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Cicada Pullover

by Justyna Lorkowska

12 months (2, 4, 6, 8 years) - instructions are given in size 12 months - other
sizes are in the brackets.
To fit chest: 48.5 (53, 56, 61, 66) cm / 19 (21, 22, 24, 26).
Chest width: 50 (54, 58, 64, 69) cm / 20 (21.5, 23.25, 25.5, 27.5).
Length: 31 (34, 38, 42.5, 46) cm / 12.5 (13.75, 15.25, 17, 18.5)".

Schachenmayr nomotta Extra Merino (50 g, 130 m / 142y, 10o% merino) or
any other DK weight yarn in one colorway.
Approx yardage: 425 (450, 470, 510, 530) m / 465 (485, 515, 560, 580) y.

US 4 / 3.5 mm (80 cm / 32") circular needle and / or dpns,
US 6 / 4.0 mm (80 cm/32") circular needle and / or dpns, or appropriate
size to get gauge.

cable needle, waste yarn or stitch holders, stitch markers, tapestry needle,
crochet size 4 mm / G (optional for elastic BO).
Cicada Pullover is a seamless unisex jumper with a round flattering
yoke. The body is knit in Stockinette Stitch from bottom to top in the round.
Sleeves are also worked in the round and later attached to the body. A round
cabled yoke is formed after sleeves and body are joined together. It is also
shaped with short rows for better fit. The bottom and cuffs start with 2x2

Gauge (after blocking)

22 sts x 30 rows in 10 cm / 4" in Stockinette Stitch worked in the round
with bigger size needle.

TESTER1 - Summer Bugs Collection Cicada Pullover 2011 (c) Justyna Lorkowska | Lete's Knits

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Pattern Stitches
Stockinette Stitch (in the round) - knit all sts.
2x2 Rib (in the round) - worked over a multiple of 4sts: *k2, p2*, repeat

German Twisted Cast-On - you may refer to:
Elastic Bind-Off - you may refer to:
Magic Loop - you may refer to:
Short Rows (wrap-and-turn method):
I recommend visiting: (video, scroll
down to one you need)
In order to make the wrapped stitches invisible in Stockinette, you
need to pick up the wrapped stitch and move it to the back on the RS or to
the front on the WS of the stitch you will be working. Work those two
stitches together.
There is also a free Craftsy class on short rows taught by Carol
Feller, which provides a lot of good information on short rows.
If you do not like wrap-and-turn method, I also recommend
studying German Short Rows: - purl to knit - knit to purl

Joining sleeves and the body in bottom-up sweaters - you may refer to:

BO - bind off
BOR - beginning of round
CO - cast on
k - knit
k2tog - knit 2 stitches together
LH - left hand
m1l - make one left, by inserting the right needle under the bar between
the needles from the front, lifting it over the left needle so the left side of
it is in front, then knit into the front of it
m1r - make one right, by inserting the right needle under the bar between
the needles from the back and lifting it onto the left needle so the right
side is at the front, then knit into the back of it
p - purl
pm - place marker
RH - right hand
rnd - round
sl st - slip stitch
sl st wyb - slip stitch from LH to RH needle as if to purl with yarn in the
sm - slide marker
ssk - slip 2 stitches individually as if to knit, then them together through
the back loops
st, sts - stitch, stitches
St st - Stockinette Stitch
w&t - wrap&turn - bring yarn to front between needles, slip next stitch to

TESTER1 - Summer Bugs Collection Cicada Pullover 2011 (c) Justyna Lorkowska | Lete's Knits

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right-hand needle, bring yarn around

this stitch to back of work, slip stitch
back to left-hand needle, turn work to
begin working back in the other

Worked from bottom to top in Stockinette St
with 2x2 ribbing and slip stitch 'faux' seams
on the sides. These stitches are slipped purlwise with yarn in the back in the first
round and knit in the next.

Beginning at the bottom edge, using smaller size needle, US 4 / 3.5

mm, CO 112 (120, 128, 140, 152) sts. Join for working in the round, being
careful not to twist the sts. Place BOR marker. Start working in 2x2 Rib for
4.5 (4.5, 5, 5.5, 6) cm / 1.75 (1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.5)".

sl 3 sts to waste yarn (or stitch holder),

move front sts from LH to RH needle until last 3 sts
before m,
sl 3sts to waste yarn, remove m, sl 3 sts to waste yarn,
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move back sts from LH to RH needle until last 3 sts
before m,
sl 3 sts to waste yarn (the same as at the beginning of
There should be 6 sts for right and 6 sts for left
underarm on two pieces of waste yarn. These sts will
be grafted later.
You should have 100 (108, 116, 128, 140) sts for body.
Break yarn leaving a long tail.

Worked in the round on dpns or using magic loop technique from bottom to top
(armpits). Later joined to yoke, with underarm stitches grafted at the end with
tapestry needle.

Change to bigger size needle, US 6 / 4.0 mm.

Set-up round: sm BOR (right 'faux seam' marker), sl 1st wyb, k55 (59, 63,
69, 75), pm (left 'faux seam' marker), sl 1st wyb, k until the end.
Next round: knit around.

