Upnewsljuly 08

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JULY, 2008

REFLECTION identified on any map. One day, however, a

F or this Reflection I am going to share an

amazing true story, one which I hope will
give us encouragement as we continue to pray
church member mentioned this story in passing
to an acquaintance. The man confirmed that
indeed there was such a place, and that it in fact
for spiritual transformation in our regions and was not far away. The reason it did not show up
our nation. The Sentinel Group is a ministry on on any map was because it was in a desert area
the West Coast that produces videos on actual with no proper roads. Excited by this news, the
demonstrations of movements of God across the poor Baptist congregants took up a collection
world. I used their video on the Innuit in that was just enough to purchase one tank of
Northeastern Canada (Baffin Island area) when gas. This allowed a small team to head out on an
I taught the Power of Prayer Workshops in investigatory trip to Algodao de Jandaira. The
churches. George Otis, Jr. heads up this trip took nearly an entire day owing to the fact
wonderful ministry. There is a new move of that much of the driving was in dry riverbeds.
God, this time in Brazil. Please prayerfully read When the team arrived at the outskirts of the
the following and passionately seek a total move community, they were shocked by what they
of God here: “The story began in the Valentina saw. Not only were the 2,200 inhabitants poorer
Baptist Church located in the coastal city of Joao than the Baptists themselves, they looked like
Pessoa, Brazil. The congregation there was they were starving. There were no visible crops,
small and very poor, but this did not prevent the animals looked emaciated, and the people
them from being preoccupied with a broad were dressed in rags. Everything, including a
range of religious activities. Most of the young girl walking around in red shorts and a
congregants were also quite conservative – blue shirt, was exactly as had been described in
neither believing in nor experiencing anything the dream. The people had attempted to put in a
supernatural. God, however, began to deal with community well, but each time they drilled, the
this busy, self-absorbed congregation. A deep hole was dry. It had not rained in the area for
conviction set in and the people repented of their 24 years, and there was no water table. As a
sin and small-mindedness. Many cried out for a consequence, water had to be trucked in from
fresh move of god -–and as they did so, the Holy the outside. The main dietary item was cactus,
Spirit broke their hearts and inclined them to but the people had no money to buy
His purposes. One member of the church choir, salt for flavoring. Faced with this
a woman, began to have dreams about a town or trauma, the community had
encampment called Algodao de Jandaira. turned even more sharply to
Although she had never even heard of the place, spiritism. All manner of
the dreams were so vivid – revealing local rituals and sacrifices were
terrain, troubled faces, and other considerable linked to the spirits of nature. As the
detail – that the entire congregation received the team approached the town, they were
dreams as a divine revelation. The problem was viewed with great suspicion. The people of
that no one had the slightest idea where this Algodao de Jandaira felt vulnerable, and they
community might be. The place was not were not used to outsiders. Unfortunately, the

