:
MY. Preszdcnt: The House of Representatives have 1 ) a w ~the
l bill of tiit. Seriate
( 8 . 136) to provide funds to meet a drficienry in the appropi iatiori to psy the officrr\
and eniployers of the \Var Department.
1 a bill (1. R. 242) to providt, for seq
litary w r \ it*(. \\ ho Iiave tlepartetl, or
out p<Lriiiission,in wliich tlicy recinest the conciirrencc of thc.
The Speaker of tlie IIouse of Representatives :xiring signcd an cmolletl bill, I iini
directed to lnirig it to the Senate for the Eignatiirc of their Iresitfent.

The Senate proceeded, as i n Committee of the Whole, to thc consideration of the followiiig hills:
S. 142. Bill to increase the number of acting imidshipmcn in thc
Navy, and t o prescribe the mode of appointment;
S. 143. Bill to authorize the employment of instructors for the actin midshipmen of the Navy, tind to regulate their p y ;
, 144. Bill making an appropriation for tho erection of additional
buildings a t Drcwrys Bluff for tho accorrirnodation of ttcting midship
men; and
S. 145. Hill to authorize the appointment of naval constnrrtors i n
the Provisional Navy, and to fix thcir pay;
and no amendment being proposed, they were severally reported to
the Senate.
Ordered, That they be engrossed and read :L third time.
The said bills were severally read the third time.
Resolved, That they pass, and that their titles, rcspectively, be as
Ordee,.ed,That the Secretary request the concurrence of the House
of Representatives in tho said bills.
Tho bill (1-1. It. 242) rcwivcd this day froin t h Honqe
of Representatives for conciirrence wis r(wl the fird and second times and referrcd
to the Coniniitte~on tho Judiciary.
On motion by Mr. Hill,
The Sen& resolvcd into secret legislative scssion.
I h e doors having been opanrd,
The President laid brfoi-c thtl Scnatc a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, in rwponse to a resolution of the Senate c:~Iling for certain inforniation in relation to the m i n t and assay office a t
Charlotte. N. C. ; mhich was 1 ~ 1 d .
Ordcred. That it be referred to the Committee on Finance and


Dee. 21, l8G4.1



The following message was received from the President of the Confederate States, by Mr. 13. N. Harrison, his Secretary:
RicmioNu, Va., December 19, 1864.

To the Senate of thr Cmfedernte States.

I n response to your rebolution of the 25th ultimo, I herewith transmit a communication from the Secretary of TVar, which convey^ the inforination desired relative to
trials and convictions under the acts to punish drnnkenness in the Army.

The message was read.

Ordeed, T ha t it bc, rcfcrrcd to thc, Committee on Jlilitttry Affairs.
, rcportcd that they had examined
Mr. Dortch, froni thr commi
and found truly enrolled
A bill (TI. 11. 283) to iiniciid an act entitled An act proriding for
the establishment aiid payment of claims for R certain description of
property taken or iiiformal1.v iiuprcshed for the use of the Army,
approved J u n e 14, 1864.
The Presidcrit having signed the enrolled bill last reported to have
been examined, it \ y i l b dc1iwr.d to the Secretary of the Senate and by
him forthwith presented to the President of the Confederate States
for his approval.
On motion by M r . Caperton,
The Senate adjourned.

On motion by Mr. T/Talker,

To reconsider the vote on passing the bill (H. E. 267) to suspend the
privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in certain cases for a limited
After debate,
Mr. Walker witlidrev. the said motion.
On motion by Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into executive session.