Using smaller size needle, US 4 / 3.5 mm, or dpns, CO 40 (44, 48, 52, 56)
sts. Join for working in the round, being careful not to twist the sts. Place
BOR marker. Start working in 2x2 Rib for 4 (4, 4.5, 4.5, 5) cm / 1.5 (1.5, 1.75,
1.75, 2)".

Repeat last 2 rnds as established until the piece measures 18 (21, 23, 27, 29)
cm / 7.5 (8.25, 9, 11, 11.5)" from cast-on edge, or desired length.

Change to bigger size needle, US 6 / 4.0 mm.

Set-up round: sm BOR, k all sts.
Work in St st for the next 2.5 cm / 1".

Set stitches aside for underarms

Moving sts around needle, slip 3 sts on each side of both markers onto
waste yarn for underarms in the following way:

Increase round: sm BOR, k1, m1l, k to 1 st before marker, m1r, k1.

Repeat increase rnd every 5cm / 2" twice more = 46 (50, 54, 58, 62) sts.

TESTER1 - Summer Bugs Collection Cicada Pullover 2011 (c) Justyna Lorkowska | Lete's Knits

Work in St st until sleeve measures 20.5 (21.5, 26.5, 29, 31.5) cm / 8 (8.5,
10.5, 11.5, 12.5)" from CO edge to underarm, or desired length.
Next round: sl 3 sts onto waste yarn, move sleeve sts from LH to RH
needle until last 3 sts before m, sl 3 st to waste yarn.
You should have 6 underarm sts on waste yarn and 40 (44, 50, 52, 56)
sleeve sts. Set the sleeve aside.
Make another sleeve in the same way. Break yarn for the right
sleeve. DO NOT break yarn for the left one.

Joining body and sleeves

Using bigger size circular needle, US 6 / 4.0 mm, knit in the following
order: across left sleeve, front yoke, right sleeve, back yoke, pm BOR and
join body and sleeves together. You should have 180 (196, 216, 232, 252)
1st decrease round: dec 4 (4, 0, 0, 4) sts evenly across this first yoke round
= 176 (192, 216, 232, 248) total yoke sts.

Worked in the round according to
cable chart. After finishing cable chart
the number of stitches is decreased.
Short rows are used to shape neckline
and ensure better fit.

Sizes 2 and 4only: knit 2 rounds.

Next round: begin working from
cable chart. Start with round 1
and work through 4 (4, 4, 5, 5)
pattern repeats.

Work rnd 1 once more.

Sizes 4 and 6 only: knit 2 rounds.
2nd decrease round: k2tog around = 88 (96, 108, 116, 126) sts.
3rd decrease round: decrease 20 (20, 24, 24, 26) sts fairly evenly = 68 (76,
84, 92, 100) sts.

Short rows to shape back neck

Row 1(RS): k67 (75, 83, 91, 99) sts, w&t,
Row 2(WS): p19 (21, 24, 26, 28) sts, w&t,
Row 3 (RS): k18 (20, 23, 25, 27) sts, w&t,
Row 4(WS): p17 (19, 22, 24, 26) sts, w&t,
Row 5 (RS): k16 (18, 21, 23, 25) sts, w&t,
Row 6 (WS): p15 (17, 20, 22, 24) sts, w&t.
Sizes 6 and 8 only:
Row 7 (RS): k0 (0, 0, 21, 23) sts, w&t,
Row 8 (WS): p0 (0, 0, 20, 22) sts, w&t.
Next round: k round, working all wraps together with wrapped sts when
you encounter them, sm when necessary.

Change to smaller size needle, US 4 / 3.5 mm, and work in 2x2
rib for 2 (2.5, 3, 3, 3.5) cm / 0.75 (1, 1.25, 1.25, 1.5)". Loosely BO
in rib using larger size needle, US 6 / 4.0 mm, or elastic BO.

Graft stitches at armholes. Weave in loose ends. Block the
pullover lightly.

TESTER1 - Summer Bugs Collection Cicada Pullover 2011 (c) Justyna Lorkowska | Lete's Knits

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Cable chart
Begin working chart from right bottom corner.
Red square presents one pattern repeat.

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Many thanks to my fantastic testers: siejka, MartinadR , vaasa,
blanchn, ewa221074, EdytaG, agasi, Benarnaud, billybob66,
momofthirteen,knucna for their help in making this pattern possible.
Thank you!

website -
blog -
Ravelry ID - Lete
Ravelry group - Lete's Knits

Copyright Agreement
This pattern is the property of Justyna Lorkowska. It is
copyrighted, and is for personal and non-profit use only. This means you
can knit for yourself, for a gift or for charity. You may not sell a sweater
made from this pattern. You may not reproduce this pattern on, or
distribute it from a website. This pattern may not be translated,
reproduced or circulated in another language. Downloading or printing the
pattern constitutes agreement within these terms. Thank you, and enjoy
your Cicada! Justyna Lorkowska, Toru, Poland, January, 2011.

TESTER1 - Summer Bugs Collection Cicada Pullover 2011 (c) Justyna Lorkowska | Lete's Knits

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TESTER1 - Summer Bugs Collection Cicada Pullover 2011 (c) Justyna Lorkowska | Lete's Knits

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