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November, 2004


W ell, the elections for 2004 are over.
About 50 people at the Old Stone
Church and the same number at St. Andrew
sense that is what being a follower of Jesus is
all about. Being a follower is more than just
saying you are a follower but also doing what
Presbyterian gathered on the evening of a follower should do. It is going beyond the
November 1 to pray for God’s will to be done. call. In Mark 12 when Jesus was asked what
Putting political parties and the greatest commandment was…He
candidates aside, it is clear that answered, ‘The first of all commandments is
God’s Spirit was moving across ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord
this nation. Concern for moral is one. And you shall love the Lord your God
and spiritual values rose to the top with all your heart, with all your soul, with all
and carried the day. Once again, as in your mind, and with all your strength…And
August, as our prayers joined with the second, like it, is this: You shall love your
millions of others around the nation, I neighbor as yourself. There is no other
believe God is telling us that He hears us, commandment greater than these.’”
that He want to revive us, He wants to bless According to Jesus, loving God is more than
us. So, prayer is now more important than just saying you love God, it is showing it
ever. But, heck, one of our UP Team through your actions. And loving our
members says it much better than I can, in a neighbor as we do ourselves is more than just
letter I just received: “Dear Brother Bob: I saying we do, it is showing it through actions
just had to drop you a line to give praise to and attitudes toward others. Some time ago I
God for the victory in the November 2 came across a poem that speaks of this
election. And even the polls have had to concept of going beyond the call. I don’t
admit that we as Christians have a part in the know who wrote it, but the message is very
way it came to pass, in our stand for what is clear. It is titled,
moral and right. And I see a need for that
action as a priority in other ways in our
prayer time…Just think of it like this: One of “I Will Do More”:
the major telecommunications conglomerates “I will do more than belong, I will
has for its corporate motto, ‘Going Beyond participate.
the Call.’ The intent of that motto is to let I will do more than care, I will help.
potential and current customers know that I will do more than believe, I will practice.
their company will do more than just answer I will do more than be fair, I will be kind.
service calls, they will anticipate future I will do more than forgive, I will love.
service needs by offering a host of I will do more than earn, I will enrich.
telecommunication options from local I will do more than teach, I will serve.
telephone services to satellite network TV. I will do more than live, I will grow.
Going beyond the call means stepping out of I will do more than be friendly, I will be a
the proverbial business comfort zone and friend.”
actively engaging in community service needs
as well as anticipating future needs. In some
Going beyond the call together, in prayer and revelations of God’s plan and love. The Old
action, dear brother, and looking forward to Testament readings are currently from the
our next gathering – till then, yours in Christ, prophetic books; recently a passage in Ezekiel
Frank.” Thank you, Frank! Frank Kitchens just jumped off the page. It fits perfectly with
is a member of the Government Sector and a our theme in recent Newsletters of the
member of Keystone Assembly of God. importance and power of prayer. First,
prayerfully reflect on Ezekiel 9: 1ff: “Then I
NEXT GATHERING heard him call out in a loud voice, ‘Bring the

W Well, since Frank wrote that he is

looking forward to the next gathering,
this is a perfect time to announce it. On
guards of the city here, each with a weapon in
his hand. And I saw six men coming…each
with a deadly weapon in his hand. With them
January 28 and 29 there will be a was a man clothed in linen who had a writing
gathering at Stonecroft Conference kit at his side. They came in and stood beside
Center as a “Marketplace Prayer the bronze altar. Now the glory of the God of
Summit.” Everyone is invited – Israel went up from above the cherubim, where
not just the UP Team, but it had been, and moved to the threshold of the
Christians from near and far who temple. Then the Lord called to the man
can commit the time, both lay people and clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his
clergy. We will be sending out more side and said to him, ‘Go throughout the city of
formal information, but here is a Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of
summary of the event: Friday evening, those who grieve and lament over all the
January 28, from detestable things that are done in it.’ As I
6 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturday, Januray 29, listened, he said to the others, ‘Follow him
from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There is no charge, through the city and kill, without showing pity
lunch on Saturday is provided, and no or compassion…but do not touch anyone who
offering will be taken. There will be two has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary…Then
facilitators for this time of prayer: Lewis the man in linen with the writing kit at his side
Schultz, a pastor from Minneapolis and brought back word, saying, ‘I have done as you
experienced in summit-style and prayer; and commanded.’ I was curious about the
Pastor Howard Boyd of Branson Hills significance of the linen, so I did a brief
Assembly of God Church. In order to plan search. Two uses in the Bible seemed very
for lunch, it will be necessary for participants significant. First, God instructed that the
to pre-register. Please call me at 336-7076 tabernacle, the tent within which the Ark of
with names and the number of people. the Covenant rested (before
Spread the word! If you have not the construction of the
participated in one of these extended prayer Temple) be made of fine
events, you will experience a beautiful linen. Second, after Jesus
presence of God and unity among the Body of died and was taken down
Christ. from the cross, he was
wrapped in linen and
placed in the tomb. So, it
A REFLECTION appears clear to me that the man clothed in

