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Setting: The classroom

Danny steals ten pounds from Ms. Bonfire's purse and confesses to Tyke about it who scolds him for his
act and asks him to put it back. Danny, in return, requests Tyke to put it back for him because Tyke is the
clever one out of the two. Tyke agrees and makes up an excuse to leave the class and runs down the
Harlequin: "What did the cross-eyed teacher say? I can't control my pupils."

Setting: School corridor
As Tyke is about to put the money back, Mrs Somers, the deputy head, appears and asks Tyke what is
going on? Tyke and Mrs Somers are not at all on friendly terms so Tyke is a little bit scared about being
caught. However, she tells Tyke that Tyke is not a proper name and other students should be calling Tyke
by the actual name instead of the nickname. Tyke listens with a bowed head. Once Mrs Somers leaves,
Tyke starts thinking about where to hide the tenner.

Harlequin: "What's blue and cries for help? A damson in distress."

Setting: Storeroom

In order to hide the tenner, Tyke goes into the school storeroom and hides it behind a picture hanging on
the wall of Sir Walter Raleigh and leaves.

Setting: The classroom

Sir, The Head and Mrs Somers come into the classroom of Tyke and Danny and announce that Ms. Bonn
has reported ten pounds missing from her purse. The Head asks the person responsible behind it to
come forward and return the money or else everyone will stay back in school until all bags, coats, desks,
etc are searched. The rest of the students start talking about how it is not fair to them as it is not their
fault. However, no one confesses to have taken the money from the purse and the students have to stay
back for being searched.

Setting: Living room of Tyke's home

Tyke is lying on the floor with Crumble who is Tyke's dog when Dad comes back home. Tyke and Dad
wrestle playfully and Tyke asks Dad if a teacher would miss their ten pounds if they lost it. In this scene,
we also find out that next morning, when Tyke goes to school and into the storeroom, it has all been
changed and the picture is also gone along with the ten pound note.

Harlequin: "How do you keep a twit in suspense? I'll tell you later."

Setting: The school playground

All the pupils are waiting in the school playground to enter the school where Danny is carrying a
newspaper parcel under his arm and Tyke is looking worried coming out of a side-door in school. Danny
tells Tyke that he has brought a bone for Tyke's dog, Crumble. It is a marrow bone. When Danny drops
the newspaper all over the ground, Tyke bossily tells a junior to pick it up. Now, Tyke has to keep the
marrow bone with him all day in school. He also tells Danny that he has lost the ten pound because he
hid them behind a painting which has now vanished.

Setting: The school hall

While the assembly is in progress, Tyke sees the painting of Sir Walter Raleigh hanging on the wall. Tyke
informs Danny about the painting being moved from the store room to the assembly hall. This means that
the money must have been found. So, in order to create distraction, Danny takes out his mouse, Fatty,
from his pocket and places it in the hair of Linda Stoatway who is standing in front of him. This causes a
lot of chaos, causing many students to fall like nine-pins. The Head calmly picks up the mouse from the
floor. The students start settling down. The Head announces that he would like to see the owner of the
mouse in his office during playtime. He also announces for Tyke Tiler to visit his office.

Harlequin: "Why was the skeleton afraid to jump off the cliff? Because he hadn't any guts."

Setting: The Head's office

Tyke is in the office of The Head who takes out a ten pound note from his pocket and asks Tyke if he has
seen it before. Tyke is scared and does not answer. When The Head repeats his question, Tyke says that
he has not stolen it. The Head is angry and tells Tyke that even though he has known Tyke for seven to
eight years and he knows that Tyke is an ill-disciplined child, he was not expecting Tyke to be a liar. The
Head informs Tyke about how he was sure that Tyke was responsible for this act when the note was
found. The Head says that when the money was found by the caretaker, without a doubt, I knew it was
you because I know only two children who are capable of climbing into a loft without a ladder and they are
you and your brother Stanley, who is no longer in this branch. The Head asks Tyke why he hid the money
for Danny? Now Danny enters the scene shouting that its his mouse and its not Tyke's fault. This
surprises the Head because Danny is responsible for both, the stolen ten pound note as well as the
mouse in the assembly hall. Tyke explains that Danny did not mean to steal the money from Miss Bonn's
purse. He only took it because it was there. Later, Tyke hid it in the loft so that he will put it back when he
gets a chance but things got out of control. Miss Bonn was called in by The Head for discussion which
went on for a long time. Danny cried and apologized. The Head promised he will not call the police and
gave both the children notes to take home.

