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Overlays are used to remedy functional or struc- The procedures described in t h ~ schapter address
tural deficiencies of existing pavements. It is i ~ n - the following types of overlays and existing pave-
portant that the designer consider the type of deteri- nients:
oration present jn determining whether the pavenlerit
has a functional or structural deficiency, so that an
appropriate overlay type and design car1 be devel- Seclion Overlay Existing Yave~nent
5.4 AC AC
Functional deficiency arises from any conditions
5.5 AC Breakicrack and seat
that adversely affect the highway user. These include
and rubblized PCC
poor surface friction and"texture, hydroplaning and
splash from wheel path rutting, and excess surface
distortion (e.g., potholes, corrugation, faulting, blow-
ups, settlements, heaves). The overlay design proce- arid AC/CRCP
dures in this chapter address structural deficiencies. If 5.8 Booded PCC JPCP, JKCP, and CKCP
a pavement has only a functional deficiency, proce- 5.9 Uribonded PCC JPCP, JKCP, and CRCP
dures in Part 111, Chapter 4 and Sectior~5.3.2 should 5.10 PCC AC
be used.
Structural deficiency arises fro111 any conditions
that adversely affect the load-carrying capability of
the pavement structure. These include inadequate
thickness as well as cracking, distortion, and disinte-
gration. It should be noted that several types of dis- 'The feasibility of any type of overlay depends on
tress (e.g., distresses caused by poor construction the following rnajor consideratio~ls.
techniques, low-temperature cracking) are riot ini-
tially caused by traffic loads but do become more (1) Availability of adequate funds for construction
severe under traffic to the point that they also detract of t l ~ eoverlay. This is basically a constraint, as
f r o n ~the load-carrying capability of the pavelnent. illustrated in Part 111, Figure 2.1.
Part 111, Section 4.1.2 provides descriptior~sof various (2) Constructior~feasibility of the overlay. 'fhis i l l -
structural conditions. cludes several aspects.
Maintenance overlays and surface treatri~entsare (a) Traffic corrtrol
sometimes placed as preventive measures to slow the (b) Materials and equipnlent availability
rate of deterioration of pavements. This type of treat- (c) Cliniatic conditiorls
ment includes thin AC overlays arid various surface (d) Construction proble~ns sucll as noisc:,
treatments w h ~ c hhelp keep out moisture. pollution, subsurface utilities, overhead
The following abbreviations for pavenlerlt and bridge clearance, shoulder thickness and
overlay types are used in this chapter: side slope exterlsions in the case of li111-
AC : Asphalt concrete ited right-of-way, etc.
PCC: Portland cerilerlt concrete (e) Traffic disruptions and user delay costs
JPCP: Jointed plain concrete paveliient (3) Required future design life of the overlay.
JRCP: Jointed reinforced concrete pavement Marly hctors will affect the life of an overlay,
CRCP: Continuously reinforced concrete such as the following.
pavernent (a) Existing pavelnent deterioration (spe-
ACIPCC: AC-overlaid Portland celnent concrete cific distress types, severities, and quan-
(JPCP, JRCP, or CRCP) tities)
Design of Pn~~ernent

(b) Existing pavement design, condition of tive than doing extensive preoverlay repair. Excellent
pavement materials (especially durability guidelines are available on preoverlay repair tech-
problems), and subgtade soil niques ( 1 , 2, 3, 4 ) .
(c) Future traffic loadings
(d) Local climate
(e) Existing subdrainage situation 5.2.2 Reflection Crack Control
All of these factors and others specific to the site need Reflection cracks are a frequent cause of overlay
to be considered to determine the suitability of an deterioration. The thickness design procedures in this
overlay. chapter do not consider reflection cracking. Addi-
tional steps must be taken to reduce the occurrence
and severity of reflection cracking. Some overlays are
less susceptible to reflection cracking than others be-
5.2 IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS IN cause of their materials and design. Similarly, sotne
OVERLAY DESIGN reflection crack control measures are more effective
with some pavement and overlay types than with
Overlay design requires consideration of many dif- others. Reflection crack control is discussed in more
ferent items, including: preoverlay repair, reflection detail in the sections for each overlay type.
crack control, traffic loadings, subdrainage, milling
an existing AC surface, recyc1ii.g pcrtions of an exist-
ing pavement, structural versus functional overlay 5.2.3 Traffic Loadings
neecls, overlay materials, shoulders, rutting in an ex-
isting AC pavement and overlay, durability of PCC The overlay design procedures require the 18-kip
slab$, design of joints, reinforcement, and bonding1 equivalent single-axle loads (ESALs) expected over
separation layers for PCC overlays, overlay design re- the design life of the overlay in the design lane. The
liability level and overall standard deviation, and estimated ESALs must be calculated using the appro-
pavement widening. priate flexible pavement or rigid pavement equiva-
I'hese considerations must not be overlooked by the lency factors from Part I1 of this Guide. The ap-
designer. Each of these is briefly described in this propriate type of equivalency factors for each overlay
section, especially those that are common for all over- type and existing pavement type are given in the fol-
lay types. They are described in more detail in the lowing table.
sections for each overlay type.
Existing Overlay Factors
Pavement TYpe to Use
5.2.1 re-overlay Repair
Flexible AC Flexible
Ileterioration in the existing pavement includes vis- Rubblized FCC AC Flexiblc
ible distress as well as damage which is not visible at BreaklCrack/Seat AC Flexible
the surface but which may be detected by other means. JRCP, JRCP
HOWmuch of this distress should be repaired before Jointed PCC AC or PCC Rigid
an overlay is placed? The amount of pre-overlay repair CRCP AC or PCC Rigid
needed is related to the type of overlay selected. If Flexible PCC Rigid
distress in the existing pavement is likely to affect the Composite (ACIPCC) AC or PCC Rigid
performance of the overlay within a few years, it
shruld be repaired prior to placement of the overlay.
Mcch of the deterioration that occurs in overlays An approximate correlation exists hetween ESALs
results from deterioration that was not repaired in thc computed using flexible pavement and rigid pavement
existing pavements. The designer should also consider equivalency factors. Converting from rigid pavement
the cost tradeoffs of preoverlay repair and overlay ESALs, to flexible pavement ESALs requires multiply-
tyre. If the existing pavement is severely deteriorated, ing the rigid pavement ESALs by 0.67. For example,
selacting an overlay type which is less sensitive to 15 nlillion rigid pavement ESALs equal 10 million
existing pavement condition may be more cost-effec- fle~iblepavement ESALc. Five million flexible pave-
nient ESALs equal 7.5 niillion rigid pavenierit ESALs. rial. Significant rutting or other lilajor distortion of
Failure to utilize the correct type of ESALs will result any layer should be rerlloved by nill ling before another
in significant errors in the ove,lay designs. Conver- overlay is placed; otherwise, it may contribute signifi-
sion.~must be made, for example, when designing an cantly to rutting of the overlay.
AC overlay of a flexible pavement (flexible ESALs
required) aud when designing an alternative PCC
overlay of the sariie tlexible pavement (rigid ESALs 5.2.7 Kecy cling the Existi~lgPavement
required). ?'tiroughout this chapter, ESALs are desig-
nated as rigid ESALs or flexible ESA1,s as appro- Recycling a portion of an existing AC layer lnay be
priate. considered as an option in the design of an overlay.
The type of ESALs ~isedin the overlay design de- This has becollie a very coillrnon practice. Complete
pends on the pavement performance model (flexible recycling of the AC layer may also be done (sonie-
or rigid) being used. In the overlay design procedures tiines in conjunction with the removal of a deteriorated
presented in this chapter, the llexible pavement model base course).
is used in designing AC overlays of AC pave~nentsand
fractured slilb PCC pavements. The rigid pavenient
model is used in designing AC and PCC overlays of 5.2.8 Structural versus Functional Overlays
PCC and ACCJPCC pavemsnls and PCC overlays of
AC pavements. 'She overlay design procedures in this chapter pro-
vide an overlay thickness to correct a structural defi-
ciency. If no structural deficiency exists, ;in overlay
5.2.4 Subdrainage thickness less than or eyual to zero will be obtained.
This does not meall-, however, that the pavement does
'The subdrainage condition of an existing pave~nent not need an overlay to correct a functional deficiency.
usually has a great influence on how well the overlay If the deficie~~cyis priiiiarily functional, then the over-
perfornis. A subdrainage evaluatioa of the existing lay tiiickness should be only that which is needed to
pavement should be conducted as described in Part 111, remedy the functional probleni ( 6 ) . If the pavenient
Section 3.3. Further guidance is provided in Refer- has a structural deficiency as well, a structural overlay
ence 5. Improvirig poor subdrainage conditions will thickness which is adequate to carry future traffic over.
have a beneficial effect on the performance of an over- the design period is needed.
lay. Removal of excess water from the pavement cross-
section will reduce erosion and increase the strength
of the base and subgrade, which in turn will reduce 5.2.9 Overlay Materials
deflections. In addition, stripping in AC pavement and
"D" cracking in PCC pavznlent niay be slowed by 'The overlay materials must be selected and de-
improved subdrainage. signed to function within the specilic loading, cli~natic
conditions, atid underlying pavelnent deficiencies
5.2.5 Hutting in AC Pdvements

The cause of rutting in an existing AC pavenient 5.2.10 Shoulders

must be determined before an AC overlay is designed.
An overlay Inay not be appropriate if severe rutting is Overlaying traffic lanes generally requires that the
occurring due to instability in any of the existing pave- shoulders be overlaid to rnatch the grade line of tht:
ment layers. Milling can be used to remove the rutted traffic lanes. In selecting an overlay nlaterial and
surface a ~ i dany underlying rutted asphalt layers. thickness for the shoulder, the designer should con--
sider the extent to which the existing shoulder is dete-
riorated and the atIiount of traftic that will use the
5.2.6 Milling AC Surface shoulder. For example, if trucks tend to park on the
shoulder at certain locations, this should be consid-.
The removal of a portion of an existing AC surface ered in the shoulder overlay design.
frequently improves the performance of an AC overlay If an existing shoulder is in gcod condition, any
due to the removal of cracked and hardened AC mate- deteriorated areas should be patched. An overlay may
Design qf Pmenrent Structures

then be p!aced to match the shoulder grade to that of or D,) required to carry traffic over the design period
the traffic lanes. If an existing shoulder is in such poor at the desired level of reliability.
condition that it cannot be patched economically, it Reliability level has a large effect on overlay thick-
sllould be removed and replaced. ness. Varying the reliability level used to determine
SN, or Dr between 50 and 99 percent may produce
overlay thicknesses varying by 6 inches or more (8).
5.2.11 Existing PCC Slab Durability Based on field testing, it appears that a design reliabil-
ity level of approximately 95 percent gives overlay
The durability of an existing PCC slab greatly in- thicknesses consistent with those recommended for
fluences the performance of AC and bonded PCC most projects by State highway agencies, when the
overlays. If "D" cracking or reactive aggregate exists, overall standard deviations recommended in Part I and
the deterioration of the exi~tingslab can be expected 11 are used (8). There are, of course, many situations
to continud after overlay. The overlay must be de- for which it is desirable to design at a higher or lower
signed with this progressive deterioration of the un- level of reliability, depending on the consequences of
derlying slab in mind (7). failure of the overlay. The level of reliability to be used
for different types of overlays may vary, and shonli be
evaluated by each agency for different highway func-
5.2.12 PCC Overlay Joints tional classifications (or traffic volumes).
The designer should be aware that some sources of
Bonded or unbonded jointed concrete overlays re- uncertainty are different for overlay design than for
auire special joint design that considers the character- new pavement design. Therefore, the overall standard
i stics (e.g., stiffness) of the underlying pavement. deviations recommended for new pavement design
1:actors to be considered include joint spacing, depth may not he appropriate for ~verlnydesign. The appro-
r4 saw cut, sealant reservoir shape, and load transfer priate value for overall standard deviation may vary by
requirements. overlay type as well. 4n additional source of variation
is the uncertainty ass~ciatedwith establishing the ef-
fective existing structural capacity (SNCffor Deff).
5.2.13 FCC Overlay Reinforcement However, some sources of variation may he smaller
for overlay design than for new pavement design (e.g.,
Jointed reinforced and continuously reinforced estimation of future traffic). Additional research is
concrete overlays require an adequate amount of rein- needed to better establish the standard deviations for
forcement to hold cracks together. Friction between overlay design. At the present time it is recornrnended
the overlay slab and the base slab should be consid- to use 0.39 for any type of concrete overlay and 0.49
(:red in the reinforcement design. for any type of AC overlay, which is consistent with
Part I, Section 4.3.

5.2.14 PCC Overlay RondinglSeparation Layers

The bonding or separation of concrete overlays 5.2.16 Pavement Widening

must be fully considered. Bonded overlays must be
sonstructed to insure that the overlay remains bonded Many AC overlays are placed over PCC pavements
to the existing slab. Unbonded overlays must be con- in conjunction with pavement widening (either adding
structed to insure that the separation layer prevents lanes or adding width to a narrow lane). If multiple
any reflection cracks in the overlay. lane widening is to be designed, refer to Part I1 for
guidance. Widening requires coordination between
the design of the widened pavement section and the
5.2.15 Overlay Design Reliability I ~ v e and
l overlay, not only so that the surface will be function-
Overall Standard Deviation ally adequate, but also so that both the existing and
widening sections will be structurally adequate. Many
An overlay may be designed for different levels of lane widening projects have developed serious deteri-
reliability using the procedures described in Part I, oration along the longitudinal joint due to improper
Chapter 4 for new pavements. This is accomplished design. The key design recommendations are as fol-
through determination of the structural capacity (SNr iuws:
Rehabilifafiorr with Overlays

(1) The design "lives" of both the overlay and the should be reviewed for overlay designs
new widening construction should be the sanie by each agency, since the reconl~nenda--
to avoid the need for future rehabilitation at tions given in Part I are intended for new
signif1,;antly different ages. pavernent designs. See Section 5.2.15
(2) The widened cross section should generally for discussion of overlay design relia-
closely match the existing pavement or cross bility.
section in n~aterialtype, thickness, reinforce- (b) Overall standard deviation, So. The val-
ment, and joint spacing. However, a shorter ues recommended for new pavelnent de-.
joint spacing rrlay be used. sign rnay be either too low or too high for
(3) A widened PCC slab section riiust be tied with overlay design. See Section 5.2.15 lor
d e f ~ r n ~ ebars
d to the existing*PCC slab face. discussion of overall standard deviation.
The tie bars should be securely anchored and (c) Effective slab thickness arid structural
consistent with ties used in new pavenient con- nurnber adjustnient factors. 'I'here arz
struction (e.g., No. 5 bars, 30 inches long, many aspects to these tl~at niay need
grouted and spaced no lnore than 30 inches agency adjustnient.
apart). (d) Design subgrade resilient ~tiodulusarlcl
(4) A reflection crack relief fabric lnay be placed effective k-value. Specifically, a resilie~it
along the longitudirial widening joint. inodulus which is consistent with that in-
(5) The overlay shoulx generally be the same corporated into the flexible pavenlent de-
thickness over the widening section as over the sign equation in Part ll, Section 5.4.5
rest of the traffic lane. nus st be used.
(6) Longitudinal subdrainage should be placed if (e) Other design inputs may bt: in errol.
rieeded. Ranges of typical values for inputs arc
given in the worksheets for overlay de-
5.2.17 Potential Errors and Possible
Adjustments to Thickness
Design Procedure 5.2.18 ExiurpEe Designs and Docu~llerltatiorl

The overlay thicknesses obtained using these pro- Reference 8 provides lnariy exa~~lples of overlay de-
cedures should be reasonable when the pavernerit has a signs for pavenients in different regions of the UniteJ
structural deficiency. If the overlay thickness appears States. These niay provide the designer with valuable
to be unreasonable, one or more of the following insight into results obtained for actual projects. Refer-
causes may be responsible. ence 9 contains documentation for the coricepts in-
volved in the overlay design procedures.
(1)- The pavernent deterioration may be caused pri-
marily by nonload-associated factors. A corn-
puted overlay thickness less than zero or close 5.3 PAVEMENT EVALUATION FOR
to zero suggests that the pavernent does not OVERLAY DESIGN
need a structural iinprovernent. If a func~ional
deficiency exists, a minimurn constructible It is iniportant that an evaluation of the existing
overlay thickness that addresses the problem paveinent be conducted to identify any functional anJ
could be placed. structural deiiciencies, and to select appropriate pre-
( 2 ) Modificatioris niay be neeLed in the overlay overlay repair, reflection crack treatments arid overlay
design inputs to customize the procedures to designs to correct these deficiencic:. This sectiori prci-
the agency's specific conditions. Each agency vides guidance in pave~rlentevaluation for overlay de-
should test the overlay design procedures on sign.
actual projects to investigate the need for niod- The followirig sections of Part 111 of this Guide
ifications. Reference 8 contains Inany exaniple provide infornlation on pavernerit evaluation for reha-
overlay designs that illustrate typical inpu~s bilitation:
and outputs.
(a) Overlay reliability design level, H. The Sectiori 2.3: Selection of Alternative
recommended design reliability levels Rehabilitation Methods
Design of Pavement Structures

Chapter 3: Guides for Field Data Collection sis point along the entire project for a given
Chapter 4: Rehabilitation Methods Other reliability level. In selecting one thickness for
Than Overlay (portions of this chapter are the uniform section, be aware that each overlay
applicable to preoverlay pavement thickness has already been increased to ac-
evaluation and preoverlay repair) count for the design reliability level. Selection
of a thickness that is greater than the mean of
The guidelines and procedures in these chapters are these values would be designing for a higher
not repeated in this scction, but are referenced as
level of reliability. The point by point overlay
needed. This section provides guidelines for pavement
thicknesses can be used to divide the project
evaluation specifically for overlay design purposes. into different overlay design thickness sections
Further details are provided in the sections for design if systematic variation exists along the project,
of each overlay type. or one design thickness can be selected for the
entire project. Areas having unusually high
thickness requirements may be targeted for ad-
5.3.1 Design of Overlay Along Project ditional field investigation, and may warrant
extensive repair or reconstructiot~.
Pavement rehabilitation projects involve lengths of
pzlvement that range from a few hundred feet to several
miles. There are two approaches to designing an over-
lay thickness for a project, and both have advantages 5.3.2 Functional Evaluation of
and disadvantages. The design engineer should'select Existing Pavement
the approach that best fits the specific design situa-
tion. Functional deterioration is defined as any condition
(1) Uniform Section Approach. The project is di- that adversely affects the highway user. Some recom-
vided into sections of relatively uniform design mended overlay solutiotls to functional problems are
and condition. Each uniform section is consid- provided (also see table on next page).
ered independently and overlay design inputs
are obtained from each section that represents (1) Surface Friction and Hydroplaning
its average condition (e.g., mean thicknesses, All pavpmcnt tjpcs. Poor wet-weather
mean number of transverse cracks per mile, friction due to polishing of the surface (inade-
mean resilient modulus). Identification of uni- quate macrotexture antllor microiextrrre). A
, form sections is described in Part 111, Section !bin overlay that is adequate for the traffic level
3.2.2. The mean inputs for the section are used
may be used to remedy this problem. Guide-
to obtain a single overlay thickness for the en- lines for use of asphalt concrete friction
tire length of the section. The mean inputs courses are provided in Reference 10.
must be used in the AASHTO design proce- AC-su~facedpavcmnt.Poor friction due to
dure because design reliability is applied later bleeding of the surface. Milling tne AC surface
to give the appropriate safety factor. may br, required to remove the n~aterialthat is
(2) Point-By-Point Approach. Overlay thicknesses bleeding to prevent further bleeding through
are determined for specific points along the the overlay, and to prevent rutting due to insta-
uniform design section (e.g., every 300 feet). bility. After milling, an open-graded friction
All required inputs are determined for each course or an overlay thickness adequate for the
point so that the overlay thickness can be de- traffic level may be used to remedy this prob-
signed. Factors that may change from point to lem.
point include deflection, thickness, and condi- AC-srrrfaced pavement. IIydroplaning and
tion; other inputs are usually fairly constant splashing due to wheel p'tth rutting. Determin-
along the project. This approach may appear to ing which layer or layers are rutting and taking
require much more work; however, in reality it appropriate corrective action are important.
does not require much additional field work,
only more runs through the design procedure. (2) Surface Roughness
This can be done efficiently using a computer.
The point-by-point approach produces a re- All pavement types. Long v.avelength sur-
quired overlay desigll thickness for each analy- face distortion, including heaves and swells. A
Rehabilitation wirh Overlays 111-85

Cause of Rutting . Layer(s) Causing Nut Solutiorl

Total pavement thickness inadequate Subgrade Thick overlay
Unstable grar~ularlayer due to saturation Base or subbase Remove unstable layer or thick overlay
Unstable layer due to low shear strength Base Remove unstable layer or thick overlay
Unstable AC mix (including stripping) Surface Remove unstable layer
Compactior, by traffic Surface, base, subbase Surface milling and/or leveling overlay
Studded tire wear Surface Surface milling and/or leveling overlay

level-up overlay with varying' thickness (ade- gineenng, and requires experience in solving the spe-
quate thickness on crests) usually corrects cific problems involved. The overlay design required
these problems. to correct functional proble~nsshould be coordinated
AC-ncrfuced yuven~ent. Roughness fro111 with that required to correct any structural dzticien-
deteriorated transverse cracks, lorigitudinal cies.
cracks, and potholes. A conventional overlay
will correct the roughness only temporarily,
until the cracks reAect through the overlay. 5.3.3 Structural Evaluation of
Full-depth repair of deteriorated areas and a Existing Pavenient
thicker AC overlay incorporating a reflection
crack control treatment nlay reniedy this prob- Structural deterioration is defined as any condition
lem. that reduces the load-carrying capacity of the pave-
AC-surfaced puvemenf. Roughness from ment. The overlay dcsign procedures presented here
ravelling of surface. A thin AC overlay could are based on the concept that time and traffic loadings
be used to remedy this problem. Milling the reduce a pavement's ability to carry loads and an over-
existing surface may be required to remove de- lay can be designed to increase the pavenlent's ability
teriorated material to prevent debonding. If the to carry loads over a future design period.
ravelling is due to stripping, the entire layer Figure 5.1 illustrates the general concepts of strut.-
should be removed because the stripping will tural deticlency and effective structural capacity. The
continue and may accelerate under an overlay. structural capacity of a paverllent when new is denoted
PCC-surjiuced puvemenr. Roughness from as SC,. For flexible pavements, structural capacity is
spalling (including potholes) and faulting of the structural number, SN. For rigid paverncnts, struc-
transverse and longitudinal joints and cracks. tural capacity is the slab thickness, D. For existing
Spalling can be repaired by full- or partial- composite pavements (ACIPCC) the structural capac-
depth repairs consisting of rigid ~naterials. ity is expressed as an equivalent slab thickness.
Faulting can be alleviated by an overlay of ade- The structural capacity of the pavement declines
quate thickness; however, faulting indicates with time and traffic, and by the time an evaluation for
poor load transfer and poor subdrainage. Poor overlay design is conducted, the structural capacity
load transfer will lead to spalling of reflected has decreased to SCelf.The effective structural capac-
cracks in an AC overlay. Subdrainage improve- ity for each pave~nenttype is expressed as follows:
ment may be needed.
Flexible pavements: SNeff
Sollle agencies apply what are called "preventive Rigid arid colnpositt: pavements: Derr
overlays" that are intended to slow the rate of deterio-
ration. This type of overlay includes thin AC and vari- If a structural capacity of SCt is r c ~ ~ i r for
e d the futil~e
ous surface treatments. These may be applied to traflic expected during the overlay design period, an
pavements which do not present any irilnlediate func- overlay having a structural capacity of SC,, (i.e ,
tional or structural deficiency, but whose condition is SCf - SC,,) must be added to the exlsting structure.
expected to deteriorate rapidly in the future. This approach to overlay design is comnlonly called
Overlay designs (including thicknzss, preoverlay the structural deficiency approach. Obviously, the re-
repairs and reflection crack treatments) rnust address quired overlay structural capacity can be correct only
the causes of functional problems and prevent their if the evaluation of existing structural capacity is cor-
recurrence. This can only be done through sound en- rect. The primary objective of the structural evalua-
Design of Par~emcnfStructures

