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10. 3. Half of the di Normal strain is defined as: 1. Strain that normally occurs 2. Rate of change of length 3. Rate of change of angle 4, Deformation normal to the force Strains along the rotated axis are: 1. Directly proportional to the angle of rotation of the axis 2. Irrespective of shear strain 3. Directly proportional to the principal strain 4, Independent of the angle of rotation The planes on which principal stresses act are: Independent of shear strain 2, Independent of the sum of the normal strain Independent of the difference of the normal strain 4. Independent of stresses The strain at a point is a: 1. scalar 2. vector 3. Tensor 4. none of the-@bive ‘The sum of the normal strains at boint isa: 1. constant 2. variable 8. vectgr? 4. Tensor The number of independeht stresses at a point in a three dimensidnal problem i 1.Three 2,Four 8, Six The shear stress on principal planes 1. maximum 2. minimum | © 7 3: zero 4, none of the absve ‘The maximum shear stress occurs on planes 1. parallel to the principal planes 2. perpendicular to the principal planes &. 45° to the principal planes 4, 90° to the principal planes ‘The maximum shear stress is equal to: 2, mean value of 4. None of the above The sum of normal stresses is 1. Invariant 2. Variable 3, Depends on th one of the above 13. i 4 15. W. IL In a elastic material the stress-strain rela- tion is always : 1. linear 2. Non-linear 3, Linear (or) Non-linear4. None of the above The shear modulus of most of the materials with respect to the modulus of elasticity is : 1. More than half _—_2, Less than half 3. Equal to half 4, Unrelated The ratio of the Young's modulus to the bulk modulus is about 1. Less than half 3. More than one third 4, No relation at all A rigid plastic material has the following stress-strain relation: 2. Less than one third 4: stress is proportional to strain upto a point and then it is constant 2, Strain in zero upto a stress level and then stress remain constant. Strain is zero for all stres: Strain in zero upto a point and then it is con- stant for any increase in stress. Arigid material has : 1. No elastic zone 2, small plastic zone 8. small in elastic zone 1 4. No plastic zone Visco-elastic materi: 1. Is elastic all the time 2, Has a small plastic zone 3, Has a time-dependent 4, Has a viscous surface stress-strain relation The kern distance is equal to: 1. Depth), 2. (Inertia/area of the section)?5 3. Distance of the extreme Fibre for the C.G. 4, Distance of the eccentric axial force from the C.G. beyond which tensions is developed The bending moment is equal to: 1. fda 2. fydA 3. bxydA 4. by’dA 19. 20. 2. 22, 23, 24, 25. 28, ‘The Neutral axis in a section is: 1. At the centroidal axis 2. At the middle axis 3. Where the strain changes its sign 4, Where the principal stress is zero Permanent set is: 1, the force which acts permanently on the body 2, irrecoverable deformation in the body 3. The shape of the member just after comple- tion of construction 4, ratio of Poisson's ratio to Young's modulus ‘The percentage elongation of a material from a direct tensile test indicates 1. ductility 2. strength 3. yield stress 4, ultimate strength ‘The stress due to temperature change in a member depends on 1, length of the member 2. area of cross-section 3. supporting conditions at the two ends 4. none of the above Young's modulus is the ratio of the normal stress to the 1, normal strain within elastic limit 2, reciprocal of normal strain within plastic limit 3, normal strain within proportional limit 4, normal strain at yield point The standard gauge length are which the extension is to mesured to determine per- centage elongation of a specimen with ini- tial section of a, is 1. 6.56 Vay 2.5.65 Vay 3, 6.65 Vay 4. ay VO5E Amember with a cross section of 'A' mm? is subjected to a force of 'P' N, It is 'L' mm long and of Young's modulus 'E’ N/mm?, The lin- ear strain will be PL AE N/mm 2, PA Simm? LE 1 Lng Le 1 am Modulus of rigidity is the ratio of 1. shear stress to shear strain 2. normal stress to normal strain 3, Poisson's ratio to ultimate strength in compression 4, lateral stress to lateral strain 28, 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. . A prismatic bar is supported at top end is subjected to its own weight. The area of cross-section is 'A', length L, density of the materials is 'p! and Young's modulus is 'E'. The total elongation of bar is given by pe pe AL, oP LS 2 ethan hahaa In the case of uniaxial tension the angle between the plane carrying maximum shear stress and direction of tensile force will be 1. 