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The most fundamental Christian new understanding for me, and
doctrine is that of the Trinity. please bear with me as I try to share
Christianity alone defines God as it with you. From all eternity (no
being one God and three Persons. time or sequence of events involved
We cannot really understand this, but here), God (First Person) sees Himself
it is a doctrine of faith – that God is and expresses or “speaks” that
One, and that God is Three: perfect awareness. That perfect
God the Father, God the Image is the Word (Second Person).
Word (or Son), and God the The First Person and the Second
Holy Spirit. Without the Person see One Another and love One
reality of the Trinity, the Another with an infinite and perfect
Incarnation makes no Love. That Love is so profound and
sense and is without real meaning. so perfect that it is a living Person,
Christianity proclaims that Jesus the Holy Spirit (Third Person). So,
Christ is the Second Person of the what God reveals to us is a perfect
Trinity, God who became Man while Community of sharing and of loving –
remaining God. If one studies the without beginning and without end.
early history of the Christian Church, Well, the new insight for me is that in
the doctrine of the Trinity is one that revealing this Truth to us, He is also
was formed very early in thought and giving us an example to follow. Here
then over time expressed firmly in is the nugget for you to think about
doctrine – under the guidance of the and pray about: The only way that
Holy Spirit. The early Fathers of the spiritual transformation of a region or
Church proclaimed the Trinity and a nation can happen is for the Body
there were early fierce battles with of Christ to be in harmony with one
heretics who tried to undermine another – a harmony not equal to but
belief in the Trinity. There are similar to the eternal harmony
attacks against this belief even between Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
today. We will hopefully spend all In the last Newsletter I shared that
eternity in the presence of Father, “revival” (coming back to life) of the
Son and Holy Spirit – and will spend Church must precede and be God’s
all eternity ever growing in instrument for the “awakening” of a
understanding of the sublime nature region – both must happen for
of God. Well, what does this have to spiritual transformation to occur.
do with the UP Team and the spiritual Well, folks, “revival” in the Church is
transformation of our area. Much! I much more than the Holy Spirit just
read an article in a Christian “zapping” us. The Holy Spirit is
periodical some time ago, and it working quietly within individual
really got me to thinking about this. Christians in congregations and
When God chose to reveal His nature among congregations and
to us, He was also giving us an denominations to bring us into a
example to follow in life! This is a harmony of sharing and of love.
When we are fighting with one happen; it takes minds and hearts
another, when we are backbiting, yielded to the working of the Holy
when we are snubbing certain Spirit.
individuals or denominations, when
we are judging and comparing and
looking down our nose at others,
when we are attacking pastors and REFLECTION ON THE
ministers and one another and LIGHTER SIDE
splitting to form new congregations I just received the
because of bickering and out of spite following: “This was
– well, brothers and sisters, when we written by an eight-
do those things we are not even year-old. The
remotely living like the Community of assignment was to explain
love and harmony God. ‘One of God’s
that is the main jobs is
Trinity. We making
have said for people. He
a long time makes them
that prayer to replace
unites the the ones
Body of that die, so
Christ and God’s there will be
grace moves enough people to
through the take care of things on earth. He
Body of Christ to doesn’t make grown-ups, just babies.
bring about spiritual I think this is because they are
transformation. So, smaller and easier to make. That way
prayer is a key. Our prayer should He doesn’t have to take up His
include seeking greater unity and valuable time teaching them to talk
harmony within the Body; it should and walk. He can just leave that to
include repentance for any negative mothers and fathers. God’s second
feelings and opinions I have about most important job is listening to
other Christians and other prayers. An awful lot of this goes on,
denominations. It all begins with since some people, like preachers
each individual. It is so easy for me and things, pray at times besides
to point fingers at others; but, as bedtime. God doesn’t have time to
Stephen Covey says, it must be “from listen to the radio and watch TV
the inside out.” I may have shared because of this. Because He hears
this before, but it is worth repeating: everything, there must be a terrible
The very first Pastors’ Prayer Summit lot of noise in His ears, unless He has
I went to was at Roaring River State thought of a way to turn it off.
