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The two cousins virtual reality and augmented reality are
trying to alter our perception about how we experience
life. One takes us to places where we have never been
without moving our feet and the other, draws our
imagination onto this boring world. Both technologies
share same arsenal and are directed towards
improvement of life. VR shows us the world in a different
way using HMDs, HUDs etc. It users a wide range of
sensors: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometers,
optical trackers and electromagnetic trackers. Most of
them are found in our modern smartphones and hence,
they are the most widely used gadget to experience VR.
The AR systems are less clumsy than VRs. They make
use of object tracking, image recognition, eye tracking,
projection mapping and motion sensing using
accelerometer & gyroscope. HMDs, HUDs, prism
projectors and smartphones are also used here. They
have a wide variety of applications from armed forces,
education, medical, safety and rescue and
entertainment. The biggest achiever is the education
industry, students can learn practically from their
classrooms using VR and AR can help them to explore
their imagination. In modern era, for military AR and VR
are the initial stages for a soldier, their training is done
using virtually created and simulated environments.
With proper training and firsthand knowledge of the
battlefield, soldiers have become remarkably efficient
and smart and also there is less loss of life. In various

others fields, these have shown remarkable growth and

in the near future we will all be surrounded by them.






The term virtual is defined as
something which is being in essence
or effect but not in fact. In simple
terms virtual means FAKE.
Reality on the other hand is defined as
something that is perceptible. Thus,
VIRTUAL REALITY is a term that
contradicts itself. Something cant be
real and virtual both simultaneously.
But in the digital era, nothing is
impossible and technology has made
this unrealistic term VIRTUAL
Technically, it can be defined as a
computer-generated environment that
can be interacted with as if that
environment was real.


Meaning of reality remains same but the new

term augmented makes it quite different
from virtual reality.
Augmented means Add to or make greater
in amount or number or strength. Instead
of replacing reality, augmented reality adds
virtual world (e.g. Graphics) to the existing
real world. These graphics are embedded in
such a way that ideally the human mind
wont be able to differentiate between real
world and computer generated images.
Technically, Augmented reality is a live direct
or indirect view of a physical, real-world
environment whose elements
are augmented (or supplemented) by
computer-generated sensory input such as
sound, video, graphics or GPS data.


In a virtual reality environment, a users experience is measured
by immersion, i.e., the feeling of being inside and a part of that
world. The combination of a sense of immersion and interactivity is
called telepresence. In other words, an effective VR experience
causes you to become unaware of your real surroundings and focus
on your existence inside the virtual environment.
information and breadth of information.

immersion: depth


Depth of information refers to the amount and quality of data in the

signals a user receives when interacting in a virtual environment.
For the user, this could refer to a displays resolution, the complexity
of the environments graphics, the systems audio output etc.
Breadth of information is defined as the number of sensory
dimensions simultaneously presented. Most virtual environment
experience prioritize visual and audio components over other
sensory-stimulating factors, but a growing number of scientists and
engineers are looking into ways to incorporate a users sense of
touch. Systems that give a user force feedback and touch
interaction are called haptic systems.

There are a range of systems that are used for this purpose, such as
headsets, omni-directional treadmills and special gloves.
These are used to actually stimulate our senses together in order to
create the illusion of reality.
These systems can be divided into:

The simulation of a real environment for training and


The development of an imagined environment for a game or

interactive story.
The various famous technologies used for VR are:

Samsung Gear VR (smartphone operated)

Oculus Rift
HTC vive
Google Cardboard (the cheapest)
PlayStation VR
Fove VR (includes eye tracking)

And many more.


The most common type of AR that we see is the computer graphics
on our TV screens. All the scorecards, channel icons etc. are AR. The
type of AR we are most likely to encounter uses a range of sensors
(including a camera), computer components and a display device to
create the illusion of virtual objects in the real world.
Our smartphones contain all the necessary sensors and software
required to have commercial augmented reality in our hands. By
using smart algorithms and other sensors such as accelerometers
and gyroscopes the device can keep the augmented elements
aligned with the image of the real world. For example, you may see
the movie poster spring to life and play a trailer for the film. As long
as you look at the poster through the window of the display you
can see augmented reality instead of plain old vanilla reality.
Other method AR is PROJECTION MAPPING. It is projection of
digital imagery onto physical objects. For example, the
Dyadic Mano-a-Mano uses projectors and Microsoft Kinect sensors to

