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Bambang Ruby S, NIM: 0203513037, Smester 1

PPs Unnes Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Kelas Khusus) 2013/2014

Research in English Language Teaching
(Research Method and Traditions)

Activity 1
What does research in the psychometric tradition typically investigate?
Chaudron (1988) stated that psychometric tradition investigated the quantitative
relationships between various classroom activities or behaviors and language
Based on the explanation above, the psychometric tradition concerned with the
construction and validation of measurement instruments such as questionnaires, tests,
and personality assessments.
Context-product studies
Context product studies is a research classroom variable concerned with students
classroom behavior. It is including students experiences, abilities, knowledge and
Presage-product studies
Presage product studies is a research classroom variable concerned with teachers
classroom behavior. It is including teachers formative experiences, training experiences,
skills, intelligences, motivations and personality.
Process-product studies
Process product study is a result of observation from Context product studies and Presage
product studies to know the students development.

What has research in interaction analysis focused on, and how will the outcome
be useful?
Chaudron (1988) stated that interaction analysis focused on an interest in the nature of
the dependency of Students behaviors on the atmosphere and interaction engendered by
the teacher. In this tradition, researchers have not pursued quantitative analysis. The
influence of this tradition is to view interaction as a chain of teacher and student behavior.

Based on the explanation above, interaction analysis focuses on classroom interaction in

terms of social and the outcome will be useful to know the nature of the dependency of
the student behaviors on the atmosphere and interaction with the teacher.
What is the main feature distinguishing discourse analysis from interaction
Chaudron (1988) stated that the discourse analysis tradition arose from a linguistic
perspective, an attempt to analyze fully the discourse of classroom interaction in
structural-functional linguistic terms. This approach was adopted for L2 classroom by
Fanselow (1977), whose analytical system includes not only a dimension for pedagogical
function, but also dimensions for context, speaker, and others.
Based on the explanation above, discourse analysis attempts to reveal the discourse of
classroom interaction from the perspective of linguistic terms while interaction analysis
focused on the social relationship meaning.
Why is the ethnographic tradition said to be strictly qualitative?
Chaudron (1988) stated that this approach attempts to interpret behaviors from the
perspective of the participants different understandings rather than from the observers
to objective analysis.
Based on explanation above, Ethnographic tradition is subjective in which the result of the











understanding and not on the objective analysis of the observer.

Activity 2
Why is the distinction between qualitative and quantitative approaches to
research considered to be an oversimplification?
Grotjahn in Nunan (1992) argued that the qualitative and quantitative distinction is an
oversimplification because in analyzing actual research studies, it is necessary to take into
consideration the method of data collection, the type of data yielded by the investigation,
and the type of analysis conducted on the data. Mixing and matching these variables
provides us with two pure research paradigms.
The two approaches considered to be oversimplification because of what method of data
collection employed; what type data yielded from investigation; and what kinds of
analysis conducted on the data.
Mention the two pure paradigms of research, and distinguish them in terms
of the method used, the type of data to be gathered, and the techniques of data
analyses to be adopted

Nunan (1992) argued that First paradigm is exploratory interpretive. It is a non

experimental method, yields qualitative data, and provides interpretative analysis of the
data. Second paradigm is analytical nomological. The data are collected through an
experiment, and yields quantitative data which are subjected to statistical analysis.
Exploratory Interpretive
Non experimental design
Qualitative data
Interpretive analysis

Analytical Nomological
Quantitative data
Statistical analysis

What kind of research is at one end of selectivity continuum, and what type is
at the other?
Van lieur in Nunan (1992) argued that selectivity continuum is a naturalistic study of a
classroom in action would be placed at the other end of the continuum.
What kind of research is at one end of interventionist continuum, and what type
is at the other?
Van lieur in Nunan (1992) argued that research is placed on the interventionist parameter
according to the extent to which the researcher intervenes in the environment.
Explain the difference between primary and secondary research
Brown in Nunan (1992) argued that a distinction between primary and secondary
research. Secondary research consist of reviewing the literature in a given area, and
synthesizing the research carried out by others, while primary research is subdivided into
case study and statistical studies.
Primary Research

Secondary Research

social surveys:
Questionnaire surveys

Published statistics: census,

housing and social security
data, and so on

informal or structured

Published texts: theoretical

work, secondary analyses by
experts and reports

covert (masked identity)
Media: documentaries,
source of information


Personal documents: diaries

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