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Words/ phrases descrining robots

Physical description

A machine of metal and
Stornger, more faithful and
more useful beings than humans
An excellent politician

Psychological description
More intelligent
More powerful
More truthful

The story called Robbie is about a robot who acts like a nanny to a little girl called Gloria. They like to
spend their time together playing .Gloria sometimes reads Robbie stories. They are very fond of each
other. A problem appears after two years when Gloria's mother suddenly starts having some doubts
that Robbie might hurt their daugther. Her husband reassures her that it cannot happen because Robbie
has not been designed that way and it contradicts the First Law. Mother is very persistent in her
decision to get rid of Robbie and after a while her husband gives in and they send the robot back to the
factory. Gloria suffers a lot. In order to cheer her up, they take her on a vacation to New York and
afterwards on a tour through the factory to see where robots are produced and to realise that robots are
machine, and not humans as she has believed. When they get there, she spots Robbie and rushes to
him, unaware of a tractor coming. Robbie reacts fast and saves her. He proves that he deserves to be
by her side as a loyal friend.

The role of IT and robotics in the modern world
The concept of creating a machine that can operate autonomously dates back to classical
times, but research into the potential uses of techonology did not grow substantially until the 20th
century. Today, as technological advances continue, this is a rapidly growing field.
Although, in the beginning the intention was to replace humans in dangerous environments ,
nowadays IT and robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially,
industrially or scientifically.

It appears the technology-dependent world today relies on the advancement in robotics as technology
controls so much of the world already. More or less, whatever we do is directly or indirectly
influenced by it. When we wake up and turn on light, we can be sure that some softwares have made
it possible. The same goes for television and computers. Even our domestic appliances can be
considered robots. Our world is virtually unimaginable without wireless communication and mobile
Robots have now been engineered to perform a variety of functions, and many of these capabilities
replicate the abilities of human beings. So we have humanoid robots that can be your best friends,
which is really useful for old and lonley people. In near future some tasks would be trusted to robots
regarding education.
Technologies affect economy immensely. Most trade is done thorugh electronic systems. Almost all
our bills are paid via the Internet. Banknotes are becoming extinct because of credit cards.
Today, artificial intelligence is essential to the manufacturing industry . With such developed and
modern technology, the manufacturing process is more efficient, cost effective, and there is almost no
human error. It all helps countries compete with other countries in selling goods and services.
IT positively affects our society because it helps develop new medical breakthroughs. The main
purpose for the integration of medical robotics in health-care is a greater sense of accuracy in surgical
procedures, something that has not been previously achieved by human capabilities alone.
So far technology, as one of principal driving forces, has been mostly beneficial to people but
no one can predict its profound implications in the future.

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