Setting: School corridor

Tyke is cartwheeling in the corridor when Mrs Somers enters, angry as always. She tells Tyke to learn
some manners and learn to behave in the school. She also tells Tyke to stay in school after home-time
and write out lines. She scolds Tyke for the marrow bone in the bag and tells Tyke to not bring things like
this to school. After she leaves, Danny comes running to Tyke to tell that Miss Bonn started crying and
was not angry at all. She forgave me and invited me to her house for tea. Tyke feels bad that even though
it was all Danny's fault, starting from the missing ten pound note to the mouse and the marrow bone, he
still got invited for tea while Tyke got detention.

Harlequin: "That's what I call justice."


Setting: The classroom

The students find an article in the newspaper about their teacher, Mr William Merchant. It says that he has
written a book on the history of their school, Cricklepit Combined School. It is the oldest primary school of
the country. It also talks about discipline problems which were faced in the early days. There is a mention
of a bell on the roof of the school which is not rung anymore. This makes Tyke inquisitive who then asks
about the school bell. The sir informs them that the bells were rung during war and the part was damaged
by a bomb. This made the bell tower weak so it was decided to stop ringing the bell as it was not safe
anymore. It has been more than thirty years since the bell was last rung. In this scene, the students are
joined by a student teacher, Miss Honeywell. Tyke insists on being called as Tyke when Miss Honeywell
asks about Tyke's real name.

Harlequin: "What family does the gorilla come from? I'm not sure. I've just moved here and I don't know
everyone yet."

Setting: Tyke's house

Tyke's dad is a council member and it's time for elections. He wants to be re-elected. Martin Kneeshaw,
who is Tyke's class fellow, his dad is also running the elections as a candidate opposite Tyke's dad. So,
dad asks Tyke to deliver a bunch of leaflets for his election campaigning and tells Tyke to take Danny and
Crumble along. Tyke feels that it is such a boring leaflet as the heading says 'Your rents and your tax.'
Tyke's father tells Tyke to push the leaflets into the letter boxes instead of leaving them lying around on
the porch because the opposition may take advantage of this situation by removing all of them.

Harlequin: "I'd tell you a joke about dustbins but it's a load of rubbish."

Setting: The bridge near the derelict mill

Tyke, Danny and Crumble reach the bridge over a stream where they stop. Tyke reads the leaflet aloud to
Danny to show disinterest. Suddenly, Danny sees something and asks what is that and holds Tyke's arm
to point it in that direction, causing all the leaflets to fall into the water. Danny apologizes but Tyke says
I'm sure no one would have read it anyway. Tyke is more excited about exploring the abandoned mill

behind them.

Harlequin: "What did the crude oil say when it was coming out of the ground? Knickers."

Setting: Inside an old mill

Tyke and Danny enter the mill to explore it. Danny is scared while Tyke is excited. Danny asks Tyke to go
back but Tyke insists on exploring. Danny wonders if this mill is haunted and has ghosts but Tyke tells him
to not be scared. They enter a trap door, leading to the attic.

Setting: Attic of the mill
Tyke tells Danny that this will be our secret room for all our secrets and adventures and for hiding in while
Danny insists on leaving because he doesn't like this place.