N Load ~ ~ ~ l i c a t i o n s
Figure 5.1. Illustration of Structural Capacity Loss Over Time and with Traffic
Rehubilitutio~lwirh Overluys

iion is to deter~niriethe effective structural capacity of loading, but their severity is increased by load-
the existing pavernent. ing and thus load-carrying capacity is reduced.
If the declining relatiorlship depicted in Figure 5.1 (a) AC-surfaced pavements
were well defined, the evaluation of effective s t ~ u c - Futigue or ulliguror crucking irr rlre
tural capacity would be quite easy. This, however, is wheel puths. Patching and a structural
not the case. No single, specific method exists for overlay are required to prevent this dih-
evaluating structural capacity. The evaluation of effec- tress fro111 recurri~~g.
tive structural capacity must consider the current con- Huttirig itr the wheel pufhs.
dition of the existing pavelnent materials, and also Trunsverse or lorrgirudirrul cracks rltclt
consider how those materials will behave in the future. develop into potholes.
'Three alternative evaluation nlethods are reconl- Localized fuiling ureus where rtre ~ c t r -
mended to determine effective structural capacity. derlyitlg luyers ure disitrtrgrutirtg dtid
cuusirrg a eo11~1pseoj' the AC sllrji~ce
(1) Structurul cap(~citybased on visuul survey and (e.g., underlying PCC slab with severe
ttruteriuls testir~g.This involves the assessinent "D" cracking, CRCP purrchouts, rtlujor
of current conditions based on dibtress and shear juil~tre of buse cour~e/subgnltle,
drainage surveys, and usually sorne coring and stripping td AC buse course). This is a
testing of niaterials. very difficult problenl to repair and Lin
( 2 ) Structural cupucriy based orr norides~r~rcti ve investigation should be carried out to tle-
deflectiotl testing (NDT). This is a direct evalu- ternline its extent. If it is riot extcnsivc,
ation of in situ subgrade and paverrlerit skiff- full-depth PCC repair (when a 1'CC slab
ness along the project. exists), and a structural overlay sfiould
(3) Structurcrl capacity based on fufigue duttluge remedy the problem. If the problem is
from rrufjc. Knowledge of past traffic is used too extensive for full-depth repair, recon-
to assess the existing fiitigue da~nagei r ~the struction or a structural overlay desigried
pavement. The pavement's future reniaini~ig for the weakest area is required.
fatig~.: life can then be estimated. The re- (b) PCC-surfaced pavenlents
maining life procedure is most applicable to Deteriorurirtg (spulling or jbulri&)
pavements which have very little visible deteri- rmr!svPrse or longitudirtul crucks. '1h$se
oration. cracks usually must be full-depth re-
paired, or they will reflect through 1he
Because of the uncertaint~esassociated with the de- overlay. This does not apply to ur~bonded
termination of effective structural capacity, the three JPCP or JRCP overlays.
methods cannot be expected to provide equivalent esti- Corrrer breuks at trartsverse joints or
mates. The designer should use all three methods crucks. Must be full-depth repaired with
whenever possible and select the "best" estirnate a full-lane-width repair (tllis is not re-
based on his or her judgement. There is no substitute quired for unbonded JPCP or JRCP over-
for solid experience and judgment in this selection. lay s).
Structu .a1 Capacity Based on Visual Survey Loculized fuilirig areas where the
and Materials Testing PCC slab is disititegmfing arrd causing
spulls urid potholes ( e . g . , cuused by se-
Visual Survey. A key component in the de- vere 'ID" crucking, reactive uggregute.
ternlination of effective structural capacity is or other clurabiliry yroblcms). Overlay
the observatio~lof existing pavement con& thickness and preoverlay repair req~tire-
tions. The observation should begin with a re- ~nentsmay be prohibitive for sc,~ilctypes
view of all inforrrlation available regarding the of overlays.
design, construction, and mair~tenancehistory Localizetl yut~ctiouts, in
of the pavement. This should be foilowed by a CRCR Full-depth repair of existing
detailed survey to identify the type, amount, punchouts and placement of a struc~ural
severity, and locatiun of surface distresses. overlay will greatly reduce the likelillood
Some of the key distress types that are indi- of future punchouts.
cators of structural deficiencie.: are listed be- Subdruirruge Survey. A drainage survey
low. Some of these are not initially caused by should be coupled with the distress survey. The
Design of Pnvcrnc.nt Sfruclures

objective of the drainage survey is to identify nology. When properly applied, NDT can pro-
moisture-related pavement problems and loca- vide a vast amount of information and analysis
tions where drainage improvements might be at a very reasonable expenditure of time,
, effective in improve the existing structure or re- money, and effort. Tlte analyses, however, can
ducing the influence of moisture on the perfor- be quite sensitive to unknown conditions and
mance of the pavement following the overlay. must be performed by knowledgeable, experi-
Coring and Materials Testirig Program. Jn enced personnel.
addition to a survey of the surface distress, a Within the scope of these overlay design
coring and testing program is recommended to procedures, NDT structural evaluation differs
verify or identify the cause of the observed depending on the type of pavement. For rigid
surface distress. The locations for coring pavement evaluation, NDT serves three analy-
should be selected following the distress sur- sis functions: (I) to examine load transfer vffi-
vey to assure that all significant pavement con- ciency at joints and cracks, (2) to estimate the
ditions are represented. If NDT is used, the effective modulus of subgrade teaction (effec-
data from that testing should also be used to tive k-value), and (3) to estimate the modulus
help select the appropriate sitcs'for coring. of elasticity of the concrete (which provides an
The objective of the coring is to determine
estimate of strength). For flexible pavement
material thicknesses and conditions. A great
evaluation, NDT serves two functions: (1) to
deal of information will be. gained simply by a
estimate the roadbed soil resilient modulus,
visual inspection of the cored material> How-
and (2) to provide a direct estimate of SN,[, of
ever, it should be kept in mind that the coring
the pavement structure. Some agencies use
operation causes a disturbance of the material
especially along the cut face of Ad material. NDT to backcalcr~latethe moduli of the indi-
For example, in some cases coring has been vidual layers of a flexible pavement, and then
known to disguise the presence of stripping. use these moduli to estimate SN,,,. This ap-
Consequently, at least some of the asphalt proach is not recommended for use with these
cores should be split apart to check for strip- overlay design procedures because it implies
ping. and requires a level of sophistication that does
The testing program should be directed to- not exist with the structural number approach
ward determining how the existing materials to design.
compare with similar materials that would be In addition to structural evaluation, NDT
used in a new pavement, how the materials can provide other data useful to the design pro-
may have changed since the pavement was con- cess. Deflection data can be used to quantify
structed, and whether or not the materials are variability along the project and to subdivide
functioning as expected. The types of tests to the project into segments of similar structural
be performed will depend on the material types strength. The NDT data may also be used in a
and the types of distress observed. A typical backcalculation scheme to estimate resilient
testing program might include strength tests modulus values for the various pavement lay-
for AC and PCC cores, gradation tests to look ers. Although this procedure does not include
for evidence of degradation and/or contamina- the use of these values as a part of the struc-
tion of granular materials, and extraction tests tural condition determination, backcalculation
to determine binder contents and gradations of of an unusually low value for any layer should
AC mixes. PCC cores exhibiting dnrability be viewed as a strong indication that a detailed
problems may be examined by a petrographer study of the condition of that layer is needed.
to identify the cause of the problem. The specific methods for estimating effec-
Specific recommendations on estimating tive structural capacity by NDT analysis are
the effective structural capacity from the dis- discussed within the sections pertaining to the
tress survey information are given in the sec- specific overlay types.
tions for each overlay type.
(2) Structural Capacity Based on (3) Structural Capacity Based on
Nondestructive Deflection %sting I Remaining Life

Nondestructive deflection testing is an ex- The remaining life approach to structural

tremely valuable and rapidly developing tech- evaluation relies directly on the concepts illus-
Rehabllirutiotl wlrh Overlays

1 trated in Figure 5.1. This follows a fatigue efticients for those materials in a new pavelnent. SNCff

I! damage concept that repeated loads gradually

damage the pavement and reduce the number
of additional loads the pavement can carry to
of the pavement based on a remaining life analysis
would be:

failure. At any given time, there may be no

directly observable indication of darnage, but SNef, = CF * SN,
there is a reduction in structural capacity in
i terms of the future load-carrying capacity (the
The structural capacity deterrrlilied by this relation-
number of future loads that the pavernent can
ship does not account for any preoverlay repair. Tlie
calculated structural capacity should be viewed as a
Ta determine the remaining life, the designer must lower liniit value and may require adjustment to reflect
determine the actual aniourlt of traffic the pavernent the benefits of preoverlay repair.
has carried to date and the total amount of traffic the - For the remaining life deterrilination, N 1 , 5can be
pavement could be expected to carry to\ "failure" roughly estimated using the new paverrlerit design
(when serviceability equals 1.5, to be consistent with equations or nomugraphs, or other equations based on
the AASHO Road Test equations). Both traffic local agency information. To be consistent with tile
amounts must be expressed in 18-kip ESAL. The dif- AASfIO Koad Test and tlie developnlent of these equa-
ference between these vakes, expressed as a percent- tions, a failure PSI equal to 1.5 and a reliability of 50
age of the total traffic to "failure," is defined as the percent is recommended.
remaining life: When using this approach, the designer need not be
alarmed if the trilltic to date (N,) is found to exceed
the expected traffic to failure (N,,,) resulting in a cal-
culated negative remaining life. When this happens,
the designer could use the mininiu~rlvalue for C F
(0.50), or not use the remaining life approach.
where The remaining life approach to determine SNeffor
D,,, has some serious deficiencies associated with it.
There are four ~najorsources of error:
RL = remaining life, percent
N, = total traffic to date, 18-kip ESAL (1) The PI-edictivecapability of the AASHO Koad
N, = total traffic to pavement "failure" Test equations,
(P2 = 1.5), 18-kip ESAL ?'he large variatiorl in perfor~nancetypically
observtd even among pavements of see~ningiy
With KL determined, the designer niay obtain a identical designs,
condition factor (CF) from Figure 5.2. CF is defined (3) Est~mationof past 18-kip ESALs, and
by the equation: (4) Inability to account for the arnount of prcober-
lay repair to the pavement. For pavements with
considerable deterioration, the SNeff or Deff
value obtained from tlie remaining life rnetliod
may be iliuch lower than values obtained from
other methods that adjust for preoverlay re-
where pairs. Thus, the rernairiirlg life procedure is
must applicable to pavements which have very
little visible deterioration.
SC, = pavernent structural capacity after N,
ESAL As a result, this rnetllod of determinirig the rcni;iin-
SC, = original pavement structural capacity ing life of the pavement can in some cases produce
very erroneous results. The following two extreme er-
The existing structural capacity may be estimated rors may occur with this approach:
by multiplying the original structural capacity of the
pavement by C E For example, the original structural (I) The remaining life estimate rrlay be extrendy
number (SN,) of a flexible pavernent may be calcu- low even though very little load-associated dis-
lated from material thicknesses and the structural co- tress is present. While some fatigue damage
Design ?f Pavement Strrcctures
can exist in a pavement structure before a sig- M, = backcalculated subgrade resilient
niticant amount of cracking appears, it cannot nlodulus, psi
be a large arrrount of damage, or it would cer- P = applied load, pounds
tainly be evidenced by a significant amount of d, = measured deflection at radial distance r,
craclung. If load-related cracking is present in inches
very small amounts and at a low severity level, r = radial distance at which the dellectiori is
the pavement has considerab,~remaining life, measured, inches
reg::rdless of what the traffic-based rernaining
life calculation suggests. This equation for backcalculating MK is based on
(2) The remaining life estimate niay be extremely the fact that, at points sufficiently distant fro111 the
high even though a substantial amount of me- center of loading, the rneasut-ed surface deilectio~iis
dium- and high-severity load-related cracking allnost elltirely due to deforr~iationin the subgrede,
is present. In this case, the pavemerit really has and is also independent of the load radius. For practi-
little remaining life. cal purposes, the deflection used should be as close as
possible to the loadirlg plate, but must also be suffi-
At any point between these two extremes, the re- ciently far from the loading plate to satisfy the as-
maining life co~nputedfro111 past traffic may not re- surnptions inherent in the above equation. Guidance is
flect the amount of fatigue damage in the pavement, provided later in this chapter for selecting the niini-
but discerning this from observed distress niay be nlunl radial distance for detel.r~iinatio~rof M R .
more difficult. If the coniputed rerilaining life appears 'The recommended lrietllod lor determination ot the
to be clearly at odds with the alnount arid severity of design M K from NDT backcalculation requires an ad-
load-associated distress present, do not use the re- justment factor (C) to make the value calculated (:on-
maining life method to compute the structural capacity s ~ s ~ c ;with
~ i t the value used to represent the AASHO
of the existing pavement. subgrade. A value for C of no more than 0.33 is rec-
The remaining life approach to detern~iningstruc- ommended for adjustnlent of backcalculated M, val-
tural capacity is not directly applicable, witlrout modi- ues to design MK vdlues. l'lie resulting equation is:
fication, to paverxients which have already received
one or rnore overlays.

5.3.4 1)eterminution of Design MR

A subgl-ade M, value of 3,000 psi was used for the
The design subgrade M Kmay be determilred by: ( I ) AAStIO Road Test soil in the develop~nentof tire flex-
laboratory testing, (2) NDT backcalculation, (3) esti- ible pavement perfornlance model. This value is con-
mation from resilient modulus correlation studies, or sistent with some laboratory tests of soil sarxiples fro111
(4) original design and c~~lstructioridata. Regardless the AASHO Koad Test site, as Figure 5.3 illustrates
of the method used, the desigri M K value must be (11). However, these data also show that tlre resilient
consistent with the value used in the design perform- nlodulus of the AASHO Koad Test soil is quite stress-
ance equation for the AASHO Koad Test subgrirde. dependent, incrcasirig rapidly for deviator stresses
This is especially ilnportant when M, is determined less than 6 psi. The subgrade deviator stress at a radial
by NDT backcalculation. The backcalculated value is dislarice appropriate for use in the equation given
typically too high to be consistent and must be ad- above for backcalculated bl, will alrnost always bt: far
justed. If M, is not adjusted, the S N f value will be less than 6 psi. Thus, the subgrade niodulus deter-
unconservative and poor overlay perfor~narrcecan be mined by backcalculation can be expected to be too
expected . high to be consistent with the 3,000 psi assumed for
A subgrade M K may be backcalculated from NDT the AASHO subgrade.
data using the following equation: This was confirmed by two methods. In the first
analysis, M K values backcalculated from deflection
data were compared with MK values obtained from
laboratory tests, for the AASHO Koad 'Test and other
sites (12, 111). The results, which are shown in Figure
5.4, indicate that backcalculated MR values exceed
where laboratory MK values by a factor of three or more. In
Repeated Deviator Stress, 6,. psi
Figure 5.3. AASHO Road Test Subgrade Resilient Modulus Test Results (11)
with Overluys
Design qf Pavemertr Strucrures
the second analysis, the ILLI-PAVE finite element 5.4.1 Feasibility
program (14, 15) was used to compute M Rvalues for a
variety of pavement structures and subgrade charac- An AC overlay is a feasible rehabilitation alterna- -
teristics representative of the AASHO Road Test soil. tive for an AC pavement except when the condition of
At radial distances appropriate for backcalculation of the existing pavement dictates substantial removal and
MR,the computed M R values also exceeded the value replacement. Conditions under which an AC overlay
of 3,000 psi assumed in development of the AASHO would not be feasible include the following.
flexible pavement model hy a factor of at least three. The amount of high-severity alligator cracking
Similarly,'pavement surface deflections computed by is so great that complete remo.~aland replace- -
ILLI-PAVE produced backcalculated M R values three ment of the existing surface is dictated.
or more times greater than 3,000 psi. (2) Excessive surface rutting indicates that the ex-
All of these analyses suggest that for the soils ex- isting materials lack sufficient stability to pre-
amined, backcalculated M R values should be multi- vent recurrence of severe rutting. -
plied by an adjustment factor C of no more than 0.33 (3) An existing stabilized base shows signs of seri-
in order to obtain M R values appropriate for use in ous deterioration and would require an inbrdi-
design with the AASHTO flexible pavement model. nate amount of rcpair to provide uniform -
The analyses described here per-tain to the fine- support for the overlay.
grained, stress-sensitive soil at the AASHO Road Test (4) An existing granular base must be removed
site plus fine-grained soil froni seven other projects. and replaced due to infiltration of and contami-
No attempt has been made in this study to investigate nation by a soft subgrade.
the relationship between backcalculated and labora- (5) Stripping in the existing AC surface dictates
tory M Rvalues for granular subgrades. It may be that that it should be removed and replaced.
backcalculated M R values for granular subgrades
would not require a correction factor as large as is
required for cohesive subgrades. However, this sub- 5.4.2 Pre-overlay Repair
ject requires further research. -
Users are cautioned that the resilient modulus The following types of distress should be repaired
value selected has a very significant effect 011the re- prior to overlay of AC pavements. If they are not re-
sulting structural number determined. Therefore, us- paired, the service life of the overlay will be greatly -
ers should be very cautious about using high resilient reduceci.
modulus values, or their overlay thickness values will
be too thin.
Distress -
Type -
Required Repair
Alligator All areas of high-severity alligator
5.4 AC OVERLAY OF Cracking cracking must be repaired. 1,ocal- -
AC PAVEMENT ized areas of medium-severity
alligator cracking should be repaired
unless a paving fabric or other -
This section covers the design of A(: overlays of AC means of reflective crack control is
pavements. The following construction tasks are in- used. The repair must include
volved in the placement of an AC overlay on an exist- removal of any soft subsurface
ing AC pavement: material. -
Linear High-severity linear cracks should be
(I) Repairing deteriorated areas and making ?racks patched. Linear cracks that are open
subdrainage improvements (if needed). greater than 0.25 inch should be -
(2) Correcting surface rutting by milling or filled with a sand-asphalt mixture or
placing a leveling course. other suitable crack filler. Some
(3) Constructing widening (if needed). method of reflective crack control is
(4) Applying a tack coat. recommended for transverse cracks
(5) Placing the AC overlay (including a reflective I that experience significant opening
crack control treatment if needed). and closing.
with Overluys

Rutting Remove ruts by milling or placement to AC overlays of jointed PCC pavenierits when
of a leveling course. If rutting is the sawcut matches the joint or straight crack
severe, an investigation into which within an inch.
layer is causing the rutting should (4) Increased AC overlay thickness reduces bend-
be conducted to determine whether ing and vertical shear under loads and also
or not an overlay is feasible. reduces temperature variation in the existing
Surface Depressions, humps, and corrugations pavement. Thus, thicker AC overlays are more
Irregu- require investigation and treatment effective in delaying the occurrence arid deteri-
larities of their cause. In most cases, oration of reflection cracks than are thinner
removal and replacement will be overlays. However, increasing the AC overlay
required. thickness is a costly approach to reflection
crack control.
~eflecti'oncracking can have a considelable (often
5.4.3 Reflection Crack Control controlling) influence on the life of an AC overlay.
Deteriorated reflection cracks detlact froill a ,,we-
The basic mechanism of reflection cracking is rnent's serviceauility and also require frequent main-
strain concentration in $e overlay due to movement In tenance, such as 'sealing and patching. Retlect~on
the vicinity of cracks in the existing surface. Th15 cracks also permit,water to enter the pavernent struc-
movement may be bending or snear induced by loads, ture, which may result in loss of bond between the AC
or may be horizontal contraction induced by ternpera- overlay and existing AC surface, stripp~ngin either
ture changes. Load-induced movements are intlu- layer, and softening of the granular layers and sub-
enced by the thickness of the overlay and the thickness grade. For this reison, reflection cracks should be
and stiffness of the existing pavement. Temperature- sealed as soon as they' appear and resealed perlodl-
induced movements are influenced by daily and sea- cally throughout the life of the overlay. Sealing low-
sonal temperature variati~ns the coeff<cient of severity reflection cracks may also be effective in
thermal expansion of the existing pavement, and tlie reta~dingtheir progression to medium and high sever-
spacing of cracks. ity levels.
Pre-overlay repair (patching and crack filling) may
help delay the occurrence and deterioration of reflec-
tion cracks. Additional reflection crack control 111ea-
sures which have been beneficial in some cases
include the following: See Section 5.2.4 for guidelines.
(1) Synthetic fabrics and stress-absorbing interlay-
ers (SAMIs) have been effective in controlling
reflection of low- and mediunl-severity alliga- 5.4.5 'I'lrickness Design
tor cracking. They may also be useful for con-
trolling reflection of ten1pt;rature cracks, If the overlay is being placed for the purpose of
particularly when used in combination with structural in~provement,the required thickness of the
crack filling. They generally do little, however, overlay is a function of tlie structural capacity required
to retard reflection of cracks subject to signifi- to meet future traffic demands and the ~tructuri~l ca-
cant horizontal or vertical movenlents. pacity of the existing pavement. The required [hick-
(2) Crack relief layers greater than 3 inches thick ness to increase structural capacity to carry future
have been effective in controlling reflection of traffic is determined by the following equation.
cracks subject to larger moverneats. These
crack relief layers are composed of open-
graded coarse aggregate and a srnall percent-
age of asphalt cement.
(3) Sawing and sealing joints in the AC overlay at where
locations coinciding with straight cracks in the
underlying AC may be effective in controlling SN,, = Required overlay structural nu~rlber
the deterioration of reflection cracks. This a,,, = Slructural coefficient for the AC ovcrlay
technique has been very effective when applied Do, = Required overlay thickness, inches
Design of Pavement Structures

SNf = Structural number required to carry deteriorated and will be repaired should not be tested.
future traffic A heavy-load deflection device je.g., Falling Weight
SNeff = Effective structural number of the Deflectometer) and a load magnitude of approxi-
existing pavement mately 9,000 pounds are recommended. ASTM D
4694 and D 4695 provide additional guidance on de-
The required overlay thickness may be determined flection testing. Deflections should be measured at the
through the follobing design steps. These steps pro- center of the load and at least one other distance from
vide a comprehensive design approach that recom- the load, as described below.
mends testing the pavement to obtain valid design
inputs. If it is not possible to conduct testing (e.g., for (I) Subgrade resilient modulus (M,). At suffi-
a low-volume road), an approximate overlay design ciently large distzvnces from the !oad, deflec-
may be developed based upon visible distress observa- tions measured at the pavement surface are due
tion, by skipping Steps 4 and 5 and by estimating other to subgrade deformation only, and are also in-
inputs. dependent of the size of the load plate. This
permits the backcalculation of the subgrade re- -
Step I : Existing .pavement design and silient modulus from a single deflection mea-
construction. surement and the load magnitude, using the
(1) Thickness and material type of each pavement following equation:
(2) Available subgrade soil information (from con-
struction records, soil surveys, county agricul-
tural soils reports, etc.)

Step 2: 7hffic analysis.

