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About 16 million women 15-19 years old give birth each year , about 11% all birth world
wide .Ninety five per cent of these birth occur in low and middle countries. The average
adolescent birth rate in middle income countries is more than twice as high as that in high
income countries. The proportion of births that take place during adolescence is about 2%
in China,18% in Latin America and Caribbean and more than 50% in Sub Sahara Africa .
Half of all adolescent births occur in just seven countries Bangladesh Brazil Democratic
Republic Of Congo Ethopia India Nigeria and United States.

Pregnancy related school dropouts have become a matter of public concern in the world
today. According to wikepedia . Org> wik. > teenage pregnancy it says teenage pregnancy
is pregnancy in human females under the age of 20. In the United States, there are nearly
750 000 teenage pregnancies each year that about 2000 a day This means that means about
30% of girls get pregnant at least once said by Facebook group called Teenage pregnancy.

Teenage it remained high at current level of 9.7% . By September 2013,35 school girls fell
pregnant at Tlogatloga and Nanogang junior seconday schools. In 2011, a total of 39 learners
dropout of primary school due to pregnancy is also a worrying matter in Botswana .The
Botswana Family Health Survey indicated that pregnancy . Altogether 453 learners dropped
out of junior school in the same same period .In 2012 the number has increased to 730.

According to the guidance and counselling department at Nanogang junior

school , teenage pregnancy is a concerning matter.As from the year 2011 35 students dropped
out ,while in 2012 about 40 students dropped out with the same case.

Everyday in developing countries 200 000 girls under the age 18 give birth. This amounts to
7.5 million births a year .In developed countries teenage pregnancies are often associated
with social issues including lower educational levels , higher rates of poverty and other
poorer life outcomes of teenage mothers. These factors results in teenagers to drop out of

school which limit their level of education or cause a delay to achieve certain goals .Teenage
pregnancy exposes the teen mother to harmful health risks either physical(cervical cancer) or
mental(stress) .Pregnant teenagers face many obstetrics issues as other women .There are
however additional medical concerns for pregnant girls aged 15 who are less likely to become
physically developed enough to sustain a healthy pregnancy or give to birth .Risks of birth
low birth weight , premature labour and anaemia are connected to the biological age itself.

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