Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction

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Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans The Perfect Detailed Plans For Construction (More than 44 drawings in this document - printed on Ad size paper) Units: Millimeters - decimal ‘rea for constuction: 031 Meters 2 (erate: em 42mm x 55sen (heh) “otal vohime of wood: 0432 Thank you for oldng the delgn When completed you chicken cop. Pease send photo ows We vil gv you gts to express gratitude Please frequent vst ovr Bog for sesing nee design and get the design useful and ree ‘Step by stp nstuctons fr spect, deta, sey to understand, a3 to Bal, “This a perfect guidance ofan arctet has over 10 years expenence designing Thank you very much! ve worked hard to get this design, i afer hous, evenings, weekends {made Rsome vee, So Tlved i. Tam very rate to You you lve ‘am very grateful to yout you comment on R so competed 0 Teter do the design in the futur, for you ‘ind Xa very hoppy and thankful when yours holding th deen and ae reading these Ines! ‘We you al the best .GF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction Sree: estes sm 3tnm (hett) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 jing was completed! There are many Useful and Fre Plans = Arties - Tips - Gude at: www.homegardendesignplan. iS seca ccs coos Reve tata perdan ocd = cd wea (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 Perspective - The building was completed! There are many Useful and Fee Plans = Aces Tips - Gude at: ‘ 409 houss - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 Perspective - The building was completed! There are many Useful and Fee Plans = Aces Tips - Gude at: ‘ 409 houss - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ‘vere: en am Samm (heat) Total veume of wood E32 m2 Perspective - The building was completed! There are many Usefl and Fre Plan Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ | dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ‘vere: en am Samm (heat) Total veume of wood E32 m2 Perspective - The building was completed! There are many Usefl and Fre Plan Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ | dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 pr Masterplan - Area for construction: 0.31 Meters 2 There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ear atin: 31 Nts Scaiwaumectwact saan : sor food reas Facade plan - Left (Right) plan There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 | | Facade plan - Front plan There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 fT aes Facade plan - Back plan a There are many Useful and Fre Plans Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) | ide fo foes contains ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 Section Plan oa ‘There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide a: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more THANK YOU FOR WATCHING See and get Detailed Plans for Construction at: There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide at: dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more Step by Step Guide to Build Order of the drawings inthis profile are nat the steps to build correcty. Its suggested. You should see the drawings carefully. Then you should create a plan to build that it suits your conditions. {And here I will suggest you a step by step plan to bulld of mine that you can refer to it ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 wooden plank 1 25 thes (Noma) 9 thikress (ct) 1.0 - Building the wooden plank 1 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) Ea ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 no wooden plank 1 25 theless (Nerina) = 19 theless (tua) oes for screw 4.1 ~ Building the wooden plank 1 - Front plan vl be cited inthe nes step 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) hoes for sre ile ile the nest step ‘There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide a: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 Yo 1.2 - Building the wooden plank 2 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) wenden plank 2 25 thickness (Norn) = 19 heines (ctu) ‘There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide a: ‘ 409 houss - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 wooden plank 2 25 ticness (Norma) \ = 19thciness (acta) —\ 1.3 - Building the wooden plank 2 - Detailed design 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) There are many Useful and Fre Plans Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ 409 houss - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ear atin: 31 Nts Scaiwaumectwact saan —m, _— wooden plank 3 25 thekness (Nerina) = 19 thickness (Acts) 41.4 - Building the wooden plank 3 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ 409 houss - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more 1.5 - Building the wooden plank 3 ~ Detailed design 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) wooden planks 25 theness (Nomina) . Stckness (Ata) There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 wooden plank | 25 bikes (Nerval) = 19thikness (ta) 1.6 - Building the wooden plank 4 ~ Detailed desion 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) ie There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction oe eene ee seeeeseaersmts ot \ 7 wcodmpanks —/ | 25 nes in) Fiera aa) Rotate 25.3 degrees ‘tom the vert lane 1,7 - Building the wooden plank 4 - Detailed design 25 thickness (Nominal) = 19 thickness (Actual) There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: [RB dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 wooden plane 4 ~/ 25 thickness (Nona) thickness (val) Rotate 23.3 degrees from te verti lane 1.8 - Building the