MP, Sparrow, froin the Committee on Mililary Affairs. to whom

werc referred (on thc 14th inbtzant) the nominations of 13. A. Herbert
and E. F. Tlogc, to be colonclh; lhonms 11:. llinn and John 1. Emrich,
to be lieuton:~nt-coloiIcllu: li. 13. TVilsoii, Charles Old, William Hamilton, William ,J. Minis, Duke Kt114 :ind J. G. Webb, to be majors;
Willie Barrow, L. l. Everett, .
.Kirincy, It. P. Waring, J. I-L.
Wooldridge, Percy ltol)tlrts, S. &I(.(orrriic*l<.
11.Myers, H. N. Browne,
Wythe 13. Grahtmi, Scbron (:. K i i w d , Ihoni:as l. Greene, .J. N. Hays,
Rufus 1E. .Jones, John 1,. Stcyhcrti, .loseph Iluntcr, Ed. I?. Clnyton, J. A. M. Foutc, T. C. ;\loore, J o l i n 31. Shnford, John Oliver,
R. D. Murphy, ,l:tok Sut hc~rlnrid, Edw. N. Eveiactt, C. Marshal
,Jones, McR. Hmrinictt, Lewis 13. Noland, Roderick Perry, B. T.
Coulter, W. A. Overton, Etlw. M. dordnn, 11. It. Morrison, R. D.
Kathrcns, 8. C. Sndler, K. It. li:tnt, ,2ndrc~vJ . Ross, Reuben E. Jordan, H. T. .Johnson, W. E. Cltiyton, E. A. Manning, A. G. Hawkins,
B. F. Cootes, J . C. Kuffington, F. Baltzell, I?. M. Bell, James T.
Norris, F. S. Johnson, ,John 1. I)obbs, Jo h n H. WlcIGe, Preston J.
Key, D. 11. Patterson, Thoinns S. JJcCny, X l ~ x .S. Webb, James
A. Conner, D. H. Boyles, W. T. Mitchell, Thomas W. Clepper,



[Dee 21, 1864.

H. Hardy, E. J. Perrault, H. H. Rrogden, J . F. Wilkerson, rJames A.

Wiley, A. T. Loudon, ,J. W. Childress, J. T. Quarks, F.M. Vance,
L. Campbell, C. E. Grier, George M. Rose, T. $1. Pittman, IV. J.
iVauldin, A. D. Simons, S. J. Spindle, T. E. Davis, F. K. Kitchell,
Jeff. L. Savage, JohnsJanieson, J. C. Bailey, G. W.Cnin, 11. C. Falloll, F. R. Burrus, T. M. Hunt, U. F. hlixrrell, JV. W. Ma tth e w ,
James H. Wilkes, John T. Hall, G. P. Massingale, 3. H. Cuininins,
J. A. Martin, E. Harrison, N. H. Davis, F. 3. Lhvidson, Jaines J.
Kiddoo, J ohn Patton, and C. Watlington. to be adjutants, with rank

of first lieutenants, reported, with the recornmendation that all of said

nominations be confirmed.
The Seiiate proceeded to consider said report; and in con(wrr('iice
therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise and consent to their appointnicrit,
agreeably to the nomin:ttion of the President.
Mr. Sparrow, from the Coinmittee on Military Affairs, to whoiii
were referred (on the 16th instant) the nominations of I-Ialey Al. Carter, to be lieutenant-colonel; 11. N. Sherburne, J. 8. T e rry , and C. W .
McClarnmy, to be majors of cavalry; C. S. Land, to be major of
infantry; C. H. Luzenbnrg and H. D. Danforth, to be first licxtenants;
A. M. Aiken, ,J. I. Ancrum, W. N. Mebane, It. M'. Boyd, ,Jaines
M. Wise, and William Glenn, to be second lieutenants of artillery, for
ordnance duty; J. D. Stoncy, to be second lieutenant of infantry (for
distinguished valor and skill), reported, with the recornmendation that
all of said nominations be confirmed.
The Senate proceeded to consider said report; and in concui'reiw
therewith, it was
Resolved, That the Senate advise and conscnt to their appointmeiit,
agreeably t o the nornination of the President.
The following messages were recai17ed from thc President of thc
Confederate States, hy Mr. 13. 8.Har



I', \ CO

To the ,Senate of tfw C'onfetlerctle Slatrs.

Agreeably to the rcconiiiieiidation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list (for pvoniotion) to the grades affixed to their names,

IZichmond, Decembe? 17, 1864.
SIR:I h a w the n o i i ~ to
r rccorniiitwl the following nomi~iatjonq for promotion in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate Stateti of America.
No. 93.1



Maj. Williani A. Taylor, of Tesas, to be colonel Twenty-fourth Tesas Cavalry Regiment, vice Colonel Wilkes, retired, and Lieiitcnant-Colonel Swearingen, disiniswd,
to rank from Novernbcr 14, 1864.
Maj. F. L. Campbell, of Imiisiana, to be colonel Thirteenth Loui~ianaftcginient,
vice Colonel Gibson, appointed brigadier-general, and Lieutenant-Colonel (rerard,
dropped, to rank from August 22, 1884.
Maj. Jarnee TI. McNeill, of North Carolina, to be colonel Sixty-third Sorth Carolina Regiment, rice Col. P. G. Evans, deceased, and Lieut. Col. S. B. Evans, dropped,
to rank from November 24, 1864.

