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Literacy Group Rubric

Literacy Group Role

10 pts.- You can do

Provides less than 5
questions. Questions
had simple and/or
yes/no answers.

20 pts.- Youre
working on it
Wrote 5 questions. The
questions could be more
challenging and thought
provoking. Questions
dont help the group
better understand text.


Very limited details in

picture. Explanation
was not provided.

Illustrated an
interesting part of the
text; color and detail
are added to
illustration; provides an
incomplete explanation
of the picture.


Provides sentences
written straight from
the text rather than
using own words.

Provides less than 3

sentences. Summary
doesnt help the group
better understand the

Provides 3 sentences.
Summary missing main
ideas. Summary just
provides details. No list
with key points or
events provided.


No clear connection of
personal experience to
text; shares a situation
is unrelated to the text;

Incomplete connection
of personal experience
to text; not clear how
their situation relates
to text

Appropriate connection
to self or life in general
and the text; able to
explain how connection
fits the text


30 pts.- Looking good

40 pts. - You rock!

Wrote 5 questions.
Some of the questions
were thought
provoking. Some
questions did not focus
on significant events or
details in text.
Uses detail from the
text in picture to better
understand the text;
Fairly significant
elements selected to be
represented in picture;
included a short
explanation of the text.

Wrote 5 higher order

thinking questions.
Questions good for
discussing. Used good
detail questions as well
as general questions.
Very detailed
illustration; uses
significant elements in
illustration; effective
use of color and style;
able to relate
significance of drawing
to text; includes a
complete written
explanation of the text;
shows a great deal of
Provides 3 sentences.
By reading the three
sentences the group can
understand what the
whole text was about,
without confusion. List
of key points and events
Strong detailed
connections to self, life
in general, other
people, other books or
movies; clear
connection to text;
engages other group

Word Wizard

Found 4 or fewer new

words. Words are
simple and ordinary.
Missing reasons for
choosing the words.

Found 5 new, unique or

interesting words.
Provided correct
definitions. Provided
reasons for selecting
each word.

Appearance( end

Not colored.
Information was not
neatly written. Written
in pencil.

Some sections of the

poster are colored,
some are not. Can do
better in making it neat
and presentable.

members in making
similar connections to
Found 6 new, unique or Found 6 or more words
interesting words.
identified as difficult,
Provided accurate
descriptive, unusual or
definition. Words are
especially key to the
helpful in understanding text. Provides valid
the text and included
reasons for choosing the
reasons why those
words. Great for group
words were selected
and defined.
All sections were
Very neat, organized,
colored. Neatly written and colorful. Shows a
to make letters stand
great effort of detail.

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