day was waning and the team needed a place to die. After prayer, the congregation decided to
stay. Not knowing what else to do, they forego their traditional Christmas feast and
approached a small home and knocked on the family gift-giving in order to help the people of
door. A woman answered and the team Algodao de Jandaira. Through this sacrifice, the
explained the purpose of their visit and asked if people were able to purchase eighty gift baskets
she knew of a place where they could bed down containing food staples like rice, beans and
for the night. Immediately the woman called the pasta. After delivering these Christmas baskets,
other family members to the door, where they the team returned home with heavy hearts.
welcomed the team inside. Without realizing it, Even this gesture seemed futile in light of the
the team had approached the only evangelical enormous needs. Algodao de Jandaira’s
home in the community! It was an answer to inhabitants needed so much more – especially a
prayer for both parties. When the investigation relationship with Christ. As Valentina Baptist
team returned home and reported what they had Church began to collect funds for their next
seen to their fellow congregants, the people made visit, the spirit of intercession began to rise
a vow. They would return to the troubled within the congregation. God was not one to
community once a month with whatever supplies play games, and they were not about to quit. On
they could muster. These follow-up trips January 24, 2004, the team headed out again on
continued through 2003, with each successive the day-long trek to Algodao de Jandaira. This
visit serving to further break down the initial time, however, something was different. About
suspicion and hostility. At the end of each visit, five miles from the community they approached
after they had delivered their meager supplies of a riverbed they had crossed dozens of times
food, salt and clothing, the team would walk up before. But not this day. For the first time in a
to a rock outcropping above the village to pray. quarter century, raging waters were coursing
Overwhelmed by their inadequacy, they asked down the channel. Parking their vehicle, the
God why He didn’t give the mission to a larger ecstatic believers hoisted supply sacks onto their
church that, presumably, could do much more shoulders and waded across the river. As they
for these needy people. They also began to pray walked the final stretch to town, a spirit of
that God would speak to government leaders worship overcame them. Reaching the edge of
about helping the people of the village, the team stood in astonishment.
Algodao de Jandaira. God From the rock outcropping that served as their
responded by saying the prayer station, a waterfall was pouring forth
Christians’ prayers were off life-giving water upon the community below.
target. It was not His Children were running in the river, splashing
intention to use either rich and laughing all around. Men were watering
churches or the their horses, while goats drank their fill. It was
government. Rather, He almost too good to be true. Upon reaching their
wanted to work through friends, the team heard more of the story.
weak vessels in order to Shortly after their last visit, they were told, the
demonstrate His power. heavens over Algodao de Jandaira had
‘My grace is sufficient for unleashed a deluge. Water had exploded out of
you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ (2 previously dry wells with such force that huge
Corinthians 12:9) ‘But God chose the foolish boulders were tossed into the air like pebbles.
things of the world to shame the wise; God chose Young people who had never before seen rain or
the weak things of the world to shame the strong. running water were dumbfounded. Their
He chose the lowly things of this world and the longsuffering parents were delighted. After the
despised things – and the things that are not – to ‘Flood of Blessings’ – the mayor’s term for the
nullify the things that are, so that no one may recent miracle – forty five wells were drilled to
boast before Him.’ (1 Corinthians 1: 27-29) The tap what hydrologists now say is a substantial
Baptists’ prayers began to take on a real water table under Algodao de Jandaira. All now
urgency in late 2003. Despite their efforts, the provide potable water. The once arid and
situation in Algodao de Jandaira was infertile land has been transformed and is now
deteriorating rapidly. The little water on the site producing fava beans, papaya, guava, and other
was brackish, and many animals were starting to crops. At the same time, bees are generating