Maj. C. Breckinridge, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Second Virginia Cavalry Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Watts, retired, to rank from December 7,1864.

Ddc. 21, 1864.1



Xaj. John D. Taylor, of North Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Thirty-sixth

North Carolina Regiment, vice I,ieutcxlallt-Colonel Bichardson, dropped, to rank
from January 23, 1864.
Maj. John M. Ki nloch, of South Carolina, to be lieutenant-colonel Twenty-third
South Carolina Regiment, vice Lieutenant-Colonel Roberts, iesignecl, to rank from
November 3, 1862.
Capt. E. M. Dubroca, of Louisiana, to he lieutenant-( olonel Thirteenth Louisiana
Regiment, vice I,ietxtenant-Colonel Gerard, dropped, and Major Campbell, promoted,
to rank from August 22, 1864.
ilfqor s.
CApt. R. 1. i\lcClclland, of Tennessee, to be major Fort) -niiitll TerlrlePsee Itegimrnt, vice Major Atkins, pFomoted, to ranb froni J u n e 11, 1864.
Cdpt. L. 1. Crunipler, ot Alabama, to be major Fifty-ninth Alalxuia Regiment,
vice Xajor H u p l e y , promoted, to rank from May 16, 1864.
Capt. William F. Graves, of Virginia, to he inajor See-ond Tirginin Cavalry ltegiinent, vice Major Breckinridge, promoted, to rank froin December 7, 1864.
Capt. J. M. Ste\ enson, of North Carolina, to be inajor Thirti -sixth North Carohna
Regiment, vice Major Taylor, promoted, to rank from January 2 3 , 1864
Capt. ill. 0. Tracy, of I~xiisinna,to he major Thirteenth Louisiana Regiment,
vice Major Camphell, promoted, to rank from August 22, 186-2
Capt. TI. 11. Lesesne, of South Carolina, to he major TI\ entv-third South Carolina
Regi nent, vice Najor Whilden, deceased, to rank from .Tiinr 22, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,


To His Excellency JEFFERSON

President, elc

~ ~ S I X o l . I V lDEIAItT.\lISNT,


&PATES 01 h U E R I C A ,

Richnzond, necernter 19, 18G4.

To the ,Senate of the Conjiedertrte States:

Agreeably to the recvmiiieiidatiori of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to t,lie grades affixed to their names, respectively.
No. 91.1
Richmond, Drceiiilier 17, 181i.j.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointiiirti t
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of binerica:


D. Wint,ter, of Tennessee, to he major Second Regiment Xngineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank frxn Angust 18, 1864.
B. 31. IIarrod, of Louisianti, to be captain Company G, Second Regiment Engineer Troops (an original mcancy), to rank from Angust 20, 1864.
Jolin Howard, of Georgia, to be captain Company 1-1,Second Regiment Engineer
Troops (an original vacancy), to rank froin October 15, 1864.
First /iezrtenunts.

It. A. Stiles,. of Georgia, to be first lieutenant Company E, First Regiment Engineer

Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from September 29, 1864.
J. I<. Itoller, of Virginia, to be first lientenant Company G, Second Regiment Engineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from August 20, 1864.
William P. Welch, of Kortk Carolina, to be first lieutenant Company H, Second
Regiment Engineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from October 15, 1864.



[Dee. 21, 1864.

Second lieulenanls.

Beverley Green, of Mississippi, to be second lieutenant, Second Regiment Engineer

Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from June 23, 1864.
B. 8. Long, of Missiesippi, to be second lieuteiiant Coiiipany K, First Regiment
Engineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from September 28,1864.
Charles Minor, of Virginia, to be second lieutenant Company A, First Regiment
Engineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from September 29, 1864.
J. M. Beckham, of Virginia, to be secoild lieutenant Con1pany D, First Regiment
Engineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from September 30,1864.
W. R. Abbott, of Lonibiana, to be second lieutenant Company X,First Regiment
Engineer Troops (an ori8inal vacancy), to rank from October 1, 1864.
C. R. Venable, of Virginia, to he second lieutenant Company B, First Regiment
Engineer Troops (811 original vacancy), to rank from Octobcr 2, 1864.
P. G. Scott, of Virginia, to be second licutenant Company I, First Regiment Engineer Troops, vice Lieutrnant Griffin, promotcd, to rank from Octohcr 3, 18G4.
W. W. Dallam, of Maryland, to be secoritl lieutenant Company F, First Rcgimcnt
Engineer Troops, vice Lieutenant IIessey, promoted, to rank from October 4, 1864
F. Harris, of Virginia, to be second lientenant Company G, Second Regiment Engineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from Augnqt 20, 2864.
John 1. Houston, of South Carolina, to be second lieutenant Company H, Second
Regiment Engineer Troops (an original yacancy), to rank from October 15, 1864
C. N. R. Minor, of Virginia, to be second lientenant Company H, Second Regiment
Engineer Troops (an original vacancy), to rank from October IS, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary qf War.
To His Excellency JEFFER~ON
PresidPn?, etc
R i c h m i d , llecembrr 19, 1864.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the recoinmendation of the Secretary of War, I rioriiinate the officers
on the accompanying list to the grades afriixed to their names, rtqmtively.
No. 88.1
Richmond, Decemher 16, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the following nominations for appointment in
the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

Lieut. Col. I. M. St. John, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.


Maj. Ricliard Morton, of Virginia, to rank froin .Tune 15, 1864.

Maj. W. R. Hunt, of Tennessee, to rank from June 15, 1864.

Capt. Isaac Read, of Missouri, t o rank from June 13, 1864.

Capt. T. J. Finnie, of Tennessee, to rank I'roni June 15, 1864.
Capt. John Ellicott, of Maryland, to rank from June 15, 1864.
Capt. Jas. F. Jones, of Virginia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
Capt. C, R. Barney, of North Carolina, to rank from June 15, 1864.

First Lieut. F. W. Smith, of ICentucky, lo rank from June 15, 1864.

First Lieut. R. H. Temple, of l'irginia, to rank from Junc 15, 1864.
First Lieut. W. Gabbett, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
First Lieut. H. F. Reardon, of Virginia, to rank from J u n e 15, 1864.
First Lieut. R. C. Morton, of Virginia, to rank from J u n e 15, 1864.

Dec. 21, 1864.1

39 5


First Lieut. B. A. Stovall, of Georgia, to rank from June 15, 1864.

First Lieut. J. W. learce, of District of Colombia, to rank from June 15, 1864.
First Lieut. 8. Chalaron, of Louisiana, to rank from J u n e 1.5, 1864.
First Lieut. J o h n R. Halc, of Texas, to rank from June 15, 1864.
I aiii, sir, respectfully, your obedient aervant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEPFEKSOS
Iwsident, etc.



Richmond, December 19, 1864.

To the Senate of the Co.rdetlrrute B a l e s :
Agreeably t o the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accoiiipanying list to the grades aftixed t o their naines, respectively.
No. 87.7
Richinortd, December 16, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend t h e following noininations for appointment
in the Provisional Army of the Corifederate States of America:
Military storekepcrs.

(With pay arid allowance of captains of infantry, under act approved June 4, 1864.)
William Hawn, of Louisiana, to rank from June 23, 1864.
J o h n E. Logwood, of Mississippi, to rank from June 23, 1864.
.1. M. Stevens, of Virginia, t o rank from June 23, 1864.
William Aubrey, of Alabama, t o rank from June 23, 1864.

Military storekeepers.
(With pay and allo~vanceof first lieutenants of infantry, under act approved June 4,
Carrington Mason, of Mississippi, to rank from June 23, 1864.
Thomas S. Martin, of Mississippi, to rank from June 23, 1864.
W. D. Bell, of South Carolina, to rank from July 6, 1864.
W. W. Tyler, of Tirginia, to rank from July 30, 1864.
E. Ledyard, of Alabama, to rank from September 6, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secwtary ofwar.

To TIis Excel1enc.y JEFFERSON





Richmond, December 19, 1864.

7% the & m t e of the Confederate 8lntes:

Agreeably to the rec*oiitinendatioiiof the Sccretary of War, I nominate the officers
on the accompanying list to the grades afExed to their names, respectively.
No. 92.1
Richmond, December 17, 1864.
SIR: 1 have thc honor to iecomnicnd the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Ariny of the Confederate States of America:
(1Jnder a c t approved May 31, 1864 )

M. M. Marshall, of Sorth Carolina, for dnty a t General Hospital, ICittrells Spring,

to rank from June 15, 1804.
Aug. Angerer, of South Carolina, for duty a t Jackson Ilospital, Richmond, Va.,
to rank from July 19,1864.



