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Module Code
Module Name

AME 503
Finite Element Analysis
M.Sc. in Automotive Product Design
Automotive and Aeronautical Engg.

Name of the Student

Prashantha S

Reg. No



Fast track

Module Leader

Dr. Vinod K. Banthia

M.S.Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies

Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programmes(PEMP)


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

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MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Declaration Sheet
Student Name

Prashantha S

Reg. No



Automotive Product Design


Fast track, January 2013

Module Code

AME 503

Module Title

Finite Element Analysis


Module Date
Module Leader

Batch Fast track, January 2013

Dr. Vinod K. Banthia

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Up to one week late:
Penalty of 5 marks
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Penalty of 10 marks
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Signature of Head of the Department and date


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

M.S.Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies

Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - CoventryUniversity (UK)
Assessment Sheet

Automotive & Aeronautical Engineering


M.Sc. [Engg] in APD

Module Code


Module Leader

Dr. Vinod K. Banthia

Module Completion

Student Name

Prashantha S

ID Number


Fine Paid


Attendance Details

Finite Element Analysis

Module Title


Fast track, January 2013



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A minimum of 40% required for a pass in both assignment and written test individually
3. A student cannot fail on application of late penalty (i.e. on application of late penalty if the marks are below 40, cap at 40 marks)

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MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

Finite element method is a numerical method for finding the solution to partial differential
equations and integral equations. The part A of the assignment contains the approach of finite
element method to solve the field problem. The identification of alternative methods to finite
element method, their approach to solve field problems and their advantages and disadvantages
in relation to finite element methodology contained in part A of the assignment. The part A of
the assignment also emphasis the advantages of the methods of finite element compare to the
alternative methods.

The part B of the assignment related to the problems of structural analysis and the modal
analysis by finite element methods. The part B of the assignment is pertaining to the weight
reduction of automobile component for increasing the fuel efficiency. For the weight reduction
the automobile manufacturers have either removing the redundant material from the
component or make some changes in design without compromising the functionality of the
product. Recently released models one of the outer panels is swaged to stiffen the panel. The
part B of the assignment contains steps involved in designing swaged panels for weight
reduction. The first step is finite element modeling of panel, determination of element type,
element size and deflection of the panel under uniformly distributed load with fixed-fixed
boundary condition along the edges. The second step is the thickness reduction by designing of
wide swages running along the whole length of the panel and equally spaced along the width of
the panel by maintaining the same stiffness. The third step is finding out increase in thickness if
the stiffens of the panel is to be increased. The fourth step the same panel is used on the roof it
will be subjected to aerodynamic loading, finding out the frequencies that might cause problem
with flat and swaged panel.

The part C of the assignment related to the problems of thermal analysis. The part C of the
assignment contains the creation of the finite element model of the radiator fin for the thermal
analysis to find the temperature distribution in the fin and comparison of the results with the
coarser mesh of large elements and fine mesh of small elements. The part C of the assignment
also contains the finite element analysis radiator fin with circular shaped inner tubes. Finally
comparison the results of existing rectangular flow passage tubes and also circular shaped flow
passage tubes of the radiator fin with the same perimeter are shown.


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Declaration Sheet ......................................................................................................................... ii
Assessment Sheet ........................................................................................................................ iii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................iv
Contents ......................................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures
The list of tables ........................................................................................................................ viii
Acronyms .....................................................................................................................................ix
PART-A......................................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER 1 .................................................................................................................................. 1
Alternative methods, their approach, advantages and disadvantages comparing to FEM ............ 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Identification of alternative numerical methods and their approach to solve problems ......... 1
1.2 Conclusions ............................................................................................................................. 3
PART-B ......................................................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Development of model of panel and simulation of panel under uniformly distributed load .. 4
2.2 Weight reduction using swages ............................................................................................... 7
2.3 Stiffening of panel ................................................................................................................. 12
2.4 Dynamic analysis .................................................................................................................. 16
2.5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 17
PART-C ....................................................................................................................................... 18
CHAPTER 3 ................................................................................................................................ 18
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 Finite element modeling of radiator fin and application of boundary conditions ................. 18
3.2 Analysis for the radiator fin................................................................................................... 20
3.3 Analysis and results for improved discretisation .................................................................. 21
3.4 Analysis and results for circular flow passage ...................................................................... 23
3.5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................. 25
3.6 Learning outcomes ................................................................................................................ 25
References ................................................................................................................................... 28
Appendix 1- (Alternative methods, their approach, advantages and disadvantages to FEM) .... 29
Appendix 2 .................................................................................................................................. 30

