TPP - How Does This Fit Our Democracy - GG - Rev#1.1k

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TPP - how does this fit our democracy?

Essay and open letter to the Governor General of New Zealand
His Excellency Lieutenant General The Right Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae
GNZM, QSO and successors.
By Greg Rzesniowiecki1 29 June 2016.
This essay is about an international treaty Your Government intends ratifying known as Trans
Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Perhaps reflect on the following question as you consider the remainder of this essay;

Is the New Zealand State a democracy and as Head of State, are you
compelled to protect its democratic nature? 2 3
If not let's make it so.

Aotearoa New Zealand - opening and climate setting

In your swearing in speech 31 August 2011, His Excellency Lieutenant General The Right
Honourable Sir Jerry Mateparae GNZM, QSO Governor-General of New Zealand, stated what is
most important; he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.4
Democracy is all about he tangata and meeting the peoples needs in full consultation with them.
Ive made a survey of geopolitics, its trends and momentum. I aim to share a slice of that with
Your Excellency. In the process I address our Constitution, 5 which reflects our highest law. Do our
constitutional elements protect the democratic nature of the state? 6
If not, what can the Office of Governor General offer to remedy Executive autocracy? 7 Your office
holds tremendous potential power are you at liberty to exercise it in accord with your
conscience determined through a survey of the realm and its needs?
Do our constitutional arrangements facilitate the endless power struggle known as class warfare
who's surface momentum trends toward determination in favour of powerful vested and monied
My survey finds the winning trend being institutionalised provides for;

the systemic rip-off of wealth from the poor toward the top of the privilege

TPP how does this fit our democracy GG rev#1.1 (#1.1 8-7-2016) file is proof-read revision
of 29 June correspondence done 4-7-2016

What happened to building a cohesive and egalitarian state (once upon a time, referred to as the
commonwealth)? Every bill and piece of legislation is a constitutional alteration absent a
formalised and publicly mandated constitution. The determinations of the courts add to the mix.
If the constitutional arrangements are adequate - what might be at work?
Is it corruption that is at work? Or is it that insufficient 'safe-guards' are built-in to the
constitutional framework of the Aotearoa New Zealand nation state governance system to ensure
an egalitarian commonwealth? Or both?
What remedy is required presuming you find yourself in agreement with my observations?
Your Excellency has experience in various roles as soldier, public servant, Chief of Intelligence and
now Head of the NZ State. You are an officer and a gentleman. Thank you for all that you have
done to secure the state for the people thus far in your career.
I feel that you are well able to view with a critical and discriminating lens the material I present.

Aotearoa New Zealand security means what? what of the people?

The TPP legislation passed its first reading Thursday 12 May 2016. Additionally there is the RCEP
and TiSA which are further impositions without consent.
This essay is about democracy and governance. It is about the running of the NZ State.
I am one of many who oppose the TPP, and the passage of the enabling legislation. 8 It is not in the
public and national interest.9 These ought to cohere if the state is a democracy, as the national
interest would be implicitly clear to the informed populous who comprise the democracy.
The GCSB and NZSIS recently provided me the following description of our National Interest from a
question I posed them in December 2015; Please provide a definition of the New Zealand
National Interest that the New Zealand Intelligence Security services work to protect? 10 Their
There is no definition of the New Zealand National Interest within either agencys
legislation. The agencies work to protect the New Zealands national security interests
which are outward-looking, connected to New Zealands economic and foreign policies.
It starts with the fundamental interest of maintaining New Zealand retains control of
its political, social and economic structures and looks outward to maintaining security
in the South Pacific region.
If New Zealands political, social and economic structures are situated within a democracy, then it
is imperative that a New Zealand Government of any ideology or political persuasion, does not
undermine the fundamentals of our State. A democracys potential to arrive at positive outcomes
is limited by the degree of secrecy and opacity of its governments motives and actions particularly where the public is informed by propaganda. 11
If I may offer a statement of principle;

I associate personal and society wellbeing with ecological wellbeing.

A definition for security might be as described by a previous notable NZ public servant, William
Ball Sutch in his epic tome, The Quest for Security in New Zealand 1840 1966. 12 It is well worth
the survey if you can gain a copy.13
What is your definition of security Sir?
It must be broader than mere military security to be socially beneficial. What of social, economic,
environmental and cultural wellbeing? Your Government removed these from the 2002 Local
Government Act's purposes in it's 2012 review. You Assented to their removal, despite your
utterance about what is most important in your swearing in speech.
In regard to security in the South Pacific region I attended the Victoria University of Wellington
(VUW) conference, In the Eye of the Storm Climate Change in the Pacific in February 2016. 14
Does the New Zealand National Interest extend to the security of the Pacific peoples, not just the
geographic region and its resources. Does NZ's National Interest include action to meet the Pacific
people's desire for the 1.5 degree limit they promoted and was agreed at the Paris UNFCCC
conference?15 We are perilously close to that level now in fact it may well be locked in.
Many nations signed the UNFCCC in New York. Your Minister for Climate Change The Hon. Paula
Bennett represented New Zealand and signed on New Zealands behalf. 16 17 Sir, I note your interest
in the subject of climate change and its potential impacts on Antarctic ice sheets and sea levels. 18
I comprehend that which our scientists are telling us about planetary boundaries. I'm a logical
fellow so based on their findings, I am concerned with the state of the planet, the people and our
Ive become apprehensive about the lack of global collective will to remedy gross acts; aggressive
war, covert war, toxic emissions/releases to the environment, rampant deforestation and landclearings, inhumane acts in their myriad form, to mention a few.20
My concern for a credible solution to the climate change challenge grew with comprehension of
trade and investment treaties and the agenda of the proponents, including Your NZ Governments
participation in the agenda in TPP.21
A conspiracy in plain sight to defraud the public of their democratic state? 22 I expand on the
scheme below.

Aotearoa New Zealand - planetary law and justice why TPP?

