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Kayla Donnell

24 Walnut St. Carpentersville, IL 60110 630-945-5416
September 13, 2016
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing in response to the Adrenaline Sports Management event planning
internship, I heard about through my colleges career fair. I am a junior at
Carthage College in Kenosha, Wisconsin and very interested in interning with
Adrenaline Sports Management this fall. An internship with a company who
values attention to detail and provides a fun experience to event participants
would perfectly compliment my Communication and Public Relations training
and professional goals.
Other than pursuing a degree in Communication and Public Relations, I
occupy my time with activities including my job on campus, and my national
sorority, Chi Omega. I am a student ambassador at Carthage College and
love sharing my enthusiasm and passion for Carthage with perspective
students and their families. As a student ambassador I am required to have
great communication skills and independence while touring families around
campus. My favorite part of my job is seeing a student I toured on campus
the following year.
In addition to the work I do on campus, I have been elected to be the
President of my sorority. This has given me the opportunity to lead fellow
executive board members to meet objectives, plan various events throughout
the semester, and keep morale up within the chapter, which, so far, has been
extremely rewarding. Some objectives include meeting fundraising goals for
the Make a Wish foundation, meeting grade standards, submitting documents
to headquarters on time, managing and collecting funds, and meeting
recruitment goals. Being so involved on campus has given me great time
management skills, leadership skills, and allowed me to interact with many
different people to meet common goals.
I believe that my unique set of skills will add a great amount of value to ASM.
I already have few strong leadership experiences, and would love for ASM to
help me grow as a leader even more.
Thank you for your time and consideration thus far. I look forward to meeting
with you again and discussing our mutual goals. If you have any further
questions about my experiences, please, dont hesitate to contact me.
Sincerely yours,
Kayla Donnell
(630) 945-5416

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