provide the user with 3D digital imagery projected directly onto the
environment. The user doesnt need to wear equipment or use any
Head Mounted Systems (HMDs) are the other way of experiencing
AR. Indeed, HMDs that use smartphones to work often have
something known as a camera pass-through. In other words, the
outside world can be seen by smartphones rear camera. This
method leaves one feeling a bit disconnected from the experience,
as cameras perspective and naked eyes perception causes lack of
depth and reality.
The best way to experience AR is using projection like devices.
These devices use prism projector. The eyes of the user look out
at the world unimpeded, but digital imagery is projected into the
prism projection system that makes the objects appear as they are
really there, sitting on a table or hanging against the wall.
The various famous technologies used for AR are:

Google Glass
Microsoft Hololens
Various iOS and android apps


MIILITARY: Virtual reality training is conducted using head mounted
displays (HMD) with an inbuilt tracking system and data gloves to
enable interaction within the virtual environment.
Flight simulation
Battlefield simulation
Medic training (battlefield)
Vehicle simulation
EDUCATION: The advantage of this is that it enables large groups of
students to interact with each other as well as within a three
dimensional environment and complex data is presented in a way

which is both fun and easy to learn. Plus these students can interact
with the objects in that environment in order to discover more about
them. For example, astronomy students can learn about the solar
system by moving planets, see around stars and track the progress
of a comet.
HEALTHCARE: The main advantages of this technology is that it
allows healthcare professionals to learn new skills as well as
refreshing existing ones in a safe environment. HumanSim (Human
Simulation)is a system which enables doctors, nurses and other
medical personnel to interact with others in an interactive
environment. They engage in training scenarios in which they have
to interact with a patient but within a 3D environment only. Other
examples include VR diagnostics and Virtual robotic surgery.
ENTERTAINMENT: The entertainment industry is one of the most
enthusiastic advocates of virtual reality, most noticeably in games
and virtual worlds. But other equally popular areas include:
Virtual Museums, e.g. interactive exhibitions
Theatre, e.g. interactive performances
Discovery centres


MILITARY: The Heads-Up Display (HUD) is the typical example of
augmented reality when it comes to military applications of the
technology. A transparent display is positioned directly in the fighter
pilots view which displays data like altitude, airspeed and the
horizon line in addition to other critical data.

The Head-Mounted Display (HMD) is used by ground troops. Critical

data such as enemy location can be presented to the soldier within
their line of sight.
MEDICAL: Medical students use the technology to practice surgery
in a controlled environment. Visualizations aid in explaining complex
medical conditions to patients. Augmented reality can reduce the
risk of an operation by giving the surgeon improved sensory
perception. In Neurosurgery, the brains 3D image is viewed on top
of patients actual anatomy.
EDUCATION: AR applications can become the backbone of the
education industry. Apps are being developed which embed text,
images, and videos, as well as realworld curriculums.
SIGHTSEEING: Out in the real world, sightseeing has been
enhanced using augmented reality. Using a smartphone equipped
with a camera, tourists can walk through historic sites and see facts
and figures presented as an overlay on their live screen. These
applications use GPS and image recognition technology to look up
data from an online database.
SAFETY AND RESCUE OPERATIONS: The rescue personnel would
work more efficiently if they know the area at first hand. Using AR, a
virtual map of the affected area can be used in Head Mounted
Displays and Heads-Up Display to help recreate the natural
environment. Hence, the rescue operations can be done more easily
and safely.
SHOPPING: Augmented reality is going to change the shape of
shopping industry. We can have virtual catalog of clothes from
various brands on the surface of parks, airports etc. and we can kill
our useless waiting time for shopping. Even brick and mortar
locations could integrate augmented reality into their design. They
could show us about the new products to be available on that
shelves or the product that is unavailable at that store.

o http://computer.howstuffwork

The year 2016 has been marked by the tech gurus as
the year of VR. Today, the limitation in these tech is
that we can see things but cannot feel. On the other
hand AR also has the same limitations but AR has been
significantly moving ahead. Soon we will be equipped
with technology and interface as shown in Sci-Fi
There is talk about using nanotechnology as a means of
allowing us to push beyond the boundaries of the
human body and enter into the digital world. You would
become one with the virtual environment. Your brain
would be uploaded into a computer system or network
which would mean immortality but how much of this is
science fiction rather than hard facts?
The VR and AR are surely the next big thing that is
going to change out lifestyle and change the way we
see this world.

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