If the answer is TPP - what was the question?
Investment and trade treaties become critical elements of international law binding the respective
governments to their arrangements. My question being;

do they assist or constrain government action to protect public interest in the

nations covered by them?
This question is a legitimate concern. The people ought determine these matters in a democracy.
My answer follows;

TPP and future investment treaties will disallow or discourage mitigation of

climate change or economic equity, through regulation based on human rights
or precautionary principles, where the investor interest is in conflict with the
community or commons interest.23 24 25
This thesis is proved repeatedly. The plaintive claim from NZ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Trades (MFAT) Dr. David Walker makes the case! Those were unintended consequences - weve
drafted a better protection this time. This quote from Dr. Walkers public presentations in the
TPP Roadshows and elsewhere. I ask, how is that tested? We are gambling the planet's
biospheric carrying capacity against a track record of growing unintended consequences.
My question;

Is TPP reasonable risk management by those charged with the Sovereign

Trust to protect the affairs of the people and their nation?
The tobacco carve-out is surely a signal that not all might be well with the public interest
protections written into the Investment Chapter.26
The 5 May 2016 Waitangi Tribunal decision supports the thesis despite its final decision that the
Te Tiriti o Waitangi protection clause should be sufficient.27 The Waitangi Tribunal finding must
be balanced against the practicalities of stopping the NZ Governments TPP steam-roller, and the
Tribunals desire to remain a relevant body. It can only make recommendations to Your
I appreciate we might be placing similar pressure on the institutional role of the Monarchy in the
NZ Constitutional framework with the application and petition for intervention by Your Office. 28
Gauging civil opposition to TPP, I sense there is a broad desire to move to ethical governance
amongst our diverse NZ community. What does ethical governance look like and is Your Office one
that promotes such an ideal?
The desirability of the ISDS (investor state dispute settlement) for the corporate interest, is that it
disciplines government against practice that supports and protects communities, where the
government act is against or in conflict with the investors bottom line or profit. The Peru-US FTA
is a perfect example of the gross inhumanity perpetrated by our ally the US for its trade interest. 29
It is criminal to incite another to violence, both in domestic and in international law. Who
prosecutes the powerful?
I find it difficult to comprehend how the New Zealand Government can stomach its evident
complicity, by aiding and abetting the US aggressor, in its various schemes, through continued
uncritical association. A similar act by a person under domestic law would be actionable and meet
Our New Zealand Government in supporting the ISDS institution, is party to the regime that
undermines public interest legislation and regulation in other nations. 30 Noam Chomsky describes
them as Stalinist in their imposition, which surely is an affront to any democratic state? 31
The ISDS disciplining force employed against government is an effective tool used by cashed up
corporations, to constrain democracy.32 The corporations interests have been consistently served
by key governments acting on behalf of the corporations when United Nations, WTO, trade,
investment, WHO, multilateral and other plutilateral negotiations are undertaken. It appears that

the conspiracy in plain sight is advanced with many governments complicity. We the people
oppose this unjust and arbitrary imposition. We have done so repeatedly including historically in
rejecting the MAI (Multilateral Agreement on investment) and ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade

Aotearoa New Zealand the people, our democracy - what do we stand for?
Your Excellency has in possession 4000+ signatures on a petition handed to Your Officer Gregory
Baughen, Saturday 30 January 2016, seeking Your Excellency intervene on behalf of the people to
ensure the New Zealand state operates according to its fundamental principles as a democracy. 34
Surely one is enough to compel you, were you to see the merit of the case - after all what is the
most important thing in the World? He tangata, he tangata, he tangata, or so it is said.
I imagine your file on this matter also contains the correspondence from Amanda Vickers on
behalf of the organisers of the petition setting out our request, proposing You intervene on behalf
of the people of the land.35 We the people have repeatedly uttered our desire, no TPP.
As Head of our New Zealand State, Your Office has the last say whether any legislation is formally
Assented. I appreciate that in ordinary circumstances you follow the recommendation of your
Sir I assert, these are not ordinary circumstances!
The Aotearoa New Zealand State is being manoeuvred into a trade bloc, with stringent
enforceable rules (creating new international law) which favour the already powerful international
investors and transnational corporations (TNCs).
Twenty (20)% of global investment is covered by investor state dispute settlement (ISDS) in
investment treaties. TPP, the sister Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP),
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), and Canada European Trade Agreement
(CETA), will if implemented as the investor interests desire, lift that proportion. Over eighty (80)%
of global investment will be covered by ISDS - a substantial coup in favour of investors. A global
coup through a few plutilateral treaties. That is powerful magic Sir.
All without the consent of the people in any of the respective nations covered. 36 The current crop
of TPP, TTIP, CETA, RCEP, TiSA etc, are no different to the Globalist MAI. These treaties divorce and
or distance government from setting social, environmental, economic and financial policies in
consultation with the participants who comprise the national democracies.
All of these impositions without the consent of the people.
It is a conspiracy in plain sight for any with a lens large enough to encompass the scale of the
imposition. A military general must have the capacity and capability to scope the battleground.
The US have made the planet's land and waters, the weather, the internet and space a war
theatre. Add the Class war and the battle for our bodies and minds and one appreciates the nature
of the battle being waged against humanity.
Are we up to the challenge?
Can we win Sir?

We have one chance to overcome TPP and the globalising agenda for corporate control. Once in
TPP or TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement), it will be difficult to leave. We are told that it is a mere
administrative process. There is desperate politics being played to gain our entry to the
If NZ Assents to TPP, the politics will be hysterical were the people to convince the government
that divorce from the likely abusive relationship is a wise step look at the aftermath of the brexit
vote. The precautionary principle is needed here.
Again at no point is the peoples consent requested. The abusive relationship is in fact rape. In
reality it is the rape of the losers in the class war will you assist we the people stop the TPP
crime from being committed?
The already privileged raping the less powerful is an historical fact and tendency, all because they
are systemically enabled once enabled they cannot help themselves look to the Trans Canada
ISDS suit against Obamas decision to not proceed with the Keystone Pipeline. We are told that
TPP and its insidious ISDS is in our National Interests.
I suggest that;

If we are to have global governance of a formally structured nature a grand

scheme - the people of the nations being partnered, ought to be at least
informed and their consent gained before the agreement is confirmed and
implementation of the arrangement is entrenched.
Better still in a democracy we must be consulted in the initial stages and our suggestions
considered with an open and engaged mind in what we offer as being in our interests (again the
process and inputs from the people in the flag redesign process and the offerings about 'what we
stand for'). Surely that is the meaning of the right to self determination envisaged in the UN
foundation stone?
Your Excellency and your successor could play a pivotal role. You volunteered that he tangata is
the most important as Governor and Head of State. A rough survey reveals that all or most social
wellbeing statistics are travelling in the wrong direction over the past 5 years of your watch. You
cannot be satisfied with this outcome.
If these impositions are not stopped, then the people and the planet become collateral damage as
the current stage of the capitalist feeding frenzy commodifies everything, and everyone along with
the service these provide, then appropriates anything that looks or smells like money.
Is it the people or the money that is important? We know which is powerful, however, which is
most important?