J ohn Baltes, the President of the SDC

Foundation, and I do “Scripture
Journaling.” We each read the
linen in Ezekiel’s vision is a foreshadowing of
Jesus. “Receiving the mark” is written of
three times in Scripture: In Revelation there
same Scriptures for about a is the mark of the beast, the mark that
two week period (we are signifies apostasy from the truth, and there is
using the One Year the mark, or seal, given to the 144,000 – a
Bible), write down positive mark in this case. So, too, in Ezekiel,
notes/prayers and then the mark is a positive one. God in the vision
share thoughts and was telling Ezekiel that he was about to
insights – and the Holy Spirit punish His people for their many sins of
invariably enriches the time with deeper
idolatry, beginning with the people closest to Next he read the sentence from a tablet: ‘It is
the Temple. But the man clothed in linen decided that Thascius Cyprian should die by
marked the foreheads of the people who the sword.’ Cyprian responded, ‘Thanks be
recognized their sins and the sinfulness of the to God.’ After the sentence was passed, a
people and were grieving and lamenting crowd of his fellow Christians said, ‘We
(“crying out”) to God. They were the ones should also be killed with him!’ There arose
who were spared. Now, the message for us is an uproar among the Christians, and a great
not about who is spared and who is not. The mob followed after him. Cyprian was then
message is all about the importance of brought out to the grounds of the Villa Sexti,
intercession, of prayer, of crying out from the where, taking off his outer cloak and kneeling
heart. This is pleasing to God. The on the ground, he fell before the Lord in
“remnant” of the Church in our time is not prayer.”
everyone who uses the title “Christian.” No,
the remnant consists of those Christians who A PARABLE
have sold out to God, who have
yielded their lives and seek to
obey, who put Jesus first
before anything and
T here was a couple who used to go to
England to shop in a beautiful antique
store. They both liked pottery, especially
anyone. The Holy Spirit teacups. Spotting an exceptional cup, they
is sweeping through the asked, “May we see that? We’ve never seen a
land, seeking people who cup quite so beautiful.” As
will stand in the gap (to use the lady handed it to
another Ezekiel image) and them, suddenly the
pray, plead, intercede for our area, our teacup spoke. “You
nation, our world. Prayer unites the true don’t understand,”
Body of Christ, and God’s grace moves it said. “I have not
through the Body to touch individuals, always been a teacup.
communities and nations. There was a time when I
was just a lump of red clay. My
EXAMPLE OF THE EARLY master took me and rolled me and pounded
CHURCH and patted me over and over and I yelled out,

