Aberdeen High School Dress Code

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Dress Code
All students are expected to come to school or school sponsored activities well-groomed and appropriately dressed.
Dress and appearance must not present health or safety problems, nor be vulgar, offensive or cause disruption.
Clothing styles that create conflict or an atmosphere of intimidation are prohibited. Individual teachers may restrict
appearance and attire (i.e. hair, clothing) with special consideration for safety and health issues. The administration has
the authority to make changes at any time to the dress code based on either safety or health reasons.

Dress for education- school is for learning.

Shirts must cover midriffs, chess, cleavage, and wearers back whether he/she be standing or sitting.
Long underwear and boxer shorts are not allowed.
Pants, shorts, rompers, skirts and dresses need to extend past mid-thigh, no skin shall be showing above midthigh.
Undergarments shall not be exposed.
All students must wear some type of shoes or sandals at all times.
Gang related clothing, styles, or accessories are not allowed.
Clothing, backpacks, and jewelry bearing demeaning messages or innuendos, insignias, logos, indentifying
alcoholic beverages, tobacco, narcotics, are libelous, obscene, profane, vulgar, of a sexual nature or other
socially inappropriate message demeaning to any race, religion, sex or ethnic group or which advocate the
violation of the law are not permitted.
Masks are never allowed.

Consequences for dress code violations:

You will be asked to change or call home for clothing to be brought to you. If clothes are not available students will
spend the remainder of the day in ISS. All inappropriate clothing will be checked into the office until the end of the day.
Continued dress code violations will include the following consequences:

Office referrals
Parent notification
Suspension for insubordination, In School Suspension or Out of School Suspension

Aberdeen High School staff reserves the right to use their discretion regarding student dress.
Please see the image on the next page for information. If you are questioning what you are wearing ask a staff

AHS Dress Code

Clothing that promotes drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, is sexually suggestive, or displays inappropriate
pictures or writing is prohibited. Any clothing worn in a manner identified as gang-related is prohibited.
Jewelry that can pose safety hazards is prohibited. Exceptions to dress code standards may be made for
school activities.

Clothing must cover
stomachs, backs, shoulders,
chest cleavage and
Shorts, Skirts,
Must be midthigh in length.
Rips in clothing must
be below mid-thigh.

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