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Crisis of the Later Middle Ages (Chapter 12)

How were the populations of Europe weakened before the Black Death (the plague)?
What were the social consequences of the plague?
What were the long term economic consequences of the plague?
Why was the Hundred Years War fought?
What were the advantages held by the English during the Hundred Years War?
How did the French ultimately win the Hundred Years War?
What were the consequences of the Hundred Years War?
What divisions plagued the Church?
Babylonian Captivity
Great Schism
John Wyclif and Jan Hus
What attempts were made to heal these divisions in the Church?
Conciliar Movement -- Defensor Pacis
How did the poor protest their station in life?
Strikes and riots against guilds
Peasants revolt in England
How was vernacular language utilized?
What was Christine de Pizans contribution to literature?
The Renaissance (Chapter 13)
What economic activities did the different city states of Italy participate in?
Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy?
Why was Italy an inviting target for invasion?
Balance of Power Diplomacy
Charles VIII (of France)
Habsburg-Valois Wars
How were individualism, humanism and secularism part of the Renaissance?
What were the main contributions of individual Renaissance artists?
Da Vinci
What were the contributions of Renaissance writers?
Thomas More
How did the invention of moveable type affect European civilization?
How did the Northern Renaissance differ from the Italian Renaissance?

How did the Charles VII strengthen France (and his hold on power) after the Hundred Years War?
Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges
Concordat of Bologna
How did the Tudors strengthen the English monarchy after the War of the Roses?
How did Ferdinand and Isabella strengthen Spain?
Reformations and Religious Wars (Chapter 14)
What issues continued to plague the Catholic Church in the sixteenth century?
Why did Martin Luther 95 Theses?
How did the authorities try to deal with Martin Luther?
What were the main Protestant beliefs?
How did Luthers religious movement become a political movement?
Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants
Peace of Augsburg
On Secular Government
What were the differences between the beliefs of Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox and the Anabaptists?
How was the English Reformation different that the Reformation led by Luther?
Supremacy Act
Dissolution of the monasteries
What was the result of the Catholic or Counter Reformation?
Council of Trent (Tridentine decrees)
Jesuits and Ursulines
Index of Forbidden Books
How did Henri VI bring stability to France?
St. Bartholomews Day Massacre
Edict of Nantes
Why did the Netherlands revolt against Spanish rule?
European Expansion and Conquest (Chapter 15)
What were the dominant European trade patterns before the voyages of discovery?
What were the accomplishments of the Portuguese explorers?
What motivated people to become explorers?
Where did the Dutch, French, English and Spanish focus their colonization efforts?
What were the consequences of the defeat of the Spanish Armada?
Absolutism and Constitutionalism in Western Europe (1589-1715) (Chapter 16)
How did both absolutist and constitutional monarchs attempt to deal with the crises of the seventeenth
How did Henri IV bring France together as a nation?
Edict of Nantes
Taxes including the paulette
How did Cardinal Richeleau shape France?
How did the Fronde impact Louis XIV?

What was the role of Versailles and the arts in the court of Louis XIV?
What were the characteristics of Colberts mercantilism?
What did Louis XIV gain and lose from his many wars?
Treaty of Nijmegen
War of Spanish Succession
Peace of Utrecht
Why did Spain decline in the eighteenth century?
What was the original purpose of Baroque art?
What fluctuations were there the relationship between Parliament and the Tudor and Stuart monarchs?
Divine Right
English Civil War
Triennial Act
Long Parliament
Test Act of 1673
Glorious Revolution
English Bill of Rights
How did Oliver Cromwell govern England during the Interregnum?
How did Thomas Hobbes Leviathan reflect the Interregnum? (primary source reading)
How did Charles II get along with Parliament?
How does John Lockes Second Treatise of Government reflect the Glorious Revolution?
What was the main role of the Dutch in the seventeenth century?
Absolutism in Eastern Europe to 1740 (Chapter 17)
Why did serfdom reappear in Eastern Europe?
Why was the Thirty Years War fought?
What foreign countries got involved in the Thirty Years War?
Cardinal Richelieu
What were the results of the Peace of Westphalia?
Why was Austria such a diverse country?
Pragmatic Sanction
What were the purposes of Baroque architecture?
What were the main contributions of the Great Elector Frederick William?
What were the positive and negative developments of Frederick William I the soldiers king?
How did the Mongols influence the development of Russia?
What changes occurred in Russia under Ivan the Terrible?
What were the reforms of Peter the Great, and were was their effect?
Great Northern War
St. Petersburg
How do absolutism and the Baroque go together?

Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment (Chapter 18)

How did the Scientific Revolution change society?
What were the scientific contributions of:
How did Bacon and Descartes contribute to the scientific method?
Inductive reasoning - empiricism
Deductive reasoning
Scientific Method
What were the Enlightenment contributions of
The Baron de Montesquieu
John Locke
What is deism?
What was enlightened and not enlightened about:
Frederick the Great
Catherine the Great
Maria Theresa and Joseph II
How did the Enlightenment affect politics?
The Expansion of Europe in the 18th Century (Chapter 19)
How did the common people function under the traditional agrarian system of the Middle Ages?
What were the positive and negative effects of the agricultural revolution?
How did European population growth change between 1100-1800, especially between 1700 and 1800?
How did cottage industries fit into the overall European economy?
What were the 17th and 18th century trends in international trade?
How did Adam Smiths view of economics and trade differ from the prevailing view of the eighteenth
The Changing Life of the People (Chapter 20)
What was the general life path of the common people? When did people marry? Work? Have children?
What factors influence the illegitimacy explosion?
What were the prevailing ideas of child rearing in the eighteenth century?
What were differences between the lower and upper classes with respect to education? Diet? Leisure?
In what areas did medicine improve in the eighteenth century?
How did the Catholic Church change in the eighteenth century?
How did the Protestant Church change in the eighteenth century?
John Wesley Methodists

The French Revolution/Napoleon (Chapter 21)

What was the relationship between the legal orders (Estates) in France before the revolution?
What steps did the National Assembly take towards Revolution?
Oath of the Tennis Court
Declaration of the Rights of Man
What contributions did the poor working people of France make to further the Revolution?
Storming of the Bastille
Womens march to Versailles
What were the goals of the National Assembly?
Why were the goals of the National Assembly impossible to achieve?
What was the purpose of the Reign of Terror?
What were the consequences of the Reign of Terror?
Committee on Public Safety
Execution of Louis XVI
War with Austria and Prussia
How did the Thermidorian Reaction and the Directory step back from the revolution?
How did Napoleon get and keep power?
What did Napoleon do to bring stability to France?
What were the main principles of the Napoleonic or Civil Code?
What freedoms were curtailed by the Civil Code?
What relationship did Napoleonic France have with the different countries of Europe?
Where did Napoleon have military success?
Where did Napoleon have military failures?
What was the relationship between Napoleon and the people of France?
What type of government did the restored Louis XVIII implement?
Industrial Revolution (Chapter 22)
Why did the industrial revolution occur in Britain?
What facilitated the move away from the cottage industry toward factories?
How did industrialization affect the working class? Before 1850? After 1850?
How did Britain show off its industrial accomplishments?
How did the union movement grow?
Combination Acts of 1799
National Unions
Craft Unions
How was the process of industrialization different on the Continent than in Britain?
What strategies did Continental European nations use to catch up to Britain?
Economic nationalism
What contributions did Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo make to theories explaining the industrial
Who were the Luddites?
At what rates did different European countries industrialize?

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