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List of Figures
Fig. 1. 1 The modeling of structures in AEM [13] ...................................................................... 29
Fig. 2. 1 Meshed model of the panel ............................................................................................. 4
Fig. 2. 2 Fixed-fixed boundary condition along the edges ............................................................ 5
Fig. 2. 3 Uniformly distributed load to all the nodes along thickness direction............................ 5
Fig. 2. 4 Deformation of the panel ................................................................................................ 6
Fig. 2. 5 The variation of displacement ......................................................................................... 6
Fig. 2. 6 Model of the swaged panel ............................................................................................. 8
Fig. 2. 7 Meshed model of swaged panel ...................................................................................... 8
Fig. 2. 8 Deformation of swaged panel ......................................................................................... 9
Fig. 2. 9 The variation of displacement ......................................................................................... 9
Fig. 2. 10 The displacement of swaged panel of reduced thickness ............................................ 11
Fig. 2. 11 The displacement of the flat panel of increased thickness .......................................... 13
Fig. 2. 12 The displacement of the swaged panel by increased thickness ................................... 14
Fig. 2. 13 The displacement of the swaged panel by reduced thickness ..................................... 15
Fig. 2. 14 Modal analysis for stiffened flat panel ........................................................................ 16
Fig. 2. 15 Modal analysis for stiffened swaged panel ................................................................. 17

Fig. 3. 1 Arrangement of tubes in a fin of a radiator ................................................................... 18

Fig. 3. 2 Meshed finite element model ........................................................................................ 19
Fig. 3. 3 Boundary conditions for finite element model.............................................................. 19
Fig. 3. 4 The results of the temperature distribution in the fin .................................................... 20
Fig. 3. 5 Heat flux vector sum ..................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 3. 6 Mesh refinement for improved discretisation ............................................................... 21
Fig. 3. 7 The results of temperature distribution in fin after the mesh refinement ...................... 21
Fig. 3. 8 Comparison of temperature distribution before and after mesh refinement ................. 22
Fig. 3. 9 Heat flex vector sum after the mesh refinement ........................................................... 23
Fig. 3. 10 Finite element model for circular shaped flow passage of inner tubes of the radiator
fin................................................................................................................................................. 23
Fig. 3. 11 Temperature distribution in circular shaped flow passage of radiator fin .................. 24
Fig. 3. 12 Heat flux vector sum in circular shaped flow passage of radiator fin ......................... 24


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Fig. 3. 13 Comparison of heat flux vector sum in rectangular and circular shaped tubes of
radiator fin ................................................................................................................................... 25


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The list of tables

Table 2. 1 Record of the iterative solutions for reducing the thickness of swaged panel ........... 11
Table 2. 2 The mass and % of weight reduction ......................................................................... 12
Table 2. 3 Record of the iterative solutions for increasing the thickness of flat panel ............... 12
Table 2. 4 Record of iterative solutions for reducing the thickness of swaged panel ................. 15
Table 2. 5 The mass and the percentage of weight reduction for 20% increment in thickness .. 16
Table 2. 6 Results of the modal analysis ..................................................................................... 17


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Applied Element Method


Boundary Element Method


Discrete Boundary Method


Finite Difference Method


Finite Element Analysis


Finite Element Method


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Alternative methods, their approach, advantages and disadvantages comparing to FEM
Finite element method is a numerical method for finding the solution to partial differential
equations and integral equations. There are many other numerical methods available to solve the
same partial differential equations and integral equations. The Finite element method is most
versatile and popular approach for solving field problems. The part A of the assignment contains
the alternative numerical methods and their approach to solving the problems. The part A of
assignment also contains the advantages and disadvantages of other numerical methods in relation
to FEM.

1.1 Identification of alternative numerical methods and their approach to solve problems

The finite difference method: Finite difference methods are numerical methods for

approximating the solution to differential equations. Finite difference methods are using finite
difference equations to approximate derivatives [1]. The finite difference method basically involves
three steps to approach field problems [2]. First step is dividing the solution into grids of nodes.
Second step is approximating the given differential equation by finite difference equivalence that
relates the solutions to grid points. Third step is solving the difference equations subject to the
prescribed boundary conditions and/or initial conditions.
Advantages and disadvantages of finite difference method (FDM) comparing with FEM:

The implementation of FDM is very easy compare to FEM [1]

The finite difference program takes less computer memory, as they do not need the integer
variable ib which stores neighbor information and is specially needed at the boundaries [1].