high-quality honey, goats are yielding record actual victory. Only God is capable of
amounts of milk, and the local river is filled with performing the heavy lifting required to change
fish. Not only does this bounty provide for the an entire community. If we want to get there –
immediate dietary needs of the people, but for to transformation – He must first come here.
the first time ever they are able to sell their When the Lord speaks to us, we’ve got to seize
overflow to public schools and outside the moment – if we don’t, His voice will
distributors. Buoyed by these developments, inevitably fade into the background static of life.
Algodao de Jandaira has seen its population rise The time has come to life the bar of expectations,
to 3,000. The Valentina congregation has to enter into the Firestorm of God’s grace.
planted a church and social center in the (George Otis, Jr., from “The Quickening”)
community and holds joint services every other More Sentinel notes: “Pray that you may be
month with a local Assembly of God granted ‘…the Spirit of wisdom and revelation,
congregation. Today, a substantial majority of so that you may know him better. I pray also
Algodao de Jandaira’s citizens follow Christ as that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in
their Lord and Savior. When glory is to be order that you may know the hope to which he
given, it is given to God. The town’s 24-year-old has called you, the riches of his glorious
mayor – recently selected to head a 29-town inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably
mayoral association – is happily serving the great power for us who believe. That power is
Lord along with his staff and a majority of the like the working of his mighty strength.’
town councilors. Under his leadership, Algodao (Ephesians 1: 17-19) Consider this: Our works
de Jandaira has landed multiple federal grants are impotent if at the end of the day we have
worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. During merely made men more comfortable on the road
a recent trip to meet with federal officials, the to hell. We must not only couple our good works
mayor turned on the TV just in time to hear a with faith, but also go in the resurrection power
preacher declare: ‘You are to go before of Christ. The goodness of God paves the way to
government leaders and fight for your people.’ persuade men to repentance (Romans 2:4), while
When he presented his case the following day, the message of the Gospel alone holds the keys to
Algodao do Jandaira was the only community in eternity. Join a growing international network
the State of Paraiba to win a grant. Although of transformation-hungry believers today. Help
Algodao de Jandaira has a small police force, the support the inspiring and critical work of The
constables have very little to do. It seems that Sentinel Group by becoming an Explorer
crime has all but vanished in the aftermath of Member (or support in other ways). Receive
the 2004 ‘Flood of Blessings.’ To celebrate this timely and relevant reports of transformation
victory – and their other manifold blessings – the from around the globe, product discounts and
town plans to erect a monument to the Lord in connect with this network of hope! For
the Spring of 2008. In the meantime, local questions or information please contact April
believers are watching The Sentinel Group’s Otis McCallum at: explorer@sentinelgroup.org.
Quickening video to better understand the The website is www.sentinelgroup.org. Folks, the
principles that animate transforming revival. Silver Dollar City Foundation has most of The
For while there is no shortage of gratitude for Sentinel Group Transformational videos,
their recent breakthrough, there is also a including “The Quickening,” and their most
growing sense of responsibility toward recent release. Because one small group of
neighboring communities still lost in their sin.” Christians was obedient to God, a marvelous
Since this story comes from The Sentinel Group, physical and spiritual transformation took place.
you can believe it 100%. Following are some It can happen here. This is why I so firmly
added notes from this organization: believe that the UP Team is part of God’s plan
“Transformation His Way: Program orientation for our regions and our nation. We are a small
is marked by impatience – and pride. Not only group of people, praying faithfully and
do we offend God when we insist on charting our passionately, and trusting in a mighty move of
own course, we actually limit His ability to lead the Holy Spirit. Do not lose heart!!
us – and our community – into full-blown
revival. The longer we try to organize our way
to success, the longer it will be before we taste ON THE LIGHTER SIDE

