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Homework 10 of Math 210 Engineering Mathematics I in 2012
Due Monday through Saturday, 12/11-17/11.
Assignment: 14.8 Problems: 1, 16, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25.
1. Find the area of the portion of the plane z = x + 3y that lies inside the elliptical
cylinder with equation x4 + y9 = 1.
Solution. Think the plane as the graph of z = z(x, y) = x + 3y, so the surface
is parameterized by r(x, y) = (x, y, z(x, y)) = (x, y, x + 3y) where (x, y) lies

inside the region R : x4 + y9 1. Then the surface area is given by 1 dS =

1 + zx2 + zy2 dxdy =

3. Find the area of the part of the paraboloid z = 9 x2 y 2 that lies above the
plane z = 5.

4. Find the area of the part of the surface 2z = x2 that lies directly above the triangle
in the xy-plane with vertices at (0, 0), (1, 0) and (1, 1).

15 Find out the area of the part of the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = a2 that lies within the
cylinder x2 + y 2 = ay. (Hint: use cylindrical coordinates as inlecture notes.)
Solution. Think the surface as the graph of z = z(x, y) = a2 x2 y 2 , so
the surface is parameterized by r(r, ) = (x, y, z(x, y)) = (x, y, a x2 y 2 )

the region R : x2 + y 2 ay. Then the surface area is given

where (x, y) lies inside

by 1 dS = R 1 + zx2 + zy2 dxdy =

Assignment: 14.9 Problems: 4, 5, 14.

4. Solve for x and y in terms of u and v. Then compute the Jacobian (u,v)
u = u(x, y) = 2(x2 + y 2 ), v = v(x, y) = 2(x2 y 2 ).
Solution. u+v =
2(x2 +y 2 )+2(x2 y 2 ) = 4x2 , and uv = 2(x2 +y 2 )2(x2 y 2 ) =

4x2 . Hence x = 2 , and y = uv
2 . Then (u,v) = (xu yv xv yu ) = .

5. Repeat question 4 if u = u(x, y) = x + 2y 2 , v = v(x, y) = x 2y 2 .

14. Let D be the solid ellipsoid with outer boundary surface xa2 + yb2 + zc2 = 1. Use
the transformation x = x(u, v, w) = au, y = y(u, v, w) =bv, z = z(u, v, w) = cw
to show that the volume of this solid ellipsoid is V =
1 dx dy dz = abc.

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