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GATHERING REMINDER Cubs will thrive in ’75!” Well, consider this

It is not too late to register for the January for the UP Team: “More intercessors than
Gathering of People Who Pray. This will be ticks in 2006!” OK, maybe not. Try this:
a great opportunity to dedicate 2006 to Give Satan his licks in 2006!” Still not there,
spiritual transformation by coming together huh? Let’s settle on this one: “Prayer: Our
as the Body of Christ to worship God, repent communities’ fix in 2006!” There are many
of our sins, thank Him for our blessings and things we can do to strengthen and grow the
pray for His perfect will to be done in SW Team. Consider the following:
Missouri, central Missouri and the entire 1) Recommit to your hour, ensuring
State, NW Arkansas and the that it is one of the very most important
entire Heartland. We will hours of each week.
have a facilitator from 2) Take on at least one more hour.
Little Rock, and our own (We have quite a few people who have
Pastor Howard Boyd will multiple hours.)
co-facilitate the time 3) Make a personal commitment to
together. The time is Friday recruit at least one more member this year.
evening, January 27, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m., (That would double the hours of prayer.)
and Saturday, January 28 from 9:00 a. m. to 4) Talk to your pastor and try to
3:00 p.m. A lunch will be provided Saturday open doors of opportunity for his/her
at no cost. The place is the top of the Grand congregation to hear about prayer, spiritual
Plaza Hotel, down from the former Bobby transformation and the role of the UP Team.
Vinton Theater and across from Tanger 5) Encourage other prayer groups to
Mall. Please call 338-8036 and leave a join forces with our
message, or call me on my cell at 331-1028. prayer group, by
agreeing to regularly
pray for one another.
When I lived in Chicago during the late 60’s
Encourage people
through the early 80’s, one of my hobbies
you know who live in
was to follow – painfully – the Chicago Cubs.
other areas of our nation to begin an
It was the era of Ernie Banks, the great
Uninterrupted Prayer Team. (What a
shortstop who is now in the Hall of Fame.
powerful way to impact one’s area! We will
Each year, with his infectious optimism, he
help them do this.)
proclaimed victory for the Cubbies with a
7) Encourage married couples to
slogan based on the year. For example, “The
take an hour together. (This will strengthen

the relationship as well as benefit the area. highly pleasing to God. I believe that we can
We have quite a few couples who do this.) also say that at times the hour flies by, for
8) Also, we can be flexible: If people there is so much that can fill it. Our witness
want to take a half-hour at first, fine; if they to others about our own spiritual growth
want to split their hour into two time through the commitment is a powerful way
segments, fine; if they want to commit to an to encourage others to join.
hour but at an undesignated time, at least
for awhile, fine; if people do not feel led to
take an hour but want to pray for the UP REFLECTION
Team and its objectives, we can put them on In Luke’s Gospel, toward the beginning of
the “No Sector” group (about 60 such Jesus’ ministry, not long after the
people). temptation in the desert, Jesus returned to
9) Keep before you the vision of Nazareth and went to the local synagogue
having 24/7 prayer for the area: Unending for a service on the Sabbath. Word about
prayer ascending like incense before the Him had already spread and His hometown
throne of God, joining with the prayer of the was buzzing with excitement. So, He
Great High Priest, Jesus. We are close to the certainly had their attention when He stood
goal, as we have about 17 open hours. But up and received a scroll to read. It was from
because of multiple intercessors for various the prophet Isaiah. This is what Jesus read
hours, we have more than 255 hours of and said: “’The Spirit of the Lord is on me,
prayer each week. I believe that this is because he has anointed me to preach good
pleasing to God and is bearing fruit and will news to the poor. He has sent me to
bear much more fruit. Share the vision with proclaim freedom for the prisoners and
others; intercessors will grasp it quickly, and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the
even if they do not join the UP Team, we can oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s
join spiritual forces. In 2006 the UP Team favor.’ Then he rolled up the scroll, gave it
