Ibm Websphere Message Broker Application Development: Covers WMB v7

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Covers WMB v7

This documents depicts the Training Material for IBM WebSphere
Message Broker Application Development Course
Presentation Type: PowerPoint
Number of Slides: 602 + 63 (Installation Guide for WMB v8)
Total Labs Covered: 14
Total Self Study Courses: 10

V Vijaya Raghava

IBM WebSphere Message Broker Application Development

Training Pre-requisites
Attendees are expected to have an understanding of the following:
Debugging in Rational Application Developer.
XML Concepts including the following:
XML Syntax
XML Naming Conventions
Processing Instructions
Document Type Definition
XML Namespaces
Validation of XML Documents
XML Schema
Web Services Concepts including SOAP, WSDL
Protocols Including HTTP, HTTPs, SMTP, TCP/IP
Good Programming Knowledge in Java Technologies

IBM WebSphere Message Broker Application Development

1. Application Integration
What is an Application?
Introduction to Application Integration
Challenges and Issues Businesses facing today
Point-to-Point Communication
The Complexity of Application Integration
Point-to-Point Communication Consequences
Enterprise Application Integration
Defining EAI
The Connectivity Challenge
Types of EAI
EAI Approach to Integration
EAI Benefits
2. Service Oriented Architecture
Current Environment
Service Oriented Architecture Introduction
Bridging the Gap between Business and IT: How?
SOA Introduction
What is SOA?
SOA vs Traditional EAI
Before and After SOA
Why SOA?
SOA Simplifies Connectivity Interfaces
Value of SOA
SOA is an evolutionary step
Expanding SOA Footprint
Principles of SOA
Benefits of SOA
Applying SOA Challenges
3. Enterprise Service Bus
What is an Enterprise Service Bus?
SOA with an ESB
ESB Flexibility
An ESB Gives SOA its full value
Integrating business applications through an ESB

IBM WebSphere Message Broker Application Development

Two core principles of enabling flexibility
Different kinds of ESB
ESB Example Healthcare Integration
ESB Example Retail
ESB Example Reservation System
ESB Example Role of ESB in an enterprise
ESB Example Role of ESB across different businesses
Various Middleware Products in the Market
Which Middleware Product to choose ???
4. Introduction to WebSphere Message Broker
WebSphere Message Broker Overview
What is WMB
WMB Features
Quick Tour
WMB Platform Support
WMB Database Support
Comprehensive protocols, transports, data formats and processing
WebSphere Message Broker Business Scenario
Mergers and Acquisitions Scenario
WMB Architecture
WebSphere Message Broker Capabilities
Message Routing
Interacting with External Systems and Resources
Message Broker -Transforms messages in flight
Message Transformation and Enrichment
How do we connect applications?
Enterprise Messaging
Message Brokering
Publish & Subscribe
Publish & Subscribe Implementation
Publish Subscribe Implementation Example 1: Bus and Train Schedules
Publish Subscribe Implementation Example 2: Bus, Train, Plane Schedules
Publish Subscribe Other Examples
Magazine publishing
Airline departure notification
WebSphere MQ Interoperability
WMB Components - Overview
Development Environment

IBM WebSphere Message Broker Application Development

Message Flows
Message Sets
Broker Application Perspective
Runtime Environment
Execution Groups
Configuration Manager
Broker Domain
User Name Server
Broker Administration perspective
WMB Components revisited
Interaction of Message Broker Main Components
WebSphere Message Broker runtime architecture
Usage Patterns with Message Broker
5. WebSphere MQ Explorer
Broker Properties
Message Flow Properties
Message Flow Revisited
Predefined and self-defining messages
Why Model Messages?
Message Model
Modeling Messages Advantages
Message Broker Parsers
Message Processing Nodes
Message Tree
How the Message Tree is populated?
Logical Tree Structure
Message tree structure
Environment tree structure
Local environment tree structure
Exception list tree structure
Logical Tree Structure Example
Message Flow Editor
6. WebSphere Message Broker Software Components
Message Broker Toolkit components
Message Broker Toolkit IDE
Perspectives in Message Broker Toolkit

IBM WebSphere Message Broker Application Development

Resources in WebSphere Message Broker
7. WebSphere Message Broker Built-in Nodes
Message Flow Node Palette
Node Types
Message Node Components
Built-in Nodes
WebSphere MQ
WebSphere Information Centre
8. Technical Introduction to WebSphere MQ
Todays Enterprise IT Environment
Why Interfaces are so expensive to build and maintain?
Service Oriented Architecture Revisited
WebSphere MQ Universal Messaging Backbone
WebSphere MQ connects virtually anything
Did you know?
Program-to-Program Communication
How does WebSphere MQ Work?
Synchronous Communication Model
Asynchronous Communication Model
Program-to-Program Communication Factors
Three Styles of Communication
WebSphere MQ Eliminates application network concerns.
Local and Remote Queue Concept
Message Queue Interface
Message Queue Interface Calls
Message Composition
Message Types
Message Persistence
Queue Manager
Message Queues Types
Queues Expiry
Message Broker User Roles

IBM WebSphere Message Broker Application Development

Deployment process using Message Broker Explorer
Deployment Process using MQ Explorer
Message Broker Queue Explorer
WebSphere Message Broker Environments
9. Introduction to ESQL
What is ESQL
ESQL Overview & Concepts
Functions & Procedures
Field References
Reserved Words
Non Reserved Words
Special Characters
Managing ESQL files
Writing ESQL files
10. Developing Message Applications using ESQL
Messages in WebSphere Message Broker
ESQL and ESQL Editor
LAB 1 - Simple Hello World Application
LAB 2: Bookstore Message Flow Application
11. Developing Message Flow Applications using Java
The Java Compute Node
Java and the Java editor in the Message Brokers Toolkit
Inserting data into a database using a message flow
Transforming a message from one XML structure to another
LAB 3 - Simple Hello World Application
LAB 4 - Connecting with Database (Bookstore Application)
12. Developing Message Flow Applications using Mappings
Message Sets and Message Definitions
The Message Set Editor
The Message Definition Editor
The Message Mapping Editor
LAB 5 - Simple Hello World Application
LAB 6 - Simple Mapping Concept

IBM WebSphere Message Broker Application Development

13. IBM WebSphere Message Broker Installation, Startup Configurations
Message Broker Installation
Startup Configurations Windows 7
Startup Configurations Windows XP
14. Testing Message Flow Applications
Creating Default Configuration
Deleting Default Configuration
Creating Broker
Creating MQ Queues
Linking Queues to the Message Flow
Packaging Applications
Deploying Applications to Broker
Testing using Test Client
Testing with SoapUI Interface
Debugging Message Flow Applications
15. WebSphere Message Broker Samples
WebSphere Message Broker Samples
Application Samples
LAB 7 Error Handler Sample (Self Study)
LAB 8 Video Rental Sample (Self Study)
LAB 9 Message Routing sample (Self Study)
LAB 10 Airline Reservation Sample (Self Study)
Technology Samples
LAB 11 Message Transformation Java Compute Node Sample (Self
LAB 12 Message Formats XMLNSC Validation sample (Self Study)
LAB 13 WebService SOAP Nodes sample (Self Study)
LAB 14 WebService RESTful Web Service Using JSON sample (Self
LAB 15 Address Book Sample (Self Study)
How to run Application / Technology Samples
Application Samples: Airline Reservation Sample Review
16. Troubleshooting & Problem Determination
Locating Error Information
Event Messages
Messages within the Message Broker Toolkit
Diagnostic Messages
17. Documentation & References

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