Aotearoa New Zealand the lawful context

My paper to the FADT select committee, Application of the Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties (VCLT) in respect to Trans Pacific Partnership and Aotearoa New Zealand - April 2016 37
outlines the law of treaty making as I apprehend its written form. The VCLT makes the point that
treaties are to be interpreted in commonly used language. In the paper I highlight where the TPP is
in conflict with the VCLT treaty and our NZ Constitution. The paper highlights a level of hypocrisy,

by referencing the extensive Flag Change consultation process, compared to the TPPs denial of
democracy. Both are matters amending our constitution.
I ask that You and your successor do not provide Your Assent to the TPP legislation, until the
people have consented by way of binding referendum.
Those concerned continue to gather more signatures on the petition to Your Excellency. 38 TPP Free
Wellington now offer the petition online to spread knowledge of its existence and the nature of
our Constitutional Monarchy.39
Your Office is the Supreme Administrator on behalf of the Sovereign Trust to which we the
people are the beneficiaries. Beneficiaries of a trust can only receive benefits. As such You cannot
affix Your Signature and Seal to any Deed, Law or Act, that does not satisfy a reasonable test of
benefit for the people.

Aotearoa New Zealand we the people speak!

Sir, I demonstrate that the public desire for democracy and a binding referendum on TPP is
There was a vast trove of material offered the FADT committee 40 throughout the TPP treaty
examination process, which is required under Your Governments parliamentary standing orders. 41
I offered a number of papers to the FADT Select Committee based on my discoveries and
observations on the nature of TPP and our place in the World of nations and powers. 42
In the course of my oral evidence your Member of Parliament Kennedy Graham asked
(paraphrased), what could MFAT do to consult fully with the New Zealand people, and secondly
what would be an improved process, including what constitutional changes might be required for
the future?
Following the oral hearing I considered my response and wrote to The Hon. Kennedy Graham and
the Select Committee members on Sunday 1 May suggesting practical ways in which our treaty
making process might be made more akin our democratic values. I suggested the development of
a model treaty through a consultative public process.43
In respect to TPP and its projected monetary benefits are small relative to the cost. Recall that, all
is speculation until it is implemented.44

Aotearoa New Zealand our role in the world how do we score?

In regard to the workings of the World, our survey appears to be broader in scope and
consideration than Your NZ Governments.45 The Wests creative works on 11 September 2001 is
the causal pretext employed to enlarge the disaster capitalism model currently in ascendency. 46
The coffin lid is now nailed firmly shut on the West being Mr Goodguy! Realism identifies that
we inhabit, dystopia in the making. The previously mentioned denial of scientific finding in our
public policy settings, plus an objective observation of the trend of social, environmental and
economic wellbeing indicators, adds weight to my thesis.

We in the land of New Zealand and particularly Your Excellencys Government, are complicit by
silence, if not collusion to cover up gross war crime and corruption! It was Edmund Burke who
said, Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.
One assumes that applies to nations, Evil nations flourish when good nations do nothing.
Perhaps more so for nations which are sovereign entities with powerful force and weight of word
in their considered statements, judgements and Acts.
How do we redeem our sullied name, as people and as a nation state?
How do we distance ourselves from further complicity in genocide and aggressive war?
What of the planetary reality?
Who if not our governments to regulate the development of the planet, its peoples and the
orderliness of the process, unencumbered by corporate interest in determining the principles and
levels of social and ecological welfare to be attained when development is permitted?

Aotearoa New Zealand I wish it were funny

The following image unfortunately depicts, 'the winning or dominant strategy at work' governing
planetary development on Papatuanuku our planet Earth.

Sustainability is about conserving and ensuring that there is abundance now and forever. The
current paradigm is wasteful. The employment of industrial warfare for the settlement of disputes
is the most wasteful of all strategies.

If the Presidents of the USA and Iran have a disagreement they like any other adults on the planet
ought to be able to sit down and work out a just settlement. We have arbitration in all other
realms, what about over the larger powers?
Sir, You were involved in the carnage first hand as Commander of our NZ military forces employed
in the post 9/11 wars. You know more than most my meaning. 47
My extrapolations, if factually based, are possibly more credible than Your Governments official
summation of the matter. What is the unofficial summation? The assessment and facts they
appear unwilling to formally acknowledge to myself, a private person and beneficiary in the
As Head of State and Administrator of the Trust, some say sacred trust, You are obliged to ensure
Your Government acts appropriately, or refuse to continue in Office. 49

Aotearoa New Zealand the people's evidence - TPP

Those opposing TPP have the weight of informed public opinion from civil, academic and
professional society, as the many who opposed it at the select committee come from all walks of
life in our State. These include many in commerce, professional roles including health
practitioners, community, environmental organisations and as individuals.
The Vice Chancellors of all eight (8) NZ universities oppose the TPP! 50 The evidence and position
paper from the university Vice Chancellors is the Christmas Star on the TPP Tree of Knowledge.
Their thesis, TPP is not in our interests. The Vice Chancellors evidence is supremely authoritative.
To deny the authority of the Vice Chancellors evidence to the FADT select committee is similar to
the Roman Catholic Church requiring Copernicus and/or Galileo to recant and say that the Earth is
the centre of the Universe despite their observations?51 The question of dogma reigning over
empiricism appears as relevant today.
The Vice Chancellors provided two of the 400 papers offered the committee by 255 oral
presenters. In total more than 600052 people offered their opinion, evidence or thoughts to the
committee in written form.

Aotearoa New Zealand lest we forget

We exist in an interesting period of history on this planet. You might have an eye to destiny, our
Nations and Your place in that great book of names and deeds. What will You be remembered
What is the soldiers greatest epitaph?
What does, lest we forget mean to You?
In light of the World War One commemorations: Who fought the wars? For whos benefit were
they fought?
Working class men sacrificed their lives and often their sanity. Their wives, mothers and daughters
staffed the production processes and kept the nation running whilst the men folk were off on the

great adventure. The social contract was leveraged for the service of 100,000 New Zealanders,
including tangata whenua in the 28th Battalion, in the Great War. The war to end all wars.
150,000 New Zealanders served twenty years later, in the war to prove them wrong!
In the first World War 18,000 killed and another 40,000 maimed. All scarred by what they
participated in. How many dead, maimed and scared in World War Two? In World War One NZ
sacrificed 6000 per million of our population to the blood-thirsty gods of war, whereas the British
number was under 2000. You know Sir that veterans do not talk of their experiences to the
uninitiated. The horrors that these New Zealanders experienced for King and Empire lie at the
heart of the military Art. The one Art in which the participants refuse to share detailed
experiences. The real horrors cannot be publicly displayed nor shared orally the state waging
war severely curtails free media reporting thus the citizenry are left only with their imaginations,
the misrepesentations of Hollywood - or there's ignorant bliss.
Where is the return quid pro quo in the social contract? How is it that the State allows the working
class less opportunities, less income relative to the cost of living, reduces housing affordability and
further depresses their status through encouraging casualisation of labour, all the while
systemically reducing labours bargaining power in the market place. Trickle-down economics is a
dead duck that never flew.53
The State sets the economic policies. If an increasing proportion of the surplus over labour value in
the economy is being siphoned up to the already wealthy proportion of the population - it is as a
result of the policy settings of government i.e. taxation and its distribution, wages, social security,
housing, health, transport, war munitions, economic including legislative frameworks that enable
tax havens (Shewan's report into NZ's foreign trust system identifies the deficiency known to the
shrewd, not the mass of the people till the Panama Papers) and other nefarious activity.
Add to that the diminishment of the State role in the economy, usually without the sanction of the
population. To the contrary, the Citizens Initiated Referendum (CIR) on Asset Sales and the public
vote for the retention of the power assets, surely is sufficient evidence of my thesis. 54 It is evident
they were stolen without consent of the people! The UK's Brexit vote points to the reaction of
those dispossessed and denied an equitable and just role in the commonwealth. The liberal
socialist and liberal capitalist cries foul over the Brexit vote, neither offered much solidarity to
their fellow countrymen and women thrown upon industry's dustpile.

