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Authorized forensic expert Vasile TURCITU - NIFE

Authorized forensic expert Camelia GRIGORE - NIFE
With the help of
Forensic attorney Alice-Diana Ruja - Vaslui Prosecutor Court
Chief Commissioner Constantin Vasilache
Vaslui County Police Inspectorate
Ph.D. Professor Col. Doru-Adrian Goga
Bucharest Military Technical Academy

The paper refers to a non-standard ballistics examination, in which was used video
records as well as the physical-chemical determinations.
Key words: ballistics examination, firing distance, direction of shooting.
Lucrarea se refer la o expertiz balistic atipic, n care s-au utilizat nregistrri
video precum i determinri fizico-chimice.
Cuvinte cheie: expertiz balistic, distan de tragere, direcie de tragere.

In an order given by the judicial body, it was ordered

a new forensic ballistic on the event happened on
10.09.2008, in Vaslui, to determine the following:
what is the distance from which the police officer fired
his weapon, both first and last bullet;
what was the pulling direction;
which is the number of projects that have penetrated
into the interior of the car;
what is the way of producing the traces found inside
the car, on the dome, if they were caused by direct or of
rebound firing bullet/bullets;
if irregularly shaped metal fragments found inside a
car may result fragmenting 7.65 mm caliber bullet.
The events were as follows: the police officer was
performing traffic control activities when he surprised a
Volkswagen Golf that was overspeeding considering the
speed limit of the road. The police officer used the weapon
after the car driver refused to show him the car documents,
started the engine and drove away. The action taken by the
police officer ended with breaking the rear window of the car


mentioned above, as a result of firing three gun shots toward

the car. The weapon detained by the police authorities at the
crime scene and sent by judiciary representatives for the
expertise is a 1974 semiautomatic gun, 7.65 mm caliber,
known as Carpai.
From the concerned testimonial evidence given and the
statements of both parties involved in the event, it appears
that, during this event, there were three gunshots fired with
the material evidence gun.
When conducting research on the scene, several
footprints from the Volkswagen Golf FSI had been found
and were retained in the report written at that moment and
in the photo-video records taken at the time. Thus, it was
noted that the rear window of the car was cracked and had
two holes burst present two holes at the side ends.
Regarding the rear window, a trace located at the bottom
of it, on the left side, was also observed and marked out in the
photographic images taken by the judiciary representative,
that shows the clearly appearance of a hole created by a


At the specified trace it can be observed the

whole itself and the radial cracks around it.
In the same area, on the inner frame of
the rear window, made of plastic aterial, gray
dust clustered in an area of about 4 cm2 was
Also, inside the car, on the fabric that the car
is padded with, were located, in the rear pillars
area and the ceiling one, several dynamic
traces, created by a black substance.

The Sony E-180CDF VHS

tape belonging to the video
recorder of the police car,
taken during the research on
the scene, has recorded on
the magntic tape, among other
things, the event of interest

at 12:14:40 and when 4496 counter value is achived,

the radar indicates the VW Golf FSI vehicles speed of 35
km/h, the rear window in discussion becames
matte due to glass type securit cracking, and
on the bottom-right side is observed a massive
portion of it, falling behind the car as broken
at 12:14:41 and when 4510 counter value
is achived, the right broken side of the rear
window is visible and also the hole of the left
side of the rear window;
at 12:14:42 and when 4572 counter value
is achived, the radar indicates the VW Golf FSI
vehicles speed of 46 km/h, the broken glass
are jumping at the contact with the roadway
and the vehicle in question begins to emerge
from the radar systems shooting camcorder.
Also from the analysis of the video, we
know the following:
- the moment the VW Golf FSI car starts
moving, after being pulled over by the police
officer, is marked as t0;
- the moment when the car reaches 35
km/h, is marked with tv;
- the moment when the cracking of the rear window is
observed , due to the impact with one of the bullets fired
(7.65 mm caliber gun, model 1974, also known as Carpai),
is marked with tf;
- the correlation indicator time counter on the video
recording of the radar device, which consists is the fact that
one second corresponds to 50 units per counter.

By watching this
video, it appears that
at the bottom of the the
video image is a black
band, on which are
inserted, among other
information, the date
and time of the recording, and a counter consisting
in four digits.
Analyzing that video by reference to the these
markers (time and value of the counter), the following
key moments for the expertise are distinguished,
regarding the following events occurred after
stopping of the Volkswagen Golf FSI in traffic by
police officer.
at 12:14:35 and when 4248 counter value is
achieved, it can be seen the driving away of the VW
Golf FSI, showing the right rear window of the car,
which is dusty;
at 12:14:40 and when 4494 counter value
is achived, the radar indicates the VW Golf FSI
vehicles speed of 35 km/h and is observed that this is the
beginning of cracking the rear window of the car, resulting in
semiopaqueing of the rear window, from left to right.