Park, during a gathering of pastors Atheists are people who don’t believe
and ministry leaders from the Joplin, in God. I don’t think there are any in
Carthage and Neosho area. During a our town, at least there aren’t any
Communion service one evening, the who come to church. Jesus is God’s
Pastor leading it asked each of us to Son. He used to do all the hard work
go to a representative of a like walking on water and doing
denomination that we have a problem miracles and trying to teach the
with and ask forgiveness. It was a people who didn’t want to learn
powerful experience. The more about God. They finally got tired of
Christians can reach out to one Him preaching to them and they
another in love, the more the Holy crucified Him. But He was good and
Spirit can work in and through us. kind, like His Father, and He told His
Spiritual transformation does not just Father that they didn’t know what
they were doing and to forgive them, who were concerned about the state
and God said ‘OK.’ His Dad (God) of the church was a small group of
appreciated everything that He had men from Barvas, a district in
done and all His hard work on earth Scotland. They agreed to meet in a
so He told Him He didn’t have to go small barn by the side of the road to
out on the road anymore. He could pray. They were given the revelation
stay in Heaven. So, He did. And now that God was a covenant-keeping God
He helps His Dad out by listening to who had made covenant promises.
prayers. You can pray anytime you They reasoned that if this were true
want and They are sure to help they could enter into that covenant,
because they got it worked out so and that if they kept their part He
They are on duty all the time. You would keep His. They asked
should always go to church on themselves if God had given a
Sunday because it makes God happy, covenant promise for revival.
and if there’s anyone you want to Immediately the words of
make happy, it’s God. Don’t skip II Chronicles 7: 14 came to them: ‘If
church to do something you think will My people, which are called by My
be more fun like going to the beach. Name, shall humble themselves, and
This is wrong. And besides, the sun pray, and seek my face, and turn
doesn’t come out at the beach until from their wicked ways, then will I
noon anyway. If you don’t believe in hear from heaven, and forgive their
God, besides being an atheist you will sin, and heal their land.’ That same
be very lonely because your parents night they entered into a solemn
can’t go everywhere with you, like to covenant with God to pray for the
camp, but God can. It is good to community and to humble themselves
know He’s around you when you’re in prayer until revival came. For
scared in the dark or when you can’t several months they prayed and
swim and you get thrown into real
deep water by the big kids. But you
shouldn’t think of what God can do
for you. I figure God put me here and
He can take me back anytime He
pleases. And---that’s why I believe in

At a meeting of the Church of
Scotland, in Stornaway (20th century),
a group of men discussed the awful waited on God – three nights, three
condition of the church in their times a week they wrestled and
communities. The worldly prayed until 4 or 5 a.m. Finally, one
places were night, a young deacon arose from his
crowded and the knees and began to read Psalm 24:
churches were ‘Who shall ascend into the hill of the
virtually empty. Lord? Or who shall stand in His holy
The young place? He that hath clean hands and
people had just a pure heart – he shall receive the
about disappeared blessings of the Lord.’ In response to
and it seemed this searching challenge from God,
that many they fell upon their knees in
churches were confession and re-dedication and
about to close began to pray even more earnestly.
their doors. Among the many people An hour later three of them were
lying prostrate on the floor. By five Revival had come and men and
o-clock, revival had come! The barn women were about to find
was suddenly filled with the glory of deliverance. As the group left the
God, and the power that was let loose cottage, they found men and women
that filled that little barn shook the seeking God. Lights were burning in
whole community. Around the same the homes along the road – no one
time in a little cottage in the village seemed to be thinking about sleep.
of Barvas, two elderly sisters – Peggy Three men were found lying by the
and Christine Smith – were also roadside in a torrent of
praying. Peggy was almost blind and conviction, crying
Christine was bent over with arthritis. out for God to
They were 84 and 82 years old. They have mercy on
also had been seeking God for them. The Spirit
revival, and to them came the of God was
promise, ‘I will pour water upon him moving into
that is thirsty, and floods upon the action and the
dry ground.’ One night, knowing that parish of
the others had gathered together to Barvas was
pray in the barn, they had gathered being stirred
around their little peat fire to spend from end to
the night in prayer. Peggy suddenly end…On the second night, buses
had a vision of the church, crowded came from the four corners of the
again with young people. She sent island, and people were crowding
for the minister, Rev. James Murray into the church. Seven men were
MacKay, and told him what God had being driven to the meeting in a
shown her, asking him to encourage butcher’s truck when suddenly the
his elders and deacons to come Spirit of God fell on them in great
together for special times of waiting conviction and all were saved before
upon God. On the same night that they reached the church building! As
the presence of God visited the barn, the preacher delivered his message,
the glory swept into the little cottage tremendous conviction swept down.