(1) Past cumulative 18-kip ESALs in the design
lane (N,), for use in the remaining life method
of SNeffdetermination only. MR = backcalculaled subgrade resilient
predicted future 18-kip ESALs in the design modulus, psi
lane over the design period (Nf). P = applied load, pounds
d, = deflection at a distance r from the
Step 3: Condition survey. center of the load, inches
r = distance from center of load,
Distress types and severities are defined in refer- inches
ence I I . The following distresses are measured during
the co~~dition survey and are used in the determination
of the structural coefficients. Sampling along the pro- It should be noted that no temperature adjust-
ject in the heaviest trafficked lane can be used to esti- ment is needed in determining MR since the
mate 'these quantities. deflection used is due only to subgrade defor-
(1) Percent of surface area with alligator cracking The deflection used to hackcalculate the
(class 1, 2, and 3 corresponding to low, me- subgrade modulus must be measured far
dium, and high severities). enough away that it provides a good estimate of
(2) Number of transverse cracks per mile (low, the subgrade modulus, independent of the ef-
medium, and high severities). fects of any layers above, but also close enough
(3) Mean rut depth. that it is not too small to measure accurately.
(4) Evidence of pumping at cracks and at pave- The minimum distance may be determined
ment edges. iiom the following relationship:
Step 4: Deflection testing
(strongly recommended).
Measure deflections ir. the outer wheel path at an
interv;~!sufficient to adequately assess conditions. In-
terval!: of 100 to 1,000 feet are typical. Areas that are where
p = NDT load plate pressu~e,psi
a = NDT load plate radius, inches
D = total ttiickriess of pavcnierlt layers
above the subgrade, inches
a, = radius of the stress bulb at the M K = subgrade resilient rnodulus, psi
subgrade-pavement interface, inclies E, = effective rnodulus of all pavement
a = NDT load plate radius, inches layers above tlie subgrade, psi
D = total thickness of pavernent layers
above the subgrade, inches For a load plate radius of 5.9 inches, Figure
E,, = effective rnodulus of all pavement . 5.5 rnay be used to determine the ratio E,/MR,
layers above the subgrade, psi and E, riiay then be deterniined for a kriown or
(described below) assumed value of MK.
For purposes of cornparison of E,, along the
Before the backcalculated MR value is used
length of a project, the do values used to deter-
ill desig~i,it lnust be adjusted to make 'it con-
mine E, should be adjusted to a single refer-
sisterit with the value used in the AASHTO
ence temperature. Furthermore, if the effective
flexible pmenielrt design equation. An adjust-
structural nuriiber of the existing pavement is
ment rnay also be ne6tlt.d to account for seu-
to be deter~i~ined in Step 7 using the values uf'
.;anal effects. These adjustrnerlts are described
in Step 6 . E, backcalculated from dellectiori cIata, the
Temperature of AC nlix. 'l'lle teniperature of reference teniperature for adjust~~lerltof do
the AC mix during deflection testing milst be should be 6g01i, to be consistelit with the pro-
determined. The AC rnix tenlperature may be cedure for rlew AC pavenie~ltdesign described
measured directly, or niay be esti~iiatedfrom in Part 11. Figure 5.6 may be used to adjust d,
surface or air temperatures. for AC pavenients with granular arid asplialt-
(3) Effective modulus of the pavernent (E,). If the stabilized bases. Figure 5.7 riiay be used to
subgrade resilient modulus arid total thickness adjust do for A(: pavcrllerits with cenient- and
of all layers above the subgrade are known or pozzolanic-stiibilizecl bases.
assunled, the effective rnodulus of tlie entire
pavenient structure (all pavenlerit layers above Step 5: Coritrg and niuteriuls testing
the subgrade) rnay be deterniined fro111the de- (strorigly recorrirnended).
flectiori measured at the center of the load
plate using the following equation: (I) Hesilietrr tr~odulus of srtbgrutle. If tleflection
testirig is not performed, laboratory testing o f '
samples of the subgrade niay be conducted
to determine its resilient modulus using
AAStI'I'O '1' 292-91 1 with a deviator stress of
6 psi to riiatch the deviator stress used in estab-
lishing the 3,000 psi for the AASHO Road Test
soil that is incorporated into the flexible design
equation. Alternatively, other tests such as R
value, CUK or soil classificatiorr tests could be
colrductcd anti approximate correlatiorls used
to estiriiate resilierlt niodulus. Use of the esti-
i~iatingequatio~lM R = 1500 * CI3R lrlay pro-
duce a value that is too large for use in this
where desigri procedure. The relationsllips found in
Appendix FF, Figure FF-6 riiay be rnore rea-
do = detlection measured at tlie center sonable.
of the load plate (and adjusted to a (2) Sutt~ples of AC luyers urld srubilized basc
standard terllperature of 68 OF), should be visually exanlined to assess asphall
inches stripping, degradation, and e~osion.
Figure 5.5. Determination of E, /MR
AC Mix Temperature, degrees F
Figure 5.6. Adjustment to d.for AC.M~XTemperature for Wvement with Granular or Asphalt-lteated Base
Design of Pavement Str~tcrures
Rehabilitation wirh Overlays

(3) Samples of grurlular buse and subbase should Note also that the presence of a very stiff
be visually exainined and a gradation run to layer (e.g., bedrock) within about 15 feet of
assess degradation and contamination by fines. the top of the subgrade rnay cause the back-
(4) '7'71e tllickness of all luyers should be mea- calculated M u to be high. When such a condi-
sured. tion exists, a value less than 0.33 for C lniiy be
warranted (9).
Step 6: Determination of required structural The designer is cautioned against using a
number for future traffic (SN,). value of M u that is too large. The value of M K
selected for design is extremely critical to tfie
(1) Efectivr design subgrade resilient modulus. overlay thickness. The use of a value greater
Determine by one.of the following methods: than 3,000 psi is an indication that the soil is
(a) Laboratory testing described in Step 5. stiffer than the silty-clay A-6 soil at the Ihad
(b) Backcalculation from deflection data.
Test site, and consequently will provide in-
( N ~ E this
: value must be adjusted to be
creased support and exterided pavement life.
consistent with the value used ,in the
(2) Design PSI loss. PSI imnlediately after overlay
AASHTO tlexible pavenlent design
(PI) minus PSI .., lime of next rehabilitatiori
equation as described below.)
(c) A very appro$~nate estiniate can be Overluy design reliubilit)~K @ercerir). See Part
made using available soil infonliation (3)
I, Section 4.2, Part 11, Table 2.2, and 1'ar.t 111,
and relationships developed from resil-
Section 5.2.15.
ient modulus studies. However, if as-
(4) Overall stundard deviutiorl Sofor jlexible ptr ve-
constructed soil data are used, the
ment. See Part I, Section 4.3.
resilient n~odulus may have changed
since constructio~ldue to changes in Conipute SN, for tlie above design inputs using the
moisture content or other factors. flexible pavement design equation or nornograph in
Regardless of the method used, the effective Part 11, Figure 3.1. When designing an overlay ttiick-
design subgrade resilient niodulus must be (1) ness for a uniform pavement section, mean input
representative of the effects of seasonal varia- values lriust be used. When designing an overlay
tion and (2) consistent with the resilient modu- thickness for specific points along tlie project, the data
lus value used to represent the AASHO Road for that point must be used. A worksheet for detemiin-
Test soil. A seasonal adjustment, when ing SNf is provided in 'Table 5.1.
needed, may be made in accordance with the
procedures described in Part 11, Section 2.3.1.
M R values backcalculated from cfeflections Step 7: Detern~irtationof effective structuml
must be adjusted to be consistent with the labo- number (SNe,--) of the existing pavement.
. ratory-measured value used for the AASHO Three methods are presented for deteriliirliilg the
Road Test soil in the developnlent of the flexi- effective structural number of a conventional AC
ble pavement design equation. It is recom- pavement: an NDT method, a condition sur.vey
mended that back~alculated M u values be method, and a remaining fatigue life niethod. I t is
multiplied by a correction factor C = 0.33 for suggested that the designer use all three of these to
use in determination of SN, for design pur- evaluate the pavement, and then select a value tor
poses when an FWD load of approximately SN,,, based on the results, using engineering judg~~ierlt
9,000 pounds is used (9). This value should be and the past experierlce of the agency.
evaluated and adjusted if needed by user agen-
cies for their soil and deflection measurement
equipment. Therefore, the following design
M R should be useti to determine SN,: SNeRfrom NI)T for AC Yuverrrek~ls

The NDT rnethod of SNetfdeter~ninationfollow5 an

Design M H = C
-- assurllption that the structural capacity of the pave-
ment is a function of its total thickness arid overall
stiffness. The relationship betwecrl SNerr,tliickness,
where recommended C = 0.33 and stiffness is:

Design of Pavemer~tStructures

B b l e 5.1. Worksheet for Determination of SN, for AC Pavements

Future 18-kip ESALs in design lane over
design period, Nr


Design resilient modulus, MR -
- -psi
(Adjusted for consistency with flexible pavement model and for seasonal variations.
Qpical design M R is 2.000 to 10,000 psi for fine-grained soils, 10,000 to 20,000
for coarse-grained soils. The AASHO Road Test soil value used in the flexible
pavement design equation was 3,000 psi.)

1)c.sipli PSI Iosq (PI P?) (1 2 lo 3 . 7 ) -

Required structural number for future traffic is deterniined from flexible pavement
8 design equation or nomograph in Part 11, Figure 3.1.
SNf =

where where

D = total thickness of all pavement layers above D l . D,. D, = thicknesses of existing pavement
tlie subgrade, inches surface, base, and subbase layers
E, = effective tnodulus of pavernent layers above a , , az.,a, = corresponding stnictural layer
the subgrade, psi coefficients
m2, ml = drainage coefficients for granular
base and subbase
ED may be hackcalcolated from deflection data as
desciibed in Step 4. Figure 5.8 may be used to deter-
See Part 11, lhble 2.4, for guidance in determining
mine SN,,, according to the above equation.
the drainage coefficients. In selecting- values for m,
and m,, note that the poor drainage situation for the
base and subbase at the AASHO Road Test would be
given drainage coefficient values of 1.O.
SNerffrom Condition Survey for AC Pavements Depending on the types and amounts of deteriora-
tion present, the layer coefficient values assigned to
The condition survey method of SNerr determina- materials in in-service pavement should in most cases
tion irlvolves a component analysis using the strut- he less than the values that would be assigned to the
trjral number equation: same materials for new constructinn. An exception to
Rehabilitation with Overlays
Design of Pavement Structures

this general rule might be for unbound granular mate-

rials that show no sign of degradation or contamina-
For example, one State uses 0.44 for its new high-
quality AC surface, but for overlay design purposes
uses a reduced coefficient for the same material in an
RL = remaining life, percent
existing pavement. A value of 0.34 is assigned if the
AC layer is in good condition, 0.25 if its condition is N, = total traffic to date, ESALs
N1,5 = total traffic to p~venient"failure," ESAL-s
fair, and 0.15 if its condition is poor. The condition
ratings are made on the basis of the amount of crack- N,.5 may be estimated using the new pavement de-
ing present. sign equations or nomographs in Part 11. To ba con-
Limited guidance is presently available for the se- sistent with the AASHO Road Test and the
lection of layer coefficients for in-service pavement development of these equations, a "failure" PSI equal
matel.ials. Each agency must adopt its own set of val- to 1.5 and a reliability of 50 percent is recomrncnded.,
ues. Some suggested layer coefficients for, existing SNeffis determined fr.orn the following equation:
materials are provided in %ble 5.2.
The following notes apply to Table 5.2:
SNefr= CF * SN,
(I) All of the distress is as observed at the pave-
ment surface. where
(2) Patching all high-severity alligator cracking is
recommended. The AC surface and stabilized CF = condition factor determined from Figure
base layer coefficients selected should reflect 5.2
the amount of high-severity cracking remain- SN, = structural number of the pavement if it
ing after patching. were newly constructed
(3) In addition to evidence of pumping noted dur-
ing condition survey, samples of base material The designer should recognize that SN,, deter-
should be obtained and examined for evidence mined by this method does not reflect any benefit for
of erosion, degradation and contamination by pre-overlay repair. The estimate ot SNefr obtained
fines, as well as evaluated for drainability, and should thus be considered a lower limit value. The
layer coefficients reduced accordingly. SN,, of the pavement will be higher if pre-overlay
(4) The percentage of transverse cracking is deter- repair of load-associated distress (alligator cracking)
mined as (linear feet of crackinglsquare feet of is dene. This method for determining SN,, is not ap-
pavement) * 100. plicable, without modification, to AC pavenlents
( 5 ) Coring and testing are recommended for evalu- which have already received one or more AC overlays.
ation of all materials and are strongly recom- A worksheet for determination of SNeffis provided
mended for ev?tllation of stabilized layers. in Table 5.3.
( 6 ) There may be other types of distress that, in
the opinion of the engineer, would detract from Step 8: Determination of overlay thickness.
the performance of an overlay. These should be Tire thickness of AC overlay is computed as fol-
considered through an appropriate decrease of lows:
the structural coefficient of the layer exhibiting
the distress (e.g., surface raveling of the AC,
stripping of an AC layer, freeze-thaw damage
to a cement-treated base).


SN,rf from Remaining Life for AC Pavements SN,, = Required overlay structural number
a,! = Structural coefficient for the AC overlay
The remaining life of the pavement is given by the Dot = Required overlay thickness, inches
following equation: SNI. = Structural number determined in Step 6
Rehabilitarion with Ovrrk~ys

a b l e 5.2. Suggested Layer Coefficients for Existing AC Pavement Layer Materials -

AC Surface Little or no alligator clhcking and/or only low-severity 0.35 to 0.40
transverse cracking
< 10 percent low-severity alligator cracking and/or 0.25 to 0.35
< 5 percent medium- and high-severity transverse cracking
> 10 percent low-severity alligator cracking and/or 0.20 to 0.30
< 10 percent\ medium-severity alligator cracking andlor
> 5-10 percent medium- and high-severity transverse cracking
> 10 percent medium-severity alligator cracking andlor
< 10 percent high-severity allikatoi cracking and/or
> 10 percent medium- and high-severity transverse cracking
> 10 percent high-severity alligator cracking andlor
> 10 percent high-severity transverse cracking

Stabilized Base Llitle or no alligator cracking and/or only low-severity

transverse cracking
< 10 percent low-severity alligator cracking andlor
< 5 percent medium- and high-severity transverse cracking
> 10 percent low-severity alligator cracking and/or 0.15 to 0 . 2 0
< 10 percent medium-severity alligator cracking andlor
> 5-10 percent medium- and high-severity transverse cracking
> 10 percent medium-severity alligator cracking andlor
< 1b percent high-severity alligator cracking andlor
> 10 percent medium- and high-severity transverse cracking
> 10 percent high-severity alligator cracking and/or 0.08 to 0. 15
> 10 percent high-severity transverse cracking
Granular Base No evidence of pumping, degradation, or contamination by fines 0.10 to 0.14
or Subbase
Some evidence of pumping, degradation, or contamirlation by lines

SN,,, = Effective structural number of the analyses. No adjustment need be rrlade to SN,,,. values
existing pavement, froin Step 7 determined by NDT if the depth of milling does not
exceed the minimum necessary to renlove sur1:dce
The thickness of overlay determined fioni the ruts. If a greater depth is ~nilleci,the NI)'I-deternlincci
above relationship should be reasonable when the SN,,, rriay be reduced by an amourit equal to he depth
overlay is required to correct a structural deficiency. milled times a stnictural coefficient for the AC surtace
See Section 5.2.17 for discussion of factors which based on the conditiorl survey.
may result in unreasonable overlay thicknesses.

5.4.6 Surface Milling

5.4.7 Stloulders
If the AC pavement is to be milled prior to overlay,
the depth of milling must be reflected in the SN,,, See Section 5.2.10 for guidelines.
Design of Pnvefirent Str~rctures

'Isble 5.3. Worksheet for Determination of SNeKfor AC Pavement

(1) NDT Method For SNeKFor AC Pavement:

'Thtal thickness of all pavement layers above subgrade, D -
- inches
Backcalculated subgrade resilieit modulus, hi, -
- psi
Backcalculated effective pavement modu!us, E, -- psi

(2) Condition Survey Method For SNerrFor AC Pavement:

~ h i c k n e s sof AC surface, Dl - - inches
Structural coefficient of AC surface, a,, based on condition
survey and coring data -
Thickness of base, D2 -
- inches
Structural coefficient of base, a,, basqd on condition survey,
material inspection, and testing --- -
Drainage coefficient of base, m2 -
Thickness of subbase, D3, if present -- inches
Structural coefficient of subbase, a3, based on condition survey,
material inspection, and testing -
Drainage coefficient of subbase, m3 -

5.4.8 Wideniug Cracklseat consists of cracking a JPCP into

pieces typically one to three feet in size and
See Section 5.2.16 for guidelines. seating the pieces firmly into the founda-
Seating typically consists of several passes of a
35- to 50-ton rubber-tired roller over a
cracked or broken slab.
, 4 Rubblizelcompact consists of completely frac-
turing any type of PCC slab (JRCP, JPCP,
SLAB PAVEMENT {! or CRCP) into pieces smaller than one foot
and then compacting the layer, typically
This section covers the design of AC overlays
with two or more passes of a 10-ton vibra-
placed on PCC pavements after they have been frac-
tory roller.
tured by- any. of the following- techniques: breaklseat,
cracklseat or rubblizelcompact. The following construction tasks are involved in the
placement of an AC overlay on a fractured PCC slab
Breaklseat consists of breaking a JRCP into
pieces larger than about one foot, rupturing
the reinforcement or breaking its bond with (I) Removing and replacing areas that will result
tlle concrete, ant1 seating the pieces firmly in uneven support after fracturing
into the foundation. (2) Making subdrainage improvements if needed
Rehabilirariorl with Overlays 111-107

a b l e 5.3. Worksheet for Determinittian of SNefffor AC Pavement (continued)

(3) Remaining Life Method For SNen for AC Pavement:

Past 18-kip EC\Ls in design lane since construction, N, -
18-kip ESALs to failure of existing design, Nl -

Condition factor, C F (Figure 5.2) -

Thickness of AC surface, Dl - - inches
Structural coefficient of AC surface, al, if newly coristructed -
Thickness of base, D2 - inches
Structural ~oefficient~of
base, a2, if newly constructed --
Thickness of subbase, D3, if present - - inches

Structural coefficient of subbase, a3, if newly constructed -

-- -

SN, = alDl + a2D,m, + a,D,m, =

SN,, = CF * SN, =

(3) Breaking and seating, crack and seating or rub- jects, from less than 100,000 psi to severdl hundred
blizing the PCC slab and rolling to seat or thousand psi (16, 17, 1 8 ) , and within-project coeffi-
compact cients oP variation of as much as 40 percelit (16, 1 8 ) .
(4) Constructing widening if needed Crack and seat is used only with JPCP and involves
(5) Applying a tack or prinie coat cracking the slab into pieces typically one to three feel
( 6 ) Placing the AC overlay (including a reflection in size. Recent fjeld testing of several cracked anti
crack control treatnient if needed) seated JPCP projects showed a wide range in back-
calculated modulus values aniong different projects,
5.5.1 Feasibility from a few hundred thousand psi to a few rnillion psi
(16, 19, 20, 21, 2 2 ) , and within-project c~efficicnt~j
Breaklseat, cracWseat arid rubblizing lechniyues of variation of 40 percent or lriore (16). Reference 1t i
are used to reduce the size of PCC pieces to minimize recommends that to avoid reflection cracking no more
the differential movements at existing cracks arid than 5 percent of the fractured slab have a ~ ~ l o d u l u s
joints, thereby minimizing the occurrence and severity greater than 1 rnillion psi. Effective slab cracking
of reflection cracks. The feasibility of each technique techniques are necesssry in order to satisfy this crite-
is described below. rion for crackiseat of JPCP.
Rubblizing can be used on all types of PCC pave- Breaklseat is used only wit11 JKCP and includes tl-11:
riients in any conclition. It is particularly recom- requirenie~rtto rupture the reinforcenle~itsteel across
mended for reinforced pavements. Fracturing the slab each crack, or break its bond with the concrete. If the
into pieces less than 12 inches reduces the slab to a reinforcement is riot ruptured and its bond with the
high-strength granular base. Recent field testing of concrete is not broken, the differential moveriierits at
several rubblized projects showed a wide range in working joints and cracks will not be reduced ant1
backcalculated modulus values among different pro- reflection cracks will occur. Recent field testing of
Design of Pavement Structures

several breaklseat projects showed a wide range in compact the rubble. At least one agency that has used
backcalculated modulus values ranging from a few cracklseat of JPCP successfully for several years
hundred thousand psi to several million psi (16, 18, specifies that a fabric be placed in the overlay to aid in
19, 22), and within-project coefficients of variation of controlling reflection cracking. For breaklseat of
4 0 percent or more (16, 1 8 ) . The wide range in hack- JRCP, reflective cracks will develop if the steel rein-
calculated moduli reported for break and seat projects forcement is not ruptured and its bond to the concrete
suggests a lack of consistency in the technique as per- is not broken, and if this cannot be guaranteed, it is
f ~ r m e d with past construction equipment. Even recommended that JRCP be rubblized.
though cracks are observed, the JRCP frequently re-
tains a substantial degree of slab action because of
failure to either rupture the reinforcing steel or break 5.5.4 Subdrainage
its bond with the concrete. This may also be responsi-
ble for the inconsistency of this technique in reducing See Section 5.2.4 for guidelines. Ruhblizing PCC
reflection cracking. More effective breaking equip- pavement produces fines which may clog the filter
ment may overcome this problem. This design proce- materials placed in edge drains. This should be con-
dure assumes that the steel will be ruptured or that its sidered in the design of the filter materials. If longitu-
bond to the concrete will be broken through an aggres- dinal subdrains are to be installed, this should be done
rive breaklseat process, and that this will be verified prior to fracturing the slab.
in the field through deflection testing before the over-
lay is placed. The use of rubblization is recommended
lor JRCP due to its ability to break slab continuity.
These slab fracturing techniques are generally 5.5.5 Thickness Design
tnore cost-effective on more deteriorated concrete
pavements than on less deteriorated concrete pave- The required thickness of the overlay is a function
ments. This is due to the trade-off between the reduc - of the structural capacity required to meet future traf-
tion in the amount of pre-overlay repair required for fic demands and the structural capacity of the existing
working cracks and deteriorated joints, and the cost of slab after fracturing. The required thickness is deter-
!;lab fracturing and increased overlay thickness re- mined by the following equation:
quired ( 1 , 22).