T he following is from the “Proconsular

Acts of the Martyrdom of Cyprian” (an
early Church leader): “On the morning of
‘Don’t do that! I don’t like it! Let me alone!’
But he only smiled and gently said, ‘not yet.’
Then, wham, I was placed on a spinning
the fourteenth of September (in the year 258) wheel and suddenly I was spun around and
a great crowd gathered at the Villa Sexti, in around. ‘Stop it! I’m getting so dizzy! ‘I’m
accordance with the order of the governor going to be sick!,’ I screamed. But the master
Galerius Maximus. That same day the only nodded and quietly said, ‘Not yet.’ He
governor commanded Cyprian to be brought spun me and poked and prodded and bent me
before him for trial…The governor said, out of shape to suit himself and then – then he
‘Have you posed as the leader of a put me in the oven! I never felt such heat. I
sacrilegious group?’ He answered, ‘I have.’ yelled and knocked and pounded at the door.
Galerius said, ‘Consider your position.’ ‘Help! Get me out of here!’ I could see him
Cyprian replied, ‘Follow your orders. In through the opening and I could read his lips
such a just cause there is no as he shook his head from side to side. ‘Not
need for deliberation.’ yet.’ When I thought I couldn’t bear it
Then Galerius, after another minute, the door opened. He
consulting with his carefully took me out and put me on the shelf,
council, reluctantly and I began to cool. Oh, that felt so good!
issued the following But after I cooled he picked me up and he
judgment: ‘By your blood painted me all over. The fumes were
the law shall be confirmed.’ horrible; I thought I was going to gag. ‘Oh,
please, stop it!’ I cried. He only shook his did so, thereby proving that (ready?): “Only
head and said, ‘Not yet.’ Then suddenly he Hugh can prevent florist friars.” 2) There was
put me back in the oven. Only it was not like the person who sent ten different puns to his
the first one; this one was twice as hot and I friends, with the hope that at least one of the
just knew I would suffocate. I begged. I puns would make them laugh. “No pun in ten
screamed. I pleaded. I cried. I was did!” 3) A good king and a wicked king were
convinced that I would never make it. Just as waging war. The good king hired a famous
I was ready to give up, the door opened and count who was a consultant on war strategy.
he took me out and again placed me on the Sure enough, the good king began winning
shelf, where I cooled and waited – and waited, the war. The bad king, however, captured
wondering what he was going to do next. An the count and took him to his torture
hour later he handed me a mirror and said, chamber. He told the count that if he would
‘Look at yourself!’ And I did. I said, ‘That’s not share his plans, he would have him
not me; that can’t be me. It’s beautiful. I’m tortured. The count said, “Never!” So, after
beautiful.’ Quietly he spoke, ‘I want you to terrible torture, including the rack, the count
remember. I know it hurt to be rolled and was near death. The wicked king asked him
pounded and patted, but had I just left you again to help him, but the count said in a
alone, you’d have dried up. I know it made weak voice, “Never.” So the king had him
you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if I taken to the place of execution and told the
had stopped, you would have crumbled. I count that he had one last chance. The count
know it hurt and it was hot and disagreeable said, “Never.” So, the drums rolled, the
in the oven, but if I hadn’t put you there, you count’s head was placed on the block and the
would have cracked. I know the fumes were hooded executioner began to carry out the
bad when I painted you all over, but if I execution. Just as the axe was swinging
hadn’t done that, you would not have had any down, the count cried out, “Wait, I will tell
color in your life. If I had not put you in that you!” But it was too late, and off went his
second oven, you would not head. Well, there is a moral to this sad story:
have hardened; you would “Don’t hatchet your counts before they
not have survived for long chicken!”
because the hardness would not have held.
Now you are a finished product. Now you are DID YOU KNOW?
what I had in mind when I first began with
s you walk up the steps to the building
you.’” We can each write on our hearts our
which houses the U.S. Supreme Court,
own moral to this story.
you can see near the top of the building a row
of the world’s lawgivers and each one is