Setting: A street near the bridge

Tyke and Danny come out of the mill. Tyke tells Danny to
not tell anyone about this as it will be our secret place.
While they are on their way, they spot Martin Kneeshaw
distributing leaflets. When Kneeshaw has left, Tyke picks
up one of the leaflets and reads it. Tyke informs Danny that
these are his father's leaftlets for elections. Tyke gets a
mischievous idea and they both run up the street collecting
all the leaflets distributed by Danny. They then go to the
stream again and throw the leaflets into the water. Tyke and
Danny joke about fish and sharks voting for the
Harlequin: "What wears shoes but has no feet? A pavement."

Setting: A Park

The Sir takes the class 4M to a park for a lesson. He tells them that they
are surrounded by history in this town. He tells them to imagine they are
in the year 1066. The Sir wants to teach them about The Battle of
Hastings. The Sir taught them about William The Conqueror who was a
cruel man and fought with Englishmen for winning the throne. He killed
Harold with an arrow through his eye. William was angry at the citizens
for not giving in so he gouged the eyes of a citizen out in order to scare
and torture them. In the end, he surrendered, however, he changed the
city forever. The students then enacted the battle in order to understand
it in a better way.

Harlequin: "It wasn't a bad sort of a day."

Setting:The Classroom
The Head comes into the classroom and announces that someone has
ruined the garden at school and the fish were left out of the pond to die.
The Head asks for a confession or if anyone knows anything about it.
After the Head has left, Martin Kneeshaw says to Miss Honeywell that he
thinks Danny did it because he is always causing trouble. Tyke gets
angry and attacks Martin Kneeshaw.

Right at that moment, the Head returns to the classroom and sees the
scene. He tells Tyke to see him in his office and also informs the class
that the garden was wrecked by some senior boys from another school.

Setting: The Head's office
Tyke is waiting outside the Head's office while inside, the Head, Sir and
Mrs Somers are discussing this issue.

Mrs Somers suggests that Tyke and Danny should be separated but Sir
believes that it is wrong to separate friend. He also mentions that Tyke is
the only person Danny can rely on because his father is in jail while his
mother is also considered awful. So, The Head suggests that they all
should wait for the results of Verbal Reasoning Assessment Tests before
making any decision. He says that if Danny passes the test then we will

keep him otherwise we will send him to a special school. When they all
leave the office, Tyke jumps back so they no one noticed Tyke was there.
Tyke goes inside the office and sees that test papers are lying on the
table. Tyke picks up one paper and, in fact, steals it to help Danny pass.

Harlequin: "I've finished my exam, Sir.

Did the questions give you any trouble?
No, but the answers did."

ACT 2 - SCENE 10
Setting:Tyke's Bedroom

Tyke informs the audience that, in the evening, I finally got the courage
to take out the test paper and then I went through it. Tyke tells that he
was able to understand some of the questions but he wasn't sure about
the answers, whether they were correct or not. Tyke was also concerned
about teaching them to Danny. So, Tyke decides to take help from Berry,
Tyke's sister. Berry tells Tyke that this is cheating and that Tyke should
return the test papers before their Dad finds out. But Tyke explains that
this is not cheating but helping as Tyke doesn't want Danny to leave the
school. Tyke is able to convince Berry to help, however, Berry tells Tyke
that we must be careful so no one will find out.

ACT 2 - SCENE 11
Setting: Tyke's Bedroom

Tyke tells Danny that I have gone through the paper and prepared all the
answers for you with the help of Danny, but Danny is not bothered. Tyke
tries to scare Danny by saying that his school will be changed. Danny is
still, however, not able to learn and remember the answers. Tyke makes
Danny go through the paper over and over again and hopes for the best.
Finally the test day arrives and is over very quickly, as said by Tyke.

Harlequin: "Why do you forget a tooth when it has been pulled

out? It goes right out of your head."