[Dee. 21, 1864.

w. A. Hall, of Louisiana, for duty with TVashington Artillery Battalion, to rank

from June 15, 1864.
Jarvia Buxton, of North Carolina, for duty at hospital, Asheville, N. C., to rank
from July 16, 1864.
T. W. Scott, of Virginia, for duty at Chiniborazo Hospital, Richmond, Va., to
nk from July 28, 1664.
J. 0. A. Cook, of Georgia, for duty with Second Georgia Battalion, to rank from
July 28, 1864.
Elisha Iledden, of Georgia, for duty with Thirtieth Georgia Battalion Cavalry, to
rank from July 30, 1864.
J. C. Sturgeon, of Alabama, for duty at Hoaards Grove Hospital, to rank from
August 27, 1864.
T. C. C. Drewry, of Virginia, fui d u t y a t Winder Hospital, to rank from September 21, 1864.
N. G. Robinson, of Virginia, or duty with Thirtieth Georgia 13attalion Sliarpshooters, to rank from October 18, 1864.
J. I<. Harris, of Virginia, for duty with Tventy-third Virginia Battalion, to rank
from June 15,1864.
L. W. EIaslup, of Virginia, for duty a t General Ilospital, Lyiichburg, Va., to rank
from September 24, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your ohedieut servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Exc~llencyJE:RYI~SON
Pr Psidm 1, ric

Richmond, December 19, 1864.

To the Senate qf tlre Corgcderate States:

Agreeably to the rccoinmeiidation of t,he Secretary of War, I nominate Samuel L.
Welch, of Texas, to be surgeon i n the Provisional Army of the Confederate States
of America.
No. 86.1
I+iehrizond, December 15, 1864.
SIR: I have t h e honor to recommend the nomiriation of Samuel L. Welch, of
Texas, to I w a surgeon in the Irorisional Arinr of the Confederate States ofAmerica,
for duty in Trans-Mississippi I)epart,inmt, to &I< from Deceniber 9, 1864.
I am, air, respectfully, your obedient servant,
Secretary of War.
To His Excellency JEPPEIWX


l,sr;,cr~Trw 1)ruAIrPl1

To the Senale qf the Ciii;fetlerute


Riclimond, Dccemhrr 19, 1864.


Agrec.ably to tlic rocoiiiineiidation of the Sccretary of War, I nominate TT. 1.

Grayson, of Kentucky, to be coloncl (under a(% approyet1 October 11, 1862) in the
Pro~isionalArniy of the Confederate states of Anierica.
No. 85.1
IWimoncl, Decembe? 15, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to r oininend the nomination of W. P. Grayson, of
Kentucky, t.o be c,olonel (to ra e a reginrrnt i n Kentucky), under act approvetl
October 11, 1862, in tlie ljrovisi ial Arniy of the Confederatc States of hmerica, to
rank from October 10, 1864.
I ain, sir, respectfully, your obedicnt servant,
Secretury of War.
To His Excellency J
Iresitlerit, etc.



Dec. 2?,18&1.1

Bichmond, December 19, 1S64.
To the h'enate of the Confedemte States:
Agreeably to t h e recoinmendation of the Secretary ot \Val., T nominate the officers
on the accompanving list to tlir gradc.s afixetl to their names, respectively.
No. YO.]
J v k f t I)EP.\Rr\fCST, (h
Richnaontl, Decenibcr 17, 1864.
SIK:I have t h e honor to rccoinincnd the following nominations for appointment
in the Provisional Arm!. of the Confederate States of dinerica (for distinguished ~ a l o r
and skill) :


Claihorne Snead, of ( h r g i a , to hc. 1irntc.iiant-c.olonrl Third Georgia Regiment,

vice Lieutenant-Co!nnel Ukbet, wtiretl, to rank from J u l y 13, 1864.