We mark with xf the distance traveled by the VW Golf FSI

(considering the rear window as landmark) from the time of
departure until the cracking of the rear window.



From the analysis

video recording (see
key moments described
above as stages of the
event in question),
results that the car in
question has performed
an movement on the xf
From the correlation observed on the recorded
radar image results that a unit of counter lasts 20 ms
Through mathematical calculations we obtained the
value for the space traveled by the VW Golf FSI starts
moving until the cracking of the rear window:
xf = 24,11 m
From the concerned testimonial evidence given,
respectively from statements of both parties involved in the
event given to the criminal investigation authority, it appears
that at the time the Volkswagen Golf FSI started to move,
the police officer was on the left side of the car, towards the
front side of the car. Also, from the police officers testimony
we retain that, when driving away, he jumped to the right in
order to protect himself and remained in the middle of the
road, from where he fired three shots into the tires.
When the experts committee went at the event place, in
the presence of the judicial body and parts involved, there
were made a series of measurements on the mutual position
of the police officer and VW Golf FSI car. At the same time,
I asked the police officer for some clarification of the action
taken with reference to all movements performed by him,
from the moment he noticed that Volkswagen car started
to move.
He told us that he was placed on the left side of the car,
in the engine hood area, backwards to the traveling direction
of the car and when the car starded moving, he just jumped
sideways, towards the road axis, rotating with 1800 and
taking the standing firing position.

x1 = 4.10 m
x - the distance measured between the rear end of the
police officer footwears frame and the position of the car
(rear window) at the time the rear window cracked;
z the horizontal distance measured between the hole
from the base of the rear window and the rear of the car.
z = 0.18 m
From the figure, results:
x = xf (x1 z) and a value for x:
x = 20.19 m
Thus follows that the Volkswagen Golf FSI was located,
at the time of the rear window cracking, at a distance of
approx. 20 m of the police officer that made use of a
weapon. In this way, confirming his statement of accused
from 01/06/2011 given to the judicial body, where, on page
4, states: I fired at a distance of over 20 meters (...).
For such a distance, ballistic tests were carried out on
the range, which included shooting with the gun material
evidence, both direct and impingement on the two rear
windows that were installed one each on the tailgate. Both
rear-tailgate assemblies were from cars of the same brand
and model similar to that in question.
Video recordings made by high-speed camera footage
reveal that both at the direct firing on the rear window and
on the one done by bouncing the bullet from the concrete
surface foundation in the rear window, are encountered the
same main points concerning the behavior of rear windows
from the impact of the bullet, as well as the video moments
of the event found dated 10.09.2008, recording located the
VHS magnetic strip tape submitted for expertise. So, there
are distinguished the following similar moments, which
the cracking of the rear window at the impact of the
the beginning of dislocation of the broken glass from
the right edge of the rear window;
breaking the rear window on the right side edge, with
the glass fragments moving to the outer side of the tailgate
(when firing the projectile with prior bouncing, the breaking
the rear window occurs on both side edges);
the dislocation of a larger part from the edge of the
rear window with its involvement in a movement towards the
outside of the tailgate (towards back);
the fragmentation of that glass portion and the movement
of the broken glass towards the ground (concrete surface)
over the sheet metal of the tailgate;
The correspondence of these stages presents, first of
all, a clue to the fact that the hole created on the right side
of the rear window of the vehicles tailgate VW Golf FSI,
during the event dated 10.09.2008, was not produced by the
impact of a projectile in that area.