The capability of FDM in its basic is restricted to handle rectangular shapes and simple
alterations while FEM can handle complicated geometries with ease [3].

The quality of approximation between the grid points is poor in FDM while the
approximation in finite element method is more accurate [4].

Finite difference algorithm handles boundary conditions between phases are different from
the finite element algorithm. Electrical problems can be handled quite readily with finite
differences, but there are some difficulties with elastic problems compare to FEM [5].

1.1.2 Boundary element method: The term Boundary element method (BEM) denotes any
method for the approximate numerical solution for boundary integral equations [6]. Boundary
integral equations are a classical tool for the analysis of boundary value problems for partial

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differential equations. The boundary element method uses the given boundary conditions to fit
boundary values into the integral equation [7]. After defining the boundary conditions, the integral
equation can be used again to calculate numerically the solution directly at any desired point in the
interior of the solution domain in post processing stage [7].
Advantages and disadvantages of boundary element method (BEM) comparing with FEM:

Stresses are highly accurate as there are no approximations imposed on the solution in
interior domain points. BEM is suitable for modeling problems of rapidly changing stresses.

BEM requires less data preparation time, easier to change the applied mesh, useful for
problems that require re-meshing. Therefore BEM reduces the problem dimension [7].

Unlike FEA, the solution in the interior of the domain is approximated with a rather high
convergence rate and moreover, the same rate of convergence holds for all derivatives of
any order of the solution in the domain [8].

Boundary element formulations contain fully populated matrices. Therefore storage

requirements and computational time will tend to grow according to the square of the
problem size.

In FEM the elements are only locally connected so that the storage

requirements and computational time for the system matrices grow linearly with the
problem size [9].
1.1.3 Discrete element method: Discrete element method is one of the numerical methods for
computing the motion and effect of a large number of small particles with micro-scale size and
above [10]. In a DEM simulation, the model is initially generated using a certain spherical shaped
of particles with a pre-determined particle size distribution. Actually the particles are not made
spherical in shape developers consider clusters of spheres to represent the shape irregularities [10].
The purpose of using spherical particles to reduce the computational cost associated with the
contact detection processes within a DEM model. The force calculation will take place followed by
an integration stage. The force calculation is employed to compute the incremental change of the
particle position and velocity for the next time step calculation [10]. These processes will continue
for the entire simulation period.
Advantages and disadvantages of discrete element method (DEM) comparing with FEM

DEM approach is mainly used to simulate wide variety of granular material flow, rock and
powder mechanics, pharmaceutical applications but the use of FEM is limited for such
applications [10].

DEM approach is suitable for modeling towards microscopic understanding of material

behavior [10].

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In DEM more time required to detect the contact between each particle with the other
neighboring particles [11].

The creation of DEM involves assumption about the applied loads, the boundary conditions
and behavior of the material. Therefore overall understanding of the physical behavior of
the component and the limitations of the model is crucial [10].

1.1.4 Applied element method: The Applied Element Method (AEM) is a numerical analysis used
in predicting the continuum and discrete behavior of structures. The applied element method
(AEM) is a modeling method adopting the concept of discrete cracking [12]. In AEM the structure
is modeled as an assembly of relatively small elements as shown in figure 1.1 in appendix 1 [13].
The elements are connected together along their surfaces through a set of normal and shear springs
[13]. The normal shear springs are responsible for transfer of normal and shear stresses from one
element to the other respectively. Springs generate stresses and deformations of a certain volume as
shown in figure 1.1 in appendix 1 [13]. These connecting springs represent the state of stresses,
strains and material behavior.
Advantages and disadvantages of applied element method (AEM) comparing with FEM

AEM is capable of simulating the progressive collapse of structures but in FEM it is

difficult to simulate progressive collapse since in spite of the robustness and the stability.

AEM combines the advantages of FEM with that of DEM in terms of accurately modeling a
deformable continuum of discrete materials. AEM simplifies the modeling of complicated
geometries [13].

The main advantage of FEM is applicable to any field problem, such as heat transfer, stress
analysis, magnetic fields, and so on. Boundary conditions and loading are not restricted [14]

In FEM material properties may change from one element to another and material
anisotropy is allowed. The approximation is easily improved by mesh refinement [14].

