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REFLECTION over the place where the child was.

This seems like a great time of year to When they saw the star, they were
revisit the account of the Magi in overjoyed. On coming to the house,
Scripture and draw some conclusions they saw the child with his mother
for the UP Team. First, let’s Mary, and they bowed down and
prayerfully reflect on the Word of worshiped him. Then they opened their
God in Matthew, Chapter 2: “After treasures and presented him with gifts
Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, of gold and of incense and of myrrh.
during the time of King Herod, Magi And having been warned in a dream
from the east came to Jerusalem and not to go back to Herod, they returned
asked, ‘Where is the one who has been to their country by another route.”
born King of the Jews? We saw his Let’s draw some spiritual treasure
star in the east and have come to from this account. I have several
worship him.’ When King Herod thoughts; I encourage you to allow the
heard this he was disturbed, and all Holy Spirit to speak to you directly
Jerusalem with him. When he had and give you other insights. 1) It was
called together all the people’s chief three pagans from the east who
priests and teachers of the law, he recognized the importance of the star,
asked them where the Christ was to be heralding the coming of a great king,
born. ‘In Bethlehem in Judea,’ they the King of the Jews. Perhaps, as
replied, ‘for this is what the prophet educated men, they knew the Jewish
has written: ‘But you, Bethlehem, in prophecies about the coming of a
the land of Judah, are by no means Messiah, and the Holy Spirit touched
least among the rulers of Judah; for them with an insight that the time had
out of you will come a ruler who will be indeed come. Though they were not
the shepherd of my people Israel.’ Jews, they wanted to celebrate the
Then Herod called the Magi secretly arrival of the Jewish Messiah – and I
and found out from them the exact time suspect that they were astounded that
the star had appeared. He sent them to they were the only ones who knew!
Bethlehem and said, ‘Go and make a God indeed works in mysterious ways
careful search for the child. As soon as and touches hearts of all people of all
you find him, report to me, so that I too faiths – a statement that really makes
may go and worship him.’ After they religious people uneasy and puts them
had heard the king, they went on their quickly in a state of denial. 2) Once
way, and the star they had seen in the they recognized the importance of the
east went ahead of them until it stopped star, the Magi left their native land –
perhaps Persia – and followed the star the visit of the Magi: The
with a sense of purpose and presentation of gifts. There have been
determination. In doing this, these many interpretations of the meaning
pagan wise men are actually role of the three gifts over the centuries,
models of what we as Christians and there are indeed many beautiful
should be and do: Listen to the Holy symbols that the gifts represent. With
Spirit, follow His guidance, fix our my passion for prayer and the UP
eyes and faith on Jesus and worship Team, please humor me and permit
Him as loyal servants. 3) The Holy me to give a spiritual interpretation
Spirit continued to be with them when based on the meaning of prayer. One
they sought out King Herod. He told gift was gold, symbolic and
them to be sure and tell him where the representative from very ancient times
newborn King was, so that he, too, of wealth. From the perspective of
could go and worship. But Herod’s prayer, when we give “gold” to the
heart was evil; he wanted no usurper Lord, we are worshiping, adoring,
to his throne, and he determined to magnifying and glorifying God the
kill the Babe. 4) The Magi followed Father, God the Son and God the
the star to its destination, a fixed place Holy Spirit. This also includes another
above the temporary dwelling of key prayer element: Thanksgiving to
Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus. God for our many blessings (and we
The Scriptural account deliberately all have many, regardless of what we
uses the word “place,” or “house” in may be going through.) By the way,
some translations, so the visit of the as an interesting footnote on gold, are
Magi was most likely not to the you aware that, with all the
stable/cave, but to a home that the importance placed on gold in
Holy Family was using for awhile thousands of nations and societies
until Mary was ready to make the trip stretching back to antiquity, all of the
back to Nazareth. The Magi were gold mined from planet earth over
probably also astounded that a King these thousands of years is only
would be born and live in such 161,000 tons, enough just to fill two
humble and poor circumstances and Olympic-size swimming pools! Gold
surroundings, but they accepted it as is thus relatively rare – and, sadly, so
part of a divine plan. Clearly, though are ongoing praise, worship and
they were undoubtedly wealthy and adoration of God as integral elements
respected leaders or ancient scientists, of daily prayer. Another gift was
they had humble hearts and did not frankincense, a precious type of
believe or demand that royalty be incense. Incense in the Bible almost
surrounded with pomp and always symbolizes prayer (read the
circumstance. (Why cannot all Book of Revelation!), and so, for our
Christians today recognize this purposes, the frankincense represents
pattern of simplicity and a non- intercession, another key element of
focus on material wealth genuine prayer. In last month’s
that God began with Newsletter, I wrote about “intensified
Jesus and that carried on prayer as a way of life.” The true
throughout Jesus’ life?) Christian is passionate about
5) And now we come to the essence of interceding for others – not just family
and friends, but the lost, the suffering, light, and kings by your shining
the persecuted, our nation and all radiance. Raise your eyes and look
nations, the dying – and on and on. about; they all gather and come to you.