“I n the year 2008, the Lord came unto Noah,
who was now living in our country, and said,
‘Once again the earth has become wicked and I see
F rom the best of Milton Berle, under the subject
of Religion: “The Baptist revival is under way.
All the new members have been dipped, but along
the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and comes Joe Hardy, the rowdiest man in town. Joe
save 2 of every living thing along with a few good says, ‘I’d like for you to dip me.’ The preacher says,
humans. He gave Noah the blueprints, saying, ‘You ‘If you are really sincere about becoming a Baptist, a
have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the dipping won’t do it. We’ll have to anchor you out
unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights.’ 6 months here overnight.’”…”An archeologist is digging in the
later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in Dead Sea area and comes up with an exciting find.
his yard – but no Ark! ‘Noah,’ He roared, ‘I’m about He rushes back to the university and tells his
to start the rain! Where is the Ark?’ ‘Forgive me, colleagues, ‘I just found the skeleton of a man four
Lord,’ begged Noah, ‘but things have changed. I thousand years old who died of a heart attack.’ ‘How
needed a building permit. I’ve been arguing with the do you know he died of a heart attack?’ a colleague
inspector about the need for a sprinkler system. My asked. ‘He had a paper in his hand that said, ‘a
neighbors claim that I’ve violated the neighborhood hundred shekels on Goliath.’”…”In the repository
zoning laws by trying to build the Ark in my yard. where the Mint keeps old bills, two of the bills were
We had to go to the local planning board for a talking. A twenty said, ‘I’ve had some life – the best
decision. Then the Electric Company demanded a restaurants, the finest shops. How about you?’ A
bond be posted for the future costs of moving power one-dollar bill said, ‘All I ever did was go to church,
lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the go to church, go to church.’”…”A minister called out
passage for the Ark’s move to the sea. I told them the to the congregation, ‘What must we do before we can
sea would be coming to us, but they would hear expect forgiveness of sin?’ A voice from the back
nothing of it. Getting the wood was another problem. yelled, ‘Sin!’”…”A bishop was approached one
There’s a ban on cutting local trees in order to save morning by a priest. ‘Sir,’ the priest said, ‘there’s a
the spotted owl. I tried to convince the young lad outside who claims to be seeing a vision of
environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the our Savior in the chapel. What should I do?’ The
owls – but no go! When I started gathering the bishop said, ‘Look busy.’”…”Some people are very
animals, an animal rights group sued me. They liberal in their religion. They believe in the Ten
insisted that I was confining wild animals against Commandments, but they insist you can pick
their will. They argued that the proposed five.”…”I used to be an atheist. But I gave it up – no
accommodations were too restrictive and that it holidays.”…”A tourist touring South American
would be cruel and inhumane to put so many animals jungles was a bit nervous when he returned his rental
in a confined space. Then the EPA ruled that I car. ‘Do you have any black cats three feet long?’
couldn’t build the Ark until they’d conducted an ‘Sure,’ the clerk said. ‘Do you have any black cats
environmental impact study on your proposed Flood. four feet long?’ ‘Yeah, I think so.’ ‘What about
I’m still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human black cats six feet long?’ ‘Could be, I’m not really
Rights Commission on how many minorities I’m sure,’ the clerk answered. From the backseat of the
supposed to hire for my building crew. Immigration car the clerk could hear the man’s wife say, ‘I’m
and Naturalization is checking on the visa status of telling you for the last time, you’ve run over a
the workers. The trades unions say I can’t use my priest!’”…
sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers
with Ark-building experience. To make matters PRAYING THE VOTE
worse, the IRS seized all of my assets, claiming that
I’m trying to leave the country illegally with
endangered species. So, forgive me,
H ere are some more of the Scriptures and
prayers from the Presidential Prayer Team on
the subject of “Praying the Vote:” “’Be diligent in
Lord, but it will take at least 10 years these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that
for me to finish this Ark. Suddenly everyone may see your progress.’ (1 Timothy 4:15)
the skies cleared, the sun began to Awesome God, all things are Yours, and your mercy
shine, and a rainbow stretched and goodness characterize the works of Your hands.
across the sky. Noah looked up in Your love for all persons and peoples has been shown
wonder and asked, ‘Does this mean from the beginning of time when You poured out
that you are not going to destroy the world?’ ‘No,’ blessings on Your people. You are the Lord of
said the Lord. ‘The Government has already beat me history and time. All truth is found in You, Mighty
to it!’” God. I ask that the citizens of our great country will
remain keenly interested in the election process from
this day forward to Election Day. Let us long and
MORE ON THE LIGHTER SIDE hunger for the news of what You are doing in the
campaigns and candidates’ lives. Lord, I pray that