Aotearoa New Zealand intelligence and governance

TPP is no good for the Aotearoa New Zealand State - neither for its National Interest (as defined
above) nor for the interests of the inhabitants (on the presumption these interests cohere).
There is sufficient evidence to cause a reasonable one to pause and take stock. The precautionary
principle demands independent and comprehensive analysis and assessment prior to any further
step to ratify the TPP treaty. We in the TPP Action movement have repeatedly requested this in
our statements of demand and calls for a democratic process to be implemented.
A development that adds weight to the corporate interest coup, is the frequent reference to
Aotearoa-New Zealand as NZ.Inc. The flag change proposal had all the qualities of a logo facelift.


It is a failed coup.55 Its attempt, only adds to the open conspiracy, to defraud the public of their
democracy and replace it with a corporate facsimile.56
Is the NZ State that you lead, a plutocracy or a democracy?
The FADT TPP treaty examination report tabled in the parliament on 4 May 2016 57 ignores the
bulk of the public evidence. That report had three minority reports from the Labour, Green and NZ
First party representatives. To read these and the majority report on behalf of the National party
members, identifies that we inhabit multiple parallel universes as far as risk, public interest and
values are concerned. I attended and listened to most of the days of evidence from late February
through end of April - missing only the Christchurch hearings, and a few in Wellington. From these
I can say with some certainty that middle New Zealand does not want TPP.
The committees majority report pays no heed to the calls from most of those who offered
material to the committee. They were not mentioned, nor the contents of their material given any
acknowledgement of note.
Thousands offered paper and hundreds asked to be heard, some travelling the length of the
country to obtain their 10 minutes of the committees precious time. All ignored by those who
wrote the majority report.
Your Excellency, I raise serious matters in my evidence to the FADT committee. 58 Where the
allegations of deep corruption and aggression are proven factual, it requires the prosecution of
senior persons in public administration for terrific crimes against the people of their own states,
and of foreign states they have attacked.
We appear to ignore the gross human rights violations and war crimes of our allies.
The US and the coalition of the willing launched aggressive war in the post 9/11 period. 59 These
are our allies, with whom we have entered and renewed formal ties in the Wellington and
Washington Declarations.60
As I press on in my interrogation of our NZ Government agencies, I aim to uncover how much of
the genocidal policies of our allies New Zealand formally know of and sanction. I abhor the level of
denial and blinkered vision that allows the genocide to continue. It is a billion times worse than
the abuse of Moko by his carers. These are pawns at the bottom of the food chain. Will the
strength of feeling pouring into the aether from the hearts of the people of Aotearoa be
harnessed by NZ.Inc to further entrench the paranoid security state with the call for law and
Mokos treatment and subsequent death is ghastly.
Now think on the daring, planning and level of premeditation involved in undertaking false flag
events all conspiracies to alter history. Your Excellency would be intimately aware of the
required capacity, capability and security access required to successfully pull-off the 9/11 project. I
wonder what the code name was? 9/11 itself?
Why not after all it is the biggest lie to engender the most profound disruption and alteration to
the world of human affairs. Use the emergency code itself to create a sense of fear and panic in
the minds of the US population as well as the globe. The destruction of the World Trade Centres
seven (7) buildings, the attack and explosions at the Pentagon and the aircraft that was destroyed


in mid air over Shanksville with pieces falling onto the surface of a lake, do not align with the 9/11
Commission report of 2004.
Nevertheless, we entered a war on a sovereign nation Afghanistan as part of a global posse known
as the Coalition of the Willing to destroy the aggressor known as Osama Bin Laden.
My thesis acknowledges that the 9/11 perpetrators have effected the perfect genocidal crime.
That admiration only reaches up to this point in time.
The direct killers of Moko have been brought to book with sentencing on Monday 27 June. What
of the 9/11 perpetrators? When will they get their day in court?
The people who create and foster corruption at the highest levels, the ones who promote hatred,
fear and loathing, are the ones who must meet blind justice.

Aotearoa New Zealand google intelligence why pay for the GCSB and NZSIS?
On the matter of whether US naval ships visit (or any other nuclear powers assets) for our NZ
Navy's 75th anniversary celebrations - Prime Minister John Key is happy to bend our Nuclear Free
status on the basis of material available in the public space as the USA policy is to not reveal
whether their ships carry nuclear arms.62 Any nuclear powered vessel is barred.
Why bother with the NZ Intelligence and Security apparatus if we can rely on google to get around
our allies top secret security measures. Infinitely cheaper.
Can it be that we can use google for a general survey of the planet? Would the result model
All of the content of my letter to Your Excellency comes from the google search engine and is
publicly available. The art is in discriminating between reality and illusion.

Aotearoa New Zealand alliances and values crime and punishment

Back to our knowledge of New Zealands part in geopolitical chess, whether the information is
acquired via google or another source: New Zealand harbours, participates and provides cover for
a genocidal maniac in the US nation (under it's current military and foreign policy regime) - the US
has power and does cause mayhem. It has power and potential many orders greater than the
threat posed by Adolf Hitlers Nazi Germany. Hitler didn't deploy nuclear devices.
Our Ally the US is ramping up the rhetoric in a head to head with both China and USSR. It has
provocations and covert projects in most nations on the planet Its willingness to employ external
aggression has grown through the past 120 years history that lesson also from google. It was
busy taming its vast land in the period prior to 1900, so google informs, launching atrocity on the
native populations.
What does this alliance say about New Zealand, its Government and the National Interest
definition provided by our Intelligence Services?
We allow and now facilitate the destruction of many Pacific Ocean Nations' way of life through our
support for the fossil fuel industry and are adverse to initiatives to promote alternative and

sustainable power generation. The US has delayed and obstructed progress to mitigate climate
change for a long period.63 The cumulative result is climate change caused through our industrial
scale activities. The significant spike in global temperature is well illustrated in the following gif:
Guilt by association we share the guilt - we are complicit as we do not expose the crime. The
crimes we are concerned with are; genocide, war crimes, waging aggressive war and ecocide.
In a domestic setting, as we see with Moko, and other sensationalised horrific crimes - it becomes
apparent the public abhor injustice and malicious violence.

