Upnewslfeb 10

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PRAYER BEARING FRUIT 2) The Faith Community Health

Several weeks ago, there was a Center in Branson is poised to
follow-up meeting of area open very soon. Dr. Peter
“spiritual influencers,” Marcellus is the volunteer
facilitated by Pastor Howard Medical Director, and Skaggs
Boyd. A spiritual influencer is donated a building. There will
someone who by community eventually be dental, optical and
service or by prayer contributes counseling services available as
spiritually to the region. This well as medical. Further, the
definition, of course, includes Free Clinic has been open for
many people. In actuality, about some time as a further outreach
30 people were present – pastors, to people in need of care. 3) This
intercessors, community service is the season for the annual
leaders and representatives, and “Loaves and Fishes” outreach to
the Mayor of Branson. the poor. Every night there is a
However, this was not a free meal for anyone who wants
“Branson meeting.” It was for to come. Churches offer their
and reported on the entire community rooms. So far this
region of Stone and Taney year about two thousand meals
Counties. By the grace of God, I have been served. The
was well enough to attend part coordinators are also
of the meeting. I left with a considering the offering of
profound awareness of what haircuts and possibly a job fair.
God is doing in our area – and If you would like to serve as a
the foundation of that fruit is the volunteer one night a week or
faithful prayer of people. 1) Kay more, contact Kimily Tinch at
Scribner coordinated a prayer 331-6021.
effort, “Gatekeepers;” in one 4) Some highly significant trends
very short period of time there are evident in the region: An
were 81 people praying in 246 increase in unity, growing
locations. 18 churches were involvement in community
involved, with 31 team leaders. service, ready encouragement

for others, a better system of These are applicable at the

keeping people informed, and individual, congregational,
more celebrating of spiritual sector, cluster and community
relationships. 5) Prior to the wide levels. 7) I asked John
meeting, the sponsors Baltes to provide for me a list of
coordinated a Christian Survey. outreaches that he is aware of.
The idea came from pastors who In addition to the ones already
meet and pray together mentioned, they include Hope on
regularly, and Jerry Henry, an the Road, Jesus Was Homeless,
expert in surveys, put it together. Healthy Lifestyles Program,
This was a telephone survey. Care for Kids, Legacy Initiative,
There were 381 respondents, Christian Community
with a confidence rate of 95% Foundation, Servant Leadership
that this sample is truly Training, Boardsmanship
representative. There could be Training, Celebrate Families,
some skewing, for example, by Love INC, Prayer Summits and
age group, but the results are Prayer Gatherings. And there
highly encouraging. About 62% are more.
of people in Ozark Mountain
Country attend church Folks, I have no doubt that a
regularly. 93.2% of the major conduit of God’s grace
population is Christian. 84% flowing in our region is the
feel they are part of a church Uninterrupted Prayer Team.
family. 96% have a personal God always, always listens to
commitment to Jesus Christ. prayer, and He always responds
39% are part of small groups of to prayer that is in keeping with
Christians who meet at least His will. The spiritual
monthly. 73% feel responsible transformation of our region is
to share the Good News of Jesus certainly in keeping with that
Christ. A third of those have led will. Some of you as UP Team
someone to the Lord in the past members and supporters are
year and they share just under involved both in prayer and in
an average of 9 times a month. other ministries. Probably most
77% view their daily work as of you are like me, trying to pray
important to God. 86% see God faithfully and doing so behind
working through them. 6) The the scenes. Never underestimate
spiritual influencers group had the power of prayer. Rejoice
identified and reaffirmed that with me in what God is doing in
there are three ways to become SW Missouri.
involved: Prayer, Care, Share.