The third gift was myrrh, an Your sons come from afar, and your
expensive ointment normally used in daughters in the arms of their nurses.
preparation for burial. For me, the Then you shall be radiant at what you
myrrh represents the other integral see, your heart shall throb and
aspect of comprehensive prayer: overflow, for the riches of the sea shall
Repentance. We all have much to be emptied out before you, the wealth
repent for, every day of our lives. of nations shall be brought to you.
Every time I focus on myself and lose Caravans of camels shall fill you,
focus on God I have a need to repent. dromedaries from Midian and Ephah;
Sin is, after all, the choosing of myself all from Sheba shall come bearing gold
– my desires, my esteem, me and me and frankincense, and proclaiming the
and me instead of totally surrendering praises of the Lord…No longer shall
joyfully to the will of God. So, there the sun be your light by day, nor the
we have it: Gold is a gift we can give brightness of the moon shine upon you
by our praise and adoration and at night; the Lord shall be your light
thanksgiving; frankincense is a gift we forever, your God shall be your glory…
can give by our impassioned The Lord will be your light forever, and
intercession for others and for the the days of your mourning shall be at
world; and myrrh is a gift we can give an end…The smallest shall become a
by having a genuine spirit of thousand, the youngest, a mighty
repentance in our prayer life. It is nation; I, the Lord, will swiftly
really something glorious and a true accomplish these things when their
privilege – to be able to pray, and to time comes.”
make prayer, communion with God
(which includes listening to Him) the EPIPHANY HYMN
most important element of daily life, The music from the following hymn
and to indeed make prayer was composed in the 18th century and
comprehensive in all of life – to “pray modified in the 19th; the words are
without ceasing.” from the 19th century: “As with
gladness men of old did the guiding
AN OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY star behold, as with joy they hailed its
The visit of the Magi – the event we light, leading onwards, beaming
call the Epiphany – was not something bright, so, most gracious God, may we
unheard of or unthought-of of, as evermore be led to thee. As with
remarkable as it was. Listen to joyful steps they sped to that lowly
portions of Chapter 60 of the Book of manger-bed, there to bend the knee
Isaiah: “Rise up in splendor, O before Him whom
Jerusalem! Your light has come, the heaven and earth
glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, adore, so may we with
darkness covers the earth, and thick willing feet ever seek thy mercy-seat.
clouds cover the peoples; but upon you As they offered gifts most rare at that
the Lord shines, and over you appears manger rude and bare, so may we
his glory. Nations shall walk by your with holy joy, pure, and free from
sin’s alloy, all our costliest treasures MORE ON THE LIGHTER SIDE
bring, Christ, to thee our heavenly Since Christmas has just recently passed
king. Holy Jesus, every day keep us in (and, of course, it is always Christmas in
the narrow way; and, when earthly spirit!), here is a story written by a lady.
things are past, bring our ransomed She entitled it simply, “My Christmas
Story.” “My husband and I had been
souls at last where they need no star to
happily married (most of the time) for
guide, where no clouds thy glory hide. five years but hadn’t been blessed with a
In the heavenly country bright, need baby. I decided to do some serious
they no created light; thou its light, its praying and promised God that if he
joy, its crown, thou its sun which goes would give us a child I would be a perfect
not down; there forever may we sing, mother, loving it with all my heart and
Alleluias to our king.” raising it with His Word as my guide.