Aotearoa New Zealand what do we institutionalise?

conclusions and recommendations
In TPP we enter a geopolitical club and trade bloc that continues the existing trend and
momentum toward corporate control over the people, denying them effective democratic power
through institutional law changes in both domestic and international realms. The trend will further
encourage corruption, which is degrading to any democracy and diminishes the ability of the State
to protect its National Interest. Does that definition include the security of all the people of the NZ
State.64 Recalling the GCSB and NZSIS response on the National Interest they follow;
It starts with the fundamental interest of maintaining New Zealand retains control of
its political, social and economic structures and looks outward to maintaining security
in the South Pacific region.
On this starting point I am in agreement, provided that the reference to New Zealand is properly
constituted as a democracy and that the State is obliged to guide the people in an upward
momentum toward betterment.
This paper and its references are offered as evidence toward your consideration of the question of
TPP and its ratification should you require it. I know that you will have a broad comprehension
given your career and life experience.
From a perspective of values and how they are upheld in the institutions of government, I feel it is
critical that the matters I raise with Your Excellency are at the least considered with an open mind
granted any other opinion. You have the benefit of my apprehension of the nature of our New
Zealand Government, our constitutional arrangements and nature of those who rule the world.
If your assessment coincides with the one outlined herein, I suggest the following course of action;

The institution of a Commission of Inquiry into the matter of plutilateral ii and

multilateral trade and investment treaties including the Trans Pacific Partnership
treaty so as to ascertain their efficacy and value in meeting the needs of the
security of the people of the Aotearoa NZ State and all of her interests (Security in
its enlarged form as defined above ).

ii Plutilateral herein refers to less than multilateral. Multilateral refers to all the nations as in all
the nations party to the WTO, the UN or other universal grouping.

Recommend a binding referendum to answer the question in a formal democratic

manner whether the New Zealand people consent to TPP.

Moratorium on further action to ratify any plutilateral and multilateral trade and
investment treaty until the first two are met.

We need to collaborate effectively to minimise risk of further destruction of planetary beneficence

and natural abundance. Where people, their businesses and their governments measurably
improve the natural abundance, we are increasing the resilience and sustainability of the region,
state and planet. We can then say, we are correct in our actions.
I bid Your Excellency well in the remainder of your time in office, and any future appointments. I
merely pray that you remember what is most important, he tangata, he tangata, he tangata.

Warmest regards from greg

Greg Rzesniowiecki


1 The Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa (CAFCA) Watchdog journals; 136, 137,
138, 139 and 141 carry reports by Greg Rzesniowiecki in respect to my work in relation to
the TPP:
I am not affiliated to any political party. I am interested in good public policy and beneficial
governance in Aotearoa New Zealand and globally. I am a liberal humanitarian. I am firmly
of the belief that neoliberal capitalism is an inappropriate ideology for the running of a
state or planet if the object is a sustainable and equitable future, in which all gain a fair
opportunity to develop to their full potential.
2 Democracy etymology and definition, for an extensive description go here: ...which on page 6 offers the
following: passage from a court case of the mid-fourth century B.C;
(Demosthenes 21: Against Meidias) Here, Demosthenes employs a rich vocabulary of
strength, control, ability, and protection in summing up the democratic relationship
between law, action, and public goods:
For in fact, if you [jurors] cared to consider and investigate the question of what it is that
gives power and control (ischuroi kai kurioi) over everything in the polis to those of you
who are jurors at any given time ... you would find that the reason is not that you alone of
the citizens are armed and mobilized in ranks, nor that you are physically the best and
strongest, nor that you are youngest in age, nor anything of the sort, but rather you'd find
that you are powerful (ischuein) through the laws (nomoi). And what is the power (ischus)
of the laws? Is it that, if any of you is attacked and gives a shout, they'll come running to
your aid? No, they are just inscribed letters and have no ability (ouchi dunaint) to do that.
What then is their motive power (dunamis)? You are, if you secure them and make them
authoritative (kurioi) whenever anyone asks for aid. So the laws are powerful (ischuroi)
through you and you through the laws. You must therefore stand up for them (toutois
boethein) in just the same way as any individual would stand up for himself if attacked; you
must take the view that offenses against the law are public concerns (koina)... (21.223-225).
An early or original meaning of democracy is the collective capacity of a public to make
good things happen in the public realm, through awarding people to posts as jurors so as to
implement the law. The Governor General has the highest office as juror of all. Which
better office to ask the question, is New Zealand a democracy? What is our high law?
3 If you disagree with the definition of democracy, perhaps consider yours in light of your
reflections as you consider my letters suggestions and observations. Democracy is all about
people deciding the fate of the state, here through the election of parties that represent
their interests. If the NZ and global political party system is fractured and ineffective in
representing the peoples interests there is a corruption in the process. What influence is
the most corrosive in politics, besides pure power itself? Any chance the answer is money?
4 Governor Generals Swearing In ceremony speech:
The Governor General (GG) Sir Jerry Mateparae stated in his inauguration speech in 2011 that
his Oaths of Allegiance to the Queen and to the People of New Zealand1 reflect my
commitment to our country and the People that I will serve faithfully and impartially. The

values and undertakings in these oaths are very important to me.

Sir Jerry further stated at that time, My view reflects the sentiment of the proverb He aha te
mea nui o te aoWhat is the most important thing in the world? The answer is: he tangata, he
tangata, he tangatait is people, it is people, it is people!
5 Governor General website:
6 The term, Lest We Forget is usually employed for state building purposes, however its
resonance with the people is the that the World War One veterans were fighting for a
democratic ideal and set of values associated with freedom, despite the constant reference
to Empire. In this Piscean Age ruled by Neptune is this an illusion or is the Sovereign
engaged in promoting the welfare of the citizenry? The response of many New Zealanders
who associate the flag with the glorious dead informs us of public values and what the
people hold dear. In large measure the people have bought the illusion. I entered the list
with this contribution to the Flag Referendum Bill pdf of paper:
308e2d6 and my oral notes dropbox link pdf:
7 Executive autocracy is the opposite of most peoples appreciation of democracy. In bilateral
and multilateral trade and investment treaties the Crown prerogative is employed to
sideline, ignore and belittle civil opposition to the scheme being imposed. At no point is a
democratic decision taken prior to the Government signing and committing the NZ State to
the arrangement. The report of the Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Select Committee in
relation to the International Treaties Bill (November 2002): Matt Robson
Progressive partys minority report acknowledges the undemocratic nature of the exercise
of Crown prerogative by the Executive in respect to treaty making:
...Parliament would have a practical mechanism to begin bridging the divide between the
exclusive Executive right to make treaties and the responsibility of Parliament to ensure
that the interests of democracy are protected. As this committee gained experience it would
be able to advise Parliament of further practical and effective steps to allow for the
democratisation of the process. The Progressive member believes it is time to take treaty
making and foreign affairs in general out of the realm of the mysterious and into the realm
of the normal democratic processes of Parliament.
The arguments that now is not the time and we do not have the resources are advanced
whenever those with vested interests wish to protect a position. In a globalised world
treaties and conventions have a greater and greater impact on the ordinary citizen. Their
representatives in Parliament require adequate information to be able to protect the
interests of the electors....
The subsequent second reading debate hansard (19 February 2003) is interesting reading
with the benefit of 13 years of hindsight:
8 Theres probably been more public contributions to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade
(FADT) select committee TPP treaty examination process than any treaty or bill for a while.