5.5.2 Pre-overlay Repair

The amount of preoverlay repair needed for break/
seat, cracklseat and rubblized projects is not clear. SNoI = Required overlay structural number
Most projects done prior to 1991 have not included a = Structural coefficient for the AC overlay
significant amount of repair. However, the recom- Required overlay thickness, inches
DoI =
mended approach is to repair any condition that may SNf = Structural number required to carry
provide nonuniform support after the fracturing pro- future traffic
cess so that it will not rapidly reflect through the AC SNefc = ~ f f e c t i v estructural number of the
overlay. Also, some AC leveling may be needed for existing pavement after fracturing
settled areas before the overlay is placed.
The required overlay thickness is determined
through the following design steps.
5.5.3 ~kflectionCrack Control
Step I : Existing pavement design and
Slab fracturing techniques were developed as meth- construction.
ods of reflection crack control. When properly con-
structed, the cracklseat and rubblizing rnethods are (1) Thickness and material type of each pavement
reasonably effective and should require no additional layer
crack control treatment. However, care must be exer- (2) Available subgrade soil information (from con-
cised to assure uniform cracking or rubblizing across struction records, soil surveys, county agricul-
the slab width and to firmly seat the cracked slab or tural soils reports, etc.)
Step 2: Traffic analysis. The deflection used to backcalculate the
subgrade modulus must be measured far
(1) Predicted future 18-kip ESALs in the design
enough away that it provides a good estinlatc:of
lane over the design period (Nf)
the subgrade n~odulus,indepentlent of thc ef-
Use flexible pavement equivalency {actors.
fects of any layers above, but also close enc)agh
If available future traffic estimates are in terms
that it is not too sinall to measure accurately.
of rigid pavement ESALs, they must be con-
The minimum distance may be determined
verted to flexible pavement ESALs by dividing
from the following relationship:
by 1.5 (e.g., 15 million rigid pavement ESALs
approxin~atelyequal 10 million flexible pave-
ment ESALs)..
Step 3: Condition survey.
Condition survey data are not used in the determi-
nation of overlay thickness. However, condition sur-
vey data should be used to determine whether or not
fracturing is cost-effective compared to other types of
rehabilitation. 31 a, = radius of the stress bulb at the
subgrade-pavement interface, i~icfres
Step 4: Deflection testing (reconrmended). a = NDT load plate radius, inches
Deflection measurements are used only for the de- D = total thickness of pavernent layers
termination of the design subgrade resilient modulus. above the subgrade, inches
Deflections should be nleasured on the bare PCC slab E, = effective modulus of all pavenlent
surface (prior to fracturing) at midslab locations that layers above the subgrade, psi
are not cracked. A heavy-load deflection device (e.g., (described below)
Falling Weight Deflectorneter) and a load magnitude Before the backcalculated M R value is used
, of approximately 9,000 pounds are recommended. in design, it must be adjusted to make it con-
ASTM D 4694 and D 4695 provide additional guid- sistent with the value used in the AASH'I'O
ance on deflection testing. A deflection measurement flexible pavenlerit design equation. An adjust-
at a distance of approximately 4 feet from the center of inent may also be needed to account for sea-
load is needed.
sonal effects. These adjustrneilts are described
(1) Subgrade resilient modulus (M,). At suffi- in Step 6.
ciently large distances from the load, deflec- (2) Effective modulus of the pavernent (E,). If the
tions measured at the pavement surface are due subgrade resilient n~odulusand kotal thick~iess
to subgrade deformation only, and are also in- of all layers above the subgrade are know11 or
dependent of the size of the load plate. This assumed, the effective nlodulus of the entire
permits the backcalculation of the subgride re- pavement structure (all pavement layers above
silient modulus from a single deflection mea- the subgrade) may be determ~riedfrom the de-
surement and load magnitude, using the flection nieasured at the center of the load
following equation. plate using the following equation:


M, = backcalculated subgrade resilient

modulus, psi
P = applied load, pounds
d, = deflection at a distance r from the
center of the load, inches
r = distance from center of load, inches
Design of Pavement Structures

where (a) Laboratory testing as described in Step

d, = deflection measured at the center (b) Backcalculation from deflection data.
of the load plate, inches (NOTE:this value must be adjusted to be
p = NDT load plate pressure, psi consistent with the value used in the
' a = NDT load plate radius, inches AASHTO flexible pavement design

D = total thickhess of pavement, equation as described below.)

layers above the subgrade, (c) A very approximate estimate can he
inches made using availablc soil information
MR = subgrade resilient modulus, psi and relationships developed fiom resil-
ient modulus studies. However, if as-
Ep = effective modulus of all
pavement layers above the built records are used, it should be noted
subgrade, psi that the resilient modulus may have
changed since construction due to changes
For a load plate radius of 5.9 inches, Figure in moisture content or other factors. ,
5.5 may be used to determine thc ratio EpIMR, Regardless of the method used, the effective
and Ep may then be determined for a known or design subgrade resilient modulus must be (1)
assumed value of MR. representative of the effects of seasonal varia-
tion and (2) consistent with the resilient modu-
Deflection measurements are also useful after the lus value used to represent the AASHO Road
bre;tk/seat or cracklseat operations to insure that the &st soil. A seasonal adjustment, when
slak has been sufficiently fractured (16). needed, may be made in accordance with the
procedures described in Part 11, Section 2.3.1.
MR values backcalculated from deflections
Step 5: Coring and material testing. must be adjusted to make the values consistent
(1 ) Resilient modulus of subgrade. If deflection with the laboratory-measured value used for
testing is not y f o r m e d , laboratory testing of the AASHO Road Test soil in the development
samples of the subgrade may be conducted of the flexible pavement design equation. For
to determine its resilient modulus using conventional AC pavements, it was recom-
AASHTO T 292-91 I with a deviator stress of mended that backcalculated MR values be mul-
6 psi to match the deviator stress used in estab- tiplied by a correction factor C = 0.33 for use
lishing the 3,000 psi for the AASHO Road Test in determination of SNf for design purposes
soil that is incorporated into the flexible design when a FWD load of approximately 9,000
equation. Alternatively, other tests such as R pounds is used (9). However, because sub-
value, CBR or soil classification tests could be grade stresses are much lower under a PCC
conducted and approximate correlations used slab than under a flexible pavement, it is rec-
to estimate resilient modulus. Use of the esti- ommended that a smaller correction factor,
mating equation M R = 1500 * CBR may pro- C = 0.25, be used to provide a better estimate
duce a value that is too large for use in this of the subgrade MR. This value should be eval-
design procedure. The relationships found in uated and adjusted if needed by user agencies
Appeddix FF, Figure FF-6 may be more rea- for their soil and deflection measurement
sonable. equipment. The following design MR is recom-
(2) Samples of base layers should be examined to mended for use in determining the SKf for
assess degradation and contamination by fines. fractured slabs when deflection testing is done
on top of the PCC slab:

Step 6: Determination of required

structural number for Design MR = C --
f u a w traffic (sN,). (OEP)

(1) Effective design subgrade resilient modulus.

Determine by one of the following methods: where recommended C = 0.25.

Rehubilirution with Overlays

NOTEalso that the presence of a very stiff value of 1.0 Ibr m, is recomrnendeii. I11 selecting val-
layer (e.g., bedrock) within about 15 feet of ues for ln3, note that the poor drainage situation for
the top of the subgrade may cause the back- the base and subbase at the AASHO Road 'I'est would
calculated MR to be high. When such a condi- be given drainage coefficient, values of 1. O .
tion exists, a value less than 0.25 for C may be Suggested layer coefficients for fractured slab pave-
warranted (8, 9). ments are provided in Table 5.5. Each agency should
The designer is cautioned against using a adopt its own set of layer coefficierlt values for frac-
- value of h.1, that is too large. The value of M R tured slabs keyed to its constructiori results on its
selected for design is extremely critical Lo the pavements.
overlay thickness. The use of a value greater Since the layer coefficient represents the overall
- than 3,000 psi is an indication'that the soil is performance contribution of that layer, it is likely that
stiffer than the silty-clay A-6 soil at the Road it is not related solely to the modu!:: of that layer, but
Test site, and consequently will provide in- to other properties as well, such as the load transfer
creased support and extended pavement life. capability of the pieces. The large variability of layer
(2) Design PSI loss. PSI immediately aftercoverlay moduli within a project is also of conczrn. This extra
(PI) minus PSI at tlrrie of next rehabilitation variability should ideally be expressed in an illcreased
(P2). overall standard deviation in designing for a given
- (3) Overluy design reliubility R (yrrcent). See Part reliability level.
I, Section 4.2, Part IC Table 2.2, arid Part 111, A worksheet for deterniiriation or SNcIfis provided
Section 5.2.15. in Tdble 5.6.
(4) Overall stundurd deviation So for flexible ytrve-
men[. See Part I , Section 4.3. Step 8: Ileferr~tinatiorrof overlay fhickness.

Cornpute SNf for the above design inputs using the The thickr~essof AC overlay is coinputed as fol-
flexible pavement design equation or nomograph In lows:
Part 11, Figure 3.1. When designing an overlay thick-
ness for a uniform pavement section, mean input
values must be used. When designing an overlay
- thickness for specific points along the project, the data
for that point must be used. A worksheet for detennin-
ing SNf is provided in Table 5.4. where
- SN,, = Required overlay structural number
Step 7: Determination of effective structural
aOl = Structural coefficle~itfor the AC overlay
number (SNef,) of the existing fractured
Do, = Required AC overlay thickness, ~nches
- slab pavement.
SN, = Structural nuniber cleternilned 111 Step 6
SNen is determined by coniponerit analysis using SNCft= Eftecdve st~ucturalnullher of the
the structural number equation: exlstir~gpavcliient, fro111Step 7

The thickness of overlay detern~ined from tlie

above relationship should be reasonable when the
overlay is required to correct a structural deficiency.
- where See Section 5.2.17 for discussion of factc~rswhich
nlay result in unreasoiiablt: overlay thicknesses.
D2, D3 = thicknesses of fractured slab arid base
- layers
a,, a3 = corresponding structural layer 5.5.6 Shoulders
m,, m, = drainage coefficients for fractured See Section 5.2.10 for guidelines.
L PCC and granular subbase

See Part 11, Table 2 . 4 , for guidance in determining 5.5.7 Widening

- thc drainage coefficients. Due to lack of information
on drainage characteristics of fractured PCC, a default See Section 5.2.16 for guidelines.
111-112 Design of Pavement Structures

'Ihble 5.4. Worksheet for Determination of SNr for Fractured Slab Pavements
Future 18-kip ESA1,s in design lane over
design period, Nf -
Design resilient modulus, M R - psi
(Adjusted for consistency with flexible pavement model and for seasonal variations.
Typical design M R is 2,000 to 10,000 psi for fine-grained soils, 10,000 to 20,000
for coarse-grained soils. The AASHO Road Test soil value used in the flexible
pavement design equation was 3,000psi.)

Design PSI loss (PI - P2) (1.2 to 2.5) -

Overlay design reliability, R (80 to 99 percent) - percent
Overall standard deviation, So (typically 0.49) -
Required structural number for future traffic is determined from flexible pavement
design equation or nomograph in Part 11, Figure 3.1.

lslble 5.5. Sunnested h v e r CoeMcients for Fractured Slab Pavements

BreakISeat JKCP . Pieces greater than one foot with ruptured reinforcement 0.20 to 0.35
or steellconcrete bond broken
CrackISeat JPCP Pieces one to three feet 0.20 to 0.35
Rubblized PCC Completely fractured slab with pieces less than one foot 0.14 to 0.30
(any pavement type)
Baselsubbase granular No evidence of degradation or intrusion of fines 0.10 to 0.14
and stabilized Some evidence of degradation or intrusion of fines 0.00 to 0.10
Rehabilitation wirh Overlays

Table 5.6. Worksheet for Determination of SNen for Breakiseat,

Crackiseat and Rubblized Pavements
Thickness of breaklcrack or rubblized PCC, D2 = inches
Structural coefficient of breaklcracklseat
or rubblized PCC, a2 -

Drainage coefficient of fractured slab, m.2

(1.0 rec~mmended) -

Thickness of subbase, .D3, if present -- inches

Structural coefficient of subbase, a3 -
Drainage coefficient of subbase, m3 - -

5.6 AC OVER1,AY OF JPCP, dressed by reducing the overlay thickness

JRCP, AND CRCP der the bridges (although this nlay result in
early failure at these locations), by raising [he
This section covers the design of AC overlays of bridges, or by reconstructing the pavement IJII-
existing JPCP, JRCP, or CRCP. This section may also der the bridges. Thicker AC overlays may also
be used to design an AC overlay if a previous AC necessitate raising signs and guardrails, as
overlay is completely removed. well as increasing side slopes and extend ng
Construction of an AC overlay over JPCP, JRCP, or culverts. Sufficient right-of-way must be avi~il-
CRCP con~istsof the following major activities: able or obtainable to permit these activities.
(1) Repairing deteriorated areas and making sub-
drainage improvements (if needed).
5.6.2 Preoverlny Repair
(2) Constructing widening (if needed).
(3) Applying a tack coat.
The following types of distress in JPCP, JRCP, tnd
(4) Placing the AC overlay, including a reflection
CRCP should be repaired prior to placemer~tof an .AC
crack control treatment (if needed).

5.6.1 Feasibility Distress Type Repair Type

Working cracks Full-depth repair or slab
An AC overlay is a feasible rehabilitation alterna- replacement
tive for PCC pavements except when the condition of
Punchouts Full-depth PCC repair
the existing pavement dictates substantial removal and
Spalled joints Full-depth or partial-depth
replacement. Conditions under which an AC overlay repair
would not be feasible include:
Deteriorated repai1.s Full-depth repair
(1) The amount of deteriorated slab cracking and Pumping/faulting Edge drains
joint spalling is so great that complete removal Settlementslheaves AC level-up, slab jacking, or
and replacement of the existing surface is dic- localized reconstruction -
(2) Significant deterioration of the PCC slab has
occurred due to severe durability problems Full-depth repairs and slab replacements in JPCP
(e.g. , "D" cracking or reactive aggregates). and JRCP should be PCC, dowelled or tied to provide
(3) Vertical clearance at bridges is inadequate for load transfer across repair joints. Some agencies have
required overlay thickness. This may be ad- placed full-depth AC repairs in JPCP and JRCP prior
~ e s i i nof Pavement Stnrctures

to an AC overlay. However, this has often resulted in courage reflection crack occurrence and subsequent
rough spots in the overlay, opening of nearby joints deterioration include subdrainage improvement, sub-
and cracks, and rapid deterioration of reflection sealing slabs which have lost support, and restoring
cracks at AC patch boundaries. (See Part 111, Section load transfer a t joints and cracks with dowels grouted
4.3.1 and References 1 and 3.) in slots.
Full-depth repairs in CRCP should be PCC and A variety of reflection crack control measures have
should be continuously reinforced with steel which is been used in attempts to control the rates of reflection
tied or welded to reinforcing steel in the existing slab crack occurrence and deterioration. Any one of the
to provide load transfer across joints and slab continu- following treatments may be employed in an effort to
ity. Full-depth AC repairs should not be used in CRCP control reflection cracking in an .AC overlay of JPCP
prior to placement of an AC overlay, and any existing or JRCF:
A(: patches in CRCP should be removed and replaced
with continuously reinforced PCC. Guidelities on re- (1) Sawing and sealing joints in the AC overlay at
pairs are provided in References 1 and 3. locations coinciding with joints in the under-
Installation of edge drains, maintenance of existing lying JPCP or JRCP. This technique has been
edge drains, or.other subdrainage improvement should very successful when applied to AC overlays'of
be done prior to placement of the overlay if a suh- ,jointed PCC pavements when the sawcut
drainage evaluation indicates a need for such an im- matches the joint or straight crack within an
provement. inch.
Pressure relief joints should be placed only at fixed (2j Increasing AC overlay thickness. Reflection
structures, and not at regular intervals along the pave- cracks will take more time to propagate
rncnt. The only exception to this is where reactive through a thicker overlay and deteriorate more
aggregate has caused expansion of the slab. On heav- slowly.
ilj. trafficked routes, pressure relief joints should be of (3) Placing a bituminous-stabilized granular in-
heavy-duty design with dowels (3). If joints contain terlayer (large-sized large stone), prior to or
si1:nificant incompressibles, they should be cleaned in combination with placement ofthe AC over-
and resealed prior to placement of the overlay. lay has been effective.
(4) Placing a syntlietic fabric or a stress-absorb-
ing interlayer prior to or within the AC
5.6.3 Reflection Crack Control overlay. The effectiveness of this technique is
The basic mechanism of reflection cracking is ( 5 ) Rubblizing and compacting JPCP, JRCP, or
strain concehtration in the overlay due to movement in CRCP prior to placement of the AC overlay.
the vicinity of joints and cracks in the existing pave- This technique reduces the size of PCC pieces
ment. This movement may be bending or shear in- to a maximum of about 12 inches and essen-
duced by loads, or may be horizontal contraction tially reduces the slab to a high-strength granu-
induced by temperature changes. Load-induced move- lar base course. See Section 5.5 for the design
ments are influenced by the thickness of the overlay procedure for AC overlays of rubblized PCC
and the thickness and stiffness of the existing pave- pavement.
ment. Temperature-induced movements are influ- (6) Cracking and seating JPCP or breaking and
enced by daily and seasonal temperature variations, seating JRCP prior to placement of the AC
the coefficient of thermal exparlsion of the existing overlay. This technique reduces the size of
pavement, and the spacing of joints and cracks. PCC pieces and seats them in the underlyine
In an AC overlay of JPCP or JRCP, reflection base, which reduces horizontal (and possibly
cracks typically develop relatively soon after the over- vertical) movements at cracks. See Section 5.5
lay is placed (often in less than a year). The rate at for the design procedure for AC overlays of
which they deteriorate depends on the factors listed cracklseat JPCP and breaklseat JRCP.
above as well as the traffic level. Thorough repair of
deteriorated joints and working cracks with full-depth Reflection cracking can have a considerable (often
dowelled or tied PCC repairs reduces the rate of re- controlling) influence on the life of an AC overlay of
flection crack occurrence and deterioration, so long as JPCP or JRCP. Deteriorated reflection cracks detract
good load transfer is obtained at the full-depth repair from a pavement's serviceability and also require
joints. Other preoverlay repair efforts which will dis- frequent maintenance, such as sealing, milling, and
Rehabilitation with Overlays

patching. Reflection cracks also permit water to enter D,,, = Effective thickness of existing slab,
the pavement structure, which may result in loss of inches
bond between the AC and PCC, stripping in the AC,
progression of "D" cracking or reactive aggregate The A factor, which is a function of the PCC thick-
distress in PCC slabs with these durability problems, ness deficiency, is given by the following equation,
and softening of the base and subgrade. For this rea- and is illustrated in Figure 5.9.
son, reflection cracks should be sealed as soon as they
appear and resealed periodically throughout the life of
the overlay. Sealing low-severity reflection cracks niay
also be effective in retarding their progression to me-
dium and .high severity levels.
With an AC overlay of CRCP, permanent repair of AC overlays of conventional JPCP, JKCP, arid
punchouts and working cracks with tied or welded CKCP have been constructed as thin as 2 inches and as
reinforced PCC full-depth repairs will delay the oc- thick as 10 inches. The most typical thicknesses that
currelice and deterioration of reflection cracks. Im- have been constructed for highways are 3 to 6 inches.
proving subdrainage conditions and subsealing in The required overlay thickr~essuiay be determined
areas where the slab has lost support will also discour- through the following design steps. These design steps
age reflection crack occurrgce and deterioration. Re- provide a comprehensive design approach that recom-
flection crack control treatments are not necessary for mends testing the pavement to obtain valid design ill-.
AC overlays of CRCP, except for longitudinal joints, puts. If it is not possible to co~lductthis testing (e.g.,
as long as continuously reinforced PCC repairs are for a low-volume road), an approxiriiate overlay de-
used to repair deteriorated areas and cracks. sign may be developed based upon visible distress
observations by skipping Steps 4 and 5, and by esti-
mating other inputs.
5.6.4 Subdrainage The overlay design can be done for a unifor~nsec-
tion or on a point-by-point basis as described in Set:-
See Section 5.2.4 for guideli~~es. tion 5.3.1.

Step I : Existitrg puvenrerrt

5.6.5 Thicltness Design
(I) Existing slab thickness
If the overlay is being placed for some functional (2) Type of load transfer (meclian~caldevices, . ~ g -
purpose such as roughness or friction, a minimum gregate interlock, CRCP)
thickness overlay that solves the functional problem (3) Type of shoulder (tied PCC, other)
should be placed. If the overlay is being placed for the
purpose of structural improvement, the required thick-
Step 2: 'WSfic arrulysis.
ness of the overlay is a function of the structural ca-
pacity requrred to meet future traffic demands and the (1) Past cumulative 18-kip ESALs in the design
structural capacity of the existing pavement. The re- lane (N,), for use in the remaining life method
quired overlay thickness to increase structural capac- of DClfdetermination only
ity to carry future traffic is determined by the (2) Predicted future 18-kip ESALs in the design
following equation. lane over the design per~od(Nf)
Use ESALs computed fro111 rigid pavemellt
load equivalency factors

Step 3: Condition survey.

The following distresses are rneasured during the
Do, = Required thickness of AC overlay, inches condition survey for JPCP, JKCP, and CRCP. Sanl-
A = Factor to convert PCC thickness pling along the znost heavily trafficked lane of the
deficiency to AC overlay thickness project limy be used lo estimate tliese quantities. Dis-
Df = Slab thickness to carry hture traffic, tress types and severities are defined in Kekrence 23.
inches Deteriorated means medium or higher severity.
Rehablflrarion with Overlays

using Figures 5.10 and 5.11 or a backcalculation pro-

(1) Number of deteriorated transverse joints per The AREA of each deflection basin is computed by
mile the following equation. AREA will typically range
(2) Number of deteriorated transverse cracks per from 29 to 32 for sound concrete.
(3) Number of full-depth AC patches, exception-
ally wide joints (greater than 1 inch), and ex-
pansion joints per mile (except at bridges)
AREA = 6 * [I +2 (3)+ (5),(2)]
2 i-

(4) Presence and overall severity of PCC durabil-

ity problems where
(a) '"D" cracking: low severity (cracks
only), medium severity (some spalling), do = deflection in center of load~ngplate, inches
high severity (severe spalling) d, = deflections at 12, 24, ar~d36 inches fro111
(b) Reactive aggregate cracking: low, me- plate center, inches
dium, high severity
(5) Evidence of faulting, o r pumping of fines o r (1) Effkctive dynunric k-value. Enter Figure 5.10
water at joints, cracks, and pavelnent edge with do arid AIiEA to detel.~l~ilrc
tile cf'l'ectivc:
4, dynamic k-value beneath each slab for a circu-
CRCP: lar load radius of 5.9 i~ichesand magnitude of
(1) Number of punchouts per niile 9,000 pounds. For loads withiri 2,000 pounds
(2) Number of deteriorated transverse cracks per more or less, deflections inay be scaled lin-
mile early to 9,000-pound deflections.
(3) Number of full-depth AC patches, exception- If a single overlay thickness is being de-
ally wide joints (greater than 1 inch) and ex- signed for a uniform section, compute the
pansion joints per mile (except at bridges) mean effective dynamic k-value of the slabs
(4) Number of existing and new repairs prior to tested in the uniform section.
overlay per mile ( 2 ) Ejfective sturic k-vulue.
(5) Presence and general severity of PCC durabil-
ity problems (NOTE: surface spalling of tight Effective static k-value
cracks where the underlying CRCP is sound
should not be considered a durability prob- = Effective dynamic k-value12
(a) "D" cracking: low severity (cracks The effective static k-vulue riiuy ~ ~ c to
e dbe ad-
only), medium severity (some spalling), justed for seasonal effects using the approach
. high severity (severe spalling) presented in Part 11, Section 3.2.1. Ilowever,
(b) Reactive aggregate cracking: low, me- the k-value can cl~artgesubstiintially and have
dium, high severity only a sntall effect on overlay thickness.
(6) Ev~denceof pumping of fines or water Elusric ~trodulusoff'CC .slnb (E). Enter Figure
5.11 with AREA, proceed to the effective dy-
Step 4: Deflection testing naniic k-value curves, and determine a value
(strorlgly recommended). for E w , where D is the slab tk~ickriess.Solve
Measure slab deflection basins along the project at for E knowing the slab thickness, D. Typical
an interval sufficient to adequately assess conditions. slab E values rarige frorn 3 to 8 million psi. If a
Intervals of 100 to 1,000 feet are typical. Measure slab E value is obtained that is out of this
deflections with sensors located at 0, 12, 24, and 36 range, an error may exist ill the assunled slab
inches from the center of load. Measure deflections in thickness, the deflection basin may have been
the outer wheel path. A heavy-load deflection device measured over a crack, or the PCC may be
(e.g., Falling Weight Deflectorneter) and a load mag- significantly deteriorated.
nitude of 9,000 pounds are recommended. ASTM D If a single overlay thickness is being de-
4694 and D 4695 provide additional guidance on de- signed for a uniform section, compute the
flection testing. For each slab tested, backcalculate mean E value of the slabs tested in the uniform
the effective k-value and the slab's elastic modulus section.
Design of Pal~enretrtStructures
Rehabilitation with overlays
Design of Po~~entent

Do not use any k-values or E values that If the rehabilitation will include the zddition of
appear to be significantly out of line with the a tied concrete shoulder, a lower J factor may
rest of the data. be appropriate. See Part 11, Table 2.6.
(4) Joint load transfer. For JPCP and JRCP, mea- For CRCP, use J = 2.2 to 2.6 for overlay
sure joint load transfer in the outer wheelpath design, assuming that working cracks are re-
at representative transverse joints. Do not paired with continuous!y reinforced PCC.
measure load transfer when the ambient tem-
perature is greater than 80°F. Place the load Step 5: Coring and ntaterials testing (strongly
, plate on one side of the joint with the edge of recommended).
the plate touching the joint. 'Measure the de- PCC modullcs of rupture (S:). Cut several 6-
flection at the center of the load plate and at 12 inch-diameter cores at midslab and test in indi-
inches from the center. Compute the deflection rect tension (ASTM C 496). Compute the indi-
load transfer from the following equation. rect tensile strength (psi) of the cores. Estimate
the modulus of rupture with the following

ALT = deflection load transfer, percent
SL = modulus of rupture, psi
A = unloaded side deflection, inches
IT = indirect tensile strength of
AI = loaded side deflection, inches
6-inch-diameter cores, psi
B = slab bending correction factor
Step 6: Determination of required slab tltickness
The slab bending correction factor, B, is for future traffic (P,).
necessary because the deflections do and d,2,
measured 12 inches apart, would not be equal The inputs to determine D, for AC overlays of PCC
even if measured in the interior of a slab. An pavements are representative of the existing slab and
appropriate value for the correction factor may foundation properties. This is emphasized because it
be determined from the ratio of do to d12 for is the properties of the existing slab (i.e., elastic mod-
typical' center slab deflection basin measure- ulus, modulus of rupture, an3 load transfer) which
ments, as shown in the equation below. Typical will control the performance of the AC overlay.
values for R are between 1.05 and 1.15. (I) Eflectivr static k-tmhte bcrlenth e.ristirrg PCC
slab. Determine from one of the following
= do center
(a) Backcalculate the effective dynarilic k-
d I2 center
value from deflection basins. Divide the
effective dynamic k-value by 2 to obtain
If a single overlay thickness is being designed the effective static k-value. The effective
for a uniform section, compute the mean de- static k-value may need to be adjusted for
flection load transfer value of the joints tested seasonal effects using the approach pre-
in the uniform section. sented in Part 11, Section 3.2.1.
For JPCP and JRCP, determine the J load (b) Conduct plate load tests (ASTM D 1 196)
transfer coefficient using the following guide- after slab removal at a few sites. This
lines: alternative is very costly and titne-con-
suming and not often used. The static k-
Percent Load Transfer J value obtained may need to be adjusted
for seasonal effects (see Part 11, Section
(c) Estimate from soils data and base type
and thickness, using Figure 3.3 in Part
Rehabilitation with overlay^.