will celebrate its 4th anniversary, on the back to the attendant and sat down. The
National Day of Prayer. God has been very eyes of everyone in the synagogue were
faithful and gracious and encouraging. He fastened on him, and he began by saying to
looks much more at hearts than He does at them, ‘Today this scripture is fulfilled in
numbers; but He also wants 24/7 prayer, your hearing.’” At first He was well
because He has chosen to move through the received. But after telling them that
prayers of the Body of Christ. prophets had never been well received in
10) Some people are hesitant to join their own town, the townspeople turned on
the UP Team for one of two reasons: 1) Him and tried to kill Him – but His time had
They are fearful that they will not be able to not yet come, and He walked away. OK, so
keep their commitment of the same hour on what is the
the same day every week. I suspect some of importance of this
us get concerned about that, too. Again, for us? Please, dear
God looks at the heart. The commitment is brothers and sisters,
important, to be sure, but if we miss an hour, take a moment to
we can make it up at another time, and God seek the guidance
understands. When we get to the point of of the Holy Spirit and have open minds and
having every slot filled, we will then also hearts. The words of the prophet Isaiah
look at the concept of having “substitutes”. were Messianic in nature; they were pointing
2) They are fearful that they will not be able to the coming of the Redeemer, and Jesus
to pray for an entire hour. I believe that told them that the prophecy was fulfilled in
every one of us will say that, yes, at times it Him. But the Word of God is alive, not just
can be difficult, but that the perseverance is
historical; so, there is deep meaning and way that we live out this prophecy, all of us.
application for us. I believe that the It is through prayer. Just as God moves us
application is this: Jesus has died, has risen at times to reach out to other people and
from the dead and has ascended back into share God’s love, so God moves us to reach
heaven, where He is the Great High Priest, out regularly to other people through
mediating for us. And we? We are His prayer. I am so deeply convinced that the
Body on earth, the Body through which He UP Team is part of God’s plan for the
walks among the people transformation of this area; and that means
of the world. This is that every member of the UP Team is
God’s plan, to reach critically important. When we are faithful in
the world prayer, during our hour and by making all
through the of life a prayer, we are living out a special
dedicated anointing: We are instruments for the
followers of freedom of souls imprisoned by sin; we are
Jesus. instruments for people who are spiritually
Therefore, the blind to see the light of salvation; we are
words of the instruments for the deliverance of people
prophet Isaiah from oppression – spiritual, physical,
also apply to the Body as a whole, and thus financial. You see, “the year of the Lord’s
to every member of the Body. It is an favor” is right now. He is withholding
awesome fact that we, each and every one of judgment on our nation, but surely time is
us, can say: “The Spirit of the Lord is on short. Our prayer is that Jesus be King of
me, because He has anointed me to preach Kings and
good news to the poor. He has sent me to Lord of
proclaim freedom for the prisoners and Lords here
recovery of sight for the blind, to release the – in Stone
oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s and Taney
favor.” Yes, that’s right; this is the calling of Counties,
each of us. We are temples of the Holy in Polk and Cedar Counties, in Northwest
Spirit; the Holy Spirit lives within us and Arkansas, in Colorado – and that these areas
wants to guide us, every moment of every be a place of refuge, a place of enlightenment
day. We have His anointing upon us and and that from visiting here people will take
within us. Satan tries so very hard to God’s grace and love throughout the nation.
convince us that we are useless, just little It is not just words: “The Spirit of the Lord
cogs in a big wheel, for Satan knows the is upon us.” But God will not force us; we
power that is always have a choice.
unleashed when we
trust God, yield to ON THE LIGHTER SIDE
Him and obey Him. For those of us who (I can speak for myself)
We are living powder seem to frequently put our foot in our
kegs, brothers and mouth, let these true incidents give us hope!