we will take time and effort required to stay engaged about having seen horrendous things and experienced
in the election process so that we may faithfully do great loss and is trying to figure out how to deal with
Your will. Thank You for the gift and blessing of it, the only way is to have space and time alone, or to
citizenship. May every American exercise freedom be near others in similar situations. Without
and stay informed and engaged until Election Day. additional explanations, families don’t understand
Amen…’To man belong the plans of the heart, but and soldiers don’t realize they need to elaborate
from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue. All a some. 3) Pray for the husbands/wives who are
man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are thinking about divorcing their soldier because they
weighed by the Lord.’ (Proverbs 16: 1-2) Mighty Lord are tired of the deployments, the distance and being
God, You know all things, and nothing is hidden from married to someone who has nothing left to share
You – even the deepest intentions of hearts. Your long distance during a deployment. 4) Pray for the
knowledge and authority rule over all the affairs of civilians over here supporting the effort; there are
humankind, and Your ways govern over all our ways. thousands. Americans and Filipinos are
I praise You today for the way You understand and predominant; and there are Iraqis who want to help
weigh our words, thoughts and motives. As as well. 5) Pray for the Iraqi people. Where to start?
candidates continue to seek our votes, speaking with Safety, basic provisions, peace, not giving in to
us about their plans, may they freely share their unhealthy influences that would have them become
intentions with candor so that we may discern with martyrs, for each Iraqi to have someone cross his/her
wisdom who best deserves our vote. Grant that the path who is a positive influence, safety for the
deepest desires of the candidates’ hearts will be seen Assyrian Christian population here. This is spiritual
and known, and give to us Your discernment as we warfare and Satan is winning on this battlefield -–or
listen and observe. Amen…’I will instruct you and he thinks he is, for now. Let’s take him out at the
teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you knees by praying for these people, releasing the
and watch over you.’ (Psalm 32:8) Loving God, Your power and giving Satan fewer results towards his
kindness extends to all You have made. You show cause. 6) Pray that God reaches through me to
Your awesome love day to day as You reveal Yourself others (He is the hand, I am the glove). He sends me
in manifold ways. Thank You for Your many out to here with a purpose each time. It’s neat to see
promises to lead and guide us when we consult with it unfold. I just want to always be available/not too
You in humility and love. As we move toward this tired, but willing to sacrifice when an opportunity
year’s elections, God, I pray for leaders who will turn arises and God tweaks my heart to do even the
to You as they lead. Give to us those persons who smallest of things to reach out to others (it’s easy to
desire to do Your will and who will consult with You be tired and selfish out here). One last thing: When I
in every decision. Thank You for Your love and got home, I wanted to be alone. Others didn’t quite
guidance. Amen.” understand (some friends)…I really just wanted to be
alone and get some privacy and personal space back,
FOR OUR MILITARY because I was within ten feet of another person or

T he daughter of one of the SDC employees is a

civilian who is on her second tour of duty in
Iraq. I wrote to her and suggested she share prayer
many people, 24/7 for four months. It’s the last thing
I expected to feel. It surprised me. My other issue
was that I came back to the States with a low
needs; what I received was a powerful e-mail. Her tolerance for the petty stupidity that people dish out
name is Shannon. Portions of it follow here: “Thank stateside. The messed up priorities and the silly
you, Bob. I am great. I love it here. Of course, things people do. I recall after twenty hours of
things are going well (no blatant threat to my life yet) traveling I was delayed at O’Hare in Chicago.
so that’s easy to say AND I’ve only been here two Airports have a habit of changing my gate and not
weeks. It was nice to see faces I know and I have telling me, so I wanted to check. My flight had
some history with. And I am quick to make friends, already been delayed another hour and a half. I just
so people are never a stranger for long around me. I wanted to make sure it would still be at this gate. The
won’t allow it. Literally. You walk by my desk too airline person was snippy with me and basically
many times without acknowledging me, and I will refused to help me. I stood there a moment and was
stop you and introduce myself. It’s fun and surprises seeing red. I was so mad. I’ve only seen red a
people. Here are my prayer requests: 1) Pray for the handful of times in my life. When I get that mad, the
mental health of soldiers, whether they go outside the tears of anger come. I did not respond, but turned
wire on patrol daily or have to read reports and see in around and calmed my nerves. Why did I get so
photos the grim reality of what goes on out there. It mad? There are a variety of reasons. The point is
takes a toll on the soul. 2) Pray for families to that I found myself feeling low tolerance for people at
understand and support the soldiers who need work and their stupidity/messed up priorities, etc.
healing/peace. If a soldier comes home and says When you come from a place where you are facing
he/she needs space and doesn’t elaborate by talking your mortality at any time and it’s really about