11, Section 3.2. This alternative is sirn- (9) Subdruirrage cupability of existing slab, after
ple, but the static k-value obtained must subdrainage improve~nznts,if any. See Part 11,
be recognized as a rough estimate. The Table 2.5, as well as reference 5 , for guiuunce
static k-value may need to be adjusted for in determining Cd. Pumping or faultirlg at
seasonal effects (see h r t 11, Section joints and cracks' deterinined in Step 3 is evi-
3.2.1). dence that a subdrainage problern exists. In
(2) Design PSI loss. PSI immediately after overlay selecting this value, note that the poor sub-
(PI) minus PSI at time of next rehabilitatiori drainage situation at the AASHO Road Test
(P2). would be given a Cd of 1.0.
(3) J, load transfer fuctor of exi~tingPCC slub.
Co~nputeDf for the above desig~iiriputs using the
See Step 4.
rigid pavement design equation or norriograph i r ~Part
(4) PCC modulus ofrupturr of existing slab deter-
11, Figure 3.7. When designing an overlay thicxness
mined by one of the following methods:
for a ur~ifor~n pavement scction, niean input balues
(a) Estimated from indirect tensils strength must be used. When designing an overlay thickness
measured from 6-inch-diameter cores as
for specific points along the project, the data for that
described in Step 5.
point must be used. A worksheet for deterrnini~~p D, is
(b) Estimated fro111 the backcalcu1,zted E of provided in Table 5.7. Typical values of iriputs are
slab using>lle following equation.
provided for guidance. Values outside these ranges
should be used with caution.

Step 7: Deterniinution of ejfective slob thick~iess

(D,,,) of existing pavement.
Condition survey and renlainir~glife procedurzs are
S&= modulus of rupture, psi
E = backcalculided elastic n ~ ~ d u l u s Den From Condition Survey For YCC lhaven~ents
of PCC slab, psi
The effective thickness of the existilig slab (Lt,,,) ib
For CRCP, St may be determined computed from the followi~lb' tbyUatlOll:
from the backcalculated E values only at
points which have no cracks within the
deflection basins.
(5) Elastic modulus of existing PCC slub, deter-
mined by one of the following methods:
(a) Backcalculated from deflection measure- D = existing PCC slab thickness, inches
ments as described in Step 4.
(b) Estimated fro111 indirect tensile strength. (1) Joints urrd crucks ~ d j u s ~ n l e rJlIt~ c t o r(5,).This
(6) Loss of support of existing slub. Joint corners factor adjusts for tlie extra loss in PSI caused
that have loss of support may be identified by deteriorated reflection cracks in the overlay
using FWD detlection testing as described in that will result from any unrepaired dcterio-
Reference 2 . CRCP loss of sugport may be rated joints, cracks, arid other discontiiluitics
determined by plotting a slab edge or in the existing slab prior to overiay. A d-terio-
wheelpath deflection profile and identifying rated joint or crack in the existing slab will
locations with significantly high deflections. rapidly reflect through an AC overlay and con-
Existing loss of support can be corrected with tribute to loss of serviceability. Therefore, it is
slab stabilization. For overlay thickness design reco~rilnendedthat all deteriorated joints and
assume a fully supported slab, LS = 0. cracks (for non-"D" cricked or reactive ag-
(7) Overlay design reliability, R Dercent). See gregate related distressed pavements) a ~ i dany
Part I, Section 4.2, Part 11, Table 2.2, and Part other major discontinuities in the existirig slab
111, Section 5.2.15. be full-depth repaired with dowelled or tied
(8) Overall stundard deviation (So)for rigld yuve- PCC repairs prior to overlay, so that F,, -
menf. See Part I, Section 4.3. 1.oo.
Design of Pavemenr Structures

a b l e 5.7. Worksheet for Determination of Df for JPCP, JRCP, and CRCP

Existing PCC slab thickness - inches
Type of load transfer system: mechanical device, aggregate interlock, CRCP
Type of shoulder = tied PCC, other
PCC modulus of rupture (typically 600 to 800 psi) -
- psi
PCC E modulus (3 to 8 million psi for sound PCC,
< 3 million for unsound PCC) -
- psi
J load transfer factor (3.2 to 4.0 for JPCF',
JRCP 2.2 to 2.6 for CRCP) -
Future 18-kip ESALs in design lane over
the design period (Nf)


Effective dynamic k-value - psilinch
Effective static k-value = Effective dynamic k-value/2
(typically 50 to 500 psilinch) - psilinch
Subdrainage coefficient, C ,
(typically 1.0 for poor subdrainage conditions) -

Design PSI loss (PI - P2)

Design reliability, R (80 to 99 percent) - percent
Overall standard deviation, So (typically 0.39) -


Required slab thickness for future traffic is determined from rigid pavement
design equation or nomograph in Part 11, Figure 3.7.
Df = -inches

If it is not possible to repair all deteriorated Number of unrepaired deteriorated joints/

areas, the following information is needed to mile
determine Fj,, to increase the overlay thickness Number of unrepaired deteriorated cracks1
to account for the extra loss in PSI from deteri- mile
orated reflection cracks in the design lane: Number of unrepaired punchouts/mile
Pavements with no "D" cracking or reac- Number of expansion joints, exceptionally
tive aggregate distress: wide joints (greater than 1 inch), and
Rehabilitatior~with Overklys

full-depth, full-lane-width AC patches/ 0.97-1.00:

Few transverse
mile crackstpunchouts exlst (none
Note that tight cracks held together by caused by "Dm cracklng or
reinforcement in JKCP or CRCP are not in- reactive aggregate distress)
cluded. However, if a crack in JKCP or JPCP: < 5 percent slabs are cracked
CRCP is spalled and faulted the steel has JRCP: <25 working cracks per rnile
probably ruptured, and the crack should be CRCP: < 4 punchouts per mile
considered as working. Surface spalling of
0.94-0.96:A significarlt number of
CRCP cracks is not an indication that the transverse cracks/punchouts
crack is working.
exist (none caused by "I)"
The total number of unrepaired deterio-
cracking or reactive aggregate
rated joints, cracks, punchouts, and other
discontinuities per niile in the design lane is
JPCP: 5-15 percent slabs are cracked
used to determine the F,, from Figure 5.12.
JRCP: 25-75 working cracks per rnile
Pavements with "D" cracking or reactive CRCP: 4-12 punchouts per mile
aggregate deterioration:
0.90-0.93:A large number of transverse
These types of pavements often have de-
cracks/puncliouts exist (none
terioration at tG joints arid cracks from du-
caused by "D" cracking or
rability problems. The F,,, factor is used to
reactive aggregate uistress)
adjust the overlay thickness for this prob-
JPCP: > 15 percent slabs :ire cracked
lem. Therefore, when this is the case, tlie
JRCP: > 75 working cracks per milt:
5, should be determined from Figure 5.12 CRCP: > 12 punchou~sper mile
only using those unrepaired deteriorated
joints and cracks that are not caused by du-
rability proble~ns.If all of the deteriorated
joints and cracks are spalling due to "D" From Kenraining Life For PCC Pavenrents
cracking or reactive aggregate, then F,, =
1.O. This will avoid adjusting twice with F,, The reillairling life of the pavernent is give11 by :he
and F,,, factors. following equation:

(2) Durability udjustrnerrtfactor (F,,,,,). This factor

adjusts for an extra loss in PSI of the overlay
when the existing slab has durability problema
such as "D" cracking or reactive aggregate
distress. Using condition survey data from
Step 3 , F,,, is determined as follows. where

1.00: No sign of PCC durability KL = renia~niriglife, percent

N, = total traffic to date, ESALs
0.96-0.99: Durability cracking exists, but N, = total traSl?c to pavenient "failu~e," ES/\Ls
no spalling
0.88-0.95: Substantial cracking and sonie N, may be est~nlateduslng tlie new pavement de-
spalling exists sign ecluatio~rsor no~nographsin Part 11. To be con-
0.80-0.88: Extensive cracking and severe sistent with the AASHO Road Test and the
spalling exists develop~nentof these equat~ons,a "failure" PSI equal
Futigire dan~llrgeudjusrnlent fucror (Fh,,). This to 1.5 and a reliability of 50 percent are izcotll-
factor adjusts for past fatigue dit~i~agethat rnay n~ended.
exist in the slab. It is deternlined by observirrg DCttis determined from the following equation:
the extent of transverse cracking (JPCi', JKCP)
or punchouts (CRCP) that may be caused pri-
marily by repeated loading. Use condition sur-
vey data from Step 3 and the followir~g
guidelines to estimate Ff,, in the design lane. where
Design of Pavement Structures
R e h a ~ i l i r u t i o nwith Overluys

CF = condition factor determined from Figure 5.6.7 Widening

D = thickness of the existing slab See Section 5.2.16 for guidelines.

The designer should recognize that Detfdeterniined

by this method does not reflect any benefit for pre- 5.7 AC OVERLAY OF AC'/JPCP, AC/JHCI',
overlay repair. The estimate of Deff obtained should AND ACICRCY
thus be considered a lower limit value. The DeIfof the
pavement will be higher if preoverlay repair of load- This section covers the design of AC overlays of
associated distress is done. This method for determin- existirig AC/JPCP, ACIJRCP, or ACICKCP. Although
ing Deff is not applicible without' modification to some pavements are newly constructed as ACIPCC:,
pavements which have already received one or more the vast majority of existing ACIPCC pavements ale
overlays, even if the overla) has been or will be corn- PCC pavements which have been overlaid with AC ilt
pletely milled off. least once.
A worksheet for determination of Deff for JPCP, Construction of an AC overlay of ACIJPCP, AC'I
JRCP, and CRCP is provided in Table 5.8. JRCP, or AC/CKCP consists of the following Inajclr
Step 8: De ferniinatioti oLOverlay Thickness. Repairing deteriorated areas and n~akingsub-
The thickness of AC overlay is computed as fol- drainage improvements (if needed)
lows: (2) Milling a portion of the existing AC surface
(3) Coristrucling widening (if needed)
(4) Applying a tack coat
(5) Placing the AC overlay, irlcluding a reflection
crack co~itroltreatment (if needed)

Do, = Required thickness of AC overlay, inches 5.7.1 Feasibility

A = Factor to convert PCC thickness
deficiency to AC overlay thickness An AC overlay is a feasible rehabilitation alternil-
Df = Slab thickness determined in Step 6, tive for an ACIPCC pavement except when the condi-
inches tion of the existing pavement dictates substantial
D,,, = Effective thickness of existing slab removal and replacement. Conditions under which all-
determined in Step 7, inches other AC overlay would not be feasible include the
TJie A factor, which is a function of the PCC thick- The amount of deteriorated slab cracking and
ness deficiency, is given by the following equation and (1)
joint spalling is so great that complete rerrloval
is illustrated in Figure 5.9.
and replacement of the existing surface is dic-
(2) Significant deterioration of the PCC slab hss
occ~~rred due lo severe durability probien~s
(e.g., "D" cracking or reactive aggregates).
(3) Vertical clearance at bridges is inadequate fur
The thickness of overlay determined from the required overlay thickness. This rnay be ad-
above relationship should be reasonable when the dressed by reducing the overlay thickness uri-
overlay is required to correct a structural deficiency. der the bridges (although this may result in
See Section 5.2.17 for discussion of faders which early failure at these locations), by raising the
nlay result in unreasonable overlay thicknesses. bridges, or by reconstructing he pavenlent uri-
der the bridges. Thicker AC overlays may also
necessitate raising signs and guardrails, as
well as increasing side slopes and extending
culverts. Sufficient right-of-way rnust be avaii-
See Section 5.2.10 for guidelines. able or obtainable to perniit these activities.
111- (26 I ~ e s i & of Pavement Structures

n b l e 5.8. Calculation of DeRfor AC Overlay of JPCP, JRCP, and CRCP in the Design Lane
Condition Survey Method:
F*, Number of unrepaired deteriorated jointslmile -
Number of unrepaired deteriorated crackslmile -
Number of unrepaired punchouts/mile - --
Number of expansion joints, exceptionally wide joints
(> 1 inch) or AC full-depth patcheslmile -

Fjc = (Figure 5.12)

(Recommend2d value 1.O, repair all deteriorated areas)

Fdur . 1.00: No sign of PCC durability problems

0.96-0.99: Some durability cracking exists, but no spalling exists
0.88-0.95: Substantial cracking and some spalling exists
0.80-0.88: Extensive cracking ,and severe spalling exists

Frat 0.97- I .00: Very few transverse cracks/punchouts exist

0.94-0.96: A significant number of transverse cracks/punchouts exist
0.90-0.93: A large number of transverse cracks/punchouts exist

Remaining Life Method:

N, = Past design lane ESALs
N1,5 = Design lane ESALs to P2 of 1.5

CF = (Figure 5.2)
When another AC overlay of an existing ACIJPCP, retlection cracks should be conducted to assess the
ACIJRCP, or ACICRCP is being considered, the condition of the underlyi~lgpavement.
causes of the deterioration in the existing pavement Coring should be co~iductedat areas of localized
should be carefully investigated. If the PCC slab is distress to determine whether they are caused by a
sound and in good condition but the existing AC layer problem in the AC mix or deterioration in the PCC
is badly rutted or otherwise deteriorated, the AC (e.g., "D" cracking). In the latter case, the PCC may
should be thoroughly repaired or milled off. If, how- be deteriorated to a much greater extent than is evident
ever, distress visible at the AC surface is predomi- at the AC surface: Additional coring or removal of
nantly a reflection of deterioration in the underlying portions of the AC may be necessary to select appro-
PCC, the pavement must be repaired through the full priate repair boundaries.
depth of the AC and PCC. Otherwise, the distress will -. Full-depth repairs to ACIPCC pavements should
reflect rapidly through the new AC overlay. It is match the existing cross-section, i.e., the PCC slab
strongly recommended that coring arid deflection test- should be full-depth repaired with the same thickness
ing be conducted to thoroughly investigate the causes of PCC, and then capped with AC to the same thick-
and extent of deterioration in the existing pavement. ness as the existing AC. Full-depth repairs and slab
replace~nentsin ACIJPCP or ACIJRCP should be A<:/
PCC, dowelied or tied to provide load transfer across
repair joints. Some agencies have placed full-depth
AC repairs in AClJPCP and ACIJRCP prior to an AC
overlay. However, this has often resulted in rough
The following types of distress in ACIJPCT: AC/ spots in the new overlay, opening of nearby joints arid
JRCP, and ACICRCP should be repaired prior to
cracks, and rapid deterioration of reflection cracks at
placement of an AC overlay. AC patch boundaries.
ACICRCP full-depth repairs should be ACIPCC
arid should be continuously reinforced with steel
Distress Type Repair Type which is tied or welded to reinforcing steel in the
- -
Rutting Milling existing slab, to provide load transfer across joints ar~d
Deteriorated reflection Full-depth repair or slab continuity. Full-depth AC repairs should not be
cracks slab replacement used in ACICRCP prior to placement of an AC over-
Deteriorated repairs Full-depth repair lay, and any existing AC patches in ACICKCP should
Punchouts Full-depth repair be renloved and replaced with AC over continuously
Localized distress in AC only AC patching reinforced PCC. Guidelines on repair are provided in
Localized distress in PCC Full-depth repair References 1 and 3 .
Pumping Edge drains Installation of edge drains, maintenance of existing
Settlementslheaves AC level-up, slab edge drains, or other subdrainage improvement should
jacking, or local- be done prior to placement of the overlay if a sub-
ized reconstruction drainage evaluation indicates a need for such an irn-
Pressure relief joints should be placed only at tlxed
structures, and not at regular iritervals along the pave-
In ACIJPCP and ACIJRCP, medium- and high-se- ment. The orily exception to this is where reactive
verity reflection cracks in the AC surface are evidence aggregate has caused expansion of the slab. On heav-
of working cracks, deteriorated joints, or fa~ledre- ily trafficked routes, pressurt: relief joints should be of
pairs in the PCC slab, all of which should be full- heavy-duty design with dowels ( 3 ) .
depth repaired. Low-severity reflection cracks may
exist at regclar joints and full-depth repair joints. If
these cracks are sealed and do not appear to be deteri- 5.7.3 Reflection Crack Control
orating at a significant rate, they might not warrant
pre-overlay repair other than sealing. Rellection cracking in an AC overlay of ACIJPCP,
In ACICRCP, reflectiop cracks of all severities sug- ACIJRCP, or ACICRCP occurs over reflection cracks
gest the presence of working cracks, deteriorated con- in the first AC overlay, and nay also occur over new
struction joints, or failed repairs in the PCC slab, all repairs. The basic mechanism of ret1ec;ioli cracking is
of which should be repaired. Coring through selected strain concentration in the overlay due to ~noverrientin
Design of Pavement Structures

the vicinity of joints and cracks in the existing pave- occurrcilce and deterioration of new reflection cracks.
ment. This movement may be bending or shear in- Improving subdrainage conditions and subsealing in
duced by loads, or may be horizontal contraction areas where the slab has lost support will also discour-
induced by temperature changes. Load-induced move- age reflection crack occurrence and deterioration. Re-
ments are influenced by the thickness and stiffness of flection crack control treatments are not necessary for
the AC layers, the thickness of the PCC, the degree of AC overlays of ACfCRCP, except for longitudinal
load transfer at the joints and cracks, and the extent of joints, as long as continuously reinforced ACiPCC
loss of support under the PCC slab. Temperature-in- repairs are used to repair deteriorated areas and
duced movements are influenced by daily and seasonal cracks.
temperature variations, the coefficients of thermal ex-
pansion of the existing pavement layers, and the spac-
ing of joints and cracks. 5.7.4 Subdrainage
Pre-overlay repair, including full-depth repair, sub-
drainage improvement, and subsealing, is the most See Section 5.2.4 for guidelines.
effective means of controlling reflection crack occur-
rence and deterioration in a second AC overlay of an
A(:/JPCP or ~ I J R C Ppavement. Additional reflec- 5.7.5 Thickness Design
tion crack control treatments may be used as well,
including: If the overlay is being placed for some functional
purpose such as roughness or friction, a minimum
( I) Placing a synthetic fabric, stress-absorbing in- thickness overlay that solves the functional problem
terlayer, or bituminous-stabilized granular should be placed. If the overlay is being placed for the
layer prior to or in combination with the AC purpose of structural improvement, the required thick-
overlay. ness of the overlay is a function of the structural ca-
(2) Sawing and sealing joints in the AC overlay at pacity required to meet future traffic demands and the
locations coinciding with reflection cracks and structural capacity of the existing pavement. The re-
repair boundaries in the ACIJPCP or ACI quired overlay thickness to increase structural capac-
JRCP. This technique has becn very successful ity to carry Future traffic is determined by the
when applied to AC overlays of jointed PCC following equation.
pavements when the sawcut matches the joint
or straight crack within an inch.
(2) Increasing rhe AC overlay thickness. Rcflec-
tion cracks will take more time to propagate
through a thicker overlay and may deteriorate where
more slowly.
Reflection cracking can have a considerable (often Do,= Required thickness of AC overlay, inches
controlling) influence on the life of an AC overlay of A = Factor to convert PCC thickness
ACIJPCP or ACfJRCP. Deteriorated reflection cracks deficiency to AC overlay thickness
detract from a pavement's serviceability and also re- D, = Slab thickness to carry future traffic,
quire frequent maintenance, such as sealing, milling, inches
and patching. Reflection cracks also permit water to Dell = Effective equivalent PCC slab thickness
enter the pavement structure, which may result in loss of existing AC/PCC, inches
of bond between the AC and PCC, stripping in the AC
The A factor, which is a function of the PCC thick-
layers, progression of "D" cracking or reactive aggre-
ness deficiency, is given by the following equation and
gat'e distress in PCC slabs with these durability prob-
is illustrated in Figure 5.9.
lems, and softening of the base and subgrade. For this
reason, reflection cracks should be sealed as soon as
the)- appear and resealed periodically throughout the
life of the overlay. Sealing low-severity reflection
cracks may also be effective in retarding their progres-
sion to medium and high severity levels.
Repairing reflection cracks in existing ACICRCP 'I he required overlay thickness may be determined
prior to placement of an AC overlay will delay the through the following design steps. These design steps
Rchabilirnrior! with Overluys

provide a comprehensive design approach that recom- 4) Evidence of puniping of fines or water
mends testing the pavement to obtain valid design in- (5) Mean rut depth
puts. If it is not possible to conduct this testing (e.g.,
for a low-volume road), an approxiluate overlay de- Step 4: DeJectio~z testing
sign may be developed based upon visible distress (strongly recommended).
observations by skipping Steps 4 and 5 , and by esti-
~natirigother inputs. Measure slab dellection basins along the project at
The overlay design can be done for a uniform sec- an interval sufficient to adequately assess conditions.
tion or on a point-by-point basis as described in Sec- Intervals of 100 to 1,000 feet are typical. Measure
tion 5.3.1. deflectiorls with sensors located at 0, 12, 24, and 36
inches from the center of the load. Measure dellec-
Step 1: Existing pavenrent design. tions ill the outer wheel path, unless rutling of the AC
surface interferes -with proper seating of the load
(1) Existing AC surface thickness
plate, in which case deflections should be n~easured
(2) Existing PCC slab thickness
Q p e of load transfer (~nechanicaldekices, ag- between the wheelpaths. A heavy-load dellection de-
gregate interlock, CRCP) vice (e.g., Falling Weight 1)eilectorneter) and a load
Type of shoulder (tied PCC, other) ~iiagnitudeof 9,UOO pounds are recolnmended. ASTM
D 4694 and D 4695 provide additional guidance on
Step 2: Tkaffic analysis. deflection testing.