Consider the size and complexity of the text - 6000 plus pages of potential loopholes.
9 The point of this correspondence is to make this case. You are privileged with information
and knowledge, accessed in your various official capacities, which I can only hope to review,
which may allow you to disregard or overthrow the thesis I herein attempt.
10 The questions were directed at both the GCSB and the NZSIS 25 December 2015. They
finally returned an answer to the full 37 questions 12 April 2016, with the one question
referred to the NZ Defence Forces who following a 15 day extension, answered on Monday
May 30. That question #19 asked, Please provide the advice to Cabinet that motivated the
Government to not participate in the 2003 Iraq War? I was seeking details of the advice to
the NZ Government in 2003 that persuaded them there was no justification for declaring
and waging aggressive war on the nation state of Iraq. I am not alone, Britain has its
Chilcott inquiry and there has been war crimes tribunals such as the Kuala Lumpar War
Crimes Tribunal which prosecuted Bush and co. on the crime of torture.
11 My thirty five (35) Official Information Act questions to the NZ security services on 25
December 2015 gained no positive answers in which official information was disclosed (NZ
Defence Force answer to question #19, 30 May 2016, was in itself a deceptive ploy by the
GCSB to avoid answering affirmatively to a question to which Your ex Minister of Foreign
Affairs and Trade Phil Goff had in November 2014 confirmed they had the goods so a lie
by evasion).
The statement of the National Interest standard was offered by NZ Intelligence Services,
however that in itself does not disclose the specific official information requested, where is
it written? Did they just make up the guiding code? So much for the Official Information
Acts presumption that Government information ought be openly available. Maybe one (1)
out of 35 is the score to date. The Ombudsman's office is pursuing that question #19 as the
Officer comprehends the previous Foreign Minister Phil Goff's testimony in select
committee which suggests the GCSB is not operating to the letter nor spirit of the OIA.
12 This in my view is an important history book from a man who made history: and here at
National Library:
13 Why are important texts of our economic and political history not in reprint, and circulated
to politics and history students as well as for general consumption?
14 Website:
and final statement:
15 I prepared a paper for panel discussion #16; Neoliberalism, TPP and Pacific Climate Change,
from dropbox pdf:
%20TPPA%20and%20climate%20change%20in%20the%20Pacific.pdf?dl=0 asking who
government listened to if not to the people when setting the NZ INDC offer at an abysmally
low level. Is our government captured by those who promote an agenda based in ecocide
and climate vandalism? And comes to conclusions; Neoliberalism encourages short-term
thinking. Corporations maximise profits through the externalisation of costs. The commons
and inhabitants carry those costs. The public interest suffers. TPP will excacerbate these.
16 That Your minister signed the UNFCCC does not give me much comfort that the NZ
Government support action to mitigate climate change. It is not long ago that many
government ministers and MPs publicly refute the evidence of anthropogenic climate

change. The low INDC offer of the government 11% reduction by 2030 based on 1995 levels
of emissions is one of the least ambitious offers of any nation despite overwhelming
support for strong action from the NZ public. Again the professions and academia were well
represented amongst proponents for urgent strong action.
17 Climate change is the global sword of Damocles which requires urgent attention and action.
See this gif image which displays graphically the average annual temperature since 1850.
The trajectory is unmistakably wild and clearly into new territory.
The gif comes from this website and the data to construct the model is based on a large
research effort. It presents an interesting abstract of the situation we face:
19 What science tells us is one thing. Do our politicians and government care about facts?
Most recently from the Dominion Post Monday 9 May, The High Cost of Muzzling
Scientists: this with a miltary perspective on climate change from Dita De Boni:
On planetary boundaries try this: and this TED talk by
Johan Rockstrom talks about the planetary risks we allow:
Johan says in the first minute; We live on a human-dominated planet, putting unprecedented
pressure on the systems on Earth. This is bad news, but perhaps surprising to you, it's also part
of the good news. We're the first generation -- thanks to science -- to be informed that we may
be undermining the stability and the ability of planet Earth to support human development as
we know it. It's also good news, because the planetary risks we're facing are so large, that
business as usual is not an option. In fact, we're in a phase where transformative change is
necessary, which opens the window for innovation, for new ideas and new paradigms. This is a
scientific journey on the challenges facing humanity in the global phase of sustainability.
Also this TED blog:
20 Crimes Against Humanity the Global Struggle For Global Justice 2000 by Geoffrey
Robertson QC provides ample evidence of state despotism to domestic and foreign
populations to the end of the millennium.
Despotism this century in the post 9/11 war on terror is referenced elsewhere, however this
article from the Near East Observer places the Syrian conflict as a proxy war (continuing the
clash of powers from the previous century) rather than a civil war as propounded by the West:
21 We apprehend an agenda to lock up and consolidate a hegemonic sphere of interest in a
binding pact with enforceable rules. See my paper in dropbox link, Neo-liberalism, TPP and
Pacific Climate Change for the Eye in the Storm VUW Pacific Climate Change Conference,
where I draw parallels between the likely treatment of climate change mitigation legislation
under UNFCCC and the delay and obfuscation in implementing Smokefree 2025 tobacco
control legislation implemented as part of our commitment to the WHO FCTC (Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control), signed by 168 nations and binding 180.

