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ME3122 - Heat Transfer

1. The sun and an incandescent bulb may be assumed blackbodies emitting radiation
at 5800K and 2800K, respectively. For both of these sources of radiant energy,
a. the total emissive power,
b. the wavelength at which the maximum emissive power occurs,
c. the maximum monochromatic blackbody emissive power, and
d. the percentage of total energy that lies in the visible wavelength range.
[Ans: (a) 64.2, 3.49 MW/m2, (b) 0.49, 1.035, (c) 84, 2.21MW/ m2, (d) 44.8%, 8.8%]
2. Two concentric sphere of diameters D1= 0.8m and D2= 1.2 m are separated by an
air space and have surface temperatures of T1= 400 K and T2= 300K.
(a) If the surfaces are black, what is the net rate of radiation exchange between
the spheres?
(b) What is the net rate of radiation exchange between the surfaces if they are
diffuse gray with 1 =0.5 and 2 =0.05?
(c) What is the net rate of radiation exchange if D2 is increased to 20 m, with
1 =0.5 and 2 =0.05 and D1= 0.8m? What error would be introduced by
assuming black body behavior for the outer surface ( 2 =1), with all other
conditions remaining same?
[Ans: (a) 1995 W, (b) 191 W, (c) 983 W, 998W]
3. Heat transfer occurs between two large parallel surfaces, which are maintained at
temperature T1> T2 . To reduce the rate of heat transfer between the surfaces, it is
proposed that they are separated by a thin shield that has different emittance
values on opposite surfaces. In particular, one surface has the emittance s <0.5,
while the opposite surface has an emittance of 2 s .
(a) How should the shield be oriented to provide the largest reduction in heat
transfer between the surfaces? That is, should the surface of emittance s or
that of 2 s be oriented towards the plate at T1?
(b) What orientation will result in the larger value of the shield temperature Ts?

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