1.2 Conclusions
The following summaries from the study indicate the reason why FEM is most popular approach
comparing to other alternative methods. The FEM can be used to solve any field problems such as
stress analysis, magnetic field and heat transfer because of wide versatility. In FEM the boundary
conditions and loads may be applied to any portion of the body. In FEM the different material
properties can be applied for different elements or even within an element unlike other alternatives.
The behavior and mathematical descriptions for different elements can be combined in a single FE
model. In FEA the accuracy of the approximation can be easily improved by mesh refinement.

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Recently the automobile manufacturers are reducing the weight of their product for the purpose of
increasing the fuel efficiency. Some of the automotive manufactures try to reduce the material
content in their current design for obtaining fuel efficiency. The methods of reducing the material
content is either by removing redundant material or make some changes in design without
compromising the functionality of the components. One of the recently released automobile models
the trend is that one of the outer panels is swaged to stiffen the panel. The part B of the assignment
is emphasizing the designing of swaged panels for weight reduction.

2.1 Development of model of panel and simulation of panel under uniformly distributed load
The panel size of 2000 mm 1600 mm 1.5 mm is designed by using ansys software. Shell 63
element is assigned to the model from the database of ansys software and the element size is
assigned to be 12. The shell element is assigned to the panel because in the given problem the
thickness dimension is much smaller than other two linear dimensions and the uniformly distributed
load is acting towards the thickness direction. The fixed-fixed boundary condition is applied along
the edges of the panel therefore there are no displacements in length and width directions except in
thickness direction. The shell element can take the loads in its own plane as well as loads normal to
it. The shell element is having the feature of plane stress and plate elements. For the given problem
shell element is most suitable. The element size of 10 is chosen because smaller element size gives
more accurate results. The figure 2.1 shows the meshed model of the panel.

Fig. 2. 1 Meshed model of the panel

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The fixed fixed boundary condition is applied along the edges of the panel. The degrees of
freedom for all the nodes along the edges are restricted as per the given condition. Figure 2.2 shows
the applied boundary conditions.

Fig. 2. 2 Fixed-fixed boundary condition along the edges

After assuming the element type, element size and boundary conditions the values of Youngs
modulus (E) and Poissonss ratio are applied as 2.10E+05 N/mm2 and 0.3 respectively. The steel
material with density of 7.85E-09 kg/mm3 is assumed to the panel. The uniformly distributed
pressure of 1E-06 N/mm2 is applied to all the nodes along the thickness direction except to the
nodes along the edges as shown in figure 2.3.

Fig. 2. 3 Uniformly distributed load to all the nodes along thickness direction

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After applying material properties and loading conditions finding out the solution for the primary
unknowns like displacement and stress. The deformation of the panel is shown in the figure 2.4.
The deformation value obtained as 0.193 mm. Since the fixed fixed boundary condition is applied
to the edges therefore the displacement is maximum at the centre of the panel and minimum at
edges as shown in the figure 2.5.

Fig. 2. 4 Deformation of the panel

Fig. 2. 5 The variation of displacement

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Analytical solution:
The following points are taken into consideration for the analytical solution [15].

The panel is flat, of uniform thickness, and of homogeneous isotropic material.

All forces, loads and reactions are normal to the plane of the panel

The panel is not stressed beyond the elastic limit.

The panel thickness should be less than 1/20th of the plate length

The maximum deflection shall not be more than one half of the thickness

The maximum displacement of the plate is given by the formula [15]

Where a = Length of the long side of the panel in mm = 2000 mm

b = Length of the short side of the panel in mm = 1600 mm
t = Thickness of the panel in mm = 1.5 mm
pc = Deformation of a rectangular panel in mm
pc = Dimensionless constant for a rectangular plate with edges fixed = 0.0277 [15]
Po = uniformly distributed pressure load in N/mm2 = 1E-06 N/mm2
E = Youngs modulus (Modulus of elasticity) in N/mm2 = 2.1E+05 N/mm2
By substituting the values the deformation pc = 0.027710-6 (1600)4
2.1105 (1.5)3
By simplifying the equation pc = 0.2 mm

The results of deformation obtained from the solution of finite element method are 0.19 mm and
the analytical deflection value is 0.2 mm. It is clear that the difference between the analytical
solution result and FEM simulation result is 5%.

2.2 Weight reduction using swages

The design of panel is altered by using four swages of 200 mm width running along the whole
length of the panel and equally spaced along the length of the panel as shown in the figure 2.6. The

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depth of the swages is 10 mm maintained. The swages are created by CATIA V5 software. The
length, width and the thickness of the swaged panel is not changed as shown in the figure 2.6.