REFLECTION the peoples, a light of revelation

The Presentation of the Child to the Gentiles and for glory to
Jesus in the Temple has many your people Israel.’ And the
profound aspects to it, plus child’s father and mother were
applications for us as amazed at what was being said
intercessors. Let’s begin with about him. Then Simeon blessed
the Scripture passage itself, in them and said to his mother
Luke, Chapter 2: “When the Mary, ‘This child is destined for
time came for their purification the falling and the rising of many
according to the law of Moses, in Israel, and to be a sign that
they brought him up to Jerusalem will be opposed so that the inner
to present him to the Lord (as it is thoughts of many will be revealed
written in the law of the Lord, – and a sword will pierce you own
‘Every firstborn male shall be soul too.’ There was also a
designated as holy to the Lord’), prophet, Anna, the daughter of
and they offered a sacrifice Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher.
according to what is stated in the She was of great age, having lived
law of the Lord, ‘a pair of turtle- with her husband for seven years
doves or two young pigeons.’ after her marriage, then as a
Now there was a man in widow to the age of eighty-four.
Jerusalem whose name was She never left the temple but
Simeon; this man was righteous worshipped there with fasting and
and devout, looking forward to prayer night and day. At that
the consolation of Israel, and the moment she came, and began to
Holy Spirit rested on him. It had praise God and to speak about the
been revealed to him by the Holy child to all who were looking for
Spirit that he would not see death the redemption of Jerusalem.”
before he had seen the Lord’s Now let’s draw some lessons
Messiah. Guided by the Spirit, from this historical and spiritual
Simeon came into the temple; and event. 1) Since Joseph and
when the parents brought in the Mary were devout Jews, they
child Jesus, to do for him what followed the precepts of the law
was customary under the law, and brought Jesus to “present
Simeon took him in his arms and Him to the Lord.” They traveled
praised God, saying, “Master, to Jerusalem and brought Him
now you are dismissing your into the courts of the Temple,
servant in peace, according to undoubtedly to a priest on duty
your word; for my eyes have seen for such purposes. They offered
your salvation, which you have two birds as a sacrifice, the gift
prepared in the presence of all of poor Jews. Wealthier Jews

brought an animal such as an ox very life of God, now and

or a lamb. But actually Joseph forever. And for us as
and Mary were offering the intercessors, it is this awareness
Lamb of God Himself! As of our intimacy with God that
Christians we also offer the gives life and power to our
Lamb to people around us by prayer. There are no “little”
our love and service, and by our intercessors; each is a mighty
intercession for the lost. 2) The living weapon casting down dark
Temple was the dwelling place of spiritual forces and a mighty
God; actually by Jewish fervent conduit of God’s grace to touch
belief He dwelt in the Holy of the lives of others. 3) A lot went
Holies, the Most Holy Place, in on that day in the Temple! Not
the center of the Temple. What only was the Messiah there, the
the priest did not recognize was Son of God, but two holy people
that, in his forbidding the family recognized Him in the Person of
to enter the Holy of Holies, he the Child Jesus. Their primary
was actually forbidding God in purpose in life was to see Him
the flesh! When Jesus died on and proclaim Him; and they are
the Cross, the great curtain forever enshrined in Sacred
separating the people from the Scripture. The challenge of the
Holy of Holies, was rent asunder, Christian, and the Christian
thereby proclaiming that in the intercessor, is to see Jesus in the
New Covenant people are invited people with whom we come in
into intimate relationship with contact and is to see God’s call to
God. This is the privilege of prayer in the world and local
every Christian, every true events during our lifetimes.
follower of Jesus. Another way Each day is a call to see Jesus,
to look at this is to compare the and to respond with all our
Old Testament and the New. hearts. 4) Simeon told Mary
People who touched the Ark of that a sword would pierce her
the Covenant died on the spot. own heart. That happened to
Only designated priests could do her while she was at the foot of
this. During Jesus’ public the Cross, watching a Roman
ministry, Scripture tells us that soldier pierce the heart of her
people sought to touch Him, to Beloved Son. So, too, God never
touch even the tassel of His told us that the Christian life
cloak, and He blessed them. For would be easy, that if only we
us as committed Christians, the believe we can be free from pain
greatest joy of life is to know and sorrow of any kind. No, the
that we are invited to share the true Christian takes up the cross