B. E. Nirholson, of South Carolilia, to l w iiiajor, IIainpton Legion, vice Major

Arnold, promoted, to rank froiii Septcin1)er 3, lS(i4.
Ctrpltr11r Y

Charles F. Force, of Alabania, to be captain ( h i i p m y 15, Fitty-first Alahama Cavalry Regiment, vice Captain Edwnrtls, rcbigiiwl, t o r a n k from Jnl y 3 , 1864.
Gieorge F. Cherry, of Creorgia, to k ) c~ q t a i n Cornpaiiy A, Forty-fifth Georgia Regiment, vice Captain Nnnch, lrillctl, to rmlr iroiii ,June 15, 1864.
A. J. Bro%n, of North Cwolina, to be captain Cotnpanp 15, Thirty-eighth North
Carolina Regimrnt, vice Captain J3(a1Ldc,killed, to rnnk trom AlaenPt8, 1864.
E. M. Ware, 01 Virginia, to be captain Company G , Fifth Virginia Cavaliy Itegiment, vice Captain Clay, cleceastd, to rank fiom h u g w t 21, 1864.
G. E. Plaster, of Virpini't, to bc ca1)taiii Company 11,Sixth Virginia Cavalry Regiment, vice Cap
ns, rwigiicd, to rank from Ovtobcr 2 i , 1864.
J. C. Barton,
sippi, to he captain Company A, Twenty-sixth AIississippi
Regiment, vlce
M~tlonc,dropped, t o rank froui October 27, 1864.
W. G. Terrell, of South Carolina, to be c:tptain (hii11):uiy F, First South Carolina
( 0 1 ~ ' s Eiflc
Rcgirneiit, vice Captain Fullerton, killtd, to rank from November 2, 1864.
Skcond / i c tctericot/\

William F. Tkril, of T P ~ ~ to
s . be
, second licntcnrunt Cotrlpany B, Fourth Texas
Reginlent, to rank froin June 16, 181;
arker's battery, viw Lieu11:. 8. Wooldridge, of Virginia, to b
tenant Saville, dec*eased,to rank fro1
A. 1' Irby, of South Carolina, to be brvoiiil ltent(~n:tnt C'oinpany 11, Seventh South
Carolina Regiment, yicp Lieritcnant \\rebtori, prornotccl, to rank from October 27, 1864.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obetlicnt servant,
Secretary of T a r .
To His Excellency JIC~PI.:RSO\
I').t'C/Ch/, El(

9. I



I>] 1' i R l ~ \ I l x T , ( ' o \ w i ~ ~ w 8 r4'i-m



imond, Urcember 19, 1S64.

To the Senate of thr Corzfeclemte hCfatc.s:

Agreeably to the reconiinend'ttiorl of the Secretary ol \ V a l , I nominate t h r officers
on the accornpanying list to the grades affixed to their naineb, reqpecti\-ely.


[Dec. 21, 1864.


I?!dimoii d, Deee?nber 15, 1864.
SIR:I have the honor to recommend the following non?inations for appointment
i n the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of i~morica:

No. 81.1



8, 1862.


W. V. Thompson, of Tennessee, to rank from Marrh 1, 1864.

J. C. Gallagher, of Louisiana, to rank from February 19, 1864.
F. Clarke, of Louisiana, to rank from March 11, 1864.
Allen J . Green, of Sout,h Carolina, to rank from April 14, 1864.
J . R. MrLean, of North Carolina, to rank from April 1, 1864.
J . C. Johnston, of Kentucky, to rank from September 9, 1164.
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
&cretnry of War.
To His Excellency JEFFERSOX
President, etc.

l?irhmond, December 19, 186.4.

To the Senate of the Confederate Xtutps:
Agreeably to the recommendation of the Secretary of War, I nominatc the officers
on the accompanying list to the grades affixed to their names, respectively. %
No. 89.1
Iiichmond, December 16, 186.4.
SIN: I have the honor to recornmenti the following nominations for qpointinent
in the Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America:

William E. De Moss, 3f Tennessee, to he colonel Tenth Tennessee Cavalry Regiment (formed by consolidating Napiers and Coxs battalions cavalry), to rank from
June 15, 1864.
W. T. Eobins, of Virginia, to be colonel Twenty-fourth Tirginia Cavalry Rcgirnent (formed by increasing the Forty-second Virginia Battalion Cavalry), to rank
from June 14, 1864.
D. E. Scruggs, of , to be colonel of Second Regiment, Tioops Local Defense
(Richmond) ( forrnecl by consolidating tlir Recoud and Sixth battalions, Troops
Locitl Defense), to rank from August 29, 1864.
James C. Malone. of Alabama, to he colonel Ninth A1at)ania Cavalry ltcginrent
(formed b y consolidating the Fourteenth and Nineteenth battalions cavalry), to rank
from September 5, 1864.
T. W. White, of Mississippi, to be colonel Eiglith Nissispippi Cavalry ltcginient
(formed by increasing the Nineteenth Battalion Cavalry), to rank froin Septcmhcr 8,
John McAnerney, of Alabama, to be colonel Third Keginlent, Troops Local Defenpe
(Richmond) (formed by increasing t h e Third Battalion, Troops 1.ocaI Defense), to
rank from Septmiber 25, 1864.
R. 0. Iickrtt, of Alabama, to be colonel Tenth Alahaina Cavnlry Reginrent
(formed by conzolidating two battalions), to rank from Scpternber 22, 1864.
Lieutena nt-colonels

L. R. Terrell, of Alabama, to he lieutenant-eoloncl Forty-seventh Alabama Regiment, the officers entitled to promotion waiving claims, vice J,icutcbnant-Colonel
Bulger, promoted, to rank from June 15, 1864.
G. W. Scott, of Florida, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifth Florida Battalion Cavalry
(the battalion having been increased to eight companies), to rank froin July 20, 1864.
W. E. Tanner, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Second Regiment, Troops
IJocal Defense (Richmond) (formed by c,onsolidatingthe Second and Sixth battalions,
Troops Local Defense), to rank from August 29, 1864.

Dee. 21,1864.1



S. F. Sutherland, of Maryland, to be li~~utenant-colonel

Third Regiment, Troops
Local Defense (Richmond) (formed by increasing the Third Battalion, Troops Local
Defense), to rank from September 23, 1864.
P. J. Ennis, of Virginia, to be lieutenant-colonel Fifth Battalion, Troops Local
Defense (Richmond) ( a n original vacancv), to rank from Septeniber 21, 1864.
J. R. Powell, of Alabama, to be lient&ant-colonel Tenth Alabama Cavalry Regiment (formed by consolidating two battalions), to rank froin September 22, 1864.

T. H. Ayres, of Virginia, to be inajor FirSt Battalion, Troops Local Defense (Richmond), the officers entitled to promotion waiving claim<, vice Major Ford, resigned,
to rank from August 31, 1864
Bolling Baker, of Florida, to hr major Third Reeimwt, Troops T,ocal Defense
(Richmond) (formed bv increasing the Third Battalion, T r o o p Local Defense), to
rank from September 23, 1864.
E. M. Boykin, of South Carolina, to be inajor Sc\ enth South Carolina. Cavalry
Re iment (an original vacancy), to rank from September 7, 1864
B. Vaughan, of Virginia, to hc. major Fifth Battalion, Troops Local Defense
(Richmond) (an original vacancy ), to rank froin September 26. 1864.
11'. 1'. Wrenn, of Alabama, to be major Tenth Alabama Calalry Regiment (formed
by consolidating two battalions), to rank from September 22, 1864.


McP. Wright, of South Carolina, to be captain Company K , Ta enty-second South

Carolina Regiment, t h e offwere entitled to promotion found incompetent, vice Captain
Crawford, resigned, to rank from J n l y 7, 1864.
J. C. R. Smith, of South Carolina, lo be captain Company K, Twelfth South
Carolina Regiment, the oficers entitled to promotion waiving c>laiins,vice Captain
Nevill, resigned, to rank from Jiily 6, 1865.
1%'. .J. Sloan, of Georgia, to be captain Company A , Forty-third Georgia Regiment,
the oflicers entitled to promotion waiving claims, vice Captain Reinhart, resigned, to
iank froin July 13, 1864.
11'. E. Cropp, of Georgia, to be captail
nipany C, Tenth Georgia Cavalry Regiment, the officers entitltd to promotion \I
ig claims, \ icr Captain Ru1 ke, resigned,
to rank from July 30, 1864.
J . H. Charnberlavne, o f Virginia, to be (nptain Dav
n's battery, second lieutenant found incompetent, ant1 first licwtt,nant \\ ai\ in::
m, to rank from August 4,
It. A. Tomplrins, of Virginia, to he captain Company I), Third Reginrent, Troops
Local Detense (Richmond), the officers ~ n t i t l t dto promotion waiving claims, vice
Captain Ellery, killed, to rank froin St.ptenil)c~21, LMi4.
81 Locke, of T'irxinia, to be captain ('otnpany A, Iciftli IlattRlion, Troops Local
Defense (Richmond), the officers entitletl to proinotion \v;li\4ng ( lainis, vice Captain
Ximiner, reyigned, to rank from S e p t c t i ~ ) )6,~ r1864
George Rillrox, of North Carolina, to b(1 captain (:onijmiiy 11, Forty-sixth North
Carolina licyinrc~nt, thc officers entitlrd to prornotion waiving rlainis, vire Captain
McNeill, promoted, to rank from Novcinber 4, 1865.