Fig. 2. 6 Model of the swaged panel

The model of the swaged panel is converted to .iges format and exported to the hypermesh
software. The model is meshed in hypermesh software as shown in figure 2.7. The same shell 63
element is assigned to the model from the hypermesh software database and same element size of
12 is maintained. The same material properties such as Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio are
applied to the meshed model of swaged panel.

Fig. 2. 7 Meshed model of swaged panel

After assigning the element type, element size and material properties the meshed model is
simulated by using Ansys software. The deformation of the swaged panel is as shown in the figure

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2.8. The value of deformation is 0.0025 mm with same thickness of 1.5 mm. The figure 2.9 shows
the variation of displacement.

Fig. 2. 8 Deformation of swaged panel

Fig. 2. 9 The variation of displacement

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The weight reduction procedure:

The deformation value obtained from the flat panel is 0.193 mm and swaged panel is 0.0025mm.
The stiffness of the panel is kept constant for flat and swaged panels. The stiffness of a body is a
measure of the resistance offered by an elastic body to deformation. For an elastic body with single
degree of freedom the stiffness is defined as force divided by displacement. The panel is having
only one degree of freedom because the edges are fixed and load is applied normal to the plane of
the panel hence the panel displacement takes place in its thickness direction.

As per the definition, stiffness = Force/displacement = Pressure Area/displacement

Where, Pressure = 1E-06 N/mm2
Area = 2000 1600 = 32, 00,000 mm2
Displacement of flat panel with 1.5 mm thickness = 0.193 mm
Displacement of swaged panel with 1.5 mm thickness = 0.0025 mm

The stiffness of the flat panel = 1E-06 2000 1600 / 0.193

The stiffness of the flat panel with 1.5 mm thickness = 16.58 N/mm

The stiffness of the swaged panel = 1E-06 2000 1600 / 0.0025

The stiffness of the swaged panel with 1.5 mm thickness = 1280 N/mm

It is found that the stiffness of the swaged panel with same thickness is much more comparing to
the flat panel. As per the given data the stiffness of the swaged panel is kept same as that of flat
panel therefore stiffness of the swaged panel can be reduced and equalized to that of flat panel by
reducing the thickness. The thickness of the swaged panel is reduced by the application of finite
element analysis by using ansys software with iterative procedures. In each iterative process the
variables are the thickness of the panel, displacement and stiffness whereas the load is kept
constant. The table number 2.1 shows the record of the solution of iterations. The weight reduction
is possible only by reducing the thickness without compromising the functionality of the component
means without changing the stiffness of the swaged panel.


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Table 2. 1 Record of the iterative solutions for reducing the thickness of swaged panel




Force (N)
= Pressure Area

Stiffness (N/mm)
= Force/displacement


































The displacement of the swaged panel of thickness 0.1476 mm is 0.193 mm as shown in figure
2.10. From the table 2.1 it is clear that the 0.1476 mm thick swaged panel is enough to maintain the
same stiffness as that of flat panel. The thickness reduction = 1.5-0.1476 = 1.352mm. The thickness
reduction of 1.352 mm is possible to maintain the same stiffness.

Fig. 2. 10 The displacement of swaged panel of reduced thickness


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The percentage of weight reduction because of the reduced thickness of the swaged panel is
calculated as follows.
Density = Mass/Volume
Mass = Density Volume
Density of the steel is taken as 7860 kg/m3
The table 2.2 shows the mass of the swaged panel, mass of the flat panel and the percentage of
weight reduction because of the swages. The percentage of weight reduction is 89%
Table 2. 2 The mass and % of weight reduction


Density of steel (Kg/m3)

Volume (m3)

Mass (kg)

% of weight reduction










2.3 Stiffening of panel

The thickness increment is required to reduce the displacement so that the stiffness will be
increased. If the stiffness of the panel is to be increased by 20% the displacement is to be reduced
thereby increase the thickness. For 1.5 mm thickness of the panel the value of deflection obtained
from the simulation is 0.193 mm and the stiffness is 16.58 N/mm.

The 20% increment in the stiffness = 19.89 N/mm

The displacement can be calculated as follows
Displacement = Force/stiffness = pressure area/stiffness = 1E-06 2000 1600/19.89 = 0.16 mm
Thickness of the panel for the corresponding displacement of 0.16 mm can be found out by using
ansys software with iterative process. The variables are thickness, displacement and stiffness
whereas the force is kept constant. The table 2.3 shows the record of the iterative solutions.