sisters, and the Holy While looking at a house, a man asked the
Spirit wants to ignite real estate agent which direction north was,
us. But, what does that mean in practical because he didn’t want the sun waking him
terms? Well, it is beyond our scope here to up every morning. The agent replied, “Does
go into great detail. Suffice it to say that the sun rise in the north?”…A lady used to
God has a plan for each of us, different work in technical support for a 24/7 call
based on our background, our callings, our center. One day she got a call from a person
circumstances. But I know that there is one
who asked what hours the call center was those delicious goodies, create a
open. She told him, “The number you dialed parking place for me directly in
is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.” He front of the bakery.’ And,
responded, “Is that Eastern or Pacific sure enough, He answered
time?”…One person keeps a lifesaving tool my prayer! There it was –
in her car. It’s designed to cut through a on only the eighth time
seat belt if she gets trapped. She keeps it in around the block! God is so good!”…
the trunk…Some friends were on a beer run Finally, to help create a new commitment to
and noticed that the cases were discounted risk-taking in 2006, consider doing some of
10%. They bought two cases, and the the following, depending on your
cashier multiplied 10% X 2 and gave them a circumstances: Run one lap around the
20% discount…A lady couldn’t find her office at top speed…Phone someone you
luggage at the airport baggage area, so she barely know, leave your name and the
went to the lost luggage following message: “Just called to say I
office and told the man can’t talk right now. Bye.’…To signal the
there that her bags end of a conversation, clamp your hands
never showed up. He over your ears and say “Nah, nah, nah,
smiled and told her not to nah.”…While riding in an elevator, gasp
worry, because he was a dramatically every time the doors open…At
trained professional and she lunchtime, get down on your knees and
was in good hands. He then asked, announce, “God, thank you for not letting
“Now, has your plane arrived yet?”. me go hungry!”…Sit in our parked car with
sunglasses on and point a hair dryer at
MORE ON THE LIGHTER SIDE passing cars, and see if they slow down…
Since a new year has begun, here is a little Every time someone asks you to do
secret for building arm and shoulder something, ask if they want fries with that…
muscles: Begin by standing straight, with a Finish all your sentences with, “In
5-lb. potato sack in each hand. Extend your accordance with the prophecy.”…Specify
arms straight out from your that your drive-through order is “to go”…As
sides and hold them there often as possible, skip rather than walk…
as long as you can – try to When the money comes out of the ATM
reach a full minute. After a machine, scream, “I
few weeks, move up to 10-lb. won! I won! Third
potato sacks, and then 50-lb. time this week!…
potato sacks, and eventually When leaving the zoo,
try to get to where you can lift a 100-lb. start running towards
potato sack in each hand and hold your the parking lot, yelling “Run for
arms straight out for more than a full your lives! They’re loose!”…Babble
minute. After you feel comfortable at that incoherently at someone and then ask, “Did
level, start putting a couple of potatoes in the you get all of that? I don’t want to have to
bag…Since diets are also frequently part of repeat it!”
a new year, you might enjoy the following
story of faith: “After starting a new diet, I
altered my drive to work to avoid passing
my favorite bakery. I accidentally drove by
the bakery this morning, and I saw a host of
goodies in the window. I prayed, ‘Lord, it’s A STORY, TO GIVE US HOPE IN
up to You; if You want me to have any of TROUBLED TIMES

“I try not to be biased, but I had my doubts cancer surgeries. They lived on Social
about hiring Stevie. His placement Security benefits in public housing two miles
counselor assured me that he would be a from the truck stop. Their social worker,
good, reliable busboy. But I had never hired who stopped in to check on him every so
a mentally challenged employee and I wasn’t often, admitted that they had fallen between
sure I wanted one. I wasn’t sure how my the cracks. Money was tight, and what I
customers would react to Stevie. He was paid him was probably the difference
short, a little dumpy, with the smooth facial between them being able to live together and
features and thick-tongued speech of a Stevie being sent to a group home. That’s
person with Downs Syndrome. I wasn’t why the restaurant was a gloomy place that
worried about most of my morning last August, the first morning in
regular trucker three years that Stevie missed work. He was
customers, because at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester getting a
truckers don’t generally new valve put in his heart. His social worker
care who buses tables as said that people with Downs Syndrome often
long as the meatloaf platter is good and the have heart problems at an early age, so this
pies are homemade. No, it wasn’t the 18- wasn’t unexpected. There
wheeler drivers I was concerned about; it was a good chance that he
was some of the 4-wheelers – some mouthy would be back at work in a
kids traveling to school, yuppie snobs who few months. When we
secretly polish their silverware with their heard that he was out of
napkins for fear of catching some dreaded surgery and was doing
‘truck stop germ,’ the pairs of white-shirted fine, Frannie, the head
businessmen on expense accounts who think waitress, let out a war whoop and did a little
every truck stop waitress wants to be flirted dance in the aisle. But we were still worried,
with. I knew that those people would be because we did not know how Stevie and his
uncomfortable around Stevie, so I watched Mom were going to handle all the bills.