God answered my prayers and blessed us
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE with a son. The next year God blessed us
The Magi were carefully unwrapping with another son. The following year, He
their precious gifts for the King of the blessed us with yet another son. The year
Jews, when two of them suddenly stopped after that, we were blessed with a
and looked unbelievingly at the third. daughter. My husband thought we’d
They shook their heads and shouted, “No, been blessed right into poverty. We now
no, no! We agreed you would bring had four children, and the oldest was only
frankincense, not Frankenstein!”…Three four years old. I learned never to ask
donkeys were traveling side by side, and God for anything unless I meant it. I was
each had a bumper sticker on it’s behind. off to a good start. God had entrusted me
One said, “Our son is in medical school.” with four children and I didn’t want to
Another said, “Our son is on the honor disappoint Him. I tried to be patient the
role.” The third said, “Our Son is day the children smashed two dozen eggs
God!”…The Magi had presented their on the kitchen floor, searching for baby
gifts and departed. Joseph looked at chicks. I tried to be understanding when
Mary and said, “I didn’t know you had they started a hotel for homeless frogs in
these things on the registry at Target and the spare bedroom, though it took me
Wal-Mart!”…Three camels were on the nearly two hours to catch all 23 frogs.
caravan trail in the desert from Persia to When my daughter poured ketchup all
the Land of Israel. They were discussing over her and rolled up in a blanket to see
their life and generally agreeing that they how it felt to be a hot dog, I tried to see
had it pretty good; nothing but the best the humor rather than the mess. In spite
for them from their wealthy masters. of changing over 25,000 diapers and
But they were a little embarrassed as rarely sleeping for more than 30 minutes
camels passed them going the other way at a time, I still thank God daily for my
and snickered. Why are they laughing at children. I knew I was missing the mark
us, asked one of the three camels? just a little when I told my daughter we
“Because,” one of the other ones were going to church to worship God, and
responded, “we are professional camels she wanted to bring a bar of soap along to
and know the way from place to place – it ‘wash up’ Jesus, too. Something was lost
is our job, after all. But our masters just in the translation when I explained that
keep staring at the sky instead of the God gave us everlasting life, and my son
road. They look kind of weird, you thought it was generous of God to give us
know.” his ‘last wife.’ My proudest moment
came during the children’s Christmas
pageant. My daughter was playing Mary,
two of my sons were shepherds, and my
youngest son was a wise man. This was religions, or some other worldview
their moment to shine. My five-year-old determine the future of Africa? I
shepherd had practiced his line, ‘We believe that Torchbearer Foundation
found the babe wrapped in swaddling will succeed in determining the
clothes.’ But he was nervous and said, answer to be…Christianity! Why do I
‘The baby was wrapped in wrinkled
believe this? First, Torchbearer
clothes.’ My four-year-old ‘Mary’ said,
‘That’s not wrinkled clothes, silly. That’s Foundation is unique, because it seeks
dirty, rotten clothes.’ A wrestling match to glorify God by building a
broke out between Mary and the grassroots movement of men, women
shepherd and was stopped by an angel, and children, who have God’s law
who bent her halo and lost her left wing. written on their hearts. The glory of
I slouched down a little lower in my seat God is manifested in great measure
when Mary dropped the doll representing when Africa is great; Africa is great
Baby Jesus, and it bounced down the aisle when Africa is good; Africa is good
crying, ‘Mama-mama!’ Mary grabbed when Africans experience the
the doll, wrapped it back up and held it transforming power of the gospel of
tightly as the wise men arrived. My other
Jesus Christ to change lives and
son stepped forward wearing a bathrobe
and a paper crown, knelt at the manger culture for good!…Torchbearer
and announced, ‘We are the three wise Foundation was established to build a
men, and we are bringing gifts of gold, grassroots movement of people who
common sense, and fur.’ The have a long-term commitment to the
congregations dissolved into laughter, and future of Africa. Far too long the
the pageant got a standing ovation. ‘I’ve people at the grassroots have been
never enjoyed a Christmas program as ignored or taken advantage of by
much as this one,’ laughed the pastor, business, ecclesiastical and political
wiping tears from his eyes. ‘For the rest leaders…Secondly, TBF is unique
of my life, I’ll never hear the Christmas because it sees the community as an
story without thinking of gold, common integrated system, an organism, not as
sense, and fur.’ ‘My children are my
a collection of isolated individuals, nor
pride and my joy and my greatest
blessing,’ I said as I dug through my a collection of isolated systems.