Table 2. 3 Record of the iterative solutions for increasing the thickness of flat panel




Force (N)
= Pressure Area

Stiffness (N/mm)
= Force/displacement























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The displacement of the flat panel of thickness 1.594 mm is 0.1609 as shown in figure 2.11. The
thickness of 1.594 mm is required if the stiffness of the flat panel is to be increased by 20%. The
increase in thickness = 1.594 1.5 = 0.094 mm. The thickness increment of 0.094 mm is required
if the stiffness of the panel is to be increased by 20%.

Fig. 2. 11 The displacement of the flat panel of increased thickness

Mass = Density Volume

Density of steel = 7860 kg/m3
Volume of panel = 5.10E-03 m3
The mass of the panel = 40.09 kg
The resulting increase in weight of the panel = 40.90 kg

The weight reduction in this case if the swages are used:

The displacement value for the flat panel obtained from the finite element method is 0.1609 mm to
the corresponding thickness of 1.594mm. The displacement of the swaged panel for 1.594 mm
thickness is to be found out by ansys software with the application of finite element methods. After
solving by Ansys software the solution obtained for maximum displacement is 0.0024 mm.


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Fig. 2. 12 The displacement of the swaged panel by increased thickness

Displacement of flat panel with 1.594 mm thickness = 0.1609 mm

Displacement of swaged panel with 1.594 mm thickness = 0.0024 mm

The stiffness of the flat panel with 1.594 mm thickness = 1E-0620001600/0.1609

The stiffness of the flat panel with 1.594 mm thickness = 19.90 N/mm

The stiffness of the swaged panel with 1.594 mm thickness = 1E-0620001600/0.0024

The stiffness of the swaged panel with 1.594 mm thickness = 1333.33 N/mm

Obviously it is found that the stiffness of the swaged panel is much high comparing to the flat
panel. As per given data the 20% increment in stiffness of the panel is kept same in case of swaged
panel therefore stiffness of the swaged panel can be reduced and equalized to that of flat panel by
reducing the thickness. The application of finite element analysis is used to reduce the thickness of
the swaged panel by iterative procedures. The variables are displacement, thickness and stiffness


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whereas the load is kept constant in each iterative process. The table 2.4 shoes the record of
solution of iterations.

Table 2. 4 Record of iterative solutions for reducing the thickness of swaged panel




Force (N)
= Pressure Area

Stiffness (N/mm)
= Force/displacement


























The displacement of the swaged panel of thickness 0.158 mm is 0.1608 mm as shown in figure
2.13. From the table 2.4 it is clear that the 0.158 mm thick swaged panel is sufficient to maintain
the same 20% increased stiffness as that of flat panel. The thickness reduction = 1.594 - 0.158 =
1.436 mm. The thickness reduction of 1.436 mm is possible to maintain the same stiffness.

Fig. 2. 13 The displacement of the swaged panel by reduced thickness


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The percentage of weight reduction because of the reduced thickness of the swaged panel is
calculated as follows.
Density = Mass/Volume
Mass = Density Volume
Density of the steel is taken as 7860 kg/m3
The table 2.5 shows the mass of the swaged panel, mass of the flat panel and the percentage of
weight reduction because of the swages. The percentage of weight reduction is 89.69%

Table 2. 5 The mass and the percentage of weight reduction for 20% increment in thickness


Density of steel (Kg/m3)

Volume (m3)

Mass (kg)

% of weight reduction










2.4 Dynamic analysis

The 20% stiffened panels are used on the roof. Obviously it will be subjected to aerodynamic
loading which varies with time. The modal analysis should be carried to find the frequencies in flat
and swaged panel. The picture of the simulation of the modal analysis for the flat panel is as shown
in the figure 2.14. The picture of the simulation of modal analysis for the swaged panel is as shown
in figure 2.15. The table 2.6 shows the frequency obtained from the dynamic analysis.

Fig. 2. 14 Modal analysis for stiffened flat panel


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Fig. 2. 15 Modal analysis for stiffened swaged panel

Table 2. 6 Results of the modal analysis

Sl. No.

Time/frequency of flat panel


Time/frequency of swaged panel


The results are showing that the time/frequencies of the flat panel is less than that of swaged panel.
Therefore the swaged panel is stiffer than the flat panel. The low frequencies of the flat panel easily
match with the natural frequency of the system may lead to resonance. The resonance is very
dangerous to the panel.