22 It was whilst investigating the crime known as 9/11 that I came across Otago University
Meta Ethics Philosopher, Professor Charles Pigdens essay, Conspiracy Theories and the
Conventional Wisdom whos central thesis is that conspiracies exist and to find out one
must investigate. Now revised: For a pdf. file of the
paper link: Prof. Pigdens abstract states;
Conspiracy theories should be neither believed nor investigated - that is the
conventional wisdom. I argue that it is sometimes permissible both to investigate and to
believe. Hence this is a dispute in the ethics of belief. I defend epistemic oughts which
apply in the first instance to belief-forming strategies which are partly under our control.
But the belief-forming strategy of not believing conspiracy theories would be a political
disaster and the epistemic equivalent of self-mutilation. I discuss several variations of this
strategy, interpreting conspiracy theory in different ways but I conclude that on all these
readings, the conventional wisdom is deeply unwise. (my bold emphasis)
23 Future agreements include trade in services agreement (TiSA), Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP), Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the
EU NZ economic partnership (proposed and being discussed actively), and more including
with Saudi Arabia.
24 Remembering the precautionary principle is established in European Law: which might be part of the answer
as to why the EU are in an apparently superior position to our TPP agreement with the US
in their TTIP treaty negotiations or are they?
My sense of the game is that it is all about power irrespective of the law. Or does the law equal
power applied? The law is not in a position to discipline the powerful. This is apparent in the
flagrant abuses of international law Geoffrey Robertson QCs Crimes Against Humanity The
Struggle For Global Justice provides sobering reading. It was written in 1999 revised 2000. It
provides an interesting perspective or lens through which to view the subsequent 16 years to
25 100 NZ and international jurors volunteered that opinion paraphrased in 2012:
26 The tobacco carveout is a curious pyrrhic victory in that it sends a strong message that the
TPP protections for governments to regulate and legislate in the public interest might be
insufficient to deter ISDS suits under TPP. This is covered in my linked paper to the VUW
Eye of the Storm climate change conference, in endnotes 15 and 21.
27 Waitangi Tribunal decision: and here:
28 Letter to Hon. Kennedy Graham and FADT Select Committee on constitutional
considerations to provide for democratic engagement in international treaty making:
29 Guardian Article 2014 about the events of 2009 in Peru:

30 Globalism might promote the end of the effective state, which would also deny the
legitimate interest of the people in their democracy. The corporations assumption of
authority is an emergent quality made possible by the ever-pressured and diminishing
state. The corporations first responsibility is to the shareholders, not the host state and the
needs of its citizens. Citizens are stakeholders in the state corporation which exists through
a Trust which ought work for the mass of the citizenry (people's interests and full security).
Once it was for the state to regulate the terms of the arrangements by which actors in the
economy transact their relations.
Who does an ideological globalist (one who promotes a global free trade market when no
such animal exists) serve and how can she legitimately pursue the NZ Intelligence and
Security services definition of National Interest outlined on page 2?
31 Noam Chomsky in an article in the Guardian 10 May 2016: says;
In the contemporary global order, the institutions of the masters hold enormous power,
not only in the international arena but also within their home states, on which they rely to
protect their power and to provide economic support by a wide variety of means.
When we consider the role of the masters of mankind, we turn to such state policy priorities
of the moment as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, one of the investor-rights agreements
mislabelled free-trade agreements in propaganda and commentary. They are negotiated
in secret, apart from the hundreds of corporate lawyers and lobbyists writing the crucial
details. The intention is to have them adopted in good Stalinist style with fast track
procedures designed to block discussion and allow only the choice of yes or no (hence yes).
The designers regularly do quite well, not surprisingly. People are incidental, with the
consequences one might anticipate.
32 This article features Gus Van Haarten Canadian Law Professor: Gus also proposed an ISDS carve-out from all
Investment treaties to be included in the UNFCCC. That sensible policy was not adopted.
33 MAI drew widespread criticism from civil society groups and developing countries,
particularly over the possibility that the agreement would make it difficult to regulate
foreign investors. After an intense global campaign was waged against the MAI by the
treaty's critics, the host nation France announced in October 1998 that it would not
support the agreement, effectively preventing its adoption due to the OECD's consensus
procedures: and
34 Fundamentals is the name given to his lecture in 1980 by Lord Cook, where he outlines his
view of the nature of the NZ state as a democracy, which the judiciary (jurors) were
forsworn to protect. One presumes the advice is applicable to all in high office.
35 A number of pieces of correspondence to Your Excellency are available for review in this
dropbox file along with the updated version of the petition form, to take account of the fact
of the TPP Signing on Thursday 4 February 2016: which
includes this pdf.file of TPP Free Wellington (TFW) correspondence through December 2015
including the initial response from Your Officer Gregory Baughen to TPW request for an

audience to meet you with our petition and concern:
36 It is here that we can see the full implication emerge. It is evident that the NZ Government
is fully supportive of this coup by the Global transnational corporations over the peoples
governments. This is a conspiracy of the largest dimensions. Where were the arrangements
developed and why were they not related to the people affected in a manner that allows
them to appreciate the intent of the corporate coup? Global civil society opposed and
defeated the multilateral agreement on investment (MAI), surely opposition to the content
of MAI rolls over to opposition to TPPs Investment Chapter given the similarity of content
and implication?
37 From dropbox link pdf:
38 We have another 4000 signatures to add to those you received in January.
39 Online petition hosted at Action Station:
40 FADT Select Committee TPP treaty examination, all evidence:
41 NZ Parliament Standing Orders International Treaties:
42 My oral presentation Thursday 28 April to FADT committee is hosted at Soundcloud:
My various evidence and research papers are linked on the Soundcloud page, with a
comment that links to a dropbox file - TPP Greg's FADT evidence:
Dropbox folder containing 9 documents to FADT Select Committees TPP treaty
examination in three tranches 29 February, 28 April 2016, and in response to question from
Kennedy Graham at the 28 April hearings on constitutional measures to consider for the
future on the 1 May 2016.
43 FADT paper 1 May 2016, Further response to Hon. Kennedy Graham question of my oral
evidence presented 28 April 2016:
44 The best estimates and projections will rarely be absolutely accurate. The issue is how
approximately do any of the predictions mirror reality, in their assumptions and
abstractions? The US has just released another assessment which does not paint a rosy
picture of benefit for the US:
45 One of the papers I offered is entitled, United states (US) vs Aotearoa NZ values, Do These
Correlate? link here:
%20Correlate.pdf?dl=0 to hammer the coffin lid closed on the West being nice guys, the
following report outlines the acknowledgement by government officials of their nations
involvement in false flag terror events often against their own citizens in order to launch
aggressive war. The War on Terror announced by POTUS George W Bush 20 September
2001 rides on the back of the 9/11 false flag terror event: none of the powers
are innocent. The deeper I go, the uglier the truth. Who are we marrying in TPP?
46 Naomi Kleins tome, The Shock Doctrine is an important contribution to the public
apprehension of what the US national security state is about: From the website:
In THE SHOCK DOCTRINE, Naomi Klein explodes the myth that the global free market
triumphed democratically. Exposing the thinking, the money trail and the puppet strings
behind the world-changing crises and wars of the last four decades, The Shock Doctrine is
the gripping story of how Americas free market policies have come to dominate the
world-- through the exploitation of disaster-shocked people and countries.
My paper for the FADT Select Committee referenced at endnote 45 above, US Aotearoa
NA Values do these cohere? adds to the evidence and conclusion, that the current mode
of capitalist exploitation is cannibalistic - are these Aotearoa - NZ values?
47 Jon Stephensons reporting on our actions in relation to Afghan prisoners of war paints the
picture that our Defence forces and bureaucracy prefer opacity to sunlight. The denial of
criminality and the thrashing of the reputation of a journalist merely doing his job adds
weight to the conspiracy to deny the truth of what the post 9/11 wars are about: and the settlement of the
matter as far as Jon Stephensons reporting being accurate:
48 The presumption toward disclosure of state held information provided in the Official
Information Acts principles is recognition of the Trust (State) obligations toward the
beneficiaries (citizens), whether the disclosure pertains to domestic or foreign relations
matters. It took me 60 working days to get a nil answer from the GCSB and the NZSIS to
most of the 35 questions I asked them in December 2015. I have received an answer from
the Department of Defence (30-5-2016) in relation to the advice to the NZ Government
Cabinet in respect to entering the Iraq War in early 2003. This area is vexed as my sense is
that your Governments agencies have lied to me, or at best misrepresented that they do
not hold files containing the advice they provided the Clark Labour Government in respect
to Operation Enduring Freedom. The Hon. Phil Goff in 2003 was the Foreign Affairs
Minister. In the course of my oral presentation to the FADT select committee in relation to
the Countering Foreign Terrorist Fighters Legislation Bill, Goff stated that the Government
received advice from the GCSB that there was no basis to join the War on Iraq. He further
made the point that following the June 2003 decision to send a humanitarian
reconstruction team to Basra, that the NZ Defence Forces were not participating in
Operation Enduring Freedom. The Hon. Phil Goffs comments were recorded by NZ
parliamentary services and Ive uploaded them to Soundcloud here:
Ive recently watched the New Zealand production, Notes to Eternity. In the film Noam
Chomsky makes the point that he and his network are better informed than the CIA, as the