In the figure were made the following notations:

xf - the distance traveled by the VW Golf FSI when it starts
moving until the cracking of the rear window (previously
determined value: xf = 24.11 m);
x1 the distance measured between the rear end of
the car before the car started to move and the position of
the police officer (the rear end of the footwears frame worn
at the time of the event in question);


Also, the results obtained at ballistics show that the

cracking and breaking of the rear windows occurs at the
impact with the first projectile fired on them, with or without
prior bouncing of the bullet. This is due to glasss pecularity
of the rear window (window type securit) that, at an impact
leading to its breaking, to crack and fragment into small
pieces, reducing in this way the risk of injuring the persons
involved in road traffic accidents.
Regarding the impact area, it is worth noting that the
look given by the hole created in the impact point of the
rear window and by the radial crack traces of its that are
converging in that spot. This aspect can be seen in the
illustration photo, for both cases of experimental firings


(directly over the rear window and also with bouncing of the
bullet before striking the rear window).
In the case of the Volkswagen Golf FSI involved in event
occured on 10.09.2008, a similar issue is encountered at
the existing hole from the base of the rear window, on the
left side of it, which shows that the projectile that reached
that area is the one that hit the tailgates rear window of
the the car in question and produced the crack of the rear
Further evidence of this fact was also obtained from the
ballistic tests on the polygon, which showed that, if the hole
located at the bottom of the rear window would have been
created after the first impact, then at the rear window bottom,
the radial network of cracks wouldnt appear, focused on the
hole produced by projectile in that place, but it would be just
enhanced, in the nearest place of the newly created hole,
traces already existing, coming from previous projectile

Direct firing

Experimental direct firing

The impingement firing

impingement firing

Judicial photo with the place of impact

Regarding black traces found inside the Volkswagen

Golf FSI, it is noticed a number of inconsistencies related to
several issues such as:
a) The number of traces (paths): As it can be seen in
judicial photographs made during the investigation on the
scene, in the back of the car, on the left pillar, can be found
two separate tracks.
Also, when the expert
committee went at the
accident place, it was
analyzed and photographed
in more detail the existing
trace located on the fabric
which is cushioned, inside,
the right rear pillar of the
car. Therefore, even if
that trace, like the other
litigation traces, existing in
the car interior, were more
blurred this time, probably
after cleaning the car, it
could be observed
that the trace is
made up of two
All these trails,
if it should be
considered bullet
traces, would mean that they come from four gun
shots, which does not match to reality, since both
parties involved in the event state in the statements given
to the criminal investigation body, that only three shots were
b) Trace shapes:
As can be seen in the photo, the inside existing
tracks, on the left side rear pillar of the Volkswagen
Golf FSI has a sinuous and abrupt path, and even
with oscillograms and loop closure appearance,
which does not correspond to a projectile trajectory/
c) The traces trajectory/path:
Mutual position between the police officer and
the Volkswagen Golf FSI, also when the car drove
away but also when the rear window cracked, was
previously established based on the testimonial
evidences and clarifications given by the police
officer during the going to the crime scene of the
experts committee, in the presence of the judicial
body and the parties involved in the event.
Related to this mutual position, it appears that,
in the horizontal plane view, the projectile gunfire hit
rear window at its bottom and caused its cracking,
had a direction of pulling, from the back of the car to
the front of the car, with a slightly oblique orientation
to the right in relation with the longitudinal axis of
the car, as shown in the drawing.

from the



This firing direction is confirmed by the trace existing on

the plastic inner frame of the cars tailgate, that has such an
orientation (back towards front of the car and slightly to the
right of side of the car) and which was created by the small
particles beam of glass coming from the rear window, which
were formed and set in motion when hitting the rear window
occurred in the area.
The existence of this fine broken glass beam is shown
by the records of ballistic tests, conducted with high-speed
video camera HiSpec5, records in which there is noticed the
flow of such particles that are created, even on the outside
part of the rear window, at the bullet impact, both at direct
firing on it and at the previous one with the bullet bouncing.
Also from the mutual position mentioned above, a
projectile fired with the corpus delicti gun would have had a
relatively tangent trajectory in the debut point of that trace
on the inside of the left pillar from the back of the car, which
overlaps the start from on the inner plastic frame of the
tailgate. Thus after the contact with said frame, the bullet
would have had no more than a slight side deviation, to the
right, towards the middle of the passenger compartment.
An examination of the profile of the inside the passenger
compartment of the car Volkswagen Golf FSI was also
conducted by the expert committee.
Therefore, as observed in photographic images obtained
on that occasion, it was noted that in the back part, on
the sides, the rear window frame and the pillars from that
area have a wavy aspect, meaning that the rear window
plastic frame has a convex shape and is continuing with the
concave curvature described by back part pillar of the car.
The fact that the traces in question from that area are
also drawn on the surface wavy, if they would be considered
as being created by bullets, that would mean that those
bullets would have had a horizontal winding movement,
remaining, at the same time, tangent to the wavy surface
shown above.
This would lead to an inconsistency with the laws of
physics in terms of horizontal movement of a body (projectile)
with displacement (throw) on a ballistic trajectory.

