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5 ways in which value can be destroyed1) Culturally not sensitive - Companies need to be culturally sensitive otherwise

value will be destroyed, for e.g. Kelloggs corn flakes when launched in India
failed as it was supposed to be drink with cold milk, in India the culture was to
had hot milk in the breakfast and by putting corn flakes in the hot milk it became
soggy and the actual taste disappears which was not liked by consumers.
2) Not adapting with the changing environment - as the new generation is more
inclined towards healthy food then just taste, companies should make product
that says better for you not just fun for you or good for you otherwise sticking
to the same old strategy will destroy the value.
3) Unethical Business means - The classic example of Nestles Maggi case in
India, which was unethical as it affected the whole society as well as immoral
because it cant be accepted that such a huge organization didnt know about
their product and continue selling it.
4) Human rights- exploitation of child labour as that will create negative brand
image and destroys value.
5) Lack of foresight ignoring the value migration will lead to destroy value for any

company in the food and beverage industry, for e.g. Coca Cola and Pepsi are
facing tough times as they failed to foresight with the changing trends in the

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