survival and there are serious, time-sensitive things middle of soooooo many thousands of years of
going on that require urgency and attention, to go history. Just remember, we all look at the same stars,
back to a society that has no focus, is lackadaisical, is just different times of day. I read My Utmost for His
ungrateful for how good they have it and take for Highest daily and as I’ve gotten others to do so as
granted the luxuries they have – it’s difficult to come well, that’s something we share – just at different
from a sacrificing environment/lifestyle back to one times of day, in different parts of the world. God is
where people who are pampered turn around and all-knowing and all-seeing and no issue is too large
blow you off. 120 days in a row, with fourteen hours a for Him and nothing takes Him by surprise. Nothing.
day? How You hear someone throwing a fit in a He has a plan worked out for all. Remember, the
grocery store line or making comments under their world is a small place full of human beings who all
breath, it is have the same needs, they just speak different
sooooooo languages and have different skin colors. Take care
tempting to tell of yourself and have a nice humid summer.”
them they need
to chill out and PRAYER MOBILIZATION
get their
straight. There
P lease pray for: Shannon and the military and
their families…Businessmen’s Fellowship
International and as they move on after the passing of
are worse things Jack Urbec…Jan Urbec and Hillary…Christian
to have issues Businessmen’s Committee…M. Leonard, health…
over. Oh, you Monna Stafford, loss of father…Jack and Rebecca,
got a flat tire? loss of infant daughter…John Swift, job…Mike
Imagine having Loewe (UP), job…Sr. Paula, accident, and all the
one in a war Sisters in her northern MO convent who are praying
zone…Did your for UP…implementation of a nonprofit health clinic
nice clothes get in the area…Barb and Bill…continuous fresh
dirty changing that tire? At least you have nice anointing for the ministry of KLFC radio…Tim
clothes and you weren’t fearful of a sniper picking Blacke, brain surgery…Richard (health) and Anne
you off…Can’t decide what to have for dinner? We (caregiver)…Becky Ball (UP), health…Reflection of
have maybe twenty food items to choose from, of Christ ministry to homosexuals, with special prayer
which only four change out per meal. In all, I like for Ben, Joe P., Rusty, Dale, David S….Sue Head
maybe three-four of those things. It gets old. Most (UP) and family, after passing of her father-in-law,
people are here twelve-fifteen months. Imagine three the founder of what is now Camp Barnabas…Amy
meals a day for a year or more with those options… Burton (daughter-in-law), who has been ordered to
Are you feeling tired? Have you ever worked about bed rest during the balance of her pregnancy because
not just being tired, but also carrying the burden of of some complications (baby’s name is Livi, which
seeing horrendous things?…Taking your house for means peace and life)…Phil Erwin, health…Barbara
granted? I measured today; I walked 520 feet to the Burton, health…Megan (Burton) Klinger, newly
latrine from my trailer where I sleep. My trailer is so married, and husband Doug…all suffering from
thin, I can hear people walking by on the gravel floods here and elsewhere, and other natural
outside and helicopters fly overhead and shaking the disasters…all torn by war and strife…end of all
building. Imagine if I were in a tent or at a location terrorism and dictatorship…unity within the Body of
hat had incoming/outgoing fire on a regular basis? It Christ…Backstage ministries…One Passion…all
takes a toll…Car now what you want, wish you had ministries in the area…all other prayer needs, spoken
something better? I walk a half mile to work, a half and unspoken.
mile to the chow hall (and two times to the chow hall
in 110 degree heat), and of course there is the CALLING ALL INSOMNIACS AND NIGHT
latrine…Didn’t sleep well? At least you can regulate WATCHMEN!
your schedule where you COULD get enough sleep if We have open UP Team slots in the wee hours of the
you were disciplined enough. Out here most of us go morning, the midnight to 3-4 a.m. times on some
to sleep and wake up and it’s still the same day. days. Please spread the word!!
That’s just NOT satisfying. On the flip side, two days I am so grateful to all of you for your love and prayer
pass during each shift – ha, ha. I never know what and faithfulness. I welcome input. Call day or night
day it is. It’s greatly confusing, takes me months to at (417) 331-1028. Peace and love.
get on track when I get home…The moon and stars
are more beautiful here than back home. But then Bob Burton
maybe I pay more attention to them here. Sometimes
all you have to do is look up. I am sitting in the

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