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An ocean of emotion

------------------There is a bottomless ocean of thoughts and emotions. Each of us is contained th

erein yet we are often unaware of it.
Unlike water, it can sometimes become more dense, and then we feel overwhelmed.
Then at other times it feels almost non-existent and then we experience relief a
nd freedom, lightness of heart and unexplainable happiness.
Which came first?
Was it man who has created this ocean within their psych, unknowingly and uncons
Or perhaps the ocean has always been there and man was born into it, knowing no
other environment?
And what kind of relationship do we have with it? Does it control us? Does it wi
sh to be controlled by us?
But what do we want?
Do we want this ocean to guide us and lead us? Or do we want to exert our own co
ntrol over it and be its masters?
It is somewhat like dancing with an invisible partner. After a while of not seei
ng our partner, it makes perfect sense to stop dancing. But the partner continue
s to dance and after a while we feel their dance, so we resume.
Sometimes like an overenthusiastic dance partner, these thoughts and emotions co
uld pull us with a sudden burst of power, in a direction opposite to the one tha
t were on, and hurt us. At other times, they could simply follow beside us so nat
urally and harmoniously, that they are not felt at all. Invisible.
But wait were not separate. It is not an ocean and a swimmer or two dancing partn
ers. It is only me. I think and I feel. Its that simple. And yet, if its only me,
why would I hurt myself with painful thoughts and emotions? Whats my purpose by d
oing so?
These invisible and intangible thoughts and emotions continue to flow and swirl.
Could it possibly be that they are real and I am not?

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