e) The appearance of traces:

There are no impact areas at the end traces on the
plastic rear window frame, neither on the left side nor on
the fabric that the interior of the car is padded with, such as
damage by breakage or fluffing, attesting yhe contact with
any projectile.
All of the above demonstrates that the trails highlighted
in black on the plastic frame of the rear window and the on
the fabric that the interior of the car is padded, have not
been produced during the event from 10.09.2008.
The consistency of deposition on the trace trails in
question shows that those litigation traces were created,
most likely, when handling the inside the car of objects that
were made or had parts from the fabric that printed those
litigation traces.
The most eloquent evidence that the black traces of the
VW Golf FSI interior were not created by the bullets fired
by the police officer and that the only gunshot that hit rear
window of the car mentioned, is the one that generated the
hole from at the bottom, is offered by the video recording of
the event in question.
Thus, this analysis reveals that, between the beginning
of rear window cracking and the broken glass starting
dislocation the from the right edge of the rear window, in
the side-inferior metal frame of the tailgate there is a period
of 0.02 seconds and between the same time of cracking
beginning of the rear window and the one appearing in the
shooting frame and the hole in the left rear window there is
a time of 0.48 seconds.
As the rate of fire for a 7.65 mm caliber pistol, model
1974, is 24 strokes per minute, meaning each gunshot is
fired every 2.5 seconds, shows that the interval between
two shots that could be fired successively with the crime gun
is much higher than the ranges specified above.
In other words, after the gun shot that hit the bottom of
the rear window and caused the cracking, could no longer
another one be fired in a time frame less than 2.5 seconds.
Regarding the trace plugging existing on the license
plate, raised at the back of the car involved in the event
occured on 10.09.2008, it is noted that it is a deep trace with
relatively circular form, bordered on the bottom side by a
destratification semicircular shape trace, and on the upper
part, by another destratification trece with circular aspect,
centered around a depth point located on the route of the
letter S.
On the back of the license plate, we encounter the
correspondent of the trace described above, with a relief
arrangement, in where is noted that the aluminum plate,
which is the support of the license plate, was almost
penetrated in the corresponding of the concentrated depth.

d) Traces orientation:
The trace with oscillograms appearance and loop closure,
located inside the car, also on the left rear pillar, is oriented
nearly vertical, which does not correspond to a movement
direction of a bullet fired from behind the car towards the
front of the car.
Neither traces from the interior, located on the ceiling,
at the rear left side door of the car does not correspond
to a movement direction of a bullet fired from behind the
car towards the front of the car, the traces having the
longitudinal axis arranged transversely or obliquely to the
direction of firing.
The way these traces are oriented would assume that
firing was done on the left side of the car, the window of the
back door on that side, which has no real support because
in the report taken on 10 September 2008 is stated that the
car had the window from the left front door opened and the
other ones closed.



In this way, it turns out that trace on the license plate was
created by an object with sharp edges, having hardness
greater than one of a 7.65 mm caliber projectile that formes
the ammunition of the crime gun.
Ballistic tests were performed including gun firing against
the steel plate of which the two used tailgate were made of
and for the study of the behavior of the rear windows at
the impact caused by the type of projectiles from the gun
ammunition composition.
Results of these tests showed that, both for direct firing,
and also of the firing with pre bouncing bullet before hitting
the target, the projectiles have perforated the steel sheet
layer, even from a maximum firing distance similar to the
one obtained from the tests carried out after analyzing the
video from the VHS tape.
Also, it could be noted that, in both shooting cases,
the table from the holes edge acquires a concave shape,
created without streaks on that surface.
All those outlined above show that the trace on the
license plate was not created by any of the three 7.65 mm
caliber projectile, fired with the crime gun during the event
dated on 10.09.2008, but due to the interaction between the
license plate and an object with sharp edges and a greater
hardness than that of such a projectile.

Summarizing the findings regarding the tracks

discovered at the Volkswage Golf FSI car at the crime scene
investigation, we mention that, among the three gun shots
fired with the crmi gun, only one resulted in the projectiles
contact with car in question.
Thus, the only trace, out of the ones required to be
expertise, created by one of the three bullets, is the one from
the bottom of the tailgates rear window of the mentioned
vehicle, which led to cracking and breaking of that rear
Given this gunshot trace and the mutual position of the
police officer and the car when creating the trace, there are
projected three types of analysis in order to determine the
fully direction of firing (and also the verticalplan component
of it).
So, in the situation when the firing would have been
performed directly on the rear window of the tailgate, results
the following sketch.