2.5 Conclusion
It is clear that the thickness reduction is possible by using swaged panels in place of flat panels
thereby reducing the weight of the panel if the stiffness of the panels is to be kept same. If both flat
and swaged panels are subjected to aerodynamic loading, the swaged panel produces more higher
frequencies compare to flat penal. Therefore the swaged panels are stiffer than flat panel with the
same thickness.


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Radiator is used to cool the cooling water for the engine, consists of strips. The strips are the
conducting material through which the tubes carrying hot water pass. In part C of the assignment
2D model of the strip can be used to understand the heat transfer phenomena through it. The part C
of the assignment emphasizes the creation of finite element model of the fin for the thermal analysis
to find the temperature distribution in the fin.

3.1 Finite element modeling of radiator fin and application of boundary conditions
The model of the fin is created by using ansys software. The model is consisting of tubes carrying
hot water surrounded by a conducting material as shown in the figure 3.1. The heat generated from
the hot water inside the tubes is transferred to the conducting material through conduction process.

Fig. 3. 1 Arrangement of tubes in a fin of a radiator

The plane 77 is assigned to the model from the database of ansys software. The plane element is
chosen for the model because the two dimensional cross section of the radiator fin is idealized for
the thermal analysis. Since two dimensional cross section model is idealized hence heat transfer
from the tubes to the conducting material is in plane direction. The element size of 1mm is assigned
to the model. Second order quad 8 node 77 plane element from the ansys software database is
used for the meshing. The meshed finite element model of the figure is shown in figure 3.2. The
only half the length of the two inner tubes is considered for the finite element model as shown in
figure 3.2 because of reducing CPU time.


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Fig. 3. 2 Meshed finite element model

The boundary condition is defined as the known values of variables at the continuum boundary. In
heat transfer problems, the values of the unknown variables are known at some region of the
boundary of the problems. In heat transfer problem of a radiator fin, the temperature distribution in
the fin is an unknown variable. The known variables are temperature of hot water passing inside the
tubes and the outside temperature of a radiator fin. The boundary conditions of the model are shown
in the figure 3.3.

Fig. 3. 3 Boundary conditions for finite element model


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3.2 Analysis for the radiator fin

After assigning the element type, element order and boundary conditions finding out the solution
for the temperature distribution inside the fin. The analysis results are as shown in the figure 3.4.
The results show that the temperature distribution in the fin is not uniform therefore the results are
not acceptable quality. This is because larger element size (1 mm) is taken for solving the problem.
The result of the heat flux vector sum is as shown in the figure 3.5. The thermal flux or heat flux is
a rate of heat energy transfer through a given surface. Heat flux is the heat rate per unit area. In SI
units, heat flux is measured in Watt/m2. The maximum heat flux is 0.899 W/mm2 and minimum is
0.004 W/mm2.

Fig. 3. 4 The results of the temperature distribution in the fin

Fig. 3. 5 Heat flux vector sum


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3.3 Analysis and results for improved discretisation

The results can be improved by decreasing the element size. The figure 3.6 shows the mesh
refinement by using the smaller element size of 0.1 mm. The same element type of Second order
quad 8 node and same boundary conditions are considered. The results are shown in figure 3.7.
The temperature distribution is improved after the mesh refinement is as shown in figure 3.7. The
figure 3.8 shows the comparison of temperature distribution before and after the mesh refinement.
Figure 3.9 shows the thermal flux vector sum after the mesh refinement. The maximum heat flux is
1.98 W/mm2 and minimum is 0.016 W/mm2.

Fig. 3. 6 Mesh refinement for improved discretisation

Fig. 3. 7 The results of temperature distribution in fin after the mesh refinement


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Before mesh refinement:

After mesh refinement:

Fig. 3. 8 Comparison of temperature distribution before and after mesh refinement


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Fig. 3. 9 Heat flex vector sum after the mesh refinement

3.4 Analysis and results for circular flow passage

The inner tubes of the radiator fin are modeled with circular shape by using same perimeter as the
existing rectangular flow passage. The finite element model of the circular shaped flow passage of
inner tubes of the radiator fin is shown in the figure 3.10. The same element type of second order
quad 8 node 77 plane element is used for the model. The same element size of 0.1 mm is assigned
to the model is as shown in figure 3.10. The result of the temperature distribution is as shown in the
figure 3.11. The temperature distribution is uniform though out the conducting material. Figure 3.12
shows the heat flux vector sum for the model of circular shaped flow passage. Figure 3.13 shows
the comparison of heat flux vector sum in rectangular tubes and circular shaped tubes.

