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Damage & The escort damage track key mentions the box with the
arch on top is to be treated as if the Damage Reduction
was 1 higher. I read this as an addition to the DR
purchased in construction so that aescort with a 3 in
the DR diamond has an effective DR of 4. Am I right?

Is it legitimate to kill crew from non-functional


Incorrect. Each ship has the DR
purchased. Each box has an additional
point of damage reduction. eg. If an escort
has DR of 5, and takes 30 points of
damage, you subtract 5 for the DR,
lowering the damage to 25. Now as each
box has 1 point of DR, mark off 17 boxes,
leaving one point of damage unresolved.
That point is lost, ir does not mark of the
arch on the next box. Boxes repaired do
not repair the additional DR per box.

When fighter bays have crew boxes for people that are No. Just like you can't destroy a torp that
actually on a launched fighter, is it legitimate to kill
has already been fired.
their crew station rather than a functional crew


How does the Constellation get away with missle

No official values for higher than 20
launchers with 30 missles when all of the construction missiles are available.
rules do not go higher than 20 missles? Am I right in
assuming the cost and slots values just keep going up
in the same pattern as they do for the smaller
launchers? I ask this because I had envisioned larger
missle stores for ships to conserve on crew and
computer resources instead of having lots of small
launchers competing for those valuable commodities.
The pilot of an escort cannot legally operate Salvage
Claws or a Tractor Beam. If built into an escort, I
assume a gunner will operate them. Is there still a
restriction on the arcs available?

Correct, a gunner will operate them. There

is no restriction on Tractor Beam arcs, but
Salvage Claws still must be Front arc.

What are the valid firing arcs for a Plazprojector?

Currently only the Bow Front Quarter Left

(BFQL), Front (F), and Bow Front Quater
Right (BFQR) arcs are valid.

Do these apply only to attacks? If no, how do they


They were intended for weapon rolls. You

may also subtract them from lock on

Are they available once per game, once per turn, every Once per turn.
Can the Captain's die be used to add damage to a
torpedo attack?


Does the Captain's die affect damage as well as To


Yes. The Captain's die is added to damage

as well as To Hit. This addition happens
regardless on if it meets the damage

Ex: roll of 1-5-6 + Captain's die of 3 with

a Medium damage weapon yields 8 points
of damage (5+3).
Is the Captain's die multiplied on damage for Keel
Cannons etc.

No, the Captain's die is added on after all

other damage modifiers.

Does the Captain's die count for doubles or triples on

attack rolls?

No. The Captain's die does not count

towards doubles or triples on any attack
Ex: roll of 1-5-5 + Captain's die of 5 with
a Plazgun yields 16 damage -- not the
weapon blowing up.


Is escort damage control like fighters (repairs only last They are repaired permanently within the
until the end of the current battle) or are the boxes
stated restrictions.
repaired permanently within the stated restrictions (ie.
damage reduction, crew, crits, & box armor)?


When and for how long must an Escort shut down its
Point Defense Batteries in a quadrant to dock ships?

Only on the turn the ship is docking.

What do escort class Point-Defense Batteries attack?

Any object that enters its field of fire. This

includes Missiles, Torpedoes, friendly and
enemy ships. Warhounds p15 column 1
line 4 of game mechanics strike "enemy".
Note: a Warhound P-DB system will not
fire at torpedoes it launched on the turn it
launched them.

Does Warhound PD fire during Warhound movement? No, though in future Warhound PD might
be used for drone sweeping. This will be a
Universal Night Watch upgrade.
Any limit on the number of fighters launching from
Bays /
fighter bays per turn?
Equipment Fighter bays - carrying smaller fighters - 1 per bay, or
limited by total tonnage and crew capacity?


No, one fighter may launch from each

fighter bay during the same turn, and each
bay may house only one fighter at a time.
Max 1 fighter per bay.

Is there a maximum of 6 fighter bays/racks?

There is no set limit, though each bay

counts against max # of weapon mounts.

If using gunnery duels is it possible to declare a

Gunnery Duels with gun crews?

Gunners may duel with Gun Crews, Pilots

may not.

Is it legitimate to kill crew from no-functional



When fighter bays have crew boxes for people that are No. Just like you can't destroy a torp that
actually on a launched fighter, is it legitimate to kill
has already been fired.
their crew station rather than a functional crew


The pilot of an escort cannot legally operate Salvage

Claws or a Tractor Beam. If I built a Tractor Beam or
Salvage Claws into an escort, I assume a gunner will
operate them.


Can Escorts carry optional torpedo loads?

No, Escorts can only use the standard and

Command Guided (DXH) torps.

Since DXH torps are not specifically targeted, when do At the very end of the movement phase.
they move?

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