Considering that in such a case, the measured value for

the height from the ground of the hole from the bottom of
the rear window (h2) is less than the height where the crime
gun is held by the police officer (h1d) shows that the vertical
directionof the firing has a descending orientation.
Also, it is noted that the point of the projectile hitting the
the rear window is below the inner edge of the plastic frame
of vehicle tailgate.
In this way, the projectile came on such a trajectory would
have entered in the space between the outer metal frame of
the tailgate and edge of the interior trim plastic ornament,
reaching to perforate that ornament and to forward towards
the interior of the car, designed for the trunk.
The fact that, in case of this type of firing, the
projectilewould have had such a penetration force, as to
break through the inner frame made of plastic material, is
demonstrated by the in the firing polygon trials, performed
in similar conditions (direct firing from the distance resulting
from tests carried out after analyzing the video of the
For this test it was used a ballistic target device consisting
in: one of the two aforementioned tailgate, a car windshield,
placed at a distance of 3.20 m behind the tailgate, as is the
maximum distance (measured from base) between the rear
window and windshield of a Volkswagen Golf car as the type
in question, and also a hardboard laminated plywood (white)
with a thickness of 0.5 cm, placed half a meter behind the
windscreen target.
The firing was made directly on the metal tailgate, and
the results showed that the projectile expelled on the barrel
had such penetrating force, that has penetrated the two
layers of sheet steel tailgate, penetrated the windshield and
plywood hardboard and entered the cloak made of wood
and sand, located behind the polygon.

Compared to these results

and the fact that, both at the
crime scene investigation and
forensic examination of the
car, there was no evidence
of perforation of the plastic
ornament, forming the inner
face of the tailgate of the car
above mentioned, results that
such a firing embodiment has
not occurred.
Moreover, the lack of a whole penetration of the interior
tailgate ornament, was found by the committee of experts
when conducted the crime scene investigation.
Then, during the determinations and measurements
made, it was able to be noted that at the Volkswagen car
in question, was replaced only the broken rear window, not
also the tailgate interior trim, on which it was able to still see
the trace of destratification (scraping) created during the
event dated on 10.09.2008, by the fine broken glasses jet
coming from the broken rear window.



Another firing option, which had to be analyzed, is the

one invoked in the previous expertise, the firing from the
standing position, with the gun held at the hip level.
For this firing version, we have the representation from the
following sketch, where notations and meanings correspond
to those in the previous figure, except for average height of
the gun muzzle, measured from the ground for this version
(h1s = 1,09 m), which was also mentioned in the previous
In this case, the firing direction is cvasiparallel with
ground (h1s h2) and, taking into consideration on the
above reasoning, not even this version has no real support,
because if there was, then projectile would be perforated,
besides the plastic ornament recalled, and on the lateral
edge of the trunk cover, which is placed at the same level
with the inside of the the rear window frame.
How such a hole has not been reported in the incestigation
report of the crime scene investigation or in the forensic
examination of the car, at none of the the two components of
the the car in question, shows that the hole at the bottom of
the rear window of the Volkswagen Golf FSI was not created
by directly firing from the hip level, with the crime gun.
The only viable option remains the one with the projectile
hitting the rear window was achieved by bouncing it from the
asphalt of the road, where the event took place.
For such a situation, is result the sketch below:

Moreover, from the study of the available case file

materials, in conjunction with the results of the ballistic tests
made, it appears that the projectile hitting the rear window
was made at a rather small angle of incidence, so that, at the
contact with the rear window of the Volkswagen Golf FSI, the
bullet has undergone a second ricochet, which changed the
forward direction to the outside of the car (linear segment,
pointed, marked with B and D).

The plastic rear window frame shows no whole

Or, if after hitting the rear window at the bottom, that
bullet would have traveled to the interior of the car, would
have meant that the angle of incidence from hitting the rear
window to be large, in which case the bullet would have had
to pass through the plastic rear window frame to get inside
the car.
This is because the edge of the frame is in contact with
rear window, and the position of the rear window in which
point was struck at the base is lower compared to the level
at which the inside frame is at the rear window tailgate.
Also, the fact that the edge of the that frame is in contact
with the rear window and that that edge presents only traces
of the interaction with broken glass from the rear window,
while the positional report between the frame and the point
of impact of the rear window is the one described above,
demonstrates that, at the impact with the rear window,
the projectile suffered a second ricochet, which gave it a


trajectory that removed it from the vehicle in question.