wooden plank 4 ~ Section Plans There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 a] 3 1.9 ~ Building the wooden plank 4 ~ Section Plans, There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 wooden plank 5 25 Wess (Nomina) = 19 themes (tua) 2.0 - Building the wooden plank 5 There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ 409 houss - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 2.1 - Building the wooden plank 5 | ec nk 25 thes Worn) = sthidoess (ctu) There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) » ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 _~ wooden planks tices Nomina) 19 thcknes Act) a 2.2 - Building the wooden plank 5 Left plan Rotate 15.8 degrees from the horn plane ‘There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide at: dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 ‘transmitted motion —“— 2.3 - Building Lids and Pedal There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 25 tickness (Noma) = 13 thckness (ta) - 7 ‘There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more 2.4 Building Lids ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 holes for screw ‘ile dies nthe nest step 25150 (Nomina) = 19138 (Actua) ‘sme erat 25 thickness (Nominal) = 13 theknes (ct) 2.5 - Building Lids - Left plan There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 25:60 Nomina) = 19138 (acu) Goan ena 25x50 (Nomina) ‘19138 (Actua) ‘oan eat 2.6 - Building Pedal There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 25 thickness (lominal) — Sistnekness (aca) \ 25180 (Nomina) —, = 1908 (Acua) ‘02mm length notes for sre il be dil the nest step elas or screw ‘be eile nthe net step 2.7 ~ Building Pedal - Left plan There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 holes for screw transmitted motion willbe cle in the next step 25x50 (Nominal) = 19x38 (Actual) ‘There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide a: ‘ 409 houss - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more 2.9 - Designed locate the holes for screw — Rotate 15.9 deorees from the Pezotl pane — Retate 6.0 degrees frm the riz pane There are many Useful and Fre Plans Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more 2.9.1 - Designed locate the holes for screw — Rotate 15:9 desrens ‘tom the horas plane \ rotate 6.0 dearees from the hereon lane There are many Useful and Fre Plans Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ‘vere: en am Samm (heat) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 3.0 - Create gaps for the motion timber to transmit tion No timber to transmit maton Noo There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 wooden plank timber to transmit motion timber to transmit maton Noo te screws ~/ 3.1 - Create gaps for the motion | There are many Useful and Free Plans ~ Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ‘vere: en am Samm (heat) Total veume of wood E32 m2 ite for food contains 3.2 - Building Lids for food contains There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ | dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction Ovesces etn tin S54 (ekht) ‘oat volume of wees: 0.052 m3 Us for fod contains —, 3.3 - Building Lids for food contains = View from back There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction ‘vere: en am Samm (heat) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 + metal binges . S ~ 28 thickness (Nominal) So thcknes (ua) ~ 2515 (Noma) 25125 (Nomina) — Fioa9 actus) = 15119 (Actua) 25125 (Nomina) — ae io119 (Actua) - dos metal hinges — im — 25125 (Morea) = 19419 (Aca) 25.Wicness (Norse) 3.4 ~ Building Lids for food contains 25.25 (Nomina) — = ssmines (hema) OD Sled design = 199 (actual) « There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - aad more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 S295 (Nomina) Sf Pima ea 2525 (mio) “= 19x19 (Actual) \ meal hinges 1x0" Noma! ston = 3/5/" feual secon 25.05 (nominal) S99 (Actual) 3.5 - Building Lids for food contains = Detailed design There are many Useful and Fre Plans Articles - Tips Guide at: [RB dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 Nomeal thickness 3/4 Actual thieress 3.6 ~ Building Lids for food contains = Detailed design There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more (CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 3.7 - Section Plan ‘There are many Useful and Free Plans - Articles - Tips - Guide a: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more ‘CF100 - Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans Construction anor conto: 024 Meter ‘yer: erm am sm (beg) ‘Tal vekme of wood DER2 m2 There are many Useful and Free Plans Arties - Tips ~ Guide at: ‘ dog house - chicken coop - horse barn - garden shed - and more Automatic Chicken Feeders Plans The Perfect Detailed Plans For Construction (More than 44 drawings in this document - printed on Ad size paper) Units: Millimeters - decimal ‘rea for constuction: 031 Meters 2 (erate: em 42mm x 55sen (heh) “otal vohime of wood: 0432 Thank you for oldng the delgn When completed you chicken cop. Pease send photo ows We vil gv you gts to express gratitude Please frequent vst ovr Bog for sesing nee design and get the design useful and ree ‘Step by stp nstuctons fr spect, deta, sey to understand, a3 to Bal, “This a perfect guidance ofan arctet has over 10 years expenence designing Thank you very much! ve worked hard to get this design, i afer hous, evenings, weekends {made Rsome vee, So Tlved i. Tam very rate to You you lve ‘am very grateful to yout you comment on R so competed 0 Teter do the design in the futur, for you ‘ind Xa very hoppy and thankful when yours holding th deen and ae reading these Ines! ‘We you al the best

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