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6 Multiple choice questions

1. Courtyard in a medieval castle within the walls where soldiers and animals could live
a. Moat
b. Donjon
c. Barbican
d. Bailey
2. A deep, wide trench surrounding a castle, fort, or town, typically filled with water and intended as a

defense against attacks.

a. Bailey
b. Moat
c. Barbican
d. Donjon
3. Sliding iron door hung over castle entrance
a. Moat
b. Donjon
c. Postern gate
d. Portcullis
4. A defense wall with alternating high and low sections
a. Bailey
b. Moat
c. Battlement
d. Barbican
5. A defensive gatehouse at the entrance of a castle
a. Barbican
b. Donjon
c. Bailey
d. Moat
6. A bridge that can be raised or lowered to prevent or allow passage.
a. Drawbridge
b. Moat
c. Barbican
d. Bailey

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