spies are ideologically bound to not look at what will create discordance with state dogma:
49 The organisers of the petition to Your Excellency note the comments of prominent jurors.
Sir Robin Cooke Privy Councillor and Chief Justice of the NZ Court of Appeal said; the
modern common law should be seen to have a free and democratic society as its basic tenet
and, for that reason, to be built on two complementary and lawfully unalterable principles:
the operation of a democratic legislature and the operation of independent courts if a
change, by legislation or otherwise, were seen to undermine either of them to a significant
extent, it would be the responsibility of Judges to say so and, if their judgements to that
effect were disregarded, to resign or to acknowledge frankly that they are prepared to
depart from their judicial oath and to serve a state not entitled to be called a free
democracy. (Fundamentals, New Zealand Law Journal, May 1988.)
50 Universities of New Zealand TPP evidence to the FADT committee oral evidence 7 April:
s-new-zealand plus supplementary offered to committee to clarify the Vice Chancellors
committee statutory role reinforcing their right to their opinion in opposition to the TPP:
51 Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later
became banned. Copernicus faced no persecution when he was alive because he died
shortly after publishing his book. Galileo, on the other hand, was tried by the Inquisition
after his book was published. Both scientists held the same theory that the Earth revolved
around the sun, a theory now known to be true. However, the Church disapproved of this
theory because the Holy Scriptures state that the Earth is at the centre, not the Sun. As the
contents of the Bible were taken literally, the publishing of these books proved, to the
Church, that Copernicus and Galileo were sinners; they preached, through their writing,
that the Bible was wrong:
52 There were 400 papers from 255 oral presenters, most in person or by teleconference to
the FADT hearings. There were 3000 papers or submissions from individuals who did not
appear and a further 3000 who contributed through an online platform run by Action
Station. This according to Hon. Kennedy Graham was an extraordinary high level of public
engagement for a select committee process.
53 There are many studies and official studies to support this thesis. In fact no other finding
can be reached by any reasoned survey of the data. IMF: We can go back a bit to the 1930s and survey
the Brookings Institutes reports under the general heading Income and Economic
Progress and the later volume entitled The Recovery Problem in the United States to
identify that productive economies perform more effectively with increased equity in the
state income pie:
54 NZ Elections Assets Sales Citizens Initiated Referendum result 442,985 in favour of the selloff, 920,188 opposed:
55 My evidence to the Flag Referendum Bill consideration of the Justice and Electoral
committee, both evidence and the notes I used to speak to herein: .it

appears that in some circles that the flag has more than mere symbolic value. What power
does it hold? For if it is a symbol of power then any who alter such a powerful entity are
themselves powerful. All politics is about the exercise of power. In a sense redrafting the
face of the National Symbol is going for Gold.Whilst great for kings its not much good as a
measure of value as usually there is only one winner and we need loftier principles than self
aggrandisement to drive social and political economic settings. Egalitarianism has a larger
place in the conduct of public affairs. Or if it does not egalitarianism ought be prominent.
56 Corporate boxing as analogy for the current trends corporations can be risk-accepting in
respect to the commons and others, whereas government is generally risk adverse.
Corporate boxings rules afford less protection to the protagonists than amateur or
professional rules. The commentators in Corporate Boxing say as much during the brawly
parts of the fights. The difference is the knock down rules and assessment of whether a
knocked-out fighter can receive more punishment, despite being whacked and unable to
defend their self.
57 FADT TPP treaty examination report 4 May 2016 pdf: or link located
on page at: The Select Committee representatives are listed in appendix
1 and the governments TPP National Interest Analysis (NIA) is appendix 2.
58 The office of Governor General is a critical role in New Zealands constitutional
arrangements. I note that you were briefly placed at the head of the New Zealand security
services prior to the announcement and assuming your present office on the 31 August
2011. I note that Dame Patsy Reddy, has had service in the security service sector as copanelist in the recent review of the NZ Security Services, see report here:
59 It may be for this reason that our ally the US elects not to ratify the Rome Statute, despite it
recommending that African despots be charged and tried in that jurisdiction.
62 John Key speaks of the manner in which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade gain
assessments of whether a foreign naval asset is nuclear armed:
63 I entered a deep look at the problem of climate change to the Ministry for the
Environments review of the NZ Governments Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution (INDC) commitment to the UNFCCC, June 2015 paper:
64 The Panama Trust exposures and the tendency for wealthy people and governments to
conspire in arrangements to minimise the global tax take is a serious withholding of funds
from the common pool available for taxation for the maintenance of the social fabric that
governments are charged with providing for their people and their communities. Is this an
open conspiracy of the elite with surplus wealth, perhaps now plugged for a time by

Shewan's recommendations. What of the other nations and their tax base?

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