(1) Predicted future 18-kip ESALs in the design (I) Brt~pcrutcrrrof ACntix. Tlie teriiperature of tire
lane over the design period (Nt) AC mix during deflection testing must be ui;-
Use ESALs computed fiom rigid pavernent termined. This rrlay be nieasured directly by
load equivalency factors drilling a hole into the AC surface, inserting a
liquid and a terrlperature probe, and readir,g
Step 3: Corrditiun survey. the AC rnix temperature when it lias stabilized.
The following distresses are nleasured during the This should be done at least three tilrles during
condition survey. Sampling along the most heavily each day's testing, so tiiat a curve ot' AC niix
trafficked lane of the project may be used to estiniate temperature versus ti~rie111aybe developed aiid
these quantities. Distress types and severities are de- used to assign a nlix ternperature to each basin.
tined in Reference 23. Deteriorated means medium or If measured AC [nix telilperatures are ~:ot
higher severity. available, they may be approxi~llatedfro111cor-
relations with yavenient surface and air tein-
perawres (24, 25, 26, 27). Pavenlent surface
( ) Nuniber of deteriorated reflection cracks per temperature may be monitored during deflec-
rnile tion testing using a hand-held infrared sensirlg
(2) Number ot full-depth AC patches and expan- device which is aimed at the pavement. The
sion joints per mile (except at bridges) rneari air ternperature for the five days prior to
(3) Evidence of purnping of fines or water at deflection testing, which is an input to some of
cracks and pavement edge the referenced rnethods for estirilating n:ix
(4) Mean rut depth temperature, may be obtained f r o n ~a local
(5) Number of localized failules weather station or other local sources.
The following distresses are nleasured during the (2) Bl~.sticrnodulus of AC. The t~lodulusof the AC
condition survey f i r ACICRCP. Sampling may be layer st~ouldbe determined for each deflection
used to estimate these qaantities. basin. l b o methods are available for determin-
ing the AC modulus, E,,.
(a) Esti~tlarrE,, frorn AC mix ten~yerc~turr.
(1) Nurnber of unrepaired punchouts per riiile The elastic modulus of the *4C layer nlay
(2) Number of unrepaired reflection cracks per be estimated from AC lnix properties iind
milr: the AC mix temperature assigned t ~ , a
(3) Nu111berof unrepaired existing deteriorated re- detlection basin using the following
pairs and hll-depth AC repairs per mile equation (26):
~ e s f o
~f nPnvement Structures

Each agency should establish its own

relationship for AC modulus versus tem-
perature which is representative of the
properties of its AC mixes.
It should be noted that the equation
for AC modulus as a function of mix pa-
rameters and temperature applies to new
mixes. AC which has been in service for
some years may have either a higher
modulus (due to hardening of the as-
phalt) or lower modulus (due to deterio-
ration of the AC, from stripping or other
causes) at any given temperature.
(b) Diametral resilient modulus testing of
where AC cores taken from the in-service AC/
PCC pavement, as described in step 5,
Em = elastic modulus of AC, may be used to establish a relationship
psi between AC modulus and temperature.
, = percent aggregate passing This relationship may be used to deter-
the No. 200 sieve , mine the AC modulus of each deflection
F = loading frequency, Hz basin at the time and temperature at
vv = air voids, percent which it was measured.
= absolute viscosity at
qmoF,le (3) Effective dynamic k-value beneath PCC slab.
70°F, lo6 poise (e.g., 1 Compute the compression which occurs in the
for AC-10, 2 for AC-20) AC overlay beneath the load plate using the
P ~ c = asphalt content, percent following equations.
by weight of mix
t, = AC mix temperature, OF
This may be reduced to a relationship
between AC modulus and AC mix tem-
perature for a particular loading fre-
quency (i.e., approximately 18 Hz for
the FWD load duration of 25 to 30 milli-
seconds) by assuming typical values for
the AC mix parameters P,,, Vv,P200rand AC, PCC LAYERS UNBONDED:
q. For example, the AC mix design used
by one State has the following typical

, = 4 percent
vv = 5 percent
~ ~ 0 a=~ 2, for
~ e AC-20 where
PBc = 5 percent
= AC compression at center of
For these values and an FWD loading load, inches
frequency of 18 Hz, the following equa- DBC = AC thickness, inches
tion for AC elastic modulus versus AC E,c = AC elastic modulus, psi
mix temperature is obtained:
The interface condition is a significant un-
known in backcalculation. The AC/PCC inter-
log E,, = 6.451235 ' face is fully bonded when the AC layer i~ first
- 0.0001fi4671t~92s44 placed, but how well that bond is retained is
11 Rehabilitarion with OverIays

not known. Examination of cores taken at a presented in Part 11, Section 3.2.1. However,
later time may show that bond has been re- the k-value can change substantially and hwe
duced or completely lost. This is particularly only a small effect on overlay thickness.
likely if stripping occurs at the ACIPCC inter- (5) Elustic modulus of PCC slab (15).Enter Figure
face. If the current interface bonding condition 5.11 with the AREA^, of the top of the PCC
is not determined by coring, the bonding con- slab, proceed to the effective dyriarnic k-value
dition which is considered more representative curves, and determine a value for ED3, where
of the project may be assumed. D is the PCC slab thickness. Solve fbr E knuw-
Using the above equations, the do of the ing the slab thickness, D. Typical slab E values
PCC slab in the AC/PCC pavemerit may be range fro111 3 to 8 million psi. If a slab E value
determined by subtracting the conipression is obtained out of this range, an error rnay exist
which occurs in the AC surface from the do in the assumeti slab thickness, the deflection
measured at the AC surface. basin may have been measured over LL crack. or
Compute the AREA of the PCC slab for the PCC may be significantly deteriorated.
each deflection basin from the following equa- If a single overlay tliickness is beirig de-
tion. signed for a uriifor~n section, colnpute the
mean E value of the slabs tested in the unifbrm
AREA, = 6 * p +Z(*) +2(%) Do not use any k-values or E values that
do PCC doc, appear to be significantly out of line with the
rest of the data.
(6) Joint loud trurlsfer. For ACIJPCP and ACI
JRCP, measure joint load transfer in the outer
wheelpath (or between the wheelpaths if the
where AC is badly rutted) at representative reflec~ion
cracks above transverse joints in the PCC siab.
,,d = PCC deflection in center of' Do riot measure load transfer when the arabi-
loading plate, inches (surface ent temperature is greater than 80°F. Place the
deflection d, rnirius AC load plate on one side of the retlecrion crack
compre~siondocomprcss) with the edge of the plate touchirig the joint.
d, = deflections at 12, 24, and 36 Measure the deflection at the center of the load
inches from plate center, inches plate and at 12 inches frnm the center. Com-
pute the deflection load transfer from the fol-
Enter Figure 5.10 with the do,, and lowing equation.
AREA,, of the PCC slab to determine the ef-
- fective dynamic k-value beneath the slab for a
circular load radius of 5.9 inches and magni-
tude of 9,000 pounds. Note that for loads
within 2,000 pounds more or less, deflections
may be scaled linearly to 4,000-pound deflec- where
If a single overlay thickness is being de- A LT = dellectiori load transfer, percei~t
signed for a uniform section, colnpute the A,, = unloaded side deflection, inches
mean effective dyriarnic k-value of the slabs A = loaded side deflection, inches
tested in the uniform section. B = slab bending and AC colx~pression
(4) Effective static k-vulue. correction factor

Effective static k-value The slab bending and AC compression cor-

rection factor, B, is necessary because the de-
= Effective dynarnic k-value12 tlections do and d,,, measured 12 inches apart,
would not be equal even if measured ic tile
The effective static k-value may need to be ad- interior of a slab. An appropriate value for the
justed for seasonal effects using the approach correctio~ifactor may be determined from the
Design of Pn~wnentStructures

ratio of do to d,, for typical center slab deflec- For purposes of interpreting NDT data, AC
tion basin measurements, as shown in the modulus values obtained from laboratory test-
equation below. ing of cores must be adjusted to account for the
difference between the loading frequency of
the test aFparatus (typically 1 to 2 Hz) and the
B = ---- loading frequency of the deflection testing de-
dl2 center vice (I8 Hz for the FWD). This adjustment is
made by multiplying the laboratory-deter-
I< a single overlay thickness is being designed niined E,, by a constant value which may be
for a uniform section, compute the mean de- determined for each laboratory testing temper-
flection load transfer value of the joints tested ature using the equation given in Step 4 for AC
in the uniform section. modulus as a function of mix parameters and
For ACIJPCP and ACIJRCP, determine the temperature. Field-frequency E,, values will
J load transfer coefficient using the following typically be 2 to 2.5 times higher than lab-
guidelines: frequency values.
Agencies may also wish to establish 'corre-
lations between resilient modulus and indirect
Percent Load Transfer J tensile strength for specific AC mixes.
> 70 3.2 (2) PCC modulus of ruptrtre (S:). Cut several 6-
50-70 3.5 inch-diameter cores at midslab and test in indi-
< 50 4.0 rect tension (ASTM C 496). Compute the indi-
rect tensile strength (psi) of the cores. Estimate
the modulus of rupture with the following
If the rehahilitation will include the addi- equation.
tion of a tied concrete shoulder, a lower J fac-
tor may be appropriate. See Part 11, Table 2.6.
For ACJCRCP, use J = 2.2 to 2.6 for over-
lay design, assuming that working cracks are
repaired with continuously reinforced PCC where
overlaid with AC.
SL = modulus of rupture, psi
Step 5: Coring and materials testing IT = indirect tensile strength of
(strongly recommended). 6-inch-diameter cores, psi
(1) Modulils of AC sur$ace. Laboratory testing of
cores taken from the AC surface in uncracked Step 6: Determination of required slab thickness
areas may be used to determine the elastic for future trnffic (Dl).
modulus of the AC surface. This may be done
The inputs to determine Dr for AC overlays of ACl
using a repeated-load indirect tension test
PCC pavements are representative of the existing slab
(ASTM D 4123). The tests should be run at
and foundation properties. This is emphasized be-
two o r more temperatures (e.g., 40, 70, and
cause it is the properties of the existing slab (i.e.,
90°F) to establish points for a curve of log E,,
elastic modulus, modulus of rupture, and load trans-
versus temperature. AC modulus values at any
fer) which will control the perforniarice of the AC
temperature may be interpolated from the labo-
ratory values obtained at any two tempera-
tures. For example, E,, values at 70" and 90°F (1) Effective static k-value benentlt existing PCC
may be used in the following equation to inter- , slab. Determine from one of the following
polate EaCat any temperature t°F: methods.
(a) Backcalculate effective dynamic k-value
from deflection basins as described in
Step 4 . Divide the effective dynamic k-
value by 2 to obtain the effective static k-
valve. The effective static k-value may
khabilirution wirh Overlays

need to be adjusted for seasonal effects (b) Estimated from indirect tensile strength.
using the approach presented in Part 11, (6) Loss ofsupport of existirlg s h b that rnigl~texist
Section 3.2.1. after rehabilitation. Procedures for use of de-
(b) Conduct plate load tests (ASTM D 1196) flection testing to investigate loss of support
after slab removal at a few sites. This beneath ACIPCC pavements have nor yet bee11
alternative is very costly and time-con established. For overlay thickness design as-
suming and not often used. The static k- sume the slab is fully supported, LS = 0.
value obtained may need to be adjusted (7) Ovetlay dehgn reliubiliry, R @er.cenf). See
for seasonal effects (see Part 11, Section Part I , Section 4.2, Part 11, n b l e 2.2, and Part
3.2.1). 111, Section 5.2.15.
(c). Estimate from soils d& and base type -. (8) Overull srundurd deviutior~,So, for PCC puvc:-
and thickness, using Figure 3.3 in Part rnent. See Part I, Section 4.3.
11, Section 3.2. This alternative is sim- (9) Subdruirruge cupability 4 existirrg slub, cijkr
ple, but the static k-value obtained must subdruinqe iftlprovernenls, ijclrly. See Part l i ,
be recognized as a rough estihlate. The Table 2.5, as well as reference 5 , for guidance
static k-value obtained niay need to be in detenriining C , . Purnping or faulting at rc-
adjusted for seasonal effects (see Part 11, flection cracks is evidence that a subdrainage
Section 3.2.191 prcbleni exists. In selecting this value, note
(2) Design PSI loss. PSI inlrnediately after overlay that the poor drainage situation at the AASHO
( P l ) nunus PSI at time of next rehabilitation Road Test would be given a C, of 1.0.
(pa. Con~puteDf for the above design ir~putsusing the
(3) J, loud transfer of exisrirzg PCC slub. See rigid pavement design equation or ~~oll~ograpli in Part
Step 4.
11, Figure 3.7. When designing an overlay thickrless
(4) PCC modulus of rupture, determined by one of for a unifo~mpavenlent section, niean input valucs
the following methods:
must be used. When designing ail overlay thickness
(a) Estimate froin indirect tens~lestlength for specific points along the project, the data for that
measured frorll6-inch-diameter c o ~ e sas
point must be used. A workslieet for determining D , is
described in Step 5 .
provided in Table 5.9. Typical values of inputs are
(b) For ACIJPCP and ACIJRCP, estirnate
provided for guidance. Values outside these rangcs
from the E of the slab, backcalculated as
should be used with caution.
described in Step 4. Use the following
equation: 1)elerrriinution of effective slub thicknes.i
Step 7:
( f i e / / ) of existing pavement.

A condition survey method for determination of

Deff is presented for ACIPCC pavenlents. The efft:c-
tive thickness of the existing slab (L),,,) is c o ~ ~ i p u ~ e d
where from the followir~gequation:

S; = modulus of rupture, psi

E = backcalculated elastic modulus
of PCC slab, psi

For ACICRCP, estimating SL froill where

backcalculated E values is 11ot recom-
mended since cracks which are not re- D,, = thickness of existing PCC slab, inches
flected in the existing AC overlay nlay D,, = thickness of existing AC surhce, inche:;
exist in the CRCP within the deflection
basins. (1) Joints and cracks adjustmerzt fucror (b),). 'Tliis
(5) Elastic modulus of existing PCC slub, deter- factor adjusts for the extra loss in PSI caused
mined by one of the following methods: by deteriorated reflection cracks that will dc-
(a) Backcalculated from deflection measure- cur in a second overlay due to unrepaii-ed
ments, as described in Step 4. deteriorated reflection cracks and other ais-
111-134 Design of Pavement Structures

n b l e 5.9. Worksheet for Determination of D, for ACIJPCP, ACIJRCP, and ACICRCP

Existing AC surface thickness - inches
Existing PCC slab thickness - inches
Q p e of load transfer system: mechanical device, aggregate interlock, CRCP
Type of shoulder = tied PCC, other
PCC modulus of rupture (typically 600 to 800 psi) - - psi

PCC E modulus (3 to 8 million psi for sound PCC,

< 3 million for unsound PCC) -
- psi
J load transfer factor (3.2 to 4.0 for ACIJPCP,
ACIJRCP 2.2 to 2.6 for ACICRCP) -

Future 18-kip ESALs in design lane over
the design period (Nr)


Effective dynamic k-value - psilinch
Effective static k-value = Effective dynamic k-value12
(typically 50 to 500 psilinch) - psilinch
Subdrainage coefficient, Cd
(typically 1.0 for poor subdrainage conditions) -- -
Design PSI loss (PI - P2)

Design reliability, R (80 to 99 percent) -
- percent
Overall standard deviation, S, (typically 0.39) --


Required slab thickness for future traffic is determined from rigid pavement
design equation or nomograph in Part 11, Figure 3.7.
Dr = inches

continuities in the existing ACIPCC pavement and any other major discontinuities in the ex-
prior to overlay. A deteriorated reflection crack isting pavement be full-depth repaired with
in the existing ACIPCC pavement will rapidly dowelled or tied PCC repairs prior to overlay,
reflect through a second overlay and contiibute so that Fj, = 1.00.
to loss oi serviceability. Therefore, it is recorn- If it is not possible to repair all deteriorated
mended that all deteriorated reflection cracks areas, the following information is needed to
Rehubilitution with Ovrrluys 111 135

deter~nineF,,, to increase the overlay thickness 0.80-0.88: Severe AC materlal distress

to account for the extra loss in PSI fro111deteri- (rutting, stripping, shoving)
orated reflection cracks:
A worksheet for calculation of D,, is prov~ded
Number of unrepaired deteriorated reflec- in Table 5.10.
tion crackslmile
Number of unrepaired punchoutslmile Step 8: Deter~nirrutronof Overlay Thickness.
Number of expansion joints, exceptionally The thickness of AC overlay is computed as fol-
wide joints (greater than 1 inch), and lows:
full-depth, full-lane-width AC patches1

The total number of unrepaired deteriorated

reflection cracks, punchouts, and other discon-
tinuities per mile is used to determine the F,,
from Figure 5.12.
Do, = Required thickness of AC overlay, inches
(2) Durability niijusttnent fucrur (FJ,,,). This factor
A = Factor to convert PCC thickness
adjusts for an extra loss in PSI of the overlay
deficiency to AC ovcrlay thick~iess
when the existing slab has durability proble~~ls
such as "D" cracking or reactive aggregate D, = Slab thickness determined in Step 6 ,
distress. Using historical records and condi-
D,, = Effective thickness of existing slab
tion survey data from Step 3, F,,, is deter-
determined in Step 7, inches
mined as follows.

1.00: No evidence or hislory of PCC The A factor, which is a hnction of the PCC thick-
durability problems ness deficiency, is given by the following equation and
0.96-0.99: Pavement is known to have PCC is illustrated in Figure 5.9.
durability problems, but no
localized failures or related
distresses are vis~ble
0.88-0.95: Some durability distress
(localized failures, etc.) is
visible at pavement surface Thc thickness of overlay detcr~rlilred from the
0.80-0.88: Extensive durability distress above relationship should be reasonable when the
(localized failures, elc.) is overlay is required to correct a structural deficiency.
visible at pavement surpice See Section 5.2 for discussion of factors which inay
result in unreasoriable overlay thicknesses.
(3) AC quality adjustment factor (F,,). This fiictor
adjusts the existing AC layer's contribution to
Deffbased on the quality of the AC material.
The value selected should depend only on dis- 5.7.6 Surface Milling
tresses related to the AC layer (i.e., not reflec-
tion cracking) which are not elirllinated by If the AC surface is to be milled prior to overlay,
surface milling: rutting, stripping, shoving, the depth of milling should be considered irl the dcler-
and also weathering and ravelling if the surface mination of DCff.No adjustment need be made to Deff
is not milled. Consideration should be given to values if the depth of milling does not exceed the
complete removal of a poor-quality AC layer. rniriinium necessary to rerliove surface ruts. If a
greater depth is milled, the AC thickness remaiilirig
1.00: No AC material distress after milling should be used in deterniining D,,,.
0.96-0.99: Minor AC material distress
(weathering, ravelling) not
corrected by surface milling 5.7.7 Shoulders
0.88-0.95: Significant AC material distress
(rutting, stripping, shoving) See Section 5.2.10 for guidelines.
111-136 ~ > s i of
~ nPavement Structures

a b l e 5.10. Calculation of for AC Overlay of ACIJPCP, ACIJRCY, and ACICRCP

Condition Survey Method:
Fj, Number of unrepaired deteriorated reflection crackslmile =
Number of punchoutslmile -

Number of expansion joints, exceptionally wide joints

( > 1 inch) or full-depth patcheslmile -
-- -

Totallmile -
- - -

Fjc= (Figure 5.12)

(Recommended value 1 .O, repair all deteriorated areas)

Fdur 1.00: No sign or knowledge of PCC durability problems

0.96-0.99: Pavement is known to have PCC durability problems, but no
localized failures or related distresses
0.88-0.95: Some durability distress (localized failures, etc.) is visible at
pavement surface
0.80-0.88: Extensive durability distress (localized failures, etc.)

Fa, 1.00: No AC material distress

0.96-0.99: Minor AC material distress (weathering, ravelling) not corrected
by surface milling
0.88-0.95: Significant AC material distress (rutting, stripping, shoving)
0.80-0.88: Severe AC material distress (rutting, stripping, shoving)

5.7.8 Widening (1) Repairing deteriorated areas and making

subdrainage improvements (if needed)
See Section 5.2.16 for guidelines. (2) Constructing widening (if needed)
(3) Preparing the existing surface to ensure a
reliable bond
(4) Placing the concrete overlay
5.8 BONDED CONCRETE OVERLAY OF (5) Sawing and sealing the joints

Bonded concrete overlays have been placed on 5.8.1 Feasibility

jointed plain, jointed reinforced and contit~uouslyre-
inforced concrete pavements to improve both struc- A bonded overlay of JPCP, JRCP, or CRCP is a
triral capacity aiid functional condition. A bonded feasible rehabilitation alternative for PCC pavements
concrete overlay consists of the following construction except when the conditions of the existing pavement
tasks: dictate suhsta~itialremoval and replacement or when
Rehabilitation with Overluys

durability problems exist ( 2 8 ) . Conditions under be done prior to placerilent of the overlay if' a sub-
which a PCC bonded overlay would not be feasible drainage evalualior~indicates a need for such an inl-
include: provernent .
Pressure relief joints should be done only at tixed
(1) The amount of deteriorated slab cracking and structures, arid not at regular intervals alortg the pave-
joint spalling is so great that a substantial ment. The only exception to this is where a reactive
amount of removal and replacement of the ex- aggregate has caused expa~isionof the slab. On heav-
isting surface is dictated. ily trafficked routes, expalision joints should be of the
(2) Signitlcarit deterioration of the PCC slab has heavy-duty type with dowels (3). If joints conlain sig-
occurred due to durability proble~~is (e.g., nificant incompressibles, they should be cleaned and
'"D" cracking or reactive aggregates). This resealed prior to overlay placement.
will affect performance of the overlay.
(3) Vertical clearance at bridges is inadequate for
required overlay thickness. This is not usually
5.8.3 Reflection Crack Control
a problem because bonded overlays are usually
fairly thin.
Ally working (spalled) cracks jn the existing Jl'CP,
If construction dura!@n is critical, PCC overlays JRCP, or CRCP slab niay reflect throul;li the bonded
may utilize high-early-strength PCC mixes. PCC concrete overlay within one year. Reflection cracks
overlays have been opened within 6 to 24 hours after can be controlled in bonded overlays by full-depth
placement using these mixtures. repair of working cracks in the existirlg pave~rient,arid
for JPCP or JKCP, sawing and sealing joints through
the overlay directly over the repair joints. Tight rion-
working cracks do not need to be repairt:d because not
5.8.2 Pre-overlay Repair all will reflect through the overlay and those that do
will usually remain light. Tight cracks in CKCP will
The following types of distress should be repaired take several years to reflect through, and eve11 111eri
prior to placement of the bonded PCC overlay. will remain tight.