and God spoke to the two women, Tears rolled down the faces of the
revealing to them the name of the people and men and women cried out
man God wanted to use in the for mercy from every corner of the
visitation – the Reverend Duncan church. So deep was their distress
Campbell, a Presbyterian minister that some of their cries could be
and a great man of prayer. God said, heard outside in the road. A young
‘In two weeks I shall send upon this man beneath the pulpit cried out,
community the greatest spiritual ‘Oh, hell is too good for me.’.. As the
awakening it has known.’…(Two last person was leaving, a young man
weeks later) Duncan Campbell arrived began to pray under a tremendous
and was greeted by the Rev. MacKay burden of intercession. He prayed for
and two of his elders. One of the three quarters of an hour, and as he
elders greeted him and asked, ‘Mr. continued to pray people kept
Campbell, are you walking with God?’ gathering outside until there were
‘Well, at any rate, I can say that I fear twice as many outside as there had
God,’ was Duncan’s reply…They went been inside…The people streamed
to a nearby cottage and about thirty back into the church and the meeting
knelt in prayer and began to travail continued until 4 a.m.. The moment
before the Lord. At about 3 a.m. God the people took their seats, the Spirit
swept in, and a dozen or so were laid began to sweep through the church,
out prostrate on the floor and lay and hardened sinners began to weep
there speechless. God had moved and confess their sins. As the
into action as He had promised. meeting was closing, someone
excitedly hurried to the preacher and covenant engagement and do what
said, ‘Come with me! There’s a You promised to do.’ There are those
crowd of people outside the police in Arnol who verified that while the
station; they are weeping and in brother prayed the dishes on the
great distress. We don’t know what’s dresser of that farmhouse rattled as
wrong with them, but they are calling God turned loose His mighty power.
for someone to come and pray with Then wave after wave of divine power
them.’ The minister described the swept throughout the room.
scene: ‘I saw a sight I never thought Simultaneously the Spirit of God
possible, something I shall never swept through the village.
forget. Under a starlit sky, men and People could not sleep
women were kneeling everywhere, by and houses
the roadside, outside the cottages, were lit all
even behind the peat stacks, crying night; people
for God to have mercy on them.’ walked the
Nearly 600 people suddenly streets in
experienced the power of God falling great
upon them, and, like Paul on the road conviction and
to Damascus, they fell to their knees others knelt by
in repentance. Revival had come in their beds and cried for
power; for five weeks it swept across pardon. Within 48 hours the drinking
that one parish…The revival began to house, usually crowded with men of
spread to other towns. Men and the village, was closed. 14 young
women throughout the island began men who had been drinking there
to plead to God in desperate were converted. Those same men
intercession and prayer for revival… afterwards could be found three
Arnol was a small community which times a week with others on their
came within the path of the spiritual knees before God, praying for their
tornado. Because of the spiritual old associates and for the spread of
indifference, it was reckoned that revival…One day Duncan Campbell
hardly a young person darkened the found one of the young men in the
doors of any house of God, the barn with his Bible open. When
Sundays given to drinking, poaching, interrupted, he quietly said, ‘Excuse
etc. News of the revival spread and me a little, Mr. Campbell. I’m having
an opposition meeting was held…Just an audience with the King.’….One of
after midnight Duncan Campbell the most outstanding anointings of
asked John, the local blacksmith, to prayer happened when the young
pray. John rose to his feet with his man, Donald, was in Bernera, a small
cap in hand and prayed a prayer that island off the coast of
will never be forgotten by those who Lewis. Duncan Campbell
were present. In the middle of his was assisting at a
prayer he stopped and raised his communion service; the
right hand to heaven and continued, atmosphere was
‘Oh, God, You made a promise to heavy and the
pour water on the dry ground, and, preaching difficult. He
Lord, it’s not happening. Lord, I noticed Donald and
don’t know how the others here asked him to lead them
stand in Your Presence; I don’t know in prayer. The
how these ministers stand, but Lord, young lad made
if I know anything about my own reference to the
heart, I stand before you as an empty fourth chapter of
vessel, thirsting for Thee and for a Revelation which he had been
manifestation of Thy power. Oh God, reading that morning: ‘Oh God, I
your honor is at stake; fulfill Your seem to be gazing through an open
door. I see the Lamb in the midst of Some more fractured English and
the Throne, with the keys of death illogical
and hell at His girdle.’ He began to statements: “The
sob; then he lifted his eyes toward women included
Heaven and cried, ‘Oh God, there is their husbands and
power. Let it loose!’ The Spirit of children in their
God swept into the building and the potluck suppers.”…
heavens were opened. The church Lawyer: “Have you
resembled a battlefield. On one side ever been accused
many were prostrated over the seats of taking anything
weeping and sighing; on the other from your
side some were affected by throwing employer that you
their arms up in the air in a rigid were not entitled to, Mrs. Sanders?”