90° 20° 3. 45° 4. 60" If the strains in the three principal directions are €,,€, & ¢, the volumetric strain will be: LW (e+e+e) 2 rey He) 3.3 +e +e) Ale + by +e, The residual stress in a member is 1. the stress due to the loading on the member 2. the average of initial and final stresses 3. deformation stress 4, instantaneous stress due to sudden loading In a stressed body the maximum normal stress at any point is always. 1. a principal stress 2. average of maximum and minimum shear stresses sum of the two normal stresses acting in two principal directions 4. none of these The Poisson's ratio of a material is 0.25, the ratio of modulus of rigidity to the Young's modulus is : 12 204 8.25 4.4 The difference in placing the end of a beam simply over a support and the supporting end through a hinge on rollers is that the roller support. 1. can offer reaction in the plane of rollers 2. can offer moment reaction 3, will not allow the end of lift up due to deflection 4. will not offer reaction normal to the plane of rollers A simply supported beam is subjected to a > moment this will be resisted through amon ction at hinged end moment ‘on at hinge on roller end 3. a couple formed by the reaction from the two supports 4. external supp’ whic! + capable of resisting moment ly to be provided 35. 36. 37. 38. 39, 40. 41. 42, 43. Limit of proportionality is dependent on a.loading pattern _b. cross sectional area c. type of material; The correct answer is; 1. only (a) 2. only (0) 3, both (a) & (e) 4. both (b} & (o) A compound bar consisting of material A and B is tightly of Ais more than that of B. When the temperature is increased the stresses induced will be 1, Tensile in both the materials 2, Tensile in material A and compressive in material B 3, Compressive in material A and tensile in material B 4. Compressive in both the materials The relationship between modulus of elas- ticity (E), modulus of rigidity (G) and Pois- son's ratio (y) is given by 1. B= 2G (142p) 2. B = 3G (1-2)) 3. B= 3G (1+2y) 4, E= 3G (1+p) In terms of bulk modulus (K) and modulus of rigidity (C), the Poisson's ratio can be expressed as yaar 1 3K4C 3K+4C 3K-2C ‘ 3K+2 6K+4C 6K-4C 6K+2C. 6K-2C ‘The ratio of Young's modulus to modulus of Rigidity for a material having Poisson's ratio 0.2 is 12 5 qr 5 The stress at which extension of a material takes place more quickly-us compared to the increase in load is called 1 1. elastic point 2. plastie point 3. breaking point 4. yield point If a composite bar of steel and alluminium is heated, then the alluminium bar will be subjected to — 1. compression 2. shear 3. tension 4. torsion The maximum strain energy stored in a ceding the limit of propor- body without 2. proof resilience esilience 4, modulus of rigidity directions, it is said to be —— 1. homogeneous 2. isotror 3. elastic 4. orthotropic p 48. al has identical properties in all | In an experiment it is found that the bulk modulus of a material is equal to its shear modulus. The Poisson's ratio is — 1.0125 2.0250 3. 0.375 4.0.500 45. Modulus of elasticity of a material is the ratio of — 1, Linear stress to linear strain 2. lateral stress to linear strain 3, linear stress to lateral strain 4, none of the above The state of stress below which the materi- al does not fail under reversal of stress is called as 2. tolerance limit 4, none of the above 47. The property of a material which allows it to deform continuously at a slow rate with- out any further increase in the value of the stress is called 1. elastic limit 3. endurance limit L creep 2, proof resilience 8. plasticity 4, fatigue limit Elongation of a circular rod of length () having tapering diameter d, and d,, subject to load 'p' is given by 1. 2g, 2p nx Bd,d, 1 Eddy 33a 4. x Ed,d, 49, The total elongation of a bar of length 'l' and specific weight 'W' is given by 1M 2 WR 3 Ww, we 2B 50, The number of independent elastic constants for an isotropic, homogeneous and elastic material following Hooke's law is — 1.6 2.2 3.5 44 51. Strain in a direction at right angles to the direction of the applied load is known as i. Volumetric strain ii, shear strain iiii. lateral strain; The correct answer is — 1 only (i) 2. only (iii) 8. both (i) and (ii) 4, both (ii) and (iii) The extension of a conical rod having diam- eter 'd' and length ‘l' and specific weight 'W' is given by we wi we 1 we 3 ve 45 Spf gE

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