purse for an aspirin.” Diverse thinkers have noted that a
society is governed by at least three
TORCHBEARER FOUNDATION interrelated systems: the political
Dr. Martin Niboh and I system, the economic system, and the
have had some moral-cultural system. The moral-
conversations about cultural system is the collection of
the UP Team and ideas, beliefs, values and attitudes of a
intercessors in society…TBF is unique in its holistic
Cameroon, Africa joining approach to development – an
forces as partners and praying approach that is both Bible-based,
regularly for one another. I am sure Christ-centered, Holy Spirit
there will be more on this later. empowered, and comprehensive in its
Following is a portion of the end-of- scope!” Spiritual transformation in
the-year report, written by Dr. Niboh: our regions, spiritual transformation
“Will Islam, Christianity, socialism, in Cameroon; spiritual
capitalism, African traditional transformation in America, spiritual
transformation in Africa; let’s pray “new year resolutions?” 1)
for one another. Reevaluate your commitment, and
PRAYER MOBILIZATION renew your commitment to your hour
Please pray for: The Torchbearer or hours. If you are unable or
Foundation…all UP sectors, which unwilling to continue with that
represent the essence of our commitment, please let me know; but
communities…Teresa, salvation… ideally this is the time to renew
Chance, emotional health…Mr. B., commitments. 2) See yourself as an
cancer…Catherine Evers and all her active recruiter – the most influential
intentions…Glen’s brother-in-law, of all recruiters; by sharing with other
cancer…a lady with lung cancer… people who believe in prayer your
Jim, health…Tim, health and a huge passion for the UP Team and the
medical bill…International Renewal blessings you have received, the
Ministries…all suffering from the membership will grow exponentially.
economic downturn, here and We simply must not look to others to
throughout the nation…all the do this. 3) If you receive this
starving and those who are ill and newsletter and are not an UP member,
have no adequate health care, please seriously consider committing
especially children…the Freedom of to an hour. It will mean a lot to
Choice Act, that it not pass and that others, but also to you, as committed
the sanctity of life be upheld nation… extended prayer unleashes God’s
President Bush and Laura, and all his blessings in marvelous ways.
staff and cabinet, for direction in their Remember, the Star we follow is the Light
lives…all military everywhere…all of the World. The Baby we see is now the
churches and ministries, in our areas King of Kings and Lord of Lords. When
and everywhere, and for unity in the we pray with gold – worship, praise,
thanksgiving – and with frankincense –
Body of Christ…all other intentions,
intercession for the world as members of
spoken and unspoken. the Body of Christ – and with myrrh – a
spirit of repentance and dependence upon
CLOSING THOUGHTS AND God, we are spiritually joined with
APPEAL Christians everywhere, and our prayer
We are now in a new year, 2009. In becomes immensely powerful and
May we will have the seventh pleasing to God. And that is what the UP
anniversary of the Uninterrupted Team, and prayer overall, are all about.
Prayer Team. God has blessed us, God bless you all. Thank you for your
and I believe that our commitment to love and prayers. I welcome your
prayer is highly pleasing to Him and is insights, stories and testimonies to
having a very positive impact on the include in future issues of the UP
people of our regions, even though we Newsletter. My e-mail is
may not always see it. The goal all; my cell phone is
along has been to have every hour of (417) 331-1028; my address is 1582
every day of every week of every Talking Rocks Road, Branson West,
month filled with at least one MO 65737. Peace to you and yours!
committed intercessor and ideally
with several in each slot. May I please Bob Burton
recommend a couple of UP-related

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