posture for an hour. God had come! “Do you mean other than my
Outside, startling things were taking paycheck?”…Headline: “Alexander
place. The Spirit of God was Hoping His Past is Behind Him”…”Did
sweeping over the homes and the you blow your horn or anything?”
area surrounding the village. Many After the accident?” “Before the
people came under the convicting accident.” “Sure, I played for ten
power of the Spirit: Fishermen out in years. I even went to
their boats; men behind their looms; school for it.”…”Elderly
people at the pit bank; a merchant in woman seeks female
his truck; school teachers examining to share house and
papers. By 10 o’clock the roads were perform cleaning
streaming with people from every and some
direction, making their way to nursing
church. As the preacher came out of assistance. Must
the church, the Holy Spirit swept in be a nonsmoker
among the people in the road like a and
wind. They gripped each other in
fear. In agony of soul they trembled. drinker.”…”Include your children
Many wept and some fell to the when baking cookies.”…Sign in a
ground under great conviction of sin. barbershop: “During vacation of
Several men were found lying by the owner, a competent hair stylist will
side of the road in such distress that be here.”…”The girl was in the
they could not even speak – yet they hospital having her utensils
had not been anywhere near the removed.”…”Cleaning services. We
church! So great was the do condos, offices, and residents.”…
supernatural moving of God that Bookstore sign: “Rare, out-of-print,
most of the homes did not escape the and nonexistent books.”…”Man
conviction of the Spirit, and the Found Beaten, Robbed by Police.”
routine of business was stopped so
that the island might seek the face of PRAYER MOBILIZATION
God like Ninevah of Bible days. The Keep praying for Manitou Springs, as
town was changed, lives and homes Revolution House of Prayer continues
were transformed, and even the to battle spiritual forces of evil.
fishing fleet, as it sailed out into the Some time ago a member of that
bay, took with it a Presenter, to lead congregation wrote the following
them in prayer and worship singing.” (paraphrased): “For Branson I
(From “Bright and Shining Revival” prayed blessing over the direction as
by Kathie Walters) a Christian destination and that
leadership would know what needs to
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE be added and what needs to be taken
away…I had a sense of a presence,
representative of a person, a group visited our area numerous times as a
of people or an influence that is not facilitator for prayer summits…Asleep
at all desirable and could consume kNOw More continues to encourage
much life.” So, keep praying for Christians to take a stand and take
revival and awakening in our area as back our nation. Gregory Thompson
well. Another intercessor in Manitou is writing a book and is traveling all
Springs said that while in prayer he over. Pray for him and all the people
felt led to pray for the Branson area involved in the ministry…Pray for all
that God would bring purity to the ministries in the area…Also for
area, a purity derived from the churches and pastors and for
meaning of being tried and thus continuing growth in Christian unity…
yielding fruit; also, that God would Pray for Randy and Gail Baar and The
begin to transform Branson into a Spirit of America Hour…Pray for
worship haven for the latter days, Christian Businessmen’s Committee
that the gift of music that is in this and for Businessmen’s Fellowship
place would begin to be tapped and International…Pray for Don and
rewired for the sole purposes of God – Dorothy Gabriel, for health and for
people will travel from all over, as finances…Pray for all the people in
they already do, but to come and our area who are ill, who have
worship in excellence; also, that God financial pressures, and for all who
would reveal strongholds to the do not know the Lord…Pray for all
people who have great authority of people and ministries working to
the land and that they would know prevent abortions…Pray for J. and J.
how to conquer the strongholds that they find jobs quickly, and for a
effectively… number of Christian ladies who are
seeking Godly mates…Pray for all
businesses and for open positions to
be filled with committed employees.

Peace, Bob Burton

Pray for The Caring People and their
ministry to single Moms. One Mom
recently gave her life to Jesus and
said, “The minute I came out of the
water I knew the old Donna was
gone. I had a new start. I finally felt
clean for the first time in my life. The
Caring People and the Church give
me support. They make me stronger.
This is a permanent change.”…Sue
Head of CofO has asked us to pray
Mark and Michelle Blackwell and their
children Andrew and Alex. The
Blackwells felt led to move to
Rockaway Beach and serve the Lord
there through a business. They have
purchased the Rockaway Beach
Marina. This is another positive
indicator of how God is moving in
Rockaway Beach..,Pray for Dennis
Fuqua and International Renewal
Ministries, which sponsors the
Pastors Prayer Summits around the
nation and the world. Dennis has

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