Distress Type Repair Type

Working cracks Full-depth repair or slab
replacement See Section 5.2.4 for guidelines.
Punchouts Full-depth repair
Spalled joints Full- or partial-depth repair
Ueteriorated patches Full-depth repair 5.8.5 Thickness Design
Pumpinglfaulting Edge drains
Settlementslheaves Slab jack or reconstruct area If the overlay is being placed for sollie functional
purpose such as roughness or friction, a rninirlium
thickness overlay that solvzs the hnctionai prol)ie~n
Full-depth repairs and slab replacements in JPCP should be placed.
and JKCP should be PCC, dowelled or tied to prov~de If the overlay is being placed for the purpobe of
load transfer across repair joints. Full-depth repairs in structural improvement, tlie required thickness ol' the
CRCP should be PCC and should be corltiriuously overlay is a function of the structural capacity required
reinforced with steel which is tied or welded to rein- to rrieet future traffic dernarlds and the structural ca-
forcing steel in the existing slab, to provide load trans- pacity of the existing pavement. The requireti overlay
fer across joints and slab continuity. Full-depth AC thickaess to increase structural capacity to carrjf fu-
repairs should not be used prior to placenlent of a ture traffic is determined by the following equation.
bonded PCC overlay, and any exisling AC patches
should be removed and replaced with PCC. Guide-
lines on repairs are provided in References 1 and 3 .
Installation of edge drains, maintenance of existing
edge drains, or other subdrainage iniprovement should where
Design of Povement Struct~tres

D,, = Required thickness of honded PCC (3) Number of existing expansion joints, excep-
overlay, inches tionally wide joints t > 1 inch) or AC full-
Df = Slab thickness to carry future traffic, depth patches
inches (4) Presence and general severity of PCC durabil-
Deff = Effective thickness of existing slab, ity problems
inches (a) "D" cracking: low severity (cracks
only), medium severity (some spalling),
Bonded concrete overlays have been successfully high severity (scvere spalling)
constructed as thin as 2 inches and as thick as 6 inches (b) Reactive aggregate cracking: low, me-
or more. Three to 4 inches has been typical for most dium, high severity
highway pavement overlays (28). If the bonded over- (5) Evidence of faulting, pumping of fines or
lay is being placed only for a functional purpose such water at joints, cracks and pavement edge
as roughness or friction, a thickness of 3 inches
should be adequate.
The required overlay thickness niay b e determined
through the folfowing design steps. These design steps Number of punchouts per mile
p r ~ v i d ea comprehensive design approach that recom- (1)
(2) Number of deteriorated transverse cracks per
mends testing the pavement to obtain valid design in-
puts. If it is not possible to conduct this testing, an
approximate overlay design may be developed Based (3) Number of existing expansion joints, excep-
tionally wide joints ( > 1 inch) or AC full-
upon visible distress observations by skipping Steps 4
depth patches
and 5, and by estimating other inputs.
The overlay design can be done for a uniform sec- (4) Number of existing and new repairs prior to
tion or on a point-by-point basis as described in overlay per mile
Section 5.3.1. ( 5 ) Presence and general severity of PCC durabil-
ity problems (NOTE: surface spalling of tight
Step 1: Existing pavement design. cracks where the underlying CRCY is sound
should not be considered a durability problem)
(1) Existing slab thickness (a) "D" cracking: low severity (cracks
(2) Type of load transfer (mechanical devices, ag-
only), medium severity (some spalling),
gregate interlock, CRCP)
high severity (severe spalling)
(3) Type of shoulder (tied, PCC, other)
(b) Reactive aggregate cracking: low, me-
Step 2: 7kaffic analysis. dium, high severity
( 6 ) Evidence of pumpins of fines or water
(I) Past cumulative 18-kip ESALs in the design
lane (N,), for use in the remaining life method
of D,,, determination only Step 4: Deflection testing
(2) Predicted future 18-kip ESALs in the desi'gn (sfrorrgly recommended).
lane over the design period (Nf)
Measure slab deflection basins in the outer wheel
Step 3: Condition srtrvey. path along the project at an inierval sufficient to ade-
quately assess ronditions. Intervals of 100 to 1,000
The following distresses are measured during the
feet are typical. Measure deflections with sensors lo-
condition survey for JPCP, JRCP, and CRCP. Sam-
cated at 0 , 12, 24, and 36 inches from the center of
pling along the project may be used to estimate these
load! A heavy-load deflection device (e.g.. Falling
quantities in the most heavily trafficked lane. Distress
types and severities are defined in Reference 23. Dete- Weight Deflectometer) and a load magnitude of 9,000
riorated means medium or higher severity. pounds are recommended. ASTM D 4694 and D 4695
provide additional guidance on deflection testing.
.?PCP/JRCP: For each slab tested, backcalculate the effective k-
' (1) Number of deteriorated transverse joints per value and the slab's elastic modulus using Figures
milc 5.10 and 5.1 1 or a backcalculation procedure. The
(2) Number of deteriorated transverse cracks per AREA of each deflection basin is computed as fol-
mile lows:
Rehabilitation with Overlays

AREA = 6 * [I +2 (2)+ (2)+ I)$(

(4) Joint load transfer. For JPCP and JRCP, i lea-
sure joint load transfer in the outer wheel 3ath
at representative transverse joints. Do not
measure load transfer when the ambient em-
where perature is greater than 80°F. Place the oad
plate on one side of the joint with the edl e of
do = deflection in center of loading plate, inches the plate touching the joint. Measure the de-
d, = deflections at 12, 24, and 36 inches from flection at the center of the load plate and i t 12
plate center, inches inches from the center. Compute the deflec tion
load transfer from the following equation
AREA will typically range from 29 to 32 for sound
(1) ESfrctive dynamic k-value. Enter Figure 5.10
with d, and AREA to determine 'the effective
dynamic k-value beneath each slab for a circu- where
lar load radius of 5.9 inches and magnitude of
9,000 pounds. Note that for loads within 2,000 ALT = deflection load transfer, perce ~t
pounds more or less, deflections may be scaled A = unloaded side deflection, inch :s
linearly to 9,000-pound deflections. A, = loaded side deflection, inches
If a single overlay thickness is being de- B = slab bending correction factor
signed for a uniform section, compute the
mean effective dynamic k-value of the slabs The slab bending correction factor, I - , is
tested in the uniform section. necessary because the deflections do and d I z ,
(2) Effective static k-value. measured 12 inches apart, would not be equal
even if measured in the interior of a slab An
Effective static k-value appropriate value for the correction factor nay
be determined from the ratio of do to dl. for
= Effective dynamic k-value12 typical center slab deflection basin mead Ire-
ments, as shown in the equation below. 5 1ical
The effective k-value may need to be adjusted values for B are between 1.05 and 1.15.
for seasonal effects using the approach pre-
sented in Part 11, Section 3.2.1. However, the
k-value can change substantially and have only
a small effect on overlay thickness.
'(3) Elastic modulus of PCC slab (E). Enter Figure If a single overlay thickness is being desii ned
5.11 with AREA, proceed to the effective dy- for a uniform section, compute the mean de-
namic k-value curves, and determine a value flection load transfer value of the joints terted
for ED3, where D is the slab thickness. Solve in the uniform section.
for E knowing the slab thickness, D. Typical For JPCP and JRCP, determine the J oad
slab E values range from 3 to 8 million psi. If a transfer coefficient using the following gu de-
slab E value is obtained that is out of this lines:
range, an error may exist in the assumed slab
thickness, the deflection basin may have been
measured over a crack, or the PCC may be Percent Load Transfer J
significantly deteriorated.
If a single overlay thickness is being de-
signed for a uniform section, compute the
mean E value of the slabs tested in the uniform
Do not use any k-values or E values that If the rehabilitation will include the additio 1of
appear to be significantly out of line with the a tied concrete shoulder, a lower J factor : qay
rest of the data. be appropriate. See Part 11, 'Table 2.6.
Desigi of Pavement Structures

For CRCP, use J = 2.2 to 2.6 for overlay be recognized as a rough estimate. The
design, assuming that working cracks and static k-value obtained may need to be
punchouts are repaired with continuously rein- adjusted for seasonal effects using the
forced PCC. approach presented in Part 11, Section
(2) Design PSI loss. PSI immediately after overlay
Step 5: Coring and materials testing
(Pl) minus PSI at time of next rehabilitatiotl
(strongly recommended).
(1) PCCmodulus of rupture (SL). Cut several 6- (3) J, load transf'brfactor. See Step 4 .
inch-diameter cores at mid-slab and test in in- (4) PCC modulus of rupture determined by one of
direct tension (ASTM C 496). Compute the the following methods:
indirect tensile strength (psi) of the cores. Esti- (a) Estimated from indirect tensile strength
mate the modulus of rupture with the following measured from 6-inch diameter cores as
equation: described in Step 5.
(b) Estimated from the backcalculated E 'of
slab using the following equation:
S: = 210 + 1.02IT


S; = modulus of rupture, psi

IT = indirect tensile strength of 6-inch where
diameter cores, psi
S; = modulus of rupture, psi
E = backcalculated elastic modulus
Step 6: Determination of required slab thickness of PCC slab, psi
for future traffic (D,).
The inputs to determine Df for bonded PCC over- For CRCP, S: may be determined
lays of PCC pavements are representative of the from the backcalculated E values only at
existing slab and foundation properties. This is em- points which have no cracks within the
phasized because it is the properties of the existing deflection basins.
slab (i.e., elastic modulus, modulus of rupture, and ( 5 ) Elastic modulus of existing PCC slab, deter-
load transfer) which will control the performance of mined by one of the following methods:
the bonded overlay. (a) Backcalculate from deflection measure-
ments as described in Step 4.
( 1) Effective static k-value. Determine from one of (b) Estimate from indirect tensile strength.
the following methods. (6) Loss of support of existing slab. Joint corners
(a) Backcalculate the effective dynamic k- that have loss of support may be identified us-
value from deflection basins as described , ing FWD deflection testing as described in
in Step 4. Divide the effective dynamic Reference 2. CRCP loss of support can be de-
k-value by 2 to obtain the effective static termined by plotting a slab edge or wheel path
k-value. deflection profile and identifying locations
(b) Conduct plate load tests (ASTM D 1196) with significantly high deflections. Existing
after slab removal at a few sites. This loss of support can be improved with slab sta-
alternative is very costly and time-con- ' bilization. For thickness design, assume a
s u m i ~ gand not often used. The static k- fully supported slab, LS = 0.
value obtained may need to be adjusted (7) Overlay design reliability, R (percent). See
for seasonal effects using the approach Part I, Sestion 4.2, Part 11, 'Ihble 2.2, and Part
presented in Part 11, Section 3.2.1. 111, Section 5.2.15.
(c) Estimate from soils data and base type (8) Overall standard deviation (So) for rigid pave-
and thickness, using Figure 3.3 in Part ment. See Part I , Section 4.3.
11, Section 3.2. This alternative is sim- (9) Subdrainage cupability of existing slab, aJIer
ple, but the static k-value obtained must subdrainage improvements, ifany. See Part 11,
Table 2.5, as well as Kel'erence 5 , f o ~guidance determine FjC,to increase the overlay thick riess
in determining C,. Puniping or faulting at to account for the extra loss in PSI froin dcteri-
joints and cracks deterrl~iriedin Step 3 is evi- orated reflection cracks (per design lane):
dence that a subdrainage problem exists. In
Paveri~eritswith no "D" cracking or rea~tive
selecting this value, note that the poor sub-
aggregate distress:
dn~inagesituation at the AASHO Road Test
Nuniber of urirepaired deteriorated joints1
would be given a C, of 1.0.
Cornpule Df for the above design inputs using the Nulnber of unrepaired deteriorated cn!cks/
rigid pave~iientdesign equation or nomograph in Part mile
11, Figure 3.7. When designing i n overlay ttiickrless Nulnber of u~irepaircdpunchouts/niile
for a unifonn pavenlerit section, rneari input values Number of exparlsion joints, exceptior~ally
must be used. When designing an overlay thickness wide joints (greater than 1 i~tch),arid
for specific points along the project, the uata for that full-depth, full-lane-width AC patches1
point ~riustbe used. A worksheet for determining Df is rrlile
provided in Table 5.1 1. Qpical values of inputs are NWE that tight cracks held together by
provided for guidance. Values outside these ranges reinforce~ncntin JKCP or CKCP are not in-
should be used with ca.",flofi. cluded. However, if a crack in J K C P or
CRCP is spalled and faulted the steel has
Step 7: Determirrutiorr of dfective slub thicktress probably ruptured, and ihe crack should be
(DQ) of existing puvettretrt. considered as working. S12rfdce spalling of
The condition survey and reniainirlg life proce- CIWP clacks is not an indication tila1 the
dures are p. esented. crack is working.
The total nurilber of unrepaired de~crio-
rated joints, cracks, punchouts, and other
D,, Fro111Conditiorl Survey For PCC Yaveme~lts disconti!!uities per mile is used to detenrline
the F,, from Figure 5.12.
The effective thickness of the existing slab (D,,,) is
computed from the following equation: Pavenlents with "Dm cracking or reactive ag-
gregate deterioration:
These types of pavernelits ol'ten have de-
terioration at the joints a ~ i dcracks horn du-
where rability problems. Tlie F,,, factor is used to
adjust the overlay thickness for this prob-
D = existing PCC slab thickness, inches lem. Therefore, when this is the case, the
F,, should be determined from Figure 5.12
(I) (kj,). 'i'Iiis
Joirtrs und crucks udjustrr~er~tjuctor only using those urirepaired dcrcriorlttcd
factor adjusts for the extra loss in PSI caused joi~itsand c r d c ~ sthat are not caused by du-
by deteriorated reflection cracks iri the overlay rability problerus. if all of the d e t e r i ~ r ~ ~ t e d
that will result from any unrepaired deterio- joints and cracks are spaliing due lo ' D"
rated joints, cracks, and other discontinuities cracking or reactive aggregate, then F,,: =
in the existing slab prior to overlay. A deterio- 1.0. This will avoid adjusting twice with the
rated joint or crack in ttie existing slab will Fi, aiid FdulIhctors.
rapidly reflect through an AC overlay arid con-
Durubiliry udjusltrzenljucror (E;,,). l'liis faxor
tribute to loss of serviceability. Therefore, it is
adjusts for an extra loss irl PSI of t11c overlay
reconimended that all deteriorated joints and
when the existing slab has durability problcnis
cracks (for non-"Do cracked or reactive ng-
such as "D" crackirig or reactive aggregate
gregate related distressed paveme~~rs) and any
distress. Using condition survey data fro111
other major discontinuities in the existing slab
Step 3, F,,, is determined as follows.
be full-depth repaired with dowelled or tied
PCC ~ e p a i r sprior to overlay, so that F), = 1.00. No sign of PCC durability
1 .00. problems
If it is not possible to repair all deteriorated 0.96-0.99: Durability cracking exists, b~it
areas, the following infor~~lation 1s needed to no spalling
Design of Pavpmerll Structures

lslble 5.11. Worksheet for Determination of DI for JPCP, JRCP, and CRCP
Existing PCC slab thickness -
- inches
Type of load transfer system: mechanical device, aggregate interlock. CRCP
prpe of shoulder = tied PCC, other
PCC modulus of rupture (typically 600 to 800 psi) -
- psi
PCC E modulus (3 to 8 million psi for sound PCC,
< 3 million for unsound PCC) - - _ _ _ psi
J load transfer factor (3.2 to 4.0 for JPCP,
JRCP 2.2 to 2.6 for CRCP)

Future 18-kip ESALs in design lane over
the design period (Nf)


Effective dynamic k-value -
- psilinch
Effective static k-value = effective dynamic k-value12
(typically 50 to 500 psifinch) - psilincl~
Subdrainage coefficient, Cd
(typically 1.0 for poor subdrainage conditions) -

Design PSI loss (P1 - P2) -
Design reliability, R (80 to 99 percent) -
- percent
Overall standard deviation, 5,(typically 0.39) -


Required slab thickness for hture traffic is determined from rigid pavement
design equation or nomograph in Part 11, Figure 3.7.
Df = inches

0.80-0.95: Cracking and spalling exist or punchouts (CRCP) that may be caused pri-
(normally a bonded PCC marily by repeated loading. Use condition sur-
overlay is not recommended vey data from Step 3 and the following
under these conditions) guidelines to estimate F,, for the design lane.

(3) Fatigue damage aa'jristment factor (Ffa,). This 0.97- 1.00: Few transverse
factor adjusts for past fatigue damage that may cracks/punchouts exist (none
exist in the slab. It is determined by observing caused by "D" cracking or
the extent of transverse cracking (JPCP, JRCP) reactive aggregate distress)
Rehubilitafion with Overlays

JPCP: < 5 percent slabs are cracked ' h e designer should recognize that D,[, detern~iried
JRCP: < 2 5 working crack per mile by this ~ilethoddoes not reflect any benefit for pre-
CRCP: < 4 punchouts per mile overiay repair. The estililate of D,,, obtairicd sliould
thus be considered a lower limit value. The Deii of the
0.94-0.96: A significant number of paveinelit will be higher if pre-overlay repair ol' load-
transverse cracks/punchouts associated distress is done.
exist (none caused by "DM A worksheet for deter~r~iriation of Deli lor J l T P ,
cracking or reactive aggregate JRCP, and CRCP is provided in Table 5.12.
JPCP: 5-15 percent slabs are c r ~ c k e d
Step 8: Deterrriination of Overluy ' I h i c k ~ e s s .
JRCP: 25-75 workingtcracks per mile
CRCP: 4-12 punchouts per 111ile The thickness of bonded PCC overlay is coliiputed
as follows:
0.90-0.93: A large number of transverse
crack,/punchouts exist, (none
caused by "D" cracking or
reactive aggregate distress)
JPCP: > 15 percent slabs are cracked
JRCP : > 75working cracks per mile where
CRCP: > 2 punchouts per mile
DOI = Required thickness of bonded PCC
overlay, inches
Dt = Slab thickness delerrrlined in Step 6 ,
DeRFrom Remaining Life For PCC Pavements inches
D,,f = Effective thickness of existing slab
The remaining life of the pavement is given by the determined in Step 7, inches
following equation:
The thickness of overlay determint:d fro111 tlie
above relalionsliip should be rei~so~iable wliell the
overlay is required to correct a structural deticiency.
See Sectiori 5.2.17 lor discussio~lof factors which
may result in u~ireasonableuverlay thicicncsses.

KL = remaining life, percent 5.8.6 Shoulders

N, = total traffic to date, ESALs
N1,5 = total traffic to pavement "failure," ESALs See Section 5.2.10 for guidelines.

Nl may be estimated using the new pavement

design equations or nomographs in Part 11. To be 5.8.7 Joints
consistent with the AASHO Road Test and the devel-
opment of these equations, a "failure" PSI equal to
Existing JPCP and JNCR 'fiarisverse arid lorigitu-
1.5 and a reliability of 50 percent is recommended.
dirlal joirils shouid be saw cut completely ~lirougtithe
Deffis determined frorri the following equation:
overlay thickness (plus 0.5-inch depth) a!<so011 as cur-
ing allows after overlay place~i~ent. Failure to saw
joints soon after placerrle~~t rnay result in debonding
and cracking at the joints. No dowels or reillforcl~lg
steel should be placed in these joints. An appropriate
where sealant reservoir should be sawed and sealant should
be placed as soon as possible.
C F = condition factor determined from Figure Exisritig CHCf'. Transverse joints must not be cut in
5.2 the bonded overlay, as they are not ~ieeded.'li-ansvcrse
D = thickness of the existing slab, inches joints are also riot needed for tltc end joints for full-
Design of Pavement ~ t r i c t u r e s

'IBble 5.12. Calculation of Den for Bonded PCC Overlay of J X P , JRCP, and CRCP
Condition Survey Method:
F,, Number of unrepaired deteriorated jointstmile --
Number of unrepaired deteriorated crackstmile -
Number of unrepaired punchoutslmile --
Number of expansion joints, exceptionally wide joints
(> 1 inch) or AC full-depth patchestmile -

Fjc= (Figure 5.12)

(Recommended value 1 .O, repair all deteriorated areas)

Fdrr 1.00: No sign of PCC durability problems

0.95-0.99: Some durability cracking exists, but no spalling exists
0.98-0.95: Cracking and spalling exist

F,,, 0.97- 1.00: Very few transverse crackslpunchouts exist

0.94-0.96: A significant number of transverse cracking/punchouts exist
0.90-0.93: A large amount of transverse cracking/punchouts exist

Remaining Life Mc4hod:

N, = Past design lane ESALs
= Design lane ESALs to P2 of 1.5

CF = (Figure 5.2)
fII-146 Design of Pavement Sirucrures

Distress Type Overlay Type Repair -

Working crack JPCP or JRCP No repair needed
CRCP Full-depth dowelled repair if differential
deflection is significant
Punchout JPCP, JRCP, CRCP Full-depth repair
Spalled joint JPCP or JRCP No repair needed
CRCP Full-depth repair of severely deteriorated joints
Pumping JPCP, JRCP, CRCP Edge drains (if needed)
Settlement JPCP, JRCP, CRCP Level-up with AC
Poor jointlcrack JPCP, JRCP, CRCP No repair peeded; if pavement has many joints
load transfer or cracks with poor load transfer, consider
a thicker AC separation layer

aration layer thickness may not be adequate for an The required overlay thickness may be determined
unbonded overlay wwheii the existing pavement has through the following design steps. These design steps
poor load transfer and high differential deflections provide a comprehensive design approach that recom-
across transverse cracks or joints. mends testing the pavement to obtain valid design in-
puts. If it is not possible to conduct this testing, an
approximate overlay design may be developed based
5.9.4 Subdrainage upon visible distress observations by skipping Steps 4
and 5, and by estimating other inputs.
See Section 5.2.4 for guidelines. The overlay design can be done for a uniform sec-
tion or on a point-by-point basis as described in
Section 5.3.1.
5.9.5 Thickness Design
Step 1: Existing pavement design.
The required thickness of the unbonded overlay is a (I) Existing slab thickness
function of the structural capacity required to meet (2) Type of load transfer (mechanical devices, ag-
future traffic demands and the structural capacity of gregate interlock, CRC'P)
the existing pavement. The required overlay thickness (3) 'Type of shoulder (tied, PCC, other)
to i ~ c r e a s estn~cturalcapacity to carry future traffic is
determined by the following equation. Step 2: Daffic analysis.
(1) Past cumulative 18-kip ESALs in the design
Do, = Wf lane (N,), for use in the remaining life method
of Deli determination cnly
(2) Predicted future 18-kip ESALs in the design
lane over the design period (N,)
Do,= Required thickness of unbonded PCC Step 3: Condition survey.
overlay, inches
Df = Slab thickness to carry future traffic, The following distresses are measured during the
inches condition survey for JPCP, JRCP, and CRCP. Sam-
D,,, = Effective thickness of existing slab, pling along the project may be used to estimate these
inches quantities in the most heavily trafficked lane. Distress
types and severities are defined in Reference 23. Dete-
Unbonded concrete overlays have been success- riorated means medium or higher severity.
fully constructed as thin as 5 inches and as thick as 12
inches or more. Thicknesses of seven to 10 inches
ha-re been typical for most highway pavement un- (1) Number of deteriorated transverse joints per
bonded overlays. mile
Rehabiliturion bvlrh Overluys

