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Name: _________________________________

English 11

Date: ________________
Mr. Warner

Puritan Writers Test

For each of the following questions, choose the best answer.
____1. What was the motivation for the Mayflower Compact?
a. to discipline rebellious church members
b. to commit discontented non-church members to the duty of forming a united
c. to require the captain and crew to aid the colonists in case of emergency
d. to provide a record of Gods mercy revealed throughout the voyage
____2. The peace treaty the colonists make with Chief Massasoit emphasizes all of the
following ideas except that
a. the natives must not injure the colonists.
b. the natives and the colonists provide aid to each other in the event of attack by
any third party.
c. Massasoit gains the acceptance of the treaty from neighboring tribes.
d. the natives provide laborers to help the colonists build more and better
____3. Because Puritans believed that the arrival of Gods grace was demonstrated by
saintly behavior, they
a. thought it was easy to tell who was saved and who was damned
b. could try to earn salvation by giving money to the church
c. tried to behave in the best way possible
d. thought there was no need for rigorous self-examination
____4. Puritan Plain style can be distinguished from ornate style because plain style
a. uses specific terminology commonly employed in farming
b. emphasizes uncomplicated sentences and uses words from common speech
c. was originally employed in the flat, treeless regions of the Great Plains
d. employs a profound spiritual or religious tone
____5. What poetic device is featured in these concluding lines of To My Dear and
Loving Husband?
Then while we live, in love lets so persever
That when we live no more, may live ever.
a. metaphor
b. simile
c. personification
d. paradox

6. In Upon the Burning of Our House, the expression a price so vast as is unknown
refers to ________________________________________________________________
____7. What reason does Bradstreet cite for determining that God is just?
a. She had become too attached to earthly comforts.
b. She had begun to give greater attention to her family and home than to God.
c. The Bible says that God does all things well.
d. All her goods belong to God.
____8. In Upon the Burning of Our House, Bradstreet refers to God as the
____________________ ___________________________ .
____9. That fearful sound of Fire and Fire! / Let no man know is my desire
The above excerpt from Upon the Burning of Our House can best be described
as what?
a. a plea for godly strength in the face of earthly distress
b. Facing ones fear alone
c. the speakers goal to be prepared for the day of judgment
d. a confession regarding tensions in the speakers home
____10. The main figurative language used by Edward Taylor in Huswifery is
a. metaphor.
b. simile.
c. personification.
d. hyperbole.
____11. The title Huswifery refers to
a. spinning cloth.
b. wives.
c. housekeeping.
d. sinning.
____12. The speaker mainly sees God as
a. loving.
b. all-powerful.
c. punishing.
d. judgmental.
____13. The speakers attitude toward God is
a. angry.
b. confused.
c. humble.
d. questioning.
____14. The poem is addressed to God as a
a. complaint.
c. plea.
b. prayer.
d. hymn.

____15. Taylors purpose in writing Huswifery was probably to

a. explore the stages of life.
b. explain the Puritan idea of salvation.
c. elevate everyday tasks to the divine.
d. show that womens work is important.
____16. According to Edwards, what do people think keeps them out of hell?
a. their health
b. their righteousness
c. God
d. their faith
____17. According to Edwards, the earth would not bear people for one moment if it
were not for
a. the sovereign pleasure of God.
b. their good treatment of the earth.
c. their great intelligence.
d. their knowledge of right and wrong.
____18. According to Edwards, what is pointed at the hearts of his parishioners?
a. a hateful venomous serpent
b. fire from a great furnace of wrath
c. black clouds of Gods wrath
d. the arrow on the bow of Gods wrath
____19. Edwards says that the parishioners did not go to hell last night because
a. their faith saved them.
b. Gods hand held them up.
c. Good fortune shone on them.
d. Gods love prevented it.
____20. According to Edwards, what is Gods feeling toward people?
a. forgiveness
b. unquestioning love
c. wrath
d. disappointment
____21. This sermon gives particular emphasis to each of the following ideas except that
a. wicked men have no means of resisting Gods power to cast them into hell.
b. only those God has elected will be saved.
c. the wicked deserve to be cast into hell and are already condemned to that fate.
d. Satan is eager to claim the wicked as his own as soon as God will permit.

____22. According to the last paragraph of the sermon, what can people do to get God to
spare them?
a. pray
b. beg forgiveness
c. help others
d. nothing
23. What is the theme of Edwards sermon? ____________________________________
____24. Anne Hutchinson's beliefs threatened which Puritan belief?
a. Antinomianism
b. Arminianism
c. Predestination
d. The One True Church doctrine
____25.Anne Hutchinson believed that ministers were possessed by what?
a. Covenant of Grace
b. Covenant of Lucifer
c. Covenant of Heaven
d. Covenant of Works
____26. What occasion prompted John Winthrops remarks about the nature of liberty?
a. a threat from England to the colonys independence
b. his being accused of exceeding his authority as deputy governor
c. the trial of a colonist that led to a ten-year prison sentence
d. complaints within the colony that laws were too restrictive
____27. The liberty that allows a man to do whatever he wants has each of the following
characteristics except
a. making men grow more evil and making them worse than beasts.
b. being an enemy of truth and peace.
c. acknowledging only a just and powerful authority.
d. being the object of the restraining power of the ordinances of God.
____28. Each of the following is an implication of civil, or moral, liberty except that
a. it requires a representative government to be fully effective.
b. it should be supported even if goods and life must be risked.
c. it is the same kind of liberty wherewith Christ has made the Christian free.
d. anything that contradicts this kind of liberty may not be a legitimate authority.
___29. What did John Winthrop mean when he referred to Massachusetts as a City
Upon a Hill?
a. The colony should be a perfect example of a Bible Commonwealth for the
people of England.

b. The government there under the Mayflower Compact would inspire England to
become more democratic.
c. The Puritans would found a city that would be even greater than London.
d. The Puritans would build their settlement on high ground to avoid hurricanes
and flooding.
30. The primary concept that is emphasized in A Model of Christian Charity is that of
covenant. What does this mean and why is it so important to Winthrops
Bonus: Which Bible translation did the Pilgrims prefer?

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