ACT 2 - SCENE 12
Setting:The Old Mill

That night, after the test, Tyke and Danny went to the old mill. Tyke has made a bed of sacks and taken
food items along in case they have to stay there for longer due to a siege. Danny insists on going back as

Harlequin: "You can see it wasn't much of an evening.

Where does the Dracula keep his money? In a blood bank."

Setting: The Classroom
Students are busy preparing a play about King Arthur under the
supervision of Miss Honeywell.

Sir walks in and informs the class that he likes focusing on the facts so
they should keep the script of the play to the point.

Setting: The School's Playground
Someone makes a graffiti on the wall which makes Sir very angry. He
makes the class clean it with buckets of water.

Tyke is standing on a chair, cleaning the wall, while Martin Kneeshaw is

right below Tyke. Tyke loses balance and, by mistake, drops the bucket
of dirty soapy water on Martin Kneeshaw. Sir is very angry seeing this
and sends Tyke to the office of the Head.

Setting: The Head's Office

The Head is also tired of seeing Tyke in his office all the time. The Head
inquires about Tyke's father and his election campaign. Tyke shows lack
of interest in the elections to which the Head questions about Tyke's
civic responsibility and decides to punish him for what he did to Martin
Kneeshaw. The Head tells Tyke to write lines for him in every playtime,
dinnertime as well as after twenty minutes of school for one week.

Setting: The Classroom

The students are again busy with Miss Honeywell preparing for the play.
Tyke informs Miss Honeywell that they have decided the characters and
Danny will play Sir Galahad because the character is said to have the
strength as the strength of ten because of his pure heart. Miss
Honeywell appreciates their decision. Miss Honeywell is a sweet person
so she also tells Tyke that she will be coming over tonight to help Tyke's
Dad for the elections which are tomorrow.

Setting: Outside Tyke's House
Miss Honeywell visits Tyke's house to help while Danny and Tyke leave
the house saying that they have some posters to paste. Dad tells Tyke to
be polite with everyone when placing the posters and don't force

Harlequin: "Watch out! Tyke and Danny are up to something."

Setting: Outside Kneeshaw's House

Tyke and Danny are outside Martin Kneeshaw's house which is covered
in posters for Kneeshaw's father, as he is also an election candidate.
Tyke and Danny become mischievous and paste the posters of Tyke's
Dad over those posters and run away. Tyke wonders what would happen
tomorrow as it is the day of elections. Tyke also says that Kneeshaw's
family will be able to make a guess who did this to their posters.

Setting: Tyke's Living Room
The next morning, Martin Kneeshaw's father calls Tyke's Dad and
informs him about the incident of which he is absolutely no idea. After
the phone call, Dad asks Tyke and Danny if they know anything about it.
Danny speaks the truth, however, Dad is not able to understand because
of the stutter so he asks Tyke to repeat what he said. Tyke changes the
statement and tells a lie.

Harlequin: "What is the meaning of the phrase Out of Bounds? An

exhausted Kangaroo."


Setting: A Street Near Tyke's House

Tyke and Danny are walking in a street while Tyke is in a bad mood.
Martin Kneeshaw enters the scene and beats Tyke while Danny runs
away. Martin says that his father will win the elections. Tyke faints
because of pain. Danny comes running back with Dad and Berry and
they all take Tyke home.

Setting: Tyke's Bedroom
Tyke is feeling very weak and lying in bed. Mum tells Tyke that Dad won
the elections. She also informs Tyke that you have some viral infection.
Mum tells Tyke that Danny cannot come and see Tyke because he may
also catch the virus.

ACT 3 - SCENE 10
Setting: Tyke's House
The Head visits Tyke's house to inquire about Tyke's health and to tell
Tyke's Mum about the result of the Verbal Reasoning Assessment
Papers. The Head is pleased to inform her that all their children have
been his student and they all have performed well while he was a little
unsure about Tyke. Nevertheless, Tyke's result has surprised the Head
as being above average. The Head is happy and wants to encourage

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