facing one in the middle who is facing
had some “good” comments about the forward with a full frontal view. It is Moses,
puns last month, so here are three more: and he is holding
1) The friars were behind on their belfry the Ten
payments, so they opened a small flower shop Commandments…
to raise funds. Since everyone liked to buy As you enter the
flowers from the men of God, a rival florist Supreme Court
across town thought the competition was courtroom, the two
unfair. He asked them to close down, but huge oak doors
they did not. So, the rival florist hired Hugh have the Ten
McTaggert, the roughest and most vicious Commandments
thug in town to “persuade” engraved on each lower portion of each
them to close. Hugh beat door…As you sit inside the courtroom, you
up the friars and trashed can see the wall, right above where the
their store, saying he’d be Supreme Court judges sit, a display of the
back if they did not close Ten Commandments…There are Bible verses
up shop. Terrified, they etched in stone all over the Federal buildings
and monuments in Washington, D.C…James Cross and preach the Gospel of the kingdom
Madison, the fourth president, made the clearly and boldly in every highway and
following statement: “We have staked the byway of our nation. I pray that we will not
whole of all our political institutions upon the only stand up and speak up but that we will
capacity of mankind for self-government, begin to reap a great harvest in our nation,
upon the capacity of each and all of us to bringing multitudes to the saving knowledge
govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to of Jesus Christ. May the revival of the saints
sustain ourselves according to the Ten be so all-encompassing that it affects the
Commandments of God…Patrick Henry said, spiritual complexion of our entire nation and
“It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too influences our politics, our economy, our
often that this great nation was founded not media and our entire society.”
by religionists but by Christians, not on
religions but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ… A SPIRITUAL GROWING TIP
Thomas Jefferson worried that the Courts
would overstep their authority and instead of
interpreting the law would begin making
Bender, in his book, “How to Talk
Well,” relates the story of a farmer who grew
law…The very first Supreme Court Justice, award-winning corn. Each year he entered
John Jay, said: “Americans should select and his corn in the State fair, it won a blue
prefer Christians as their rulers.” So, I ask, ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter
what have we come to??? This is one reason interviewed him and learned something
why fervent prayer is so vital. interesting about how he grew it. The
reporter discovered that the farmer
SO, PRAYERS FOR OUR NATION shared his seed corn with his
(From “Pray for Our Nation”) “Father,
in the name of Jesus, I bring our
neighbors. ‘How can you
afford to share your best seed
Supreme Court Justices before You. corn with your neighbors,
Knowing that they are appointed by man, I when they are entering
pray that You would influence the selection of in the competition with
each new replacement. May they be people yours each year?’ the
who will judge rightly in every matter reporter asked. ‘Why,
brought before them. As our Supreme Court sir,’ said the farmer,
makes its decisions, I pray that its decrees ‘didn’t you know? The wind picks up pollen
would be Your decrees. I desire that, by from the ripening corn and swirls it from
Your hand, godly justice would rise up within field to field. If my neighbors grow inferior
our justices and that they would make rulings corn, cross- pollination will steadily degrade
in line with Your will. We give You thanks, the quality of my corn. If I am to grow good
dear Father, knowing it is Your good corn, I must help my neighbors grow good
pleasure and will to work in corn.’ He is much aware of the connectedness
every level of of life. His corn cannot improve unless his
government.”…”Father, neighbor’s corn also improves. So it is with
in the name of Jesus, I our lives. Those who choose to live in peace
pray for the great sleeping must help their neighbors to live in peace.
giant, the Church, who Those who choose to live well must help
even now has begun others to live well, for the value of life is
to shake herself measured by the lives it touches. And those
from her sleep. I who choose to be happy must help others to
pray she would find happiness, for the welfare of each is
awake to bound up with the welfare of all. So, if you
righteousness and holiness in every have something good, don’t keep it to
denomination, in every body of believers, and yourself, but share it. It is when we give that
slumber no longer. I pray we would begin to we receive, and much more. Prayer: Lord
unify under the blood-stained banner of the God, have mercy on your people and heal the
divisions in the Body of Christ. May all
Christian people throughout the world attain
the unity for which Jesus prayed on the eve of
His sacrifice. Renew in us the power of the
Spirit that we may be a sign of that unity and IN CONCLUSION
a means of its growth. Increase in us a
fervent love for all our brothers and sisters in
P lease pray for the growth of the UP
Team to the goal of 24/7 prayer and
beyond. We are about 36 slots away from
filling all weekly hour slots (but, praise God,
PRAYER REQUEST we have about 200 hours of prayer each week,

G loria Cariker, the prayer leader of the

Social and Civic Services Sector and the
wife of Pastor Jim Cariker of Branson First
with some slots having multiple team
members). I fervently believe that God wants
us to reach 24/7. Spread the word by
Nazarene, has requested prayer regarding an planting seeds among intercessors you know.
issue as SMSU (close to home!). The Also, pray for the UP Team in Polk and
Nazarene Student Center is one of a number Cedar Counties, and pray that other similar
of religious student teams spring up in NW Arkansas and in
organizations other places in Missouri.
under attack by
the SMSU Student God bless you and yours! Peace!
Organization. The Bob Burton
issue is the
acceptance or non-
acceptance of openly homosexual students
who promote homosexual activity as
acceptable. The SGA is trying to revoke the
constitutions of any student organizations
which do not comply…On the same subject,
just recently on the Christian radio talk show,
Point of View, there was a discussion of a
public school district in Kentucky that has
endorsed Gay/Straight Student Clubs. The
reason? The ACLU threatened to take the
district to court and bankrupt it through legal
fees…Oh, by the way, speaking of Point of
View: This straight-talking talk and
interview program is on our local Christian
radio station, KLFC (88.1 FM) from 1 p.m. to
2 p.m. Right in the middle, during a break,
yours truly, has a three minute spot on
Monday through Friday entitled
“Reflections”. Silver Dollar City is paying for
the spot through March of next year. I am
not trying to promote myself! I almost did
not mention this, but it did not seem right to
bypass an opportunity to
put in a plug for KLFC.
The owners, Herb and
Vicky Smith, are wonderful
Christian folks, as are all the staff and
volunteers (including their son, Darrin).

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