First lieutemirfs
James B. IIorton, of South Carolina, to be lirqt lieutenant Company 1, Second
South Carolina Eegiment, the ofiirers entitled l o proniotion waiving claims, vice
Lieutenant Perry, killed, to rank froni J n l y 7, 1864.
William 15 Sniith, of \'irginia, to be first litwtenant French's battery, the oflicers
entitled to proinotion ionnd incompetent, \we Imntenant Fizer, resigned, to rank
froin August 25, 1864.
James k;. Towson, of Virginia, to be first lieutenant Company D, Third Battalion,
Troops Local Defense (Richmond), the officers entitled to promotion found incompetent, vice Lieutenant fifatthen s, resigned; to rank from September 21, 1864.
Xrcond lieutcnniith

F.S. Spiller, of Tirginia, to b r second lieutenant Company B, Thirtieth Virginia

Battalion Sharpshootcre, vicc 1,icutcnnnt Boyd, resigned, to rank from June 15,



[Dee. 21, 1864.

F. K. Huger, of South Carolina, to be second lieutenant, First South Carolina

Regiment (enlisted men), I ice Lieutenant Whalcy, promoted, to rank from June 28,
0. N. Butler, of South Carolina, to be second lieutenant, First South Carolina Reyiiiient (enlisted inen), vice Lieutenant LVardlan , promoted, to rank froni June 28,
It. S. Rutledge, of South Carolina, to be second lieutenant, First South Carolina
Regiment Artillery, vice Lieut. T. A. Middleton, pronioted, to rank from Aupubt
20, 1864.
W. G. Simms, of South Carolina, to be second lieuleriaiit, Fiist South Carolina
Regiment Artillery, vice Lieut. E B. Middleton, promoted, to rank from Angnst
I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant,
To His Excellency JEPFICRSOX
President, rtc.
Kaclimond, Dccernher 19, 1864.
To the Senate of the Confederate States:
Agreeably to the reconinieridation of the Secretary of War, I noiniriate Ales. G.
Morgan, of Kentucky, to be assistant commissary, with the rank of captain in the
Provisional Army of the Confederate States of America.
No. 95.1
Richniond, December 17, 1864.
SIR: I have the honor to recommend the nomination of Alex. G . Aforgan, of Kentucky, to be an assistant coinmissmy, with the rank of captain i n t h e Provisional
Army of the Confederate Statcs of America, for duty n ith Tenth Kentucky Cavalry
Reginlent (an original I acancy), to date from November 2, 1864.
1 am, hir, respectfnlly, your obedient servant,
Secretary o j War.
To IIis l<xcellcric~y.Ti


To the Sentrte of lire Cunfcdernte Strttrs.

R i c h m o n d , December 19, 1864.

Agreeahlp to the recoiriiiiciidation of the Secretary of War. I nomiirate T.1. Gibson,

of Kentucky, to 1x1 quarterinaster, with rank of major in the Prokisional h i n y of
the Confederate States of America.
No. 94.1
12ichmond, December 17, 186 6.
SIR:I have thc lionor to ~ec~onimrnd
the nomination of T. 1.Gibson, of Kentucky,
t o tw quarternraster, ~ i t rank
of major in t h e lmvisional Army of t!ie Confederate
States of .lrnrlric*s, For duty a i t t i Jkig (;en. H. 13. Lyon, 1)epartnieiit of Western
Kentucky (XI! original v:ic.ancy ), to date from December 14, 1864.
I atit, sir, respectfullj , your obediciit scrvant,
hhmetciril o j IVm-.
To His Excellency JEFRCASON
President, etc.

The messnges werc severally read.

Ordmxi?, That thcp be referred to the Conimittee on Military hflairs.
On motion 1)y Mr. Sparrow,
The Senate resolved into open legislative session.

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