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Thomas Terry
Mrs. Deborah Loe
English 10
13 September 2016
Sam the Hero: The medieval virtues of Faith, Hope, and Love in The Lord of the Rings
Can Sam Gamgee, a minor character really be the true hero of The Lord of the Rings? J.R.R. Tolkien,
the greatest fantasy writer of the 20th century wrote The Lord of the Rings which concerns a group of
characters who go on a long and hard journey to destroy The One Rings. A powerful magical object,
the One Ring grants the possessor the powers of Invisibility, long life and coercing the wills of others.
It takes a virtuous hobbit to get the ring to Mordor to destroy it. I believe that Sams medieval virtues of
Love, Faith, and Hope, show him to be the true hero of the story.
Sams Limitless Love for Frodo helped him to
follow and help Frodo through the many trials they faced. Even before the quest, at the council to
decide what to do with the ring. Sam shows his love for Frodo. But you wont send him off alone
surely said Sam (Tolkien 288). Sam did not want Frodo, his best friend, to be sent off on a
dangerous quest without assistance. Quite a bit later in the book, in Lothlorien, Sam again shows his
love for Frodo, when he looks into Galadriels mirror ad sees the shire being destroyed: I cant stay
here, he said I must go home After a moment he spoke again thickly as if struggling with tears.
No, Ill go home with Mr. Frodo, or not at all (383). It can be seen that Sams Live for Frodo
overcomes even his desire to go back and help the Shire.
Another of Sams virtues that helps him and
Frodo in their quest to destroy the ring is his Faith that evil will be defeated, even if it seems like their
quest will end in disaster he still retains this attitude Look at it Mr. Frodo! Said Sam. Look at it!

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The winds changed. Somethings happening. Hes not having it all his own way. His darkness is
breaking up in the world out there(954). Sams faith helps him to see even small things that are
happening to defeat evil. Soon after, Sam thinks Frodo is dead, but he still keeps his faith in the quest
What shall I do? he said, and then he remembered his own voice speaking words that at the time
he did not understand, I have something to do before the end, I must see it through sir if you
understand(928). Even though Sam thought Frodo was dead and was unwilling to leave him, he
decided that he had to take the ring and destroy it, even though he knew his chances of destroying it
were almost nothing.
The third virtue that Sam shows is hope,
whenever Frodo starts to lose hope, Sam restores his hope that they will succeed. In Mordor, when
Frodo has lost hope, he shows his trust in Sams: All right Sam, said Frodo. Lead me: As long as
youve got any hope left, mine is gone.(928). Frodo knows that Sam is still hopeful that they will
succeed even when he cannot be hopeful. Later, when they are getting nearer to Mount Doom, Sam has
an argument with himself: One more day will do it, He said sturdily, Don't be a fool, came back
an answer in his own voice, You cant go on forever giving him all the food and water, I can go a
good way though, and I will, so stop arguing.(974). In his argument, Sam shows that he is still hopeful
that they will succeed.
Sams Faith, Hope, and Love, give him the
strength to complete the quest to destroy the ring. Sams love helps him to follow Frodo through their
many trials. His Faith helps to to believe that the quest will succeed. And his Hope helps him to be able
to keep going even when it seems like they will fail. Because of his great medieval virtues, Sam is
shown to be the true hero of The Lord of the Rings.

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Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of The Rings, 1954

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