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Five Main Causes Of WW1

Bosnians and Serbians were very nationalistic, and the Bosnians(Serbs that were living in Bosnia at
the time) wanted to seperate from Austris-Hungary and join Serbia.

Britain had a strong military, and navy. It was possibly the strongest there was back then. Germany
knew this and started to create a navy that could rival Britains. Other countries got suspicious of this
and wondered what Germany was up to.

Many countries wanted to acquire land and colonies far away for various reasons. Britain had the
largest empire, and other countries wanted colonies for themselves. This was due to industrialism
(=more interest in colonies)

In 1914, France and Germany were looking for Alliances. So France joined Britain and Russia =
Triple Entente/Allies.
Germany joined with Austris-Hungary and Italy=Triple Alliances/Central Powers.
(Note: Italy left the Triple Alliances to join the Allies, when they thought that Germany would lose.)

Archduke Franz Ferdinand (not the band:P) was assinated by a member of the Black Hand (a
terrorist organization against Austrian Rule.). The guy who assasinated him was named Gavrilo
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