(2) Number of deteriorated transverse cracks per pou~ldsare recommended. AS?'M 1) 4694 and L) 4695
mile provide additiorial guidance on deflection ~estirig.
(3) Nunlber of existing expansion joints, excep- For each slab tested, backcalculate the ctfective k-
tionally wide joints (more than 1 inch) or fuii- value using Figure 5.10 or a backcalculatiorl proce-
depth, full-lane-width AC patches dure. The AREA of each deflection basin is conlputcd
(4) Presence and general severity of E'CC durabil- ~ r o mthe tollowirlg equation.
ity proble~r~s
(a) "D" cracking: low severity (cracks
only), ~nediuriaseverity (some spalli~~g),
high severity (severe spalling)
(b) Reactive dggregate cradking: low, me-
dium, high severity where
(5) Evidence of faulting, pumping of fines or
water at joints, cracks and paverllent edgc do = deflection in center of loading plate, inches
d, = deflections at 12, 24, arid 36 ~llclrcsfro111
plate centcr, inches
(1) Nurnbel. of punchouts per raiile
(2) Number of deteriofited transverse cracks per AREA will typically range froni 29 to 32 lor sou~lcl
mile concrete.
(3) Number of existing expansio~ljoints, cxcep- EJ'ec.tive dyriutnic k-vulue. Enter Figure 5.10
tionally wide joints ( > I inch) or lull-depth,
with do and AREA to deter~~iine the el'fectiv.:
full-lane-width AC patches dynaliaic k-valuc belieatti each slab lor a circu-
(4) Nurl~berof existing and new repairs prior to Iar load radius of 5.9 i~lchesand niag~~itude cf
overlay per ~raile 9,000 pounds. Ncrl'e that for loads witlliii
(5) Presence arid general severity of PCC durabil- 2,000 pounds niol-e or less, def'lectiuns lnay be
ity 2roblems (Nore: surface spalliny of tight scaled linearly to 9,000-pound cleflectior~s.
cracks where the uriderlying CKCP is sound If a single overlay thickness is being dc.-
should not be cor~sidereda durability problem) signed for a utiifor~l~ sectiori, conlpute tile
(a) "I)" cracking: low severity (cracks meall effec~ivedynalnic k-value of the slabs
only), nlediuln severity (sollie spalling), tested in the uniforin section.
high severity (severe spalling) (2) Efleclive sfutic k-vulue.
(b) Reactive aggregate cracking: low, me-
diurn, high severity
( 6 ) Evidence of punaping of fines or water Effective static k-value

Step 4: L)eflectiorr tdsting

(strorrgly recomrrrenderl).
The ellect~vestiit~ck-value nlay need to be atl-
When designing an unbonded overlay for existing justed for seasorial eltects u s ~ n ythe app~odch
JPCP, JKCP, or CKCP, tbllow tlie guidelines given presented in Par 11, S e ~ t l o n3.2.1. Ilowever,
below for deflection testing and determinatior~of the the h-value can chai~ge~ubstii~llidlly and flave
effective staric k-value. When designing an unbonded only a s~llalleffect 011 overlay thlcknesb.
overlay for existing ACIPCC, follow the guidriines
given in Section 5.7, Step 4, for detlection testing and Corirrg arrd muferiuls testirrg.
Step 5:
deterniirlation of the effective static k-value.
Measure slab deflection basins in the outer wheel Wlieri designing an uribonded overlay for existirig
path along the project at an irlterval sufficient to ade- JPCrJ, JKCP, or CRCP, corilig and n~aterialstesting of
quately assess conditions. Intervals of 100 to 1,000 the existing PCC slab are not needed for overlay thicic-
feet are typical. Measure dellections with sensors lo- ness design. When designing an urnbonded overlay for
cated at 0 , 12, 24, and 36 inches from the center of existing ACIPCC, follow the guidelilies given in Sec-
load. A heavy-load deflection device (e.g., Falling tion 5.7, Step 5, for dctermi~lationof the AC inodul .IS
Weight Deflectonieter) and a load magnitude of 9,000 by c o ~ i n garid naateriiils testing.
Step 6: Determination of required slah thickness (9) Subdrainage capability qf existing slah, after
for f ~ t u r etraffic (4). subdrainage improvements, if any. See Part 11,
Table 2.5, as well as Reference 5, for guidance
The elastic modulus, modulus of rupture, and load
in determining C,. Pumping or faulting at
transfer inputs to determine Dl for unbonded PCC
joints and cracks determined in Step 3 is evi-
overlays of PCC and ACIPCC pavements are repre-
dence that a s~~bdrainage problem exists. In
sentative of the new PCC overlay to be placed rather selecting this value, note that the poor drainage
than of the existing slab. This is emphasized because
situation at the AASHO Road Test would be
it is the properties of the overlay slab (i.e.. elastic
given a Cd of 1.0.
modulus, modulus of rupture, and load transfer),
which will control the performance of the unbonded Compute Dr for the above design inputs using the
overlay. I igidpavement design equation or nomograph in Part
11, Figure 3.7. A worksheet for determining DI is pro-
Effective static k - v a l ~ ebeneath the existing vided in Table 5.13.
pavement. Determine from one of the follow-
ing methods. Step 7: Determination of effctive slab thicknes
(a) Backcalculate the effective *dynamic k- (DM) of existing pavement.
value from deflection basins as described
in Step 4. Divide the effective dynamic The condition survey and remzining life proce-
k-value by 2 to obtain the effective static dures are presented.
k-value. The static k-value obtained,may
need to be adjusted for seasonal effects
(see Part 11, Section 3.2.1). DerrFrom Condition Survey
(h) Conduct plate load tests (ASTM D 1196)
after slab removal at a few sites. This The effective thickness (D,,,) of an existing PCC or
alternative is very costly and time-con- ACIPCC pavement is computed from the following
suming and not often used. The static k- equation:
value obtained may need to be adjusted
for seasonal effects (see Par1 11, Section
3.2. I).
(c) Estimate from soils data and base type
and thickness, using Figure 3.3 in Part where
11, Section 3.2. This alternative is sim-
D = existing PCC slab thickness, inches
ple, but the static k-value obtained must
( V ~ T Emaximum
: D for use in unbonded
be recognized as a rough estimate. The
concrete overlay design is 10 inches elrm
static k-value obtained may need to be
if the existing D is greater than 10 inches)
adjusted for seasonal effects (see Part 11,
FiCu= joints and cracks adjustment factor for
Section 3.2.1).
unbonded concrete overlays
Design PSI loss. PSI immediately after overlay
(Pl) minus PSI at time of next rehabilitation
N ~ T Ethat the existing AC surface is neglected in
(P2). determining the effective slab thickness of an existing
J, Ioad transfer .factor for joint rfesign of the
ACIPCC pavement.
unhonded PCC overlay. See Part 11, Section
Field surveys of unhonded jointed concrete over-
2.4.2, Table 2.6.
lays have shown very little evidence of reflection
PCC modrilus of rupture of rrnbonded PCC
cracking or other problems caused by the existing
slab. Therefore, the Fdurand F,, are not used for un-
Elastic mohrlus of unborldcd PCC overlay.
bonded concrete overlays. The FjCufactor is modified
Loss of support. Use LS = 0 for unbonded to show a reduced effect of deteriorated cracks and
PCC overlay.
joints in the existing slab, and is given in Figure 5.13.
Overlay design reliabili~,R hercent). See
Part I , Section 4.2, Part 11, Table 2.2, and Part (1) Joints and cracks adjustment factor (c,,) This
111, Section 5.2.1 5. factor adjusts for the extra loss in PSI caused
Overall standard deviation (S,) .for rigid pave- by deteriorated reflection cracks or punchouts
ment. See Part I , Section 4.3. in the overlay that result from any unrepaired
3' Table 5.13. Worksheet for Deternrinutior~of Dl for Unhonded PCC Overlay --

Type of load transfer system: mechanical dcv~ce,aggregate ~nterlock,CRCP

Type of shoulder = tied PCC, other
PCC ~ ~ i o d u l uofs rupture of unbonded overlay
(typically 600 to 800 psi) - psi

PCC E ~nodulusof unbo~ldedoverlay (3 LO 5 ~liiliionpsi) = - psi

J load transfer factor of unborided overlay
( 2 . 5 to 4.4 for jointed PCC, 2 . 3 lo 3 . 2 fc~rC K C P ) -

Future 18-kip ESALs in design lane over
the design period ( N t )

E~fectivedynaniic k-value -
A psi/incii
Effective static k-value = Effective dynaniic k-value12
(typically SO to 500 psilinch) - psiiinctl
Subdrainage coefticienl, C,
(typically 1.0 for poor subdrainage conditioiis) -

Design PSI loss (Y1 - P2)

Design reliability, K (80 to 99 percent) -

- percelkr
Overall standard deviation, So (typically 0.39) -
- -

Required slab thickness for future trafl'ic 1s deter~riinedfronl rigid pavernent

design equatio~lor no~liographin Part 11, Figure 3.7.

deteriorated joints, cracks and otfier dis- hunlber of unrepaired deteriorated joints1
continuities in the existirig slab prior to mile
overlay. Very little such loss in PSI has Nulriber of u~~repairedtletzriorated cracks/
beell observed for JPCP or JKCP unbonded n~ile
Nu~rlberof expansiori joints, exccptionaiiy
wide joints (greater tlian 1 incnj 01 lull-
The following il~for~iiation is needed to de-
dcpth, full-lane-width iK patcheslniile
termine F,,, to adjust overlay tliickriess for the
extra loss in PSI horn deteriorated reflection The total nurnber of unrepaired deterioraied
cracks that are not rcpairzd: joinis/cracks and other discontirluities per niile
iI I I
0.95 --LA

1 I
0.90 -

0.85 .

I i

i I
I i1

I Ii i
Ii I

0.75 I
I I 1 I I

+ ) 1-
0.70 i
t j
1 I I I
----c - j

0.60 -- !
---.II I I -
I t

j I I 1 I

0.50 I
I I 1 i !

I 1
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

~ e t e r i o r a t e dTransverse Joints and Cracks / mile

Figure 5.13. Fja Adjustment FaMr for Unbondcd JPCP, JRCP, and CRCP Overlays
prior to overlay is used to deterrilllie the F,;,,,, A worksheet for determination of D,,, 1s providtd
frolri F i g u ~ e5.13 for the appropriate type of in Table 5.14.
PCC overlay. As an alternative to extensive
full-depth repair far an unbonded overlay to be Step 8: L)etermirration of Overlay Tt~ickrress.
placed on a badly deteriorated pavement, a
thicker AC interlayer should eliminate any re- The thickness of unbonded PCC overlay is conl-
flection crack~ngproblem, so that F,,, = 1.O. puted as fo'lI ows:

Def, From Remaining. Life For PCC Paverrients

The remaining life of the pavement is given by tire

following equation:
Do, = Required thickness of unbonded PCC
overlay, inchcs
D, = Slab thickness determined in Step 6,
D,,, = Effective thickness of existing slab
where deterniined in Step 7, inches

RL = rernainirig life, percent ?'he thickness of overlay determined froln the

N, = total traffic to date, ESALs above relationship should be reasonable when tlie
N,,, = total traffic to pavel~ient"failure," ESALs overlay is required to correct a structural dciiciency.
See Section 5.2.17 for discussion of factors which
N, ,= may be estimated using the new pavenient de- may result in unreasonable overlay thicknesses.
sign equations or nomographs in Part 11. li, be con-
sistent with the AASHO Road Test and the
development of these equations, a "failure" PSI equal
to 1.5 and a reliability of 50 percent are reconi- 5.9.6 Slloulders
DCffis 'eterniined frollb the following equation: See Section 5.2.10 for guidelines.

5.9.7 Joints
Transverse and longitudilial joints must be pro-
CF = condition factor determined fro~rlFigure vided in the salne manner as for new prvemcnt con-
5.2 struction, except for the following joint spacltlg
D = thickness of the existing slab, inches guidelines for JPCP overlays. Due to uriusually
(NCYrE: maximum D for use in unbonded stiff support beneath the slab, it is advisable to linrit
concrete overlay design is 10 inches even joint spaclng to the following to control thernial gratli-
if the existing D is greater than 10 inches) ent curling stress:

The designer should recognize that Deffdeterniined

Maximul~ljoint spacing (feet)
by this method does not reflect any benefit for pre-
overlay repair. The estimate of Deff obtained should = 1.75 * Slab thickness (inc11t.s)
thus be considered a lower limit value. The D,, of the
pavement will be higher if preoverlay repair of load-
associated distress is done. It is also eriiphasized that Example: slab thickness-= 8 inches
this method ~f determining D,,f is not applicable to
ACIPCC pavements. joint spacing = 8 * 1.75 = 14 feet
Design of Pavement Structures

Tbble 5.14. Calculation of Den for Unbonded FCC Overlay of JPCP, JRCP, CRCP, and ACIPCC
Condition Survey Method:
JPCP, JRCP, or CRCP Overlay:
FJ,,, Number of unrepaired tleteriorated jointslmile -

Number of unrepaired deteriorated crackslmile -


Number of unrepaired deteriorated punchoutslmile -

Number of expansion joints, exceptionally wide joints
( > 1 inch) o r full-depth, full-lane-width AC patcheslmile =
T~lallmile -
F,CU= (Figure 5.13)

Effective Slab Thickness:

Delf. = F .JCU * D =

Nm-ES: Maximum D allowed is 10 inches for use in calculating Defffor unbonded overlays.
Existing AC surface is neglected in calculating Defffor existing ACIPCC pavement
when designing an unbonded P C C overlay.

Remaining Life Method:

N, = Past design lane ETALs

N1,5 = Design lane ESALs to P2 of 1.5

NOTE: Maximum D allowed is 10 inches for use in calculating DeIffor unbonded

Rehabilitation with Overlays

(4) Placing an AC leveling course (if neededj~

(5) Placing the concrete overlay
Unbondzd JRCP and CRCP overlays nus st contain (6) Sawing and sealing the joints
reinforcement to hold cracks tightly together. The de-
sign of the reinforcement would follow the guidelines
given for new pavement construction, except that the 5.10.1 Feasibility
friction factor would be high (e.g., 2 to 4) due to
bonding between the AC separation layer and the new A PCC overlay is a feasible rehabilitation a1tc:rna-
PCC overlay (see Part 11, Section 3.4). tive for AC pavements for practically all conditions.
They are most cost-effective when the existing pave-
ment is badly deteriorated. Conditions under wh~cha
5.9.9 Separation Interlayer PCC overlay would not be feasible include:

A separation interlayer is needed between the un- (1) The amount of deterioration is not large and
bonded PCC overlay and the existing slab to isolate other alternatives would be much more eco-
the overlay from the cracks and other deterioration in nomical.
the existing slab. The most common and successfully (2) Vertical clearance at bridges is inaclequatl: for
used separation interlayer material is an AC mixture required overlay thickness. This may be ad-
placed one inch thick. If a level-up is needed the AC dressed by reconstructing the pavement under
interlayer may also be used for that purpose (29, 30). the overhead bridges or by raising the bridges.
Some thin materials that have been used as Thicker PCC overlays may also neces:;itate
bondbreakers have not performed well. Other thin Iay- raising signs and guardrails, as well a ; in-
ers have been used successfully, including surface creasing side slopes and extending cul\erts.
treatments, slurry seals, and asphalt with sand cover Sufficient right-of-way must be available or
for existing pavements without a large amount of fault- obtainable to permit these activities.
ing or slab breakup. For heavily trafficked highways, (3) The existing pavement is susceptible to large
the potential problem of erosion of the interlayer must heaves or settlements.
be considered. A thin surface treatment nlay erode If construction duration is critical, PCC overlays
faster than an AC material. There is no reason that a may utilize high-early-strength PCC mixes. PCC
permeable open-graded interlayer cannot be used, overlays have been opened within 6 to 24 hours after
provided a drainage system is designed to collect the placement using these mixtures.
water from this layer. This type of interlayer would
provide excellent retlective crack control as well as
preventing pumping and erosion of the interlayer. 5.10.2 Pre-overlay Repair

One major advantage of a JPCP, JRCP, or CRCP

5.9.10 Widening overlay over AC pavement is that the amount of repair
required for the existing pavement is greatly red~iced.
See Section 5.2.16 for guidelines. However, the following types of distress (on the next
page) should be repaired prior to placement of the
overlay to prevent reflection cracks that may educe its
5.10 JYCY, JRCP, AND CRCP OVERLAY service life. Guidelines on repairs are provided in Ref-
OF AC PAVEMENT erences 1 and 3 .
JPCP, JRCP, and CRCP overlays of AC pavement
can be placed to irnprove both structural capacity and 5.10.3 Hetlection Crack Control
functional conditions. This type of overlay consists of
the following major construction tasks: Reflection cracking is generally not a problem for
(1) Repairing deteriorated areas arid niaking sub- JPCP, JRCP, or CRCP overlays of AC pavement.
drainage improvements (if needed) However, if the existing AC paverxient has severe
(2) Constructing widening (if needed) transverse thermal cracks, it may be desirable to place
(3) Milling the existing surface if major distortion some type of separation layer over the transverse
or inadequate cross-slope exists cracks to reduce the potential for reflection cracking.
111-154 Design of Pavement Structures

Distress Type Overlay Type Repair Type

Alligator cracking JPCP or JRCP No repair needed
CRCP Patch areas with high deflections
Transverse cracks JPCP, JRCP, CRCP No repair needed
Pumping, stripping JPCP, JRCP, CRCP Edge drains (if needed)
Remove stripping layer if severe
Settlementlheave JPCP, JRCP, CRCP Level-up with AC

5.10.4 Subdrainage Step 2: 7kaffic analysis.

(1) Predicted future 18-kip ESALs in the design
See Section 5.2.4 for guidelines.
lane over the design period (N').

Step 3: Condition survey.

5.10.5 Thickness Design
A detailed survey c~fdistress conditions is not re-
quired. Only a general survey that identifies any of the
The required thickness of the PCC overlay is a
following distresses that may affect the performance
function of the structural capacity required to meet
of a PCC overlay is needed:
future traffic demands and the support provided by the
underlying AC pavement. The required overlay thick- (1) Heaves and swells.
ness to increase structural capacity to carry future (2) Signs of stripping of the AC. This could be-
traffic is determined by the following equation. come even more serious under a PCC ovzrlay.
(3) Large transverse cracks that, witilout a new
separation layer, may reflect through the PCC

where Step 4: Deflection testing

(strongly recommended).
11,1 = Required thickness of PCC overlay, inches Measure deflection basins in the outer wheel path
Df = Slab thickness to carry future traffic, along the project at an interva: sufficient to adequately
inches assess conditions. Intervals of 100 to 1,000 feet are
typical. A heavy-load deflection device (e.g., Falling
PCC overlays of AC pavement have been success- Weight Deflectometer) and a load magnitude of 9,000
fully constructed as thin as 5 inches and as thick as 12 pounds are recommended. ASTM D 4694 and D 4695
inches or mote. Seven to 10 inches has been typical provide additional guidance on deflection testing. De-
for most highway pavement overlays. flections should be measured at the center of the load
The required overlay thickness may be determined and at least one other distance from the load, as de-
through the following design steps. These design steps scribed in Section 5.4.5, Step 4.
pn~videa comprehensive design approach that recom- For each point tested, backcalculate the subgrade
mt-nds testing the pavement to obtain valid design in- modulus (M,) and the effective pavement modulus
puts. If it is not possible to conduct this testing, an (EP) according to the procedures described in Section
approximate overlay design may be developed based 5.4 for AC pavements.
upon visible distress observations by skipping Steps 4
(1) EfSective dynamic k-value. Estimate the effec-
ahd 5, and by estimating other inputs.
The overlay design can be done for a uniform sec- tive dynamic k-value from Figure 3.3 in Part
11, Section 3.2, using the backcalculated sub-
tinn or on a point-by-point basis as described in Sec-
grade resilient modulus (MR), the effective
t b n 5.3.1.
mvdulus of the pavement layers above the sub-
grade (E,), a n i t h e total thickness of the pave-
Step 1: Existing pavement design.
ment layers above the subgrade (D). It is
(1) Existing material types and layer thicknesses. empltasized that the backcalculated subgrade
Nehubilizution wirh Overlays

resilient modul~lsvalue used to esti~riatethe See Part 11, X b l e 2.5, as well as Reference 5 ,
effective dynamic k-value should not be ad- for guidance in determining Cd. In selecting
justed by the C factor (e.g., 0.33) which pcr- this value, note that the poor drainage situation
tains to establishing the design M, for AC at the AASIIO Road Test would be glven a Cd
overlays of AC pavements. of 1 .O.
If a single overlay thickness is being de-
signed for a uriiforrli section, compute the Compute Df for tht: above design illputs using the
mean effective dynamic k-value of the u n i f o r ~ ~ ~ rigid paver1:ellt design equation or nomograph i r ~Part
section. 11, Figure 3.7. When designing an overlay thickness
for a uniform pavement section, mean input values
Step 5: Coring and materials testing. must be used. When desigsiir~gan overlay thickness
for specific points along tile pi';;ject, the data fur tlial
Unless some unusual distress condition exists, cor-
point must be used. A worksheet for determining Of is
ing and materials testing are not required.
provided in 'riibie 5.15.
Step 6: Deter~riinationof required slib thickness
for future traffic (D,). Step 7: Deter~ttinutionof Overlay l'hickness.
Effective s t u t i ~
~ (ar buffurn of PCC The PCC overlay thickness is conipiited as foil~ws:
overlay over an existing AC yaven~ent).Deter-
mine from one of the following methods.
(a) Determine the effective dynamic k-value
from the backcalculated subgrade modu-
lus M,, pavement ~ilodulusE,, and pave-
ment thickness D as described in Step 4. The thickness of overlay detern~ined from the
Divide the effective dynamic k-value by above relationship should be reasonable when the
2 to obtain the static k-value. The static overlay is required to correct a structural deficiency.
k-value n:gy need to be adjusted for sea- See Section 5.2.17 for discussion of factors which
sonal effects (see Part 11, Section 3.2. l ) . may result in unreasonablc: overlay tllicknesses
( b ) Estimate from soils data and paverllcnt
layer types and thicknesses, using Figure
3.3 In Part 11, Section 3.2. The static k-
value obtained may need to be adjusted 5.10.6 Shoulders
for seasonal effects (see Part 11, Section
3.2.1). See Section 5.2.10 for guidelines.
Design PSI loss. PSI inlmediately after overlay
(PI) minus PSI at time of next rehabilitation
J, loud trunsfer factor for joint design of the 5.10.7 Joints
PCC overluy. See Part 11, Section 2.4.2, Table
See Section 5.8.7 for guidelines.
Modulus of rupture of PCC overlay. Use mean
28-day, third-point-loatii~igriluciulus of rupture
of tlie overlay PCC.
Elustic trzodu/rrs of PCC overltry. Use niean 28-
5.10.11 Keinforcernent
day rl~odulusof elasticity of overlay PCC.
Loss of support. See Part 11.
Overlay design reliubilify, H Dercerrt). See See Section 5.8.8 for guidelines.
Part I , Section 4.2, Part 11, Table 2 . 2 , and Part
111, Section 5.2.15.
Overall standard devi/l~ior~ (So)ji?r rigid ~ L ve-
tnenf. See Part I , Section 4.3. 5.10. l v Wide~lirkg
Subdrainuge cupability of existing AC puve-
rilent, after subdrninage in~provenierrts,if any. See Section 5.2.16 for guidelines
111-156 Design of Par,enrenf Str~rctures

l s b l e 5.15. Worksheet for Determination of DI for PCC Overlay of AC Pavement

Type of load transfer system: mechanical device, aggregate interlock, CRCP
Type of shoulder = tied PCC, other
PCC modulus of rupture of unbonded overlay
(typically 600 to 800 psi) -
- psi
PCC E modulus of unbonded overlay (3 to 5 million psi) = -psi
J load transfer factor of unbonded overlay
(2.5 to 4.4 for jointed PCC, 2.3 to. 3.2 for CKCP) -
Future 18-kip ESALs in design lane &er
the design period (Nf)


Effective dynamic k-value -
- psilinch
Effective static k-value = Effective dynamic k-value12
(typically 50 to 500 psilinch) - psilinch
Subdrainage coefficient, Cd
(typically 1.0 for poor subdrainage conditions) -
Design PSI loss (PI - P2) - ---

Design reliability, R (80 to 99 bercent) - percent
Overall standard deviation, So (typically 0.39) -


Required slab thickness for future traffic is determined from rigid pavement
design equation or nomograph in Part 11, Figure 3.7.
D, = inches

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