Fig. 3. 10 Finite element model for circular shaped flow passage of inner tubes of the radiator fin


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Fig. 3. 11 Temperature distribution in circular shaped flow passage of radiator fin

Fig. 3. 12 Heat flux vector sum in circular shaped flow passage of radiator fin


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Fig. 3. 13 Comparison of heat flux vector sum in rectangular and circular shaped tubes of radiator fin

Comparison of heat flux concentration in rectangular and circular shaped tubes: The heat flex
concentration is more at the corners of the rectangular tube therefore there is chance of damaging or
corroding the corners of the rectangular tube. The circular shaped tubes having less chance of
damage and corroding the edges. The circular shaped tubes are having no corners therefore the
accumulation of heat is less compare to rectangular tubes. The circular shaped flow passage tubes
are having better cooling effect than the rectangular shaped passages. Therefore the circular shaped
flow passage tubes are preferred.

3.5 Conclusion
The finite element model of the radiator fin is created and the temperature distribution in the fin is
carried out by using the coarse mesh. In the second step the same finite element model is
considered and the temperature distribution of the fin is carried out by using fine mesh. The results
of temperature distribution are more uniform by using the fine mesh and less uniform by using
coarse mesh. In the third step the circular shaped inner tubes with the same perimeter as the existing
rectangular flow passage are considered for the analysis. The results are showing that the
concentration of heat flux at the corners of rectangular tubes is more therefore the chances of
damaging and corroding the corners of rectangular tube. Therefore circular shaped flow passage
inner tubes are preferred.
3.6 Learning outcomes
The part A of the assignment related to the finite element method and its approach to solving the
problems, identification of alternative methods to finite element method and their approach to solve
the problems. The alternative methods to finite element method are finite difference method,

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boundary element method, discrete element method and applied element method. The advantages
and disadvantages of finite element method and other alternative methods are studied. Finally it is
concluded that the finite element method is the most popular approach today by its advantages over
other methods.

The part B of the assignment related to the use of finite element methods. The part B of the
assignment contains the weight reduction of one of the outer panels of automobile by making some
changes in design without compromising the functionality of the components. The rectangular
panel has been taken for the experiment. The deflection of the panel is found out under uniformly
distributed load and with fixed-fixed boundary condition along the edges. The results from the
analysis are compared with analytical solutions. The methods used for reducing the weight is by
using wide swages running along the whole length of the panel and equally spaced along the width
of the panel with considering the same stiffness. In the next stage, the increase in thickness is found
out if the stiffness of the panel is increased by 20 %. If the same panel is used on the roof and is
subjected to aerodynamic loading, the frequencies of loading are found out which might cause
problem with flat and swaged panel are found out.

The part C of the assignment is related to the use of finite element method in thermal analysis. The
part C of the assignment emphasizes with the finite element modeling of the radiator fin for the
thermal analysis to find out the temperature distribution in the fin. The experiment is conducted
with using coarse mesh of large elements and the fine mesh of smaller elements and found out the
quality of results in both the cases. In next stage, the difference between the two results of
simulation are found out with the rectangular shaped flow passage tubes in radiator fin and with
circular shaped flow passage of tubes of same perimeter as that of rectangular tubes.

All the contents of the assignment are related to the module of finite element analysis. The module
contains the approach of finite element method and its advantages and disadvantages. The module
also contains the approaches of the alternative methods and their advantages and disadvantages in
relation to finite element method. The steps in finite element method to solve the problems, use of
finite element method in different analysis such as structural analysis, thermal analysis, dynamic
analysis and non linear analysis are studied in the module. The structural and thermal problems
related to one dimensional, two dimensional and three dimensional are studied. The thorough
knowledge is gained about the different element types, element size, order of elements and its use


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in structural and thermal problems. The definitions of natural coordinate systems, minimum
potential energy and shape functions are studied.


MSRSAS - Postgraduate Engineering and Management Programme - PEMP

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edition, McGraw-Hill, 2002.


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Appendix 1- (Alternative methods, their approach, advantages and disadvantages to FEM)

Model of a structure

Element generation for AEM

Spring distribution and area of

influence of each pair of springs

Fig. 1. 1 The modeling of structures in AEM [13]


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Appendix 2


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