Resuming the ones shown regarding the trajectory of
the projectile that caused cracking and breaking of the rear
window, I mention that the firing direction was from behind
the car towards the front, on a slightly oblique trajectory to
the right in horizontally and descending vertically, which led
to bouncing of the bullet from the asphalt of the road into the
rear window of the car recalled, and, further, to the outside
of the car.
Regarding the other two gunshots fired during the same
event, from the lack of traces of them that can be analyzed, it
can not be determined which was firing direction for them.
Also, corroborating the findings regarding the traces in
question from the Volkswagen Golf FSI car, and regarding
the trajectory of the projectile that hit his rear window, results
that none of the bullets from the three shots fired during
the event dated 10.09.2008, has entered the interior of that
Regarding the metal fragment found inside the car in
question, on the backseat, were found the following:

It is an irregularly shaped metal body with dimensions of

approx. 14/9 mm.
Its outer surface is uneven, showing multiple irregularities,
protrusions and irregular striations, which were highlighted
with the optical microscope.
Also with the optical microscope was revealed, at this
metal body, a cavity whose surface has an uniform texture,
without specific roughness of the material breaks, indicating
of the formation of cavities as a result of a damage to the
This has a mass of 2.294 grams, which is less than the
mass of the 3897 grams weigh as weights the core extracted
from a 7.65 mm caliber bullet of the crime pistol ammunition
and which has a different composition from the one of a 7.65
mm caliber bullet.
The results of experiments carried out on the polygon
firing with the crime gun showed that, both projectiles
bounced off in the concrete and captured in the Kevlar
material, and those to which their capture was preceded by
concrete ricochet followed by hitting the target (sheet tailgate
for test) suffered impact deformation consisting in flattening
of the bullet, without the middle of the lead to separate from
the shirt that was wrapped in.
Moreover, it was observed that the striations formed after
of ricochet are collinear and oriented to one direction.
Microscopic examination of the metal fragment in
question has revealed the presence of inclusions in the form
of translucent and blackened filaments that are melted in
some places.


Checking the composition, performed using EDAX probe

attached to the electronic microscope, revealed that the
material of which these filaments are made of is not likely
inorganic, which leads to the idea that it would be remnants
of a nylon thread used for fishing gear type, because of the
same features.
With the scanning electron microscope FEI, Quanta 400
model and of the specialized program
(software) for determining residues of the
shooting, we proceeded to examine the
material evidences removed from the car,
also on 10.09.2008 and on 18.10. 2011
(contained on the adhesive tape fixed on
supports of the microscope evidence).

The results obtained from the analysis of the evidence

taken at the crime scene on 10.09.2008, as well as
those taken on 18.10.2011, demonstrats that the existing
traces inside the Volkswagen Golf FSI does not contain
characteristic particles for the shooting residues, therefore
were not produced by a gunshot, their origin being of the
other nature (from the objects that were transported in the
car prior to the event).
These results are in accordance to ballistic
Both the metal fragment in question, as well as for the
middle bullet comparison we did the analysis in two different
From the comparison of the spectra and of the
composition, results that the metal fragment is a mixture of
metals, whereas the middle of the bullet is only lead.
The verifications carried out on the inclusion of whiskers
with the EDAX probe revealed no metal elements, only the
carbon and oxygen, the features organic material, such as
nylon or other polymer.
Therefore it could be concluded that the
metal fragment does not represent a bullet



Expert Criminalist Autorizat

Comisar-ef de poliie Leonard TOCAN
I.P.F. Dmbovia
Far from exhausting the subject of this topic, the brief presentation is a preamble to
a material issued on the problem on the investigation of shoe traces, which are still in
the study by the author, the present study highlights one of the categories of trace form,
as they are called in the general classification of traces (see Treaty of Criminology) that
are marginalized in the research at the crime scene.
Key words: trace, trace shape, shoes, training mode, forensic interpretation of
footwear traces.
Departe de a epuiza tema acestui subiect, scurta prezentare fiind un preambul la un
material aprofundat al problematicii urmelor de nclminte, ce se afl nc n studiul
autorului, materialul de fa scoate n eviden una dintre categoriile urmelor form, aa
cum sunt ele denumite n clasificarea general a urmelor (vezi Tratatul de Criminalistic),
urme care sunt marginalizate n activitatea de cercetare la faa locului.
Cuvinte cheie: urm, urme form, nclminte, mod de formare, interpretare
criminalistic a urmelor de nclminte.



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