and follows Jesus, unto death. 5) MORE ON THE LIGHTER

One additional thought: In the SIDE
New Covenant, the Temple is the A pediatrician liked to play a game
innermost being of every with his young patients to put them at
ease and to test their knowledge of
Christian. God the Father, God
body parts. One day, while pointing a
the Son and God the Holy Spirit little boy’s ear, the doctor asked him,
dwell here. Only grave sin can “Is this your nose?” Immediately the
force Him to leave, and He will boy turned to his mother and said,
readily return even then after “Mom, I think we’d better find a new
sincere repentance. Ours is the doctor!”…While transcribing medical
audiotapes, an office assistant became
most privileged of lives, for God
confused when she heard the following
lives with us and within us and garbled diagnosis: “This man has
invites us to share His divine pholenfrometry.” Knowing nothing
Life even now – and then for all about that particular condition, she
eternity. checked with several doctors, but all
of them were baffled. Finally, one
doctor agreed to listen to the tape.
Afterward, shaking his head, he
A wife was scrambling eggs when her
translated for her: “This man has
husband burst into the kitchen. “Be
fallen from a tree.”
careful!” he cried. “You’re cooking
too many at once. Too many!
Scramble them! Now! We need more STORY
butter. They’re going to stick! On a cold January morning in
Careful! Now scramble them again. 2007, a man stood in a public
Hurry up! Don’t forget to salt them. area in Washington D.C. and
You know you always forget to salt
played his violin. He played six
them. Use the salt. Use the salt! The
salt!” The wife turned to him and Bach pieces for about an hour.
asked what was wrong with him. Her During that time approximately
husband smiled and calmly replied, “I two thousand people passed by.
wanted to show what it feels like when A middle-aged man noticed
I’m driving.” (And a big Happy there was a musician playing.
Valentine’s Day!)…Two born-and-
He stopped for a few seconds
raised New Yorkers took their first
trip to California, arriving in L.A. just and then hurried on. Later the
in time for a heat wave. “Man, it’s hot man received his first dollar; a
here,” said the first New Yorker. woman threw the money in his
“What do you expect?” said the box and, without stopping, went
second one. “We’re three thousand on her way. A young man
miles from the ocean.”…What did the
leaned against a wall, listened
green grape say to the purple grape?
“Breathe! Breathe!” (groan)` for a bit, then looked at his
watch and walked on. A 3-year-
old boy stopped, but his mother

tugged him along hurriedly. As daily nudges of the Holy Spirit to

the boy went on, pushed by his pray. It is the greatest of all
mother, he kept turning his head ministries.
back to the musician. Several
other children repeated this PRAYERFUL REFLECTION
action, each one forced to move “The man whispered, ‘God
on by a parent. In the hour, only speak to me,’ and a meadowlark
6 people stopped and stayed for sang. But the man did not hear.
a while. About 20 gave him So the man yelled, ‘God speak to
money but continued to walk at me,’ and the thunder rolled
their normal pace. The musician across the sky. But, the man did
collected $32. He finally finished not listen. The man looked
playing. No one noticed. No one around and said, ‘God, let me
applauded. No one knew this, see You,’ and a star shined
but the violinist was Joshua Bell, brightly. But the man did not
one of the best musicians in the see. And the man shouted, ‘God,
world. He played some of the show me a miracle,’ and a life
most intricate pieces ever was born. But, the man did not
written, with a violin valued at notice. So, the man cried out in
3.5 million dollars. Two days despair, ‘Touch me, God, and let
earlier, Joshua Bell had sold out me know You are here.’
a theater in Boston, where the Whereupon, God reached down
seats averaged $100. Joshua Bell and touched the man. But, the
playing incognito was organized man brushed the butterfly away
by the Washington Post as part and walked on. The man cried,
of a social experiment about ‘God, I need your help!’ And an
perception, taste and people’s e-mail arrived with words of
priorities. The questions raised encouragement; but the man
had to do with how well people deleted it and continued crying.”
perceive beauty, if they stop to
appreciate it, and if they You are so special. Thank you
recognize talent in unexpected for your continued prayer and
contexts. This has an important outpouring of love for me and
application to prayer. People my family. And thank you for
committed to intercession are your prayer for our region. Bob
consistently on the lookout for Burton: bburt98@aol.com;
prayer needs – individuals, (417) 331-1028. Peace!
communities, nations and
situations in life. It is so
important to notice and heed the

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