him closely for the first few weeks. I After the morning rush, Frannie walked into
shouldn’t have worried. After the first my office. She had a couple of paper
week, Stevie had my staff wrapped around napkins in her hand and a funny look on her
his stubby little finger, and after a month face. ‘What’s up?’ I asked. ‘These were
most of my customers had adopted Stevie. folded and tucked under a coffee cup.’ (The
He was eager to laugh and eager to please waitresses had been doing the busing in
and fierce in his attention to his duties. He Stevie’s absence, as I had not hired a
would hover in the background, shifting his replacement.) One $20 bill fell out of one
weight from foot to foot, scanning the dining napkin and two $20 bill out of the other one.
room until a table was empty. Then he Both had printed on them on the outside,
would scurry to the empty ‘Something for Stevie.’ Then another
table and carefully bus waitress came in with more napkins, each
dishes and glasses onto with the writing, ‘Something for Stevie.”
his cart and Each had a $50 bill tucked inside. That was
meticulously wipe three months ago. Finally, Stevie returned
the table up with a to work. His placement counselor said he
practiced flourish had been counting the days. He called at
of his rag. He took pride in doing his job least ten times the week before he returned,
exactly right and he tried hard to please each to be sure that he still had his job. I
and every person he met. Over time, we arranged to have his mother drive him to
learned that Stevie lived with his mother, a work. I met them in the parking lot and
widow who was disabled after repeated invited them both in to celebrate his return
to work. Stevie was thinner and paler, but PRAYER MOBILIZATION
he couldn’t stop grinning as he pushed Pray for Michael and Kelly and their five
through the doors and headed for the back children; Kelly has cancer…Pray for Don
room where his apron and busing cart were Gabriel; his cancer has worsened and he has
waiting. ‘Hold up there, Stevie, not so fast,’ pneumonia…Pray for Fay, who lost her
I said. I took him and his mother by their husband before Christmas…Pray for
arms. ‘Work can wait for a minute. To Torchbearers and their ministry to
celebrate you coming back, breakfast for Cameroon…Pray for Asleep kNOw More
you and your mother is on me.’ I led them and its ministry to this nation…Pray for all
to a larger corner booth at the rear of the of the ministries in this area – Backstage
restaurant. I could feel and hear the rest of Ministries, The Caring People, Lives Under
the staff following behind as we marched Construction Boys Ranch, Teen Challenge of
through the dining room. Glancing over my the Ozarks, The Spirit of America Gospel
shoulder, I saw booth after booth of grinning Hour, Rock City Skate Park, CBMC, BMFI,
truckers empty as they joined the Reflection of Christ, Prayer-Works,
procession. We stopped in front of a big Concerned Women for America, Love INC,
table set up by their booth. Its surface was the SDC Foundation, Share It Forward, and
covered with coffee cups, saucers and dinner all of the many other ministries. Please pass
plates, all sitting slightly crooked on dozens on prayer requests and answers to prayer,
of folded paper napkins. ‘The first thing you and we will include them in the Newsletter.
have to do, Stevie, is clean up this mess.’ I
tried to sound stern. Stevie looked at me, God bless you and yours. Call me any time
then at his mother, then at the table. He saw at 338-8036 or 331-1028. Peace.
a napkin with “Something for Stevie”
written on it. He picked it up
and two $10 bills fell onto Bob Burton
the table. Stevie
stared at the money
and then at all the
napkins peeking from
beneath the tableware,
each with his name printed
or scrawled on it. I turned to
his mother. ‘There’s more than
$10,000 in cash and checks on
that table, all from truckers and trucking
companies that heard about your problems.’
Well, it got really noisy about that time, with
everybody hollering and shouting, and there
were a few tears as well. But, do you know
what’s funny? While everybody else was
busy shaking hands and hugging each other,
Stevie, with a big, big smile on his face, was
busy clearing all the cups and
dishes from the table. Best
worker I ever hired!”

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