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Apple Hat

6 months (1 year, 2 yrs)
100yds red worsted and a small amount of brown and green
needles: 16" circular and DP needles size 6 or 7
5sts = 1
With red and circular needles cast on 72 (80, 88) sts and knit for 4 1/2" (4 3/4", 5")
Change to DP needles and shape crown n as follows
Row 1: k6, k2tog (repeat to end)

Row 2: k5, k2tog (repeat to end)

Row 3: k4, k2tog (repeat to end) repeat the decrease progression until 2 sts remain on
each of three needles (6 sts total)
Attach brown yarn and knit for 6 rounds
Next: k2tog around (3 sts remain) Break yarn and thread through yarn needle secure
Leaves (make two of these)
With green cast on 3 sts and work two rows in garter st
Continue in garter st increase at each end of next and following alt row (7sts)
Work 5 rows straight decrease 1 st at each end of next and following alt rows (3 sts)
Next Row: sl1, k2tog, psso and fasten off
Sew leaves to hat at stem base

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